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Posts posted by TheRyno

  1. CZW Fake You! TV Report

    May 16, 2006

    Kendo Ka Shin over Mike Quackenbush

    A very solid technical match where Quack would repeatedly get the upperhand over Ka Shin. Every time they'd do a wrestling sequence, it'd always end with Ka Shin being on the recieving end of a hold. It looked like Quack would take this match easily but surprisingly, Ka Shin turned a potential submission into a schoolboy pin and put his feet on the ropes to steal the victory. Knowing he pulled a fast one on Quackenbush, Ka Shin got out of the ring in a hurry, but not before turning around and pointing to his temple, bragging that he outsmarted Quack. But while Ka Shin's back was turned, CZW Jr. Heavyweight Champion Sonjay Dutt ran out and attacked him and the two men started brawling to the back.

    Cut to backstage where The New H8 Club, Justice Pain and Nick Gage, are in the locker room going over strategy for Pain's match against Nate Hatred tonight. Gage excuses himself to let Pain get ready for the match and walks out of the room. But only after a few paces down the hallway, he gets ambushed by Nate Hatred himself! Hatred pounds on his former tag team partner and keeps throwing him into walls, making sure he'll be a non-factor in his match tonight.

    4-Way Best of the Best Preview Match

    Shark Boy over Excalibur, Frankie Kazarian and Jonny Storm

    This match was so fast paced with so many high-flying moves that it was too hard to keep track of everything going on at once. Throughout the melee, Excalibur ducked out of the ring and let the other three go at it and actually went unnoticed for a few minutes. But Excalibur made too much of a scene mockingly "cheering" for the other three that they all stopped what they were doing to throw him back in the ring and take turns beating on him. Instead of working together, though, Kazarian started beating on Storm which left Excalibur with Shark Boy. Unbeknownst to Kazarian and Storm, Shark Boy got up on the top turnbuckle and hit Excalibur with the Dead Sea Drop for the win. Could this be a sign of things to come this weekend at Best of the Best 6?

    After the match, Devon Storm walks out with a microphone. He talks about how he's sick of Super Dragon sticking his nose into his business. Save for their first encounter, Storm has come out on top every time yet Dragon won't let it die. He then yells at Dragon to just "give it up!" That causes Super Dragon to come out to ringside to engage Storm in a brief staredown before quickly coming to blows. This last for a few moments before, out of nowhere, Dragon is able to put Storm on his shoulders and drop him with a Psycho Driver. Dragon gets back up to his feet and just stares at Storm laid out on the mat as you can just tell there's an evil grin underneath that mask.

    Kaos over Damien 666

    Very good, solid, lucha-inspired match-up. Kaos started off being the agressor but Damien would somehow have a counter for whatever Kaos threw at him. It got to the point where Damien got Kaos ready for the Montezuma's Revenge. But since Halloween wasn't around to deliver the final dropkick, Damien just kept spinning him around for at least 20 seconds or so. But for as much damage as that may have done to Kaos, Damien suffered some dizziness as well. Kaos was able to use that to his advantage as Damien was stumbling around, Kaos hooked him in a roll-up and grabbed a handful of tights to keep him down. But as Kaos returned to his feet to celebrate his victory, L.A. Par-K ran out to the ring with a chair and hit Kaos over the head with it. Par-K instead celebrated by putting his foot on Kaos' chest and raising the chair to the sky.

    Non-Title Match

    CZW Iron Man Champion Sexxxy Eddy over Sean O'Haire by DQ

    Definate match of the night and possible Match of the Year candidate. O'Haire really got the ire of the fans by relentlessly beating on the much smaller Sexxxy Eddy. After pounding on Eddy for a few minutes, O'Haire wanted to finish it off with the Crucifixion but somehow, Eddy wriggled out and hit O'Haire with a kick between the legs. After knocking the big man down, Eddy went to the turnbuckles and hit O'Haire with the Total Sextacy. Unfortunately, O'Haire not only kicked out, but practically threw him halfway across the ring. O'Haire looked super-pissed as he went to ringside and grabbed a chair. He came back in and went to hit Eddy with it but the ref got in the way. O'Haire didn't care as he shoved the ref out of the way and clocked Eddy in the head with the chair before hitting him with numerous shots to the back. The ref tried intervening again only to get thrown to the mat. The referee had no choice but to call for the bell and disqualify O'Haire but it didn't matter as O'Haire continued to bludgeon Eddy with the chair. He would've kept going if it wasn't for Vic Grimes running out to the ring and tackling O'Haire to the mat. Grimes starts pounding on O'Haire but O'Haire threw him off and made his way to the back, leaving Grimes to check on Eddy's conditon.

    Nate Hatred over Justice Pain

    Very good brawl between the two though I'd probably prefer Hatred against Nick Gage. Those two always tear it up but Pain is good when it comes to throwing down as well. Midway through the match, Rico walked out to ringside with a chair. The ref admonished Rico and told him not to interfere but Rico unfolded the chair, sat down and propped his feet up on the ring apron instead. With Rico showing he wasn't going to interfere, the referee focused back on the match. But Pain took his focus away from the match and onto Rico, telling the ref to ban Rico from ringside. When the ref told Pain there was nothing he could do, Pain became blinded with rage and he intended to take it out on Hatred. Unfortunately, Pain got carried away and Hatred was able to use this to his advantage. Hatred picked Pain up for the Fire Thunder Driver but before dropping him, Rico got off his chair and folded it back up so he could slide it into the ring. Once in position, Hatred drove Pain's head into the chair and made the pin. After the match, Hatred and Rico stood over Pain's body, ready to give him the ol' double-team but out came Nick Gage, recovering from the attack from Hatred earlier in the night. Gage slid into the ring and Hatred and Rico bailed, deciding to quit while they were ahead. Gage stood in the ring yelling at Hatred and Rico, who just waved him off and walked to the back.

    The show ends with a pretty sweet music video featuring CZW World Champion Nicho El Milionario and Christian York to hype up their title match at Best of the Best 6.

    Final Thoughts: Very good show this week. Unfortunately, it didn't do a whole lot to hype up Best of the Best. All we really got was a 4-Way match and a music video to build-up to one of CZW's biggest events of the year. Otherwise, the show was great from top to bottom and was able to continue some feuds and storylines since we won't be able to revist them for another couple weeks, since next week will be the BOTB recap.

    CZWrestling.com Press Release For May 17, 2006 - Final 6 Participants and Brackets For BOTB Revealed, More Wrestlers Released.

    -At long last, here are the final six competitors in this year's Best of the Best tournament:

    Jack Evans

    Though Evans is technically a CZW contracted wrestler, CZW has taken a backseat to his other obligations. In fact, this will be Evans' first match in CZW since October of last year. Evans participated in last year's tournament but surprisingly did not make it past the first round. We'll see if 2006 is a better year for Jack Evans.

    Kevin Steen

    When Kevin Steen was let go in July of last year, CZW Management told him to spend more time on the independent circuit in order to season him into a better wrestler. Management kept a watchful eye on him and decided to bring him back for Best of the Best to see if that extra experience has paid off.

    Claudio Castagnoli

    Much like Steen, Castagnoli was released from CZW in September in hopes that he would gain some more experience outside of the company. And also like Steen, Management kept an eye out because they had a feeling Claudio would return someday. You can bet Claudio's mentor, Chris Hero, is happy about Claudio's return but we'll see how happy he is when they have to face off in the first round! Will they work together or will the determination to become Best of the Best tear them apart?

    Sonny Siaki

    After making a name for himself in the early days of NWA-TNA, Siaki seemed to drop off the face of the earth as he wasn't seen as much on TNA programming as he used to, let alone wrestle in other companies. But when CZW extended the invitation to Siaki to see if he can hang with the best Jr. Heavyweight division in America, Siaki jumped at the chance. Best of the Best 6 will see Siaki's debut with CZW and his performance will dictate whether or not he will come back.

    Johnny Nitro

    After winning Tough Enough and a brief stint on Monday Night Raw, Johnny Nitro looked to be on the fast track to success when he was paired with local East Coast mainstay Joey Matthews and the beautiful Melina Perez to form MNM in Ohio Valley Wrestling. Unfortunately, while they had a great following in OVW, MNM wasn't given much of a chance when they got called up to WWE due to the company's dwindling tag team divisions. To the shock of many, MNM were let go and decided to go their seperate ways. While Matthews returned to the East Coast, Nitro hasn't done much outside of the rare one-off spots. But when CZW extended the invitation of taking part in Best of the Best 6, Nitro decided not to treat this like a special appearance and prove he's not a "flash in the pan".

    Hector Garza

    About a year and a half ago, Hector Garza debuted for TNA wrestling and looked to become one of the flagship wrestlers of their X Division. Suddenly, all that was taken away when he fell into some legal trouble. Even though he has accepted responsibility for his actions, TNA decided not to take the risk of bringing him back into the company. CZW, however, is all about taking risks and Management has decided the positives outweighs the negative. On May 21, the "Bad Boy of Lucha Libre" will bring his Mexican legacy back to America when he takes part in Best of the Best 6.

    CZW Presents Best of the Best 6

    Live From The New Alhambra Arena in Philadelphia, PA

    May 21, 2006

    Best of the Best Tournament - First Round

    Claudio Castagnoli vs Kevin Steen vs Chris Hero

    Shark Boy vs Hector Garza vs The Joker

    Jack Evans vs Jonny Storm vs Sonny Siaki

    Frankie Kazarian vs Johnny Nitro vs Excalibur

    Best of the Best Tournament - Semi-Finals

    Winner of Claudio/Steen/Hero vs Winner of Sharky/Garza/Joker

    Winner of Evans/Storm/Siaki vs Winner of Kazarian/Nitro/Excalibur

    Best of the Best Tournament - Final Round

    Winner of Semi-Final 1 vs Winner of Semi-Final 2

    CZW World Championship Match

    Nicho El Milionario © vs Christian York

    -Finally, just a few days after releasing Niles Young, CZW Management has released his former tag team partner, Cory Kastle, as well as Rick Feinberg. We wish them both well in the future.

  2. Fake You! TV Report

    May 9, 2006

    Mexico's Most Wanted over Beef & Generico

    Pretty much a glorified squash but an entertaining and well-wrestled one. B&G are probably the best "jobbers" in the business right now since they get little offense in and get their ass kicked but look great doing it. Aside from a few brief flashes of offense, MMW were on top the whole time. Somehow, Beef thought he could put Damien out with the E. Coli Driver but Damien broke out and turned it into a powerbomb before hooking his legs and spinning him around, allowing Halloween to come in and hit the Montezuma's Revenge for the win.

    While Mexico's Most Wanted are celebrating, The Messiah makes his way out to the ring with a microphone and tells the "jobbers" to "get out of my ring". He then talks about Chris Hero, saying "Hero didn't get the hint when I injured him. CZW doesn't want you around anymore!" Messiah says he is the true Savior of CZW and not some "pudgy, Jimmy Olsen douchebag" and he's going to prove it tonight in a match. Messiah vs Hero will go down tonight!

    CZW Iron Man Championship Match

    Sexxxy Eddy © over Kaos To Retain

    Surprisingly, this was the best match of the night wrestling-wise but the fans didn't care as much about it as the other matches. They are acting a lot better tonight, I must admit. Eddy's still playing his underdog gimmick to the hilt, giving up a lot of offense to the bigger (though not by much) Kaos. Eddy started making a comeback but was quickly derailed by a low blow from Kaos, which I'm sure would ruin his man-whoring on the side. The ref missed the blow but it was obvious that something was up when he noticed Eddy hunched over in pain. THe whole situation brought out L.A. Par-K, who ran out to ringside with a chair. With the ref's back turned, Par-K slid into the ring and hit Kaos in the head with a deadly chair shot. Seeing Kaos down on the mat, Eddy got back up and bounced off the turnbuckles, hitting Kaos with the Total Sextacy and getting the pinfall to retain the title. After Eddy was announced as the winner, Par-K comes back into the ring and starts putting the boots to Kaos. After a few moments, Eddy pulls Par-K off and decides to cheer him up with a celebratory dance-off before both men walk to the back.

    CZW Jr. Heavyweight Champion Sonjay Dutt comes out with his belt and a microphone. He then talks about Best of the Best season being upon us and how great things usually happen to whoever wins the tournament. Mike Quackenbush won last year and he's already a two-time Jr. Heavyweight Champion and a former Tag Team Champion. B-Boy won the year before and is becoming one of CZW's breakout stars. And, of course, there's Sonjay. Sonjay starts to go over some of his accomplishments when Kendo Ka Shin runs out from the back, slides into the ring and starts brawling with the Champion. Since Sonjay was taken off-guard, Kendo gets the upperhand and quickly slaps on the Fujiwara Armbar while Simply Luscious stands over them both yelling. After a few moments, Luscious tells Ka Shin to release the hold. While Sonjay lies on the mat clutching his shoulder, Luscious hands the Jr. Heavyweight title belt to Ka Shin and they both stand over Sonjay's body holding the belt up to the sky.

    Cut to backstage where Rico is stretching out in the locker room when suddenly Justice Pain bursts in and starts raining punches down on him. Pain keeps screaming "Reciept, bitch!" before throwing him into the locker room wall to finish things off.

    The Messiah over Chris Hero

    You know, for a revenge match with one of the men coming back from a pretty harsh injury, this one was relatively heatless. Even as they did the obligatory "intense stare-down", the crowd sort of treated it with ambivalence. Other than that, it was a very good match that really captured the feeling that Hero is seeking revenge on Messiah and Messiah would rather be anywhere but in the ring with Hero. As Hero would do any sort of offensive maneuver, Messiah would do what he could to weasel his way out of it until he got hit with a Hero's Welcome out of nowhere. But Hero made the mistake of not going for the pin. Instead, he not only wanted his revenge but he wanted to hit the Hero's Sidekick that he didn't get to hit last week. Hero picked up Messiah and propped him up in the corner before taking his sweet time walking to the other corner and "tuning up the band" so to speak. By this time, Sean O'Haire had made his way to ringside brandishing a chair and had hopped up on the apron. As Hero ran towards Messiah, O'Haire pushed Messiah out of the way and into the ref. Hero couldn't stop and, instead of hitting the Hero's Sidekick, ended up with his leg draped over the top rope. O'Haire then took his chair and slammed it down right across Hero's shin, potentially damaging that calf that Messiah had injured months ago. Hero dropped to the mat clutching his leg and Messiah, who had come to and helped the ref up, quickly took advantage of it by locking Hero in an STF. Knowing that trying to fight out of the hold could re-tear his calf, Hero quickly tapped out. After the match, O'Haire stepped into the ring and helped Messiah beat on Hero. Surprisingly, instead of re-injuring Hero like they would've done to anyone else, they figured he "wasn't worth it" and Messiah spat on Hero before walking to the back.

    Cut to a brief pre-taped promo from Christian York. He pretty much repeats a lot of the things he said from last week, about he wants to prove he's the best by becoming the CZW World Champion, etc. He talks about how Nicho El Milionario has defended the belt against a lot of different types of wrestlers but he can guarantee he hasn't defended it against someone as talented as Christian York. York finishes things off by saying that he respects Nicho a lot but he's bound and determined to take the belt off of him.

    Justin Credible over Devon Storm

    While Eddy/Kaos and maybe even Messiah/Hero outshone this match, this was a solid wrestling match. Also, it was the one with the most heat from the fans behind it, which helped it a bit. For much of the match, Credible was being outwrestled by Storm. But being the sportsman he is, Storm would ease off a bit and let Credible to his feet multiple times. Credible was noticably frustrated but not enough to just haul off on Storm. No matter how hard Credible tried, he could not one-up Storm and he had too much respect for the man to try to stooge his way out of the match. But Credible's saving light came in the form of Super Dragon as Dragon walked out to observe from ringside. His presence was enough to distract Storm and give Credible a bit of an advantage. But it wasn't until Storm tried to finish Credible off with his own finishing move where Dragon interfered. As Storm lifted Credible in the That's Incredible, Dragon reached in and grabbed Storm's leg. With Storm unable to pull off the move, that allowed Credible to reverse it into his own That's Incredible. After Credible dropped Storm's head on the mat, he made the cover and got the surprise win. Afterwards, Dragon came into the ring and held up Credible's hand in victory, which got a few boos from fans thinking it was a set-up. But once Credible found out he didn't win the match on his own, he pushed Dragon off of him and into the ropes, hitting a Superkick on the rebound! Credible storms his way to the back while two bodies lay motionless in the ring as the show ends.

    Final Thoughts: Very good show with a lot of solid wrestling. There wasn't a bad match on the card and the crowd even responded as such! Shocking, I know. And they're doing a pretty good job hyping Best of the Best, despite only a World title match being announced. We don't even know who's in the tournament yet..at least not until tomorrow. But Best of the Best is one of CZW's flagship events and it can usually get enough of an audience on hype alone.

    CZWrestling.com Press Release For May 10, 2006 - First 6 BOTB Participants Announced, 5/16 Fake You! TV Preview.

    -In the moment you've been waiting for, CZW Management has narrowed down the Jr. Heavyweight field to just six names that will participate in the Best of the Best tournament on May 21. Without any further ado, let's announce the names:

    The Joker

    The Joker hasn't done much since coming back from a stay in Iraq and defeating Chris Ca$h at Cage of Death 7 in a rematch of their classic Ladder match from two years prior. Joker threw his name in the hat in an attempt to revitalize his career and CZW Management has decided that a good showing in the Best of the Best would do exactly that.

    Jonny Storm

    The "Wonderkid" returned to CZW at last year's Best of the Best and impressed CZW Management enough to sign him to a full-time contract. But while he hasn't made a huge impact in the past year, he has consistently had great matches against a variety of opponents, which led to his inclusion to the Best of the Best tournament.

    "The Future" Frankie Kazarian

    Kazarian will be making his Best of the Best debut this year. Much like Jonny Storm, he's had great matches since signing with CZW in November 2005 but hasn't quite made his mark. Best of the Best will be his opportunity to see if the future truly belongs to Kazarian.


    While his tag team partner in S.B.S., Super Dragon, has been busy with Devon Storm, Excalibur looked to be lost in the shuffle. That was the case until a few weeks ago on Fake You! TV where he put up a valiant effort against last year's Best of the Best winner, Mike Quackenbush. But for Excalibur, the question is will he run like a coward and be content to live in the shadow of his partner or is there actually a determined warrior underneath his cocky facade?

    Shark Boy

    This year will also mark Shark Boy's debut in the tournament as he signed a CZW contract the same day as Frankie Kazarian. And while a brief overlook of Shark Boy's tenure with the company won't yield too many highlights, some fans have sensed a bit of a growth spurt as he has developed some maturity when it comes to his matches. Best of the Best 6 will determine whether Shark Boy is a late bloomer or if he will reach puberty and become a man.

    Chris Hero

    It would seem as if Hero's injury at the hands of The Messiah was a blessing in disguise as he had healed up just in time for CZW's Jr. Heavyweight showcase. And there were two things on Hero's To-Do list as he made his return: get revenge and win Best of the Best. Will the self-proclaimed "Savior of CZW" live up to his name and rise to the top of the Jr. Heavyweight division where he thinks he belongs?

    -Next week's edition of Fake You! TV will truly get you pumped up for Best of the Best 6 on May 21. First of all, we witnessed Kendo Ka Shin lay out CZW Jr. Heavyweight Champion and former Best of the Best tournament winner Sonjay Dutt and pose with the belt as if he were the new champion. CZW Management decided it was time for Ka Shin to prove himself against another Best of the Best winner as he will take on last year's winner, Mike Quackenbush, next week!

    -In a preview of the Best of the Best tournament, we will take four of the six men that were just announced and put them in a Four Corners Match. It will be Frankie Kazarian, Excalibur, Shark Boy and Jonny Storm going at it. This is not Elimination rules and there are no title shots on the line. This match will be an all-out high-flying showcase and we'll see if the winner gets any momentum going into the big tournament.

    -Chris Hero was visibly angry after being bested and almost re-injured by The Messiah and his muscle, Sean O'Haire, last night and his inclusion into the Best of the Best tournament did little to quell that anger. For the sake of keeping him fresh and injury-free for the tournament, Chris Hero not be at next week's Fake You! TV tapings to avoid another altercation with The Messiah. As for O'Haire, he will be put in a match against CZW Iron Man Champion Sexxxy Eddy. Eddy was prepared to put the title on the line once again but CZW Management decided that two Iron Man title defenses in a row would be a bit of a gamble so it will be a non-title match.

    Matches Announced For Fake You! TV Next Week

    Mike Quackenbush vs Kendo Ka Shin

    Best of the Best Preview 4 Corners Match

    Frankie Kazarian vs Excalibur vs Shark Boy vs Jonny Storm

    Kaos vs Damien 666

    Non-Title Match

    CZW Iron Man Champion Sexxxy Eddy vs Sean O'Haire

    Justice Pain vs Nate Hatred

  3. I know what you mean with the game getting hard or boring. In my CZW game, I played through late 2008 until the business was in a huge slump and just about everyone on my roster had low morale and everyone I signed came in with low morale too making the game totally not fun. But I had played through over three years and kept track of everything that went on and, since I always saw my game as a diary, just decided not to continue with the game and started on the diary. I would suggest that you play some of your game through and then look at what you have and decide if you want to continue writing but it looks like you've done that already. I can't tell you what to do but it would be awesome if you continue with this diary since it's probably my favorite original indy diary. But if you don't feel like you should be writing it, fair enough. I'd rather not read a diary at all than read a half-assed one.

  4. CZW Fake You! TV Report

    May 2, 2006

    Shark Boy over Angel by Disqualification

    These two put together a solid match and they knew each other fairly well considering they used to be a tag team in the dying days of XPW. Unfortunately, the crowd couldn't really care about either man, which would end up being a running theme throughout the night. Both men started out wrestling a comedy match but it eventually turned into a straight-up match which saw Shark Boy get the better of Angel. But as Shark Boy sat up on the top rope ready to give Angel the Dead Sea Drop, Rick Feinberg ran out with a chair and hopped up on the apron to smack it across Shark Boy's back. Sharky dropped to the mat and the ref looked at both Angel and RF. Angel denied having anything to do with RF's interference but that didn't stop the referee from calling for the disqualification. Angel looked livid but RF tried to console him with a hug. It didn't work as Angel only shoved him away. RF tried to advance again but ended up eating a chairshot to the skull from Angel before he walked to the back.

    After the match, CZW Iron Man Champion B-Boy walks out to the ring without Ruckus and Julius Smokes by his side. He takes the mike from ring announcer Kingdom James and says that he's pissed off at what Sexxxy Eddy did to the Black Attack last week by jumping him and Smokes out in a parking lot. But he knows why he did it and it wasn't to help Christian York defeat Ruckus in the Iron Man Match. He knows that everything Eddy has done to him and the Black Attack was for "this", the Iron Man title that he's holding up in the air. So tonight, B-Boy is going to punish Eddy and grant him a favor at the same time. He talked to Mondo and said that he'll defend the Iron Man title tonight against Eddy in a Hardcore Match. Better yet, Ruckus and Julius Smokes will be banned from ringside. But if Eddy loses, he'll never get a shot at the title ever again! Sexxxy Eddy then comes out with a microphone of his own and says that while the odds might be against him, that's when he's at his best. Eddy accepts the match and the terms and walks to the back, leaving B-Boy with a smile on his face.

    Mike Quackenbush over Excalibur

    You know, these two men put on a great match despite being practically thrown together. Sadly, this was probably the low point of the night as the crowd was so dead they were practically asleep. Excalibur played the cowardly heel to a tee as he always does and Quack made sure he got his comeuppance but all of this did nothing to get the crowd riled up. Excalibur looked to squeak out a win as he got Quack ready for the Tiger Driver '98 but Quack somehow broke away and ended up locking Excalibur in the Lightning Lock Beta. Excalibur tapped out quickly and Quack was named the winner. But as he was getting his hand raised by the ref, Excalibur got back up and turned Quack back around before hitting him with the Tiger Driver '98.

    Cut to backstage where The New H8 Club are talking to each other about their recent troubles. Justice Pain is pissed off that he lost to that "has-been" Rico last week. But at least they made up for it by defeating Nate Hatred. Suddenly, speak of the devil (or devils rather), Nate Hatred and Rico burst into the locker room brandishing chairs and start beating down on The New H8 Club. Hatred especially gets into it due to him getting screwed out of a victory last week, to the point where Rico has to pull him back from the melee and push him out of the locker room once the damage had been done.

    Tom Carter over Ruckus

    The beginning of the match saw Ruckus and Carter standing nose to nose in the middle of the ring, which probably got the biggest pop all match. The match didn't fail to deliver and it was just as good as all the other ones but the lack of crowd support definately killed it a bit. Much of the match was focused around Ruckus trying to cheat his way from victory, but after two matches and his determination to win, Carter had Ruckus well scouted and was able to counter most of Ruckus' underhanded tactics. The finish seemed to come out of nowhere as Ruckus whipped Carter into the corner for the Razzle Dazzle but right when he went for the elbow, Carter blocked it and turned Ruckus around, hooking his head before dropping it into the mat with a Northern Lights Bomb 2k1. Carter quickly hooked the legs and ended up getting the pinfall! Carter finally got a victory over Ruckus but his celebration didn't last long as Julius Smokes climbed into the ring and started raining punches down on him. Carter was able to fend him off but instead of putting him out, he just walked to the back angry that his moment was ruined.

    After the match, we see The Messiah walking to the ring making his return from a brief absence. After he's given the microphone, he then says he won't bitch about losing to Justin Credible in a Barbed Wire Match at Higher Level of Pain, even though it was a "miscarriage of justice". What he came to talk about was how he was told to stay home the next week and "obviously, the product suffered from my absence". He talked about tuning into Fake You! TV last week and seeing "the worst wrestling show I've seen in years!" He talks about everyone wrestling like chickens with their heads cut off before going on to the Iron Man Match between Christian York and Ruckus, saying he's "seen backyarders put together a better match." But now that he's returned, the quality of the show is guaranteed to go back up. While Messiah's cutting this promo, though, he doesn't see Chris Hero walking through the crowd, jumping the guardrail and standing behind him. The crowd began to cheer but Messiah just thought that they were cheering for him. The final straw was when Messiah told everyone that "The Savior of CZW had returned!" That caused Chris Hero to turn Messiah around and gave him a brief moment to see who he was looking at before locking him in a Cravate, which got a lot of cheers. Messiah tried fighting out of it but instead, Hero let go and whipped Messiah into the corner. Hero then went to an opposite corner and ran towards Messiah for the Hero's Sidekick. Unfortunately, Messiah had the wherewithal to duck and roll out of the ring. As Messiah walked to the back, looking like he had seen a ghost, Hero picked the microphone up off the mat and said "You know, you're right about one thing. The Savior of CZW has returned. But it sure as hell isn't you!" That gets the crowd to pop as Messiah yells at Hero before storming off to the back.

    Hardcore Match For The CZW Iron Man Championship

    Sexxxy Eddy over B-Boy © To Become The NEW CZW Iron Man Champion!

    B-Boy came out first with the belt but soon after, Eddy ran out and blindsided him to get the Hardcore match underway. With all things considered, this match wasn't as good as Carter/Ruckus or even Quack/Excalibur but it was decent. I don't think a Hardcore match was the best choice for a probable feud-ending match as they mostly just hit each other with hard shots and a few weapons. This was a fight instead a wrestling match which both men are capable of putting on a good one. But when it comes to fights, the smaller Eddy usually gets the short end of the stick. It almost looked like B-Boy was going to take this match and make sure Eddy would never get another shot when he hit Eddy with a vicious Shining Wizard. But Eddy's heart kicked in and he surprisingly kicked out! B-Boy couldn't believe it. B-Boy put Eddy on his shoulders and went for a Cross Special Brainbuster but when he spun around, Eddy somehow got loose and landed on his feet. He then picked up a nearby chair and threw it right into B-Boy's face before picking him up and hitting the SexxxyPlex, dropping B-Boy's head right onto the chair! But instead of going for the pin, Eddy went to the outside and pulled a table out from under the ring, setting it up at ringside. Eddy then came back in and rolled B-Boy out of the ring and onto the table before going onto the apron and bouncing off the second rope with a Total Sextacy putting B-Boy through the table! Eddy then covered B-Boy and the ref slid out to ringside to count the pinfall. Sexxxy Eddy regains the Iron Man title! As the ref handed Eddy the title belt, Eddy dropped to his knees and held the belt close to his chest as his long journey to regain the belt has been completed.

    After all the debris from the Hardcore match was cleaned up, Christian York comes out to the ring with a microphone and wants to give a speech. First of all, he'd like to thank all the fans for the support they've given him lately because he shouldn't be here right now. York had decided to retire from the wrestling business but when he got the call from Zandig and CZW to show up, he decided to go full speed ahead because he felt that would be the difference between a start of a new chapter or one final run. And he feels that he's had the best matches of his career the past year or so he's been in CZW. And he just got done with a string of great matches with Ruckus who "may be an asshole but is still a great wrestler". But while he feels he's wrestling better than he ever has, he won't finish until he becomes "the best", which brings him to his next topic. He says that Best of the Best 6 will happen on May 21 and that last year, he went all the way to the finals before falling to Mike Quackenbush. But he won't be entering in this year's tournament because he wants to prove he's the best by becoming the CZW World Champion! That's right, he's challenging for a shot at the title against Nicho El Milionario at Best of the Best 6! At this point, Nicho walks out with the World title belt and steps inside before looking York up and down. Suddenly, he stops and extends his hand which York accepts as the show ends. It looks like we have a CZW World title match at Best of the Best 6!

    Final Thoughts: I never thought I'd say this but I can't wait until CZW gets big enough to leave the New Alhambra Arena. The crowd hasn't been the greatest lately but tonight was the last straw for me. Tonight was a perfectly good episode with perfectly good wrestling and the fans pretty much slept through the whole thing. As good as everything was, it could've been ten times better had the fans actually responded to what was going on in the ring. It seems like the crowd is filled with nothing but old-school fans that don't really like the new direction the company is headed in and would rather see Wifebeater and Lobo no-sell lighttube shots for 20 minutes but still show up anyway. But hey, at least Best of the Best is coming up!

    CZWrestling.com Press Release For May 3, 2006 - BOTB6 Hype Begins, 5/9 Fake You! TV Preview.

    -As Christian York mentioned last night, this year's Best of the Best tournament will take place on May 21. And the CZW World Championship match between Nicho El Milionario and Christian York has been signed and approved by CZW Management. Every Jr. Heavyweight in CZW is no doubt excited for the tournament, whether they're in it or not. This year's tournament format will be the same as last year's, with four three-way opening matches with only the winners advancing to two one-on-one semi-final matches and then onto the finals. But to add some spice to this year's festivities, only six of the twelve spots will be filled by CZW regulars. Many of them have already thrown their name into the running but CZW Management will narrow the participants down to six. The other six spots will be filled by other wrestlers currently not under contract with CZW. Next week, we will announce the six CZW stars that have been selected and the remaining six will be announced the following week along with the brackets.

    -Last night, we witnessed the return of Chris Hero, who went straight after the man who injured him, The Messiah. The Messiah tore Chris Hero's calf during a Hardcore match for the CZW World title at Tournament of Death 4 and no doubt Hero wants some revenge. The Messiah staked a claim that he was the "Savior of CZW" and that a CZW show that doesn't feature him is a bad one. But will Hero live up to his own claim as the "Savior of CZW" and prove Messiah wrong? Tune into Fake You! TV next week to see how this feud develops.

    -Congratulations go out to new CZW Iron Man Champion Sexxxy Eddy as he defeated his nemesis B-Boy in a Hardcore Match. Eddy's grueling feud with B-Boy came to an end last night and his determination to regain the Iron Man title paid off in a big way. B-Boy thought he could take out The Sexxx Express and make sure he never got an Iron Man title shot ever again but his plan backfired when Eddy's heart shone through and lead him to win the title. Just like before, Eddy has claimed to be a fighting champion and his new reign will start off with a title defense against "The Rock Superstar" Kaos next week on Fake You! TV.

    -In other news, after his match with Shark Boy, Angel got into a shouting match with his manager/life-partner Rick Feinberg. CZWrestling.com overheard that the break was over and the pair are through. RF ran out of the New Alhambra Arena mid-show crying. Who knows if RF will ever come back to CZW.

    Scheduled Matches For Fake You! TV Next Week

    Mexico's Most Wanted vs Beef & Generico

    CZW Iron Man Championship Match

    Sexxxy Eddy © vs Kaos

    Devon Storm vs Justin Credible

  5. CZW Fake You! TV Report

    April 25, 2006

    Jonny Storm over Angel

    If you were at Higher Level of Pain, this match was pretty much exactly like their dark match, except that this one only lasted roughly two or three minutes. Again, Angel tried freaking Storm out but he was having none of it and got the upperhand easily. The tide was about to turn as Rick Feinberg hopped up on the apron and latched onto Storm. Angel bounced off the ropes trying to hit Storm but Storm ducked, leaving Angel and RF to crash into each other. As RF flew off the apron, Storm rolled up Angel for an easy three count. After the match, RF climbed into the ring and tried to apologize to Angel but Angel only pushed him away only to walk to the back by himself.

    Cut to backstage in Nick Mondo's office when Christian York walks in. Mondo asks if York has made the decision for what match he wants to face Ruckus in tonight. York then tells Mondo that he wants Ruckus tonight in an Iron Man match. Mondo is shocked but then tells York he can't do it as Fake You! TV is only an hour and a half long and they still have three more matches to go. York then tells Mondo that he'll take a 30 Minute Iron Man Match. Mondo thinks about it for a little bit and then agrees. York then walks out with a smile on his face but Mondo looks a little worried, wondering if they'll be able to pull it off.

    Rico over Justice Pain

    This match was better than it probably had any right to be. But I'm probably being mean by saying that since Rico has been carrying a lot of people to good matches and Pain has been slowly improving. Anyways, Pain got the advantage early on with a low blow behind the ref's back. Rico tried to come back but Pain put him down with the Pain Thriller. He went for the pinfall but before the ref counted to three, Pain lifted Rico's head up to break the count. He then went outside and grabbed a chair. That proved to be a mistake as Pain stepped into the ring, Rico sprung up and hit a Rico Roundhouse sending the chair into Pain's face. Rico quickly covered Pain and got the pinfall! As Rico climbed the turnbuckles to celebrate, Pain got back up to his feet, grabbed the chair and smacked it across Rico's back, causing him to fall over the top rope and to the floor.

    After the match, Eric Gargiulo says there's a situation going on in the parking lot. We cut out to the parking lot to see Sexxxy Eddy beating up on Julius Smokes. After hitting him with a few punches, Eddy throws him head first into the side of a dumpster, knocking Smokes out cold. He then says he'll make sure that nothing is gonna happen in the Iron Man match between Christian York and Ruckus tonight.

    Nick Gage over Nate Hatred

    If you had told me Nick Gage and Nate Hatred would put on the Match of the Night, I'd probably have laughed at you. But anytime these two get put together, they put on great matches of just outright violence. And it's not even gratuitous violence like they used to put on back in CZW's old days but just plain old fighting with a bit of flash mixed in. There was a bit of a stalemate as Hatred and Gage were just potatoing each other yet neither man was gonna fall. It wasn't until the ref stepped in to try to seperate the two men. While this was happening, Justice Pain ran out with a chair and smacked Hatred in the back with it, sending him straight into Gage who caught him and hit him with a Chokebreaker for the win. Pain then stepped into the ring with the chair to help Gage put the beatdown on Hatred but out came Rico with a chair of his own to chase the H8 Club out of the ring.

    After the match, we cut back out to the parking lot where B-Boy is looking for Julius Smokes. He finds Smokes lying on the asphalt unconscious and bleeding. B-Boy tries to revive him when suddenly Sexxxy Eddy leaps out from behind the dumpster and starts pounding away on B-Boy. There was no way B-Boy could defend himself from being blindsided and he ends up taking a SexxxyPlex right onto the asphalt! Eddy then dusts himself off and walks back into the building after leaving B-Boy and Smokes lying in a pile in the middle of the parking lot.

    Super Dragon and Kaos over Devon Storm and L.A. Par-K

    With the hatred between these four men coming into play, this match quickly degenerated into a four-way brawl. As Kaos and Par-K were brawling on the outside, Storm and Dragon were hitting each other so hard that the ref tried to seperate them, like Gage and Hatred before them. Only this time, Dragon responded by hitting the ref with an elbow, knocking him out. But Dragon didn't look worried. In fact, this gave him the opportunity to bring a chair into the ring and hit Storm in the head with it. But Par-K came back into the ring and hit a Van Daminator on Dragon. Instead of following up, Par-K decided to celebrate by unfolding the chair and dancing on top of it. Only he didn't see Kaos climb up to the top rope from the outside. As Par-K stepped down off the chair, Kaos leaped off and hit him with the Flying Clothesline, dropping Par-K's ribs across the seat of the chair! By this time, the ref was coming to and saw Kaos pin Par-K, leading him to count the three. Afterwards, Kaos helped Dragon up and they walked to the back pointing and laughing at Storm, who was tending to Par-K in the middle of the ring.

    We then cut to the locker room where Zandig is sitting on a bench getting stitches looked at from the lighttube shots he suffered at Higher Level of Pain. Justin Credible then walks in, looking surprisingly healthy for coming out of a Barbed Wire match, even if he was the winner. Credible tells Zandig that he wasn't just unsure if he could cut it in CZW but if he should continue wrestling at all. So he would like to thank Zandig for helping him get back to his roots. Credible extends his hand and Zandig accepts it.

    30 Minute Iron Man Match

    Christian York over Ruckus Two Falls To One

    For this being the final match between the two, it wasn't as great as I envisioned it. Even though it was a good match, it still wasn't as good as their match at Higher Level of Pain. Hell, I wouldn't even put it at Match of the Night. Ruckus came out looking a little worried considering he had no backup but we would later find that he had a plan. Both men traded offensive maneuvers throughout much of the match but Ruckus ended up getting the first fall around the 15 minute mark when he rolled York out of nowhere and put his feet on the ropes. After the pinfall, York got up to his feet and started arguing with the ref, telling him that Ruckus cheated. The ref told Ruckus he'd be keeping an eye on him. After another ten minutes or so, Ruckus got frustrated at being outwrestled and brought a chair into play. Ruckus then brought the chair down on top of York's head right in front of the ref, who called for a disqualification. Even though it was evened up at 1-1, Ruckus seemed sure of himself as there were only five minutes left in the match and there was no way for him to recover. Ruckus went for a pin but York surprisingly kicked out. Ruckus went for another pin but York kicked out again. Feeling frustrated and knowing time wasn't on his side, he kept York down with kicks before going up top, possibly for a 450 Splash or Phoenix Splash. Suddenly, York sprang up to his feet and climbed up the turnbuckles to meet Ruckus at the top. They traded punches for a few moments until York got the upperhand and grabbed Ruckus before dropping him with an Onion Buster off the top turnbuckle right onto the chair Ruckus brought into the ring! York rolled Ruckus over and got the three count a few seconds before the timer ran out. Christian York won the Iron Man Match and Ruckus' plan had backfired. York started to celebrate but we didn't get to see much of it as the time for the show had run out.

    Final Thoughts: Nice solid show in a series of Fake Yous! that were a little below par. The wrestling was good and I wouldn't say there were any bad matches tonight. The Iron Man was good but it was a bit disappointing in the way of ending a feud, especially considering they just had a better match at Higher Level of Pain. But it definately brought a feeling of closure to the York/Ruckus feud. And keeping The Second Coming off of TV this week not only brought a sense of closure to the Messiah/Credible feud but also proved that you could make a good TV show without putting Messiah and Zandig in every other segment. The only thing I can really complain about tonight was the chair usage. Come on, there was chair in almost every match. Come up with something different!

    CZWrestling.com Press Release For April 26, 2006 - 5/2 Fake You! TV Preview, Television Deal Extended.

    -Good news for Fake You! TV as the World Wrestling Network has decided to extend our contract for another 9 months. And we're going to keep things rolling with a great show next week.

    -After losing to Christian York in an epic Iron Man match last night and having his backup disposed of by Sexxxy Eddy, Ruckus was disgruntled to say the least. But the bad news just got worse for him when he found out that he'd be facing Tom Carter once again next week. Carter had split away from his partner Mike Quackenbush to prove himself in singles competition and CZW Management felt there was no better way to prove himself than in another Match of the Year Candidate with Ruckus. Carter has faced Ruckus twice before in stellar matches only to come up short due to Ruckus cheating his way to victory both times. Will Tom Carter prove himself with a win or will Ruckus try to get his momentum back after falling to Christian York?

    -In other Black Attack news, CZW Iron Man Champion B-Boy was less than pleased with Sexxxy Eddy for attacking him and his manager, Julius Smokes, last night so they wouldn't interfere in the Iron Man match. B-Boy then told CZWrestling.com that he vowed to make Eddy pay next week on Fake You! TV before reconvening with Black Attack in the locker room.

    -After Fake You! TV went off the air last night, The Messiah had made a call to CZWrestling.com and engaged in a brief interview. He told us that he "didn't appreciate being left off of the show last night". He also noted that "CZW can't put on a good show without me". When asked about Justin Credible showing his respect to Zandig, Messiah told them to "get a room" and "if I wanted to watch two men make out, I'd become a fan of Angel's". He then finished things off by proclaiming that he would show up to Fake You! TV next week to make things all better. Make your way to CZWrestling.com's Multimedia section if you want to listen to the entire interview, along with a video of Christian York's complete celebration after his victory over Ruckus.

    -Speaking of Angel, it seems as if he and Rick Feinberg have "taken a break". Both men were seen arguing with each other before RF stormed out of the New Alhambra Arena with tears in his eyes. We will see if this break is a good thing for Angel as he will take on Shark Boy next week on Fake You! TV.

    Scheduled Matches For Fake You! TV Next Week

    Shark Boy vs Angel

    Mike Quackenbush vs Excalibur

    Ruckus vs Tom Carter III

  6. CZW Higher Level of Pain Live Report

    From The New Alhambra Arena In Philadelphia, PA

    April 16, 2006

    Jonny Storm over Angel

    Decently entertaining for a dark match opener but nothing all to great. It's pretty much the same thing we've seen before from these two. Angel started freaking out Storm with his gayness or whatever you wanna call it, but it didn't last too long as Storm was focused on wrestling...not fondling or whatever the hell Angel's down for. Storm ran up the turnbuckles to finish things off with the Rewind Huricanrana but Angel came up from behind and started squeezing Storm's butt. It ended up being a good move as that freaked Storm out enough for Angel to hit a powerbomb, which he followed up with a Bathhouse Bomb. But he wasn't done yet. He called Rick Feinberg into the ring to humiliate Storm. RF hooked Storm in a full-nelson and Angel was getting ready to kiss Jonny! Luckily, RF can't properly lock in even a basic hold so Storm was able to wriggle out. But it didn't matter as Angel and RF got ready to kiss anyway. Storm looked on in confusion before dropkicking Angel in the back, causing him to bonk heads with RF and send RF flying out of the ring. Storm was then able to roll up Angel in a small package for the three count.

    CZW Jr. Heavyweight Championship Match

    Sonjay Dutt © and Kendo Ka Shin Wrestle To A 20 Minute Time Limit Draw, Sonjay Retains

    Instead of taking to the air as he normally does, Sonjay decided to fight fire with fire and try to match Kendo's grappling with some of his own. And for someone who usually doesn't wrestle down on the mat, Sonjay did a decent job of staying in the fight for much of the match. Of course, Sonjay couldn't keep up for much longer and eventually ended up succumbing to Kendo's repetoire of wear-down holds. It got to the point where Kendo locked Sonjay in the Fujiwara Armbar and everyone was expecting Sonjay to tap out. Surprisingly he held on until the bell rang. Kendo quickly broke the hold and raised his arm up in the air, thinking he won the match. The ref put his arm back down and told him that the time limit expired and he didn't win the match. The ref was then given the Jr. Heavyweight title belt and gave it back to Sonjay, who was trying to get to his knees but was clutching his shoulder in pain. In a surprising move, Kendo actually extended his hand to Sonjay in a show of sportsmanship and respect for a well-wrestled match. But it was all for naught as Kendo clutched the shoulder and rolled Sonjay onto the mat to lock in the Fujiwara Armbar once again. Simply Luscious yelled at Kendo from ringside to sinch it in tighter and it took a squadron of refs and security to pull Kendo off of Sonjay. A few of them had to escort Kendo and Luscious to the back while another group helped Sonjay to his feet and eventually back to the locker room.

    Submission Match

    Tom Carter over Mike Quackenbush

    If you want to see a pure wrestling clinic, this is the match to watch. Quack and Carter can grapple like none other. Unfortunately, it practically put the live crowd to sleep. But hey, I liked it and that's all that matters. I'd probably even put it as the runner-up for Match of the Night. You'll find out which match won that honor soon. Anyways, after a brief feeling-out period at the beginning, it was straight-up mat wrestling from then on out. But neither man could get the upperhand as neither man would give up to the other. But instead of wearing each other down to the end, it ended up being a momentary lapse in judgement that finished this one off. Instead of going for a hold, Quack decided to finish things off with an aerial move off the top rope. But Carter wasn't worn down just yet as he ran up the turnbuckles and met Quack at the top to exchange punches. Carter ended up winning the exchange and then hooked Quack's head and leg and dropped him off the top turnbuckle with a sick Northern Lights Bomb 2k1. Knowing a pin couldn't finish things off, Carter went straight for the Stretch Plum and Quackenbush had no choice but to submit. Afterwards, Carter asked for a microphone. He said that this match wasn't to prove who was better. In fact, he's always respected Quack and respects him even more tonight and goes on to thank him for bringing him into CZW. But he had to prove to Quack, the fans and, most importantly, himself that he has to do things on his own from here on out. Carter then helps up Quack and shakes his hand but then walks to the back on his own.

    The New H8 Club (Justice Pain and Nick Gage) over Nate Hatred and Rico

    This one was decent but I think relied too much on the standard tag team formula instead of letting all four guys do what they do best and just go all out. Except for maybe Rico as he might get lost in the shuffle if Gage, Pain and Hatred just started brawling. Hatred and Rico did a good job of staying on the same page but since this was their first match as a tag team, they couldn't compare to a tag team of brothers like Pain and Gage. Much of the match was Pain and Gage double-teaming Rico and Rico's struggle to tag Hatred in. And as Pain continued to beat down on Rico by himself, Rico started making his comeback and clocked Pain with a Rico Roundhouse kick out of desperation. But as Rico crawled to the corner to tag in his partner, Gage ran around the ring from his corner and pulled Hatred off of the apron and started brawling with him. Rico pulled himself up with the ropes and went for the tag only to realize he had no partner to tag in. By this time, Pain had recovered from the kick and the demented smile on his face showed that The H8 Club's plan was working. Pain grabbed Rico from behind and planted him into the mat with a Pain Thriller for the victory. By this time, Gage had knocked out Hatred with a sick chair shot that split his forehead wide open. So Pain called his partner into the ring for one final humiliation for Rico. Pain let Gage have the honors and he obliged by giving Rico a Chokebreaker. The New H8 Club stood over Rico's limp body to a chorus of boos and as they walked to the back, they put a few boots to Nate Hatred lying in the aisleway for good measure.

    Grudge Match

    Ruckus over Christian York

    Definate Match of the Night, by far. York made his entrance first and he didn't want to wait to get his hands on Ruckus again. So as Ruckus came out to the ring, York bounced off the far side and leapt over the top rope with a tope on both Ruckus and Julius Smokes. Since this is a Grudge Match, the ref decided to ease up on the rules a bit. York pounded relentlessly on Ruckus in the aisle before rolling him into the ring and dominating with a barrage of lightning-speed offense. But that came to a screeching halt as right when York was bouncing off the ropes, Smokes hopped up on the apron and hit York in the back with a chair. With York out for the time being, Smokes helped Ruckus back up and told him to go up to the top turnbuckle as he started putting the chair around York's ankle. They're gonna try to snap his ankle again! But York was not out of the fight yet as he shoved Smokes as he tried to put the chair around his ankle. Smokes went flying through the ropes to the outside and him hitting the ropes caused Ruckus to lose his balance and crotch himself on the top turnbuckle. It took a little while for York to get the chair off of his ankle but he finally did it. He picked up the chair and looked to the crowd, looking for their approval to see if he should clock Ruckus, who was still crotched on the turnbuckle, with it. That pause in addition to the time it took to remove the chair was a mistake as it gave enough time for Smokes to get back up to his feet. He took a chair from ringside and slid into the ring. Right as York was ready to finish Ruckus off, Smokes reared back and swung his chair into York's, which smacked him in the face and knocked him out cold. Ruckus then got back up to the top turnbuckle and hit the downed York with a 450 Splash for the win. Afterwards, Smokes and Ruckus went back to trying to snap York's ankle again. Smokes put the chair around York's ankle as Ruckus went up to the top rope. But out ran Sexxxy Eddy to push Ruckus off of the top rope. Smokes saw this and immediately booked it out of the ring and to the back with Ruckus following suit as Eddy checked on York.

    CZW World Championship Match

    Nicho El Milionario © over Devon Storm To Retain

    Now, this match really confused me. While it was a superb match with wrestling quality up to par with Carter/Quack (but not quite Ruckus/York), the fans were sitting on their hands the entire time. In fact, a section of fans even booed the World Champion Nicho! This started out as a back and forth clinic with Nicho and Storm ending up in a number of stalemates. But Storm was able to come out on top in one of the exchanges, which the fans were pretty indifferent to. But then when Nicho came out on top in another exchange, fans started booing again! I don't understand what's up with these fans (as you'll continue to see later). I mean, I can understand the fact that there was practically zero build-up to this match and I'm not really fond that the only contenders Nicho has had for the title are the product of multiple #1 Contender matches but that's still no reason to boo a great match like this. The only thing that made a positive impact on the crowd was when Super Dragon came out to ringside midway through the match as an observer. People (including myself) were wondering if he was going to interfere, serve as a distraction or just come out and watch. The answer would come minutes later when Devon Storm hit Nicho with the Mindbender, which got a small amount of cheers as the fans thought they'd see the title change hands. But right before the count of three, Dragon reached in and pulled the ref out of the ring. Realizing he got screwed, Storm went out to ringside to confront Dragon which turned into a brawling match. As this was happening, Nicho got back up to his feet and bounced off the opposite side of the ring to leap onto both men with a somersault plancha. Nicho then grabbed Storm and threw him into the ring before ascending to the top turnbuckle and leaping off with the Guillotine Legdrop. The ref slid back into the ring and counted the pinfall, allowing Nicho to retain the World title. Afterwards, Super Dragon climbed into the ring and tried to celebrate with Nicho only for Nicho to push him out of the ring and curse him in Spanish for ruining the match.

    Sean O'Haire over Zandig

    This match wasn't anything to write home about. In fact, it was probably the worst match of the night. What I don't understand is that this match got more heat than the openers and the World title match, all of which were much better. I don't get it. Does the Philly crowd actually want bad matches? Or just ones Zandig are in? Actually, Zandig is probably to blame for the quality of this match as he has the reflexes of a bowling ball and no-sold much of O'Haire's offense. As Zandig hulked up, O'Haire looked worried, the crowd cheered and I just shook my head. The match was actually saved by The Messiah as he ran out to ringside with a two sets of four lighttubes each taped to each other. As O'Haire distracted the ref, Messiah got up on the apron and broke one set over Zandig's head! With Zandig down, O'Haire picked him up for the Crucifixion but instead of dropping him down on the mat. But Messiah took the second set of lighttubes and propped them in the corner. O'Haire carried Zandig on his shoulders to the opposite corner only to run and throw him with a Crucifixion Bomb right into the lighttubes in the corner! It was all academic from there as O'Haire covered Zandig for the win. Thank god. But The Second Coming wasn't done as Messiah came back into the ring and helped O'Haire put the boots to Zandig.

    After a few moments of Messiah helping O'Haire beat down Zandig, he takes the mic from Kingdom James and commands the ring crew to come out. He tells everyone that the surprise is he's turning his match against Justin Credible into a Barbed Wire Match! He's gonna give Credible a grace period while the ring crew removes the ropes and replace them with barbed wire and he's welcome to back out at any time. As the ring crew is doing this, O'Haire puts Zandig on his shoulders and carries him to the back. After about ten minutes of ring work, the barbed wire is finally up and Justin Credible comes out! Messiah is kinda shocked to see that he didn't back out but stands inside of the ring surrounded by wire and motions for Credible to come on it. Credible is a bit cautious at first but slides in and the match is on!

    Barbed Wire Grudge Match

    Justin Credible over The Messiah

    For a barbed wire match, this one was actually pretty good. They each did a lot of teasing of going into the barbed wire but then started wrestling in the middle of the ring to the point where you almost forgot barbed wire was surrounding the ring. But it was on once Messiah threw Credible into the wire first. But as Messiah tried to inflict more punishment onto Credible with the barbed wire, Credible turned the tide and Messiah ended up feeling the barbs pierce his skin. With Messiah incapacitated for the time being, Credible crawled underneath the barbed wire to the outside and started rummaging around underneath the ring. It looked like Credible was well prepared against Messiah's "surprise" as he pulled out the Singapore Cane wrapped in barbed wire! Credible crawled back in and whacked the cane across Messiah's skull before grating the barbed wire into his forehead, busting him open. From then on out, it was Credible's game as Messiah's "surprise" ended up backfiring on him. Credible went to finish things off with a That's Incredible onto the barbed wire Singapore Cane but as he made the pinfall, he lifted Messiah's head up at two. He then helped the bloody and dazed Messiah to his feet only to hit him with a superkick which launched him right into the barbed wire. Only Messiah ended up getting so entangled in the barbed wire that the ring crew had to run out and cut him down with wire cutters. Credible wanted to continue the match but security held him back until the ref awarded the match to Credible. Credible then celebrated in the ring holding his Singapore cane high as the ring crew continued cutting away at the barbed wire wrapped around Messiah until they could stretcher him to the back.

    Final Thoughts: Objectively speaking, this was a great show. I'll go so far as to call it the best show of the year thus far. But the crowd was in an unusual mood, going so far as to cheer for the worst match of the night and to boo not only one of the best matches but the CZW World Champion! Sure, they haven't put a ton of momentum behind Nicho as a champ but he's done nothing to deserve boos, unless you have something against putting on good matches. The start of the show started off a bit slow. Even though the matches themselves were good, there wasn't much heat behind them. But the Grudge Matches definately delivered. The hatred between York and Ruckus definately made for a great match. I'm not even that pissed that Ruckus cheated his way to victory because the match was so good. And the Barbed Wire match was definately a brutal end to the show and one of the better Barbed Wire matches CZW has put on. I'd definately recommend this show when it comes out on DVD as long as your player has a "Mute Crowd" option.

    CZWrestling.com Press Release For April 17, 2006 - Higher Level of Pain Aftermath, Fake You! TV Preview For 4/25.

    -Last night, Higher Level of Pain definately lived up to it's namesake. The Messiah turned his Grudge Match into a Barbed Wire Match, expecting to deliver the pain to Justin Credible. Instead, it was The Messiah who reached that higher level as he tasted the wire multiple times until he was so entangled that he had to be cut out and the match was awarded to Credible. In a brief comment to CZWrestling.com, Credible said he "would've liked to finished things off by pinning Messiah" but feels he's proved his point. From here on out, Credible sees Messiah as "a dead issue and not to be bothered with". As for Messiah, he was cut up so badly that he was taken to the hospital for multiple stitches. Doctors have recommended that he not show up in a CZW ring for a few weeks. While that won't be a problem this week as Fake You! TV will be a recap of Higher Level of Pain, we're sure he'll be itching to get back to action by next week. Therefore, he is being barred from action until May, not out of punishment but for his own well being. We're unsure whether Sean O'Haire or The Dew will appear without their leader.

    -At Higher Level of Pain, we also saw a major screwjob as Ruckus walked out the victor of his Grudge Match against Christian York with plenty of help from his manager, Julius Smokes. Ruckus and Smokes tried to snap York's ankle again multiple times and the only thing that stopped them from doing so was the interference of Sexxxy Eddy. After the match, York went straight to CZW Management and demanded one last match against Ruckus to finish things off. Management agreed and booked the match for Fake You! TV next week! Better yet, they have allowed York to choose his own stipulations. York was ready to make the match right then and there but Management allowed him to take the week to think things over and decide the stipulations next week.

    -In another screwjob, Devon Storm was screwed out of his chance to become the CZW World Champion at Higher Level of Pain by his nemesis Super Dragon. Much like Christian York, Storm demanded a one-on-one match to get his revenge. But after booking the big match between York and Ruckus, Management felt it would be too much to have two big revenge matches on Fake You! TV. Therefore, they have booked a tag match between them with partners they have been very familiar with in recent weeks. Next week, Devon Storm will team up with L.A. Par-k to take on Super Dragon and Kaos!

    -After their match at Higher Level of Pain, Rico started a brief argument with Nate Hatred as to why he wasn't in his corner for the tag when he needed it. Hatred explained his case and with Rico being a veteran, he understood what happened and cooler heads prevailed. CZW Management approached them about having a rematch against The New H8 Club on Fake You! TV next week but Rico and Hatred decided that a pair of singles matches would be best. Therefore, it will be Rico against Justice Pain and Nate Hatred against Nick Gage!

    Scheduled Matches For Fake You! TV Next Week

    Jonny Storm vs Angel

    Justice Pain vs Rico

    Nick Gage vs Nate Hatred

    Devon Storm and L.A. Par-K vs Super Dragon and Kaos

    Christian York vs Ruckus In A Match Of York's Choice

  7. CZW Fake You! TV Report

    April 11, 2006

    "Vicious" Vic Grimes over Chris Ca$h

    This match was basically a glorified squash, but at least it was a good one. The action was actually better than most of the matches that would follow tonight. Much of the match consisted of Ca$h trying to hit moves on Grimes, who would only shrug them off. After a while, Ca$h tried to wear down Grimes with his speed but all it took was for one wrong move for Grimes to capitalize. Ca$h, being as cocky as he is, tried to finish Grimes off with the Ca$h Flow but was unable to pick up a man who was at least twice as heavy as him. Grimes easily broke it and squashed Ca$h with the Victimizer for the win.

    After both men walk to the back, Nick Mondo comes out to the ring and says that the fighting between The Second Coming, Zandig and Justin Credible in recent weeks has gotten out of hand. Therefore, he is booking all four men in a match tonight. Tonight's main event will be The Messiah and Sean O'Haire against Zandig and Justin Credible in a Tag Match. The Messiah then comes out to dispute Mondo's decision, saying that Justin Credible can't possibly be cleared to wrestle. Mondo then tells Messiah that not only is Credible cleared to wrestle but he was the one that wanted this match as a warm-up for their Grudge Match at Higher Level of Pain. Messiah walks to the back dejected as we go to break.

    CZW Iron Man Championship Match

    B-Boy © over Beef Wellington To Retain

    Again, another squash but not quite as good as the previous match. The website teased Beef possibly making an upset and taking the belt from B-Boy but that didn't like it was gonna happen at all. Beef, instead of getting serious for a title shot, continued with his usual chicanery. B-Boy didn't like that at all and slapped the taste out of Beef's mouth before raining down with heavy strikes. This continued for at least five minutes until, from out of nowhere, Beef got up and hooked B-Boy's arms before driving his head into the mat with an E. Coli Driver out of desperation. Instead of capitalizing, Beef made a crucial mistake and went up to the top rope, looking to finish things off with the Ass Punch. But the E. Coli Driver didn't damage B-Boy as much as originally fought as he got back up to his feet and grabbed Beef as he jumped off, threw him up on his shoulders and hooked his legs to hit a sick Cross Special Brainbuster for the win. After B-Boy was awarded the match and given his belt back, he started whipping Beef with the Iron Man title! That drew out Sexxxy Eddy who slid into the ring and started to brawl with the champion.

    Cut to backstage where we get a backstage promo from Rico and Nate Hatred. Rico says he saved Hatred from a beating at the hands of The New H8 Club because he hates seeing people get "double-teamed", which gets an odd look from Nate. Hatred tells Rico that, although he appreciates the help, he doesn't need it to face "a couple of pussies like Nick Gage and Justice Pain". Rico then tells Nate he has an ulterior motive for helping him. While most of the fans and most of the boys backstage have accepted him as a member of CZW, Rico quite hasn't accepted himself as such. Therefore, he wants to prove to everyone that he can be violent and that he can be extreme. So Rico and Hatred make it official and challenge The New H8 Club to a match at Higher Level of Pain and, in the words of Nate Hatred, "if you two had any fuckin' balls, you'd accept!"

    Cut to backstage again where we see Nick Mondo in his office sitting on his desk while Super Dragon and Kaos stand on one side staring at Devon Storm and L.A. Par-K on the other. Mondo says the reason he called them into his office is that they are the four men that will face off in the Elimination Match tonight to see who earns a CZW World Championship title shot against Nicho El Milionario at Higher Level of Pain this Sunday. The tension between the two men deflates a bit as smiles appear on the faces of Kaos and Storm while the masked men Par-K and Dragon nod their heads in agreement.

    Angel over Sonjay Dutt

    According to Eric Gargiulo, Sonjay wasn't required to defend the CZW Jr. Heavyweight title tonight to ensure that his match against Kendo Ka Shin will be for the belt at Higher Level of Pain. That didn't matter too much as Sonjay could've easily defended it against Angel here tonight...that is if it weren't for Kendo Ka Shin himself. Sonjay was ready to finish the match off with the Phoenix Splash but Rick Feinburg jumped into the ring and covered the downed Angel with his body, hoping that would make Sonjay reconsider. Sonjay would've still went through with it but the ref had picked RF up and told him to get out of the ring. While this was happening, Ka Shin ran out to ringside and took the Jr. Heavyweight title belt from the timekeeper before hopping up on the apron and using it to smack Sonjay in the back of the head with it. Sonjay fell off the top rope like a ton of bricks. Angel started coming to and saw Sonjay laid out on the mat, so he instinctively covered him for the pinfall. As RF helped Angel to the back, Ka Shin came back into the ring and stomped on Sonjay a bit before draping the Jr. Heavyweight title over his lifeless body.

    4-Way Elimination Match

    Devon Storm over L.A. Par-K, Kaos and Super Dragon To Earn A CZW World Title Shot At Higher Level of Pain

    Much of the beginning of the match was spent between Par-K and Storm as Kaos and Dragon refused to tag in, thinking their adversaries would wear each other out. But after about five minutes of back and forth wrestling with neither man getting the upperhand, both stopped wrestling, turned around and slapped the other men in the face, tagging them in. Kaos was wary getting in the ring against Super Dragon and for good reason as Dragon probably doesn't care who he beats up just as long as he gets to. Dragon started hitting Kaos with a Violence Party but Kaos ran away and actually ran toward the corner of his nemesis and tagged him in. But what looked like an act of cowardice turned into a trap as Kaos turned back around and hit the Shooting Star on Par-K, allowing Dragon to get the eliminating pin. Dragon and Kaos shook hands and celebrated their new union but it didn't last long as Dragon picked up Kaos and dropped him with a Psycho Driver for the second elimination. Dragon then motioned Storm to come in as he was on a roll and Storm was happy to oblige. After about ten minutes of a wild mix of wrestling and outright brawling, Dragon had the advantage and looked to take the #1 Contendership. Dragon then lifted Storm up for the Psycho Driver but Storm was able to wriggle out and roll Dragon up for the surprise elimination! Instead of sticking around for the ref to raise his hand, Storm jumped out of the ring and celebrated in the aisle while Dragon knelt down in the middle of the ring and pounded the mat in frustration.

    Cut to backstage where we see Christian York in the locker room stretching out his ankle, which is without a cast this week. Suddenly, Ruckus bursts into the locker room and starts beating on York. When Ruckus gets the upper-hand, he grabs a chair and starts to put it over York's ankle. He gets ready to snap it again but hesitates and takes the chair off his ankle. Ruckus then gets in York's face and says he could easily snap his ankle now but will wait until Higher Level of Pain to do it permenantly. When he's done with the trash talking, Ruckus then rears back with the chair and smacks York in the face with it, knocking him out cold.

    The Second Coming (The Messiah and Sean O'Haire) over Zandig and Justin Credible

    The match started off with a bit of mind games as Credible wanted to face off with Messiah. But just after one tie-up, Messiah backed off and tagged O'Haire back in. Actually, O'Haire spent much of the time in the ring fending off both Credible and Zandig as they kept tagging each other in, trying to take the big man down. It got to the point where Zandig decided to ignore the rules and have both him and Credible take down O'Haire. That drew Messiah to the ring which triggered a four-man brawl with Messiah taking Credible out to ringside while O'Haire beat on Zandig in the ring. With the ref focused on O'Haire and Zandig, Messiah was able to take a chair from a fan and use it to crack over Credible's skull. With Credible down, Messiah slid the chair into the ring and told O'Haire to pick Zandig up for the Crucifixion. Messiah grabbed Zandig's neck on the way down and hit a neckbreaker right onto the chair laying on the mat. That was enough for O'Haire and Messiah to each put one foot on Zandig's chest as the ref counted the pinfall. As Messiah and O'Haire walk to the back satisfied, Credible slides back into the ring and helps Zandig up to his feet after taking that sick Crucifixion/neckbreaker combo. Zandig helps himself up in the corner and then yells for a mic. Right before Messiah and O'Haire walk through the curtian, Zandig yells "Hey dipshits!" to get their attention. Zandig talks about how he knows Credible will take care of Messiah at Higher Level of Pain. But to make sure no "stupid shit" goes down, Zandig challenges O'Haire to a match this Sunday! O'Haire points at Zandig, yelling "You're on, old man!" before laughing his way to the back. Credible then helps Zandig to the back as the show ends.

    Final Thoughts: A pretty build-up for Higher Level of Pain angle-wise but it was kinda obvious that the first few matches didn't go all out so as to let the last two matches shine. Except for maybe Grimes/Ca$h. They did a good job but it's kinda obvious that the crowd didn't really pay attention to them. You know, I'm getting really sick of these 4-Way Elimination matches, especially to see who'll go after the World title since I feel that they should be basing some feuds around it, but at least this was one of the better ones. Higher Level of Pain looks to be an odd mix of beautifully established feuds (Messiah/Credible, York/Ruckus, Dutt/Ka Shin...to an extent) and random crap pulled out of nowhere (Quack/Carter, Nicho/Storm, tagging Nate Hatred and Rico, etc).

    CZWrestling.com Press Release For April 12, 2006 - Higher Level of Pain Final Card, CZW Legend Leaves.

    -One of the big shockers to come out of last night was the relevation of Rico's teaming with Nate Hatred in an attempt to prove himself as "extreme". He and Hatred then issued a challenge to The New H8 Club in a tag match at Higher Level of Pain. CZWrestling.com are the first to break the story that the match will in fact happen! After hearing the challenge, Nick Gage and Justice Pain went to CZW Management and gladly accepted the challenge. Can Rico and Nate Hatred co-exist as a team or will the blood bond between Pain and Gage be too hard to break?

    -Congratulations go out to Devon Storm as he had gone through three other men to become the #1 Contender to the CZW World Championship and has earned a shot to face Champion Nicho El Milionario for that title at Higher Level of Pain this Sunday. But the shadow of Super Dragon may loom over this match. Dragon and Storm have been locked in a bitter feud in recent months and may have gotten worse due to Storm repeatedly on top in their matches as of late, not only pinning him last night to earn this match but in last week's six-man tag match as well. Even though Super Dragon does not speak, we know he will not take these losses lightly and will probably retaliate in some way, whether it's interfering in a match, attacking him in the locker room or getting his S.B.S. partner Excalibur to do his dirty work. The question is will Dragon cost Storm a shot at the title or bide his time and strike again if Storm happens to win, putting the CZW World title on the line? As with most of Super Dragon's actions, that remains to be a mystery.

    -As Fake You! TV came to a close last night, we all saw Sean O'Haire accept the challenge laid down by the owner of CZW, Zandig. But while O'Haire may be happy at possibly taking the "old man" out at Higher Level of Pain, Messiah was actually disappointed in O'Haire's choice, prefering him to act as backup for his Grudge Match against Justin Credible. Therefore, Messiah told CZWrestling.com that he has a surprise for Justin Credible to make their Grudge Match extra special. We all know how much The Messiah loves his surprises but they also backfire from time to time. Will this "surprise" help or hurt The Messiah? The only way to find out is to come to the New Alhambra Arena this Sunday to witness a Higher Level of Pain!

    CZW Presents Higher Level of Pain

    Live From The New Alhambra Arena In Philadelphia, PA

    April 16, 2006

    The New H8 Club (Justice Pain and Nick Gage) vs Nate Hatred and Rico

    Zandig vs Sean O'Haire

    Submission Match

    Mike Quackenbush vs Tom Carter

    CZW Jr. Heavyweight Championship Match

    Sonjay Dutt © vs Kendo Ka Shin

    CZW World Championship Match

    Nicho El Milionario © vs Devon Storm

    Grudge Match I

    Christian York vs Ruckus

    Grudge Match II

    Justin Credible vs The Messiah

    -Finally, we here at CZWrestling.com would like to send our final goodbyes to Wifebeater, who has been released from his contract today. Beater has given us many great memories since the inception of Combat Zone Wrestling. The greatest of all memories may be his final match here in CZW as he faced Abdullah The Butcher in his Retirement match at Cage of Death 7. We send Wifebeater our condolences and wish him the best of luck in the future.

  8. Match of the Year

    Christopher Daniels draws with Samoa Joe (The Plot Thickens...)

    Jerry Lynn defeats Charlie Haas (The Plot Thickens...)

    Roderick Strong defeats Charlie Haas in an Ironman Match (Summer Showdown)

    Jerry Lynn defeats Alex Shelley via DQ (Summer Showdown)

    Homicide defeats Charlie Haas (All on the Line)

    Alex Shelley defeats Jerry Lynn in a Cage match (All on the Line)

    Other (please state)

    Wrestler of the Year

    Alex Shelley

    Jerry Lynn

    Roderick Strong

    Charlie Haas


    Other (Please state)

    Feud of the Year

    Alex Shelley vs. Jerry Lynn

    Colt Cabana vs. The Pack

    Homicide vs. Charlie Haas

    Charlie Haas vs. Roderick Strong

    Other (Please State)

    Show of the Year

    The Plot Thickens... (Delirious vs. Sydal, Daniels vs. Joe, Lynn vs. Haas)

    Summer Showdown (Joe and Cabana vs. The Havana Pitbulls, Haas vs. Strong Ironman, Shelley vs. Lynn)

    All on the Line (Delirious/Milano vs. The Strong Brothers, Homicide vs. Haas, Shelley vs. Lynn Cage)

    King of the Lightweights (Lightweight Tournament, Haas vs. Homicide, Shelley vs. Strong)

    Other (Please State)

    Rising Star Award



    Sedrick Strong

    Milano Collection AT

    Jay Lethal

    Other (You get the idea)

  9. CZW Fake You! TV Report

    April 4, 2006

    Handicap Match

    Beef & Generico over Gene Snitsky

    Very fun match but again, the crowd didn't really take to it. I think they still see B&G as jobbers and Snitsky as a WWE reject, even though I think both have improved a lot in recent months. Anyways, the match started out with Snitsky pounding both Beef and Generico at the same time but B&G slowly started coming back. They ran into the ropes and Snitsky intended to take them out with a double clothesline. Instead, both men hooked the arm and caught Snitsky in a sweet double crucifix pin that only got two. But that was enough for the tide to turn in favor of the underdogs. Beef hurried up to the top turnbuckle and, as Snitsky got back to his feet, jumped off and hit him with the Ass Punch. The momentum of the dreaded Ass Punch sent him face first into an Ole! Kick from Generico which got the three count. B&G started to celebrate their victory but saw an enraged Snitsky get back up to his feet so they hightailed it to the back with Snitsky in tow.

    With the ring empty, Nate Hatred comes out with a mic. He says that The New H8 Club is a bunch of hypocrites because when he used to be in the H8 Club, "we didn't have to attack people from behind because we weren't a bunch of fuckin' pussies!" You could hear the crowd let out a collective "Aw naw you din't!" Hatred then called Nick Gage and Justice Pain to the ring so they could get it on right now. Gage and Pain obliged and ran out to the ring for the attack. Surprisingly, Hatred held his own for a little bit but ended up succumbing to the odds against him. Suddenly, Rico runs out and helps Hatred clear the ring of The New H8 Club. As Gage and Pain walk to the back, Rico and Hatred stand face to face in the middle of the ring. Hatred has a confused look on his face, much like most of the crowd, wondering why Rico of all people would come out to help him.

    4-Way Elimination Match

    Kendo Ka Shin over Nate Webb, Frankie Kazarian and Jonny Storm To Earn A CZW Jr. Heavyweight Title Shot At Higher Level Of Pain

    This one ended up being fairly short. Webb was eliminated within the opening minutes of the match due to a Ka Shin dropkick into a KazPlex (aka Tazmission suplex). After Kazarian got up from pinning Webb, Ka Shin rolled him up and hooked the tights for the second elimination. So then it was Ka Shin against a fresh Jonny Storm to see who'd go onto Higher Level of Pain. Storm would start to get cocky and play around with the intense Ka Shin but that ended up backfiring a bit. Storm ran towards the turnbuckle and Ka Shin gave chase only to have Storm run up the corner and land on Ka Shin's shoulders, ready for the Rewind huricanrana. But Simply Luscious jumped up onto the apron and swung her purse right into Storm's face, causing him to fall backwards. Ka Shin went down with him and ended up catching him in some sort of sweet bridge pin for the final elimination. Simply Luscious jumped into the ring and celebrated Ka Shin's newly won title shot when all of a sudden, CZW Jr. Heavyweight Champion Sonjay Dutt ran out. Luscious jumped out of the ring as Sonjay slid in and the champion brawled with the challenger as we went to break.

    CZW Tag Team Championship Match

    The Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay Briscoe) © over Mexico's Most Wanted (Damien 666 and Halloween) To Retain

    Surprise match of the night. Glad to see that the Briscoes aren't taking their title win lightly, despite not being on TV since they won the belts. Despite this being a great match (and I'd be a bit surprised to not find it on the Best of 2006 comp), I never really got the feeling that MMW would walk out with the belts. There were a lot of great wrestling sequences that ended in stalemates, which got the crowd to pop a bit, but MMW never came out on top. In the end, it was Damien falling to the backbreaker/top rope kneedrop combo, which Eric Gargiulo dubbed the "Briscoe Buster" (man, he's been naming a lot of moves lately), for the win. Afterwards, both teams shook each others' hands, thanking each other for putting on a great match.

    We come back after the break to see Christian York making his way to the ring. He doesn't have the crutches this time but still has a soft cast on his foot. York is given the mic and he proceeds to thank all the CZW fans for helping him through a tough time. Thankfully, the injury wasn't as serious as everyone thought and he should be back to wrestling very soon. But that's unfortunate for Ruckus as the doctors told York that he'd be able to wrestle in about a week. Therefore, he challenges Ruckus to a match at Higher Level of Pain. Ruckus comes out and rejects the match at first, garnering some boos. But then Julius Smokes comes out and persuades him into accepting, telling him "you can beat this gimp!" It's official - Christian York will return to face Ruckus at Higher Level of Pain!

    CZW World Champion Nicho El Milionario, L.A. Par-K and Devon Storm over Kaos and S.B.S. (Super Dragon and Excalibur)

    Great fast-paced match and a worthy main event, but it was upstaged by the Tag title match and couldn't really recover from that. All six men started out playing by the rules but that ended up falling apart fairly quick as Par-K wanted a piece of Kaos and Storm wanted some of Dragon. Excalibur just sat there wondering why he was in the middle of this and started walking to the back but Nicho was right there to bring him back into the fray. The match almost went to the heels as Kaos had taken advantage of Par-K but wanted Super Dragon to add insult AND injury. Kaos hooked Par-K in a swinging pendulum hold and told Dragon to go up top. It looked like they were going for that Super Curb Stomp that the S.B.S. have only used once (and had used against them once before). But right before Dragon was able to leap off the top rope to drive Par-K's head into the mat with a double stomp, Storm ran back into the ring and crotched Dragon on the turnbuckle. Nicho ran into the ring and hit Kaos, causing him to release the hold on Par-K, while Storm put Dragon on his shoulders and dropped him with the Mindbender for the win.

    As Nicho and Storm help Par-K to his feet so they can celebrate, Gargiulo said there was a situation going on backstage. Cut to backstage where The Messiah and Sean O'Haire are beating on Zandig. O'Haire lifts up Zandig preparing him for the crucifix powerbomb/neckbreaker combo that they hit Justin Credible a few weeks back but Justin Credible himself runs in to break things up. Credible starts beating on O'Haire for a little bit but walks right into a superkick from The Messiah. Credible crumples to the floor, holding his neck. Messiah and O'Haire look at each other and decide that they're done with both of them, walking away leaving both Credible and Zandig laid out on the concrete floor.

    Final Thoughts: Tonight's show was a little better than last week's but not by much. The matches were better tonight but, in the grand scheme of things, didn't really mean much at all. Again, they seem to advance the feuds a bit more in vignettes than they do through matches. So, we're definately seeing Sonjay vs Ka Shin and Christian York vs Ruckus at HLoP, in addition to the Quack/Carter Submission match. We'll probably see some combination of The Second Coming, Zandig and Justin Credible too. And I guess they're throwing in Rico as Nate Hatred's partner against The New H8 Club. I'd like to see their explanation for that.

    CZWrestling.com Press Release For April 5, 2006 - Fake You! TV Preview For 4/11.

    -After the show last night, Justin Credible was being tended by CZW's medical staff after taking a superkick from The Messiah. His neck was checked and fortunately no further damage has been suffered. After hearing the news, Credible went straight to Nick Mondo and said he wants one final match against The Messiah at Higher Level of Pain. Mondo tried talking Credible out of it, fearing Credible could get injured even worse, but he demanded to finish things off with Messiah. So Mondo granted him his wish and has booked a final Grudge match between the two at Higher Level of Pain on April 16. As for next week on Fake You! TV, Mondo has plans for Zandig, Credible, Messiah and O'Haire but will not announce those plans until next week.

    -Also slated for next week, Nick Mondo has decided to run another 4-Way Elimination Match, this time to see who will face Nicho El Milionario at Higher Level of Pain for the CZW World Championship. But much like his plans for Zandig, Credible and The Second Coming, he will not announce who the four men will be until next week's Fake You! TV tapings.

    -With the card for Higher Level of Pain filling up quickly, CZW Management is forcing B-Boy to defend his CZW Iron Man Championship title at next week's Fake You! TV tapings instead of at HLoP. But, to be fair, they did grant him the option of being able to choose his opponent. Instead of choosing his nemesis, Sexxxy Eddy, he took the easy road and chose Beef Wellington. Due to his crazy antics, most competitors take Beef lightly. But Beef Wellington has been on a small winning streak of late not to mention being a former CZW Tag Team Champion. Will Beef Wellington squeak out the upset of the year and walk away as the new Iron Man Champion? Tune into Fake You! TV next week to find out.

    -Another development made last night was the shocker of Rico joining Nate Hatred's fight against The New H8 Club. Many of the CZW faithful are confused as to why Rico would join Hatred, considering they've shared no past, but no one is more confused than Nate Hatred himself. Therefore, Rico will make an appearance next week to make an announcement as to why he's aligned himself with CZW's resident monster.

    Scheduled Matches For Fake You! TV Next Week

    "Vicious" Vic Grimes vs Chris Ca$h

    Non-Title Match

    CZW Jr. Heavyweight Champion Sonjay Dutt vs Angel

    CZW Iron Man Championship Match

    B-Boy © vs Beef Wellington

    4-Way Elimination Match For A Shot At The CZW World Championship

    ??? vs ??? vs ??? vs ???

  10. APW - First Anniversary Show

    January 26th 2007

    Edison, New Jersey

    Final Card:

    APW Championship

    Alex Shelley © vs. Charlie Haas

    If Lynn couldn't take the belt off Shelley, I doubt Haas could. I don't think anyone can take the belt off of Shelley right now...except maybe Jesus.

    APW Lightweight Championship

    Jay Lethal © vs. Winner of six man mayhem

    I wanna vote for B-Boy! Sucks about those losses.

    APW Tag Team Championships

    The Strong Brothers © vs. Matt Sydal and Delirious

    Keep the belts warm for the Pitbulls.

    Grudge Match

    'Classic' Colt Cabana vs. Samoa Joe

    Cabana's gonna have to do a lot to take Joe down. I don't think it'll happen...yet.

    Grudge Match II

    Jerry Lynn vs. 'The Notorious 187' Homicide

    I really can't choose. I only picked Homicide because everyone else is picking Lynn. :-P

    Six Man Mayhem

    Winner gets immediate APW Lightweight Championship match

    Hallowicked vs. Grim Reefer vs. Trik Davis vs. Brandon Thomaselli vs. Sabian vs. 'Sterling' James Keenan

    I was this close to voting for Hallowicked to win the Lightweight title too but decided against it.

    Salvatore Rinauro vs. 'The Generic Luchadore' El Generico

    OLE! That's my answer for all things Generico.

    Tag Team Attraction

    Winners get a future APW Tag Team Championship match

    Elimination Rules. Two teams start. Every three minutes, a new team enters. Elimination by pinfall, submission or DQ. Last Team standing wins.

    The Ring Crew Express (Dunn/Marcos) vs. The Iron Saints (Vito and Sal Thomaselli) vs. Southern Comfort (Tracy Smothers/Chris Hamrick) vs. The Aerial Express (Scorpio Sky/Quicksilver) vs. The Wildcards (Eddie Kingston and 'Black' Jack Marciano) vs. The Havana Pitbulls (Ricky Reyes/Rocky Romero)

    My personal pick for the next Tag champs.

    I'll get back to you on the End of Year Awards.

  11. CZW Fake You! TV Report

    March 28, 2006

    The N8 Club (Nate Webb/Beef Wellingon/El Generico) over Jon Dahmer, Nick Berk and Chris Ca$h

    Great blend of wrestling and comedy that pretty much went over the heads of most of the crowd. Every time the heels would try to mount an offense, the faces would counter it with random acts of funny, making the heels very confused and allowing the faces to get an opening. We saw a brief return of the "epic" Webb/Ca$h feud but it didn't really amount to much as Webb was able to finish Ca$h off with a Chairsault for the victory. Berk and Dahmer went apeshit and tried to get their hands on The N8 Club but they were able to run to the back, slapping hands with fans along the way. Entertaining opener, even if it was a bit on the brief side.

    After the match, Zandig came out with a mic and announced that The Messiah's punishment for orchestrating the attack on Justin Credible last week would be that he has to face him in a Hardcore match tonight. The Messiah comes out and protests, saying he never signed on for such a match. But Zandig tells Messiah that Nick Mondo did all the paperwork and there's no way he can back out of the match tonight.

    Angel over Gene Snitsky

    Before the match, Eric Garguilo was talking about how Snitsky needs a win since he's been on a small losing streak as of late. So guess where they're going with this one? Actually, Snitsky was on track for a win as he spent much of the match beating on the much smaller Angel. It wasn't until Rick Feinberg interfered that the tide turned. RF jumped on the apron and started yelling at Snitsky, resulting in Snitsky picking RF up in a Gorilla Press, ready to throw him into the ring. But when Snitsky turned around, Angel had grabbed his...uhh...package and locked on the Testicular Claw. Angel rolled forward, twisting Snitsky's nards, before jumping up to the top turnbuckle and jumping off with the Flying Fairy Splash for the three count! The ref raised Angel's hand in victory but Snitsky got back up and pushed the ref into the corner, yelling in his face that he should've won and stormed off.

    Cut to backstage where Nate Hatred...is walking! Unfortunately, he walks right into an ambush from The New H8 Club, who pound on him mercilessly before throwing him into a wall, leaving him battered and broken.

    Kaos over Devon Storm

    Match of the night by far. None of the other matches even came close to the back and forth action of Storm and Kaos. This was close to becoming Match of the Year quality but not quite. Even so, the match was still great. There was a great sequence where Kaos went up top, ready to hit a dazed Storm with the Flying Guillotine. Kaos went airborne but Storm moved out of the way. Luckily for Kaos, he was able to turn it into a roll but as he got to his feet, Storm went to lift him up for the Mindbender. But during this action, Super Dragon ran out to ringside to distract Storm. Kaos then wriggled off Storm's shoulders and turned it into the Shooting Star for the win. Afterwards, Super Dragon slid into the ring and helped Kaos beat down on Storm. But that didn't last very long as L.A. Par-K ran out to the ring to take care of Kaos, allowing Storm to get up to his feet and fight with Dragon. All four men brawled around ringside while security came out in an attempt to seperate the four men as the show went to commercial break.

    After the break, we come back to the ring where Ruckus is standing in the middle of it holding a mic. He said that for the past couple weeks, CZW has only got a taste of what will happen now that Julius Smokes is leading the Black Attack. But for anyone that crosses them, he's sending them a message. He then yells at the production crew in the back to play something. On the CZW-Tron, they play the attack from about a month ago where Ruckus attacks Christian York backstage and snaps his ankle with a Rolling Legdrop with a chair around it. People start booing but Ruckus is having fun, telling the production crew to rewind it and play it over, especially the ankle snap which is rewound and played about four or five times in a row. Suddenly, it's interrupted by Christian York's music. Ruckus looks scared but when Christian York comes out on crutches and with his ankle in a cast, Ruckus starts laughing. Ruckus even holds the ropes open for Christian to let him inside the ring. He started making fun of York for injuring him until he rears back and slaps him. That proved to be a mistake as York grabbed one of his crutches and broke it over Ruckus' head! York started stomping on Ruckus with his cast but Ruckus rolled outside the ring into the arms of B-Boy and Julius Smokes, who help him to the back while York stands in the ring yelling at them the whole time.

    Cut to backstage where Mike Quackenbush is pacing back and forth in the locker room. Tom Carter walks in and Quack wants to know why he called him here. Carter tells him that, while they're still friends, he wants to know who the best wrestler in CZW is. So he's challenging Quack to a Submission match at Higher Level of Pain on April 16. Quack agrees and they shake on it. Really odd segment here that didn't make much sense.

    Hardcore Match

    Zandig over The Messiah

    This was one of those "brawl all over the building" hardcore matches. On one hand, some of the fans get an up close encounter to the carnage. On the other hand, the other 90% of the audience can't see shit. Even the TV cameras had trouble keeping track of where Messiah and Zandig were and they have more cameras now than they used to! Anyways, the match consisted of primarily Zandig beating on the Messiah instead of the other way around, throwing him into walls and crap. They even went outside for a bit, probably to evoke some of those old ECW brawls, but they came back into the building once they heard the fans booing since most of them were missing everything that happened. Eventually, they made their way back to the ring where Zandig was ready to finish Messiah off with the Mutha F'N Bomb. But as he went to pick Messiah up, Messiah shot a low blow up between Zandig's legs. Messiah rolled to the outside and looked under the ring, coming back up with an armful of flourescent lighttubes that he laid out in the middle of the ring. Messiah went to lift up Zandig for the Fall From Grace into a pile of lighttubes but Justin Credible ran out with a neck brace on. Credible rolled into the ring and gave Messiah a superkick that sent him right into the arms of Zandig, who dropped Messiah onto the lighttube pile with a Mutha F'N Bomb for the victory. After the match, Zandig and Credible stood over Messiah's lifeless body but out ran Sean O'Haire to run them out of the ring. O'Haire knelt over Messiah and kept yelling at Zandig and Credible in the aisle as the show closed.

    Final Thoughts: This show was kinda odd to watch. Other than Kaos/Storm, there was nothing really great. The opener was fun but too short for a 6-man tag. The Snitsky losing streak angle is a little strange too. I would've understood it if it happened when he first joined CZW instead of now, where he's actually starting to improve. The main event was one of those mindless brawls that went all over the building and ran on too long. But I think the strangest thing of all is this Quackenbush/Carter "feud", if you even want to call it that. I'm sure the matches between them would be stellar but it almost seems like there's no reason behind it. It's like they want Carter to turn heel but won't, although he's not compelling enough of a character to make it believable anyways. Did we really need the Black T-Shirt Squad to break up? And what happened to the Briscoes? They win the tag titles a few weeks back and are never seen again? What gives?

    CZWrestling.com Press Release For March 29. 2006 - Fake You! TV Preview For 4/4.

    -Last night during the show tapings, Simply Luscious went straight to CZW Management to wonder why Kendo Ka Shin wasn't slated to appear. In addition, she demanded that Kendo be granted a CZW Jr. Heavyweight Championship title shot against Sonjay Dutt as compensation. Management told Luscious that if Ka Shin wanted a title shot, he'd have to earn it like everyone else. Therefore, Ka Shin was signed in a 4-Way Elimination match along with Nate Webb, Jonny Storm and Frankie Kazarian to take place next week. The winner of that match will then get a Jr. Heavyweight title shot at Higher Level of Pain on April 16.

    -Speaking of wrestlers not appearing on TV, CZW Tag Team Champions The Briscoe Brothers will return to Fake You! TV next week after a brief absence as they will defend the belts against Mexico's Most Wanted!

    -Gene Snitsky has been on a bit of a losing streak since losing to Sean O'Haire at Ultraviolent Misconduct: falling to "Vicious" Vic Grimes two weeks ago and Angel last night. Next week, he has an opportunity to break that streak and make some noise doing it as he will face the eternal underdogs, Beef & Generico, next week in a Handicap match. Despite their goofy antics, B&G aren't a team to be taken lightly. But if there's one man who's able to beat them single-handedly, it's Snitsky.

    -After seeing the aftermath of Kaos vs Devon Storm last night where Super Dragon and L.A. Par-K both made their presence felt, Nick Mondo decided that instead of booking a tag match between the four men that he would make it a six-man tag. Next week, Kaos and Super Dragon will team up with Dragon's regular partner, Excalibur. Meanwhile, L.A. Par-K and Devon Storm will team up with Par-K's comrade in La Familia and the CZW World Champion, Nicho El Milionario!

    -One of the biggest bombshells dropped last night was the return of Christian York after a month of being on the shelf by having his ankle snapped by Ruckus. Last night, he got a small measure of revenge but York says he will come back to Fake You! TV next week and drop an even bigger bombshell.

    -Also last night, Fake You! TV ended with Zandig and Justin Credible standing triumphant against the leader of The Second Coming, The Messiah. Something like that hasn't happened for some time. But after the show ended last night, Sean O'Haire vowed to get revenge for this "audacious attack" against The Messiah. While we here at CZWrestling.com feel that Messiah has had this coming for a long time, we also feel that this may be a mistake. Justin Credible suffered a sprained neck at the hands of The Second Coming two weeks ago, yet returned last night to cost Messiah his match against Zandig. The only person who knows if Justin Credible is ready for what may come is Justin Credible, but we can't help but feel he's making a mistake going up against The Second Coming injured.

    Scheduled Matches For Fake You! TV Next Week

    Handicap Match

    Gene Snitsky vs Beef & Generico

    4-Way Elimination Match For A Shot At The CZW Jr. Heavyweight Championship

    Nate Webb vs Jonny Storm vs Frankie Kazarian vs Kendo Ka Shin

    CZW World Tag Team Championship Match

    The Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay Briscoe) © vs Mexico's Most Wanted (Damien 666 and Halloween)

    Kaos and S.B.S. (Super Dragon and Excalibur) vs Nicho El Milionario, L.A. Par-K and Devon Storm

  12. CZW Fake You! TV Report

    March 21, 2006

    Shark Boy over El Generico

    Shark Boy seemed to ease up a bit on his recent "serious" streak as he started having a bit of fun with El Generico, who's well known as a masked jokester himself. But that didn't mean that they didn't wrestle a great match. It seemed like a friendly game of one-upmanship as one would counter the other and congratulate them with a firm slap to the buttocks, for example. But El Generico got too wrapped up in providing comedy that it ended up costing him the match. He whipped Sharky into the corner and went to deliver the Ole Kick but Sharky was able to roll out to the apron, causing Generico to crotch himself on the turnbuckle. Sharky then climbed back in and gave Generico a German Suplex with a bridge for the win.

    After the match, Simply Luscious comes out to the ring by herself and starts harassing Sonjay Dutt on the mic in hopes of drawing him out to the ring. You know, she would probably do a better job if she could do a banshee yell with her shrilly-ass voice to drive him out to the ring. Sonjay Dutt does come out and stands on the stage for a little bit, but waves his finger and turns back around, knowing this is nothing but a set-up. But right when he turns around, there's Kendo Ka Shin standing face to face with him. Ka Shin pushes Dutt down the ramp and puts the boots to him as Luscious goes out to the aisle and starts yelling at Dutt. Damn woman, don't yell into the mic! We're all bleeding from the ears here!

    Vic Grimes over Gene Snitsky

    This match was pretty blah considering Grimes is an underrated big guy and Snitsky is slowly improving. The workrate for this match consisted of mainly punches and kicks but neither man looked to put anything behind them. I guess Snitsky would be exempt from that though since Gargiulo was trying to get over the fact that Snitsky is still weakened from his match with Sean O'Haire from Ultraviolent Misconduct. That really came into play when Snitsky went to pick Grimes up for a powerbomb but was too weak to lift him up. Instead, Grimes got out of position and kicked Snitsky in the gut before hitting the Victimizer for the pin in what might be considered an upset. Afterwards, the ref raised Grimes hand but Snitsky pushed the ref, telling him he should've won. The ref said the decision was final and there's nothing he could do about it. Snitsky then started kicking at the ropes and pulling his hair in some sort of tantrum as he walked to the back.

    Cut to backstage where Black Attack are standing with Julius Smokes, flashing a toothy grin with blinging silver fronts. Smokes then cuts a promo so awesome that I've decided to transcribe it myself:

    "Ever since last week, peoples be wonderin' what the J-Train is doin' here in CZW. Bitches thinkin' I got fired from Ring of Honor or some shit. That's not how it goes at all. One day, my boy Homicide comes up to me and tellin' me that he don't need my services anymore. When I heard him say that, I got hot. But then he reassured me that him and the Rottweilers got shit on lockdown over therrr and says his cuz B-Boy needs some help over in Cee-Zee-Dub. Tellin' me some f****t wrestling in his drawers trying to steal his belt. Worse yet, his partner is being harassed by some cracka ass in dreadlocks, actin' like some fuckin' impostafarian! So I come to CZW bringin' my managerial exper-tizz-ise and shit! Black Attack is ridin' the J-Train straight to the top now and ain't nothin' gonna derail this train. Ya herrrrrrrrrd? Blllllllap!"

    After the promo, we cut to another part of backstage where The Second Coming is walking around looking rather dapper. Sean O'Haire is wearing his trenchcoat as usual but Messiah is actually wearing a suit as well. I don't know if they're trying to be like Evolution or what but it adds a touch of class. Except for The Dew. He still looks cheesier than hell with his lime green airbrushed sports coat. Anyways, they're laughing their asses off after watching Gene Snitsky lose his match and throw a fit in the middle of the ring. Messiah then tells O'Haire "You know what? Snitsky embarassed himself enough tonight so we don't have to do it for him this time. But I know of someone else we can embarass." All three men then walk away with devilish looks on their faces.

    Excalibur over Devon Storm

    I'll go out on a limb and say this was the match of the night. I don't know why this wasn't the main event instead. It was actually pretty surprising to see Excalibur hang with Storm since he's usually overshadowed by Super Dragon most of the time. Granted, he didn't really hang for very long. Excalibur started off by getting the upper-hand in one of those reversal-counter sequences that are really starting to become cliche. But instead of capitalizing, Excalibur grinned like a moron and celebrated like he won the Special Olympics. So Storm came back and started beating the crap out of Excalibur for about five minutes before picking him up for the Psycho Driver. But Super Dragon ran out to the ring and pulled Excalibur off of Storm's shoulders. Storm and Dragon stared each other down before having a brief shoving match until Excalibur turned Storm around and planted him with a Tiger Driver for the win. Afterwards, S.B.S. gave Storm the ol' two-on-one beatdown.

    We cut to a brief pre-taped promo from Nick Gage. He says everyone's been wondering why he screwed Nate Hatred out of what could've been the biggest moment in his career, possibly winning the CZW World Championship. The reason is that Nate Hatred hasn't paid his dues to be at the top of CZW. But The New H8 Club has. Gage says that The New H8 Club are recognized the world over as the best tag team in CZW. And when Nate Hatred "walked out on The H8 Club" (someone's either delusional or rewriting history to benefit himself), he lost that privilege of being the best. Gage then vows that he and Justice Pain will make Nate pay his dues...that is if he doesn't quit first.

    After the promo, we cut to backstage where we see Tom Carter sitting in the locker room, hunched over with his hands clenched and staring at the floor. Mike Quackenbush walks in and says he's been looking all over for him. Quack wants to apologize but Carter gets up and cuts him off, saying he's not sorry and he's only trying to save face. Carter talks about how Quack called him in for help but ever since then, all he keeps hearing about his "how great Mike Quackenbush is". He has to listen about how he's won Best of the Best over and over and Eric Gargiulo keeps saying how he's the greatest athlete in CZW. Meanwhile, Carter's been doing CZW Management's dirty work with Ruckus and, worse yet, having the best matches on the card and not getting any recognition or thanks. And now that they lost the Tag Team titles and aren't recognized as the best tag team in CZW, Quack thinks he can just apologize and make things alright? Carter then tells Quack not to confuse this with jealousy. They're still friends but Carter's going it alone from here on out. Carter then walks out leaving Quack (and most of the fans) confused.

    Kaos over Damien 666

    Pretty good match but Excalibur/Storm was just a tad bit better and had much more heat behind it, probably because they hadn't done anything with the Kaos/L.A. Par-K feud for the past couple weeks. It's kinda odd to see Damien in singles action but he ended up turning in a great performance. Damien even looked like he was going to pull off an upset. After getting worked over for about five or ten minutes, Kaos went to the top rope and leapt off for the the Flying Guillotine. But Damien was able to jump up at the last second and give Kaos a dropkick straight to the chest. It took a little bit for both men to get up to their feet but once they did, they had a brief slugfest that ended with Damien picking up Kaos for the La Martinette. But Kaos still had a little bit of energy in him and wriggled out of it before grabbing Damien around the neck, ready to run up the turnbuckle for the Shooting Star (aka Sliced Bread #2). Damien was ready and pushed him into the turnbuckles but Kaos jumped up onto them and flipped around over him, resulting in rolling up Damien in a sunset flip, holding the tights so he couldn't kick out. Nice ending sequence. Afterwards, Kaos started stomping on Damien but out ran L.A. Par-K for the save.

    As Kaos and Par-K brawled around ringside, Eric Garguilo said there was a situation going on backstage. We cut to the backstage area where The Second Coming are all taking turns pounding on Justin Credible. To finish things off, O'Haire picked up Credible, ready to drop him on the concrete with his crucifix powerbomb (now called "the Crucifixion" by Gargiulo) but Messiah told him to stop. Instead, Messiah turns around and holds his arms up. O'Haire understands what he's thinking but the fans don't until O'Haire drops Credible with the Crucifixion and Messiah catches him on the way down with a neckbreaker on the concrete! Credible is left crumpled on the floor, holding his neck while The Second Coming share a good laugh and walk away.

    Final Thoughts: Decent show but it felt a bit odd as the wrestling ended up taking a backseat to the storylines and backstage segments. The wrestling was great but not awesome like it has been. Sharky/Generico was a fun opener, Grimes/Snitsky brought things down a bit but Excalibur/Storm and Kaos/Damien picked things back up. As for the backstage stuff, Second Coming keeps dominating plus we had a funny promo from Julius Smokes and a surprisingly decent one from Nick Gage. But I'm not quite sure what's going on with Quack and Carter. Somehow, Carter walked out on his partner yet didn't turn heel. Maybe it'll be explained a bit more as time goes on.

    CZWrestling.com Press Release For March 22, 2006 - Fake You! TV Preview For 3/28.

    -Last night as Fake You! TV drew to a close, Justin Credible sustained damage to his neck at the hands of The Second Coming. CZW's medical staff checked him out and told him to stay out of the ring for at least the next couple of weeks. After seeing the attack, Zandig met with Nick Mondo and both men agreed that Messiah needs to be punished for orchestrating this attack. But instead of letting everyone in on the details, Zandig says he'll appear on Fake You! TV next week to deliver this "punishment" himself.

    -Also set to appear next week will be Tom Carter. Last night, Carter dropped the bombshell that he is breaking away from his friend Mike Quackenbush, effectively splitting up the Black T-Shirt Squad! CZW fans watching the show live in the arena and on television were confused at this announcement but no one was more confused than Quackenbush himself. Therefore, Carter has agreed to appear on Fake You! TV next week to clarify things.

    Scheduled Matches For Fake You! TV Next Week

    The N8 Club (Nate Webb and Beef & Generico) vs Jon Dahmer, Nick Berk and Chris Ca$h

    Gene Snitsky vs Angel

    Devon Storm vs Kaos

  13. Final Card:

    APW Championship

    Alex Shelley © vs. Milano Collection AT

    Should make for a great match but I don't think Milano will take it out of the blue with no build up.

    APW Lightweight Championship

    Jay Lethal © vs. Delirious

    Still too soon for Lethal to lose the belt. I'd imagine he might lose it to B-Boy next month.

    Tag Team Main Event

    The return of Jerry Lynn!

    Jerry Lynn and Charlie Haas vs. The Strong Style Thugs ('The Notorious 187' Homicide/B-Boy)

    B-Boy will need some momentum going into the Lightweight title match. Plus Homicide can screw over Haas and keep the feud going.

    6 Man War!

    'Classic' Colt Cabana and The Strong Brothers (Roderick and Sedrick Strong) vs. The Pack (Samoa Joe/Ricky Reyes/Rocky Romero)

    Cabana/Joe should be awesome when it happens and I think the Pitbulls are the only team with a chance of taking the belts off the Strongs.

    Danny Daniels vs. Matt Sydal

    Daniels makes a good cocky heel and I can imagine him antagonizing Sydal for a few more months.

    Weapons Match

    The Wildcards (Eddie Kingston/'Black' Jack Marciano) vs. The Ring Crew Express (Dunn/Marcos)

    The underdogs win the feud. I was thinking last month was the end of their feud. Boy was I wrong.

    Southern Comfort (Tracy Smothers/Chris Hamrick) vs. The Aerial Express (Scorpio Sky/Quicksilver)

    /coin flip, AXP wins.

    Lightweight Showcase 8 Man Tag Team Match

    Hallowicked, El Generico, Trik Davis and KUDO vs. The Iron Saints (Vito and Sal Thomaselli), 'Sterling' James Keenan and Salvatore Rinauro

    Hallowicked needs to end his losing streak before it starts up again. Davis and KUDO could use an early win to establish them. And Generico is just plain awesome. OLE!

    --- Plus, who has hired Jimmy Rave for the night? And will he make an 'impact'?

    Prince Nana! Of course he'll make an impact. You don't come back saying you'll make an impact then not do it.

  14. CZW Ultraviolent Misconduct Live Report

    From The New Alhambra Arena In Philadelphia, PA

    March 12, 2006

    CZW Wrestling School Showcase Match

    Kentucky Wolf and Craig Dynamite over Lars Bruce and Krusher LaRue

    They gave a few of the CZW Wrestling School trainees the dark match time to put on a match and I'm so glad this match will probably never be seen other than the thousand or so in attendance. Lars Bruce and Krusher LaRue were pretty generic, black trunks and kneepads, etc. But LaRue was a bit bigger and had that flab-that-looked-like-muscle thing going on and a swank curly mustache, so at least you could tell them apart. But then things got weird. Out came Kentucky Wolf, who was some scrawny cruiserweight with a leather vest and cowboy hat. Picture Kid Kash if he was 12. And he'd howl whenever he would jump on the turnbuckles. As if that weren't strange enough, out comes Craig Dynamite who was dressed up like Napoleon Dynamite, complete with red curly hair and "Vote For Pedro" t-shirt. I'm sure you're thinking "Well, sure it's a crappy gimmick but that doesn't seem too bad." But I haven't told you it's a 6'9" Japanese man built like Kenta Kobashi doing this gimmick. As for the match, I've seen them done better in backyards. The heels were slow as hell. The faces got some novelty pops for their gimmicks but they weren't much better. They did pull off a sweet spot where Wolf climbed up on Dynamite's shoulders and hit Bruce with a Cannonball Senton. To end it, Dynamite finished LaRue off with a Tiger Driver, which some smark referred to as the "Liger Driver", not in reference to Jushin Liger but because the Liger is "pretty much his favorite animal ever". Watching this whole thing was so surreal. I'd recommended it for it's Wrestlecrap-osity but I doubt it'll ever see the light of day again.

    After the match, S.B.S. comes out to the ring. Excalibur takes Kingdom James' mic and tells the "pieces of crap to get out of Super Dragon's ring!" He then starts running down Devon Storm saying he can't hold a candle to Super Dragon. Storm doesn't have the balls to give orders but the S.B.S. are here anyway so he calls out Storm to find out what he wants. Devon Storm comes out with a mic of his own and says that since they're already in the ring, "why don't we have a tag match?" Excalibur declines but Super Dragon pushes him so Excalibur begrudgingly accepts. Storm then brings out his partner, a man who he had a great match with a few weeks back only for S.B.S. to ruin: Shark Boy! I swear, Shark Boy's gimmick should be Mystery Partner For Hire.

    Devon Storm and Shark Boy over S.B.S. (Super Dragon and Excalibur)

    Very good opening match that was very fast paced. Plus it didn't outshine the rest of the show like Storm and Dragon did last month. Excalibur and Shark Boy started things off with Excalibur trying to get Sharky to act goofy again but Sharky was having none of that and started unloading some offense until Excalibur made the quick tag to Dragon. Dragon wanted to face off with Storm so Sharky obliged and tagged him in but, in a dick move, Dragon tagged back out to Excalibur. Surprisingly, Storm acted as the face in peril as he was repeatedly double-teamed by S.B.S. Sharky tried getting the tag but was getting denied until he got fed up and just plain shoved the ref aside, starting a four-way brawl. The ref, to his discretion, didn't DQ anyone and just let the match go on. Sharky and Excalibur brawled to the outside while Dragon and Storm continued the fight inside. But as Dragon and Storm were fighting, Sharky disposed of Excalibur and climbed to the top turnbuckle. Instead of jumping onto Excalibur, he turned and hit Super Dragon with a missle dropkick instead, sending him right into the arms of Storm, who hit Dragon with the Mindbender for the win. Afterwards, Devon Storm and Shark Boy celebrated their victory but S.B.S. came back into the ring and started beating on the winners. And much like a few weeks back, Excalibur disposed of Sharky, leaving Dragon to hit Storm with the Psycho Driver.

    CZW Tag Team Championship Match

    The Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay Briscoe) over Black T-Shirt Squad (Mike Quackenbush and Tom Carter) © To Become The NEW CZW Tag Team Champions!

    Match of the night, wrestling-wise, as usual when you put these two teams up against each other. But both teams stepped their game up a bit, making the match that much better. The Briscoes had their strike-heavy, head-dropping offense while the Black Shirts had their unique submission holds yet it all meshed together as both teams were able to take to the skies. But after about fifteen minutes of back and forth action, Jay went to finish Carter off with the Jay Driller. Quack, sensing that this could be the end, stepped in the ring and bounced off the ropes, ready to give Jay a clothesline to break it up. But Jay saw it coming and ducked but let go of Carter. When Carter stood up, he ended up getting his partner's clothesline to the back of his head. Quack went to tend to his partner but Mark ran in and threw Quack out while Jay picked Carter back up and planted him with the Jay Driller for the shocking win. As The Briscoes celebrated their newly won titles, Quack came back in the ring and helped Carter back up to his feet. But instead of accepting the help, Carter pushed Quack into the corner. Quack apologized for costing them the belts but Carter just glared at him and walked to the back on his own.

    Sean O'Haire over Gene Snitsky

    The two big men started off trying to match power for power by shoving each other but Snitsky almost shoved O'Haire clear out of the ring, proving that he's got the advantage in that department. O'Haire rolled to the outside and convened with The Dew to try to come up with a new strategy. When he rolled back in, Snitsky started overpowering him once again but he was able to comeback by using his shootfighting skills he learned in Japan. O'Haire got Snitsky down to the mat with a ground and pound and started punching him until he bled. With Snitsky out, O'Haire went to finish things off with the Crucifix Powerbomb but Snitsky jumped off and kicked O'Haire in the gut before picking him up and dropping him with a powerbomb. Snitsky couldn't capitalize on the pin right away as he was losing blood quickly but after a few moments, he went for the pin. But those moments gave O'Haire time to recover so when Snitsky went for the pin, O'Haire hooked him in a Triangle Choke instead. O'Haire sinched it in tight but Snitsky refused to tap out so after a minute or so in the hold, Snitsky passed out and O'Haire was declared the victor. Alright match but could've been done a lot better, at least compared to the other matches. The premise was fine but it ended up being more like a TV quality match instead of a big event quality match.

    Black Attack come out to the ring together for B-Boy's Iron Man title defense. The ref tells Ruckus to go to the back since he is banned from ringside for the match but Ruckus has something to say. Instead of taking Kingdom James' mic like Excalibur did earlier, he asks for it as a favor "from one black man to another". Ruckus then says that before B-Boy "beats Sexxxy Eddy's ass" that he challenges Christian York to come out to the ring for an impromptu match. York's music hits but he doesn't come out, obviously due to his snapped ankle. Ruckus tells the guys in the back to play his music again but he still doesn't come out. So then Ruckus tells the ref to institute a ten count. The ref counts to ten and York still doesn't come out so Ruckus tells Kingdom James to announce him as defeating Christian York due to countout, which gets some boos from the fans. Ruckus then takes the mic back and tells B-Boy not to worry about York interfering before walking to the back to get the match underway.

    CZW Iron Man Championship Match

    B-Boy © over Sexxxy Eddy To Retain

    B-Boy took control of Eddy in the early moments of the match but it wouldn't last long. Instead of the usual "get beat up until you make the miraculous comeback" formula that Eddy's matches have been as of late, B-Boy underestimated Eddy and Eddy ended up using that to his advantage throughout the match. No matter what B-Boy put in front of him, Eddy would find away around it. It seemed as if Eddy had B-Boy's number and was ready to take the Iron Man title back for himself and he could've won it if he went for the pin after hitting B-Boy with the SexxxyPlex. But instead, he decided to add insult to injury when he stepped back and got ready to deliver B-Boy's signature move, the Shining Wizard. As B-Boy was getting up, a commotion was heard in the crowd. Suddenly, a man in street clothes jumped the guard rail and grabbed Eddy's ankles, tripping him right when he was getting ready to deliver the Shining Wizard. It took a little bit to register but from his mannerisms and his loud mouth, we could tell that man was Julius Smokes! Eddy got to his knees and started yelling at Smokes but it didn't do any good as B-Boy had gotten back up and hit Eddy with the Shining Wizard instead for the pinfall. Afterwards, Smokes stepped into the ring and gave B-Boy his Iron Man title back before fanning him off with the towel he brought with him. B-Boy pushed Smokes away for a moment and started kicking Eddy while he was down but Smokes pulled B-Boy off and walked with him to the back, yelling "That cracka ain't worth it!"

    CZW World Championship Match

    Nicho El Milionario © over Nate Hatred To Retain

    Really odd match. It was good but the fans didn't really know what to make of it and I didn't either. Both men started the match with a show of respect but once the bell rang, Hatred went ape shit and started pounding on Nicho. For a while there, Hatred kept putting down Nicho with power move after power move until Nicho evaded a Fire Thunder Driver attempt and started dropkicking the legs of Hatred, bringing him down to his knees. Nicho got the upperhand then but made the mistake of going to the top with a high-risk maneuver. As Nicho leapt off the top, Hatred got back to his feet and caught him before adjusting him to hit the Fire Thunder Driver. But as this was happening, Nick Gage of all people slid into the ring and hit a chop block to the back of Hatred's knee, causing both men to fall to the mat. With Hatred down, Nicho went to the top and hit the Guillotine Legdrop for the win. After Nicho was given his belt and went to the back, Gage went back in the ring and started putting the boots to Hatred before going up top and hitting him with a Frog Splash. The match was better than I made it out to be but was just really confusing to watch. Nicho didn't really come out looking all that great, giving up a lot of offense to Hatred. But hey, at least he kept the title. And why the hell did Gage interfere anyways? I guess we'll find out soon enough.

    Hardcore Match

    The Messiah over Justin Credible

    This match was no holds barred, no disqualifications, anything goes. Each man ended up bringing his own weapon to the ring. Justin Credible brought his trusty kendo stick, this time wrapped in barbed wire. The Messiah's weapon? Sean O'Haire. It looked like it was going to be a handicap match but O'Haire surprisingly spent most of his time away from the fray. Even more surprisingly, Credible had Messiah's number as he kept beating him with his barbed wire kendo stick, smacking him in the back and grating it into his forehead. It got to the point where some people actually wanted O'Haire to interfere on Messiah's behalf since he was getting beaten that badly. Credible picked up Messiah and went to drop him with a That's Incredible onto the barbed wire kendo stick but O'Haire finally interfered by breaking it up. O'Haire kept on kicking Credible while Messiah set up a table inside the ring and laid Credible on top. Messiah climbed up to the top turnbuckle while O'Haire held Credible down but Credible fought his way off the table and threw O'Haire to the outside before meeting Messiah up top. They brawled for a bit but Credible ended up winning and had Messiah in position for a That's Incredible off of the turnbuckles through the table. But O'Haire was able to recover in time and grabbed Credible's leg, causing him to let go of Messiah and let him fall to the mat. O'Haire then climbed up the turnbuckles and picked him up for a Crucifix Powerbomb off the top turnbuckle right through the table! O'Haire then picked up Messiah and laid him on top of Credible's broken body for the three count. After the match, O'Haire gets Messiah to his feet and they decide to have a bit more fun by choking Credible with the barbed wire kendo stick. Suddenly, Zandig runs out with a lighttube in his hand and swings it at Messiah's head. But at the last second, O'Haire grabs Messiah and they both jump out of the ring and run to the back. Zandig then helps Credible to his feet as the crowd cheers, mainly for Credible taking a nasty bump like that powerbomb through the table.

    Final Thoughts: This was a good show but nothing spectacular. Overall match of the night was probably Messiah/Credible. Everything else was well done but wasn't really memorable. Julius Smokes' debut was handled well but about only half the crowd knew who he was. Everything else kinda just served a purpose. Except for maybe Nicho/Hatred. Again, while it was good, I don't know what they were trying to go for with that one. The only thing I'm bummed about is that the trainee match might never be released. That would be a good match to watch drunk with your wrestling buddies. Again, it was a fun show but if you miss this, don't get mad about it.

    CZWrestling.com Press Release For March 13, 2006 - Fake You! TV Preview For 3/21.

    -A lot of stories have come out of the New Alhambra Arena last night as CZW presented Ultraviolent Misconduct to a packed house. The Second Coming had a good night as Sean O'Haire put down Gene Snitsky and The Messiah defeated Justin Credible in a Hardcore match with O'Haire's help. How will The Second Coming celebrate their good fortune next week on Fake You! TV. As for Gene Snitsky, he is being booked in a match against "Vicious" Vic Grimes. After losing blood and passing out in O'Haire's Triangle Choke, what kind of condition will he be in?

    -Another shocking development was the debut of Julius Smokes as he came through the crowd and allowed B-Boy to retain the Iron Man title in a match where Ruckus was banned from ringside. What affiliation does he have with B-Boy? Does he have the same affiliation with Ruckus and with Black Attack as a whole? Tune in to Fake You! TV next week to find out.

    -In other developments in the tag team division, we have new CZW Tag Team Champions in Mark and Jay Briscoe. But it seems as if there's some dissention between the former Tag Team Champions, Mike Quackenbush and Tom Carter. Quack tried to save his partner but ended up hitting him instead, accidentally costing them the match and the titles. Quack apologized profusely after the match but Carter was having none of it and walked to the back himself. Word is that right after the match, Carter packed up his things and walked out without his partner. It is common knowledge that these two men have become steadfast friends through their shared experiences as professional wrestlers. Is their friendship at stake as well? Mike Quackenbush told CZWrestling.com that he wants Carter to come to the Fake You! tapings next week to issue an official apology. Will Carter show up? And if he does, will he accept? Find out next week!

    -Another question to be answered is why did Nick Gage interfere in Nate Hatred's match last night against World Champion Nicho El Milionario and cost his former partner the match? Gage and Hatred were embroiled in a bitter feud when the original H8 Club broke up but that's long since been over. What reasons does Nick Gage have to pick a fight with Nate Hatred?

    Scheduled Matches For Fake You! TV Next Week

    Shark Boy vs El Generico

    Devon Storm vs Excalibur

    Gene Snitsky vs Vic Grimes

    Kaos vs Damien 666

  15. You've had a reader in me for the past couple months as this is probably my favorite indy diary out of all of them on here. You have a great roster, solid wrestling, well thought out feuds and it's all realistic. If ROH wasn't around, I'd think APW would take the top spot.

    If I can make a suggestion, team up Hallowicked and Delirious. That would be the best tag team and would be massively over. They're both great lightweights, dress in Halloween costumes, wear black and green and speak gibberish. Hell, you could say they're long lost brothers and bring in their mama and they'd still be over. Plus since they've had decent pushes as singles, they'd probably get just as good of one as a tag team, maybe enough to become the next champs! Of course, that's just a mark's suggestion.

    APW - Three-Way War

    November 17th 2006

    Chicago, Illinois

    Final Card:

    APW Championship

    Triple-Threat Match

    Alex Shelley © vs. Charlie Haas vs. 'The Notorious 187' Homicide

    Haas and Homicide will be too busy with each other. Shelley will use that to his advantage.

    APW Lightweight Championship

    Jay Lethal © vs. Hallowicked

    Too early for Lethal to lose the belt already. Hopefully this doesn't mean a losing streak for Hallowicked.

    APW Tag Team Championships

    Four-Corners Match

    The Champions must be pinned to lose the titles.

    The Strong Brothers (Roderick and Sedrick Strong) © vs. The Aerial Express (Scorpio Sky/Quicksilver) vs. Southern Comfort (Tracy Smothers/Chris Hamrick) vs. The Iron Saints (Vito and Sal Thomaselli)

    I don't know if its the booking or if these guys aren't over enough or if I missed something but I don't imagine any of the other teams in APW to take the belts off of the Strongs in anything other than a fluke.

    'Classic' Colt Cabana vs. Rocky Romero w/Ricky Reyes and Samoa Joe

    Maybe Joe will turn full-on heel by interfering in this match.

    'Double C' Claudio Castagnoli vs. Milano Collection AT

    I can't decide. I'll go with Claudio because he's really tall.

    Tables Match

    The Wildcards (Eddie Kingston/'Black' Jack Marciano) vs. The Ring Crew Express (Dunn/Marcos)

    The RCE are the ultimate underdogs so I'm gonna root for them.

    'The Generic Luchadore' El Generico vs. Salvatore Rinauro


    Extreme Warfare Match

    * Six Men participate. Two are legal at once, and can tag in to any other competitor. Leaving the ring also counts as a tag.

    * The match is an elimination rules bout.

    * There are NO disqualifications, and no count-outs

    * Eliminations are via Pinfall or Submission only, and the decision MUST occur in the ring.

    Danny Daniels vs. Matt Sydal vs. KUDO vs. Trik Davis vs. Josh Daniels vs. B-Boy

    I'm going for B-Boy as he's evidently super-pissed at not winning the tournament so that'll give him an advantage in Extreme Warfare. That and I'm a B-Boy mark.

    Bonus Match!

    Delirious vs. 'Sterling' James Keenan

    Keep on pushin' Delirious, brother!

  16. CZW Fake You! TV Report

    March 7, 2006

    Handicap Match

    Gene Snitsky over Jon Dahmer and Nick Berk

    This one was pretty much a glorified squash. If Dahmer and Berk could get eliminated from a match by Beef & Generico within a few seconds, surely Snitsky could make quick work of these two. And that he did. But at least Snitsky made the beatdowns a bit more harsh, and therefore entertaining, within the short amount of time they were given. But the real story happened after the match. As Dahmer and Berk were rolling out of the ring, out ran The Messiah and Sean O'Haire to beat on Snitsky while The Dew called the shots. Messiah lets O'Haire continue the beatdown while he takes the microphone for a few words. After telling Dahmer and Berk that "this is how a double-team beatdown is done" , he tells everyone that the Ultraviolent Death Squad is dead and that he and O'Haire are "The Second Coming". And then Messiah looks at the camera and tells Adam Flash, who is sitting at home with an injury, to consider himself fired as well as "there is no room for the weak!" Messiah then tells O'Haire to back off as their job was done but O'Haire put a couple boots down on Snitsky before walking off, giving him a taste of what's going to happen at Ultraviolent Misconduct.

    When we come back from commercial, we see Ruckus standing in the middle of the ring with a microphone. He says that for the past week, everyone's been asking him why he snapped Christian York's ankle. The reason? Well...no real reason actually. He said he formed Black Attack with B-Boy to send a message to CZW Management, who broke up the Blackout for no reason and Black Attack is his way of "sticking it to the man". He hammered that message home when he snapped the ankle of "the whitest of the white boys" Christian York. He's going to prove that Black Attack is going to do whatever they want, whenever they want and there's nothing Management can do about it. But as Tom Carter's music hit, his demeanor softened up as he knew he was going to throw down with CZW Management's designated form of Ruckus' punishment tonight.

    Ruckus over Tom Carter

    Match of the night once again and just a tad bit better than their last encounter. This time, the match was focused on Carter trying to slap on various holds and Ruckus rolling out of the ring and running away from them like a little bitch. Carter then realizes that Ruckus is going to run away from holds all night so he ends up taking the fight to him outside of the ring. At one point inside the ring, Carter shoots him off the ropes and Ruckus bounces off them going for the Razzle Dazzle but after he was done flipping, Carter grabs Ruckus' elbow and locks on the Stretch Plum! Awesome! Unfortunately for Carter, Ruckus ends up making it to the ropes to break the hold. But as Carter was breaking the hold, Ruckus got back up and rolled up Carter with a schoolboy and put his feet on the ropes so Carter couldn't kick out. Carter just got screwed again! Ruckus knew this and jumped out of the ring, flipping off the booing fans as he made his way to the back.

    We cut to backstage where Nick Mondo is in his office. He tells the fans that he has decided to book another 4-Way Elimination Match tonight, this time to see who will face Nicho El Milionario for the CZW World Championship at Ultraviolent Misconduct this Sunday. The participants are Vic Grimes, Frankie Kazarian, Nate Hatred and Rico, who was defeated by Nicho in a non-title match a few weeks back and would earn the opportunity to get a title match if he wins here tonight.

    Right after Mondo finishes his announcement, we see Devon Storm walking around the backstage area when he is suddenly ambushed by Super Dragon and Excalibur. When they have Storm down on the floor, Dragon locks on a patented hold of his where he pulls Storm's arms back and wraps his legs around them and behind his head much like a full nelson. With this locked on, Excalibur slaps Storm in the face and yells at him for messing with "a wrestler as great as Super Dragon".

    Sean O'Haire over Sexxxy Eddy

    Had it not been for Ruckus/Carter II, this probably would've been match of the night. This ended up being one of Eddy's biggest challenges as he faces the much bigger, much stronger Sean O'Haire. The only thing O'Haire has against him is that this is his first match. Eddy looks like a midget when he stands face-to-face (or rather face-to-chest) with O'Haire, so O'Haire answers by throwing Eddy around the ring like a ragdoll for much of the match. Some fans really got behind Eddy to make his comeback which he did with a low blow. The Dew got up on the apron to tell the ref about the "blatant cheating" which served the perfect opportunity for a B-Boy run-in. Eddy got O'Haire in position for a Sexxxy-Plex and still had problems lifting him for it, so B-Boy slid into the ring and hit a chop block to the back of Eddy's leg, causing him to buckle under the pressure. O'Haire then picked Eddy up and delivered a sick Crucifix Powerbomb for the three count. As O'Haire and The Dew walked to the back to celebrate their victory, B-Boy stepped back into the ring and started stomping on Eddy while he was down on the mat.

    Cut to backstage where La Familia De Tijuana walks into the locker room and puts a chair right in front of one of the monitors where CZW World Champion Nicho El Milionario sits down. The rest of the group stands around him and pats him on the back while speaking in Spanish. While Eric Gargiulo's Spanish is rusty, he figures that Nicho is going to watch the next match to find out who he will be facing at Ultraviolent Misconduct and that the rest of La Familia are telling him that no matter who wins, he'll still walk out of UM as CZW World Champion.

    4-Way Elimination Match

    Nate Hatred over Rico, Frankie Kazarian and Vic Grimes To Earn A CZW World Title Shot At Ultraviolent Misconduct

    Shockingly, the favorite to win this match ended up being the first person eliminated. After about five minutes of all four men wrestling and tagging each other in, Rico and Frankie Kazarian were the ones inside the ring. Rico shot Kazarian off of the ropes and went for the Rico Roundhouse but Frankie ducked it at the last second and grabbed the leg, rolling him up in a surprise pin. Frankie then got up and started posturing to the fans who were booing him. Suddenly, both Grimes and Hatred jumped into the ring and started pounding on him. The beating ended with Hatred throwing Frankie to Grimes, who hit the Victimizer for the elimination. It was then down to the two monsters who stared each other down before beating each other up. With each man weakened, they both had trouble picking each other up for their finishers. But it looked like Grimes would pull it off as he had lifted Hatred up for the Victimizer but Hatred jumped off and countered it into a Fire Thunder Driver out of desperation! Hatred crawled over to Grimes and got the pin, meaning he'd go on to face Nicho El Milionario at Ultraviolent Misconduct!

    After the match ends, we see The Second Coming sitting in their locker room, bragging about what a great night they've had, beating up Snitsky and O'Haire winning his first match in CZW. Suddenly, Justin Credible walks in and confronts Messiah. O'Haire gets up off his chair and gets in Credible's face but Messiah actually tells him to back off. Credible puts up his hands to show that he comes in peace. But then Credible tells him that he went to Nick Mondo and wanted Messiah in a Hardcore match at Ultraviolent Misconduct. Credible then pulls the contract out of his back pocket and says he already signed, he just needs Messiah's signature. Messiah says "Normally, I'd back out of something as shady as this but look at the backup I got now. I took your title away from you and now I'm going to take your dignity away from you. It will be a pleasure to beat you up in front of your old fans again." Messiah then grabs the contract and signs it before shoving it into Credible's chest, trying to push him out of the locker room door. But Credible just stands there and looks Messiah right in his eyes before walking off.

    Final Thoughts: Again, another good night of wrestling. Ruckus/Carter II and O'Haire/Eddy were great. The 4-Way Elimination was pretty good in it's own right. The Handicap Match was alright but served more to advance the Snitsky/Second Coming feud. And I like the development they've taken changing the Ultraviolent Death Squad to The Second Coming. They only got rid of two guys and added one, yet it feels fresh. They did a great build to Ultraviolent Misconduct as well. The only thing I don't like is that it seems like they're just putting names in a hat and whoever gets drawn is automatically in the CZW World title picture. Nicho came out of nowhere to win the belt and Nate Hatred came out of nowhere to earn a shot. Not to cheapen their talents by saying that, I just wish there was more of a build to title matches. It's the top belt in the company and the matches for it seem to be an afterthought.

    CZWrestling.com Press Release For March 8, 2006 - Final Ultraviolent Misconduct Card.

    -Congratulations to Nate Hatred for winning the 4-Way Elimination Match last night to be crowned the #1 Contender to the CZW World Championship. After the match was over, the CZW World title match was finalized for Ultraviolent Misconduct as Nicho El Milionario will defend the belt against Nate Hatred. This will be an interesting match-up to say the least as the lucha legend will face off against CZW's monster.

    -Also finalized last night for Ultraviolent Misconduct is a Hardcore match between Justin Credible and The Messiah. Credible went to Nick Mondo with the idea of facing Messiah in a match where they could do whatever they want and Messiah surprisingly accepted! One has to wonder if this was a mistake on Credible's part as Messiah could easily have something up his sleeve as he always does. The only way to find out is to come to the New Alhambra Arena this Sunday and witness Ultraviolent Misconduct for yourself.

    -In other Ultraviolent Misconduct news, word is that after being beaten up backstage by the S.B.S., Devon Storm has dared them to show up at UM. What does Storm have planned? A tag match? A handicap match? I guess we'll all find out on the 12th!

    CZW Ultraviolent Misconduct

    Live From The New Alhambra Arena In Philadelphia, PA

    March 12, 2006

    Gene Snitsky vs Sean O'Haire

    CZW Tag Team Championship Match

    Black T-Shirt Squad (Mike Quackenbush and Tom Carter) © vs The Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay Briscoe)

    CZW Iron Man Championship Match

    B-Boy © vs Sexxxy Eddy

    Ruckus and Christian York Are Banned From Ringside!

    CZW World Championship Match

    Nicho El Milionario © vs Nate Hatred

    Hardcore Match

    Justin Credible vs The Messiah

  17. The whole Cage of Death on Christmas Day thing happened kinda by accident. Looking back, I should've had the Large shows on Saturday anyway because Sunday isn't a really good day to hold indy shows anyways. But I wanted it to be the last week of December and it just so happened to be Christmas Day. I figured that I'd hold it at night and then people could come after spending time with their families. I didn't keep track of the attendance but I did take a bit of a money loss for December. Plus, I used the excuse of having two rings take up space in the New Alhambra, hence not as many fans could fit. But it'll be even worse in 2006. I just looked and I not only have CoD on Christmas Eve but a TV show on Christmas Day too! I'm dumb.

  18. CZW Fake You! TV Report

    February 28, 2006

    4-Team Elimination Match

    The Briscoe Brothers (Mark and Jay Briscoe) over Beef & Generico, Jon Dahmer and Nick Berk and Mexico's Most Wanted (Damien 666 and Halloween) To Earn a CZW Tag Team Title Shot At Ultraviolent Misconduct

    The match actually started off quickly as Nick Berk and El Generico started in the middle of the ring talking trash. Berk slapped Generico and lifted him up for the Berkdriver. But somehow, Generico wriggled out and rolled him up while hooking the tights to get the first elimination within the opening seconds of the match! Dahmer jumped in and yelled at the ref that Generico pulled the tights but they were already eliminated so it didn't matter. Beef Wellington stepped in and started brawling with Dahmer while Berk started beating on Generico but things got quickly out of hand as Dahmer and Berk were beating on the underdogs mercilessly. MMW and the Briscoes stepped in and threw Dahmer and Berk out of the ring so they could be escorted to the back. The two teams each helped a Beef and Generico to their feet but decided to take advantage of the situation and started beating on them as well! The Briscoes eliminated Beef with a spike Jay Driller while MMW eliminated Generico with a spike La Martinette and we're down to two fresh teams. We got between 5 and 10 minutes of these guys squaring off until MMW threw Jay out of the ring and started spinning Mark around for the Montezuma's Revenge. But as Halloween went to deliver his dropkick, Jay reached into the ring and pulled Halloween out by his feet. Damien stopped spinning Mark around which allowed Mark to roll Damien up in a small package that only got 2. Mark then gave Damien a backbreaker and Jay came off the top rope with a knee to Damien's face and got the three count just as Halloween jumped back into the ring for the save. Jay and Mark celebrate inside the ring while MMW walk off disappointed that they won't get another chance at the Tag Team titles.

    Cut to backstage where Gene Snitsky arrives at the New Alhambra Arena. Right off the bat, he's harassing the ring crew and staff members to the whereabouts of The Messiah. After getting a few "I don't knows", he storms off down a side hallway. Unfortunately, that side hallway was where The Messiah and Sean O'Haire was waiting as they immediately double-teamed Snitsky and started kicking him while he was down on the concrete floor.

    Sonjay Dutt over Kaos

    Apparently, there was a snafu on CZWrestling.com that had L.A. Par-K as Sonjay's opponent in a non-title match when it was actually Kaos. The match was actually very good and I'd put it right up there with recent greats like Ruckus/Carter and York/B-Boy. But a lot of the fans didn't really care much at the beginning as most of them surely expected L.A. Par-K but they warmed up a bit later. They really warmed up when L.A. Par-K came out to distract Kaos. Either they brought him out to placate the fans or someone mixed up the names when looking at the booking sheet. Anyways, Kaos went up top to hit the Flying Guillotine but L.A. Par-K hopped up on the apron and grabbed his boot. This gave Sonjay enough time to recover and climb up the top to flip Kaos over with a Frankensteiner. Once they hit the mat, Sonjay held on to Kaos' legs and got the pinfall. Before walking to the back, Sonjay holds the ropes open for Par-K as an invitation to give Kaos the ol' post-match beatdown. Par-K obliged and Sonjay started walking to the back but was blindsided by Kendo Ka Shin. Ka Shin had Sonjay locked in a Fujiwara Armbar in the middle of the aisle while Simply Luscious was screaming in his face and Par-K was too enamored with his own beatdown that he didn't even see what was going on until some fans started screaming to get his attention. Par-K jumped out of the ring and chased off Ka Shin and Luscious but the damage was done.

    After the commercial break, Sexxxy Eddy comes out with a microphone and challenges B-Boy to an Iron Man title match at Ultraviolent Misconduct. B-Boy comes out and accepts with a smirk on his face. But Eddy knows what B-Boy is thinking, that he'll be able to retain the title with Ruckus' help once again. But he talked to Nick Mondo and he made sure to put in the contract that Ruckus will be banned from ringside and if he interferes, the title automatically goes to Eddy. But to make things fair, he's having Christian York banned from ringside as well. Knowing he could possibly lose the title to Eddy, B-Boy tries to back out but Eddy says that since he already accepted, the match has been finalized. B-Boy stomps off to the back while Eddy plays to the crowd.

    Devon Storm over Shark Boy

    Very good match that saw Shark Boy forgo the comedy for once and wrestle a solid match all the way through. I'm starting to think that Shark Boy may be one of the most underrated wrestlers out there. He can bring the funny but it starts to get old after a while. Underneath the comedy matches and the goofy get-up is a man that can put on a wrestling clinic when he needs to. Wrestling an opponent the caliber of Devon Storm makes it that much better. Anyways, Shark Boy almost pulled the upset with a Dead Sea Drop but Storm reversed it into a Mindbender for the win. After the match, Super Dragon and Excalibur ran out to the ring. Excalibur grabbed Sharky and threw him out of the ring while Dragon beat on Storm, ending it with a Psycho Driver in the middle of the ring. Dragon stood up and just stared down at Storm's lifeless body while Excalibur pandered to the crowd, thumbs up and grinning like a moron.

    Cut to backstage in Nick Mondo's office as he's sorting through papers at his desk when Gene Snitsky barges in. He starts yelling that Messiah and O'Haire just blindsided him in the back and he wants Mondo to do something about it. He wants Mondo to put him against The Messiah at Ultraviolent Misconduct. Mondo said that as much as he'd like to do that, he has other plans for Messiah but he'll give Snitsky a match against O'Haire instead. Snitsky likes that idea and storms off.

    Vic Grimes over Justin Credible

    If you would've told me Justin Credible and Vic Grimes could put on a better match than Sonjay Dutt and Kaos, I'd have laughed at you. But they did somehow. Unfortunately, the crowd was even deader for this match than Sonjay/Kaos. Actually, I shouldn't really compare the two. Sonjay/Kaos was a great cruiserweight match while this one was one of the best non-hardcore brawls I've seen in a long time. I was kinda surprised that Credible, who just dropped the World title, gave up a pretty good amount of offense to a man who's only sporadically seen on TV. But just as Credible was making his comeback, out ran The Messiah to hit him with the kendo stick once again. Credible stumbled right into the arms of Grimes who hit him with the Victimizer for the upset victory. After the match, Messiah stepped into the ring and continued working over Credible with the kendo stick.

    While Messiah is attacking Credible, Eric Gargiulo says that there's a situation happening backstage. We cut to see Christian York and Ruckus brawling backstage. York looks to be winning the brawl but Ruckus kicks him straight between the legs to stop his momentum. Then he grabs a chair and hits York in the face with a sickening thud, which causes him to slump to the floor. With York out cold, Ruckus takes the chair and puts it over York's ankle. Ruckus walks a way down the hallway but turns around and starts flipping his way towards York but ends his flipping with a rolling legdrop right over York's ankle, causing the chair to snap his ankle in half! York comes to and screams bloody murder, which causes much of the CZW roster to come to his aid. Ruckus wants to dish out some more punishment but B-Boy comes out and pushes him towards the exit before he becomes a target himself. But the wrestlers are more concerned with York's condition than Ruckus as they yell for some medical help as the show ends.

    Final Thoughts: It seems like there's been a recurring theme within Fake You! TV as of late: good-to-great matches with a dead crowd. But this crowd was deader than normal for some reason. And at least we're building up towards Ultraviolent Misconduct well as there were two matches announced tonight...well, three if you count the Tag Team title match. Great show overall but the crowd kinda killed it.

    CZWrestling.com Press Release For March 1, 2006 - 3/7 Fake You! Preview, Wrestling School Graduates, Correction.

    -We would like to apologize for the typo we put on the site last week where we said L.A. Par-K would be Sonjay Dutt's opponent instead of Kaos. We're sorry for the fans who were expecting to see those two great wrestlers square off but we're sure they'll meet each other sooner or later.

    -Congratulations to the graduates of the CZW Wrestling School Class of 2006: Craig Dynamite, Krusher LaRue, Raymond Sacks, Kentucky Wolf, Lars Bruce and Louay Barry. But in an unfortunate stroke of bad luck, Louay Barry suffered a torn calf on the last day of training and will be out for the next nine months. CZW Management has decided that graduating the CZW Wrestling School does not mean an instant spot on the CZW roster. They will have to continue their training on their own at various independent shows and continue to grow if they want to be a part of CZW.

    -Not only did Gene Snitsky get kicked out of the Ultraviolent Death Squad by The Messiah and replaced with "The Devil's Advocate" Sean O'Haire but he was attacked by both of those men last night on Fake You! TV. After being denied a match with Messiah at Ultraviolent Misconduct, Nick Mondo granted Snitsky a match with O'Haire. But until then, both men will have a test in front of them. Next week on Fake You! TV, Gene Snitsky will face Jon Dahmer and Nick Berk in a Handicap match while Sean O'Haire will face the man who is taking on B-Boy at Ultraviolent Misconduct for the CZW Iron Man Championship: Sexxxy Eddy.

    -Speaking of attacks, last night ended with Ruckus brutally attacking Christian York, going so far as to snap his ankle while it was folded inside of a steel chair with a rolling legdrop. York will surely be out of action for the next couple weeks. Nick Mondo has decided to punish Ruckus but for the fans' benefit as he is booking Ruckus in a rematch from February 7 as he faces co-holder of the CZW Tag Team Titles Tom Carter. Carter came up on the short end of the stick in their previous match due to some underhanded tactics by Ruckus but Mondo has commanded Carter to "stretch him good" as his punishment.

    -Not only does Nick Mondo intend to reveal the plans he has for Messiah at Ultraviolent Misconduct next week but he also has plans to decide who will face CZW World Champion Nicho El Milionario for the title. Stay tuned to find out what those plans are!

    Scheduled Matches For Fake You! TV Next Week

    Handicap Match

    Jon Dahmer and Nick Berk vs Gene Snitsky

    CZW Tag Team Champion Tom Carter vs Ruckus

    Sean O'Haire vs Sexxxy Eddy

  19. CZW Fake You! TV Report

    February 21, 2006

    Kendo Ka Shin over Nate Webb

    Pretty decent match considering Webb hasn't really had many matches since his feud with Chris Ca$h months ago. This one played out much like Ka Shin/Shark Boy a few weeks ago as Webb started goofing off with Webb only to get his ass kicked. Webb tried to get serious but he got too rambunctious and it got the best of him as Ka Shin used that to his advantage. Webb bounced off the ropes a few times and went for a huge lariat but Ka Shin ducked and locked Webb into a tight Fujiwara Armbar. Webb tried reaching for the ropes but Ka Shin sinched it in even tighter, causing Webb to tap out. The bell rang and Ka Shin was announced the winner but he wouldn't let go of the hold. The ref threatened to reverse the decision but instead out ran CZW Jr. Heavyweight Champion Sonjay Dutt. Ka Shin saw this and broke the hold so he could escape just as Dutt was sliding into the ring. Dutt checked on Webb's condition while Ka Shin walked to the back, making the belt motion around his waist.

    Cut to backstage where La Familia De Tijuana are hanging out and celebrating Nicho El Milionario's CZW World title victory at Uncivilized. But they're not partying too hard as they all have matches tonight: Nicho against Rico in a non-title match, L.A. Par-K against "The Future" Frankie Kazarian and Mexico's Most Wanted's CZW Tag Team title shot against the Black T-Shirt Squad which is coming up right after the commercial break.

    CZW Tag Team Championship Match

    Black T-Shirt Squad (Mike Quackenbush and Tom Carter) © over Mexico's Most Wanted (Damien 666 and Halloween) To Retain

    Best match of the night wrestling-wise but didn't get much crowd reaction, even if it was a title match. For the most part, Quack and Carter were wearing down MMW, who were still suffering the effects of their cage match at Uncivilized, with holds while MMW would get some brief glimpses of a comeback. While they fought out of a lot of holds, they were put into one hold too many as Quack had locked Damien into the Lightning Lock Beta, forcing Damien to tap out. Afterwards, Quack and Carter helped the challengers to their feet and shook their hands, showing respect for their effort here tonight.

    Cut to backstage where The New H8 Club are watching the previous match on a monitor. They're wondering why Mexico's Most Wanted got a tag title shot when they beat them in a Cage match at Uncivilized and walked out the better team. It gets to the point where Justice Pain gets so pissed off he starts yelling and threatens to shove the camera up the cameraman's ass. Nick Gage holds him back and calms him down but understands why he's so pissed. Gage thinks that since they're not the CZW Tag Team Champions that people don't give them the respect they deserve. To that line of thought, Gage replies "We don't need those piece of shit belts! We know we're the best damn team in CZW and we don't need any of you fucking morons to tell us that!" Now, Pain has to start calming Gage down. They finish things off by saying they'll go after the belts "when the time is right".

    Cut to another promo where Black Attack cut a dual promo on Sexxxy Eddy, bragging about screwing him out of a chance at the Iron Man Championship at Uncivilized. Ruckus says that he'll punish Christian York soon enough but Uncivilized was all about punishing Eddy for stepping to Black Attack. B-Boy then holds up his Iron Man title belt and says that as long as he's champion and as long as Ruckus has his back, Eddy will never be the Iron Man Champion.

    L.A. Par-K over Frankie Kazarian

    I wonder if this is part of a series of Par-K Schooling The New Kids as he's been having great matches with the likes of Ruckus, Kaos, Black T-Shirt Squad and so on. This one probably would've been better if they were given more time but it was good for what it was. Par-K was a bit slow in moving as he was still selling the attack at the hands of Kaos at Uncivilized. But later on, he got enough of an opening to climb to the top turnbuckle for a high-risk maneuver but was crotched by Kazarian. Kazarian then took his time posing before he went up top for the Wave of the Future but that gave Par-K time to recover as he started slapping Kazarian while he was on the second turnbuckle. He then gets up and hooks his legs around Kazarian's arms and hits him with a Yoshi Tonic off the second turnbuckle for the win. But while Par-K was celebrating, Kaos ran out with a chair and slid in the ring before slamming the chair into Par-K's back. That was enough to lay him out so Kaos put one foot on Par-K's fallen body and lifted the chair to the sky to a chorus of boos.

    After the break, The Messiah walks out to the ring with The Dew. Gene Snitsky is noticably absent. Messiah grabs a microphone and explains why he cost Justin Credible the CZW World title at Uncivilized. He says that he knows the "powers that be" in CZW won't let him get another shot at the title while they're around so he decided to take it away from the man that "stole" the belt from him. Worse yet, Justin Credible thinks he can just waltz into CZW and push Messiah out of the top spot. Messiah says "Everyone here tonight knows that I personify CZW and no ECW has-been can take my spot!" to a chorus of boos. But onto other topics, he talks about CZWrestling.com stirring the pot and causing dissention between him and Snitsky. To clear things up, Messiah says there's no dissention between the two...because he flat out fired Snitsky's ass! He says Snitsky is weak and couldn't even beat up "a backyarder like Nate Hatred". Worse yet, "he was such a failure in the WWE that he had to come to CZW and ride my coattails!" So he went out and got someone to not only watch his back but be an equal to The Messiah, instead of beneath him like Snitsky was. He got himself a "Devil's Advocate". He turns toward the entrance and out walks Sean O'Haire wearing a long, black coat which gets a pretty loud pop. He gives the crowd and the camera an evil smile as we go to break one last time.

    Nicho El Milionario over Rico

    I don't know what it was about this match. These two have face off quite a few times in the past year or so they've been employed and since this a non-title match, they could've easily just phoned it in or gave us a carbon copy of a previous match. But they didn't. They went out there and gave the fans a little something special, which I can't really describe watching it on TV. The match was good, the fans were responsive and neither man slowed down for a minute. While it won't make it on any Best Of lists, it was definately a good TV main event worth seeing. Rico was ready to win this match, as it probably would have put him in heavy contention for the title, when he hit Nicho with a Rico Roundhouse to the head. He went up to the top rope and came off with a Ricosault but Nicho rolled out of the way at the last second to go to the top rope himself and hit a Guillotine Legdrop for the win. Afterwards, Nicho helped Rico up to his feet and shook his hand. Rico then grabbed Nicho's hand and raised it, proclaiming him as a worthy World Champion in a great show of sportsmanship.

    Final Thoughts: Nice solid show this time out with good matches. But aside from Messiah replacing Snitsky with Sean O'Haire, there was nothing really noteworthy. Plus I'm bummed that they're not capitalizing on the Super Dragon/Devon Storm MOTYC from Uncivilized. They have a couple weeks yet to build toward their next big event so they better use them to their advantage.

    CZWrestling.com Press Release For February 22, 2006 - Fake You! TV Preview For 2/28.

    -To clear up some confusion, Gene Snitsky is still employed by CZW. He has only been fired unceremoniously from Messiah's organization and been replaced with Sean O'Haire. Snitsky decided to sit out last night's episode due to minor injuries sustained in his Hardcore match with Nate Hatred at Uncivilized but we're sure he'll be back next week for some payback.

    -Nick Mondo has been thinking of some ideas for March's big event, entitled Ultraviolent Misconduct, taking place at the New Alhambra Arena on March 12. Some of those ideas he's keeping a secret but he has decided to announce a match to take place next week that will affect the show. In what has become a CZW staple, Mondo has booked four teams to face off in an Elimination match to decide who will be the #1 Contender to the CZW Tag Team Championships. Next week on Fake You TV!, it will be the team that lost to the Tag Team Champions last night, Mexico's Most Wanted, going up against Beef & Generico, Jon Dahmer and Nick Berk and Mark and Jay, The Briscoe Brothers. Noticably absent are The New H8 Club, who have claimed that they don't need the CZW Tag Team titles to lay claim to the title of CZW's Best Tag Team. But there's a whole division of teams that think otherwise.

    Scheduled Matches For Next Week's Fake You! TV

    Devon Storm vs Shark Boy

    Justin Credible vs Vic Grimes

    4 Team Elimination Match For A Shot At The CZW Tag Team Championship

    Mexico's Most Wanted (Damien 666 and Halloween) vs Beef & Generico vs Jon Dahmer/Nick Berk vs The Briscoe Brothers (Mark and Jay Briscoe)

    Non-Title Match

    CZW Jr. Heavyweight Champion Sonjay Dutt vs L.A. Par-K

  20. CZW Uncivilized Live Report

    From The New Alhambra Arena In Philadelphia, PA

    February 12, 2006

    As everyone filed into the arena, the Combat-Tron played various videos but one video was of particular interest right before the show started. It showed a U-Haul truck backing up in front of the New Alhambra Arena before showtime. The car shut off and out stepped Justice Pain and Nick Gage, The New H8 Club, from the cab. Pain sees the camera and cuts a brief promo letting everyone in on the surprise. Gage lifted the door from the back before commanding various members of the ring crew to come out and help him pull out the contents: pieces of CZW's steel cage. The New H8 Club and Mexico's Most Wanted will end their feud in a Cage match tonight!

    Super Dragon over Devon Storm

    Sweet mother of god! This may be the greatest match I've ever seen live. I figured this would be the sleeper match of the night but why they put a match this good to open the show and outshine all the others, I'll never know. It was like Dragon and Storm were made to wrestle each other. Me trying to describe this match would be futile so just try to get it on tape when it comes out. The only bad thing about this match was probably the crowd reception but it was understandable considering it was the opening match. They slowly warmed up after a while when they realized how good of a match this was. Anyways, Storm went to lift up Dragon for the Mindbender but Excalibur ran out with a chair and smacked him in the back with it. Dragon then got Storm ready for the Curb Stomp but Excalibur made things worse when he slid the chair back into the ring right under Storm's head, leaving Storm to get knocked unconscious with a Curb Stomp into a steel chair. Owch. Dragon gets the pin and then Excalibur runs in and helps Dragon put the boots to Storm before making their way to the back.

    While security comes down and helps Devon Storm to his feet, he gets a standing ovation from the fans for putting on such a great match. But that ovation was cut off when Satyricon's "Fuel For Hatred" plays over the PA system and out comes Nate Hatred with a microphone. He thought he was done with Gene Snitsky when he powerbombed him off the stage last month at Only The Strong. So then Snitsky comes back the next week and thinks he can knock him out with a steel chain. So I guess that warrants Nate Hatred calling Snitsky a "pussy". He's ready to put it all on the line so he challenges Snitsky to a Hardcore match tonight! Yeah, the crowd didn't really know what to make of all that.

    Four Corners Match For The CZW Iron Man Championship

    B-Boy © over Ruckus, Christian York and Sexxxy Eddy To Retain

    Very good match that saw four of the top lightweight workers, not just in CZW but in professional wrestling in general, slow it down a notch with some decent mat wrestling and great psychology. Most of the psychology came from B-Boy, who thought the best way to defend his belt against four men was to not fight them at all. Him and Eddy started things off in the ring but instead of tying up, B-Boy quickly tagged out to Christian York. The two men wrestled for about five minutes while B-Boy laughed at them for wasting their energy on each other. Realizing what they were doing, they stopped wrestling and York told Eddy to tag in Ruckus so they could duke it out. And duke it out they did. But Ruckus cheated his way to get the upperhand so, instead of watching York get beaten down, Eddy tagged himself in and started wrestling Ruckus. Unfortunately, Ruckus also cheated his way over Eddy but just enough to wear him down so he could tag B-Boy in to finish him off. But that got Eddy riled up enough to make a comeback, resulting in a duel where he and B-Boy traded stiff chops, kicks and forearms. Eddy came up on top when he hit a Roaring Elbow followed by a SexxxyPlex. Instead of going for the pin, Eddy decided to use some psychology to his advantage and tagged Ruckus back in. Ruckus was reluctant to step into the ring against his partner but was forced to by the ref. Once he did, he was met with a Roaring Elbow from his own partner who had just come to and didn't realize what he had done. Ruckus shook the effects off and yelled at B-Boy before pushing him into the ropes. B-Boy got pissed and pushed him back but Ruckus fell down like he'd been shot. B-Boy went for the cover but when Eddy and York realized what was going on, it was too late for them to step in and break it. After the bell rang, Ruckus jumped right back up to his feet and got out of the ring along with his partner. B-Boy and Ruckus had just screwed Christian York and, more specifically, Sexxxy Eddy out of a chance of winning the Iron Man title! B-Boy held the title up to the sky and dropped to his knees, acting like he had just won the greatest match of his career, while Ruckus laughed in both York and Eddy's faces as they stood in the ring, understandably angry that Black Attack had just put one over on them.

    After the match, we're shown something from backstage on the Combat-Tron. La Familia De Tijuana are in the locker room going over strategy for Nicho's World title shot and Mexico's Most Wanted cage match tonight. L.A. Par-K excuses himself and walks out into the hallway but is ambushed by Kaos. Kaos gets a few good cheap shots in and goes to lift Par-K up to deliver the Falling Star on the concrete (which would surely break his neck) but La Familia hear what's going on and run out of the locker room. Kaos throws Par-K off his shoulders and runs off, leaving La Familia to check on their fallen comrade.

    Hardcore Match

    Nate Hatred over Gene Snitsky

    A surprisingly entertaining brawl, much like their match a few weeks ago on Fake You! TV. But since this was a Hardcore match, that meant they could go all out. Snitsky, like the moron he is, wanted to knock Hatred out with the chain right off the bat. Of course, it didn't work as Hatred blocked the shot, stole the chain and started whipping Snitsky with it! They started brawling around the Arena when it looked like Hatred was going to end it early as he powerbombed Snitsky off the stage through a table again! He went for the cover but somehow Snitsky kicked out. They started brawling back towards the ring again where Snitsky got the upperhand and set up a table in the corner that he ended up spearing Hatred through. That wasn't enough to put Nate down. Snitsky dropped Nate with a sitout double chokeslam but instead of going for the cover, he went underneath the ring and pulled out a table and a few lighttubes. Snitsky then pulled Nate out of the ring and put him on the table and put some lighttubes on top of him before going up to the apron. Snitsky was set to put Nate through the table with a running splash off the apron but, at the last second, Nate got up and busted one of the lighttubes over Snitsky's head! Nate then got up on the apron and picked Snitsky up on his shoulders before jumping off and putting him through the table with a Fire Thunder Driver, busting a few lighttubes on the way through. That was all for Snitsky as Nate made the pin on the floor. I'm sure he never went through anything like that in WWE.

    CZW World Championship Match

    Nicho El Milionario over Justin Credible © To Become The NEW CZW World Champion!

    While the match itself was good, the crowd pretty much shit on it. They hardly gave it any reaction, much like the beginning half of Dragon/Storm. I don't know if it was because two faces were fighting or that it was a World title match with practically zero build-up or if people aren't quite behind Credible yet. I think the big reason was that most people figured that Credible would end up retaining and this match would end up meaning nothing in the long run. Bzzzzzt! You got swerved! As Credible picked up Nicho for That's Incredible, out came The Dew to jump on the apron and yell at the ref. With the ref distracted, The Messiah came out with Credible's kendo stick and slid in the ring to hit him in the back of the head with it. Credible fell back but Nicho still held on as they flipped over and dropped the champ with a That's Incredible of his own. With the damage done, Messiah jumped back out of the ring and Dewey got down from the apron, allowing the ref to see Nicho covering Credible. Three seconds later, we had a new CZW World Champion in Nicho El Milionario! Nicho grabbed the belt and started celebrating but when he saw Messiah and Dewey clapping in a mock fashion for him as they walked to the back, he flipped out. Nicho then helped Credible up, telling him what had happened and apologized.

    Cage Match

    The New H8 Club (Justice Pain and Nick Gage) over Mexico's Most Wanted (Damien 666 and Halloween)

    Great match, probably one of the better cage matches I've ever seen. I'm not really counting their match at Cage of Death since that's more like a gimmick cage and this is the real deal. But the intensity from Cage of Death was carried over here, with both teams just beating the hell out of each other. It looked like MMW were going to win the whole thing. They had knocked out Nick Gage with the Montezuma's Revenge and had went after Justice Pain, who climbed up the turnbuckles to escape over the top of the cage. Not that it would've mattered anyways since CZW cage matches aren't won by escape rules but MMW stopped him anyways. As Pain sat on the top corner of the cage, both Damien and Halloween stood on the top rope and tucked Pain's head into their shoulders and hooked the legs. They then fell to the mat in what was to be a Super La Martinette but was more like a Muscle Buster from the top of the cage. Either way, it was fucking nuts and got a "Holy Shit!" chant from the crowd. After that, it took a little bit for MMW to regroup but Pain was totally out so the win looked to be theirs. They went for the cover but Gage was back up and broke the pin. He picked up Halloween and threw him through the cage door to the outside then grabbed Damien and hit him with a Chokebreaker. That combined with the fall from the top of the cage made Damien was too weak to kick out of the pin. Gage then picked up Pain and dragged him to the back. I would've liked to see MMW come out on top of the feud ender but the match was great nonetheless. Probably would've been the overall Match of the Night if not for Dragon/Storm.

    The ring crew walk out to the ring and start disassembling the cage but are interrupted when Zandig comes out with a microphone. He tells the ring crew that he owns the company and if they tear down the cage, he'll fire them all and get a new ring crew. After seeing Messiah screw Credible out of the title earlier, Zandig said he got Nick Mondo to pull a few strings and booked their match last. He finishes things off by telling Messiah to get his ass out here because "we're doing this in the fucking cage!"

    Cage Match

    The Messiah over Zandig

    I'd say the crowd was just as hot for this match as the previous cage match but this one was nowhere near as good. This was Zandig's first match since June of last year so you could make the argument for ring rust but he was never the greatest wrestler to begin with. A cage match would hide Zandig's lack of talent very well but there was only so much for The Messiah to work with. Most of the match was spent with Zandig pounding on Messiah, slamming him into the cage and whatnot, which was fine but started getting old after a while. Zandig went to finish Messiah with the Mutha F'n Bomb but Messiah grabbed the cage out of despair and leaned up against the ropes instead of falling victim to the Bomb. Messiah then quickly sat on the top turnbuckle and, when Zandig turned around, hooked Zandig's head and planted him with a Tornado DDT. Messiah went for the pin but Zandig kicked out. Messiah then told the ring crew to open the door for him so he could go out. Again, this doesn't mean he won the match although some morons in the crowd started booing, thinking the match was over. He then went under the ring and pulled out a table and set it up. But by then, Zandig had crawled over to the door and was pulling at Messiah's hair. Messiah was able to spin out of Zandig's grasp and then he grabbed the door and slammed it onto Zandig's skull with a sickening clang. Zandig was out. Messiah started through the door but stayed on the apron as he picked Zandig up over the ropes and put him over his shoulders before dropping him with a Fall From Grace off the apron through the table. That was it for Messiah as he pinned Zandig on the concrete floor and the ref counted to three. Messiah started celebrating his win but then out ran former CZW World Champion Justin Credible who hit him in the back with the kendo stick, much like Messiah had earlier. Credible kept smacking him with the cane until The Dew came out and yelled at security to pull him off Messiah.

    Final Thoughts: I'm a little torn on this show. While it wasn't bad, it wasn't necessarily good either. It wasn't built up to be much but it ended up being better than expected. Adding the Hatred/Snitsky Hardcore match was a good move. Making H8 Club/MMW a Cage match was an even better move. The Iron Man 4-Way was very entertaining and Dragon/Storm is an early Match of the Year candidate. Unfortunately, the matches that should've meant the most - the World title match and Messiah/Zandig - didn't really mean much at all. Overall, this is like "thumbs in the middle". If you're a CZW die-hard, you'll of course want to see this show. If not, you probably won't notice missing it.

    CZWrestling.com Press Release For February 13, 2006 - Fake You! TV Preview For 2/21.

    -Despite L.A. Par-K getting ambushed by Kaos and Mexico's Most Wanted losing the cage match to The New H8 Club, last night was a night of celebration for La Familia as Nicho El Milionario claimed the biggest prize in the company: the CZW World Championship. The other members of La Familia decided to clean their wounds and suppress their disappointment in themselves as they congratulated their brother on what could be one of the biggest wins in his career. Of course, Nicho won that belt under dubious means but he was seen after the match in the ring and behind the scenes apologizing profusely to Justin Credible, telling him he had no idea Messiah interfered in the match. Credible was humble enough to accept the apology and also congratulated Nicho on his title win. Next week on Fake You! TV, we will see the new champion wrestle, albeit in a non-title match, against another top contender in Rico.

    -Speaking of celebrations, The Messiah was unusually happy after being attacked by Justin Credible at the end of Uncivilized last night. But when you think about it, Messiah has much to celebrate. Not only did he take the CZW World title off of his nemesis but he also beat the owner of CZW at his own game! So, Messiah decided that he's going to celebrate his good fortune on Fake You! TV. Messiah did not elaborate on what he meant as The Dew quickly shoved CZWrestling.com press out of the locker room. Oddly enough as this announcement was made, Gene Snitsky was not at Messiah's side like he normally is as he was being stitched up by doctors after losing a brutal Hardcore match against Nate Hatred.

    Scheduled Matches For Next Week's Fake You! TV

    Kendo Ka Shin vs Nate Webb

    Frankie Kazarian vs L.A. Par-K

    CZW Tag Team Championship Match

    Black T-Shirt Squad (Mike Quackenbush and Tom Carter) © vs Mexico's Most Wanted (Damien 666 and Halloween)

    Non-Title Match

    CZW World Champion Nicho El Milionario vs Rico

  21. CZW Fake You! TV Report

    February 7, 2006

    Beef & Generico over Jon Dahmer and Nick Berk

    This match wasn't that great at all as the crowd was dead and they didn't really do anything to excite them. I think it kinda hurt both teams momentum as Beef and Generico was starting to put on decent matches despite being glorified jobbers and Dahmer/Berk have some heel momentum going as well. Then again, no offense to Dahmer and Berk but it's not like they're the Black T-Shirt Squad or anything. Basically, Dahmer and Berk were beating down Beef and Generico with some rather unspectacular offense until Nate Webb came out for the distraction, allowing Generico to roll up Dahmer for the surprise pin. Webb then rallies the winners into a three-on-two attack, sending Dahmer and Berk running to the back. Could've been done a lot better.

    After the match, Devon Storm came out to the ring with a microphone. He said he spent the past week trying to figure out who attacked him backstage and couldn't come up with any leads. So he's come out here tonight to find out who it is. He then issues a challenge to the attacker to face him at Uncivlized this Sunday. No one comes out for a few minutes until Super Dragon steps out from behind the curtain and stands in the middle of the aisle, staring at Storm. Eric Gargiulo then brings up a good point that Dragon hasn't even been seen in CZW since Cage of Death in December. Dragon gives Storm the cut-throat gesture and Storm replies with "Maybe my brain is a little whacked from suffering a concussion but I'm not afraid of you in the least. See you this Sunday!" Both men stare each other down as we go to commercial.

    Ruckus over Tom Carter

    Holy crap! Talk about an awesome match! This definately made me forget about the weak opener. While I wouldn't say it was as good as his match with L.A. Par-K last year, Ruckus' match with one half of the CZW Tag Team Champions was right up there in the best in his career. He's really improving as a wrestler instead of being a former backyarder with a bunch of highspots and I'm sure Carter taught him some things tonight. Carter spent much of the match stretching out Ruckus and trying to take out his legs to eliminate moves from his repertoire. Normally, chain wrestling would probably fly right over the heads of the average CZW crowd but this one took to it - partially because it was done in a way that wasn't boring, partially because Ruckus has been a decent heat machine as of late. Carter went to finish things off with the Stretch Plum but, from out of nowhere, Ruckus reversed it into a small package and hooked the tights to get the cheap win. You better believe the crowd was hot after that one. While Ruckus started limping to the back, Christian York runs out and starts beating on him, which ends with an Onion Buster right onto the concrete floor!

    Cut to backstage where The New H8 Club are in the locker room talking about the surprise that they have for Mexico's Most Wanted. They say it will happen at Uncivilized but before they let loose about what the surprise is, Mexico's Most Wanted barge in and attack Justice Pain and Nick Gage.

    Christian York over B-Boy

    As if the previous match wasn't good enough, B-Boy and York tried to steal the show for this match as well. Except for a few little things, I think it was right on par with Ruckus/Carter. The only difference was that the crowd wasn't quite as hot. Instead of being one-sided like Carter dominating Ruckus, this one was back and forth with each man taking what the other could dish out. B-Boy decided to take some liberties with York being that, since the Iron Man title wasn't on the line, he didn't really care what the outcome would be, he just wanted to beat on York. To make matters worse, he hit the ref with a lariat to the back of the head to make sure he could beat on York as much as he wanted without getting disqualified but that ended up backfiring. After B-Boy put York down with a Fisherman's Buster, he reared back and got ready to finish him off with the Shining Wizard. But he didn't see Sexxxy Eddy come out to ringside and grab the Iron Man title. As B-Boy ran towards York, Eddy slid in and clocked him in the head with the title belt! York shook the cobwebs out and put B-Boy down with an Onion Buster as Eddy revived the ref so he could count the pinfall.

    Cut to a pre-taped promo from Kendo Ka Shin...or rather Simply Luscious. Luscious said much of the same things she did in her debut promo about Ka Shin being unappreciated in America. Luscious is bound and determined to help Ka Shin take the CZW Jr. Heavyweight Championship away from Sonjay Dutt so he'll finally get the respect he deserves from the "stupid" American wrestling fans.

    Nicho El Milionario Wins The #1 Contender's Battle Royale

    Order of Elimination: Frankie Kazarian, Angel, Kaos, Vic Grimes, L.A. Par-K, Jonny Storm, Excalibur, Shark Boy, Rico.

    Now I know why Scott Keith doesn't rate battle royales. This one was all over the place. It wasn't bad or anything but everything was happening way too quickly. I barely got Order of Elimination written down, it was that fast. If I recall correctly, Kazarian and Angel ended up eliminating each other, Kaos was eliminated by Par-K, everyone teamed up to eliminate Grimes, Excalibur eliminated Par-K and Storm at the same time while they were fighting and Shark Boy eliminated Excalibur right after, leaving it as a three-way between Sharky, Rico and Nicho. They wrestled a nice little match that saw Sharky sent over the top rope with a Rico Roundhouse. Nicho made a mistake of going up top for the Guillotine Legdrop as Rico shook the ropes, causing Nicho to fall off and almost eliminate himself had he not hung on to the top rope. Nicho then grabbed Rico and eliminated him with a suplex over the top rope to earn a CZW World title shot against Justin Credible at Uncivilized.

    Cut to backstage where Zandig is in the locker room getting himself pumped up for his match with The Messiah at Uncivilized. Suddenly, The Messiah (speak of the devil) comes up from behind and smacks him in the back with a chair that puts him down to his knees. Messiah then hits Zandig in the face with the chair that busts him wide open. Messiah then wipes the blood off the chair with his hand and slaps Zandig in the face before walking off to end the show.

    Final Thoughts: Such good wrestling on this show. I'd be surprised if both Ruckus/Carter and York/B-Boy didn't make it on the year-end Best Of comp. The battle royale was a pretty good main event as well, even if it was a bit rushed. The only downer was the opening match but the good far outweighs the bad here. But once again, they failed to really build up towards Uncivlized. The show is this Sunday and they book two matches (Storm/Dragon and Credible/Nicho) that, while they may be good matchups, totally seemed thrown together at the last minute. So we really only have those two matches plus Messiah/Zandig and possibly MMW/H8 Club again. That doesn't seem like much of a show to me. But I'm sure I'll be proven wrong.

    CZWrestling.com Press Release For February 8, 2006 - Uncivilized Final Card, Wrestler Released.

    -When B-Boy's match with Christian York was announced as a non-title match with the Iron Man Championship not on the line, B-Boy must've felt relieved. He must've felt even more relieved when he ended up losing that match last night but still walked out with the title still around his waist. But we're sure that he must've wondered why the title wasn't on the line. The reason is that Nick Mondo wanted the title on the line in a real money match at Uncivilized. But B-Boy won't just be defending the belt against one man. He will be defending it against three men in the same time in a 4 Corners match. Those three men? Christian York, his rival Sexxxy Eddy and his own tag team partner Ruckus! To make things even more interesting, this won't be an elimination match unlike most CZW four-ways. This one will be one fall to a finish!

    -Also, one final match between The New H8 Club and Mexico's Most Wanted has been signed to take place at Uncivilized. As for the H8 Club's "surprise", we are keeping it just that until the day of the show.

    -Finally, CZW Management has come to terms with Jude and released him. We wish Jude well in the future.

    CZW Uncivliized

    Live At The New Alhambra Arena In Philadelphia, PA

    February 12, 2006

    Devon Storm vs Super Dragon

    The Messiah vs Zandig

    "Surprise" Match

    The New H8 Club (Justice Pain and Nick Gage) vs Mexico's Most Wanted (Damien 666 and Halloween)

    CZW Iron Man Championship Match

    B-Boy © vs Sexxxy Eddy vs Christian York vs Ruckus

    CZW World Championship Match

    Justin Credible © vs Nicho El Milionario

  22. CZW Fake You! TV Report

    January 31, 2006

    Kendo Ka Shin over Shark Boy

    Surprisingly technical match that went pretty much ignored by the crowd, of course. The story that I gathered out of this match was that Shark Boy wanted to do cutesy comedy spots but Ka Shin would get insulted, thinking he was being mocked, and then getting pissed and stretching Sharky out. Then it got to the point where Sharky would get sick and tired of being worked over and get serious by locking Ka Shin in some holds of his own, making it a veritable wrestling clinic. Who knew Sharky could work submission style? Anyways, Ka Shin was shocked as well and ended up having to cheat his way to victory with that old wrestling chestnut - holding the tights during a rollup. While Ka Shin was having his arm raised in victory, CZW Jr. Heavyweight Champion Sonjay Dutt came out and pushed him, wondering why he'd cheat his way to victory and ruin a perfectly fine match. Ka Shin answered back with a slap to the face and the two men started fighting in the middle of the ring.

    Cut to a pre-taped promo from Kaos. He talked about how the wrestling world is buzzing after he took care of the "aging" legend L.A. Par-K at Only The Strong. The childhood story he told everyone was only half true. When he was a little kid, of course he looked up to L.A. Par-K. But as he grew up, he realized Par-K was a mere shell of his former self. He may have had a Match of the Year Candidate with Ruckus last year but he knows Ruckus did most of the work himself. He also knew going into Only The Strong that he wouldn't be able to get a decent match out of the "old man" so he did the entire wrestling world a favor and put Par-K out of his own misery. And tonight, he plans on doing the same thing to Nicho El Milionario.

    Right after the promo, we cut back to the ring as Nate Hatred walks out with a microphone. He says he's sick and tired of that "piece of shit baby punter" Gene Snitsky coming into CZW and running his mouth only to expect a "weak ass WWE match" out of him. So he showed Snitsky what Nate Hatred and CZW was all about as he powerbombed him off the stage and through a table at Only The Strong. But Hatred says he isn't done with Snitsky by a long shot. He tells Snitsky that "if he has the balls" to come out and face him in a match tonight. The crowd cheers this announcement as we cut to commercial.

    Ruckus over Sexxxy Eddy

    Very fast paced match from the two high-fliers. I think Eddy's "underdog" gimmick is in full effect right now as Ruckus kept working on his head and neck after being knocked out at Only The Strong, hoping the same thing will happen tonight. Pretty good psychology used here as Eddy is getting beaten down yet refuses to give up, which gets the fans behind him as well. Ruckus got arrogant and went for the Razzle Dazzle but Eddy had enough wherewithal to duck it and hit him with a SexxxyPlex out of desperation. With both men down on the mat, out ran CZW Iron Man Champion B-Boy to ringside to argue with the ref as they got back to their feet. While the ref was distracted, Ruckus slapped on a chokehold so Eddy would pass out but the ref broke away from B-Boy and forced Ruckus to break the hold otherwise he'd be disqualified. But while Ruckus argued with the ref, B-Boy slid in and clocked Eddy with the Iron Man title belt. Ruckus then stopped arguing and climbed up top to finish the match with the Phoenix Splash. After the match, Black Attack stood over Eddy's body ready to attack but out ran Christian York to chase them off.

    Cut to backstage where we see a few members of the CZW roster huddled together in the backstage area. The camera man manuevers in between them to find out what they're huddling around and that's where we see Devon Storm laying face down on the concrete next to a dented steel chair. Everyone is asking each other who did it as we cut to commercial.

    Nicho El Milionario over Kaos

    Pretty good back-and-forth match but could've been a lot better considering who's involved. After about ten minutes of neither man getting the upperhand, Kaos gave Nicho a low blow behind the ref's back then climbed up top to deliver the Flying Guillotine. He pulled it off successfully but when he went for the cover, Nicho surprisingly kicked out at two. After arguing with the ref, Kaos got mad and went out to ringside where he took a chair from a fan and threw it in the ring. Kaos stalked Nicho as he got back to his feet, holding the chair over his head but he got distracted when L.A. Par-K ran out to the ring. Par-K hopped up on the apron and started yelling at Kaos. Kaos answered back by swinging the chair but Par-K hopped back down and the chair hit the top rope instead and came back in Kaos's face! Kaos stumbled back and fell over Nicho, who was on his hands and knees behind him, and was covered for the pinfall. After Nicho was announced the winner, Par-K stepped into the ring and grabbed the chair. Nicho picked Kaos up and shot him into the ropes, allowing Par-K to hit him in the face with the chair in a measure of revenge from Only The Strong. Par-K then set the chair up over Kaos' body and did his trademark celebratory dance.

    Cut to a pre-taped promo from The New H8 Club. They talked about how they beat Mexico's Most Wanted "fair and square" at Only The Strong. Pain and Gage were ready to call a truce but those "dirty Mexicans" decided to attack them from behind after the match. They think this war between the two teams should be over by now but MMW keeps antagonizing them. But they tell everyone not to worry as they'll have a surprise that will put Mexico's Most Wanted out of the business for good.

    Gene Snitsky over Nate Hatred

    Actually, I'll tie this with Match of the Night next to Ruckus/Eddy. Of course, this wasn't a clinic like Ka Shin/Sharky, just two guys beating the crap out of each other that got the fans really hot. And isn't that what wrestling is all about, at least at it's most base? And when it comes to beating the crap out of people, you don't get much better than Hatred and Snitsky. Well, maybe Snitsky. There isn't a lot he can make look good besides brawling. Anyway, after each man kept hitting one power move after another without the other giving up, it looked like it was over when Hatred powerbombed Snitsky into the turnbuckles. Hatred then went into the corner to finish Snitsky up but instead the ref got inbetween them and told Hatred to back off so he could check on Snitsky. Instead, that gave Snitsky time to grab into his trunks and pull out a chain that he wrapped around his fist. The ref helped Snitsky up while holding his abdomen to conceal the chain but when Hatred went in for the finish, Snitsky turned around and hit him with a discus punch in the head with the chain around his fist. Snitsky covered and the ref had no choice but to count the pin.

    After the match, The Messiah comes out onto the stage with a microphone to congratulate his man Snitsky on a "well fought match and a much deserved victory". But he also says he has an ulterior motive for coming out, which means ranting about being screwed out of regaining the CZW World title at Only The Strong. He says that Nick Mondo stacked the odds against him "for no reason at all" just because Mondo doesn't want him to be the CZW World Champion and that the owner of the company should not be the referee in a CZW World title match. After ranting for a few minutes, out came Justin Credible from the back to grab Messiah and throw him into the ring. They brawled for a while until Messiah picked him up for the Fall From Grace. Only Credible flipped out of it and picked Messiah up for a That's Incredible instead. After Credible planted Messiah's head into the mat, Nick Mondo came out and picked up the microphone he dropped. Mondo told Messiah that he was right, that he didn't want him to be World Champion again because he didn't want 2 more years worth of screwjobs and he actually wanted the belt to have some prestige. Mondo then says that he was nice enough to give Messiah a second chance at the title but he blew it so he won't get a rematch against Justin Credible. That doesn't mean he won't give Messiah a spot on their next big show, Uncivlized on February 12, as he will be facing off against the owner of the company, Zandig!

    Final Thoughts: The wrestling quality was very good this week, even Hatred/Snitsky which doesn't look good on paper. The thing that's been bugging me lately is all of these quick sells for show. Do you realize that there's only one more episode of Fake You! left before the next big show and only the main event is set up? And I thought the set up for Only The Strong was rushed. I don't know if it's bad planning or if it's because of booking dates for the Arena (which I don't think should be a problem considering they already run there once a week for tapings) but they really need to get their act together. Sure, they end up being good shows, but no one is gonna go to a show with only two weeks of build up and hope it's good. Just something that's been gnawing at my brain lately.

    CZWrestling.com Press Release For February 1, 2006 - Fake You! TV Preview.

    -One of the stories to come out of last night's edition of Fake You! TV was the attack on Devon Storm in the backstage area. No one, not even Devon Storm himself, saw who the assailant was. In fact, Storm was found by a few CZW wrestlers walking around the backstage area on the floor with a chair at his side, much like what was seen on the show last night. What the cameras didn't see was that after he was helped to his feet by a few wrestlers and checked on by medical personnel, Storm regained consciousness and put up his hands expecting a fight once he saw members of the CZW roster swarmed around him. After he came to his senses, he immediately started asking questions but no one could answer them as no one else saw what happened. As he was being sent to the hospital to check if he had a concussion, he told CZWrestling.com that he will find out who attacked him next week on Fake You! TV. Luckily, Devon Storm was treated and released and he will be able to wrestle next week if need be.

    -The big bombshell that was announced at the end of last night's show was that The Messiah will face the owner of the company, John Zandig, at Uncivilized. But that leaves us with one question: Who will face Justin Credible for the CZW World Championship? We asked Nick Mondo this question and he gave us an interesting answer. Next week on Fake You! TV, we will see a 10 man battle royale and the winner of it will be come the #1 Contender and will get that World title shot at Uncivlized. The participants reads as a list of the top wrestlers in CZW: Jonny Storm, Vic Grimes, Shark Boy, Angel, Excalibur, Rico, Nicho El Milionario, L.A. Par-K, Kaos and Frankie Kazarian. Who will face Justin Credible at Uncivlized on February 12? Tune in next week to find out!

    Scheduled Matches For Fake You! TV Next Week:

    Beef & Generico vs Jon Dahmer and Nick Berk

    Ruckus vs CZW Tag Team Champion Tom Carter

    CZW Iron Man Champion B-Boy vs Christian York In A Non-Title Match

    10 Man Battle Royale To Crown The #1 Contender To The CZW World Championship

    Featuring: Jonny Storm, Vic Grimes, Shark Boy, Angel, Excalibur, Rico, Nicho El Milionario, L.A. Par-K, Kaos and Frankie Kazarian.

  23. CZW Only The Strong Live Report

    From The New Alhambra Arena In Philadelphia, PA

    January 22, 2006

    The Briscoe Brothers (Mark and Jay Briscoe) over Jon Dahmer and Nick Berk

    This match almost hurt to watch. Not because it was bad but because the majority of the match was spent with all four men dropping each other on their heads on a regular basis. If someone doesn't suffer a brain hemmorage after this match, I'll be surprised. All things considered, it was a good match. Not good enough to be remembered by the end of the night but good for dark match standards. The end came when Jay Briscoe wriggled out of a Berkdriver attempted and planted Berk into the mat with the Jay Driller for the win. Afterwards, Dahmer put Mark out on the floor with a Death Valley Driver. Jay went to save his brother but Berk got back up and ended up hitting the Berkdriver. Dahmer and Berk put a few boots down on the winners before making their way to the back.

    CZW Jr. Heavyweight Championship Match

    Sonjay Dutt © over Kendo Ka Shin w/Simply Luscious To Retain

    While this match was good enough to make a good opener, I don't think it had much hype or crowd support behind it to get the show off to a great start. Not to mention most of the people came for high-flying yet most of the match was spent with Ka Shin grounding Sonjay with a bunch of submission holds. Ka Shin had Sonjay locked in a Fujiwara Armbar for a few minutes before the crowd chanted boring, which caused Ka Shin to break the hold and jumped out of the ring to yell at the fans at ringside in Japanese. But more importantly, it gave Sonjay the chance to regroup. When Ka Shin rolled back into the ring, Sonjay was a house of fire, peppering Ka Shin with punches. Ka Shin wanted to get the upper hand back with an Irish whip as Simply Luscious hopped up to the apron with a purse. But Sonjay reversed the whip, causing Ka Shin's face to run right into the obviously-loaded purse and Luscious to fall off the apron. Ka Shin stumbled around the ring a bit until Sonjay grabbed the challenger and dropped him with a Calcutta Cutter for the win. Sonjay grabbed his belt and danced his way to the back while Ka Shin and Luscious tended to each other in the middle of the ring.

    After the match, Gene Snitsky cuts a promo on the stage talking about he wasn't booked on tonight's card because CZW Management was afraid of the damage he'd do. His 'roidal rambling didn't get very far before Nate Hatred came out and started wailing on Snitsky. The whole thing ended with Hatred picking up Snitsky and powerbombing him off the stage and through a table on the floor. A few medics came out to check on Snitsky while they continued on with the next match.

    CZW Tag Team Championship Match

    Black T-Shirt Squad (Mike Quackenbush and Tom Carter) over Beef & Generico © To Become The NEW CZW Tag Team Champions!

    While a very good match wrestling-wise, this one was basically an extended squash. Beef Wellington and El Generico can hang with the best of them but they're so goofy that it's hard for them to get some believable offense on a team like the Black T-Shirt Squad. It was about ten minutes of the champs suffering through submission holds before Quackenbush hooked Beef in the Lightning Lock Beta which caused Beef to tap out and give up the titles. After Quack and Carter were done celebrating with their newly won titles, they helped the former champions to their feet and shook their hands.

    L.A. Par-K over Kaos By DQ

    The match started off with a handshake to try to get the point over that Kaos has turned a new leaf. Most of the crowd didn't believe him...and rightfully so. The lucha legend kept outwrestling the young upstart which only made Kaos more and more frustrated with himself. It got to the point where Kaos rolled out to the ring and grabbed a chair from a fan. Par-K, being the Chairman of CZW, saw this and went out to ringside and grabbed one himself. They had a chair-fight in the middle of the ring that Par-K got the better of. But as Kaos was getting back to his feet, he delivered a blow right between Par-K's legs with his chair. The ref stepped in to admonish Kaos but Kaos clocked him with a chair as well. With the ref out, Kaos laid both chairs on the mat and picked up Par-K to deliver his Falling Star Ganso Bomb right onto them! The ref slowly crawled his way to the side of the ring and told the timekeeper to ring the bell as he was disqualifying Kaos and awarding the match to L.A. Par-K. Kaos didn't care as he had spent his time beating the downed Par-K with a chair until security swarmed the ring. Kaos felt enough was enough and left the ring on his own while security checked on Par-K.

    While security was helping L.A. Par-K to the back, we are shown a video on the the screen of the backstage area. Sexxxy Eddy is seen walking down the hallway towards the ring but turns down a different hallway and into the locker room area where he approaches his mentor: Rico. Eddy tells Rico that he appreciates the help he's been giving him lately but feels he's ready to do it alone. Rico tries to object, telling him that there's more he needs to learn but Eddy says his mind is made up. Plus, he's been thinking about his recent troubles with B-Boy. B-Boy has a way of making business personal and doesn't want Rico to get involved. Eddy shakes Rico's hand and walks off towards the ring. Rico yelled at Eddy all along the way that he's not ready but when Eddy's out of earshot, Rico finishes things off by saying "Good luck."

    Sexxxy Eddy and Christian York over Black Attack (Ruckus and CZW Iron Man Champion B-Boy)

    Definate match of the night wrestling-wise but while the crowd was hot, it died down a bit after Kaos' beatdown on Par-K and wouldn't really pick back up until the next match. The match started out with B-Boy and Sexxxy Eddy staring each other down but that quickly turned into a stiff chop-fest. But when it looked like Eddy got the advantage, B-Boy quickly tagged out to Ruckus. Black Attack definately are a team to watch as their work together is great heel ring psychology. Eddy was being double-teamed by both Ruckus and B-Boy desperately reaching to tag his partner in. Unfortunately, that tag would never come as B-Boy hit Eddy with a Shining Wizard so hard that Eddy fell out of the ring and couldn't get back up. B-Boy went back outside and went to lift Eddy back into the ring but lifting Eddy was like lifting a sack full of bricks. Eddy was out cold so York jumped into the ring and took both members of Black Attack on himself. York actually did very well against both men since he hadn't wrestled at all yet and was able to fight them both. York had thrown B-Boy out of the ring but Ruckus was perched on the top turnbuckle. York saw this and ran into the ropes, causing Ruckus to crotch himself, before climbing up the turnbuckles to join him. York lifted Ruckus on his shoulders and dropped him to the mat with an Onion Buster from the second turnbuckle! York covered Ruckus but it was interrupted by B-Boy, who hit York in the face with a Shining Wizard off the ref's back as he was counting the pin! B-Boy picked York up for a Cross Special Brainbuster but suddenly Eddy slid back into the ring behind B-Boy and rolled him up in a schoolboy. It took B-Boy off guard so much that he couldn't even kick out of the pin! Eddy just pulled off a huge upset pinning the Iron Man Champion after being knocked out. York climbed back into the ring and carried Eddy on his shoulders as he walked to the back, leaving Black Attack in the ring trying to figure out what just happened.

    The New H8 Club (Justice Pain and Nick Gage) over Mexico's Most Wanted (Damien 666 and Halloween)

    Considering there was pretty much little to no hype for this match after their showdown at Cage of Death, I'd actually say this was the match of the night. It was a solid wrestling match (which is surprising since Pain and Gage aren't the greatest wrestlers) that didn't degenerate to brawling until later. Actually, it started off as a handicap match as Nick Gage went it alone with Justice Pain at ringside still wearing his neck brace. Gage got hit with a flurry of lucha offense and couldn't take much more so he tagged out to Pain, who had a shocked look on his face but slowly got into the ring nonetheless. Damien locked Pain in a headlock which made him drop to one knee but surprisingly picked him up and dumped him into the turnbuckles with a side suplex. Halloween ran in and Pain put him down with a lariat before ripping off his neck brace and throwing it into the crowd and flipping them off. Then Gage came back into the ring and that's when all hell broke loose as all four men brawled around ringside. But somehow MMW started getting the upperhand and beating the H8 Club at their own game. Pain and Damien brawled back into the ring where Halloween was perched on the top turnbuckle. Halloween leapt off and caught Pain with a high cross body but Pain rolled through and got Halloween's shoulders on down on the mat with his feet on the ropes. Damien tried to break the pin up but Gage slid back into the ring and tripped him up, allowing the ref to count the pinfall. Afterwards, Pain and Gage rolled out of the ring and tried to make their way to the back but MMW launched themselves over the top rope onto The New H8 Club in the aisle and brawled their way to the back.

    CZW World Championship Match

    Justin Credible © over The Messiah To Retain

    The crowd was very hot for this one but I don't think it was quite as good as the last few matches. And Jesus, can Zandig's ref shirt be any tighter? I don't mind if someone like Trish Stratus wears a tight ref shirt but come on John, you look pregnant wearing the damn thing! Anyways, the match was actually a lot of fun to watch as Messiah kept doing things behind Zandig's back and getting much heat for it. Messiah was actually going to cheat his way to victory as he picked up Credible for the Fall From Grace but purposely spun him so Credible's feet would hit Zandig and knock him out. Messiah went for the pin but, obviously, there was no one there to count. So he went to the timekeeper's table and grabbed a chair. As Messiah stood over Credible's fallen body ready to beat him with a chair, Zandig popped back up and took the chair from Messiah's grasp and clocked him with it. By that time, Credible had gotten back up and when Messiah turned around from the chair shot, he was put down with a superkick. Credible went for the cover and Zandig gave him a fast count! Credible retains the title with help from Zandig! Zandig gave Credible the World title and raised his hand in victory before kicking Messiah while he's down as the show ended.

    Final Thoughts: Though you probably wouldn't think it considering this show was booked so quickly right after Cage of Death, Only The Strong ended up being a really solid show. While the undercard was good, it was nothing great. Sadly, that counts for the Black T-Shirt Squad's Tag title win as well. But I'm sure they'll be able to work up from it. Everything after that was great, though. From Kaos suckering Par-K into a match only to beat him down with a chair to the great tag work of Black Attack and York/Eddy to the controlled chaos of the H8 Club and MMW to Zandig screwing Messiah out of regaining the title, it was all pulled off very well. I definately recommend you see Only The Strong when it comes out on tape and DVD.

    CZWrestling.com Press Release For January 23, 2006 - Fake You! TV Preview For 1/31.

    -After Only The Strong ended last night, The Messiah was throwing a fit backstage and had to be calmed down by Gene Snitsky (who was still feeling the effects of the attack by Nate Hatred) and The Dew. He told CZWrestling.com that he was screwed out of regaining the title by Zandig and deserves a rematch officiated by a fair and impartial referee. He said he will come to Fake You! TV next week to demand this rematch but we're sure CZW World Champion Justin Credible and Nick Mondo will take exception to that.

    -Another shocking development last night was the attack suffered by L.A. Par-K at the hands of Kaos. Leader of La Familia De Tijuana, Nicho El Milionario, saw this disturbing attack and told Nick Mondo to book him in a match against Kaos so he could get some revenge from his fallen comrade. Mondo, also seeing the attack, was glad to book the match. So next week on Fake You! TV, we will see Kaos vs Nicho El Milionario!

    Scheduled Matchs for next week's edition of Fake You! TV:

    Kendo Ka Shin w/Simply Luscious vs Shark Boy

    Sexxxy Eddy vs Ruckus

    Kaos vs Nicho El Milionario

  24. CZW Fake You! TV Report

    January 17, 2006

    The Joker and Shark Boy over Jon Dahmer and Nick Berk

    This was a pretty good match even if it was a bit awkward. I thought it was strange that Joker had picked Shark Boy as his partner for this match and thought it even stranger seeing it in action. While Joker was focused on beating up Dahmer and Berk, Shark Boy wanted to lighten the mood of the match whenever he was tagged in. He basically ended up playing the face-in-peril as he would get double-teamed by Dahmer and Berk before getting the hot tag on Joker. Joker ran in and cleaned house with jaw-cracking forearms. Shark Boy entered the fray again and hit Berk with the Dead Sea Drop while Joker dropped Dahmer on his head with the Joker Driver for the double-pin victory. The losers rolled out of the ring to recollect themselves while the winners celebrated. Shark Boy tried calming the hot Joker down and it ended up working as Joker was throwing up the Shark Fin sign with a smile on his face. Suddenly, Dahmer and Berk rolled back into the ring and interrupted their celebration by attacking their opponents.

    Cut to backstage where we see Kendo Ka Shin in front of the camera with his arms folded. He refuses to say a word until his new accomplice Simply Luscious comes into the shot, wearing what could be described as a Japanese school girl uniform torn up and restitched to be sold at Hot Topic. Luscious reveals herself as Kendo's manager and translator who says she took notice of Kendo when she was wrestling in Japan herself. When she heard the news of Kendo coming to America, she was excited for him. When she found out he won Ring of Honor's Best of the Juniors tournament in April of last year, she was glad. But when she heard the crowd booed him out of the building, she was incensed. So Kendo walked out of ROH and entered Best of the Best V. He wasn't as lucky as he submitted to eventual winner Mike Quackenbush but that's alright. Since then, Kendo's been trying to prove himself to the CZW roster but hasn't gotten any respect. That's where Luscious comes in. She's going to help Kendo rise in the ranks and make everyone respect him. And it starts now with CZW Jr. Heavyweight Champion Sonjay Dutt. Luscious then tells Kendo to follow her in Japanese and they walk off.

    Horace The Psychopath over Nate Hatred

    While this was a battle between two big men, Nate had a sizable advantage during the entire match. It wasn't much of a match though as Gene Snitsky came out and made his presence felt. Nate had picked up Horace for a Fire Thunder Driver but Snitsky reached into the ring and tripped Snitsky, causing Hatred to fall back with Horace practically sitting on his head! Horace then got up and hit his senton bomb from the second rope down onto Nate's head and got the pin. Afterwards, Snitsky slid into the ring with a chair in hand and waited for Hatred to get back up before dropping him back down with a nasty chair shot to the top of the head. In the words of Gorilla Monsoon, Nate Hatred has to have an "Excedrin headache" right now.

    Cut to a pre-taped promo from Kaos. He's done a lot of thinking lately and looked back at what he's done over the past year, realizing he's not proud of what he's done or what he's become. So he's decided to go back to his roots. He then tells us a story about how he grew up in Southern California and looked up to all of the luchadores that wrestled in the area. When he finally became a wrestler, he's had numerous opportunities to wrestle his heroes. But one has always eluded him: L.A. Par-K. He officially challenges L.A. Par-K to a match at Only The Strong so he can fulfill a childhood dream.

    Black T-Shirt Squad (Mike Quackenbush and Tom Carter) over Black Attack (Ruckus and CZW Iron Man Champion B-Boy) To Earn A Shot At The CZW Tag Team Titles At Only The Strong

    The match started out with Quack and Ruckus having a staredown in the middle of the ring. Ruckus makes fun of Quack for losing the Jr. Heavyweight title but Quack comes back by making the "choke" signal around his throat. That gets Ruckus hot and he swings at Quack but Quack ducks and gets the upperhand. But that wouldn't last for long due to the sneaky tactics of the Black Attack. After much double-teaming, Quack made the hot tag to Carter but Carter also fell victim to the numbers game. It looked like Black Attack were going to cheat their way to a title shot when B-Boy clocked Carter with his Iron Man title belt behind the ref's back. Ruckus went up top to hit the Phoenix Splash but out ran Christian York to push him off and crotch him on the top rope. B-Boy ran in and went to give Carter a Shining Wizard but Carter ducked it at the last minute and slapped on his patented Stretch Plum submission. Without a partner to save him, B-Boy had to endure the hold for a few moments before tapping out. After the decision was announced, Christian York takes the microphone from ring announcer Kingdom James. York said that he talked to Nick Mondo earlier today and "in the unfortunate event that Black Attack were to lose tonight", they would still be booked in a match at Only The Strong. Therefore, it will be Black Attack against Christian York and his partner for the night...Sexxxy Eddy. Eddy comes out and poses in the aisle while B-Boy sat down in the middle of the ring, still in pain from being in the Stretch Plum but angry that he has to face Eddy once again.

    Cut to backstage in Nick Mondo's office where CZW Jr. Heavyweight Champion Sonjay Dutt enters. Mondo tells Sonjay that he just finished talking to Simply Luscious and, while he doesn't quite agree with her and what Kendo has done to Sonjay, he has agreed to give Kendo Ka Shin a Jr. Heavyweight title shot at Only The Strong. Sonjay nods with a smile on his face, knowing he'll get his hands on Kendo again, and thanks Mondo before walking out of his office.

    The Messiah over Rico

    Decent enough match for a main event. I wouldn't put this above Rico's debut match against Messiah back in February but then again, with the belt being on the line and Rico's first match in CZW, there was a lot more energy in that match than this one. This one was all about revenge as Rico finally got his hands on the man that screwed him out of the main event at Cage of Death VII. Much of the match was Rico getting Messiah down on the mat and beating him down with punches and knee strikes. It got to the point where The Dew had to jump into the ring to try to pry Rico off of Messiah. Of course, Dewey's spindly arms did nothing but piss Rico off. Rico put Dewey down with a roundhouse kick but that was the opening that Messiah needed. Rico turned back around with another roundhouse kick in Messiah's direction but Messiah ducked it and hit Rico with a kick to the gut before picking him up onto his shoulders and dropping him with the Fall From Grace for the win. After the match, Nick Mondo comes out to ringside with a microphone. Mondo says he knew Messiah would try to screw Rico over tonight. So Mondo has taken extra measures to ensure that no such shenanigans will happen in his match with Justin Credible at Only The Strong. He introduces Messiah to the Special Guest Referee for their match and points to the entrance where Zandig comes out wearing a referee shirt! The crowd pops and Messiah's jaw drops as the show ends.

    Final Thoughts: They really went into the home stretch to add matches for Only The Strong, didn't they? I'm sure it'll be a good show but I don't think they have enough hype going into it. The World Champion has only made one appearance since winning the belt but I think Messiah's chase after the belt is a good build-up nonetheless. Zandig's return throwing the wrench in Messiah's plan will definately be interesting. But unfortunately, the only match so far with decent enough build-up is Dutt vs Ka Shin. And that feud pretty much came out of nowhere too. I think we're just in the middle of a transitional phase and hopefully some new angles will really start building momentum soon.

    CZWrestling.com Press Release For January 18, 2006 - Only The Strong Final Card.

    -Last night's episode of Fake You! TV revealed a number of matches signed for our big event at the New Alhambra Arena on the 22nd, including a few shocking additions. Here are all of the matches scheduled to take place at Only The Strong:

    CZW Only The Strong

    Live From The New Alhambra Arena In Philadelphia

    January 22, 2006

    Kaos vs L.A. Par-K

    Black Attack (Ruckus and CZW Iron Man Champion B-Boy) vs Christian York and Sexxxy Eddy

    Mexico's Most Wanted vs The New H8 Club

    CZW Jr. Heavyweight Championship Match

    Sonjay Dutt © vs Kendo Ka Shin w/ Simply Luscious

    CZW Tag Team Championship Match

    Beef & Generico © vs Black T-Shirt Squad (Mike Quackenbush and Tom Carter)

    CZW World Championship Match

    Justin Credible © vs The Messiah

    Special Guest Referee: John Zandig

  25. CZW Fake You! TV Report

    January 10, 2006

    Jon Dahmer over The Joker

    Very hard hitting match between these two strike-based grapplers. Dahmer looked a little rusty considering CZW hasn't booked him for about a year now but was able to hold things together and not have it degenerate into a sloppy potato-fest. Joker had the upperhand for the majority of the match but I think he went for too early as Dahmer was able to reverse it with a victory roll and held the ropes for leverage to get the win. Afterwards, Joker was pissed that Dahmer had to cheat to beat him so they got into a shoving match. Out runs Nick Berk, of all people, to separate them and try to get cooler heads to prevail. He yelled at Dahmer to get to a neutral corner while he tried to calm Joker down. Just when it looked like Berk had him calm and went to do the same with Dahmer, Berk turned back around and hit Joker with the Berkdriver! It was a setup! Berk and Dahmer put the boots to the downed Joker which caused security to swarm the ring. Dahmer and Berk jumped out and over the guardrail to escape the back way but jawed with hostile fans the whole way.

    Black T-Shirt Squad (Mike Quackenbush and Tom Carter) over The Briscoe Brothers (Mark and Jay Briscoe)

    My personal match of the night, wrestling-wise. These two teams have been paired up before (maybe a few times already) but they never seem to disappoint. While Quack and Carter's goal was to wear down The Briscoes, it seemed as if Mark and Jay's strike-heavy offense wore them down more. Mark had given Quack a backbreaker and held it in position so Jay could come off the top with a kneedrop. But at the last second, Quack had moved out of the way and pushed Mark aside, leaving Jay's knee to hit flush on the mat. Carter came in and slapped on the Stretch Plum on Jay, who fought through the hold for a few minutes before tapping out.

    Cut to backstage where The N8 Club, consisting of Nate Webb and CZW Tag Team Champions Beef & Generico, have just finished watching the previous match. The champs have a concern to take up with their leader. In the words of Beef Wellington "Being Tag Team Champions is good and all, but I'm a little worried about these other teams that are actually...you know...talented." Nate assures them that they are deserving of the belts that are around their waists and as the champions walk away relieved, Nate bites his tongue to prevent himself from laughing.

    Devon Storm over Vic Grimes

    Grimes got a nice "Welcome back" chant for his return from rehab but after the show of support, it was all business for Grimes as he went to work on Devon Storm. Being the bigger man, Grimes used that advantage to keep Storm down on the mat. But Storm is equally adept at being on the mat as he is flying through the air and used his speed to wear out Grimes and then slap on a few wear-down holds. Storm thought he could pick up Grimes for the Mindbender but couldn't do it and instead ate a double-axehandle for his troubles. Grimes then went up top for his somersault senton but Storm rolled out of the way and slapped on a sleeper after hitting the mat. From then on out, it was a matter of whether Grimes would tap out or pass out. He got back up with Storm on his back but then dropped to one knee, then both knees before falling to the mat where the ref raised his arm three times. Grimes couldn't raise it any of those times so Storm was declared the winner by submission.

    Mexico's Most Wanted cut a brief backstage promo in broken English challenging The New H8 Club to a match at Only The Strong. Yeah, that's it.

    Black Attack (Ruckus and CZW Iron Man Champion B-Boy) over Sexxx Express (Sexxxy Eddy and Rico)

    While not quite as good as Black T-Shirt Squad against the Briscoes, this match got the fans into it a lot more, making it more exciting. Ruckus and B-Boy make a very good team which makes me think what could've happened had B-Boy not gone to rehab last year. After a few cheap tricks by Black Attack, Eddy fought fire with fire and employed some dirty tactics of their own. The ref was distracted by a ringside brawl between Rico and Ruckus so Eddy grabbed the Iron Man title belt and swung it at B-Boy. Unfortunately, B-Boy ducked the swing and kicked Eddy in the gut, causing him to drop the belt, and picked Eddy up before dropping him with a brainbuster right on the belt! The ref saw B-Boy go for the pin and slid in to count the three. While the ref raised B-Boy's hand, Christian York ran out to ringside and fought with Ruckus to the back. With Rico free, he slid into the ring and started beating on B-Boy until Eddy recovered and was able to hit B-Boy in the back of the head with the title belt as he originally intended. Rico stomped on B-Boy a few times and Eddy dropped the belt onto him, vowing that he's going to get it back someday.

    After a commercial break, we cut to a pre-taped promo from CZW Jr. Heavyweight Champion Sonjay Dutt. He says he doesn't know what's going on in the mind of Kendo Ka Shin, who cheaply attacked him last week after successfully defending his title. Sonjay thinks that he did it to get noticed...and it worked. But Sonjay will make sure that Ka Shin fades back into the obscurity that he came from.

    We then go back to the ring where Eric Garguilo introduces the NEW CZW World Champion, Justin Credible! Credible makes his way out to the ring and poses with the belt before being handed the mike. Credible then talks about how he's had a rough time these past couple years. Ever since ECW closed up shop, he's been all over the place. He was in WWE before getting fired. He's stopped in places like TNA, XPW (which gets a few boos) and Ring of Honor but never felt comfortable and never stayed too long. So when he decided to come to CZW, he was sure people would think he'd be gone in a few months. In fact, he wasn't quite sure himself. But when he walked out of the Cage of Death with the CZW World title, he decided to give it more than a try. Wrestling back in the New Alhambra Arena makes him feel like he has come back home so he's decided to make CZW his home. And for all the people that don't believe him, he'll prove it when he defends the World title against The Messiah at Only The Strong. It looks like the people believe him as he gets most of the fans to chant along with "And that's not just the coolest...and that's not just the best...that's Justin Credible!" to end his interview and the show.

    Final Thoughts: I thought it was kinda weird for CZW to have the dreaded "main event interview" but I think it helped begin Credible's transition from outside star to CZW regular. The wrestling was solid from top to bottom as it has been lately, even if the live crowd didn't take to it at times. The backstage stuff kinda fell flat though. The N8 Club bit was chuckle-worthy but didn't serve much of a purpose other than "Hey, we gotta get these guys on TV somehow". And MMW spending their time just to put together a sentence kinda killed the momentum in their feud. With CZW's biggest event of the year having passed, it's easy to think that Only The Strong won't look that great. And it might not right now but they've been able to pull out great shows at the last minute so I'm not gonna say anything about it just yet.

    CZWrestling.com Press Release For January 11, 2006 - Fake You! TV Preview.

    -The attitude adjustment continues as Nick Berk has decided to join Jon Dahmer in his attack on The Joker last night. Reportedly, Berk is dissatisfied with his status in CZW as well and has forced his way onto CZW programming by siding with the disgruntled Dahmer. Joker even more angry at Dahmer for cheating his way to victory last night and has challenged him and Berk to a tag team match next week on Fake You! TV. But his choice of partner may come as a shock as he has chosen the fan favorite Shark Boy!

    -Also on Fake You! TV will be another tag team match, only this one will crown the #1 Contenders to the CZW Tag Team titles currently held by Beef & Generico. The winners of both tag team matches last night will face each other to see who will go on to earn a title shot at Only The Strong as the Black T-Shirt Squad of Mike Quackenbush and Tom Carter will face the Black Attack of Ruckus and CZW Iron Man Champion B-Boy.

    -Speaking of Only The Strong, Nick Mondo has decided that there will be a special stipulation for the CZW World Championship match between Justin Credible and The Messiah that will be announced on Fake You! TV. But before that happens, Messiah will have to face the man that he screwed out of the Cage of Death title match. Rico got a small measure of revenge against Gene Snitsky a few weeks back. Now, he will go toe-to-toe with the former World Champion himself.

    -In other Fake You! news, Kendo Ka Shin has told CZWrestling.com (with the aid of a translator) that he is bringing someone from Japan to aid him in his rise to becoming CZW Jr. Heavyweight Champion! We will find out who that certain someone is next week.

    -Scheduled matches for next week's edition of Fake You! TV:

    Nate Hatred vs Horace The Psychopath

    Jon Dahmer and Nick Berk vs The Joker and Shark Boy

    #1 Contenders Match

    Black T-Shirt Squad (Mike Quackenbush and Tom Carter) vs Black Attack (Ruckus and CZW Iron Man Champion B-Boy)

    The Messiah vs Rico

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