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Posts posted by TheRyno

  1. Do you like Phil Collins? I've been a big Genesis fan ever since the release of their 1980 album, Duke. Before that, I really didn't understand any of their work. Too artsy, too intellectual. It was on Duke where Phil Collins' presence became more apparent. I think Invisible Touch was the group's undisputed masterpiece. It's an epic meditation on intangibility. At the same time, it deepens and enriches the meaning of the preceding three albums. Christy, take off your robe. Listen to the brilliant ensemble playing of Banks, Collins and Rutherford. You can practically hear every nuance of every instrument. Sabrina, remove your dress. In terms of lyrical craftsmanship, the sheer songwriting, this album hits a new peak of professionalism. Sabrina, why don't you, uh, dance a little. Take the lyrics to Land of Confusion. In this song, Phil Collins addresses the problems of abusive political authority. In Too Deep is the most moving pop song of the 1980s, about monogamy and commitment. The song is extremely uplifting. Their lyrics are as positive and affirmative as anything I've heard in rock. Christy, get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole. Phil Collins' solo career seems to be more commercial and therefore more satisfying, in a narrower way. Especially songs like In the Air Tonight and Against All Odds. Sabrina, don't just stare at it, eat it. But I also think Phil Collins works best within the confines of the group, than as a solo artist, and I stress the word artist. This is Sussudio, a great, great song, a personal favorite.

  2. Having played, and beaten the PS2 version, I'd have to say I was slightly disappointed with the game. Not that it was a bad game, its not by any stretch of the imagination. I just wanted more.
  3. I just remembered the greatest deal I've ever gotten in a bargain bin. Total Overdose is basically a generic GTA rip-off with a Latin flair but damn it if it ain't fun as hell. I got it at Circuit City...for $2!

  4. From Mortal Kombat Annihilation:

    "This dude's tryin' to merge the two dimensions, and y'all wanna check out his CRIB!?"

    -Jax, a.k.a. one of the American Gladiators, a.k.a. HEY LOOK IT'S A BLACK ONE GUYS

    This may be my favorite bad line ever. It's a ridiculous thing to say, and the poor guy says it so poorly, that... yeah.

  5. I don't know if pawning stuff here is cool or not so if not, this can be deleted or moved to the proper forum. Anyway, as it stands, I have this month's rent and 6 months' worth of car insurance due at the same time (as well as my cell phone bill but screw that) and enough money to my name to pay both off but leave me with nothing left until I get my tax return. So in an attempt to have a bit of money left, I'm selling a few N64 games that I've been trying to get rid of but with no such luck. Here's the list:

    Triple Play 2000

    Aerofighters Assault

    Forsaken 64

    Mission Impossible

    Rush 2

    PGA European Tour

    Wipeout 64

    Madden Football 64



    I have the booklets to most, if not all, these games. I'm hoping to get around $50 for the whole batch, making it $5 a game, but if you can talk me down to a reasonable price, I'm open to it. Unfortunately, this is open to US residents only unless overseas shipping is cheap and I just don't know about it. A few months ago, I had to spend like $40 in shipping to send one of my friends my Magic: The Gathering collection and he just lived the next state over. Granted, it was a pretty heavy box but still, I don't wanna spend an assload on shipping. So, shoot me a PM or a reply if you're interested.

    PS - I'll through a few Dreamcast games in too, if that spices up the offer any. The ones of those I'm willing to part with are Nightmare Creatures 2, Maken X, ECW Hardcore Revolution, Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX and UFC. Unless convinced otherwise, that may bump up the asking price to the $65 range or so.

  6. "Do you know what happens to a frog when it gets struck by lightning?"

    Joss Whedon, who wrote that particular line, blames the flack it gets on Halle Berry's performance. While that may be true, it's still a stupid line.

  7. If you have a GameStop near you, check the bargain bin for Castle Shikigami 2. Take your basic top-down space shooter, replace the spaceships with people, replace the lasers with super-powered spread guns which are different for each character and ramp the speed up about 10 times. However, that's not the best part. The best part is the "story" (for lack of a better word) mode. I say that because the cutscenes in between levels are not just in Engrish but English-spoken Engrish! Meaning they not only translated the Japanese dialogue badly but they got people to record it in English word-for-word. Better yet, the dialogue is different depending on what characters you choose, even with two-player combinations so you always get some sort of non-sensical Engrishy goodness in every game. I think the only place that has it is GameStop but if you can find it there, get it as it's only about $10, maybe less. Better yet, I read on IGN that they plan to have Castle Shikigami 3 for the Wii and 360!

  8. There's a few Japanese artists I listen to but most of them have already been mentioned. I've pretty much been addicted to Dir en grey ever since I first heard them a year or so ago. A lot of their early stuff when they focused more on "visual kei" is hit and miss with me but from the Vulgar album on, everything is great. Guitar Wolf is also great and if you haven't seen Wild Zero, fucking do it. One of my roommates downloaded a bunch of Gackt and what little I've heard of his is pretty good.

    I don't listen to a lot of J-Pop but I still love it because it's so cheesy. Also, I have an Ayumi Hamasaki song on my computer and I'm listening to it now. So if that makes me gay, sign me up.

    EDIT - For some reason, I forgot Balzac. They're pretty much the Japanese equivalent of The Misfits so that makes them awesome x10.

  9. Ben Stiller is a weird one for me. After Meet The Parents I just couldn't watch him without being irritated, I dislike his normal every-day guy roles, but when he's doing something so over the top like Zoolander or the guy in Dodgeball he can be pretty good. I think the only normal guy role I liked him in was Theres Something About Mary.
  10. Owen Wilson stars as Owen Wilson in Owen Wilson: The Movie!

    Oh wait, I thought this was the actors you don't get thread.

    Anyways, I saw the trailer for this before Strange Wilderness and thought it was pretty "meh". I kinda marked out at the beginning though when they went through the interview process for a new bodyguard and showed Chuck Lidell and this one special ops guy I saw on the History Channel a few days prior. Basically, some scientists put these special ops guys under grueling tests to see if their skills would get worse. This guy had to do a baseline test where he would have to do a brief cardio exercise, assemble a handgun and shoot at a surprise target. Then, he had to run on a treadmill under excruciating heat to the point where he lost enough water weight to comprise about 5% of his total weight. Then he did the test again and actually did it faster and more accurate. I thought it was awesome that they actually picked the guy to be in the movie, even if it is like a five second part.

    So yeah, there's my contribution.

  11. Just got back from watching Strange Wilderness and was pretty disappointed. Of course, the fact that I was going pretty much to get to know my friend's girlfriend's friends only for them to be lesbians (and not the awesome ones found in porno) helped but regardless, the movie was kinda there. I got a few laughs here and there but not much. I know it's a Happy Madison film and I shouldn't expect much but still, it was like a Happy Madison movie written under the influence of marijuana, which is saying something after watching Grandma's Boy and enjoying it immensely. Plot points appear then never get followed up and the movie just ends with them practically saying "Here's a happy ending, bye!" I can probably sum the whole thing up in a few bullet points:

    -Steve Zahn screams a lot and jumps around like a kid with ADD.

    -The fat kid from Superbad has a southern accent.

    -Justin Long plays a stoner (surprisingly the character I liked most).

    -More of Adam Sandler's friends get work.

    -More schlongs are shown than boobs, for some reason.

    -EVERYONE smokes weed. Seriously, a joint pops up within the first 5 seconds.

    If you're on the fence about seeing this, I ask you this question. You know that shark with the hillbilly laugh from the commercial? Well, that's about the funniest thing in the movie. If you liked it, give it a shot. If you thought it was dumb, don't even bother. If you're looking for some wildery comedy, just get the DVD sets of Wildboyz.

  12. Dir en grey - Withering To Death

    I'm pretty much a sucker for anything Japanese and cool but Dir en grey transcends all of that to me and proves that music is a universal language. Hell, I try to sing along to the music all the time and I don't know a lick of Japanese. If I could have a cop out answer, I'd bring along my burnt mp3 CD of their discography, if only to add their "Vulgar" album to the list.

    HIM - Razorblade Romance

    Arguably the best album from my favorite-est band of the past few years. So there.

    Mr. Bungle - California

    Mike Patton is a musical god and this album is his finest hour. If I had a fraction of his talent, I'd exploit the shit outta myself.

    Mindless Self Indulgence - Frankenstein Girls Will Seem Strangely Sexy

    If I had any rhythm at all, this disc would make me shake my ass off and seduce some savage island girl with a bone in her nose into doing me. Then we could lick toads.

    Patton Oswalt - Feelin Kinda' Patton

    Gotta have some comedy and I haven't laughed as hard at a comedy album than this one. However, if I can score the 2+ hour cut that this album was edited from, that would be even better. My friends and I endlessly quote this one with gems such as "I will have an apple...and some COCK!"

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