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Posts posted by Krone

  1. Apparently, there is a god. I am so happy that Tampa is going to the World Series being a fan of the underdogs myself. Even if it isn't the Yankees, I am damn DAMN happy that it's the Tampa Bay Rays. So, in the words of Matt Garza on TBS.


  2. I bought the NWA's "Straight Outta Compton" album the other day (20th Anniversary Edition) along with T.I.'s "T.I. Vs. T.I.P." album. Both are great, and I can't wait to get me some more T.I. I believe he is slowly becoming my favorite artist which used to be held by Kanye West until he decided to just sing the entire 808's and Heartbreaks album.

  3. That's like saying Rashad got lucky with his knockout, Gonzaga got lucky with his high kick on Cro Cop, Serra got lucky by TKO'ing St. Pierre. The list of "luck" goes on and on, but at some point, there is a difference between skill and luck. Luck is when something happens like Tito going to punch Ken and he slips, falling into the punch. Skill is KO'ing or submitting a fighter without any outside interference, which there was none of in the Rashad KO, Gonzaga KO, Serra TKO, or Seth TKO.

  4. Yeah, I can somewhat agree with that Httk, because people will wanna see how Kimbo can rebound. But let's be honest here, will the casual MMA fan really say "Wow, this guy just lost in 13 seconds. So let's waste a Saturday night and see if he can beat someone?". I mean no casual MMA fan knew who the fuck Seth Petruzelli was, but they sure as hell knew who Kimbo Slice was.

    So I can see both sides here. Kimbo might be able to get that drawing power, but I just don't know. Maybe if Slice works on some stuff then he can get tons better, but the only analogy I can think of that would be good for Kimbo is that this fight was like Gonzaga vs. Cro Cop with Double G knocking out Cro Cop with the high kick. Granted, look at what happened to Cro Cop's career after that, but he sure as hell didn't just die after it. Then again, Kimbo doesn't exactly have the same credentials as Cro Cop.

  5. Man, I don't like the hype machine behind Kimbo as much as the next guy but he still had a fun aura around him and his fights. You could also tell that he legitimately wants to become a good fighter, and his heart is in it for the right reasons. But man, oh man I feel nothing but sorrow for him after that. I think he even may have had a few tears in his eyes. Where the hell can he go from here? Petruzelli is a far, far cry from a household name and after that embarrassing loss his entire hype, and image is gone. Fucking GONE. If EliteXC folds, I don't see him being signed anywhere else. Fuck, I don't see him doing much after this anyway. Tough break :(

    You know, I really do agree with you, because I do feel for Kimbo. He does have the heart, but damn it, he has had how long to at least improve on something? He just went out there and lost to a Light Heavyweight in 13 seconds. 13 seconds! I mean, to put this in perspective, the 185 lbs. Ikuhisa Minowa lasted longer with a 230 lbs. Mirko Cro Cop... What's that tell ya?

  6. I am calling a big hyped fight between Tito Ortiz and Seth Petruzelli sometime in 2009.

    I do love the story however of Shamrock falling out of the main event, Petruzelli steps in last second, moving from nowhere to the main event (kind of like John Morrison did at Vengeance: NOC back in '07 to make a wrestling analogy) and make himself a star in 13 seconds. It really is one of those stories that are hard to come by.

  7. Yeah, I was reaching there. I wasn't sure if the Fedor advertisements might have been foreseeing into the future. Just hopeful wishing by me, although I did stay up all night to watch Fedor take on Hong Man Choi on the internet and did go to Wild Wings to see Fedor vs. Sylvia, so I guess that no matter what, I will do what it takes to see Fedor fight. Though I wish he would go fight in DREAM at some point.

    And I am wondering if anyone will be able to stop Jake Shields. Him, GSP, and if you wanna count Penn are all atop the Welterweight division right now and are ahead of the competition by a mile.

  8. 200px-Rory_oshea_was_here.jpg

    Solid movie for those of you who haven't seen it. With the two crippled people trying to live out in the real world on their own and all, it kind of makes me take a step back and appreciate what I have and all. Definitely one of my favorite indy films that I have seen, but then again, I am a huge fan of most of the independent films that I have seen. Hopefully some of you have seen it or will check it out, but it's definitely worth the time if you can get over the weird talking of Michael in it.
  9. Gotta say that I am sad to see my bow Hamill go down, but there was nothing he could do. Never really shot in for the take down and just grabs Franklin's ankle every time instead of going for the thigh area. Oh well, he will bounce back. This is probably best for him. The real story of the night is...

    FUCKING RASHAD EVANS. I really can't believe that I saw that happen, but you best believe me that when it did, me and about the other 100 people in Wild Wings were going ape shit. I mean, that knockout was absolutely devastating. He sent him down to the ground like a bag of rocks and I was waiting for Chuck to get up, but when I saw him start to fall down without his arms out or anything, I knew that he was done for good. Must I say though that I believe this puts Evans right at the top of the division. A decision win just wouldn't have been convincing enough for a lot of people, but a KO, not a TKO really proves just who he is. I am seeing a future date with Forrest Griffin unless he ends up facing Machida after he wins next month. Other than that, I wasn't really shocked with anything tonight.

    Oh, and did Nate Marquardt ever look like he was fucking ready. He just destroyed Martin Kampmann.
  10. IDOL, do you watch the Pay-Per-Views at Wild Wings in Watertown? If so, I will be seeing you there tomorrow night for the break out party of Matt Fucking Hamill.

    But one thing I did want to talk about was Brock/Couture. When I look at this fight, I know people are thinking Werdum is next in line, but he beat Gabriel Gonzaga and Brandon Vera. Let's see... Gonzaga has gone nowhere since his miracle KO of Cro Cop, and he isn't really a top of the line Heavyweight. Let's be honest here. Then there is Brandon Vera who before losing to Werdum lost to only Tim Sylvia which isn't that bad, but a loss is a loss. In the end, I don't see Vera or Gonzaga as "true" challengers to the Heavyweight championship.

    Then there is Brock Lesnar who loss to the former UFC Heavyweight champion Frank Mir, but then proceeded to beat Heath Herring who had the current champion in a position to be defeated in his debut in the UFC. If anything, I would say that there should have been a "play in fight" with the winner facing Lesnar, because I believe that both Werdum and Lesnar are on equal footing. But I do think that the right person was chosen to fight Randy, and that is because if I can picture anyone beating Couture, it's Lesnar. Plus, like it has already been said, the money is right there for the taking.

  11. So, I don't know if I have been more pumped for a game since Grand Theft Auto IV. This game is going to be sick and I already know I am getting the collectors edition despite me wanting the Survival edition, but I can live without the clock. Figured I would try to get some discussion stirred back up since it will be a little less than two months since this games release.

  12. 200px-Rocket-science.jpg

    Not sure if any of you have seen this movie, but it was on Cinemax on Demand, so I decided to check it out last night and it's a pretty good movie. Apparently, it won the Dramatic Directing prize at the 2007 Sundance Film Festival. Anyways, here is my review on the movie, along with the plot.

    Rocket Science Review and Plot


    Hal Hefner is an ordinary and shy 15 year-old boy who's struggling to make it through the perils of high school. On top of his parents' recent divorce and an obsessive-compulsive, kleptomaniac older brother , Hal has a stuttering problem. In spite of this speech impediment, the high school debate team star, Ginny Ryerson, invites Hal to join the team. Stumbling his way to the championship, Hal falls in love, gains confidence and ultimately, realizes that love and life should not be rocket science.



    This was a great movie and really shows just how hard high school can be for some. I really got attached to the character of Hal and enjoyed the hell out of this movie, especially when he ends up getting Ginny's old team mate in Ben Wekselbomb and tries to get into the state championship only to be kicked out of it. There was really nothing wrong with this movie in my mind, although I was kind of disappointed at the end with how they just drove off (Hal and his dad). I wanted to see something like involving Ben and Ginny or Ginny and Hal, or some interaction there instead of just seeing him all pissed off and then leaving with his dad. It kind of feels like there is an open door there which somewhat makes me happy, but I would have preferred to have known what happened at the state competition and if Ginny and the asian kid won it all or if something else happened. Anways, I give it.

    Rating: *****

    Rating Reason: It was a solid movie and while the ending was a little bit flawed, it shows just what high school is and how tough love can be, all in a realistic setting and way.

  13. Lately, I have been listening to Tech N9ne, Ne-Yo, Shwayze, Saving Abel, and some others. Definitely a fan of Tech, Shwayze and Ne-Yo, but I think Saving Abel is going to have some work to do in order to win me over as a fan. Their song "Addicted.." isn't really enough to have won me over yet.

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