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Posts posted by Krone

  1. Yes, it was an excellent game between the two with Tony Pike proving again to be the best quarterback in the Big East, if not among one of the top five in college football along with McCoy, Tebow, Keenum, and LeFevour. Now I am rooting for Nebraska, because someone's gotta lose in the Florida/Alabama game and I want to know if TCU would get the nod or if Cincinatti would. As it looks right now, probably Cincy, because their win over Pitt will be huge in the BCS ratings, but nobody can predict that shit.

  2. Got this game yesterday on Black Friday at a hell of a deal for only $35. I am in no way, shape, or form some football fanatic, but I have been gaining interest in soccer slowly for quite some time now and this game only increases that interest ever more. It's an absolutely brilliant game and I love everything about it. I still have quite to learn, but the controls and gameplay is smooth as hell and the game is just an experience unlike any other.

    Give me an add for those of you on 360 so we can fire up a friendly against each other sometime. iKrone <-- that's my gamertag.

  3. I am so pumped to see this. It's the clash of the titans. Big Country vs. Kimbo Slice. I am so excited to see what goes down. If Kimbo wins, he's the odds on favorite from here on out, but if Big Country wins, then HE is the odds on favorite from here on out. So excited for next week now.

  4. I'm not really sure on who I want to see get the shot against Fedor now. Obviously as a wrestling fan, you would think Lashley would be choice number one, but I would rather he wait for a fight against Fedor. Seeing either Vitor or Brett Rogers isn't too bad. Rogers did KO Arlovski quicker than Fedor so that could be played up heading into the fight, but I think since Belfort is the more experienced fighter he would be the "better" fight. Only because I think he could give Fedor a better fight then Rogers, but I don't know. I will be watching either way. Not sure if I want Fedor to lose yet though or not. That could be Lashley's job in the future.

  5. I will probably be getting this tomorrow in hopes that the real rosters are out so I can start a diary on here. I've always bought the NCAA Football games no matter what, and this year will be no exception.

  6. Wouldn't say I worshiped McNair, but had a respect for what he did as a quarterback. Always pictured him as one of those guys who was really good, but was always looking for one final breakthrough to get back to the top in the league. With that being said, it really is sad to see someone who could've had that "one more" type chance, but never was really given the full opportunity.

    R.I.P. Steve McNair - May the air be yours up in heaven.

  7. 3OH!3 at Warped Tour last year. It was the first concert I had ever been to and wasn't expecting much from them. My friends were all like "Oh, let's go and see 3OH!3" and it so happened they were one of the first acts of the day. So we decided to go and see them and boy did they bring the place down. For the rest of the day, everyone else we saw was a letdown compared to 3OH!3. They just did something that hit with not only myself and my friends, but the crowd as well. To see how big they are now, it's kind of a testament to just how connected with the fans they were really.

  8. SHOMMA - Strikeforce Challengers, June 19

    Joey Villasenor vs. Evangelista Santos - TKO, Round One

    Nick Thompson vs. Tim Kennedy - TKO, Round One

    Conor Heun vs. Jorge Gurgel - Submission, Round Two

    Sarah Kaufman vs. Shayna Baszler - Decision

    Cory Devela vs. Luke Rockhold - TKO, Round One

    Dennis Hallman vs. Cedric Marks - Decision

    Brian Caraway vs. Alex Zuniga - Submission, Round One

    Duane Ludwig vs. Lyle Beerbohm - Submission, Round Three

    Landon Showalter vs. Travis Doerge - Decision

    Len Bentley vs. Marques Daniels - TKO, Round Two

    Steve Hadsel vs. Taylor Roberts - Decision

    The Ultimate Fighter 9 Finale, June 20

    Diego Sanchez vs. Clay Guida - Decision

    Ross Pearson vs. Andre Winner - Submission, Round Two

    Damarques Johnson vs. James Wilks - TKO, Round One

    Kevin Burns vs. Chris Lytle - TKO, Round One

    Joe Stevenson vs. Nate Diaz - Submission, Round Two

    Melvin Guillard vs. Gleison Tibau - Decision

    Tomasz Drwal vs. Mike Ciesnoleviscz - Decision

    Edgar Garcia vs. Brad Blackburn - Decision

    Cameron Dollar vs. Jason Dent - TKO, Round Two

    Nick Osipczak vs. Frank Lester - Decision

  9. So while I was looking for some possible Cloverfield 2 news today, I came across this movie which looks to be very interesting. While it's no Cloverfield, it does look like it could be a really good film and with Peter Jackson producing it, I wouldn't be surprised if it got raving reviews. With just under two months away from this movies release, I am surprised we haven't heard anything really about it, but that's the movie business for you with Transformers, G.I. Joe, and Terminator all coming out.



  10. UFC 99: The Comeback

    Wanderlei Silva vs. Rich Franklin - TKO, Round One

    Cain Velasquez vs. Cheick Kongo - TKO, Round Two

    Spencer Fisher vs. Caol Uno - Decision

    Mike Swick vs. Ben Saunders - Submission, Round Two

    Marcus Davis vs. Dan Hardy - TKO, Round One

    Mirko Filipovic vs. Mustapha Al-Turk - KO, Round One

    Terry Etim vs. Justin Buchholz - Decision

    Dale Hartt vs. Dennis Siver - Decision

    Stefan Struve vs. Denis Stojnic - Submission, Round One

    Peter Sobotta vs. Paul Taylor - TKO, Round One

    Paul Kelly vs. Roli Delgado - TKO, Round One

    John Hathaway vs. Rick Story - Decision

  11. WEC 41 - June 7th

    WEC Featherweight Championship: Mike Brown vs. Urijah Faber - Decision

    Jose Aldo vs. Cub Swanson - TKO, Round 2

    James Krause vs. Donald Cerrone - Decision

    Josh Grispi vs. Jens Pulver - Decision

    Manny Gamburyan vs. John Franchi - Submission, Round 1

    Mike Campbell vs. Anthony Pettis - KO, Round 1

    Scott Jorgensen vs. Antonio Banuelos - Decision

    Noah Thomas vs. Frank Gomez - Decision

    Rolando Perez vs. Seth Dikun - TKO, Round 1

    Charlie Valencia vs. Kyle Dietz - TKO, Round 1

  12. I agree about the episode not being that likable, and I thought the lame killing at the end sucked. Stop, drop, and roll you dumb bitch. Sure there was some fire in the pit, but not enough to the point that she couldn't have gotten put out. I kind of figured that the goth chick was going to die/be dead, especially when they showed her house at night, I knew something was up.

    Even though I didn't guess the correct killing, I was still pleased with who died this week. It wasn't anybody big or anyone I cared for, but I still think that it fits all in perfect. Gotta beat a few jobbers before we become a big name wrestler, eh? Kill some of the smaller characters while the other ones get built up and then we can have some bigger killings.

    I will say though that I think the sheriff being the killer at this point looks pretty good. I mean, we don't see him too much to think that he is the killer, but enough to the point of we know his relevance. For some reason, I can't see the killer being Hunter Jennings or the father of the bride, only because they seem like the way too obvious choices and you can tell that they are trying to push them as the killers. Although, I wouldn't be a bit surprised at all if they end up making the killer out to be the groom only because nobody would expect it and he hasn't been around when everyone has died so far. With that being said, here are my top three candidates for the potential killers following Episode two.

    Following Episode Two - Krone's Top 3 Potential Killers:

    1. Sheriff Charlie Mills - Despite the fact that his wife was killed in the murders by John Wakefield, I think that this could be some sort of swerve with Mills saying something like he was the one behind the killings and that Wakefield was just a cover up for the whole thing. Maybe to play off Abby, he will say something like "You were never mine, because your whore of a mother was sleeping around", claiming that Abby isn't even really his daughter, thus possibly proving why he wanted her to move away when she did.

    2. Henry Dunn - Out of everyone we wouldn't expect to be, it would be this guy. Doesn't really do anything to be hated and when everyone has been killed, he hasn't really been around. Although it would make no sense for him to kill Uncle Marty unless it was out of jealousy or something. Still, it could have had something to do with the cash that was on the boat. Maybe Thomas Wellington (Trish's father - The Father's Bride) knows something about Henry that we don't and is trying to get Hunter to stop the marriage without revealing anything?

    3. Cal Vandeusen - A very long shot at this point, but it could potentially be Cal I am thinking. For one, he kills Uncle Marty due to him having eyes for Chloe and then just goes off on everyone on the island, proving that the dumb British guy thing was just an act all along. I don't think that it is him, but he seems like he could be a reasonable choice, especially considering the circumstances.

    Episode Three Predictions - Krone's Death of the Week:

    1. Shane Pierce - Seems like he could be a pretty big death all things considered. With him and J.D. having the rivalry, I think it would only seem likely that this could be the episode he dies off on, possibly with everyone thinking that J.D. could be the killer (especially following Nikki's death), this may be the last we see of Shane.

  13. So I got done watching the first episode tonight on demand and am pleasantly surprised that there is a new episode on tonight, because I was hooked after watching that first episode. With that being said, here are my thoughts on the show.

    I believed that the show started off a little bit slow, but it got going fairly quickly. At first, I thought for sure that it was going to be the "water" death with the dude with the big ring getting killed, but alas, it wasn't meant to be. I will say that my list of killers could realistically be anyone (except for that chick who's mom died). Here are my list of suspects.

    -Hunter Jennings

    -The Bride's Father

    -Chick Who's Mom Died's Dad (The Sherrif) **OUTSIDE SHOW**

    I think that the sherrif is a good bet, just because it would be like a "really?" moment but they would have some shit to back it up with the dad saying something like "well, once your mom died, i realized that i needed to put others in the same place i was in" or something along those lines. It's always those people from left field and I suspect this will be no different.

    With that being said though, I'm upset with the death cause the character seemed like he could have gone pretty far and was one of the better ones. I will say though that the creepy girl who wakes up the mom and says she has a new friend is weird and I'm really wondering what the story is behind that. The only thing that contradicts my "sherrif being the killer" idea is that the cousin or whoever it was who was under the boat at the beginning must've died when on the mainland, and I don't think the sherrif could've done it.

    Unless him and the daughter are in on it? Which would contradict the ending with the newspaper clipping on the wall. I have no idea, I'm just psyched for the show tonight and to know some more information.

    Oh, and my death pick...

    Death Pick: Two of the best men (fat guy with sideburns and the black guy)

    Although I am going to think that the guy with the ring is going to be an obvious choice to get killed every week. I'm waiting for one of the surprising deaths really early on, like a big name (Hunter Jennings, the dad, someone we wouldn't expect to die).

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