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Posts posted by Krone

  1. Or speed walking for that matter. I mean seriously?

    Womens Gymnastics - Balance Beam (You knew it was coming)

    SHAWN FREAKING JOHNSON!!! I was so happy that she won but was pissed when earlier in the day my dad came into the same room as my grandfather and myself and told us that the "Shawn Johnson girl" won the Gold. Kind of took away from the moment, but in itself, I am so glad she won. She clearly had the best all around routine and pretty much nailed everything except for the landing. After watching her interview afterwards with Bob Costas, looks like she is coming back in 2012 hopefully. Go Shawn!
  2. How is it funny? The guy just outran some of the fastest people in the world. I don't see Asafa Powell or Tyson Gay with the Silver medal around their necks. He is happy and proud that he won Silver for his county. That is nothing to be ashamed of. I sure as hell know it's an accomplishment just to be at the Olympics, but medaling is a whole different story. Insanely hard. You try to be one of the fastest men on earth to win that medal.
  3. Okay, so I just watched this walking, and I can't even believe this is an Olympic event. Not sure what the rules on spoilers are, but I will spoiler just in case.

    That was lame as fuck, but I guess I will give them some credit, because walking for that distance does have to be tough. I was hoping for the dude who finished in second (the guy who won gold in 1996, ATLANTA!!!) to end up winning it, but I guess that Russian guy was just too good.

    Might I say that I fucking love the summer Olympics? I am actually contemplating going to the 2012 games in London as I will be 21 and on summer vacation from college. This shit is fucking awesome. Never really followed the Olympics, but being 17 now, I was kind of excited for it, and it hasn't disappointed yet. While some of these events may be cheesy as hell, its still something special to watch.

  4. Some thoughts on last night's Women's All Around

    God, I think I am in love with Shawn Johnson, and when she lost, I was pissed, but Nastia was clearly the better competitor. She was nailing everything, and even hit that perfect landing off of the Springboard Horse. Then she went on to have a great routine in the Beam and Uneven Bars and just played it great in the Dance Routine part. I thought Shawn seemed to be holding close, but it didn't really look that way with the scores as she was pretty far back until the Uneven Bars I believe is where she made most of it up. I am still glad that the United States went one two seeing as how Yiilin was in the running for most of it.

    I also have to say that I felt bad for that Chinese girl who fell on her landing in the Springboard Horse. Falling down in front of the world after representing your own country must really be hard and it looks like she never really recovered from it.

    Still pissed to see that Nastia is going to get the glory from the All Around and Shawn isn't going to win a gold medal this year. I am not sure if she has any more events, but getting Silver in the Team All Around if I am not mistaken and then losing again here to her fellow partner must really be harsh for her. Shawn still has some years ahead of her though, and I know that while some gymnasts don't normally come back, I think Johnson will be back for the London games. Not so sure about Nastia though. Anyways, I still had fun watching it, and the Women's All Around has become my favorite event overall.


    Welterweight Championship Bout: Georges St. Pierre © vs. Jon Fitch - Submission, Round 3

    Brock Lesnar vs. Heath Herring - TKO, Round 1

    Kenny Florian vs. Roger Huerta - Decision

    Rob Emerson vs. Manny Gamburyan - Submission, Round 2

    Jason MacDonald vs. Demian Maia - TKO, Round 1


    Luke Cummo vs. Tamdan McCrory - Decision

    Dan Evensen vs. Cheick Kongo - KO, Round 1

    Razak Al-Hussan vs. Andre Gusmao - Decision

    Steve Bruno vs. Chris Wilson - KO, Round 2

    Jared Rollins vs. Ben Saunders - Submission, Round 1

  6. Which is good for the EliteXC. I really think that Saturday night could be make or break for them. I mean people saw what happened last time with Kimbo almost losing to Thompson and it really didn't look too damn good for them considering they were using him as their drawing tool. Also, what the fuck at the Heavyweight title fight being on Showtime and not on CBS? I know they need their ratings too, but hot damn, that is horrible for people who actually wanted to watch Silva. Anyways, it is going to be extremely interesting to see how EliteXC does this Saturday and see if they can actually bring anyone back from the Kimbo fight. Less flash, more fucking action!

    Oh, and how about Matt Hamill getting a fight against Rich Franklin? I freaking love it! Hamill is my favorite fighter overall and I can't wait to see him take on a former Middleweight champion albeit at a higher weight for Franklin. It is going to be a tough fight for Matt, but I really think if he can take him down to the ground, it could be Hamills game to win.

  7. I just got back from the show in Darien Lake. Glad I left when I did, because it started to hale as we left. In order, here was my favorite to least favorite acts.

    1. 3OH!3

    2. Forever the Sickest Kids

    3. Schwayze

    4. Mayday Parade

    5. Gym Class Heroes (only caught "Girlfriend")

    6. Story of the Year (didn't really catch it)

    7. The Audition

    8. Reliant K

    9. St. Alvia Cartel

    Getting body surfed during the FTSK was amazingly awesome, and I just had a great day all around. If there is one group I really suggest you all check out, it's 3OH!3. I loved them and really think they are going to be the next big thing off of the Warped Tour.

  8. Thoughts of Affliction: Banned

    Went to Wild Wings to watch it and while I liked what I did see, if they ditch the shitty bands playing there, I would be happy. To be honest though, it just didn't feel like it normally does watching Affliction at Wild Wings as there was literally nobody there compared to the UFC events. I feel like Affliction is a watch at home company where as the UFC is more of a everyone wants to watch it. What I did see was a dominant Fedor Emelianenko kick some ass. I went to call a friend with a result and one of the guys at Wild Wings looked at me and goes "Wow, thats an ass kicking." and I agree. Go in, get the job done, flurry of punches, hooks, rear naked choke, done. So, the question is...

    Arlovski vs. Fedor OR Barnett vs. Fedor?

  9. Regarding Rachel, and what I think is her future and a possible future plot that I thought of.

    I believe that she didn't really get killed and instead, Joker was just fucking around with Batman and Two Face much like both of them did with Commissioner Gordon who they made the Joker think was dead. Somehow, I am hoping that we end up finding out that Rachael was actually in a third environment the entire time and Joker knew that Batman was going for Dent, so he rigged all three of the places (Dent's place, the warehouse, and Rachael's actual location) with explosives, but was only going to detonate both Dent's place and the throw off for Rachael.

    Maybe it would be cool if in the next one, Rachael goes all psychotic on Batman for killing Harvey, because it was him that she actually loved, so instead of Joker coming back, we could have a link to the Joker in the form of Rachael.

  10. I am in no way the biggest Batman fan here, but even I had to grab a ticket to the midnight showing last night. Albeit, I went by myself and felt like a twit watching it alone, but I didn't even give a shit after watching that.

    I must say that Heath Ledger's performance was absolutely stunning and to think that we won't see him playing the Joker again makes me a sad panda. The part with the fat Batman was amazing as well too. I loved that to hell as well as Rachel getting killed too.
  11. Okay, so after not finding this thread for a second god damn time, I am pissed at myself. Anyways, can someone hook me up with some stats for the following wrestlers in around the March/April 1998 time period. They hadn't made an on screen debut yet, but some stats in the area of where they might be would be much appreciated.

    -Pete Gas


    -Joey Abs

    -Billy P

    Yes, all four members of the original Mean Street Posse.

  12. Turning From Special to Normal

    We all know how the whole Eugene thing went. It was a solid gimmick for a while, but eventually, it grew stale. Your objective is in a segment to turn Eugene from a children loved man into one of the biggest heels in the WWE. This can be done either through a run in, or a promo, but you must have Eugene cut a promo on the audience in which he shows everyone his true intentions. When this takes place is up to you.
  13. The White Boy Challenger

    Back in the 2003, Rodney Mack and Theodore Long held their "White Boy Challenge" in which each week, a different white boy would challenge Mack in a five minute match. While Rodney won all of his challenges, he ended up losing to Bill Goldberg on the June 23 episode of RAW. However, this time, Chris Jericho interfered in the match and allowed Rodney Mack to win the match, catapulting him to stardom with such a big win. For the next month and a half, Rodney Mack would go on to defeat the likes of Rob Van Dam, Scott Steiner, and even Shawn Michaels thanks to help from Theodore Long and Jazz with their underhanded tactics.

    Now though, the stage is set for a "No Time Limit, White Boy Challenge" at SummerSlam 2003. Your objective is to build up lower card white boy for a match with Mack at SummerSlam. After this lower card white boy and Trish Stratus defeated Mack and Jazz, Theodore long called for the No Time Limit, White Boy Challenge. Here is what you must do.

    -This certain "White Boy" must be given a personal trainer to help him train for his match at SummerSlam.

    -You must write a montage of this "White Boy" preparing for his match with Rodney Mack, similar to the Vince McMahon videos in which he was training for the Royal Rumble 1999.

    -Also, you must write out the White Boy Challenge match from SummerSlam. The winner can be either man, however, you must have a decisive and clean winner. Both Theodore Long and the White Boy's trainer can be at ringside, but neither man can have involvement in the finish of the match.
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