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Posts posted by maddog

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    The OVW Report

    by Josh Mancini

    Well folks, another week has passed and it's time for this weeks OVW Report. For those new to this column and/or OVW here's some background info. OVW stands for Ohio Valley Wrestling and is owned by Jim Cornette as a developmental terrirtory for World Wrestling Entertainment. Enough of that though...

    Oh.. and if you haven't joined FWWE yet, go and do it.. It's great fun.

    Dark Matches:

    Matt Cappotelli d. Mideon

    Big Bossman d. Johnny Jeter

    Mike Mondo, Gene Snisky and Johnny Spade d. Jimmy Snuka Jr., Carly Colon and Paul Diamond

    Your Hosts Are: Jim Cornette and Kenny Bolin

    Live from Columbus, Ohio

    The Beast and Asylum v. Chris2 [Chris Mordetsky and Chris Cage]

    The show starts off with a basic tag team match up here. Four way brawl begins the match until the faces [Chris2] clear the ring and taunt the crowd who react with cheers. Mordetsky goes to the corner leaving Cage to start off the match against The Beast. Cage does a classic "Face-in-Peril" routine we OVW fans have gotten used to thanks to Cornette's old school style booking. After Beast and Asylum take out Mordetsky for a bit, Mordetsky gets the hot tag to Cage who takes out both men because appearantly he has the hot tag. The Beast tries to stop the run with a clothesline but Cage dodges it and hits the Neckbreaker on Beast for the 3 count.

    Winners: Chris2

    As that match ends, "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns N Roses starts to play and out from the back comes Tyson Dux with a mic in hand. He gets into the ring and starts to talk about what happened last week between him and Seven where Seven got an easy win over him. This brings out the big man who tells Dux that he can't fight him this week for he has a OVW Heavyweight Title shot against Mark Magnus. Dux gets pissed and tells Seven to get in the ring right now. This brings out one of Seven's minions, Travis Bane and an impromptu match is started.

    Travis Bane w/ Seven v. Tyson Dux

    Tyson Dux didn't want to beat around the bush and starts to take out Bane but this match falls apart quick as another of Seven's minions, Horshu, comes out and interferes. After Horshu blindsides Dux, Seven gets into the ring and starts to beat down on Duxx. Seven is about to set Dux up for the Sinner Shot when Mark Magnus comes out and chases the three heels off leaving Dux alone with Magnus who stare down each other as the show heads to a commercial.

    Winner: Tyson Dux by DQ

    The show comes back from commercial to see Da Baldies in the ring with a manager. OVW fans recognize the manager as Nikita Fink. Fink gets on the mic saying that her new men want a shot at the Tag Titles. This brings out John Heidenreich and Nick Dinsmore who are the number one contenders. They're looking pretty pissed and tell Da Baldies that they have no right in challenging for the titles. Nick looks really infuriated and starts ranting on about how he held 11 OVW Titles in the past and now two punks who couldn't even hold garbage tag titles from ECW. This pisses off Da Baldies and the two teams are about to brawl when out from the back come the OVW Tag Champs Aaron Stevens and Nova to boos. The Tag Champs say that they have permission to give out title shots and they say that both teams will fight right now to get a Tag Title shot. This brings out a referee and the two teams begin the match.

    Nick Dinsmore and John Heidenreich v. Da Baldies [spanish Angel and Tony DeVito] w/ Nikita Fink

    Dinsmore really carried this match. No offense against Da Baldies who are great in tag action, but seriously.. When you've tagged as long as Dinsmore has and are a good wrestler, you tend to carry matches. Nick Dinsmore is the OVW Billy Gunn. Match ends when Heidenreich comes in and hits Tony DeVito with a Spinning Chokeslam.

    Winners: Nick Dinsmore and John Heidenreich

    This brings up the main event of the evening for the OVW Heavyweight Title...

    Mark Magnus © v. Seven - OVW Heavyweight Title

    Magnus literally gets crushed here by Seven. Everything Magnus did, Seven reversed. It was almost like Seven was shooting the whole match. Magnus finally gave up and let Seven control the match, bumping like a pinball machine. End comes when Seven hits the Choke Bomb. But instead of pinning him, Seven hits the Sinner Shot on Magnus and then pins him.

    Winner: Seven

    After the match Seven's minions, Travis Bane and Horshu come out with a bag. They stuff Magnus into the bag and Seven poses as the show goes off the air with Cornette and Bolin talking about next week.

    Next Week

    Travis Bane and Horshu v. Chris2

    Jimmy Snuka, Jr. v. Boogalou

    Nick Dinsmore and John Heidenreich v. Nova and Aaron Stevens © - OVW Tag Titles

    Seven v. Tyson Dux

  2. So yeah.. The past couple of monthes went by fast...

    WWF Prime Time Wrestling

    Reported by Ant Rivers


    Your Hosts: Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan

    Segments: Stamford, CT

    Matches: Albany, NY and Buffalo, NY

    The show opens up in the Stamford, CT studio where Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan sit at a desk with a TV Screen in back of them with the Prime Time Wrestling logo on it.

    Monsoon Welcome everybody to WWF Prime Time Wrestling!

    Heenan And tonight, not only will you see the end of Hulkamania, but the end of it by the hands of my two men, Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect!

    Monsoon Don't count your chickens before they hatch Bobby. Now for those who don't know what Bobby's talking about, President Jack Tunney booked a Special PPV Calibre Tag Match which will feature the team of "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect taking on "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan and "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan.

    Heenan Immortal? Immortal? I'll tell you something Monsoon, Ric Flair's name is Immortal. Hogan is nothing compared to Flair! Flair is the REAL World's Champion and he WILL prove it in January.

    Monsoon Well now.. Let’s go to Buffalo, NY for our first match.

    Jake Roberts d. Koko B. Ware

    In a basic brawl here, the two men opened up the show nice, in a match the crowd was kind of. Jake makes quick work of Koko and hits the DDT for the win.

    Rating = 63, 68, 52

    Despite the quick match, Jake added something after the match. He got out of the ring and got a metal chair and headed back into the ring. He started to hit Koko with the chair as the crowd booed. The bell kept ringing as referees came out and tried to stop Jake. Jake continued and finally stopped and put the chair on the ground. The refs look at him and Jake goes to Damian’s bag. He pulls out Damian and scares the officials away. Jake puts him on the ground and picks up Koko. He sets Koko up for the DDT and hits it right onto the chair. Koko starts to bleed and Jake leaves the ring with Damian.

    Monsoon I cannot believe the ferocity we just saw in the Snake Bobby!

    Heenan That’s a new side of the Snake, Gorilla. And if we were smart, we’d avoid crossing paths with him as long as we are still here in the WWF! Like these two men with us that their opponents will learn to avoid paths with.

    By now, the scene has returned to the studio where Heenan and Monsoon are with Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect. Both men are wearing suits. Ric Flair has the NWA Title on the desk.

    Heenan That's right folks, an exclusive interview with the Real World's Champion, "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect.

    Monsoon Yes and I have a question for you Ric. What makes you so sure that you can beat Hulk Hogan?

    Flair What makes me so sure Gorilla? How about you open up your eyes and see the truth! Hulk Hogan is an old era. An era of the 80s. The fans are getting bored of him, while I, a kiss stealing, wheeling dealing, jet flying, limosine riding, son of a gun am now! I am hip, I am the 90s! WOOOOO! I am the new era! WOOOOO! Now let me ask you a question Gorilla.. Who do you think the man in the WWF is today?

    Monsoon Why Hulk Hogan of course.

    Flair Well I have a saying... And it goes like this; to be the man, you've gotta beat the man. And if I have to beat Hogan to become the man in the WWF, then I will do it!

    Perfect That's right. Flair is indeed going to beat Hogan. And with God as my witness, it will be simply Perfect. And Royal Rumble.. It'll have the perfect ending as myself and Ric will be the last two and then we will have the perfect match in which one of us will win the World Title. But let us concentrate on tonight. Jim Duggan is perfect in one way, he's the Perfect Idiot!

    Heenan laughs at this.

    Heenan See Gorilla, I told you he was an idiot. And if Mr. Perfect says so, it must be true!

    Perfect As for Hogan, last time we fought you paid the referee off to disqualify me. But I will get my revenge tonight with Ric at my side. Remember, nobody beats Mr. Perfect.. Nobody.

    Flair WOOOOOO!

    The two men head off as the show heads to Buffalo, NY.

    Rating = 82

    Money Inc's theme plays over the PA system and from the back comes Ted DiBiase and IRS to boos. They get into the ring and Ted calls for a mic.

    DiBiase Now most of you Buffalo slobs are probably wondering why the Million Dollar Man is out here in front of you overweight, underpaid, fans of the worst team in football, Buffalo citizens. Well it's simple. I have an announcement. And that's that all three of Money Inc.'s members are going to enter the match. IRS, I and our bodyguard will be entering the Royal Rumble.

    IRS But focus is on tonight. Tonight, The New Foundation are late to pay their taxes and tonight, they'll get the write up.

    DiBiase And then we'll go into the Royal Rumble and win the titles, because Legion of Doom, everybody's got a price to pay for the Million Dollar Man and yours will be the WWF Tag Team Titles.

    DiBiase laughs as the New Foundation's music hits over the PA System. Neidhart and Owen Hart come out. They highfive and run into the ring where a brawl breaks out.

    Rating = 77

    Money Inc. d. The New Foundation

    IRS and Neidhart start it off, with brawling which leads to Neidhart playing the face in peril. After about 3 minutes of Money Inc. dominating Neidhart, The Anvil gets the hot tag to Owen Hart which leads to the cleaning of the ring. Owen and The Anvil celebrate in the ring, which was a mistake. Ted DiBiase gets into the ring and attacks Owen from behind. The Anvil looks at DiBiase as referee Danny Marsh sends Neidhart back to his corner. The match becomes more technical as DiBiase and Hart exchange technical moves. But Hart decides to change it when he Irish Whips DiBiase into a corner. Hart sets DiBiase on the top rope and executes a Superplex off of it. The crowd cheers as both men are down. Referee Marsh starts the ten count. After about 6 seconds, both men get up and start to brawl. They exchange punches until Owen hits a clothesline. DiBiase is knocked down. Owen signals for the Sharpshooter and locks it on DiBiase! But Referee Marsh is distracted by IRS who is jumping up and down on the apron. As IRS distracts Marsh, in comes Jim Neidhart who go to Owen and DiBiase and kicks Owen off of DiBiase! Neidhart then executes a Running Powerslam on Owen as IRS stops distracting the ref. The crowd boos as DiBiase slowly crawls ontop of Owen to get the Three Count. IRS and DiBiase raise each other's hands as Neidhart gets in the ring and looks at Owen. He spits on Owen and shakes DiBiase's hand.

    Rating = 77, 73, 82

    Monsoon What a match folks, but instead of returning to the studio We hear that Sean Mooney is interviewing the Legion of Doom about comments on the match that just happened!

    Sean Mooney is standing between both members of the Legion of Doom who have the WWF Tag Titles on their shoulders.

    Mooney Legion of Doom! You two requested a word right after the previous match ended and now's your chance to speak.

    Hawk Listen up! DiBiase! IRS! Do you think you're going to take our Titles away from us?

    This cues both members to pat their titles.

    Hawk That's just a dream of yours! You may have paid off Jim Neidhart to help you win your match with Owen and Jim but that won't happen with us! We're like brothers! We fight together and nothing will change that! Not one dollar, not even one million dollars! DiBiase, you're money will be worthless to us.. It'll be like the stock market crashed!

    The crowd cheers as Animal talks.

    Animal As for you IRS, you can take your tax deductions and shove 'em! There is no price for us! And after we beat you for our titles, we'll throw both of you out in the Royal Rumble!


    Hawk and Animal stare at the camera when banging is heard. The camera turns to see Owen Hart banging things against the wall.

    Owen I can't believe it! Backstabbed by my best friend!

    Owen knocks over a chair and he looks at the Legion of Doom and Sean Mooney.

    Owen Mooney, give me that mic!

    Mooney gives Owen the mic and he starts to talk into it.

    Owen Listen up Anvil! I know you can hear me and this is a message. You better watch your back.. That's right Jim, because you see.. I'm entering the Rumble with one purpose! To ELIMINATE you! And then, I'll win the World Title and give you a shot just so I can beat you AGAIN! That's right Jim, watch yourself.. This is personal.

    Hawk and Animal look at each other then Owen.

    Hawk Owen.. We have a proposal for you. Would you like to go to dinner to talk about it?

    Owen What?

    Hawk Trust me..

    Owen looks at both of them and then nods.

    Owen Alright. Let's go.

    The three men leave Mooney who looks into the camera.

    Mooney Well, that's three more entered into the Rumble! Now back to the Studio!

    Rating = 71

    The scene returns back to the Studio where Bobby Heenan and Gorilla Monsoon now sit with Jack Tunney.

    Monsoon Thank you Sean! Now fans, as you can see, we're here with WWF President, Jack Tunney!

    Heenan That's right folks, the man who let Ric Flair come into this promotion. How are you sir?

    Tunney I could be better Bobby. But knowing the fact that Shawn Micheals and Bret Hart could explode on each other at any given point does bother me.

    Heenan Indeed. Not like Ric Flair who's calm and cool. Or Mr. Perfect.

    Monsoon Well Mr. Tunney, you said you had an announcement to make concerning them two men..

    Tunney Yes I di-

    Heenan Concerning Perfect and Flair? Wait let me get a pen..

    Heenan disappears under the desk.

    Monsoon No Bobby, Bret Hart and Shawn Micheals.

    Heenan comes back up with a pen and paper..

    Heenan Oh... Well... Okay.

    Heenan puts the objects on the desk as Tunney talks.

    Tunney It has come to my attention that Bret Hart and Shawn Micheals seem to want to make matches without my permission. And I have the final say in the matches. And here is my final say concerning that match; Bret Hart and Shawn Micheals WILL indeed fight at the Royal Rumble for the Intercontinental Title.. But it will not be an ordinary match but instead an epic match. A match that will go down in the history books.. This match is going to be called a "Last Man Standing" match. Mixing a little bit from Boxing and Wrestling, here are the rules. There are no pinfalls, there are no submissions, there are no disqualifications. There are no rules except for one. The only way to win is for one man to knock the other one out. When a wrestler thinks his opponent is knocked out, he will then ask the referee to begin the count. When the referee reaches ten, he will call for the bell and the match will end. That are the rules. Good luck men, and let this be a warning to anyone else. Ask for my permission before you decide to make your own matches.

    Monsoon Thank you President!

    Rating = 54

    Heenan Wow. Making history, for we will see the Heartbreak Kid take out the Old Dumb Canadian Fart for the Intercontinental Title!

    Monsoon Hmm.. I don't know about that.. But speaking of the Rumble we have gotten the follow information. The British Bulldog, Sid Justice, The Mountie and Rick "The Model" Martel will be entering the Royal Rumble!

    Heenan Speaking of the Model, let's head to Albany where Rick is ready to take care of that feather wearing loser, Tatanka!

    Rick Martel d. Tatanka

    This match, like the Roberts/Koko match, is a brawl. Although Martel knows how to keep up with the best of them, Tatanka only knows how to brawl. Tatanka kept control with the brawling until a man came down to the ring area with a cell phone in hand. He kept talking really loud and obnoxiously, and kept mentioning something about him not being able to make it January 12 for the photo shoot. This distracted Tatanka who looked at the man. This gave Rick enough time to roll up Tatanka for a quick three count. The man finally stopped talking and looked up. He saw Rick coming out to the ring. The man grabbed Rick and whispered something in his ear. Rick nodded and the two men went backstage.

    64, 56, 73

    As the two men headed backstage, "Real American" started to play over the PA System and the crowd went wild. Out from the back came Jim Duggan and Hulk Hogan. The crowd was going crazy for these two superfaces. Duggan got into the ring and pointed to the crowd and screamed "OOOOOH" Finally Hogan came in and did the usual taunts. The crowd ate most of it and Duggan finally got on the mic.

    Duggan OOOOOO! It seems to me Hulk that you need some back up in the Royal Rumble! And I know just the man! Me! That's right, I will enter to be by your side just like tonight when we take down Perfect and Flair!

    Hogan Well brutha... Let me tell you something! Tonight.. We will defeat Perfect and Flair! Why? Because Hulkamania is running wild like it's never ran before! It is currently the best thing going! Flair, you want to say that Hogan is the 80's? You want to say that Hogan is the past?! Well let me tell you something! You're dreaming Brutha! Because the WWF, the World Title, This is the House that me and all my little Hulkamaniacs built! And nothing, NOTHING, will change that!

    The crowd cheers as the trumpets blare and out comes Flair and Perfect to boos.

    Rating = 96

    Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect d. Hulk Hogan and Jim Duggan

    Wow... The crowd didn't seem as into this match as they were into the interviews. Anyways the match is really back and forth as Duggan plays the Face-in-Peril the beginning of the match until he hits a hot lariat on Perfect forcing them both down. Referee Joey Marella starts the ten count and both men make it to their corners, Perfect first. Flair gets in the ring as Duggan tags Hogan who is pumped up. Flair gives the classic "Heel Doesn't Want to Fight" and runs out of the ring. Hogan chases him and they run out of the ring a few times. Marella has lost control as Duggan and Perfect get into the ring and start brawling. Perfect tosses Duggan out of the ring and gets out himself as Flair gets into the ring. Marella has reached six. Hogan sees Perfect and goes towards him. Hogan and Perfect start to brawl as referee Marella counts ten. Marella calls for the bell as the crowd boos. Hogan looks up as Flair celebrates. He woos a few times and Hogan gets blindsided by Perfect who throws Hogan into the ring. The two heels beat down on Hogan until some famillar music is heard.

    Rating = 73, 79, 60

    "Pomp and Circumstance" starts to play as the crowd cheers. Out from the back comes running "Macho Man" Randy Savage. He gets into the ring and tosses Perfect over the top. Flair and Savage then start to brawl and finally Savage throws Flair over the top. Hogan is still laid out and Savage looks down at him. Savage then picks up Hogan and tosses him over. Savage then grabs a mic and starts to talk.

    Savage OOOOOH YEEEEAH! It's the Macho Man, Randy Savage! And I'm not out here to preach to you about how I'm going to go into the Rumble and win like everyone else did, oh no! Instead I am here to talk to these two. You two forgot about me! You said you were going to eliminate each other and that'll work perfect for me! Why? Because then I'd be the last one standing! I'd walk out with the WWF title!

    The crowd gives a mixed reaction to this.

    Savage That's right! And if any of you didn't figure it out, I'm entering the Rumble! Remember, this is just a warning to everyone that night! OOOOOH YEEEEAH!

    Savage starts to move around the ring hitting the turnbuckles, getting the crowd pumped up as the show goes off the air.

    Rating = 91

    Overall = 76

    5.62 TV rating

    Attendance: 5,005 people.

    Ticket Sales: $200,200

  3. Minor League Baseball Games I remember a

    "Nice Shoes Ump".. Pretty funny..

    Sports Fans in Rhode Island suck though.

    And Boston Fans are retarded. No need for a Yankees Suck chant at a goddamn football game.

    I like the LSU Sucks chants.. Because... LSU sucks.

  4. I hope you were being sarcastic Random...

    Because they've had the best sharpshooters try to do the same thing with the same weapon in the same amount of time. It's been proved impossible, even if the U.S. Government doesn't want you to believe it to be impossible. Plus the Weapon he used was highly inaccurate AND how come most of the witnesses disappeared/died mysteriously?

    Watch the movie JFK.. Explains one of the conspiracy theories.

  5. Jimi Hendrix - Really depends what you're looking for. Some say Are You Experianced but I personally would say Electric Ladyland and Live at the Isle of Wight and Woodstock.

    Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin, Led Zeppelin 2 and Led Zeppelin 4 was good.

    Nirvana - In Utero

    Pink Floyd - The Wall and Dark Side of the Moon

    Queen - Greatest Hits Vol 2

    The Beatles - Sgt. Peppers

    The Doors - I'd recommend ALL of their albums.

    The Eagles - Hotel California...

    U2 - Joshua Tree and How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb

  6. Heard it on Hardrive the other day [don't know how many of you listen to Hardrive] and thought it was alright. Anyone else happen to hear this? For a cover it's pretty good in my opinion. They don't kill the song, but give a new sound to it. I'm not a fan of covers but I am a fan of Pink Floyd and Korn and I liked it. I'd recommend listening to it.

  7. I don't understand why the obsession with making the movie darker.  It worked just fine as it was -- a light-hearted morality play (I mean, is the Chocolate Factory a transparent allegory for Heaven or what?) that kids could relate to and take a lesson from.  Who is this going to appeal to, except for sadists like us?  Who do you market this to?  Kids will be freaked out, and adults will think it's a children's story.

    Well, good luck with it anyway.

  8. The Chapelle Show is fucking awesome.

    Trading Spouses, the crackhead talking to the kids in the school, and the "Race Draft" or whatever is was called ("The Chinese have selected...Tiger Woods"..."Colin Powell is officially white"), but my personal favorite had to be the short spoof of the Mitsubishi commercial at the very beginning of the first show. The commercial with that Dirty Vegas song playing and the girl in pink doing an idiotic dance. The girl is in the passenger's seat doing the dance and Dave is driving. Dave turns to her with the funniest expression and says "What the fuck are is THAT?!?". Just the tone of his voice, the look on his face, and the mood is perfect. Really set the tone for the first episode, IMO.

  9. Envy rocked.... I went in expecting nothing and I got something..

    Seriously though: Black and Walken kept me going.. I personally don't like Stiller...

    Off Topic: Orange County was a better Jack Black film..

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