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Posts posted by maddog

  1. In other news:

    On MSN.com it's being reported that the Expos might move to Washington..

    Article: http://msn.foxsports.com/story/3044408

    Richard Nixon was president and man was still making trips to the moon the last time the word "Washington" appeared in the major league baseball standings.

    On opening day, April 4, 2005, look for the nation's capital to return.

    Baseball was to announce Wednesday that Washington will be the new home of the Montreal Expos, according to a city official who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

    The city was to celebrate Wednesday afternoon with a news conference featuring people associated with the old Washington Senators, the official said.

    "I think we'll be in a position where we can have a celebration tomorrow," Mayor Anthony Williams told WUSA-TV late Tuesday. Williams was noncommittal at his regular weekly news conference Wednesday, telling reporters he was still waiting for official notification from Major League Baseball officials.

    The announcement comes one day before the 33rd anniversary of the Senators' final game. The team moved to Texas after the 1971 season, which was also the last time a major league team was relocated.

    A crucial hurdle was cleared this week when, according to the city official, baseball reached an understanding with Baltimore Orioles owner Peter Angelos, who had previously objected to having a team relocate just 40 miles from the Orioles' Camden Yards stadium.

    Baseball has been looking for a new home for the Expos since the financially troubled team was bought by the other 29 major league owners in 2002.

    Bob DuPuy, baseball's chief operating officer, did not return telephone messages seeking comment Tuesday night. Angelos refused comment when reached at his home, and there was no confirmation by baseball of a deal between the commissioner's office and Angelos.

    Las Vegas; Norfolk, Va.; Monterrey, Mexico; Portland, Ore.; and Northern Virginia also made bids, but Washington clearly took the lead during negotiations over recent weeks, strengthened by its wealthy population base and a financial package that would build a new stadium primarily with taxpayers' money.

    The negotiations have produced a 30-page document that would conditionally award the Expos to Washington, pending approval by the City Council. The document had not yet been signed as of Tuesday night, the city source told the AP.

    Baseball commissioner Bud Selig, reached at his Milwaukee home, declined comment.

    Plans call for a $440 million package that would include a new ballpark to be built along the Anacostia River about a dozen blocks south of the U.S. Capitol. The package also includes a $13 million refurbishment of RFK Stadium, where the team would play for three seasons while the new facility is being built.

    Some fans interviewed Wednesday in the district's downtown were wary of the financial implications for the cash-strapped city government.

    "It's probably money that could be better spent elsewhere," said John Beckley, a Virginia resident who routinely treks to Baltimore to see the Orioles play.

    "I guess the nation's capital deserves to have a representative in baseball, but obviously it's going to cost a lot of money," said Stephen Thomas, a district resident.

    Others, liked retired district resident Bob Ryan, were clearly elated.

    "I've lived here all my life. I was a Washington Senators fan in the old days," Ryan said. "It's good to have it back."

    "It's been way too long without a team down here," said Erin Dieterich, of suburban Silver Spring, Md. "It's a national pastime and this is the nation's capital."

    Washington needed an answer from Major League Baseball this week because the ballpark legislation had to be introduced in the City Council by Friday in order for it to be passed by Dec. 31, when terms expire for several pro-baseball council members.

    Even now, some members of the council think the deal might not pass because it is perceived as too generous to baseball in a city that struggles to fund adequate schools and city services.

    "I think everybody is excited about baseball coming to the District," Councilman Adrian Fenty said. "Very few District residents are excited about a full subsidy to pay for this stadium. ... At the end of the day, you're not going to have seven council members support it."

    The move also must be approved by three-quarters of major league owners and survive legal challenges by the Expos' former limited partners.

    After the announcement, the process of selling the Expos will start. A group that includes former Rangers partner Fred Malek has been seeking a Washington franchise for five years. In addition, several baseball officials have said in the past week that Stan Kasten, former president of the Atlanta Braves, Hawks and Thrashers, might be trying to assemble a group.

    The original Senators played in Washington from 1901-60 before moving to Minnesota to become the Twins. The expansion Senators called Washington home from 1961-71 before moving to Texas and becoming the Rangers.

    Montreal's last home game is scheduled for Wednesday night against Florida. Tuesday night's game, which the Expos lost 5-2, attracted 5,416 fans.

  2. Thanks for all the comments guys. Here's a preview of the Rumble card and the image. This is not the final card. Credit to LivingLegend for the Rumble GFX.

    user posted image

    Royal Rumble Card

    January 12, 1992

    Live from the Miami Arena, Miami, Florida, USA

    Main Event

    The Royal Rumble Match

    WWF World Title Match

    Patricipants So Far:

    Hulk Hogan

    Ric Flair w/Bobby Heenan

    The Undertaker w/Paul Bearer

    Big Bossman

    Bret Hart

    Shawn Micheals w/Sensational Sherri

    WWF Intercontinental Title Match

    Shawn Micheals w/Sensational Sherri v. Bret Hart ©

    WWF Tag Team Title Match

    The New Foundation/Money Inc. v. The Legion of Doom ©

    Card is Subject To Change

  3. WWF Wrestling Challenge

    Reported by Ant Rivers


    Your Hosts: "Mean" Gene Okerlund and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan

    Albany, NY

    The show opens in Albany with Heenan and Okerlund in the ring running down the card. They finish as jobbers Barry Horowitz and Chris Walker make their way down to the ring for their match.

    Power and Glory d. Barry Horowitz and Chris Walker

    Not bad for an opening. The crowd wasn't really into it, although they were into booing Hercules. Pretty Boy, Paul Roma, flirted with one of the fans in the front row before the match. Hercules had his chains around his neck. He growled at the two jobbers who cowered in the corner. The match started and it was basically Power and Glory destroying Walker, who ended up getting the hot tag to Horowitz. Horowitz ran in the ring and, Hercules clotheslined him. Roma dropkicked Walker off the apron and then climbed the turnbuckle. Hercules placed Horowitz into the Superplex position. They then did that move they do, the one where Hercules superplexes the guy off the top and Roma hits the frog splash. Roma gets the pin for the win at 4:21.

    Rating = 48, 46, 61

    Heenan Right there was a reason I used to manage Hercules, Gene.

    Okerlund Why don't you manage him now, Brain?

    Heenan Let's face it Gene, when you manage the REAL World's Champion and perfection himself, how can you afford to manage anybody else, even someone as good as Hercules?

    Okerlund I don't know Brain. Anyways, Sean Mooney is backstage with the Law of the WWF, The Big Bossman!

    The scene changes to Sean Mooney with Big Bossman.

    Mooney Thank you Gene and Bobby! I'm standing here with the Big Bossman who has an announcement concerning the WWF Royal Rumble.

    Bossman That's right Mooney! And it's this right here, come January 12, 1992, The Cobb County Prison will be full of 29 inmates! And that's because I plan on entering the Royal Rumble and eliminating 29 other men, winning the World Title and then bringing the 29 men into prison! But right now, there's a cell reserved for a prisoner of war and his name is Colonel Mustafa! So Colonel, prepared to be hit with the LAW!

    Bossman twirls his stick and walks off towards the ring.

    Mooney Back to ringside after this commercial break.

    Rating = 64

    Big Bossman d. Colonel Mustafa w/General Adnan

    We come back from commercials with Adnan and Mustafa waving the Iraqi flag in the ring.. Uh.. Didn't the Gulf War end last year? Whatever... This brings out Bossman with his nightstick who chases Adnan out of the ring, and Mustafa hits him in the back with the Iraqi Flag. Bossman goes down and Mustafa has advantage for a bit, but instead of taking the advantage, he waves the Iraqi flag... Again. Bossman has now recovered and is stalking Mustafa. Mustafa turns around into a BIG Boss Man Slam! Bossman pins Mustafa for the three count.

    Rating = 55, 60, 65

    Heenan What disrespect there by Bossman! The man was waving his nation's flag around and what does Bossman do? He attacks him!

    Okerlund Well, however you may look at it, Bossman gets the win.

    Heenan Disrespectul win.

    Okerlund That may be up to the fans Brain. Anyways, we've got footage of the beginning of Steve Lombardi's transformation from plain to fame.

    Heenan This should be fun.

    The scene fades out to black. That's when "Slick-A-Tized" in 70s type looking lettering comes on the screen. The scene fades to Steve Lombardi and Slick walking down a New York Street. Slick is wearing a very nice looking suit while Lombardi wears a beatdown Yankee Hat, a ripped Yankee jersey and a pair of tatted blue jeans.

    Slick Now listen to me brutha! The man has been holding you down. And do you know why?

    Lombardi Uh..

    Slick Many reasons! First, your Italian. When people think of Italians, they think of the Mafia. And is are you mafioso my soul-jiving brutha? I didn't think so. Next is you're name. What kind of name is Steve? As of now, you'll be known as "Sooooul" Lombardi.

    Lombardi Soul?

    Slick Say it with Jive!

    Lombardi Sooouuull?

    Slick There you go. Then, there's your hair.

    Slick takes off Lombardi's hat to reveal a mess of hair.

    Slick We've got to get that cut. And your weight. You're a little overweight but after a month of Jiving, you'll be as good looking as me! Next is your clothing. You need to be sharp dressed to get anywhere. Now let's go over the list of things we have to change. Your name, heritage outlook, hair, weight and clothing. Let's do the easy stuff first. We did your name, next is your hair.

    Slick and Lombardi stop in front of a barber shop. Inside is a young black man, two older black men and an old white man. They look at Lombardi and Slick. The younger one goes over to Slick and gives him a handshake.

    Young Black Man Slick, my good man. How are you doing?

    Slick Good my brutha. Just jiving up this white boy.

    Old White Man A little more then jiving. He looks like a greaseball. All these young kids don't know anything.

    Old Black Man 1 So what do you think we should do Joe?

    Joe [2nd Black Man] I say we cut it almost all off, about a half inch left.

    The scene fades to commercials with Lombardi sitting in the barber chair.

    Rating = 43

    Shawn Micheals w/Sensational Sherri d. Greg Valentine

    Alot of brawling to begin this match, but finally Micheals gets an advantage with a drop kick. Pinfall gets 2 count. Micheals argues with referee Tim White only to have Valentine turn him around and Snap Suplex him. Pinfall gets 2, due to Sensational Sherri distracting White. Valentine looks up and gets mad. He tells White to get over here but White is trying to Sherri off the apron. Valentine goes over to Sherri as Micheals gets up. Valentine yells at Sherri who continues to distract. Valentine then turns around to get a punch from Micheals. Micheals throws something out of the ring and Sherri gets off the apron. Sherri then goes to the item Micheals thrown. Micheals pins Valentine for the win. Meanwhile Sherri is putting a highheel back on her foot.

    Rating = 62, 65, 74

    Okerlund Did you see that Brain? Micheals used Sherri's high heel on Greg Valentine!

    Heenan What are you talking about? Micheals gave a hard punch to Valentine that knocked him out. Like in Boxing.

    Okerlund Brain, you saw Sherri putting her high heel back on!

    Heenan It fell off when she was getting off of the ring apron.

    Okerlund And why was she on the ring apron?

    Heenan To get a better view of the ring. Shawn Micheals doesn't need help to win Okerlund! He's the Heart Break kid! And he proved that when he took out Marty Jannetty!

    Okerlund Whatever really happened, Micheals picks up the tainted win.

    Heenan Speaking of tainted, Sean Mooney is backstage with Bret Hart.

    Sean Mooney is standing with Bret Hart, the WWF Intercontinental Champ.

    Mooney Bret "The Hitman" Hart, tonight you defend your title against the voodoist, Papa Shango. Any remarks before you head out there?

    Hart Yes Mooney. Shango, you better be prepared to face the excellence of execution. You better be prepared. Because once I come out there and lock on the Sharpshooter, there is no getting out. There is no stopping the pain. You see, they call me the Excellence of Execution for a reason. And that reason is because I am flawless. And being flawless, I will be entering the Royal Rumble. And then I will become the World Champ and everyone will realize why I am the best there was, the best there is and the best there ever will be.

    Hart walks towards the ring.

    Rating = 76

    Mooney Well you heard it here folks. Now back to ringside.

    The Main Event

    WWF Intercontinental Title Match

    Bret "The Hitman" Hart d. Papa Shango via DQ

    Hart literally dominated most of this match. Hart used all his technical ability to defeat Shango. After keeping Shango on the mat for the first two minutes of the match, Hart made his first mistake in climbing the top rope. Hart went for an elbow drop but Shango moved out of the way. Shango then used an arsenal of power moves including multiple clotheslines, shoulder charges and body slams. Shango then goes for a pin but Hart kicks out at 2. Shango realizes he needs to do more and goes for a suplex, but Hart reverses it into his own Suplex. That's when Hart signals for the Sharpshooter. Hart locks it on when a famillar screaming is heard. Shawn Micheals comes out to his music and Hart looks confused. Micheals gets in the ring as Hart lets go of the Sharpshooter. Micheals clotheslines Hart and referee Shane McMahon calls for the belt. Micheals then hits a Rocker Dropper on Bret to boos. Micheals gets on the mic.

    Rating = 66, 73, 75

    Micheals Bret Fart. I can't believe you actually think you are the best there is and the best there ever will be.. I'll give you credit, you are the best there was. Was Bret. That's it Because you see, now you have to deal with the best there is right here. Shawn Micheals. The Heartbreak Kid. And come January 12, 1992, you Bret Hart will not only be titleless, but the first person I eliminate to become the World Champ and I will be the first person in the WWF to hold both the Intercontinental Championship and the World Championship at the same time.

    Micheals drops the mic on Bret as Okerlund and Heenan run down Tomorrow Night's PrimeTime Wrestling.

    Rating = 69

    Overall Rating = 59

    Television Rating = 4.11

    Attendence = 5,026 People

    Ticket Sales = $201,040

    WWF Prime Time Wrestling


    The last Prime Time Wrestling before the Royal Rumble and lots of things are going to go down! As 4 matches have already been set.

    In a number one contendership match for the Tag Team Titles, The New Foundation takes on Money Inc.

    Jake "The Snake" Roberts with Damien will take on Koko B. Ware with Freddie!

    Rick "The Model" Martel takes on Tatanka.

    And the main event features more tag action, and PPV Style Tag Action, as Mr. Perfect teams up with Ric Flair to take on Hulk Hogan and Jim Duggan!

    Plus: Jack Tunney has an important announcement regarding the Shawn Micheals/Bret Hart Intercontinental Title Match!

    More Entrants in the Royal Rumble!

    "Macho Man" Randy Savage, Sid Justice, The British Bulldog and The Mountie will all be in the building!

    All this and more on WWF Prime Time Wrestling!

  4. WWF Superstars

    Reported by Ant Rivers


    Your Hosts: Vince McMahon and Mr. Perfect

    Well... it's 1992 and the first show of the year is... um... well.. let's see...

    Steve Lombardi def. El Matador

    That's right. Lombardi, the man formerly known as the Brooklyn Brawler, defeats El Matador, the man formerly known as Tito Santana... I need to sit down. Lombardi gets his first win of the year, WITHOUT jobbing?! Hmm... Lombardi wins with the Brawler Bomb and then post match, Slick came out as Lombardi beating the shit out of Matador. Crappy match.

    Rating = 51, 41, 61

    Slick then raised Lombardi's hand and asked for a mic. The crowd seemd to want to boo... and get some popcorn, so only about half the crowd booed at the beginning. Slick then got on the mic.

    Slick Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present you to the first member to be Slick-a-Tized, "Soul" Lombardi! Starting next week, this man will go from plain to fame and it'll all be thanks to me, baby!

    The crowd gives some interest to this as the TV Crowd gets cut to a commercial break from a mildly hot interview. It's gotten me interested into next week, and seeing this fat slob turned into a Slick-A-Tized "Soul" Lombardi.

    Rating = 70

    The Bushwackers d. The Beverly Brothers

    Yes.. The weaker point of the very, very, strong WWF Tag Division, is shown in this match. Fun match which sees The Genius get hit with the Battering Ram. After the match, the Bushwackers head out to the crowd to celebrate with the crowd while The Genius and The Beverly Brothers fume in the ring.

    Rating = 58, 55, 61

    The show returns from the commercial as a famillar strumming of the guitar is heard. "Real American" plays over the PA system and the crowd goes wild. Out from the back comes Hogan wearing his yellow tights and a yellow Hulkamania shirt. The crowd cheers as Hogan gets in the ring. He cups his ears to all four sides of the arena and flexes his muscles. He rips off the shirt and continues to flex. Finally, he gets a mic.

    Hogan Can you feel the electricity Hulkamaniacs?! Can you feel the electricity that runs here in Buffalo?!

    The crowd cheers as Hogan continues.

    Hogan Because I can feel it brothas! I can feel the electricity! And I can feel it because I said my prayers, ate my vitamins and I'm ready to make an announcement! I'm going to enter the Royal Rumble and win what's mi-

    Suddenly, trumpets blast through the arena. The crowd now boos as Hogan looks at the entrance. Out comes, Ric Flair. He has a suit on and has two ladies on his side. On his shoulder is the NWA World Title. Flair woos as one of his ladies gets him a mic. He takes the mic and woos on it.

    Flair Hogan! I cannot believe what I'm hearing you say. You, older then this earth itself, is entering the Royal Rumble? Why are you even bothering when, the World Champion himself, is entering this match! That's right Hogan, I'm going in there and eliminating 29 of you and winning that tin foil belt! WOOOO!

    Hogan Listen brotha, you're having visions! Because, let's face it, nobody has ever eliminated me from the Royal Rumble! And I don't plan on having it happen this year! I'll be the one who eliminates everyone, and Ric, RIC, Whatchu you gonna do Ric? Whatchu you gonna do when it's just me and you ric, and I throw you over the top rope! WHATCHU GONNA DO WHEN HULKAMANIA RUNS WILD ON YOU?!

    The crowd cheers as Flair stares at Hogan. Hogan taunts Flair as the show fades to a commercial.

    Hogan Interview = 93

    Flair Interview = 89

    The show returns with Virgil in the ring. Undertaker comes out for their match.

    The Main Event

    The Undertaker d. Virgil

    For a main event, this match was short. It lasted 2 minutes as Undertaker tosses Virgil around. Then a chokeslam and Tombstone, Undertaker pins Virgil and Paul Bearer gets on the mic.

    Rating = 71, 75, 64

    Bearer gives Undertaker the urn who opens it. A bunch of fog comes out and it fills the ring as Bearer talks on the mic.

    Bearer Hogan! Flair! Have you forgotten about the man President Tunney stripped of the World Title? Have you forgotten about the Phenom? Have you forgotten about The Deadman? You see, The Deadman walks. And come Royal Rumble, he will walk into the ring and take out all of the other 29 men. And then, you two, along with the 27 others, as well as everyone else in the WWF will....

    The fog starts to clear up as Undertaker has closed the urn. Virgil is no longer in the ring though.


    Rating = 78

    The Undertaker rolls his eyes back as Paul Bearer laughs. Superstars fades out with Vince McMahon and Mr. Perfect hyping up next week's event.

    Overall Rating = 73

    TV Rating = 3.68

    Attendence = 5039 people.

    Ticket Sales = $201560

    WCW got a 3.28 television rating for 'Saturday Night'!

    The event was attended by 4510 people.

    They made $180400 from ticket sales.

    WWF Wrestling Challenge


    Wrestling Challenge will be shown on USA as usual on it's usual time and this week, 4 matches have been book.

    Power and Glory will team up to take on Barry Horowitz and Chris Walker.

    Then, the Big Bossman looks for someone to take a prisoner of war as he takes on Colonel Mustafa.

    The Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Micheals takes on Greg "The Hammer" Valentine.

    And in the Main Event, Bret Hart defends the Intercontinental Title against Papa Shango!

    Plus: The Beginning of Steve Lombardi's transformation to "Soul" Lombardi.

    And more entrants in the Royal Rumble?

    All this and more on WWF Wrestling Challenge!

  5. WWF Superstars


    3 Awesome matches have already been booked for WWF Superstars which is, as usual, on FOX!

    Starting off the show will be El Matador taking on Steve Lombardi.

    Then, a Tag Team match-up as The Beverly Brothers take on the Bushwackers.

    And then finally, the Main Event of the evening. The Phenom, The Undertaker takes on Virgil!

    All this and more on WWF Superstars!

  6. WWF Newsletter

    Wrestling's Top 100 of 1991 Is Released

    by William Gilzenberg


    Well, the annual Top 100 was released today and here's the top 5 as well as other WWF members who made the list.

    Top 5:

    1. Ric Flair [WWF]

    2. Steve Austin [WCW]

    3. Bret Hart [WWF]

    4. Sting [WCW]

    5. Randy Savage [WWF]

    Other WWF Top 100:

    7. Owen Hart

    8. Shawn Micheals

    12. Ted DiBiase

    15. Mr. Perfect

    17. Marty Jannetty

    23. Texas Tornado

    31. El Matador

    40. The Genius

    41. The Mountie

    44. British Bulldog

    78. Rowdy Roddy Piper

    93. Kato

  7. WWF Roster

    Main Event


    Hulk Hogan

    Randy Savage


    Ric Flair - NWA World Champ

    The Undertaker

    Upper Midcard


    Bret Hart - WWF Intercontinental Champion

    Sid Justice


    Jake Roberts



    Animal - 1/2 WWF Tag Team Champions

    Big Bossman

    British Bulldog


    Greg Valentine

    Hawk - 1/2 WWF Tag Team Champions

    Jim Duggan

    Jim Neidhart

    Jimmy Snuka


    Marty Jannetty

    Owen Hart

    Rowdy Roddy Piper

    Sgt. Slaughter


    Texas Tornado



    Brian Knobbs



    Jerry Saggs

    Mr. Perfect

    Papa Shango

    Rick Martel

    Shawn Micheals

    Ted DiBiase - Million Dollar Champion

    The Bezerker

    The Mountie

    The Warlord


    Lower Midcard


    El Matador

    Jim Powers

    Koko B. Ware


    Beau Beverly

    Blake Beverly

    Colonel Mustafa




    Paul Roma

    Repo Man



    The Barbarian



    Barry Horowitz

    Chris Walker


    Iron Mike Sharpe

    Steve Lombardi

    Jobbers [No Disposition.. Because they'll most likely job unless I can find something better for them]

    Barry Hardy

    Bob Bradley

    Butch Stanley

    Duane Gill

    Kevin Krueger

    Italian Stallion

    Reno Riggins


    President Jack Tunney



    Elizabeth - Randy Savage

    Jameson - The Bushwackers

    Paul Ellering - The Legion of Doom


    Bobby Heenan - Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect

    General Adnan - Colonel Mustafa

    Harvey Wippleman

    Jimmy Hart - The Nasty Boys, The Mountie, The Natural Disasters, Money Inc.

    Mr. Fuji - The Bezerker

    Paul Bearer - The Undertaker

    Sensational Sherri - Shawn Micheals


    The Genius - The Beverly Brothers

    Tag Teams

    Haku and The Barbarian

    Legion of Doom [Hawk and Animal]

    Money Inc. [iRS and Ted DiBiase]

    Power and Glory [Paul Roma and Hercules]

    The Beverly Brothers [blake and Beau Beverly]

    The Bushwackers [Luke and Butch]

    The Nasty Boys [brian Knobbs and Jerry Saggs]

    The Natural Disasters [Earthquake and Typhoon]

    The New Foundation [Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart]

    The Powers of Pain [The Barbarian and The Warlord]

    WWF Titles

    WWF World Title - Vacant

    WWF Intercontinental Title - Bret Hart

    WWF Tag Team Titles - The Legion of Doom

    Other Titles

    NWA World Title - Ric Flair

    Million Dollar Title - Ted DiBiase

    WWF Events

    Pay Per View Events:

    Royal Rumble January Match featuring the 30-Man Over The Top Battle Royal, known as the "Royal Rumble".

    WrestleMania The Premier PPV of the WWF, currently in it's 8th year running. Is run in the month of March and is noted for being the biggest estravaganza of the year.

    SummerSlam The Summer Classic, this August Pay Per View is probably the third biggest PPV of the year.

    Survivor Series The Thanksgiving Tradition, Survivor Series is the second biggest PPV of the year. It's most noted for it's 4 on 4 Team Elimination Matches. And as usual, this year's will be on Thanksgiving Thursday.

    Saturday Night's Main Event The Last Saturday of February, April, May, July, September, October and December. Shown on NBC

    King of the Ring June tournament consisting of WWF Stars. Last shown on the USA Network, but that may change come this June.

    Television Shows

    Superstars - The Flagship Show of the WWF, hosted by Vince McMahon and Mr. Perfect, shown in the Saturday Early Evening on Fox.

    Wrestling Challenge - A 'B' Show hosted by Mean Gene and Bobby Heenan, shown in the Sunday Early Evening on USA.

    Prime Time Wrestling - The show that takes a look back at the WWF Week, hosted by Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan, shown in the Monday Primetime Slot.


    PPV Announcers: Gorilla Monsoon and Vince McMahon

    Interviewers: Gene Okerlund and Sean Mooney

    Ring Announcer: Howard Finkel

    Senior Official: Earl Hebner

    Other Officials: Danny Marsh, Dave Hebner, Joey Marella, Shane McMahon, Tim White

  8. This is it.. This is one last shot. One last shot to make one sucessful diary. One last time I enter this Diary Dome.

    And what am I using? EWR 4.2. 1992 Scenario. World Wrestling Federation.

    And this time.. It includes the STIPULATION OF DOOM.

    What is the Stipulation of Doom?

    I must play exactly one year of game time. Almost nothing can stop me: girlfriends, vacations, I get a life, whatever. Nothing will stop me except for Computer Crashes.

    If I quit before one year of game time, I can never return to the Diary Dome...

    Now.. onto the backstory:

    World Wrestling Federation, 1992

    The WWF seems to be on the end of a boom period, but it isn't completely over. After an OKAY year in 1991, with a spectacular end, WWF is ready for 1992, with the opening year event, The Royal Rumble, being more then a Title shot. This time, it's for the World Title itself.

    For those not famillar with what happened, let's rewind to Survivor Series 1991. The World Title match, Hulk Hogan versus The Undertaker. The Undertaker wins due to interference from the "World" Champ, Ric Flair. Undertaker was then stripped of the title. Long story, short, President Jack Tunney made the title vacant and put the World Title on the line in the Royal Rumble match.

    New Signee Sid Justice was making a big impact. Not to mention the mega over heel, Jake Roberts. A heel "dead man" Undertaker who was getting face pops. The newly turned Shawn Michaels managed by Sensational Sherri. Also solid tagteams such as the Legion of Doom, the New Foundation, Money Inc., and others.

  9. Somebody, somewhere, had to buy it (knowing how bad it would be),

    It's probably some preppy tool who will buy/watch/listen to whatever they are told. On the other hand, a friend of mine listens to Good Charlotte...and also considers himself a punk fan.

  10. About the Comedy Central owns Stewart, Chappelle, South Park...

    Well doesn't Viacom [parent company of CBS] own Comedy Central also?

    I'm pretty sure Viacom owns Comedy Central, VH1, MTV, Spike, CBS, Nikelodeon and some other shit.

    Never seen Late, Late Show for Late Night > Late, Late.

  11. Welcome to the second episode of Over/Underrated!

    I'm your host maddog, and our contenstants are BnBH and bukkake!

    Our first topic:

    The Madden Cover Curse: For the past few years players in the NFL have been injured/taken away from the season because of being on the cover of an EA Sports Madden Game.

    Is this curse overrated or underrated?

  12. If i'm right, what I got from it was : You can only pick one starter.  That means if you're in the Kanto tournament, you can pick one starter.  If you're in Johto, you can pick on starter.  If you're in Hoenn, you can pick on starter.  So Yes, you can use a starter.  And Johto pokemon means Johto ONLY.  I'm sure he said that somewhere before.  And Madogg, despite your postwhoring, we already have 3 servers, four if you include Kraigy's random one.  I don't think we need another mkay?


    But it never stays up :(

    Besides.. Postwhoring = Fun :shifty:

    I'm sorry :(

    Too make this post worth something... Uh.. is there still room in the Hoenn tourny?

  13. Very convinving arguement from Mr. BnBH...

    So the winner is.....


    Expect a New Episode Tomorrow. If you would like a reserve a spot for a future episode, just post it here. First two get in on tomorrow's episode, then etc.

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