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Everything posted by Floyd_Fixation

  1. I don't have any pictures of these guys, but can I have some KyKy pics of Alan Rickman, Ian McKellen, and Morgan Freeman please? Again, thanks in advance Rocky.
  2. Don't have a heart attack Rocky. As long as the reps keep a coming, I'll keep on doing images Plus... It's kind of fun Enjoy your fre-ee-arggghhh-eak binge I'll en-en-arrrgh-joy it no dou-dou-aaaarrrrgh-doubt about it.
  3. I have another request Rocky. All of them are Goldust. Don't have a heart attack Rocky.
  4. DONE!!!!!!!!!! Let me know if it's a fail **EDIT** Thanks again man Awesome job Rocky. Far from failure. Really nice man!
  5. The TNA & WWE ones were pretty much all I had. I just make them up as I go along Floyd.. You're gonna give me a heart attack Always gotta put up the more time consuming orders I'll work on that background today and get it back to you. Sorry Rocky. I just have more intricate orders. If you ever have a heart attack, I'll feel really bad.
  6. Can I get a RoH logo and Background with these wrestlers lining the sides of the background? Mark Briscoe Drew McIntyre CM Punk Londrick The Hardys Brock Lesnar Jeff Jarrett Carlito Ken Kennedy Chris Masters Gregory Helms and William Regal? If possible. If you can't do the lining of the wrestlers, then just a RoH background will work.
  7. Not on KyKy, but someone can put this on kyKy.
  8. I have a ton of pictures to be KyKyed. Thanks in advance. (also, I never put anything in spoiler, thu I was checking to see if I did it right. That's why all the edits xD)
  9. Alright.. I'll have a look around. See what I can find. Note: Floyd & Ruby your requests are filled on the previous page All of them are great! The Sheamus one especially. He doesn't look like a tool in that one. It looks like he was lurking in the shadows and popped out to attack you. You might be a rookie on these boards, but you're a master at KyKying pictures.
  10. Can I also get these in the KyKy background please and thank you.
  11. Thanks in advance. Here ya go Thanks again. Greatly appreciate it.
  12. Can I get these following pictures in KyKy background please? Thanks in advance.
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