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Blue Rosler

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Posts posted by Blue Rosler

  1. All hail the only TV program I actually watch.

    Chlo's my girl;



    Date of Birth:

    1989, Chigwell, Essex, England, UK

    You win this round. <_<

    Chigwell is close to me. Ergo, she is mine.

  2. WORST PICTURE: "In the Name of the King" - Genuinely an awful film. We saw it on a bus, albeit missing the first say 20 minutes, and we had not a fucking clue what's going on. It's not gripping, it tries to be LOTR and the plot is fucking bizarre.

    WORST ACTOR: Mark Wahlberg ("The Happening")

    WORST ACTRESS: Jessica Alba ("The Love Guru")

    WORST SUPPORTING ACTOR: Pierce Brosnan ("Mamma Mia!") - In fact anyone in that film. Why did they make a fucking musical with people who can't fucking sing?

    WORST SUPPORTING ACTRESS: Kim Kardashian ("Disaster Movie"/"Meet the Spartans")

    WORST COUPLE: Eddie Murphy + Eddie Murphy ("Meet Dave")


    WORST DIRECTOR: M. Night Shyamalan ("The Happening") - He's stopped making good movies now.

    WORST "ORIGINAL" SCREENPLAY: "In the Name of the King"

  3. Lady GaGa will be like Adele, Lily Allen, Katy Perry etc. Hot for about fifteen minutes with a successful song, until the next singer-songwriter lady is along. Out of the women in her genre, there's very few who have staying power. By the end of 2009, we will have forgotten all about her.

  4. The Strangers

    Solid horror, nothing special, but it managed to creep me the fuck out in a couple spots. Definitely nothing more than a one-time rental, but worth watching if you're a horror fan.

    The Orphanage

    Absolutely fucking brilliant movie and I'm ashamed of myself for not watching this sooner. If you have not seen this movie, you must buy it, rent it, Netflix it, do whatever you can to see it because it immediately earned a spot on my all-time favorite movies list. It is a milestone for the genre and must be viewed by everybody before the eventual American remake comes around and pales in comparison.

    Yay. The Orphanage love! But yeah, I hate how they're remaking the film because "American's won't be able to understand subtitles!"

    And I watched Hamlet 2 this morning. It's nothing brilliant, but it's a fun watch. There's a few funny lines but more often than not Steve Coogan is just plain annoying.

  5. Best Actor in a Supporting Role

    Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight

    George Clooney in Burn After Reading

    Best Actor in a Lead Role

    Sean Penn in Milk

    Best Actress in a Lead Role

    Frances McDormand in Burn After Reading

    Anne Hathaway in Rachel Getting Married

    Best Picture

    The Dark Knight

    Slumdog Millionaire

    Vantage Point

    Rachel Getting Married

  6. Everytime I go to a club here, I hear it. There's a Yahoo Questions thread on it with no real answer. (I think) And I am always far too wasted to talk in Spanish to the DJ to ask.

    It's all









    It's insanely catchy. But who sings it?

  7. My taste is pretty appauling to start with, but my friends seem to mock Simon Webbe the most. Fuck them all, both of his albums are really listenable. They're not classic albums, but you can just whack them on during the summer and chill out.

    No Worries, Lay Your Hands, Grace, Coming Around Again. :D

    I hope he tells the rest of the guys in Blue to fuck off and keep making solo stuff.

  8. One of my lecturers gave me a list of decent Spanish/Portuguese language films. I will go home, find the piece of paper and then edit this post with them in. Some are pretty offbeat topics. I love how my course lets me watch these and pretend I'm working. Now go rvdwannabe, pretend to be cultured.


    Nueve Reinas (Fabián Bielinsky) - Two con artists try to swindle a stamp collector by selling him a sheet of counterfeit rare stamps here

    El Hijo de La Novia (Juan José Campanella) - At age 42, Rafael Belvedere is having a crisis. He lives in the shadow of his father, he feels guilty about rarely visiting his aging mother, his ex-wife says he doesn't spend enough time with their daughter and he has yet to make a commitment to his girlfriend. At his lowest point, a minor heart attack reunites him with Juan Carlos, a childhood friend, who helps Rafael to reconstruct his past and look at the present in new ways. here

    Nordeste (Juan Diego Sabanas) - After having sacrificed almost everything for her career, Joelle decides, at 43 years of age, to change her life. She travels to Argentina to adopt a child. While there, Joelle discovers the North East, an untamed and vast natural region which is in sharp contrast with the social inequality that abounds in more urban Argentina.


    Madame Sata (Karim Ainouz) - Loose portrait of João Francisco dos Santos, also known as Madame Satã, a sometime chef, transvestite, lover, father, hero and convict from Rio de Janeiro here

    Pixote (Hector Babenco) - The life of a boy in the streets of Sao Paulo, involved with little crimes, prostitution, etc here

    Bye Bye Brasil (Carlos Diegues) - The Caravana Rolidei rolls into town with the Gypsy Lord at the mike: he does magic tricks, the erotic Salomé dances, and the mute Swallow performs feats of strength. A young accordion player is completely enamored of Salomé, and he begs to come along. The Gypsy Lord shrugs, and the accordionist and his pregnant wife, Dasdô, join the troupe. Television is their enemy as they go from the coast deep into the Amazon. Salomé lets the accordion player sleep with her once, with Dasdô's knowledge. He's moon-struck. Then, after Dasdô's baby is born and financial disaster hits the troupe, and the accordionist must choose between seeing his wife a prostitute and leaving the caravan. here


    Maria, eres llena de gracia (Joshua Marston) - A pregnant Colombian teenager becomes a drug mule to make some desperately needed money for her family here


    Ratas, ratones, rateros (Sebastian Cordero) - The world of Salvador, a young and naive petty thief is changed by the arrival of his cousin Angel, an ex-convict in search of easy money, and with a hideout. Salvador gets wrapped up in Angel's twisted dealings in an attempt to escape from his suffocating family, dragging along his family and friends, in his criminal path. Where will this all lead? here

    Cronicas (Sebastian Cordero) - A suspense thriller about a reporter from Miami who travels to Ecuador in pursuit of a serial killer known as the "Monster of Babahoyo." here


    Whisky (Juan Pablo Rebella) - When his long-lost brother resurfaces, Jacobo, desperate to prove his life has added up to something, looks to scrounge up a wife. He turns to Marta, an employee at his sock factory, with whom he has a prickly relationship. the owner of a sock factory in Montevideo, and Marta, his employee, realize that their estranged relationship needs to change when Jacobo's long-lost brother prompting them to pose as a married couple. here


    Huelepega (Elia Schneider) - This stirring drama tells the story of Oliver, a young boy thrown out of his house by his alcoholic stepfather and terrorized mother. Forced to live on the streets, like so many other children, Oliver falls into a bottomless pit of drugs, poverty, and the constant threat of injury and death. There are no actors in this movie, it's all real street children.

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