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Blue Rosler

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Posts posted by Blue Rosler

  1. Yeah. I hate it how everyone compares her to Leona. Oh yeah, two black girls, must be the same. Why don't we compare her to Jamelia too? Their voices are really different. Leona does more like pretty pop songs really well (Run, Footprints In The Sand, Bleeding Love) whilst Alexandra could probably belt out a soul classic. I am actually looking forward to hearing her soulful version of Hallelujah.

    I can't believe people thought Diana was an outstanding talent. Yeah, she was fit, and could probably be an ace Top Shop model, but the majority of her singing was very bad kareoke. And Eoghan, I just can't explain how he's made it this far. And whilst JLS are good and all, their voices seem a bit bland. And with maybe a Blue reunion coming up, I think Blue would be more successful.

    I love how on the show every judge says "VOTE FOR ALEXANDRA" "If it's talent competition, you'd win." Just shows how worried they are that Eoghan will win.

  2. Ruth out? Seriously UK? Jeez. She sang unbelievably in her two songs. And Owen comes out and is the drizzling shits for his first song and then tries to emulate Same Difference for the second without any of the personality or charm. And then Diana does her usual Cranberries impression while waving her fucking hand around and smiling like a minx and that's enough to get her through apparently. I didn't hear her second song but unless it tore the roof down then it wouldn't have redeemed that godawful first showing. JLS were solid as usual and I guess are now my preferred act to win now Ruth has gone.

    She didn't tear the roof down with "Everybody Hurts". I'd go as far as saying that her first performance was better. You need to remember that if she has fans (193,000+ on Facebook alone...I'm one of them. I doubt it'll mean much in the end looking at the big picture, but she has at least 3 times as many as anyone else.) they're more than likely going to stick by her. She could come out and sing Bob The Builder next week and still go through if people keep voting.

    It's the same every year. I think I read that basically every winner of these shows has been pretty much top of the voting from the start. I wanted Leon to win last year, and I voted for him regardless of his performance (in fact more when he was complete shit, just to make sure he got through). At this stage, X Factor is just a popularity contest, since a great performance means fuck all if nobody votes.




    ITS 50/50

    (not with Sally Gray and 100 annoying school children)

    Also David Sneddon rightfully won Fame Academy. Stop Living The Lie, Lemar fans.

  4. Genuinely can't think of anyone that I'd want to see replace him. Simm would be good if he hadn't already played The Master. Eddie Izzard would be good, but he's already turned it down, and it would be too much "Eddie Izzard as Doctor Who", it would be hard to take the attention away from the actor and on to the character...all the suggestions in the press are dreadful. If it's Nesbitt I'll doubt I'll be watching the next series at all.

    Eddie Izzard was amazing in The Riches, and very different from his comedy character.

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