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  1. Day before the Bar Exam...ready to go. Only thing left to do to show I'm ready for this battle is to bounce around my room to Brock Lesnar's theme.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Panni


      There's no way around it...the job market sucks. I don't have a job yet, the same can be said for most of my classmates, but once this test is over I'm gonna devote a lot of my free time to the job hunt. The truth is it's a risky move...but if that's what you've always wanted to do, and you're passionate about it, I say go for it. You will/I will find a job somewhere, somehow. Although you'll be in debt, the legal degree will take you places...I honestly be...

    3. Panni


      I majored in Pre-Law basically...but I don't think that's too important. I've seen law students major in Bio, English, etc. In fact, a big firm I worked at preferred English majors because they want to hire attorneys who they think can write well.

    4. HC


      Thanks for answering those questions, man. I'm going in as a History major, and will more than likely either try to get into law school or become a teacher. The unemployment rate of lawyers scares me, though.

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