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Everything posted by Phleanix

  1. Jimi Hendrix - Redhouse (Played Here By FRY)
  2. Any of the good ol' school blues. Cream, Jimi Hendrix Stevie Ray Vaughn Joe Bonamassa Some of the above said are more RECENT artists performing the good ol' blues in thier own style. I'd also check out a band called FRY -> FRYBAND.COM Or Search FRYBAND on youtube. Yes, they ARE my friends, but listen to them, I'm not being biased! Here is their version of Redhouse by Jimi Hendrix http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=cVKp5wia-Iw
  3. I personally hate both actors... BUT I gotta admit, this looks like it could be mildly humourous. I look forward to testing it out.
  4. Phleanix

    Max Payne

    I'm sorry, but Mark Whalberg at Max Payne doesn't work for me... Guess I'll wait and see if he proves me wrong :/
  5. The Victor Wooten Band, Jazz Cafe, London. I was counting down every fooking hour! Love the guy. Worlds BEST bassist. EVER. FACT. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=pfKnzpnRcGU I was stood just underneath and to the left of this video. Right in front of REGI WOOTEN, the guitarist.
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