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The LBTN Express

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Posts posted by The LBTN Express

  1. Anybody else noticed that they get a lot more high scoring games than in previous versions?

    Might just be my tactics.

    Most of my games have been 1-0, 2-0, 2-1 etc. so I'd say it's your tactics.

    Playing as Fulham at the moment, 1 win, 1 draw and 2 losses, one thing I've noticed in this game, if you have a good target man, they seem to win a lot of penalties, I've had 3 in 4 games.

  2. B0001BKAEY.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg

    Matrix Revolutions


    Final part of the Matrix trilogy. Comes close to beating the first one for me and is a good conclusion to the series. I won't go into detail as everyone should pretty much knows what happens.


    Life or Something Like It


    It was on TV last night so I watched it. The story is that Lanie Kerigan (Angelina Jolie) is told by a homeless man who can see the future that she will die next Thursday, she continues to lead her busy and hectic life, wondering whether the prophecy the homeless man gave her will come true. It all comes together with not much effort, with an ending that feels rushed and anti-climatic as everything is solved pretty easily. It was a good performance from Jolie, who's a better actress than most give her credit for, the platinum blonde look suited her. The only other good performance was from Tony Shalhoub as the homeless prophet. Overall it wasn't very good and I wouldn't recommend unless you haven't got anything else to do. If it wasn't for Jolie's performance I'd have rated this at least 2 points lower.

  3. Console companies always take a massive loss in the first year of a console release, I think with the PS2 they lost around $500million as the main aim for the company is to get market share, and then make money the following years as production will become cheaper (mass production, better developed) and off licence fees.

    I think Sony have predicted a $1 Billion loss in the first year of the PS3, which is something they might not recover because when the PS3 comes out, Microsoft will probably reduce the cost of the 360 by a considerable amount.

    One figure that amazed me a while ago was that Sony had spent $1.83million on developing the Cell processor alone. Just the processor alone, nothing else, I'd love to see the figure on what they've actually spent developing the whole thing.

    I still think it'll be a massive hit, but will be a loser for it's first two years instead of just one, but after that it should be huge as they're aiming for a shelf life of 10-12 years.

  4. Yeah it was a disapointing game, although we did have some bright spells, but I didn't expect them to do much, they haven't been together as a unit for long as the season only finished two weeks ago. We'll pick up two wins against the Aussies though and then beat New Zealand again, :shifty:

    Brian Carney though was fucking horrendous, at least a Bulls player (Johnson) came out of it with a hat trick.

  5. It'll just support HDTV, there is no way it'll require HDT because they'll more thank likely be alienating 80% of their target audience, plus throughout Europe, especially here in the UK, HDTV isn't all that popular yet.

  6. Matrix - 9/10 - One of my all time favourite movies, watching the trilogy because I was reading something the other day about it and felt like watching it again.

    Matrix Reloaded - 8.5/10 - Not as good as the original, but still a very good movie. I love all the Architect, Merovingian stuff and deeper meanings. Can't wait for the next Wachowski project V for Vendetta.


    - Pro Wrestling Carnivale will be in McKeesport on November for our 10th show entitled Born To Fight. The main event will see Alex Shelley defend his PWC Heavyweight Title against number one contender Kevin Steen. Also in action will be AJ Styles as he tries to avenge his loss in the tag match at How The West Was Won when he takes on Xavier.

    - At How The West Was Won, The Solution (Havok & Papadon) who were supended by Jack Victory appeared, attacking Jack Victory from the crowd. Apparently Havok & Papadon have been re-instated after PWC officials received a legal letter from their lawyer saying they was no real ground for PWC to carry on with their suspension. Both men are expected to be at Born To Fight, but what will go down between them and Jack Victory?

    - Also at Born To Fight, Necro Butcher makes his return in a hardcore match against Balls Mahoney. Necro hasn't been seen since his brutal barefoot thumbtack and barbed wire boards with JC Bailey at Sunday, Bloody Sunday and his match with Balls Mahoney could be just as brutal.

    - The new contenders pack has been announced, you can view it by clicking here.

    The Contenders Pack

    #1 Contender

    Kevin Steen

    The Challengers

    AJ Styles


    Dean Radford

    Sterling James Keenan

    * Chris Hero dropped out after losing to Kevin Steen.

    * The AJ Styles versus Xavier match will determine who will become the new number one contender after Kevin Steen faces Alex Shelley.

    * Dean Radford keeps his place in the contenders pack after defeating Puma.

    * James Keenan is voted into the Contenders Pack after recent good performances and an impressive victory at the last show over John Walters and Dirk Ciglar.

  8. I've had my Xbox since release, not one problem and the only thing that has been replaced is the power cable and that was just as a precaution and at the moment I'm on my third PS2 (which has now stopped working).

    I've got a 360 on order, ordered it the first day it came on release. I trust Microsoft not to fuck it up and hopefully Call Of Duty 2 makes it to stores somewhere near the release of the 360.


    Friday, November 4th 2005

    at the Hungarian American Club, Woodbridge, NJ

    Attendance: 894

    Produced for home release by Modtrom Productions

    Announcers: Eric Gargiulo and Gerry Strauss


    *** DEAN RADFORD defeated PUMA in the opening match of the night. Puma had stepped up this week as Radford’s challenger and came very close to winning, getting a near three count after a tornado DDT out of the corner, but Dean Radford managed to extend his undefeated in PWC to 8-0 after hitting a chokeslam across his knee to finish Puma off. (MQ 66.4, MR 14.9, OR 37.1) ***

    *** AZRIEAL & DIXIE defeated SUPER HENTAI & GRAN AKUMA in a back and forth tag match. The match actually started with a wrestling sequence with Azrieal and Hentai tearing things up with a couple of armdrags and then a double dropkick into a stand off. Azrieal then kicked Hentai low and gained the advantage. Azrieal and Dixie swapped around working over Hentai. Dixie at one point hit a moonsault on Hentai, but Akuma made the save. Hentai then made a hot tag to Akuma and he cleaned house with dropkicks and clotheslines, but Azrieal and Dixie came back and the match broke down. Then after a series of dives to the outside, Azrieal and Akuma were alone in the ring, Akuma went to throw an elbow but Azrieal scooped him up and dropped him with a Michinoku Driver for the three. (MQ 67.2, MR 19.7, OR 43.6) ***

    *** JAMES KEENAN defeated JOHN WALTERS, DIRK CIGLAR in a three way match. Walters now finds himself on the end of three straight defeats, despite giving this match his all. Ciglar was flying around early, getting near falls left and right, but was brought down to size after a hurricane DDT from John Walters. Keenan then used a swinging neckbreaker on Walters for a near fall of his own. The end of the match came when Walters looked to have had the match won after a lungblower to Ciglar, but Keenan was immediately on him hitting a sick backdrop driver, almost dropping Walters squarely on his head for the three count. (MQ 72.1, MR 19.3, OR 39.8) ***

    *** LASH LEROUX defeated YO KIDD (w/ THE ELM STREET KIDS) in a short but sweet match with the Whiplash. After the match had ended, the other members of The Elm Street Kids rushed the ring and laid a beat-down on Lash LeRoux leaving him down and out in the ring. (MQ 64.8, MR 30.9, OR 46.2) ***

    *** During intermission, JACK VICTORY came out and announced that in a couple of weeks time that their would be a tournament to name the first ever PWC Tag Team Champions, as Victory was announcing this however THE SOLUTION (HAVOK & PAPADON) came through the crowd, jumping the rail. The pair, who were suspended by Jack Victory, jumped him, with Havok hitting him with a powerbomb. A number of the boys rushed out from the back, as The Solution made their exit through the crowd. (OR 25.1) ***

    *** EL GENERICO defeated INSANE DRAGON in a fun encounter, mainly built around comedy. After the first five or so minutes of comedy though the match finally boiled down into a shootout with El Generico and Insane Dragon hitting each other with move after move in a spectacular showcase of each mans skills. Insane Dragon hit Generico with a Sliced Bread #2 followed by a standing shooting star press, but Generico would not die and kicked out of the cover at two. El Generico then won the match, nailing Insane Dragon with a BRAINBUSTAH~! from the top rope onto the top turnbuckle, a ‘Holy Shit’ chant broke out as Generico covered for the three. (MQ 64.9, MR 14.7, OR 34.1) ***

    *** KEVIN STEEN defeated CHRIS HERO to retain his right to the #1 contendership of the PWC Heavyweight Title. The match was very back and forth, with both men much like the previous match throwing everything they had at each other. Hero began to work the back and neck of Steen, trying to wear him down, then a dragon suplex, CravetePlex later, Steen was staring defeat in the face as Hero locked in a Chancery Hold, but Steen managed to escape, coming back with a strong lariat. The end of the match came when Hero tried to lock up with Steen, but Steen stunned him with a enziguri. Dazed, Hero had no chance of escaping the wrath of The Package Piledriver. (MQ 70.7, MR 34.6, OR 57.0) ***

    *** XAVIER & BRIAN LEE defeated ALEX SHELLEY © & AJ STYLES in a clusterfuck of a tag match, but a good clusterfuck at that. The match never got down to a straight tag match as both teams mainly battled it out on the floor. Lee of course was the deciding factor in a match that was basically a free for all on the outside, but Styles and Shelley held their own against the much taller and stronger Lee. Lee at one point whipped Styles towards the rail, following in, but Styles hopped the rail and superkicked Brian Lee. In the ring finally, the end of the match came after Brian Lee choke slammed AJ Styles allowing Xavier to hit a 450 splash from the top rope for the three count. (MQ 73.9, MR 55.4, OR 69.0) ***

    *** After the match had ended, BRIAN LEE & XAVIER jumped ALEX SHELLEY, with Xavier cracking Shelley across the back with a chair followed by a Brian Lee chokeslam. Xavier and Brian Lee then celebrated their defeat of the PWC Champion and AJ Styles, standing tall in the ring over the fallen bodies of Shelley and Styles. (OR 57.3) ***

    *** To finish the VHS and DVD version of the show KEVIN STEEN cut a promo in the parking lot. “I’ve earned my shot, and at the next show I’m going to take advantage of my rights as number one contender and take on Alex Shelley for the Heavyweight Title”[/color=red] Steen said as he loaded his bags into his rental car. (OR 47.1) ***

  10. A new promotion, Front Line Wrestling, is opening in the New Jersey area. The main event for the show is a three way between AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels and Bryan Danielson. Design a poster/flyer to go up in shops/bars in and around the Tri State area.


    • No size limit

    • Must include a name for the first show and some sort of logo for Front Line Wrestling (FLW), plus a tagline (the tagline is optional)

    • Has to have Styles, Daniels and Danielson shown on it somewhere

    • Has to include information on at least two undercard matches on it

    • Has to include the text 'Live at the Rahway Rec Center, Saturday 15th October 2005, Bell Time 7pm


    - Pro Wrestling Carnivale will be at the Hungarian American Club in Woodbridge, NJ this coming Friday for our ninth show entitled ‘How The West Was Won’. The main event will feature PWC Heavyweight Champion Alex Shelley tagging with AJ Styles to take on the team of Xavier and his hired bodyguard Brian Lee.

    - Also at ‘How The West Was Won’ Jack Victory will be announcing details about the upcoming tag team title tournament scheduled to take place towards the end of November or early December.

    - The first ever Contender’s Pack was announced this week. The basis of the Contenders Pack is that it will name five people in contention for a shot at the PWC Heavyweight Title, with a number one contender and then four challengers. These four challengers can bide their time to see if they will be announced as number one contender, or can challenge the number one contender for his spot, forfeiting their own spot in the Pack if they lose. Then at a minimum of once a month, the #1 contender will get to challenge for the PWC Heavyweight Title. The Contender’s Pack can be seen by clicking here.

    The Contenders Pack

    #1 Contender

    Kevin Steen

    The Challengers

    AJ Styles


    Dean Radford

    Chris Hero

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