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The LBTN Express

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Posts posted by The LBTN Express

  1. Not too bad of a first show. The one thing I noticed that didn't make sense is that Alex Shelley talks about how he is going to be the singles champion and at the end of the show forms a tag team. It's not horrible but ti seems weird.

    There are a few minor spelling mistakes but nothing major. Another small quibble I have is that you use gimmick names for moves but not the ones that the wrestler uses. I noticed that with Shelley when you say he does a downward spiral but he uses it and calls it the shell shock. Those are both fairly minor quibbles though and since I've seen actual announcers do the second one I don't consider it that big of a problem.


    Saturday, June 18th 2005

    at The ECW Arena, Philadelphia, PA

    Attendance: 507

    Produced for home release by Modtrom Productions

    Announcers: Eric Gargiulo and Gerry Strauss

    - The opening match of the night saw DEAN RADFORD pick up the win in a mildly entertaining three way against ROB ECKOS & LUIS ORTIZ that sadly failed to capture the fans interest. It was Ortiz who seemed most likely to win this match after pretty much dominating the other two guys, actually getting some heat from the cold audience at this point, but after laying Rob Eckos out with a stump piledriver Ortiz was hit with a sit-out urange from Radford for the three count.

    Match Quality: 63.4%, Crowd Reaction: 6.2%, Overall Rating: 23.7%

    - As Radford was making his way back up the aisle after celebrating his victory, the PWC Commissioner JACK VICTORY made his way out from the back. Victory then thanked everyone for coming and ran through the PWC calendar finishing off by announcing that Christopher Daniels would be taking on AJ Styles at the next show in New Jersey, a match that was announced a little while earlier on pwcarnivale.com website.

    Overall Rating: 45.8%

    - As Victory was about to leave ALEX SHELLEY made his way down the aisle, microphone in hand, having to stop half way due to the chord only reaching that far. Shelley said that since he’s the only one here with ‘Talent on Loan from God’ he should be the first ever PWC Champion. Victory then told Shelley that he’d have to prove himself here just like everyone else if he wanted a place in the PWC Heavyweight Title Tournament that would be happening in a couple of month’s time.

    Overall Rating: 51.4%

    - After the main non-wrestling portion of the show was over, AZRIEAL did battle with GRIM REEFER. Azrieal was obviously the more popular of the two in the beginning as he played to the crowd, doing a little comedy with Reefer. It was Reefer who got the first near fall, walking the ropes before hitting a flipping senton onto Azrieal. Azrieal recovered quickly and nearly had Reefer beat with an awesome flipping DDT type manoeuvre, which the crowd showed their appreciation for. The fans then turned on Azrieal, after he used a low blow when Reefer was in control. Azrieal then rolled Reefer up using the ropes to get the three count.

    Match Quality: 62.0%, Crowd Reaction: 19.1%, Overall Rating: 28.9%

    - JAMES KEENAN then defeated DAMIAN ADAMS in a short match that not many outside the Keenan ring rats at ringside cared for. Keenan did his best to involve the crowd but they were having nothing to do with the match. Keenan won with the Razorblade Kiss.

    Match Quality: 64.4%, Crowd Reaction: 5.2%, Overall Rating: 25.6%

    - The crowd soon picked up for the next match as they went wild for the appearance of ROADKILL as he tagged with CJ O’DOYLE against the team of HAVOK & PAPADON (THE SOLUTION). Pretty much everyone in attendance was going crazy for the stuff Roadkill did as he reeled out all his usual spots, the second turnbuckle elbow, the Barn Burner etc. Roadkill and O’Doyle even tried to bust out a Buggy Bang, but it failed when Havok pushed Doyle off the top rope. It was this that led to the finish as they busted Roadkill open, leaving him for dead on the outside as they set a table up in the middle of the ring. Havok & Papadon then hit a double powerbomb on Doyle through the table for the victory.

    Match Quality: 65.0%, Crowd Reaction: 25.5%, Overall Rating: 45.9%

    - During the intermission ALEX SHELLEY was seen talking to MIKE KRUEL ahead of the four way that was to happen in a couple of minutes.

    - XAVIER came out victorious in the four way pinning TOM CARTER in a match that also included ALEX SHELLEY & MIKE KRUEL in what was hailed as match of the night. The crowd was really into everything all four guys were doing with Shelley, despite having a few people on his back, the most popular. The match started out fast paced with all guys hitting big moves, finishing with Carter hitting a Mark Briscoe like cut-throat suplex for a close fall on Shelley. The match then quickly settled down into almost a tag match as Shelley paired off with Kruel and Xavier paired off with Carter. Shelley and Kruel had Carter in the ring for a long period of the match working him down, until he managed to make a tag to Xavier. Xavier came in strong but was almost beat when Shelley hit him with a ferocious downward spiral, only managing to escape thanks to Carter. The finish came when Carter managed to get the better of Shelley hitting him with a spinning DDT, only for Xavier to turn on him and hit him with a straight jacket powerbomb for the three count. Carter was obviously pissed, sitting with a look of disgust on his face as Xavier made his way up the aisle celebrating.

    Match Quality: 74.0%, Crowd Reaction: 37.1%, Overall Rating: 41.4%

    - In the main event of the evening BALLS MAHONEY defeated former 3PW Champion GARY WOLFE in a match, which whilst not the best of the night, was the hottest of the night as the crowd ate up everything they did as they brawled wildly through the crowd as the pair used chairs and glasses of beer. Wolfe at one point was handed a baseball bat, which he used to hit Balls across the back. Back in the ring though, the match ended when Balls used his custom made chair to floor Wolfe (taking three shots to do so) with, before covering him for the win.

    Match Quality: 61.7%, Crowd Reaction: 52.9%, Overall Rating: 62.9%

    - After the match had ended, Balls helped Wolfe back to his feet and the two shook hands. But as the two did so HAVOK & PAPADON hit the ring. Balls & Wolfe did their best but after a tiring match they were no match for The Solution as they used Balls own chair against him to leave the two bloodied and battered in the ring as Havok and Papadon stood over them with their hands raised high in the air as the fans hurled abuse at them.

    Overall Rating: 35.9%

    - In an interview that was taped for the VHS and DVD release of the show Havok & Papadon declared that they were going to conquer PWC and were going to do so with force.

    Overall Rating: 39.2%

    - Then in another interview taped for home release ALEX SHELLEY & MIKE KRUEL talked about their match tonight, mainly talking about Xavier and the way he used Tom Carter to win the match. Kruel then asked Shelley to form a tag team with him as he felt the two of them worked well together tonight. Shelley agreed that the two of them should form a team, spouting that together, no-one would be able to hold them down.

    Overall Rating: 53.6%

    Best Match: Xavier vs. Alex Shelley vs. Mike Kruel vs. Tom Carter

    Hottest Match: Balls Mahoney vs. Gary Wolfe

  3. Currently in my second season as Notts Forest, just outside the playoffs at about the half way stage after a pretty poor first season (14th) which saw all my star players (apart from Dawson) leave. Andy Reid went to Wigan for 2.5million after bitching about wanting to move to a bigger club. David Johnson started bitching so he went to Birmingham for 2.8million and then Marlon King, who I was going to build my team around next season also wanted out so he went to Villa for 500k, so I played much of the season without a real front two as I settled for Gareth Taylor and Craig Westcarr. I signed Mark Kennedy from Wolves for 1.2million and he was playing well till he got injured and then he wanted out, so I offloaded him to Gillingham for 600k.

    Fortunately Kris Commons is like a god, so after going through Reid and Kennedy, Commons who was in my reserves has come through and has around 16-18 assists so far. For this season I also bolstered my attack with the signings of Peter Crouch (for 1mill after he netted 10 in 9 games on loan at QPR), Henri Camara (1.3mill) and Leon Knight (250k) and all are banging in goals, especially Camara who has 16 in 12 starts. I also got Alex Sheehan from someone (can't remember who) and he's awesome at left back, I think he's 17/18 years old too.

    So here's my current team

    GK - Thomas Myhre

    DR - Chris Baird

    DL - Alex Sheehan

    DC - Michael Dawson

    DC - Wes Morgan / Andy Todd

    ML - Kris Commons

    MR - Eugen Bopp / Paul Devlin

    MC - Robert Hughes / Richard Langley

    MC - Paul Evans (Player Of The Year)

    FC - Henri Camara

    FC - Leon Knight / Peter Crouch

    Also, mudda how much did you sign Torres for or did you get him on a bosman? It took me 36.5million to get him for Chelsea.

  4. Hatem Ben Arfa joining me in July, so YAY!

    You'll have quite a problem on your hands, at least from my experience.

    And in my Chelsea game, I was 10 pts ahead of Arsenal during Christmas, but they have started gaining ground on me and reduced the deficit to just 5 pts after my run of draws after Xmas.

    But I've just got Rio Ferdinand to join me :D . He's been transfer-listed by his own request at Man Utd, and I managed to buy him for 22 m euros. Let's hope he'll stop the last-minute goals that I've been conceding.


    - PWC presents it’s Debut Show this coming Saturday from the ECW Arena in South Philadelphia, PA which will see former 3PW Champion Gary Wolfe take on former JAPW Champion Balls Mahoney. Both men are former ECW Tag Team Champions and it is sure to be a brutal and hardcore matchup.

    - Also on the debut show will be a four way between Alex Shelley, Xavier, Mike Kruel and Tom Carter. Alex Shelley called the PWC offices earlier today saying that he needed to win this match to fulfil his destiny of becoming the PWC Champion because God has given him the talent to do so.

    - It seems as though Havok and Papadon of The Solution are ready to make an impact in Pro Wrestling Carnivale. Both men have publicly stated that they intend to destroy the team of Roadkill and CJ O’Doyle at the next show.

    - Also, in BIG news, confirmed for the following show in what is sure to be a MOTC is Christopher Daniels versus AJ Styles as the current TNA X Division Champion takes on the current NWA World Heavyweight Champion.

    - The card for the debut show can be found below:-


    Saturday, June 18th 2005

    at The ECW Arena. Philadelphia, PA





    ***TAG TEAM MATCH***








  6. Pro Wrestling Carnivale

    It had been a while since anyone had heard from Todd Gordon since he walked out on his head booking role at 3PW. Jasmin St. Clair with her constant bitching, the bounced cheques, hadn’t quite managed to kill his love for this industry, but she had dampened the flame and when she failed to show up leaving Brian Heffron (Blue Meanie/Blue Boy) with no money to pay people for the second show straight, Gordon said ‘Fuck it’ and left. Gordon had decided that he couldn’t work under someone else again in this business, not in a booking role at least, he’d said his goodbyes to the guys in the back that night and told them to stay in touch as he was hoping to put something together.

    Like usual, most of the guys shrugged it off, another idea, another failure. Gordon was an ambitious person but no-one thought that he’d actually get a new promotion up and running. Not only was the money a problem, but they’d all seen Gordon over the past year slowly deteriorate as the pressure of being the sole man behind everything creative in 3PW had slowly but surely gotten to him. So, they all shook hands with Gordon and said their goodbyes, not expecting to hear from him again for quite some time.

    Jack Victory had also decided that night that enough was enough and having heard what Todd Gordon had to say followed Todd out of the ECW Arena and into the almost pitch black parking lot. Jack knew Todd had something in the works, he’d been a friend of Gordon’s for many years now and he knew how his mind worked, he knew he wouldn’t walk out on a job, no matter how bad it was for him unless he had something up his sleeve, a definitive plan set up to get his teeth stuck into right away.

    Jack was right to some extent. Todd did have something set up…

    It was now the middle of May, and Gordon had been working hard with his new right hand man Jack Victory (Who would act as head booker) on a project, a project Gordon thought could put him somewhere near the top of the wrestling world again with time and investment. A new tri-state indy promotion was that project. Pro Wrestling Carnivale was that project.

    Getting the staff, the wrestlers, and the equipment wasn’t a problem. The only problem for Gordon was money. Despite saving over the years, he’d got no where near enough money to open and successfully run a decent independent from month to month, but thankfully Jack Victory had a connection and that connection was Paul Eversman.

    Paul Eversman, a small time broker in the Tri-State area was convinced by Todd Gordon and Jack Victory to put quite a bit of money into PWC to get it up off the ground due to being a life long wrestling fan and now an avid follower of the Tri-State independent scene. Paul at one time was approached by Gabe Sapolsky to finance ROH after the Feinstein incident but decided against it at the time due to not having the available capital to get behind such an expanding product like ROH. But PWC on the other hand was not as big as and probably wouldn’t be as big as ROH for at least 2-3 years down the line and this was the perfect opportunity for himself to be actively involved in a wrestling promotion to some degree.

    Todd was now working to a deadline of Friday, June 24th 2005 to have his first show up and running. The reason? Well the reason was because on June 24th the license (The license he held that was to be used for 3PW) that he held for running shows in the ECW Arena ran out on that date and he wanted the debut show of Pro Wrestling Carnivale to be in that very arena, knowing it would be some time before he’d be able to use it again.

    Now whilst Todd was aiming high, he didn’t really want to sign the same guys that ROH was using at the time because it was inevitable that they’d be branded an ROH wannabe. So instead Gordon decided to go in pretty much the same direction as 3PW was going, a more risqué product with more brawls, more blood and more violence with good technical and work-rate bouts thrown in for good measure. Gordon decided on not letting anyone know about who was going to be working for PWC until the official card was announced.

    Pro Wrestling Carnivale was set to rock the wrestling world, or so Todd Gordon thought. He wanted to make an impact; he wanted to make a statement that Pro Wrestling Carnivale was the next big thing. Although it wouldn’t be along the lines of throwing the NWA World Title down and taking Eastern Championship Wrestling into a new era he hoped he would be able to come up with something that would give PWC the edge in a very competitive and unstable industry. With Jack Victory at his side, Gordon felt very confident that PWC would succeed.

  7. 1. Star Wars: MARK HAMILL

    2. Jay & Silent Bob: Mark Hamill to BEN AFFLECK

    3. Paycheck: Ben Affleck to UMA THURMAN

    4. Kill Bill: Uma Thurman to LUCY LIU

    5. Charlies Angels: Lucy Liu to SAM ROCKWELL

    6. Welcome To Collingwood: Sam Rockwell to WILLIAM H. MACY

    7. Magnolia: William H. Macy to TOM CRUISE

    8. Collateral: Tom Cruise to JAMIE FOXX

    9. Any Given Sunday: Jamie Foxx to CAMERON DIAZ

    10. The Sweetest Thing: Cameron Diaz

    EDIT: Wasn't that hard really, I could have gone quite a few ways on each of them, I must own a lot of DVD's (somewhere in the 400 mark). Might try one with just actresses and one with just actors later when I get home and can check my collection.

  8. Any Stoupe beat that he's done with Jedi Mind, plus the whole of the Rip The Jacker album (that was pure gold).

    Plus a lot of RZA's stuff on Genius/GZA's Liquid Swords. That's just some great Dark Fu production and beats.

    EDIT: Added an 's'

  9. I think it was Jay-Z saying he'd dumbed down (simplified his lyrics) for his audience/mainstream to sell more records, saying if lyrics alone sold, he'd be more like Kweli. Same with Kweli saying if lyrics sold he'd be rich.

    At least that's what I took it as when I first heard it.

  10. I've got a game going where I'm in my sixth year at the moment. I started off at Chelsea winning the league three times in a row. Then in my fourth year I was sacked whilst sitting in fourth, not too far behind, with Ronaldo (7 months, cruciate), Torres and Lampard all injured (which is why I was in fourth). I had an awesome team. When I was sacked I was immediately offered the Portugal job, so I took it, deciding I'd take a year out of club management.

    I've got a 100% record with Portugal and have qualified for the next World Cup, with the next game being a friendly against England.

    Near the end of the fifth season, I saw that Middlesborough were in need of a new manager. They'd been fucked over it seemed, barely able to put out a team without including reserves and youth team players. So I took it, with them being pretty much safe from relegation, giving me time to rebuild.

    I kept them out of relegation, finishing 17th.

    I'm now about 12 games into the next season, 3rd in the league with only one loss and about 5-6 points ahead of my old club Chelsea (who have won the league 5 times in a row) which is great. During the summer I managed to make a number of world class additions to the squad with my World Class rating as a manager going a long way to helping me do that.

    I signed, Yakubu, Hubschmann sp? (Central Defender and is awesome), Mathiu Flamini (from Chelsea), Maxwell (Brazilian leftback), Simon Francis (Right back who I took a gamble on as he was awesome when he played for Bradford a year or so ago in real life), Amdy Faye (who has been great this season) and last but not least Ronaldo, who took a huge paycut to join me at Middlesborough after falling out of favour at Chelsea due to injuries.

    When Ronaldo signed, he went down with another cruciate injury for 9 months, I put him in rehab and he was back within two months and has just started playing again making three appearances as sub and scoring twice.

    I might post my squad a bit later when I get home and can get into my game.

  11. As long as they sort out the AI I'll be picking this up, like when they'd get to the last tackle in their own half, or any other time they'd never kick it, instead they'd just take the tackle setting you up with great possession and an almost guaranteed try.

  12. David Beckham is overated. He's underperformed in every major tournament and he needs to be taken of the time for a period of time to give him a kick up the backside to start making him play to his full potential or just have SWP replace him for good.

    I honestly don't see the attraction in David Beckham, sure he can work hard and take some good free kicks and corners, but I haven't seen him do that for a while for England and to have him take every single corner and free kick is no good, it needs some variation as teams/players start to get wise to same type of in swinging or out swinging corner every time.

    He's not as overated as some (Gary Neville, dont get me started on him.), but he is not as valuable to the England team as made out to be.

  13. Main Event

    Singles Match

    James Gibson Vs Samoa Joe

    Six Man Tag Team Match

    Tony Stradlin, Supa Badd and Zokre Vs The Human Tornado, Phoenix Star and Tommy Williams

    Tournament Match

    The X-Foundation Vs Generico & Steen

    Tournament Match

    The Ballard Brothers Vs Angel and Lil' Cholo

    Tournament Match

    Bomberry & King Vs Bosh & Malenko

    Tournament Match

    B-Boy & Evans Vs Austin Aries and x

    Tournament Match

    The Havana Pitbulls Vs Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli

    Tournament Match

    The Aerial Express Vs Youthanazia

    Singles Match

    Kaos Vs Vampiro

    WCH Championship Match (v.3)

    Frankie Kazarian defends Vs Tony Kozina

    Great diary so far Gabriel, I really like your style as you know and the points system on the rankings looks like a good idea and I'm really liking the superstar profiles as well.

    I love realism in diaries and yours is just that, very realistic.

  14. user posted image

    Hot Off The Press

    - It seems as though AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels have come to some sort of agreement to continue to team together. At The Debut Show there was some obvious tension between the two but AJ Styles has said the two of them could go very far as a team and expects both of them to team in the tag team tournament that is soon to be announced.

    - As Jack Victory announced last week the next show on 4/2 entitled Road To The Gold will see the start of the Pro Wrestling Carnivale Heavyweight Title. The tournament will consist of four three-way matches with the winners then going onto the 4/16 show to face off in the first ever Carnivale Challenge match. The Carnivale Challenge match is a four-way elimination match with each fall having a different stipulation. The stipulations for the match will be announced sometime in the near future.

    - After his match with Jardi Frantz at The Debut Show B-Boy was telling anyone who’d listen that the Heavyweight Title was his after being told he was in the title tournament.

    - Chris Hero called the PWC offices earlier today saying that his reputation was on the line if he doesn’t get a rematch with Dean Radford to show that he is the better man and that Dean Radford’s victory was just a fluke. Upon hearing this Jack Victory obliged by booking Chris Hero versus Dean Radford for the 4/16 depending on Radford’s progression in the tournament.

    - Kaz Hayashi is seemingly done with Pro Wrestling Carnivale. Backstage at the last event Jamie Gibson and Kaz Hayashi were heard arguing after their match with Kaz saying that he was returning to Japan and wouldn’t be coming back to US for quite some time.

    Pro Wrestling Carnivale

    Road To The Gold

    Saturday 2nd April 2005

    PWCarnivale Heavyweight Title Tournament

    AJ Styles vs. Dean Radford vs. Dixie

    PWCarnivale Heavyweight Title Tournament

    Christopher Daniels vs. Xavier vs. Jerry Lynn

    PWCarnivale Heavyweight Title Tournament

    Chris Sabin vs. B-Boy vs. Danny Daniels

    PWCarnivale Heavyweight Title Tournament

    Joey Matthews vs. Matt Striker vs. Jimmy Vegas

    3 Way Tag Team Match

    The Iron Saints (Salvatore & Vito Thomaselli) w/ Brandon Thomaselli vs. The Outcast Killers (Oman Tortuga & Diablo Santiago) vs. The Texas Death Club (Masada & Todd Sexton)

    Singles Match

    Slyk Wagner Brown w/ April Hunter vs. Matt Sydal w/ Daizee Haze

    Singles Match

    Damian Adams vs. Troy Lords


    The PWCarnivale Prediction Competition

    With 6/7, erstyle picks up the first point in the competition to win a DVD or CD of choice. Remember it’s the first to eight points (I might bring this down to six if it seems like it may take too long for someone to get to eight).

    Points Table

    erstyle – 1

  15. user posted image

    Pro Wrestling Carnivale


    The Debut Show

    Saturday 19th March 2005

    - The first ever Pro Wrestling Carnivale show kicked off with Jimmy Vegas coming out to a chorus of boo’s from the crowd. Vegas in his cocky style wearing a high top red furry hat grabbed a mic and ripped into the fans in attendance. Jimmy Vegas then announced himself as Pro Wrestling Carnivale’s Franchise, the top dog. The fans got on the back of Vegas with a ‘Shut The Fuck Up’ chant. Brad Bradley then came out from the back to a decent reaction. Bradley climbed into the ring and got face to face with Vegas. The fans started chanting ‘Fuck Him Up, Bradley’ as Brad almost turned the lights out on Vegas with a stiff lariat. The bell then rang for the match to start as James Keenan came running out from the back. Bradley controlled most of the match, coming close to winning with a brainbuster on James Keenan but Jimmy Vegas managed to break the count at two. Vegas then disposed of Bradley with a low blow sending him to the outside. Vegas then one on one with Keenan hit him with the Cha-Ching Slam for the victory.

    - Jack Victory then came out and grabbed a mic. Victory thanked the four hundred plus in attendance for coming out tonight. Victory then announced that he has been made commissioner of Pro Wrestling Carnivale. Victory then announced PWC would be back on 4/2 and that show would also be the start of the PWC Heavyweight Title tournament.

    - Next up Chris Hero took on former IWC Champion Dean Radford. Both men exchanged holds and Hero seemed surprised that Radford could match him, rolling to the outside to gather his thoughts and think up a new strategy to beat Radford. Hero came back in and after an exchange of blows, Radford again came out on top and Hero once again took a time out on the outside. Radford then hit a suicide dive through the ropes onto Hero. After a brief brawl on the outside both men were back in the ring where Hero finally managed to get on top of the match. It didn’t last long though as Radford escaped a Hero’s Welcome attempt and rolled Hero up into a small package for the three count.

    - A chaotic four way tag match then followed as Azrieal & Dixie accompanied by Becky Bayless, The Outcast Killers, The Carnage Crew and the Texas Death Club battled it out. Azrieal & Dixie and Becky Bayless were acting cocky in the aisle when The Carnage Crew came from nowhere taking them down in the aisle and the match got under way before any of the four teams had reached the ring. A brawl then broke out in the aisle as the other two teams joined the match. Sean Hanson though did his job well as he managed to restore order and got everyone into the ring and or on the apron for the match to proceed. The Carnage Crew seemed to be the most dominant team as DeVito & Loc handed out some serious beatings with DeVito hitting some viscous crossface smashes across the face of Oman Tortuga. Masada would have had the match won if it wasn’t for Dixie as he hit a sick northern lights suplex on Azrieal sending him upside down and headfirst into the turnbuckle. It was Azrieal and Dixie though who came out on top of this match after a series of dives to the outside including a moonsault from the top rope by DeVito. Sexton was in the ring winding up for something big but as he hit the ropes on the opposite side of the ring, Becky grabbed one of his feet, tripping him up. As Sexton went for Becky, Dixie came in and tapped Sexton on the shoulder and then as Sexton turned, Dixie hit him with a enziguri and rolled him up for the three count.

    - ’The New Age Punisher’ lived up to his nickname in the next match of the evening as he dealt out a serious beating to Jardi Frantz. B-Boy was the most popular coming out, but that was soon about to change. Frantz came close to winning the match a couple of times with a couple of quick rollups and then once after a devastating reverse hurracanrana, but none of this was enough to put B-Boy away. B-Boy came back strong after the reverse rana rocking Jardi with a stiff lariat, then when Jardi sat up, B-Boy exploded with a Shining Wizard right to the face of Jardi for the three count.

    - After the match had ended B-Boy grabbed a microphone from ringside and said he had ‘arrived’ and this match had just marked the beginning of the ‘B-Boy Era’. B-Boy then left the ring and trash talked a number of fans at ringside as most in attendance started to boo him.

    - Next up was the six man tag match that saw The Iron Saints take on Matt Sydal, Grim Reefer & Slyk Wagner Brown. The Iron Saints had been claiming prior to this match that this would be their night and that they would prove to everyone that they are one of the top families in wrestling as well as one of the most dominant units. Their claim looked to be in trouble when Sydal, Reefer and Brown started clicking as a team. All three members of the opposing team came close to winning all hitting their signature moves and it looked like a certain victory after Reefer had hit a rope walk senton on Brandon Thomaselli followed by a sit-out gory special neckbreaker from Sydal, but Vito just managed to get into the ring in time to break the count. The Thomaselli’s worked well as a team and showed why they were not be messed with. Salvatore and Vito at one point hit Wagner Brown with a neck breaking missile dropkick/german suplex combo that got two after being broken by Sydal. Wagner Brown then came back strong almost winning the match with a sit-out powerbomb on Brandon, but again someone was in there to break the count. The match then moved into the closing stages as The Iron Saints finished each man off separately leaving Reefer in the ring. Brandon then held Reefer in the corner as Vito and Salvatore then went to opposite corners with chairs. Both then springboarded across the ring with a double-team Van Terminator for the victory.

    - The No DQ Match was a short but brutal match as Danny Daniels and Mark Wolf went toe to toe with each other exchanging big moves and chair shots. As expected with this type of match there was no real story. Both men brawled into the crowd for a bit with Daniels hitting Wolf with a glass of beer. Whilst in the crowd Daniels hit a sick tombstone piledriver off a chair onto another chair but by the time Daniels had got Wolf back to the ring he had recovered enough to kick out. Wolf then came back, reversing an Irish whip into the corner and following up with a bulldog. Wolf then went to finish the match off with the Nevermind DDT but Daniels managed to spin out and hit The Rubik’s Cube for the three count.

    - In the main event and match of the night Christopher Daniels & AJ Styles took on Jamie Gibson & Kaz Hayashi. Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles got the biggest pop of the night coming out, especially Daniels who took his time coming to the ring before finally disrobing to his wrestling gear. Jamie Gibson and Kaz Hayashi came out together and got a decent reaction from the crowd but not on the level of Daniels & AJ. During the match Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles amazingly managed to co-exist, but there was some obvious tension between the pair as they made a couple of hard tags out, almost in the region of being slaps. Hayashi and Gibson also worked well together, managing to get in some good double team moves. Gibson at one point had AJ on his shoulders and Kaz springboarded into the ring and took AJ off Gibson’s shoulders with a hurracanrana. Daniels and AJ came close to winning just under the ten minute mark of the match as they hit a doomsday device on Gibson, but Kaz got their just in time to break the pinfall attempt. At one point during the match, Gibson hit a suicide dive to the outside on Christopher Daniels. Kaz then went for a dive clearing the top ropes as Daniels moved and Kaz came crashing down on Gibson. Daniels then climbed onto the apron and hit a split legged moonsault to the floor on Kaz and Gibson. The fans then went crazy as AJ climbed up onto the turnbuckle and jumped off with a corkscrew moonsault onto everyone. The match then went into overdrive building to the finish. Gibson and Daniels were in the ring exchanging blows, Daniels then went for the Last Rites but Gibson managed to escape and hit a Dragon Suplex holding on, but at the count of two AJ came flying out of nowhere with the Spiral Tap onto Gibson who was bridged holding onto Daniels. As AJ got up groggily Kaz springboarded into the ring looking for a hurracanrana but AJ managed to catch him and then hit the Styles Clash for the three count. As Gibson and Kaz then left the ring AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels stood face to face in the ring as things looked like they could finally break down, but instead of coming to blows both men shook hands to end the show.

  16. Looks pretty good so far...but I'm not quite sure if I should be honored or angry that you've pretty much taken the same style I've been using with DARK... we'll see how your first show is, and if it's good, I'll lean more towards the latter. Good luck.

  17. user posted image

    News & Notes

    - The first ever Pro Wrestling Carnivale show will see a Yung Dragons reunion as Jamie Gibson will team up with AJPW’s very own Kaz Hayashi to take on the team of NJPW and NWATNA’s Christopher Daniels and TNA X Division champion AJ Styles. Will AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels be able to work as a team or will past issues resurface and cost them the match?

    - Also at the debut show, the Thomaselli’s a.k.a. The Iron Saints will be in action in a six-man tag team match against the all-star team of Slyk Wagner Brown, Matt Sydal and Grim Reefer. The Iron Saints have said they have come to PWC to make an impact and getting a win over the threesome of Brown, Sydal and Reefer will go a long way to doing that.

    - B-Boy has made it very clear that he is in PWC only for the money and the gold. B-Boy has said that he is going to destroy Jardi Frantz and that his sole arm is to become PWC Heavyweight Champion and he doesn’t care who he has to beat to get to it.

    - After hearing that he had been put in a match with Brad Bradley, Jimmy Vegas called the PWC offices to beg that he should be put in another match because he didn’t want his chiselled good looks getting damaged in any way.

    - In the next couple of month’s their will be a tournament to crown the first ever PWC Heavyweight Champion, no further details are available at this point other than the tournament is likely to get under way at the next show on 4/2. All those that have an impressive showing at the debut show will more than likely find their name put into the hat for the tournament.

    Pro Wrestling Carnivale

    The Debut Show

    Saturday 19th March 2005

    Special Attraction Tag Team Match

    Christopher Daniels & AJ Styles vs. Jamie Gibson & Kaz Hayashi

    Singles Match

    Jardi Frantz vs. B-Boy

    Four Way Tag Team Match

    Azrieal & Dixie w/ Becky Bayless vs. The Outcast Killers (Oman Tortuga & Diablo Santiago) vs. The Carnage Crew (Tony DeVito & HC Loc) vs. The Texas Death Club (Masada & Todd Sexton)

    Triple Threat Mayhem Match

    Brad Bradley vs. James Keenan vs. Jimmy Vegas

    Six Man Tag Team Match

    The Iron Saints (Brandon, Salvatore & Vito Thomaselli) vs. Matt Sydal w/ Daizee Haze, Grim Reefer & Slyk Wagner Brown w/ April Hunter

    Singles Match

    Chris Hero vs. Dean Radford

    No DQ Match

    Mark Wolf vs. Danny Daniels

    OOC: Predictions are always welcomed. Their will be some sort of prize to do with the diary for the person who gets the most predictions correct.


    Todd Gordon had just walked out on 3PW, another show without pay, ‘Fuck No’ he thought to himself. Jasmin St. Clair had been a complete bitch to him and pretty much everyone else in the 3PW locker room over the past couple of months that it was amazing that everyone stuck around, well it wasn’t really as the guys needed the money. Gordon though had put some serious thought into whether or not he wanted to keep his position as head booker of 3PW, a company who’s owner didn’t really give two cents about him in reality and a company that he didn’t really give two cents about back.

    When Jasmin failed to appear for the second show straight, Gordon knew what was going on, he knew that 3PW was in serious trouble and right their in the middle of the 3PW locker room Gordon proclaimed ‘I QUIT’. Gordon said a few personal goodbyes to those that he had worked with over the past few years in getting 3PW off the ground telling them that he’d be in touch with many of them with an idea that would solve many of their problems.

    Like usual, most of the guys shrugged it off, another idea, another failure. Gordon was an ambitious person but no-one thought that he’d actually get a new promotion up and running. Not only was the money a problem, but they’d all seen Gordon over the past year slowly deteriorate as the pressure of being the sole man behind everything creative in 3PW had slowly but surely gotten to him. So, they all shook hands with Gordon said their goodbyes, not expecting to hear from him again for quite some time.

    Jack Victory had also decided that night that enough was enough and having heard what Todd Gordon had to say followed Todd out of the ECW Arena and into the almost pitch black parking lot. Jack knew Todd had something in the works, he’d been a friend of Gordon’s for many years now and he knew how his mind worked, he knew he wouldn’t walk out on a job, no matter how bad it was for him unless he had something up his sleeve, a definitive plan set up to get his teeth stuck into right away.

    Jack was right to some extent. Todd did have something set up…

    Pro Wrestling Carnivale was something Todd Gordon had put a lot of thought into, but nothing was set in stone. He’d worked out that since all the bookings at the ECW Arena were under his name he’d be able to use those bookings from March through June (with an option to extend to more dates for another six months which would take it through to December) for PWC.

    Getting wrestlers, staff etc. to work for him was not a problem, the only problem he faced was probably the most important in any business. Money. Gordon didn’t have enough, despite saving up a nice little nest egg over the years he didn’t have nowhere near enough to open up a new promotion let alone finance one from month to month. Gordon had a few contacts but he doubted whether any of them would actually take the plunge into the risky world of wrestling.

    A week later, with help from his new number two Jack Victory; Todd managed to tie up a backer for Pro Wrestling Carnivale.

    Paul Eversman, a small time broker in the Tri-State area was convinced by Todd to put quite a bit of money into PWC to get it up off the ground due to being a life long wrestling fan and now an avid follower of the Tri-State independent scene. Paul at one time was approached by Gabe Sapolsky to finance ROH after the Feinstein incident but decided against it at the time due to not having the available capital to get behind such an expanding product like ROH, but PWC on the other hand was not as big as and probably wouldn’t be as big as ROH for at least 2-3 years down the line and this was the perfect opportunity for himself to be actively involved in a wrestling promotion to some degree.

    It was now early February and Todd was working to a deadline of March 19th to have everything sorted by as that date was the date that the booking at Viking Hall was for and if he didn’t run he was kissing goodbye to a $7,500 dollar fee that would have to be paid whether he ran a show or didn’t. People had been called, an office had been set up, a ring had been bought, a basic entrance had been made and everything else was sorted and falling into place. The only thing Gordon had left to do was to get some actual workers to work his show.

    Now whilst Todd was aiming high, he didn’t really want to sign the same guys that ROH was using at the time because it was inevitable that they’d be branded an ROH wannabe. So instead Gordon decided to go in pretty much the same direction as 3PW was going, a more risqué product with more brawls, more blood and more violence with good technical and work-rate bouts thrown in for good measure. Gordon decided on not letting anyone know about who was going to be working for PWC until the official card was announced.

    Pro Wrestling Carnivale was set to rock the wrestling world, or so Todd Gordon thought. He wanted to make an impact; he wanted to make a statement that Pro Wrestling Carnivale was the next big thing. Although it wouldn’t be along the lines of throwing the NWA World Title down and taking Eastern Championship Wrestling into a new era he hoped he would be able to come up with something that would give PWC the edge in a very competitive and unstable industry.

  19. I do think the results are a bit long, but your style of writing actually kept me hooked and I actually read through the whole show, word for word, without actually getting bored of it at any point (apart from once halfway through the Cide vs. AmDrag match but it soon picked back up).

    It's sad to see that Joe will be leaving and I'm kind of torn of what will be happening with his two matches. I can't see him going 0-2 on his way out because he's been so dominant over the past few years to go out like that, plus I think Joe losing to Cide will take away from Aries second victory over him whereas it looks like Cide could get his 'heat back' so to speak with a victory over AmDrag.

    I really liked the GenNext stuff, Evans winning the Scramble was a good idea and as rsl said an Evans & Shelley vs. Strong & Aries is a good idea for down the line, whilst Shelley vs. Aries for the title is an awesome prospect as well.

    I'll wait for more teams to be announced for the six man tag tournament to really comment on it, but for now it looks like a solid idea.

    The Do Or Die card looks pretty good, I'm interested to see what you do with the students. B-Boy vs. Steen should own and Daniels vs. Puma is a good encounter and I enjoyed their match back at the FB03 convention show.

    Overall, this diary so far is ***** material. It's not often I follow a diary intently but if you keep this up Punk I will be doing with this as their's some great matches set up for/booked down the line to look forward to (Aries vs. Joe II, Aries vs. Corino, Shelley vs. Punk, Gibson vs. Collyer and the list goes on) and actually has some real direction to progress.

  20. WrestleArt-4: Night One: U-230 Tournament (02/05/2005)

    ***Bracket I***


    ***BRACKET II***


    ***BRACKET III***


    ***BRACKET IV***








    The Rat Pack of Deranged, Insane Dragon and Dixie are backstage sat in their dressing room. The attitude is fairly more serious than usual when The Rat Pack is backstage.

    DERANGED: So we’re all set on what’s going to happen tonight…you two are putting me over, seeing as I’m the most talented and the leader of the group, it’s the only logical thing to do. So when we get out their tonight, you’re both laying down so I can pin one of you.

    Dixie answers straight away with a yes and a high five for Deranged, but Insane Dragon is a little hesitant but after 30 seconds or so finally agrees and shakes hands with Deranged.

    *** MATT SYDAL d. M-DOGG 20 AND JERRELLE CLARK IN 12:32 to advance to the semi finals of the U-230 tournament. Sydal looked the strongest from the out-set of this bracket managing to hit a number of trademark moves in the opening 6 or so minutes before M-Dogg and Clark managed to get into this match. Sydal could have had this match won at the 4:32 mark after hitting a Sit-down Gory Neckbreaker on Jerrelle Clark, but M-Dogg was in to make the save. Sydal was then sent to the outside after a head scissor from M-Dogg 20. A flagpole press later from M-Dogg and everyone was laid out on the outside after Jerrelle Clark hit a crazy 630 to the outside. All three managed to regain their feet and crawl into the ring. A few minutes later M-Dogg hit a shooting star into a DDT on Jerrelle Clark and as he showed off to the fans by jumping onto the second turnbuckle and flexing he didn’t notice Sydal come up behind and hit a springboard powerbomb on M-Dogg and hold on for the three count. (69.4%) ***

    ***POST MATCH***

    After the match Samoa Joe hit the ring after the victor Matt Sydal had just left. Joe climbed into the ring and proceeded to hand out a severe beating to both Jerrelle Clark and M-Dogg 20 that finished with Joe hitting a muscle buster from the top rope on M-Dogg 20. Joe then grabbed a mic from ringside as a chorus of boos and ‘Fuck You Joe’ chants rang out throughout the arena.

    SAMOA JOE: Yeah that’s right, FUCK ME, that’s what you’d all like to do isn’t it.

    ‘Shut The Fuck Up’ chants then proceeded to start up.

    SAMOA JOE: Why should I, why should I shut the fuck up? I OWN THIS SHOW, I OWN YOU AND I OWN EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU BACKSTAGE, and if you don’t believe me…come out here and I’ll prove that to you!

    With that Joe slams the mic down and just as he’s about to leave the ring ’The King Of Kings’ and the ‘Fucking God Of Pro Wrestling’ Steve Corino comes walking through the curtains with a mic in his hand accompanied by his running buddy Guillotine LeGrande.

    STEVE CORINO: Whoa, hold on one minute. Back your ass up and stay in that ring before someone does some serious damage to you Joe.

    Joe stands looking bemused in the center of the ring.

    STEVE CORINO: Did I hear you right Joe? You own everyone backstage? You don’t even own this company Joe…you may think you do in that hypothetical tongue that your speaking in, but believe me Joe, you don’t own me…Sure we may have been friends at one time, but you’ve gotten too big for your boots, Joe. You haven’t returned my calls, you haven’t returned my emails, you haven’t returned those letters that I sent you with those pictures of Ronnie Stevens in them and that I take all of that as an insult.

    Corino takes a brief pause as the fans in attendance seem to be in awe of Corino as none of them were expecting him to be here tonight.

    STEVE CORINO: Joe, you seem to be forgetting that it was me who made you…It wasn’t Gabe, it wasn’t any of these people…IT WAS ME…I put your name out their. I got you into ROH. I took you to Japan. You owe me more than anything and you seem to forget that and now your running round like your some kind of power hungry, psychotic bad-ass who doesn’t care about anybody and I know that’s just not you Joe…but…if you continue, your going to have me to answer to Joe and I know you don’t want that, because I am the FUCKING GOD OF PRO WRESTLING, and it is me…who owns you!

    With that, Corino drops his microphone and heads backstage as Joe stands in the ring, Joe doesn’t move for a minute. He stands with his hands on his hips and just looks down at the canvas before smacking himself round the head and then charging to the back presumably in pursuit of Corino. (71.6%)

    *** THE AMAZING RED d. AZRIEAL AND JUSTICE IN 10:47 after a spot a second match that saw all three men flying all over the ring. Red hit the first big move of the match after a springboard skytwister kick sent Justice to the outside, Red then corkscrewed over the top rope onto Justice on the outside. Azrieal the vaulted over the top rope onto both Azrieal and Justice. The fans were on their feet showing their appreciation for the dives. Back in the ring, Azrieal almost had the match won after a spinning Michinoku Driver on Red but Justice made the save with a legdrop from the top rope. Justice then whipped Azrieal into the ropes and Azrieal came back with a clothesline but Justice ducked that and then hit a hurracanrana on Azrieal and held onto the legs of Azrieal for a cover but Azrieal kicked out of the pin attempt. Justice was then whipped out after a Code Red from Red which Azrieal broke the cover of. Then after escaping a brainbuster attempt Red grounded Azrieal with a rolling heel to the face followed by a Red Star Press for the three count and the victory. (70.4%) ***

    *** INSANE DRAGON d. DERANGED AND DIXIE IN 13:31 after betraying his other Rat Pack team-mates or not agreeing to do what Deranged had set up. The plan was for the Rat Pack to put Deranged over by laying down for him, but before the match started Insane Dragon and Deranged got into an argument as Insane Dragon wanted to go through to the next round. Deranged and Insane Dragon then came to blows with hard punches. Dixie tried to get between them but ended up just being slapped by Insane Dragon. Dixie then turned on Dragon as both he and Deranged lifted Dragon up and dropped him with a T Gimmick type move. Dixie then laid down and Deranged went for the cover, but Insane Dragon was up in time to break the count. The match carried on like this with Deranged and Dixie laying Insane Dragon out and Dixie trying to let Deranged pin him only for Insane Dragon to break the count. The match came to an end when Insane Dragon managed to reverse an attempted top rope powerbomb from Deranged after Dixie had lifted him up in to a top rope frankensteiner. Insane Dragon then hit a Sliced Bread #2 on Dixie for the three count and the pin. (71.0%) ***

    *** RODERICK STRONG d. JIMMY RAVE AND JOKER IN 14:16 after a very technical  junior heavyweight match that saw Roderick Strong and Jimmy Rave looking the strongest whilst Joker was pretty much an outcast in this match hitting the odd move here and there. He did come close to winning after hitting a flying double stomp to the chest of Rave and then following that up with a Joker Driver on Roderick Strong which the crowd jumped out of their seats for. Joker covered Strong only for Rave to break the count at two. A few minutes later, Rave took Joker down with an orbital headscissors into a crossface. Joker was close to tapping when Strong put some boots to the back of Rave. Strong then picked a stunned Rave up off the mat and hit him with the CX03 for the pin and the win. (73.9%) ***

    *** BRYAN DANIELSON d. JAMIE GIBSON IN 22:14 in a match that is an honest contender for match of the year. The match started with a lengthy reversal of holds set-up as Danielson and Gibson exchanged headlocks, took one another down, reversed out with scissors and jumped into another headlock. Danielson after being put in a headlock by Danielson switched out into a hammerlock and then moved into a backdrop driver snapping Gibson back on his neck. Danielson was straight on Gibson with a camel clutch, but Gibson was able to reverse out of it by pulling on the ankle of Danielson. Gibson then exploded into a shining wizard right to the nose of Danielson that busted him wide open. Gibson covered for a two count. Gibson then tried to wear Danielson down, actually managing to outwrestle him for a period of time. Gibson then went for a Tiger Driver, but Danielson swept the legs and took Gibson down and immediately locked him in a sharpshooter. Gibson just managed to get to the ropes before tapping. Gibson slowly pulled himself to his feet where he was immediately met with a running a forearm across the neck and chest. Danielson then went for the Cattle Mutilation but Gibson somehow managed to block it and turn Danielson over into a cover for a two count. Back on their feet, Danielson blocked a kick from Gibson and took him down with a dragon screw and then locked in a texas cloverleaf on the weakened legs of Gibson leaving him no option but to tap. (88.6%) ***

    *** RODERICK STRONG d. MATT SYDAL IN 12:07 to advance to the final of the U-230 tournament tomorrow night. The match started with an arm drag series with a switch into a armbar exchange and both men stood up to applause from the crowd. Strong then went to whip Sydal into the ropes but Sydal reversed it and hit a spinning heel kick followed by a monkey flip and some elbows in the corner. Strong then blocked an elbow and locked in a front neck crank but Sydal got out of it by hitting a backdrop driver on Strong. Sydal then whipped Strong into the ropes, Strong ducked the clothesline on the return and grabbed the neck of Sydal and pulled him down across his knee with a sick backbreaker for a two count. Sydal made a comeback hitting a hurracanrana followed by a senton. Sydal then went to the top and came off with a Shooting Star Press, but Roderick Strong managed to move and Sydal noticing this adjusted in mid air and came down on both feet only for Strong to nearly snap him in half with an urange into a backbreaker for the three count. (72.4%) ***

    *** INSANE DRAGON d. THE AMAZING RED IN 11:39 to get the final place in the U-230 tournament tomorrow night against Roderick Strong. The match was pretty much a spot fest, Red was a little cautious on some of his moves not wanting to land badly on his knee which he actually re-injured slightly two weeks ago on another indy show in the Jersey area. Red looked to have had the match won when he managed to hit Code Red on Insane Dragon, but the move was done too close to the ropes and Insane Dragon came down with his legs on the ropes. Insane Dragon then made a comeback after ducking a sky twister kick from Red and hit one of his own. Insane Dragon then hit a moonsault dropkick on Red and then springboard 450 for a two count. Red and Insane Dragon then got into an exchange of slaps and after an elbow rocked Insane Dragon, Dragon ran forward into a belly to belly from Red sending him upside down into the corner. Red then went for a tornado DDT out of the corner but Insane Dragon managed to block it and took Red over with a Northern Lights Suplex, which surprisingly got the three count on Red which drew quite a few boos and heckles from the crowd as Insane Dragon advanced. (71.1%) ***

  21. I found the quickest way to the circle, landing etc part of fligth school was to get off the ground as quickly as possible, pulling back on the analog stick as soon as you set off. Then as soon as your off the ground close the landing gear then head for the first corona at the slightest angle. It takes about two or three seconds off your overall time.

  22. WrestleArt-4: Night One: U-230 Tournament (02/05/2005)

    WA will be running it’s first show from the Meadowlands Expo Center in New Jersey this weekend with it’s first double shot weekend that is sure to be full of action with the U-230 Tournament taking up the majority of night one and BJ Whitmer and Monsta Mack headlining night two competing for the WA Heavyweight Title.


    ***BRACKET I***


    Bracket I will see three great high flyers go toe to toe in what is sure to be a tough bracket. Azrieal has been on the last two WrestleArt shows and has been impressive in defeat and has also had one impressive victory in a three way match over Salvatore Rinauro and Skeeter Frost in qualification for this tournament.

    ***BRACKET II***


    In what has the potential to be an explosive match, all three members of The Rat Pack have been drawn against each other in the first round. Are these three going to decide upon a winner beforehand or are they all going to go all out as the U-230 title is the prize one of these Rat Pack members could go on to win.

    ***BRACKET III***


    Neither of these men have wrestled in WrestleArt before but all come with a reputation and this match is sure to be a good junior heavyweight match with three great competitors.

    ***BRACKET IV***


    It’s been a hectic time for Roderick Strong this past month, picking up a victory at Opening Day defeating Jerry Lynn, losing in the Heavyweight Title final at Crowning Glory and then being on the losing team last show when he teamed up with BJ Whitmer to take on Homicide and Monsta Mack. Will these recent losses affect Roderick Strong on his pursuit of the U-230 title, or will his mind be more on his match with Homicide the following night? Jimmy Rave and Joker will be hoping the latter so that they will be pick up the victory and move on to the semi’s.

    ***SEMI-FINAL I***


    ***SEMI-FINAL II***




    Jamie Gibson will meet Bryan Danielson in what is sure to be a wrestling master class that has serious potential to be match of the year. Jamie Gibson is coming off the back of two losses, one a tag match that also involved Bryan Danielson and a loss to Samoa Joe and will be desperately trying to avoid loss number three in a row as that could put his career in WrestleArt in jeopardy. Bryan Danielson’s only match so far was the aforementioned tag match when he teamed with Quiet Storm against Gibson and Samoa Joe and will be looking to pick up the victory in order to get his name put into the first ever Crowning Circle that will be announced in a couple of weeks time.

    ***Bell time for the show is 8:00pm. Doors will open at 7:15pm. Advance tickets for the first night are $8 for the first three row’s and $6 for general admission and are available from Joe’s Diner, wa.net or by emailing tickets@wa.net. Tickets on the door are £10 for general admission.***

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