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The LBTN Express

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Posts posted by The LBTN Express

  1. WrestleArt-3: Jealousy Woes (1/22/05)













    Super Dragon was shown making his way through a bunch of people queuing up to get into tonight’s show with his bag over his shoulder with a fan in the background shouting ‘You Fucking Rule Dragon’. When Dragon was inside the building Geoffrey Rush, WA’s new backstage interviewer, approached him.

    GEOFFREY RUSH: Dragon…Dragon…can I get an interview?

    Dragon turned and presumably he frowned, but who can tell when he’s a wearing a mask? Dragon then did a little sign language which I presume was basically telling Geoff to fuck off, before turning his back and walking off with Geoffrey Rush looking totally confused. (59.8%)

    *** SUPER DRAGON d. J-PRO IN 13:27 of a hard hitting match that saw Super Dragon keep his unbeaten run going. J-Pro started off getting the upper hand on Super Dragon after a flurry of elbows and chops and came close to picking up the win in under five minutes after a sick head and leg cradle suplex folded Super Dragon up. Super Dragon though managed to kick-out and fight back after a springboard sky-twister kick right to the temple of Josh Prohibition. Then after a series of kicks Super Dragon dropped J-Pro with Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Super Dragon then went to the top rope presumably for a 450 or Phoenix Splash, but was caught on the top rope by J-Pro who then hit a Super ProhibitionPlex for a two count as Super Dragon just managed to kick out which drew a big cheer and applause from the crowd. A minute and a half later after almost losing though, Super Dragon capitalised on a mistake and after a stiff lariat destroyed J-Pro with The Psycho Driver II. (71.4%) ***

    *** AZRIEAL d. SALVATORE RINAURO & SKEETER FROST IN 12:11 in a match to determine who would get a spot in the U-230 tournament at the next show. The match was fast paced and basically a bunch of spots thrown together including Skeeter Frost getting superplexed by Rinauro who at the same time was being powerbombed by Azrieal. Then after being knocked down by a neckbreaker to the knee from Rinauro, Skeeter then hit a superb moonsault with great elevation to the outside onto both Rinauro and Azrieal, which the fans popped huge for. Skeeter was getting the fans really into him and came close to winning after a Blind Moonsault on Azrieal, but Salvatore made the save, breaking the count at two. Rinauro then hit Skeeter with a twisting springboard DDT, but Skeeter somehow managed to kick out at the count of two. But it was Azrieal who eventually came out the winner after Rinauro had whipped Frost into the corner sending him up and over the turnbuckle leaving it as Rinauro and Azrieal in the ring and Azrieal hit Rinauro with a Cradled Michinoku Driver II for the win. (69.7%) ***


    The Rat Pack, Deranged, Izzy and Dixie were all chilling backstage to some techno.

    DERANGED: We’re in that tournament all ready!

    DIXIE: We are?

    DERANGED: Off course, I’m not going to lose to that freak, Ultra…Ultra…Ultrapanties, ain’t that right Izzmaster General

    IZZY: (In a serious tone) It’s Insane Dragon, I fucking hate the name Izzy.

    DERANGED: Ok then Insaniooooo, I’m not going to lose right?

    INSANE DRAGON: Right… (61.3%)

    *** AJ STYLES d. LEONARDO SPANKY IN 17:46 after a breathtaking match that saw both men give it their all with AJ Styles outshining pretty much everything he’d done in the last two months with TNA since Dusty took over the book. AJ and Spanky were putting on a clinic with chants from the crowd of ‘Lets Go AJ’ and ‘Lets Go Spanky’ going on for around 5 minutes in build up to the finish. AJ and Spanky did some stuff on the outside which saw Spanky whip AJ into the rail only for AJ to jump into the front row and then superkick Spanky as he ran in after. Back in the ring, AJ escaped a Sliced Bread #2 attempt with Spanky having to let go in midair and then land only to be hit with a spinning heel kick from AJ. Spanky fought back with a leaping heel kick on AJ who was running at full pace towards him. With AJ then stunned on the mat Spanky went to the top rope and hit The Left Turn At Albuquerque, which AJ just kicked out of before the third count came down. Spanky then gave AJ his first tasting of Dr. Smoothes Special Recipe in the corner before lifting him onto the top turnbuckle. Spanky then went for a hurracanrana but AJ blocked it and held onto Spanky and delivered a Styles Clash from the middle rope driving Spanky first face into the mat for the three count. (89.2%) ***

    *** DERANGED d. ULTRAMANTIS IN 9:16 with Insane Dragon, Dixie, Hallowicked & Mike Quackenbush all at ringside with places in the U-230 tournament at the stake. Everything was going alright until Deranged picked up the victory with a roll-up with a pull of the tights and both feet on the rope that the referee didn’t see. All hell then broke loose as the CHIKARA Crew then took their frustration out on The Rat Pack and after 5 minutes of beating, Dixie got cut off and stranded in the ring and ended up being put through a table after a Crucifix Powerbomb from the top rope by Mike Quackenbush. (65.2%) ***


    During the intermission Samoa Joe was caught backstage going through some stretches in preperation for his match up next with Quiet Storm. Joe stopped his stretches when Geoffrey Rush (Backstage Interviewer/Road Agent etc.) walked into the room.

    GEOFFREY RUSH: Joe, can I have a couple of minutes…

    Joe just stared at Geoffrey.

    GEOFFREY RUSH: I’ll take that as a yes then…

    Joe just continued to stare at Geoffrey in a pissed off manner.

    GEOFFREY RUSH: Joe, in recent months we’ve seen a new side to you, a new, well almost demonic side to you. What’s happened to you Joe? What have the fans and everyone else done to make you hate them?

    SAMOA JOE: Do you think I want to talk to you? Do you really think I’m going to give you the inside scoop just because you have that little microphone? Well guess what…

    Joe then snatches the mic and throws it to the floor before stamping on it.

    SAMOA JOE:…that’s all you’re getting from me. Now get the fuck out of my way.

    Joe then pushed Geoffrey to the side and left the room. (67.6%)

    *** SAMOA JOE d. QUIET STORM IN 16:22 after a very hard hitting, very stiff match. Quiet Storm managed to hold his own against Samoa Joe with some very hard elbows and forearms, but for every blow he gave out he was given one just as hard if not harder by Samoa Joe who looked so intense and focused, like he was really out their just to hurt Quiet Storm. Samoa Joe had the fans on his back after spitting gum in fans face before the match started. Storm at one point managed to the Spinal Shock, albeit it didn’t look very good on a much taller Joe, but none of the fans actually seemed to mind apart from about two who booed it. Storm and Joe ended up on the outside and after being whipped into the rail twice Joe made a comeback stun gunning Storm on the rail and then setting Storm up for the ‘Ole, Ole’ running boot scrape, but again like last time pulled out half way through the run up and just flipped off the fans and just hit one motherfucking stiff blow to the head of Storm. Joe then rolled Storm back into the ring and covered him but Storm in what looked to be a stupid move kicked out. Joe then looked extremely pissed off and brought a chair into the ring, but by the time he got back into the ring with the chair Storm was up and hit a good looking roaring elbow sending the chair into Joe’s face. Storm covered with the match looking to have been won, but Joe kicked out just before the three. Joe then fought back whipping Storm into the corner and as Storm staggered out Joe hit him with a leaping enziguri and then followed that straight up with a Choke in the middle of the ring leaving Storm with no choice but to tap out. After the match Joe just stared at Storm who was struggling for breath laid out on the mat and just started to laugh slightly to himself. Joe then made his way out of the ring still laughing as he left through the curtains. (85.4%) ***

    *** SEXXXY EDDY d. HARDCORE NINJA #1 & EL GENERICO IN 10:03 and got himself a full-time contract with WrestleArt with all his travel and accommodation paid for on all future bookings. The IWS men put on a fairly decent match which was basically the three of them trying to do as much as they could with a couple of chairs. El Generico hit a hurracanrana from the top rope sending Sexxxy Eddy through two set up chairs. Hardcore Ninja #1 The One-Man Pearl Harbor from the top with a chair on Sexxxy Eddy for a two count, but despite all this abuse it was Sexxxy Eddy who finally picked up the three count with a moonsault on El Generico whilst holding a chair to his chest. (67.8%) ***

    *** HOMICIDE & MONSTA MACK d. BJ WHITMER & RODERICK STRONG IN 19:26 as Monsta Mack pinned BJ Whitmer before their match at night two of the U-230 tournament, and this was also Whitmer’s first match since winning the title as well which will put him on the wrong end of the psychological battle going into that match. This match though was one stiff ass match with all men going hell for leather with stiff shots, Roderick Strong giving out backbreakers like he was some whore giving out STD’s, Homicide going wild with sick bootscrapes and Whitmer giving out some of the stiffest elbows he’s ever given. Strong at one point almost had Homicide pinned after a double suplex into a backbreaker but Mack made the save. Homicide at one point managed to get in his flying tope con hilo through the middle rope onto everyone, even Mack, on the outside. The finish then came when Homicide hit a Yakuza Kick on Roderick Strong on the outside and grabbed a chair as Mack and Whitmer battled it out in the ring. Mack whipped Whitmer into the ropes and Homicide popped up with chair and cracked Whitmer in the back. Whitmer then dizzily staggered forward into The Clothesline From Compton. Mack then covered and got the three count with Whitmer actually getting his shoulder up just after the three count. Mack and Homicide then left the ring and headed up the aisle looking back as Whitmer pulled himself to his feet with Mack motioning with his hands that the belt was his. (81.3%) ***


    AJ Styles was backstage packing his stuff in one of the couple of locker rooms backstage when Spanky entered the room. AJ straightened himself up and both went nose to nose. Spanky then outstretched his hands and AJ shook it.

    SPANKY: Good match…

    Spanky turned and walked away as AJ was left in view as the scene faded. (65.2%)


    Monsta Mack and Homicide were shown leaving the arena well into the night after the show had finished and everyone had left the arena. They were laughing and joking about something.

    MONSTA MACK: That belt’s mine, ain’t no way I can lose ta’ BJ.

    HOMICIDE Ain’t no fucking way…tha’ lil’ bitch is gon’ be sorry fo’ crossing us for sure.

    Homicide and Mack then continued to walk down the street as the camera stayed in position as the WA logo came up to end the tape. (71.1%)

  2. WrestleArt-3: Jealousy Woes (1/22/05)

    After crowning the first WA Heavyweight Champion, BJ Whitmer at Crowning Glory, WrestleArt will be in Woodbridge, NJ this Saturday at the Woodbridge National Guard Armory in what is sure to be a great night of action.


    At the last show it came down to BJ Whitmer and Monsta Mack to determine who would become the first WA Heavyweight Champion. After taking the best Mack had BJ Whitmer still managed to come out on the winning end, but the fun was to stop their for Whitmer as after being presented with his belt, Homicide, the man who trained Mack attacked Whitmer, even going as far to use the Cop Killa on him. BJ Whitmer is not one to step down, and Homicide and Mack have sworn not to let up until they get the title. Roderick Strong is also out to prove himself after being selected by BJ Whitmer as the partner he wanted in this match after an impressive win against Jerry Lynn and a good showing in the WA Heavyweight Title match.


    When Quiet Storm pinned Jamie Gibson in the main event tag match Samoa Joe didn’t like it, especially because he ended up being on the losing team, after that match we saw a totally different Joe, a disrespectful Joe. At Crowning Glory Samoa Joe took it upon himself to destroy Jamie Gibson and then rub it in further with a beatdown. If it weren’t for Quiet Storm who knows how far that would have gone. Storm has proved he is not scared of Joe, standing up to him at Crowning Glory almost knocking Joe off his feet with a roaring elbow. This one is sure to explode.


    After Jerry Lynn had to pull out of this show, Spanky said he wanted to come in and face AJ Styles and both men have a lot to prove in this match. For AJ Styles this is his first match in WrestleArt and he will be looking to get his foot on the ladder for a shot at BJ Whitmer’s title because his reputation doesn’t mean anything in WrestleArt and everyone has to prove themselves worthy to be here, whilst Spanky saw himself on the losing end in a match against B-Boy at Opening Day and he’ll want to desperately avoid going 0-2 in WA.


    Super Dragon is currently 2 and 0 in WA and is homing in on a shot at the Heavyweight Title. Beating Josh Prohibition is just the next step on his road to glory but J-Pro won’t prove that easy an opponent as he’ll be looking to get off to a winning start in WrestleArt.



    The Rat Pack and the Dark Breed along with Mike Quackenbush just don’t see eye to eye with each other. It started back at Opening Day when Deranged and Izzy picked up the cheap victory over Dark Breed thanks to a low blow from Deranged. Then at Crowning Glory, Mike Quackenbush was unveiled as the Dark Breed’s mystery partner and pretty much schooled The Rat Pack picking up the win for his team. This week, Deranged will take on UltraMantis with the winner getting himself and the other two members of their team put into the U-230 Tournament.



    In an IWS showcase match, Sexxxy Eddy, Hardcore Ninja #1 and El Generico will do battle with the winner getting a contract with WA, giving them a free ride to WA with travel and accommodation paid for on all future bookings.



    Salvatore Rinauro picked up a win in his debut for WA at Crowning Glory with an impressive victory over Jamie Samuels and one of his opponents on this show Azrieal which should make him favourite to take that place in the U-230 tournament, but Azrieal and Skeeter Frost won’t be giving up on this opportunity that easy.

    ***Bell time for the show is 8:00pm. Doors will open at 7:15pm. Advance tickets are $12 for the first three row’s and $8 for general admission and are available from Joe’s Diner, wa.net or by emailing tickets@wa.net. Tickets on the door are £12 for general admission.***

  3. WrestleArt News, Notes & Upcoming Schedule

    - WrestleArt-2: Crowning Glory drew 416 fans to the Rahway Rec Center in New Jersey, an increase of 212.

    - Roderick Strong has been entered into the U-230 tournament on 2/5. Roderick is the eighth person to be entered, the other four contestants will be decided on the next show entitled, Jealousy Woes.

    - Within the next couple of weeks, WrestleArt will be implementing a ranking system called The Crowning Circle. The Crowning Circle will be updated after every show and will contain the current six hottest properties in WA based on results and performances. Expect the first Crowning Circle to be announced sometime in March.

    - Jerry Lynn has had to pull out of 1/22 show after suffering a neck injury over the weekend during a match against Low-Ki. Spanky will be taking his place taking on AJ Styles.

    Upcoming Schedule

    Saturday 01/22/2005: Woodbridge, NJ @ Woodbridge National Guard Armory

    - Samoa Joe vs. Quiet Storm

    - AJ Styles vs. Spanky

    - Super Dragon vs. J-Pro

    - Sexxxy Eddy vs. Hardcore Ninja #1 vs. El Generico

    Saturday 02/05/2005: Meadowlands, NJ @ Meadowlands Expo Center

    - Night One of the U-230 Title tournament featuring Roderick Strong, The Amazing Red, Jimmy Rave, The Joker, M-Dogg 20, Jerrelle Clark, Justice and Matt Sydal plus four others to be named.

    Sunday 02/06/2005: Meadowlands, NJ @ Meadowlands Expo Center

    - Final of the U-230 Title tournament

    - BJ Whitmer © vs. Monsta Mack (WA Heavyweight Title Match)

    - Bryan Danielson vs. John Walters

    Saturday 02/26/2005: Rahway, NJ @ Rahway Rec Center

    - No information at this time

    Saturday 03/12/2005: Rahway, NJ @ Rahway Rec Center

    - No information at this time

    Saturday 03/26/2005: Woodbridge, NJ @ Hungarian American Club

    - No information at this time

  4. WrestleArt-2: Crowning Glory (12/17/04)












    *** SALVATOURE RINAURO d. AZRIEAL & JAMIE SAMUELS IN 11:19 of a high flying spotfest that saw all men hit some breathtaking dives, with Azrieal corkscrewing over the ropes, Samuels moonsaulting and Rinauro hit a flipping senton off the top rope to the outside. Rinauro came close to winning the match early after hitting a neckbreaker to the knee of Azrieal and then grabbing Jamie Samuels and running the turnbuckle and hitting a swinging DDT for a two count. Rinauro then got cocky and after hitting an elbow drop better than Savage’s Rinauro was hit with a modified cradled Michinoku Driver II, but Samuels was just their in the nick of time to break the count. Lit then hit a tornado DDT on Azrieal, which could have won him the match but before he cover, Samuels was hit with the What-A-Manoeuvre by Rinauro who got the three count. (69.9%) ***

    *** THE ARSENAL d. NIGHTMARE MANSON IN 10:14 in what was basically a blood fest as both men went for the barbed wire early in the form of a baseball bat with barbed wire wrapped round it what looked around 50 times. Manson was able to secure the first strike after downing Arsenal by virtually ripping his forehead open with the barbed wire. Arsenal struck back though, then after downing Manson with a t-bone he took his turn to rip into Manson with the barbed wire. Arsenal then got a chair from ringside but was stopped on his return with a baseball bat shot. Manson covered as blood started to cover the ring but only managed to get a two count. Manson then set up for a running shot, but The Arsenal ducked it, booted Manson in the gut and hit a Fisherman’s Buster and laid Manson in the corner. The Arsenal then hit a double jump VanTerminator named the Heat Seeking Missile for the three count. (65.8%) ***

    *** SUPER DRAGON d. RISING SON IN 14:45 after a stiff I kick you, you kick me sort of match in the middle of a bloodied ring from the previous match. Dragon and Son exchanged kicks until Dragon got the advantage and downed Rising Son with the Violence Party, a swift flurry of kicks followed up by a lariat. Dragon then hit a double foot stomp from the top rope for a two count. Dragon continued his dominance until Son ducked a wild clothesline and hit a springboard DDT sending Super Dragon into the ropes. Rising Son then hit the 714 sending Dragon flipping over backwards. Rising Son then springboarded into a hurracanrana on Dragon, Rising Son then covered for a two count. Rising Son then went to finish with a Frog Splash, but Super Dragon managed to get out of the way. Then after hitting the U.F.O, a springboard spinning heelkick, Super Dragon made sure Rising Son wasn’t regaining his feet for a good time after this match, winning with the Psycho Driver (74.5%) ***

    *** DARK BREED (ULTRAMANTIS & HALLOWICKED) & MIKE QUAKENBUSH d. THE RAT PACK ( DERANGED, IZZY & DIXIE) IN 13:52 after a crazy fast paced match that saw Dark Breed bringing the man who trained them to WA, Mike Quackenbush. Quackenbush was the deciding factor in this match as he pretty much able to school The Rat Pack, that’s not to say the Rat Pack were dominated in anyway as they clearly weren’t and came close to winning a number of times, especially after some underhanded tactics from Deranged almost had Hallowicked pinned after a Rat Star Press. But after some dives to the outside from Deranged, Hallowicked and Izzy, Quackenbush was left alone with Dixie. Quackenbush after hitting a Tiger Neck Chancery DDT hit Dixie with the Quacken Driver for the three count. (71.3%) ***


    After the match, as The Dark Breed and Mike Quackenbush were celebrating a vengeful Deranged and Izzy got back at them using chairs to pretty destroy them and leave them laying in the ring. Deranged, Izzy and Dixie then all high fived each other before hitting chair shots all at the same time on all members of the opposing team.


    The Rat Pack, Deranged, Izzy and Dixie are shown backstage just entering a dressing room.

    DERANGED: Another win for The Rat Pack!!!

    DIXIE: But we didn’t win…or did we…I can’t remember (laughs)

    DERANGED: We didn’t win the match but we sure as well won the scuffle, thingy, war, battle, whatever the fuck we destroyed them after and we shouldn’t be seeing them for a while.


    The Rat Pack then lay on some music and dance as the scene cuts to Jamie Gibson making his way to the ring. (57.4%)

    *** SAMOA JOE d. JAMIE GIBSON IN 18:42 after a very hard hitting match that saw Jamie Gibson go toe to toe with Samoa Joe giving as good as he got. Samoa Joe had the obvious height, weight and power advantage, but Jamie Gibson proved that he was a hard hitter with some very stiff knife-edge chops. Gibson came very close to winning after a dangerous backdrop driver that folded Samoa Joe up on impact with the canvas, but Joe just managed to kick out of the resulting cover at the count of two. Gibson also managed to escape out of the choke after he looked all but done after just managing to out stretch his left leg to get it under the bottom rope. The fans were getting on Joe’s back after he flipped them off back at Opening Day, and he took a minute time out to argue with the fans at ringside, which allowed Gibson to dive onto Joe. Joe fought back though and set Gibson up for the Ole, Ole boot scrape but as Joe finally got the fans to chant, he ran, then stopped and flipped off the crowd. Back in the ring the end of the match came as both men were unloading on each other with elbows in the centre of the ring, then after a super stiff elbow, Joe scooped Gibson up and dropped him with the Island Driver for the three count. (89.9%) ***


    After the match Samoa Joe was slapping Gibson around on the mat hitting him with a few cheap shots, boots to the gut etc. after the match. Joe was then signalling for the choke but as he was about to apply it he noticed Quiet Storm, the man who won the tag match last week, walking down the aisle. Storm got in the face of Joe not backing down showing that he wasn’t scared of him. Joe then went to slap Quiet Storm, but Storm blocked and unloaded with a brutal roaring elbow, that despite not knocking Joe off his feet, made him stagger back into the ropes. Joe regained his composure and just grinned wildly. Samoa Joe then deciding against an altercation left the ring and made his way backstage pointing at Quiet Storm all the way shouting ‘Next time, your mine!’


    The camera’s followed Joe backstage where he pushed some backstage hand out of the way, who took an overdramatic fall spilling coffee all over himself. Joe then walked on, before turning and grabbing the camera with both hands and staring right down the lens.

    SAMOA JOE: Quiet Storm, who in the hell do you think you are? You’re nothing, you ain’t even a blip on my radar, you’re so far under me you might as well just go home right now and not get me pissed off anymore than I actually am. Because basically, you’ve never seen me pissed off, you’ve never seen me when I’ve gone over the edge, and believe me you wouldn’t want to see me when I’ve gone that far. But if you decide to challenge me thinking you’re going to come out that match with a fully operational brain you’re mistaken because I’ma going to hit you so hard that you’re not going to remember your own name never mind what day it is…so Storm if you think you can take this, if you think you can take me, sign your name on the sheet and prepare to get you ass kicked, because I AM JOE…AND I OWN YOU!

    Joe then pushes the cameraman down and storms off down the corridor. (65.3%)

    *** NATE WEBB d. JC BAILEY & RYAN BOZ IN 13:59 after a decent hardcore match between the three combatants. The only weapons used to any effect were a couple of tables and a couple of chairs but that was all it took for these guys to come up with some creative ways to hurt each other as Boz laid some chairs under a table that had been set up and then proceeded to tombstone JC Bailey whom he had caught short on the top rope through the table and onto the chairs. That would have won the match if it weren’t for Nate Webb making the save. Nate Webb then took his turn to show off as he set up a table on the outside and laid Boz on it. Webb then grabbed a chair and hit a chairsault from the top rope sending Boz through the table, then last but not least it was time for JC Bailey who hit a Michinoku Driver II off the table through a table that was laid on the apron and guard rail, with another table under it. After all the craziness had died down, the match went into the home stretch as Boz was laid out by JC Bailey, but Bailey then turned into a boot to the gut from Webb who then hit Bailey with the Soylent Green shouting out “It’s People!’” after hitting it. Webb then covered Bailey for the three count. (67.2%) ***


    *** BJ WHITMER d. B-BOY, MONSTA MACK & RODERICK STRONG IN 22:14 in a match to determine who would become the first ever WA Heavyweight Champion. B-Boy was the first to be eliminated 8 minutes into the match after being on the wrong end of a sick backbreaker from Roderick Strong, after coming close to eliminating just 40 seconds earlier after a cradled brainbuster, but Strong kicked out at two and recovered quick. Roderick Strong was then next to get eliminated after being pinned by Monsta Mack. Roderick Strong looked to be in control of Whitmer and after whipping him into the ropes turned to pose. But with his back turned he didn’t see Mack tag himself him in. Strong then turned into a stiff lariat and half a minute later was under Mack for the three count after a sit-out powerbomb. Mack then took the control of the match and looked to be going on to win the WA Heavyweight Title, after hitting a flipping senton into the corner on Whitmer twice. Mack then hit a powerbomb, but Whitmer managed to kick out at two. Mack then went for a Frog Splash, and managed to hit it even though Whitmer tried to avoid it. Whitmer was lucky, as he was somewhat near to the ropes and was able to outstretch his leg and get it on the rope. A pissed of Mack then went for the referee but realised he didn’t want to get disqualified. When Mack was ready to continue, he went to turn to what he believed was a downed and ready to be defeated Whitmer, but Whitmer was back up to hit a series of sick elbows and forearms in preparation for folding Mack up with a wrist clutch exploder suplex for the three count and the title. ***


    As BJ Whitmer was being presented with the WA Heavyweight Title, Homicide came from the crowd and laid BJ Whitmer out with a Yakuza Kick, before taking it that one step further and hitting the WA Heavyweight Champion with the Cop Killa. Homicide then helped Mack to his feet and they both flipped off the crowd. Mack then spit on the floored Whitmer before the two headed to the back.


    BJ Whitmer is sat backstage on a table as a medic just finishes checking him over. BJ stares into the camera then turns to the side and takes his newly won WA Heavyweight Title and places it over his shoulder.

    BJ WHITMER: MONSTA MACK…HOMICIDE…Do you think you got one over on me? Do you think that what you did would have any effect on my demeanour tonight? Well think again, because as long as I’ve got this belt, I’m on top of the world. This belt means that I’m the best their is today, it means I’m better than you Homicide, and it definitely means I’m better than you Mack and nothing either of you two ever do or ever say will ever…ever…change that fact!

    Whitmer then winces in pain as the doctor/medic comes back into view. (59.8%)


    ‘The Notorious 187’ Homicide and Monsta Mack are backstage for the closing interview. Homicide is stood in front of Mack smiling broadly; Homicide turns and slaps Mack on the chest in a congratulatory manner before looking into the camera.

    HOMICIDE: BJ (laughs) you haven’t seen anything yet. That is our title, ours…not yours…not anybody else’s…ours…you fucking got that? That belt should be around Mack’s waist right now, he should be champion…not you…but your stubborn ass didn’t want that and you had to go and spoil our night…didn’t you, bitch. BJ, you’re a bitch, always been a bitch, and always will be our bitch and as long as you have that gold around your waist…in your possession…you’re our main target…our main enemy…so BJ…I suggest you hand that belt over, before you put your worthless petty little life on the line for it…because we ain’t gonna stop for anything, bitch, until we have that belt.

    Homicide then turns laughing out loud, and slaps Mack on the chest again.

    MONSTA MACK: That belts mine…(laughs)…mine…all fucking mine!

    Homicide and Mack then grab their bags and leave as the tape comes to an end. (68.4%)

  5. WrestleArt News, Notes & Upcoming Schedule

    - WrestleArt-1: Opening Day drew 204 fans to the Rahway Rec Center in New Jersey.

    - AJ Styles who was scheduled to be at the first show will be at the upcoming 1/22 show in Woodbridge, NJ

    - WrestleArt is pleased to announce that it will be running it’s first double shot weekend in February (2/5 & 2/6) at the Meadowlands Expo Center. The first night will play host to the U-230 Title tournament, whilst the second night will feature the final of said tournament. The U-230 belt is basically a junior heavyweight title for anyone under 230lbs. The basic premise is that on the first night their will be four, three way brackets with the winners of brackets A and B facing each other and the same with C and D in the semi finals. The winner of each semi final will then go on to night two to face each other for the U-230 title.

    Upcoming Schedule

    Friday 01/07/2005: Rahway, NJ @ Rahway Rec Center

    - Roderick Strong vs. B-Boy vs. BJ Whitmer vs. Monsta Mack (WA Heavyweight Title)

    - Samoa Joe vs. Jamie Gibson

    - Nate Webb vs. JC Bailey vs. Ryan Boz (Hardcore Match)

    - Super Dragon vs. Rising Son

    - The Rat Pack vs. Dark Breed & TBC

    - Azrieal vs. Salvatoure Rinauro vs. Jamie Samuels

    - The Arsenal vs. Nightmare Manson (No Holds Barred)

    Saturday 01/22/2005: Woodbridge, NJ @ Woodbridge National Guard Armory

    - AJ Styles vs. Jerry Lynn

    - Super Dragon vs. J-Pro

    - Sexxxy Eddy vs. Hardcore Ninja #1 vs. El Generico

    Saturday 02/05/2005: Meadowlands, NJ @ Meadowlands Expo Center

    - Night One of the U-230 Title tournament featuring The Amazing Red, Jimmy Rave, The Joker, M-Dogg 20, Jerrelle Clark, Justice and Matt Sydal plus five others to be named.

    Sunday 02/06/2005: Meadowlands, NJ @ Meadowlands Expo Center

    - Final of the U-230 Title tournament

    Saturday 02/26/2005: Rahway, NJ @ Rahway Rec Center

    - No information at this time

    Saturday 03/12/2005: Rahway, NJ @ Rahway Rec Center

    - No information at this time

  6. WrestleArt-2: Crowning Glory (1/7/05)

    WrestleArt will be running it’s second show from the Rahway Rec Center in Rahway, NJ, this Friday with a stacked card that will see who will become the first ever WA Heavyweight Champion along with the best of the west and east coast from PWG to CHIKARA to JAPW, as well as an IWS No Holds Barred match between The Arsenal and Nightmare Manson.











    ***Bell time for the show is 8:00pm. Doors will open at 7:15pm. Advance tickets are $12 for the first three row’s and $8 for general admission and are available from Joe’s Diner, wa.net or by emailing tickets@wa.net. Tickets on the door are £12 for general admission.***

  7. WrestleArt-1: Opening Day (12/17/04)






    (The winner of each round will then face off at WA-2 in a four corners match to crown the first ever WA Heavyweight Champion)






    *** B-BOY d. LEONARDO SPANKY IN 19:16 after a very quick paced hard hitting opening match. The match was back and forth as both men traded moves with the most impressive being when B-Boy went for a belly to belly but Spanky flipped through and then springboarded back into a sick knee to the brow of B-Boy which left a nasty gash. But it was B-Boy and his swollen eye that came out the victor after countering a Sliced Bread #2 into a cutter, followed up by a Shining Wizard for the three count. (75.5%) ***

    *** MONSTA MACK d. GARY WOLFE IN 9:14 after your typical powerful stalling match. Mack and Wolfe went toe-to-toe in the opening exchange as they traded blows, using forearms, palms and stiff right hands, but it was Mack who came out of the exchange the better taking Wolfe down with a strong lariat. From there on in it was pretty much all Mack in the match, which finished when Mack used all his power to dispose of Wolfe with a huge powerbomb. (59.8%) ***

    *** THE RAT PACK (DERANGED & IZZY) d. DARK BREED (ULTRAMANTIS & HALLOWICKED) IN 13:12 in a crazy fast paced match that saw stereo dives from Deranged and Izzy off the top rope onto both members of Dark Breed on the outside. UltraMantis and Hallowicked came close to winning after Mantis hit a praying Mantis Bomb on Deranged, but Izzy was their to make the save. The match then ended when after a low blow from Deranged, Hallowicked was pinned after a Sliced Bread #2 by Izzy. (69.9%) ***


    Deranged and Izzy are shown in one of the locker rooms backstage.

    DERANGED: Unstoppable monsters, whoa, unstoppable, who can beat us?

    IZZY: No-one?

    DERANGED: That’s damn circularised, no-one, no-one.

    Deranged and Izzy then, in their own little world, start dancing around the locker room as some music comes on. Dixie then appears, with a boom box that he places on a bench. All three start high fiving each other and dancing. As the three are dancing, UltraMantis and Hallowicked enter the locker room and proceed to destroy the three members of The Rat Pack with dual chair shots. (46.2%)

    *** RODERICK STRONG d. JERRY LYNN IN 14:55 in a back and forth match that saw both men come close to winning the match numerous times, with Roderick Strong managing to break out of a cover after a Cradle Piledriver by placing his foot on the rope. Lynn again came close after a tornado DDT, but Strong managed to kick out of that as well. Lynn then tried to take the advantage, but Strong slipped out of a backdrop attempt and hit a sick snapping backbreaker onto his knee. Strong then hit the CX 03 on Lynn for the victory. (79.7%) ***

    *** SUPER DRAGON d. PUMA IN 12:02 after a very stiff encounter as Super Dragon and Puma traded all different types of kicks trying to better each other. The match went onto the outside, where Puma hit an asai moonsault and Dragon hit a tope con hilo onto Puma. Then after a sick kick to the temple which almost knocked Puma out Dragon took the advantage, making sure Puma would need help out of the arena after hitting the Curb Stomp for the three count. (76.3%) ***

    ***In Ring Segment***

    BJ Whitmer comes out to a round of applause from the New Jersey crowd before his match with John Walters and grabs a mic from the ring announcer.

    BJ WHITMER: No disrespect John, but tonight I’m going to beat your ass no doubt and I’m going on to become the first WrestleArt Heavyweight Champion and it’s just unlucky for you that you had to draw me in this tournament and not even have a chance in the final two weeks from now. I’ve worked too hard, for too long and I deserve some good damn respect, and tonight…I’m going to earn everyone’s respect.

    With that BJ Whitmer hands the mic back to the ring announcer as John Walters comes out to the ring for their match. (56.0%)

    *** BJ WHITMER d. JOHN WALTERS IN 15:42 with a wrist clutch exploder suplex after escaping an attempted Hurricane DDT. This match could have gone either way as Walters worked the braced knee of Whitmer looking to finish him off with the sharpshooter, but every time he went for the move, Whitmer would quickly get to the ropes before the move was properly locked on. (77.1%) ***

    *** BRYAN DANIELSON & QUIET STORM d. SAMOA JOE & JAMIE GIBSON IN 25:27 after another very stiff encounter that saw Danielson and Joe brutalise each others with blows as both went all out to try and win this match. Danielson at one point had Joe in the Cattle Mutilation but Gibson broke the submission just in time. Gibson also came close to winning the match after hitting a top rope Tiger Driver on Danielson, but Danielson just managed to get out with the help of Storm. The end came when Joe and Danielson were fighting on the outside, Joe put Danielson in a choke, not realising that Storm was about to win the match for his team hitting the Storm Cradle Driver on Gibson for the three count. Joe then broke the choke on Danielson and rushed the ring, but Storm escaped before Joe got in. Then as Jamie Gibson had just regained his feet, Joe clocked him with a stiff elbow to the face, before setting Gibson up and delivering the Muscle Buster. After the match and beatdown of Gibson, Joe left the ring flipping off the fans on his way out. (88.8%) ***


    Samoa Joe is shown in one of the corridors backstage basically destroying everything in his sight, throwing chairs amongst other things around. Samoa Joe then turns to the camera, fuming, red in the face.

    SAMOA JOE: I know what you’re all thinking, I know what you all want to ask me. Why did I destroy that little bitch Jamie Gibson, my supposed tag partner? Honestly I don’t think I owe anyone a reason, for almost two years now I’ve been the most dominate man on the whole scene and no-one has been able to come close to me, sure CM Punk and Bryan Danielson have taken me to the limit, but neither of them have been able to go that extra mile, go to the level that I go to when I’m in a big match, no, neither of them have done that and I’ve come out on top each and every time. But tonight, tonight, I was hoping to get off to a great start, I was hoping to make the WrestleArt Opening Day mine by picking up the win, but thanks to Jamie, I’m going to be walking out of this arena tonight a loser and I don’t like that, no, not one bit, so I had to get my dignity back somehow, make sure my reputation doesn’t get damaged and that’s why I took Gibson out, and Gibson if you think you deserve some sort of comeback, I’m going to be here in two weeks time and if you feel you can step up to the plate and take a swing, be here, and I’ll make sure to choke you out…and Quiet Storm, don’t think you’re getting off that easy, since you’re the main reason I’m on the losing end tonight…I’M GONNA BE COMING FOR YOU TOO!

    And with that, Samoa Joe turns and swings wildly putting his fist through the wall as the scene fades ending the tape. (69.5%)

  8. WrestleArt-1: Opening Day (12/17/04)

    WrestleArt will be running it’s first show this Friday from the Rahway Rec Centre in Rahway, NJ, which will feature the opening round of the WA Heavyweight Title Tournament.






    (The winner of each round will then face off at WA-2 in a four corners match to crown the first ever WA Heavyweight Champion)





    ***Bell time for the show is 8:00pm. Doors will open at 7:15pm. Advance tickets are $12 for the first three row’s and $8 for general admission and are available from Joe’s Diner, wa.net or by emailing tickets@wa.net. Tickets on the door are £12 for general admission.***

  9. In my second season with Arsenal. The only change to the team this season after winning the Premier last season is Frey who I got after tabling around 10 bids (finally getting him in the off-season for £5.5million) for him the season before which left me with Mark Crossley and Stuart Taylor alternating between the nets after I sold Lehmann after getting a £2.4million offer.

    I traded Lauren and £7.8million to Spurs for Ledley King as Campbell wouldn't re-sign so I sold him in the January transfer window for £10.5million to Madrid.

    I picked Carragher up after he complained about a lack of first team football at 'Pool and they were happy enough to let him go for £2.5million.

    Other than the defense I haven't made any changes as I don't see a need to at the present time with everyone playing so well.

    GK - Sebastian Frey

    DR - Jamie Carragher

    DL - Ashley Cole/Gael Clichy

    DC - Ledley King/Pascal Cygan (I hate Cygan is real life but he scored 9 goals last season so I kept him)

    DC - Kolo Toure/Alex

    MR - Freddie Ljungberg

    ML - Robin Van Persie/Jose Antonio Reyes (Pires is out for 6 months with a broken leg at the moment after being player of the season)

    MC - Patrick Viera/Gilberto

    MC - Cesc Fabregas/Edu/Gilberto

    FC - Thierry Henry/Robin Van Persie

    FC - Jose Antonio Reyes/Jeremie Aliadiere

  10. I was having the same problem with mine recently, it woudln't play any DVD's, GTA:SA or Pro Evo 4.

    I bought a DVD cleaning kit from Amazon for £7.99 and it worked on mine and haven't had any problems in the last 3 weeks with it.

  11. I like you haven't done many missions. The latest mission I've completed is Doberman. I'm now one-by-one gaining territories. Once I have them all I'll do some more missions. I want to do Vigilante, Taxi and Pimp missions but I daren't in case my hood comes under attack in the middle of it.

  12. Hey man, no worries about the feedback.  Like I said in The Soapbox, I'm going to start leaving all my thoughts in people's diaries I read from now on.  What I wrote there was what I was thinking as I read through it all.

    Oh... And isn't the real name for the Sliced Bread #2, the Shinobi DDT or something like that? I probably just made that up but I'm sure I've heard something along those lines before

    The Shinobi is what it was called in the Smackdown games, I believe Shut Your Mouth, then moved on to Ninja I think in Here Comes The Pain.

    I believe the real name is the Shiranui as that's what Meltzer refers to it as when Takashi Sugiura uses it.

  13. - The introduction was nothing overly impressive, buts that okay, its blunt and to the point and there is nothing drastically wrong with what is written there

    I don't really feel that introductions are really needed unless there's some behind the scenes story to the diary. But I probably could have done more.

    - The card is a nice touch, however you announce a Tag Team Title match and a Number One Contenders match before telling us that the former champions hold onto their titles in MLW 4.0. A minor touch but its continuity that is in question here and that just comes across as haphazard.

    I'm thinking about going more into detail about why matches are happening on the cards once it gets further in and I didn't notice the tag title/#1 contenders thing. I guess I posted the first few things in the wrong order.

    - The card itself is quite MLW-ish, however the inclusion of Super Dragon, Excalibur and Scorpio Sky intrigues me as I'm pretty sure they've not worked for MLW before. But as the show is in Florida and they are So-Cal talent it does make sense, a note about 'Bring in three big name So-Cal stars' or something may be appropriate or maybe I'm over analysing things.

    The idea is to have a totally hybrid promotion with as many styles on the card as I can, plus I love the So-Cal guys and people like Joey Ryan, Scott Lost, Billy Kim and Zokre will probably feature on cards in the future.

    - I like the build up between Teddy and Corino, very much how they did it in real life. Corino's comments are nicely done, the comment about Japan and Colby sound a lot like something he'd actually write.

    Not much to say apart from thanks.

    - Any particular reason why the MLW World Title is up for grabs in the Corino/Hart match?

    It's said in a post show interview that Corino's so confident of beating Teddy that he's putting the title on the line so it doesn't devalue the title as their would be two shows after it that the title wasn't defended on.

    - You should probably add something to indicate which team are the champions in the tag match, I know its the Extreme Horsemen but a little © would clarify the point for someone just looking over the card.

    I didn't realise I kept missing the © out on the cards.

    - The match recaps are nice, I'd prefer a few more lines of match description personally, even if its saying the game plans/psychology of the match or how the crowd responsed. Each match however comes across as different which shows a good style of writing. Simon Diamond's finisher is called The Simonizer, The Problem Solver was the double team finisher of Simon and Swinger's. Calling Red, Fuego Guerrero is a nice touch and one that most people forget when writing about MLW. Not sure about Corino squashing Teddy, I mean yes, its what everyone wants to see but its a little early. This was non-title, why not have Teddy go over by a fluke, you could still have the same match, but the ending builds the feud up more, increasing Teddy's ego and infuriating Corino into putting the title on the line (Assuming he has it after facing Awesome) to get another shot at Hart.

    Match Recaps - I experimented with a better format in the Steve Corino and Teddy Hart title match that was a little more detail in my opinion which is based around Meltzer's recaps in the Observer and will include psychology and crowd reactions in the future.

    Simon Diamond - Yeah I know his finsiher, thanks for pointing out that I'd written the wrong name. Don't know why I wrote The Problem Solver.

    Corino Squashing Teddy - The match itself was based around JAPW's Homicide vs Teddy match where Teddy said he took everything Homicide had to give and was still walking.

    - The triangle tournie looks very interesting, however a little too big perhaps. Especially if you're only having two matches per card. Feugo and Spanky have to be early favourites, B-Boy outside of those two but up there because of his noterity, although it would be nice to see you make one of the lesser known guys your ace of the Junior division, Jardi Frantz would be my pick.

    The matches have increased to three per card, so I believe after the next they'll be two more shows with them on before the final. I won't go into detail about favourites or anything as it'll probably give too much away.

    - I like the idea of a CC show, even if its only three matches. Nice touch.

    They've been increased to four on the current card and will be mainly featuring NWAFL talent.

    - Homicide/Corino after Corino has finished his program with Hart would be nice. A good way to lay the foundations for a future feud there. Does Insane Dragon really use the name Sliced Bread #2? I'm sure that's Spanky's name for the move. Something I completely missed in the first show... Wasn't Credible apart of the Extreme Horsemen at the end of MLW? Corino, Diamond, Anderson, Credible (Under the name PJ Walker) and Windham were the five that fought in the War Games match against Funk's Army. What happened there? The rest of the show is good but predicatable, Homicide being attacked and Corino cheating to win is pretty much booking by numbers, but it works so I'm not really complaining.

    The main idea at the moment is to build to a monumental Corino vs. Homicide match.

    As for Insane Dragon I've heard it called Sliced Bread #2 when he's used it, I don't know if it has another name but it's the best way to explain what it is anyway.

    I was writing the first show up when I realised that Credible was in Extreme Horsemen when the old MLW closed so I just decided to run with the fact that he wasn't in it and probably use that fact later on.

    - Corino seems involved in two feuds at once here which is interesting, but something I could see internet fans slating. I loved the used of the Q+A session as something to build up the feud, you bring in outside parts to the shows and it works really well. The CC show does its job really, Jacobs is a favourite of mine but I don't see him as a factor in the tournie, especially after his first match loss. Clark is pretty much the jobber of his group, no shock there. Nice to see the continuation of the Stampede/So-Cal feud that seems to be brewing; looks like Jardi could be going bye-bye already. Ki is being nicely built up as a dominate wrestler, he would make a great opponent for either Corino or Homicide, especially if he came out the victor in a programme with say, Awesome before moving on to face them. Is Strong really a Junior Heavyweight? I've only seen clips of him, he seems a little big, anyway nice match between him and Puma it would seem. The problem with Corino/Hart is that Corino is the defacto face, yet you don't want to turn him because Homicide is a face and that would screw it up for Corino/Hart, personally I'd of booked Hart to be the bigger heel of the two because he is more hated, let Corino be the defacto face for the night because MLW fans want to cheer him, its like booking Flair to tag with Eugene so fans can cheer for Flair because that's what they want to do, it makes sense in a battle of the two evils to let Corino be the lesser of the two evils because he's the more fan friendly. The post-match interviews work well as well, setting up the next few shows. Is the Hart/Corino programme over now? It looks that way. You should keep Teddy around though, not straight away obviously but a few shows down the line a reappearance could work well, especially for the Stampede Connection.

    Low-Ki and Josh Daniels are the two people at the moment that I want to elevate up the MLW ranks.

    I believe Strong is classed as Junior Heavyweight, he's smaller in height than Sonjay and the same build as Lynn so I believe he is.

    I don't really believe that every feud has to be face vs. heel, so Corino vs Teddy is pretty much heel vs. heel with Corino being the lesser of two evils so the fans go with him, I don't think I've portrayed that well enough in the matches that Corino is pretty much face against Hart.

    I like booking overlapping feuds that can get very complex, especially if it's champion because in real life in a promotion like that with everyone wanting to be champion they're wouldn't be just one person out for his blood. See ROH's stuff where Joe has had overlapping feuds.

    Anyway, thanks for the feedback NBT it's appreciated.

    And to answer your question Lethal, Jay Lethal is booked on the next convention card and will feature more prominently after the Jnr tournie is over.

  14. MLW: Hybrid Hell

    Saturday, 6th November 2004

    Fort Lauderdale, Florida

    - Shinjiro Otani and Masato Tanaka vs. Christopher Daniels and Bryan Danielson

    - Steve Corino © w/ Guillotine LeGrande vs. Rocky Romero

    - Ricky Reyes vs. CW Anderson

    No Disqualification Match

    - Justin Credible vs. Ekmo Fatu

    - Teddy Hart and Jack Evans vs. Super Dragon and Excalibur

    - Josh Daniels vs. Low Ki

    MLW World Junior Heavyweight Championship Triangle Series - Triangle A

    - Roderick Strong (1-0) vs. Shawn Daivari (0-0)

    MLW World Junior Heavyweight Championship Triangle Series - Triangle B

    - Fuego Guerrero (0-0) vs. Insane Dragon (1-0)

    MLW World Junior Heavyweight Championship Triangle Series - Triangle D

    - Bobby Quance (0-0) vs. Jardi Frantz (0-1)

    Plus… Will Steve Corino answer Homicides challenge?

    ***Tickets for the event are available through mlw.com and ticketmaster.com priced $20 for the first three rows, $12 for general admission to the ground floor and $8 for the balcony. Bell time is 8:00pm***

    Convention Card

    - Bruce Steel vs. David Babylon

    - Jay Lethal vs. Paul Atlas

    - Boles Azules vs. Kung Fu Fro

    - Billy Kim and Scott Lost vs. Disco Machine and Zokre

    ***Tickets for the convention card are sold at the door and are priced $6. If you present your ticket for MLW: Retribution you can get in for $3. The convention card starts at 5:00pm***


    MLW Triangle Series Standings

    Triangle A

    - Roderick Strong (1-0)

    - Shawn Daivari (0-0)

    - Puma (0-1)

    Triangle B

    - Insane Dragon (1-0)

    - Fuego Guerrero (0-0)

    - Jimmy Jacobs (0-1)

    Triangle C

    - B-Boy (1-0)

    - Spanky (1-0)

    - Jerrelle Clark (0-1)

    Triangle D

    - Quiet Storm (1-0)

    - Bobby Quance (0-0)

    - Jardi Frantz (0-1)

  15. MLW News And Notes

    - The following are the new finalised rules and regulations of Major League Wrestling:-

    1. All matches are contested under a 60 minute time limit unless otherwise stated. If a match does go the distance a panel of unbiased judges will then determine the outcome of the match. If the outcome of the match is adjudged as being a draw a rematch will be scheduled.

    2. All regular matches will operate on a 20 count out rule. If a champion is deemed to have had himself counted out on purpose will surrender his title to his opponent. In the event of the champion being counted out respectively or a double count out a rematch will be scheduled.

    3. The use of weapons is allowed at the referee’s discretion. The use of weapons is tolerated but not advised if the referee deems there to be excessive violence during any match he has the right to disqualify that combatant or both depending upon the circumstance.

    4. Low blows, fish hooking and eye gouging are not legal and if any are used during any match the perpetrator will be disqualified.

    5. The attacking of a referee will not only result in a disqualification but if so deemed to be in a malice manner the attacker will be heard by MLW management and if they deem fit the attacker will be suspended by MLW for a length of time they see fit.

    6. In the case of any rule breaking during any match the combatant will be disqualified. If a champion is disqualified in a title match for purposely breaking the rules he will surrender his title to the challenger.

  16. MLW: Retribution

    Saturday, 23rd October 2004

    Fort Lauderdale, Florida

    Tape Commentator - Joey Styles

    Tapes And DVDs Produced By Modtrom Productions


    Convention Card

    Clipped Matches Available As Extras On DVD

    Attendance - 207

    Billy Kim and Scott Lost vs. Shane & Shannon Ballard

    - Billy Kim and Scott Lost, better known as PWG's X-Foundation to most came out victorious over The Ballards. The Ballards managed to hit the Double Minor but it wasn't enough as Kim and Lost finished Shane off with a backbreaker and flying elbow drop combo.

    Bruce Steel vs. Tommy Vandal

    - Bruce Steel and Tommy Vandal impressed the crowd with a pretty impressive outing but it was Bruce Steel who got the victory in this one defeating Tommy Vandal with a spinning urange.

    Jimmy Jacobs w/ Becky Bayless vs. David Babylon

    - David Babylon had another good convention outing after last month’s effort. But he wasn’t able to come out the victor again as Jimmy Jacobs was just too good for him defeating him with The Contra Code a corner sit-out sliced bread #2.

    - At 7:00pm Steve Corino came out to answer the fans questions, he answered on various subjects such as his demeaning comments to TNA and the Jarrett’s and his positions within ROH, World-1 and Zero-1. After around 35 minutes of questions, Homicide came out from the back. Homicide and Steve Corino stared down before going on a brawl through the concession and merchandise stands before Homicide put Corino through a table with a Piledriver and there was no-one to help Corino as CW Anderson and Simon Diamond were apparently still at the hotel.

    MLW: Retribution

    Attendance - 772

    - At 8:03pm the show started with Steve Corino coming out with the rest of The Extreme Horsemen with the newest inclusion Dawn Marie who was on Simon Diamond’s arm. Corino got on the microphone and berated Homicide for attacking him earlier on tonight during his question and answer session. Steve Corino then announced that at the next show he’d be facing off against one of Homicide’s little clique members. Corino then announced he’d be taking on Rocky Romero with the stipulation that if Rocky Romero beats him one on one, then Homicide, Reyes or Romero would get a shot at his title in the very near future.

    MLW World Junior Heavyweight Championship Triangle Series - Triangle C

    Spanky (0-0) vs. Jerrelle Clark (0-1)

    - Jerrelle Clark became the first man eliminated from the triangle series as he lost to Spanky. Jerrelle Clark tried his best kicking out of everything Spanky threw at him to try and stay in the tournament. Jerrelle Clark himself came close to winning a couple of times, the closest coming from a Kryptonite Krunch from the middle rope, but Spanky managed to kick out at the count of two. But Jerrelle Clark found himself the victim of a Dr. Smothes Secret Recipe and a Sliced Bread #2 that he had no chance of kicking out of.

    Team Chismo (Excalibur & Disco Machine) vs. Stampede Bulldogs (TJ Wilson and Harry Smith)

    - The Hart Foundation 2k3 group finally picked up their first victory coming out on top of a strong lucha style and technical match against Excalibur and Disco Machine. Both teams busted out all the moves as TJ busted out the Cold Blue and Smith brought the pain to Disco locking him up totally in the Arabian Crab. Chismo had their chances to win too with an Emerald Fusion from Excalibur to TJ Wilson. The Stampede Bulldogs picked up the win with the 'History In The Making' a powerbomb and springboard somersault neckbreaker combo on Disco Machine.

    MLW World Junior Heavyweight Championship Triangle Series - Triangle D

    Quiet Storm (0-0) vs. Jardi Frantz (0-0)

    - Quiet Storm went top of Triangle D with a victory over Jardi Frantz. Storm fucked Frantz up throughout the match almost knocking Frantz's head off at one point with a sick roaring elbow that sent Frantz spinning through the air. Frantz though did have a credible outing managing to get a close three count with a 450 splash and came even closer with a schoolboy after ducking a rolling elbow from Storm. Frantz though had no chance when Storm signalled for and then hit the Storm Cradle Driver.

    Jack Evans vs. Super Dragon

    - Super Dragon defeated Jack Evans in a match that saw Evans hit a series of 11 spots in under two minutes during on point of the match, switching between various flips and jumps finishing with a corkscrew double moonsault to the outside. Evans though was seriously getting messed throughout the match, every time it looked like he could have gained control Dragon hit him with a stiff strike or a move that either involved Evans getting dropped on his head or coming down sickly and folding himself up. The closing moments saw Dragon duck a springboard spin kick and hit a roundhouse allowing him to use the Psycho Driver for the win.

    Low-Ki vs. Josh Daniels

    - Josh Daniels looked to have had the victory in the bag a number of times, but every time Low Ki would stage a dramatic last second kick out. Daniels kept taking Low Ki down out wrestling him at points on the mat. Josh Daniels managed to get in a Northern Lights Bomb off the top rope which Low Ki kicked out of. Low Ki had the edge in this match though due to his stand up game and after a quick succession of kicks and strikes Low Ki took Daniels down into a Dragon Sleeper giving Daniels no choice but to tap out.

    - Josh Daniels and Low-Ki shook hands after their match. Josh Daniels then got on the microphone and challenged Low-Ki to a rematch. Low-Ki accepted the challenge and made a match for the next show.

    MLW World Junior Heavyweight Championship Triangle Series - Triangle A

    Roderick Strong (0-0) vs. Puma (0-0)

    - Roderick Strong picked up his first win in the triangle series at the expense of Puma. Strong used a hundred and one backbreakers throughout the match, including a suplex into a backbreaker off the ropes. Puma had his chances to win using a series of kicks and even hit a Skull Crusher (Tombstone Piledriver) off the middle rope but Roderick Strong managed to evade the three count. Roderick Strong though was just too good in the end for Puma finishing him off with a Michinoku Driver into a backbreaker.

    Non-Title Match

    Homicide and Rocky Romero vs. The Extreme Horsemen © (CW Anderson and Simon Diamond) w/ Dawn Marie

    - Rocky Romero pinned Simon Diamond to give him and Homicide a win over the MLW Global Tag Team Champions. The match opened fast with all four trading moves and CW Anderson hitting the Spinebuster on Rocky Romero within the opening three minutes. Homicide was intense and looked great whilst in brutalising Simon Diamond as Dawn Marie looked on in horror from ringside. Rocky Romero also showed his worth to MLW having a great outing hitting a wonderful missile dropkick. Romero then played face in peril as Anderson and Diamond worked him over until Romero got the tag to Homicide. Homicide then hit a couple of Mafia Kicks before hitting a Cop Killa on Simon Diamond. Anderson then went for Homicide but Homicide bundled him over the top rope with a clothesline allowing Romero to get the pin.

    - CW Anderson and Homicide continued brawling on the outside and CW Anderson then got the better of Homicide hitting a Spinebuster on the concrete floor. CW Anderson and Simon Diamond then hit a double team powerbomb on Rocky Romero before leaving with Dawn Marie.

    Satoshi Kojima vs. Ricky Reyes

    - Satoshi Kojima defeated Ricky Reyes in an absolute brutally stiff match. Both men nearly killed each other with the blows they were dealing out to each other. Satoshi Kojima then started to work the neck as Reyes sold it well, hitting suplexes then giving up advantage due to the neck. Kojima was playing the crowd throughout the match, holding onto submissions for too long and then claiming that he didn't speak English when the referee would pull him off. Reyes got in some decent offence hitting a Tiger Driver that almost won him the match but Kojima just managed to kick out before the three count. After a brief exchange of elbows Reyes whipped Kojima into the ropes who ducked the resulting clothesline and came back with a stiff lariat for the win.

    MLW World Heavyweight Championship

    Steve Corino © w/ Guillotine LeGrande vs. Teddy Hart

    - Steve Corino pinned Teddy Hart in a match that saw Teddy Hart almost upset Corino and win the MLW World Heavyweight Title on a couple of occasions. The match opened up slow with Corino playing the cocky heel beating on Teddy and playing to the crowd. Corino used his boot to take the face off Teddy in the corner with some running boot scrapes and a couple of chops before hitting a Coby Driver for a two count. Teddy then made a comeback hitting a tornado DDT that saw Corino take a time out on the outside. Hart then hit a Shooting Star Press suicida to the outside. Teddy then used the rail to hit a another tornado DDT on Corino this time driving his head into a chair. Back in the ring, Corino was starting to realise Hart wasn’t the pushover he was lead to believe as Teddy Hart hit the Lethal Injection, a shooting star elbow drop, which Corino just managed to kick out of at two. Teddy then went for his third tornado DDT of the match, but Corino blocked it and hit a rolling Northern Lights Suplex switching into a Northern Lights Bomb for the three count.

    - Justin Credible cut a promo backstage about Ekmo Fatu saying that his fat ass didn't belong in MLW. Justin Credible then announced that at the next show that he would face Ekmo in a No DQ match.

    - Homicide cut a backstage promo to end the tape selling his back from the Spinebuster on the concrete earlier, stopping to wince in pain every so often as The Havana Pitbulls looked concerned. Homicide said that their was a stipulation in the tag match that if they won they'd get a title shot, but since Rocky Romero is facing Corino at the next show that he's not going to take advantage of it and instead let The Havana Pitbulls face The Extreme Horsemen for the titles at the show after next.

  17. Steele terminated the services so to speak of Tiffany at the IPW 5th Anniversary Show when she cost him the title against the champion Lex Lovett.

    So Steele and Tiffany are no more, unless they're back together. I haven't seen any Steele stuff past February so they might be back together, but she's not on the NWAFL website so I'm guessing that they're not

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