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Drunken Muppet

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Everything posted by Drunken Muppet

  1. I'm working on a Alexandra York right now... well actually looking for a picture for my '91 game/diary.
  2. Thanks, but yeah I'm talking bout the gimmick during the NOD right before he came the Godfather. It is hard as hell to find one of those.
  3. Anybody got any images of Kama (Godfather, Papa Shango) bald headed, after the Kama the Supreme Fighting Machine which was N.O.D. days?
  4. I have a Wes Adams cut. It isn't a great cut since it is one of my first ones.
  5. Does anybody have any pictures of The Steiner Brothers (mainly Scott) during their run with Ted Dibiase as their manager in WCW? It was right before Scott bleached his hair and went heel into the NWO.
  6. I was wondering if anybody could cut these pictures of Sherri Martel for me on kyky: http://www.wwedaily.com/wp-content/uploads...ionalsherri.jpg http://www.obsessedwithwrestling.com/pictu...rlemheat/09.jpg http://www.obsessedwithwrestling.com/pictu...rlemheat/10.jpg Thanks.
  7. Next time try inverting the color of the picture which makes it easier for me when I cut.
  8. Shawna, Next Door Nikki, Miranda Lambert (x2)
  9. Maybe, if I'm Really, really, really, really, really, really, really, drunk and stupid, but it still won't answer my question It usually has to do with somebody's taste. I have always thought Molly Holly was hotter than Trish... but like I said it is all based on somebody's taste.
  10. I was wondering if anybody had a picture of Chaz during his Low Down days. Thanks to anybody that can help.
  11. I was wondering if anybody could cut the WWE Divas title in the style of EOAE.
  12. Thanks for the cuts of Demolition. I cut the Demolition mask earlier when I finally got my 'Gimp' working again. I cut Kim Chee for anybody that wants it.
  13. I was wondering if somebody could help me out with following pictures and cuts on kyky: The Demolition (Ax, Smash, Crush) Demolition member masked Mexicools (Psicosis, Super Crazy, and Juvi) Juvi Masked Psicosis masked Sylvester Terkay (from short WWE stay) http://www.buddytv.com/articles/fresh_meat...-fresh-meat.jpg http://hissip.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/tila.jpg http://www.info.tampere.fi/y/phervanta/ysi...hugh_morrus.jpg http://www.wwe.com/content/media/images/Su...ars/bio/4751278 http://www.accelerator3359.com/Wrestling/pictures/venis3.jpg
  14. I was wondering if anybody could help me out and put the following on kyky background: http://www.luchawiki.org/images/d/d6/ApoloOriental.JPG http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/pict...texpress/02.jpg (Masked Guy) http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/pict...k/kamala/09.jpg (Kim Chee) Also, I need a picture of Cannonball Grizzly aka PN Neuz aka American Avalanche. Thanks.
  15. I have a picture of Kimo (R'oZ) in his Island Boys gimmick, but I hadn't got it cut yet. EDIT: Ok, I uploaded them. The better cuts are not done by me.
  16. Yeah, I figured that much... Oh well, anyways, can I cant Freakin' Deacon/Deacon Deville and Tytus/Ryan Wilson/Trytan then anyways, News Pics possiable if you can... Also, A Kimo one, as I said before, none Superhero, and not in 3MW Gimmick, something really new that is of him outside of the WWE...
  17. I know they aren't that great of cuts, but they are aight. Here is a couple more cuts if anybody want them:
  18. I was wondering if anybody could help me by putting these on kyky background? Thanks to whoever can help me. http://ourworld.cs.com/Rev%20Isbu%20Valdez...dpresidents.jpg (Dead Presidents: Low Ryda & Boogalou) http://ourworld.cs.com/Rev%20Isbu%20Valdez/Grim+Reefer.jpg (Grim Reefer) http://ourworld.cs.com/Rev%20Isbu%20Valdez/jessicadalton.jpg ("ODB" Jessica Dalton) http://ourworld.cs.com/Rev%20Isbu%20Valdez/joshdaniels.jpg (Josh Daniels) http://ourworld.cs.com/Rev%20Isbu%20Valdez/codyhawk.jpg (Cody Hawk)
  19. I was wondering if somebody could put the following on kyky background: http://www.obsessedwithwrestling.com/pictu...lybodies/01.jpg Tom Prichard in his Heavenly Bodies gear. http://www.heavenleigh.20m.com/IMG_2287hs.jpg http://www.obsessedwithwrestling.com/pictu...atervain/03.jpg http://www.obsessedwithwrestling.com/pictu...mysterio/03.jpg http://www.obsessedwithwrestling.com/pictu...hriscage/06.jpg http://www.upw.com/superstars/AL-KATRAZZ7.JPG http://www.upw.com/superstars/images/marshallknox2.jpg
  20. Anybody happen to have a Dr. Tom Prichard picture on KyKy background from his days with the Heavenly Bodies?
  21. I'm going to watch both Drew Carrey and Jeff Foxworthy's shows on WB. Angel was also not renewed because the main character..David Bornez or something wanted to do movies like most people who have a big show. Sarah Michell Gellar went from Buffy to..Scooby Doo? What is he going to do, become the new Mr. Rogers?
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