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Posts posted by fusionFX!

  1. - AJ Sparx should be 33. Also lower wages to 6000.

    - Raise Alex Breslin's wages to 6000.

    - Check SS Look and Diva for Amazona. Raise wages to 8000. Raise brawl to 30 and stiffness to 41. Lower over to 11.

    - Raise Amber Rodriguez's over to 16.

    - Lower Amy Action's wages to 3000.

    - Raise Cherry Layne's wages to 7000 and selling to 45. Newer pic: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-UH1KvptYIIY/TzrzIMj88-I/AAAAAAAAWyU/QSRlXYVqVbU/s1600/305420_10150837633520164_650575163_21120918_1443440443_n.jpg

    - Raise Claudia Del Solis' wages to 8000 and over to 19. Check SS Look, raise brawl to 27, and lower speed to 25.

    - Lower Erin Bray's wages to 3000 and raise over to 17. Newer pic: http://images.wikia.com/prowrestling/images/a/ac/Erin_Bray_2.jpg

    - Raise Kay Lee Ray's wages to 8000, brawl to 37, speed to 40, tech to 31, over to 20, charisma to 52, selling to 51, and stiffness to 27. Newer pic: https://si0.twimg.com/profile_images/3700720562/ee227329515f970acaaf5f692fe43ef2.jpeg

    - Newer pic of Kiara Dillon: http://www.vendettaprowrestling.com/KiaraDillon.jpg

    - Lower Kissey Dyer's over to 10.

    - Krystal Banks is Canadian. Lower wages to 3000.

    - Lower Lil' Slamm's wages to 2000 and over to 8.

    - Raise Lucy Mendez's over to 15, charisma to 41, and wages to 7000. New pic: http://www.3xwrestling.com/new/wp-content/gallery/lucy-mendez/formark-66.jpg

    - Lower Malibu McKenzie's wages to 2000 and over to 9. Newer pic: http://wrestling-divaz.webs.com/photos/Lana-Kinnear/555807_262385460533913_227270762_n.jpg

    - Mia Love retired from pro wrestling in 2008: http://prowrestling.wikia.com/wiki/Mia_Love

    - Newer pic for Miss Adiva: http://dailyentertainmentnews.com/wpgo/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/miss-adiva-facebook.jpg

    - No info on Miss Vanessa.

    - Raise MJ Aurora's wages to 8000.

    - Lower Nene Kimura's wages to 5000 and over to 10.

    - Lower Peggy Lee Leather's wages to 5000.

  2. These two fucked up in my posts, so here they are:

    - Raise Neico's age to 34, Change finishers to NST(Submission), raise speed to 50, tech to 52, and selling to 60. Newer pic: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130415161041/prowrestling/images/1/1b/Abel-Andrew-Jackson.jpg

    - Lower Sebastian Night's wages to 9000, he's also a heavyweight - 240 lbs. Newer pic: http://www.rightcoastpro.com/images/wrestlers/SebastianNight/SebastianNightPortrait.jpg

    More will be coming in the next 30 minutes or so.

  3. - Lower Reuben De Jong's wages to 8000. Newer pic: http://www.thesellnetwork.com/images/1835_original.jpg

    - Rex Sterling's first two finishers listed on cagematch are 450 Splash(Top Rope) and Shining Wizard(Impact). Lower wages to 10000.

    - Can't find any info on Rick McGee.

    - I think Rickey Shane Page deserves menacing. change his finishers to Back Body Drop Kick and Snap Death Valley Driver(both impact). Raise wages to 9000.

    - Change Riki Sensyu's finishers to Riki Lariat(Impact) and Scorpion Deathlock(Submission). Raise age to 38.

    - Add a tag team for Robert Dreissker and Big Van Walter(AUTsiders) with 5 exp. Raise wages to 15000.

    - No info on Saber.

    - Sebastian Night is a heavyweight - 240 lbs. Newer pic for him: http://www.rightcoastpro.com/images/wrestlers/SebastianNight/SebastianNightPortrait.jpg Lower wages to 9000.

    - Shawn Sheridan wouldn't be 26, he debuted in 2000. Change finisher to Box Office Smash(Impact).

    - No info on Simon Sanders and no pic in-game either.

    - Lower Tank's wages to 8000. Newer pic for Tank: http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/pictures/t/tank/01.jpg

    - No info on The Hurricane Kidd unless this is him: http://www.cagematch.net/?id=2&nr=265

    If so change his name to Hurricane Kid and lower wages to 2000 and overness to 6.

    - Lower Toa Maivia's wages to 6000 and raise over to 16.

    - Change Todd Quality's name to Chuck Awesomesauce and raise wages to 8000: http://www.cagematch.net/?id=2&nr=6822

    Make a tag team between him and Jamie Diaz(Untouchable Quality) with 8 exp.

    - Raise Tommy Hellfire's charisma to 47. Newer pic: http://www.taschampionshipwrestling.com/images/roster/hellfire.jpg

    - No info for Tommy Logan.

    - No info for VK.

    - No matches for Wilfredo Alejandro since 2002, lower wages to 2000 and over to 8.

    - Raise YUTAKA's wages to 13000. Lower over to 10.

    - Change Zack McGuire's name to Zach McGuire. Raise charisma to 30, change speaks to yes, and switch brawl and tech.

  4. Edit: Here we go!

    - Jon Williams should be 26. Raise wages to 10000.

    - Raise Jordan McEntyre's and Knight Wagner's over to 15.

    - Raise Kharn Alexander's over to 20. Raise charisma to 54, tech to 54, speed to 41, and stiffness to 60. Newer pic for him: http://www.profightdb.com/img/wrestlers/thumbs-600/a6063a9889kharnalexander.jpg

    - Raise Krimson's charisma to 83 and brawl to 61. Raise over to 21. Lower wages to 7000. Newer pic: http://i40.tinypic.com/2e5laj9.jpg

    - Lower Kyle Sykes' over to 11. Lower stiffness to 37.

    - Lance Chandler retired in 2005, make him a non-wrestler and because of that, lower wages to 3000.

    - Put Criss Cross Brainbuster as Lukas Sharp's secondary finisher. Raise selling to 53 and wages to 8000. Lower charisma to 57. Newer pic: http://0.static.wix.com/media/01ea6a_a7fc13cdbe8587e656c2bf204c9089bb.png_512

    - No info on the Mamba in-game. But there is a Mamba who also wrestles as Black Mamba but is 29.

    - Change Mark Krieger's name to Marc Krieger. Lower charisma to 69. Raise wages to 6000. Set secondary finisher to Conniption. Newer pic: http://tnagutcheck.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Mark-Krieger.jpg

    - Matt Cage's finishers are Cage's Conundrum and golden Gate Swing(both impact). Raise wages to 13000.

    - Raise Matt Conard's wages to 13000. Make a tag team between him and Kyle Matthews(Bearded Bullies) with 6 exp.

    - No info on Mike Mosely.

    - Raise Mike Santiago's wages to 13000.

    - Newer pic of Neico: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130415161041/prowrestling/images/1/1b/Abel-Andrew-Jackson.jpg Raise age to 34. Change finishers to NST(Submission). Raise speed to 50, tech to 52, and selling to 60.

    - Change Nick Halen's finishers to Eruption(Impact) and Zoocoe(Swanton Bomb). Delete his team with Jay Fury. Lower wages to 5000. Raise tech to 31. Lower over to 9.

    - Lower Pat McGroin's wages to 4000 and over to 7.

    - Change Rampage Brown's finisher to Brainbuster Suplex(Impact) and change primary finisher to secondary. Check shooting. Switch speed and tech. Raise wages to 15000. Newer pic: http://legacymedia.localworld.co.uk/275777/Article/images/17807592/4458375.jpg

  5. - Add a friendship between CJ Otis and Carter Gray. Lower CJ's overness to 10. Uncheck SS Look.
    - Change Dan Freitas' finishers to Electric Chair Combo(Impact) and Flying Bodypress(Top Rope Standing). Check trainer. Lower wages to 5000 and overness to 8.
    - Change Dan Lawrence's finisher to Party Time's Over. Change primary to secondary. Raise wages to 11000 and over to 19. Raise charisma to 58 and speed to 62.
    - Lower Dan The Man's over to 6 and wages to 3000.
    - Danny Garnell is a heavyweight(231 lbs). Raise wages to 8000. Newer pic: http://www.1wrestling.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/garnell.bmp Check SS Look? Raise stiffness to 35.
    - Lower David Mercury's wages to 6000.
    - No info on Dirtbike Kid, but he's got a pic in-game so he exists. If you keep him in the game, I'd say lower the overness and wages drastically.
    - Eddie Osbourne is a lightweight(211 lbs). Change finishers to Final Impact(Impact) and Fujiwara Armbar(Submission). Raise wages to 8000. Check high spots, newer pic: http://wccw.bigmikewatters.com/roster/osbourne_roster.jpg
    - Newer pic of El Sombra: http://i40.tinypic.com/2iutie9.jpg
    - ES Easton should be a lightweight(205 lbs). Lower wages to 5000.
    - Raise EZ Ryder's brawl to 53.
    - Change Gavin Reid's name to his name he uses back in the UK, Stevie Starr. Check SS Look. Lower wages to 10000.
    - Raise Gino Martino's wages to 10000 and overness to 30. He's been in Chaotic Wrestling since 2011 and he's a top player for the promotion. Raise brawl to 75.
    - No info on Golden Boy and no pic for him in-game either. Same thing applies for him, if you keep him, lower his wages and overness drastically.
    - Raise Hombre Sin Miedo's wages to 11000 and over to 16.
    - Change Jacob Ashworth's finisher to "Ashes to Ashes"(Impact). Raise wages to 9000 and over to 19. Lower speed to 21 and raise tech to 47.
    - Raise Jason Hades' age to 27. Raise wages to 8000. Raise over to 15. Raise charisma to 50.
    - Change Jeff King's finishers to Crossbody(Top Rope Standing) and Sleeperhold(Submission). Raise age to 30.
    - Lower Jim Nastic's wages to 6000.
    - Again no info on John Deaton.
  6. My favorite part is how he says "more are on the way, DON'T YOU WORRY"

    Like all these people who are simultaneously telling him off would be emotionally destroyed if he were to suddenly take the hint and vanish.

    Everybody else said it perfectly: They ARE just suggestions... but when those suggestions are WRONG based on lack of research or ignorance of worker types, etc., they're useless, and if they end up getting implemented and fucking with other people's games, it stops being an innocent "difference of opinion".

    I am going to tell you like I've told everybody else. They are suggestions, which are up for fucking discussion, if you don't like the SUGGESTIONS, simply make your fucking own. It's that fucking simple.

  7. Can you guys take your argument elsewhere, it's just causing more post Bill's going to have to wade through for no real reason other than you guys love to make arguments out of trival matters. So what if fusion's suggestions are not 100% accurate, this is a database where stats are based on opinions. fusion's suggestions are a lot more helpful than those people who post saying someone stats need to be dropped by 1. The fact the guy has been trying to make changes to workers who probably havent been touched since they were added is a good thing, it changes things up and improves things also if he finds somebody who there is no info on then thats another worker that can be removed.

    All that right there bolded..

  8. Workers I can't find ANY kind of info on get lowered wages and overness. Workers who are not getting booked now in 2013 at all get lowered wages and overness. Workers who are continuously booked week in and week out get overness and wages boosted. Workers who hasn't been booked since 2008 or earlier get lowered overness and wages and workers who hasn't been booked between 2009 and 2012 get slightly more overness and wages than those last booked in 2008. You can go on cagematch and wrestlingdata to get the list of those workers still getting booked and not getting booked..Anymore questions?

    Kinda bored by this. My suggestion is fusion drops it and stops having a biweekly meltdown unless he wants to take a few days off.

    Yes sir!

  9. Back to the whole conflict yesterday between myself and snakesonaplane. I have the full right to make suggestions in this, or any other topic for that matter, as does everybody else. Who cares if they're right or not, their suggestions for gods sake. If they're not right, simply make changes to my suggestions yourself. Don't tell me to not make suggestions, as this is a discussion forum for EWR/TEW. I don't play TEW therefore, I only associate myself and the changes for EWR. This part right here said by snakesonaplane: "My suggestion would be, If you don't genuinely follow a worker, area, or promotion you shouldn't make suggestions about them. " is the comment I'm talking about.

    Now everybody have a nice day.

  10. I'm just simply going through the whole list of workers in the game and making changes that are accurate TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. This is a forum based on making suggestions to add to the game. If they're not correct, simply state that in your post, don't keep ranting and raving about it through the whole post. A simple "that's not correct" is acceptable, but no, you had to get frustrated over a simple suggestion. Learn to grow up kid.

    • Like 1
  11. - Lower Adam Gooch's behavior to 70: http://wrestlingnewscenter.blogspot.com/2013/02/pro-wrestler-who-struck-special-needs.html Change primary finisher to Swinging Inverted DDT. Lower selling to 69, raise tech to 43. Newer pic: http://www.prorasslin.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/528140_10150929572268193_230036871_a.jpg

    - Lower Adrian Serrano's wages to 5000. Newer pic: http://uscombatsports.com/images/stories/serranogi.jpg

    - Adrian Walls should be a lightweight(229 lbs). Raise wages to 5000.

    - Agu is a heavyweight(238 lbs). Check shooting(He knows Judo). Raise wages to 11000.

    - Ala Hussein is American: http://www.cagematch.net/?id=2&nr=4655 Lower age to 32.

    - Andrew Anderson is a lightweight(216 lbs). Lower wages to 8000.

    - Black Buffalo is a lightweight(198 lbs). Change finishers to Buffalo Slicer(Ground) and Buffalo Driver(Impact). Newer Pic: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/prowrestling/images/b/b3/Black_Buffalo.jpg

    - Raise Bo Newsom's wages to 8000 and over to 16.

    - Bobby Jay is a lightweight(224 lbs).

    - Check shooting, SS Look, and high spots for Bolt Brady. Raise wages to 11000 and over to 15. Newer pic: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-l6O0N_1xBd4/UXqI7EDYlUI/AAAAAAAAAeM/IyD8QMi48HI/s1600/BBrady2.jpg

    - Bouncer Bob is a lightweight(189 lbs). Lower wages to 5000 and over to 9.

    - Lower Brian Nunez's wages to 5000 and over to 8.

    - Brickhouse Baker is a lightweight(222 lbs).

    - Chad Baxter is a lightweight(229 lbs). Lower wages to 9000 and raise selling to 43.

    - Chris Blackheart is a heavyweight(249 lbs). Check booker. Lower wages to 9000.

    - Raise Chris Kadillak's wages to 12000 and over to 16.

    - Lower Chris Venom's wages to 7000.

    - Christian Angers is a lightweight(224 lbs). Change finisher to Bulldog. Raise tech to 40.

    - Raise CJ O'Doyle's wages to 9000.

  12. Thanks Bill! You're the best!

    -Raise Ryan Waters' brawl to 58, technical to 62, stiffness to 46, selling to 86, overness to 18, and charisma to 66. Check Booker, Trainer, and Shooting.

    -Lower RV1's brawl to 64 and overness to 26. Make him a non-wrestler, he hasn't regularly competed in nearly two years.

    -Change Jessie Brooks' finish to T-Bone Suplex (impact) and Rat Trap (submission). Raise her brawl to 52, selling to 64, over to 31, and charisma to 58.

    -Uncheck SS Look for Jerry Lynn.

    -Lower Diego DeMarco's brawl to 57, speed to 46, and technical to 53.

    -Raise Jenny Rose's brawl to 41, stiffness to 37, and overness to 34.

    Wrong: He had a match last year. http://www.cagematch.net/?id=2&nr=7791&page=4Not trying to cause a scene but just because somebody hasn't competed in that length of time shouldn't be made a non-wrestler. I could see people not being booked since 2006-2007 or earlier could be made non-wrestlers, but certainly not somebody who hasn't been booked for a year. Just my thoughts.

  13. -Raise Ryan Waters' brawl to 58, technical to 62, stiffness to 46, selling to 86, overness to 18, and charisma to 66. Check Booker, Trainer, and Shooting.

    -Lower RV1's brawl to 64 and overness to 26. Make him a non-wrestler.

    -Change Jessie Brooks' finish to T-Bone Suplex (impact) and Rat Trap (submission). Raise her brawl to 52, selling to 64, over to 31, and charisma to 58.

    -Uncheck SS Look for Jerry Lynn.

    -Lower Diego DeMarco's brawl to 57, speed to 46, and technical to 53.

    -Raise Jenny Rose's brawl to 41, stiffness to 37, and overness to 34.

    I understand that the October thread is up now, but Kris..where did you get that RV1 was a non-wrestler? His cagematch has him listed as active: http://www.cagematch.net/?id=2&nr=7791

    Edit: Oh, I almost forgot. That link also has him listed as a trainer. So check trainer.

  14. I saw that Yuji Okabayashi's Charisma is only 18. Hmm I had the chance to meet him in person at wXw 16 CARAT Gold Tournament in 2010. He really rocked that Q & A Session in front of the German Crowd. I have to say he spoke no english and only one German Word "Dankeschön" but his body language was superb. His answers were translated into English but he owns all other invitees with his presence and just one running gag ...

    He answered all questions very honest and directly and every time he added the fact that he would like to fight Batista (Dave Bautista) soo bad ...

    More charismatic than John Moxley, The Young Bucks and even Chris Hero who tried to copy that gag later in this Q & A Session ...

    Just my thoughts, but I say his Charisma is much much higher than only 18.

    Another thing I noticed about him in game. He doesn't have any finishers. Set them as the primary finisher: Brainbuster(impact) and the secondary finisher is Oklahoma Stampede(impact).

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