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Posts posted by fusionFX!

  1. Ace Steel is still listed as Active here: http://www.cagematch.net/?id=2&nr=480&gimmick=Ace+Steel so maybe change his position from non-wrestler.

    Ace Hawkins was trained by Davey Richards and Dingo, so maybe add loyalties between the 3.

    Check SS Look for Adam Brown.

    Add "The Lion" Aaron Sharpe

    Aaron Sharpe

    The Lion

    Male, turning 29, July



    B: 57

    S: 43

    T: 60

    Stiff: 40

    Sell: 65

    Over: 7

    Charisma: 52

    Att 90

    Behav 92

    Check SS Look.


    Face, No Gimmick Needed

    Lion's Den(Submission) x2

    Loyalties with Julio Torres(If in game), Ricky Knight, and Sweet Saraya. Friendship with Scott Fusion.

    Add a tag team with Scott Fusion(Stats are below) called Army Of Two. 25 Experience.

    Add "The Pitbull" Scott Fusion

    Scott Fusion

    The Pitbull

    Male, 29, September



    B: 53

    S: 40

    T: 64

    Stiff: 40

    Sell: 67

    Over: 7

    Charisma: 58

    Att 90

    Behav 92

    Check SS Look.


    Face, No Gimmick Needed

    Top Rope Armbreaker(Top Rope, Top Rope Standing, or Corner)

    Headscissor Armbar(Submission)

    Loyalties with Jason Cross, Johnny Saint, Ricky Knight, and Sweet Saraya. Friendship with Scott Fusion.

    Confirmation here: Scott Fusion should be 25 not 29.

  2. Ace Steel is still listed as Active here: http://www.cagematch.net/?id=2&nr=480&gimmick=Ace+Steel so maybe change his position from non-wrestler.

    Ace Hawkins was trained by Davey Richards and Dingo, so maybe add loyalties between the 3.

    Check SS Look for Adam Brown.

    Add "The Lion" Aaron Sharpe

    Aaron Sharpe

    The Lion

    Male, turning 29, July



    B: 57

    S: 43

    T: 60

    Stiff: 40

    Sell: 65

    Over: 7

    Charisma: 52

    Att 90

    Behav 92

    Check SS Look.


    Face, No Gimmick Needed

    Lion's Den(Submission) x2

    Loyalties with Julio Torres(If in game), Ricky Knight, and Sweet Saraya. Friendship with Scott Fusion.

    Add a tag team with Scott Fusion(Stats are below) called Army Of Two. 25 Experience.

    Add "The Pitbull" Scott Fusion

    Aaron Sharpe

    The Pitbull

    Male, 29, September



    B: 53

    S: 40

    T: 64

    Stiff: 40

    Sell: 67

    Over: 7

    Charisma: 58

    Att 90

    Behav 92

    Check SS Look.


    Face, No Gimmick Needed

    Top Rope Armbreaker(Top Rope, Top Rope Standing, or Corner)

    Headscissor Armbar(Submission)

    Loyalties with Jason Cross, Johnny Saint, Ricky Knight, and Sweet Saraya. Friendship with Scott Fusion.

  3. Add a tag team of Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez with 3 exp.

    Increase Tons of Funk exp. to 35.

    Increase Team Rhode Scholars exp. to 25.

    Increase Funkadactyls exp. to 9.

    Increase Air Booms exp. to 38.

    Add a tag team of Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton with 2 exp.

    Tick announcer for Alex Riley.

    Del Rio and Rodriguez's team should have about 10 experience. They might not have been actually wrestling as a team forever, but they've been together since they came in like 3 years ago.

  4. That's completely besides that point.

    Like I said, you can read it yourself on the WWE website. Therefore, it isn't besides the point.

    Uh, yes, it is. Happened on a PPV. What if I hadn't seen the PPV yet and was therefore avoiding the WWE website?

    Just use them next time.

    I did...just not for all of it.

    Some NXT Changes.

    - Raise Mason Ryan's brawl to 68. Change primary finisher to Fireman's Carry Neckbreaker.
    - Raise Colin Cassady's brawl to 65. Raise stiffness to 63, selling to 65.
    - Change Corey Graves and Kassius Ohno to Tweeners and make a tag team between the two. Change gimmicks for them to No Gimmick Needed.
    - Raise Corey's brawl to 71, speed to 76, technical to 73, charisma to 78, and overness to 55. Raise Kassius' charisma to 90.
    - Change Bo Dallas to a Heel with Cocky as gimmick. Could possibly change him back to a heavyweight. Raise overness to 60. Swap his brawl and speed stats.
    - Raise Big E Langston's charisma to 82.
    - Raise AJ Lee's charisma to 88.
    - Raise Paige's overness to 54.
    - Raise Alex Riley's charisma to 82. He actually deserves more but nobody would agree to that, so I can settle for 82. Raise his brawl to 67 and selling to 70.
    - Raise Conor O'Brian's gimmick to Split Personality. Change Primary finisher to Stockade, a Submission Move. Move his primary finisher, Fall Of Man to his secondary finisher.
    - Raise Erick Rowan's speed to 18. Lower technical to 12. Change secondary finisher to Backbreaker Submission. It's a submission move, obviously.
    - Raise Sami Zayn's overness to 70. He beat both Curt Hawkins and Antonio Cesaro in his debut in two different matches. Raise his charisma to 74.
    - Raise Antonio Cesaro's charisma to 85.
    - Make a tag team between Travis Tyler and Baron Corbin. Raise Baron's selling to 64. Raise his charisma to 60, and overness to 20.
    - Raise Sylvester LeFort's charisma to 73. Raise overness to 25. Change his gimmick to Foreign Royalty.
    - Lower Scott Dawson's charisma to 69. Raise Garrett Dylan's charisma to 65. Raise Garrett's brawl to 67. Raise both of their overnesses to 35. Add a friendship between the 2. Make Scott Dawson a heavyweight. Change their tag team finisher to Spinebuster/Legdrop combo.
    - Change Bayley's gimmick to Girl Next Door. Raise charisma 2-3 points.

    On Alex Riley's upgrades, raise his brawl to 70.

  5. Some NXT Changes.

    - Raise Alex Riley's charisma to 82. He actually deserves more but nobody would agree to that, so I can settle for 82. No one will agree with this either. 82 is much too high.

    - Raise Sami Zayn's overness to 70. No, he can't start the game in dev. at 70 OVR.
    - Raise Sylvester LeFort's charisma to 73. No, 63 is more like it.

    My suggestions in bold.

    He might not have said anything in his last showing on the NXT tapings but he's still got the reaction that he had when he was last shown on WWE TV after he turned Face and was going to be getting that push. That's for Riley.

    As for Sami, he defeated 2 former champions. So he deserves the boost.

    And last but not least, LeFort has always had beyond good charisma. 63 is WAY too low for him.

  6. That's completely besides that point.

    Like I said, you can read it yourself on the WWE website. Therefore, it isn't besides the point.

    Uh, yes, it is. Happened on a PPV. What if I hadn't seen the PPV yet and was therefore avoiding the WWE website?

    Just use them next time.

    I did...just not for all of it.

    Some NXT Changes.

    - Raise Mason Ryan's brawl to 68. Change primary finisher to Fireman's Carry Neckbreaker.
    - Raise Colin Cassady's brawl to 65. Raise stiffness to 63, selling to 65.
    - Change Corey Graves and Kassius Ohno to Tweeners and make a tag team between the two. Change gimmicks for them to No Gimmick Needed.
    - Raise Corey's brawl to 71, speed to 76, technical to 73, charisma to 78, and overness to 55. Raise Kassius' charisma to 90.
    - Change Bo Dallas to a Heel with Cocky as gimmick. Could possibly change him back to a heavyweight. Raise overness to 60. Swap his brawl and speed stats.
    - Raise Big E Langston's charisma to 82.
    - Raise AJ Lee's charisma to 88.
    - Raise Paige's overness to 54.
    - Raise Alex Riley's charisma to 82. He actually deserves more but nobody would agree to that, so I can settle for 82. Raise his brawl to 67 and selling to 70.
    - Raise Conor O'Brian's gimmick to Split Personality. Change Primary finisher to Stockade, a Submission Move. Move his primary finisher, Fall Of Man to his secondary finisher.
    - Raise Erick Rowan's speed to 18. Lower technical to 12. Change secondary finisher to Backbreaker Submission. It's a submission move, obviously.
    - Raise Sami Zayn's overness to 70. He beat both Curt Hawkins and Antonio Cesaro in his debut in two different matches. Raise his charisma to 74.
    - Raise Antonio Cesaro's charisma to 85.
    - Make a tag team between Travis Tyler and Baron Corbin. Raise Baron's selling to 64. Raise his charisma to 60, and overness to 20.
    - Raise Sylvester LeFort's charisma to 73. Raise overness to 25. Change his gimmick to Foreign Royalty.
    - Lower Scott Dawson's charisma to 69. Raise Garrett Dylan's charisma to 65. Raise Garrett's brawl to 67. Raise both of their overnesses to 35. Add a friendship between the 2. Make Scott Dawson a heavyweight. Change their tag team finisher to Spinebuster/Legdrop combo.
    - Change Bayley's gimmick to Girl Next Door. Raise charisma 2-3 points.

    Also check SS Look for Angelo Dawkins, Baron Corbin, Enzo Amore,

    Check Menacing for Judas Devlin, Rick Victor, and Axl Keegan(Who is now going by Mickey Keegan).

    Check Fonz Factor for Mojo Rawley and Xavier Woods.

    Check High Spots for Judas Devlin.

  7. That's completely besides that point.

    Like I said, you can read it yourself on the WWE website. Therefore, it isn't besides the point.

    Uh, yes, it is. Happened on a PPV. What if I hadn't seen the PPV yet and was therefore avoiding the WWE website?

    Just use them next time.

    I did...just not for all of it.

    Some NXT Changes.

    - Raise Mason Ryan's brawl to 68. Change primary finisher to Fireman's Carry Neckbreaker.
    - Raise Colin Cassady's brawl to 65. Raise stiffness to 63, selling to 65.
    - Change Corey Graves and Kassius Ohno to Tweeners and make a tag team between the two. Change gimmicks for them to No Gimmick Needed.
    - Raise Corey's brawl to 71, speed to 76, technical to 73, charisma to 78, and overness to 55. Raise Kassius' charisma to 90.
    - Change Bo Dallas to a Heel with Cocky as gimmick. Could possibly change him back to a heavyweight. Raise overness to 60. Swap his brawl and speed stats.
    - Raise Big E Langston's charisma to 82.
    - Raise AJ Lee's charisma to 88.
    - Raise Paige's overness to 54.
    - Raise Alex Riley's charisma to 82. He actually deserves more but nobody would agree to that, so I can settle for 82. Raise his brawl to 67 and selling to 70.
    - Raise Conor O'Brian's gimmick to Split Personality. Change Primary finisher to Stockade, a Submission Move. Move his primary finisher, Fall Of Man to his secondary finisher.
    - Raise Erick Rowan's speed to 18. Lower technical to 12. Change secondary finisher to Backbreaker Submission. It's a submission move, obviously.
    - Raise Sami Zayn's overness to 70. He beat both Curt Hawkins and Antonio Cesaro in his debut in two different matches. Raise his charisma to 74.
    - Raise Antonio Cesaro's charisma to 85.
    - Make a tag team between Travis Tyler and Baron Corbin. Raise Baron's selling to 64. Raise his charisma to 60, and overness to 20.
    - Raise Sylvester LeFort's charisma to 73. Raise overness to 25. Change his gimmick to Foreign Royalty.
    - Lower Scott Dawson's charisma to 69. Raise Garrett Dylan's charisma to 65. Raise Garrett's brawl to 67. Raise both of their overnesses to 35. Add a friendship between the 2. Make Scott Dawson a heavyweight. Change their tag team finisher to Spinebuster/Legdrop combo.
    - Change Bayley's gimmick to Girl Next Door. Raise charisma 2-3 points.
  8. Payback spoilers.

    AJ Lee is the new Divas Champion.

    Alberto Del Rio is the new World Heavyweight Champion. Change him and Ricardo Rodriguez to Tweeners. They started receiving some Heel heat. Same could be done for Dolph Ziggler, AJ Lee, and Big E Langston. They were receiving some cheers.
    Curtis Axel is the new Intercontinental Champion. Raise overness to 70. Brawl to 77, speed to 40, Technical to 80. Charisma to 73.

    Rob Van Dam will be returning to the WWE for sure next month. Add him to the roster.

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