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Posts posted by Saladin777

  1. Any Vertigo fans? Check out Vertigo's monthly series "The Unwritten". It's really a fascinating story so far. Main character's the son of a guy who wrote a bunch of highly successful Harry Potter knock-offs and ends up having to deal with the repercussions of a secret society powered by stories. This one's the work of Mike Carey & Peter Gross.

    I also enjoy "DMZ". Great stories about a civil war in modern times and an interesting perspective on the media covering it all. It's also a monthly series by Brian Wood.

    I would also HIGHLY suggest getting hardcovers of "Y - The Last Man". It's the story of... well... the Last Man on Earth. It's also complete so, feel free to grab all the hardcovers and start reading already! Brian K. Vaughan did some masterful work here.

  2. I weep, knowing Dark Avengers has reached it's end. Think about it people... Norman Osborn was Marvel's #1 seller! And not just on the heels of his "promotion". He maintained that edge. I'd like to think Gobby has finally become one of Marvel's "elite" villains. Thoughts?

  3. EdsonDC1987 -

    Yeah been keeping up with DC too. My guess is Dick will continue to be Batman while Bruce takes a secondary role. Let's be honest, Bruce Wayne will always be Batman someway somehow. It'll probably go the way Captain America's mantle went with Steve Rogers and Bucky. And... well... I hope they take their sweet time with Bruce Wayne's return. I really like the way Dick has developed as The Bat. Damian likewise turned out to be a great surprise. Read Batman 666 for a little more of his potential future. =P

    To make a long story short, Yay for Bruce. Though "deaths" in comics are just getting flat out laughable these days. Even if the way Bruce went was pretty kickass. Though you can make an argument about Batman never "dying" to begin with when you think of HOW he died. I'll just leave it at that.

  4. Ever since Warren Ellis' run with "Thunderbolts", I've just LOVED Norman Osborn. The slick exec on meds desperately trying to keep his sanity in check... that's great. In charge of a team of psychos? Even better. I was THRILLED when Norman became such a huge player after Secret Invasion. A definitive leader & even an "hero" to the nation after the headshot to Veranke. It's a damn shame his run seems to be ending as Dark Avengers is just fantastic. I'm also a fan of DC's Secret Six though. Villains are a great read this day in age.

    Yes, I know Norman's run had to end some time but I was just hoping for a few more months I guess. I became a big fan of Bullseye and Moonstone too thanks to Warren Ellis. I'm iffy with what he's done with the Sentry in the last few issues of Dark Avenger though. Just my two cents.

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