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TAFKA Castroneves

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Posts posted by TAFKA Castroneves

  1. IPB Image

    WWF Royal Rumble

    Final Card and Predictions Contest

    30-Man Royal Rumble Match

    The Winner faces the WWF Champion at Wrestlemania 16

    WWF Championship - No Disqualification

    The Big Show © vs. Triple H

    Kane vs. the British Bulldog

    WWF Intercontinental Championship

    Chris Jericho © vs. Chyna ©

    8-Person Intergender Tag Team Match

    Matt Hardy, the Acolytes and Terri vs. the Dudley Boyz, Edge and Christian

    WWF Women's Championship - 6 Woman Tag Team Match

    the Kat ©, Fabulous Moolah and Mae Young vs. Ivory, Luna and Jacqueline

    WWF European Championship

    Kurt Angle takes on a Mystery Opponent

  2. IPB Image

    Smackdown – Results

    January 20th, 2000

    Introduction to Destruction

    Smackdown! opened this week outside the arena with the British Bulldog, X-Pac and Rodney from the Mean Street Posse standing alongside a rather extravagant red convertible. They seemed to be in mid conversation as Michael Cole and Jerry “the King” Lawler welcomed all the home viewers to the show. Eventually the microphones managed to pick up what they were saying…

    X-Pac: So that’s the plan for tonight, me and the Bulldog man (addressing Rodney) are gonna go take care of that Big Red Retard in that mental asylum – while you go out and win your first championship gold here in the WWF.

    Rodney nodded and smiled while rubbing his hands…

    Rodney: Sure thing boss, while you’re taking care of Kane – I’m winning one for the Posse! Yeah!

    British Bulldog: But don’t forget to keep an’ eye on Tori, remember she’s staying with you to be safe and all.

    X-Pac: Yeah dude, I know you’re doing your thing tonight but remember to stick to Tori, tonight you’re her security. Don’t let her get caught up in any of that Hardcore Title crap alright? She’s gotta lay low while all this Kane crap goes down…

    Rodney: Sure thing, I promise man.

    X-Pac: Cool, then let’s get going Bulldog, it’s a good thirty minutes to the nut house.

    X-Pac slapped Rodney’s hand as the Bulldog went around and climbed into the passenger’s seat. X-Pac then himself climbed into the drivers seat and eventually sped off into the distance. Rodney was left smiling to himself as the Smackdown! introduction video came in.


    Kurt Angle def. Mark Henry

    With that over with Kurt Angle’s music hit around the ring. Cole and the King both ran down what had just happened and how later on we would see how X-Pac and the Bulldog get on, and also how Rodney gets on as he faces Al Snow for the Hardcore Title. But at this moment in time it was time for Kurt Angle’s Royal Rumble warmup match as he faced Mark Henry in a non-title match. Angle went at the World’s Strongest Man from bell to bell as Henry found himself for possibly the first time in his career completely dominated. Angle nailed fist after fist before embarking on a ground assault to keep Sexual Chocolate down off his feet. He locked in leglock after leglock and submission after submission in order to cement his place in the match, and by doing that Henry only really had one period in the match where he was on top. But after catching Angle with a Big Splash he found himself in no man’s land up on the top rope. This gave Angle the chance he needed as he delivered the Olympic Slam from the turnbuckle to the mat! The ring exploded as the sound of Henry crashing into the mat was heard all four sides of the ring. Angle then quickly made the cover…1…2…3, and it was more than enough to put the World’s Strongest Man away. Angle celebrated as Cole and King admitted that it was going to take one hell of a mystery opponent to defeat him this Sunday at the Royal Rumble. ½*

    66% - 72% - 53%

    The Rock’s Arrival

    Backstage at this point the Rock was shown arriving at the arena. He pulled his bags out of his back seat and made his way to the main arena door…but only walked into a 7-foot giant standing in his way. The WWF Title belt across the shoulder shone in the light as the camera panned up to reveal it was without a doubt the Big Show.

    Both men just stared at each other for a moment as Rock pulled off his shades and looked up at the Big Nasty Bastard standing in his way. Eventually after a lengthy stare down the Big Show spoke…

    the Big Show: So Rock, you won last Monday.

    Rock didn’t reply as Show just put his large paw around his chin.

    the Big Show: You cost me a hell of a lot in that match man. You cost me my job…

    the Big Show: and while I’m still on your side, and while I’m still against Triple H and the McMahon-Helmsley era…I want you to know I’m not happy about it.

    This drew out some boos from the crowd as Show then stood aside. Rock just looked away from the giant’s eyes and walked through the door…Show in response just looked down at his WWF Title belt. Tension was still in existence between these two, but at least both still knew that Triple H was the real enemy…even if Rock had cost Show his future in the WWF.


    -: commercial break :-

    Edge & Christian def. Matt Hardy and Bradshaw

    Following the first commercial break of the night Edge and Christian faced up against two of their opponents at the Royal Rumble this Sunday in Matt Hardy and Bradshaw. Terri and Faarooq accompanied both men down to the ring as the Dudleys also came down with E&C, both teams had support for this one. The match started with Edge deciding to represent his team first while on the opposite side Matt Hardy decided to be his team’s first legal man. Edge and Matt went at it for a few moments as their partners willed them on, but it was the heels who took the early advantage. Christian and Edge made crafty tags every few moments as Matt failed to get in any offence, that whole period of the match ended when Christian went to catch a Suplex and had it countered into a Side Russian Legsweep! This allowed Matt to slowly crawl along the mat in order to get the hot tag to Bradshaw! He came in and beat down on both E&C as the Dudleys pulled themselves up onto the apron! This drew Bradshaw into nailing both of them back down to the floor! However that distraction was enough to see Edge nail the Spear and hook the leg! 1…2…3! Faarooq tried to get into the ring but couldn’t break up the count in time – and now the Dudleys were joining in on a mass assault of their opponents. Matt Hardy took the 3D as Faarooq was caught with a Steel Chair shot from Christian. Bradshaw nailed a Clothesline from Hell on Edge, but then turned around into a 3D of his own! The Dudleys and Edge & Christian had laid down some punishment…and Buh Buh then set his eyes on Terri! He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her into the ring as D-Von pulled a table out from under the ring and set it up. Terri looked petrified as Buh Buh prepared to put her through the table…but she was saved! Matt had got back up and grabbed the Steel Chair, everyone fled as Hardy flailed his weapon around the air. Edge & Christian’s music then hit as the bad guys made their way to the back. Buh Buh just pointed in the ring at Terri as the Acolytes and Matt Hardy entered into deep discussion… ***

    78% - 74% - 83%

    The Arrival

    The camera then cut away as X-Pac and the British Bulldog were shown arriving at the mental asylum that housed Kane. Both men parked up and climbed out while running down their strategies for what they were gonna do…the Bulldog had his taser, while X-Pac hid nun-chucks in his jeans. They walked into the main entrance and up to the reception…

    X-Pac: Hey, uh, we’re here to see a friend of ours, you know, Big Guy, wears a Mask, fear of fire, big freak…he was admitted earlier this week.

    British Bulldog: Named Kane.

    X-Pac: Yeah, Yeah.

    The receptionist looked at her computer quickly before answering…

    Receptionist: Um, I’m sorry gentlemen your friend was checked out of here just a couple of hours ago, a member of his family came in and discharged him…

    X-Pac’s mouth dropped open as the Bulldog just quickly turned back to look behind his shoulder.

    X-Pac: WHAT?! How in the hell could you let that freak out!

    British Bulldog: What sort of bloody mental asylum is this!!

    X-Pac: You could just let out a dangerous Mask-wearing freak into the public?! What the hell?!

    The receptionist apologised very insincerely as a worried lightbulb then went off in X-Pac’s head…he turned to the Bulldog.

    X-Pac: Man…he’s goin’ after Tori! He’s goin’ after Tori and Rodney!! We need to get back right now!

    The Bulldog could be heard quietly remarking “shit” off camera as he and X-Pac burst out of the asylum’s doors and quickly got back in their car. The sound of tires screeching could be heard as the two men disappeared into the distance. Kane was heading to Smackdown!


    -: commercial break :-

    Chris Jericho def. Test

    Following the break it was time for one of the co-Intercontinental Champions to compete in singles action, it was Chris Jericho who squared off against Test. The match itself was short with Test holding his own in the early going, but unfortunately for him he ran into the Walls of Jericho after Y2J countered a Big Boot attempt…Test attempted to get to the ropes – but he had to tap out as Jericho kept applying more and more pressure. The Co-Intercontinental Champion though refused to release the hold as referees and road agents attempted to pull him off Test. But they didn’t need help for long as Jericho was then caught from behind with a title belt to the skull! It was Chyna! Her hand was in plaster, her leg was bandaged up – but she was kicking the hell out of her co-champion! Chyna dropped an elbow as Jericho quickly rolled out of the ring to the floor, he seemed more than happy to be out of that predicament as the referees now held back Chyna as she screamed at Y2J. Jericho just smiled and pointed at Chyna as her music hit around the arena, despite her physical condition Chyna was running on adrenaline, she wanted to beat Jericho, and this Sunday at the Rumble she knew she would have her chance. *1/4

    66% - 68% - 63%

    Triple H’s Pep Talk

    The action though went quickly backstage as “Bad Ass” Billy Gunn was shown warming up in his locker room. There came a knock at the door…

    Billy Gunn: …Yeah come in.

    The door slammed open as Gunn turned around to face The Game himself – Triple H. He walked up to Gunn and looked deep into his eyes before speaking…

    Triple H: So man…you nearly ready for tonight?

    Billy Gunn: Yeah, I’m ready to do this H. The Rock is mine.

    Triple H: You think so huh?

    Triple H rolled his neck and thought for a moment before continuing.

    Triple H: One thing man, Rock…he’s not an easy guy to beat, hell he’s not gonna be easy for you tonight. Remember Billy – I don’t want you to just beat him…I want you to BEAT him.

    Gunn smiled and threw his head back…

    Triple H: I want you to beat him so bad that he won’t be able to win any certain Royal Rumble matches this Sunday...you get what I mean?

    Billy Gunn: Yeah Hunter, I understand you brother. Tonight I take the Rock out, Sunday you take the Big Show out…by next Monday? The party’s gonna begin!

    HHH smiled and laughed while grabbing Gunn’s hand…

    Triple H: You’re damn right bro, you’re damn right.

    Triple H turned and left as Gunn took a step back and smiled, he was almost certainly as ready as he was gonna be to face the Rock here tonight.


    -: commercial break :-

    The Kat and the Fabulous Moolah def. Ivory and Jacqueline

    Following the third commercial break of the night it was time for some female action. In a preview to this Sunday’s Royal Rumble the Kat and Moolah teamed up to defeat Ivory and Jacqueline. With Mae Young having the night off due to the beating she took from Luna it was really in effect a 3 on 2 match – as Luna’s presence ringside had a large effect on the match. She interfered on numerous occasions, just when Kat and Moolah were pulling themselves into the match she would hang them up on the top rope, grab their legs – and throw a few illegal punches here and there behind the referee’s back. But despite this the WWF Women’s Champion got the pinfall win over Jacqueline following a Victory Roll, no-one expected it to be enough – but it was. Following the match the Kat and Moolah made their exit before any further assaults could happen from their opponents. Ivory, Luna and Jackie just stared on from the ring as Kat and Moolah backed up the ramp to the backstage area. -**

    46% - 53% - 33%

    Royal Rumble Advertisement

    A Royal Rumble video aired at this point, it highlighted the two main events…Triple H against the Big Show for the WWF Title and the Royal Rumble match. Highlights were shown from previous year’s Rumbles in-between shots of the current-day McMahon-Helmsley regime.


    WWF Hardcore Championship

    Al Snow vs. Rodney – No Contest

    Following the advert it was finally time for perhaps the most intriguing match of the night. Michael Cole and the King ran down the situation with Kane – and especially noted that there was no news as to the Big Red Machine’s whereabouts, however they did know that X-Pac and the British Bulldog had not arrived back at the arena yet…Of course though Rodney was completely oblivious as to what was going on as he lead Tori down to the ring. He looked confident as he stalked around the ring in representation of the Mean Street Posse. His opponent Al Snow came out next and made sure he jumped his opponent with a shot from head! This began the match.

    Snow beat down on Rodney in the opening stages of the match as he looked to capitalise on his jump start to proceedings. This involved Snow bringing in Trash Cans, Singapore Canes, Steel Chairs and his now patented Bowling Ball and bag! Rodney took a beating with all of these weapons before he managed to catch a low blow and nail Snow with a massive right hand. This lead to Rodney getting on top as he surprisingly beat the Hardcore Champion all over the ringside area. Snow was struggling to get himself back into the match after taking a pretty nasty bump to the head off the ring post, he repeatedly kept holding his head as the referee checked him over. Rodney however had no sympathy as he dropped off the top with an elbow drop as Tori applauded! This was going to be enough to put a hardcore legend away…Rodney was going to become the new Hardcore Champion – and no one in the crowd could believe it! Of course that was only if the count was to happen…

    Rodney jumped up in shock as the fires of hell exploded on the Smackdown! stage. It was Kane! The Big Red Machine was back!! He was followed out from the back by his father - Paul Bearer and looked absolutely menacing! Paul Bearer had got Kane out from the asylum!! Tori climbed into the ring terrified and stood alongside an even more scared Rodney – he and everyone knew what Kane had done to the rest of the Posse up until this point…and it seemed he would be next! His night was about to get a lot worse! Rodney pleaded with Kane on his knees as Bearer barked instructions from the outside…Tori looked on in fear as Kane after a lengthy pause grabbed Rodney around the neck! CHOKESLAM! Kane hit a massive chokeslam on Rodney! Tori hid in the corner of the ring as Kane then pulled up Rodney again and slowly delivered a Tombstone onto a Steel Chair! The fans were cheering from every side of the arena as Kane went to lift his arms up in celebration…but then he stopped, he had spotted Tori cowering. Kane slowly stalked over…before then grabbing her around the neck! The fans burst into life at the prospect of Tori getting her comeuppance! She struggled around in the Big Red Machine’s vice-like grip as X-Pac and the British Bulldog appeared on the stage. They were halted by what they saw as Kane turned to face them. He took one glance….and then pulled up Tori!! TOMBSTONE! TOMBSTONE! X-Pac held his head in his hands as Kane lit up the ring posts alongside Bearer. Kane was back, and he had made a hell of an impact just days away from facing the Bulldog at the Rumble! Rodney and Tori were down as the Big Red Machine and Paul Bearer overlooked the carnage in the ring…Smackdown! went to it’s final commercial break. ¾*

    56% - 57% - 57%

    -: commercial break :-

    The Rock def. “Bad Ass” Billy Gunn

    The main event was next as “Bad Ass” Billy Gunn set out to defeat…and hurt the People’s Champion – the Rock ahead of the Royal Rumble match this Sunday. Gunn came out alone, there was no Road Dogg, no X-Pac or Triple H, he was out alone and it seemed like (strangely for DX) that he was going to do this by himself. Rock then came out and got the biggest pop of the night. He strolled down to the ring and immediately went to work as he caught Gunn with some loaded right hands. This rocked him as Rock knocked his opponent over the top rope to the floor! This was not the start that the Bad Ass had wanted at all! Rock continued his assault for a good few minutes as the crowd really got behind the People’s Champion. But the tide changed at the half-way point as Gunn caught an elbow to the face when Rock was attempting the Spinebuster. He then caught Rock with the Fameasser! 1…2…Kick out from Rock – barely, but he had managed it! Gunn realised it was going to take a hell of a lot more than that to defeat Rock, it was his first move in the match! Rock then immediately fought back as he caught the Rock Bottom from nowhere! 1…2…Road Dogg broke up the count! The Dogg was now at ringside, he was supporting his tag champion partner and that placed the odds against the Rock. But it was soon over as Rock nailed a Spinebuster on Gunn – slapped the Road Dogg off the ring apron to the mat and then caught the People’s Elbow! Triple H wandered out on stage as Rock made the cover, 1…2…3! Rock had defeated Billy Gunn…and as he looked up to the ramp he saw the Game, he slowly started to applaud. Rock just looked up the ramp as HHH backed off, he seemed to have accepted that he hadn’t won this battle – but surely Triple H thought he was going to win the war. Smackdown! went off the air with the Rock celebrating his win in every corner of the ring… **

    75% - 77% - 73%

    Overall: 66%

    5.84 Rating

    6,534 Attendances

    $261,360 from Ticket Sales

  3. IPB Image

    Smackdown - Preview

    January 20th, 2000

    We are just days away from the Royal Rumble as Smackdown! rolls into town this Thursday night, and we have a main event worthy of the Rumble itself.

    It will pit the “People’s Champion” The Rock up against “Bad Ass” Billy Gunn of the New Age Outlaws. Both of these men are entered into this Sunday’s Royal Rumble match and will no doubt want to get an upper hand in preparation for what is the most mentally, physically and demanding match in the WWF. Who will come out on top? Will Billy Gunn pick up the win for the McMahon-Helmsley Regime? Or will the Rock continue his recent run of successes against those in control…

    This past week on RAW also saw a horrific attack on the Big Red Machine as Kane was taken down with a taser by the British Bulldog following his match with Joey Abs. Kane had just added another member of the Posse to his list, but found himself being taken away to a mental asylum by order of the McMahon-Helmsley Regime…and to make things worse this week on Smackdown! he is going to have two special guests to his cell. Yes, X-Pac and the British Bulldog have said they are going to see Kane. Are they both crazy? Or is there method to their madness? Find out Thursday!

    Also! Catch Kurt Angle in Royal Rumble warm-up action as he faces the “Worlds Strongest Man” Mark Henry in singles action!

    Plus! Triple H, the WWF Champion – the Big Show, Chris Jericho and many, many more superstars!

    Join us Thursday on UPN!


    Royal Rumble Preview

    The Rock vs. “Bad Ass” Billy Gunn

    Kurt Angle vs. Mark Henry

  4. IPB Image

    RAW is WAR – Results

    January 17th 2000

    JR Opens the Show

    RAW opened with long-time announcer Jim Ross standing in the ring with a microphone in hand. His Oklahoma-themed music was playing away in the background as the fans cheered, they were excited about tonight’s RAW. Jerry “the King” Lawler made the introductions to the home viewers as Ross waved at individuals around the ring, his music then stopped – to allow him to speak.

    Jim Ross: Ladies and Gentlemen, I have taken it upon myself to make an announcement here to, to start this week’s RAW.

    Jim Ross: As you all know a long-time legend of this company this time last week was standing in this very spot, he was talking like me now, talking about what he faced in his immediate future…a fifteen foot high Steel Cage…and as we now know a week on things didn’t go to plan for this individual.

    The fans continued to cheer, although some of them seemed unsure as if to boo or cheer what JR had said.

    Jim Ross: But I opened up my mail today, and received a letter from this individual – one which I felt I needed to read to you all…

    But it seemed like that wasn’t going to happen…because as soon as JR had finished saying that Triple H’s music hit. The leader of the McMahon-Helmsley regime walked out on stage – and immediately called to cut his music.

    Triple H: Jim Ross – who in the hell do you think you are!

    JR just looked on with a frown across his forehead and a blank expression…

    Triple H: You just climb inside MY ring and decide to read something that some damn cripple sent to you!

    The crowd erupted in boos as Triple H then proceeded to interrupt them…

    Triple H: I crippled Mick Foley! I ended his damn career! And the only highlight or memory that the WWF is going to have left of Mick is the image of him crashing through that damn table (points) – the image of his career dying! Not some letter he sent you!

    Jim Ross: Who in the hell do you think you are?

    Triple H: I’m your damn boss – that’s who I am you damn redneck! Sit your ass down before I fire you!

    JR looked towards the Game with a look of anger as the King quickly climbed into the ring behind him and told him to come and sit down. JR listened to the King and eventually climbed out of the ring as Triple H finished up…

    Triple H: Mick Foley is gone, Mick Foley’s career is over! And tonight you people will see the beginning of the end for two others in my way…I promise you that!

    Triple H’s music then hit around the arena as he raised his arms above his head and dropped the microphone onto the stage. He had put JR back into his place, and it seemed no-one would know what Foley had to say as RAW went to its first commercial break.


    -: commercial break :-

    Too Cool def. Crash and Hardcore Holly

    For some reason Crash and Hardcore weren’t referred to as the Hollys tonight – as they were introduced as just themselves signally. However this change didn’t really help either of them at all as they went down to Too Cool. Grand Master Sexay and Scotty 2 Hotty dominated this match from the word go, and stopped both Crash and Hardcore from gaining any serious amount of control and momentum. Crash attempted towards the finish to take down Scotty with a headlock in the centre of the ring, but unfortunately for him Scotty managed to work his way over to not just the ropes…but his corner of the ring! Crash’s size had meant he couldn’t restrict Scotty from pulling himself to his corner – and this allowed the Grand Master to come in and take down Crash with a dropkick to the face. He then knocked Hardcore off the apron and took down Crash with a top rope Leg Drop for the three count. Too Cool had dominated and called down Rikishi from the back as the Holly Cousins made their way to the back. ‘Kishi joined his team members in the ring as the crowd called for some dancing…but as soon as the dancing started the music changed. The sound of a simple guitar rift was heard as the arena started flashing from white light to darkness. Too Cool looked around to see what was happening…but then the lights came up. There was no-one. Rikishi, Scotty and the Grand Master all left the ring in discussion as RAW went backstage. *3/4

    64% - 66% - 62%

    Interview with a Giant

    Kevin Kelly was standing by alongside the WWF Champion – the Big Show, he was holding his belt and looking very focused…

    Kevin Kelly: Big Show! Tonight you have a rather more…different opponent than that of previous weeks. However one could argue that MORE is on the line than before also…

    Big Show: Kevin Kelly, more IS on the line. My career in wrestling is on the line. I need to win tonight in order to keep my family on the breadline. I don’t want to end up like Mick Foley – without a job or a paycheck anymore.

    That drew a load of boos for the WWF Champion – who looked slightly bewildered as he heard the response…

    Big Show: So tonight Rock…you’re going to face one angry (Show briefly thinks), one pissed off giant.

    Show then took in some more of the crowd’s boos towards him before finishing…

    Big Show: …May the best man win.


    Luna def. Mae Young

    Back out at ringside it was time for a Royal Rumble preview of sorts as Mae Young squared up against the freaky Luna. Mae was accompanied down to ring by Kat and Moolah while Jacqueline and Ivory stood in Luna’s corner for the match. It took several moments for any “combat” to occur as Mae and Luna both received instructions from their team-members – but once it started Mae didn’t let anyone down. She sloppily ducked a Luna punch and came back with three of her own before making a “suck it” taunt with her arms and throwing an elbow into Luna’s jaw! That drew a two count…but was all Mae had for the match. Luna then came back with some heavy offence; she nailed punch after punch before taking down Mae with a sloppy Scoop Slam for the win. It was hardly a match of the year candidate…but it sent a point across to the Kat as Ivory following the match gave the impression that the two “old dinosaurs” on her team would cost her at the Rumble…Mae was helped to the back by Kat and Moolah as Ivory, Luna and Jacqueline celebrated in the ring. RAW went to another commercial break… -**

    47% - 53% - 34%

    -: commercial break :-

    The Ninth Wonder Returns…

    The break finished with Kevin Kelly quickly moving across the car park backstage, he was heading towards a car that had just pulled up….someone very important was seemingly arriving.

    When he and the camera crew got up close it was revealed that it was Chyna, making her return following her vicious attack at the hands of Chris Jericho last week. Kelly stopped and started to speak to the Ninth Wonder of the World as she hobbled out of the car – her leg still seemed rather hurt.

    Kevin Kelly: Chyna, it’s great to see you back on RAW – how are you feeling?

    Chyna: (wincing in pain) Not the best I have ever felt Kevin, my leg is still hurting pretty bad. Chris did a hell of a number on me…

    Kelly helped Chyna out with her bag at this point – he grabbed it as Chyna fiddled with the boot of her car…Which was slammed down onto her hand! The crowd’s shock could be heard as the Ninth Wonder of the World fell onto the concrete floor with her hand stuck in the trunk! The camera then turned around to reveal the smiling figure of Chris Jericho…

    Chris Jericho: (laughing) When are you gonna learn huh?! When are you gonna learn Chyna?!

    Jericho slapped Chyna around the face a few times as she screamed in pain…

    Chris Jericho: Huh?! When are you gonna learn DAMNIT!

    Chris Jericho: Answer me bitch!

    Chyna couldn’t answer…she was in too much pain.

    But that didn’t stop Jericho from turning her over and then locking in the Walls of Jericho! Chyna still had her damn hand stuck in the trunk of the car!! Chyna’s body was twisted in the most horrific way as Jericho put the torque onto her bad leg!! People could be heard screaming “Somebody Stop This!!” in the background as Y2J continued his disgusting assault. Eventually security intervened and pulled Jericho off of her, but the damage was done.

    Chris Jericho: See you this Sunday CHYNA! (laughs)

    Jericho had left Chyna in a horrific condition here, if her damaged leg wasn’t enough it now seemed her right hand was shattered. Medical officials ran in from the background to help her as RAW went back down to the ring…


    Matt Hardy def. Buh Buh Ray Dudley

    Where Matt Hardy was ready to square up against Buh Buh Ray Dudley in singles action. It was the shortest match of the night as Hardy quickly took care of one half of the Dudleys with the Twist of Fate. But after the match is where things got much more interesting as Edge and Christian – alongside D-Von ran down to the ring to attack Hardy. The brawl escalated as Hardy got taken down with a massive chair shot by Edge…but then the titantron burst into life! The Acolytes were running down to the ring! Faarooq and Bradshaw cleared house and came to the aid of Matt as Terri smiled from the top of the ramp. Christian got caught with the Clothesline from Hell as the Acolytes then made their exit alongside the man they had saved. But things weren’t finished there as Bradshaw took a microphone… **3/4

    Bradshaw: You Dudley Boyz! Edge and Christian! We’re challengin’ you, this Sunday at the Rumble. Me, Faarooq, Matt Hardy…and Terri against you four punks! What do ya say!

    Bradshaw then threw the microphone at the four in demand of a response.

    Buh Buh Ray Dudley: You’re on! But when we win….We’re putting that little Bitch Terri through a table!

    D-Von Dudley: Oh ma brother, Edge and Christian! TESTIFY!

    The Acolytes music then hit again as Terri ran up to her partners in surprise of what they had just announced. Faarooq attempted to calm her down as RAW went to another commercial break.

    78% - 79% - 79%

    -: commercial break :-

    Kurt Angle’s World

    Kevin Kelly: Welcome back to RAW ladies and gentlemen! I am now standing alongside the first Olympic Gold medallist in the WWF, and current European Champion – Kurt Angle.

    Angle walked into shot with his title belt…

    Kurt Angle: Thank you Kevin.

    Kevin Kelly: Now Kurt, this Sunday at the Royal Rumble – live on Pay-Per-View you will be defending your European Championship against a mystery opponent, what are your thoughts about this?

    Kurt Angle: My thoughts Kevin Kelly are that I am an Olympic Gold Medallist, I am the European Champion – and I’m the best wrestler in the WWF. And because of that I’m ready to face anyone, at anytime. It’s all about the three I’s, Intensity, Integrity and Intelligence. With my three I’s I am the best that there ever has been! So whoever turns up this Sunday…expect a mental, physical and demanding war. With me remaining the European Champion. That’s all I really have to say, now…time to celebrate with a glass of wholesome Milk.

    Kevin Kelly laughed at Angle’s final words as the self-proclaimed Olympic Hero made his way towards the salad buffet…and his milk.


    Joey Abs def. Kane via Disqualification

    Back ringside JR and the King hyped what was going to be a huge match between Kane and Joey Abs of the Mean Street Posse. They ran down the history of the match alongside video clips of how Joey Abs had been the man having an affair with Kane’s ex-girlfriend Tori (while X-Pac of course looked on). The two announcers then remarked how this was going to be a massive encounter. When both men were in the ring Kane quickly went about chasing the man who had completely ruined his relationship. Joey though wasn’t having any of it and ran away from the Big Red Machine with a look of terror across his face. Eventually though he ran out of places to run as Kane grabbed him inside the crowd and threw him back over the barricade towards the ring. Kane continued with his mass assault as he tossed Joey Abs around the ring with move after move and punch after punch. He then topped it off by clotheslining his opponent over the top rope to the outside…before grabbing the ring steps and smashing Abs right in the face! This drew the disqualification as Kane then sat down the steps and pulled Abs up…everyone knew what was coming next as the crowd gasped! Kane delivered a huge Tombstone Piledriver onto the Steel Steps! Joey Abs looked dead as Kane stood up and lit up the ring posts in celebration. But as his music hit the British Bulldog, Rodney and X-Pac all ran down through the crowd! ¼ *

    The Bulldog had something in his hand as all three men jumped the Big Red Machine from behind! He fired it – it was a damn Taser! Kane had electrodes shot into his spine as his enemies jumped around the ring in celebration. The Bulldog continued to shoot electricity through Kane’s spine as X-Pac called for some people to come down from the back. Kane at this point was completely incapacitated…as a group of men in white coats came down with a stretcher. They all climbed into the ring and listened to X-Pac and the Bulldog’s instructions as Kane was placed in a strait jacket and rolled out onto the stretcher! They were taking the Big Red Machine away! JR and King didn’t know what the hell was really going on as Kane was wheeled up the ramp and shown being taken into an Ambulance…well a Mental Asylum Ambulance anyways. RAW went to a break with X-Pac, the Bulldog and Rodney all slapping hands together in the back.

    57% - 58% - 57%

    -: commercial break :-

    The Rock’s Response

    JR as RAW returned from the commercial break informed everyone that Kane had been taken away to a mental “facility” by order of the McMahon-Helmsley faction. However that he would be released this Sunday in time to face the British Bulldog at the Royal Rumble. The action was then taken backstage where Kevin Kelly was standing by with the Rock.

    Kevin Kelly: Rock, tonight it’s your chance to book your place on the Road to Wrestlemania as you face the Big Show for a place in the Royal Rumble.

    The Rock: You know what Kevin Kelly, every week the Rock stands alongside you just before a RAW main event that he has to win…and every week the Rock goes out there, he sweats, he bleeds, he beats every candy-ass in his way…and he wins – and tonight is no exception. Big Show, you may be the WWF Champion, but that’s my goal, that’s my journey, and tonight I will defeat you, I will layeth the Smacketh down on your candy ass and pin your big bastard body 1…2…3!

    Rock paused for a moment as the crowd chanted “Rocky…Rocky” over and over.

    The Rock: Right now I have my own destiny in my own hands…and Wrestlemania here the Rock comes, if you SMELLLL what the Rock…is cooking!


    Contract vs. Royal Rumble Spot

    The Rock def. the Big Show

    As Rock walked out of shot the Big Show’s music hit at ringside, they had been partners of late against the McMahon-Helmsley regime…but tonight they would be facing each other, with both having massive roadblocks placed in their career paths if they did not win. The match started at a slow pace with both men just sizing each other up for a few minutes before finally locking up. Show from that then went immediately to work as he dominated the Rock with some large slaps to the chest and back. He then whipped the People’s Champion off the ropes and caught him with a boot to the face, this lead to the first cover of the match for a two. Rock though came right back at Show with a flurry of fists, but it wasn’t enough as Show came back with a clothesline over the top rope. This lead to both men brawling around the outside of the ring as both men went at each other, Show was thrown into the ring post, but Rock was then clotheslined over the announce table! JR and King had to run to the hills as the People’s Champion lay limp in a mess of chairs. Show taunted before picking up Rock and rolling him back into the ring for another two count. The submission period followed next as Show locked Rock in a huge bearhug for a few moments, Rock eventually managed to rake the Big Nasty Bastard’s eyes in order to break free – but was once again immediately taken down with a suplex as Show recovered just in time. Triple H was then shown watching from the back alongside Stephanie as both men lay down in the ring, he didn’t seem to be favouring either guy as the action returned to the ring with Show rolling over and making another cover, 1…2…Kick out.

    Both men then pulled themselves back onto their feet…where the Rock immediately nailed a Rock Bottom! Show was in shock and down as Rock slowly crawled over to hook the leg, 1…2…Show got a shoulder up! Rock couldn’t believe it as he climbed back up and got ready to nail the People’s Elbow, he threw off his arm pads into the crowd before jumping across the ring and preparing to drop it! But Show got up and got his monstrous hand around Rock’s neck! He got back to his vertical base and delivered the Show Stopper! He dropped an arm over the People’s Champion as the crowd booed…1…2…No! Rock kicked out! No-one could believe it as Rock attempted to get back onto his feet. Show replied with some kicks to the ribs before whipping Rock off the ropes…and going for a second Show Stopper! But no! Rock countered around into a Tornado DDT! He hooked the leg as Show lay completely knocked out! 1…2…3! It was surprisingly enough as Show didn’t manage to kick out until after the three count was made! The 7-foot tall giant quickly got up and threw Rock over the top rope to the outside of the ring as the People’s Champion’s music hit. Rock had won his place in the Royal Rumble! It was an encounter that was unbelievably close! Rock stood on the ramp and had his arm raised in victory by referee Earl Hebner as Triple H’s music hit… *1/2

    74% - 82% - 56%

    Triple H’s Announcements

    The Game himself then walked out from the back alongside Stephanie, he had a microphone in one hand…while Stephanie had a contract in another.

    Triple H: Big Show! You knew what tonight was about, you knew what tonight’s match meant to you…and you lost. Step…you know what to do.

    Stephanie smiled as she then walked forward from her husband…and tore up the contract that she had in her hands. It was torn into numerous little pieces before she then threw it up into the air like confetti over her and her husband…

    Triple H: There won’t be any need for your contract extension anymore Show! Hell, seeing as you’re gonna be finished soon…let’s finish this at the Rumble. Me and you Show, this Sunday – No Disqualification for the WWF Title. Once I beat you…the end of February won’t come soon enough to see the back of you!

    Show looked incredibly pissed off in the ring as he foamed at the mouth. But he knew there was nothing he could do…

    Triple H: As for you Rock…you won tonight, you got one up on me…

    HHH smiled before finishing…

    Triple H: Well done. But don’t think you’re gonna win the Royal Rumble match. There are twenty-nine other superstars who will be in match with the same goal in mind. You’re gonna be a marked man Rock, and that’s what it’s gonna be like while the McMahon-Helmsley era is in charge around here!

    Triple H: Both of you are going to have to get used to this week in…week out. Because I am the Game…and I shall complete my destiny!

    Rock looked up at Triple H from the bottom of the ramp as the Game and his wife made their way to the back. This Sunday at the Rumble would now have the Rock in the Rumble match – and the Big Show defending the WWF Title against Triple H with No Disqualifications! RAW went off the air with Rock and Show staring each other down…their connection and relationship scarred.


    Overall: 74%

    6.02 Rating

    6,529 Attendances

    $261,160 from Ticket Sales

  5. I really can't wait til next season now. Looking forward to the old Darlo/Pools matches. Especially since we'll be entertaining them at our new stadium now. Only problem for me is that the away match is closer than home.


    Shitty Division 4 again.

    Good game though.

    Least it'll be an easy league.

  6. Ill Nino have changed a hell of a lot since Revolution/Revolucion, that album was a lot heavier - while probably still fitting into their Nu-Metal persona. Nowadays they are a lot more poppy in my opionon, One Nation Underground has a lot of songs that fit into that while Confession was the first step towards that. I do like all three of their albums, but I would have prefered it if they had gone for a sound similar to that of their first album - and loads of true metal fans I have met have agreed.

  7. England Squad:


    1. Paul Robinson

    13. David James

    23. Ian Walker


    2. Gary Neville

    3. Ashley Cole

    5. Rio Ferdinand

    6. John Terry

    16. Jamie Carragher

    12. Sol Campbell

    18. Wayne Bridge

    15. Ledley King (if fit) - if not: Michael Dawson


    7. David Beckham

    11. Joe Cole

    4. Steven Gerrard

    8. Frank Lampard

    22. Aaron Lennon

    14. Shaun Wright-Phillips

    17. Kieron Richardson


    10. Michael Owen

    9. Wayne Rooney (if fit) - if not: Peter Crouch *shudder*

    19. Jermaine Defoe

    20. Darren Bent

    21. Michael Bent

  8. Me, Summers and Dan have had a few games, we also recently had a short one with Ravenjuice, but they rarely went too long. The original League 1 one was fucking cool, me and Summers were heading towards the Championship with Bristol City and Barnsley while Dan was struggling mid-table with Hartlepool

  9. from: stonesour1.com

    STONE SOUR: Video For New Song 'Reborn' Posted Online. - Posted by: Webmaster on 29 Apr 2006

    A video clip of STONE SOUR - the band featuring SLIPKNOT singer Corey Taylor and guitarist Jim Root - performing their new song "Reborn" in a recording studio has been added to the videos page.

    "Reborn" comes off the group's upcoming sophomore album, "Come Whatever May", due on August 22 through Roadrunner Records. The CD was recorded at a Los Angeles studio with producer Nick Rasculinecz (FOO FIGHTERS, VELVET REVOLVER) and marks the group's first effort since the departure of drummer Joel Ekman, who has since been replaced by ex-SOULFLY skinsman Roy Mayorga.

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