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TAFKA Castroneves

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Posts posted by TAFKA Castroneves

  1. *hugs Reil* We're both loosing :(

    And there was me thinking this season was going to be different from the last three, but it's consistantly getting worse. How can we go down to League 1? How?!

    EDIT - We just had a goal dissalowed!

    BWAHAHA - Barnsley are beating Hull 3-2 after being 2-0 down!

  2. Same shit different fucking season.

    Leicester were an absolute fucking disgrace today - I can't take any positive points away apart from McCarthy's header and Williams' freekick. They didn't play as a team, Tiatto sucked and didn't know what the fuck he was doing, Stearman had a mare of a game, Kenton just hoofed all over the shop back to Kenton, Johnson looked like a headless chicken and there was NO support for Hume and Fryatt.

    I am very tempted to put a bet on us getting relegated this season, at least under Levein we had SOME good points, today we had fucking none.

    It feels like my team is doomed to relegation and has been for three years now. Fucks sake.

  3. Martin O'Neill is without a doubt one of the most talented managers around, yes I am a Leicester fan and I suppose I do have a byest view but he has been a success everywhere he's been.

    He took Wycombe Wanderers from relegation towards the giddy heights of promotion. He never got a chance at Norwich because we nabbed him...and he turned a Division 1 team with Division 1 quality players into one of the top teams in the country. He then took Celtic to the Champions League Semi's and cemented them as the top Scottish team - miles ahead of Rangers.

    His ability is to be able to find every players best points and push them, Heskey is no way a brillant all-round striker - but under O'Neill (and helped by him of course being younger) he was pushed into a style of play that suited him. Not to mention O'Neill can process what the opposion does and adjust accordingly.

    Aston Villa need this man, and I hope he signs - he's been away too long.

  4. Fucks sake his contract was cancelled tonight. I'm fucking pissed. Our manager said no one would be leaving only three weeks ago, so I made the trip to Leicester to get the shirt with Gerrbrand on - spent 50 quid on it. If I don't get a fucking replacement or refund I'm going to unleash fucking hell.

    If he had at least kicked a ball this season it wouldn't be so fucking bad.

  5. I'm pretty sure keef had some massive drunk Skindred love a while ago - and I just need to echo that...


    I saw them on Friday night in Exeter and they absolutly tore up the house, I also spoke to Benji and he was also amazing, very friendly and down to earth. I'll always have the memory from that gig of the pit just going mental as they nailed "Start First". Plus theres a chance I'm in the new 'Dred video as their video for World Domination was being filmed there - I'll check it out and let you guys know :D

    Also it's worth checking out Multi Purpose Chemical as they opened for Skindred and were pretty damn awesome. I immediatly went out and grabbed their CD outside as soon as the first song finished. Check them out on myspace or somewhere.

    Share Skindred or even MPC love :D

  6. Yeah so what is catching your attention at the moment in the music world? What bands, songs or albums are you really into?

    For me the main thing has got to be the new Stone Sour album - "Come What(ever) May", it is absolutly stunning all around. It has a mix of all sorts of song types and a lot of personal emotion (that was touched upon by Corey Taylor in the 'Knot's Vol 3 - but not to this extent) that makes it brillant. There is also a decent range of different song styles i.e. - songs like Zzyxx Rd and Through Glass would appeal to pop fans, while songs like 30/30-150, Hell and Consequences and Reborn would be loved by die hard Stone Sour fans. Definatly worth a listen no matter how into rock you are.

    Other top albums would be Breed 77's new masterpiece - check out "Empty Words" as that is excellent. Sikth's "Death of a Dead Day" which is also top notch stuff.

    I also need to check out more of the Eagles of Death Metal as "I Want you so Hard" is brillant for some more light hearted entertainment.

  7. 1) Anchorman: Legend of Ron Burgundy

    2) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Minds

    3) The Godfather

    4) Pulp Fiction

    5) SAW

    6) Donnie Darko

    7) SAW II

    8) American Beauty

    9) Battle Royale

    10) Creep

    11) A Clockwork Orange

    12) Big Fish

    13) Rounders

    14) The Ring

    15) The 40 Year Old Virgin

    16) The Terminal

    17) Trainspotting

    18) Forrest Gump

    19) Hitch

    20) Football Factory

  8. Poor Paul Ince - not. Mick McCarthy could do okay but I'm not entirely sure if he's going to be the man for the job. We'll have to see there.

    How about predictions guys? Who do you think will be going up, down, playoffs and promotion in the Leagues over the upcoming season?

    For me...


    Champions: West Bromwich Albion

    Runners-Up: Birmingham City

    Playoff Entrants (winner in bold): Leeds United, Leicester City, Norwich & Southampton

    Relegated: Barnsley, Ipswich & Plymouth Argyle

    League One

    Champions: Nottingham Forest

    Runners-Up: Swansea

    Playoff Entrants (winner in bold): Bristol City, Brighton, Northampton & Millwall

    I can't be bothered with League 2 :P

  9. Stone Sour - Come What(ever) May, Easily tops the original Stone Sour album and anything Slipknot have ever done - excellence.

    SOAD yeah with Toxicity. I think QOTSA with Rated R took a massive step forwards, it was my best album for many years and still is one of my all-time favourites. Breed 77 with Cultura is another good example, they got much more exposure through it. Spineshank perhaps? Meh, I digress.

  10. Same here Dan, I've only been to 3 Leicester games in my life :P

    The Cup Final in 97 against 'Boro, Friendly against Inter and Prem against Portsmouth.

    Hoping to go lots this season though, will be there for either the first (Burnley) or second home game (Ipswich) without a doubt. Gotta love uni, met a few more Leicester fans :D

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