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Posts posted by Kapalua2483


    1) The Simpsons vs. 16) Boston Legal - Die Boston Legal....Die

    8) House vs. 9) Oz - This one was hard for me. I watched all of Oz and only some of House but I really like House and if I had watched more of it. I probably would've gone with it.

    5) It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia vs. 12) Deadwood - I hate Philadelphia and all things from it, including this godforsaken show. Plus Deadwood was a nice short show and had more life to it.

    4) The Sopranos vs. 13) Father Ted - I always thought the Sopranos was Overly raved about but it needs to get out of the first round at least.

    6) Firefly vs. 11) Smallville - Sorry Firefly time for you to go down in the round of 64

    3) Dexter vs. 14) Louie - Never watched either but I like CK's comedy. So he wins

    7) 24 vs. 10) King of the Hill - I'll be honest that this matchup in the bracket scares me. 24 is my all-time favorite show and while it has it's down moments. Season 1 is a bit slow and the plot isn't as excited as other seasons. Season 6 wasn't their best effort. Seasons 2,3,4,5,7 and 8 are all stellar in their own ways. With 3-5 being the absolute best of the series and easily much more must see TV than KoTH. Which honestly I never liked much anyway!

    2) Scrubs vs. 15) Roswell - To be a bracket buster to someone else that is voting for KoTH when it should be clearly 24 to win. Eat it rivals!

    This is probably the bracket I least like because I think 24 is trailing right now and if they go down...You all shall burn for it. But I really didn't like too many other shows in this bracket.

  2. This is gonna be tough but I'll list and then explain!

    1) 24

    2) Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

    3) Heroes

    4) Supernatural

    5) The Walking Dead

    6) Hercules (You know the one that was on the WB)

    7) Oz

    8) Sliders

    9) Star Trek: Voyager

    10) Jericho

    Let's start at the bottom

    Jericho - Alot of people don't remember this show and I personally am guilty of missing it when it was on. It only aired for one season but this is All Time Favorite Show and this makes my top 10. The female characters would piss you off but ALL of the male characters were so good in their acting and the story development. The season finale actually got some tears. It had an abbreviated 6 episode second season but it just didn't feel the same and wasn't the following year from when this aired.

    Star Trek: Voyager - One of my favorite shows from my youth. I was a bit of a geek back in the day lol. All I can say is it's Mother Duckin Star Trek!

    Sliders - This show would've been farther up the list if they didn't BUTCHER it in Seasons 4 and 5!! It's like as they moved forward and got better special effects. The show got WORSE! This show peaked in Season 3 with Arturo dying and it went into a nosedive after that. Great show nevertheless though!

    Oz - Gritty prison drama that while if your a homophobe, you wouldn't have liked it. Overall was very well written and acted. Good twists and the only show I would consider a hit for HBO until the Sopranos came around. Which by the way does not make my list!

    Hercules - This show is another childhood show that I watched religiously. Even for it's do gooder storylines and overall sappy messages. I liked it alot and really enjoyed it. Though also realized how hokey it was when I tried to watch it recently

    The Walking Dead - One of the few shows on my list to currently be airing new episodes. I just love this show and everything about it...except Lori but i'll forgive that.

    Supernatural - I agree with others that this show has been allowed to go on too long. It was brilliant for i'd say five seasons. After Sam leaps into the pit with Satan inside of him and with his newly found brother (with the angel Michael inside of him) This is where the series should've ended. Instead we have more after this and it hasn't been as good. My now ex girlfriend said it best. It's hard to get too emotional about things that happen to the boys because you know they wont die or if they do. They'll find a way to come back. That does ring true here

    Heroes - I thought that this show still had more life in it when they put a fork in it. I really loved most parts of it. Though they did realize that they super powered up Peter Petrelli too much and were working to find ways around it for parts of seasons 2 and 3. The writing got a bit eh there but Seasons 1 and 4 were brilliantly written and overall I really liked this show

    Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - One of the rare shows to end when the time is right. It was just starting to run on a bit too long when they ended it. It left some people wanting more but it was probably a season too long here too honestly. But besides that, it was well written and made you care about all the characters. Unlike alot of shows that only want you to care about a select few.

    24 - This show blows all of the other nine on this list out of the water for me. I'm criminal of boycotting this show for it's first four seasons. I didn't want to "Bandwagon" onto it like so many people were. My dad got the first four seasons on DVD for x-mas before Season 5 came out. We watched the first couple episodes and good god we were hooked.

    We got sucked into watching all four seasons in the three weeks before the new season started. Tears and cheers alike during this time. We loved us some Jack Bauer! Then we started watching Season 5 and Palmer, Tony and Michelle eat it in the first two minutes. One of the handful of times I can recall EVER getting shocked watching TV. This is a series that I was left wanting more everytime an episode ended. Was very attached to all the characters in varying degrees but Kiefer Sutherland sucked me into loving Jack Bauer and if 24 doesn't win this tournament..I F**KIN RIOT! :)

    Anyway that's my top ten nominations...lol

  3. Well that's the thing. It wasn't that guy anymore. It was a zombie. Shane was dead already and had risen back up. Maybe it's just difference of opinion on it but if I had a son which I dont. Id want to protect him but i'd also want him to be capable and able of killing a zombie if need be and not freezing up or wind up with others dying because he can't. Eh it's a tough grey area I know. I think alot of it is because of how annoying and irritated most are with how Lori's character is. I know that I wasn't a fan of her character in the books/comics and I like her less on TV

  4. But on the same principle. Rick did what she had herself wanted and Carl saved Rick by shooting Zombie Shane in the head. Be sorry that your boy had to do it but you live in a world with Zombies and death all around. So there isnt any way your going to shield your child from it crazy Lori!

  5. Terminator Salvation - Christian Bale brings this movie down for me. I love the movie but in most roles he feels...I dunno he just pisses me off. I dont believe him in any of his roles besides The Prestige which I really enjoyed.

    National Treasure - Nicholas Cage is the acting world's equivilent of a hooker. He'll do anything for the right amount of money. Season of the Witch strikes me as one of the absolute worst he's done. I USED to like him alot. When he was playing roles in movies like Face-Off and The Rock. National Treasure is watchable because of the supporting cast. Especially in the second one with Ed Harris and Jon Voight whom are both superb actors and can pull any movie from the depths.

    Anything Jim Carrey does actually aggrivates me but I found The Truman Show to have been a decent movie and probably would've been a really good movie if done by someone better than...Jim Carrey.

    It's the same kind of premise as to why Cast Away wouldn't have worked with an actor that isn't of Tom Hanks's ilk. If you put Jim Carrey in Cast Away, well you'd have needed to have carved your own eyes and ears out to get the visions and sounds from that movie out of your head then.

    I'll say something that I might get heat for too

    Batman Begins and The Dark Knight - I actually severely dislike Christian Bale in these two movies. These are two terrific movies but mostly due to the cast surrounding him, including Liam Neeson, Heath Ledger, Gary Oldman and more. I just really dont like Christian Bale almost at all lol. But these movies are still awesome.

  6. I think that despite the tradition of superhero movies getting bad in the sequels. This looks from the trailers that are out and the prequel with Bane's escape out there. It looks like it will be a brilliant conclusion to the best superhero trilogy or sequence of three superhero movies that has ever been put out there. I desperately want there to be more but in the same sense, I don't want it to get cheapened by new actors in these roles, etc.

  7. The ending for Jack was predictable because it's the only outcome that allows Jack to be back next season. They'll have Renee Walker be a focal point next year but Jack and her will be teamed up as partners I suspect. There will probably be a new incarnation of CTU. If the season runs in NYC, then that's where they will set it up. Alot of people were clamoring for CTU this year and it never returned. With Jack alive now, the President had seemed to become very trusting in Jack and will probably do what he wants. Audrey Reigns I am betting makes a return next year with Jack back, years after her ordeal with the Chinese.

    Tony's swerve that he was doing this all to get vengence for his dead wife and unborn son was pretty cool and that last scene where he's kicking Alan Wilson around and screaming him down about killing his son was pretty Gripping shit. Brought a tear to me eye! So season 8 is setup with a Jack return. It will go back to a Nuclear threat I suspect this next coming season as it normally does on the even seasons.

    Season 1 - Assassination Attempt

    Season 2 - Nuclear

    Season 3 - Biological

    Season 4 - Nuclear

    Season 5 - Nerve Gas

    Season 6 - Nuclear

    Season 7 - Cyberterrorism and Biological

    Season 8 - I am betting on Nuclear in some form!

    Renee Walker will be back, Jack obviously, Chloe and Morris, Tony will be around in SOME Fashion. I don't know what but they never write a character out by having them taken into custody and that's the last you ever hear from them. They get written out by being badly injured (Ricky Shroder) or dying (See various examples)

    Allison Taylor will be back (I Personally really loved her as President this year) Sec of Defense will be back and he's been around for a couple seasons now. They might even bring along Jeaneen Garofolo. I hope not cause I hated her but they might. I thought Larry Moss was gonna make it too until Tony put the Snuff on him. Obviously they'll also introduce some new characters because they have to now with the death of Bill Buchanan. Perhaps his wife (Former NSA Head) will come in as part of the new CTU in some fashion. Not beyond the realm of possibility since she didn't appear last season.

    Alright that's the end of season recap folks! It's quite a few weeks after the last episode aired so I dont believe Spoilers need to be put inside of tags.

  8. First off for all the haters. I have enjoyed this season and obviously there is a swerve coming but no the series isn't ready to come to an end and that's the only way Jack dies is if the series is ending. Who carries on 24 if Jack dies? Rack Bauer? I don't think so.

    Kim may die finally but Jack isn't going to die. They will take the stem cells from Kim if she dies or even if she doesn't and it'll save Jack because the series is dead without him. They're just building it up because it's been different for Jack to be disabled/sick this season and kind of in the backseat to some of the other characters.

    Not totally backseat of course but not superman like he's been in every season since perhaps Season 2 when he died/brought back from dead and had the heart issues.

    I don't think Tony dies though, I think he'll be around for Season 8 as a Baddie then too. I don't think Tony comes back to the light this time.


  9. First off for all the haters. I have enjoyed this season and obviously there is a swerve coming but no the series isn't ready to come to an end and that's the only way Jack dies is if the series is ending. Who carries on 24 if Jack dies? Rack Bauer? I don't think so.

    Kim may die finally but Jack isn't going to die. They will take the stem cells from Kim if she dies or even if she doesn't and it'll save Jack because the series is dead without him. They're just building it up because it's been different for Jack to be disabled/sick this season and kind of in the backseat to some of the other characters.

    Not totally backseat of course but not superman like he's been in every season since perhaps Season 2 when he died/brought back from dead and had the heart issues.

    I don't think Tony dies though, I think he'll be around for Season 8 as a Baddie then too. I don't think Tony comes back to the light this time.


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