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Posts posted by Kapalua2483

  1. IPB Image

    This Impact doesn't start like all the others. Tonight, one night away from TNA Genesis we have a video package setup to preview all the major matches. It shows the issues with The Canadian Destroys and The Phenominal One. It shows clips of Team 3D and AMW's Feud including the all Heel funeral for Team 3D. It then heads into the main feud which is between Rhino and Jarrett for the NWA Championship. It shows Rhino's historic win over Jarrett at Bound For Glory and everything that has occured between the two men since then. Then we cut into the Impact Zone where we get some fun pyro and Mike Tenay welcomes us to this Action Filled Impact where we get it started right away with some X Division action!

    Chris Sabin vs Samoa Joe

    "Hail Sabin, Hail Sabin" and the crowd begins cheering loudly for Sabin as he makes his way down to the ring, his fist held in the air as he comes down to the ring and in the ring. Then once he's in the ring Samoa Joe comes out from the back with his towel around his neck. This matchup similar to their PPV match this past summer where Sabin plays the small face and Samoa Joe plays the big nasty heel. Samoa Joe makes quicker work of Sabin this time and finishes him off at about the six minute mark with the Mexican Stretch Buster for the pinfall victory. He locks on the Kokina Clutch after the match though and chokes Sabin out after the match. Sending a message to the opposing team facing him and Shelley in the X Division Tag Match tommorrow night!

    We get another video hyping up all the history of Petey Williams and AJ Styles including their Ultimate X encounter and everything in between. Clips of Styles getting Canadian Destroyered to hell and Styles hitting the Clash in every which way to Petey. Then we cut to commercial break!

    Team Canada/"The Alpha Male" Monty Brown vs 3 Live Kru

    This matchup never really happens because the Kru hits the ring first to a huge ovation from the crowd "Someone explain to me how a Mexican, A Black Man and a "Wigger so to speak in BG" got so over originally in the heart of Tennessee? I'm not being racist it just seems very odd in that part of the country but anyway"

    Once the Kru is in the ring, Team Canada's music hits and with their Coach D'Amore make their way down to the ring and then once they are at ringside "The Alpha Male's" music hits and he comes charging down the opposite ramp and all three men hit the ring and attack and this distingrates into a 6 man brawl instead of a tag team match. This brawl ends up with Team Canada getting taken out on the outside by BG and Killings while in the ring Brown goes for the POOUNNNNCEEE on Konnan but he rolls under it and THROWS A SHOE AT Brown hitting him in the back of the head! At this point Killings jumps onto the apron and hits a Springboard Cross Body on a pissing off Brown whom had just turned around and then BG gets into the ring and manages to hit the Pump Handle Drop on Brown and then Konnan locks on the Tequila Sunrise on Brown as the Kru plays to the crowd. We leave this match to go back to Tenay and West a moment with the Kru standing tall over Monty Brown but will Ron Killings be able to do it on his own on Sunday?!

    "The Monster" Abyss vs Raven

    This matchup is actually shorter than their previous encounter because Zbysko screws Raven over after about two minutes when he comes out and announces that this match is now no Disqualification and this is the point where after yelling at Zbysko for a moment. Raven turns right around into a chair shot from hell by Abyss that busts Raven open bad. Then Abyss slams the chair down and hits a huge Black Hole Slam on Raven ON THE CHAIR and covers him, hooking the leg..1....2....3! Abyss continues the decimation of Raven as he rolls him off the chair and proceeds to beat him mercilessly with it as Zbysko gets down to ringside and taunts Raven after Abyss and Father James Mitchell have left!

    Larry Zbysko: I Told you Raven I will never allow you to win tommorrow night. I gave you that match so that I could be rid of your kind once and for all! Tommorrow night will be your last match in TNA...FOREVER!

    The crowd boo's Zbysko mercilessly and he doesn't seem to understand why. He feels just in taking out what he views as the garbage that is Raven though the faithful in Orlando don't feel the same! We take another commercial break after this next video package!

    A More intense video package is shown just about Rhino and Jarrett and Rhino's three huge wins at Bound For Glory and his standing on top of the Casket in the middle of the ring, holding the NWA Title above his head. All of Jarrett's antics in the past and recently to get the belt back from Rhino and when he was champion before. It shows clips of both men holding the belt up and then shows them facing off as we go to commercial break!

    AMW/Petey Williams & "The King of the Mountain" Jeff Jarrett vs Team 3D/"The Phenominal AJ Styles & "The Man-Beast" Rhino

    This matchup is actually not as good as you'd expect from these seven men. (Jarrett doesn't count cause he sucks in the ring and actually has no business being in the ring with these seven men.) It's very clusterfucky and ends pretty quickly when Rhino is left in the ring with Jarrett and just like Bound for Glory. Rhino runs right through Jarrett with a vicious Gore to win the matchup for his team and he celebrates over Jarrett as Impact comes to a close!

    Samoa Joe defeated Chris Sabin in 6:04

    Team Canada/"The Alpha Male" No Contested with 3 Live Kru (Match Never Began)

    Abyss defeated Raven in 2:32

    Team 3D/"The Phenominal AJ Styles & "The Man-Beast" Rhino defeated AMW/Petey Williams & "The King of the Mountain" in 8:22

  2. IPB Image

    Tonight on Impact we get ready for TNA Genesis which will be tommorrow night. Tonight will have a huge 8 man tag team matchup to headline the show. America's Most Wanted, Jeff Jarrett & Petey Williams vs Team 3D, Rhino & "The Phenominal" AJ Styles.

    Abyss will face off against Raven one more time tonight heading into Genesis where both men have big matches set. Abyss facing off against Sabu in their No DQ Match and Zbysko obviously wants Raven softened up for his match against his still un-named opponent.

    Chris Sabin will take on Samoa Joe tonight as well.

    Team Canada has been vying for supremecy over TNA for quite some time and they will again try to stake their claim tonight in a six man tag match. Bobby Roode & Eric Young of Team Canada. Tag Teaming with "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown facing off against the 3 Live Kru!

    All this and much more tonight in the Impact Zone!

  3. IPB Image

    "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown vs Konnan

    We kick off an action packed Impact with the grudge match between 3LK member Konnan facing off against his friend's opponent at Genesis...which is Monty Brown. Konnan and Brown go back and forth but quickly Monty's power overcomes Konnan's experience and after a couple minutes of offense. Monty hits a HUGE POUUNNNNCCCE and puts Konnan down for the three count. After the match though the crowd chants "One More Time" And Monty hits Konnan with the Pounce twice more but it's probably to send a message to Killings more than to appease the crowd!

    We go backstage to see NWA Champion, Rhino entering the arena and as he walks in he is met by America's Most Wanted. Then Jeff Jarrett comes running up from behind and cracks Rhino over the head with his Guitar. Then the three proceed to beat Rhino down badly until finally security comes running up and breaks the beatdown up. The last image we see before commercial break is Rhino with his belt down on the cement.

    Austin Aries vs Alex Shelley vs Chris Sabin

    This is a terrific triple threat match between these three X-Division wrestlers. Sabin, Shelley and Aries go back and forth for almost ten minutes until Shelley hits a nasty Dropkick on Sabin which knocks him over the top rope and to the outside. Aries catches Shelley turning back around into his Modified Samoan Drop and then goes to the top rope and hits a HUGE 450 Splash and hooks the leg on Shelley for the academic three count but Sabin seems pissed at the fact the match was almost seemingly stolen from him!

    Raven vs "The Monster" Abyss

    This matchup is pretty back and forth. Raven takes control several times on Abyss when he tries more than once for a move that he isn't able to hit and Raven being a veteran takes advantage. Raven goes for the Evenflow DDT late in the match but the Sinister Minster gets up on the ring apron which distracts Raven. This makes him let go of Abyss and when Raven turns back away from Mitchell towards Abyss. He is caught in a huge Black Hole Slam and covered..1....2....3! Abyss gains the win over the Former NWA Champion! Abyss and James Mitchell walk to the back seeming pleased in their work.

    Before we take our final commercial break..Rhino is seen walking out of the Treatment room and has his NWA Title in hand as he seems to be making his way out to the Impact-Zone!

    Rhino vs "Wildcat" Chris Harris

    Non-Title Match, Main Event

    This match is back and forth mostly because Rhino is already battered from earlier in the night and the crowd is very into Rhino in this match. This match is pretty good though the crowd dies off in the middle part of the match. Late in the match James Storm tries to interfere but he swings the chair that he had grabbed at where Rhino was supposed to be hitting the ropes but he reversed and sent Harris in. Storm waffled Harris in the back with the chair and Rhino caught Harris off the ropes with a HUGE GORE!!! He then covered Harris..1....2....3!!! He then got out of the ring in a hurry as Storm got into the ring with a chair as well as Jarrett and Gail Kim heading down the opposite ramp and Impact goes off the air with Rhino celebrating on the top of the opposite ramp, holding his NWA Championship high in the air!

    "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown defeats Konnan at 5:33

    Austin Aries defeats Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley in 11:21

    Abyss pins Raven at 8:35

    Rhino wins via Pinfall at 12:44 against "Wildcat" Chris Harris

  4. IPB Image

    Just eight days before Genesis and things are heating up. There is a big main event as Rhino will be in action tonight.

    Monty Brown will also being in action but tonight he'll be facing off against Konnan of 3 Live Kru! A warmup for Ron "The Truth" Killings in just eight days.

    Raven will be in action finally as he's been allowed to enter the arena and he will be facing Abyss!

    All this and more on TNA Impact!

  5. IPB Image

    Jeff Jarrett vs Rhino

    NWA-TNA Heavyweight Championship Match

    Monty Brown vs Ron "The Truth Killings

    #1 Contendership to the NWA-TNA Title Match

    "The Phenominal" AJ Styles vs "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams

    TNA X Division Championship Match

    America's Most Wanted vs Team 3D

    NWA-TNA Tag Team Championship Match

    "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels vs Chris Sabin

    Austin Aries/Sonjay Dutt vs Samoa Joe/Alex Shelley

    Abyss vs Sabu

    No DQ Match

    Raven vs ???

    If Raven wins Larry Zybsko must allow Raven back into the Impact-Zone and cannot bar him from the building anymore. If Raven loses, He is gone from TNA

  6. IPB Image

    November 12, 2005

    TNA begins with scenes from Bound For Glory pushing the Rhino/Jarrett storyline and it's curious to see where Raven fits into all this and what is the woman that is messing with his head which Rhino hinted at. Then we cut to the Impact-Zone where Mike Tenay and Don West welcome us to another edition of Impact!

    Mike Tenay: Welcome everyone to another edition of TNA Impact on Spike TV! We have a great show for you tonight where in the main event it will be "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels vs Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley in a three way dance!

    Don West: Also Team Canada will be in six man tag action up against the 3 Live Kru as well as Samoa Joe being in action again tonight!

    Mike Tenay: But right now the TNA X Division Championship is on the line as "The Phenominal" AJ Styles defends his X Division Championship against Austin Aries!

    "The Phenominal" AJ Styles vs Austin Aries

    TNA X Division Championship Match

    Austin Aries comes out first to a pretty nice ovation from the crowd but it doesn't compare to when AJ Styles' music hits. His pyro kicks up and he does his pose on the stage and the fans eat it up. Then he makes his way down to the ring and he slaps hands with Aries before the match begins as both men have respect for each other. This match is tremendous from bell to bell between these two. Aries hits his Nasty Spike Samoan Drop and goes to the top rope for his 450 splash to try and win the match but as he comes off Styles gets his knees up and it crashes into Aries's sternum and Styles gets up enough strength to hit a HUGE Styles Clash on Aries and flips him over..1....2....3! Styles retains and Petey Williams takes advantage of a weakened Styles to run to the ring and just as Styles gets up and turns. He turns right into a kick and a HUGE CANADIAN DESTROYER!!! Petey leaves AJ lying in the ring as apparently the challenger for Genesis is going to bring the fight to the Champion!

    We cut backstage to where Rhino is with Shane Douglas whom is set to respond to Jeff Jarrett about last week's comments it seems.

    Shane Douglas: Last week Rhino, Jeff Jarrett stood in that very spot and declared he would become the 5 Time NWA-TNA Champion and he would take that belt from you. That you were on borrowed time and that he was coming for what was rightful.

    Rhino grabs the microphone from Douglas and gets in his face

    Rhino: Borrowed time? I don't believe in such a thing Douglas. Jeff Jarrett was living on MY Time. That Championship he was holding. He was holding that until it came time that I decided to take it off him. Jarrett thinks he holds any kind of weight around here? He has one shot Shane to get the job done. There are tons of contenders for this Belt waiting in the wings and TNA Management hates Jarrett. They practically threw me a party after I took this belt off him. Jarrett you will get your Re-Match at Genesis and you will get the opportunity to regain what you once had. But what you think will happen, won't. There is a reason that I earned the name the Man-Beast. I am not like the others you faced. I am not going to fall for your tricks, your mind games. I will meet you in that ring one time and that is it Jarrett. After you it's on to the next title defense, and the next and the next. Because I am not going to lose to you, to "The Alpha Male" or anyone else in this company. I am going to hold this belt until the end of time because of one word....GORE, GORE....GORE

    Then Rhino shoves the microphone back in Shane's hands and walks off with the belt around his waist!

    Team Canada (Bobby Roode, Eric Young, A1) vs 3 Live Kru

    This matchup was your classic heel vs face tag team match. Team Canada controlled a huge part of this match. Keeping BG James isolated from his partners till he and Eric Young collided head to head, knocking both men down. Then both men crawled to their corners but Young got there first and tagged Bobby Roode in whom pulled BG James back towards the middle of the ring and hit a Huge Canadian Powerbomb on BG James and as this happened A1 and Eric Young took Konnan and The Truth off the ring apron as Roode got the one...two...three. At this point they began beating BG down in the ring till Kip James came running down to ringside with a steel chair in hand and chased Team Canada off. Impact then goes to commercial break.

    Samoa Joe vs Jarrelle Clark

    We come back from commercial break with Samoa Joe getting set to take on apparently Jarrelle Clark as his music hits and he comes down to the ring. Then Samoa Joe's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Joe climbs into the ring and goes to work on Clark. He gets no offense in this match as Samoa Joe dominates him and finally hits the Mexican Stretch Buster and then locks in the Kokina Clutch for the submission victory. Samoa Joe celebrates as we go backstage

    We go backstage where Monty Brown is standing with Shane Douglas

    Shane Douglas: Monty in just a couple weeks you have a match at Genesis against Ron "The Truth" Killings a former two time NWA-TNA Heavyweight Champion for #1 contendership to that very title. How do you feel going in?

    Monty Brown: The Alpha Male feels great Shane. It was a glorious day when I found out that at Genesis I was going to get a shot at #1 Contendership. Then I laughed when I heard who my opponent was. I am facing Ron "The So Called Truth" Killings. This is like feeding a live meal to a hungry Lion. I am going to eat Killings alive and spit the bones back out. At Genesis it's simple. We will step into the ring and the man walking out with be "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown after he delivers the POUNNCCCEEEE!

    "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels vs Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley

    Main Event, 3 Way Dance

    This matchup was tremendous as the X Division once again shows itself off as the most impressive showcasing of wrestling in the industry today. These three men chain wrestle each other for ten minutes until finally Daniels gets a decisive advantage in the match and knocks Sabin out of the ring long enough to hit the Angel Wings on Shelley to put him down but Sabin recovers before Daniels can get the three count and pulls Daniels to his feet out of the cover and hits a HUGE CRADLE SHOCK on Daniels and covers him, hooking the leg!..1....2....3!!! Chris Sabin has defeated the Fallen Angel and we go off the air this week with Sabin climbing the turnbuckles victoriously over Daniels and Shelley!

    AJ Styles Retained his X Division Championship over Austin Aries (9:15)

    Team Canada defeated 3 Live Kru (13:23)

    Samoa Joe defeated Jerrelle Clark (3:02)

    Chris Sabin defeated Christopher Daniels & Alex Shelley (14:36)

  7. IPB Image

    Tonight on Impact we are going to have a Title Defense as AJ Styles will be defending his TNA X Division Championship against Austin Aries an up and comer in the X Division.

    Team Canada will take on 3 Live Kru in 6 man Tag action.

    The Main Event of the evening though will pit Chris Sabin against Christopher Daniels against Alex Shelley in a 3 way dance in an X Division Matchup.

    All this and much more on IMPACT!

  8. IPB Image

    November 5, 2005

    Impact kicks off with it's normal intro video which is pretty good production wise and hypes the right guys. Then we get some minor pyro in the Impact-Zone and Mike Tenay along with Don West welcome us to Impact!

    Tenay: Don we've got a great show lined up for the fans tonight. We have a match between the New #1 Contender for the X Division Title "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams vs a man whom feels he got screwed in Ultimate X at Bound for Glory. Chris Sabin!

    Don West: That's not all though Mike. We have the former NWA-TNA Tag Team Champions, The Naturals facing off against Team Canada. Bobby Roode and Eric Young!

    Tenay: But coming up right now is a matchup of four men whom have issues with one another. Abyss teaming with Monty Brown and Sabu teaming with Ron Killings. Abyss and Sabu have been signed for a No-DQ Match at Genesis and Monty Brown will be facing Ron "The Truth" Killings in a #1 Contendership Match for the NWA-TNA Heavyweight Title. Both men were put into that match by the NWA-TNA Championship Committee.

    Abyss/Monty Brown vs Sabu/Ron "The Truth" Killings

    The crowd really is into this match as everyone in the arena has their favorites so despite being heels. Abyss and Brown get their share of chants too. They pretty much dominate the smaller Sabu and Killings through most of this match till about the eight minute mark when Killings hits a scissors kick on Abyss to put him down to the mat. Abyss manages to make it to his corner quicker than Killings and tags in Brown. Brown runs at Sabu and knocks him off the apron and then picks a wounded Killings up and whips him into the ropes as he hits one on the left side..POUNNNNNCE! He then pulls Killings towards the middle of the ring and covers him..1....2....3! It's not over though because Sabu gets back into the ring to help Killings because Monty is beginning to beat him down but Abyss catches Sabu coming in with a HUGE BLACK HOLE SLAM!!! Monty then picks Killings up and hits another huge POUNCE On him and both men stand over their rivals victorious tonight!

    We go backstage to where Jeff Jarrett is with Shane Douglas but Jarrett seeming to be in no mood to talk, pushes Douglas away after grabbing the microphone.

    Jarrett: Rhino, you may think your top dog right now, the new "King of the Mountain" Because you got lucky and beat me for my NWA-TNA World Title. Well think again slapnutz. I am going to get my Title back and when I do I will be the 5 Time NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Champion. You are a one hit wonder Rhino. An act with one tune and once I hit the Stroke on you. It'll be all over and you will realize why I am the "King of the Mountain"

    "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams vs Chris Sabin

    This matchup is very good and it showcases the X Division perfectly. It's the longest match of the show going about twelve minutes of back and forth X Division action. Williams looks like he's about to win with the Canadian Destroyer as he tries to reel Sabin in but Sabin blocks it and reverses into the Cradle Shock but Williams drops out the back and as Sabin turns he kicks him in the gut quickly..CANADIAN DESTROYER!!! Sabin flops to the mat and Williams gets the academic one two three for the victory. The #1 Contender proves it in this match as he celebrates with his Coach.

    Samoa Joe vs Matt Bentley

    This isn't a squash match but it is. Bentley gets some offense but Joe eventully takes control with his overwhelming power. He hits his High Knee in the corner and the Yakuza Kick in the seated position. Then he hit his Odd Powerslam where he runs at Bentley when he's running at him. Then Joe sets him up and hits the VICIOUS Mexican Stretch Buster and then locks in the Kokina Clutch (Rear Naked Choke) Until Bentley is out and the referee calls the match in Joe's favor. Samoa Joe celebrates in the ring as he's still undefeated in singles competition!

    We get a video package before we take a final commercial break hyping up Team Canada vs The Naturals as our main event of the evening! Once it's finished Impact takes it's final commercial break!

    The Naturals vs Team Canada (Bobby Roode & Eric Young)

    Main Event

    This match is very solid as a match but the crowd doesn't get into it as much as anyone would like. These two teams go back and forth but in the end it's Team Canada cheating to win. D'Amore distracts the referee while Bobby Roode gets one of their Black Hockey Sticks and CRACKS IT OVER THE HEAD OF ANDY DOUGLAS!!! Roode throws the broken hockey stick out of the ring and gets the pinfall over Douglas. Team Canada celebrates in the ring. Impact goes off the air with Mike Tenay and Don West telling us to tune in next Saturday Night for another edition of Impact

    Abyss/Monty Brown defeated Sabu/Ron "The Truth" Killings (8:34)

    Petey Williams defeated Chris Sabin (9:25)

    Samoa Joe beat Matt Bentley (5:11)

    Team Canada defeated The Naturals (13:22 TV Time)

  9. NWATNA was coming off of their best PPV to date in the eyes of most. They put on several matches on this show that absolutely made WWE look like a second rate promotion wrestling wise. Daniels vs Styles in their Ironman 2 was absolutely spectacular. 30 Minutes of wrestling bliss and is already being touted as the Match of the Year and a better match than WWE has put on in years. Styles came out victorious with seconds to go but the crowd gave both men a standing ovation for this epic.

    But what the fans voted the #1 match of the night though it wasn't necessarily a "Wrestling Match" Was the Monster's Ball between Sabu, Rhino, Jeff Hardy and Abyss. This match clicked on all cylinders and every spot was on target between these four. Rhino eventully got the win with a piledriver on Hardy from the second rope. Then it came down to the ten man gauntlet and it went pretty quick till AJ Styles came out which was a shocker considering the leg injury he suffered in the Ironman match. His right leg has swollen to almost twice the size of his other but he came down to the ring. Then Samoa Joe and finally Rhino. The final men in the ring were Hoyt, Abyss, Rhino, Samoa Joe and AJ Styles. Abyss managed to take Hoyt out with a nasty clothesline over the top rope.

    Abyss squared off with Rhino while Samoa Joe and Styles hooked it up. Joe and Styles were simply lighting each up with forearms but eventully Joe got the better of the weakened Styles when Styles hit the ropes to go for a running forearm and Joe backed up a couple steps and ran at him LEVELING HIM WITH A YAKUZA KICK! This sent Styles flying back and over the top rope and out! He was eliminated by Joe.

    Meanwhile Abyss was beating down Rhino in the corner and then Joe came over and helped to beatdown the battered Rhino. They picked him up and whipped him to the far corner. Joe then grabbed Abyss and whipped him towards Rhino. Rhino ducked it and propelled Abyss over the corner and his head bounced off the ringpost and he tumbled roughly to the outside!!! Joe then ran as hard as he could at Rhino and Devastates him with a high knee in the corner to put Rhino down in the corner. Joe then begins pushing his foot against Rhino's face...setting up for the Smash-Mouth. Joe then runs to the far side and Rhino GETS UP WITH HIS LAST BIT OF ENERGY...GORE GORE GORE!!! Rhino Gored Samoa Joe! Rhino picks Joe up and throws him over the top rope before he can recover and now it's time for the NWATNA World Title Match.

    Jeff Jarrett comes down and dominates the absolutely exhausted Rhino with basic, fundamental moves till about the six minute mark when Jarrett misses a clothesline into the corner and Rhino staggers back and then motions for the Gore...Jarrett comes out of the corner and..GORE GORE GORE!!! Rhino covers Jarrett weakly...1......2.......3! There is a NEW CHAMPION IN TNA! Rhino has won the Championship cleanly. 3 Live Krew, Styles along with the rest of the X-Division whom are Faces. Jeff Hardy, Sabu and more come down and throw Rhino onto their shoulders as the crowd goes nuts for the King is Dead...Long live the new Champion!

    Now the real question was once TNA went off the air is if the King really was dead. Plans changed due to Kevin Nash's injury and TNA Management ended up doing a Title Change. Will Jarrett get his belt back or will they finally realize it's bad for business to keep the belt on him and put it on one of their other numerous contenders for the belt. Petey Williams won Ultimate X but that wasn't how it was supposed to end. Will he still get his shot at AJ Styles at Genesis?

    There are all these questions and more to be answered and those are the questions I will walk you through. I have recently found that NWATNA is superior to WWE in just about every way except the Main Event area. I can't stop watching it and I figured since I know their roster well now I can do a diary about them.


    Faces are Bold

    Heels in Italic

    Tweeners are Nothing

    Main Eventers

    Jeff Jarrett

    Kevin Nash

    Rhino (NWA-TNA Heavyweight Champion)

    Upper Midcarders


    Kip James

    Monty Brown

    AJ Styles (TNA X Division Champion)

    BG James


    Jeff Hardy

    Jerry Lynn

    Matt Bentley


    Ron Killings



    "Wildcat" Chris Harris (NWA-TNA Tag Team Champion)

    Christopher Daniels

    Elix Skipper

    Gail Kim

    "Cowboy" James Storm (NWA-TNA Tag Team Champion)

    Samoa Joe


    Simon Diamond

    Andy Douglas


    Austin Aries

    Brother Ray


    Lance Hoyt

    Sean Waltman

    Sonny Siaki

    Lower Midcarders


    Alex Shelley

    Bobby Roode

    David Young

    Eric Young

    Johnny Devine

    Petey Williams

    Chase Stevens

    Chris Sabin

    Roderick Strong

    Shark Boy

    Sonjay Dutt

    All Others

    Cassidy Riley

    Mikey Batts

    Jerrelle Clark

    Shane Douglas (Non-Wrestler)

    NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Champion: Rhino

    TNA X Division Champion: "The Phenominal" AJ Styles

    NWA-TNA Tag Team Champion: America's Most Wanted

  10. user posted image

    © Edge vs Rob Van Dam/w Bill Alfonso

    WWE Championship Match

    © Brock Lesnar vs Batista

    WWE American Championship Match, Pinfalls Count Anywhere Match

    Christian vs Sean O'Haire

    Final Encounter Match, No Rules

    Randy Orton vs Matt Stryker vs Kane

    Christopher Daniels vs Tajiri ©

    WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match

    Rhyno vs Triple H

    No Interference Match, Anyone interfering will be suspended for 90 Days.

    AJ Styles vs Jamie Noble ©

    WWE European Championship Match


    This card is finalized and has been. It shall not change. This card is pretty set and Summerslam 2004 card is pretty set as well with just about all the matches and then some planned and booked already. The Next four months should be very exciting with the build to Summerslam and then the Round Robin Tourny for War Games leading to Survivor Series: War Games 2.

    Winner of this month's contest will choose the next WWE Champion and how they are pushed to the Title after my next chosen Champion. Vengence is up next

  11. user posted image

    WWE Smackdown

    July 8, 2004

    We get started quick with Smackdown this week because there are alot of matches to get to on tonight's show and if we have too many interruptions or other things going on...they won't get the time they need. So we get right into the first match with Hurricane's music hitting as Smackdown comes on the air tonight minus an intro video!

    Christian vs Hurricane

    Hurricane makes his way down to the ring and then "Close Your Eyes" hits and Captain Charisma in his awesomeness of an outfit makes his way out from the back with his "Problem Solver" Gene Snitsky, following behind him. Christian makes his way down to the ring and climbs inside of the ring after getting his ring entrance outfit off and the match begins. It goes back and forth and is a very solid in-ring match which ends when Christian gets the best of Hurricane with the Unprettier and gets the three count on Hurricane! After the match Snitsky and Christian administer a post-match beatdown on poor Hurricane to send a message to O'Haire!

    (Winner: Christian)

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Crowd Reaction: 77%

    Match Quality: 89%

    Sean O'Haire vs Kid Kash

    O'Haire takes it to Kash in this match and wins in short order with the Prophecy to try and send a message back to Captain Charisma for this Sunday but Christian counters by sending Snitsky out with a steel chair which winds up connecting with O'Haire's skull and splitting him open like a melon, leaving O'Haire lying on the mat with a bloody face as Snitsky stands over him, taunting and talking trash at him as we go to commercial break!

    (Winner: Sean O'Haire)

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 77%

    Going to commercial break we see a video package of the issues between Christian "Captain Charisma" and Sean "The Prophecy" O'Haire. All their matches and all the suffering they've put each other through will come to a head this Sunday at Vengence!

    Overall Rating: 88%

    Asai vs Christopher Daniels

    Non-Title Match

    Asai gives Daniels a run for his money in this match but in a preview at least for Sunday in the eyes of Daniels. He takes it to Asai and nails the Angel Wings on Asai twice before pinning him and then seems to make a motion around his waist to signify that the belt is staying with him this sunday so it will be interesting to watch if he can back that up against Tajiri one on one!

    (Winner: Christopher Daniels)

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Crowd Reaction: 82%

    Match Quality: 89%

    Lesnar is backstage in street clothes, he is seen coming out of the office of Smackdown GM, Shane McMahon but before he can get more than five steps, Batista attacks him. He smashes Lesnar into the nearest wall and then bounces Lesnar's skull off the GM's door and leaves him laying on the floor with his American Title around his waist and Batista tells Lesnar that on Sunday that belt will be coming with him!

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Jamie Noble vs Spanky

    WWE European Title Match

    Spanky makes his way down to the ring and after he's in the ring. Noble's music hits and he comes walking out from the back with the European Title around his waist. Noble and Spanky have a very solid match though tonight it's not nearly the strongest match but the crowd was into it and that helps it as well. The end comes when Spanky tries for the Sliced Bread #2. but Noble pushes him off and he lands on his feet behind Noble. Noble turns and kicks him in the gut and hits the Tiger-Bomb for the three count on Spanky to retain. After the match though AJ Styles makes his presence felt with a Styles Clash on Noble after hitting a low blow on him from behind after attacking through the crowd! Styles takes the European Title and stands over Noble, with his boot on Noble's chest.

    (Winner and STILL WWE European Champion: Jamie Noble)

    Overall Rating: 81%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 77%

    Batista vs Matt Stryker

    Batista is controlling the early going but late in the match it looked like Matt Stryker might pull out a win against the monster until Randy Orton's music hits and it distracts Stryker long enough to get clobbered from behind with a knockout clothesline and then a pinfall. Orton then makes his way out to the ring and both Batista and Orton begin to beat on Matt Stryker until pyro explodes near the set and Kane makes his way out from the back. Orton clears out of the ring but Batista welcomes the challenge and gets knocked from the ring by Kane. We go to our final commercial break with Kane's pyro from the ringposts.

    (Winner: Batista)

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 81%

    This video package is of the Edge/RVD feud which doesn't seem to be over with the crowd because they don't react how everyone upstairs would hope they would.

    Overall Rating: 70%

    HHH/Shamrock vs Rhyno/HBK

    This is your classic Heel vs Face tag team match and we start out with it being very even but later on into the match. HHH and Shamrock are working HBK over until HBK hits a desperation Sweet Chin Music on Shamrock. Both men crawl to their respective corners and HBK makes a hot tag to Rhyno whom clears house and then hits a sudden GORE on HHH and covers him..1...2....3!!! Rhyno and HBK don't get the chance to celebrate as Shamrock clotheslines HBK to the outside and then he attacks Rhyno long enough to let HHH recover and get to his feet. Rhyno throws Shamrock from the ring and turns right back into a PEDIGREE! HHH leaves Rhyno laying in the ring as a reminder for this Sunday when they will meet!

    (Winners: Rhyno/HBK)

    Overall Rating: 77%

    Crowd Reaction: 78%

    Match Quality: 77%

    Edge vs Rob Van Dam

    Non-Title Match

    Not going to give away too much in this match since they will be fighting for the Title in three days. RVD controls a bulk of the match but late in the match. RVD goes for a Northern Lights Suplex and Edge blocks it with elbows and then catches RVD in an Edgocution DDT to gain the pinfall over the #1 Contender! Edge then stands over RVD with the WWE title held high in the air as we fade out from Smackdown...Will Edge manage to hold onto that title? We will find out this Sunday!

    (Winner: Edge)

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 74%

    Smackdown Rating: 78%

    TV Rating: 4.66(-.02)

    Attendance: 6,022

    Ticket Sales: $240,880

  12. user posted image

    © Edge vs Rob Van Dam/w Bill Alfonso

    WWE Championship Match

    © Brock Lesnar vs Batista

    WWE American Championship Match, Pinfalls Count Anywhere Match

    Christian vs Sean O'Haire

    Final Encounter Match, No Rules

    Randy Orton vs Matt Stryker vs Kane

    Christopher Daniels vs Tajiri ©

    WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match

    Rhyno vs Triple H

    No Interference Match, Anyone interfering will be suspended for 90 Days.

    AJ Styles vs Jamie Noble ©

    WWE European Championship Match


    This card is finalized and has been. It shall not change. This card is pretty set and Summerslam 2004 card is pretty set as well with just about all the matches and then some planned and booked already. The Next four months should be very exciting with the build to Summerslam and then the Round Robin Tourny for War Games leading to Survivor Series: War Games 2.

    Winner of this month's contest will choose the next WWE Champion and how they are pushed to the Title after my next chosen Champion. So you can wait on predicting till the final card is announced in about two weeks gametime. Or you can edit them as we go. Up to you!

  13. user posted image

    3 Days away from Smackdown's PPV this month, Vengence and we have the buildup coming to a climax tonight! With Triple H and Rhyno's matchup just days away. They will each take a tag partner into Tag Team Action with them tonight. It will be Triple H and Ken Shamrock vs Rhyno and "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels!

    The same goes for Christian and Sean O'Haire whose final encounter with No Rules is this Sunday and they will have their tune up matches for that tonight!

    Christian will take on the Hurricane!

    Sean O'Haire will take on Kid Kash!

    Both men are sure to be getting taken to their limits (Sarcasm)

    Batista was not able to defeat Brock Lesnar last week but they have a re-match scheduled for Vengence. Will the two collide tonight or will we have to wait for the Pay Per View?

    Christopher Daniels wants revenge and his Title back. Tonight he will take on Asai to tune up while Tajiri has the night off!

    Jamie Noble on the other hand has no such luck as he will have to take on fan favorite Spanky tonight with his European Title on the line!

    Sure to explode tonight as well is the feud involving Kane, Randy Orton and Matt Stryker. These three men want to move up the ladder or in the case of Orton..back to where he was. They will be in the house tonight and fireworks are sure to go off!

    All these things are just warmups for the main event tonight. It will be Rob Van Dam vs Edge in another non-title Altercation to setup for this Sunday. Can RVD do it again tonight and this Sunday or is Edge getting the upper hand? We will find out tonight!

    Featured Matches

    Triple H/Ken Shamrock vs Rhyno/HBK

    Christian vs Hurricane

    Sean O'Haire vs Kid Kash

    Christopher Daniels vs Asai

    Jamie Noble vs Spanky (WWE European Title Match)

    Edge vs Rob Van Dam/w Bill Alfonso (Non-Title Match)

  14. user posted image

    Monday Night RAW

    July 5, 2004

    We start RAW off quick tonight with Shelton Benjamin "Ain't No Stoppin Me" theme hitting. Shelton makes his way out onto the stage and comes down to the ring to a nice pop from the crowd.

    Shelton Benjamin vs Chris Benoit

    Shelton is in the ring when Chris Benoit's theme hits and they boo him heavily as he comes out onto the stage and stalks down to the ring. Benoit gets into the ring and we get a very nice match between these two. Germans all around and then some. Benjamin actully winds up getting one over the veteran as he blocks a German Suplex and spins around. Benoit was going to try for an overhead belly to belly but Shelton Elbowed him twice in the head and then threw his arm over and hits the Exploder Slam out of nowhere..1...2...3! Benjamin is excited at this win but Benoit isn't as excited about his loss and he gets up as quickly as he can and grabs Benjamin and hits a German Suplex..dropping him on his head!!! Benoit taunts Benjamin as he leaves the ring

    (Winner: Shelton Benjamin)

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 81%

    Benjamin is still down in the ring when Charlie Haas comes from the crowd, behind Benjamin. Benoit hasn't even gotten to the back when Haas grabs a steel chair on his way to the ring and slides in behind Benjamin. Benjamin gets to his feet and turns right into a VICIOUS CHAIR SHOT which busts Benjamin wide open. Haas holds the chair in the air as the crowd boo's him heavily. We go to commercial break with this vision of Haas standing over a Bloody Benjamin!

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Jay Lethal vs Kanyon

    This is Kanyon's debut on RAW and something surprising happens in this match. It's going back and forth but it looks like Lethal is going to take the win until the Hardcore Champion, Raven makes his way out to the ring and distracts Lethal. Distracts him long enough for Kanyon to get up and when Lethal turns back to focus on Kanyon..he receives a nasty Flatliner and Kanyon gets the pinfall! Kanyon leaves the ring with Raven up the ramp as Lethal is left lying in the ring!

    (Winner: Kanyon)

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 75%

    A Video package plays hyping the blood feud between Chris Jericho and John Cena..all their interactions over the last seven or so months. The War Games victory for Cena. Cena retaining at Wrestlemania XX via F-U through the Cell! then Chris Jericho's tough tough victory in the Elimination Chamber to re-capture the World Heavyweight Title. Then after the history it looks forward to Summerslam where it will be these two men..in an Ambulance Match! It shows clips of an Ambulance as well as both men bleeding and near unconciousness. The voiceover finishes with...two men will walk into Summerslam...but will either one walk out?!

    Overall Rating: 97%

    The Rock vs Paul London

    Rock is taking on one half of the Undisputed Tag Team Champions tonight. Just for the sake of competition and this match is pretty solid but London and Rock's styles seem to clash more then mesh. Rock does control much of the match until London goes for a London's Calling into a Standing Rock but Charles Robinson stupidly gets in the way and gets crushed. At this point Eddie Guerrero comes running down to the ring and crawls around the ring, trying to remain unseen. He then grabs the ringbell from the timekeeper and crawls to a corner. He peeks up over the apron every few seconds as he sees Rock gaining control over London and finally hits a Spinebuster and goes for the People's Elbow. Eddie crawls to one side of the ring as Rock hits the opposite side. Just as Rock is hitting the other side of the ring...DING!! Eddie Guerrero clobbers Rock in the back of the head with the ringbell. London gets to his feet as Rock has collapsed in the ring. London shrugs and climbs to the top rope and hits the most beautiful London's Calling (Shooting Star Press "The Right Way") and nails it to the Rock. Robinson is recovered enough to make the three count at this point and Paul London has pulled off a remarkable upset of the People's Champ!!! London celebrates with his Tag Title as Guerrero stands up and grins at the fallen People's Champ!

    (Winner: Paul London)

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 76%

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0 vs Booker T

    WWE Intercontinental Title Match

    Hardy is the first man to the ring as the tron begins playing the loading video and then....OOHHHHH YEAAAAA! Hardy makes his way out to the ring with his Mattitude sign being held high in the air. Hardy's Matt Fact of the night is "Matt Performs Better Live!" Hardy gets into the ring and then Booker T's music hits and he makes his way onto the stage and halfway down to the ring when he does his pose and his pyro goes off. The Intercontinental Title is around his waist. He comes down to the ring and climbs inside and the fans are pretty into this match but Booker drags this match down a bit in workrate. Booker looks like he's in control until he tries for his high leg lariat and misses but cold cocks Earl Hebner with the leg instead. Hardy though can't take advantage as he takes a Spinebuster right after he turns around. But at this point surprisingly the #1 Contender to the IC Title. Charlie Haas makes an appearance down to the ring which distracts Booker T. Haas gets up onto the ring apron and into the ring and begins slugging it out with Booker! Hardy rolls out of the way and stays out of the fight. Haas and Booker slug it out until Haas whips Booker hard into a corner but Booker reverses it and sends Haas in and telegraphs the back body drop out of the corner. Haas takes advantage by delivering a STRAIGHT KNEE RIGHT TO BOOKER'S HEAD!!! This dims the lights on the Champion and Hardy now takes advantage by grabbing Haas and hitting a SUDDEN Twist of Fate which takes him out and he rolls out of the ring.

    Hardy then shakes the referee to wake him up and then grabs a limp Booker T and hits a Twist of Fate on him and covers him hooking the leg..1...2.....3!!! Matt Hardy has stolen the Intercontinental Title! J.R is going ballistic up at the announce position

    J.R: What a thief Matt Hardy is. Booker T had the match won but Charlie Haas interjected himself. Then Hardy like a rat sneak attacked Haas and then picked the bones on Booker T!

    Cornette: J.R it's just Matt taking advantage of the situtation presented to him. He saw a chance to win a Title and he took it. Ya can't blame him for that!

    J.R: Your damn right I can!

    Hardy's music is playing as he makes his way to the back, holding the Intercontinental Title high in the air in victory!

    (Winner and NEW WWE Intercontinental Champion: Matt Hardy Version 1.0)

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 75%

    We go backstage after that match and Stone Cold seems to be relaxing when Kurt Angle walks up and begins smack talking to Austin. A couple officials hear this and rush over to seperate the two before they come to blows yet again. Angle is pulled away before they get Physical but Austin has that "Rattlesnake" look on his face as if he's going to hurt someone bad tonight!

    Overall Rating: 94%

    Kurt Angle vs Nick Dinsmore

    This is just a very solid technical match. Dinsmore in the ring can just go and you know what Kurt Angle can do. These men go back and forth and Dinsmore gets his share of offense in, including hitting a couple of the prettiest German Suplexes you will see. The end comes when Austin comes running to the ring and distracts Angle whom then gets dropped on his head with a German Suplex (not literally) and Dinsmore bridges it for a three count that surprises Kurt Angle! Austin climbs into the ring as Angle gets up and delivers a Stone Cold Stunner to the delight of the crowd. Austin does the Beer Celebration as we go to commercial break!

    (Winner: Nick Dinsmore)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 86%

    Match Quality: 81%

    J.R: welcome back everybody and now it's time for our Main Event...where our Fighting Champion, Chris Jericho will defend his World Heavyweight Title against the man that lasted the longest in the Elimination Chamber...Eddie Guerrero!

    Cornette: This should be one heck of a match J.R. I think Eddie might have the stuff to pull off the upset here and walk out World Heavyweight Champ!

    J.R: We'll see if that's the case by the end of this match Jim

    Chris Jericho vs Eddie Guerrero

    World Heavyweight Title Match, Main Event

    Eddie Guerrero is first out to some pretty big heel heat from the crowd as he makesh is way, sauntering down to the ring. Then once Eddie is in the ring and has played to the crowd enough. "King of My World" hits as Jericho's pyro goes off and the crowd EXPLODES with easily the biggest face pop of the night. He is a Superstar in their eyes among no other! Jericho comes out onto the stage to an even bigger pop and has the World Heavyweight Title around his waist. Jericho makes his way down to the ring and hands the Title off to Hebner whom holds it high in the air. The crowd is the hottest it's been tonight for this match and neither man dissappoints. They go at it for the better part of fifteen minutes back and forth. Starting off early with some chain wrestling but Guerrero makes it degenerate into an all out brawl between the two. Eddie hits some innovative Reversals such as dropping the Flashback into a Stunner on Jericho to get a long two count as well as ducking the Springboard Dropkick and hitting a Halo over the top rope onto Jericho after hitting the mat. Jericho though reverses the Three Amigos into the Walls of the Jericho late in the match. Eddie pulls Jericho into a small package for a VERY LONG Two count. Eddie nearly won the Title on a Small Package! Eddie gets up as does Jericho. Eddie goes for a clothesline but Jericho ducks it and grabs both of Guerrero's legs and takes him down, then steps over and locks in the Walls of Jericho on Guerrero! Guerrero tries to get out but after a little over a minute...Guerrero is forced to tap out! "King of My World" hits and Jericho is handed his World Heavyweight Title and he stands tall as RAW goes off the air tonight! What a great match!

    (Winner and STILL World Heavyweight Champion: Chris Jericho)

    Overall Rating: 90%

    Crowd Reaction: 85%

    Match Quality: 95%

    RAW Rating: 85%

    TV Rating: 5.08(Same)

    Attendance: 6,049

    Ticket Sales: $241,960

  15. Alrighty we're a bit of a way out from Summerslam but I am going to throw this down right now. We are coming up on the toughest segment of the game year for me as well as the most exciting. The RAW Brand has which I instituted last year. A Round Robin tournament from the night after Summerslam till Survivor Series. Last year it was with 16 men. The Top 8 that Survive the eliminations. Go on to a 4 on 4 Match at Survivor Series. The team that wins, then fight each other and the winner of the match. The Sole Survivor becomes the NEW World Heavyweight Champion. John Cena won this match last year and this year stands to be another tremendous Tournament. I will tell everyone to begin paying attention now because the winner of the Summerslam prediction contest will get to pick two of the men that Advance to the War Games Match. Now for the Entrants.


    Big Show

    Charlie Haas

    Chris Benoit

    Chris Jericho ©

    John Cena

    Kurt Angle

    "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

    Eddie Guerrero

    Jay Lethal

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0

    Nick Dinsmore

    Shelton Benjamin


    Paul London

    Rey Mysterio

    Booker T

    Chavo Guerrero

    The Rock

    Tommy Dreamer

    William Regal


    Bubba Ray Dudley

    One More To Be Named

    Right now there are 24 Entrants in this Double Elimination Round Robin Tournament. If the Champion is eliminated. He is out. There is no guarentees for anyone and that is why this Tournament is the most exciting event of the Year. Something to look forward to in the coming weeks

  16. user posted image

    Just 6 days from Vengence and it's sure to get heated tonight as RAW will try to overshadow the upcoming Smackdown PPV. Tonight RAW's Fighting Champion, Chris Jericho will defend his Title against Eddie Guerrero in a one on one matchup!

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0 challenged the Intercontinental Champion last week and tonight he will get his chance because Booker T has agreed to defend his Intercontinental Title against the Sensei of Mattitude!

    A Big question on the mind's of RAW Fans is what will John Cena do tonight to get at Chris Jericho? Will he continue to prepare or continue to try and play mind games and weaken the Champion?

    Shelton Benjamin got screwjobbed last week by Charlie Haas whom now has a IC Title shot at Summerslam against Booker T. Tonight Shelton will get to take his frustrations out when he goes one on one with "The Crippler" Chris Benoit!

    Featured Matches

    Chris Jericho vs Eddie Guerrero (World Heavyweight Title Match)

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0 vs Booker T (WWE Intercontinental Title Match)

    Shelton Benjamin vs Chris Benoit

  17. Sunday Night Heat

    July 4, 2004

    Dark Matches

    Chris Harris defeats Goldust with the Catatonic for the three count 76(78,74)

    Chris Nowitski defeats Mark Jindrak with the Honor Roll for the pinfall 70(72,67)

    Lance Storm puts Xavier down with a Superkick for the win 63(51,76)

    Nick Dinsmore plants Sonny Siaki with a Bridge over German Suplex 72(73,72)

    Heat Matches

    Asai defeats Chris Sabin with the Flipping Asai DDT for the pin 74(66,82)

    Charlie Haas defeats Taz via tapout from the Haas of Pain 82(76,89)

    Jamie Noble retains the WWE European Title against Shannon Moore via Tiger Bomb 80(81,81)

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0 pins William Regal after a Twist of Fate and gives him another one for good measure after the match 60(46,74)

    Heat Rating: 70%

    Attendance: 6,044

  18. user posted image

    © Edge vs Rob Van Dam/w Bill Alfonso

    WWE Championship Match

    © Brock Lesnar vs Batista

    WWE American Championship Match, Stipluation TBA

    Christian vs Sean O'Haire

    Final Encounter Match, No Rules

    Randy Orton vs Matt Stryker vs Kane

    Christopher Daniels vs Tajiri

    WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match

    Rhyno vs Triple H

    No Interference Match, Anyone interfering will be suspended for 90 Days.

    AJ Styles vs Jamie Noble ©

    WWE European Championship Match


    This card is Solid now since we're 10 Days away I wanted to solidify the final card to get predictions going.

    Winner of this month's contest will choose the next WWE Champion and how they are pushed to the Title after my next chosen Champion. So you can wait on predicting till the final card is announced in about two weeks gametime. Or you can edit them as we go. Up to you!

  19. user posted image

    WWE Smackdown

    July 1, 2004

    We don't start tonight with the Smackdown intro video and pyro..instead we start with "Close Your Eyes" as Christian makes his way out from the back by himself tonight.

    Christian vs Jamie Noble

    WWE European Title Match

    Christian makes his way down to the ring, slapping his chest as he makes his way down to the ring. Then once he's in the ring the New European Champion, Jamie Noble comes out from the back. He has the European Title around his waist. He comes down to the ring and we have a Title match! These two guys go to town in a very competitive match and Christian looks like he has it won until Sean O'Haire's music hits and Christian immediately stops what he is doing which was going for the Unprettier and walks towards the set side of the ring. O'Haire never comes out and the music turns off but he turns right into a kick to the gut and a Tiger Bomb from Noble for the three count and Jamie Noble retains after a ten minute match to start smackdown and we take a commercial break with Christian flipping out in the ring!

    (Winner and STILL WWE European Champion: Jamie Noble)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 86%

    "Take What's Mine" hits and Randy Orton comes out after the commercial break. He only makes it halfway to the ring as Kane comes over the guardrail from right next to Orton and begins beating the ever living crap out of him. Apparently Kane is back! Kane chokeslams Orton into the ringpost. Then he rolls him into the ring and TOMBSTONES HIM TO HELL!!! Kane then raises his arms and throws them down as his pyro and music hit and Kane leaves the ring, leaving Orton there laying!

    Overall Rating: 74%

    "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels vs Ken Shamrock

    After Orton is cleaned up and moved out of the ring, we have our next match with both Shamrock and HBK coming down to the ring. This is a pretty quick match as it appears it was a complete setup as about three minutes in Triple H makes his way down to the ring and both he and Shamrock proceed to beat the hell out of HBK until officials break it up!

    (Winner by Disqualification: "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels)

    Overall Rating: 75%

    Crowd Reaction: 76%

    Match Quality: 74%

    We're backstage where Rob Van Dam is talking with Bill Alfonso when Edge comes up with a Chair and calmly clocks RVD in the back of the head. He then proceeds to throw Alfonso into the wall and then Edge begins smashing the chair down on RVD in a fury. He finishes him off with a Edgeocution onto the chair on the cement floor!!! EMT's immediately are called as officials break the champ and challenger up. Edge leaving RVD Down...obviously RVD is getting into Edge's head!

    Overall Rating: 80%

    "The Problem Solver" Gene Snitsky vs Sean O'Haire

    This match is back and forth between these two men until O'Haire manages to pull out the "Prophecy" on Snitsky for the three count but after the match as O'Haire is leaving. Snitsky gets at him and hits the Pump Handle Driver ON THE AISLEWAY!!! Snitsky laughs down at O'Haire as we take a commercial break

    (Winner: Sean O'Haire)

    Overall Rating: 71%

    Crowd Reaction: 63%

    Match Quality: 79%

    Christopher Daniels vs Tajiri

    WWE Cruiserweight Title Match

    This match is hands down the best of the night and the crowd is decently into it because of this action. The end comes when Tajiri KICKS OUT of the Angel Wings so Daniels goes to the outside and grabs a steel chair and slides back into the ring just in time to catch Tajiri as he's getting up with a chair shot to the back of the head!!! Tajiri goes down in a heap as the bell is sounded and Daniels stands over Tajiri and raises his arms into the air. Tajiri is motionless as Daniels is handed his Cruiserweight Title as he retains due to Disqualification even though Tajiri wins!

    (Winner by Disqualification: Tajiri)(Daniels Retains)

    Overall Rating: 90%

    Crowd Reaction: 80%

    Match Quality: 100%

    A Video package airs showing the recent history between Edge and RVD heading towards Vengence in just a couple weeks! It ends with both men holding the WWE Title and then it cuts.

    Overall Rating: 74%

    Batista vs Brock Lesnar

    WWE American Title Match

    Batista makes his entrance first and this will be his first Smackdown Title Match. He gets to the ring and then...HERE COMES THE PAIN! Lesnar makes his entrance to the ring and then we have a Title Match. Lesnar doesn't dominate this match as he has with others. Batista controls alot of this match but eventully Batista hits his Sit-Out Powerbomb but Lesnar kicks out at two and a half! Batista goes bezerk and can't believe it. He winds up flipping out on the ref and clubs him to the mat and then gives him a Sit-Out Powerbomb. This match is obviously thrown out as Batista walks out seeming very frustrated. The real question is why he didn't keep going instead of flipping out! He walks down the aisle and leaves Lesnar and the ref in the ring as Smackdown ends this week!

    (Winner by Disqualification and STILL WWE American Champion: Brock Lesnar)

    Overall Rating: 77%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 75%

    Smackdown Rating: 75%

    TV Rating: 4.68(-.04)

    Attendance: 6,012

    Ticket Sales: $240,480

  20. user posted image

    This week's Smackdown is sure to be explosive. As Shawn Michaels will look to get his hands once again on Triple H. He will have to go through Ken Shamrock to get to HHH this week though.

    Batista threw down the gauntlet to the WWE American Champion last week and will challenge Brock Lesnar for that Title here tonight!

    Christian has been on a winning streak as of late and tonight he will go one on one with Jamie Noble for his newly won WWE European Championship.

    "The Problem Solver" has his own problems to solve this week when he goes one on one with Sean O'Haire to try and solve Christian's problems with him.

    Christopher Daniels has been a dominant Cruiserweight Champion but he will again be tested tonight by Tajiri but this time it will be for the belt!

    Featured Matches

    "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels vs Ken Shamrock

    Batista vs Brock Lesnar (WWE American Title Match)

    Christian vs Jamie Noble (WWE European Title Match)

    "The Problem Solver" Gene Snitsky vs Sean O'Haire

    Christopher Daniels vs Tajiri (WWE Cruiserweight Title Match)

  21. 5Wrestling.com News and Notes

    Torrie Wilson (27), Jamie Noble (26), Simon Diamond (29), Scoot Andrews (26), Charlie Haas (27), John Cena (28), Nick Dinsmore (27), Sonjay Dutt (23), Jay Lethal (24). Those are all the birthdays in the WWE for this month.

    East Coast Wrestling Association went Bankrupt and is now out of business.

    Staff Member Jack Collins as well as Wrestlers Insane Dragon and Jody Fleisch have left the company as their contracts expired. WWE wishes them the best.

    Kane, Test and Chris Sabin have returned from injury but don't expect Test to return to TV as he has one month left on his contract and it's expected to be allowed to run out. "Wildcat" Chris Harris has also signed his WWE Contract. Expect him to make his debut appearance on WWE TV soon but which brand is unknown.

    Big Show and Shelton Benjamin's contracts are coming up soon and are probably the few that will be re-signed.

    Other than those things, that's the news and notes from this week and month in wrestling!

  22. user posted image

    Monday Night RAW

    June 28, 2004

    The RAW music video kicks up and we have Union Underground bring us into RAW for another week of Monday Night RAW. Then once it's finished up we have the intro pyro and J.R along with Jim Cornette welcome us to Monday Night RAW!

    J.R: Hello everyone at home, here live tonight and around the world, welcome to Monday Night RAW. I am here alongside Jim Cornette and it should be one hell of a night tonight. So many huge matches made for tonight's RAW. Charlie Haas will be taking on Shelton Benjamin for a shot at Booker T's Intercontinental Title at Summerslam!

    Cornette: That should be one hell of a match J.R but we also have our huge double main event tonight. We have in the first match. Two Former World Champions when John Cena will take on "Stone Cold" Steve Austin!

    Cornette: And in the second match it will be Kurt Angle challenging Chris Jericho for the World Heavyweight Championship!

    J.R: That's not it though Jim as we have the Undisputed Tag Team Titles being put on the line and that starts right now!

    The Brethren vs Rey/London

    Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match

    The Brethren make their way down to the ring to Kane's old theme before his current "Chemical Brothers Theme" They come walking down to the ring. Once those two men are in the ring. Rey Mysterio's music hits and he catapaults out from under the stage and London comes out from the back and the Champs make their way down to the ring. London and Rey go to town on The Brethren and wind up making short work of them after a London Star Press on Fury for the three count to gain the victory and retain their Titles!

    (Winners and STILL Undisputed Tag Team Champion: Rey Mysterio/Paul London)

    Overall Rating: 76%

    Crowd Reaction: 74%

    Match Quality: 78%

    We go backstage where Rock is arriving for tonight's event only to get blindsided by Eddie Guerrero and a trash can. He blasts Rock repeatedly until he is on the floor and bleeding from his forehead and then throws the trash can down on him with a laugh

    Overall Rating: 93%

    Abyss vs Big Show

    This match is pretty bad all around and it just continues this apparent budding stable as during the match Raven runs down and hits an Evenflow DDT on Abyss onto the Hardcore Title and the referee calls for the DQ as Big Show follows this up with Show Stopper Chokeslam to leave Abyss laying in the ring but how long before Abyss gets his revenge? It surely will not be pretty!

    (Winner by Disqualification: Abyss)

    Overall Rating: 55%

    Crowd Reaction: 54%

    Match Quality: 56%

    Shelton Benjamin vs Charlie Haas

    #1 Contendership Match to the Intercontinental Title

    This match is very solid in the ring and both men get the reactions they should. It's back and forth action for ten minutes between the two. The ending comes when Shelton goes for the Exploder Slam and Haas elbows out of it and rolls Benjamin up near the ropes and holds the ropes so Benjamin can't kick out and gets the cheap three count. Haas then leaves the ring as his music plays and Benjamin stands in the ring steamed. We take a commercial break as Haas celebrates his big win!

    (Winner: Charlie Haas)

    Overall Rating: 82%

    Crowd Reaction: 74%

    Match Quality: 90%

    We get a promo video as we come back, previewing the World Title Match tonight between Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho!

    Overall Rating: 95%

    Chris Benoit vs Jay Lethal

    Benoit making his RAW debut against one of it's top stars as he goes one on one with the talented Jay Lethal! These two men go to war and it's very back and forth. Once the match gets down towards the end. Benoit hits his Triple Germans and then hits the Top Rope Suicide Headbutt. Once he hits that he slaps on the Crippler Crossface to make Lethal tapout but he doesn't let go until the referee threatens him with reversing the decision. Benoit finally then lets go and makes his way to the back with his music playing as Lethal is left clutching his left shoulder in pain in the ring.

    (Winner: Chris Benoit)

    Overall Rating: 87%

    Crowd Reaction: 82%

    Match Quality: 93%


    We cut backstage to where Matt Hardy...Version 1.0! Is with "The Coach" and Coach is holding the microphone for Hardy whom has a very simple and quick challenge to issue.

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0: I got traded to RAW because I was too much for everyone on Smackdown to handle. So now that I am here on RAW. My Mattitude Followers must have their weekly dose of Mattitude. So next week I intend to challenge...Booker T! Not just to a match but to a match for the Intercontinental Title! I know that Charlie Haas won a #1 Contenders Match tonight but he is not up to par in Mattitudism to the Sensei of Mattitude. I will prove this next week when I take the Intercontinental Title from Booker T!

    The challenge is laid down and we'll see if the match gets signed for next week or not!

    Overall Rating: 80%

    John Cena vs "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

    These two men are very over with the crowd and the heat for the match is what makes it good because the match is only average on the work in it. Austin and Cena play to the crowd throughout this fifteen minute match and through a commercial break. The end comes when the referee is distracted when Cena grabs his knucks and then throws them from the ref so he has to retrieve them and remove them from the ring. So Cena rocks Austin's world with his chain wrapped around his fist! Cena then gets the cover on Austin and steals the three count and the victory. Austin recovers after a moment and looks like he's very pissed off as Cena celebrates to the back as we take another commercial break!

    (Winner: John Cena)

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Crowd Reaction: 90%

    Match Quality: 74%

    Nick Dinsmore vs Chavo Guerrero

    Nick Dinsmore makes his RAW debut against Chavo Guerrero and winds up decimating him with his technical skill and nails one of the prettiest German Suplexes you've ever seen and bridges it for a three count. Dinsmore wins in his debut on RAW!

    (Winner: Nick Dinsmore)

    Overall Rating: 76%

    Crowd Reaction: 73%

    Match Quality: 79%

    Before we go to commercial break we see Chris Jericho getting ready for the huge Title Defense he has coming up. His first since winning the belt back from Cena at Bad Blood!

    Overall Rating: 94%

    Chris Jericho vs Kurt Angle

    World Heavyweight Title Match, Main Event

    "Medal" hits and Kurt Angle makes his way out onto the stage and down to the ring, pausing in the middle for his pyro to go off as the crowd chants "You Suck" in between each chord of the music. Then once Angle has made it to the ring "King of My World" Hits and the crowd goes crazy...the biggest pop of the night...the same for Angle whom got the biggest heel pop of the night. Jericho's pyro goes off and a few seconds later he's on the stage in his pose and he swings around with the World Heavyweight Title around his waist. Jericho makes his way down to the ring and he hands the belt off to Hebner and this match goes similar to several matches they've had before. Angle hits his Overhead Belly to Belly suplexes, His German Suplexes. This match has the feel of a potential Title Change as Angle even pulls out his picture perfect moonsault and hits it for a long two count. Jericho hits his Double Underhook Backbreaker as well as the Flashback and the Bulldog. His Lionsault though wasn't enough to get the three count. Jericho went for the Walls of Jericho but Angle reverses it by picking Jericho's Ankle while on his back and takes Jericho down with it but Jericho flips Angle to the ropes and Angle gets up and walks right into the Walls of Jericho and gets turned over. Jericho locks it in and drives his knee into the back of Angle's neck. Angle refuses to tap out for almost a minute in it and finally when Jericho rears back one final time Angle taps out and "King of My World" hits. Jericho falls to the mat exhausted and is handed the World Heavyweight Title. We go off the air with the sight of Jericho laying on the mat exhausted with the World Heavyweight Title in his grasp!

    (Winner and STILL World Heavyweight Champion: Chris Jericho)

    Overall Rating: 92%

    Crowd Reaction: 92%

    Match Quality: 93%

    RAW Rating: 83%

    TV Rating: 5.08(+.19)

    Attendance: 6,006

    Ticket Sales: $240,240

  23. user posted image

    After last week's trade of Shawn Michaels...Booker T no longer has an opponent set at Summerslam so tonight there will be a #1 Contenders match for the Intercontinental Title pitting two men that hate each other..Charlie Haas vs Shelton Benjamin for the right to face Booker T at Summerslam for the Intercontinental Title!

    Tonight there will be two major main event matches as well. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs John Cena in one on one competition.

    The other major match will be in a World Heavyweight Title Bout. Chris Jericho will defend his title for the first time up against Kurt Angle!

    Eddie Guerrero continues to feel The Rock screwed him out of his Championship opportunity and there is no telling what Latino Heat will do to get after The Great One!

    Last week as well Raven wound up stealing the Hardcore Title from Abyss via interference from the Big Show...Hopefully this week we can figure out why Big Show would help Raven and what the deal is!

    Also this week we will have Paul London and Rey Mysterio taking on The Brethren in an Undisputed Tag Team Title Match!

    Featured Matches

    Charlie Haas vs Shelton Benjamin (#1 Contender to IC Title Match)

    "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs John Cena

    London/Mysterio vs The Brethren (Undisputed Tag Team Title Match)

    Chris Jericho vs Kurt Angle (World Heavyweight Title Match)

  24. Sunday Night Heat

    June 27, 2004

    Dark Matches

    Bubba Ray Dudley defeats Eric Angle with a Bubba Cutter for the three count 70(70,71)

    Asai Defeats Jay Briscoe with the Asai Flipping DDT for the three count 81(63,100)

    Kanyon defeats Fury with the Flatliner 70(72,68)

    Gene Snitsky defeats Simon Diamond in his debut with the Pump Handle Driver for the three count and a chair shot to Diamond's head after the match! 54(33,75)

    Heat Matches

    Nick Dinsmore defeats Charlie Haas in an upset due to a Shelton Benjamin Superkick when the referee was not looking! 83(73,93)

    Jeff Hardy defeated Rico with a Swanton Bomb for the pinfall 61(50,73)

    Shelton Benjamin defeats Sonny Siaki with the Exploder Slam for the three count but after the match Charlie Haas attacks Shelton from behind with a nasty German Suplex that up-ends him! 74(77,69)

    WWE European Champion Jamie Noble defeats Lance Storm in non-title action via a Tiger Bomb for a three count! 79(79,80)

    Heat Rating: 72%

    Attendance: 6,045

  25. user posted image

    © Edge vs Rob Van Dam/w Bill Alfonso

    WWE Championship Match

    © Brock Lesnar vs Batista

    WWE American Championship Match, Stipluation TBA

    Christian vs Sean O'Haire

    Final Encounter Match, No Rules

    Randy Orton vs Matt Stryker vs Kane

    Christopher Daniels vs Tajiri

    WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match

    Rhyno vs Triple H

    No Interference Match, Anyone interfering will be suspended for 90 Days.

    AJ Styles vs Jamie Noble ©

    WWE European Championship Match


    This card is Solid now since we're two weeks away I wanted to solidify the final card to get predictions going.

    Winner of this month's contest will choose the next WWE Champion and how they are pushed to the Title after my next chosen Champion. So you can wait on predicting till the final card is announced in about two weeks gametime. Or you can edit them as we go. Up to you!

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