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Posts posted by Kapalua2483

  1. 5wrestling.com MORE BREAKING NEWS!!

    This has been one of the biggest weekends in a long time wrestling wise. ROH coming out just yesterday in their announcement of going National and WWE in response is letting go of workers they feel will be or have been dragging their product along. Adam Jacobs a RAW Opener but many people felt in the company he could be big but was slow to develop was let go. Sabu whom had not improved much in four months of Rehab was fired by WWE with a month left on his contract. They let him go a month earlier than they needed as he would not be able to contribute to the product at all. The Undertaker's contract which has two months left was also terminated and Taker was happy to leave it seemed. He was not pleased in how he'd been used lately and was not putting anyone over. He had not been helpful at all.

    WWE Also let go of two more men that they had not been using at all and their contracts were due up within the next few months. Steve Corino and Nunzio!

    This night will be known as the Sunday Night Slaughter it seems. Adam Jacobs, Sabu, The Undertaker, Steve Corino and Nunzio. Though one would expect several of these men to find new spots in promotions on the up and up.

    In other news Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling also went under over the weekend. Also in other news. Hulk Hogan and Marty Jennetty have Retired from Wrestling supposedly.

    Nikita Koloff and Percy Pringle (Paul Bearer) Also have announced that at the end of February once their obligations have been completed they will also be retiring.

    Billy Kidman and Chuck Palumbo are rumored to be on the possible chopping block if they don't do something to impress people upstairs. Look for opportunities for them in the next couple months to step it up.

    This is now called the Sunday Night Massacre. Five guys axed and four were pretty major. Let's see if I can get this product rolling over ROH before they become big

  2. user posted image

    WWE Smackdown (One of Those Nights)

    January 29, 2004

    The usual Smackdown music and intro video kicks up for the opening credits and then once it's finished we cut to the Smackdown set with pyro going off all over it. Then we have Michael Cole and Paul Heyman introduce us to Smackdown. Once that happens Spanky's music hits!

    AJ Styles vs Spanky

    Spanky is first out and runs all around the set area and runs down the aisle, playing to the crowd all the way. This match is actully really good but the crowd doesn't seem as into it as they could be. Styles comes down to the ring and both men hit offense, including Spanky hitting his Facebreaker to knee but in the end Styles hits the Styles Clash to Spanky to get the cover..1...2...3! AJ Styles looks to be pumped up. He should be since he was one of the Final Four at the Rumble and is opening Smackdown the next week!

    (Winner: AJ Styles)

    Overall Rating: 72%

    Crowd Reaction: 77%

    Match Quality: 83%

    Dames Stars: ***

    Matt Morgan vs Paul London

    This match was completely dominated by Matt Morgan. London looked to be slightly stiffing Morgan throughout the match. You can tell why at the end because Morgan hits his devastating Powerbomb and covers London for the three count. Then after the match Morgan hits two more powerbombs before leaving the ring victorious.

    (Winner: Matt Morgan)(Paul London Lost Overness Due to this match)(Matt Morgan Gained Overness Due to this Match)

    Overall Rating: 58%

    Crowd Reaction: 57%

    Match Quality: 74%

    Dames Stars: *3/4

    He's Back...

    This is a simple 15 second segment but it's enough to make the crowd go completely ballistic. It shows Kurt Angle showing up tonight and entering the arena and the entire crowd..even though Kurt is a Heel..cheers the shit outta him for easily the pop of the night..at least till later.

    Overall Rating: 98%

    Randy Orton vs Sean O'Haire

    O'Haire was the first man out and the crowd gave him a real good reaction. Then "Passing You By" by Motorhead hits and the Evolution theme kicks up and Orton comes walking down to the ring. Orton and O'Haire go back and forth for about eight minutes until late in the match after the Referee took a bump from O'Haire winding up for a kick and missing, hitting the referee as Orton ducked. Then O'Haire hit a flapjack on Orton to put him down and stayed down himself. Matt Hardy Version 1.0 comes running down to the ring and hits a HUGE Twist of Fate on O'Haire. Then leaves the ring and Orton crawls over not having seen a thing and throws an arm over O'Haire as the referee comes to convienantly and counts O'Haire down.1....2.....3! As soon as the count is made Hardy climbs into the ring and begins stomping O'Haire. Orton gets up and you figure he'd help Hardy attack O'Haire but instead RKO TO HARDY!!! Orton then yells down to Hardy that nobody interferes in his matches without the Next Legend's Permission!

    (Winner: Randy Orton)

    Overall Rating: 76%

    Crowd Reaction: 85%

    Match Quality: 86%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    Rey Mysterio vs Kurt Angle

    Rey Mysterio's music hits as we come back from break and he pops out of his stage prop and comes down the stairs and to the ring. He comes down to the ring and jumps up onto the apron and leapfrogs the top rope. Then climbs into the ring, you can sense a buzz in the air and "Medal" hits and the crowd simply erupts louder than has been heard during a match in quite a long time! Kurt Angle comes out from behind the curtain and the crowd gets even louder with a second pop. Angle looks geniunely happy to be back in front of the crowd and then comes halfway down to the ring and points to the sky. His pyro explodes and the crowd chants "You Suck" over and over and he gets to the ring. Angle and Mysterio then proceed to tear the house down all over again. Mysterio and Angle hit all their normal offense. Including just a beautiful sequence near the end of the match.

    Angle went for a German Suplex and Mysterio flipped through it and landed on his feet and quickly sent a front dropkick to the back of Angle which sent Angle reeling forward and he landed on the second rope. Mysterio called for the "619" and ran against the ropes and came at Angle. Angle then quickly spread the ropes apart and Mysterio completely missed them both and went through, landing on the outside of the ring. Angle got outside the ring and rolled Mysterio into the ring. Then Angle hit two consecutive Angle Slams on Mysterio and covered him to pick up the big victory! After the match though Angle goes outside the ring and grabs a chair. Then he climbs back into the ring and proceeds to Pillmanize MYSTERIO'S RIGHT ANKLE!!! Angle then locked in an Ankle Lock..at this point the crowd was boo'ing everything out of Angle. Finally as referees came running down to the ring. Edge's music hits and he comes charging down to the ring with a furious look on his face, He slides into the ring and Angle bails out, leaving Mysterio in a writhing mess. Edge screams at Angle and tells him that he's going to break him in two. Angle laughs and puts his arms out in the air, taunting him..oooh this could be big.

    (Winner: Kurt Angle)

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Crowd Reaction: 90%

    Match Quality: 90%

    Dames Stars: ****


    Rhyno comes walking down to the ring after another commercial break. His music playing as he comes to the ring, Then he climbs into the ring. Then grabs a microphone at ringside. He then begins talking smack to Raven

    Rhyno: COME ON OUT RAVEN!! I know your back there! I Want your ass out here now!

    The Raven's cawwing hits and Raven's music hits and then he pops up on the titantron backstage and laughs at Rhyno

    Raven: You actully think i'd come out there where you could just have your way at me Rhyno? Oh I don't think so. I'm far too smart for you. You believe that i've wronged you but all I did was save these fans from watching your useless carcus for five more minutes while Triple H Decimated you.

    Rhyno makes a B line out of the ring and backstage where we catch up with him, Raven had been at the Smackdown interview area but when Rhyno arrives..Raven is gone and Rhyno screams in anger and goes searching..that's one angry man.

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Cyclone vs Mortis

    Mortis is the first man out to the dark tones of his music. He makes his way down to the ring and rolls inside. Then Cyclone's superhero theme hits and he comes running down to the ring and the match is on! Cyclone and Mortis exchange innovative offense back and forth throughout the match. A Tremendous moment is when Cyclone hit a Top rope DDT on Mortis and rolled him over..1...2....MORTIS got a shoulder up unbelievably. Cyclone couldn't believe it either. Cyclone then went for the Cyclone Bomb but Cyclone is backdropped out of it and Mortis then turns and waits for Cyclone..FLATLINER!! Mortis then rolls Cyclone over and covers him.1....2.....3! Mortis goes over Cyclone and the fans do not like it but they threw down a great match!

    (Winner: Mortis)

    Overall Rating: 73%

    Crowd Reaction: 85%

    Match Quality: 76%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    Hurricane vs Christopher Daniels

    WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match

    This match is simply the best of the new year. Once again the Cruiserweights are stealing the show. The crowd wasn't nearly as into it as the match was good. Hurricane and Daniels hooked it up and tore it down. Daniels hit several unique suplexes. The Dragon Suplex for a long two as well as a Tiger Suplex. Hurricane hit all his big spots and ALSO Hit the Vertebreaker but was down afterwards and only got a long two count after getting his arm over Daniels. Late in the match though Hurricane looks like he may have the match won as he hits the Shining Wizard but a man comes running out..he looks to be from Far Eastern origin but is dressed in the Ultimo Dragon's costume but no mask..It's the Great Asai!! Asai gets into the ring and knocks Hurricane from the ring but then focuses entirely on Daniels. He demolishes him for two minutes. Hitting his DDT Finisher as well as hitting Daniels' own Last Rites on him before bloodying Daniels up with a chair..wow what a way to come back from Daniels' attack by an attack of his own which may have been more brutal!

    (Winner by DQ: Christopher Daniels)

    Overall Rating: 81%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 100%

    Dames Stars: ****3/4

    When we come back

    Before we leave for commercial break we see Chris Benoit getting ready for his Handicap Match...and it's up..NEXT!

    Overall Rating: 76%

    Chris Benoit vs Brock Lesnar/Edge

    2 on 1 Handicap Match, Main Event

    Chris Benoit is the first man out and he comes down to the ring, up the aisleway with a purposeful face. Then Brock Lesnar's music hits and Brock does his entire normal entrance and then gets into the ring and begins mauling Benoit. Then it's announced that Edge will not be in this match as he's gone to the hospital with his buddy Rey Mysterio!

    Benoit and Lesnar go back and forth exchanging reversals after Lesnar's early offense. Benoit hits his rolling Germans on Lesnar but on the third one. Lesnar swings his elbow to bust Benoit in the nose to break the hold but Benoit ducks it and takes Lesnar over in a Northern Lights Suplex with a bridge..1....2...Lesnar kicks out narrowly. Benoit then calls for it. He goes up top and goes for the Swandive Headbutt but Lesnar moves! Lesnar then gets up and picks Benoit up and puts him onto his shoulders..F5!!..F5!!!..F.NO Lesnar spins Benoit around but Benoit holds on and when he lands he's got Lesnar in the Crippler Crossface!! HOLY SHIT!!! Lesnar fights it for a minute and a half before finally he passes out!!! He won't tap! Benoit is then announced the winner but Benoit seems to still be livid as Smackdown goes off the air with Benoit yelling down in Lesnar's face..TAP OUT and slamming Lesnar's hand to the mat in a tap out motion!

    (Winner: Chris Benoit)(Brock Lesnar Lost Overness)

    Overall Rating: 74%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 85%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    Smackdown Rating: 75%

    TV Rating: 5.23

    Attendance: 6,548

    Ticket Sales: $261,920

  3. user posted image

    Monday Night RAW

    January 26, 2004

    The RAW Union Underground video plays as the music goes off. It goes along as it does every monday and once it finishes the stage and set come into view and pyro begins going off in the usual fashion all over the stage. Then we prepare to kick RAW off with a huge match!

    Chris Jericho and Tajiri vs John Cena and Eddie Guerrero

    Lethal Lottery Tourny Match

    Tajiri's music is the first to hit and he comes walking out onto the stage and walks down to the ring, very down to business as he walks to the ring and climbs inside the ring. Once he's in the ring "King of My World" Hits and Chris Jericho does his entire ring entrance and climbs into the ring..then VIVA LA RAZA hits as Eddie Guerrero comes onto the stage and plays to the crowd who half boo him and half cheer him. Eddie comes down to the ring and stands outside waiting as Thuganomics 101 hits and John Cena steps out from the back with the World Heavyweight Championship around his waist as he comes walking down to the ring. Cena then waves his hand in front of his face and says "You Can't See Me!" as he walks by the cameraman and then climbs into the ring with Eddie Guerrero.

    This match is a very exceptional match to kick off RAW. Tajiri starts it with Eddie Guerrero and they both go four minutes in the ring against each other with back and forth offense. Finally Eddie takes control and tags in Cena. A Double team attack happens on Tajiri for another four minutes before Tajiri hits Cena with one of those knockout kicks which sends Cena almost for a loop and certainly knocked him silly. Tajiri makes the hot tag to Jericho who takes both Guerrero and Cena on and after a couple minutes of hot offense hit a bulldog on Cena, followed by a beautifully executed Lionsault! Tajiri takes Eddie Guerrero over the top rope with a clothesline that took both men out of the action. Jericho then got up from the Lionsault and grabbed Cena's legs and locked in the Walls of Jericho and put the knee behind the back of the head. Cena fought but in the end after about a minute and almost making it to the ropes. Jericho pulled him back to the middle of the ring and Cena tapped out! Jericho celebrates in the ring as we go to commercial break as RAW had kicked off with this almost fifteen minute match

    (Winners: Chris Jericho and Tajiri)

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Crowd Reaction: 84%

    Match Quality: 84%

    Dames Stars: ***1/4

    Surprise Eddie

    Eddie has rolled into the ring after the match and is seeing to Cena and seeing what happened when from out of the crowd..ITS FUCKING RAVEN AGAIN! Obviously J.R didn't say that :P Raven slides into the ring behind Eddie and kicks him with a low blow from behind. Then spins him around and into a devastating Evenflow DDT. Eddie is left on the mat and out as Cena is coming to he can see Raven fleeing back through the crowd! Wow the crowd seriously loves Raven though..first Rhyno and now Eddie Guerrero..is there any rhyme or reason to these attacks?

    (Eddie Guerrero and Raven Gained Overness From This Segment)(Who knew that someone could gain overness from taking a move)

    Overall Rating: 91%

    Test/Maven vs Black Dragon/Taka Michanoku

    Lethal Lottery Tourny Match

    This match is pretty brief as the other three men in this match made their normal entrances. Then Pimp Daddy McMaven makes his entrance with three of the finest ladies that WWE can provide and put on Cable TV without being censored. This match itself is very short with Test nailing a big boot to the face of Black Dragon to pick up the victory. Nothing fantastic and the fans were more into the ho's than the action in the ring

    (Winners: Test/Maven)

    Overall Rating: 63%

    Crowd Reaction: 48%

    Match Quality: 79%

    Dames Stars: **

    Tommy Dreamer vs Booker T

    Booker T is the first man out, his music hits and he comes walking out, all pumped up as usual and just before he's about to set off his pyro Tommy Dreamer comes rushing out of the back, he narrowly avoids being roasted alive as Booker calls for his pyro and it explodes just as Tommy makes it past the blast area. Tommy has a Singapore Cane in hand and CRACK across the back of Booker's head! Tommy brings the singapore cane down repeatedly on Booker. The crowd boos the hell out of Tommy and finally Tommy picks Booker up and brings him to the ring and rolls his limp body into the ring. Then Tommy climbs into the ring and the bell sounds for the match to begin. Tommy dominates the three minute match as he had beaten Booker into submission with the singapore cane before the match in a sadistic fashion. Dreamer then finishes Booker off with a Dreamer Driver and gets the cover..1....2....3! Tommy Dreamer has defeated Booker T in the most cowardly way possible! Tommy then goes outside the ring and gets his singapore cane. He climbs back into the ring and laughs hysterically and yells at Booker. "Come On Booker..Come take your medicine!" Booker barely gets to his feet and staggers into one of the more stiff Singapore Cane shots seen on WWE TV..EVER. Booker falls like a bag of bricks to the mat, out cold and Dreamer laughs and raises the cane into the air as he leaves the ring victorious.

    (Winner: Tommy Dreamer)(Tommy Dreamer Gained Overness From This Match)(Tommy Dreamer's Turn is complete and he is now a Heel, He has Gained MORE Overness From This Turn as well)

    Overall Rating: 75%

    Crowd Reaction: 77%

    Match Quality: 72%

    Dames Stars: **

    Goldust vs Mark Jindrak

    WWE Intercontinental Championship Match

    Mark Jindrak's entrance music hits and he comes down to the ring. He doesn't get a terrific reaction so obviously his IC Title run was not that successful. Jindrak climbs into the ring and then Goldust's entrance movie and music hit and he comes sauntering out onto the stage with the WWE Intercontinental Championship. Goldust comes down to the ring, holding the IC Title in front of his face and as he walks by the cameraman he licks the IC Championship. Goldust gets to the ring and he actully takes Jindrak to school. He just doesn't seem as confident as he did when he was Champion. Goldust takes him down with almost ease. Jindrak got a couple moves in but nothing significant and Goldust finishes Jindrak with the Curtain Call! But before the final three count can be made..JAY LETHAL IS BACK!!! Lethal's music hits and he comes charging down to the ring and as the count is made and three hits. Lethal is under the bottom rope, sliding into the ring and hits the Lethal Ride on Goldust to lay him out! Has Lethal come back for the IC Championship!? Lethal plays to the crowd as his music plays and we cut to commercial.

    (Winner and STILL WWE Intercontinental Champion: Goldust)

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Crowd Reaction: 76%

    Match Quality: 81%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    Special Announcement

    Eric Bischoff is backstage in the RAW GM Office and prepares to make a statement, announcing something.

    Bischoff: Here on RAW we're all about giving opportunities. Well earlier tonight Chris Jericho made the World Heavyweight Champion submit. So two weeks from tonight. There will be a match. It will be Chris Jericho challenging for the World Heavyweight Championship against John Cena and no normal referee can do this match. So here is how it will go. There will be a Special Guest Referee and he will be none other than "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. I Hate his guts but I will still be the fair business man everyone knows me to be.

    Bisch: I Will give Austin this chance. If he calls the match fairly. Counts completely fair and counts down the winner legit. I Will grant him one wish that he can use at any point. So learn how to count to three Austin. Cause if you don't. You will rue the day you crossed me!

    Overall Rating: 82%

    Bubba Ray Dudley vs The Rock

    This is actully one of those...why did they book this match type of matches. Rock takes some shots from Bubba in this match but in the end finishes Bubba off with a Rock Bottom. One has to assume that this match is to advance the Lethal Lottery Tourny but that's really the only answer one could get out of it. Rock took the match handily though.

    (Winner: The Rock)

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Crowd Reaction: 86%

    Match Quality: 86%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    Team Angle vs The Legends (Austin/Flair)

    Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match, Main Event

    Flair's music is the first to hit and the crowd gives him a huge reaction as he comes strutting out onto the stage. Flair gets into the ring and does all his struts and plays to the crowd. Then the GLASS SHATTERS! The crowd explodes as Stone Cold comes walking out onto the stage and down to the ring. Austin then goes to all four corners, playing to the crowd and then once Austin finishes the "WGTT" Theme hits and Team Angle comes out onto the stage with those Undisputed Tag Titles around their waists. Haas and Benjamin come out onto the stage and come walking down to the ring. Haas and Benjamin talk for a moment once they're in the ring and Benjamin stays in the ring as they hand the belts off to Earl Hebner. Benjamin locks up with Flair whom is starting for him and Austin. Flair begins by laying hard hard chops to the chest of Benjamin. These two go back and forth until Benjamin uses his athletism and youth to his advantage and takes control of Flair. He and Haas double team Flair for about five minutes, working over his left knee until Flair hits a mule kick to a tagged in Haas that sends him down.

    Flair crawls to his team's corner and makes the hot tag to Austin. Austin comes in on fire and lays both Benjamin and Haas down with lefts and rights. Austin whips Haas to the ropes and catches him and slams him to the mat in a huge spinebuster. Austin turned around and Shelton went for a Superkick but Austin ducked it but Earl Hebner did not and caught it right in the jaw and he went down like a sack of potatoes to the mat! At this point for one reason or another John Cena and Eddie Guerrero come running down to the ring with steel chairs. They slide into the ring. Shelton at this point had hit a German Suplex to Austin to put him down but Cena and Eddie do a Duet of chair shots on Shelton. Cena nailing Shelton in the side of the head at the same time that Eddie is clipping the opposite side at Shelton's knee. Shelton crumples to the mat and then Eddie swings back and clocks Charlie Haas with a chair shot as well. What the hell! Cena and Eddie leave the ring and Austin gets up, finding Shelton down in pain..he shrugs and picks Shelton up..KICK WHAM STUNNER!!! The crowd explodes as Austin shakes Hebner awake and covers Shelton Benjamin..1........2.........3!! NEW TAG CHAMPS! The glass shatters as Austin's music hits and Earl Hebner gets the Undisputed Tag Team Championships and hands them to Austin and Flair!! New Champions and Team Angle are one loss from not only not being champions anymore but not being in this tournament anymore!! Cena and Eddie point at the ring though you can't tell if they're yelling at Austin and Flair or Team Angle but it does seem as they have their hearts set on those Tag Straps. We leave RAW with their image across our screen.

    (Winners and NEW Undisputed Tag Team Champions: The Legends (Austin/Flair)(Undisputed Tag Team Titles Have Gained In Image)

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 79%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    RAW Rating: 78%

    TV Rating: 5.41

    Attendance: 6,502

    Ticket Sales: $260,080

  4. Sunday Night Heat

    January 25, 2004

    Dark Matches

    Matt Morgan defeated Jody Fleisch with a Powerbomb from Hell 53(36, 70)3/4*

    Eric Angle defeats Adam Jacobs via an Angle Slam 69(66,72)*3/4

    Jeff Hardy beats the Hurricane via a low blow, DDT and then Swanton Bomb 68(69,66)*1/4

    Raven beat Jimmy Yang clean with an Evenflow DDT. 70(66,75)**

    Heat Matches

    Paul London defeats Shannon Moore with the London's Calling after a very impressive match. After the match though Shannon doesn't take well to losing and hits a big Twist of Fate to London! 82(74,91)***3/4

    Mark Jindrak beats Sonny Siaki clean with his Powerbomb for the victory. Nothing special here 70(70,71)*3/4

    Sean O'Haire beats Chris Sabin within an inch of his life and finally finishes him with the Prophecy 76(64,88)***3/4

    Mayhem and Steve Corino beat Booker T and Spike Dudley in a lack-luster match, mostly because Corino intentionally no sold anything and yelled at the crowd. Basically he didn't give a crap for some reason but eventully did get into the feel of things and hit an Old School Expulsion for the Win. After the match Mayhem and Corino beat down Booker and Spike once it's over. 75(74,77)**1/4

    Heat Rating: 70%

    TV Rating: 5.43

    Attendance: 6,530

    Ticket Sales: $261,200

  5. user posted image

    WWE Smackdown

    January 22, 2004

    Pyro begins exploding as we skip the opening intro this week and cut straight to the action and that's because we're kicking Smackdown off with a huge match!

    Triple H vs Rhyno

    Street Fight

    Triple H's music is first to hit but the theme that hits is his hurried version of his song. The reason why is apparent because he stomps down to the ring and climbs inside immediately. So it fits better. Then he turns and stands waiting for Rhyno. HHH looks like he's set to blow a gasket. Then Rhyno's music hits and Triple H doesn't even wait for him to start coming out as he slides back out of the ring and runs up the aisle. Rhyno comes out and ducks the Triple H attack and kicks him in the gut. Then delivers a HARD Vertical Suplex to the aisle floor hard. Rhyno gets this match kicked off right!

    Rhyno picks Triple H up and brings him to the ring and rolls him inside. Rhyno then goes underneath the ring and brings out a stop sign and slides it into the ring. Then also pulls a trash can from under the ring and tries to push it under the bottom rope but Triple H delivers a hard kick to it, slamming it into Rhyno's face. Rhyno falls to the floor. Triple H climbs out of the ring and picks Rhyno up, slamming his head off the ring apron. Then HHH picks Rhyno up again and whips him HARD into the Steel Ring Steps to a pop from the crowd. Trips then picks Rhyno up and rolls him into the ring. Trips then climbs into the ring and the bell actully sounds for the start of the match now!

    Trips picks Rhyno up and proceeds for the next few minutes to disect his left knee with chop blocks and other manuevers. Rhyno fights back by taking Trips down with a clothesline and picks up the stop sign as Triple H gets back up and WHACK Triple H goes down from that shot! Then suddenly out of the crowd comes RAVEN!!! He slides into the ring behind Rhyno. Spins him around and kicks him in the gut, Rhyno drops the stop sign straight down and RAVEN HITS A HUGE EVENFLOW RIGHT TO THE STOP SIGN!!! Raven then rolls out of the ring and flees through the crowd as Triple H gets back to his feet slowly and bleeding slightly from his forehead. He picks Rhyno up and PEDIGREE ONTO THE STOP SIGN!!! Triple H then rolls Rhyno over and covers him..1...2....3! Triple H then gets up and celebrates for a moment as we cut to a video promo before our first commercial break since that match ran a while.

    (Winner: Triple H)

    Overall Rating: 81%

    Crowd Reaction: 86%

    Match Quality: 72%

    Dames Stars: **1/4

    We see quick cut scenes of major victories from Kurt Angle, his wars and battles and then we see in words of red, white and blue "Returning Next Week!"

    Overall Rating: 89%

    Billy Kidman vs Chris Sabin vs John Hennigan

    Triple Threat Match

    This isn't a long match but is ended with Billy Kidman hitting a big time Shooting Star Press to Hennigan and getting the three count as Sabin was down and out from a Kid Krusher from Kidman. After the match Kidman leaves victorious

    (Winner: Billy Kidman)(Crowd Suffered because the last match was so hot)

    Overall Rating: 62%

    Crowd Reaction: 50%

    Match Quality: 75%

    Dames Stars: *1/2

    Gonna Getcha!

    Daniels is backstage in his Fallen Angel attire getting ready for his match. He then seems to jerk his head around looking for seemingly someone. Then laughs a moment and walks off. Then from the shadows around a corner..someone does walk off and into a locker room but nobody can make out who it was.

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Christopher Daniels vs Cyclone

    Cyclone is the first man out and it's been a few weeks since he was on TV so he comes out all pumped up. Then Daniels music hits and he comes walking out from behind the curtain with the WWE Cruiserweight Title over his shoulder. He walks to the ring and for ten minutes they completely tear the house down with the best match of the new year. Daniels hits several big impact slams and Cyclone nails several versions of northern lights and Vertical suplexes as well as hitting his Cyclone Bomb (Tiger Bomb) but at this point Mortis comes running down to the ring and climbs inside and attacks Cyclone! Mortis after a moment of fighting with a tired Cyclone hits the Flatliner on him. Then Hurricane comes running down to the ring to help Cyclone out but then Shane McMahon comes out from the back..we haven't seen ShaneO on actual TV in many months!

    (Winner by DQ: Cyclone)

    Shane: Ya know what. Mortis has been attacking Cyclone and Hurricane for weeks and weeks now with no reprisals because he's ran away. Right now. Tag Team Match and Mortis if you get yourself DQ'ed or Counted out. Your suspended!

    Overall Rating: 90%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 99%

    Dames Stars: ****1/2

    Christopher Daniels/Mortis vs Superhero Duo

    Hurricane and Mortis wrestle a majority of this tag match. Mostly because Cyclone and Daniels just had a hell of a singles match. Hurricane controls Mortis for the most part and the Superheros tag in and out, hitting double team moves on Mortis. This match isn't long as it's finished with Daniels dropping off the ring apron, throwing his hands at the ring as if he doesn't need this crap. Mortis left without a partner takes an Eye of the Hurricane, Shining Wizard and Cyclone gets tagged in and nails the Cyclone Bomb on Mortis before getting the pinfall. This match was not as good as the Cyclone/Daniels encounter right before this but it warranted wanting to see it again between Cyclone and Mortis from this match!

    (Winners: Superhero Duo)

    Overall Rating: 81%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 84%

    Dames Stars: ***1/4


    We're backstage in the GM's office where we see Shane McMahon again tonight and this time it's not good for the GM as Chris Benoit busts the door open and maliciously attacks Shane, throwing him around the room and putting him in a Crossface before demanding a Title Match. Shane Responds weakly but in anger.

    The only match...your getting..is Lesnar...and Edge...next week..Handicap Match!

    Shane McMahon laughs but Benoit doesn't find it funny as he finally GERMAN SUPLEXES SHANE MCMAHON THROUGH HIS OWN DESK HOLY SHIT!

    Overall Rating from Benoit Attack: 65% (Doh)

    Overall Rating from Shane Matchmaking: 77%

    Randy Orton vs Edge and Rey Mysterio

    Handicap Match, Main Event

    "Passing you by" hits and Randy Orton comes out from behind the curtain and struts around, the crowd boo's the hell out of him as he walks down to the ring arrogantly like he owns the place. He climbs into the ring and plays to the heel heat he is receiving. Then Rey Mysterio's music kicks up and he catapaults out of the stage setup he has on the small stage to the side of the set. He runs down the steps afterwards and comes down to the ring and waits outside for Edge. Orton doesn't wait and attacks Rey on the outside. Edge skips the smoke and music entrance as he comes running out with the WWE Title in hand but drops it halfway down to the ring and tackles Orton to the ground after he had thrown Mysterio into the ring steps. Edge mauls Orton on the outside of the ring and rolls him into the ring.

    Mysterio and Edge control Orton the entire match. They double team him and tag in and out. Late in the match though Orton pulls an RKO out on Mysterio from nowhere and gets an arm over Mysterio..1...2...Edge breaks up the count and picks Orton up..EDGEOCUTION!!! Mysterio gets up slowly and Edge gives Rey a boost as he leaps at the ropes and hits a Springboard Moonsault off the Top rope (Instead of Jericho's second rope) WHAT A MOVE!! Rey then covers Orton hooking the leg..1...2....3! Edge and Rey celebrate the victory over a defeated Orton..Welcome to Smackdown Randy! We leave Smackdown with Edge and Rey celebrating in the ring.

    (Winners: Edge and Rey Mysterio)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 85%

    Match Quality: 84%

    Dames Stars: ***1/4

    Smackdown Rating: 77%

    TV Rating: 4.81

    Attendance: 6,544

    Ticket Sales: $261,760

  6. user posted image

    Monday Night RAW

    January 19, 2004

    We see scenes from last night on the RAW Side of the Rumble. Tajiri retaining the Hardcore Title in cheap fashion, Goldust stealing the IC Title while Christian was down. Team Angle retaining over the New Dudleys as well as John Cena retaining the World Heavyweight Title over The Rock. Then we see scenes from the Royal Rumble. Kane dominating Early. The fighting between Booker T and Goldust which was very heated. Test takes some liberties with some guys. The Surprising elimination of Jericho early. Then finally Orton entering #29 and taking the Rumble by sending Storm and Austin over the top rope. Then we cut into the Monday Night RAW intro and once that's done. We hit some RAW Pyro and then Eric Bischoff's music hits.

    Overall Rating: 82%

    He's Not Coming Back

    Bischoff makes his way down to the ring but he doesn't look pleased at all. He gets into the ring and has a clipboard in hand. He grabs a microphone and gets right down to business tonight.

    Bischoff: I'm in a horrible mood tonight. Last night Randy Orton won the Royal Rumble!

    The crowd boo's mercilessly at hearing Orton's name

    Bischoff: I Feel the same way! As Orton winning the match gets to choose who to face at Wrestlemania XX..and he chose to face Edge for the WWE Championship and in turn to transfer to Smackdown! Well I am not about to let that happen without my hand in it. So tonight I will kill two birds with one stone. I will get rid of Stone Cold Steve Austin from my life once and for all. As well as keeping Orton here on RAW so I can properly punish him for being ungrateful.

    It will be "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs Randy Orton with Orton's Mania Title Shot on the line. Winner gets their shot against the WWE Champion, whomever it may be.

    The crowd seems to be abuzz hearing that main event, the appropriate face pop for Austin and heel one for Orton's.

    Bischoff: Also something else has come to my attention. The Tag Team Division here on RAW has become a bit stale. I mean Team Angle is too good!! They've beaten everyone that has been sent their way. They've been Champions for eight months! They need a challenge and I intend on providing it for them and entertainment for you fans! Tonight you will see the beginning of the RAW Lethal Lottery Tag Team Championship Tournament. Every man on the RAW Roster has been entered. Save for a few members of Tajiri's little group. Only Taka, Funaki and Tajiri himself are in it from their group. So without further ado. Let it begin right now!

    The crowd cheered actully a bit for the Bisch as they liked this idea of a Tag Tourny. And this first match proved to be a bit unpredictable to see two teams that had been put together.

    Overall Rating: 73%

    Batista/Low Ki vs Chris Nowitski/Funaki

    Lethal Lottery Tourny Match

    Low Ki's music hits first and he comes down to the ring. Nothing special and then Batista's entrance music hits and he comes stancing out onto the stage and comes down to the ring. Then their opponents come out..Chris Nowitski's Harvard fight song hits and he comes walking out in his usual getup and Funaki comes down to the ring with him. This match is dominated by Batista's power and Low Ki's submission style though. Both men prove a formidable team and get the victory when Batista drives Funaki with his Sit-Out Powerbomb into the mat!

    (Winners: Batista/Low Ki)

    Overall Rating: 73%

    Crowd Reaction: 68%

    Match Quality: 79%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    Shark Boy vs Tajiri

    WWE Hardcore Championship, Cage Match

    Sharky is first out to the ring and climbs inside the cage that was lowered. Then once he's inside the ring. Tajiri's music hits and he comes walking out onto the stage with the Hardcore Title. Both men were so beaten up from last night that coming out tonight for a Cage Match proved brutal for both men (Also they wound up having their match like 5 times including all the re-bookings I had to do). So it's not a good match but it does see Shark Boy capture the Hardcore Title with a Deep Sea Drop OFF THE TOP OF THE CAGE TO TAJIRI IN THE RING BELOW!

    (Winner and NEW WWE Hardcore Champion: Shark Boy)

    Overall Rating: 62%

    Crowd Reaction: 71%

    Match Quality: 40%

    Dames Stars: -*

    We cut backstage to see The Rock getting ready for a match coming up after the break. He walks off heading for the stage as we take a commercial break.

    Overall Rating: 92%

    Mark Jindrak/The Rock vs Tommy Dreamer/Sonny Siaki

    Lethal Lottery Tourny Match

    Siaki's entrance hits first and he comes storming down to the ring, looking nasty as ever as he gets to the ring and climbs inside. Then Tommy Dreamer's music hits and he comes down to the ring with a Singapore Cane in hand. Dreamer rolls into the ring and they await their opponents for this match. Then Jindrak's generic entrance hits and we pay no attention to it and instead give our attention to The Rock's entrance. This match is alright but in the end. Siaki hits a low blow to The Rock and Dreamer rolls Rock up and pulls the tights along with getting his feet on the ropes..1..2...3!!! What an upset by Dreamer and Siaki! Rock and Jindrak go down in the first match!

    (Winners: Tommy Dreamer/Siaki)

    Overall Rating: 73%

    Crowd Reaction: 75%

    Match Quality: 71%

    Dames Stars: *3/4

    Booker T vs Goldust

    WWE Intercontinental Championship Match

    This match isn't much of one. Booker T comes down to the ring after his music and pyro go off. Then he's just waiting there until the referee declares the match and countout victory for Booker. Book is steamed as he wanted a shot at the IC Title tonight but Goldust took the easy way out!!

    (Winner by Countout: Booker T)

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Crowd Reaction: 82%

    Match Quality: 72%

    Dames Stars: **

    Stone Cold is going to Wrestlemania XX!

    We're backstage where the Coach is trying to get a word with Stone Cold by knocking on his locker room door. The door opens and Coach gets his word with the Rattler

    Stone Cold: What do you want you meedly mouthed bastard?

    Coach: Well Stone Cold. Everyone wanted to know what your thinking going into your match tonight?

    Stone Cold: What am I thinking? I Am thinking that Eric Bischoff, the little creepy bastard that he is. Gave me an opportunity tonight that I won't waste. I have a chance to go to Wrestlemania XX And Main Event it and I also get to be away from Bischoff. So tonight the next big superstar of the WWE. Randy Orton. He thinks he's gotten over on me already while we've been fighting. Last night you got lucky son. Tonight you have to face me in the ring. Winner takes all and it ends tonight. Better bring your dancing boots son. Cause the ole Rattlesnake is going do the Houston Two step on your ass! AND THATS THE BOTTOM LINE CAUSE STONE COLD SAID SO!

    Austin then closes his locker room door right in the face of Coach who seems like he isn't sure what to say.

    ("Stone Cold" Steve Austin Gains Overness)

    Overall Rating: 93%

    John Cena vs Kane

    World Heavyweight Championship Match

    Kane is first out as his pyro goes off and the music blares throughout the arena. He stalks to the ring and climbs inside for this huge opportunity. He stands in wait as John Cena's music hits and he comes down to the ring with his belt over his shoulder. Cena gets to the ring and Kane attacks him immediately. Kane dominates Cena in the early going. Until Cena can't take it anymore and decks Kane blatently in front of the ref with a fist full of chain! Cena gets himself DQ'ed and goes outside to get a Chair and brings it into the ring and lays it into Kane so he doesn't get up. Not very fair but effective none the less.

    (Winner by DQ: Kane)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 88%

    Match Quality: 78%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs Randy Orton

    All or Nothing Match

    Main Event

    The glass shatters and Stone Cold comes stomping out to the ring and climbs inside. He does the four turnbuckles and then "Passing you By" hits and Randy Orton comes out onto the stage and comes walking down to the ring. Orton climbs into the ring and stances preparing for the biggest match of his life to date. Both men exchange blows and lock ups for a few minutes. Orton takes control in the middle of the match getting several close falls. Late in the match though Austin hits an elbow drop Austin style off the top rope for a long two count. Austin also hits the Stone Cold Stunner and gets a very long two count for it which got the crowd gasping as they thought it was over.

    Orton though nails an RKO out of nowhere and covers Austin for the ..1..2....3! Orton celebrates like he won the Super Bowl. A Great match with a terrific finish to the match. While Orton is celebrating though, Austin gives Orton a parting gift which is in the form of a Stone Cold Stunner! Austin then celebrates with a Beer Party as RAW goes off the air.

    (Winner: Randy Orton)(Orton Gains Overness From This Match)(Orton and Austin Lose Overness From This Feud Ending Too Early)

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Crowd Reaction: 87%

    Match Quality: 82%

    Dames Stars: ***1/4

    RAW Rating: 78%

    TV Rating: 5.49

    Attendance: 6,501

    Ticket Sales: $260,040

  7. user posted image

    We see scenes first from RAW. Chris Jericho, Kane, Goldust, Randy Orton and Stone Cold. All of them in different situtations. Glory and suffering. Mostly though showing the last couple months in regards to Stone Cold and Orton. Their feud as well as Booker T/Goldust's feud. The Horrible Table Bump that Goldy and Booker took in December at Armageddon. We also see other competitors who are trying to break into the Main Event in this match. Eddie Guerrero is mainly featured in this. Then we cut to the Smackdown part of this video package. Showing off the feud between Matt Hardy and Sean O'Haire..as well as clips from earlier in the night. We also see clips from Brock Lesnar, Rhyno, Triple H, RVD and much more. Then we see cut flashes of all of them and the final still picture of all 30 men and the Royal Rumble Match is READY TO BEGIN!!

    Royal Rumble Match

    For a Title Shot at Either Champion at Wrestlemania XX

    The crowd is in a clear buzz as Howard Finkel makes the call for this match which is always the favorite of most fans.

    The Fink: It is now time for the Main Event, It is a Royal Rumble Match! Competitors will enter the ring every 2 minutes until all 30 men have come out. The only way to win is to eliminate 29 other men over the top rope and both feet must touch the floor.

    Crazy Caner (Entry #1: Tommy Dreamer)

    Then a surprise for the fans as Tommy Dreamer's Music kicks up! He comes walking out onto the stage with a singapore cane in hand and screams insanely with his arms out in the air. He seems to pump himself up with this as he comes down to the ring in his normal black jeans/shirt attire. He slides into the ring and we await the man whom drew #2.

    The Whole Damn Show (Entry #2: Rob Van Dam)

    Then RVD's music kicks up and his pyro explodes as the crowd boo's the hell outta RVD. He plays to the crowd with his more arrogant attitude and gets even bigger amounts of boo's. He then gets into the ring and Dreamer has this sadistic laugh going on as the bell sounds and the crowd gives a huge pop as the Royal Rumble is underway. Dreamer takes a swing at RVD with the singapore cane but RVD does a split to avoid it and then clips Dreamer's legs with a hard forearm to the back of his left knee. RVD then gets to his feet and picks Dreamer up. He then whips Dreamer into the top right corner (Announce Table Side) and runs into the corner and monkey flips Dreamer out of it. RVD gets to his feet and picks Dreamer up again but Dreamer hits a jawbreaker to RVD to change the momentum. Dreamer picks RVD up and tries to push him over the top rope the hard way, by lifting and trying to get his entire body over. RVD fights it off by punching Dreamer in the head. Dreamer staggers into the middle of the ring and then runs at RVD but RVD hits a roundhouse kick to Dreamer to knock him down. At this point we get the countdown..10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1..The buzzer sounds and

    Hardcore Champion (Entry #3: Tajiri)

    Tajiri's music hits and he comes out onto the stage with the Hardcore Championship in hand. He charges down to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. He swings the title at RVD but RVD ducks it and tries to hit another roundhouse kick to Tajiri's jaw but he ducks it and sends a hard snap kick into the stomach of RVD to double him over! Tajiri backs RVD to the ropes and tries to send him over but Tommy Dreamer comes running at them both but both Tajiri and RVD duck and BACK BODY DROP TOMMY DREAMER OVER THE TOP ROPE TO THE OUTSIDE!!

    (Elimination #1: Tommy Dreamer)

    Tajiri then proceeds to continue to try and eliminate RVD but he fights out of it. These men exchange Karate kicks and blocks for the next minute and a half until the clock counts down from 10 to 0.

    Yes, Yes! (Entry #4: Booker T)

    Booker T comes out onto the stage but wastes time as he does his pyro and posing on the steel ramp before coming down to the ring. Booker then comes the rest of the way to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. Booker gets into the ring and is attacked by RVD. Tajiri is down after taking a DDT from RVD. RVD and Booker exchange blows back and forth. RVD then backs Booker to the ropes and whips him across the ring. Booker reverses it and sends RVD to the ropes and Booker nails a hard Leg Lariat to RVD. Booker picks RVD up but Tajiri delivers a kick to Booker's right leg that sends him down. Tajiri and RVD beat on Booker for the next minute and put him into the top left corner by the announce table. Trying to eliminate him over the top rope as the clock counts down from 10 to 0

    King of My World (Entry #5: Chris Jericho)

    Chris Jericho's pyro hits and he comes running down to the ring and runs up behind Tajiri before he can react and he lifts on Tajiri's legs up and OVER THE TOP ROPE!

    (Elimination #2: Tajiri)

    RVD drops Booker at this point and begins exchanging blows with Jericho. Booker and Jericho though tag up against RVD. Both men back RVD to the ropes and whips him across the ring. RVD though fights back as he hits a flying Heel kick to both men! All three men stay down for a moment. RVD is up though and then Jericho. RVD tries to send Jericho over the top rope by the scruff of his neck but Jericho reverses it and sends RVD over but RVD lands on his feet, on the ring apron. Jericho runs at RVD trying to throw a shoulder into his gut but RVD does a roll flip over the top rope and over the back of Jericho. RVD then kicks Jericho in the chops. The clock begins to count down to zero as Booker comes running at RVD but RVD lays him out with a huge Roundhouse kick! Then the clock comes down to zero and the next entrant comes down.

    Spot Monkey (Entrant #6: Jeff Hardy)

    Matt Hardy's music hits and Jeff Hardy comes running down to the ring in his Mattitude follower persona. He slides into the ring and runs at RVD but RVD Back body drops him to the mat. RVD then hits a spinning legdrop on Hardy. At this point Jericho and Booker pair off fighting in the bottom right corner of the ring while RVD works Hardy over in the middle of the ring. Jericho lays in huge chops to Booker T. Booker then reverses it around and puts Jericho into the corner and lays in slaps and chops of his own. While RVD runs to the ropes and hits a Rolling Thunder on Hardy! Booker tries to lift Jericho out of the ring but isn't able to do much on it. Jericho fights Booker off with fists and then finally after a fist to the head. It staggers Booker out enough for Jericho to hit a bulldog and then go for a Lionsault but RVD pushes Jericho over the top rope and to the outside!!!! Rob Van Dam has eliminated Chris Jericho!

    (Elimination #3: Chris Jericho)

    RVD does go to the top rope though and FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH to Booker T. Jeff Hardy then comes off an opposite top rope and hits a huge Swanton Bomb to Booker T as well!!! The clock counts down from 10 to zero as the next man comes out.

    The People's IC Champion (Entry #7: Christian)

    Christian struts his way out onto the stage and down to the ring as RVD and Jeff Hardy begin to brawl in the ring. RVD backs Jeff the bottom right corner of the ring (near the ramp) RVD then jumps up and delivers a karate kick to Jeff's jaw. RVD then runs around the ring and hits a diving dropkick to the chest of Hardy. Christian slides into the ring once RVD does that and before RVD can get up. Christian grabs him by his ponytail and delivers a hard Reverse DDT (Christian Style) Christian then picks Jeff Hardy up and tries to lift him over the top rope. It doesn't work as Jeff fights Christian off with some kicks and elbows. Jeff then grabs Christian and whips him into the ropes, Booker T moves so they don't run over him. Jeff then sidesteps a running Christian and tries to toss him over the top rope but Christian holds onto the top rope and elbows Jeff away from him but Booker has gotten up and a Leg Lariat to Christian knocks him over the top rope and he hits the floor hard!!!

    (Elimination #4: Christian)

    Jeff tries to get Booker over the top rope, RVD comes up and tries to help eliminate Booker but Book fights them off as the clock counts down and hits zero.

    OOHHHH YEEAAAAA! (Entry #8: Matt Hardy Version 1.0)

    Matt Hardy comes charging out to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. He, Jeff and RVD pound on Booker T for the next two minute period. Booker Takes another series of finishers from them all. A Five Star Frog Splash, Swanton Bomb and also a Twist of Fate. Booker stays down on the mat as The Hardyz look at RVD as if their next victim until the clock hits zero!

    Hit the Pyro! (Entry #9: Kane)

    Kane's pyro goes off as his music hits and he comes down to the ring to a huge cheer from the crowd as he comes running to the ring. He takes out both Hardy Boys and RVD with Big Boots and throat thrusts. Kane also hits a Chokeslam to Jeff Hardy. RVD though calms the monster as he sweeps Kane's legs from under him and hits a Rolling Thunder! This doesn't do much as he gets up but Matt Hardy hits a HUGE Side Effect on Kane to try and keep him down. Matt and RVD stomp on Kane to keep him down but Booker T has finally recovered enough to get back into the fight and as Jeff was getting up to get back into the fight..BOOK END TO JEFF HARDY! Matt sees this and makes a move for Booker but Booker sees it coming and flapjacks Matt onto the top rope and he bounces back into the ring. RVD runs at Booker but Booker kicks him in the gut and hits a huge Scissors Kick! The clock counts down from 10 to 0 again as Booker does a spinarooni!!

    Time for a Test! (Entry #10: Test)

    Test comes running down to the ring and WHACK A big boot to the face of Booker as he finishes his Spinarooni. Now the men break off into fights. Booker and Test begin to go at it in one corner of the ring. The top right corner. The Hardyz try to keep control on Kane while RVD recovers on the mat. RVD Rolls out of the ring and grabs a Steel Chair from ringside. He slides back into the ring as he slams the chair into Kane's head while the Hardyz held him. Kane slumps into the bottom left corner of the ring (Ramp side) RVD then handed the chair to Jeff Hardy whom holds the chair. RVD then hits a VANTERMINATOR FROM ONE CORNER TO ANOTHER!!! Kane slumps in the corner but before Jeff can do anything else..His brother Matt throws him over the top rope to the outside!!!

    (Elimination #5: Jeff Hardy)

    Matt gives Jeff a shrug and he turns into a kick to his jaw from RVD which knocks him through the ropes to the outside. Jeff sees this happen and climbs onto the ring apron and SWANTON BOMB FROM JEFF DOWN ONTO MATT!!! What the hell a Treacherous MF'ER! We're getting down to the end of another 2 minute period and the buzzer hits. The next entrant comes out.

    La Lucha Time (Entry #11: Rey Mysterio)

    Rey Mysterio pops out of the stage and lands on his feet and charges down to the ring. Kane is finally up and unfortunately for poor Rey Rey. He's the first one that he gets a hold of and Kane just CHUCKS MYSTERIO BY HIS THROAT WITH BOTH HANDS, BACK OUT OVER THE TOP ROPE TO THE OUTSIDE!!!

    (Elimination #6: Rey Mysterio)

    In the ring RVD is the next to come at Kane and receives a sidewalk slam for his trouble. After this Kane picks RVD up and sets him up for a powerbomb..he lifts RVD up into the air for it and then instead of driving him down. Kane falls to his back, slamming RVD down on his face. We'll later find out that Kane calls this "The Mutilator" Kane then picks RVD up and throws him over the top rope too!!!

    (Elimination #7: Rob Van Dam)

    All this time Test has been biding his time and when he sees Kane chuck RVD over the top rope. With the clock running down. Test tries for a Big Boot but Kane sees it coming and ducks it. Test turns into a Nasty Tombstone from Kane as the clock hits zero.

    Halluah! (Entry #12: Christopher Daniels)

    Nothing really serious happens in the next 10 minutes except for the next Entries.

    The Gore is Hardcore! (Entry #13: Rhyno)

    Here Comes The Pain (Entry #14: Brock Lesnar)

    The Enigma (Entry #15: Sean O'Haire)

    Big Pimpin! (Entry #16: Pimp Daddy McMaven)

    New IC Champ (Entry #17: Goldust)

    Best Damn Tag Champion: (Entry #18: Shelton Benjamin)

    At this point Test, Kane, Matt Hardy, Booker T, Rhyno, Brock, O'Haire, Maven, Goldust and Shelton are in the ring. Test and Kane are in the upper right corner (Announce table side) fighting as it's mayhem in the ring. Matt Hardy had gotten back into the ring and was beating on Maven in the top left corner. Everyone else was either trying to eliminate someone or was resting on the mat. At this point Kane had broken free from Test after hitting an elbow on him and hammered Shelton Benjamin with a boot to the mouth. This took Benjamin out of it. Kane picked Benjamin up and threw him at Lesnar. Lesnar then back body dropped Benjamin over his back and Benjamin held onto the top rope and narrowly held on from being eliminated until Kane gave him a fist to the jaw to knock him off the ring apron! The clock goes down to zero as the next man comes out.

    (Elimination #8: Test)

    Time to Play The Game (Entry #19: Triple H)

    Now Triple H came down and was on fire for a few moments but again no eliminations for the next few entries

    Little MF'er (Entry #20: Shannon Moore)

    OH HELL YA (Entry #21: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin)

    When Austin came down to the ring the crowd went wild as did Austin. Austin delivered Stunners to Moore, M. Hardy and Goldust before getting into a brawl with Brock Lesnar. Everyone in the ring was trying to toss each other over the top rope. So we moved along for a couple more entries before anything big went down.

    Thug Superstar (Entry #22: Taz)

    MF'ER #2 (Entry #23: Billy Kidman)

    When Kidman hits the ring a series of eliminations happens like dominoes. There were 15 men in the ring at this point and something had to give. Booker T delivered a quick death blow to Kidman with a Leg Lariat knocking him over the top rope to the outside. As this happens. Brock Lesnar did the impossible and F5'ED KANE OVER THE TOP ROPE TO THE OUTSIDE, KANE'S FACE BOUNCED OFF THE APRON ON THE WAY DOWN!!! And at just about the same time Goldust delivered a Shattered Dreams to Maven which surely made the ho's upset and Goldust then tossed Maven over the top rope. Shortly after this the next entry came down

    (Elimination #9: Billy Kidman)

    (Elimination #10: Kane)

    Elimination #11: Pimp Daddy McMaven)

    LATINO HEATTT! (Entry #24: Eddie Guerrero)

    Eddie Guerrero came running down to the ring as Brock Lesnar dealt another death blow to another wrestler as he clotheslined Goldust over the top rope. At the same time Matt hit his third Twist of Fate on Booker T and tossed him out on the opposite side of the ring! Eddie Guerrero paired off with Triple H once he had hit the ring.

    (Elimination #12: Goldust)

    (Elimination #13: Booker T)

    Test deals another blow to someone as well. Test nails Christopher Daniels with a big boot in the mouth to send him over the top rope as the buzzer sounds and the next competitor comes out.

    (Elimination #14: Christopher Daniels)

    How Bout It! (Entry #25: Nunzio)

    Nunzio comes running to the ring and as he slides into the ring, Brock Lesnar makes short work of him by grabbing him by his shoulders and tossing him back over the top rope..well damn

    (Elimination #15: Nunzio)

    Test tries to attack Brock Lesnar from behind and tries to send him over the top rope, by lifting him over. Lesnar holds onto the top rope but goes over, taking Test with him but Lesnar holds onto the ropes and pulls himself back inside while Test is dropped to the outside!

    (Elimination #16: Test)

    Matt Hardy and Rhyno are going at it in one corner still while the other assorted wrestlers still alive are fighting it out all over. Lesnar is duking it out with Eddie Guerrero in one corner, delivering hard shoulder thrusts to the gut of Guerrero. The buzzer sounds as the next man comes running down to the ring.

    Squeal! (Entry #26: Ken Shamrock)

    Shamrock comes running down to the ring and tackles Shannon Moore to the mat and locks an Anklelock onto him. At the same point Matt Hardy breaks away from Rhyno and finds Sean O'Haire in the mass of humanity in the ring..TWIST OF FATE FROM HARDY TO O'HAIRE!!! Hardy then picks O'Haire up and chucks him over the top rope. O'Haire held on and swayed holding onto the top rope. Hardy then delivered a hangman to O'Haire to send him flying off the ring apron and THROUGH THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE AT RINGSIDE!!!

    (Elimination #17: Sean O'Haire)

    At about the same time Shamrock had picked Shannon up and hit a belly to belly suplex over the top rope, sending Moore over the top rope and to the outside!

    (Elimination #18: Shannon Moore)

    At this point Triple H, Rhyno, Taz, Lesnar, Shamrock, Eddie Guerrero, Matt Hardy Version 1.0 and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin are left in the match. Triple H and Rhyno have finally hooked up and are slugging the hell out of each other. Eddie Guerrero and Matt Hardy have broken away into a seperate corner. Lesnar is beating the tar out of Taz in a third corner and Shamrock is going blow for blow with Austin in the last corner. We come down to the next entrant with all these men fighting each other.

    Canadian Maple Leaf (Entry #27: Lance Storm)

    Lance Storm takes his time getting to the ring and as he does Stone Cold hits a Stone Cold Stunner on Shamrock in the ring. At the same time Rhyno backed up and hit a hard Gore to HHH in the corner. Then lifted Triple H up and Rhyno manages to toss Triple H out of the ring!!

    (Elimination #19: Triple H)

    At the same time Brock Lesnar manages to use his power to lift Taz and get him over the top rope and eliminates him as well!

    (Elimination #20: Taz)

    At the same point Austin was picking up a Stunned Shamrock and clotheslining him over the top rope to eliminate him as well!!! Lance Storm had gotten into the ring and hit a superkick to the jaw of Rhyno staggering him a moment after the Shamrock elimination.

    (Elimination #21: Ken Shamrock)

    Lesnar though now goes after Austin and backs him into the bottom right corner of the ring and begins ramming his shoulder into Austin's gut over and over. Hardy begins exchanging fists with Lance Storm as Rhyno stays down. Then the clock counts down as these men fight it out and the clock hits zero as the buzzer sounds.

    World's Greatest Tag Team Member (Entry #28: Charlie Haas)

    Charlie Haas's music hits and he comes running down to the ring and all he gets is a Rhyno GORE for his trouble and he gets tossed over the top rope by Rhyno a moment later. Everyone is delivering blows to each other. Then we know who is coming next as the clock counts down..then it hits zero and "Passing you By" hits

    (Elimination #22: Charlie Haas)

    The Future (Entry #29: Randy Orton)

    Orton comes strutting out onto the stage and walks down to the ring as the crowd boo's the hell out of him. The crowd has been popping for big moves and alot for certain guys. Orton climbs into the ring and he pulls Lesnar off Austin and begins stomping Austin himself. Lesnar takes offense to this and pulls Randy away and clotheslines him almost out of his boots. Austin takes advantage of this as Lesnar turns around and catches a Stone Cold Stunner for his trouble!

    At this point in the match Austin is down resting, Orton is down from the clothesline from Lesnar. Lesnar is down from a Stone Cold Stunner, Eddie Guerrero is being stomped on by Matt Hardy. Lance Storm is paired off with Rhyno but Rhyno ditches Storm in a corner and as Lesnar gets up. He catches a HUGE Gore from Rhyno. Then Austin picks Lesnar up and THROWS HIM OVER THE TOP ROPE!!!

    (Elimination #23: Brock Lesnar)

    Orton has gone off to another fight as he picks up a beaten Eddie Guerrero and hits a Cheap RKO on him as the clock counts down from 10 for the final entrant. Orton then tosses Eddie over the top rope but Eddie holds on and climbs back into the ring but then Orton hits a standing dropkick to Eddie, sending him over the top rope as the last buzzer hits.

    (Elimination #24: Eddie Guerrero)

    The New Big Dog (Entry #30: AJ Styles)

    Austin and Orton have now gotten together and Austin is winning the exchange, stomping a mudhole in Orton in the bottom left corner near the stage. AJ Styles comes down to the ring slowly, still hurting from his Buried Alive match with Taker shortly before this. Styles comes into the ring and immediately begins going at it with Rhyno. Hardy at the same point goes after Storm but Storm low bridged Matt Hardy and amazingly Hardy flies over the top rope easily and is eliminated!!!

    (Elimination #25: Matt Hardy Version 1.0)

    Styles kicks Rhyno between the legs for a low blow and then pulls Rhyno in..STYLES CLASH ON RHYNO!! Rhyno being exhausted at this point, allowed for an easy finish and Styles picks Rhyno up and tosses him over the top rope to the outside. At the same time Orton is fighting back against Austin. Both Austin and Orton are going back and forth with fists in the middle of the ring.

    (Elimination #26: Rhyno)

    Final Four

    At this point Styles, Storm, Austin and Orton are left in the ring. Styles goes after Storm while Orton goes for an RKO on Austin but Austin pushes him off and hits a Lou Thesz press on Orton as he came back at him. Styles is hitting hard chops to Storm and then pokes him in the eye to stagger him. Styles then quickly climbs to the top rope but Storm sees this and runs up, dropkicking Styles's left leg out from under him. Styles crotches on the top rope and falls to the outside of the ring and is eliminated!!!

    (Elimination #27: AJ Styles)

    At about the same time Austin had gotten up and tried for the middle finger elbow drop but Orton avoided it and got to his feet. Austin got up and got up right into an RKO from Orton!!! Orton then picks Austin up and THROWS HIM OVER THE TOP ROPE!!! Orton eliminated Austin and Lance Storm came running at Orton trying for the quick elimination on Orton but Orton BACK BODY DROPS HIM OVER THE TOP ROPE AND WINS THE ROYAL RUMBLE!!!!

    (Elimination #28: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin)

    (Elimination #29: Lance Storm)

    Orton falls to his knees and raises his arms in the air in triumph as he has won the Royal Rumble and a Title Shot at Wrestlemania XX Against either Brand's Champion!! What a win!!! We leave the Royal Rumble with the image of Randy Orton on his knees in the middle of the ring celebrating.

    (Winner at 76:43: Randy Orton)

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 79%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    PPV Rating: 78%

    Buy Rate: 1.28

    Attendance: 14,426

    PPV Revenue: $3,200,000

    Ticket Sales: $853,560

  8. user posted image

    We come into the first sounds of dramatic music..We hear the voice over begin the monologue as we watch scenes from recent months in black and white.

    Tonight, New beginnings and hard ends will happen. The ending of bitter rivalries and the birthings of new hatreds. The Royal Rumble is the biggest opportunity of any year. Each man in that match can win a chance to Main Event Wrestlemania!

    As the music had been playing (It is like the music from Wrestlemania XIX by the way) It has been building up and was a little harder. Then we begin to see scenes of each wrestler in the Rumble.

    Each man will give his everything tonight to come out on top, to win, to succeed, To be the Champion..to be the last man Standing in that ring!

    The intro ends and we cut into the normal WWE Voice over saying "And now RAW and Smackdown welcome you to a joint production of the ROYAL RUMBLE!

    We then pull into the arena and watch the Royal Rumble set which had the feel of the Toughman competition arenas. the Metal set was all in Caution Yellow colors and had Caution all over the place. It's got a very strong and dangerous feel to the arena. The Set feels the same way with one giant Titantron in the middle of all the set. Then we have Jim Ross and The King welcome us to the Royal Rumble!

    Ross: Welcome everyone to the 2004 Royal Rumble!

    I'm really excited JR. We're going to see the man that will challenge either Brand's Champion at the Main Event of Wrestlemania XX crowned tonight!

    And we're kicking the Rumble off right with some Hardcore Action right now!

    Shark Boy vs Tajiri

    WWE Hardcore Championship Match

    Shark Boy's music is the first to hit and he comes out onto the stage with a sleek silver mask with the shark teeth on the front. Shark Boy came down to the ring and on the outside of each ring post were setup trash cans filled with weapons. This would be a tough match. Sharky grabbed a Singapore cane out of one of the trash cans and stood in the ring awaiting Tajiri's entrance. Tajiri's entrance (current) hits and he comes walking out onto the stage and walked down to the ring with the WWE Hardcore Title over his shoulder. Tajiri comes walking to the ring with no Mafia tonight. At least yet. Tajiri saunters down the ramp and gets to the ringside area, he walks to the ring steps and up them. Tajiri climbed into the ring and handed the Hardcore Title over to Nick Patrick for the start of the match.

    Sharky as the bell sounds comes at Tajiri with the Singapore Cane, taking a swing for the fences at his head. Tajiri ducked this and started off with a huge snap kick to the chest of Sharky. The crowd ooh's as Tajiri gets the match going early with that shot. Tajiri grabs Sharky and after pulling him back to his feet. Tajiri whips Sharky into a corner and tries to follow it in with a running missle dropkick but Sharky dodges the attack and Tajiri crotches himself on the second turnbuckle..ow. Sharky gets to his Singapore Cane that he had dropped in the middle of the ring and stands in wait for Tajiri. Tajiri got to his feet and turned around, heading out of the corner and Sharky swung with the Singapore Cane..WHACK Right into Tajiri's right knee. Tajiri went down holding his knee in pain. Sharky had a sadistic look on his face..at least what we could see of it from under his mask as he brought the Singapore cane down on Tajiri's right knee several more times before sliding out of the ring with the weapon.

    Sharky pulled one of the steel trash cans down and climbed onto the apron with it. Sharky then threw it over the top rope and into the ring, emptying the weapons out onto the mat. The best weapon inside looked to be a bat wrapped in barbed wire! Sharky sees it and moves for it immediately once he climbs back in the ring. Shark Boy picks up the ball bat and moves for Tajiri. Tajiri is on his feet now and sees Sharky coming. Tajiri completely lays Sharky out with a stiff kick to the jaw but goes down himself, holding his hurt right knee! Sharky is obviously dazed from that shot. Tajiri and Sharky both stay down for a good amount of time. Tajiri is the first man up and he goes over and picks up a no crossing street sign up from the debree of weapons. Tajiri then waits for Sharky and then WHACK across the face and Tajiri then makes a cover..1...2...kickout by Sharky

    Tajiri seems to become frustrated as he picks Sharky up and hits a beautiful Northern Lights Suplex on him with a bridge..1...2...kickout! A Beautiful move from Tajiri. Tajiri gets frustrated and prepares for the Buzzsaw Kick, waiting for Sharky to try to get up. Tajiri swings with the Buzzsaw kick but Sharky ducks it and Low blows Tajiri!!! Tajiri goes down to his knees and Sharky gets up and picks up the Barbed Wire Ball Bat. Tajiri is down on his knees in pain as Sharky comes up behind Tajiri..CRACK! Sharky busts Tajiri over the back of the head with the bat! This is the point where the match breaks down as Jimmy Yang and Kaz Hayashi come running down to the ring. Sharky though hit a great move where he dropkicked the Trash Can into the men as they tried to slide into the ring!

    At this point though Funaki and Taka come through the crowd on the opposite side of the ring and slide into the ring. Funaki picks up the Singapore Cane in the ring and Sharky gets up and turns around right into a Cane shot to the head! Funaki then locks in a Camel Clutch and Taka bows to him. Taka then bounces off the ropes and hits a baseball slide dropkick to the face of Sharky!!! Tajiri by now has staggered to his feet and stances into position. Taka and Funaki pick Sharky up to his knees and he sways a bit as if almost unconcious. Tajiri then lays into Shark Boy with one of the nastiest Buzzsaw kicks ever! Worse than some of his ECW kicks. Sharky sprawls out onto the mat and Tajiri covers him and Nick Patrick can do nothing but count the fall..1...2....3! Tajiri's music hits and the Five members in the ring of the New Japan Mafia celebrate their win in the ring!

    (Winner and STILL WWE Hardcore Champion at 8:23: Tajiri)

    Overall Rating: 65%

    Crowd Reaction: 65%

    Match Quality: 66%

    Dames Stars: *

    Christian vs Mark Jindrak vs Goldust

    WWE Intercontinental Championship Match

    After the ring posts are cleared off and the ring is cleared of weapons after the match. Then Christian's music hits and he comes sauntering out onto the stage. Christian walks down to the ring, taunting the crowd but he seems very intense tonight and ready to take back his IC Title that was stolen from him basically by Jindrak. Christian climbs into the ring and awaits his opponents. Then Goldust's music hits and the titantron plays Goldust's movie entrance video. Small gold dust begins to fall from the ceiling as Goldust walks out onto the stage and down to the ring. He has his full costume on tonight as well. Goldy takes off his Robe and wig outside the ring and after he's finished getting ready. Goldust then climbs onto the ring apron and into the ring. Then Mark Jindrak's music hits and he comes walking out onto the stage with the WWE IC Championship around his waist. Jindrak comes walking down to the ring to a fairly generic ring entrance. He climbs up the ringsteps and gets inside the ring. Then he hands the IC Title off to Nick Patrick and the bell sounds. Christian talks to Goldust and makes motions towards Jindrak as if to 2 on 1 him. Goldust nods with a laugh and immediately turns towards Jindrak. Goldust then immediately turns back and grabs Christian, pulling him in for a nasty, nasty lariat. That starts the match off as the bell sounds.

    Jindrak comes running at Goldust but Goldy back body drops him ALL THE WAY TO THE OUTSIDE OF THE RING! Jindrak lands full out on his back and stays down from the big impact. Goldust then proceeds to go to work on Christian. Goldust puts the stomps to Christian before picking him up and whipping him into a corner of the ring. Goldust follows him in for a clothesline but Christian moves. Goldust catches nothing but the top turnbuckle. Christian gets behind Goldust and sinches in a dragon sleeper position and pulls Goldy out of the corner with it. Then he drops him with his beautiful reverse DDT that he does. Jindrak is stirring on the outside but not yet to his feet as Christian covers Goldust..1....2.kickout right after two and it wasn't even close to finishing Goldust. Too early for that move. Christian picks Goldust up and puts him back to the mat with a snap vertical suplex. Jindrak is now climbing back into the ring but Christian stops that by hitting a baseball slide to the mouth of Jindrak, sending him back down.

    Christian then turns back to Goldy and picks him up to his feet. He whips Goldust to the ropes and telegraphs the back body drop. Goldust stops two feet short and drops to his back below Christian..SLAP to the face. Goldust then quickly gets up and runs to the ropes as Christian staggers back a couple steps. Goldust then runs at Christian and nails the Butt Bump, taking Christian down. Goldust then covers Christian..1...2...kickout at about 2 1/2 but not close enough for three. Jindrak is again trying to climb into the ring. Jindrak has made it to standing on the apron as Goldust gets up and sees Jindrak trying to get into the ring. Goldust goes over to him and kicks him in the gut, through the ropes. Goldy then hangman's him on the top rope. This sends Jindrak off the apron to the matting on the outside again. Goldust laughs at Jindrak over the top rope and is turned around by Christian trying to hit the Unprettier on him but Goldy pushes Christian off to the ropes. Goldust ducks the attempted Christian clothesline off the ropes and kicks Christian in the gut as he bounced off the ropes, back at him a second time. Goldust then sinches in and nails his really nasty looking neckbreaker to Christian and covers him off it..1..2...kickout by Christian. Jindrak finally makes it back into the ring after that move. Jindrak gets in the ring and as Goldust gets up, Jindrak gets in behind him and lifts him with a belly to back suplex, putting Goldy down! Jindrak stomped Goldy a couple times and then turned his attention to Christian.

    Jindrak picked Christian up and whipped him to the ropes. Jindrak then caught Christian bouncing off the ropes and used his momentum to drive him into the mat with a spinebuster. Jindrak from there floated into a cover and he got a long two count before Goldust stomped him in the head to break it up. Goldy picks Jindrak up and pushes him back into one corner before whipping him hard across the ring. Goldust follows him in and nails him with a follow up clothesline. Goldust then sets Jindrak up for the Shattered Dreams. The referee shakes his head and blocks it. He then gets Jindrak's legs off the ropes. Christian was up by now and Goldust hit a NASTY Uppercut low blow on him and hit a quick Curtain Call on him. Patrick turned around and saw this. He slid over and counted the cover..1...2....Jindrak dives in and makes the very narrow save. Jindrak nearly lost the belt without being involved! Jindrak picks Goldust up and whips him to the ropes. Goldust comes off the ropes and Jindrak leaps into the air, hitting a beautiful standing dropkick. Jindrak then picks Goldy up and figures he's ready for it. He calls for his Powerbomb and lifts Goldust into the air but Goldust reverses it into a falling DDT and rolls Jindrak over..1...2....3! Goldust wins the Title off a reversal!!! Goldust's music hits and Christian gets to his feet not even knowing what happened but Goldust is handed the Title and basically high tails it into the night as the new WWE Intercontinental Champion!

    (Winner and NEW WWE Intercontinental Champion at 10:12: Goldust)

    Overall Rating: 77%

    Crowd Reaction: 77%

    Match Quality: 78%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0 vs Sean O'Haire

    WWE American Championship Match

    Matt Hardy's computer loading screen begins to kick up after a short moment after the last match but the action keeps coming hot and heavy like Paul Heyman's women! The loading finishes and Hardy's music kicks up..OOHHH YEAAAA!! Hardy comes out onto the stage with his hand up in the air in a Mattitude sign. Shannon Moore walks to the ring right beside Matt doing the same thing. The Mattfact of the night is that "Matt made the Hardy name famous at the 2000 Royal Rumble!" Hardy gets into the ring and Shannon Moore goes to one corner of the ring on the outside as Sean O'Haire's creepy Prophecy music hits but with a more hard rock tone to it as he walks to the ring and has the WWE American Title in hand. He slides into the ring but Hardy doesn't let him breathe as he begins putting the boots to O'Haire before he can get his trenchcoat off. Hardy picks O'Haire up and hits a hard knifedge chop to his chest and then whips him off the ropes to the opposite side. O'Haire still in his coat comes back at Hardy and ducks his clothesline. Hardy turns to meet a very strong running lariat from O'Haire that showcases O'Haire's power because it sends Hardy for a loop!!

    O'Haire picks Hardy up and whips him into the left corner of the ring near the Smackdown Announce position. O'Haire follows Hardy in for a splash but O'Haire only catches a boot to the mouth. Hardy comes running out of the corner at O'Haire but he catches Hardy coming out and hits a spinning sidewalk slam on him and hooks the leg..1...2..kickout easily by Hardy. O'Haire stands up and picks Hardy up to his feet. O'Haire then picks Hardy up into a HUGE Press Slam!! O'Haire then covers Hardy..1...2...another kickout by Hardy though. O'Haire picks Hardy up and hoists him onto his shoulder and goes for a running powerslam but Hardy escapes out the back and pushes O'Haire off to the ropes. Hardy then catches O'Haire as he came back at him with a cool looking Side Effect!! Hardy then covered O'Haire..1....2...kickout. Hardy picks O'Haire up and whips him that same corner that O'Haire whipped him to earlier near the announce position. Hardy follows O'Haire in for a big clothesline. Hardy then sets O'Haire onto the top rope and climbs onto the first rope..SPLASH MOUNTAIN!!! Hardy makes it look like he thinks it's over with his reaction. He gets into an arrogant cover by just laying on O'Haire..1...2....O'Haire reverses it into a backslide variation.1...2...Hardy kicks out at the last second but it's enough to send Hardy livid mad. He begins stomping the crap out of O'Haire.

    Hardy then picks O'Haire up and hits a vertical suplex on him, followed by another and Hardy is so irate that he hits five Vertical Suplexes in a row before finally covering O'Haire..1...2....kickout! Hardy is now getting pissed off as he picks O'Haire up and lifts him onto his shoulders..what is he doing? PROPHECY TO O'HAIRE BY HARDY!!! Hardy laughs and covers O'Haire hooking the leg..1...2....KICKOUT! Hardy has the most shocked look on his face as somehow O'Haire kicked out of it! Hardy can't believe it and stands up, waiting for O'Haire to get to his feet. O'Haire gets up and Hardy kicks him in the gut and tries for a Twist of Fate but O'Haire pushes him off to the ropes and as Hardy comes back at him. A kick to the gut and O'HAIRE HITS THE TWIST OF FATE ON HARDY!!! O'Haire is exhausted at this point as it's the perverbial fourth quarter of the match. O'Haire gets an arm over Hardy after a few seconds..1...2....Hardy at the last second just throws his arm up into the air to break the count. O'Haire and Hardy are both slow to their feet. They go back and forth exchanging punches until O'Haire gains the advantage and momentum. He blocks several of Hardy's punches and nails some of his own. He backs Hardy into the ropes and whips him across the ring. He hits a hard back body drop to Hardy and waited for Hardy to get to his feet. A kick to the gut and O'Haire lifted Hardy onto his shoulders.

    At this point Shannon Moore freaked out and jumped onto the ring apron. O'Haire dropped Hardy and grabbed Shannon Moore and pulled him into the ring via over the top rope. O'Haire then hit a very driving Prophecy to Moore!! But this allowed Hardy to get up and as O'Haire gets back to his feet and turns around to go finish Hardy..kick to the gut..TWIST OF FATE!! Hardy covers O'Haire..1....2....KICKOUT ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? Hardy gets to his feet and gets up in the face of the referee, blocking his view partially but also not caring much except for being extremely pissed off that O'Haire kicked out. Moore whom had rolled out of the ring at this point. Grabbed a steel chair from under the ring and slid back into the ring. Hardy's screaming at the referee and cornering him had blocked off the referee's view and Shannon brought the chair into the ring and DROVE IT DOWN ON O'HAIRE'S HEAD SEVERAL TIMES!! Hardy's screaming in the ref's ear as well as standing over him and blocking his view, didn't allow the ref to see Shannon do that. O'Haire is not moving and obviously unconcious in the ring. Hardy finally goes back to O'Haire and stopped screaming at the ref. He picked the limp O'Haire up and TWIST OF FATE! Hardy then covered O'Haire hooking the leg..1..2....3! Matt Hardy wins the American Title! Shannon Moore grabs the belt and rolls into the ring with it and gives it to Hardy. The Two celebrate Mattitude Style!

    (Winner and NEW WWE American Champion at 18:22: Matt Hardy Version 1.0)(WWE American Title Gained in Image)

    Overall Rating: 86%

    Crowd Reaction: 84%

    Match Quality: 88%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    Christopher Daniels vs Ultimo Dragon

    WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match

    Ultimo Dragon's music hits first and his pyro begins going off on the stage and set. The fire spewing into the air as Ultimo comes walking through the curtain and out onto the stage. Ultimo walks down to the ring to a big ovation from the crowd. Ultimo walks down to the ring and does his ring entrance and then stands in wait as the "Fallen Angel" theme hits and he comes walking out onto the stage in full Fallen Angel costume. Daniels pulls this off so well. Daniels comes down to the ring and climbs inside with the Cruiserweight Title underneath his robe. Daniels disrobes and the WWE Cruiserweight Title is around his waist. He unstraps the title and..WHACKS Ultimo in the head with it quickly!!! The referee admonishes him for this but then sounds for the bell to start the match. Daniels begins stomping Ultimo. Daniels taking the cheap road as he picks Ultimo up and whips him into the ropes, Ultimo's back facing to the Smackdown Announce position. Ultimo runs at Daniels but ducks a clothesline attempt from Daniels. Daniels though hits a rolling heel kick to the face of Ultimo as he came back at him off the ropes.

    Daniels covers Ultimo..1....2.kickout. Daniels picks Ultimo up and kicks him in the stomach once, then lifts him over for a big snap suplex. Daniels gets to his feet from here and climbs to the top rope. He waits for Ultimo to get to his feet and comes off the top rope for a top rope crossbody but ULTIMO SIDESTEPS THE CROSS BODY AND TURNS IT INTO A DDT BY DRIVING DANIELS HEAD INTO THE MAT!!!! The crowd chants "holy shit" for a good 30 seconds as Ultimo gets over and covers Daniels.1....2...NO WAY Daniels gets a weak shoulder up and Ultimo looks to be in disbelief. Ultimo picks Daniels up and goes for his finisher but Daniels manages to barely get out of it and turns around, kicking Ultimo in the gut and drops him with a DDT. Both men are down for a few seconds. Daniels gets up first and as Ultimo gets up. Daniels hooks both arms and goes for the Last Rites but Ultimo powers out of it, sending Daniels for a back body drop. Ultimo waits for Daniels to get to his feet and..wham superkick from Ultimo and he then gets over to Daniels and locks in the Dragon Sleeper!!! Daniels is in it for a good minute and a half before he finally fades out. Brian Hebner raises and drops Daniels hand twice and the third time Daniels was playing possum! Because he flips up over Ultimo's shoulder and lands on his feet behind Ultimo. Ultimo turns around into a kick to the gut and the LAST RITES! Daniels then covers Ultimo..1...2.....3!! NOBODY GETS UP FROM THE LAST RITES!

    Daniels is handed his WWE Cruiserweight Title but he isn't done. He goes outside the ring and grabs from ringside a steel chair and from his robe at ringside pulls out two pairs of Handcuffs. Daniels gets back in the ring and tries to handcuff Ultimo to the ropes but Ultimo fights back with punches to the head of Daniels. Daniels nails Ultimo with a fist full of handcuffs to the head. Daniels from here does the Handcuff Crucifix to Ultimo. Ultimo's back is to one of the sides of the arena that the crowd is on (Not announce table or stage side) Daniels then grabs a microphone from ringside and proceeds to give Ultimo his final rites.

    Daniels: Tonight we will see the end of the Ultimo Dragon. I have beaten this man in every aspect you can in the wrestling ring, in the backstage..in life. Now it is time for his end. We shall never see the Ultimo Dragon again for tonight he will end! And that's the GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THE FALLEN ANGEL!

    After this Daniels picks up the steel chair and Really rears back and destroys the chair over and over against the head of Ultimo Dragon and he goes limp..then he TAKES OFF HIS MASK!!! He Un-Masked Ultimo Dragon!!! Daniels then picks up the chair and destroys it against Ultimo's head again and he is bleeding heavily from his forehead! Finally Smackdown officials hit the ring and stop Daniels but not before he's done horrid damage here!

    (Winner and STILL WWE Cruiserweight Champion at 14:29: Christopher Daniels)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 89%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    Team Angle vs The Dudley Boyz

    Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match

    We hear Powerman 5000 kick up and "Bombshell" hits as the Dudleys Pyro begins going off and Bubba Ray Dudley comes out onto the stage pumped up as hell and then points to the stage and out comes Spike Dudley! The crowd pops huge for the runt of the Dudley Liter as he comes down to the ring with Bubba and they both get a huge face reaction from the crowd. The Duds make their way to the ring and slide under the bottom rope, into the ring. They both get on opposite second turnbuckles and play to the crowd. The crowd gives them another big reaction and then their music is cut off by the WGTT Theme and Team Angle makes their way out onto the stage with the Undisputed Tag Team Titles around their waists. Shelton and Charlie make their way down to the ring and slowly get to their team's corner for this match. They know how furious Bubba is over what they did to his brother on RAW. Though he doesn't know for sure it was them. He thinks so it seems at least. Each time they try to get into the ring he takes a Furious swing at both men.

    Finally Bubba comes running at them and slides under the bottom rope to the outside. Team Angle slides into the ring and turns their backs on Spike to taunt Bubba. Spike then goes up top and hits a Front Dropkick to both men from the top rope!!! Sacrificing himself to take both men out. Then Bubba gets into the ring and the bell sounds as he picks up Haas and begins to take him to school!! Bubba is mad and that's bad for Haas. Bubba backs him into a neutral corner (The one near the Announce table). Bubba then lays in a HUGE Open-handed slap to the chest of Haas. Charlie screams in pain but Bubba pulls him back to the corner and lays in ANOTHER one to his chest. Bubba then whips Haas across the ring to the other neutral corner and Bubba follows him in screaming. Haas narrowly avoids being crushed and makes a tag out to Shelton Benjamin. Both Benjamin and Haas are wearing their WGTT Red outfits. Benjamin tries to take Bubba down but Bubba in his fury backs Benjamin to the ropes and whips him across the ring. Bubba telegraphs the back body drop and Benjamin takes advantage by hitting a big european uppercut to Bubba, Though by all accounts Shelton isn't European. Benjamin then hits a beautiful standing dropkick to the head. Bubba goes down holding his head from the move. Shelton proceeds to pick Bubba up and back him into his team's corner.

    Shelton then tags Haas in and both men double team Bubba in the corner. Spike is trying to get the crowd behind Bubba. Bubba begins to fight back at this point, elbowing Shelton off the apron and backing Haas off him. Haas though kicks Bubba in the gut after taking several punches. Haas whips Bubba to the ropes and Haas goes for a clothesline but Bubba hooks the arm..HUGA BUBBA BOMB! Haas goes flying to the side and stays down while Bubba slowly crawls to his team's corner. He crawls slowly until he MAKES the hot tag to Spike. Spike comes in and starts off by running himself into Haas and Benjamin with his human projectile move. Spike then takes control of Haas into a neutral corner by ramming himself head first into Haas several times. Then he pulls him out of the corner and grabs him for the Dudley Dog and runs up the turnbuckles and HAAS THROWS HIM TO THE OUTSIDE WHERE HE LANDS ON HIS BACK/ASS and screams in absolute pain as if he broke something. Two Dudleys in two eligible events? It could happen. We may need Big Dick Dudley and Sign Dudley at this rate.

    Anyway while Spike is on the outside, Bubba had gotten to his feet and as Haas turned back to the middle of the ring to tag Shelton..He gets a face full of BUBBA CUTTER! Bubba then slaps himself in the chest and yells


    Bubba then goes to the outside and gets a Table. He slides it into the ring and gets into the ring himself but Shelton manages to intercept Bubba and hits a huge flapjack on Bubba to the mat. Spike Dudley manages to get into the ring and as he does. Haas drops a leg on his head to keep him down. Then he picks Spike up and puts him up onto his shoulders. Shelton climbs to the top rope and hits a huge Code Angle and Haas covers him as Shelton takes care of Bubba by just hitting a baseball slide dropkick into his head to keep him down as Nick Patrick counts poor Spike down..1...2...3! Team Angle's music hits and Patrick gets their Tag belts for them and hands the belts over to them. Shelton and Charlie celebrate but then get a look in their eyes. Bubba is beginning to stir so Charlie brings the title belt down on Bubba's head. Then he tells Shelton to set up the table. He does and Charlie picks little Spike up and sets him up for a German Suplex and SHELTON SUPERKICKS SPIKE AS HAAS TAKES HIM OVER IN A GERMAN SUPLEX THROUGH THE TABLE!!!! Spike stays broken through the table holding his neck as Team Angle celebrate over the fallen Dudleys. Can Team Angle be beaten or are they the Greatest Tag Team Ever? They have held the Titles for 8 months now straight!

    (Winners and STILL Undisputed Tag Team Champions at 16:22: Team Angle)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 88%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    AJ Styles vs The Undertaker

    Buried Alive Match (For #30 Position in the Rumble)

    Before this match we get our first glimpses of the area beside the left side of the stage. A Giant dirt-mound is there with the Tombstone proper for a Buried Alive Match. It looks alot like the setup from Smackdown between the Rock n Sock Connection and Taker/Show a few years back. Styles music hits and he's the first man out. He sees the setup for the Buried Alive match and walks to the ring right past it. Styles gets into the ring and plays to the crowd getting them all riled up against him. Once Styles is in the ring Dead Man Walking hits and Undertaker's music kicks up. He comes driving onto the stage with his bike and comes down around the ring doing his lap and stopping at the beginning of the ramp. He shuts the bike down and gets off of it. The crowd is really into him and cheering loud for him. He then climbs onto the ring apron and into the ring. He does his play to each side of the ring and gets the crowd cheering for him.

    Taker climbs into the ring and the bell sounds for the match to begin. Before Taker can get fully over the ropes Styles runs at him and throws his body into him. This knocks Taker to the outside of the ring. Taker gets to his feet and Styles leaps up onto the top rope and palancha's himself into Taker but instead of just a body press. Styles nails a leapfrog Hurricarana on Taker on the outside!!! Styles gets to his feet and picks Taker up. He then whips Taker at his bike. Taker holds onto Styles and reverses the whip in a different direction and instead sends Styles into the Steel Ring steps, knocking them far off base. Taker then stalks after Styles slowly. Taker picks Styles up and begins busting him in the ribs over and over. Taker then rolls Styles into the ring and climbs inside himself. Styles gets to his feet before Taker gets into the ring and Styles hits a basement dropkick to Taker's left knee. Styles from here for the next few minutes works Taker's left knee over with knee drops, Putting Taker's leg on the bottom rope and hitting it with ass smashes and elbow drops. Styles then locks in a Leg Lace for about two minutes to work it over even more. Styles finally releases it and goes up top. Before Taker can get up Styles comes off the top rope with an ELBOW DROP DOWN TO HIS LEFT KNEE!!!

    This makes Taker scream in pain and writh around. Styles pulls Taker by his left knee towards the ramp side of the ring. Styles slides out of the ring and slams Taker's leg down against the ring apron. Then he pulls Taker out to the matted floor. Styles does a knee drop to Taker's knee on the outside at this point. Styles is dissecting the Dead man! Styles picks Taker up and pulls him up the ramp towards the Dirt mound and the grave. Styles shakes his head no as he pulls brass knucks out and BAM nails Taker right in the head with it and Taker crumples to the stage. Styles motions backstage and a couple Smackdown superstars come out. Nunzio and Chucky Palumbo! They help Styles pick Taker up and they run backstage with him. We switch to a camera backstage chasing them as they bring Taker backstage to an awaiting car and the FBI helps Styles throw him into the trunk and Styles slams it shut. He then reaches into what is apparently his car and pulls out his wallet, then taking a wad of money from his wallet and hands it to Nunzio. Then Styles peels off. A camera crew piles into a Truck and follows them. Styles drives a couple miles and pulls into a Graveyard! well we know where this may be leading now!!

    Styles gets out as do our cameraman who now record all the action. Styles opens up the trunk to a fist to the head from Taker. Styles staggers back at Taker climbs out of the trunk. Styles comes running back at Taker as he is out of the trunk and closes it. Just as Styles comes at Taker. Taker ducks and sends Styles for a back body drop to the trunk/back of the car with a big crunch. Taker then pulls Styles off and pulls him through the graveyard. Taker then sends Styles with an irish whip/throw THROUGH ONE OF THE TOMBSTONES IN THE GROUND. Oh the lawsuits from this...

    Taker sees what seems to be an open grave and picks Styles up, heading for it. Styles realizes this is his time and hits a nasty low blow to Taker as they are right at the lip of the open grave. Styles then picks up a shovel which we will find out was well placed and SMACK!!! Across the back of Taker's head and his limp form falls into the grave. Now Brian Hebner is on the scene as he'd gone with the TV Crew. Styles begins putting the shovel into a dirt mound which seems odd to just be there unless...Styles prepared this grave for Taker! Styles begins burying Taker and finally Hebner has seen enough and says that Styles is the winner! Styles isn't finished though. Styles continues to bury the Undertaker for a while longer and finally stops by throwing the shovel into the grave and saying "Rest In Peace Taker" Then Styles music hits in the arena and Styles has won the match and #30 spot in the Rumble!

    (Winner and #30 in the Rumble: AJ Styles)(Taker was very sluggish and didn't try at all. One wonders why he was buried) :shifty:

    Overall Rating: 62%

    Crowd Reaction: 69%

    Match Quality: 46%

    Dames Stars: DUD

    John Cena vs The Rock

    World Heavyweight Championship Match

    First out is the challenger as Rock's Hollywood theme hits but he still gets a huge face reaction as he comes out. The crowd is very into Rocky as he walks down to the ring and plays to the crowd. Then walks up the ring steps and goes along the ring apron with that Rock Swagger and climbs to the second turnbuckle on the outside of the ring and raises his fist high in the air. Then Rock climbs down and into the ring. Rocky plays to the crowd and then finally his music finishes and John Cena's music kicks up. Cena comes out onto the stage and has a microphone in hand..time for a PPV Rap!

    John Cena: Yo yo, cut my music it's time for a Pay Per View Beat.

    In just a minute Rock i'm gonna beat you like three day old raw meat.

    What is your problem Rocky? You seem to have a problem with something.

    You always talk about Monkeys, Anus licking and pie eating.

    One's gotta wonder what your momma was feedin ya.

    You are messed up in the head bro, just kinda weird is all.

    But since you showed up tonight it's time to ball.

    So get ready because i'm gonna bring the pain.

    Make sure you did your stretches cause in this match yer gonna come up lame.

    So enough with the talkin it's down to the knuckles and da fists.

    I'm gonna come down there right now and beat you so bad i'm gonna give you the

    Cena takes the microphone away from his mouth as the entire crowd yells out "Shits" Cena then drops the mic and walks down to the ring with the World Heavyweight Championship around his waist. He slides into the ring and hands the belt over to Earl Hebner who raises it high in the air and this match begins as the bell sounds. Rock and Cena circle each other for about 20 seconds and then lock up in the middle of the ring and the crowd is REALLY hot for this match. Cena takes control early with a knee into the Rock's gut. Cena then proceeds with his pounding attack to the Rock. Cena backs Rock into the top right corner of the ring. Cena hits a couple shoulder thrusts into the gut of the Rock whom really sells it very well. Cena then irish whips Rock across the ring and follows him into that corner with a hard running knee, driving it hard into the Rock's gut. Cena then pulls Rock out of the corner and hits a body slam on him and does his juke/jive fist drop to the head of Rocky. Cena then covers Rock and only gets a long one count. Rock kicks out quickly. Cena picks Rock up and whips him to the ropes and telegraphs the back body drop just a second too early and Rocky drops him with a HUGE DDT to the mat and kicks up.

    Rock picks Cena up and whips him into the corner that Cena first had him in early in the match. Rock begins laying hard knifedge chops into the chest of Cena. Alternated with hard Rocky punches to the jaw. Rock then puts Cena against the ring ropes and whips him across the ring. Rock goes for the Samoan Drop on Cena but Cena lands on his feet and does the Throwback to Rocky out of the Samoan Drop! Cena gets a two count but not a very close to three type of count. Cena picks Rock up and pushes him back into a corner again. Cena begins to throw that shoulder into his gut again over and over. Cena then begins laying into Rock's jaw with more punches. Even though this is more of a brawling match the crowd is into it back and forth with several Cena and Rocky chants emerging throughout. Cena then throws Rock onto his shoulders and looks to be trying for an F-U but Rock lands on his feet out of it and Cena gets to his feet looking pissed off and runs at Rock..RIGHT INTO A HUGE SPINEBUSTER!!! The crowd rises to it's feet as Rock kicks Cena's arm and takes off his elbow pad, whipping it out into the crowd. Rock then does his entire arm motion and runs to one side of the ropes, then to the other and goes for the People's Elbow only to miss! Cena moves at the last second and as Rock gets to his feet and moves at Cena, ROCK BOTTOM BY CENA TO ROCKY!!! Cena covers Rock after that move which gets a tremendous amount of boo's from the crowd..1...2....barely a kickout before three. Cena can't believe that Rocky kicked out of that finisher.

    Cena calls for the end and picks Rock up. Then lifts him up onto his shoulders but Rocky fights out of it again as he slips out the back into a sunset flip pin..1...2...Cena kicks out and looks pissed off. Rock is up quickly as well and Cena tries to run at Rock but Rock nails him with a beautiful clothesline that sends Cena for a half loop. Rock picks Cena up and whips him to the ropes and takes him over with a Belly to Belly throw. Rock then begins laying in those stutter kicks to Cena while he's down. Rocky then throws on the Sharpshooter to Cena and Cena begins to scream in pain and tries crawling with all his might towards the ropes. Rocky pulls Cena back to the center of the ring though. Cena fights through it though and does finally make it through the ropes though it looked at one point like he would tap out. Cena holds onto the ropes in pain as Rock pulls him away from the ropes. Cena holds onto the bottom rope with both hands while Rock has his feet. Rock then yanks him off the ropes which brings Cena into the air and landing to the mat with a thud. Rocky then runs to one side of the ring and then the other..A VERY IMPROMPTU PEOPLE'S ELBOW!!! Rocky then covers Cena..1....2...NO Cena shoots his shoulder up at the very last moment and manages to avoid a Title loss to The Rock. Rock picks Cena up and goes for a Rock Bottom but Cena elbows out of it and pulls Rocky into a Fireman's carry..F-U!!! The crowd is still going crazy at this point and Cena covers Rocky..1...2.....3!!! John Cena will retain the World Heavyweight Championship! Cena rolls out of the ring and grabs his World Title. He puts it on his shoulder and does his "You Can't See Me" taunt as he walks by the cameraman and up the ramp. John Cena gets to the top of the stage and holds the World Heavyweight Title high in the air as Rock looks on in shock that he lost this Title match!!

    (Winner and STILL World Heavyweight Champion at 19:20: John Cena)(John Cena Gained Overness From This Match)

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Crowd Reaction: 90%

    Match Quality: 75%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    Edge vs Chris Benoit

    WWE Championship Match

    Chris Benoit's theme hits as he comes walking out onto the stage and down to the ring to huge amounts of boo's from the crowd. Benoit walks down to the ring and rolls inside. He then stands in wait for the WWE Champion. Smoke begins filling the entryway as Edge's music hits. Edge then bursts through the smoke and pumps the crowd up as he gets himself pumped up for a huge Title Defense. He walks down to the ring with his leather trench on. He slides under the bottom rope and into the ring. Benoit has his purple colored attire on tonight. Edge plays to the crowd a bit more and then unstraps his Title, handing it to Brian Hebner. Benoit then snatches the title away from Hebner and kisses it once and tells Edge it's coming home with him. Then he shoves it into the arms of Hebner and attacks Edge before he can get his trenchcoat off. Benoit begins laying in those chops as hard as he can. Yelling while he delivers each one. Edge finally gets the trenchcoat off and fights back by blocking a punch from Benoit and backs Benoit to the ropes with a few knifedge chops of his own.

    Edge then whips Benoit across the ring and sends him for a hip toss. Benoit gets up quickly and runs right into a hard arm drag from Edge. Benoit gets up a third time and runs at Edge just to get a drop toe hold into the mat. Edge stands up, Benoit does as well. Benoit laughs it off and tries to get his head back into the game. Benoit moves in at Edge and makes like he's going to lock up for a grapple but Benoit kicks Edge in the gut instead. Benoit takes control here, pushing Edge back into the top right corner of the ring (near the announce table position) Benoit begins laying in just nasty chops to Edge. The crowd is into each one. Edge reverses the position and hits a Standing dropkick to Benoit! Edge then pulls Benoit out of the corner and hits a good but not perfect Northern Lights Suplex with bridge to Benoit..1..2....kickout by Benoit! Edge then in control now, picks Benoit up and whips him hard back into the corner they were just in. Edge follows him in but is met with a hard elbow from Benoit. Benoit then comes running out of the corner at a staggered Edge but gets taken over in a big body slam to the mat!

    Edge then gets to his feet and waits for Benoit to get up. Edge stances back and as Benoit gets up, Edge runs at Benoit for a spear but Benoit instead sidesteps Edge and sends him as much as he can into the ring post in the opposite corner from the one they'd been fighting in. Edge held his shoulder in pain as Benoit pulled him to his feet and hit a single arm breaker on his left arm which had just gone into the ring post. Edge screams in pain as Benoit hits this. Benoit then grabs Edge's left arm and puts it on the bottom rope and jumps into the air, driving down onto the arm several times. Benoit then tries to slap the Crippler Crossface on but Edge rolls out of it and gets to the ropes before Benoit can fully lock it in. Benoit picks Edge up and tries to get the Crossface on again but instead to reverse it. Edge hits a flapjack on Benoit to the top rope, bouncing him on it and Benoit ends up landing hard on the outside of the ring. Edge climbs out of the ring, favoring his left arm but proceeds to pick Benoit up and whip him as hard as he can into the steel ring steps on the outside of the ring. Edge isn't finished though as he picks Benoit up and Snap Suplexes him hard on the floor! Edge rolls into the ring after that and tries to work the stiffness out of his arm.

    Benoit climbs himself into the ring at 8. Edge stomps Benoit as he gets into the ring. Edge then picks Benoit up and whips him into the top left corner of the ring (Announce table side) Edge then takes Benoit out of the corner with his half nelson faceplant to the mat and covers Benoit..1...2...Benoit kicks out. Benoit gets to his feet slowly, Edge puts Benoit in position for the Edgeocution but Benoit reverses out of it and gives Edge a Northern Lights Suplex of his own (Benoit's was better). He holds it for a pin as well..1...2...kickout by Edge. Benoit gets up about the same time as Edge. Benoit goes for another Crippler Crossface but Edge blocks it twice and a third time Benoit instead tries for a back elbow but Edge ducks it and sends Benoit over in a belly to belly suplex. Edge picks Benoit up a few seconds later and puts him into a Fireman's carry on his shoulders. Then he whips Benoit around in an F5 like move but it's down into a sit-out slam. Edge then covers Benoit..1...2....Benoit kicks out at the last second. Edge calls for the end of Benoit and backs up into a far corner (the right one near the stage) Edge stands in wait till Benoit gets up and then runs at him for a spear but Benoit BLOCKS IT BY PULLING EDGE INTO A CRIPPLER CROSSFACE!!! Benoit rears back and has it locked in on Edge for close to two minutes before Edge finally gets to the ropes, just to have Benoit put his foot onto the ropes to push them out of reach of Edge. Edge does manage just before he probably would've tapped out to grab the ropes and pull himself into them.

    Benoit seems to get real frustrated as Edge escaped. Edge pulls himself up by the ropes and Benoit tries to German Suplex him twice but Edge holds onto the rope. The third time Edge elbows Benoit off him and it staggers him away into the middle of the ring. Edge stances quickly and as Benoit turns..SPEAR SPEAR SPEAR!!! Edge nails the Spear and picks Benoit up..EDGEOCUTION!!! Edge then rolls Benoit over and covers him, laying on top of him.1....2.....BENOIT GETS A SHOULDER UP!!! Edge just cannot believe that Benoit kicked out. He argues with Brian Hebner for a moment and says he got three but Hebner tells him two and got the shoulder up. Edge seems very frustrated and reaches down to pick Benoit up but Benoit instead pulls him into a small package..1...2.....NO! Edge manages to kick out of the last second as he kicked and struggled the entire count. Edge gets up quickly and Benoit gets up as well. Edge tries for another Edgeocution but Benoit reverses it into an attempt at a Crossface but Edge blocks it and hits a forearm to the face of Benoit to make him let go. Benoit staggers away and Edge gets in behind Benoit and lifts him onto his shoulders..ELECTRIC CHAIR DROP BY EDGE!!! Edge then covers Benoit..1...2....3!! It took the Electric Chair for Edge to pull out the Huge Victory! Edge is given his Title by Brian Hebner and he holds it to him and climbs to the second rope in one corner near the announce table and celebrates. He doesn't give a second thought to Benoit but he should have. As Benoit does manage to get to his feet and in anger he uses a burst of energy to run up the turnbuckles and deliver a NASTY second rope German Suplex to Edge!!!

    Benoit then locks on the Crippler Crossface to Edge who finally begins tapping out and other referee's come running down to the ring trying to get Benoit to let go by any means necessary. Benoit lets go after a couple minutes and then picks up the WWE Title and looks at it longingly..then drops it onto Edge and tells him..."Soon Edge" Then Benoit walks off and up the ramp as his music hits. We cut to a video package for the Royal Rumble after Benoit walks behind the curtains

    (Winner and STILL WWE Champion at 26:43: Edge)

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Crowd Reaction: 80%

    Match Quality: 80%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    The Royal Rumble is Up Next!

  9. user posted image

    WWE Smackdown

    January 15, 2004

    We tune into UPN tonight and the Smackdown intro music hits and the video plays up. Then we immediately cut to the ring, no pyro because tonight we've got alot of wrestling to get to! So let's get to it!

    Pardon the Interruption

    To everyone's surprise though tonight we start with AJ Styles' music hitting. AJ Makes his way down to the ring with a smirk on his face. He has a shovel in hand as he comes to the ring. In the metal of it is written RIP Undertaker. AJ gets into the ring and gets on the stick. We love it when AJ does this but he hasn't been allowed since he appeared on a radio station slamming the WWE. Bad AJ.

    Styles: Tonight we're here to celebrate the life of the Undertaker! Cause this will be the last time you'll see the Undertaker on Smackdown! On Sunday I am going to bury him once and for all...People ask me what do I have against Taker. Well it's this simple. He's the Big Dog in this Yard and I was the Big Dog in my Yard. Now i'm in this yard and he's the supposed Big Dog. So I guess i'm here to take my place as the Big Dog of THIS Yard.

    Oh now you've gone and made Taker angry. Cause Taker comes through the crowd with a Biker chain around his fist. He isn't moving nimbly but his music goes off so AJ faces the set. Taker climbs into the ring and doesn't even bother to let AJ see it coming as he cracks him in the back of the head with the Biker Chain! Taker picks AJ up and whips him to the ropes. Taker then rears back and busts AJ open with a chained fist to the head. Taker then lifts his fist into the air and calls for it. He drops the chain and picks AJ up. Then sets him up for the ride, lifts him up into the air and holds it for a minute. Then Taker drops AJ back down to the mat and his music hits as we watch Taker leave the ring.

    Overall Rating: 74%

    Triple H vs Lance Storm

    "The Game" Hits and as the strobes hit Triple H comes walking out from behind the curtain. Triple H comes walking down to the ring and gets inside. Then Lance Storm's music hits and he comes to the ring. The match begins and it's a fairly basic. Except for the fact that LANCE STORM WINS?! Triple H late in the match went for a Pedigree on Storm but Storm back body dropped Triple H out of it and stood back and nailed HHH with a huge Superkick and covered him for the ..1...2...3! Lance Storm celebrated as we went to commercial break. A Big victory for Storm heading into the Rumble!

    (Winner: Lance Storm)

    Overall Rating: 61%

    Crowd Reaction: 52%

    Match Quality: 71%

    Dames Stars: *1/4

    Ken Shamrock vs Billy Kidman

    Shamrock was out first to the ring with a take no crap type of walk to the ring. Then the slow tones of DMX hit as Billy Kidman comes out with the new MF'er Shirt on. Which Michael Cole reminds us can be purchased at Shopzone.com. These men put on a better match then the match before them but the crowd cares even less for this match than the last one. Damn Marks in the crowd. Ken Shamrock takes Kidman to school in this match. Shamrock finishes it off with an Anklelock which is still the best in the business. Kidman submits after about 30 seconds in it and after the match Shamrock lays Kidman out with a huge Belly to Belly suplex.

    (Winner: Ken Shamrock)

    Overall Rating: 66%

    Crowd Reaction: 52%

    Match Quality: 81%

    Dames Stars: **1/4

    Shades of Aggression

    We cut to the backstage area where Ultimo Dragon is getting ready for his match and heading for the set as Christopher Daniels comes walking by with the Cruiserweight Title over his shoulder. He says something which most inmature fans probably thought was about his mama. We at WWE are not that immature and it was more than likely just stated strong dislike for Ultimo. Either way both men get in each other's face and scream. Ultimo in Japanese at Daniels. Daniels in Preacherlike tongue at Ultimo. Security pulls the men apart and Ultimo heads for the ring.

    Overall Rating: 72%

    Ultimo Dragon/Sean O'Haire vs Mattitude (M. Hardy/Moore)

    Ultimo Dragon's music hits and he comes walking out from behind the curtain as his pyro goes off. Once it finishes Ultimo makes his way to the ring. After him O'Haire's music hits and the dark tones bring the Young Mastermind to the ring with his WWE American Title in hand. Once both men are in the ring as see the computer loading up and OHHHH YEAAAA! Hardy's entrance kicks up and the Matt-Fact we see for tonight is that "Matt Hardy likes the Houston Texans" This of course earns a heel response when in Dallas (Which is where this is at by the way) Hardy and Moore make their way to the ring and not to give anything away but This match was tremendous. O'Haire and Dragon clicked as a team and put it to Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore but they fought back and had their big moments as well.

    Hardy hit the Side Effect and Splash Mountain at different points in the match on both O'Haire and Dragon for close two counts. Moore hit a 450 Splash on Ultimo Dragon for a very long two count. But late in the match with Ultimo and Shannon being the legal men. Matt Hardy got into the ring and tried to clothesline Ultimo but Brian Hebner tried to stop it. Instead he caught a clothesline from Hardy. Hardy then tried to clock Ultimo but Ultimo ducked it and hit his finisher on Hardy. This is the point where Christopher Daniels comes running down to the ring with a Steel Chair. This is a special Chair though. It apparently brings the Wrath of God as it is painted completely white with a huge Black Cross on the chair. Daniels pulls O'Haire off the ring apron and CRACK right to the head of O'Haire knocking him down and out. Daniels then gets in the ring as Moore and Ultimo are locked up in a grapple. Moore pushes Dragon off and Daniels rears back and unloads the chair shot to the head of Dragon. Moore then hits his own Twist of Fate and Daniels nudges the referee awake. Moore makes the cover as Hebner counts..1....2....3! Mattitude takes the victory three days out from the Rumble

    Matt Hardy gets back to his feet and grabs O'Haire from the outside and brings him into the ring for a Twist of Fate. Daniels picks Ultimo up and hits the "Last Rites" to him. Daniels then produces two sets of those damn handcuffs. They lock O'Haire and Ultimo to the ropes crucifix style and Daniels gives them the last words as he then smashes his chair over the head of O'Haire and Daniels. Busting O'Haire open and you can't tell if it did to Ultimo but it definately knocked him out! Then Mattitude and Daniels raise their arms in the ring as we head to commercial

    (Winners: Mattitude)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 85%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    Christopher Daniels vs Paul London

    WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match

    Daniels stays in the ring as we return from break and Paul London's music hits and he comes running down to the ring with a huge opportunity. London begins fast and after hitting one of the nastiest looking DDT's of all time with Daniels spiking his body into the air and everything to sell it. London misses the London's Calling and Daniels finishes London with the "Last Rites" To retain the Cruiserweight Championship in another great match! Daniels has all the momentum heading into the Rumble!

    (Winner and Still WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Christopher Daniels)

    Overall Rating: 82%

    Crowd Reaction: 78%

    Match Quality: 86%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    Good Luck Champ

    Edge is backstage getting ready for his WWE Title defense against Brock Lesnar later tonight when Chris Benoit comes up laughing in Edge's face and begins talking smack to the Champ

    Benoit: So Edge how does it feel to know time is slipping away. The seconds on your Title Reign just ticking away. Feeling, Sensing..KNOWING that in three days I'm going to beat you for that Title!

    Edge: I'm not even thinking about you Chris. I'm more concerned about Lesnar than you. Your just..small potatoes. You only won the WWE Title once and it was on loan for a couple weeks for you. Do you really think you can take me? I didn't think so.

    Edge walks away leaving Benoit fuming but then he breaks up with a sadistic laugh and says "We'll See" as we fade out to commercial

    Overall Rating: 76%

    Rob Van Dam vs Rey Mysterio

    Rey Mysterio's music hits as we come back from commercial and he comes to the ring. Mysterio waits in the ring as RVD's entrance music hits and his pyro goes off. RVD comes down to the ring and both these men put on a show in this match. High Fliers all around as RVD and Mysterio fly around the ring in this match. Mysterio hits a slingshot Senton Splash on RVD For a long two count as well as a 619 to the head of RVD. Mysterio though catches a roundhouse kick to the gut as he goes for the West Coast Pop. Mysterio then hits a Rolling Thunder in the middle of the ring on Mysterio. Then he does something uncharacteristic. RVD goes outside of the ring and grabs a Steel Chair. The referee tries to stop RVD as he gets back into the ring with it but RVD just whacks the referee straight up with the chair. RVD then slams the chair down on Mysterio once. Then puts Mysterio in one corner of the ring, slumped in the corner with the chair wedged between the ropes, right in front of Mysterio's face. RVD then climbs the corner next to that corner..not Coast to Coast!..VANTERMINATOR TO THE CHAIR COAST TO COAST TO MYSTERIO!!! At this point Brian Hebner has called for the DQ and Mysterio's music hits but as RVD leaves the ring with his arms in the air. Mysterio doesn't look like a winner after this match. RVD Taking every advantage he can get for the Rumble

    (Winner by DQ: Rey Mysterio)

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Crowd Reaction: 82%

    Match Quality: 85%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    Brock Lesnar vs Edge

    WWE Championship Match

    Main Event

    Brock Lesnar's music hits as the lights go down. Lesnar comes stancing out onto the set from behind the curtain and walks to the ring. Lesnar then leaps up onto the ring apron and his pyro goes off from the four posts of the ring. Lesnar then steps into the ring as Edge's music hits as the lights come back up. Smoke pours around the set and Edge busts through the smoke, pumping the crowd up as much as he can with the WWE Championship around his waist. Edge then points to the belt and then at Lesnar in the ring. Edge then runs to the ring and begins fighting immediately with Lesnar as the bell sounds!

    Lesnar and Edge go toe to toe for almost 10 minutes. Lesnar hit his Triple Backbreaker as well as his Spinebuster for long two counts. Edge hit the Edge-O-Matic for a long two count as well as the Edge-Plant (Half Nelson Faceplant) Edge got long counts on these. Edge looked like he was set to win the match when he sinched in Lesnar for an Edgeocution but Benoit came running down the aisle right at that point. Edge managed to stop Benoit with a dropkick to his head as Benoit jumped onto the ring apron. Edge turned around into a HUGE F5 FROM LESNAR!!! Lesnar is gonna win the Title! Lesnar moves into the cover and hooks Edge's leg.....1...2....NO EDGE KICKS OUT!! Lesnar freaks out and begins screaming at Brian Hebner that it was three and backs him into a corner. As he does this Benoit slides into the ring and locks in the Crippler Crossface on Edge. Hebner sees this and calls for the DQ!! Lesnar goes absolutely insane as grabs Brian Hebner and hoists him up..F5 to Brian Hebner!!! Lesnar then grabs Benoit off Edge and hits a HUGE F5 on him as well!!! Lesnar then picks Edge up and hits an F5 on him as well for good measure! Lesnar grabs the WWE Championship from ringside and walks towards the backstage area and turns around just before going backstage and raises both arms in the air with the WWE Title in his hands as Smackdown goes off the air!

    (Winner by DQ and Still WWE Champion: Edge)

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 89%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    Smackdown Rating: 74%

    TV Rating: 4.51

    Attendance: 6,531

    Ticket Sales: $261,240

  10. IMG]http://raw.wwe.com/images/raw_logo.gif

    Monday Night RAW

    January 12, 2004

    We see scenes from the last few weeks leading into tonight's climax as the final RAW. Then we cut into the Union Underground intro to RAW with all the superstars including motion photos of the New Japan Mafia and John Cena cut into it with new pictures. The Mafia posing together and Cena holding up the World Heavyweight Title and doing his hand wave in front of his face. Then we cut to the pyro exploding! Once the pyro finishes exploding Low Ki's music hits!

    Low Ki vs Shark Boy

    Hardcore Rules Match

    Low Ki comes down to the ring with his take no crap attitude as he walks to the ring and once he's down the ramp begins pulling weapons from under the ring but before he can throw more than a chair and metal trash can into the ring. Shark Boy comes running down the steel ramp before his music plays and dropkicks Low Ki into the ring itself. Sharky then rolls Low Ki into the ring and grabs a Singapore Cane from under the ring and gets into the ring himself. Both men throughout this match exchange hard Weapon shots and spectacular moves. Mostly big risks by Sharky and Low Ki staying with a ground based attack. In the end it looks like Sharky is going for a Deep Sea Drop but Tajiri comes through the crowd and WOAH Pushes him off the top rope and he straddles the top rope and bounces off it to the outside. Low Ki sets up the trash can right under the bottom rope by where Sharky will get up at. Sharky slowly stands up as Low Ki hits the opposite ropes and baseball slides the trash can into Shark Boy's head! Low Ki then gets outside the ring and gets a cover on Sharky..1....2..3! Low Ki picks up a big victory but not without the help of Tajiri!

    (Winner: Low Ki)

    Overall Rating: 73%

    Crowd Reaction: 75%

    Match Quality: 71%

    Dames Stars: *3/4

    Uh Oh...

    We are backstage where D-Von Dudley is walking into the arena tonight and a stage hand comes up and delivers a note to D-Von. Whatever it said..it made him freak as he runs off down the hall and runs backstage. We follow him till he busts into a locker room and looks around. He doesn't find anyone but he acts like he should have...then CRACK! Double Steel Chair Shot and Team Angle comes into view. They then laugh together with the Undisputed Tag Team Titles around their waists and yell down at D-Von.

    Haas: D-Von your never going to wear a Title belt again..in fact after tonight..you'll be lucky to walk ever again

    Then in one of the most sick displays in a long time. Haas and Benjamin slip their chairs onto D-Von's ankles and then both men leap into the air and DOUBLE PILLMANIZE D-VON'S ANKLES!!! Then they run out of their as he's left screaming in agony as we head to commercial break.

    Overall Rating: 73%

    We come back from commercial break and EMT's have gotten to D-Von and have splints on both of his legs as he's screaming in agony. Bubba comes running up and asking what happened. Nobody knows but Bubba says as he gets into the Ambulance with D-Von..He thinks he knows what the hell happened.

    Christian/Goldust vs Jindrak/Maven

    First man out is the Pimp Daddy himself! Pimp Daddy McMaven makes his way out onto the stage and the crowd boo's him out of the building so he brings out three fine looking ho's and the crowd suddenly cheers him as loudly as any response tonight. Once the Pimp Daddy has gotten to ringside and climbed into the ring and danced a little with the fine women. They leave the ring and Mark Jindrak's music hits and he comes walking down to the ring with the WWE Intercontinental Championship around his waist. Once he's in the ring Christian's music hits and the crowd gives Christian a pretty good ovation. Christian comes down to the ring and waits outside as Goldust's music hits and he comes sauntering out onto the stage and as his gold sparkle pyro goes off and it falls back down to the arena floor. He comes walking down to the ring. Goldust takes his wig and costume off and just left in the leather outfit. This match goes back and forth between the two teams. It's an alright match but nothing spectacular. Christian gets a majority of the Offense in the match. Late in the match though Goldust tags himself in and pushes Christian into Maven to take both men out. Both go to the outside. Jindrak was the legal man and Goldust hits the Curtain Call on Jindrak and covers him before Christian or Maven can even see what happened..1...2...3!!! Goldust pinned the IC Champion six days out from their Matchup at the Rumble!

    (Winners: Goldust and Christian)

    Overall Rating: 76%

    Crowd Reaction: 78%

    Match Quality: 74%

    Dames Stars: **1/4

    Randy Orton vs D'Lo Brown

    D'Lo Brown's music hits after the last match ended and everyone had left. D'Lo comes walking down to the ring to a pretty good reaction from the crowd and once he hits the ring. "Passing You By" hits and Randy Orton comes strutting out onto the stage. Orton makes his way down to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. Then both men lock up and from there it's the best match of the night by far. D'Lo and Orton seem to mesh really well and both men hit big moves. D'Lo hitting his Sky High and Orton hitting his Major Backbreaker as well as the Overdrive. Finally Orton finishes D'Lo off after a really good match with a running RKO. Orton then covers D'Lo..1....2....3! Austin comes running down to the ring as Orton gets the win. Orton sees Austin coming and slides out the opposite side of the ring as Austin slides into the ring. Austin yells at Orton and tells him that he won't be able to get away from him on Sunday. Orton laughs it off and heads up the ramp as we head into another commercial break.

    (Winner: Randy Orton)

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Crowd Reaction: 75%

    Match Quality: 86%

    Dames Stars: ***1/4

    10 Man Royal Rumble

    Winner Chooses their Royal Rumble Position beside #30

    To the shock of the crowd "Passing You By" hits as we come back from break and Randy Orton comes back out as they announce the next match is the 10 Man Royal Rumble and the first man out is none other than Randy Orton! He comes walking down to the ring a bit winded from his last match. He climbs into the ring and awaits entrant #2. In this match it'll be one minute between entries. VIVA LA RASA!!! And Eddie Guerrero comes out onto the stage to a huge ovation from the crowd. Eddie comes down to the ring and then slides into the ring. Then the bell sounds and the match is underway. Orton goes right after Eddie to try and get him out before the next man comes out. Orton tries to get Eddie out over the top rope and he goes over but Eddie slithers back through the middle and bottom rope and Orton can't get him out. We come down to the final 10 seconds with Orton stomping Eddie and then as the clock hits Zero.

    Tajiri's music hits and he comes running down to the ring and is met with stomps from Orton! Orton picks Tajiri up and goes for a clothesline but Tajiri ducks it and lays in a giant kick into the gut of Orton! The crowd gasped at the kick as it made a sick sound. Then Tajiri goes to give Eddie Guerrero a Buzzsaw kick but Eddie ducks it and as Tajiri spins back around. Eddie nails him with a suplex and then a swivel of the hips as Eddie gets back up holding it and nails a second suplex and then Eddie completes the Trifecta of Suplexes. Now the clock comes down and hits zero as Eddie gets back over to Orton and stomps him as the next man comes out.

    The Pyro goes off as Kane's Chemical Brothers intro hits and he comes stalking down to the ring. Kane stalks down to the ring and hits the ring and then of course we have where my word screws up again so I will go on to tell you that the winner is Booker T whom eliminates Eddie Guerrero after a tremendous bout.

    (Winner: Booker T)

    Overall Rating: 74%

    Rock is backstage getting hyped up for his big non title action with Cena coming up next!

    Overall Rating: 91%

    John Cena vs The Rock

    Main Event

    Cena and Rock go back and forth in this match till late in the match Cena hits a Low Blow and a F-U For the victory as we head into the Royal Rumble six days out!

    (Winner: John Cena)

    Overall Rating: 86%

    Crowd Reaction: 88%

    Match Quality: 84%

    RAW Rating: 78%

  11. Sunday Night Heat

    Jan 11, 2004

    Dark Matches

    Matt Morgan destroys John Hennigan in a quick match 52(45,60)1/4*

    NOSAWA defeats Adam Jacobs when Satoshi Kojima interferes and helps NOSAWA get the pinfall. Then they beat Jacobs down after the match 66(53,79)**

    Mortis defeats Fleisch with the Flatliner. Plain,simple, easy. 70(58,83)**1/2

    Jimmy Yang defeats Black Dragon with a Yang Time! 65(55, 75)**

    Heat Matches

    Frankie Kazarian winds up defeating Chuck Palumbo in an alright match. In the end Frankie avoids a Jungle Kick and stuns Palumbo long enough to hit the "Wave of the Future" and covers him..1...2...3! Kazarian with a huge win! 61(58,65)3/4*

    D'Lo Brown defeats Test after he tried for a Pumphandle Slam and D'Lo slipped out the back. Test turned around right into a Sky High and the loss. After the match Test didn't take it well and hit a Big Boot to the back of D'Lo's head as he was walking around the ring and was going to leave! 71(71,72)*3/4

    Brock Lesnar demolishes Rico and finally hits an F5 for the win. Then goes ahead and hits two more F5's on Rico for good measure. Lesnar wasn't happy about being on Heat! 74(76,72)**

    Shark Boy defeats Steve Corino in a solid match with the Deep Sea Drop to get the pinfall. Nothing else of mention really happened! 74(79,64)1/4*

    Heat Rating: 67%

    TV Rating: 6.03

    Attendance: 6,508

    Ticket Sales: $260,320

  12. user posted image

    WWE Smackdown

    January 8, 2004

    We kick up with our first Smackdown of the new year with the same entrance theme from last year and the same opening pyro but it's an entire new year of action and it kicks off right now!

    Chris Sabin vs Spanky

    We kick off the first Smackdown of the new year with Chris Sabin coming out first to his TNA theme with a harder rock cut. So that it was a WWE Creation. Then Brian "Spanky" Kendrick's music hits and he comes running down to the ring and slides under the bottom rope as Sabin stands ready in the ring. These men battle for about seven minutes with back and forth Cruiserweight Offense until finally Spanky reverses the Future Shock and pulls Sabin into the "Sliced Bread #2" and plants him with it and gets the cover..1...2....3! Spanky gets a big victory!

    (Winner: Spanky)

    Overall Rating: 75%

    Crowd Reaction: 70%

    Match Quality: 80%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    Dead Man Getting Slow?

    We see Taker backstage seemingly getting ready for something coming up when AJ Styles comes driving through on some kind of odd Go-Kart and just PLOWS TAKER OVER!!! Taker flips over the car and lands flat on his face on the ground. Officials and EMT's rush over to Taker as AJ turns his head and looks back, he laughs and then drives off! What a sick man!

    (Undertaker Loses Overness)

    Overall Rating: 75%

    Hurricane vs Lance Storm

    Royal Rumble Qualifier

    Lance Storm is the first man out and the crowd tears into him heavily. Storm comes down to the ring and then Hurricane's music hits once Storm is in the ring. Hurricane comes down to the ring and these men turn in a tremendous match! Hurricane and Storm take each other to the limit for almost 10 minutes until finally Hurricane goes for the Vertibreaker but Storm flips out of it to his feet and Hurricane turns around..SUPERKICK!!! Storm then covers Hurricane..1...2....3! Storm gets the impressive win over Hurricane to gain a spot in the Royal Rumble! Go Lance Storm!

    (Winner and Gaining a Spot in the Royal Rumble: Lance Storm)

    Overall Rating: 88%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 96%

    Dames Stars: ****1/4

    Billy Kidman vs John Hennigan

    Hennigan was out first to the Tough Enough 3 theme and comes down to the ring from behind the curtain. Kidman is out next and he comes down to the ring to his DMX theme. Kidman controls this match from start to finish. Hennigan hits some basic offense and a couple Vertical suplexes in the match but Kidman controls most of it and near the end of the match. Kidman is down and Hennigan tries his Standing Shooting Star Press on Kidman but hits nothing but flat on his face. Kidman then picks Hennigan up and hits the Kid Krusher on him and covers him, hooking the leg...1...2...3! Kidman gets the victory as his music hits and we take a commercial break!

    (Winner: Billy Kidman)(Crowd was let down after such a great match before this one.)

    Overall Rating: 61%

    Crowd Reaction: 49%

    Match Quality: 73%

    Dames Stars: *1/4

    Dead Man Lives!

    We catch up with Taker backstage as they're helping him to an awaiting Ambulance to tend to his injuries. Mark Lloyd runs up and asks Taker how he's doing and he stops walking and turns to Lloyd and grabs the mic out of his hand.

    Taker: Styles..Royal Rumble..BURIED ALIVE!

    The crowd simply explodes in cheers and we head to the ring after this.

    Overall Rating: 75%

    Rob Van Dam vs Cyclone

    Royal Rumble Qualifer

    Cyclone's entrance hits and he comes walking out from behind the curtain and walks down to the ring. He rolls into the ring and poses for the crowd. Then RVD's entrance hits and RVD makes his way from the back and down the aisle to the ring. RVD gets into the ring and immediately attacks Cyclone, catching him off guard with his hard kicks and unique offense for about five minutes straight. RVD Gets several near falls with his split-legged moonsault as well as his jumpkick off the top rope. Cyclone fights back however and late in the match hits the Cyclosis (Hurricarana). Cyclone got a near fall as well here. RVD though catches Cyclone with a roundhouse kick to the jaw near the ropes and covers Cyclone. The referee counts as RVD gets his feet on the ropes for leverage and Cyclone can't kick out..1...2....3! RVD Steals his way into the Royal Rumble as he rolls out of the ring and leaves the ringside area, celebrating his victory!

    (Winner and Gaining a Spot in the Royal Rumble: Rob Van Dam)

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 89%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    O'Haire and Hardy

    We see a video montage promoting the Hardy/O'Haire clash at the Royal Rumble. It goes on for about a minute highlighting their histories and feud and then it cuts out to a commercial after it finishes with it promoting their American Title Clash at the Rumble!

    Overall Rating: 86%

    I will be the Champion

    Chris Benoit's music hits and he comes walking out, down to the ring with a big grin on his face. He gets into the ring and grabs a microphone from ringside..uh oh a Benoit interview.

    Benoit: We're here tonight to celebrate my impending WWE Championship victory. 10 Days from now I am going to walk into the Royal Rumble. Sight of some of my greatest moments and I will add to my Grand Career and become the 2 Time WWE Champion. When Edge squeals like a pig when I have the Crossface on him!!!

    Benoit seems to get more intense as he goes on about what he will do to Edge

    Benoit: I will CHOP the hell out of him.. I will break his arms, legs and anything else until all that is left is me and my WWE Championship.

    At this point Edge's music hits and the lights go down. When the lights come back up..nothing. Benoit looks around frantically and then leaves the ring. When he does he gets his feet pulled out from under him!! Edge was underneath the ring! Edge then picks Benoit up on the outside..EDGEOCUTION ON THE OUTSIDE!! Edge then yells down at Benoit that it'll be over his dead body that he loses at the Rumble!

    (Edge and Benoit both lose Overness because EWR can't grasp thinking outside the box of having a Heel be attacked by a Face. Yet a Celebration Ceremony interrupted should be for a Cool Face interrupting a Gloating Heel just like it should be for a Heel interrupting a Face. Oh well)

    Overall Rating: 71%

    Rey Mysterio vs Ken Shamrock

    In what was tauted as a warm-up match between two men that will be in the Rumble from Smackdown. It was back and forth for eight tremendous minutes of wrestling between the mat technician Shamrock and the high flying Lucha Mysterio! Late in the match Mysterio hits a "619" to Shamrock's head and goes for the West Coast Pop but Shamrock ducks the attempt and Mysterio lands on his feet but Shamrock snatches Mysterio into a Dragon Suplex and bridges it..1...2....3! An Impressive victory for Ken Shamrock but he's not done. He goes outside the ring and grabs a Steel Chair. He brings it back in the ring and sets it onto the mat. Then grabs Mysterio and DRAGON SUPLEX ONTO THE STEEL CHAIR!!!!! Mysterio stays down holding his head as Shamrock stands over him with a sadistic, creepy look as we head to commercial break.

    (Winner: Ken Shamrock)

    Overall Rating: 81%

    Crowd Reaction: 78%

    Match Quality: 85%

    Dames Stars: ***1/4

    Rhyno vs Triple H

    Main Event

    Rhyno is the first man out to the ring and once he's beat his chest and walked down the aisle. HHH's Motorhead entrance hits and he comes walking out from behind the curtain and down to the ring. HHH then climbs up onto the apron and does his water spit. This is the best HHH looks for 10 minutes as Rhyno dominates the Cerebral Assassin. HHH gets a few seconds of Offense in here and there but Rhyno dominates the match. The only time HHH controls the match is when Rhyno is set to go for a Gore but HHH blocks it with a High Knee to the face and then goes and picks Rhyno up. He rears back for a punch and knocks Brian Hebner whom was standing too close to Trips, out to the mat. HHH shrugs and field goal kicks Rhyno!! Rhyno looks like he was about to collapse but HHH grabs him..PEDIGREE! HHH rolls Rhyno over as he took it flat and covers him. HHH reaches over and shakes Hebner..1....2....3! Triple H steals a victory on Rhyno! HHH celebrates on the second rope as he usually does with a big victory over his rival but can Triple H be triumphant at the Rumble!!? We'll see in 10 days and Smackdown fades out from there.

    (Winner: Triple H)

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 72%

    Dames Stars: **

    Smackdown Rating: 75%

    TV Rating: 4.96

    Attendance: 6,514

    Ticket Sales: $260,560

  13. user posted image

    Monday Night RAW

    January 5, 2004

    We get a recap from last week's RAW and then we cut to the RAW intro..13 Days away from the Royal Rumble! Once the RAW intro is finished up we cut to the arena and the RAW pyro begins exploding on the stage and around it. Once that is complete we head to the ring where Adam Jacobs is already in the ring and Insane Dragon's music hits to setup the next match!

    Adam Jacobs vs Insane Dragon

    This is a pretty solid match for Opening RAW. These two men go back and forth showcasing their abilities in this match. It ends though when Adam Jacobs hits his Bulldog Jam on Insane Dragon and covers him..1...2...3! Adam Jacobs gets a big win on RAW to open the show up and this makes way for Eric Bischoff to come out and tell both men to get the hell out of his ring..he has business to attend to.

    (Winner: Adam Jacobs)

    Overall Rating: 66%

    Crowd Reaction: 60%

    Match Quality: 73%

    Dames Stars: *1/2

    I'm Back!

    Eric Bischoff saunters down to the ring with a microphone in hand, yelling at the two wrestlers to get out of his ring! Bischoff then makes his way to the ring and climbs inside. Then begins by addressing the crowd!

    Bischoff: It's terrific to see each and every one of you out there tonight! Tonight I, Eric Bischoff am going to give all you fans exactly what you want to see! Three Titles on the line tonight! In this ring tonight you will see Team Angle defend their Undisputed Tag Team Titles against not one, not two..oh no but against Three Teams in a Fatal Fourway Elimination Match! It will be Team Angle vs The Dudleys vs Evolution (Orton and Batista) and my own personal favorites. The Yung Dragons of Jimmy Yang and Kaz Hayashi. They were one of the best in WCW and will make a splash tonight I guarentee!

    Bischoff saunters around the ring and ignores the chants of Asshole as everyone knows he's intending to come off like one.

    Bischoff: Now we will also have our new Intercontinental Champion defending his title. Mark Jindrak you will be defending the IC Strap against...Low Ki Tonight!

    A Murmur throughout the arena and J.R can be heard in TV Land complaining that Christian is the former Champ and deserves a Title Rematch even if he is a bastard!

    Bischoff: Now on top of all that I have a Killer Main Event for you guys tonight. Kane forfeited his Hardcore Championship last week. Fine. So tonight, 10 Men will enter this ring in Battle Royale fashion but it won't be an over the top rope match. It'll be every man for himself Elimination, Hardcore Rules for the Hardcore Championship!!!

    The crowd seems abuzz from that last announcement as a huge match will be held to determine the NEW Hardcore Champion. Eric Bischoff's "I'm Back" Theme hits and he leaves the ring as we head to commercial

    Overall Rating: 76%

    Team Angle vs The Dudleys vs Evolution vs The Yung Dragons

    Fatal Fourway Elimination, Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match

    The first men out are the Yung Dragons to Tajiri's old theme circa 2001. They get down to the ring and go to a far corner of the ring to await the other three teams in this matchup. Then Evolution's "Passing You By" By Motorhead hits. Orton and Batista come walking out onto the stage. They walk down to the ring and then we're informed by J.R and The King that Batista is one of the new entrants into the Royal Rumble this year! Then once Batista and Orton are in the ring. Powerman 5000 hits and the Dudleys come out onto the stage after their pyro explodes on the stage. The Dudleys come out onto the stage all pumped up and get the crowd into the match as well. The Duds come down to the ring and then the "WGTT" Theme hits and Team Angle comes arrogantly strutting out onto the stage with the Undisputed Tag Team Championships around their waists. Team Angle comes down to the ring and makes up the fourth team down at the ring. Jimmy Yang tenatively gets in the middle of the ring and Bubba climbs inside to start the match with him. The bell sounds and Bubba backs Yang into a corner and begins beating the hell out of him in that corner with hard right hands to the head. As well as Bubba's open handed chops and slaps to the chest of Yang. Bubba then whips Yang to the Dudleys corner and then splashes him in that corner. Bubba then tags D-Von in as they both put the boots to Yang. D-Von then seats Yang on the top rope, facing out toward the crowd. D-Von then takes Yang off the top rope with a HUGE Flying Neckbreaker down to the mat. D-Von covers Yang..1..2...Hayashi kicks D-Von in the back of the head to break it up!

    D-Von begins to pound on Yang and D-Von whips Yang into Evolution's Corner. Orton tags himself in and sends D-Von for a loop with a clothesline that even surprised D-Von! Orton begins laying the boots into D-Von and after a couple stomps. He picks D-Von up and whips him to Evolution's corner and runs in with a huge shoulder thrust to the gut. Batista tags himself in and continues the shoulder thrusts that Orton started. Batista manhandles D-Von from here with some big power moves. Hitting a hard power slam. A Huge Full Nelson Suplex and finally Batista goes for his Sit-Out Powerbomb but D-Von reverses it into a DDT that plants Batista! D-Von crawls to Team Angle's corner and once he's close enough for the tag. Shelton and Charlie drop off the apron, refusing the tag in. D-Von then has to change course and try to get to Bubba but Orton is tagged in by now and he lifts D-Von up..RKO By Orton!!! Now Team Angle gets into the ring and knocks Bubba off the apron as Orton covers D-Von.1...2....3! Evolution has Eliminated the Dudleys!! (Elimination #1: The Dudley Boys)

    Shelton makes himself the legal man though by attacking Orton and while Batista is still down. Shelton and Charlie hit their Superkick/German Suplex double Team finish and Nick Patrick makes the count as Charlie bridges it over..1....2.....3!!! And Just like that it's down to two without Team Angle ever breaking a sweat! (Elimination #2: Evolution)

    Kaz Hayashi climbs into the ring as Haas goes to his team's corner. Kaz nails some stiff kicks to the body of Shelton Benjamin to weaken him. Kaz then locks in a front facelock on him and gets a tag to Yang. Yang and Hayashi work Benjamin over in the corner with hard Karate kicks! Yang then takes control of Benjamin a moment by locking in a front facelock and running up his team's corner into a HUGE Tornado DDT which seems to lay Benjamin out! Yang covers him..1....2...shoulder up just before 3! Yang then picks Benjamin back up and is set to whip him to the Dragon's corner but Benjamin reverses and whips him to his team's corner. Benjamin then lays a superkick into Hayashi when he's not expecting it. Catching Hayashi's jaw and knocking him flat out. Haas holds onto Yang as Benjamin tags Haas in and they work him over with the Superkick/German Suplex move and then hit their Code Angle as well for the victory to retain the Titles! Team Angle celebrates in the ring after the match!

    (Winners and Still Undisputed Tag Team Champions: Team Angle)

    Overall Rating: 76%

    Crowd Reaction: 71%

    Match Quality: 81%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    Kai En Tai vs The Brethren

    Kai En Tai is the first team out to the ring. They climb inside the ring and once they're inside. The Brethren's theme hits (Kane's Old Music) and they come stalking down to the ring. I won't write another match between these two cause the match is the same as the one from Armageddon :). With a twist though as Kane comes out just as Kai En Tai hits their finisher with a chair being held by Funaki in front of Fury's face! (The camel clutch with a dropkick to face is their finisher) The referee is obviously down as they were able to use the Steel Chair. Kane comes down to the ring and destroys both Taka and Funaki with chokeslams straight to hell! Kane wakes the referee as Fury recovers a bit and he helps Mayhem hit the Straight to Hell Spinebuster on Taka and Mayhem covers him as Patrick makes the cover..1...2....3! The Brethren get the victory and quickly leave the ring as the New Japan Mafia empties from backstage and slides into the ring. They yell in Japanese at The Brethren and Kane. These men are just beginning to show their hatred for each other!

    (Winners: The Brethren)

    Overall Rating: 76%

    Crowd Reaction: 70%

    Match Quality: 82%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    Backstage a limo pulls up and laughter can be heard through the open sunroof of the car. The door opens and a beautiful blonde bombshell gets out of the limo, followed by John Cena climbing out with the World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder. Then flanked with a Brunette with the body of a Goddess. They walk one on each of his forearms as he walks into the arena. What a way to travel!!

    Overall Rating: 82%

    Low Ki vs Mark Jindrak

    WWE Intercontinental Championship

    Low Ki's music hits first and he comes walking to the ring. He's all business tonight as he walks down to the ring. Once Ki is in the ring, Jindrak's music hits and he comes walking onto the stage with the IC Title around his waist. Jindrak gets down to ringside and climbs in the ring. From here it's all Low Ki really. Low Ki dominates alot of the match with his different style of Submission wrestling. Low Ki actully does lock in the Dragon Clutch before randomly Goldust comes running down to the ring with a chair!!! Goldust goes bezerk slamming the chair down over and over on Jindrak and Low Ki. Patrick is forced to call for a No Contest due to Goldust's interference. At this point Christian comes running down to the ring with a lead pipe in hand. Christian makes the extremely unlikely save as Goldust abandons the ring. Leaving Christian to yell at Goldust about it being his title and not to screw with his shot. Then Christian turns around and busts Jindrak open with the Pipe as Jindrak had just gotten to his feet! It seems both men want the Title that Jindrak has!!

    (No Contest)(WWE Intercontinental Title has Lost Image)

    Overall Rating: 74%

    Crowd Reaction: 70%

    Match Quality: 79%

    Dames Stars: **1/2


    Chris Jericho is warming up backstage and seems to be heading for the ring when out of the shadows, behind Jericho. Tommy Dreamer appears and CRACK CRACK CRACK begins demolishing his Singapore Cane over Chris Jericho's head and back over and over!!! Dreamer then forces Jericho to his feet and nails another shot to Jericho's face, busting him open and then HITS A DREAMER DRIVER ON THE CEMENT!!!! Holy Shit what has gotten into Tommy Dreamer he's a Maniac!

    (Tommy Dreamer Gained Overness From This Segment)

    Overall Rating: 87%

    John Cena vs Kane


    This match appears as if it was changed from something else as a result of the Dreamer attack. So Kane's music and pyro hits as he comes storming to the ring. He seems very intense tonight and then John Cena comes sauntering out onto the stage as his music hits and he has a microphone in hand as he walks down to the ring, rapping.

    Cena: Yo, Where did Jericho go? I Gotta fight Kane?

    Man this wacko is friggin insane!

    He's got that mask covering his face

    As if his last girlfriend sprayed him in the face with mace.

    But no the truth is he's burnt worse than a crispy Critter.

    I Don't give a **** cause I'll just give you the Finger!

    Cena then flips Kane off and runs to the ring to start the match. This was surprisingly a demolition and not by Cena. Kane demolishes the reigning World Heavyweight Champ. He hits all his power moves and Cena's ground and pound attack doesn't work with Kane! Kane finally hits a Chokeslam and then gets this sadistic grin on his face as he picks Cena back up and..TOMBSTONE BY KANE TO CENA!!! Kane then covers Cena..1...2....3! Wow Kane destroyed the Champ! Kane must be trying to send a message to Eric Bischoff!

    (Winner: Kane)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 87%

    Match Quality: 78%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    10 Man Hardcore Battle Royale

    WWE Hardcore Championship

    Main Event

    Test's music is the first to hit and he comes walking out onto the stage and taunts the crowd as he comes to the ring. The ring has trash cans attached to the ring posts and weapons around the ring. This will be mayhem indeed! Test climbs into the ring and then PIMP DADDY MCMAVEN'S Music hits and the Pimp Daddy comes walking out onto the stage with ALL His ho's! He must have about 6 Fine ladies with him. He motions to them and tells them that they can't come to the ring with him but they can dance for the crowd on the stage!! The crowd cheers Maven even louder. Maven comes down to the ring in full pimp attire and takes his Bling Bling off before climbing into the ring and awaiting the next man out. Steve Corino comes walking out as his music hits and just walks straight to the ring. He seems almost as if he's pissed off at the crowd as he walks right by not acknowledging them. Then as he's coming down Taz's Thug Superstar music hits and Taz comes walking out onto the stage as his pyro goes off. He comes stalking to the ring with the towel over his head. Then once he's in the ring Tommy Dreamer's music hits and Dreamer comes out onto the stage laughing insanely and carrying the Singapore Cane that he crushed over Jericho. Jericho's blood is still fresh on it..how sick.

    Then D'Lo Brown's music hits and he comes walking onto the stage, Yes these entrances are going on partially during the commercial break but this is a big match for me so it's all coming out!!! Once D'Lo after looking over some of the Fine Ho's has made his way to the ring. Then Chris Nowitski comes walking out as his music hits. He looks over the women and shakes his head as he says aloud.."Whores" and then walks to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope. This is the point where we come back from commercial break and catch the last three men in the match.

    Goldust's music hits and he comes walking out onto the stage in full attire. He comes walking to the ring and before getting inside he takes his robe and wig off. Then Tajiri's music hits and he comes out onto the stage doing that sneaky saunter of his. He makes his way to the ring and then Shark Boy's music hits and he comes charging down and hits a HUGE Bulldog to the steel on Tajiri before he can get to the ring and the match is on!!! Dreamer quickly pairs off with D'Lo by clotheslining him over the top rope to the outside near the timekeeper's table. Dreamer follows D'Lo out and grabs the ring bell..DING DING on D'Lo's head by Dreamer! Dreamer then quickly covers D'Lo while everyone is brawling in the ring..1...2....3! Dreamer knocked D'Lo out with those unexpected blows and the Ringbell shot! (Elimination #1: D'Lo Brown)

    Inside the ring Goldust had paired off with Corino and was putting the boots to him in the corner of the ring that Dreamer and D'Lo had been in. Shark Boy and Tajiri are fighting on the Steel Ramp but neither has gotten the advantage. Nowitski and Test are double teaming on Pimp Daddy McMaven! Nowitski is hitting stiff punches to the sides of Maven while Test holds him with a Full Nelson. After about 10 shots. Test then nails a Full Nelson Slam on Maven to put him down. Maven rolls out of the ring and falls to the outside. He reaches under the ring and pulls a trash can lid out but stays down on the outside. Nowitski and Test follow after him and Nowitski reaches down to pick him up and gets a Trash Can lid Shot to the head for his troubles! Test though picks up the Pimp Daddy and hits a TEST DRIVE ON THE OUTSIDE!! On Maven and covers him..1...2....3! (Elimination #2: Pimp Daddy McMaven)

    By Now D'Lo had made it to the backstage area and was out of ringside. In the ring still Taz had come up from behind on Goldust and hit a NASTY Tazplex to Goldust but Dreamer slid back into the ring at this point and spun Taz around and hit a low blow followed by a Russian Leg Sweep with his Singapore Cane behind Taz's neck!! Dreamer then covers Taz..1....2....3! (Elimination #3: Taz)

    Shark Boy and Tajiri are fighting up the Steel Ramp and towards the Stage. Tajiri hits a stiff kick to the head of Sharky. Tajiri covers Sharky quickly after...1...2..Shark Boy gets a shoulder up and Tajiri then runs to the ring and leaves Sharky on the Steel Ramp. Maven is making his way up the Steel Ramp and is consoled by his ladies on the loss and Maven along with his ho's take their leave to the back to the sadness of most of the men in the crowd. Test picks Nowitski up and whips him to the Steel Stairs as Corino stands in the ring..not caring about this match at all. Test stands in wait for Nowitski to get up and then goes for the Big Boot once he's up. Nowitski tries to block the boot with the Trash Can Lid but it doesn't work and only gets himself knocked out worse by the Boot to the Trash Can Lid! Test then covers Nowitski..1...2...3!! (Elimination #4: Chris Nowitski)

    Tajiri has climbed into the ring at this point and Corino caring so little about this match or the fans..falls to the mat and Tajiri whom had just slid into the ring shrugs a bit and covers Corino..1...2...3! Um ok (Elimination #5: Steve Corino)

    Dreamer though isn't as kind as Corino and swings for the fences at Tajiri but Tajiri hits a drop toe hold on Dreamer to take him out of it but as he does that and gets back to his feet. Test had climbed into the ring and tried to take Tajiri's head off with a Big Boot but Tajiri ducked it and dropkicked each of Test's knees out. Putting Test to his knees...BUZZSAW KICK!!! Tajiri knocks Test out and covers him..1...2....3!!! (Elimination #6: Test)

    Goldust is on the outside of the ring at this point and intercepts a running Shark Boy with a spinebuster to the matting on the outside of the ring! Goldust quickly floats into a cover..1...2...kickout! Goldust picks Sharky up and whips him towards one of those trash cans hanging on the ringposts. He whips Sharky at the one without the stairs. Sharky reverses it though and sends Goldust face first into the trash can. Knocking it down and sending all the weapons everywhere! Shark picks up a Stop Sign and slams it over the face of Goldust. Sharky then slams it down on Goldust and climbs to the top rope..what are you doing Sharky!!...450 OFF THE TOP ROPE TO THE OUTSIDE ONTO THE STOP SIGN!!! Sharky stays collapsed on top of Goldust, on the Sign as Hebner counts it..1...2....3!! Goldust got eliminated by the best move of the night! (Elimination #7: Goldust)

    Tajiri and Dreamer are in the ring while Sharky is on the outside. Dreamer swings for the fences on Tajiri after having recovered from the drop toe hold. Tajiri ducks it and sends a kick to Dreamer's gut at the same time. Tajiri then picks up the Singapore Cane that Dreamer dropped and slams it down over the back of Dreamer. Then he stands in wait and goes for his Buzzsaw kick but Dreamer ducks it and lifts Tajiri up into the Dreamer Driver but Tajiri reverses that into a DRIVING DDT to the mat!! Tajiri then covers Dreamer..1....2....3!!! Tajiri eliminates Dreamer! (Elimination #8: Tommy Dreamer)

    Sharky slides into the ring slowly at this point when the New Japan Mafia come running down to the ring!! The Yung Dragons and Kai En Tai run to the ring and proceed to beat down on poor Shark Boy!! A Great Match Spoiled by this!!! Kai En Tai hit their finisher and then Yang goes to the top and Hayashi to the opposite side. Yang comes off hitting a huge Frog Splash and Hayashi hitting a Nasty Guillotine Leg Drop. Tajiri then finishes Sharky off with the Buzzsaw kick and covers him..1...2...3!! Tajiri has stolen the Hardcore Title! (Elimination #9: Shark Boy)(Winner and NEW WWE Hardcore Champion: Tajiri)

    Overall Rating: 72%

    Crowd Reaction: 74%

    Match Quality: 69%

    Dames Stars: *1/2

    RAW Rating: 75%

    TV Rating: 6.09

    Attendance: 6,544

    Ticket Sales: $261,760

  14. 2003 Slammy Awards

    We are welcomed into a grand Hall which was obviously rented out for tonight's ceremonies. Jim Ross then proceeds to walk up onto the stage with a set of cards and once he reaches the podeum

    Jim Ross: Tonight we're here to honor the men and women of this company that make this the best wrestling promotion in the world. We will be giving many awards out tonight and to kick it off we're going to give out the award for Best Tag Team This Year.

    Tag Team Slammy

    We see a video monotage of the last year and the teams involved are The Dudley Boys, Team Angle, Los Guerreros and Rabid Rhyno!

    The Series of matches between Los Guerreros and Rabid Rhyno. The Dominant Tag Title reign of Team Angle on Smackdown and then winning the Undisputed Tag Team Titles. The Dudley's reign on RAW. Who will the winner be!?

    We cut away from the video and go back to J.R at the podeum

    J.R: And the winner of the Tag Team of the Year Slammy are....The Undisputed Tag Team Champions! Team Angle!!!

    Team Angle's music hits and they come walking up to the side of the stage with their new Spiffy Tag Belts over their shoulders and come up accepting their Slammy awards. Then Shelton speaks for a moment on the microphone.

    Shelton: For Charlie and myself. I'd like to thank the other three teams in this category. If not for them losing to us. This could not have been possible. Since we're up here though and this is a stage for big things to happen. I'm announcing for myself and Charlie here that we're taking the Royal Rumble off for defending these Tag Titles. We're aiming higher! We will be entering the 2004 Royal Rumble!

    The "WGTT" Theme hits for Team Angle and they head back to their seats as Jim Ross comes walking back up onto stage for the next award to be presented.

    Jim Ross: This next category is for the men who are the up and comers for the WWE. The men that are the future Main Events of this company. Here are the nominees for the "Rookie of the Year" Category.

    Rookie of the Year Slammy

    A Video montage is put on of five men. Jay Lethal, John Cena (Half the year he was still a rookie), Sonny Siaki, Shark Boy and Psicosis. All five of these men had a tremendous year. Lethal won the IC Title, Cena won the World Heavyweight Title at Survivor Series. Sharky had the Hardcore Title for nearly four months. Siaki held the Hardcore Title and Psicosis held the Cruiserweight Title Multiple times! After clips of all their achievements and big matches. We come back to the stage with Jim Ross announcing the winner.

    Jim Ross: And the winner of the Slammy is...PSICOSIS!!!

    The crowd of wrestlers seems fairly surprised as Cena or Lethal were surely ones to be weighed heavily and Lethal someone thought to be headed to the Main Event next but..his absence is also seemingly noticed. Lethal is nowhere to be found at the event. Psicosis accepts the award but doesn't seem to have anything of significance to say other than thanking his family. So we go to a commercial break but after a couple minutes we return to the Slammies!

    Jim Ross: The Next category is a new award this year. It's for the men that stepped it up a notch this year and broke through, making stars for themselves and becoming the next generation of men to lead this company!

    Breakthrough Slammy

    We see scenes from different wrestlers this year. Again we see John Cena, Shark Boy..we also see Edge whom won the WWE Championship for the first time this year. We see Chris Benoit whom won his first WWE Championship as well earlier this year and is contending for another WWE Title win right now! We also see Matt Hardy Version 1.0 in this clip as he held the Cruiserweight Title this year as well as the American Championship for a time. A Big year for all five men and all have the chance to be the Main Eventers for years to come! Jim Ross then comes back onto the stage as the video clip ends and he presents the award.

    Jim Ross: So the winner of the Slammy is....EDGE!!!

    Edge's music hits and he comes up onto the stage..like everyone else in a Tux and well dressed for the event with the WWE Championship over his shoulder. He walks up onto the stage and accepts the award. He also has a small speech he gives.

    Edge: I want to thank my friends and family. Without them this kind of award is meaningless. But just like I won this over Chris Benoit. I wanted to assure everyone in this room that just like tonight. At the Royal Rumble I will defeat Chris Benoit and retain my WWE Championship!

    Chris Benoit is staring a hole through Edge as Jim Ross begins to present the next award, after Edge had re-taken his seat.

    Jim Ross: This next award is something that is not done alone. It's something that takes at least two men and sometimes more. This is for Match of the Year!

    Match of the Year Slammy

    We see scenes of the best matches of the last year voted on at WWE.Com We see scenes from the incredible HHH vs "Stone Cold" Steve Austin match from Judgement Day. Barbed Wire for the World Heavyweight Championship!

    We see another match..the incredible Ladder Match between Edge and Kurt Angle in which Edge captured his first WWE Championship.

    The next match is clips from the Los Guerreros vs Rabid Rhyno Match at No Mercy inside of a Steel Cage. This one was incredible and surely should be heavily considered.

    Next up was the 4 on 4 Survivor Series War Games Match for the RAW Brand which saw John Cena capture the World Heavyweight Championship.

    The final match considered is Rey Mysterio defending the Cruiserweight Title against Psicosis at No Mercy in which Psicosis captured the Cruiserweight Title again! Then we cut back to J.R at the podeum

    Jim Ross: And the winner of the Slammy is....Edge and Kurt Angle! Ladder Match from No Mercy!

    Another highlight reel from their match is shown and Edge walks up onto the stage, Kurt Angle whom has an eye patch on to protect the broken bone in his orbital socket, walks up the other side of the stage. Both claim their Slammies and shake hands on the podeum..even though they don't like each other in front of the crowd. Both men respect each other for real! Finally we come to the last award of the evening. A couple awards were cut out this year such as Diva of the Year since the Women's division was cut out.

    Jim Ross: Finally we come to Wrestler of the Year. It's cut into two parts though. Wrestler of the Year for RAW and Wrestler of the Year for Smackdown!

    Wrestler of the Year Slammy

    We see highlight clips from RAW scenes this year and we begin to first see the highlight package for Chris Jericho. His World Title win and highlights of the year.

    Then we see Triple H! His dominant reign as Champion until being up-ended by The Rock.

    Then we see The Rock's run this year with a World Title Reign as well as being in the hunt up to the current moment.

    Then we have John Cena whom is the current World Heavyweight Champion and has dominated since becoming champion!

    The final man in this category is "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. He held the World Title once this year and though he fell off the map for some of the year. He came back with a bang and beat Orton at Armageddon...Obviously it was more than likely that Jay Lethal was to be in this category but he did not show up tonight. Then we cut to the Smackdown Nominees!

    The first man we see is none other than Kurt Angle. Held the WWE Championship twice this year and was a dominant Champion. There is nobody more technically sound and can go with the best.

    Brock Lesnar whom won the WWE Championship this year as well from Kurt Angle and is still a monster. He's a dangerous man when provoked.

    Edge is another contender here as he had a strong rivalry with Matt Hardy, Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit this year and won the WWE Championship.

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0 is another contender for this award. He won and held the Cruiserweight Championship and the American Championship once each this year.

    Another nominee was Chris Benoit as he held the American Championship and WWE Championships once each this year and perhaps had the best year Title wise though he didn't hold onto either long.

    The final nominee is a man no longer on Smackdown. Eddie Guerrero. Multi-Time Tag Team Champion with Chavo Guerrero this year. He was a dominant force on the Tag Circuit and put on a strong showing in the War Games at Survivor Series. We go back to the podeum!

    Jim Ross: The Wrestlers of the Year for RAW and Smackdown are...Chris Jericho and Kurt Angle!

    Both men come up onto the stage and Angle claims his Second Slammy of the night while Chris Jericho earns his first of the evening. Both men get a standing ovation from the crowd of wrestlers and staff and we leave you tonight with the last image of Jericho and Angle on the stage with their Slammies as Wrestlers of the Year for their respective Brand!

    I'm interested to see how everyone liked this so if anyone could tell me what they thought it would be awesome. I Wanted to do something special for the end of the year in place of a Sunday Night Heat

  15. Best Matches of 2003

    We return from commercial break after the highlights of the last Survivor Series Match with J.R and The King beginning to introduce the next match!

    J.R: The Rock and Triple H this year had a furious feud that lasted all summer and into the Fall a bit. It culminated though on the July 7th Edition of Monday Night RAW. It was The Rock vs Triple H. Falls Count Anywhere for the World Heavyweight Championship

    King: You can't forget these men also had backstage altercations which some people believe led to this match

    This then leads us into seeing the clips/highlights of the next match! Match #4!

    Match #4: The Rock vs Triple H

    (World Heavyweight Championship)(July 7th RAW)

    (Main Event)

    The Rock comes out first to a huge..cheer from the crowd. Obviously the fans have been wanting to see a Rock that they can cheer for again for a while. Then ITS TIME TO PLAY THE GAME! Then it repeats and evil laughter is heard throughout the arena as the multi-colored strobes go off with the lights down. Then HHH spits out his water and comes to the ring. He does his usual taunts but before he can do the water spit on the ring apron. Rock Clotheslines him off the apron, knocking HHH into the barrier down on the floor!! The bell sounds as this match is anything goes! Rock begins stomping the hell out of HHH. He picks HHH up and whips him at the Steel Ring Steps but HHH reverses it sending Rock in hard!

    HHH recovers for a moment taking off the World Championship and standing in wait for Rock with it. Rock staggers to his feet and HHH swings for the fences with the Championship at Rock's head. Rock ducks it..DDT ON THE OUTSIDE BY ROCK! Rock covers HHH..1....2...shoulder up by HHH! Rock picks HHH up and drags him around the ring and begins to take him up the ramp. Rock kicks HHH again and hooks him up for a suplex..tries once..no..twice..no..HHH reverses it sending Rock for the suplex to the steel and matting! Rock writhes in pain as HHH recovers a bit from the DDT he was given. HHH now picks Rock up and drags him up the ramp to the stage. HHH points off the stage and tries to Suplex Rock off the stage!!! Rock blocks it twice and then SNAP SUPLEXES HHH ONTO THE STAGE!

    Rock gets over and covers HHH..1....2....kickout! Rock picks HHH up again and slams his head into the RAW set. HHH bounces off it and Rock goes for a Rock Bottom! HHH elbow Rock out of it and both men stagger a moment. HHH then turns and runs at Rock!..ROCK BACK BODY DROPS HHH OFF THE STAGE DOWN THROUGH SEVERAL TABLES BELOW!!!! The crowd is chanting "Holy Shit, Holy Shit" and The Rock takes a breather on the stage and looks down in shock. Then he walks down the ramp and walks along side it towards that position. Rock gets over there after almost two minutes and covers HHH..1....2....HOW DID TRIPLE H KICKOUT BECAUSE HE DID!!!! Rock is in shock at how HHH could kick out. It can only be explained as The World Title and HHH are married and he won't give it up. Rock picks HHH up and drags him backstage. Rock slams HHH hard into a locker room door. Rock goes to do it again but HHH reverses slamming Rock into a door. HHH goes over to a nearby equipment case..several items on top of it..including a Metal Pipe! Rock staggers over after HHH to meet...STEEL PIPE TO THE FOREHEAD! HHH doesn't cover him immediately as HHH has been staggered and to swing the pipe that hard. HHH himself went down. He rolls over and then rolls the Rock over though and covers him..1...2....KICKOUT BY ROCK!

    J.R. is going insane at this point at how Rock and HHH won't give up. HHH picks Rock up..kicks him in the gut and..PEDIGREE PEDIGREE NO! Rock back body drops HHH out of it and then stances!...HHH gets up slowly and turns around..ROCK BOTTOM TO THE CEMENT FLOOR AND A COVER!!!!..1...2.....3!!! The crowd simply explodes at this point. (Reminicent of when Chris Jericho won the WWF Championship from HHH at the beginning of a RAW) Rock is handed the World Heavyweight Championship by the referee whom brought it with him. The Rock looks overjoyed and walks back to the stage. He then walks back out onto the stage and down to the ring with the fans still going nuts.

    He gets onto the ring apron and does his pose with the Championship on the turnbuckles which gets a bigger pop. Rock gets into the ring and gets a microphone from a tech guy on the outside and makes one comment to the fans which makes them pop even louder.

    Rock: The Rock..could NOT have done this tonight without all of you. So from the Rock..he sincerely thanks each and Every one of The People!

    The crowd explodes even louder as Rock poses on the second rope holding the World Championship as RAW goes off the air..WHAT A RAW!

    (Winner and NEW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION: The Rock!)(World Heavyweight Championship Gains Image)

    Overall Rating: 82%

    Crowd Reaction: 86%

    Match Quality: 75%

    We return to the RAW set for the next Match as obviously it's from RAW

    J.R: The next match which is #3 on the countdown in essence wasn't even one match but a series of Matches. The RAW Robin Tournament leading up to the Survivor Series War Games Match.

    King: I mean RVD and Triple H were early men out of this tournament too! It was the beginning of the Youth Revolution on RAW that we've seen for months now.

    J.R: We obviously can't show you all the matches but we're going to highlight what happened by Elimination.

    Match #3: RAW Round Robin Tournament for Survivor Series

    Steve Corino whom looked really strong in this Tournament eliminated Rob Van Dam in a shocker. He was the first man out of the Tourny.

    Jay Lethal in Week 3 of the RAW Tournament eliminated Kanyon whom later turned into Mortis. Not yet though. At least he wasn't first out heh.

    Steve Corino made his second elimination next as in Week 3 he eliminated Goldust and started to show a dominance in this tourny.

    Hurricane pulled the upset of this tournament though in the Main Event of the Third Week of this Tourny as with the help of HBK He eliminated Triple H and basically signed HHH's trade to Smackdown which happened at Survivor Series.

    Steve Corino was continuing his monster streak in Week 4 when he defeated and Eliminated Goldberg from the tourny.

    Kane also eliminated Cyclone in a dominant victory in Week 4.

    The Rock also came down and laid the Smackdown on Christian to eliminate him. Three more Eliminations in Week 4.

    The Final elimination came when Booker T eliminated Shark Boy in Week 5 to end a Monumental five week Tournament which is said to possibly become a Yearly thing!

    We go to commercial break and when we get back we are with Michael Cole and Paul Heyman for the final time tonight where they bring us into their final match of the Top 10!

    Cole: This next match, which is the final one that myself and Paul will be presenting to you fans was the best Smackdown Match this year. It came at No Mercy when Kurt Angle defended his WWE Championship against Edge.

    Heyman: And you can't forget the big thing Cole. That it was a Ladder Match!

    Match #2: Edge vs Kurt Angle

    WWE Championship, Ladder Match (No Mercy)

    Main Event

    Edge's music hits as the smoke fills the entryway and stage. Edge then bursts out of it and plays to the crowd heavily. Extremely pumped up for this Title shot. He saunters down to the ring and grabs one of the 10 ft ladders that is along the entryway and carries it to the ring with him. The Title is not yet hanging from the ring. Obviously it'll be attached and hung above the ring when Kurt gets there. Edge sets the 10 foot ladder into a corner of the ring and then stands in wait for Kurt to come out. "Medal" hits and Kurt Angle comes out onto the stage and taunts Edge from the set. He then jumps down between the ramps and holds his arms up. Pyro goes off right behind him as well as from both sides of the stage! Kurt Angle walks down to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. Angle hands the Title over to Brian Hebner. Hebner attaches the Title to the ring that it hangs from above the arena. It raises up high above the ring. About 15 feet in the air. Angle takes advantage of Edge looking up by slugging him in the mouth as the bell sounds. Angle whips Edge across the ring but Edge reverses it and sends Angle hard into a corner of the ring. Edge comes in and clotheslines Angle hard in the corner. Edge then kicks Angle in the gut as he brings him out of the corner. Edge then whips Angle at the corner with the ladder propped up in it. Angle reverses and sends Edge in HARD Onto the ladder. The crowd oooh's at the first ladder move of the evening. Angle then grabs Edge into a Overhead Belly to Belly

    Angle then points at the ladder and picks Edge up..OVERHEAD BELLY TO BELLY INTO THE LADDER HARD! Edge winds up landing on his neck a bit and holding his head in pain. Angle picks the ladder up out of the corner and sets it up mostly in the ring and a part of it hanging out of the ring. Angle then climbs to the top rope and waits for Edge to begin moving. Edge gets over to near the ladder and uses it to help himself up..ANGLE HITS A MOONSAULT TO THE END OF THE LADDER HANGING OUT OF THE RING AND IT SMASHES EDGE'S JAW IN!!!! Edge rolls around holding his jaw in pain. Angle on the outside holding his stomach in pain. Angle eventully gets back into the ring first and sets the ladder up to climb. Angle begins climbing but Edge grabs Angle off the ladder into a High Angle back suplex. Edge rolls out of the ring slowly and pulls a 10 foot ladder from under the ring and slides it into the ring. Angle dropkicks the end of the ladder into Edge, knocking him back down! Angle slowly gets over and begins climbing the ladder. Edge gets into the ring and picks the ladder up. He drives it three times into the ribs of Angle before he finally falls off the side of the ladder! Edge sets up the ladder next to the ring Angle setup. Edge begins to climb the ladder slowly but Angle does so on the other ladder, on the opposite side Edge was. Edge gets to the top first and reaches for the WWE Title. Edge gets a hand on it before Angle slugs him in the face and Edge loses his grip. Angle then slams Edge's head down onto the top of the ladder and then..sinches in a SUPERPLEX FROM THE TOP OF THE LADDERS!!!!

    Both men are down and in pain as one ladder had teetered over, while the other stays in place. Angle is first up but soon after is Edge. Angle winds up clotheslining Edge over the top rope but going over himself as well. Angle picks Edge up and slams his head down on the Smackdown Announce table. He pulls both monitors out of it and everything out of the way. Angle rolls Edge onto the table and gets up himself. Angle goes for the Angle Slam but Edge slips out of it and behind Angle..RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX THROUGH THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE!!! Apparently the Smackdown Announce Table is reinforced or something because it's still in position and not demolished! Edge is up first and slowly crawls to the ring. Angle is in pain and holds his back but crawls slowly to the ring as well. Edge takes the ladder that had fallen over which is parallel with the Smackdown Announce table. Edge goes around to the side of the ladder which was left standing. Edge begins climbing the side that puts his back to the set. Angle climbs into the ring and begins to climb the ladder parallel to the Smackdown Announce Table. Edge though..HE KICKS THE LADDER ANGLE IS CLIMBING ONCE ANGLE GOT TO THE TOP OF IT!!!! ANGLE'S LADDER FALLS OVER AND ANGLE MAKES IT LOOK GOOD BY JUMPING AND GOES STRAIGHT THROUGH THE SMACKDOWN ANNOUNCE TABLE TO HELL!!!!! Edge climbs the last step and grabs the WWE Championship and pulls the Title off the ring! Edge falls to the mat and holds onto the Title!! He's done it!!! Now we all realize that the barricade and Announce Tables were a little closer to the ring than normal tonight. That's the only reason Angle made it to the table and didn't kill himself on an edge of it. Edge stands very groggily and holds the WWE Championship high in the air as No Mercy's credits roll!

    (Winner and NEW WWE Champion at 32:11: Edge)(WWE Championship Gains In Image)

    Overall Rating: 86%

    Crowd Reaction: 90%

    Match Quality: 77%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    After the major highlights of the Ladder Match we cut back to the RAW set with J.R and The King to bring us the #1 Match of 2003.

    J.R: King we don't have to say much about this match as it speaks for itself on how good it was. But this was the #1 Match of the year. Also from Survivor Series

    King: It was the final 8 from the RAW Robin Tourny. 4 on 4 War Games for the World Heavyweight Championship!

    Match #1: Chris Jericho/Jay Lethal/Steve Corino/???? vs The Rock/Kane/John Cena/Booker T

    World Heavyweight Championship War Games Match

    Lillian Garcia is in the ring now to explain the rules of this match, the same rules applying to the Smackdown War Games Match!

    Lillian Garcia: This match is scheduled till the Last Man is Eliminated!! Four Men will start in the Cell. Two in Ring one and Two in Ring two! Every 3 minutes another participant will make his way down to the ring. Pinfalls are only legal inside of the Rings. Around the ringside area or elsewhere is not legal. The only way to eliminate an opponent is by Pinfall or Being Knocked Out! The Match starts as two teams and once every man has entered the ring. The timer will start for a final time for five more minutes. When it expires, Team Rules are dissolved. Team Members cannot commit pinfalls on each other during the match until the Team Rules are dissolved! and then it's Every Man For Himself For the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!

    Now Lillian begins announcing the men to the ring as the first four men come out. We notice in each of the four corners of the War Games Cell are trash cans filled with weaponry. Obviously this match is No DQ! Steve Corino's music kicks up as it appears he will be one of the first four to the ring! Earl Hebner is in one of the rings and Nick Patrick in Ring Two to allow for maximum coverage for pinfalls. Corino enters through the Cell door which another referee is manning which makes for three referees at the ring. Then once Corino has been motioned down to the second ring with Nick Patrick in it. The Next participant's music hits which is..Pyro explodes at the set and Kane comes walking through the saloon doors and this obviously cannot mean good things for Steve Corino!! Kane walks down to the ring and climbs inside the first ring and walks over to the side where the rings are right next to each other and climbs over both sets of ropes as he is directed to the Second Ring as well!!! Corino and Kane start it off in Ring #2! As they stare each other down the third participant's music hits..and it is Jay Lethal's theme! He comes barging through the saloon doors obviously not happy with losing his Intercontinental Title tonight and looks very determined as he makes his way to the ring and climbs inside. He stands in wait in Ring #1 with Earl Hebner as well standing...waiting for Participant number four!

    John Cena's Music hits and he busts through the saloon doors, thugged out more than normal as he walks to the ring and takes his retro Denver Nuggets jersey off and gets inside the ring. The bell sounds and the crowd explodes as this War Games Match begins!

    Ring #1: Cena locks up with Lethal immediately and begins overpowering him with some hard clubbing shots to the back and sinches in a front facelock. He tries to work Lethal over with this move and Lethal has real trouble powering out of it. Cena then hits a hard vertical suplex on Lethal and throws him over the top rope. Cena plays to the crowd after throwing Lethal over the top but Lethal hung onto the top rope and landed on the ring apron. Cena sees this and runs at Lethal but Lethal hits a hard shoulder thrust into the gut of Cena and then hits a Sunset Flip over the top rope and onto Cena. Cena grabs the top rope and tries to sit down on Lethal's shoulders to get the pin that way since pinfalls count anywhere and it's no DQ. But Lethal manages to slide out of it and gets to his feet before Cena gets off his knees. So Lethal hits a front dropkick to the back of Cena's head and that knocks Cena to the outside!

    Ring #2: Kane locks up with Steve Corino at the same time as they lock up in Ring #1 but Kane begins basically mauling Corino in the early going. Kane slugged him in the head and hit his throat thrusts to the throat of Corino in one corner of the ring. Kane then whipped Corino across the ring and hit a running clothesline into the corner on Corino. Kane whipped Corino across the ring but this time Kane met Corino's boot as he ran in! Corino then ran up and bulldogged Kane to the mat and went for a cover..1...thrown off. Obviously it'll take alot to finish Kane off! Corino climbed out of the ring and began to take down one of the trash cans and set it in that corner of the Cell. He pulled a lead pipe from within the trash can and climbed back into the ring...

    Ring #1: Cena is pulled back into the ring by Lethal but as Cena gets to his feet on the apron he Stunners Lethal on the top rope by grabbing his head and pulling down. Cena then climbs back into the ring and begins to go to work on the ribs of Lethal again. About 30 seconds now until the next guy comes out. Basically it breaks down from there. So Cena tries to go for the F-U on Lethal but Lethal rakes Cena's eyes and falls to his feet behind Cena. Lethal in turn lifts Cena up into a Vertical Suplex and holds it for a Falcon's Arrow and covers Cena..1...2.kickout soon after 2..the 10 second count begins.

    Ring #2: Corino climbs back into the ring with the lead pipe and runs at Kane but Kane levels Corino with a big boot to the jaw. Kane picks Corino up and whips him to the ropes. He catches Corino with a Tilt a Whirl slam and covers Him.1...2..kickout! We're at about the 30 second mark and Kane sees the tron through the cell mesh and calls for the Chokeslam. Corino gets to his feet and Kane slaps the goozle on but Corino kicks Kane low and hits a DDT on him. Covering him..1..2...kickout! Corino takes a moment to recover from Kane's mauling as the clock counts down! 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1...

    A Buzzer sounds as it hits zero and "King Of My World" Hits! The crowd explodes as the World Heavyweight Champion steps through the saloon doors as the lights go down. Jericho does his standing pose and swivels around as the Cell door is opened for Jericho. Jericho walks to the ring and hands the belt off to the referee outside the War Games Cell. Jericho then steps inside and the cell door is closed and locked behind him. Jericho then takes his pick of Ring and decides to roll into Ring #1.

    Ring #1: Jericho immediately hits a flying forearm to Lethal's head, knocking him down. Jericho stomps several times on Cena to keep him down and then focuses back on Lethal hitting mammoth shots. Lethal and Cena were forced to fight for the first four minutes but now act in their own best interests. Cena gets up while Jericho is working Lethal in a corner with knifedge chops. Cena goes outside the ring and takes down another trash can and empties the contents neatly somewhat into that corner of the cell. Cena then climbs back into Ring #1 with the Trash can and SMASHES it over the back of the head of Jericho..from there it turns into double team warfare!

    Ring #2: Corino rolls out of the ring and grabs a steel chair from beneath the ring. He slides back into the ring and stands in wait for Kane. Once Kane is to his feet, Corino lets him have it with the chair to his head hard! Corino begins demolishing Kane's left knee with the chair over and over. Corino then sinches in a figure four leglock on Kane. The big man writhes in pain but of course you cannot submit in this match! Only be pinned! Kane's shoulders are down at one point so Patrick counts..1..2..Kane sits up and his eyes are ablaze as he grabs the throat of Corino! Corino lets go of the hold and stands up with Kane..CHOKESLAM STRAIGHT TO HELL! Kane goes down holding his knee in pain though so he cannot follow it up immediately with a cover. Kane crawls over slowly towards Corino

    Ring #1: Cena and Lethal begin working together even though they're on seperate teams. The real guy to eliminate is Jericho so they begin to work on Jericho. They put the dented trash can in the middle of the ring and whip Jericho to the ropes..DOUBLE FLAPJACK ONTO THE TRASH CAN! Jericho rolls through though and smartly rolls under the bottom rope. He's in pain but also knows he can't be pinned outside the ring. Cena and Lethal both climb out of the ring and begin double whipping Jericho into the ring and Steel Mesh sadistically! The clock begins to count down at this point from 30 seconds and they roll Jericho back into the ring. Cena lifts Jericho onto his shoulders and Lethal grabs Jericho's neck and..DOUBLE TEAM! Cena just lets Jericho Drop while Lethal hits a diamond cut/Stunner variation on Jericho! Jericho rolls around in agony holding his mouth as the clock counts down from 10. Cena makes the cover on Jericho.1...2...SHOULDER UP! Jericho manages to kick out as the clock hits zero!

    Ring #2: Kane gets on top of Corino and Patrick counts.1...2...kickout! Corino had enough time to recover. Kane gets to his feet gingerly and climbs to the top rope! He's going for his Top Rope Clothesline! Corino though grabs that lead pipe that was lying around the ring. He did so in such a fashion that his body blocked Kane from seeing that he grabbed it. As Kane comes off the top rope, Corino just LAYS A HUGE PIPE SHOT into the left kneecap of Kane! Kane screams in agony as he rolls around the ring and this match is getting even more serious as Corino locks in another Figure Four leglock on Kane. Kane has trouble getting off the mat a couple times for long two counts. At the 10 second mark Corino lets go of it and covers Kane..1...2...shoulder up! At this point the clock hits zero and the next man out comes to the ring!

    "Yes Yes! No NO!" and Booker T's music is what is heard! Booker T pushes his way through the saloon doors and makes his way halfway to the ring and then kneels down and does his pyro signal! The pyro goes off in a huge explosion and then Booker finishes he strut to the ring and walks inside of the Cell as the door is held open for him. Booker then rolls into the first ring. Immediately Cena goes after Booker!

    Ring #1: Cena begins driving knees down on Booker before he can even get up. Cena works those knees to Booker's ribs but now Lethal turns on Cena by using the demolished Trash can as a weapon. Slamming it down over the back of Cena's head! Cena falls to the mat holding his head and Lethal covers him..1....2..kickout by Cena. Booker gets to his feet and kicks Lethal in the gut as he got to his feet. Booker then backs to the ropes so he's facing Lethal and hits a Leg Lariat to Lethal's jaw! Booker then covers Lethal..1..2...kickout! Booker picks Lethal up and whips him into one corner of the ring. Booker begins to hit his Combo chops. At the same time Jericho is now up and he picks Cena up and begins to hit some of the loudest knifedge chops on Cena that we've heard in a long time...

    Ring #2: Corino has spent the time that we saw Ring #1 fighting, demolishing Kane's vertical base even more. Corino allowed Kane to get to his feet right after the attempted pinfall and hit a nasty chop block to his left knee. Then began hitting knee drops into the back of Kane's left knee. Corino then climbed to the top rope and stood there perched waiting for Kane to get to his feet. Corino makes a mistake and doesn't seem to know what he wants to do as he comes off the top rope. Kane nails him with a big boot but his knee gives out on him immediately afterwards and he goes down as well. At about the mid point of the three minute mark. We take you back to Ring #1! :)

    Ring #1: Cena has been receiving hard chops from Jericho, The same as Booker has been dealing to Lethal. Jericho and Booker take Lethal and Cena and whip them at each other. Lethal takes advantage of the sitution and sinches in a swinging tornado DDT onto Cena but can't make the cover since he's on Cena's team! Jericho runs behind Lethal and hits a bulldog on him! The crowd erupts when he does this because we know what time it is next! Jericho goes for the Lionsault but Lethal gets his knees up into Jericho's gut! Booker T runs over and gets the cover on Jericho...1....2...Lethal breaks it up! Lethal isn't stupid! He knows that if Jericho is eliminated it'll be 4 on 3 until Team Rules expire! Even if it is Caged Chaos inside the ring! At this point we've been watching the clock and it's counting down from 10. All the men in ring #1 are moving around or getting to their feet as the clock expires!

    Ring #2: Corino now has gotten to his feet but Kane is fighting back, basically fighting on one leg. Hitting hard fists to the head of Corino and limps around after him. Kane whips Corino into one corner, Corino bounces off the turnbuckle back towards Kane. Kane lifts Corino onto his shoulder and motions for the Tombstone but Corino begins to lean all his weight back and Kane's knee gives out and he goes down with Corino on top of him.1...2..Kane's shoulder flashes up before three. Corino begins to get frustrated and he rolls out of the ring and..he pulls a Ladder out from under the ring. He pulls it out horizontally since it is the easiest way to pull it out. Corino then slides it into Ring #2 as the clock hits 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. The Buzzer hits again and..

    IF YA SMELLLAOW WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN! The Rock is the next competitor. Rock comes storming to the ring and right through the cell door. Rock runs around the ring and slides into Ring #2!

    Ring #1: Lethal picks Cena up as Rock comes by and doesn't enter Ring #1. Only the New Entrant into the match is left. Ooooh save him till last. Anyway Lethal hits a Beautiful Northern Lights suplex on Cena and bridges it..1...2..Booker Breaks it up with a SCISSOR KICK TO LETHAL'S STOMACH! Booker did a beautiful move and he covers Lethal on the follow up..1..2....kickout by Lethal! Booker Stands up and Jericho has made it to his feet. He spins Booker around and knees him in the gut. Then hooks his arms in a double Underhook and hits his Double Underhook Backbreaker! Jericho covers Booker right after that..1..2...Book gets his shoulder up!

    Ring #2: Rock slides into the ring as Corino is picking up the Ladder onto his shoulder and Rock avoids the contact as Corino tries to run with the ladder like a javelin to Rock's face! Rock drop toe holds Corino ONTO THE LADDER! Rock then stomps both feet to the mat and stands in wait for Corino. As Corino staggers to his feet and right into a Rock Bottom but Corino elbows his way out of the Rock Bottom! He knocks Rock right into a Kane CHOKESLAM! Corino goes to pick up the ladder but Kane smacks it down out of Corino's hands and backs Corino into the ropes. Kane grabs the ladder as fast as he can and puts it beside him, laying on the mat parallel to him. Kane then HITS A TILT A WHIRL SLAM ONTO THE LADDER! Corino screams in pain as that is hit. Rock comes over and covers Corino.1...2....shoulder up just barely!

    Ring #1: Cena is up by now and he's facing off with Jericho again. Cena hitting some hard shots to Jericho's head and then clotheslines him over the top rope to the outside right where the cell door is! Cena climbs out of the ring and whips Jericho at the ringsteps to his left but Jericho reverses it and Cena runs full out slamming his knees into the stairs and flipping over them. Inside the ring Booker is getting up at about the time Lethal is. Lethal kicks Booker in the gut and runs to the ropes, hitting a Spear on Booker. It doesn't do nearly as much Damage as Edge's spear though! Lethal covers Booker..1...2...kickout! Lethal goes up top and stands in wait for Booker but Jericho runs along the mat and leaps up onto the apron and PUSHES LETHAL OFF THE TOP ROPE AND HE FLIES BOUNCING OFF THE STEEL MESH TO THE MATTING ON THE OUTSIDE!!! The clock counts down from 10 as the crowd chants "Holy Shit, Holy Shit"

    Ring #2: Rock hits a couple Rocky stomps on Kane's left knee and runs to the ropes, chop blocking Kane's knee out. Rock then singes in his Sharpshooter on Kane. Kane screams in agony as Corino begins to stir but he's out of Rock's line of sight. Corino gets to his feet and slowly picks up the lead pipe that is somehow still in the ring. He PINGS IT off of the back of Rock's head. Corino did that as a fly by shot and he stays down. Rock is slumped on the mat and Kane is as well. As the final competitor comes out, the Buzzer sounding as we had counted down to zero.

    Christian's music hits and the NEW WWE Intercontinental Champion comes strutting through the Saloon doors with his IC Title around his waist. Christian laughs and comes to ringside. He makes the referee take his title off him and he steps into the ringside area. Now the referee closes the door for good except for eliminations. Jericho immediately before Christian can choose a ring to go to. Hits a springboard Cross body from the ropes back into Christian! Jericho rolls Christian into Ring #1!

    Ring #1: Jericho slides into the ring and grabs the flattened trash can, placing it on the mat and then hits a Russian Legsweep on Christian down onto the trash can! Christian holds his head in pain..THEN JERICHO HITS A LIONSAULT ON CHRISTIAN! But Christian is taking Hurricane's place on Jericho's team so he can't pin him..BUT BOOKER CAN! Booker is on the top rope at this point and he hits a Beautiful Houston Hangover on Christian and covers him..1...2....3!!! (Elimination #1: Christian)

    Ring #2: Corino is the first man to be able to stir and he crawls over to Rock and covers him..1...2...kickout! Kane is slowly getting to his feet and he picks up the ladder and sets it against the ringpost, jutting out into the ring. Corino slams forearms down on Kane's back though and then whips Kane towards the corner he just put the ladder into. Kane reverses it and sends Corino as hard as he can straight into the end of the ladder. It nails Corino right in the chest and Corino goes down in pain. Kane then stands poised as Corino groggily gets to his feet and turns around..Kane lifts him onto his shoulder..TOMBSTONE BY KANE! Kane then grabs both of Corino's arms and pins him funeral style like the Undertaker does from time to time..1..2....3! (Elimination #2: Steve Corino)

    Ring #1: John Cena is slowly getting to his feet and grabs...a steel chain with lock from the ground. It looks in an eerie fashion like the one Cena normally has but it fell out of the Trash can when it was dumped in that perticular corner, Odd. Cena slides into the ring with the chain wrapped around his fist. Cena stands in one corner with a cocked fist as Jay Lethal at this point is up and whips Booker T towards Cena. Booker reverses it at the last second and Cena winds up, knocking Lethal out completely cold with the power of that shot. Earl Hebner comes over and checks on Lethal. He's completely unconcious and he calls for the referee outside the ring as well as a couple others come running down to help him from the ring. At this point the Five Minute limit expires and Now it's Every Man For Himself! (Elimination #3: Jay Lethal)

    Ring #2: Now it's Rock and Kane in this ring. Rock is hitting his punches on Kane. Rocky goes for his spit punch but Kane blocks it and grabs Rock by the throat. Rock though kicks Kane in his left knee and then..ROCK BOTTOM! Rock then kicks Kane's arm and goes for the People's Elbow! Rock throws his elbow pad off and then does his hand motions. He runs to one side of the ring and runs to the other. At that time Kane rises to his feet in a sudden motion and Rock comes back at Kane and gets nailed with a Huge Big Boot instead of hitting the People's Elbow. Kane then picks Rock up and Military Presses him above his head and..OH MY GOD THROWS HIM OVER THE TOP ROPE INTO THE STEEL MESH AND ROCK DROPS TO THE GROUND OUTSIDE THE RING!!! Kane is sadistic! Kane climbs out of the ring and rolls Rock back in. Kane then climbs into the ring and makes a cut throat signal. Kane then picks Rock up and gets him into position..TOMBSTONE. Kane then covers Rocky just like he covered Corino!..1...2.....3! The Team Rules Time Limit Expires about 10 seconds after Kane eliminates The Rock and then there was four! (Elimination #4: The Rock)

    Ring #1: Booker after Cena eliminated Lethal. Picked Cena up and hits some hard fists and chops which shook loose the chain from Cena's fist. Booker whips Cena across the ring but Cena reverses sending Booker into the corner but Booker leapfrogs over Cena's head and hooks his legs around Cena into a pin.1...2...Kickout by Cena! Booker gets to his feet and stomps his feet to the mat, like Rock waiting for Cena to get to his feet. Kane though whom had climbed over the ropes of Ring #2 and climbed over the ropes into Ring #1 had spun him around and slapped the goozle on Booker! Booker low blows Kane with a kick to break free. Kane bends over in pain and Booker goes to the ropes..SCISSORS KICK ON KANE! Booker T does a spinarooni while Jericho gets into the ring and hits a Lionsault on Kane and covers him..1..2.....3! Booker doesn't seem pleased that Jericho stole his pin! (Elimination #5: Kane)

    Booker looks like he's about to do something but Cena spins him around..An F-U!!! Cena then avoids a Jericho clothesline and Jericho springboards off the ropes into a Moonsault..He tries to Lionsault into Cena but only Catches Booker T!!! Jericho shrugs a bit and covers Booker and Cena does nothing to stop it since it'll make it down to two!..1...2.....3!!! Quickly two men are eliminated and we are down to two! Chris Jericho gets to his feet and seeing he and John Cena are the only ones left. They begin to go to war now! (Elimination #6: Booker T)

    Jericho and Cena begin going to war with Jericho dealing brutal knifedge chops to Cena and Cena firing back with hard right hands to Jericho's head. Cena eventully takes control of Jericho and backs him against the ring ropes that are connecting to the second ring. Cena then clotheslines Jericho over the top rope and Jericho lands awkwardly between the two rings. He can't slip through but it doesn't look comfortable. Jericho rolls under the ropes into Ring #2 and Cena has to take his time climbing out of Ring #1 and he walks along the ring apron over to Ring #2's apron. Cena then climbs inside of Ring #2 and picks Jericho up. Jericho manages a small package as Cena tries to pull him up..1..2...Cena kicks out and Nick Patrick nearly counted Cena down! Jericho gets to his feet and tries for the Walls of Jericho on Cena! Cena uses leg strength to spin Jericho out of it. Cena gets to his feet and as Jericho gets up. Cena kicks Jericho in the gut and hits the Biggest F-U of his young career on Jericho!! Cena then covers Jericho, hooking the leg as Nick Patrick gets down and counts..1...2....SHOULDER UP! Jericho managed to kick out of the F-U and Cena has this look of shock on his face. He moves over and grabs Patrick by the shirt, yelling that he got three and Patrick begs to differ. So PATRICK GETS AN F-U!!!! That'll show him!

    Cena grabs Jericho and rolls him over into ring one and Cena does his best possible impression of a Lionsault once Cena is in the ring and Jericho is close to the middle of the ring. Jericho knowing his own finisher though gets his knees up and gets to his feet slowly as Cena holds his stomach in pain. Jericho then lifts Cena up onto his shoulders...JERICHO HITS AN F-U ON CENA! Jericho then covers Cena..1....2....Cena's Shoulder shoots up as Hebner's hand came down for three. Jericho decides to make this a bit more brutal and slides out of the ring and grabs a chair. He slides it back into the ring and puts it near the middle of the ring. He picks Cena up and HE HITS A BREAKDOWN ON CENA SMACKING HIS FACE DOWN OFF THE CHAIR! Both Jericho and Cena are down but Jericho takes just about five seconds and then uses what's left of his strength to throw an arm over Cena..1...2.....NO!!! Cena somehow by the graces of god on instinct alone threw his arm up and then it almost limply fell back down but he kicked out! Jericho seems insensed and gets up slowly in pain. This match has taken a ton out of both men! Jericho goes for a Lionsault on Cena but it's sloppy and he takes too long as Cena gets his knees up. Jericho flops around in pain for a moment and gets back to his feet as Cena does. Cena then kicks Jericho in the gut...F-U ONTO THE STEEL CHAIR!!! Cena slowly rolls into the cover and hooks the leg..1...2......3!!! NEW CHAMPION! Cena's Music hits as the bell sounds and the cell door is unlocked.

    The referee on the outside hands the World Heavyweight Championship to Earl Hebner and he places it on Cena and raises his limp arm. Cena may not even realize he's done it but he's become the World Champ for the first time in his young career! He's beaten the odds and seven other men to become the NEW World Heavyweight Champion!! After a moment the RAW Referees and the New World Heavyweight Champ, John Cena clear the ring. Cena walking triumphantly to the back but it's more of a stagger. Finally a defeated Chris Jericho gains his senses and staggers to the back, looking quite defeated as one would after such a hard fought battle. Then the Smackdown crew comes down to the ring and begins setting up the trash cans back to the way they were or pulling out a couple new ones for the ones demolished. They pull a couple tables out from under the ring and lean them on the War Games Cell as well!

    (Elimination #7: Chris Jericho)

    (Winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: John Cena)

    Overall Rating: 74%

    Crowd Reaction: 84%

    Match Quality: 82%

    Dames Stars: ***

    Once the last match is finished we return to J.R to finish up the show.

    J.R: For The King, Thank you for being with us this year and we'll see you in 2004!

  16. Best Matches of 2003

    We see the RAW and Smackdown intro's back to back. Then we cut to J.R and The King on an empty RAW set and they begin to talk.

    J.R: Welcome to a special duel brand edition of Smackdown. Tonight you will see the best Matches of 2003. We will be here to walk you through it all night. Without further ado I hand it over to Michael Cole and Paul Heyman from Smackdown

    We shift over to an empty Smackdown set where Heyman and Cole are sitting at their announce table as Cole begins to speak.

    Cole: Whenever anyone says the Best Matches of 2003. You go and think about one perticular match. Well There was a set of Matches this year that will go down as Match #10 and that was the feud between Los Guerreros and Rabid Rhyno which ended in a 7 Match Series which went to 7 for #1 Contendership to the Tag Team Titles!

    Match #10: Los Guerreros vs Rabid Rhyno

    (No Mercy)

    This feud was a back and forth war between two of the best wrestling teams in the WWE. Los Guerreros jumped out to an early 1-0 lead. Then before they could get too big of a lead. Rabid Rhyno won 3 Matches in a row in this series to put Los Guerreros one loss from being defeated. Los Guerreros though pulled off the impossible and won two matches in one night just before No Mercy to tie the series at 3-3 a piece and that is where we stand as we watch the 10th Best Match of 2003. Rabid Rhyno vs Los Guerreros. Match 7 of 7 for #1 Contendership! Oh and we forgot to mention..It was a Cage Match!

    Los Guerreros vs Rabid Rhyno

    Match 7 of 7 in the #1 Contendership Series, Cage Match

    LATINO HEAT! Los Guerreros theme hits as they come walking down to the ring. During the commercial break for Y2Stinger, The Cage was lowered around the ring and now rests around it. Eddie and Chavo taunt the crowd but half of them cheer for em. Damn it, dont they know that the Guerreros are the Heels!!! Los Guerreros climb into the ring, up the ring steps and through the Cage Door. The Ring Announcer states that victory can be attained by Pinfall, Submission or Both members of a Team hitting the floor. Eddie and Chavo get ready in the ring as Rhyno's music and video hits. The crowd explodes in cheers for Rhyno as he beats his chest, coming out onto the stage. He comes down the left ramp and slaps some hands to the crowd. He waits outside the ring and then Benoit's entrance hits and his music blares as Benoit comes walking out onto the stage. The crowd cheers loudly as Benoit walks down the right ramp and stands next to Rhyno. Then both men walk up the steps to the cage door and climb inside. The bell sounds as the Cage Door is locked with a chain. Obviously going out the door is out of the question! Benoit runs at Eddie and begins brawling with him. Rhyno does the same to Chavo. Rhyno begins beating and chopping Chavo in one corner. Benoit doing the same to Eddie in the other corner on that side of the ring. Eddie reverses it around and begins chopping Benoit. Rhyno in the meantime whips Chavo across the ring and Rhyno follows him in with an attempted Gore in the corner but Chavo sidesteps Rhyno into the second turnbuckle!

    Chavo then dropkicks Rhyno in the back and into the turnbuckle. Eddie in the meantime takes Benoit out of the corner and backs him into the ropes. Eddie whips Benoit across the ring and sidesteps Benoit. Eddie instead uses Benoit's momentum to DRIVE HIM INTO THE CAGE FACE FIRST! Benoit bounces off and falls to the mat. Chavo and Eddie then begin to work over Rhyno. They whip him to the ropes and Flapjack him into the SIDE OF THE CAGE! Eddie and Chavo wait for Benoit to get up, which isn't long and then hit a double dropkick to his jaw. Eddie and Chavo then both begin to climb quickly but Rhyno catches him and climbs to the top rope and grabs Chavo's legs. He makes Chavo climb back down and gets underneath Chavo...POWERBOMB FROM AT LEAST 10 FEET IN THE AIR ON CHAVO BY RHYNO!!!!! The crowd oooh's and gasps at this move and cheers insanely as Eddie sees Benoit still down. Benoit gets to his feet as Eddie is on the top of the cage. Eddie shrugs and CROSS BODY ON BENOIT FROM THE TOP OF THE CAGE! Benoit rolls through it barely and tries to hook the pin on Eddie..1..2...kickout by Eddie! Benoit holds his stomach in pain from catching that cross body though.

    Rhyno grabs Eddie and backs him into a corner, hitting some hard forearm shivers to Eddie. Rhyno whips Eddie across the ring but Eddie reverses it. Rhyno slams into the corner and then a back body drop to the mat. Eddie picks Rhyno up and DDT's him to the mat. Chavo groggily holds Rhyno down as Eddie climbs to the top of the cage again..don't do that Eddie..To the top of the cage and FROG SPLASH FROM THE TOP OF THE CAGE DOWN ONTO RHYNO!!! WHAT A MOVE!!! The crowd is going completely insane from Eddie hitting that move and just stays there..1....2....Benoit kicks Eddie in the head which breaks the cover. Chavo gets to his feet and picks Benoit up. Chavo goes for a Brainbuster but Benoit ends up landing behind Chavo..CRIPPLER CROSSFACE! There's no rope breaks in this! Chavo is screaming in pain. He tries to roll it into a pin but Benoit rolls right through and we end up where we started. Chris rearing back on it. Eddie gets to his feet holding his ribs but backs into the ropes and dropkicks Benoit in the mouth! That forces Benoit to release the hold. Eddie gets to his feet and sinches Benoit into a Lasso From El Paso! Benoit stays in it for a good two minutes before Eddie gets Frustrated and leaves him for dead. Eddie and Chavo begin climbing very slowly. Benoit manages to get up and climbs the same side but out of reach of either Guerrero. Benoit begins fighting with Chavo on the top of the cage. Don't do that Chavo! CHAVO SINCHES IN A RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP AND USES IT ON BENOIT FROM THE TOP OF THE CAGE DOWN TO THE MAT!!!!!!

    The crowd continues to chant "Holy Fuck" over and over. That move looked like it could've killed both men. Eddie isn't really sure what to do but GOES FOR ANOTHER FROG SPLASH ON BENOIT BUT HE MOVES AND EDDIE CATCHES ALL MAT..HE CRASHES AND BURNS! Rhyno manages to actully get an arm over Eddie as he flops around in pain..1...2....3!!! Rhyno gets the win for his team after Eddie went for it all, winding up Crashing and Burning! What a match! Rabid Rhyno will get the Title Shot at Survivor Series! Not one man in that ring will be able to enjoy this match though!

    (Winners and #1 Contenders to WWE Tag Team Titles at 25:54: Rabid Rhyno)

    Overall Rating: 90%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 97%

    Dames Stars: ****1/2

    We come back to the RAW set with J.R and The King beginning to introduce us to Match #9!

    J.R: Well King while that was a pretty good match from Smackdown. I think we've got one to top that.

    King: For sure J.R. This match was one that ended the raging war between Booker T and Goldust in huge fashion!

    J.R: This was from last month at Armageddon when Booker T took on Goldust in an I Quit Match to end their issues once and for all.

    Match #9: Booker T vs Goldust

    I Quit Match (Armageddon)

    Booker T's music hits as we prepare for another big match coming up. He comes walking out onto the stage and poses in the middle of the ramp, halfway down as his pyro goes off. Then Booker comes down to ringside to the cheers from the crowd as he gets into the ring and poses on the turnbuckles for the crowd. Then Goldust's music and entrance hit. The gold coloration fills the arena as small gold sparkles fall from above. Goldust walks down to the ring and climbs up onto the ring apron. Then steps through into the ring. Goldust takes off his huge overblown costume and wig. Then he comes nose to nose with Booker. Neither man likes each other much at all! Goldust then rears back and nails Booker with a hard right hand. Booker fires back with several of his own and starts hitting some knifedge chops to Goldust as well. Booker backs Goldy into a corner and begins laying in huge chops and then slaps Goldust down across the chest. Goldust reverses the position and begins rearing back hitting almost Ric Flair like chops on Booker. Goldust then gives Booker a couple stiff kicks to the gut and whips him across the ring. Goldust follows Booker in for a splash clothesline but Booker gets his feet up into Goldy's face. Booker then grabs Goldust and throws him over the top rope to the outside. Goldust lands on the outside right by the ramp. Goldust begins to crawl and then once he gets to his feet. Walk away up the ramp. He seems to be trying to leave.

    Booker follows Goldy outside the ring and up the ramp with a clothesline that sends Goldust for a rough loop. Booker then grabs Goldust and carries him up to the top of the stage. Then over towards the RAW announce position and whips him into the position. J.R. and The King scatter as Goldust rams into the Table from the back. Booker goes to pick Goldust up but Goldust hits a HARD Low Blow on Booker. Earl Hebner has followed both men up since this match can go anywhere. Goldust then rolls Booker up onto the table and climbs up himself. The Table is obviously reinforced so it won't break easy. Goldust sets Booker up for the Curtain Call! Booker fights out of it and reverses it into a BOOK END DOWN THROUGH THE RAW ANNOUNCE TABLE!! The crowd is chanting "Holy Shit, Holy Shit" Over and over as well as several "Booker" Chants. Hebner asks both men if they want to Quit. Both men refuse to give up though obviously Booker is in better condition. Booker T goes over to the entrance and begins to pull tables out from behind the curtain. He brings out one at a time and sets them up on the far side of the stage from the Announce position. Booker sets up one. Then another right against it to it's side. Booker then pulls another out from behind the curtains. Goldust is moving but still down after the Book End through the announce table. Booker sets up the third table right on top of the first and Booker gets a fourth table to set onto the second one. Booker wags his finger to show he isn't done yet. He goes and gets a Fifth Table and puts it closer to the tron but against the 1st table. Then goes and gets a sixth table from behind the curtain and sets it on top of that one. Booker looks like he's heading for a seventh table when Goldust has finally gotten to his feet and attacks Booker.

    Goldust throws Booker down the stairs, backstage and they brawl into the backstage area! Goldust walks down the stairs he just threw Booker down. Goldust pulls Booker along towards a locker room door and throws him into it. Booker bounces off and falls to the ground, holding his head. Rock randomly comes out from the locker room and seeing that it was Goldust that threw someone into his locker room door. Grabs Goldust and ROCK BOTTOM! Then tells them both to stay off "The People's Door" and walks back inside. Well that was random. Booker begins to crawl away and goes out through the crowd entrance to the outside. Booker then begins climbing the Armageddon Set!! He climbs up about 25 feet to a scaffolding that is about 30 feet high and is part of the set. Goldust appears out of the entryway and he climbs the side of the tron that is the far side from Booker. Booker gets to the top and walks all the way down to where Goldust is just getting to the top of the Scaffolding. There is no railing to block someone from falling on this scaffolding. Booker punches Goldust three times to stagger him near the edge and then puts Goldust in position for a throwing Book End off the Scaffolding to the Tables below!

    Goldust throws his head into Booker's, knocking him back into the metal behind him and Goldust then turns Booker and grabs him into that Neckbreaker position that he has done before. Like the one that really hurt RVD..NO GOD DONT DO THAT GOLDUST! NO NO AND ALL THAT IS HEARD IS THE BIGGEST SOUND OF TABLES CRUSHING, PERHAPS EVER!! Goldust had grabbed Booker T and jumped off the Scaffolding with him in a Neckbreaker position, plowing him and himself through all six tables below. It looks like a complete car wreck with Booker T seeming to be completely unconcious. Goldust is very out of it too but has movement in him barely. Hebner whom had watched this from the stage goes over and checks on both men. Then Goldust tells him to ask Booker if he quits! Hebner goes to Booker and asks him. He doesn't respond from unconciousness and Hebner calls for the bell!!! Goldust is going to win by KO! We see replays of this move from the Armageddontron angle, from where they were jumping off. We see it from the crane cam that goes over the crowd. We also see the opposite of the Wiley Coyote Camera. A Camera down below the stage, right beside it as both men came crashing down. The crowd is actully popping big for Goldust along with the fact that it was one of the sickest bumps they've ever seen. Goldust's music hits after Hebner calls for the bell and Goldust is announced the winner by Knockout. Booker T is attended to as after about three minutes. Goldust is able to roll out of the debris and gets to the back under his own power. Booker T does not get to the back under his own power. He is helped to the back by two backstage hands.

    (Winner by Knockout: Goldust at 26:31)(Booker T Gains Overness From this Feud Ending)(Goldust Gains Overness From this Feud Ending as Well)

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 71%

    Dames Stars: **

    We head to commercial after the clips and highlights of that match. Hopefully nobody thinks we're running the matches in entirety. Anyway we come back to see Michael Cole and Paul Heyman and Paul begins to introduce #8

    Heyman: We had two matches from Smackdown and three overall come from Judgement Day this year that were Match of the Year Candidates. The #8 match on the list is the Triple Threat TLC Tag Title Match was #8 this year!

    Match # 8: Los Guerreros vs Demonic Duo vs Team Angle

    (WWE Tag Team Championship, TLC Match)(Judgement Day)

    The new evil entrance music for Al Snow and Steve Blackman hits..sounding like a cross between both of their old entrances and a bit of a darker tune to them. They come walking to the ring as Both WWE Tag Team Titles hang high above the ring now with Tables, Ladders and Chairs surrounding the ringside area and a set of Two Tables a Ladder and a Chair in the ring. Once they get to the ring "Medal" hits all over the arena as Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas come sauntering out into the aisle walking between the graveyards down to the ring. They get into the ring awaiting the final team and then...WE LIE WE CHEAT WE STEAL! Los Guerrero's theme hits and the crowd cheers loudly as they DRIVE out onto the set with a Low Rider! They Hydrolics all the way up to the ring! Luckily the aisle was made wide enough! Los Guerreros get out of the car and roll into the ring. The bell sounds with the match beginning. Team Angle goes after Chavo while the Demonic Duo proceeds to beat on Eddie! After a moment they all pair off. Al Snow fighting Eddie Guerrero to the outside of the ring while Haas is fighting Blackman. Benjamin is fighting Chavo in the corner. Outside the ring Al Snow smashes Eddie's face down onto the ringsteps. Then Al Snow brings Eddie over to his Green Low Rider trying to Slam Eddie down on the hood. Then you hear Eddie as he puts his foot on the bumper yell out!.


    Eddie then proceeds to smash Al Snow's head down onto the hood of the car making a big dent with Al's head. In the meantime Shelton is working Chavo over in the corner while in another corner of the ring. Blackman has picked up a Chair and swings for Haas missing! Haas then hits a Beautiful Dropkick into the Chair into Blackman's face! Benjamin is over by the announce tables with Chavo. Benjamin slams Chavo's face down into the spanish announce table. Benjamin begins setting up tables. One in front of the Spanish Announce Table. Another in front of that so there is no room there. Benjamin slams Chavo's face down on the tables and lays him down on them! Then Benjamin rolls into the ring. Then he climbs to the top rope! No Don't do it Shelton! Shelton goes for it all with a Suicide Splash on Chavo hitting everything..BUT CHAVO! Shelton goes through the tables with a crushing blow. Chavo rolled out of the way though and did not get nailed. Eddie outside the ring with Al still..High Angle Back Suplex DOWN ONTO THE HOOD OF THE LOW RIDER! Snow holds his head in pain as Eddie and Chavo slide back into the ring! Eddie has a 10 foot ladder as does Chavo. They both set them up in the same corner as Blackman and Haas fight in the opposite corner. Eddie and Chavo grab a table and climb to the top rope with it. They then setup the table on top of the ladders. Eddie then climbs to the top standing on the Table!! Haas sets Blackman up for a German Suplex and Chavo gets behind Haas..DOUBLE GERMAN SUPLEX! Eddie gets himself pumped up 15 feet in the air as the crowd is going insane as well..FROG SPLASH FROM THE TOP OF TWO LADDERS ON A TABLE!! DOWN ONTO HAAS AND BLACKMAN!!!! All three are down. Shelton not moving much yet on the outside. Chavo is the only one up really though Snow is moving a bit on the outside where the hood of Eddie's car is imploded. Chavo slides out of the ring getting a 15 foot ladder and sets it up in the ring. Chavo begins to climb as Snow slides a 15 foot ladder of his own into the ring. Sets it up beside Chavo going up the same side Chavo did. Snow catches up to Chavo punching Chavo in the side to slow him down. Chavo kicks Snow a couple times but Snow hits Chavo low almost making Chavo fall! Snow gets up to the same height as Chavo is. Snow picks Chavo off his ladder...no Not from the Top of the Ladders...SNOWPLOW FROM THE TOP OF THE LADDERS! The crowd pops huge for that move and most are chanting "HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT" Eddie is up first slowly as Shelton climbs back into the ring. Eddie grabs a chair that was on the mat...CRACK across Shelton's head! Blackman and Haas are still down hurting as Eddie begins to climb the ladders in the middle of the ring. Haas though had gotten up and staggered over where the platform was in one corner with the two ladders and table on top. Haas climbed to the top while Blackman pulled one ladder away..then he pulled the other away that Eddie was on...EDDIE GRABS THE TITLE BELTS AND IS SWAYING. IS SWAYING TOWARDS HAAS! SUPERKICK FROM ALL THE WAY UP THERE HAAS AND EDDIE BOTH CRASH TO THE MAT!!! HOLY CRAP! The crowd is going nuts as Blackman is the only one up at the moment so he resets the ladder up as well as Al Snow is the other man up. They begin to climb but as this happens and they're both near the top. Shelton Benjamin sinches the ladder up moving it!!! He moves it towards the side of the ring near the set and THEN TIPS IT OVER! BOTH OF THE DEMONIC DUO GO THROUGH THE WINDSHIELD OF EDDIE'S CAR MY GOD! Shelton quickly sets the ladder back up and climbs up it. He gets to the top..he Unstraps the Titles!!! Team Angle Wins!!!! Shelton falls to the mat exhausted after finally getting the belts. He rolls to the outside of the ring staying on the mat. Haas comes to after a moment more and rolls out of the ring too. Haas and Benjamin are handed their Tag Titles and walk around the ring to where the Low Rider is. They squeeze past it to get down the aisle..As Team Angle walks past the graveyard...Demonic Duo and Los Guerreros appear on two more tombstones!

    (Winners and NEW WWE Tag Team Champions: Team Angle at 32:12!)(WWE Tag Team Titles Have Gained In Image)

    Overall Rating: 92%

    Crowd Reaction: 84%

    Match Quality: 100%

    We don't leave the Smackdown Crew as Heyman welcomes us back.

    Heyman: Now that match had some incredible moves and shots in it but it didn't beat our #7 match which was Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle in a Hell in a Cell for the WWE Championship.

    Match #7: Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle

    (WWE Championship Hell In A Cell Match)(Judgement Day)

    (Smackdown Main Event)

    The crowd explodes after the Barbed Wire was removed from the ringposts and ring ropes being put underneath the ring. As the Hell in a Cell begins to lower down. As it does Michael Cole and Tazz lead into the video package of Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle! It shows all of their history over the last 5 months leading up to this huge match. Then once the camera focuses back on the ring. The Hell in a Cell structure is surrounding the immediate ringside area. Only the Announce Tables and a narrow area around the Cell is open to walk around. Then..Brock Lesnar's entrance music hits as the lights go down. The spotlight comes onto Lesnar as he stances on the set walking down to the Cell. The door is opened for him by a referee. Lesnar steps through leaping up onto the apron and then into the ring. Then once he's in the ring. "Medal" hits with Kurt Angle walking out onto the set and he walks to where he's standing between the graveyards raising his fists in the air as his pyro goes off from tombstones. A New Tombstone having been engraved with the name "Stone Cold" Steve Austin! Kurt with the WWE Championship around his waist walks down to the ring. He hands the belt to a referee outside the ring who holds it up high in the air. He steps through into the cell. Immediately after that the referee's lock it up with chains. Kurt Angle gets into the ring with Brock waiting along with Brian Hebner the referee. The bell sounds as Brian calls for it with the match beginning! Brock and Kurt lock up in some amateur wrestling reversals back and forth a couple times. Kurt then begins with pounding fists to Brock. Brock fights back with sideknees into Kurt's gut. Brock then whips Kurt to the ropes. Brock then drops Kurt with a hard shoulder block. Brock then picks Kurt up lifting him into a big vertical suplex into a cover..1..kickout by Kurt! Kurt kicks out easily as Lesnar picks him up whipping him into a corner of the ring. Brock follows him in but meets only the boot of Kurt Angle! Kurt runs at Brock but Brock turns meeting Kurt with an Overhead Belly to Belly Throw! Kurt holds his back in pain as he gets up with Brock clotheslining him back down hard. Brock throws him to the outside of the ring after that. Brock climbs out of the ring as well. Brock grinds Kurt's face against the chainlink mesh of the Cell. Brock then whips Kurt at the Steel Ring Steps but Kurt reverses it sending Brock in VERY Hard. Sending the stairs off into the cell bouncing off. Brock gets up slowly, Kurt had gone down to a knee but got back to his feet. Brock is up and runs at Kurt but..KURT TAKES BROCK'S MOMENTUM WITH A BELLY TO BELLY OVERHEAD SUPLEX INTO THE CELL WHICH DOESN'T GIVE WAY! Brock ends up landing on his head (ala Shane at KoTR). The crowd gives a huge pop for this move. Apparently the rules had been changed since last year's Judgement Day was pinfalls anywhere on the or in the Structure. Kurt Covers Brock outside the ring..1...2...kickout by Brock! As this happens. Al Snow and Steve Blackman accompanied by Sean O'Haire beatdown the referees on the outside of the ring. They then steal the key for the lock on the chain while both men are down outside. They unlock the lock, pull the chains off and then run away leaving the ringside area. Kurt picks Brock up and drags him around the ring dragging his face along the mesh. He sees the door is unlocked for some reason. He backs Brock up throwing him THROUGH the door! It busts open the latch being broken by that move! Kurt fights Brock down the aisle kicking him, hitting hard fists. They fight over by the set. Kurt eventully in the Graveyard itself! goes for a Angle Slam! Brock reverses it though and kicks Kurt in the gut..F5..F5..F5!!! Kurt slams down from the F5 into the graveyard. Brock covers him but the referee back at the ringside area won't count it! Brock snarls picking Kurt up dragging him back to the ring. He then goes through the door rolling Kurt into the ring. Getting in the ring himself covering Kurt..1....2...KICKOUT! After the long delay from the F5 Kurt kicks out of it! Brock can't believe it as he picks Kurt up. He sets him up for another F5 but Kurt reverses out of it onto his feet ducking an attempted clothesline from Brock. Brock turns around to catch Kurt into a Spinning Spinebuster!!! Brock covers Kurt..1...2...shoulder up! Brock can't believe it again. Brock slides out of the ring dragging Kurt with him. He makes Kurt walk around the ring with him as he gets to the announce position setting Kurt up for another F5 THROUGH THE SMACKDOWN ANNOUNCE TABLE! Kurt manages to rake the eyes of Brock to make Brock drop him. Kurt..ANGLE SLAM ON BROCK THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE!!! Kurt and Brock are both wasted on the outside of the ring. Kurt then after a moment finally manages to begin getting himself up. Begins climbing the Cell to the Top! Brock after another minute follows after Kurt. They fight near the middle of the cell after a moment. Kurt hits a hard Vertical Suplex on Brock making him writh in pain. Brock after that hits a NASTY German Suplex on him..Then all the Lights go down!...BONG.....BONG.....BONG....It's The Undertaker!!! The Undertaker comes out with a purpose and he directs Al Snow, Blackman and O'Haire who come out behind him to run down to the ring. They all climb up onto the cell. They begin beating down on Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar!!! Though Al Snow and Blackman are pretty beaten up already. Undertaker climbs his way up the cell with his purple gloves and all on! He climbs up catching Lesnar by surprise as he turns straight into a DDT from Taker. Taker then takes Angle after O'Haire hit a low blow on him. O'Haire, Snow and Blackman hold Lesnar down but make him watch as Taker tells him "This...Is..YOUR..FUTURE..Boy!" Then he sticks Angle between his legs..no don't do it..LAST RIDE...DOWN THROUGH THE CELL CEILING AND KURT LANDS ON HIS BACK IN THE RING BREAKING THE RING SO IT SOMEWHAT BREAKS HIS FALL!!! EMT's race down to the ring as Undertaker kicks Lesnar in the face. Then the NEW Ministry climbs down from the Cell and leaves the ringside area. Brock finally gets his senses about him. He climbs himself down inside of the Cell to the mat. He then..not knowing much else to do. He covers Angle..1...2....3! Academic as Kurt Angle obviously needs Medical Attention! Brock Lesnar's music hits as he's the NEW WWE Champion! For a Second Time! But is that just what Undertaker Wants!? Brock Lesnar is staring off into the Graveyard and set as Taker leaves. Taker turns around with his cloak along with the hood back on. He turns giving Lesnar an almost Devil filled look as Judgement Day rolls it's credits and goes off the Air!!!

    (Winner and NEW WWE Champion: Brock Lesnar at 29:41)(WWE Championship Gained In Image)

    We go to another commercial break and when we come back we're greeted again by J.R and The King. They begin to talk about Match #6 on the Countdown.

    J.R: This match was one for the World Heavyweight Championship back in May. Perhaps the most brutal match this past year. Stone Cold Steve Austin captured the World Title in April at Backlash from HHH and this was the rematch in a Barbed Wire Match!

    Match #6: Triple H vs "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

    (World Heavyweight Championship, Barbed Wire Match)(Judgement Day)

    (RAW Main Event)

    The ringside area had to be cleaned up significantly after the last match. Crews spent about five minutes doing it. In this time there was a video segment of the History past and recent history of Austin and HHH. Once the Low Rider had been moved as well as all the Tables, Ladders and Chairs though a few still good items were pushed under the ring. Barbed Wire was then wrapped around the ring ropes so that they could bounce off the ropes but it would hurt..alot. As well as Barbed Wire around the ringposts. ITS TIME TO PLAY THE GAME..MUAHAHAHA! Triple H's strobes and his entrance hits. Very eerie looking overlooking the Graveyard. A Graveyard cam is watching Triple H come out onto the set. He then walks down to the ring with nobody by his side. He walks down to the ring with a purpose. He can't do his water spit with this match. He'd cut himself. So Triple H carefully walks up the ringsteps inching along the apron and climbing into the ring. He winds up knicking his leg as he gets in but ignores it. Triple H then taunts the crowd once in the Barbed Wire ring! Then..THE GLASS SHATTERS! Stone Cold's Music by Disturbed blasts all over the ring as he comes down to the ring holding the World Heavyweight Championship in hand. He stalks to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope. The barbed wire snagging his vest and Austin has to pull himself out of it. He can't do his four corners taunt either cause of the Barbed Wire.

    So both men stare holes through each other in the ring. The bell rings starting the match as Earl Hebner hands the belt out of the ring by tossing it over the top rope. Both men lock up and try to power each other back into a barbed wire corner! They after a moment break it. Austin gets kicked in the gut by Triple H when he comes back in for a lock up. Triple H then whips Austin to the ropes..AW MAN!..Austin groans as he comes off the ropes his back cut. Triple H carries Austin into a spinebuster off of the ropes slamming Austin down hard! Triple H then backs up a bit from Austin hitting a knee drop to Austin's head. Triple H gets on top of Austin beginning to pound down on his head. Austin throws HHH off him getting to his feet. Austin clotheslines HHH back down as HHH runs at him. Austin picks HHH up and..oh no Austin throws HHH over the top rope but HHH grabs the top rope as he goes over...Gashes in the hands there! Austin slides under the bottom rope barely avoiding being cut. Austin picks HHH up whipping him HARD into the steel ring steps! Austin picks HHH up into a body slam position. Austin then drops HHH down on the barricade chest first. Austin then..AW MAN HE THREW HHH UP INTO THE RING ROPES! HHH holds his back in pain. Cut open again on his back. Austin grabs HHH again whipping him into the Barbed Wire Ropes..Reversal! In goes Austin!!! Austin goes down in pain as he's cut open on his back now! Triple H goes reaching under the ring apron pulling a Steel Chair out from the last match. He waits for Austin to get up and CRACK! Chair shot hard to the head! HHH picks Austin up sliding him back into the ring without cutting him mostly so he just gets in there. HHH then pulls out a ladder sliding it into the ring. A Table sliding that into the ring. A Trash can full of lids and weapons. Also..Oh man that SledgeHammer with the Head wrapped in Barbed Wire!!! Triple H has a sadistic grin on his face as he slides under the bottom rope holding it. Austin is on his knees groggily as HHH comes at him with it but Austin hits a BIG TIME Low Blow on HHH making him drop the sledgehammer! Austin picks up a trash can lid while HHH is getting up in pain. Austin gets a big pop from the trash can lid shot he gives HHH. Austin then sets up a ladder vertically leaning against one turnbuckle. Austin then sets the table up in another corner the same way. Austin then picks up the Steel Chair that HHH slid into the ring as well bringing it down hard on the back of HHH! Austin grabs HHH picking him up beginning to drag him towards the Barbed Wire yelling at him i'm gonna grind your face into meat! HHH counters with a HUGE Back Suplex on Austin laying him and himself out!

    HHH is up first picking up Austin as well. He whips Austin into the Ladder face first hard! HHH follows him in with a clothesline smashing Austin hard into the ladder. Austin falls to the mat and Triple H slams the ladder down on Austin! HHH picks up the chair using it to slam down on the Ladder!!! The crowd gasps each time Triple H does it. Triple H picks Austin up from that..Facebuster! Austin staggers back towards the ropes turned away from HHH regaining his bearings. HHH picks up the SledgeHammer...NO NO...CRACK INTO AUSTIN'S RIBCAGE! Austin bends over in horrible pain screaming. He gets up and HHH CLOCKS HIM IN THE HEAD WITH IT BUSTING HIM OPEN AND KNOCKING HIM OVER THE BARBED WIRE TOP ROPE!!!!! Austin lies on the outside of the ring completely out of it for a minute before HHH slides out of the ring getting him. HHH whips Austin at the ringpost but Austin somehow musters the strength to reverse it sending HHH INTO THE BARBED WIRE RINGPOST!!! That busts HHH Open. Both men are wearing Crimson Masks after a very short period of time. Their bodies are very obviously beaten and bloodied. Austin rolls back into the ring awaiting HHH. HHH slides back into the ring as Austin lies in wait. Austin..kick to the gut..no HHH Caught his foot! Spin around...Kick to gut by HHH!..PEDIGREE! HHH turns Austin over..1......2......3!!! ITS ALL ABOUT THE GAME! is heard as Triple H just lays there still with his arm on Austin completely out of it after such a brutal match. Not as high flying as the last match. A different type alltogether but still sick and awesome in the same respect!

    (Winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H at 26:11)(Steve Austin Gained Overness From This Feud Ending)(Triple H Gained Overness From This Feud Ending)(World Heavyweight Championship Gained In Image)

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Crowd Reaction: 92%

    Match Quality: 72%

    We cut over to Michael Cole and Paul Heyman and Cole brings us into the Top 5. As they introduce Match #5

    Cole: Kicking off our Top 5 Matches of the Year we bring up from Survivor Series of this year. For the Smackdown Brand we had a War Games 5 on 5 Match for the WWE Championship.

    Heyman: That's right Michael. These men destroyed their bodies and gave their hearts but only one man came out on top.

    Match #5: Edge/Undertaker/Brock Lesnar/Rey Mysterio/Rhyno vs AJ Styles/Eddie Guerrero (If Eddie wins the Title, He Remains on Smackdown), Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit and Matt Hardy Version 1.0

    WWE Championship War Games Match (5 on 5)(Survivor Series)

    This match proceeds as the last one did and is explained the same way. Then we have the first competitor announced and comes to the ring...LATINO HEAT!!! The Saloon doors are busted open as Eddie Guerrero's Low Rider comes rolling on through. The doors are nearly busted off their hinches as he comes riding down to the ring. Eddie then climbs out of his low rider and saunters inside of the ring. Brian Hebner is in Ring #1 and another Smackdown official is in Ring #2. Eddie Guerrero slides into Ring #1 and stands in wait for the next three competitors to come to the ring! Then once Eddie Guerrero is standing in wait. Chris Benoit's entrance hits as blue strobes begin flashing all over the arena and Benoit pushes the saloon doors open and walks down to the ring. Benoit saunters around to Ring #2 and climbs inside. Avoiding Eddie Guerrero for the time being. He leans against a corner as he waits for the next man to come out. The lights go down as Brock Lesnar's music hits and the crowd goes nuts. Lesnar pushes the saloon doors open and comes stalking down to the ring. He does his stance about half way down and then continues his ring entrance. Then he steps through the cell door and climbs into Ring #1! It'll be Brock Lesnar and Eddie Guerrero in Ring #1! Then we wait for the fourth competitor and suddenly someone is catapaulted over the saloon doors! It's Rey Mysterio. Rey Mysterio is the fourth man in this match. Mysterio comes walking to the ring, playing to the crowd all the way. The crowd is eating this up the entire time. Mysterio steps into the cell and walks over to Ring #2. Mysterio then leaps up onto the ring apron, then leaps onto the top rope and springboards into Ring #1..

    Ring #1: Brock Lesnar immediately spears Eddie back into one corner of the ring and begins plowing his shoulder hard into Guerrero's gut. Lesnar then drives his shoulder into Eddie four more times and then whips him to the opposite corner of the ring. Lesnar follows him in but Eddie avoids the contact and then school boys Lesnar and gets his feet on the ropes...1..2...kickout by Lesnar! Eddie tells the ref to count quicker by slapping his hands together. Eddie then picks Lesnar up and hits a Vertical Suplex on him and then swivels his hips holding on..

    Ring #2: Rey Mysterio comes off the top rope with a springboard leg lariat on Benoit! Mysterio gets to his feet and gets completely annihilated by a clothesline from Chris Benoit! Benoit begins from here working over Mysterio's left arm with hard stomps and armbar submissions for the next minute or so. Then we cut back to Ring #1.

    Ring #1: Eddie then hits his second vertical suplex and Eddie Swivels his hips again and hits the Trifecta of Verticals and covers Lesnar..1...2..kickout! Eddie picks Lesnar up and then goes for a German Suplex but Lesnar reverses it and BIG German on Eddie. Both men stay down a moment and as they both get to their feet the clock had counted down from ten to zero!

    Ring #2: Benoit tries to lock on a Crippler Crossface at this point but Mysterio rolls out of it and dropkicks Benoit in the back of the head! Mysterio runs to the ropes and then baseball slide dropkicks Benoit in the ribs! Mysterio then runs over and slides out of the ring as the clock on the tron hits 30 seconds. He pulls down a trash can and empties the other weapons into the corner of the cell there. He climbs a corner near Benoit quickly and as the clock expires to zero. Mysterio goes for a Giant Legdrop with the trash can underneath him but he hits nothing but mat, crushing the can!

    You Think you know me! Smoke begins to engulf the saloon doors and then the WWE Champion busts through the doors and pumps the crowd up as they explode in cheers! Edge comes down to the ring and takes his leather jacket off. He also unstraps the WWE Championship and hands it to the referee manning the cell door. Then Edge steps inside the War Games Cell and goes for Ring #2 immediately to help his buddy Rey Mysterio out!

    Ring #1: Lesnar is the first up and begins pounding it to Eddie Guerrero again. Lesnar then whips Eddie to the ropes and runs into him for his Spearing Spinebuster, he spins back towards the middle of the ring with it and drives Eddie down into the mat! Lesnar covers Eddie after that..1...2..kickout by Eddie! Lesnar goes outside the ring and brings a table back into Ring #1 as we cut to Ring #2!

    Ring #2: Edge slides into the ring as Chris Benoit gets up and Edge spears him back into one of the corner's of the ring near the first ring. Edge drives his shoulder into Benoit several times and begins laying in knifedge chops. This seems to insense Benoit and he flips it around and lays in huge Knifedge chops to the chest of Edge! Benoit then whips Edge across the ring as hard as he can. Benoit himself goes down to throw Edge harder to the corner. Edge hits the corner so hard, he goes down hard! Mysterio is stirring by now so Benoit turns to him laying in huge knifedge chops to him as well. Benoit then whips Mysterio to the ropes and grabs what's left of the trash can and puts it behind him. Benoit then BACK BODY DROPS MYSTERIO ONTO THE TRASH CAN!

    Ring #1: Lesnar begins setting the table up, leaning against a corner that connects to Ring #2. Eddie Guerrero is up by now and hits a Standing Leg Lariat on Lesnar as he turns around. Eddie then rolls over to ring #2 really quickly as Lesnar lies on the mat but is close to the side next to Ring #2. Then EDDIE GUERRERO DOES HIS FLYING SENTON OVER THE RING #2 and RING #1 Ropes! He nails Lesnar and then covers him as the clock begins counting down from ten. 1....2.....kickout by Lesnar! Eddie seems to begin to get frustrated and stomps on Lesnar several times as the clock expires.

    Ring #2: Benoit then quickly covers Mysterio after the back body drop and hooks the leg..1...2...Edge breaks it up with a kick to Benoit's head. Edge picks Benoit up and whips him to the ropes and hits a Flapjack to Benoit! Edge then backs up into a corner and tells Benoit to bring it on. Edge runs at Benoit when he gets up and turns around towards Edge. Benoit slaps on a Crippler Crossface onto Edge, avoiding the spear into his finisher!!! Mysterio though manages to get out of his stupor enough to go up top and LEGDROP BENOIT AND IT BREAKS THE CROSSFACE! All three men are down for the final ten seconds and the buzzer sounds again as the next competitor comes to the ring

    the tones of "Medal" start and a huge eruption occurs within the crowd. Just a giant reaction. Some boo's but some cheers too as Kurt Angle comes walking through the saloon doors and the buzz around the arena is huge as he walks down to the Cell and takes off his "Gold Medals" and hands them to the referee. Kurt then steps through the cell and climbs into Ring #1!

    Ring #1: Kurt Angle climbs into the ring and begins helping Eddie Guerrero stomp the hell out of Brock Lesnar! Eddie and Kurt pick Lesnar up and hit a double Suplex on him and Angle lets Eddie cover Brock..1...2...kickout! Kurt suddenly picks Eddie up and hits him with a Overhead Belly to Belly suplex! Kurt then picks Lesnar up and hits him with an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex as well! Kurt then gets up again and picks Eddie up and tries for a Angle Slam. Eddie lands behind Angle..GERMAN! Angle gets slammed to the mat with a German Suplex and then we go to Ring #2

    Ring #2: Edge gets to his feet slowly and picks Benoit up while holding his left arm. Edge puts Benoit on the second ring rope and then Mysterio comes off the ropes and.."619!" Mysterio then goes outside the ropes on the apron..WEST COAST POP ON BENOIT! But Mysterio doesn't hold it for a pin. Instead Mysterio picks Benoit up and Edge kicks Benoit in the gut..EDGEOCUTION! and Edge covers Benoit.1...2.....3!!! Benoit has been eliminated as we switch to Ring #1! (Elimination #1: Chris Benoit)

    Ring #1: Eddie gets to his feet at this point and is taunting Angle on the mat but then he turns into a burly bearhug from Brock Lesnar! Lesnar squeezes the life out of Eddie for about 30 seconds before he finally spins him around and drives him into the mat with a spinebuster and covers him.1...2....kickout! Brock Lesnar pops up and goes after Angle as the clock hits 30 seconds. Lesnar and Angle slug it out in the middle of the ring for about the entire 30 seconds.

    Ring #2: For just about the entire minute and a half left before the buzzer Edge and Mysterio recover since they're buddies and on the same team. Then we cut to the saloon doors. Benoit is making his way back up the aisle as the buzzer hits zero

    The saloon doors bust open and RHYNO RUNS OUT AND GORES THE HELL OUT OF BENOIT!!! This garners a huge reaction as Rhyno yells down at Benoit about getting what he had coming to him. Rhyno then walks to the ring and climbs inside of the War Games Cell! Rhyno climbs into Ring #1 and we will have this three minutes inside of just Ring #1 since there is no action in Ring #2 for this time

    Ring #1: Rhyno slides into the ring and immediately goes after Eddie Guerrero, tackling him into a corner and beginning to hit hard knifedge chops and fists to the head. He whips Eddie across the ring but Eddie leapfrogs out of the corner and avoids Rhyno. Eddie then hits a beautiful dropkick on Rhyno to stagger him back into the corner. Then Eddie Monkey flips Rhyno out of the corner. In another corner Brock Lesnar is pounding Kurt Angle over and over with hard right hands. Angle reverses it at this point and begins laying into Lesnar with those powerful rights of his. Angle then takes Lesnar out of the corner and hits a snap suplex on Lesnar! Eddie is trying to sinch in the Lasso From El Paso on Rhyno but Rhyno flips his legs out of it and then stands up in wait for Eddie. Rhyno goes for the Gore on Eddie as he gets up but Eddie sidesteps it and gives Rhyno a push into the corner and SMACK against the ringpost! Rhyno goes down holding his shoulder and Eddie goes down to a knee.

    Ring #1: Angle goes outside the ring and grabs a Steel Chair from underneath the ring. Angle climbs back in the ring and crushes it over Lesnar's skull as he was getting up! Angle then lays the chair on Lesnar and climbs to the nearest corner! Angle isn't gonna do this!! The crowd does a huge gasp/cheer as Angle leaps off the top rope for a beautiful Moonsault which catches nothing but CHAIR! Lesnar rolled out of the way but left the chair and Angle smacks his upper body off the chair! All four men are somewhat down as the the buzzer sounds and the next man is out!

    The Matt Hardy Version 1.0 loading video is seen and then Matt Hardy Version 1.0 comes walking through the saloon doors and his mattfact appears on the screen with him "Mattitude just like Survivor Series is a Winning Tradition!" The second Mattfact that pops up is that "Matt Hardy has never lost a "Cage" Match" We don't know if that's necessarily true but Matt Hardy Version 1.0 makes his way inside of the Cell anyway. He walks over to Ring #2 but Rey Mysterio does a suicidal move!

    Ring #1: Lesnar at this point crawls over and covers Angle with an arm..1...2...kickout by Angle! Eddie flapjacks Rhyno as he comes out of the corner. Eddie rolls out of the ring and grabs a stop sign from under the ring. Eddie then climbs back in the ring and slams the stop sign down on Rhyno's chest. He lays it on him and climbs outside to the ring apron..SENTON DOWN ON RHYNO TO THE STOP SIGN!

    Ring #2: Rey Mysterio goes over the top rope trying to do a sit down splash on Hardy but Hardy avoids the contact and Mysterio destroys himself on the outside! Matt Hardy climbs into the ring and goes to war with a rested Edge. Hardy and Edge exchange shots back and forth. Hardy finally wins the exchange and backs Edge into a corner and whips him across the ring. Hardy follows him in but Edge gets a boot up and spins Hardy around. He goes for an Edgeocution real quick but Hardy reverses it around into a kick to the gut with Hardy's back facing where Mysterio is. Mysterio is up by now and on the ring apron. He springboards off the top rope.

    Ring #1: Eddie moves the stop sign quickly and covers Rhyno..1...2..kickout! Lesnar picks up Angle at this point and sets him up for an F5!!! Angle ends up landing on his feet though and hits another huge Overhead Belly to Belly suplex on Lesnar to put him down. Eddie Guerrero picks up Rhyno and DDT's him back to the mat! Eddie then climbs up to the top rope and poses for the crowd as he beats his chest a couple times and yells out some spanish. the countdown clock is hitting ten as Eddie leaps off the top rope for a Frog Splash that catches nothing but mat!!! We hit zero as all four men are again hurting and on the mat

    Ring #2: Rey Mysterio springboards off going for Matt Hardy from behind but Hardy somehow ducks avoiding the contact and WEST COAST POP ON EDGE BY MYSTERIO!!! Mysterio holds his head looking at Edge, seeing what he's done but Matt Hardy takes advantage as he kicks Mysterio in the gut..TWIST OF FATE! Matt Hardy then quickly covers Rey Mysterio..1....2.....3! Matt Hardy has eliminated Rey Rey! Hardy then crawls over to Edge and covers him hooking the leg, trying to eliminate both men..1...2....SHOULDER UP! Edge manages to kick out as the clock is hitting ten and counting down. Hardy moves away and gets to his feet as the buzzer sounds (Elimination #2: Rey Mysterio)

    We wait for the next man out and it's AJ Styles!! The New WWE American Champion comes walking to the ring with the American Championship in hand. He walks down to the ring, taunting the crowd. The crowd has been eating up this entire match and a huge buzz about them throughout. AJ Styles then hands the belt off to the referee manning the door and he walks into the cell and climbs into Ring #2!!

    Ring #1: Angle is up first and he sets the table that had been leaned into the corner earlier and sets the table up on it's legs in the ring. Angle then turns around right into Lesnar!! Lesnar lifts Angle up into an F5..LESNAR F5'S ANGLE THROUGH THE TABLE!!! Lesnar then crawls over and covers Angle..1...2....3!! Brock Lesnar has eliminated Kurt Angle!!! Brock Lesnar taunts Angle but then suddenly as Lesnar turns around..GORE GORE FROM RHYNO!!! Rhyno rolls away and Eddie Guerrero comes off the top rope and hits his Frog Splash onto Brock Lesnar and hooks the leg!..1....2....3!!! Brock Lesnar has been caught sleeping and was eliminated as we shift to ring #2!!! (Elimination #3: Kurt Angle)(Elimination #4: Brock Lesnar)

    Ring #2: Matt Hardy is to his feet and he immediately attacks Styles as he's the fresh man and Hardy is all out for himself in this match! Hardy hits hard fists to Styles over and over but Styles fights back with smacks across Hardy's chest and right hands of his own. Hardy backs Styles to the ropes and whips him across the ring. Hardy telegraphs the back body drop just a second too early and Styles hits a Crucifix DDT to Hardy! Edge is up groggily in a corner and is waiting as Styles stands back up and turns RIGHT INTO A SPEAR!! All three men are down as we shift back over to Ring #1 for the last minute and a half before the last Entrant which is obviously The Dead Man.

    Ring #1: Rhyno is standing in wait for Eddie Guerrero as he gets to his feet. Rhyno hits a pumphandle slam on Eddie and covers him..1..2...kickout by Guerrero! Rhyno rolls out of the ring and grabs a Singapore Cane and grins sadistically. He rolls back into the ring but Eddie kips up and hits a HARD Leg Lariat to Rhyno taking him down as the clock is hitting 30 seconds to go. Eddie Guerrero then sinches in a Lasso From El Paso for the final 20 or so seconds until the buzzer hits!

    Ring #2: Styles is up first followed closely by Matt Hardy but instead of going after Edge. Styles goes right after Matt Hardy in a fury for him attacking him to start the match. Styles hits a low blow on Matt Hardy and lifts Hardy into a vertical suplex but sits Hardy on the top rope. Styles climbs to the top as well..TOP ROPE FRANKENSTEINER!!! Edge is up by now and he grabs Styles and whips him to the ropes and hits his running half nelson faceplant variation. Edge then locks in the Edgelock (Standing Figure-Four) for the last 30 seconds until the buzzer sounds.

    "Red Devil" Hits and the crowd explodes in cheer as Taker comes walking slowly through the saloon doors. Probably the most fatigued of all the men entering this match. Taker walks his way down to the cell and walks through the cell door. He then climbs into Ring #1 and begins to go to work.

    Ring #1: Taker climbs into the ring and SLUGS Eddie Guerrero right between the eyes. Taker begins putting a beating on Eddie Guerrero and whips the fatigued Eddie to the ropes and hits a hard big boot to the head of Guerrero. Taker makes a cut throat motion at Eddie Guerrero and grabs Eddie by the throat and looks like he's going to go for a Chokeslam! Eddie does his best cheat by just straight up kicking Taker between the legs. Taker lets out one of those loud yells of pain but stays standing. Eddie then DROPKICKS TAKER IN THE GROIN! Taker definately goes down from that. Rhyno leaves Ring #1 and segways great to Ring #2

    Ring #2: Styles is screaming in pain at this point but Matt Hardy breaks it up by grabbing Edge into a Huge PPV Size Side Effect! Hardy covers Edge trying to eliminate the champ..1..2....shoulder up by Edge! At this point Rhyno climbs into their ring and hits a big bulldog onto Matt Hardy taking him down. Rhyno then picks Matt Hardy up and throws him onto his shoulder. Then slams him to the mat extremely hard.

    At this point Eddie Guerrero climbs to the top rope in Ring #1 while Taker is down from a vertical suplex from Eddie..FROG SPLASH FROM RING #1 TO RING #2 DOWN ON MATT HARDY!!! Eddie then rolls through it and takes a Spear right after getting to his feet from Edge!

    Ring #2: AJ Styles picks Matt Hardy up as time expires for the Team Rules..STYLES CLASH!!! AJ Styles then covers Matt Hardy..1....2....3! AJ Styles eliminates Matt Hardy!! Edge at the same time is picking up Eddie Guerrero and EDGEOCUTION ON EDDIE! Edge then covers Eddie..1...2....3! (Elimination #5: Matt Hardy Version 1.0)(Elimination #6: Eddie Guerrero)

    Taker climbs into Ring #2 at this point and goes after Rhyno immediately while Styles couples off with Edge and begins beating on him in one corner of the ring. Taker pounds on Rhyno for about a minute until Rhyno reverses the position in the corner and begins hitting hard shoulder thrusts to the gut of Taker. Rhyno then backs up and GORES Taker in the corner. Rhyno then goes outside the ring and pulls a table from under the ring and gets into the ring with it. Rhyno then SLAMS the table into Taker and Rhyno goes across the ring to the opposite corner. Rhyno then runs full force at Taker and the Table in that corner. RHYNO COMPLETELY DESTROYS THE TABLE!!! Unfortunately The Undertaker moved and Rhyno only hit table and turnbuckle. Rhyno staggers out of the corner right into a TOMBSTONE!!! The crowd explodes for the Tombstone and Taker covers Rhyno..1...2....3! (Elimination #7: Rhyno)

    While the Taker/Rhyno fighting was happening. Styles put Edge on the top rope and went for an unbelievable float over DDT off the top rope but Edge holds both of the ropes connecting to his corner and Styles falls to the mat below. Edge sees Taker getting up though and SPEAR FROM THE TOP ROPE TO TAKER!! Edge rolls away from him and stays down for a moment. Styles sees an opening though and while still hurting. He climbs to the top rope and hits a Giant 450 Splash on Taker and covers him..1....2....3!!! (Elimination #8: Undertaker)

    Edge gets to his feet slowly as AJ Styles does the same. Edge kicks Styles in the gut and goes for an Edgeocution right off the bat but Styles reverses it with a Northern Lights Suplex with a bridge..1....2.....SHOULDER UP! Edge manages to kickout. Styles slides out of the ring and grabs a Trash can from it's setup in a corner and carries the whole thing over and climbs up onto the apron. He drops it into the ring and then hits a big leapfrog clothesline to Edge! Styles is looking like a Champ in this! Styles picks Edge and looks to be going for a Styles Clash!! Edge uses his leg strength to knock Styles down to his back and uses this for a pinning predictiment..1...2...Styles rolls it back so that Edge is pinned..1...2...kickout by Edge. Styles grabs a 2x4 out of the trash can and swings for the fences at Edge. Edge ducks the attempt and hits a basement dropkick to the left knee of Styles. Edge winds up making it very un-dramatic as Edge grabs a steel chair out of the trash can very quickly. Edge then winds up and CRUSHES IT over the head of Styles. Then Edge shows a very nasty side that we haven't seen before as he smashes it up and down over Styles head four more times on the mat. Edge then throws the chair onto the mat and picks Styles's groggy, limp body up and EDGEOCUTION DOWN ONTO THE CHAIR! Edge makes the academic cover and hooks the leg on AJ Styles..1...2.....3! Edge manages to defeat nine other men to retain his WWE Championship! Edge rolls out of the ring and limps out of the Cell. He grabs his WWE Championship from the referee and lets him raise his arm. Then he straps it and puts it around his neck and begins ascending the cell. Edge then climbs to the top and walks to the middle of both cells and holds the WWE Championship high in the air as Survivor Series goes off the air!

    (Elimination #9: AJ Styles)(Winner and STILL WWE Champion: Edge)

    Overall Rating: 75%

    Crowd Reaction: 84%

    Match Quality: 85%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    Part 2 of the Best Matches of 2003 is Upcoming!

  17. user posted image

    Monday Night RAW

    December 29, 2003 (RAW IS SMALL BLUE)

    We kick Monday Night RAW off with a match as Chris Nowitski's music hits!

    Chris Nowitski vs Black Dragon

    Nowitski comes down to the ring and then "Click, Click, Boom" hits and Black Dragon comes walking out onto the stage and down to the ring. These men go back and forth for about seven minutes before Black Dragon lays Nowitski out with a ddt in the middle of the ring and climbs to the top rope..SHOOTING STAR PRESS TO THE MIDDLE OF THE RING ON NOWITSKI!! Dragon then hooks the leg on it..1...2....3! Black Dragon gets a huge win to Open up RAW!

    (Winner: Black Dragon)(Black Dragon Gains Overness)(Chris Nowitski Loses Overness)

    Overall Rating: 57%

    Crowd Reaction: 44%

    Match Quality: 71%

    Dames Stars: *

    Christian is walking backstage through the RAW interview set and walks towards the locker room and then spins around randomly. Nobody was behind him and he continues walking, clutching his Intercontinental Title to his chest as he goes. Then after Christian is gone..the masked man comes walking out that has been following Christian now for a good couple weeks.

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Total Pimped out Video here! We see Maven in another pimped out video! A different video from last week but the same basis of having Maven with alot of hot women, dancing, drinking and partyin as we go to commercial break!

    Overall Rating: 73%

    Randy Orton vs Adam Jacobs

    Jacobs is waiting in the ring as we come back from commercial when Orton comes out to the Evolution theme. Orton comes down to the ring and starts up with Jacobs. Orton dominates most of the matchup and finishes it with an RKO to Jacobs for the pinfall victory. But after the win Austin comes climbing over the barricade and into the ring. He then starts brawling with Orton. Both men exchange punches and eventully Austin clotheslines Orton over the top rope to the outside of the ring. Orton and Austin exchange words as Orton slinks out of dodge. These two are going to tear each other apart!

    (Winner: Randy Orton)

    Overall Rating: 72%

    Crowd Reaction: 70%

    Match Quality: 74%

    Dames Stars: **

    Taz vs Test

    Test's music hits first as he comes walking down to the ring, taunting the crowd as he walks down the steel ramp. Test walks to the steel ring steps and walks up them. Then climbing over the top rope, into the ring. Then Taz's Thug Superstar theme kicks up and he comes walking down to the ring. Taz then climbs into the ring and the bell sounds to start the match. Test dominates this match for the most part with power moves. Hitting his pumphandle slam on Taz. Nailing a Gutwrench Powerbomb as well. Both went for long two counts. Taz got some offense in as well. He hit a German Suplex on Test as well as a Tazplex but at the end of the match. Test was in control and had taken Taz down with a nasty clothesline. He then backed into a corner and called for the Big Boot. Test then went for it once Taz got to his feet. Taz ducks it and TAZMISSION!!! Taz takes Test down and wraps his legs around him and Test taps out! Taz gets a big win on RAW!

    (Winner: Taz)

    Overall Rating: 72%

    Crowd Reaction: 70%

    Match Quality: 75%

    Dames Stars: **

    We go to commercial break after that match and when we get back from commercial, Christian's music hits and he comes walking down to the ring with the IC Title over his shoulder. He climbs into the ring and gets handed a microphone from a tech and begins to talk into it.

    Christian: Alright i've Had ENOUGH! I am tired of this son of a bitch that has been following me around. I want it to end! You come out here and show yourself. Show me who the hell you are and i'll give you an Intercontinental Title Match. Tonight! Come on you bastard!

    The lights then go down and a few seconds later a CRACK of a Steel Chair is heard as light bulbs flash. That masked man can be seen standing over Christian. The lights come back up and the Masked Man is standing over Christian with a steel chair in hand. Christian is busted open and the man leans down and picks up the microphone. Then he speaks into it.

    Masked Man: I Accept!

    Then he pulls his mask off and it's MARK JINDRAK!! It'll be Mark Jindrak challenging Christian for the IC Title tonight! Let's hope Jindrak can back it up now that Christian knows it's him that has been attacking him.

    Overall Rating: 70%

    Batista vs Pimp Daddy McMaven

    Batista's entrance hits and he comes walking down to the ring. He climbs into the ring and stands in wait for Maven. Then we hear "Pimp Remix" From 50 Cent hit and a small CD Case appears at the bottom of the TV screens at home. Promoting 50 Cent's CD and Maven comes dancing out onto the stage with two very hot looking ho's. He's wearing a multi-colored Tanktop shirt. One Ho is on each side of him. He is different than the Godfather though. He dresses down with no pimp hat but alot of Bling Bling Jewelry. Pimp Daddy McMaven comes down to the ring with his ho's and hands them all his Bling Bling as he calls it. He tells his ladies to keep it warm for him and climbs into the ring. Batista goes to work on the Pimp Daddy which brings a strong response down on Batista. The crowd doesn't want the Pimp Master to get beat down! Maven fights back though as he hits several beautiful dropkicks and goes for his Flying DDT off the top rope that he hits for his finisher but Batista avoided it and Maven landed hard. Batista went and hit a HUGE Sit-Out Powerbomb on Maven. Batista didn't cover him though because D'Lo Brown's music hits and Batista stood up and looked at the stage. At this time Maven recovered and D'Lo just stood on the stage, yelling down at Batista. Batista turns around to focus back on Maven but Maven was up and he hits what J.R. Informs us is the "Bling, Bling" (Franchiser) Maven then gets on Batista and covers him..1...2....3!! Pimp Daddy McMaven gets a huge win! The Ho's celebrate with Maven in the ring. He rolls out of the ring and they dance up the Steel Ramp and to the backstage area. D'Lo leaves with Pimp Daddy McMaven. A Ho for D'Lo and a Ho for Maven!

    (Winner: Pimp Daddy McMaven)(Pimp Daddy McMaven Gains Overness)(Batista Loses Overness)

    Overall Rating: 70%

    Crowd Reaction: 72%

    Match Quality: 66%

    Dames Stars: *1/4

    Kane vs Goldust/Sonny Siaki

    (Originally this was to be Kane vs Los Guerreros in a Hardcore Handicap Match but with Chavo in rehab that had to be scrapped.)

    Goldust is out to the ring first. He saunters his way to ring side. Booker T is out of action another week. We hope to see him back before the Royal Rumble. Once Goldust is in the ring. Sonny Siaki's music hits and he comes down to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope. He stances with Goldust and then Kane's music hits and he comes storming down to the ring. Kane demolishes Goldust and Siaki for the first couple minutes of the match with just power moves. Big Boots and sidewalk slams galore. Goldust manages to sneak out of the ring while Kane is manhandling Siaki in a corner. Goldust gets a Chair from under the ring. Goldust slides into the ring and blasts Kane in the back of the head as well as to the knees. Eventully Siaki hits the Siakopolis onto the Chair as well as Goldust hitting the Curtain Call onto the chair. Goldust then gets the cover on Kane..1...2...3! Goldust's music hits and he celebrates with Siaki over the Fallen Kane.

    (Winners: Goldust/Siaki)

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 74%

    Dames Stars: **1/4

    Mark Jindrak vs Christian

    WWE Intercontinental Championship

    Mark Jindrak's music is the first to hit and he comes walking down to the ring and the crowd isn't really sure how to respond to him. Jindrak makes his way to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope, into the ring. Once Jindrak is in the ring, Christian's music hits and he comes charging down to the ring. He seems to be completely off his game with rage. Christian tries to get into the ring but Jindrak begins pounding on Christian immediately. Jindrak puts the boots to Christian over and over. Jindrak then picks Christian up but Christian breaks the hold that Jindrak has on him and hits a HUGE DDT on Jindrak. Christian from here begins to stomp on Jindrak and after a couple shots to Jindrak's head with his boot. Christian begins to choke Jindrak with his foot. Christian pulls on the ropes as he chokes Jindrak. Christian then picks Jindrak up and goes for the Unprettier right off the bat. Jindrak breaks out of it and pushes Christian to the ropes and as Christian comes back at Jindrak. He kicks Christian in the gut and does a Standing Sunset flip on Christian and hooks Christian's legs under his arms..1...2...3!! JINDRAK JUST UPSET CHRISTIAN FOR THE IC TITLE! Christian gets up immediately afterward and begins beating Jindrak senseless. Christian throws Jindrak over the top rope to the outside of the ring, on the timekeepers side of the ring. Christian rolls out of the ring and slams Jindrak's head down onto the steps. Christian then goes to work on Jindrak with a steel chair to the ribs and head. Christian finally stops when Jindrak on bloodied and laying on the matting on the outside of the ring. We go to commercial break with the bloody image of Mark Jindrak on the floor but in the end. He's the NEW WWE Intercontinental Champion!

    (Winner and NEW WWE Intercontinental Champion: Mark Jindrak)(Mark Jindrak Gained Overness)(Christian Lost Overness)(WWE Intercontinental Title has Lost Image)

    Overall Rating: 77%

    Crowd Reaction: 75%

    Match Quality: 80%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    Chris Jericho vs The Rock vs John Cena

    Main Event, Triple Threat Match (Non Title)

    All three men do their usual entrances and I won't give away too much of the matches these guys will have down the road on a normal RAW :) Jericho actully dominates a majority of this match over Cena and Rock. He wants a re-match for the Title real bad but won't get it till at least Wrestlemania XX. He shows this with the heart of a champion in battling both men for ten minutes and having the advantage. Cena winds up hitting an F-U on Rock late in the match but before he can get a pin. Jericho hits a bulldog to Cena and then a Lionsault to CENA! Jericho then gets to his feet and grabs Cena's feet. Jericho then does a bridge with Cena's feet so that he hooks the pin real well..1...2....3! Jericho gets the win over Cena in the last match on RAW in 2003!!! We cut backstage though to near the exit to the parking garage where Kane is standing in front of Eric Bischoff!

    (Winner: Chris Jericho)

    Overall Rating: 90%

    Crowd Reaction: 93%

    Match Quality: 84%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    Holding Me Back

    Kane has the Hardcore Championship in his left hand and seemingly still mad about earlier in his handicap match that Bischoff booked him in. He shoves the Title into the chest of Bischoff. Knocking him down and we leave RAW with the image of Bischoff holding the Hardcore Title and we're left to wonder if Kane is forfeiting the belt and what this means. Also to wonder what is wrong with Kane as well!

    Overall Rating: 76%

    RAW Rating: 72%

    TV Rating: 6.03

    Attendance: 6,548

    Ticket Sales: $261,920

    This was the prize for the Armageddon PPV Winner but since Grind Your Soul passed up on it. Small Blue booked this RAW. Courtesy of Small Blue productions. This has been a Small Blue Feature!

  18. Sunday Night Heat

    December 28, 2003

    Test beats Adam Jacobs handily with the Big Boot after a short match 69(67,72)*3/4

    Jeff Hardy defeats Kid Kash in a surprisingly bad match. 58(50,67)3/4*

    Eddie Guerrero defeats Batista in a good match with a Frog Splash! 71(60,83)**1/2

    Sabin pulls an upset on Hurricane with a DDT from the top rope on Hurricane for the win. 75(69,81)**3/4

    Low Ki defeats Jay Lethal after reversing a Lethal Injection into the Dragon Clutch for a submission victory. 83(77,89)***3/4

    Billy Kidman defeats Jody Fleisch with a Shooting Star Press for the big victory 73(54,93)***1/2

    We see another pimped out video featuring A few small shots of Maven surrounded by beautiful ho's and with lots of gold jewelry on. He's Bling Blingin and that's all that matters! (78)

    Lance Storm defeats Spanky with a Superkick to the jaw which knocks Spanky almost out of his boots. 84(81,87)***1/2

    Christian defeats Taz with the Unprettier and that stalker makes another appearance and hits a HUGE Powerbomb to Christian after the match and stands over Christian holding the IC Title. 80(78,83)***

    Heat Rating: 75%

    TV Rating: 6.08

    Attendance: 6,541

    Ticket Sales: $261,640

  19. user posted image

    WWE Smackdown

    December 25, 2003

    We see the normal Smackdown intro and it goes through the entire intro and then we come to the Smackdown set and pyro going off to kick off Smackdown. Then we really kick off Smackdown as Frankie Kazarian's music hits!

    Frankie Kazarian vs Mortis

    Kazarian comes down to the ring and the crowd which was quiet to start up with. Warms up to Kazarian a little bit. Then once Kazarian is in the ring the dark tones of Mortis's entrance hits and he comes walking down to the ring. Mortis gets into the ring and uses his innovative offense to hit several impactful slams and then winds up finishing Kazarian in what could be perceived as a squash match with a Flatliner! Mortis then gets the three count on Kazarian and immediately after the match the lights go down and Cyclone's music hits. When the lights come back up the music stops but Cyclone is in the ring standing behind Mortis. Cyclone nails a Reverse DDT on Mortis which is followed by a Cyclone Bomb (TigerBomb). Cyclone has finally gotten his hands on Mortis!

    (Winner: Mortis)

    Overall Rating: 67%

    Crowd Reaction: 62%

    Match Quality: 73%

    Dames Stars: *3/4


    We're backstage and Benoit is sitting down with a cameraman and begins talking about what this match at the Rumble means to him and what he'll do to win the match and the Title.

    Benoit: Just two and a half weeks from the Royal Rumble. I get another shot at the thing that is my life. I won the WWE Championship earlier this year but it was nothing real. It was like I was a transitional Champion between Lesnar and Angle. This time it's all about me. Angle is out of the picture and Lesnar well, I don't need to worry about him. He's not a threat anymore. All it's about is me and Edge. He's been a good champion but it's Time for THE CRIPPLER to show his worth. I can Main Event! I Can be the man to bring home the bacon for Smackdown! Royal Rumble is my chance and it won't pass by. I Will take the WWE Championship from Edge. I will be the Bread Winner of this Brand. And Edge if you think you can..PROVE ME WRONG!!!

    After the interview ends we go to commercial.

    Overall Rating: 75%

    Ultimo Dragon vs Psicosis vs Billy Kidman

    Triple Threat, Special Guest Referee Match (Christopher Daniels)

    We return from break and Christopher Daniels is already in the ring when Psicosis's music hits and he comes walking down to the ring with a purpose. Aiming to get #1 contendership back and get into the Title hunt again. Once Psicosis is in the ring, Billy Kidman's music from DMX hits and he comes walking down to the ring, taunting the crowd as he makes his way to the ring. Then as Kidman gets into the ring. Ultimo Dragon's music and pyro goes off and he comes out from behind the set, from the curtains. He walks down to the ring and the match ensues. I could tell you the entire match from the three of them but it wouldn't be as good for PPV If I did that! Let me assure you that Daniels screwed Ultimo at every turn and at the end of the match with Billy Kidman and Ultimo going at it. Daniels had the Cruiserweight Title in hand and swung for Ultimo but connected with the head of Kidman. Ultimo then hit his finisher on Daniels to put him down and then covers Kidman and slams Daniels's hand down three times very quickly. Ultimo Dragon gets the victory and will face Daniels at the Royal Rumble for the Cruiserweight Title! Ultimo got one up on the Cruiserweight Division and Daniels tonight!

    (Winner and #1 Contender: Ultimo Dragon)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 74%

    Match Quality: 95%

    Dames Stars: ****

    Brock Lesnar vs Chris Sabin

    Sabin comes down to the ring first and then Lesnar's music hits and he comes down to the ring to his normal intro and proceeds to put a major SQUASH onto Sabin. Sabin gets a couple DDT's but otherwise nothing. Then Lesnar puts him away with the F5 and gets the win. After the match though AJ Styles comes running through the crowd, behind Lesnar with a steel pipe. Lesnar turns right into a Steel Pipe shot to the head, knocking Lesnar down and out! Styles stands over Lesnar celebrating.

    (Winner: Brock Lesnar)

    Overall Rating: 70%

    Crowd Reaction: 65%

    Match Quality: 76%

    Dames Stars: **

    I Want Your Title!

    OHHHH YEEEAAAAA!! Matt Hardy's music kicks up without the loading tonight as he comes walking down to the ring with his Mattitude Stable along side him. Kidman, Jeff Hardy, Shannon Moore and himself. See what happens when you leave Mattitude Scotty. You leave to join Sabu. He becomes a Crackhead and Scotty runs away. Anyway Matt Hardy gets into the ring with the MF'ers and gets on the stick.

    M. Hardy: It's been long enough that I haven't challenged again for this belt. Sean O'Haire. I want you to come down to this ring and give me what is rightfully mine. A WWE American Championship Match!

    We wait just a moment and then the dark tones of Sean O'Haire's music kicks up and he comes walking out from behind the curtains and with the WWE American Championship over his shoulder, stands in the entryway with a microphone. Smart enough to not come down to the ring.

    O'Haire: Matt. I don't fear anybody in this company. I'll give you a shot at my title. All you had to do was ask and I would be more than happy to beat your ass at the Royal Rumble! So i'll see you there. Cause not only will I Beat you and retain my American Title at the Rumble. I will also be Entering myself into the Rumble and I KNOW I will come out on top and at Wrestlemania XX. Your looking at the next World Champion of this company!

    Hardy is snarling in the ring and goes to outdo O'Haire.

    M. Hardy: That's all nice and good O'Haire but your not the only one entering the Rumble!!!! Matt Hardy...Version 1.0 is also entering the Royal Rumble!!! Along with Shannon Moore, Billy Kidman and Jeff Hardy! Together we will make it to the end and then I will win the 2004 Royal Rumble and I WILL Be the next World Champion. I've been in this company for 7 Years and you won't take from me what i've earned!

    Both men stare each other down as Smackdown goes to commercial

    Overall Rating: 87%

    Triple H vs Rey Mysterio

    Rey Mysterio is the first man out and the crowd pops huge for Mysterio as he makes his way to the ring and waits inside. Then Motorhead's "The Game" hits and Triple H does his entire intro to the ring, including the water spit but during the Water Spit. Mysterio does a front dropkick to the back of Triple H. Triple H gets into the ring and none of the high flying Offense from Mysterio works. Either HHH counters it or he no-sells it but Triple H dominates the rest of the match and squashes Mysterio. Then as HHH is kicking Mysterio in the gut and hits the Pedigree. Rhyno comes running down to the ring as HHH covers Mysterio..1...2....3! HHH gets up as Rhyno is running at him but HHH hits a high knee as he turns around and runs at Rhyno. HHH then picks Rhyno up..PEDIGREE!!! The ambush didn't work from Rhyno and he got a Pedigree for his troubles! HHH looked unstoppable tonight against Mysterio and Rhyno!

    (Winner: Triple H)

    Overall Rating: 72%

    Crowd Reaction: 73%

    Match Quality: 71%

    Dames Stars: *3/4

    Sean O'Haire vs Chuck Palumbo

    WWE American Championship

    Palumbo is to the ring first and once he's standing in the ring, waiting for O'Haire. O'Haire's music hits and he comes stomping to the ring with the WWE American Championship in hand. He goes to work on Palumbo immediately and controls him from start to finish. O'Haire gets the strong victory with "The Prophecy" On Palumbo and a three count. After the three count though. Jeff Hardy, Shannon Moore and Billy Kidman hit the ring. O'Haire takes them all out as Matt Hardy sneaks out from under the ring with a chair and climbs into the ring behind O'Haire. O'Haire turns RIGHT into a chair shot from Hardy. Matt then sets the chair up and TWIST OF FATE SPIKING O'HAIRE ONTO THE CHAIR TO PUT HIM DOWN!!! Matt Hardy makes an impact tonight!

    (Winner: Sean O'Haire)

    Overall Rating: 74%

    Crowd Reaction: 76%

    Match Quality: 71%

    Dames Stars: *3/4

    Chris Benoit and AJ Styles vs Edge and Undertaker

    Main Event

    This match was a pretty good one. All four men had their full entrances with Taker making the final one with his Bike. Then once that was done the match started. All the men hit all their major moves. Benoit and Styles control a prone Edge for the early part of the match and work over Edge's left arm. Taker when he was in the ring was slow and methodical. Almost sluggish. It really made the match drag and suck. Edge though comes back by hitting a Spear on Benoit and crawling to his corner. He tags Taker in and Taker goes to school on Benoit and Styles. Taker hits a Last Ride on Styles but then Benoit takes him out with a clothesline over the top rope. Benoit turns around right into a spike Edgeocution from Edge. Edge then covers the legal man Styles. Even though Edge isn't the legal man..1...2....3! At this point Brock Lesnar comes running down to the ring?! He slides into the ring and F5'S EDGE HARD TO THE MAT?! What the hell is he doing!! Lesnar then proceeds to pick up Styles and hit a HUGE F5. Then picks up Benoit and nails him with an F5 as well! Taker climbs into the ring and goes for a big boot on Lesnar but Lesnar ducks it and kicks Taker in the gut. Then lifts him up into a final HUGE F5!!! Lesnar then screams in triumph and stands over all the other fallen men and raises his arms into the air. Lesnar has lost his mind is all we can hear from Michael Cole and think about what Lesnar just did to those four men!

    (Winners: Edge and Undertaker)

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 77%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    Smackdown Rating: 73%

    TV Rating: 4.91

    Attendance: 6,507

    Ticket Sales: $260,280

  20. user posted image

    Monday Night RAW

    December 22, 2003

    We see scenes from Armageddon. All the big hits and big moments of Armageddon. We see the Undisputed Tag Team Championships going to Team Angle after a cheating win. All the other victories but we don't see the Goldust/Booker Match at all as we head into the RAW Intro and then once it kicks up and finishes. The camera view comes to the RAW set and pyro begins going off. Then once it's finishes J.R and The King welcome us to RAW.

    J.R: Welcome everybody to Monday Night RAW!

    King: What a Pay Per View last night J.R. It was probably the best of the three Brand Extended Pay Per Views we've done!

    J.R: Yes King but one man that probably will never want to re-live last night is..Booker T.


    We see scenes from last night's Armageddon. Only still pictures since the Replay on PPV is still coming up on Tuesday. It shows Goldust and Booker standing on the scaffolding up 30 feet in the air. Then it shows another picture clip of Goldust jumping off the scaffolding with Booker in the Neckbreaker position. Then it shows both men about halfway down to the setup tables below. Then another picture shows Goldust and Booker just going through the tables..just the first two tables breaking. Then a final picture with both men broken in the wreckage and another picture showing Booker T unconcious. All the time we were hearing J.R's voice from the PPV of don't do it Goldust and OH MY GOD THOSE MEN ARE BROKEN IN HALF!!!

    Overall Rating: 82%

    Then we cut back to J.R and The King

    J.R: Booker T is not going to be here tonight as he was admitted overnight to a nearby hospital. We don't know when Booker will be able to return but we wish him the best health.

    King: Yea Book. Get well soon man. That Goldust though. He's a crazy son of a bitch

    As King finishes saying that D'Lo Brown's music hits.

    D'Lo Brown vs Christian

    WWE Intercontinental Championship

    D'Lo Brown makes his way down to the ring as he music plays. He plays to the crowd who is really giving him a nice ovation. He gets into the ring and following up a big PPV win with tonight..an IC Title Match! Then Christian's music hits and he comes sauntering out onto the stage with the WWE Intercontinental Championship around his waist. Jay Lethal is also not expected to be in attendance tonight. Christian saunters down to the ring and blows kisses to the crowd and his peeps. He gets into the ring and D'Lo wastes little time in going to work on Christian with stomps in the corner. D'Lo whips Christian to the ropes and catches him with a powerslam as he comes back at him. D'Lo then stands up and does his D'Lo Leg Drop. D'Lo then covers Christian..1...2..kickout by Christian strongly. This match actully goes on for about four more minutes with D'Lo in control until Christian hits a cheap low blow and then hits his reverse DDT. Then Christian stands up and stomps his feet, basically saying he's going to end it now. At this point a man dressed completely in black, as well as a black ski mask over his head comes running to the ring and spins Christian around. Kicks him in the gut and lifts him up into a powerbomb and spins around (DDP Style) and completely DESTROYS Christian to the mat. Nick Patrick calls for the DQ on D'Lo even though it looks like D'Lo had no clue this guy was going to do that. D'Lo gets up and shoves the masked man. So the masked man does what any mysterious interferer would. Kicks D'Lo in the gut and hits a Spinning Powerbomb on him as well!!! Then this man rolls out of the ring and walks up the ramp to the back as we head to commercial!

    (Winner: Christian by DQ and Still Champion)

    Overall Rating: 82%

    Crowd Reaction: 80%

    Match Quality: 85%

    Dames Stars: ***1/4

    Pimp Daddy in the hissshouse!

    We come back to seeing flashes of bright colors, lots of money and bling bling. Then we see things out of those Rap videos with Maven relaxing around with fine ladies in strip clubs, dance clubs. Champagne drinking and grind dancin. Fine Eatin and Ho's all around like he's Willie Beamon. Finally the promo video ends with in big colorful letters coming across the screen..Pimp Daddy McMaven Coming Soon!!!!

    Overall Rating: 82%

    Kane vs Kai En Tai

    Handicap Match

    Kane is the first man out and he comes walking down to the ring as his music and pyro hits. Kane gets to the ring and then Kai En Tai's music hits and they come walking out onto the stage and bow to Kane. Then Taka who has a microphone begins to speak to Kane.

    Taka: So you know Kane. This match..as per..Eric Bischoffson is no No Disqualification!

    Kane motions at them to bring it on but there's a reason it's no DQ. Tajiri, Yang and crew come out through different parts of the crowd and several of them have weapons. They all get into the ring. Kane fights off NOSAWA, Kaz Hayashi and Jimmy Yang but Satoshi Kojima swings a chair as Kane turns to him and levels him. From here Kai En Tai as well have gotten into the ring and after Tajiri hits his Buzzsaw kick and Kai En Tai hit their dropkick to face in a camel clutch finish. Taka and Funaki both get on top of Kane and everyone else piles on..1...2....3! The New Japan Mafia have stolen a win from Kane using their numbers game. Those damn foreigners! Someone has to stop them! They all celebrate in the ring again for the third straight event! Last week's RAW. Last night on Heat before Armageddon and tonight. Someone has to stop these guys!

    (Winners: Kai En Tai)

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Crowd Reaction: 71%

    Match Quality: 85%

    Dames Stars: ***

    Dudley Boys vs Los Guerreros

    First out are the Guerreros and they get a good cheer from the crowd. Even though they're supposedly the bad guys. Then Powerman 5000 comes up as the Dudleys pyro goes off and the crowd explodes in cheer. The Dudleys get to the ring and this match is the best on RAW and matched up to be just as good if not better than the Undisputed Tag Title Match at Armageddon. The crowd was more into this match. Not too much description here because it may come again and I hate being repeative :). The Dudleys though end up hitting the 3D on Chavo Guerrero when Eddie is the legal man. D-Von whom isn't the legal man for his team covers Chavo..while behind that. Eddie rolls Bubba up and yanks on the tights hard..1...2....3! And Los Guerreros music hits and D-Von looks shocked as if he thought he was getting the pin. But Bubba and Eddie were the legal men and the Guerreros steal a victory over the Duds!

    (Winners: Los Guerreros)

    Overall Rating: 92%

    Crowd Reaction: 84%

    Match Quality: 100%

    Dames Stars: ****3/4

    I'm Back!

    Eric Bischoff's music hits and he comes walking out onto the stage and down to the ring. Patting his chest and pointing to the crowd with loving words for them. Which has such Sarcasm that you have to wring the words out of it. Bischoff gets into the ring and begins to talk once his music stops.

    Bischoff: Now I'm out here for a couple reasons tonight. I have a couple very big announcements to make. First and foremost due to his selfless calling of last night's match. The Next Challenger for John Cena's World Heavyweight Championship at the Royal Rumble will be THE ROCK!

    The crowd cheers hearing that The Rock will get a shot at the World Title

    Bischoff: But the bigger announcement. If there can be a bigger announcement. Is that this year of course the Royal Rumble Match itself will feature 15 Men from RAW and 15 Men from Smackdown. But the man who wins the Match. Will get his choice of Champion to face at Wrestlemania XX. Meaning he can go to either Brand. If he chooses to go to the other brand. The brand that, that wrestler is leaving will receive compensation as well. So now the winner of the Royal Rumble can basically do as he pleases and his Title Shot cannot be put on the line in ANY kind of match before Wrestlemania XX.

    Eric then tosses the microphone outside the ring and the crowd buzzes with those new announcements as we head to commercial Break

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Glass Shatters Again!

    As we come back from Commercial. Stone Cold Steve Austin's music hits as the glass shatters! He comes walking down to the ring and does his four corners posing for the crowd. He gets a huge reaction in each corner. Then he grabs a microphone. We love when Austin gets on the stick!

    Austin: I've been hearing things in the back all day. Hey Stone Cold. Why did Orton give you so much trouble last night? You Getting Slow Steve, You could've taken him in three minutes a couple years ago. Steve man you got lucky, Steve your getting old. WHAT WHAT WHAT. Well those sons of bitches ain't walked 10 feet in my boots and until they do they can all go to hell. Cause each one of those bastards that said something like that to me..WHAT.. Got a mudhole stomped in their ass! WHAT So tonight i'm out here to announce something of my own..WHAT! I am gonna throw my name into that hat..WHAT! I Said I'm gonna throw my name into the hat..WHAT To the 2004 Royal Rumble. As one of the 15 RAW Superstars to be involved..WHAT! I said i'm gonna enter and win the god damn 2004 Royal Rumble and if you think Austin is gonna do it gimme a Hell Yeah!

    Before the crowd can get off a Hell Yeah. "Passing You By" by Motorhead hits and Randy Orton comes walking out onto the stage in street clothes which look real good on the Blue Chipper. Orton has a microphone and walks down to the ring as he begins talking to Austin.

    Orton: Steve your in denial. Yes you are getting old. Your getting slow. That's why you only barely beat me last night. I Had a bit of a sniffle last night and wasn't 100%. But come the Royal Rumble which by the way. I am entering the Rumble as well.

    Orton has climbed up the ring steps and into the ring. No fear of Austin in his eyes. He walks straight up into the face of Austin as he continues.

    Orton: Austin. Your a old horse in a race full of young studs. You should just move aside and let me and the rest of the young guys have our shot. You had yours. It passed you by. Your done now. It's over. WHAT? I said that it's over.

    Orton laughs after using Austin's own WHAT on him but Austin simply kicks Orton in the gut and no Orton pushes him off to the ropes and kicks Austin in the gut..RKO!!! Maybe Austin is losing a step!!! Orton yells taunts down at Austin as he leaves the ring while we see Austin holding his head from that move.

    Overall Rating: 90%

    Team Angle vs The Brethren

    Undisputed Tag Team Championship

    The Brethren are the first men out and then Team Angle hits the ring with new beautiful Tag Team Championships. They look like the (Undisputed Title) WWE Championship except saying Undisputed Tag Team Championship on the front. Very nice. Team Angle takes it very seriously as they dismantle The Brethren in about five minutes and beat them with the Code Angle to the mat on Fury. The Brethren though get very little offense and go down to Team Angle in what could be perceived as a Squash Match really. Good Title Defense for Team Angle though. They've become just a completely dominant Tag Team.

    (Winner and Still Undisputed Tag Team Champions: Team Angle)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 80%

    Match Quality: 88%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2


    John Cena's music hits and he comes walking out onto the stage to incredible boo's from the crowd. The World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder. As he walks to the ring in a Denver Broncos (Bill Romanowski Jersey) Cause we're in Denver. He walks down to the ring and grabs a microphone from ringside to cut one of his mad beats.

    Cena: Yo Yo Cut my beat.

    Armageddon came and went and I am still standing Just Like I said!

    Jericho was so scared of me after he lost that last night he wet his bed!

    Rock is gonna get beat down and hit so hard he'll be like Bill Romo.

    He gonna get beat down like all those other weak Mofo's!

    Rocky is gonna say all that stick things sideways up your asses.

    He needs a good look in the mirror with some glasses.

    He can't see me i'm untouchable yo!

    The Rock is the people's champ but he ain't gonna beat me hell no!

    Nobody in this building or in the back can beat me.

    But they can all suck something for a fee!

    The crowd is boo'ing until The Rock's music hits and he saves us from Cena's rapping. He is in street clothes as well and is looking down to the ring with shades on and begins to talk on the microphone.

    Rock: Who in the blue hell are you!

    Cena: I a

    Rock: IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO YOU ARE! The Rock doesn't care if your the fifth coming of Christ himself. All you are is in my way to that World Heavyweight Title Jabroni!

    Rock begins to walk down to the ring and Cena gets ready to fight but from the crowd Chris Jericho leaps over the barricade behind Cena and BULLDOG on Cena. Followed by a huge Lionsault on Cena! Rock comes running to the ring but Jericho picks up the World Title and lays Rock out too as he gets into the ring!! We leave RAW with a picture of Jericho climbing onto the second rope holding the World Heavyweight Championship and strapping it around his waist. Will Jericho find a way to recapture his gold?!

    Overall Rating: 89%

    Overall Rating: 83%

    TV Rating: 6.08

    Attendance: 6,534

    Ticket Sales: $261,360

  21. user posted image

    Kai En Tai vs The Brethren

    Heat Main Event

    Kai En Tai's music hits and both Funaki and Taka come walking down to the ring in their normal wrestling attire. We see the Armageddon set for the first time. It's actually similar to the setups they've had for the last few years. a Large Square Titan-Tron with Giant Metal letters spelling Armageddon at the very top. The entire feel of the set is Metallic. There is also a normal stage with ramp. Taka and Funaki climb into the ring, up the steel steps. Once they're in the ring The Brethren's theme kicks up (Kane's Old Music). Fury and Mayhem make their way out onto the stage and come walking down to the ring. They both go around the ring and climb onto the ring apron. Fury climbs into the ring and looks like he'll start the match. Fury and Funaki are the two to start the match as the bell sounds. Fury locks up with Funaki immediately and backs him into a neutral corner of the ring. Fury begins laying in hard knifedge chops to Funaki's chest. Funaki reverses it around and hits a huge standing dropkick on Fury in the corner! Fury looks to be a bit caught off guard by that and Funaki whips Fury to the opposite corner and follows him in for a clothesline. Fury though avoids the contact and nails a neckbreaker on Funaki as he backs out of the corner, slightly staggered. Fury makes the cover on Funaki quickly..1...2..kickout right after two.

    Fury controls Funaki with a front facelock and holds onto it for a submission manuever. Fury holds onto the move for about 30 seconds before He lifts Funaki up to his feet in the hold and hits a Front Facelock Suplex!! A Beautiful move from Fury and he floats over for the cover..1....2...Taka gets into the ring and hits a front dropkick with both feet to the head of Fury to break the count up. Fury crawls over and tags out to Mayhem. Mayhem climbs into the ring and tries to take back control of Funaki by grabbing his foot and pulling him back to The Brethren's corner. Funaki responds by hopping on one foot long enough to swing his leg around..ENZIGURI TO MAYHEM! The crowd is really on Funaki hard as he crawls to his corner and makes the hot heel tag to Taka. Taka gets in the ring and controls Fury and Mayhem both for a moment with some clotheslines, followed by standing dropkicks for both men. Funaki gets back into the ring and applies a camel clutch to Mayhem, rearing back on him so his head is facing straight towards the ropes..Taka hits the ropes and SNAP!!! Taka nails the dropkick to the mouth of Mayhem and rolls him over for the cover while Funaki holds Fury at bay...1...2...3! Kai En Tai wins their return to the WWE as a tag team! At this point the New Japan Mafia hits the ring. Tajiri, Hayashi, Yang and all the others and proceed to beat down The Brethren 8 on 2. Like the nWo used to do. Tajiri nails his buzzsaw kick on both men as they're held. Funaki and Taka hold Fury up for Tajiri. Yang and Hayashi holding Mayhem for it. We leave Heat with the vision of the New Japan Mafia standing over the bodies of The Brethren as Armageddon kicks off!!!

    (Winners: Kai En Tai at 8:32)

    Overall Rating: 75%

    Crowd Reaction: 69%

    Match Quality: 82%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    We see the normal PPV advisories and then we come to the scenes of Armageddon, scenes of destruction and horror. From the Nazi's to rioting..from bombing to The Bomb. Then we begin to see clips of the RAW brand wrestlers and a very demonic voice, being heard over "The End" theme speaking.

    Demon: Tonight..these tortured souls will wage war upon each other..in efforts to destroy the other, end their future...make their way through the blood of their enemy.

    The images begin to get more intense, the bombing, the music, the fighting and images from the wrestlers.

    Demon: Tonight on the eve of destruction, these men will sell their bodies, hearts and souls for victory and one chance to be the victor and avoid..Armageddon!

    We end the video and then we have the WWE's usual voice over telling us that WWE RAW welcomes you to Armageddon!! Then we come into the arena and we see the large Rectangular tron with a very heavy metallic feel to it. At the very top of the tron there are Large Metal letters spelling out Armageddon. The pyro cues up at this point and huge amounts of red and white pyro begin going off and then once the pyro finishes the Armageddon letters blow up in flames. They are a high-tech setup to allow the Letters to burn natural gas out of them and not burn up the letters themselves. It provides for a really cool effect for the letters for the event..believe me it cost them too! J.R and The King welcome us to Armageddon!

    J.R: King tonight is going to be one hell of an event. You've got Lethal and Christian going at it for the prestigous Intercontinental Title. Kane defending the Hardcore Championship against Eddie Guerrero and Chavo Guerrero is sure to be around!

    The King: Don't forget about Booker T and Goldust in an I Quit Match J.R! That one to steal a quote from you is sure to be a Slobbaknocka!

    Then right after King says that, D'Lo Brown's theme kicks up and he comes sauntering out onto the stage!

    D'Lo Brown vs Batista

    D'Lo Brown comes walking down to the ring with that swagger that he always has. The fans give him a pretty good ovation as he walks to the ring. D'Lo climbs up the ring steps and goes through the ropes into the ring. Then as D'Lo stretches against the ropes, Batista's music hits and he comes stancing out onto the stage and walks down to the ring. He looks as intimidating as ever as he heads down to the ring. Batista climbs into the ring once he gets to ringside and D'Lo doesn't seem very phased as the bell sounds and the opening match of Armageddon is set to begin! Batista locks up with D'Lo and overpowers him quickly into one corner of the ring. Batista then begins working D'Lo over with side knees to the gut. Then followed by hard shoulder thrusts into D'Lo. Batista then whips D'Lo across the ring and follows him in with a hard clothesline. Batista is dominating in the early going. Batista picks D'Lo up and whips him to the ropes. Batista then catches D'Lo and whips him over in a hard powerslam to the mat and covers him, hooking the leg..1...2..kickout by D'Lo. Batista picks D'Lo up and goes for a Spinebuster to D'Lo but D'Lo reverses it into a DDT by pulling Batista's head under his arm and driving him down as Batista tried to drive him down to the mat. Both men stay down a moment, catching a breather.

    Batista is still the first man up and very much looks impressive so far as he begins laying hard right hands into D'Lo as he tries to get to his feet. Batista then backs D'Lo against the ropes and whips him across the ring and telegraphs the back body drop. D'Lo comes up and nails a swinging neckbreaker on Batista instead! D'Lo goes for a quick cover, hooking the leg..1....2...kickout! D'Lo is up first this time and begins trying to work over Batista's left leg with some knee drops as well as some elbow drops. D'Lo then goes for the D'loLeaf (D'Lo's Variation of the Texas Cloverleaf) Batista does manage to get to the ropes though after a minute. D'Lo then stands in wait for Batista. Batista gets up slowly and turns around running at D'Lo RIGHT INTO A SKY HIGH!!! D'Lo holds the move for the pin..1....2....shoulder up by Batista! D'Lo plays to the crowd and calls for the end. He climbs to the top rope and does his head bobbing to the side taunt and comes off the top for the Lo Down and hits nothing but MAT! Batista moves out of the way just in time and Batista gets to his feet slowly. Batista waits for D'Lo to get to his feet and then lifts him into the air for a HUGE Sit-Out Powerbomb. D'Lo folds up and rolls onto his stomach. Batista stays down for a second before he crawls over to D'Lo and makes the cover after rolling him over..1...2....shoulder up by D'Lo!!! Batista looks infuriated and picks D'Lo up to his feet and looks like he's going to try for a second Sit-Out but D'Lo blocks it into a back body drop. Then as Batista gets back up and turns around into a Second Sky High!!! D'Lo this time quickly goes up top and LO DOWN ONTO BATISTA!!! D'Lo hooks the leg..1...2....3! D'Lo Brown gets a huge victory over Batista!!! D'Lo climbs to the second rope of the nearest corner and plays to the fans as his music blares all around the arena. D'Lo turns around right into Batista. Batista grabs D'Lo and throws him over the top rope and climbs to the outside with him. Batista hauls a table out from under the ring and sets the table up on the outside. Then Batista climbs onto the apron with D'Lo and...SIT-OUT POWERBOMB OFF THE APRON DOWN THROUGH THE TABLE!!! Batista has destroyed D'Lo after D'Lo's win!

    (Winner: D'Lo Brown at 9:12)

    Overall Rating: 77%

    Crowd Reaction: 75%

    Match Quality: 79%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    Jay Lethal vs Christian

    WWE Intercontinental Championship, First Blood Match

    Jay Lethal's music is the first to hit as he comes walking out onto the stage to a huge cheer from the crowd. He plays to all of them. He does a jog down to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. Lethal goes to each side of the ring, playing to the fans on that side. Then Christian's music hits and he comes sauntering out onto the stage. The crowd boo's Christian mercilessly as he walks down to the ring, blowing kisses to his peeps. Christian has the Intercontinental Championship around his waist as he walks to the ring. Christian's wrists are taped with black tape tonight for some reason. Christian walks up the ring steps and climbs into the ring. He hands the IC Title over to Nick Patrick who raises it high in the air. Lethal is staring a hole through Christian as he leans against the ring ropes and stretches his back out by leaning over and over against them hard.

    The bell sounds for the match to begin and Lethal comes at Christian immediately. Christian slides out of the ring just as quickly to avoid Lethal. Lethal though has none of that and Palancha's himself over the top rope into Christian on the outside to a big cheer from the crowd! Lethal begins pounding fists into the head of Christian. Lethal picks Christian up and whips him as hard as he can towards the Steel Ring steps but Christian reverses it and sends Lethal into the steps knees first. This sends Lethal over the steps and landing on his back on the outside. Christian pulls a chair and another from under the ring and slides them inside. Then he walks around the ring and rolls Lethal inside the ring. Lethal's knees are apparently still hurting him as he's slow to get up. Christian lies in wait, out of view of Lethal and..CHOP BLOCK TO BOTH LEGS!!! Lethal is down holding his legs in pain while Christian grabs a Steel Chair and begins to wail it several times down into the side of Lethal's left knee, which cracks it into the right. Hurting both knees! This Offense though doesn't make sense other than eliminating the high flying offense that Lethal likes to use. Christian then slams the chair down in wait. He waits for Lethal to get up and Lethal takes his time to gingerly get to his feet and WHAM TAKES A MICK FOLEY STYLE CHAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD!!! Lethal took it to the side of the head. Lethal crumples to the mat but doesn't get busted open.

    Christian slides the chair underneath the head of Lethal and then grabs the other chair..CONCHAIRTO!!! but it misses as Lethal moves out of the way just in the nick of time. Christian drops the chair as he shakes his hands. They must've hurt after slamming those chairs together. Lethal gets to his feet and as Christian goes to try and take control of Lethal again. Lethal though hits a drop toe hold down ONTO THE CHAIR!!! This doesn't bust Christian though either. Lethal picks up the Steel Chair and backs up a bit. Lethal then goes for a Leg Lariat with the chair at Christian but Christian pulls Nick Patrick in the way!!! This busts Patrick open and he's bleeding like a stuck pig and is seemingly out. Lethal seems to be sincere about his concern for Patrick but as he checks on him. Christian pulls from his pocket what appears to be a Blood Capsule. He spins Lethal around and puts it quickly against Lethal's head and punches it!! The blood splatters all over Lethal's forehead, covering a hunk of it and it makes it seem like Lethal has been busted open! Christian then clotheslines Lethal over the top rope. Lethal crawls over to the barricade and a Man in the front row offers Lethal his drink. Lethal grabs it and dumps it over his face/head. It washes the blood clean as Christian shakes Patrick and points at Lethal. Patrick turns in time to see nothing on Lethal's forehead in the form of blood.

    Christian seems furious as hell and climbs out of the ring and grabs Lethal on the outside. He tries to hit a snake eyes on Lethal onto the Guard Barricade but Lethal gets off of Christian's shoulder and hits Christian's own Reverse DDT to the outside!! Lethal then grabs a trash can lid from under the ring and stands in wait for Christian..WHACK! Lethal lets Christian have it with the Lid and it knocks him silly. Lethal then grabs Christian and hits a neckbreaker on Christian with the trash can lid underneath their heads!!!! Both men hold their heads in pain. Lethal gets into the ring though first and climbs to the top rope. Lethal then jumps off the top rope at Christian as he stands to his feet. Lethal goes for a HUGE Hurricarana from the top but Christian turns it into a POWERBOMB on the outside of the ring. Lethal is completely out of it from that move. Nick Patrick is moving a bit inside the ring but not much. Christian pulls out a Pizza Cutter from underneath the ring and tries to drive it into the head of Lethal but Lethal fights him off. Christian tries for it again but Lethal reverses it and drives the pizza cutter across Christian's forehead..busting him open big time!!! Christian is bleeding pretty good from his forehead but Patrick hasn't seen yet. Christian hits a mammoth upper cut low blow on Lethal and puts his own hand onto his blood soaked forehead and smears the blood across the head of Lethal. Lethal knocks Christian's hand away and uses the ring to pull himself to his feet. This turns out to be the fatal mistake as Lethal pulls himself up, he comes right into view of Nick Patrick and he calls for the bell!!! Lethal looks to be livid. He's arguing his case to Patrick but it's too late and Christian has already grabbed his Intercontinental Title from ringside and steals into the night with it. Leaving a Livid Jay Lethal in the ring to wonder what could have been!

    (Winner and STILL WWE Intercontinental Champion: Jay Lethal at 22:18)

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Crowd Reaction: 86%

    Match Quality: 85%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    Kane vs Eddie Guerrero

    WWE Hardcore Championship

    The Los Guerreros theme kicks up and Eddie Guerrero comes sauntering out onto the stage to the boos from the crowd. He plays to the crowd. Eddie comes walking down to the ring and immediately before Kane can come out. Goes to the weapons. Eddie reaches under the ring and pulls a ladder from under the ring and slides it into the ring. He then pulls a table from under the ring as Kane's Pyro goes off and his music kicks up. Kane comes stalking down to the ring. Eddie manages to set the table up right in front of the steel ramp before Kane gets there and Eddie then rolls into the ring. Kane throws the Hardcore Title up and into the ring and steps up onto the ring apron but Eddie hits a basement dropkick to the left knee of Kane which makes him fall off the ring apron and slam his face down off the mat. Eddie then bounces off the far ropes and dropkicks the ladder that is on the mat, into Kane's chest! Eddie then gets to his feet and then catapaults himself over the top rope into Kane! But Kane catches Eddie and SLAMS him down through the table on the outside of the ring! Kane gets down and covers Eddie..1...2...kickout by Eddie!

    Kane picks Eddie up and rolls him into the ring and climbs into the ring himself. Kane picks up the Ladder and stands in wait with it. Like a Javelin. Eddie gets up and Kane tries to run the ladder right through Eddie's head but Eddie drop toe holds Kane right onto the Ladder!! Eddie then runs to the far ropes from Kane and then hits a running dropkick to the face of Kane. Eddie then covers Kane..1...2....shoulder up! Eddie picks Kane up and OOOF Lifts him and nails a Vertical Suplex. Eddie swivels his hips and BARELY gets Kane over for a second Vertical Suplex. Then Eddie swivels his hips and tries for a third suplex but Eddie doesn't have the strength to do it. Kane then reverses it by lifting Eddie into a Vertical Suplex and dropping him back down in a Front Suplex on the top rope! Kane then goes to the top rope and sets up for his Top Rope Clothesline! Kane comes off the top rope but EDDIE MANAGES TO GET A DROPKICK OFF INTO KANE! Eddie then gets an arm over on Kane..1....2....kickout by Kane! Chavo Guerrero comes out from the back at this point and walks down to the ring. Eddie picks Kane up and whips him to the ropes. Kane reverses it and takes Eddie over in a Tilt a Whirl Slam. Chavo Guerrero at this point can be seen that he has Brass Knuckles around his right fist. Chavo gets to ringside and slides into the ring. He swings for Kane from behind but Kane somehow knew he was there and ducked the attack. Then backed into the ropes and nailed a Big Boot on Chavo to take him down! Kane then slaps the goozle on Eddie quickly...CHOKESLAM!!! Kane then lays on top of Eddie..1...2...BRASS KNUCKLES TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD!! Kane slumps over on top of Eddie. Chavo rolls Kane over and then gets Eddie to roll onto Kane. Eddie is gonna steal the Hardcore Title like his Family Mantra says..1...2....3no KANE GOT HIS SHOULDER UP!!!

    Eddie and Chavo are both shocked. Eddie motions to Chavo to get the Ladder. Chavo drops the Knucks and gets the ladder. Eddie grabs the other end of it and they stand back at the far side of the ring from Kane. They charge at Kane as he gets up and turns..BIG BOOT INTO THE LADDER! Kane takes both men down and the crowd cheers big time for it. Kane then pulls Eddie up. Chavo rolls out of the way as Kane CHOKESLAMS EDDIE DOWN ONTO THE LADDER FULL OUT!!! Kane then covers Eddie..1...2....3!! Kane retains and rolls out of the ring, holding his head a bit but he is victorious! Kane walks off to the back with his Hardcore Championship while in the ring. Chavo checks on Eddie.

    (Winner and STILL Hardcore Champion: Kane at 14:25)(Hardcore Championship Gained In Image)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 86%

    Match Quality: 81%

    Dames Stars: ***

    Randy Orton vs "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

    "Passing You By" by Motorhead hits (Evolution Theme) and Randy Orton comes walking out onto the stage and struts around with his arms out in the air. Orton walks down to the ring and walks to the ring steps. Then climbs them and steps into the ring. Orton plays to the crowd again with poses in the ring as well. Then THE GLASS SHATTERS! The Rattlesnake gets an ovation that only he can in his return to PPV. Austin comes walking out and down to the ring with that Austin Swagger. He gets to the ring steps and climbs up them and gets into the ring. Orton bails out and Austin does the four post salute to the fans. Then he takes off his vest and looks to be in awesome condition for his age. Orton tenatively climbs back into the ring and then gets up in the mug of Austin. Austin begins screaming "WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT" In Orton's face which makes him furious. Orton swings for Austin's head but Austin blocks it and begins to slug Orton over and over with right hands. He backs Orton into a corner and begins to stomp a mudhole in Orton. Austin works Orton over in the corner with the stomps and finally after about 15 kicks/stomps. He hits a final one and then walks around the ring, playing the crowd as he was always so good at. Austin then picks Orton up out of the corner and pulls him towards the center of the ring. Austin then lifts Orton up and hits a vertical suplex on him. Then getting into the cover..1.....2.easy kickout by Orton right after 2. Austin picks Orton up and kick..tries to go for the Stunner but Orton pushes Austin out of it to the ropes.

    Austin comes back at Orton and Orton sinches Austin into position for the OrtonBreaker (That sick Backbreaker he does) and the crowd ooooh's as Austin takes it and rolls around the ring holding his back in pain. Orton takes control from here as he picks Austin up and hits a Spinning Neckbreaker on Austin and covers him..1...2...kickout by Austin. Orton picks Austin up and hits a full out fall down neckbreaker and gets another long two count on Austin for it. Orton puts Austin into position and pulls out his full arsenal as he hits the Overdrive (That Leg Finisher he used to have) and covers Austin...1....2....kickout by Austin!! Orton looks like he's getting frustrated but he shouldn't be. Because Austin is looking like he's getting winded. Orton whips Austin to the ropes and Austin ducks a clothesline and hits a BIG LOU THESZ PRESS!!! Austin then begins to reign down punches to Orton's head. Austin then gets up and bounces off the ropes..Stone Cold Elbow! Austin then covers Orton with his forearm across his face..1...2...kickout by Orton! Austin then gets to his feet and whips Orton to the ropes but Orton reverses and tries to send Austin to the ropes. Austin holds onto Orton though and instead pulls Orton towards him. Right into a SPINEBUSTER! Austin then floats over into the cover after that move!..1....2....Orton gets a shoulder up!

    Austin then seems to mock Orton and as he gets up gives him the double bird and gives Orton an RKO!!!! Austin then rolls Orton over..1....2....SHOULDER UP!!! Orton managed to get out of his own finisher and now Austin seems really frustrated. Austin then stands up and waits for Orton to get to his feet. Kick wham..no Orton pushes Austin off to the ropes and when Austin comes back at Orton..RKO BY ORTON!!! The crowd is really getting hot at this point. A Couple loud Austin chants are going as both men are down and finally Orton gets his arm over Austin..1...2...NO!! Austin manages to get out of the RKO after a few seconds of rest. Orton gets to his feet slowly and looks to be weary but also very frustrated that he can't put Austin away. Orton waits for Austin now to get up and kick wham and Orton goes for the Stunner but Austin pushes him off to the ropes. Orton comes back at Austin..KICK WHAM STUNNER!!! AUSTIN GOT IT!!! Orton goes down as Austin gets over and covers him, hooking the leg..1...2....3! Austin just stays on the mat for about 30 seconds after the match. Seeming very winded but then finally does get up and calls for the brews. Austin celebrates by cracking open a couple of them and doing the four corners salute with the beers. Austin finishes the fourth corner and drops back down off the ring ropes and turns INTO AN RKO FROM ORTON!!! Orton sneers down at Austin and then leaves the ring with the "Passing You By" Evolution theme hitting up as he leaves. Maybe these two men aren't through with each other. It doesn't look like Orton is ready to be finished with Austin!

    (Winner: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin at 11:43)

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Crowd Reaction: 78%

    Match Quality: 80%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    Dudley Boys vs Team Angle

    World Tag Title and WWE Tag Title Unification Match

    The Dudleys pyro flies down and hits the steel set in front of the entrance for a huge pyro show and then Powerman 5000's "Bombshell" hits as the Dudleys come walking out onto the stage with a HUGE pop from the crowd. Even though they're supposedly Heels. The crowd gets up huge for this match as it's really big and the Dudleys are old Favorites for everyone. They come down to the ring, getting the crowd pumped up big time. Then they climb into the ring and Team Angle's music hits (WGTT Theme) and they come walking out onto the stage. They come to the ring to a chorus of boo's as the fans have decided tonight that they will cheer for the Dudley's. Even though neither Team was made to look like good guys in the previous four weeks. Team Angle gets to the ring with the WWE Tag Team Titles around their waists. Haas and Benjamin get into the ring and hand the Titles over to Earl Hebner who is officiating this big match for RAW. Then he takes those WWE Tag Titles and holds them high in the air. Then he takes the World Tag Titles and holds them up in the air. Then Hebner calls for the bell and the crowd gets really riled up for the start of this match. It looks like D-Von Dudley and Benjamin will start off in the ring. D-Von locks up with Shelton and backs him against the ropes before being told to break. Hebner tries to get between the two to force a clean break. Benjamin takes advantage of this by putting a thumb to D-Von's eye.

    From here Shelton takes control of the match over D-Von. Shelton applies a headlock to D-Von but D-Von pushes him off to the ropes. Shelton comes back though and nails a hard shoulder block to D-Von to knock him down. Shelton then runs to the ropes and D-Von stays on the mat as Shelton runs past. D-Von then tries to leapfrog Shelton but Shelton catches him and drives D-Von into the mat with a spinebuster and goes for the quick cover..1...2..kickout by D-Von. Shelton immediately after this goes for a school boy on D-Von once he got to his feet..1...2...kickout by D-Von. D-Von got up again and Shelton pulled him into a small package..1...2...kickout again by D-Von! D-Von certainly looks winded in using all that energy to get out of those pinning combinations from Shelton. Benjamin pulls D-Von over to his team's corner and works him with some hard kicks to the midsection. Benjamin then tags out to Haas. Benjamin works D-Von with some kicks in the corner till Haas gets in and then Benjamin steps onto the ring apron. Haas puts on a blatent choke on D-Von. Hebner gets him to break it and chastises Haas for doing that with his back turned to D-Von. So Benjamin chokes D-Von with the tag rope. This brings Bubba into the ring and Hebner intercepts him as Team Angle double teams on D-Von. Haas then whips D-Von to the ropes and bends over telegraphing the back body drop. D-Von gives Haas a very stiff kick and nails him for a lariat that sends him for a loop and goes down himself from the move.

    D-Von crawls to his team's corner but before he can get close enough for a tag. Benjamin runs into the ring and pulls D-Von away from the corner. Bubba gets into the ring and while Hebner is getting Benjamin out of the ring. BUBBA BOMB ON HAAS! Bubba gets back out of the ring and reaches for the tag to D-Von as Benjamin is back on the ring apron, reaching for the tag in from Haas. Benjamin and Bubba tag in at the same time and Bubba starts the Dudleys come back He nails clotheslines on both Benjamin and Haas. He then backs both men to the ropes and whips them. He goes for a double clothesline on them but they duck it and catch Bubba with a double Spinebuster to the mat. Benjamin then covers Bubba..1...2...D-Von breaks up the count. Haas grabs D-Von though and throws him over the top rope. Haas follows him out and whips D-Von hard into the steel steps on the outside. While in the ring Shelton had climbed to the top rope. He was waiting and lept off the top rope in a Flying Cross Body which BUBBA CATCHES INTO A FUCKING BUBBA CUTTER ON BENJAMIN!!!! Shelton flops around in agony, holding his neck as Bubba gets over and covers him..1...2....he's not getting out but Haas saves the Titles for his team as he kicks Bubba in the head. Haas begins to try to go to town on Bubba with some fists. Bubba though no-sells them and whips Haas to the ropes but Haas reverses and sends Bubba to the ropes. Hebner is trying to get Haas out of the ring. So Haas pulls Hebner in the way of a speeding Dudley and Bubba runs down Earl Hebner.

    Haas then hits a basement dropkick to the back of the left knee on Bubba. Haas then goes outside the ring and grabs a World Tag Team Title and stands in wait. Benjamin in the meantime has gone outside the ring and pulls a chair from under the ring as well. Haas then nails a big shot to the head of Bubba with the Title and throws it out of the ring. Haas shakes Hebner and covers Bubba..1....2....KICKOUT! Bubba won't give up and Haas can't believe it. Haas gets up and hits a leg drop randomly on Hebner to keep him down! D-Von gets back into the ring in time to take a HUGE Chair shot from Benjamin. Shelton Benjamin then smashes the chair down on Bubba's head. Bubba almost goes limp from that shot as Haas puts Bubba onto his shoulders. He staggers a bit with the heavy Bubba on his shoulders. Shelton goes to the top rope, holding his neck and a bit slow in climbing but a Code Angle is Nailed by them and Haas wakes Hebner and shakes him as Benjamin covers Bubba..1...2.....Haas hits a baseball slide dropkick to D-Von to stop him from breaking it up...3!!! New Champions! Team Angle hightails it as D-Von climbs into the ring. Haas and Benjamin grab both sets of Tag Team Titles and run to the back with them. Leaving the Dudleys in the ring, defeated but the crowd gives their appriciation for their effort in that match. It was a truely incredible effort by both teams.

    (Winners and NEW Undisputed Tag Team Champions: Team Angle at 21:51)(World Tag Team Titles Gained In Image but it doesn't matter because they're gone now!)

    Overall Rating: 90%

    Crowd Reaction: 84%

    Match Quality: 96%

    Dames Stars: ****1/2

    Booker T vs Goldust

    I Quit Match

    Booker T's music hits as we prepare for another big match coming up. He comes walking out onto the stage and poses in the middle of the ramp, halfway down as his pyro goes off. Then Booker comes down to ringside to the cheers from the crowd as he gets into the ring and poses on the turnbuckles for the crowd. Then Goldust's music and entrance hit. The gold coloration fills the arena as small gold sparkles fall from above. Goldust walks down to the ring and climbs up onto the ring apron. Then steps through into the ring. Goldust takes off his huge overblown costume and wig. Then he comes nose to nose with Booker. Neither man likes each other much at all! Goldust then rears back and nails Booker with a hard right hand. Booker fires back with several of his own and starts hitting some knifedge chops to Goldust as well. Booker backs Goldy into a corner and begins laying in huge chops and then slaps Goldust down across the chest. Goldust reverses the position and begins rearing back hitting almost Ric Flair like chops on Booker. Goldust then gives Booker a couple stiff kicks to the gut and whips him across the ring. Goldust follows Booker in for a splash clothesline but Booker gets his feet up into Goldy's face. Booker then grabs Goldust and throws him over the top rope to the outside. Goldust lands on the outside right by the ramp. Goldust begins to crawl and then once he gets to his feet. Walk away up the ramp. He seems to be trying to leave.

    Booker follows Goldy outside the ring and up the ramp with a clothesline that sends Goldust for a rough loop. Booker then grabs Goldust and carries him up to the top of the stage. Then over towards the RAW announce position and whips him into the position. J.R. and The King scatter as Goldust rams into the Table from the back. Booker goes to pick Goldust up but Goldust hits a HARD Low Blow on Booker. Earl Hebner has followed both men up since this match can go anywhere. Goldust then rolls Booker up onto the table and climbs up himself. The Table is obviously reinforced so it won't break easy. Goldust sets Booker up for the Curtain Call! Booker fights out of it and reverses it into a BOOK END DOWN THROUGH THE RAW ANNOUNCE TABLE!! The crowd is chanting "Holy Shit, Holy Shit" Over and over as well as several "Booker" Chants. Hebner asks both men if they want to Quit. Both men refuse to give up though obviously Booker is in better condition. Booker T goes over to the entrance and begins to pull tables out from behind the curtain. He brings out one at a time and sets them up on the far side of the stage from the Announce position. Booker sets up one. Then another right against it to it's side. Booker then pulls another out from behind the curtains. Goldust is moving but still down after the Book End through the announce table. Booker sets up the third table right on top of the first and Booker gets a fourth table to set onto the second one. Booker wags his finger to show he isn't done yet. He goes and gets a Fifth Table and puts it closer to the tron but against the 1st table. Then goes and gets a sixth table from behind the curtain and sets it on top of that one. Booker looks like he's heading for a seventh table when Goldust has finally gotten to his feet and attacks Booker.

    Goldust throws Booker down the stairs, backstage and they brawl into the backstage area! Goldust walks down the stairs he just threw Booker down. Goldust pulls Booker along towards a locker room door and throws him into it. Booker bounces off and falls to the ground, holding his head. Rock randomly comes out from the locker room and seeing that it was Goldust that threw someone into his locker room door. Grabs Goldust and ROCK BOTTOM! Then tells them both to stay off "The People's Door" and walks back inside. Well that was random. Booker begins to crawl away and goes out through the crowd entrance to the outside. Booker then begins climbing the Armageddon Set!! He climbs up about 25 feet to a scaffolding that is about 30 feet high and is part of the set. Goldust appears out of the entryway and he climbs the side of the tron that is the far side from Booker. Booker gets to the top and walks all the way down to where Goldust is just getting to the top of the Scaffolding. There is no railing to block someone from falling on this scaffolding. Booker punches Goldust three times to stagger him near the edge and then puts Goldust in position for a throwing Book End off the Scaffolding to the Tables below!

    Goldust throws his head into Booker's, knocking him back into the metal behind him and Goldust then turns Booker and grabs him into that Neckbreaker position that he has done before. Like the one that really hurt RVD..NO GOD DONT DO THAT GOLDUST! NO NO AND ALL THAT IS HEARD IS THE BIGGEST SOUND OF TABLES CRUSHING, PERHAPS EVER!! Goldust had grabbed Booker T and jumped off the Scaffolding with him in a Neckbreaker position, plowing him and himself through all six tables below. It looks like a complete car wreck with Booker T seeming to be completely unconcious. Goldust is very out of it too but has movement in him barely. Hebner whom had watched this from the stage goes over and checks on both men. Then Goldust tells him to ask Booker if he quits! Hebner goes to Booker and asks him. He doesn't respond from unconciousness and Hebner calls for the bell!!! Goldust is going to win by KO! We see replays of this move from the Armageddontron angle, from where they were jumping off. We see it from the crane cam that goes over the crowd. We also see the opposite of the Wiley Coyote Camera. A Camera down below the stage, right beside it as both men came crashing down. The crowd is actully popping big for Goldust along with the fact that it was one of the sickest bumps they've ever seen. Goldust's music hits after Hebner calls for the bell and Goldust is announced the winner by Knockout. Booker T is attended to as after about three minutes. Goldust is able to roll out of the debris and gets to the back under his own power. Booker T does not get to the back under his own power. He is helped to the back by two backstage hands.

    (Winner by Knockout: Goldust at 26:31)(Booker T Gains Overness From this Feud Ending)(Goldust Gains Overness From this Feud Ending as Well)

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 71%

    Dames Stars: **

    Chris Jericho vs John Cena

    World Heavyweight Championship, Special Guest Referee Match. Special Guest Referee is The Rock

    Main Event

    The Rock's music hits first and Rock comes walking down to the ring with a Referee shirt on and dark blue gym pants on. He saunters to the ring as the table debris is swept off the side of the stage. Rock climbs onto the ring apron and walks along it and stands on the 2nd turnbuckle. On the outside of the ring ropes doing his pose. Rocky then gets into the ring and leans into a corner of the ring. Awaiting the men in the contest. Then "King of my World" Hits immediately following Jericho's pyro going off. Jericho then comes walking out onto the stage to a huge cheer from the fans. Jericho comes walking down to the ring and playing to the crowd the entire time. Doing his arm movements and hanging on the ring ropes on the apron, posing. Jericho then climbs into the ring and "Thuganomics 101" hits. John Cena then appears at the top of the stage with the World Heavyweight Championship around his waist. He has a microphone and begins to cut a rap on Jericho and Rock!

    Cena: Yo yo cut my beat.

    It's gonna be that quick when you fall to me in defeat

    Yea i'm talking to you Jericho, You think you can touch me?

    You can't even see me (Moving his hand in front of his face, back and forth with his fingers spread)

    I'm untouchable and you know that from Survivor Series Jericho.

    You were looking around going..where did he go!

    Rocky you in there thinking that your pretty good, gonna put the kicks to John Cena and take his belt.

    You better call it down the middle tonight or else I gonna beat you down worse than your mama's "expletive"

    Rock seems fuming in the ring that Cena would say that as Cena makes his way down to the ring with the World Heavyweight Championship. He takes the title off and climbs into the ring with it in hand. He shoves it into the arms of Rock who raises it but never takes his eyes off Cena. Jericho beats Rock to the punch if Rock was thinking of attacking him as Jericho hits his flying forearm to knock Cena down. Jericho then gets up just before Cena rises and begins nailing Cena with nasty knifedge chops that bring huge (WOOO'S) out of the crowd. Cena then puts Jericho in the corner and uses his brawling tactics by kicking Jericho in the gut as well as hard fists to his head. Cena then begins to hit shoulder thrusts into the gut of Jericho. Rock tells Cena to break and get out of the corner. Cena gives Rock another verbal expletive to deal with. Rock again is not happy. Cena whips Jericho out of the corner and follows him across the ring with a hard lariat clothesline. Cena then takes Jericho out of the corner and hits a beautiful vertical suplex to the mat and floats over into the cover..1........2...Jericho kicks out right after 2 but it was a slow two count. Cena picks Jericho up and hits a high angle back body drop and then sinches in a chin lock on Jericho to weaken his back. Rock tells Cena to stop choking Jericho which he wasn't and then kicks Cena in the head to break the hold.

    Cena gets to his feet, yelling at Rock that he wasn't choking Cena and Rock told him to get out of his face or he'd DQ him and give the belt to Jericho. Cena told him that Rock can't even see him and does his hand waving in front of his face. Jericho in this time has recovered and pulls Cena into a school boy..1.....2....kickout by Cena and this count was a normal count. Nothing fast or slow about it. Jericho is now in control as he backs to the ropes and bulldog to Cena! Jericho then goes for the Lionsault but Cena moves so Jericho lands on his feet! Cena runs at Jericho but Jericho just takes him over in a BIG powerslam. Jericho then holds it and hooks the leg.1.....2...kickout by Cena again. Jericho tells Rock to count! Rock tells Jericho that he can kiss his ass if he doesn't like how fast he counts. Rock is not making many friends here. Someone should tell Rock to play nice with others. Jericho picks Cena up and hooks him into a Double Underhook and lifts him into the air into a Backbreaker!! Jericho then pulls Cena over and covers him again.1....2.....kickout again by Cena! Jericho seems to be getting frustrated as he picks Cena up once again and goes for the Break Down (Front Russian Legsweep but Cena elbows him before he can hit it and Cena hits a Russian Legsweep normal style to him! Cena then picks Jericho up onto his shoulder and hits a running powerslam and covers him..1..........2....kickout by Jericho and Cena turns to Rock and slaps him in the mouth for counting slow. You shouldn't do that Cena!

    ROCK BOTTOM FROM ROCKY!! Rock then spits down on Cena and the crowd is going nuts as Jericho sees this and shrugs as he runs to the ropes and LIONSAULT CONNECTS and Jericho gets on Cena and hooks the leg..1.....2......CENA GETS A SHOULDER UP!!! Jericho can't believe it and neither can The Rock. Rock counted normal and Cena somehow got a shoulder up on instinct alone. Jericho looks to finish it as he grabs both of Cena's legs and tries to pull him into the Walls of Jericho but Cena uses what strength he has left to send Jericho for a loop with his leg strength. Cena and Jericho are both down so Rocky starts a standing 10 count which Cena answers at 5 so we continue. Cena picks Jericho up but Jericho breaks the hold and hits the Break Down (Front Russian Legsweep) but Jericho isn't done. He's pulling out his entire arsenal as he picks Cena up and hits the Flashback from behind him (Rear Naked Choke Drop) and then covers Cena..1....2.....Cena gets another shoulder up! Jericho tells Rocky to Count! That it was three! Jericho gets up in Rock's face which gets him a Rock Bottom for his troubles!!! Cena quickly takes advantage of this by hitting an F-U On Jericho and covering him..1...2.....3! John Cena Retains?! "Thuganomics 101" hits and Cena is handed the World Heavyweight Championship as he climbs to the 2nd turnbuckle and stands in celebrating, putting the Title on his shoulder and making his Thuganomics sign high in the air. Cena climbs down and turns into a HUGE Rock Bottom!! Rock's music then hits and he leaves the ring and the vision we leave this PPV with is Cena and Jericho lying down in the ring with The Rock looking on from the outside!

    (Winner and Still World Heavyweight Champion: John Cena at 22:35)(John Cena Gains Overness From This Match)(Chris Jericho Loses Overness From This Match)

    Overall Rating: 82%

    Crowd Reaction: 88%

    Match Quality: 71%

    Dames Stars: **

    Armageddon Rating: 81%

    PPV Buy-Rate: 1.19

    Attendance: 14,848

    PPV Revenue: $2,975,000

    Ticket Sales: $890,880

  22. user posted image

    WWE Smackdown

    December 18, 2003

    The Smackdown intro kicks up and all the usual superstars appear on it and then it finishes up and the Smackdown intro pyro goes off on the set and Smackdown is set to begin with a Cruiserweight Battle!

    Paul London vs Billy Kidman

    This is a battle between London who was denied entry into Mattitude and Kidman whom is one of Matt Hardy's MF'ers. This match is truely very good. Kidman and London go back and forth for eight minutes to start Smackdown. The end comes after Kidman nails a Tiger Suplex on London for a long two and goes outside to get a chair. Matt Hardy comes running down to the ring as Kidman gets into the ring with the chair. Mike Chioda whom is the referee, fights with Kidman over the chair. Then behind them, Matt Hardy Version 1.0 is in the ring and TWIST OF FATE TO LONDON!! Kidman lets Chioda have the chair at this point and sets London up in position near the corner and climbs to the top rope...SHOOTING STAR PRESS!! 1..2....3!! Kidman gets up and Hardy slides into the ring and celebrates with Kidman as Smackdown kicks off with a bang!

    (Winner: Billy Kidman)

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Crowd Reaction: 68%

    Match Quality: 93%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    We come into view backstage with Edge walking into the building but suddenly from behind, Chris Benoit clotheslines Edge down from behind. Benoit then picks Edge up and nails one of the sickest Downward Spirals ever and what makes it worse is it's to the cement floor!!! Edge is left down and hurt as Benoit walks off laughing.

    Overall Rating: 81%

    Ultimo Dragon vs Nunzio

    Nunzio was the first man out, walking down to the ring. Once Nunzio is in the ring, Ultimo Dragon's entrance hits with his fire pyro and all. Ultimo comes walking out from behind the curtain and down to the ring. This match is very good technically and very ground based. Nunzio controls Dragon's right arm and tries to work it over for a submission but Ultimo comes out and goes for his finishing ddt but as he swings around he nails Mike Chioda. This brings Psicosis out? Psicosis runs down to the ring and picks Ultimo up out of his attempted pin on Nunzio..PSYCHO STUNNER!!! Psicosis must blame Ultimo for losing his Cruiserweight Title!! Nunzio sinches in the Silician Crab on Ultimo and the referee sees Ultimo tapping out as he came to and calls for the bell. Psicosis backs up the aisle, celebrating over costing Ultimo his match!

    (Winner: Nunzio)

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 87%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    Hurricane vs Mortis

    This is just like the Ultimo Dragon vs Christopher Daniels match from a couple weeks ago. Hurricane came down to the ring to a big pop and then Mortis came out and walked to the ring. He rolled inside the ring and the bell sounded for the match to begin and then Mortis fled the ring and left. He didn't want any piece of Hurricane face to face. Hurricane gets the countout victory over Mortis but isn't happy at all about that!

    (Winner: Hurricane)

    Overall Rating: 74%

    Crowd Reaction: 74%

    Match Quality: 75%

    Dames Stars: **1/4

    Cyclone vs Ken Shamrock

    Shamrock is the first man out in his debut on Smackdown since the deal that sent him there. He comes to the ring, looking very intense and walks up the ringsteps and into the ring. Then Cyclone's music hits and he comes walking out from behind the curtain and comes down to the ring. Shamrock starts out by dominating Cyclone. Hard suplexes and chops as well as kicks to the gut. Cyclone begins his comeback when he avoids a Shamrock clothesline and hits a neckbreaker to Shamrock. Cyclone uses his entire arsenal but eventully Shamrock tries for his Belly to Belly Suplex but a knee into Shamrock's gut several times. Then a CycloneBomb followed by a pin gets Cyclone the win! After the match though the lights go down and when the lights come back up. Cyclone is down in the ring and can be seen bleeding from his head, through the eyeholes on his mask. Running through the crowd and away from the scene, we catch a glimpse of Mortis! That man is going to have hell to pay when the Superhero Duo finally stops him!

    (Winner: Cyclone)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 89%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    Brock Lesnar is backstage getting ready for the Triple Threat match for the American Title coming up but as he is walking towards the set entrance for the match. From behind AJ Styles with a glass mirror!!! HE TURNS LESNAR AROUND AND SHATTERS IT AGAINST HIS HEAD!!! Lesnar goes down holding his head in pain. Lesnar is bleeding from the head as he's on the ground in pain

    Overall Rating: 74%

    Christopher Daniels vs Scotty 2 Hotty

    WWE Cruiserweight Championship

    This match is another fairly quick match. Daniels controls the early going over Scotty. Daniels is really terrific when he actually gets in the ring and wrestles. He does that in this match and except for a spot where Scotty hits a series of suplexes and follows it up with a bulldog. Scotty goes for the Worm but Daniels rolls out of the way. Daniels from here hits the Last Rites and rolls Scotty over for the count..1...2...3! Ultimo Dragon came running out from the back with a chair as Daniels made the pin. As Daniels got up, Ultimo slid into the ring behind him and WHACK!! Ultimo Dragon gets him a piece of Daniels with the chair! Ultimo then sets up the chair, in seated position in the ring and picks Daniels up..ULTIMO NAILS HIS FLYING REVERSE DDT FINISHER, MAKING DANIELS HEAD LAND ON THE CHAIR!!! Daniels rolls around the ring in pain as Ultimo grabs the Cruiserweight Championship from the referee whom had brought it into the ring for Daniels. Ultimo then pounds his fist against his chest and points up with the title in hand. Then drops the title on Daniels and says only one word to him.."Soon"

    (Winner and Still WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Christopher Daniels)(Scotty was sluggish for some reason tonight and didn't put in a max effort)

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Crowd Reaction: 74%

    Match Quality: 82%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    AJ Styles vs Brock Lesnar vs Sean O'Haire

    WWE American Championship, Triple Threat Match

    The first man out is AJ Styles. He comes out onto the stage with his music blaring throughout the arena. Styles walks to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope. He stances around the ring and stretches against the ropes as Sean O'Haire's gothic theme hits and he gets a big cheer from the crowd as he walks out from behind the curtain with the WWE American Championship over his shoulder. O'Haire gets to the ring and climbs inside. The bell sounds and it looks like the attack to Brock earlier has taken him out of this match! O'Haire and Styles lock up in the middle of the ring but O'Haire overpowers Styles time after time. Eventully AJ goes to his bag of tricks and puts a thumb to O'Haire's eye. Styles takes control from here using all the innovative moves he can put together including hitting a breath taking Lionsault into DDT on O'Haire which garners a LONG two count. Immediately after Styles had gotten that near fall the lights went down and Brock Lesnar's music kicked up!

    Lesnar comes out from the back, staggering slightly and his head bandaged across his forehead but the blood is heavy against the bandage and barely being held back. He comes down to the ring and slides under the bottom rope as the lights come back up. Styles is all over him immediately, taking advantage of the injury he put to Lesnar and nails him with a nasty DDT which gets a long two count before O'Haire breaks it up. O'Haire picks Styles up and goes for the Prophecy but Styles lands back on his feet and leaps up, hitting a hurricarana on O'Haire into a pin for another long two count. Lesnar at this point is getting to his feet as is Styles. Styles kicks Lesnar in the gut and goes for a Tornado DDT but Lesnar instead throws him down with a spinebuster. Lesnar then suddenly with a burst of adrenaline picks Styles up and throws him onto his shoulders...F5!!! Lesnar then gets up to his feet still a bit out of it to be thrown over the top rope to the outside by Sean O'Haire. O'Haire then picks Styles up quickly and hits the Prophecy on him and covers him..1...2....3!! O'Haire retains the title as we head to commercial break.

    (Winner and STILL WWE American Champion: Sean O'Haire)

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Crowd Reaction: 78%

    Match Quality: 80%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    Rhyno is seen, leaving the building for the night after apparently being informed he wasn't wrestling this evening. Rhyno gets out to the parking lot to his car where Triple H whom was stalking him but Rhyno didn't notice..PUTS RHYNO'S HEAD THROUGH HIS CAR'S DRIVER SIDE WINDOW!!! Rhyno falls back to the cement of the parking lot, not moving with blood pouring out of his head, the window destroyed as HHH heads off laughing..wow that's sick

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Edge/Undertaker vs Chris Benoit/Rob Van Dam

    Main Event

    All four men get their usual entrances and the match is a basic normal tag team match with the heels controlling Edge until he makes the hot tag to Taker who was on fire but even on fire seemed a little sluggish in his efforts. Damn slacking bastard. Taker though eventully got nailed with a German Suplex from Benoit. Both men were down and Taker managed to get a tag to his partner Edge. Benoit got to his feet and tried to make a tag but Edge intercepted Benoit with a spear and covered him quickly..1...2.....3!!! RVD tried a springboard Frog Splash off the top rope to stop Edge but Edge pinned Benoit and rolled out of the way! RVD landed on Benoit nailing the frog splash! Edge gets up and celebrates with Taker and the fans as Smackdown heads off the air.

    (Winners: Edge and Undertaker)

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 77%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    Smackdown Rating: 77%

    TV Rating: 4.51

    Attendance: 6,512

    Ticket Sales: $260,480

  23. user posted image

    Monday Night RAW

    December 15, 2003

    We see scenes of all the rivalries heading into the last RAW before Armageddon and then we see a Japanese flag waving at the end of it all and the promo video finishes by saying "Coming Tonight!" Then Union Underground kicks up and we see the intro video for RAW and then it finishes and we see the RAW set as the cameras turn to it. Pyro begins to explode all over the set and then we get J.R and The King leading us into the event tonight and then Shark Boy's music hits!

    Shark Boy vs Low Ki

    This matchup was a very decent matchup with Low Ki's technique against Shark Boy's speed. Early on Low Ki had Sharky downed with several armbar submissions which slowed the match down but eventully Sharky fought back and nailed a tornado DDT on Low Ki for a long two count. But then Low Ki sinches in the Dragon Clutch but Sharky gets a foot on the ropes to break the hold. Low Ki then went for a Fischermans Buster but Sharky manages to squirt out of it and hit a reverse ddt on Low Ki. Sharky then goes to the top rope...DEEP SEA DROP ON LOW KI!!! Shark Boy then hooks the leg..1...2....3!! Sharky gets a big win to kick off RAW. Sharky holds out his hand to Low Ki in a sign of respect but Low Ki angry about losing, grabs Sharky and slaps on the Dragon Clutch and holds onto it until referees pull him off!

    (Winner: Shark Boy)

    Overall Rating: 65%

    Crowd Reaction: 74%

    Match Quality: 71%

    Dames Stars: *3/4

    Chavo Guerrero vs Kane

    Hardcore Rules, Non-Title

    Chavo Guerrero is the first man out and the crowd gives him hell as he comes down to the ring. He saunters around with a chain wrapped around his fist as he waits for Kane. Kane's music and pyro hit and he comes walking down to the ring. For everyone who hasn't read my diary before, Kane still has his mask on. Kane walks down to the ring, carrying his Hardcore Championship in hand. Kane climbs into the ring. Chavo Guerrero attacks Kane immediately but Kane easily fights Chavo off. Chavo tried to clock Kane in the head with his fist that had the chain wrapped around it but Kane slugged Chavo, knocking him down. Kane took Chavo as he ran back at him and hit a big tilt a whirl slam on Chavo. Kane is destroying Chavo until Eddie comes running down to the ring but Eddie stays on the outside. Afraid to get into the ring as Kane slaps the goozle on Chavo as Kane stares at Eddie..CHOKESLAM! Kane then covers Chavo while staring at Eddie.1....2....3! After the match Kane leaves the ring and Eddie slides in to tend to Chavo. Kane climbs back into the ring with a steel chair. Kane moves at Eddie with the chair but Eddie DROP TOE HOLDS KANE ONTO THE CHAIR!!! Eddie picks up the chair from under Kane and WHACK WHACK WHACK. Three chair shots to the head and then Eddie slams the chair down on Kane's gut. Eddie then climbs to the top rope..FROG SPLASH ONTO THE CHAIR ON KANE!!! Eddie and Chavo then stagger to the back, laughing at Kane as we head to commercial break.

    (Winner: Kane)

    Overall Rating: 73%

    Crowd Reaction: 82%

    Match Quality: 83%

    Dames Stars: ***1/4

    A video plays showing alot of scenes from Japan and at the end a Japanese Flag billowing in the wind. It was a short promo but it also was an enigma because the fans weren't sure what to expect from it!

    Overall Rating: 66%

    Batista and Test vs D'Lo and Taz

    Jody Fleisch's replacement ends up being Test as he comes walking to the ring for his match tonight. Once Test is in the ring Batista's music hits and he comes walking to the ring. Batista climbs into the ring and then Taz's music hits, orange smoke rising from the ramp and then Taz's pyro hits as Thug Superstar plays. Taz and D'Lo both emerge from the stage and come walking to the ring. The four men don't have very long. Batista and Taz start out in the ring but about three minutes in..Kai en Tai's music hits! The billowing Japanese flag waves across the Titantron. Then Taka Michanoku along with Funaki, Tajiri, Jimmy Yang, Kaz Hayashi, Black Dragon whom was in OVW and two other Japanese wrestlers whom haven't been introduced to us. They all come running down to the ring. Taka has a chair. Funaki and Yang have chairs as well as they all slide into the ring! All four men are quickly overwhelmed. Taka destroys the chair against D'Lo Brown and Test's head. The other men receive much of the same beating and are thrown from the ring as this match ends in a No Contest due to the interference of these men!

    (Winner: No Contest)

    Overall Rating: 68%

    Crowd Reaction: 72%

    Match Quality: 80%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    Again the fans still aren't sure what to expect other than that these men are on a mission and just destroyed four RAW superstars. Taka gets on the microphone. His english is a bit broken but understandable as he speaks. Imagine it's broken english eh?

    Taka: We are here tonight, to bring Orda to the WWE. We are the New Japan Mafia. We have arrived tonight but it is just the beginning! We are here to stay and everyone here will suffa our wrath!

    Overall Rating: 69%

    The Dudley Boys & Booker T vs Team Angle & Goldust

    The Dudley's pyro hits the stage and their music kicks up as they come walking out onto the stage with their World Tag Team Championships around their waists. Then once the Dudleys are in the ring Booker T's music kicks up and he comes out to the ring doing his normal entrance with pyro included. Then once Booker is in the ring "WGTT Theme" hits and Team Angle comes walking out onto the stage and down to the ring with their WWE Tag Team Championships around their waist. Once they're down to the ring. Goldust's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring and a short match ensues between these six. It's not a long match but enough to highlight the feud between the Dudleys and Team Angle. As well as Booker and Goldust. It is an all out brawl for most of the match. The match ends though when the referee is downed and Goldust hits a Golden Globes on Booker T, followed by a nasty Curtain Call! Team Angle keeps the Dudleys at bay while Goldust gets the referee and he counts Booker down.1...2...3!! Goldust and Team Angle celebrates their big victory as we take a commercial break.

    (Winners: Team Angle & Goldust)

    Overall Rating: 67%

    Crowd Reaction: 76%

    Match Quality: 75%

    Dames Stars: **1/4

    Yang/Tajiri vs The Brethren

    The Brethren's music which is also Kane's old music hits and they come walking down to the ring. They don't even know who they're facing but they soon do as Tajiri's music kicks up and he comes walking out with Jimmy Yang right with him. Two members of the New Japan Mafia! Tajiri and Yang actully make quick work of the Brethren. Nothing against The Brethren but Tajiri ends up doing most of the damage with his fierce kicks. Tajiri ends up finishing off Fury with a Buzzsaw kick to the head to gain his team the victory! Afterwards Yang and Tajiri laid waste to the Brethren with Yang getting a steel chair and holding it in front of Fury's face and Tajiri hits a BUZZSAW KICK INTO THE CHAIR!!! They do the same thing to Mayhem and both men are left down in pain holding their faces in agony.

    (Winners: Tajiri and Jimmy Yang)

    Overall Rating: 64%

    Crowd Reaction: 65%

    Match Quality: 80%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Jay Lethal and Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton, Christian and John Cena

    Special Guest Referee: The Rock)

    Main Event

    The Rock's music is the first to hit and he comes walking down to the ring with gym pants on that he's worn a thousand times on TV. He has a Referee shirt on and he does his normal entrance posing. Then Randy Orton's Evolution theme hits and he comes strutting out onto the stage and down to the ring. He easily has the coolest theme on RAW! Once Orton is in the ring Christian's music hits and he comes walking down to the ring, blowing kisses to his peeps with the WWE Intercontinental Championship around his waist. Then once Christian has finished making out long distance with his peeps. John Cena's music hits and Cena comes walking down to the ring with a Golden State Warriors Jersey on and the World Heavyweight Championship around his waist. Once Cena is in the ring..THE GLASS SHATTERS!!! Stone Cold comes stomping down to the ring to his "Disturbed" theme of his entrance. Austin stews outside the ring waiting for his partners to come to ringside..then he just says screw it and climbs into the ring and goes after Orton. Big mistake Austin, it's not 1998 anymore. Yer crippled now and it shows! Austin gets some shots in on Orton but is spun around by Christian. Austin kicks Christian in the gut and goes for the Stunner but Orton grabs Austin from behind and hits a nasty neckbreaker! This is the point where Jay Lethal and Chris Jericho come running down to the ring to make the sides even. The heels bail out of the ring and it winds up being Jay Lethal starting off with John Cena in the ring.

    Cena starts early, dominating the smaller Lethal with power punches and stomps. He whips Lethal into his team's corner and begins ramming his shoulder into his gut over and over. Cena then tags out to Orton. Orton then takes Lethal out of the corner and puts him against the ropes, then whipping him across the ring. Orton then dodges a clothesline from Lethal and instead sinches in his backbreaker hold and DROPS Lethal across his back for the Ortonbreaker which makes the crowd gasp every time. Orton then covers Lethal..1...2....kickout. Orton drags Lethal to his team's corner and now Christian tags in with Lethal down. Christian begins stomping on Lethal and picks him up. Then hitting a Vertical suplex on Lethal. Christian then goes for and hits his Reverse DDT into backbreaker and covers Lethal..1...2...Austin had gotten into the ring when he saw Christian going for a pin and kicks him in the head at 2 to break the count up. Christian stands up and tags Cena in. Cena picks Lethal up but Lethal hits a SUDDEN jawbreaker which staggers Cena back into his team's corner. Orton tags himself in and grabs the foot of Lethal trying to pull him away from his team's corner but to no avail as Lethal does manage to make the tag to Austin!!!

    Austin comes into the ring and it looks as if Randy Orton just wet himself as Austin comes at him and begins laying into him. Orton fights back after a second, raking the eyes of Austin and NAILS THE ORTONBREAKER ON AUSTIN!!! Austin rolls around in pain. At this point Chris Jericho is in the ring and nails a bulldog on Orton followed by the Lionsault!! It breaks down into a six man brawl at this point. Cena gets into the ring and nails a huge F-U on Jericho only to receive a Lethal Ride from Lethal immediately after that. Orton though then hits the RKO on Lethal to put him down! Stone Cold is standing right behind Orton at this point and screams..WHAT! Orton turns around afraid..KICK WHAM STUNNER! Austin then gets on Orton and covers him..1...2...3!! Austin gets the win for his team over his opponent for Sunday and then Rock stances after making the count. He stances near Cena and waits for him to get up..ROCK BOTTOM ON CENA BY ROCK!! At the same time Austin is helping Orton to his feet and goes for another KICK WHAM..no Stunner! Orton pushes Austin off to the ropes and then kicks Austin in the gut...RKO TO THE MAT!! Orton rolls out of the ring and celebrates over Austin. What will happen this Sunday!! This is just a taste of Armageddon so tune in Sunday and RAW fades out from those words from J.R

    (Winners: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Jay Lethal and Chris Jericho)

    Overall Rating: 73%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 81%

    Dames Stars: ***

    RAW Rating: 67%

    TV Rating: 6.02

    Attendance: 6,532

    Ticket Sales: $261,280

  24. Sunday Night Heat

    December 14, 2003

    Dark Matches

    Paul London defeats Nova in a competitive match with the London's Calling. Good dark match 75(64,86)***

    Chris Nowitski defeats Spike Dudley with a low blow and a roll-up pulling the tights. 74(68,80)**1/2

    Tajiri in his first work since going down in April with a broken leg, defeats Frankie Kazarian via The Kick of Death. The crowd wasn't into this one though. 62(49,76)*3/4

    Low Ki forces Adam Jacobs to submit to the Dragon Clutch to win. 73(66,81)**1/2

    Heat Matches

    Jeff Hardy defeats Sabu in a simply horrid match which is only saved by a crisp interference by Matt to help his brother win..no I lied it didn't save this match..It sucked! 55(58,51)DUD

    Los Guerreros defeat the team of Insane Dragon and Adam Jacobs in what would be perceived as a five minute squash match. Eddie got the win via Frog Splash. 79(73,86)***1/4

    Kid Kash defeats Chuck Palumbo in a clean match with the Cha Ching to get the pin 66(56,77)**

    D'Lo Brown defeats Jody Fleisch in a very solid match after hitting a Sky High, followed by a Lo Down from the top rope. Then after the pinfall Batista hits the ring and destroys D'Lo with a Sit-Out Powerbomb! One week away from Armageddon and Batista has the leg up on D'Lo! See you tommorrow night folks! 77(76,78)**1/2

    Heat Rating: 70%

    TV Rating: 6.08

    Attendance: 6,536

    Ticket Sales: $261,440

  25. user posted image

    WWE Smackdown

    December 11, 2003

    Smackdown kicks off after the intro video with a tremendous match which you get to see right now.

    Christopher Daniels vs Psicosis vs Ultimo Dragon

    WWE Cruiserweight Championship, Triple Threat

    Ultimo Dragon is the first man out for this match. His music hits and the crowd pops huge for him as he comes down the aisle with his pyro going off behind him. Then the next man out is Christopher Daniels. Ultimo is yelling at Daniels as he walks to the ring. Daniels takes his time outside the ring as Psicosis's entrance hits and his music plays. Psicosis comes walking down to the ring with the WWE Cruiserweight Championship around his waist. Psicosis gets into the ring, unafraid and hands the belt over. Psicosis then immediately attacks Ultimo, hitting kicks to the gut as well as viscious chops to the chest. Daniels now gets in the ring after Psicosis has begun to work over Ultimo. Ultimo fights back though on Psicosis and Daniels immediately drops to the mat and rolls back out of the ring as Ultimo takes control. Daniels stays outside the ring since he can't be counted out, watching Ultimo back Psicosis into the ropes and whip him across the ring. Then Ultimo hits a Rolling Leg Lariat to Psicosis and covers him..1..2...kickout. Daniels pulls up a steel chair at ringside and sets it up. Sitting down to watch the match he's in! Ultimo picks Psicosis up and runs over towards the side of the ring that Daniels is on the outside of. Ultimo then throws Psicosis over the top rope but Psicosis catches the top rope and lands on his feet. Ultimo then runs at him and it's a combination of a palancha/back body drop from Psicosis and ULTIMO LANDS FLAT OUT IN A CROSS BODY ON DANIELS!!!

    Daniels is laid out and Psicosis just shrugs and NAILS AN ASAI MOONSAULT ONTO BOTH MEN! The crowd is cheering big time for that series of moves. Ultimo is the first man up and he throws Daniels into the ring and gets into the ring himself. Psicosis gets into the ring as well. Before Ultimo can do anything to Daniels, Psicosis dropkicks Ultimo, knocking him to the mat. Psicosis then picks Ultimo up and nails a snap suplex on him to the mat. He floats over into a cover..1..2...Daniels breaks it up but it looks like Ultimo would've kicked out anyway. Daniels gets to his feet with Psicosis and kicks him in the gut. Daniels immediately goes for the Last Rites but Psicosis back body drops him out of it! Psicosis then stands in wait for Daniels...PSYCHO STUNNER ON DANIELS!! But before Psicosis can capitalize Ultimo Dragon has grabbed him from behind into a Dragon Sleeper!!!! Daniels is slow to recover as Psicosis fades quickly, Ultimo has it sinched in good. The referee raises the arm of Psicosis once...then twice and then Daniels has gotten up and recovered enough to deliver a front dropkick to the face of Ultimo. Ultimo drops to the mat, releasing the hold. Daniels then quickly picks Ultimo up and throws him over the top rope to the outside. Daniels then picks Psicosis up..LAST RITES!!! Daniels then covers Psicosis quickly, hooking the leg..1...2....3! Ultimo is too late getting back into the ring and we have a NEW WWE Cruiserweight Champion! Brian Hebner hands the belt over to Daniels who escapes the ring with the belt and never having let Ultimo get a hand on him!!

    (Winner and NEW WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Christopher Daniels)

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Crowd Reaction: 78%

    Match Quality: 88%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    Daniels is backing up the aisle with a microphone that was handed to him as he is victorious in this huge match between the three men!

    Daniels: I Told you Ultimo. You cannot handle the wrath of the Fallen Angel. You cannot even lay a finger on me. You don't hold a prayer of survived me and once I am done with you. Not only will you never wrestle again...you may never walk again! and THATS THE GOSPEL, ACCORDING TO THE FALLEN ANGEL!

    We head to commercial after this post-match promo with Ultimo in the ring seething but as we go to break we see Psicosis turning Ultimo around and nailing a Psycho Stunner on him as we were fading out to break!

    Overall Rating: 87%

    Paul London vs Matt Hardy Version 1.0

    This match stemmed from last week when Mattitude beat down London and then Scotty when London wanted to join and was refused physically. Then Scotty got a beat down for sticking up for London. This match is pretty basic. Hardy beats down on the smaller London for a majority of this match but late in the match London hits several high impact moves. A hurricarana from the top rope. A Top rope Dropkick as well as a springboard moonsault off the top rope!!! They only get two counts. London looks to have the advantage and motions for the London's Calling but Shannon Moore comes running down to the ring and jumps up onto the ring apron. This distracts London long enough for Hardy to recompose himself and when London turns back around..kick to the gut..TWIST OF FATE!!! Hardy then covers London, hooking the leg..1...2...3! Shannon Moore gets into the ring and both men begin to beat the hell out of London until...Scotty 2 Hotty's music hits and Scotty comes running down to the ring!!! Mattitude clears out as Scotty's old "Too Cool" Music is playing and Scotty yells at Matt and Shannon while checking on London. Scotty 2 Hotty is back and Mr. MF'er is dead!! Praise the day!

    (Winner: Matt Hardy Version 1.0)(Scotty 2 Hotty's turn was negative since the fans realized he turned under three months ago...damn smarks in the crowd)

    Overall Rating: 77%

    Crowd Reaction: 64%

    Match Quality: 90%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    AJ Styles vs Rey Mysterio

    AJ Styles is the first man out to the ring, followed by Rey Mysterio shortly after him. This is basically a filler match for smackdown but was given enough time and both men hit their high flying arsenals as well as AJ unloading his Technical arsenal of suplexes and unique offense. Mysterio went for a "619" halfway through the match but received the dropkick to the gut that many use on Mysterio to counter it now. Mysterio flies out of the ring and to the mats on the outside. Styles then tries to palancha to the outside at Mysterio but Mysterio moves and Styles hit the matting on the outside hard. Mysterio got back into the ring and nailed a "619" on Styles as he tried to climb back into the ring. Mysterio "619'ed" him in the ass to get him back into the ring. Then Mysterio called for the West Coast Pop and springboarded off the top but Styles stopped the Hurricarana when Mysterio was hanging with his legs wrapped around Styles's head. Styles then steps over..STYLES CLASH!!! Mysterio is destroyed from the move and Styles covers him..1...2....3! It's over and AJ Styles has picked up a much needed victory. He was on a losing streak lately, except for a Heat victory. Now that AJ is off the block he can get back after O'Haire perhaps!

    (Winner: AJ Styles)

    Overall Rating: 86%

    Crowd Reaction: 84%

    Match Quality: 88%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    Cyclone vs Rikishi

    Rikishi's "I'm a Bad Man" theme hits and he comes walking to the ring in his fubu gear and is in bounty hunter mode it seems. We haven't seen Rikishi in some time on Smackdown though! Tonight he'll face off against Cyclone! Cyclone then comes to the ring next but doesn't get far as Mortis comes running out of the back right behind Cyclone. Cyclone somehow manages to duck the attack though the attack. Cyclone then grabs Mortis and throws him into the Smackdown set! Then both men brawl off to the backstage area and Mike Chioda just starts the bell and counts Cyclone out. Awarding the match to Rikishi without a fight as we head to commercial!

    (Winner by Countout: Rikishi)

    Overall Rating: 74%

    Crowd Reaction: 76%

    Match Quality: 70%

    Dames Stars: *3/4

    We come back from break with Kurt Angle walking out from behind the curtain and walking to the ring with a microphone in hand, talking about the travesty and robbery that occured last week!

    Angle: Last week your olympic hero was robbed of his chance to face Edge for the WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble. Not in a fair, competitive match but by several cheap shots from Chris Benoit! He didn't beat Kurt Angle. He Robbed Kurt Angle! Now Chris if you think for a moment that i'm not going to get back at you, or get revenge. Your sorely mistaken as I want that WWE Championship more than anything! But now bring out the punk I have to face tonight so we can get this over with.

    Now we await the Hurricane as their match will begin once he comes to the ring.

    (Kurt Angle Gained Overness From This Match)

    Overall Rating: 99%

    Kurt Angle vs Hurricane

    This match is actully to the surprise of most, almost even with Kurt Angle holding the advantage most of the match but Hurricane gets a hunk of offense in and Angle was selling it very well. Though in the end Kurt Angle pulls out a huge Angle Slam and then slaps on the Anklelock and Hurricane submits after fifteen seconds. Angle then lets go and celebrates the victory but it's bitter sweet since right now Kurt Angle is out of the Championship Picture!

    (Winner: Kurt Angle)

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 76%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    Brock Lesnar/Rhyno vs HHH/RVD

    "The Game" Hits and Triple H comes out to the ring as he normally does and climbs onto the ring apron, doing his water spit and then waiting for his partner and opponents. Then "One of a Kind" hits and RVD's pyro goes off. Then RVD comes walking down the aisle and rolls into the ring. Doing his poses and then Rhyno's music kicks up. Rhyno comes down the aisle, beating his chest as he walks to the ring. Then the lights go down as Brock Lesnar's music hits and the crowd cheers loudly. Lesnar comes walking to the ring and then leaps up onto the apron and his pyro goes off from the turnbuckles. Lesnar climbs into the ring as Rhyno slides under the bottom rope. HHH gets right in Brock Lesnar's face but Rhyno tackles HHH before anything can happen and proceeds to begin pounding on him as Brock pairs off with RVD, plowing his shoulders into RVD's gut. Eventully it pairs off to be Brock and RVD. HHH and Rhyno leave the ring. Brock dominates RVD for the first couple minutes of the match, including hitting his triple backbreaker. Finally RVD fights back by hitting a heel kick to the jaw of Brock, knocking him down. RVD tags out to HHH and he gets in the ring with Brock Lesnar. These two men don't like each other ever since last year when HHH taunted Brock when he left for Smackdown. Brock sees HHH in the ring and WHAM a clothesline that Bradshaw would mark out on. Lesnar then picks HHH up and hits an overhead Belly to Belly suplex on him. Brock then picks HHH up again and whips him into his team's corner.

    Brock then proceeds to ram his shoulder over and over into HHH's gut. Rhyno tags in and Brock then continues the punishment followed by a GORE From Rhyno in the corner after Lesnar gets back on the ring apron. Rhyno then pulls HHH out of the corner and goes for a pumphandle slam. HHH falls out the back and hits a facebuster on Rhyno to stagger him a bit. HHH then backs into the ropes and nails a high knee to knock Rhyno down. HHH then staggers to his corner and tags RVD in. RVD leaps over the top rope and stops Rhyno from tagging out with his spinning legdrop to the back of the head. RVD then gets up and nails a high kick to the jaw of Brock to knock him off the apron. RVD picks Rhyno up and whips him into his team's corner and they proceed to double team Rhyno. HHH choking and RVD hitting shoulder thrusts to Rhyno's gut while Brock tries to get in the ring. Then RVD tags HHH back in and HHH goes to work, pounding Rhyno. HHH nails his neckbreaker on Rhyno for a long two count. HHH then goes for the Pedigree immediately following it but Rhyno powers out of it with a back body drop and both men make hot tags to their partners. Brock comes in though stronger as he destroys RVD and HHH for two minutes before Brock tries to F5 HHH but RVD sweeps Brock's legs out from under him!

    HHH lands on Brock and HHH rolls off just in time for RVD to hit his standing moonsault for a cover..1...2....kickout! HHH gets up and looks to be set to help RVD finish off Brock but..GORE GORE GORE TO Triple H! HHH rolls out of the ring and Rhyno does as well. RVD goes for a Rolling Thunder on Brock but Brock avoids the contact and kicks up. Then he grabs RVD...F5!!! Brock then covers RVD..1...2...3! Brock Lesnar and Rhyno get the win! on the outside Rhyno tries to whip Triple H into the ring steps but HHH reverses sending Rhyno into them hard. HHH then grabs his sledgehammer from under the ring and slides into the ring behind Brock. Triple H swings for Brock's head with the sledge but Brock ducks it. HHH turns around though and nails Brock in the ribs with the sledge instead! HHH then grabs the doubled over Brock and..PEDIGREE! RVD then goes to the top rope and hits the Five Star Frog Splash on Brock Lesnar for good measure. Brock won the match but at what cost to his health as HHH and RVD seem to work well as a team as we head to our final commercial break.

    (Winners: Brock Lesnar and Rhyno)

    Overall Rating: 81%

    Crowd Reaction: 80%

    Match Quality: 82%

    Dames Stars: ***

    As we come back from commercial Edge is standing in the ring and has a microphone but for what we don't know yet.

    Edge: I'm sick of hearing in the back how Chris Benoit is this great wrestler and i'm gonna have a tough time beating him. I Beat him and nine other guys at Survivor Series Man! I can take Chris Benoit one on one. In fact I want you out here right now Benoit!! I want to start your asskicking tonight. and I guarentee you it'll last up until and till the end of the Royal Rumble when I finish you off!

    We don't have to wait long as Chris Benoit's music hits and he comes running down to the ring. He slides under the bottom rope as Edge drops his title and microphone and we've got ourselves a good old fashioned brawl! Benoit backs Edge into a corner of the ring with teeth-shaking chops. Edge reverses the position and begins laying into Benoit with chops of his own but Benoit reverses it back around. Again laying in those chops. They are just purely harder than Edge's! Benoit then whips Edge across the ring but Edge reverses it but Benoit holds on and tries to go for the Crossface. Edge blocks this and reverses it into the front facelock and Edge tries for the Edgeocution!!! Benoit blocks it and chain reverses for about the fifth reversal into his own front facelock..EDGEOCUTION BY BENOIT TO EDGE!!!! Benoit then picks up the WWE Championship and lays it gold down against Edge's face and goes to the top rope...SUICIDE HEADBUTT TO THE CHAMPIONSHIP!!! Edge writhes around in pain while Benoit holds his head but gets to his feet. Benoit then picks up the WWE Championship and holds it up in the air, standing over Edge as Smackdown goes off the air!

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Smackdown Rating: 80%

    TV Rating: 4.86

    Attendance: 6,538

    Ticket Sales: $261,520

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