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Posts posted by Kapalua2483

  1. user posted image

    Monday Night RAW

    October 13, 2003(I apologize for the Half results. My Word Stinks)

    The RAW intro video and Union Underground theme begins to play as all of RAW's superstars flash across the screen. Once it's finished we cut to the stage where the pyro begins to go off and then we cut to a dark figure..talking backstage


    Backstage this man shrouded in darkness is cutting a promo.

    ????: Tonight I will make myself known once again. Hunter Hearst Helmsley will be nothing more than a Midcarder. No Longer will his tyranical reign over RAW Grip us all. Young Stars will shine and Hard work will be rewarded so Hunter. Get ready because your Judgement Day is upon us. Tonight.

    Overall Rating: 86%

    Jay Lethal vs Kanyon

    Round Robin Match

    Kanyon is the first man out to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope once he gets to ringside. Then he waits as Lethal's music hits and Jay Lethal comes out onto the stage with the WWE Intercontinental Championship over his shoulder. Lethal comes to the ring and he locks up with Kanyon once he's inside the ring. Both men pull out innovative offensive moves. Such as a Powerslam into a Final Cut by Kanyon on Lethal. Kanyon trying for a Powerbomb but Lethal reverses it into a Driving DDT to the mat. From here Lethal takes advantage and picks Kanyon up..LETHAL RIDE! Lethal covers Kanyon..1..2....3!! Kanyon is eliminated! Lethal waits to be handed his IC Championship and celebrates on the turnbuckles until Kanyon jumps up onto the second rope of the corner that Lethal is Celebrating in and hits a UNIQUE FLATLINER ON THE SECOND ROPE TO THE TOP TURNBUCKLE! Lethal falls to the mat unconcious..maybe if Kanyon had pulled that out in the match. He wouldn't be eliminated now!

    (Winner: Jay Lethal)(Eliminated: Kanyon)

    Overall Rating: 82%

    Crowd Reaction: 80%

    Match Quality: 85%

    Dames Stars: ***1/4

    Steve Corino vs Goldust

    Elimination Match

    Goldust is first to the ring with his costume on. He comes to the ring as his gold confetti pyro goes off. He takes his costume off as Corino's entrance hits and he comes walking out onto the stage with Stacy Keibler hand and hand. Stacy takes a position over with J.R and The King. Whom couldn't be happier than to let Stacy sit beside him. Anyway back to the ring where Corino just slid under the bottom rope and begins to take it to Goldust. Both men are very intense, considering their Tournament lives are on the line in this match. Goldust hits a Hard nasty looking neckbreaker for a long two count in the middle of the match. Corino hits the Corino Bomb (Spinning Falcon's Arrow) For a long two count late in the match as well. At the end of the match. Goldust sets Corino up for the Golden Globes and plays to the crowd. As he does Corino manages to get himself off and hits a hard clothesline on Goldust which sends him for a loop. Corino then picks Goldy up..OLD SCHOOL EXPULSION! Corino covers Goldust now..1..2...3! Corino is esctatic as Stacy comes to the ring. He climbs out of the ring and helps Stacy over the Guard Barrier and goes out with Stacy. They go into the fans and celebrate the Victory while Goldust lays in the ring defeated!

    (Winner: Steve Corino)(Eliminated: Goldust)

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Crowd Reaction: 80%

    Match Quality: 79%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    Next Week!

    Booker T's music hits and Booker comes walking out onto the stage with a smile as big as Houston on his face as he begins to talk to Goldy

    Booker: Great! Now that your out of the Tourny Goldylocks. You and me can Dance again next week. Cause I am not done kicking your ass all over the WWE. Next week. Pinfalls Count Anywhere!

    Goldust snarls in the ring and nods with a sinister look on him.

    Overall Rating: 77%

    John Cena vs Shark Boy

    Round Robin Match

    John Cena's music hits first and he begins to cut a promo as he comes to the ring.

    Yo Yo, Cut my beat.

    Last week I did the impossible, I became King of the World!

    So what does Eric Bischoff do? Books me against a Little Turd.

    He's got me goin up against some Shark Boy

    Now I gotta beat more sense into him. What Joy.

    It's alright though, John Cena gonna hold it down!

    I'll beat his ass so bad it'll turn that frown fu**ing upside down.

    Cena does a DX like chop to his crotch to emphasis the end of his little rap and then Shark Boy's music hits!

    Sharky comes to the ring with the Hardcore Championship in hand. Sharky slides into the ring and swings with the Hardcore Title for Cena's head. Cena ducks it and clotheslines the hell out of Sharky. This match went back and forth but Shark Boy eventully managed to pull out a big victory over Cena with a Shark Attack for the pinfall to get the win!

    (Winner: Shark Boy)

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 77%

    Sonny Siaki defeated Tommy Dreamer and Shark Boy for the Hardcore Championship by pinning Dreamer, after taking a tired Shark Boy out of the equation. A Big victory for Siaki..we'll see if he runs with the ball or drops it as he celebrates with the Hardcore Title!

    Overall Rating: 73%

    Crowd Reaction: 77%

    Match Quality: 69%

    Triple H was getting ready backstage for his match with the Hurricane..a Round Robin matchup to see whom would continue on in this tournament when..SWEET CHIN MUSIC!!! HBK out of nowhere delivers a knockout shot to HHH to his jaw. He smirks standing over HHH and then walks off.

    Overall Rating: 82%

    Kane defeated Christian in a Round Robin Match in which neither was in jeopardy of being eliminated. Clean matchup with Kane getting the pin after a chokeslam..nice match

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Crowd Reaction: 85%

    Match Quality: 81%

    In the biggest shocker in a long time. Hurricane up-ended Triple H with another attack helping from HBK. HHH had the match in control..even though Hurricane controlled most of the match. HHH had him setup for the Pedigree when HBK's music hit..this allowed Hurricane to back body drop HHH out of it and then as HHH got up to a knee...SHINING WIZARD!!! This knocked HHH down and possibly out..1.....2......3!! HHH is Eliminated!!! Triple H goes nuts and begins screaming insanely as HBK as Hurricane quickly evacuates the ring..no need to stir the angry lion anymore. HBK Grins widely as RAW goes off the air!

    Overall Rating: 70%

    Crowd Reaction: 80%

    Match Quality: 60% (Punk ass HHH with no selling)

    RAW Rating: 77%

  2. Sunday Night Heat

    October 12, 2003

    Jody Fleisch defeats Maven with the Pheonix 720 DDT and the pin for the win. After the match Jody hits it a second time on Maven and leaves him out in the ring. 70(71,69)*1/2

    Scotty "Mr. MF'er" Riggs defeats Kid Kash via the Emerald Fusion and a cover for the win. Pretty basic and simple. 78(61,95)***3/4

    Test defeats Tommy Dreamer in a match which looked like Dreamer would hit the Dreamer Driver and pick up a big win but Test reversed the Dreamer Driver into an Irish whip to the ropes and the Big Boot lays Dreamer out for the three count. 73(68,78)**1/4

    Jeff Hardy beats Paul London via the Swanton Bomb and cover. After the match a very brainwashed Jeff hits a couple more Swantons before holding up his hand in a Mattitude symbol and stalks off. 66(63,70)*1/2

    Randy Orton picks up the upset victory over "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. Steve looked to be a bit out of ring shape. Some Ring rust and it showed late in the match where he went for a Stunner but Orton threw Austin's foot back down and nailed the RKO for the huge win! 76(74,78)**1/2

    Spanky beats Johnny Stamboli cleanly via the Sliced Bread #2. Good match which sees Spanky pick up a much needed victory. 74(71,77)**1/4

    Jay Lethal defends his Intercontinental Championship successfully against Christian. Late in the match, Lethal goes for a Missle Dropkick to Christian but Christian pulls the referee in the way and he takes the brunt of the dropkick. The ref DQ's Christian for it and Lethal merely leaves with his Title. Christian is very upset. This was not a Round Robin Match 85(84,86)***1/2

    Sabu defeats Sean O'Haire with the Arabian Facebuster but we go off heat watching Sean O'Haire whom had recovered hit the Prophecy on Sabu, laying him out in the middle of the ring. 74(75,75)**1/4

    Heat Rating: 67%

    TV Rating: 2.70

  3. user posted image

    WWE Smackdown

    October 9, 2003

    Smackdown's intro video and music hit on all the TV's in the country and it plays for about the 60 seconds it usually does. Then we come into Smackdown with pyro going off at the set. Then immediately Rico's music hits. Rico?

    Christopher Daniels vs Rico

    Rico comes walking down to the ring as he usually is seen before his even Gayer gimmick came to be. Once Rico is in the ring. Christopher Daniel's entrance hits and he comes stalking out to the ring and absolutely demolishes Rico for three minutes. Then hit the Last Rites on Rico and covered him..1..2....3! Christopher Daniels then pulls out those damn handcuffs and snaps them onto Rico and does the Handcuff Crucifixition and goes to ringside for a chair. Like he's done for weeks now. Daniels talks of how Rico is a Major Sinner and he demolishes Rico over and over with the chair. Daniels then smiles with a sadistic smirk and leaves the ring as his music plays.

    (Winner: Christopher Daniels)(Christopher Daniels Gains Overness)(Rico Loses Overness)

    Overall Rating: 62%

    Crowd Reaction: 51%

    Match Quality: 73%

    Dames Stars: *1/2

    Edge vs Angle Will Be Sick

    "The End" theme from Judgement Day begins to play (Also the theme played to promote the Michaels/HHH 2 out of 3 falls match last winter as well) It shows the entire war between Edge and Angle over the last couple years and shows them both bloodied and battered. Shows all their Ladder Matches..and believe me. Edge has had tons of them! Angle has had a couple as well and both men will give it their all in 10 days at No Mercy..a PPV Infamous for Ladder Matches!

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Taz vs Batista

    Taz's entrance hits and he comes stalking out first after the commercial break. The crowd cheers the bad ass Taz. Damn them he's supposed to be heel :P. Taz gets to the ring and takes the towel off his head. Taz rolls into the ring and then Batista's music hits and he comes stancing out from behind the curtain. Batista gets to the ring and climbs into the ring. Batista and Taz lock up and Batista really does maul the smaller Taz for much of the match. Stiff clotheslines and some hard impact slams. Batista tries for the Sit-Out Powerbomb but Taz ended up leaping over Batista's head, out of the Powerbomb and Taz lands behind Batista. Taz turns around..Tazmission!!! Batista tries to whip around and get out of it but Taz sinches it in and chokes Batista out! Batista taps out after a minute! Taz stands up and celebrates but because Batista tapped out. He wasn't knocked out. So Batista gets up while Taz is still celebrating in the ring. SIT-OUT POWERBOMB ON TAZ! Batista gets up and leaves the ring after laying Taz out but Taz won't be happy when he wakes up!

    (Winner: Taz)

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Crowd Reaction: 72%

    Match Quality: 85%

    Dames Stars: ***

    AJ Styles vs Rey Mysterio

    WWE Cruiserweight Championship

    AJ Styles comes out to his music, when it hits. Styles comes walking down the aisle. Styles comes to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope. Mysterio's music hits as Styles stances in the ring. Mysterio comes out from behind the curtain, he has the Cruiserweight Title strapped across his chest. Mysterio comes to the ring and leaps up onto the apron. Mysterio then leapfrogs off the top rope and at Styles but Styles moves. Mysterio does a roll through since Styles moved. Styles kicks Mysterio in the gut once he turns around and hits a gutwrench suplex on Mysterio. Styles works over Mysterio for the early going but the tide sways when Mysterio hits a beautiful standing tornado DDT on Styles and covers him.1...2..kickout! Mysterio then whips Styles to the ropes and then drop toe holds Styles to the second rope as Styles ran back at him. Mysterio calls out "619" and runs to the ropes and Styles ducks the contact. Mysterio recovers by landing back on the ring apron. Mysterio tries for the West Count Pop as well but Styles ducks it and Mysterio lands hard. Styles waits for Mysterio to turn around and gets Mysterio up and hits the Styles Clash but in the process of hitting this move, a foot caught Brian Hebner in the face and he went down. Styles nails the Clash and then Brock Lesnar comes running down to the ring. Brock slides under the bottom rope and ducks an attempted Styles clothesline. Brock then kicks Styles in the gut..F5! F5! Mysterio then gets on top of Styles and Brock slides out of the ring and wakes Hebner up...1..2.....3! Rey Mysterio retains due to the Brock Lesnar interference! Lesnar then slides back into the ring and hits another F5 on Styles for good measure and we head to commercial break.

    (Winner and STILL WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Rey Mysterio)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 82%

    Match Quality: 87%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    He's Coming!

    Hardcore tunes and street fights are shown. A mass is shrouded in darkness and the video which only is about 30 seconds long finishes with a "He's Coming!"

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Psicosis vs Ultimo Dragon vs Nunzio

    Triple Threat Ladder Match for #1 Contendership

    The contract for the Cruiserweight Championship Match at No Mercy is dangling above the ring. Nunzio comes out first to his FBI music. He comes to the ring which is surrounded by Ladders and stands in wait. Then Ultimo Dragon's pyro and music hits and he comes down to the ring. Ultimo gets into the ring and then Psicosis's music hits and he comes walking out from behind the curtain. Psicosis walks to ringside while in the ring Nunzio attacks Ultimo. Psicosis grabs a ladder from ringside and slides it into the ring and gets in himself. Nunzio and Ultimo are slugging it out but Psicosis picks up the ladder and clotheslines both Nunzio and Ultimo to the sides of their heads. Both men go down. Psicosis puts the ladder up against a turnbuckle and picks Ultimo up. Psicosis whips Ultimo to the corner with the ladder but Ultimo reverses and whips Psicosis hard into the ladder. Ultimo hits a High Leg Lariat on Psicosis as he comes back off the ladder. Nunzio grabs Ultimo though and hits his Cross Arm Breaker on Ultimo. Nunzio grabs the ladder and sets it up in the middle of the ring and quickly climbs for the top to get the Contract but Psicosis dropkicks the bottom of the ladder and it tips Nunzio over the top rope! Psicosis grabs the Ladder and folds it up quickly. He waits for Ultimo to get to his feet, but does not wait for him to turn around before he rams the Ladder into the back of Ultimo's head in a brutal move! The crowd oooh's for the shot and Psicosis sets the ladder back up and climbs up, grabbing the contract and gaining a match with Rey Mysterio at No Mercy! This match was obviously just to wet our palet for the Edge vs Kurt Angle Ladder Match!

    (Winner and #1 Contender to the Cruiserweight Championship: Psicosis)

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 92%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0/Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar/Edge

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0 is already in the ring with his music playing. The WWE American Championship over his shoulder while his Matt-Fact is playing "Matt Hardy Has a Cooler Hair Style than Edge!" Then "Medal" Hits and Kurt Angle comes out from behind the curtain to the boo's from the crowd. He stops halfway to the ring to raise his arms up in the air for his pyro to explode. He climbs into the ring. Then Brock Lesnar and Edge have their seperate entrances and all four men partake in their equal amounts of offense. Kurt and Brock are the legal men when the end comes. Matt climbs into the ring and runs across the ring attacking Edge. This distracts the referee enough for Kurt to hit an uppercut low blow and an Angle Slam on Lesnar. The referee turns around once Matt gets out of the ring to fight Edge on the outside. Angle is covering Lesnar when he turns around..1..2....3! Outside the ring Matt hits a HUGE Twist of Fate on Edge on the outside. Knocking Edge goofy from that move. Hardy picks Edge up and rolls him into the ring for Angle. Angle then pulls down those straps and sinches in an Anklelock on Edge! Edge screams in pain until finally the referees break it up after a couple minutes! We head to our final commercial break of the evening.

    (Winners: Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy Version 1.0)

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 84%

    Dames Stars: ***1/4

    Rabid Rhyno vs Los Guerreros

    Match 4 of the #1 Contendership Series

    Main Event

    This match has already been seen several times over and over. Tonight is not very different. All four men give their all in this match but the end comes when Chavo Guerrero runs into a Crippler Crossface from Benoit and Rhyno Gores Eddie Guerrero. Rhyno and Eddie the legal men. But Rhyno Gores Eddie to stop him from breaking up the crossface and Rhyno covers Eddie..1..2....3! Shane McMahon comes out onto the stage immediately after the match before Rhyno's music can even stay on for 10 seconds. Shane begins talking once the match is over.

    Shane: Congratulations Rhyno, Chris. You've done a tremendous job and now win 3-1 right? Nah. The fans love this Series and idea. They've been dying for this series and these matches so I decided at the urging of Eddie Guerrero earlier tonight to extend it to a Best of 7 Series. Rabid Rhyno leads 3-1 and can clinch it next Week on Smackdown in Match 5. Good Luck!

    Chris Benoit and Rhyno are screaming at Shane on the stage so much that when they turn around they get destroyed by Steel Chair shots from Eddie and Chavo Guerrero. They totally were too enraged to see those shots coming!

    Overall Rating: 90%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 100%

    Dames Stars:****3/4

    Overall Rating For Shane Segment: 83%

    Smackdown Rating: 79%

    TV Rating: 5.12

    Attendance: 6,046

    Ticket Sales: $241,840

  4. user posted image

    Monday Night RAW

    October 6, 2003

    We come onto RAW seeing visions of last week's major Round Robin Matches and victories. We see glimpses of the two Heat matches as well and then hit the RAW intro and music playing. Once it finishes pyro begins to explode all over the stage and apparently RAW is going to have more wrestling over the coming weeks because we cut right into our opening match for the Hardcore Championship!

    Shark Boy vs Lance Storm

    Hardcore Championship

    Lance Storm's music hits first and the crowd boo's intensely as he makes his way down to the ring. Storm rolls into the ring and waits. Apparently Storm isn't one to go too much into the Hardcore realm but who is going to pass up a chance at a Title right? Sharky's music hits and the crowd explodes with cheers. Shark Boy comes down to the ring with the Hardcore Championship around his waist. Sharky gets to the ring and pulls a chair out from under the ring and slides under the bottom rope. Sharky swings for Storm's head to start the match but Storm dodges it and Superkicks the chair into Shark Boy's face! Storm covers the fallen Shark Boy..1...2..kickout by Sharky! Shark Boy doesn't give up that easily as Storm tries to quickly go for his Single Leg Boston Crab. Sharky squirms out of it and slides out of the ring. Lance Storm comes outside the ring in chase but gets whipped into the Steel steps very hard! John Cena's music hits and he comes walking down to the ring, talking smack to Sharky. Cena comes out wearing an old Detroit Tigers Jersey from the good ole days when they were decent. He stalks down to the ring with his chain wrapped around his hand. Sharky stands his ground and Cena comes up to him and swings for his head with his loaded fist. Sharky dodges it as Storm gets up and BAM! Out go the lights for Storm. Sharky then hits a Hurricarana on Cena to take him out of involvement and covers Storm.1....2...3! Shark Boy then gets handed his Hardcore Championship and raises his arms in victory! Good solid opening match by both men!

    (Winner and STILL Hardcore Champion: Shark Boy)(Hardcore Championship Gains in Image from this Match)

    Overall Rating: 81%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 78%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    Christian vs Cyclone

    Round Robin Match

    Cyclone's entrance and music hit and he comes out onto the stage posing for the crowd. He saunters down to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope. Once Cyclone is in the ring waiting. Christian's music hits and his video plays as he comes walking out onto the stage and down to the ring. Posing for his peeps along the way. Christian rolls into the ring and attacks Cyclone immediately. Christian hits some hard fists and kicks to the gut on Cyclone. A couple chops and then whips him across the ring. Christian follows him in and gets feet to the face. Cyclone hits a spinning neckbreaker out of the corner and covers Christian..1....2..kickout! Cyclone picks Christian up but Christian hits a kick to the gut and sinches in a reverse facelock..REVERSE DDT! Christian then quickly makes short work of Cyclone by picking him up..UNPRETTIER! Christian then covers Cyclone..1...2...3! Christian gets the victory over Cyclone! A Big win as we go to commercial with Christian celebrating in the ring.

    (Winner: Christian)

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 87%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2


    Backstage Booker T is walking towards the stage, his match with Goldust is next as we come back from commercial break but from behind CRACK with a steel chair! Goldy knocks Booker down and possibly out before their match even gets started! Goldust obviously trying to take no chances with this match, wanting the win any way possible

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Booker T vs Goldust

    Round Robin Match

    Goldust is the first out to the ring. He comes walking out with his costume on and his pyro going off, shooting gold confetti high into the air so it sprinkles down. Goldust takes off his costume once he's in the ring and then Booker T's music hits and he comes walking slowly out from the back. He's holding his head some of the way. No pyro tonight kiddies. Booker gets to the ring and Goldust begins taking Booker apart! Goldust's plan works because he's able to control Booker throughout the match and then finish him with his Curtain Call! Goldy covers Booker..1..2....3! Goldust celebrates a bit too much in the ring for surviving elimination because Booker gets up behind him and Goldust turns around right into a Book End! Booker then stalks off holding his head in pain.

    (Winner: Goldust)

    Overall Rating: 82%

    Crowd Reaction: 84%

    Match Quality: 79%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    Dudley Boys vs The Superhero Duo

    World Tag Team Championships

    Cyclone and Hurricane are out first but Cyclone still looks to be hurting from his match earlier. They both get to the ring and then the fresh Dudleys come out from behind the curtain and come down to the ring after their pyro had gone off. The Dudleys destroy the Superhero duo. All the Dudleys trademarks are nailed and in the end. Cyclone takes a 3D and Bubba covers him.1...2....3! After the match the Dudleys hit a 3D on Hurricane for good measure and leave with their World Tag Team Championships in hand!

    (Winners and STILL World Tag Team Champions: The Dudley Boys)(World Tag Team Championships Gained In Image)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 82%

    Match Quality: 86%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    Rob Van Dam vs Steve Corino

    Round Robin Elimination Match

    Steve Corino is the first man out as his music hits. The crowd explodes as he comes walking out to the ring with Stacy at his side. The crowd is really into Corino as he gets into the ring. Then RVD's music hits. It builds for a moment and then his pyro explodes and RVD comes out from the back to the boo's from the crowd. RVD does his complete usual entrance and then rolls into the ring. The match is on as RVD runs at Corino with forearms. RVD whips Corino across the ring and hard into the corner. RVD then does his flips towards Corino into a Monkey Flip out of the corner! RVD quickly runs to the ropes and goes to the well for the Rolling Thunder on Corino! Corino slides out of the way and gets to his feet as RVD holds his back in pain. Corino helps RVD to his feet and hits a hanging Vertical Suplex on him. Corino then picks RVD up again and lifts him up for the Corino Bomb! (Spinning Falcon's Arrow) and then once he drives RVD to the mat with it. He covers RVD..1...2....kickout! RVD kicks out! Corino picks RVD up but RVD breaks out of it and grabs Corino's leg..STEP OVER KICK! RVD then runs over to his corner..SPLIT LEGGED MOONSAULT! He nails it on Corino and the crowd counts with Nick Patrick here..1....2....shoulder up! Corino isn't ready to be eliminated either here! RVD picks Corino up and hits a BIG DDT to lay him out and goes to the top rope. RVD leaps up onto the top rope and looks around..FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH WITH NOBODY HOME! Corino rolls towards RVD to avoid the contact and does so! Corino then picks RVD up..OLD SCHOOL EXPULSION!!! Corino covers RVD!..1....2....3!!! Steve Corino has Eliminated Rob Van Dam from competition! RVD won't be happy about this at all! Corino celebrates in the ring while RVD holds his head in pain from that move.

    (Winner: Steve Corino)(Eliminated: Rob Van Dam)

    Overall Rating: 82%

    Crowd Reaction: 80%

    Match Quality: 84%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    HHH Vs The Rock!

    A video plays as we go to commercial hyping up the Main Event with the Rock vs HHH in a Round Robin match! Should be good! It shows both the men in the past few months and their altercations and fights. Especially The Rock taking the World Heavyweight Championship off of Triple H a few months back. That still doesn't sit well with Hunter.

    Overall Rating: 87%

    Chris Jericho vs John Cena

    Round Robin Match

    John Cena's music hits and he comes walking out onto the stage and down to the ring as his beats hit. He rolls into the ring and grabs a microphone and begins to rap/talk

    Yo yo, cut the beat!

    Tonight I got Chris Jericho, King of the World

    He's so damn bad five girls in the front row Hurled!

    I got the talent and da balls to be the man!

    Oh yea and Jericho I did your mom and sister in my van!

    The crowd boos intensely at Cena for that last comment and he's obviously not the only one upset about it. Cena obviously had more to say but Jericho doesn't let him finish!

    Jericho's music and video hits but he comes running down to the ring and the match is on! Jericho beats down on Cena for the first few minutes. Jericho backs Cena into a corner and begins to chop the hell out of him. Jericho whips Cena across the ring but Cena reverses it and sends Jericho hard into the corner. Cena then clotheslines Jericho hard as he bounces off the turnbuckles. Cena begins his pounding on Jericho. Cena puts Jericho in the corner and begins to plow his shoulder over and over into Jericho gut. Cena then pulls Jericho out of the corner and hits a vertical suplex and floats over for the cover..1...2...kickout! Cena picks Jericho up but Jericho in a fury kicks Cena low, which is completely legal in a Round Robin Match we should remind everyone. Jericho then lifts Cena up with a Double Underhook Backbreaker! Jericho covers Cena..1..2....kickout! Jericho goes to the outside on the apron and as Cena is getting up..HE RUNS ALONG THE APRON AND DOES A CLIMB UP THE TURNBUCKLES AND DOES HIS LEAPFROG DROPKICK OFF THE SECOND ROPE! Jericho falls down hitting the apron and falls to the outside. Cena is down in the ring.

    Jericho grabs a steel pipe from under the ring and slides under the bottom rope. Jericho waits for Cena to get to his feet. Cena is up and swings for the fences on Cena! Cena ducks and kicks Jericho low in return for before and..F-U!!! Cena hits the F-U! He covers Jericho..1....2....3!! The crowd explodes in boo's and they are louder than before but Cena pulls the upset victory over the World Heavyweight Champion! Cena rolls out of the ring and staggers up the ramp making his Thuganomics sign high in the air to the crowd.

    (Winner: John Cena)(John Cena Gains Overness From This Match)(Chris Jericho Loses Overness From This Match)

    Overall Rating: 81%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 82%

    Dames Stars: ***

    The Rock vs HHH

    Round Robin Match

    Main Event

    ITS TIME TO PLAY THE GAME! The hardcore tunes of Motorhead hit as the sinister laughter fills the arena. HHH steps out from behind the curtain on the stage as the strobe lights go off in the darkness. The spotlight is on him as he spits some water out and comes walking down to the ring. HHH gets to the ring and climbs onto the ring apron. Does his water spit high in the air and climbs into the ring. Then The Rock's music hits and the crowd explodes in as many cheers as HHH got in boo's. Rock comes down to the ring and does his complete and usual entrance. The fans don't get their money's worth at all here because it looks like HHH is no selling most of the match. Though he's trying to make it look like Rocky is working bad. Nice try Trips but we all know better! :)

    Rock is still beating HHH late in the match though. Rock does his float over DDT and covers HHH..1...2...kickout! HHH Was nearly eliminated! Rock picks HHH up and HHH just goes low with an uppercut and it sends Rocky into a fetal position. HHH goes outside the ring and reaches under the ring apron. Sledgehammer it is! HHH slides back into the ring and stands in wait for Rock...SLEDGEHAMMER SHOT TO THE HEAD! Rock crumples to the mat and HHH covers him..1..2....3! HHH wins and avoids Elimination tonight! Pretty good match even with Hunter not selling enough!

    (Winner: Triple H)

    Overall Rating: 75%

    Crowd Reaction: 78%

    Match Quality: 69%

    Dames Stars: *3/4

    RAW Rating: 80%

    TV Rating: 5.87

    Attendance: 6,005

    Ticket Sales: $240,200

  5. Sunday Night Heat

    October 5, 2003

    Chavo Guerrero beats Spanky with his Brainbuster and a cover..1..2....3 Chavo held the tights and pulled back to get the pinfall though it probably wasn't necessary. 79(78,81)**3/4

    The Brethren defeat the team that was put together for this heat match. Jody Fleisch and Ken Shamrock. Good match but the Brethren show their muscle by hitting "The Stairway To Hell" (Double Spinebuster) and get the cover on Fleisch. We go to commercial watching them celebrate in the ring. 75(73,77)**1/4

    Taz defeats Nunzio via Submission with his Tazmission. Very good match and Taz was way over in it (Taz Gains Overness From This Match) 82(76,89)***1/2

    Shark Boy defeats Kanyon in a very good Round Robin Match for RAW's Tournament. Sharky got the win with a Shark Attack on Kanyon. But Kanyon in a fury after the match hit the Flatliner on Sharky 79(82,75)**1/4

    Psicosis defeats Rikishi with a Psycho Stunner but the crowd wasn't really into this match as much as the last one. Probably because of the importance of the last one and the upcoming one. This one suffers. After the match though Psicosis continues his reign of terror hitting two more Psycho Stunners on Rikishi! 56(42,71)*

    Kane defeats Goldust in a RAW Round Robin Match. Very good match that sees Kane nail a Chokeslam to pick up the victory. Big match and Kane rises to the occasion! 82(83,82)***

    Christopher Daniels gets himself disqualified when he tries to do the Handcuff Crucifixion he's been doing to guys on Smackdown lately. So Booker T picks up the victory in a pretty good match to begin with. 76(74,78)**1/2

    Heat Rating: 68%

    TV Rating: 2.84

  6. user posted image

    WWE Smackdown

    October 2, 2003

    We cut into the Smackdown intro immediately from the commercial that had just been on. Then once we finish the intro pyro begins going off around the Smackdown Set and then "Here Comes The $$$" Hits and Shane McMahon comes bouncing out onto the stage!

    Surviror Series will be Money In the Bank for Smackdown!

    Shane McMahon has a microphone in hand and begins talking as he walks out from behind the curtain.

    Shane: Well Eric Bischoff made big waves with his little announcement of War Games 4 on 4 at Survivor Series. Well i'm going to do Bischoff one better. There won't be any crappy tournament to decide who will be in a War Games on the Smackdown Side. At Survivor Series there will be a 5 on 5 War Games Match. In the coming weeks I personally will name or sign matches for spots in this match for the WWE Championship. No stupid tournament. No regarding the issues between Edge and Kurt.

    Shane: At No Mercy in just over two weeks on PPV. Kurt Angle will defend his WWE Championship against Edge in a Ladder Match!

    The crowd explodes as the announcement is official and the match is on!

    Shane: But tonight it will be Edge and Rey Mysterio and if they can find someone. A Partner of their choosing to face off against Team Angle. Kurt Angle, Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas. So let's get the wrestling on!

    Shane drops his microphone and heads to the back so the first match can begin.

    Overall Rating: 68%

    Billy Kidman vs Kid Kash

    Kidman is out first and Kash comes out after him. This is a pretty basic match with Kidman controlling the early going and Kash coming back late and taking control and finally hitting the "Cha Ching" and covering Kidman.1...2..3! After the match while Kash celebrates. Enraged by losing, Kidman grabs Kash and hits thie Kid Krusher and leaves the ring angrily.

    (Winner: Kid Kash)

    Overall Rating: 66%

    Crowd Reaction: 47%

    Match Quality: 85%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    Batista vs Johnny Stamboli

    At first this looks to be a good match on paper as Stamboli comes down to the ring. Batista then comes stancing out from behind the curtain and flexes as he comes down to the ring. We find out it's not a good match because Batista takes Stamboli apart and finishes him with a Sit-Out Powerbomb and covers him..1...2...3! Batista picks Stamboli up and for more impact hits another Sit-Out Powerbomb and then leaves the ring as Smackdown goes to commercial.

    (Winner: Batista)

    Overall Rating: 63%

    Crowd Reaction: 48%

    Match Quality: 78%

    Dames Stars: *3/4

    Team Angle Speaks

    Team Angle speaks backstage, Kurt Angle doing the talking and why not we love when Kurt gets on the stick.

    Kurt: Tonight Team Angle, The Greatest Team ever put together. Has to face Edge, Rey Mysterio and some other goon that they can scramble to find. Well Hedge let me tell you this. In 17 days we're going to have a Ladder Match for my WWE Championship. In 17 Days just like every other time we've faced. You'll leave that match realizing something. That you'll only ever be second to me. So tonight just do yourself a favor Hedge. Don't even bother showing up. Because all we're going to do is hurt you. Better if you just concede defeat now!

    Kurt Laughs and throws his belt over his shoulder. The Tag Team Champs have their titles around their waists as they all leave the promo area and walk off.

    Overall Rating: 93%

    Christopher Daniels vs Paul London

    Daniels comes out first to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope. Then London comes out and as soon as he gets into the ring. Daniels begins to take him apart. Daniels wins when he connects with a Tiger Suplex and holds a bridge for the pin. Daniels then pulls those damn handcuffs from his tights again and Handcuffs London to the ropes, just like he did to Kendrick the previous Smackdown. Daniels then slides out of the ring and grabs a microphone, as well as a steel chair.

    Daniels: This is just another example of the sinning that goes on in this company. This man is Greedy! He left one company which was good to him. To come make more money and be famous. (Steel chair to the knee here) I am going to make another example out of this man and perhaps he will see the light!

    Daniels then knocks out London whom was defenseless with a Steel Chair shot to the head! Daniels' music hits and he walks to the bac

    (Winner: Christopher Daniels)

    Overall Rating: 73%

    Crowd Reaction: 65%

    Match Quality: 82%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    AJ Styles vs Sabu

    This is another pretty good match for Smackdown. Styles starts off taking control early once both men are in the ring. Styles hits some innovative suplexes and such to keep control. Sabu fights back with his brawling skill coming out. Sabu hits some stiff kicks and whips AJ across the ring. Sabu goes for a superkick but Styles ducks under it and goes for the Styles Clash! Sabu gets out of it though and hits a Capture Suplex! Sabu climbs to the top rope to go for the Arabian Facebuster. But before he can hit it. Styles pulls the referee in close and once he gets to his feet he puts the Referee between him and Sabu! Sabu leaps off and takes down the referee and as soon as he does. Matt and Jeff Hardy come running to the ring. Matt has a steel chair. Sabu gets up and Styles spins Sabu away from him..CHAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD! Matt then picks Sabu up and TWIST OF FATE IN THE CORNER! Jeff climbs up top and holds a Mattitude sign high in the air..SWANTON BOMB! Styles shakes the referee as the Hardy Boyz get out of the ring. Styles picks Sabu up..STYLES CLASH! Styles then covers Sabu as the referee makes the count..1...2...3! The Hardy Boyz slide back into the ring but then Brock Lesnar's music hits and the lights go down. Brock comes sprinting down to the ring. The Hardyz and AJ Styles bail out of the ring as Brock slides into it. AJ Styles, Matt Hardy Version 1.0 and Jeff make threats at Brock as he checks on Sabu! We go to commercial break from here.

    (Winner: AJ Styles)

    Overall Rating: 77%

    Crowd Reaction: 75%

    Match Quality: 79%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    No Mercy

    A voice begins to talk as we head to this commercial for No Mercy

    These men have a blood feud that has not been matched in a long time. Deep seeded hatred and They shall have No Mercy on each other!

    The hardcore and demonic like music plays throughout the quick speech and shows the highlights of the matches and angles between Kurt Angle and Edge. Then with a ladder between them and the No Mercy background behind them. Edge vs Kurt Angle (WWE Championship, Ladder Match!)

    Overall Rating: 94%

    Team Angle vs Edge and Rey

    Team Angle is first out with Kurt Angle leading his team. The crowd chants "You Suck" with every chord of "Medal" Angle stands half way down the aisle and holds his arms up. Angle's pyro goes off and Team Angle makes it's way to the ring and climbs inside. Then Rey Mysterio's music kicks up and Mysterio comes out from behind the curtain with his WWE Cruiserweight Championship strapped across his chest. Mysterio then stands and waits as Edge's music kicks on. Edge comes out from the smoke, pluming at the entrance. He pumps the crowd up and his hair style gets as big a reaction as he does it seems now. Edge and Rey come down to the ring and the match is announced as a 3 on 2 Handicap Tag Match. Edge and Haas start in the ring to begin with. Edge controls the early going on Haas and hits his Edge-O-Matic on him for a long two count before Shelton breaks it up. Edge goes for the Edgeocution on Haas but instead gets speared back into the Team Angle corner. Haas tags out to Kurt. Kurt begins slugging it to Edge and whips him to the ropes. Edge comes back at Kurt telegraphing the back body drop. So Edge hits a running neckbreaker on Kurt and covers him!..1...2..kickout! Edge picks Kurt up and whips him across the ring. Edge goes for the spear and NAILS IT ON KURT! Edge covers Kurt..1...2..Haas breaks up the cover. Edge gets up and clocks both Haas and Benjamin off the ring apron. Edge goes over and tags out to Mysterio. Mysterio hits a leapfrog leg scissor on Kurt and covers him for a long two count. Mysterio picks Kurt up and whips him towards a neutral corner but Kurt reverses it sending Mysterio in. Except that Kurt holds onto Mysterio so Mysterio comes back at Kurt. Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex!

    Angle goes on a streak here with several variations of Suplexes in a row, capped off with a High Angle Back Suplex. Kurt pulls down his straps and climbs to the top rope..ANGLE MOONSAULT WITH NOBODY HOME! Mysterio rolled out of the way. Mysterio crawls to his corner, Kurt doing the same but even slower. Mysterio tags out to Edge. Just as Angle tags out to Benjamin. Edge goes on a tear taking all three people out. Eventully Mysterio leapfrog Palancha's onto Team Angle. Leaving just Edge and Kurt in the ring. Kurt is up and swings for Edge. Edge swings in behind Kurt and Big German! Edge locks his hands and hits a second one! Edge goes for the Trifecta but Angle won't have any of that. Reversal and Angle hits Three Germans in a row! Angle then grabs Edge's ankle and goes for the Anklelock! Edge spins his hips around and kicks Angle off. Angle gets up as Edge does. SPEAR! Edge picks Angle up..EDGEOCUTION! Edge then covers Angle, hooking the leg..1..2...3! Edge beats Angle and rolls out of the ring and grabs the WWE Championship. Edge kisses it and throws it into the ring at Angle as he helps Mysterio up and they make their way to the back, victorious.

    (Winners: Edge and Rey Mysterio)

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 84%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    Chris Benoit vs Eddie Guerrero

    Again their partners are banned from ringside as Benoit and Guerrero engage in a tremendous matchup. The best of the Los Guerreros/Rabid Rhyno feud yet. Benoit winds up at the end, missing a Swandive headbutt and Eddie Guerrero rolling Benoit over and covering him. Guerrero gets his feet on the second rope as Benoit tries to kick out and can't..1..2...3! Guerrero rolls out of the ring and celebrates in his Low-Rider that he backs out of the aisle with and the hydrolics kick in as he leaves the arena with the victory!

    (Winner: Eddie Guerrero)

    Overall Rating: 95%

    Crowd Reaction: 90%

    Match Quality: 100%

    Dames Stars: *****

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0 vs Brock Lesnar

    WWE American Championship

    Main Event

    Brock comes out first. The arena goes dark as the crowd cheers. Lesnar stances in the entrance and comes down to the ring. He walks the aisle and then leaps up onto the ring apron as his pyro goes off. Lesnar steps into the ring and then Matt Hardy's entrance video begins to play. It hits 100% and OOOOH YEAAAA! Matt Hardy comes out holding his WWE American Championship high in his hand with the Mattitude symbol by that hand. Matt walks to the ring as his Matt fact for tonight says "Matt Hardy has bigger feet than Brock Lesnar. Brock stances back as Matt gets into the ring. Matt climbs into the ring and hands his title over to Brian Hebner. That title may be Brock's soon! Hardy and Lesnar lock up and Lesnar proceeds over the first five minutes of the match to maul Hardy. Lesnar looks like he's going to finish it as he lifts Matt into an F5 but Hardy comes off it landing on his feet...TWIST OF FATE!!! Lesnar went for the F5 and spun Hardy around in the air with it. But Hardy landed on his feet and hit a Twist of Fate on Lesnar! Both men are down but eventully Hardy gets his arm over Lesnar..1...2..kickout by Lesnar! The next seven minutes are controlled mostly by Hardy. He hits a Side Effect and Splash Mountain at different points for long two counts. Lesnar hits his Triple Backbreakers to take control back late in the match. He then goes for another F5 but Hardy fights off of Lesnar's shoulders and takes it into a sunset flip on Lesnar..1..2..kickout! Hardy and Lesnar both get up about the same time but Hardy hits another Side Effect on Lesnar putting him down. Hardy then climbs to the top rope..YODEL LEGDROP BY HARDY!

    Matt covers Lesnar and gets a LONG two count. Hardy is furious and picks Lesnar up..TWIST OF FATE!! Hardy gets his feet on the rope as well here and Hebner counts not seeing the feet..1...2...NO! Lesnar got a shoulder up and Matt begins to get in the face of Hebner with a psychotic look in his eye. Lesnar gets to his feet slowly and once he gets to his feet. He spins Hardy around..TWIST OF FATE BY LESNAR ON HARDY! Are you shitting me that Lesnar just did that to Hardy?! Lesnar covers Hardy after a few seconds..New Champ!..1....2..NO! Hardy gets a shoulder up and this time Lesnar can't believe it. Lesnar picks Hardy up and sets him up for his Powerbombs but Hardy hits a FACEBUSTER ON LESNAR OUT OF THE FIRST POWERBOMB! Hardy has a sadistic look in his eyes as he picks Lesnar up..and ONTO HIS SHOULDERS! No Hardy you can't do this!!. Matt Hardy Version 1.0 F5's! BROCK LESNAR!! Hardy then covers Lesnar hooking the leg..1...2...3! Matt Hardy stands up and staggers back into a corner of the ring as Brian Hebner raises his arm and hands him the WWE American Championship. A Hard fought victory by the Champ. AJ Styles while Lesnar is still down comes to the ring. He picks Lesnar up and uses ALL OF HIS STRENGTH TO HIT A STYLES CLASH ON LESNAR! AJ Styles spits on Lesnar and walks out. The last scene on Smackdown before the credits roll is Matt Hardy in his corner holding the American Championship and Lesnar on the mat defeated!

    (Winner and STILL WWE American Champion: Matt Hardy Version 1.0)

    Overall Rating: 82%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 82%

    Dames Stars: ***

    Smackdown Rating: 77%

    TV Rating: 4.51

    Attendance: 6,008

    Ticket Sales: $240,320

  7. user posted image

    Monday Night RAW

    September 29, 2003

    We come into the RAW time slot with visions of last night's Unforgiven matches. The sights of RVD busted open, Triple H reigning over the Main Event. The Dudleys Retaining. A Corino Bomb Off the Top of the Damn Cage. Then we cut into Bischoff's final statement last night about 16 men entering this Tournament. 8 Men make it to Survivor Series. 1 Man will leave as World Heavyweight Champion from..WAR GAMES! Then we cut into the RAW intro with all the current superstars in it including Sonny Siaki as one of the new editions as well as the Brethren standing with Kane. Then we cut to the RAW stage with pyro exploding and then "I'm Back" hits

    War Games

    Bischoff comes walking out onto the stage as his music is hitting. Bischoff has a microphone and appears to be ready to explain himself about last night. Bischoff's music fades out as he begins to speak.

    Bischoff: Everybody has been asking me. What is this Double Elimination Round Robin Tourny Eric. Well it's really simple and i'll explain it to everyone right now. You lose two matches. Your gone. There will be Eight Men eliminated before Survivor Series. Titles will not be defended in Round Robin Matches. No Interferences. No DQ and No Countout which is why there is a no interference rule. Tonight there will be several matches.

    Jay Lethal vs Triple H

    Steve Corino vs Christian

    Chris Jericho vs Rob Van Dam and more.

    Bischoff: So everyone had better be ready for the Bischoff Round Robin. It starts tonight on the Road to War Games at Survivor Series! Two Rings with a Surrounding cell. four on four match. When all of the opposing team is eliminated. It breaks down into everyone for themselves. It will be one crazy night at Survivor Series and it starts tonight! So let's get it going!

    "I'm Back" hits and Bischoff leaves the stage so the first match of the night can begin!

    Overall Rating: 82%

    The Brethren vs The Dudley Boys

    Non-Title Match

    The Brethren is out first to Kane's Chemical Brother's theme. They make their way down to the ring and then the Dudley's music hits and their pyro goes off. This is your pretty basic opening match on RAW. They wrestle a solid five minutes with The Dudleys before RVD comes running down. He has a big bandage on his forehead and comes running to the ring with a Chair. The Dudleys hold Fury down in a corner while RVD climbs to the top..COAST TO COAST VANTERMINATOR! The referee calls for the DQ as Mayhem gets into the ring and gets a 3D for his troubles! The Dudleys and RVD continue to beat on Fury and Mayhem until finally Kane comes running down to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. The Dudleys and RVD bail out of the ring. The Dudleys grab their World Tag Titles and leave the ring. RVD backs up the ramp with them, avoiding Kane. Obviously that First Blood match last night didn't even come close to ending the problems between these two men!

    (Winners by DQ: The Brethren)

    Overall Rating: 76%

    Crowd Reaction: 75%

    Match Quality: 77%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    Test vs Tommy Dreamer vs Lance Storm vs Kanyon

    Fatal Fourway Match, #16 Spot in Round Robin Tourny On The Line!

    Tommy Dreamer comes out to the ring first and the crowd gives him a huge reaction as he comes down to the ring with his Singapore Cane in hand. Dreamer waits in the ring as Lance Storm comes out next to the ring. He walks down to the ring and then Kanyon's music hits. Kanyon makes his way to the ring and climbs onto the ring apron and stays in one corner. Test's hardcore theme hits and he comes out from behind the set and walks down to the ring. This match is quick and to the point. Lance Storm and Tommy Dreamer take each other out of the match by brawling all over the ring. Inside the ring after a few minutes between all the guys fighting. It descends into a Storm/Dreamer fight on the outside. Inside the ring Test and Kanyon are slugging it out. At the end Test goes for his Running Big Boot but Kanyon instead pulls Test into a Capture Suplex! Kanyon then after that innovative move hits his Flatliner and covers Test..1....2....3! A More aggressive and serious Kanyon looks like a tough opponent for this tourny as he advances to the Field of 16 in the Round Robin Tournament as we go to commercial!

    (Winner and #16 in the Round Robin Tourny: Kanyon)

    Overall Rating: 74%

    Crowd Reaction: 72%

    Match Quality: 77%

    Dames Stars: **1/4


    Jay Lethal's music hits and he comes out from behind the curtain with the WWE Intercontinental Championship over his shoulder. The only title that changed hands at Unforgiven! Lethal comes halfway down the ramp before Christian comes running down after him with a Steel Chair. Lethal hears the steps and turns around into a Chair Shot! Lethal drops the belt and goes down holding his head. Christian picks up the IC Championship which he lost last night and waits for Lethal to get up..CRACK across the head. Christian then throws the title down on Lethal and kicks him a couple times down the ramp. A way around the no interference stipulation is to do it before the match begins!

    Overall Rating: 86%

    Jay Lethal vs Triple H

    Round Robin Match

    Lethal gets up after a very short commercial break. Lethal rolls into the ring and holds his head as he gets up and stands in wait holding his IC Championship. He hands it over to Nick Patrick and then ITS TIME TO PLAY THE GAME! Triple H's entrance hits, the lights go down as the strobe lights begin to flash. Triple H stalks down to the ring after spitting water out coming down to the ring. Triple H then gets to the ring and takes a swig of his water bottle. Then he climbs onto the apron and does his pose, spitting out the water. Triple H then climbs into the ring and the match starts. Triple H controls the early going on Lethal with some hard fists. Triple H hits a few technical moves. A Vertical suplex as well as his neckbreaker before Jay Lethal takes control of the match. Lethal hits a Gutwrench Powerbomb and covers Triple H for a long two count. Lethal picks Triple H up and goes for a Lethal Ride but Triple H blocks it and kicks him in the gut. PEDIGREE but no Lethal back body drops Triple H out of it and then hits a Lethal Ride on Triple H! Lethal then covers HHH hooking the leg..1..2...3!! Jay Lethal staggers around the ring a bit and celebrates with his IC Championship until Triple H has gotten up and PEDIGREES LETHAL INTO NEXT WEEK!!!!

    (Winner: Jay Lethal)

    Overall Rating: 71%

    Crowd Reaction: 72%

    Match Quality: 69%

    Dames Stars: *1/2

    Steve Corino vs Christian

    Round Robin Match

    Christian comes out first after Lethal and HHH are gone from the ring and rolls into the ring. Christian leans back in a corner of the ring as Steve Corino's music hits and he comes walking out onto the stage, leading Stacy Keibler by the hand out to the ring. Corino has a limp walking to the ring slowly. He had a brutal match last night with Test and now tonight has to face the Former IC Champ! Christian begins beating on Corino immediately once he gets into the ring. Christian whips Corino to the ropes and telegraphs the back body drop. Corino hits a spinning neckbreaker and covers Christian..1..2..kickout! Corino picks Christian up and hits the Corino Bomb on him (Spinning Falcon's Arrow) and covers him..1..2...shoulder up! Corino sets Christian up for the Old School Expulsion and lifts him up but Christian slides out the back and then rolls Corino up and grabs the ropes when the ref can't see it..1..2...3! Christian quickly rolls out of the ring as Corino freaks out with the referee, yelling that Christian held the ropes. Christian gets out of dodge though before anything can happen. Good match which is marred by Christian's cheating to win

    (Winner: Christian)

    Overall Rating: 87%

    Crowd Reaction: 82%

    Match Quality: 92%

    Dames Stars: ****

    Booker T vs Goldberg

    Round Robin Match

    Goldberg is the first man down to the ring to the Evolution entrance. Once Goldberg is in the ring, Booker T's entrance hits and he comes out onto the stage playing to the crowd. Booker poses on the ramp as his pyro goes off. Booker slides into the ring and Goldberg starts fast and furious beating on Booker. Booker takes control soon after with his Flapjack but Goldberg doesn't sell very much of Booker's offense at all. The end comes though when Booker hits the Houston Hangover on Goldberg and hooks the leg..1..2...3! Goldberg gets the win but Goldberg again doesn't sell well and gets to his feet quickly. Goldberg then Spears and Jackhammers Booker into the mat hard!! Booker T gets the win regardless though as we head to commercial break!

    (Winner: Booker T)(Goldberg Didn't Sell Very Well At All)

    Overall Rating: 65%

    Crowd Reaction: 74%

    Match Quality: 45%

    Dames Stars: Dud

    John Cena vs Hurricane

    Round Robin Match

    John Cena's music hits first and he comes out with a microphone.

    Cena: Yo yo cut my beat.

    They got me against this superhero freak.

    His alter ego everybody knows is some dumb geek.

    I gonna make him look so bad he'll reak.

    He's gonna go down to Cena, Aint gonna get no break.

    I gonna make him look like the New York Yankees Last year

    Nothin but whiny bitches filled with fear.

    All they were, are like the Hurricane with a quick hit.

    Tonight your gonna realize that John Cena doesn't give a

    Cena takes the microphone away from his mouth as the crowd says "Shit". Hurricane then comes out to the stage as his music hits. Cena had made his way to the ring on his way down to the ring. Hurricane gets into the ring but Cena just begins beating him up brutally. Cena hits some hard suplexes and gutwrenches. Cena mostly just pounds on Hurricane. Hurricane comes back with a neckbreaker off the second rope and covers Cena for a long two count. Hurricane picks Cena up and grabs him by the throat for the Hurri-Chokeslam. Cena's eyes bulge out of his head as it seems like Hurricane wants to hit this on him to diss him. So Cena punts Hurricane between the legs and Hurricane then gets nailed with an F-U by Cena and covered..1....2...3! Cena isn't done though. Cena picks Hurricane up and hits another F-U before he leaves the ring in victory!

    (Winner: John Cena)(John Cena Gains Overness From This Match)

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Crowd Reaction: 78%

    Match Quality: 82%

    Dames Stars: ***

    Chris Jericho vs Rob Van Dam

    Round Robin Match

    Main Event

    Rob Van Dam's entrance hits after we come back from our final commercial break. The crowd boo's RVD intensely as he comes out onto the stage and walks down to the ring. At the bottom of the ramp he does his RVD chant with the crowd and his arms pointing to himself. RVD rolls into the ring and waits for Chris Jericho in the ring. "King Of My World" Hits and Chris Jericho comes out onto the stage as the lights go down. Jericho's pyro goes off as he comes walking down to the ring with the World Heavyweight Championship around his waist. Jericho comes down to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope. Jericho and RVD then kick off a match that is just as good as (The match they had on RAW two weeks ago) Jericho and RVD tear the house down with all their high spots that they normally hit in their huge matches. Jericho hits his Springboard dropkick on RVD knocking him off the ring apron. RVD hits his Rolling Thunder and also hits his Split-Legged Moonsault for a long two count! RVD goes for his step-over heel kick but instead Jericho ducks it and puts RVD INTO THE WALLS OF JERICHO! After a long minute of RVD trying to get to the ropes and failing because of how Jericho has the move locked in. RVD taps out to the Walls and Jericho raises his arms in victory. A Tremendous matchup between both men as RAW heads off the air with Jericho claiming his first victory in this Round Robin Tournament!

    (Winner: Chris Jericho)

    Overall Rating: 89%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 95%

    Dames Stars: ****1/4

    RAW Rating: 79%

    TV Rating: 5.89

    Attendance: 6,013

    Ticket Sales: $240,520

  8. Unforgiven

    September 28, 2003

    Flashes of destruction and hatred fill your screens as Unforgiven's intro video begins to play and the demonic voice begins to speak through the images and music. The images are of the current feuds and all in some kind of redish purple which is eerie looking.

    Tonight men whom had each other will take to battle. Mercy will be for the weak of heart and mind. They will push their bodies to the limits in search of victory over their enemies and destruction of their opposition.

    The music begins to come to a climax as the spots and hits in the images begin to intensify as the voice begins to get deeper and more sinister.

    Some will claim victory while others will bury their rivals forever. Tonight is not a night to be merciful. It is a night to be sadistic and uncaring. It's a night to be..UNFORGIVEN!

    Then we have our theme for Unforgiven from Limp Bizkit "Eat You Alive" which brings us to a spectacular pyro display as we come upon the set. A Main set which a sign "Unforgiven" is hanging from and down to the ring from the stage are three different ramps, all about 10 feet long. Similar to the set from inVasion a couple years back. We cut to J.R and The King bringing us in to Unforgiven and welcoming us for this extravaganza that will go down tonight. We already see several women (Allura, Molly Holly, Ivory) already in the ring for the first match.

    Allura vs Jazz vs Ivory vs Molly Holly vs Trish Stratus vs Victoria vs Gail Kim vs Lita

    Battle Royale for the WWE Women's Championship (Only The Winner keeps her job!)

    Lita's music hits and she comes strutting out to the ring and playing to the crowd as she comes down the right metal ramp. Purplish coloring given off from the metal. Lita slides into the ring and once she does. Victoria's music hits and she comes out from behind the set and walks down the center ramp to the ring. She gets into the ring and Gail Kim's entrance hits and she comes to the ring and plays to the crowd, coming down the left ramp. She slaps hands with fans and climbs into the ring. Then "OH it's time to Rock N Roll!" and Trish Stratus comes out strutting herself around as she walks straight down the middle ramp to the ring. She plays to the crowd and takes her coat off outside the ring. After everyone else is in the ring. Jazz's music hits and she comes walking out and down to the ring with the WWE Women's Championship around her waist. She walks down the middle ramp and gets to the ring. She climbs inside and the bell sounds for the match to begin as Jazz takes the Title off!

    Allura, Ivory and Molly Holly immediately charge at Trish and begin beating her down. The rest begin to beat down Gail Kim in the opposite corner. Allura comes out of her fighting with Trish right into a Hurricarana from Lita! Lita picks Allura up after that and Over the top rope goes Allura! She's fired!

    (Elimination #1: Allura)

    Lita doesn't turn around quick enough as Molly Holly grabs her by her thong and throws her over the top in the same way that Lita had thrown Allura out!

    (Elimination #2: Lita)

    Molly Holly turns around and clotheslines Victoria to the mat randomly. Jazz and Trish are getting up from their corner beatdowns. Ivory and Gail Kim are fighting in a seperate corner with Kim giving Ivory hard chops. Kim whips Ivory to the opposite corner but Ivory reverses sending Kim hard in. Ivory runs in after her and catches a Headscissor over the top rope!! Gail Kim goes with her but only one foot touches cause Kim grabbed the ropes!

    (Elimination #3: Ivory)

    Kim flips herself back into the ring and Molly Holly runs at Kim. Kim is near the corner but is against the ropes..BACK BODY DROP ON MOLLY HOLLY TO THE OUTSIDE!

    (Elimination #4: Molly Holly)

    Victoria at this point has picked Trish up into a Widow's Peak and nailed it! Victoria got to her feet laughing and taunting the "Princess" but Jazz runs up behind Victoria and hurls her over the top rope to the outside of the ring but is eliminated in the same way by Gail Kim from behind as well!

    (Elimination #5: Victoria)

    (Elimination #6: Jazz)

    Trish is up to see Gail Kim do this and Trish stances as Kim turns around..CHICK KICK BY TRISH! This one actully looked good for a change Trish goes for the Stratusfaction but Kim lifts her to try and send her over the top rope! Trish grabs the ropes though and holds on. Trish regains her footing on the apron as Kim runs at her to knock her off. Trish thrusts her shoulder into Kim's gut though. Trish then lifts Kim up and..VERTICAL SUPLEX TO THE OUTSIDE!! The bell sounds and Trish's music hits since Kim hit first but it was awful close! Gail Kim will be heartbroken when she gets to her feet!

    (Elimination #7: Gail Kim)

    (Winner at 8:32: Trish Stratus)

    Overall Rating: 63%

    Crowd Reaction: 75%

    Match Quality: 37%

    Dames Stars: *

    Steve Corino vs Test

    Cage Match

    The cage is lowered around the ring as Test's music hits and he comes down the center ramp and to the ring. Test ignores the fans with a cocky smirk and walks up the ringsteps to the Steel Cage Door. Test gets into the cage and waits for Corino in the ring. Then Steve Corino's music and entrance video hits and he comes down the left ramp slapping the fans hands. He limps slightly as he makes his way to the ring. Corino gets to the ring with the Cage around it and climbs up the ringsteps slowly and gets into the ring. The ring announcer tells us that victory can be had by Pinfall, Submission or Escaping the cage! Corino and Test glare holes through each other and they run at each other as the bell sounds. Test clotheslines Corino to the mat and then backs him to the ropes and whips him hard across the ring. Test ducks his head and instead of kicking him. Corino reaches down grabbing Test by the hair and throws him hard into the steel mesh of the cage!

    Test bounces back off the mesh to Corino who then back body drops Test to the mat! Corino waits for Test to get to his feet and begins to go to work on Test's left knee. Corino hits a chop block on that left knee and begins to use submissions and hard driving moves to the mat to hurt Test's knee! Corino wraps a leg lace onto Test's left knee and leg to try and make him tap. Test manages to power out of it and use his weight to push Corino over into a reversal. Corino releases immediately and waits for Test to get to his feet. Once Test is up he begins to turn around towards Corino, limping. Test is picked up over Corino's shoulder. Corino has both legs..HUGE SPINEBUSTER! It drives Test into the mat and Corino covers him..1..2...kickout! Test not ready to give up yet! Corino climbs to the top rope in one corner and slides across to the middle rope, posed for a big move on Test. Test gets to his feet and turns around in time to see Corino going for a Spear like manuever. All Corino receives is a HUGE BIG BOOT to the jaw. This completely lays Corino out and Test goes down as well holding his left knee. Test gets to his feet first and goes to the door, trying to escape that way. Corino sees this and makes a mad scramble by grabbing Test's left leg which was the leg left inside the ring ropes as Test tried to escape. Corino drags Test back into the ring by his hurt left knee. Once Test is back into the ring, Corino nails an Awesome Dragon Screw on Test's knee to tork it even more!

    Corino climbs to the top rope and goes for a leg drop off the top rope aimed for Test's left knee which is sprawled out in the middle of the ring. Test slides out of the way so Corino lands hard with nobody home. Test gets up first but is followed closely by Corino. Test gets behind Corino and..FULL NELSON SLAM! Test then covers Corino since it's difficult for him to walk..1...2..kickout! Test gets to his feet and rests in a corner of the ring and begins making hand motions for Corino to get up! Corino does so and Test goes for a Running Big Boot but Corino ducks it and Test holds his knee after missing because he must've tweaked it more by doing that. Corino sets as Test comes back around..OLD SCHOOL EXPULSION!!! Corino then goes to one corner of the ring and begins climbing to the top rope slowly. Then from there as Test begins to roll towards that corner, Corino begins to climb the cage. Obviously Corino didn't nail all of that Expulsion as Test slowly gets to his feet and climbs after Corino. Corino gets his hands on the top of the cage as Test climbs up after him, pulling his leg down and trying to stop him from getting out. Test gets to the very top a moment after Corino did but Corino is there waiting for him. Corino is standing up and so does Test. Corino kicks Test in the gut and goes for the Corino Bomb (Spinning Falcon's Arrow) DOWN INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE RING FROM THE TOP OF THE CAGE HOLY SHIT! The entire crowd goes nuts and is chanting "Holy Shit" chants for a minute after Corino hit the move. Finally Corino moves first and just..throws an arm over Test..1...2.....3! It was academic after that kind of move to just get an arm over someone! Referees and medical personnel come running out to help Steve Corino and Test who just gave it all they had and Corino ends it with a Corino Bomb from the top of the cage! We see about four different angles and replays of the same move. None look very good for Test as he's barely moved since that spot. We cut away to a Survivor Series Promotion!

    (Winner at 21:10: Steve Corino)

    Overall Rating: 74%

    Crowd Reaction: 78%

    Match Quality: 65%

    Dames Stars: *1/4

    Booker T vs Goldust

    First man out is Goldust as his pyro explodes up from the two spots in between the ramps. Gold glitter falls from the pyro as he comes to the ring with his slow paced song. The crowd boo's Goldust heavily. Goldust gets to the ring and walks up the ringsteps and climbs through the ropes. Goldy then shivers out of his coat and exterior costume/wig. Goldust then stands in wait. His facepaint is in more of his heelish setup. (Like when he faced RVD)

    Then Booker T's entrance hits and the crowd explodes as Booker comes out and walks along the center stage before the three ramps. He takes a couple steps onto the middle ramp and waits..then jumps up as his pyro goes off. Booker then stares a hole through Goldust in the ring. Booker walks down to the ring and climbs up the ringsteps. Booker steps into the ring and Goldust leaves the ring, bailing out. Booker stalks around the ring as Goldust tries to tenatively get in several times but Booker comes near him so he stays out of the ring. Finally the referee tells Booker to get back so Goldust will get into the ring. Goldust slides into the ring and Booker goes after him but Goldust ducks the attempted punch and hits his knockdown clothesline on Booker. Goldust begins hitting closed fist punches to Booker's head. The referee tells Goldust to open his fist up as Goldy picks Booker up and whips him across the ring into the opposite corner. Goldust follows him in but Booker reverses over his shoulders into the sunset flip out of the corner that Booker does with his legs. Goldust knowing Booker so well though, rolls through the move and dropkicks Booker in the chest as he sits on the mat! Goldust quickly covers Booker after that..1..2...kickout!

    Goldust picks Booker up and begins laying chops into him but Booker fights back with the same chops back at Goldust. Booker whips Goldust to the ropes and back body drops Goldy to the mat. Booker kicks Goldust in the gut and the crowd explodes as Booker goes for his Scissors Kick but Goldust avoids the contact and nails a hard neckbreaker on Booker and covers him..1...2...kickout! Goldust picks Booker up and sets him up for a Curtain Call but Booker fights out of it and instead turns it into a Booker Flapjack to the mat! Booker gets back to his feet slowly but before Goldust. Booker stances and then clotheslines Goldust to the outside of the ring. Booker climbs outside and picks Goldust up. Booker then whips Goldy towards the ringsteps but Goldust holds on and pulls Booker to him..POWERSLAM ONTO THE MATTING ON THE OUTSIDE! Goldust rolls Book into the ring and slides in himself and covers Booker hooking the leg..1...2...kickout!

    Goldust picks Booker up but Booker whips Goldust to the ropes and BOOM SPINEBUSTER! Booker then goes up top and poses for the crowd..Houston Hangover! The crowd pops big as Booker nails it and covers Goldust..1....2...kickout!! Goldust kicked out and Booker has a look of shock on his face that Goldust kicked out of that move. Booker picks Goldust up and sets him up for the Book End. Goldust elbows out of it though and both men spin and come back around but Goldust goes low with a field goal kick to Booker as Booker moved into it! The referee yells at Goldust but it's a PPV so he's not going to DQ Goldust for that. Goldust picks Booker up and..CURTAIN CALL BY GOLDUST! Goldust cockily hooks the leg and leans back on Booker hooking the leg..1..2...Reversal into a pin by Booker..1.2...3!! The referee counts Goldust down and Booker slides out of the ring and celebrates as Goldust argues with the referee in the ring. Goldust screams that he kicked out and Nick Patrick whom is the referee tells him that he counted three before that. Goldust hits an uppercut slap on Patrick and sets him up in the corner for the Golden Globes and NAILS IT! Patrick goes down in pain as Goldust angrily storms off after Booker. Not happy with the ending of this match at all!

    (Winner: Booker T)

    Overall Rating: 81%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 78%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    Shark Boy vs Randy Orton

    Hardcore Championship, Last Man Standing Match

    Randy Orton is the first man out to his Evolution entrance. Orton walks to the ring and struts as he walks down the center ramp of the set. He comes down to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope. Orton stances in the ring as Shark Boy's entrance and music come on and he comes out from the back and onto the stage to a big ovation from the crowd. Sharky has the Hardcore Championship around his waist and comes down to the ring going down the left ramp and then up the right slapping the hands of the fans that are close enough. Sharky then goes down to the ring and slaps hands on the way. Sharky gets to the ring and the bell sounds as the crowd anticipates this match. Sharky and Orton lock up but Orton throws that off and begins hitting hard right hands on Sharky. Orton then clotheslines Shark Boy over the top rope to the outside. Orton slides out of the ring and whips Shark Boy towards the ring steps but Sharky reverses sending Orton into them hard. Sharky picks Orton up and drops him onto the guard barricade first. Sharky goes under the ring and grabs a road work sign from under the ring! Sharky pulls it out and Orton just hits a superkick on the road sign into Sharky. The referee begins to count Sharky down as Orton gets to his feet..1....2......3 Sharky gets to his knees and Orton picks him up. They move to the Spanish announce position which for the PPV is at ringside along with Jim Ross and The King. Orton slams Sharky's head down off the spanish announce table. Orton goes for it again but Sharky blocks it and slams Orton's head down onto it and then whips Orton around and drives his head into the ring post!!

    Shark Boy climbs inside the ring and to the top rope as Orton gets back to his feet. Sharky goes for a Palancha from the top rope on Orton but Orton moves and Shark Boy lets out a scream as he lands on his back missing Orton..1....2....3....4....5....Orton picks Sharky up at 5 but Sharky was moving at that point anyway. Orton slams Shark Boy's head onto the RAW announce position. Orton picks Sharky up and lifts him onto the RAW announce table. Orton goes for the RKO on the announce table but Sharky hits a low blow on Orton and BACK BODY DROPS HIM THROUGH THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE!!!! The crowd pops huge as Shark Boy rolls off the RAW announce table and the crowd cheers as the referee counts..1...2...3....4...5...6..Orton is stirring at 6...7....8..Orton is to a knee....9..Orton gets to both feet and Shark Boy grabs him and whips him into the Other set of Steel Steps. Gotta feel bad for Orton so far in this match. Sharky rolls Orton into the ring and sets him up in the corner. Sharky goes for the Deep Sea Drop! Orton rolls out of the ring at the last moment and Sharky catches nothing but mat. Sharky stays down till 5. Orton is up on the outside and slides into the ring. Orton hits the Overdrive on Shark Boy and waits for him to get to his feet. Sharky gets to his feet at six. Orton goes for the RKO but Sharky pushes him off to the ropes and hits his Shark Attack on Orton as he comes back at him! Orton stays down for a long eight count but gets to his feet. Sharky can't believe this and picks him up and goes for another Shark Attack but Orton hits the RKO instead!!! Both men are down for a long eight count and then Orton goes for another RKO but Sharky pushes him off and leaps up into the air as Orton comes back at him. John Cena comes running down to the ring with his chain wrapped around his hand. Orton catches Sharky and carries him to the side of the ring that Cena is running to. Cena gets onto the apron and swings with his chained fist but Sharky swivels around on Orton so that Cena clocks Orton! Sharky whom had gotten onto Orton's shoulders, DIVES OFF OF HIS SHOULDERS AND TACKLES CENA TO THE FLOOR!! The crowd is chanting "Holy Shit" off that because Orton was going down from the chain shot. Sharky is up after a six count and Orton isn't moving! Orton stays down and Sharky rolls into the ring and the referee's count reaches 10 and Orton is counted down! Shark Boy is announced as the winner, he grabs his Hardcore Championship and heads into the crowd to celebrate with the fans! Cena rolls into the ring and checks on Orton. All Cena gets for his troubles is a RKO from Orton for costing him, probably his final chance at the Hardcore Championship!

    (Winner and STILL Hardcore Champion: Shark Boy)(Hardcore Championship Gained In Image)

    Overall Rating: 73%

    Crowd Reaction: 80%

    Match Quality: 59%

    Dames Stars: *3/4

    The Dudley Boys vs Superhero Duo vs Evolution (Goldberg/Shamrock)

    Triple Threat, World Tag Team Championship Match

    The Evolution entrance and music hits as Ken Shamrock and Goldberg come out onto the stage and Goldberg goes down the left ramp, Shamrock down the right. They continue their walk to the ring and slide under the bottom rope. Once in there Hurricane and Cyclone's entrance video hits and their music kicks up. They come on cables soaring down from the top of the set to the ring! They unclip as they just barely make it over the top rope and land in the ring. They shake hands with each other and Cyclone stays in the ring. Then the Dudley's entrance video plays on the huge tron, their music kicking up as three sets of pyro fire off and explode at the tops of each ramp. The pyro is incredible and the Dudleys come out from behind the set pumped up. They play to the crowd even though they're heels. They get alot of boo's but some fans will always love the Dudleys. The World Tag Team Championships around their waists. They slide into the ring once they taunt the crowd down to the ring. Bubba starts the match in the ring with Cyclone. Cyclone moves towards Bubba and does the stop and pose in front of him. Bubba pokes Cyclone in the eye to start the match. Bubba begins hitting hard chops and slaps across the chest of Cyclone in the one neutral corner. Bubba whips Cyclone hard into the Evolution corner and Bubba tags D-Von in. Shamrock and Goldberg beat on Cyclone and push him out of the corner at D-Von (no Tag).

    D-Von hits his flying shoulder tackle on Cyclone sending him down. D-Von covers Cyclone..1...2..kickout! D-Von picks Cyclone up but Cyclone manages to get out of D-Von's grasp and hits a heel kick to Goldberg in the Evolution corner and the ref counts it as a tag. D-Von turns it around on the Superhero Duo by punching Hurricane off the apron and the referee counts that as a tag as well. Hurricane slides into the ring as does Goldberg. Goldberg runs at Hurricane going for a spear. Hurricane sidesteps Goldberg into a drop toe hold! Hurricane slides into a headlock. Goldberg gets to his feet and powers out of it with a high angle Back Suplex! Goldberg begins to hit some hard kicks to Hurricane and tags Shamrock in. Goldberg holds Hurricane as Shamrock gets into the ring. Shamrock then hits an Overhead Belly to Belly suplex on Hurricane into the middle of the ring. Shamrock covers Hurricane..1...2...D-Von breaks the pin cover with a kick to Shamrock's head. Shamrock gets up quickly and attacks the Dudleys but is met with a tag by Bubba to the face. Shamrock becomes infuriated and begins mauling Bubba. D-Von gets into the ring and hits a neckbreaker on Shamrock from behind. Goldberg sees this and gets into the ring. Cyclone though takes Goldberg out with a tightrope walk Missle Dropkick! Cyclone walked the rope towards the Evolution corner and then hit a Missle Dropkick on Goldberg sending him to the outside! Bubba runs over and clotheslines Cyclone in the corner and throws him over the top rope to the outside while D-Von hits a hard forearm to the face of Hurricane. D-Von and Bubba then setup in the middle of the ring for Shamrock whom turns right into a..3D!!!! Bubba then quickly covers Shamrock..1...2...3! the Superhero Duo begins fighting on the outside with Goldberg as the pinfall goes down. They want to get back into the ring but the fighting with Goldberg stops them. The Dudley Boys are handed their World Tag Team Titles and roll out of the ring as the fighting continues. We go to a commercial for No Mercy while the action finishes up!

    (Winners and STILL World Tag Team Champions: The Dudley Boys)

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Crowd Reaction: 78%

    Match Quality: 80%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    Jay Lethal vs Christian

    InterconatelChampionchip match

    Christian uses the Champion's perrogative and comes out to the ring first as his music hits. His video playing as he comes to the ring with the WWE Intercontinental Championship around his waist as he comes to the ring. Christian climbs up the ring steps and steps into the ring. He unstraps the Title and hands it to Earl Hebner. Hebner holds it up as Jay Lethal's entrance and music hits and he comes out to a huge pop from the crowd. Lethal comes down the left side, slapping the hands of fans and coming down to the ring. Lethal then charges the ring and Christian swings with a clothesline at Lethal as the bell sounds. Lethal ducks it and runs to the ropes. Christian catches Lethal off the ropes into a Tilt a Whirl Slam! Christian quickly covers Lethal pulling the tights..1..2...kickout! Christian gets up first and tries to sinch in his reverse DDT but Lethal punches out of it and kicks Christian in the gut. Lethal then goes for his Lethal Ride but Christian gets out of that! Christian then begins to lay into Lethal with punches to his head. Christian whips Lethal to the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Lethal reverses it into a swinging neckbreaker! Lethal then covers Christian..1..2..kickout!

    Lethal picks Christian up and whips him into a corner of the ring. Lethal follows him in with a BRUTAL RUNNING DROPKICK! Christian goes down and Lethal covers him again..1...2..shoulder up by Christian just before 3! Lethal picks Christian up and lifts him up for a vertical suplex, Christian slips out though and lands behind Lethal! Reverse DDT to the mat! Christian covers Lethal hooking the leg..1..2...kickout! Christian begins to have a tantrum and picks Lethal up and goes for the Unprettier but Lethal pushes Christian off and Christian bounces off the ropes and Lethal hits the Lethal Ride!!! Jay Lethal goes to the top..LETHAL INJECTION!! Lethal stays on top of Christian covering him.1...2...3!!! Jay Lethal has captured the WWE Intercontinental Championship! Jay Lethal rolls out of the ring after Hebner gave him the IC Title and he walks up the center ramp and stands with his back to the ring and holds up the title high in the air. Then he walks to the back and in the ring. Christian is having a tantrum from losing his Intercontinental Championship!

    (Winner and NEW WWE Intercontinental Champion: Jay Lethal)

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Crowd Reaction: 85%

    Match Quality: 86%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    Kane vs Rob Van Dam

    First Blood, Grudge Match

    Kane's entrance hits first as the Chemical Brother's theme is playing. Kane walks down to the ring and fixes his glove as he comes down to the ring. The crowd is cheering him intensely as he gets to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope. Kane stances in the ring and waits as RVD's music hits and he comes out from behind the set with the crowd boo'ing him out of the building. RVD is oozing charisma tonight. RVD's pyro goes off as he comes out. He comes down the middle ramp and at the bottom of it when Lillian Garcia is announcing his entrance, he points to himself saying R-V-D! RVD then runs up to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. Kane begins demolishing RVD in the early going, mauling him in a corner of the ring. Kane and RVD slug it out back and forth in the corner. RVD eventully ducks out of the corner and begins laying martial arts kicks into Kane in the corner. RVD whips Kane out of the corner but Kane reverses and sends RVD into the corner hard. Kane runs in after RVD and crushes him in the corner. RVD goes down and Kane slides out of the ring and brings a chair into the ring with him when he comes back into the ring. RVD though hits his spinning legdrop on Kane, driving Kane's face down onto the chair but Kane's mask shields his actual face. It just hurts his head! RVD is going to have to de-mask Kane to get any real damage done since little cuts don't count. Gotta bust your opponent open!

    RVD begins tearing at Kane's mask trying to get it off but Kane fights RVD off and gets to his feet. RVD sweeps Kane's legs out from under him and then looks to the ropes. He runs to them..ROLLING THUNDER BUT KNEES INTO THE BACK BY KANE! Kane picks up the steel chair and places it in the middle of the ring and then grabs RVD by the scruff of his neck and by his throat with both hands. KANE CHOKESLAMS RVD BUT USES THE HAND BEHIND RVD'S NECK TO DRIVE HIS FACE DOWN INTO THE CHAIR!!! RVD rolls over and his forehead has a sizable gash in it. RVD is bleeding heavily from his head and Nick Patrick whom is the referee calls for the bell, giving Kane the victory! Kane picks up RVD and sets him up for a Tombstone onto the Chair! RVD slides out the back and dropkicks Kane's knee out. RVD then picks up the chair and cracks Kane in the head with it. RVD then drives the chair down into the gut of Kane and leaves it laying on Kane. RVD FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH TO KANE WITH THE CHAIR! RVD rolls out of the ring and staggers to the back, bleeding heavily and holding his gut in pain. Kane sits up after a minute and a trickle of blood can be seen from his mask and he stands up furious. We go to commercial for WWE Anthology part 2!

    (Winner: Kane)

    Overall Rating: 81%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 79%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    Chris Jericho vs The Rock

    World Heavyweight Championship Match

    Main Event

    The Rock's music hits and he comes stomping his way out onto the set and walks down the center ramp to the ring. Rock makes his way to the ring and climbs up the ring steps, walking along the ring apron. Rock climbs the outside of the turnbuckles and poses on the second turnbuckle raising his fist high in the air. Rock then steps into the ring and "King Of My World" Hits as the lights go down and Jericho's entrance video plays. Jericho walks onto the stage while the lights are down and when they come back up partially when the pyro goes off. Jericho spins around from where he was posing. The World Heavyweight Championship around his waist. Jericho walks to the ring and the crowd is into both men. Jericho climbs onto the ring apron and plays to the crowd as he usual does on the ring apron and climbs into the ring. Jericho climbs through the ropes and unstraps the Championship. He hands it to Hebner and he raises it high in the air as the bell sounds. Rock and Jericho circle each other and then lock up. Rock backs Jericho into a corner but at the last moment in the grapple, Jericho reverses it and has Rock in the corner. Jericho begins laying in hard knifedge chops to the chest of Rock.

    Rock reverses the position and begins laying into Jericho with his fists. Rock goes for and nails his spit punch (First Time in six months of this Diary i've let him hit the Spit Punch) Rock whips Jericho out of the corner and Jericho takes a hard bump into the turnbuckles and staggers back off them into a back body drop from Rock. Rock picks Jericho up and begins hitting some hard punches to Jericho again. Rock sinches Jericho in after taking him off the ropes and nails a Vertical Suplex! Rock picks Jericho up and whips him to the ropes but Jericho clings to the ropes and slides himself out of the ring. ITS TIME TO PLAY THE GAME! The lights go down as HHH's music hits and the crowd goes nuts though most are boo'ing. Triple H comes walking out from the back and has a Sledgehammer in hand as he walks to the ring in Jeans and his The Game Leather Jacket. HHH Obviously has no plans to stay out of this match as he gets into the ring and nails Rock in the head with the Sledgehammer! Jericho gets into the ring and attacks HHH but Triple H ducks the attack and then clobbers Jericho and raises his arms up over both men!

    (No Decision Due to Interference)(Still World Heavyweight Champion: Chris Jericho)

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 76%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    Small Announcement!

    Instead of Unforgiven going off the air. "I'm Back" hits and Eric Bischoff comes out with a look of shock on his face and has a microphone. He begins to yell at Triple H

    Bischoff: Hunter what the hell are you doing?! I know your angry that your not on the show but you can't go ruining my main event for the 2nd RAW Brand only PPV Ever! Alright alright...Breath Eric.

    Bischoff is obviously talking to himself and trying to calm himself down.

    Bischoff: Alright fine you've ruined my main Event Triple H. You think this will get you a Title Shot? Because you made a big impact?

    Triple H is nodding his head in the ring and then seeing Rock and Jericho beginning to move. HHH hits Jericho in the head again with the sledgehammer and then hits a PEDIGREE ON ROCK! Bischoff begins yelling at him!

    Bischoff: That's enough Hunter! You aren't getting a Title Shot. Not until Survivor Series.

    Hunter seems to think Bischoff is giving him a shot and has a big smile

    Bischoff: No, no you must be thinking something else Hunter. You have to earn your way into that Title Shot. 16 Men will fight over the next two months. Double Elimination Round Robin Tournament. Eight Men will enter Survivor Series for WAR GAMES!

    The crowd goes simply nuts as Hunter has a look of shock on his face as the credits for Unforgiven come on the screen!

    Unforgiven Rating: 78%

    Buy Rate: 1.15

    Attendance: 13,957

    PPV Revenue: $2,875,000

    Ticket Sales: $837,420

  9. user posted image

    WWE Smackdown

    September 25, 2003

    We come into Smackdown to see scenes of last week's huge main event with Kurt Angle and Edge. The ending where Angle retains and uses a buzzer to take five lines to Edge's hairline! This leads us into the Smackdown intro video and we come into Smackdown with Rey Mysterio's music hitting!

    Rey and Edge vs Team Angle

    WWE Tag Team Championship

    Rey with the WWE Cruiserweight Championship across his chest walks down to the ring. Rey gets into the ring as Edge's music hits and he comes out from the smoky entrance with his hair cut short and five lines still cut through his hair! Apparently he likes it!? Edge comes down to the ring to cheers from the crowd. He pumps them up before he gets into the ring. Once Edge is in the ring, "Medal" hits and Team Angle comes walking out from behind the curtain with the WWE Tag Team Championships around their waists. Kurt Angle pops out behind them and he has his WWE Championship around his waist. Angle is laughing and pointing at Edge. Edge's response is a run with his hand through his short hair and a grin. This makes Angle mad and Team Angle with Kurt walk down to the ring.

    Team Angle climbs into the ring and the bell sounds as Benjamin gets into the ring to hook up with Rey to start the match. Rey reverses out of every headlock, wristlock, armbar that Benjamin tries in the early going. Finally Benjamin breaks down and clotheslines Rey very hard. Rey is down as Shelton picks Rey up and drags him over in a headlock to tag Haas. Rey hits a Back Suplex on Benjamin but he does manage to tag out before Rey does so. Rey gets up and receives a German Suplex from Haas for his troubles. The match progresses with several nearfalls and double teaming from Haas and Benjamin. Eventully they try to go for their tag team Splash on the ropes but Edge steps into the ring and SPEARS BENJAMIN before he can complete it! Rey hits a leg scissor on Haas over the top rope!!! Edge gets out of the ring and into his corner as Rey gets to the corner and tags him in! Edge gets in and clotheslines Benjamin down several times until Haas gets back in the ring. Then he receives a couple clotheslines as well! Edge hits a heel kick on both Benjamin and Haas in order. Then Edge places Haas on the top rope and tags Rey in! Edge stands in the corner and prepares to give Rey a boost up to Haas but..WHACK Benjamin nails a superkick to Mysterio's jaw! Edge runs at Benjamin and hits a spear to his back! Haas gets down from the top rope and grabs Edge from behind as he gets up. German Suplex with Bridge for the pin!..1...2...kickout!

    The crowd gasps as that move was terrific and looked like it could be over from it. Haas gets to his feet and tries to lock in the Haas of Pain but Edge pulls him into a Small Package..1..2...KICKOUT! The crowd oooh's as that one was close as well. Edge and Haas get up at the same time. Haas goes for a clothesline but Edge ducks it and Edge-O-Matic!! Edge hooks the legs..1....2..Benjamin hits a low dropkick to Edge's head to break the pin up! Rey is on the top rope though behind Benjamin and JUMPS OFF The top rope and lands on Shelton's shoulders in an Electric Chair Drop Position! Rey swivels around and turns it into a Standing West Coast Pop!!! The crowd cheers huge for this as Haas gets up and clotheslines Rey over the top rope once Rey is up! Kurt has been outside the ring this entire time watching the match. While the referee is trying to get Benjamin out of the ring. Angle gets onto the ring apron and Edge swings for him. Edge misses and Haas gets behind Edge and lifts him onto his shoulders. Benjamin goes up top and BOOM Code Angle from the top rope! Haas covers Edge and hooks the leg while Benjamin baseball slides Rey to keep him out of the ring..1..2....3! "Medal" hits and Kurt Angle gets into the ring. Team Angle as a whole begins to beat on Edge in the ring until Rey gets up onto the apron and climbs to the top rope. Rey hits a BIG Palancha onto all three men!

    Team Angle goes to the outside while Edge gets to his feet as Kurt does. Rey puts his arms up in the air with his thumbs up. Edge then HITS AN ANGLE SLAM ON KURT!!! Edge then puts Kurt on the ropes in perfect position..Dial it up! "619!" Rey hits it with perfection and then we head to commercial break after this long opening match concludes!

    (Winners and STILL WWE Tag Team Champions: Team Angle)

    Overall Rating: 89%

    Crowd Reaction: 84%

    Match Quality: 95%

    Dames Stars: ****1/4

    Hey Kurt

    After the break Edge and Rey are still in the ring but Edge has a chair to even the odds since it's 3 on 2. Edge has a microphone in his other hand and hands the chair to Rey. He begins to talk smack to Kurt

    Edge: Well Kurt, You got me good last week. Cut my hair and gave me a new hair-do. Difference is. I happen to like it

    Edge runs his hand through his now shorter and lined hair and continues

    Edge: So you see all you did last week was cheat me out of my Championship. Yes that's right Kurt. I'm not done with you yet at all. When you can earn a legitimate victory over me is the day that I'll have hair like you. Just don't turn your back Angle cause I will be lurking in the shadows. Every dark hall and alley. You have to watch because I will be stanced and ready to pounce and when I do. You will only be the next in a long line to fall. You will be the first of the Edge Era on Smackdown Kurt. So welcome to My world now!

    Kurt and Edge shoot looks at each other as Edge's music hits and Kurt holds up his title and points to it and then himself and if you could read lips. It would be along the lines of "I Hate You" and other kind words of cherishment.

    Overall Rating: 89%

    Batista vs Rico

    Two men that lately have not been on Smackdown get a shot to impress. Rico comes out first to his Billy & Chuck music. (Shiver) We all would like to forget about that gimmick. Anyhow Rico slides into the ring and Batista's music hits and he comes stancing out from behind the curtain. The very sinister theme playing as he comes to the ring and DEMOLISHES RICO in under a minute. A big spinebuster followed by his Sit-Out Powerbomb and then holding it into a cover..1..2....3! Batista gets up and picks Rico up and hits another Sit-Out Powerbomb and destroys Rico again with it and leaves as soon as he had come with his music playing..Wow

    (Winner: Batista)(This Match Suffered because the Crowd Was still Hot From the Last one and this was seen as a Let Down)

    Overall Rating: 55%

    Crowd Reaction: 41%

    Match Quality: 69%

    Dames Stars: 3/4*

    Psicosis vs Ultimo Dragon

    Psicosis comes down to the ring first as his music plays. He comes down to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope. Ultimo's entrance and music begin to play as pyro begins to flare around the set. Ultimo gets to the ring and both these men just put on a show! All the high flying lucha exchanges that are very remenicent of ECW matches. Psicosis goes to work on Ultimo's knee for about five minutes. A Basement Dropkick started it and Psicosis worked it over with several basic slams and lucha moves. The match is something that could be explained in many paragraphs or just basic. I prefer basic since there's a PPV coming up.

    Psicosis went for the Pyscho Stunner near the end of the match but Ultimo reversed that into his Lucha DDT which is a terrific move. Ultimo then gets on Psicosis a short few seconds later with an arm on him..1...2...kickout! Psicosis kicked out of Ultimo's finisher! Ultimo has a look of shock on the part of his face you can see. Ultimo goes for it again but Psicosis ducks out of it which has Ultimo land on his backside. Psicosis waits for Ultimo to get up..PSYCHO STUNNER! Psicosis then covers Ultimo, hooking the leg..1...2....3! Psicosis gets the victory over Ultimo! A Great Match as we head to commercial!

    (Winner: Psicosis)

    Overall Rating: 87%

    Crowd Reaction: 75%

    Match Quality: 100%

    Dames Stars: ****1/2

    Viva la Rasa!

    Los Guerreros are backstage and seem to be knowledgable of the camera's presence but going about their preperations of getting ready for tonight's big Match 3 of 5 in their Series with Rabid Rhyno

    Eddie: Ya know essa, We gotta get back at Benoit and Rhyno homes. They makin us look bad and if we don't win tonight. We gotta fight wit our backs to da wall homes.

    Chavo: Hey Uncle Eddie. Don't worry about it. I'll take the big bad Rhyno out. All you have to do is take down Benoit. You've been kicking his ass for 10 years!

    Eddie: Your right essa. Just worried cause this is our big chance. We gotta make good on this chance. Rumors goin round that anyone could be involved in that big deal that Shane is makin with Bischoff homes. Maybe even Latino Heat.

    Chavo: Well i'm sure we'll get the job done Uncle Eddie. let's go and get ready.

    Los Guerreros walk out of camera view and out of the locker room as we head for the ring!

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Christopher Daniels vs Brian "Spanky" Kendrick

    This match isn't long at all. Daniels very quickly once both men are in the ring. Daniels goes to work on Spanky but late in the match Kendrick hits his faceplant to knee. Daniels rolls out of the ring and picks a Steel Chair up and into the ring. Daniels hits the referee with the chair first and then Waffles Kendrick in the head. Daniels pulls two pairs of Handcuffs from his tights and handcuffs Kendricks wrists to one set of ring ropes and grabs a microphone from ringside.

    Daniels: This is one of the Sinners that has to be taught a lesson. Brian Kendrick is just another of the many that take his god given talents for granted. He sins each and every day and it's my job as the Archangel to make each and every one of them pay! (Jabs the Chair into Spanky's stomach)

    Daniels: Kendrick here is just the first of the long line of sinners in the WWE that need to be taught a lesson and shown the Light. It will start tonight with you Brian

    Daniels drops the microphone and turns around. When he turns back Daniels completely crushes the chair over Kendrick's head! Kendrick slumps and he ends up looking like he's been crucified by Daniels! Daniels walks off to the boo's from the crowd and screams back at Kendrick "YOU HAVE BEEN SAVED!" (Wow Weirdo)

    (Winner by DQ: Brian "Spanky" Kendrick)

    Overall Rating: 75%

    Crowd Reaction: 73%

    Match Quality: 78%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    New Partner

    We come into the Office of the Smackdown GM and Shane McMahon is on crutches and has a microphone attached to the lapel of his shirt as he begins to speak

    Shane: Due to the injuries I sustained to my still recovering leg from Brock Lesnar's F5 last week. I am afraid I cannot compete by the side of my friend AJ Styles tonight. So the partner that will replace him will be the man whom invented the belief that is Mattitude. Matt Hardy Version 1.0 will join AJ Styles against you tonight and anyone that will actully team with you. Let me assure you that anyone stupid enough to agree to help you. Will suffer my wrath as well so be prepared for a Handicap match Brock!

    Overall Rating: 78%

    AJ Styles/Matt Hardy Version 1.0 vs Brock Lesnar/????

    Matt Hardy's entrance video begins playing and then OHHH YEAAAA! as it hits 100% and Matt's Matt Fact of the night says "The Styles Clash is the Second Best Finisher in the WWE next to the Twist of Fate! Matt Hardy holds his hand up in the air with the WWE American Championship hanging from it. His hand in the Mattitude symbol. Matt gets to the ring and rolls inside, under the bottom rope. Once he does AJ Styles' entrance and music hits and he comes strutting out from behind the curtain and the crowd boo's him mercilessly as he comes to the ring. He walks up the ring steps and into the ring once he gets there and poses in the ring until the lights go down. Lesnar's entrance hits and he comes stancing out from behind the curtain. Lesnar walks down to the ring and stops, pointing to the entranceway. The crowd erupts in cheers as they hear Sabu's music begin to play and his video runs on the tron. Sabu then steps out from behind the curtain and comes down to the ring. Both Brock and Sabu slide into the ring. Styles and Matt meet them in the ring and begins slugging it out with them. This match is not long at all as the main event is going to be a long one and we already had a long tag match tonight. This match is a finisher fest with Styles hitting the Styles Clash on Sabu. Lesnar hitting the F5 on Hardy and while the ref's back was turned. Styles hit a low blow on Lesnar and chucked him shoulder first into the ring post. Lesnar fell to the outside of the ring as Sabu got to his feet. Matt got up slowly as well and manages to spin Sabu around and hit a Twist of Fate. Styles gets over and quickly makes the cover while Sabu is downed..1...2...3! Styles and Mattitude pull out the victory! It's not over from here though. Lesnar gets back into the ring and winds up hitting F5's all around to Styles and Hardy! Sabu ends up hitting an Arabian Facebuster on Matt Hardy as well. We go to commercial with Lesnar and Sabu standing over Styles and Hardy!

    (Winners: AJ Styles/Matt Hardy Version 1.0)

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 82%

    Dames Stars: ***

    Los Guerreros vs Rabid Rhyno

    Match 3 of 5 in #1 Contendership Series

    Main Event

    Los Guerreros' entrance video and music hits and Eddie Guerrero along with Chavo in the driver's seat comes driving around the set in a hot green Low-rider with the works including Hydrolics which work alot better than normal as they bounce to the ring in style. Eddie drives the car up to the ring and finally turns it off. Both Eddie and Chavo slide into the ring and get ready. Rhyno's entrance and music hit and he comes out from behind the curtain pounding his chest and then once he gets to the Low-rider. He spits on it..don't do that Rhyno. Los Guerreros take this as a sign of severe disrespect and slide out of the ring. They run into Rhyno and begin beating him up big time. They slam Rhyno's head into the trunk, hood and finally Eddie picks Rhyno up and SUPLEXES HIM INTO THE GOD DAMN WINDSHIELD! Benoit's music hits and he comes running down to the ring and clotheslines Chavo down. Benoit then grabs Eddie and runs with him to the ring, rolling him inside. He gets into the ring and the match begins.

    This match unlike the others is alot shorter than normal. Benoit and Eddie exchange their Triple Moves. Eddie first hits his Triple Vertical Suplexes but on the third Benoit blocks it and reverses it into his German Suplexes. Benoit nails the third German into a bridge..1...2...kickout! Chavo slides into the ring but we see a rare dropkick from Benoit that sends Chavo back to the floor. Eddie tries to get Benoit from behind but Benoit avoids it and gets behind Eddie..BIG RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX! Benoit then does a quick cut throat and goes to the top rope. Swandive Headbutt connects! Benoit then covers Eddie..1....2...3!! Benoit gets the victory and rolls out of the ring as Chavo rolls in to check on Eddie. Benoit goes over and helps Rhyno up from the car windshield. Rhyno's back is cut up pretty good. odds are he won't be competing next week so perhaps even though Los Guerreros lose the match. They might be ahead in position in the series as Smackdown heads off the air!!

    (Winners: Rabid Rhyno)

    Overall Rating: 91%

    Crowd Reaction: 82%

    Match Quality: 100%

    Dames Stars: ****3/4

    Smackdown Rating: 79%

    TV Rating: 5.07

    Attendance: 6,011

    Ticket Sales: $240,440

  10. user posted image

    Monday Night RAW

    September 22, 2003

    We come in with the usual Union Underground intro and then once it finishes up pyro begins exploding on the stage and the instant the intro pyro finishes. Kane's pyro and music hits!

    I'm Not The Only One Feeling Pain!

    Kane makes his way down to the ring and then once he's about half way down to the ramp he motions to the stage. Two men in similar costumes like Kane except they have more shades of Brown and Black then Red. They follow Kane to the ring. They both have masks on like Kane except their's are Brown and Black. Kane grabs a microphone from the tech at ringside once he's in the ring. He begins to speak into it, addressing RVD and the crowd.

    Kane: Last Monday Night..RVD did damage once again. He scarred two men. They will never be the same after that Steel chair ripped away the flesh from their faces. They are forced to wear masks now and stand behind me because like me. They want vengence for the wrong done to them. They won't be after you yet RVD but..Fury and Mayhem here behind me are waiting in the wings. Next Monday Night on RAW you have to deal with them. For now you just had better concentrate on the Monster in front of you! At Unforgiven i'm going to hurt you Rob. I'm going to decimate your body, crush your bones and grind your will into the ground. When I am done with you Rob. There won't be enough left for anyone to even recognize. So i'll see you Sunday Rob.

    After this quick little promo Kane raises his arms into the air and his pyro erupts from the ring posts and he drops the microphone as his music kicks in. Kane leads Mayhem and Fury to the back and we cut to clips of the Kane/RVD feud and then we're shown a cool graphic of their Unforgiven Match, First Blood!

    (Mayhem Gained Overness From This Segment)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Christian vs Jay Lethal

    Non-Title Match

    Jay Lethal is out first to the ring and once Lethal is standing in wait, in the ring. Christian's music hits and the Champ walks down to the ring with the IC Championship around his waist. This match is about seven minutes long but I won't give away too much before the PPV. The end comes when Christian tries for the Unprettier but is pushed off to the ropes. Christian comes back at Lethal with a clothesline but Lethal ducks it running to the ropes. Christian turns around into a Springboard Dropkick off the second rope!! Lethal takes advantage of nailing that move and hits the "Lethal Ride" and covers Christian..1...2...3! Jay Lethal gets to his feet and climbs to the second rope and raises his arms in victory. Shouldn't do that when Christian is around. Nick Patrick checked on Christian and Christian told him to get him his belt. Patrick gives Christian the belt and Christian gets back to his feet slowly but in time to catch Lethal still on the ropes. Christian hits a low blow on Lethal which drops Lethal to the canvas but Lethal lands on his feet. Christian then lays Lethal out with a belt shot that knocks him to the outside of the ring. Christian stands tall after that and walks out of the ring with his belt. That match at Unforgiven will be great! King and J.R walk us through the Christian/Lethal feud and show us that cool motion photo into a still picture of them with the Unforgiven theme in the background. These two facing off for the WWE Intercontinental Championship.

    (Winner: Jay Lethal)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 85%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    Booker T vs Kanyon

    Apparently Kanyon just has good matches with everyone because once Kanyon is in the ring and Booker comes down to the ring. They tear the house down with a terrific match. Again the finish does come too quick in this match. We wish we could've watched another fifteen minutes after watching this match. Booker T finishes the match with his Scissors Kick and as he does and covers Kanyon. Goldust with a chair comes running down to the ring..1..2....3! Booker gets to his feet to see Goldust getting up and Booker superkicks the chair into Goldust! It sends the chair flying and Goldust back into the ropes. Goldust comes back at Booker after bouncing off the ropes..BOOK END! Booker lays Goldust out and rolls out of the ring as J.R and The King show everyone the Booker T/Goldust feud as well as that cool photo of them with the Unforgiven preview of their match as we go to commercial!

    (Winner: Booker T)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 78%

    Match Quality: 90%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    Corino Snaps Back

    We come back from commercial with seeing Steve Corino sitting on a couch beside Stacy Keibler with his foot up on a pillow and the top right of the screen tells us that Corino is via satelite from his home. He begins talking to the camera immediately once we go live to him.

    Test you've been a thorn in my side for months now. You don't seem to get the fact that I don't like you and in fact absolutely hate you. You keep coming back for more attention, more beatings. Well This Sunday it truely does end. What you did to my foot was a fluke. You know you can't beat me. I Know you can't beat me. This Sunday at Unforgiven I will prove you can't beat me inside of a 15 Foot High Steel Cage. So be prepared Test. Because on Sunday there will be no forgiving what I do to you!

    We cut back to the arena after Corino finishes up with his promo at Test

    Overall Rating: 87%

    Shark Boy vs Jody Fleisch

    Fleisch comes down to the ring as the crowd boo's him heavily while he walks to the ring. Then the crowd erupts when Shark Boy's music hits and he comes walking out onto the stage with the Hardcore Championship around his waist but this match is a one on one match. The match is quick but very good. Both men put on a great effort but in the end it's Shark Boy hitting a Northern Lights Suplex near the corner and hits the Deep Sea Drop on Jody and covers him..1..2....3! Shark Boy is handed his Hardcore Championship and walks up the ramp. He gets to the top of the stage and Randy Orton followed by John Cena come out and begin to beat the crap out of Sharky with chairs! Eventully John Cena and Randy Orton combine for a move. Cena picks Sharky up onto his shoulders and Orton grabs Sharky for the O-Zone. Cena just throws Sharky so he's like a Javelin as Orton jumps off the stage with him hitting the O-Zone OFF THE STAGE THROUGH THE EQUIPMENT BELOW!!! The crowd is chanting "Holy Shit" over and over as we go to commercial with John Cena looking down at both men.

    (Winner: Shark Boy)

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Crowd Reaction: 78%

    Match Quality: 88%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    Bubba Ray Dudley vs Cyclone vs Triple H

    Triple Threat

    The Dudleys are first to come out and their pyro hits the stage, while their music plays throughout the arena. The Dudleys make their way down to the ring with the World Tag Team Championships around their waists. Once the Dudleys are in the ring. Cyclone and Hurricane come out to their duel entrances. They both get to the ring and Cyclone rolls into the ring. Then once they're in the ring. The evil laughter fills the arena of Triple H's entrance. The strobes go off as HHH comes out onto the stage and the match is on, once Triple H finishes his ring entrance. This match is another fairly brief matchup with Triple H late in the match hitting his face buster on Bubba and then he goes for the Pedigree on Bubba! Bubba back body drops HHH out of it and hits a BIG Bubba Bomb on HHH which makes him roll out of the ring in pain. As Bubba gets up though Cyclone uses his Superpowers to hit a CycloneBomb (TigerBomb) and covers Bubba!..1...2...3!! Cyclone gets the pinfall on Bubba. After the match it breaks down and all five men begin fighting. Goldberg is the only one not present because of his match in the main event tonight! The referees eventully break it up and Cyclone and Hurricane are left with the advantage going into the Triple Threat Tag Title Match at Unforgiven which J.R and The King preview just like all the other matches so far!

    (Winner: Cyclone)

    Overall Rating: 77%

    Crowd Reaction: 76%

    Match Quality: 78%

    Dames Stars: **1/2


    The patented WWE Promo video plays of Unforgiven. It shows all the current feuds and matches leading into the event and it highlights The Rock vs Chris Jericho World Heavyweight Championship Match! It's an awesome promo and leads up to the Main Event very well. Which is only minutes away!

    Overall Rating: 90%

    Goldust vs Hurricane

    But first we have to finish up the Booker T/Goldust lead up to their match. Goldust and Hurricane both come down to the ring and have a very solid match which ends when Booker T makes his way down to the ring which distracts Goldust long enough for Hurricane to nail the Eye of the Hurricane and cover Goldy...1...2...3! After the match Booker T climbed to the top rope and hit a HUGE HOUSTON HANGOVER! On Goldust and we go to commercial break with Booker T backing up the ramp yelling at Goldust whom was still down in the ring.

    (Winner: Hurricane)

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 80%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    The Rock vs Goldberg

    Main Event

    This match is actully very ugly. Goldberg executes everything very sloppily from the get go. This match seemingly is almost to allow Chris Jericho to try and get an attack on Rock because the match isn't worth watching so we may as well watch for that. The match begins winding down when Goldberg is setup for a Spear and Rock gets to his feet after having been taken down by an ugly clothesline. Goldberg snarls and runs at Rock but the poor referee decided this was a good time to get in between Rock and Goldberg and receives a hard spear. Rock ends up hitting a Spinebuster on Goldberg as he gets back to his feet. Chris Jericho comes through the crowd and slides into the ring as Rock runs to one side for the People's Elbow. Jericho bulldogs Rock to the mat and hits a HARD Lionsault on Rock to give Goldberg the advantage. Goldberg gets up and nails a viscious spear on Rock, followed up by a Jackhammer as Jericho shakes the referee! The referee comes to with Goldberg pinning Rock..1....2....3! Goldberg gets a huge upset victory as Jericho climbs back into the ring with a fire extinguisher and clocks Goldberg in the head with it!! Jericho slams the butt of it into Rock's gut and then lays it on Rock. LIONSAULT ONTO THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER! Jericho holds his stomach as well in pain but then picks up the Fire extinguisher and drives it into the right knee of The Rock!! Chris Jericho is looking down at Rock with a sadistic look in his eyes as he holds his arms up in the air over The People's Champion as RAW goes off the air!

    (Winner: Goldberg)(Goldberg Gains Overness From This Match)

    Overall Rating: 66%

    Crowd Reaction: 73%

    Match Quality: 50%

    Dames Stars: Dud

    RAW Rating: 79%

    TV Rating: 5.85

    Attendance: 6,018

    Ticket Sales: $240,720

  11. Sunday Night Heat

    September 21, 2003

    Christopher Daniels beats Funaki with a Last Rites and then hits a second one on Funaki after the match to punctate it. 66(59,74)*3/4

    Fury defeats Jody Fleisch in a fairly sloppy match but nails his Piledriver of Pain to get the finish and the victory. Fleisch after the match while Fury was celebrating, surprised the new-comer with his Pheonix 720 DDT Off the top rope which lays Fury out after the match! 68(69,68)*1/4

    Batista dominates and finishes Kid Kash off with his Sit-Out Powerbomb for the pin..1....2...3! Then after the match Batista hits two more Sit-Out Powerbombs on Kid Kash trying to push the point across that he's a monster! 67(55,80)**1/4

    Mayhem defeats Lance Storm in a hard fought match with his AgonyLock (Adapted Figure-Four) Both Fury and Mayhem tonight were wearing shrouds on their faces as well as the ring announcers not announcing their names. This is merely for purposes of making the Results readable. They will be introduced on RAW! 75(74,77)**1/4

    Jeff Hardy defeats Rhyno via use of the ropes and after the match Eddie Guerrero makes a surprise appearance on Heat to nail a Frog Splash on Rhyno! Trying to get an advantage on Rabid Rhyno before Match 3 of 5 on Smackdown This Thursday! 62(55,70)*1/4

    Steve Corino defeats Christian by DQ and we realize that Heat is most definately taped because Corino isn't hurt in this match and Test interferes costing Corino the Title even though it gives Corino a win over Christian the IC Champ! After the match Test hit the Test Drive on Corino and Christian hit the Unprettier! 84(78,91)***3/4

    AJ Styles defeats Jay Lethal in a very good match. This interpromotional match ends when Styles nails a kick to the groin without the ref being able to see and hits the Styles Clash and covers Lethal..1...2...3! After the match and Lethal had recovered while Styles celebrated. Lethal spun Styles around and hit an Implant DDT before heat went off the air! 84(82,86)***1/2

    Heat Rating: 66% (Must be Cause of the Announcing Team)

    TV Rating: 2.99

  12. user posted image

    WWE Smackdown

    September 18, 2003

    We show clips of last week's show about the coming of AJ Styles and Brock Lesnar F5'ing the Smackdown GM! Then we cut to the normal Smackdown intro and video. The crowd is pumped as we go to Michael Cole and Paul Heyman who lead us into Smackdown tonight promoting the HUGE Main Event of Kurt Angle defending the WWE Championship against Edge!!

    Bet the Money on Styles!

    "Here Comes The Money" Hits and Shane McMahon bounces his way out from behind the curtain with a smirk on his face as the crowd cheers. He has a Microphone in hand. He's wearing his usual type of outfit you'll see on WWE Programming. He begins to speak into the mic addressing last week!

    Shane: That was a pretty hard F5 last week Brock. You could've simply asked for a match with AJ Styles and i'd have given it to you. I don't try to hold anyone back from reaching their potential in this company. So Brock tonight you will face AJ Styles one on one in his debut match right here on Smackdown. So Brock tonight...HERE COMES THE PAIN BUDDY!

    Shane laughs as if he knows something everyone else doesn't and bounces off the stage and to the backstage area!

    Overall Rating: 81%

    Spanky vs Matt Hardy Version 1.0

    WWE American Championship

    Spanky is out first and has a quick little entrance and then Matt's video starts with the load up screen and OHHHH YEAAA! The music picks up as Matt comes out and his Matt fact of the night is that "Matt likes one spoon of sugar in his Coffee" Matt is walking down to the ring with his hand in a Mattitude symbol high in the air. Holding the WWE American Championship in that hand. Matt climbs into the ring and the match kicks off quickly. Spanky hits alot of his high flying offense. His flip into a faceplant on his knee on Matt. He hits his double leapfrog on the ropes to the outside palancha on Mattitude on the outside. Matt hit a Side Effect. All these moves got two counts. Late in a match that was really good. Matt hits a Splash Mountain for a LONG Two count and Matt gets frustrated and begins playing to the crowd for a Twist of Fate but it never happens! Sabu comes running through the crowd this week and leaps over the guard barricade. He proceeds to pull Matt Hardy out of the ring and whips him into the ring post! The referee calls for the DQ as Sabu climbs to the top rope and then hits the Arabian Facebuster from the top rope to the outside on Matt!!! Matt's MF'ers come running down to the ring after this. Spanky bails out and leaves with Sabu going around the ring and avoiding the MF'ers. The MF'ers tend to Hardy as Sabu and Spanky leave!

    (Winner by DQ and STILL WWE American Champion: Matt Hardy Version 1.0)(WWE American Championship Gains In Image)

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Crowd Reaction: 82%

    Match Quality: 89%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    Mattitude Makes a Challenge!

    The MF'ers help Matt to his feet and he grabs a microphone and with his breathing heavy from that match he yells at Sabu in his sadistic angry tone.

    Matt Hardy: Sabu I am so sick and tired of you meddling in Mattitude Issues. You couldn't cut it as an MF'er. So now you constantly attack us all in matches. Next week on Smackdown. I will put a stop to you once and for all when I put this American Championship on the line against you. Unless you don't have the guts for it.

    You can see Sabu Saying yes and nodding his head.

    Matt Hardy: Good. It will be No DQ, No Countout and Pinfalls Count Anywhere Sabu. See you next week!

    The crowd pops for what Hardy said the match being basically Hardcore Rules. Anything going! we cut to commercial break as we see Mattitude make their way from ringside.

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Paul London vs Psicosis

    We come back from commercial break with a Lugs Boot of the Night video clip of Psicosis getting DQ'ed last week and losing his shot at Mysterio's Cruiserweight Title and going ape shit hitting his Psycho Stunner on Mysterio. Then we cut to the ring where Paul London is already in the ring waiting and Psicosis's music hits and he steps out from behind the curtain. Psicosis basically squashes London though London got a good Hurricarana move in late in the match for a near fall. But in the end Psicosis hits a Psycho Stunner for the pinfall! 1...2...3! After the match Psicosis hits another Psycho Stunner on London for good measure!

    (Winner: Psicosis)

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Crowd Reaction: 66%

    Match Quality: 92%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    Rey Mysterio vs Ultimo Dragon

    WWE Cruiserweight Championship

    Rey Mysterio's music hits and he comes out first. Psicosis is still making his way slowly up the aisle as Mysterio comes out from behind the curtain. Psicosis wants to attack Mysterio obviously but instead has to just glare at him as he goes by. Mysterio seems to enjoy the fact Psicosis can no longer get involved in his matches! Ultimo Dragon is out next with all his pyro going off. This match isn't as good as the last one but the crowd is more into this one! Ultimo late in the match winds up going for his finisher but Mysterio manages to take Ultimo over in an Arm Drag instead. Mysterio then hits a Springboard Dropkick on Ultimo in the back, sending him down and Ultimo lands on the second rope!..."619!" Mysterio calls it out and runs to the ropes nailing Ultimo in the head! Mysterio then calls out "West Coast Pop!" and Mysterio springboards off the top rope into a Hurricarana pin..1..2....3! Mysterio retains and celebrates in the ring. He even helps Ultimo up and gives him a handshake for good measure. Good sportsmanship. Ya get everything on Smackdown!

    (Winner and STILL WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Rey Mysterio)

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Crowd Reaction: 73%

    Match Quality: 86%

    Dames Stars: ***1/4

    I'll Still Be The Champ After Tonight, It's True, It's True!

    Kurt Angle's music hits and he comes walking out from behind the curtain and down to the ring. No pyro right now so obviously this isn't the Title match. Angle gets to the ring and rolls inside. The WWE Championship is around his waist as he grabs a microphone.

    Angle: Tonight your olympic hero and WWE Champion has to come out here in front of you fans and defend his WWE Championship against Hedge one on one. Now while Hedge is supposedly qualified to face your Olympic Hero for the Title. I have beaten Hedge at every possible turn. Tonight I will beat him for the final time and be done with him. Maybe then they'll send some real challengers at me.

    Edge's Rob Zombie theme hits and he comes out from behind the curtain with a microphone in hand.

    Edge: Kurt you talk really big for someone who was shaved bald last year. By the so called "Unqualified Challenger"

    Edge makes little quote motions with his fingers and continues cutting his promo at Angle

    Edge: In fact let's show the footage of Judgement Day 2002!

    Angle protests but to no avail. We at home as well as in the arena are treated to a couple minutes of the end of that Kurt Angle vs Edge "Hair vs Hair" Match. Angle then later in the night being thrown into the barber chair, Unconcious. Then Edge shaving Kurt completely Bald and Kurt freaking out. Edge is on the stage laughing as Kurt is once again furious inside the ring as Edge leaves to the back.

    Kurt: You'll see tonight Edge! Not only will I keep this Title but...You may not find that clip as funny later!!!

    "Medal" hits as Kurt leaves the ring and walks backstage

    (Kurt Angle Gains Overness From This Segment)

    Overall Rating: 98%

    Chavo Guerrero vs Chris Benoit

    Chavo Guerrero comes out first taunting the crowd the moment he steps out from behind the curtain. Chavo comes down to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope. Then Benoit's entrance hits and the crowd explodes for Chris Benoit. He gets to ringside and walks up the ringsteps. Benoit then steps into the ring and the match begins. Both men hit all their moves crisply and don't miss a beat the entire match. Intense and high impact with all their moves. Late in the match though Benoit reverses out of Chavo's attempted Brainbuster and comes down in a DDT as well. Benoit then makes his cut throat signal and climbs to the top rope..SWANDIVE HEADBUTT CONNECTS! Benoit then quickly sinches in the Crippler Crossface and rears back on it! Chavo taps out after almost making it to the ropes. Benoit holds onto the crossface for about another 90 seconds after he got the victory. Perhaps Benoit is trying to soften Chavo up for Match 3 of their best of 5 Series next week!

    (Winner: Chris Benoit)

    Overall Rating: 88%

    Crowd Reaction: 77%

    Match Quality: 100%

    Dames Stars: ****1/2

    AJ Styles vs Brock Lesnar

    Another NWA-TNA Debut on WWE TV this week as Styles's music hits and he comes strutting out from behind the curtain. The crowd isn't sure how to receive him as he comes to the ring. Styles gets into the ring and the crowd is pretty into this match as the lights go down and the crowd gives Lesnar a mixed reaction because they're not too sure if he's a bad guy or a good guy right now. Lesnar comes out from behind the curtain. Lesnar comes down to the ring and leaps up onto the apron. Lesnar's pyro explodes when he does that and he gets into the ring. Lesnar then proceeds to begin attacking Styles relentlessly as the crowd cheers for the start of the match. Lesnar takes Styles off his feet and carries him in a spear like move into the corner. Lesnar begins driving his shoulder into Styles' gut very hard. Lesnar whips Styles across the ring and then runs in after him. Styles caught Lesnar in a facelock at the same time as driving his knee into Lesnar's gut. Styles then using the ring ropes behind him for leverage. Hits a very nice looking Tornado DDT on Lesnar! Styles covers Lesnar..1...2..kickout! Styles picks Lesnar up and whips him to the ropes. Styles jumps into the air for a leapfrog but Lesnar catches him and spins around, Driving Styles into the mat with a spinebuster. Lesnar then picks Styles up and hits his Triple Backbreaker on him. Lesnar covers Styles after that..1...2...kickout!

    Shane McMahon comes out from the back during this move and makes his way over to the announce position and sits down silently, not even putting a headset on. In the ring Lesnar sets Styles up for an F5 but Styles manages to land on his feet and nails a Northern Lights Suplex on Lesnar with Bridge for a pin..1...2...kickout! Styles gets up first and picks Lesnar up. Lesnar hits a knee to Styles' gut and lifts him onto his shoulders..F5! F5!! Lesnar moves to cover Styles as Shane leaps up from his position and quickly scrambles to the top rope..1....2..Shane O Mac Elbow Drop on Lesnar from the top rope!!! The referee calls for a DQ Quickly but Shane Quickly cuts him off and grabs a microphone.

    (Winner by Disqualification: Brock Lesnar)

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 79%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    Not So Fast

    Shane: No I don't think so. This match will restart under No DQ Rules and Brian Hebner. Your dismissed for the evening I will be refereeing this match!

    Shane O Mac takes the shirt literally off the back of Brian Hebner leaving him with no Shirt and Hebner leaves immediately though not happy about it. Shane calls for the match to start again!

    Overall Rating: 73%

    AJ Styles vs Brock Lesnar (Guest Referee: Shane McMahon)

    Styles is first up but Lesnar is soon after and Lesnar while having heard what Shane said somewhat. Now sees the referee shirt on Shane and goes after him but Styles intercepts Lesnar with a spear to the mat! Styles covers Lesnar and Shane tries to fast count Lesnar down..1.2.kickout! Lesnar kicks out strongly to make sure he doesn't get screwed! Lesnar gets up slowly and Styles kicks Lesnar in the gut and goes for the Styles Clash but Lesnar blocks it and sends Styles for a back body drop instead. Lesnar kicks Styles in the gut and hits his Triple Powerbomb on him and holds it for the pin. Shane gets down slowly and counts even slower..1............2......Styles doesn't kick out but Shane motions that he kicked out and shows two. Lesnar grabs Shane immediately and F5 on Shane. Lesnar goes outside of the ring and grabs a Steel chair but he really didn't need to F5 Shane to do this! Ah alas more intelligence lost on Lesnar. Lesnar slides back into the ring and sets up to nail Styles with the chair. Lesnar swings for the fences at Styles' head but Styles ducks the attempt. Styles then superkicks the chair into Lesnar's face and then as Lesnar staggers around. Styles hits the Styles Clash on Lesnar and covers him. Shane groggily counts as fast as he can..1.2...3! Styles immediately gets up and helps Shane McMahon up as the crowd boo's at the both of them. They leave the ring as Smackdown takes it's final break of the evening.

    (Winner: AJ Styles)

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 79%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    Kurt Angle vs Edge

    WWE Championship

    Main Event

    Edge's Rob Zombie theme hits first and smoke begins to plume around the entranceway and Edge explodes out of the smoke. He plays to the crowd as he makes his way to ringside and the crowd cheers for the pumped up Edge. Edge slides under the bottom rope and takes off his leather coat as "Medal" hits and Kurt Angle walks out from behind the curtain, intense as always. Half way down the aisle he raises his arms up high in the air. His pyro explodes four times and he walks to the ring and up the ring stairs. Angle gets into the ring and hands the belt over to Brian Hebner whom has gotten another shirt we hope and not his shirt back from Shane. Hebner raises the belt high as Angle gets in Edge's face. They lock up and Angle backs Edge into the corner. Angle begins slugging Edge with hard right hands and lays in with a couple chops as well. Angle whips Edge across the ring and Edge bounces off that corner and clotheslines an incoming Angle! Edge hits another clothesline and then backs Angle into the ropes as he gets up again. Edge back body drops Angle hard to the mat and then nails a powerslam as Angle gets up again!

    Angle doesn't get up as quickly this time as Edge takes control. Edge works over Angle's knee for several minutes before he locks in the Edgemission (Standing Figure-Four Leg Lock) Angle makes it to the ropes after a minute where it almost looked like Edge might win the Title. Angle gets to his feet slowly as Edge tries for a German Suplex but Angle reverses it and trying to embarrass Edge by hitting his own Edge-O-Matic and hooking the legs..1..2...kickout by Edge! Angle gets up slowly as Edge does as well. Edge gets to his feet and runs at Angle. Right into an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex by Angle! The crowd is going insane as this match gets down to the nitty gritty. Angle goes over to Edge and locks in the Ankle Lock but Edge swivels over and kicks Angle off. Edge gets up and ducks an attempted clothesline..German Suplex! Edge then hits a second one on Angle. Edge goes for a third German Suplex but Angle reverses behind Edge..ANGLE SLAM!! Angle quickly gets into the cover hooking the leg..1..2....KICKOUT! The crowd goes insane as they thought it was over! Angle gets up and is irrate as he pulls down the straps and sinches in the Ankle Lock on Edge and pulls him to the center of the ring. Edge crawls to the ropes but Angle pulls him back to the middle of the ring. Edge in a desperation attempt manages to pull Angle into a Small Package..1..2..kickout by Angle! Edge gets to his feet slowly as Angle gets in behind Edge and goes for a German Suplex but Edge reverses it..Hebner can't see it as Angle nails a mule kick on Edge. Edge groans in pain as Angle gets underneath the arm..BIG ANGLE SLAM! Angle rolls into the cover and hooks the leg..1...2...3! Angle retains and then goes over to the announce position and reaches behind his WWE Championship..something is strapped to the back of it..A Buzzer?! Angle gets back into the ring and holds Edge down while he MOWS THE BUZZER THROUGH EDGE'S HAIR IN ABOUT FIVE DIFFERENT STRAIGHT LINES! Edge finally rolls out of the ring after getting away from Angle. Edge though now has five Straight lines in his hair. Angle holds his WWE Championship up on the outside of the ring as Edge seems to freak out about his new hair-do. Seems that was what Angle was talking about earlier! We leave Smackdown with the vision of Edge and his new hair-do!

    (Winner and STILL WWE Champion: Kurt Angle!)

    Overall Rating: 87%

    Crowd Reaction: 91%

    Match Quality: 79%

    Dames Stars: ***

    Smackdown Rating: 81%

    TV Rating: 5.07

    Attendance: 6,035

    Ticket Sales: $241,400

  13. user posted image

    Monday Night RAW

    September 15, 2003

    We show scenes last week with some riveted music behind it. One of those themes you usually hear when you see a highlight from the week before of Rob Van Dam going to the top rope and completely obliterating Kane with the chair from the top rope and costing Kane the match. Obviously RVD has some issues we don't know about or something with Kane as we go into the RAW intro video and Union Underground blasting in the background. Pyro goes off and we're welcomed to RAW with the sounds of the Chemical Brothers hitting as Kane walks down to the ring..more like stalks to the ring as we go straight into our show tonight!

    Kane Wants RVD's Head

    Kane steps up onto the apron and does his pose with making the pyro explode from the ring posts. Kane steps into the ring and motions for a microphone and takes it in his hand. Then he leans on the top rope looking at the stage and talks.

    Kane: Rob...I don't know why...You attacked Me...Last Monday..But You Need..To Come Down Here..Now..So I Can..KILL YOU!

    The entire time Kane was talking his voice was seething with anger and once Kane finishes that last comment RVD's music hits and he comes running down to the ring with a Steel chair in hand. RVD slides into the ring and the fight is on! Kane begins mauling Rob Van Dam with a fury not seen in him in years. Kane whips RVD across the ring into the corner. RVD slams into the turnbuckle with such force it sends him down to the mat. Kane grabs RVD by the throat with both hands and throws RVD across the ring and RVD rolls under the bottom rope. RVD pulls a chair from under the ring while he's on the ground. Kane doesn't ever move quickly so RVD waits as Kane moves to get out of the ring stepping over the top rope. RVD does his kick up onto his feet with the chair in hand. Then RVD Dropkicks the chair into Kane's knee which sends the big man sprawling to the outside! RVD then grabs the chair and rolls with it into a ROLLING THUNDER NAILING THE CHAIR IN BETWEEN HIM AND KANE!! Both men writh in pain as the crowd is going nuts. RVD stands up first and Kane follows suit after him. RVD throws his chair at Kane for the Vanterminator but Kane moves his head from behind the chair. RVD KICKS THE CHAIR INTO THE CROWD CLOCKING TWO GUYS IN THE FRONT ROW! The crowd breaks into a "Holy Shit" Chant as Security quickly tends to the two guys in the front row. RVD looks in shock at what he just did. Kane takes advantage by Chokeslamming RVD INTO THE TURNBUCKLES! Kane then kicks the top of the ring stairs off and picks RVD back up..CHOKESLAM ONTO THE BOTTOM STEEL STEPS ON RVD!!! Kane's music then hits as we go to commercial after this brutal battle...god help us for Unforgiven when they have an Actual Match!

    Overall Rating: 81%

    Jazz vs Trish Stratus

    WWE Women's Championship

    Trish is out first to a big pop from the crowd, followed shortly after by Jazz with the Women's Championship. This is a pretty short match since giving the Ladies too much time gives them the opportunity for blown spots. The match comes off alright with Jazz picking up the victory and retaining with the Bitch Slam. Jazz and Trish continue fighting in the ring until "I'm Back" hits and Eric Bischoff walks out onto the stage with an almost scowl on his face.

    Bischoff: Now this is why the only good Women's Action in the WWE is...HLA. Because of this show of wrestling. Ya know what i'm tired of the entire Women's Division in itself! Stacy Keibler is the only woman on RAW who doesn't try to prove she's one of the guys. Alright here's how it goes. Every woman on the RAW Roster will be competing in a Match at Unforgiven. The winner of this Battle Royale will get to Keep her job within the company and be the Last woman to hold the Women's Championship. The REST of you women that lose are going to be..FIRED!

    Bischoff drops his mic as "I'm Back" hits again and both Trish and Jazz seem to be in shock but end up fighting again until they're seperated by officials. We cut to J.R and Lawler in shock over the big announcement!

    (Winner and STILL WWE Women's Champion: Jazz)

    Overall Rating: 72%

    Crowd Reaction: 75%

    Match Quality: 68%

    Dames Stars: *1/2

    Steve Corino vs Kanyon

    Kanyon is first out to his old WCW Music and once in the ring Corino's entrance video and music hits. He comes out onto the stage with Stacy in tow. The crowd is cheering loudly for the both of them as Corino gets into the ring. This is a very good match with Kanyon pulling out a couple innovative Neckbreakers as well as a Spinning Hanging Vertical Suplex which looked awesome. Corino looks to be in control of the match at the end though as he goes for the Old School Expulsion but clocks the referee accidentally with the feet of Kanyon. Corino nails it and covers Kanyon but the referee is outside the ring and down. As Corino stands up.."Test..Test..Test!" and the hardcore music of Test's entrance hits as Test makes his return to RAW! Test points at Corino and screams obscene things as he makes his way down to the ring. Corino stands set in the ring as Test slides into the ring. Corino swings with a clothesline at Test but Test ducks it and kicks Corino low. Test then nails a HUGE PUMPHANDLE SLAM! Test then stances in a corner waiting for Corino to stand. Corino staggers to his feet and turns RIGHT INTO A BIG BOOT! Corino is laid out in the middle of the ring spread-eagled. Test helps the referee back into the ring and then follows Stacy around the ring. Kanyon covers Corino as the referee counts it..1...2...3! Kanyon gets the victory as Stacy slides into the ring to get away from Test..RIGHT INTO A FLATLINER FROM KANYON OH MY GOD! Test looks somewhat shocked but claps for Kanyon as Stacy lay unconcious on the mat..poor Stacy.

    (Winner: Kanyon)

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Crowd Reaction: 76%

    Match Quality: 82%

    Dames Stars: ***

    Test Isn't Done!

    Test points to Corino and tells Kanyon. I'll do ya one better than her! Test then reaches under the ring apron for a steel chair and slides into the ring. Corino is almost up by now and Test cracks the chair into the back of the head of Corino!! Corino goes down to the mat and Test puts Corino's ankle into the chair Pillman style. Test then drags Corino into a corner and..no Test don't do that...PILLMANIZING ON CORINO'S ANKLE! Corino rolls around the ring screaming in agony...Corino may be out for a long time due to that viscious attack by Test!!!

    Overall Rating: 67%

    Shark Boy vs ?????

    Hardcore Championship

    Shark Boy is the first man out and tosses a trash can into the ring from underneath the ring apron after his music had hit. Then pulls a ladder out from under the ring as well and pushes it into the ring. Sharky slides into the ring and then..Sonny Siaki has come to RAW! Siaki's NWA-TNA music is playing which means he must've picked it out for himself. Siaki comes to the ring with some of the crowd cheering but as soon as he begins giving them the nice uppercut. They boo him loudly as he walks to the ring and cockily steps inside and gets right up in the grill of Shark Boy. Siaki controls the early going with a couple hard suplexes. Then he hits a BIG implant DDT on Shark Boy which allows Siaki to grab a steel chair from ringside and gets back into the ring. Siaki then nails a giant chair shot to Sharky's head which makes a loud pop. Siaki then covers Sharky..1...2...kickout!

    John Cena at this point begins making his way towards the ring slowly. Sharky lifts Siaki up for a suplex but Siaki drops back behind Sharky and lifts him up into a big backbreaker! Siaki covers for another long two count. Siaki picks up the chair again but Sharky dropkicks Siaki quickly and the chair flies to the outside landing at the bottom of the steel ramp. Cena gets down there slowly and picks it up. Cena slowly makes his way to ringside as Sharky picks Siaki up. Siaki pokes Sharky in the eye though and tries to whip him to the ropes but pulls him back towards himself. Cena is up on the apron and swinging the chair as Sharky at the last minute reverses the whip sending Siaki at Cena..CRACK! Cena lays out Siaki and Sharky dropkicks the knees out from under Cena. Cena drops to the outside with his face landing on the steel chair on the mat! Sharky hits a T-Bone suplex on Siaki and Nails the Deep Sea Drop! Then he covers Siaki..1...2...3!! Cena slides into the ring after Shark Boy. Shark Boy bails out of the ring though and grabs his Hardcore Championship from the ring announcer. Siaki gets to his feet to see Cena looking at Sharky outside the ring. Siaki spins Cena around and nails the "Siakopolis" laying Cena out in a fury. We go to commercial from here!

    (Winner and STILL Hardcore Champion: Shark Boy)

    Overall Rating: 70%

    Crowd Reaction: 74%

    Match Quality: 62%

    Dames Stars: 3/4*

    Superhero Duo vs Evolution (HHH/Goldberg)

    Special Guest Referees (The Dudley Boys)

    The Superheros are out first to a big cheer from the crowd. They slide into the ring. The Dudleys are already in the ring. D-Von goes to the outside while Bubba will referee on the inside. Then Goldberg's WWE entrance hits and he comes down to the ring to the boo's from the crowd. The sparks fly at the entrance as Goldberg exhales the smoke and pyro goes off. As soon as the pyro finishes the lights dim...ITS TIME TO PLAY THE GAME! Triple H then comes out as his strobe lights begin flashing. HHH and Goldberg get into the ring and the match begins. J.R And The King tell us that These three teams have been signed for Unforgiven to be in a Triple Threat Tag Title Match. Explaining to all of us why The Dudleys are Guest Refereeing.

    This match is really quick though as it turns into a four on two! D-Von gets back into the ring and the Dudleys hit a 3-D on Cyclone and Hurricane! Hurricane being the legal man. Triple H picks him up and hits a Pedigree! HHH covers Hurricane..fast count.1.2.3! HHH begins to celebrate as Goldberg gets into the ring..3D on HHH!!! Goldberg sees this and Spears the hell out of D-Von but receive a Bubba Cutter as he gets up for his trouble!! Bubba helps D-Von out of the ring and to the back as both men taunt the four left in the ring!!

    (Winners: Evolution)

    Overall Rating: 70%

    Crowd Reaction: 72%

    Match Quality: 68%

    Dames Stars: *1/2

    Not Over

    Backstage we see Kane finding RVD as he is trying to leave the arena. They're in the parking garage and Kane clocks RVD with a hard right hand. Kane tells RVD that he should never have hurt him and picks RVD up into a Gorilla Press and looks at a Closed Metal Garage Door. KANE FUCKING THROWS RVD THROUGH THE GARAGE DOOR SO A HUNK IS LEFT GAPING OPEN!! RVD is left lying on the outside of the door as Paramedics are called by officials that were nearby! These two men hate each other!

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Booker T/Jay Lethal vs Goldust/Christian

    Booker and Jay Lethal come down to the ring first to the cheers from the crowd. The fans are pumped up for this match. Once Lethal gets into the ring Goldust's entrance starts and gold confetti begins to fall as he walks to the ring and once Goldust takes off his costume at the bottom of the steel ramp. Christian's music and video kick up and Christian comes out onto the stage with the IC Championship over his shoulder. Christian saunters to the ring and these four men have a very good twenty minute tag match. I won't give too much up because I want you all to enjoy the PPV :).

    Booker T and Christian are in for a big hunk of the match. Goldust takes some cheap shots on Booker during the match and off of quick tags. Booker made a hot tag to Lethal late in the match and Lethal won with an Implant DDT on Christian to get the cover..1..2...3!! Goldust clotheslines Lethal over the top rope though right after the pinfall as soon as he stood up. Booker T though spins Goldust around and hits a BIG Spinebuster on Goldy. Booker then picks Goldust up and kicks him in the gut. Scissors Kick! Booker does the spinarooni but Christian is up by the time he's finished and..UNPRETTIER! Christian then rolls out of the ring and grabs his WWE Intercontinental Championship and walks to the side of the ring that Lethal is getting up at. Christian runs and clocks Lethal in the head with the Title as he goes by. We go to commercial break after this very good bout!

    (Winners: Jay Lethal and Booker T)

    Overall Rating: 82%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 83%

    Dames Stars: ***1/4

    Signing The Main Event for Unforgiven!

    We come back to RAW with a red carpet in the ring along with a table and two very nice chairs setup in the ring. Rock is out first as the crowd cheers him loudly as he comes down to the ring. Rock gets into the ring and sits down in the far chair and then "King Of My World" Hits and the crowd explodes as Jericho struts out onto the stage and plays to the crowd. The World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder as he walks down to the ring. Jericho climbs onto the ring apron and into the ring. He sits down and immediately signs the RAW Contract that makes their match for Unforgiven official. Rock looks it over a bit in the middle of the ring and signs the bottom of it and reaches out for Jericho's hand to shake it as he stands up. Jericho stands as well and shakes Rock's hand and raises his arm into the air. Rock in turn pulls JERICHO INTO A ROCK BOTTOM THROUGH THE TABLE!!! Rock takes the World Heavyweight Championship and poses with it on the turnbuckles before throwing it down on Jericho and leaving as RAW goes off the air!

    Overall Rating: 86%

    RAW Rating: 76%

    TV Rating: 5.84

    Attendance: 6,006

    Ticket Sales: $240,240

  14. Sunday Night Heat

    September 14, 2003

    Christopher Daniels defeats Paul London with a Fall from Grace to gain the pinfall. After the match Daniels hits another one on London for good measure. 68(60,76)**

    Test gets the fairly easy squash finish with his Big Boot on Mark Jindrak. Test then throws Jindrak over the top rope after the match is finished. 65(64,67)*

    Taz pins Nova after hitting a Tazplex on him. After that Taz picks Nova up and chokes him out with a Tazmission for a couple minutes and then leaves the ring with Nova in it knocked out. 68(60,76)**

    Gail Kim beats Allura with a Standing Hurricarana and gets the victory after a fairly solid women's match! 70(71,69)*1/2

    Scotty "Mr Mf'er" Riggs defeats Funaki whom came down to the ring from his announce position for this match with the Emerald Fusion. After the match Scotty hit the move twice more to show how bad he is. 78(63,93)***3/4

    Jody Fleisch defeats the Hurricane due to Goldberg's interference because of Hurricane's doctrine against Evolution so Goldberg showed him why he shouldn't go against the Strongest Stable in the WWE in years! 78(74,83)***

    Booker T defeats Charlie Haas in an interpromotional Match between RAW and Smackdown. Booker T rolls through the Haas of Pain and nails a Book End on Haas for the pin..1..2...3! Booker T gets the big win heading towards RAW. No interference from Goldust tonight but perhaps that's because it was Heat 76(77,74)**1/4

    Heat Rating: 51%

    TV Rating: 2.76

  15. user posted image

    WWE Smackdown

    September 11, 2003

    The Smackdown set comes onto the TV screen as the Smackdown video intro is skipped this week and "Here Comes The Money" hits and Shane McMahon comes bouncing out onto the stage to start the night!

    Bling, Bling!

    Shane bounces his way down to the ring with a huge grin on his face and rolls into the ring with a clipboard in hand and takes a microphone from a tech at ringside and begins talking into it to the fans.

    Shane: Well tonight you all will see some of the finest wrestlers in this business today compete but i'm out here tonight to talk about one of the best which has been elsewhere. Someone by the name of AJ Styles the NWA-TNA Champion! He is officially now solely a competitor with the WWE on the Smackdown Brand says this contract right here!

    A huge ovation from the crowd as he holds the clipboard with the Smackdown contract on it up in the air

    Shane: He will be here next week and with that..

    As Shane seems ready to be ending the interview Brock's entrance hits as the lights go down and the hardcore tones begin playing. Brock comes out from behind the curtain in training pants and a "Here Comes The Pain" T-shirt. Brock walks down to the ring and leaps up onto the ring apron and when he does his pyro goes off from the posts. Brock then takes the microphone from Shane McMahon and begins talking.

    Brock: Ya know Shane. I was in the back listening and I can't help but get frustrated. Ever since you took over Smackdown you've thrown one thing after another in front of me. Benoit, Undertaker, Angle, Edge. Anyone you can put in front of me you've tried. Now you sign AJ Styles who is a scumbag to a contract and I bet your going to hold me down and help him to the top before me too. Well I don't think so! I'm going to make a lasting impression so that you can't forget about me anymore!

    With this Brock kicks Shane in the gut..Spinning F5 From Brock!! Brock then picks Shane up and sets up for another and F5's SHANE OUT OF THE RING!!! Brock's music hits as the crowd half cheers and half doesn't know how to react as we go to our first commercial break.

    Seg #1 Overall Reaction: 71%

    Seg #2 Overall Reaction: 79%

    Orlando Jordan vs Taz

    This is nothing more than a bonafied Squash match for Taz as he makes short work of Jordan with a few suplexes and then locks in the Tazmission until Jordan taps out and Taz gets the victory and celebrates in the ring. Taz has been on a winning streak lately. How long before he gets noticed for it?!

    (Winner: Taz)

    Overall Rating: 55%

    Crowd Reaction: 58%

    Match Quality: 67%

    Dames Stars: *

    Rey Mysterio vs Psicosis

    WWE Cruiserweight Championship

    Psicosis comes out first as his music hits and he comes sauntering to the ring with that cocky smile he always has on. He also has a look in his eyes that is intense. He rolls into the ring and awaits Mysterio. Mysterio's music hits and he bounces out from behind the curtain and plays to the crowd with the Cruiserweight Title over his shoulder. Mysterio leaps up onto the apron and then LEAPFROG DROPKICK BY MYSTERIO TO PSICOSIS! The match starts with a bang as Psicosis goes down and Mysterio goes on the attack. Mysterio takes Psicosis and whips him across the ring. Mysterio goes for a front dropkick to Psicosis but Psicosis holds the ropes and Mysterio lands on his back hard. Psicosis grabs Mysterio's legs and bridges over them for a pin..1..2...kickout! Psicosis gets up and tries a small package on Mysterio..1...2..kickout. Psicosis gets up first again and sunset flips himself over on Mysterio..1..2...Mysterio reverses it into a pin on Psicosis..1...2..kickout!

    The crowd cheers as both men seperate and then lock up again. Psicosis controls Mysterio this time ducking the lock up and hitting a High Angle Back Suplex on Mysterio. Psicosis then climbs onto the apron of the ring and SPRINGBOARD LEGDROP ON MYSTERIO! Psicosis covers Mysterio..1...2...kickout! Mysterio is picked up by Psicosis and whipped into a corner of the ring. Mysterio rolls up the turnbuckle as Psicosis follows him in and right into the ringpost. Mysterio then rolls back down as Psicosis stays there for a moment! Mysterio signals for it and HITS THE "619" In the Corner! Mysterio then climbs to the top rope calling for the West Coast Pop. Mysterio leaps off the top rope as Psicosis gets up and only get a HUGE SUPERKICK IN THE FACE FOR HIS TROUBLES! Psicosis covers Mysterio as the crowd counts with the referee on this one..one...two...thr..no!!! Psicosis is in disbelief at this point that Mysterio kicked out. Psicosis while the ref checks on Mysterio reaches into his trunks and pulls out a chain! He waits for Mysterio to get up and moves for a clothesline but hits a running punch with the fist that has the chain on it! Mysterio goes down like a sack of bricks. Psicosis throws the chain towards the corner and picks Mysterio up..PSYCHO STUNNER! but the referee sees the chain and disqualifies Psicosis!! Psicosis is insensed and PSYCHO STUNNER ON BRIAN HEBNER! Mysterio and the referee are left lying in the ring as Smackdown goes to commercial. but Psicosis can't interfere anymore!

    (Winner by Disqualification and STILL WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Rey Mysterio)

    Overall Rating: 73%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 85%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    Oh Yea!

    We come back from commercial and zoom in on the Mattitude locker room and we find Matt talking things over with Jeff but doing so in a directing fashion. Basically ordering Jeff around and Jeff nods with no expression.

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0: You just make sure you stop Brock from getting involved. I want Sabu to myself. I don't care what you have to do but don't get Disqualified. And keep your shirt on. I don't want to hear any of those girls screaming at you.

    This seems to get a slight rise out of Jeff but Matt stares at Jeff with that psychotic look and Jeff settles down quickly as we zoom back out.

    Overall Rating: 89%

    Spanky vs Kid Kash

    Spanky comes out first and then "Welcome To Atlanta" hits and Kid Kash comes strutting out to the ring. This is a tremendous match between two of the more solid in-ring Cruiserweights and they put on a show of high flying Luchadore moves. Kash wound up getting Spanky in trouble with a Flying Neckbreaker and then hit the "Cha, Ching!" and covers Spanky for the pin..1...2...3! Kid Kash then rolls out of the ring and jumps onto the announce table celebrating his Debut victory. Big win for this kid!

    (Winner: Kid Kash)

    Overall Rating: 73%

    Crowd Reaction: 72%

    Match Quality: 92%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    Hardy Boyz vs Brock Lesnar and Sabu

    Sabu's entrance hits first and he comes out to the cheers from the crowd. He walks down to the ring slapping some hands and rolls into the ring. Then Brock's entrance hits and he comes stancing out from behind the curtain. He walks down to the ring and leaps up onto the apron as his pyro goes off for the second time tonight. Then Matt Hardy Version 1.0's entrance begins and it cuts into his music as he and Jeff come out from behind the curtain. Tonight's Mattfact is that Matt flosses three times a week, Jeff only once a week. The Hardys get to the ring and Matt directs Jeff to get in first. This match is actully a squash match as Sabu cuts off Matt Hardy very quickly and beats him down on the outside. Throwing him into the ring stairs. The opposite ring post and slamming him down on the announce table. While in the ring. Brock manhandled Jeff. Three Backbreakers and then his Triple Powerbomb. Lesnar finally mercifully ended it with an F5 to Jeff. This wasn't Mattitude's best showing but Shannon Moore, Billy Kidman and Scotty "Mr Mf'er" Riggs come running down to the ring with chairs and beat Brock Lesnar into submission. Sabu meets the same treatment as Matt gets into the ring and helps Jeff to his feet and then..A TWIST OF FATE ON JEFF BY MATT! Is this another case of Tough love by Matt Hardy on an MF'er?

    (Winners: Brock Lesnar and Sabu)

    Overall Rating: 71%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 80%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    Up Next

    A promo video highlights the Eddie Guerrero/Chris Benoit feud. It shows last week's battle between these two teams. As well as Eddie and Chris's history. Rabid Rhyno and Los Guerreros Round 2 of Possible 5 up Next!

    Overall Rating: 74%

    Rabid Rhyno vs Los Guerreros

    Round 2 of Possible 5 In #1 Contendership Series (Los Guerreros Up 1-0)

    Both teams make their way to the ring and this match is just as good as last week's match and both teams also turn it up a notch with the impact of their moves. There isn't a point to repeat the same match as last week report wise. So i'll give you all the ending because I don't want everyone to get too much of this before a PPV Finale :) Chavo and Benoit are the legal men. Rhyno comes into the ring to intercept an interference by Eddie as Benoit is on the top rope. Rhyno GORES The Hell out of Eddie as Benoit leaps off the top rope and hits his Suicide headbutt on Chavo! Benoit then locks the Crippler Crossface in on Chavo and Chavo is forced to tap out to tie the series at 1 Match a piece! Rhyno and Benoit go out into the crowd to celebrate their huge victory! The crowd cheers loudly for them as we take a final commercial break.

    (Winners: Rabid Rhyno)

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Crowd Reaction: 86%

    Match Quality: 100%

    Dames Stars: ****3/4

    Edge vs Team Angle

    Handicap Tag Match for a Title Shot at Kurt Angle

    Main Event

    Team Angle is out first with the WWE Tag Team Titles around their waists. They saunter down to the ring until Edge comes charging down to the ring and slides under the bottom rope trying to catch both men off guard! He does this successfully as Team Angle turns around and tries to clothesline Edge but Edge ducks it. Edge then comes off the ropes..DOUBLE SPEAR! The bell sounds as Edge picks up Charlie Haas and whips him to the ropes for a big back body drop. Shelton gets the same treatment. Edge is in control of Team Angle in the early going but Team Angle basically doesn't tag at all. They just take control by hitting a Double Suplex. Followed by their Double Team Move on the ropes. They hit it three times and Haas covers Edge..1..2...kickout! Haas then lifts Edge onto his shoulders and motions Shelton up top. Edge avoids the Code Red by hitting a Victory Roll on Haas..1..2..3!!! Edge steals a victory and Haas can't believe it! Team Angle had the match in the palm of their hands! We cut backstage to a camera to see Kurt Angle picking up the TV he was watching and chucking it against the wall breaking it into pieces. Kurt is infuriated as now he will have to defend his WWE Championship against Edge again! We go off Smackdown with the visual of the destroyed TV and Michael Cole giving us the question if Edge will take the WWE Championship next week!

    (Winner: Edge)(Charlie Haas Loses Overness)

    Overall Rating: 70%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 78%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    Smackdown Rating: 71%

    TV Rating: 4.75

    Attendance: 6,028

    Ticket Sales: $241,120

  16. user posted image

    Monday Night RAW

    September 8, 2003

    We cut into the RAW Intro video and music immediately and the live crowd gets pumped up as you should be at home. Tonight is a tremendous RAW. Once the video finishes and the pyro finishes up as well J.R. and The King run down tonight's four huge matches.

    J.R: King tonight we've got four huge matches and all of em have Slobberknocker written all over them.

    King: Your right J.R There is RVD making his return to RAW, teaming with Kane against those Damn Dudleys for the World Tag Team Titles!

    J.R: We'll also have a Fatal Fourway Hardcore Match between John Cena, Randy Orton, Steve Corino and Tommy Dreamer. Winner of that Match goes on to face Shark Boy at Unforgiven!

    King: But J.R nothing can top tonight's main event. Chris Jericho vs The Rock with a special guest referee. One would wonder whom Eric Bischoff will pick! Ya never know but my pick goes with The Game!

    J.R: It could be Bischoff himself too King. Anyway the final big match is coming up right now and it's for the WWE Intercontinental Championship with Christian defending the Title against Booker T!

    Christian vs Booker T

    WWE Intercontinental Championship

    Booker T's music hits to a huge ovation and he comes out onto the stage and walks down the ramp half way. Then hits his cue for his fire pyro to rise up and then he goes the rest of the way down to the ring. Then once Booker is in the ring and posing for the crowd. Christian's music hits and he comes walking onto the stage. He struts his way down to the ring with the IC Championship over his shoulder. He laughs his way down with shades on. Once he gets to ringside he takes them off and slides into the ring. Christian hands the Intercontinental Championship to the referee and the match starts!

    Booker locks up with Christian immediately and backs him into a corner of the ring. Booker then begins laying in hard knifedge chops and smacks across his chest. Booker whips Christian to the opposite corner of the ring and runs in himself. Booker gets all turnbuckle in the attempt and Christian hits a REVERSE SUPLEX On Booker out of the corner! Christian quickly covers Booker..1...2...kickout! Christian picks Booker up and whips him to the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Booker ducks under it and comes off the other side's ropes with a HUGE Leg Lariat on Christian! Booker then bounces to the ropes on the opposite side with a huge knee drop! Booker then gets down and does a HUGE SPINAROONI! Christian sees Goldust running down the ramp though in the corner of his eyes and turns the referee away and holds him. The referee can't figure out why Christian is doing that. As that happens and Booker is up from the spinarooni. Goldust slides into the ring behind Booker..CURTAIN CALL!! Goldust rolls out of the ring and stays down on all fours on the outside so the referee doesn't see him. Christian then lets go of the referee and picks Booker up..UNPRETTIER! Christian then covers Booker and hooks the leg..1...2....3!

    Christian retains! Goldust then stands up and slides back into the ring. Goldust proceeds to stomp the hell out of Booker as Christian grabs two chairs from ringside! As Christian slides into the ring with them. Jay Lethal comes running out of the back to a huge ovation from the crowd!!! Lethal slides into the ring as Christian lets go of one chair and uses his chair to swing for Lethal's head!! Lethal ducks under the attempt and as Christian turns around..DROPKICK INTO THE CHAIR! Christian staggers out of the ring and goes down on the outside! Goldust sees this and goes after Lethal but all he gets is a Lethal Injection for his troubles as Lethal avoids Goldust's attack and hits it!!! Lethal checks on Booker in the ring as Christian gets a microphone at ringside and grabs his Title!

    (Winner and Still WWE Intercontinental Champion: Christian)

    Overall Rating: 76%

    Crowd Reaction: 89%

    Match Quality: 76%

    Dames Stars:**3/4

    Christian Lays down a Challenge!

    Christian: Lethal every week you keep coming down here and stick your nose in my business! So why don't at Unforgiven you step into the ring with everyone's favorite Superstar! Christian! And if you can beat Goldust later tonight. I'll even make it for the WWE Intercontinental Championship!

    You can hear from in the ring Lethal saying "You're On!" as Christian's music hits again and he backs up the ramp with Goldust in tow.

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Superpowers Unite!

    Backstage Hurricane is with Cyclone and The Coach and Hurricane begins talking about the wrongs that occur on RAW!

    Hurricane: Tonight Coach myself and my good friend Cyclone here are going to begin our crusade to end the injustice and malice treatment of all the superstars on RAW due to the dastardly actions of the evil empire on RAW known as Evolution!

    Coach: Why would you want to fight HHH Hurricane? He hasn't done anything to you!?

    Hurricane: Because good citizen Coach. Myself and Cyclone must fight the good fight and defend those whom have not been wronged yet and avenge those whom have been wronged all ready. It shall start tonight when my comrade Cyclone takes on Ken Shamrock one of Triple H's evil doers. following his orders. I will challenge the problem and will take on Triple H and end this Game so RAW can live in peace once more!

    From here Hurricane and Cyclone do their fly away piece and we cut to commercial

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Ken Shamrock vs Cyclone

    This match isn't a squash but it's meant to be quick because of how many matches and segments are on RAW tonight. Shamrock and Cyclone are evenly matched but in the end Cyclone hits the Cyclone-Bomb (Tigerbomb) on Shamrock and gets the cover..1...2....3! Cyclone gets a big victory over Evolution member Shamrock but Ken comes back and hits a Mammoth Belly to Belly Suplex to the mat to put Cyclone down after the match!

    (Winner: Cyclone)

    Overall Rating: 75%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 89%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    RVD/Kane vs The Dudley Boys

    World Tag Team Championships

    RVD Comes out first to his pyro and music, playing to the crowd heavily. He gets to the bottom of the ramp as the ring announcer, says his name. RVD points to his shoulders three times and says R-V-D. Just as that finishes Kane's Chemical Brothers music kicks in and he comes stalking down to the ring (Mask is on) and they both get into the ring as then the Dudley Boys music and pyro begins exploding on the stage. Then their Powerman 5000 music comes on and the Dudleys come out onto the stage to the boos from the crowd with the World Tag Team Titles. Bubba's around his neck and D-Von's around his waist. They charge down to the ring and immediately begin fighting with RVD and Kane. RVD and D-Von pair off to start the match. RVD ducks an attempted clothesline from D-Von. Then a back elbow but then meets a MASSIVE Lariat from D-Von on the third run past and it sends RVD for a loop! The rest of the match was all Dudz as they controlled RVD and never let him tag Kane. eventully finishing him off with a 3D for the victory. After the match Kane gets into the ring and tries to help RVD up and RVD kicks Kane in the head, knocking him down. RVD then hits a Rolling Thunder on Kane to keep him down! RVD then goes and gets a chair from ringside and slides back into the ring as Kane sits up. RVD hits the ropes that are facing Kane and hits a sitdown dropkick to Kane..WITH THE CHAIR!!! This knocks Kane clean out. RVD proceeds to hit a Rolling Thunder with the chair...THEN A VANTERMINATOR With the chair coast to coast after setting Kane up in the one corner! Then he drags Kane to the middle of the ring and hits a FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH WITH THE CHAIR!!! Rob Van Dam has lost his mind...What has he done!?

    (Winners and Still World Tag Team Champions: The Dudley Boyz)(RVD's Turn is complete and he is now a Heel, He gained overness from his turn)

    Overall Rating: 77%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 75%

    Battle Rap

    Cena laid down a battle rap in this segment for his upcoming fatal fourway Match (My file got cut off and if i'm ever to get all this up I can't keep re-writing months and months old material so it's gonna be abbreviated since it got cut out.)

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Randy Orton vs Steve Corino vs Tommy Dreamer vs John Cena

    In this match it goes back and forth between the four men till Randy hits an RKO on Corino while Dreamer and Cena fight and steals a victory!

    (Winner: Randy Orton)

    Overall Rating: 66%

    Crowd Reaction: 72%

    Match Quality: 60%

    Hurricane Defeated Triple H in a one on one match due to a Lionsault with a chair by Chris Jericho while the referee was down. Hurricane then hit the Eye of the Hurricane for the giant upset win!

    Overall Rating: 66%

    Crowd Reaction: 72%

    Match Quality: 60%

    Jay Lethal defeats Goldust one on one with a Lethal Injection cleanly.

    Overall Rating: 72%

    Crowd Reaction: 67%

    Match Quality: 77%

    HHH was stalking around backstage and got to Bischoff's office and busted in. Threatening Bischoff if he didn't get Jericho at Unforgiven...Bischoff told him that he'd take it into consideration and to get the hell out of his office.

    Overall Rating: 72%

    Chris Jericho defeated The Rock when HHH interfered with a chair shot and accidentally hit The Rock from the ring apron. Jericho then hit a springboard dropkick into the chair, into HHH to knock him off the apron and then a Lionsault on Rock got him the 1..2...3!

    Overall Rating: 75%

    Crowd Reaction: 80%

    Match Quality: 70%

    RAW Rating: 74%

  17. Sunday Night Heat

    September 7, 2003

    Eric Angle defeats Maven after a ref bump and Angle hitting Maven in the head with the ring bell. Eric then covered Maven as the referee woke up for a three count and the victory 66(62,70) *1/4

    Orlando Jordan defeats Batista in an upset rollup but after the match Batista takes it out on him with a Sit-out Powerbomb! 62(63,63)3/4

    Tomms Dreamer defeats Chris Nowitski with the Dreamer Driver after a pretty solid but quick match 64(66,62)3/4

    Spanky defeats Billy Kidman with the Sliced Bread #2 and a pin. Very good match with alot of high Cruiserweight spots by both men 75(63,88)***1/4

    Kanyon defeats Spike Dudley after the "I'm Betta Than You" and a rollup which pulls the tights but wasn't really needed. It just amplified his Heel status. 69(68,71)*1/2

    Ultimo Dragon beats Shelton Benjamin after Charlie Haas tries to get involved but only ends up hurting his partner. After the match Team Angle hits their two big double team moves. 76(77,76)**1/4

    Lance Storm defeats Jody Fleisch after a pretty good match to the Straight Shooter submission. Pretty basic but good Heat match 68(52,85)**1/2

    Sean O'Haire defeats Chris Benoit via Eddie Guerrero interference as well as after the match Eddie Guerrero hits Benoit with three chair shots to the face and a backbreaker ONTO the opened chair! 81(79,83)***

    Heat Rating: 64%

    TV Rating: 2.84

  18. user posted image

    WWE Smackdown

    September 4, 2003

    We kickoff Smackdown with scenes from Summerslam. This time with the victories of Sabu though not nearly the way he wanted. Team Angle winning by falling through a Table, Mysterio retaining in Grand Fashion and Kurt Angle retaining in a Glorious way over Brock Lesnar and Edge! Now we do this as Smackdown's normal intro kicks in after the same video monotage shown to start Summerslam but it shows the winners from Smackdown. Once the intro video for Smackdown finishes up we hit the pyro and a new setup for Smackdown. No Metal Stage or entrance. It's flat on the ground and the wrestlers will just walk out from behind a curtain! Then we cut to the first segment of the night..

    Here Comes The Money $$$

    "Here Comes The Money" Hits and Shane McMahon comes out from behind the curtain and is bouncing around as usual! It looks like Shane's Leg has finally healed up! Shane McMahon bounces his way down to the ring to a huge ovation from the crowd. He grabs a Mic and begins to address the crowd!

    Shane: Well how bout Summerslam Huh?

    The crowd cheers loudly to show their approval for the entire Summerslam event!

    Shane: Well tonight two thirds of the Summerslam Main Event will be battling each other. As Kurt Angle will defend his WWE Championship against Edge!

    The crowd explodes in cheers hearing this news that the Champ and one of their favorites in Edge will be fighting!

    Shane: So let tonight begin the path to No Mercy which will show that Smackdown is the Dominant Brand and the best Product in Sports Entertainment Today!

    Shane O Mac does his skip and dance as he heads to the backstage area and our first match of the evening kicks off!

    (Shane McMahon Loses Overness From This Segment :( )

    Overall Rating: 69%

    But Before That First Match!

    We cut backstage where all the Mattitude Followers, Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy Version 1.0 are all and Matt cuts a pretty sadistic promo.

    Matt Hardy: On Sunday you saw the reformation of the Mattitude Driven Hardy Boys. Jeff has seen the error of his ways and has come home to his brother and the thongs of Mattitude Followers. So how does it feel Sabu? To go down and fail. I Still have my Title and all you have is your pathetic contract. You don't have the Title. You don't have anything more than a Tainted Victory.

    M. Hardy: I Hear all about how you want revenge and are going to start with Mr. MF'er himself, Scotty Riggs. Well Scotty is going to take you out tonight but if you want a fight. Next week why don't you face me and my brother in a Handicap Match. That's the only way you get a piece of me or this title in the near future Sabu. The Year of Mattitude has begun. By Summerslam of 2004. I will be the WWE Champion. You don't have to believe me but...

    The promo ends and we go to commercial after Hardy's Last Line


    Overall Rating: 75%

    Scotty "Mr. MF'er" Riggs vs Sabu

    Scotty comes out first to the heavy boo's from the crowd. Scotty gets into the ring and then is followed shortly after by Sabu's entrance and music hitting. Sabu comes walking out onto the stage and charges the ring. Sabu really does do a squash on Scotty even though Scotty tries for the Emerald Fusion late in the match but Sabu goes over Scotty's shoulder. He hits a STRONG Powerbomb on Scotty and then hits the Arabian Facebuster immediately after this but Jeff Hardy comes running down to the ring as Sabu covers Scotty. Jeff runs up one of the corners from the outside SWANTON BOMB ONTO SABU'S BACK WHEN HE WASN'T EXPECTING IT!!! The referee immediately calls for a DQ as Jeff Hardy tugs Sabu over to the corner and kicks him where the sun don't shine and climbs to the top rope..another STIFF Swanton Bomb! Jeff climbs back up top and hits ANOTHER SWANTON BOMB!!! This kid has lost it! Scotty picks Sabu up and hits the Emerald Fusion on him in the corner and Jeff motions at Scotty to give him a chair. Scotty gets it quickly and gives it to Jeff who is on the top rope. Jeff drops with a leg drop onto the ropes next to the corner. That puts him over into a corkscrew splash onto SABU WITH THE CHAIR BETWEEN THEM!!!! Jeff then raises Scotty's arm and both men celebrate in the ring..the destruction of Sabu and Matt didn't even have to get involved!

    (Winner by DQ: Sabu)

    Overall Rating: 72%

    Crowd Reaction: 72%

    Match Quality: 73%

    Dames Stars: **

    Rabid Rhyno vs Los Guerreros

    A Navy Blue Lowrider comes out from the side of the set and Los Guerreros are inside bouncing up and down as their hydrolics go off. They ride down to the ring to the boos from the crowd but the fans still love Eddie for some reason. He's a heel people. Boo him! anyway. Los Guerreros get out and slide into the ring as the crowd gives them MAJOR Heat. Then Rhyno's music hits and he comes out from behind the curtain beating his chest as he comes to the ring. (He hasn't turned on Benoit in this Diary :) ). Then once Rhyno is waiting in front of the Low-Rider. Benoit's entrance and music hit and the crowd goes ballistic for Benoit! Benoit comes down to the ring as he normally does and once he gets to where Rhyno is. Both men slide into the ring and begin duking it out with Los Guerreros. The match finally gains a sembelence of order with Chavo beginning in the ring with Benoit.

    Benoit and Chavo lock up and Benoit backs Chavo into a corner. The referee demands a clean break and all Chavo gets is a red chest from just a teeth chattering chop. Benoit whips Chavo across the ring with his patented scream. Chavo rams hard into the corner and slams to the mat from the force. Benoit tags Rhyno in. Both men whip Chavo into a neutral corner. Rhyno then grabs Benoit and whips him as hard as he can into Chavo for a viscious lariat in the corner. Benoit then shoves Chavo out and Rhyno goes for a Gore..CHAVO DODGES AND RHYNO GORES BENOIT! Rhyno holds his head, visably upset that he Gored Benoit but in the meantime Chavo tags Eddie in and Eddie gets behind Rhyno and nails a big High Angle Back Suplex! Eddie picks Rhyno up..big Vertical suplex! Eddie twists those hips and hits another one. Rhyno blocks the third one twice so Eddie does something easier! He takes Rhyno over in a Northern Lights Suplex and bridges it for a pin..1...2....Benoit breaks it up by kicking Eddie punt style in the back!

    Chavo comes running over at Benoit though and clotheslines him over the top rope, taking himself out as well! Eddie begins struting and climbs to the top rope ready to go for a Frog Splash! At the last second though as Eddie comes off the top rope and down at Rhyno. Rhyno rolls towards Eddie's corner so Eddie hits nothing but mat! Rhyno then gets to his feet slowly and begins taunting for Eddie to get up. Eddie holding his ribs gets to his feet and on the outside of the ring. Benoit chops Chavo and the referee isn't looking so Chavo kicks Benoit low! Chavo then grabs Benoit by the neck and PUTS HIS HEAD THROUGH THE WINDSHIELD OF THE LOW-RIDER! The crowd simply pops huge for this and the referee turns around and sees Benoit in the windshield and Chavo explains to the referee he just dodged Benoit! The referee being a WWE official buys it and as his back is turned. Rhyno tries to gore Eddie but Eddie hits a drop toe hold on Rhyno and quickly sinches that into a Lasso from El Paso! After about 30 seconds of not being able to get anywhere...Rhyno taps out!! What a match and we go to commercial break with Los Guerreros celebrating in the ring with the big victory!

    (Winners: Los Guerreros)

    Overall Rating: 90%

    Crowd Reaction: 82%

    Match Quality: 99%

    Dames Stars: ****3/4

    Cruiserweight Title Battleground!

    We see a video play for several minutes to show all the Cruiserweights on Smackdown and the feud between Psicosis and Rey Mysterio inperticular for the WWE Cruiserweight Title! This should be obvious to anyone with a brain leading into a Cruiserweight Match!

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Rey Mysterio vs Christopher Daniels

    WWE Cruiserweight Championship

    Christopher Daniels comes out first to his music from ROH. But of course WWE Does not give ROH Credit for it. They claim they came up with it and put a couple hardcore twists into it. He gets to the ring and then Rey Mysterio's music and video kick up and spark pyro goes off for a second as Mysterio comes through the curtain! Mysterio comes down to the ring to defend his Cruiserweight Title against Daniels! Should be a good match. Mysterio slides into the ring and Daniels goes to work immediately with some high impact suplexes but Mysterio late in the match fights back by hitting a Top rope Hurricarana! Mysterio then dropkicks Daniels in the back once he gets up and hits a "619!" Mysterio then on the apron with his back to the set. Psicosis comes running out from the back..someone needs to tell people to not interfere so much! Psicosis comes down and leaps up onto the apron and spins Mysterio towards him..PSYCHO STUNNER OFF THE RING APRON TO THE FLOOR OH MAN!

    The referee saw this and we have yet again another DQ! Psicosis then rolls Mysterio into the ring for Daniels. Psicosis goes under the ring and grabs a chair and brings it into the ring with him. He swings the chair for Mysterio as Daniels holds him. Mysterio ducks it which isn't hard cause he's shorter than Daniels. Psicosis decimates Daniels with the chair and Mysterio nails a dropkick into the chair as Psicosis turns with it! Mysterio rolls out of the ring and grabs his Cruiserweight Title and heads to the back with the victory even if by DQ

    (Winner by DQ and STILL WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Rey Mysterio)

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Crowd Reaction: 77%

    Match Quality: 84%

    Dames Stars: ***1/4

    Charlie Haas vs Steve Blackman

    This match is a fairly big squash but it turns around. Haas and Benjamin come out first to the ring with Haas climbing into the ring and Blackman comes out second with Al Snow not at Smackdown tonight due to injuries sustained at Summerslam. Haas controls Blackman for almost the entire match until Haas goes for a German Suplex but it's blocked by Blackman and hits a chinbreaker after he spins around! Blackman sets up to hit his Bicycle kick on Haas but Benjamin climbs onto the ring apron. So Blackman nails a Bicycle kick on him instead!!! Haas tries to come up behind Blackman and nail another german but Blackman catches him with an elbow. That staggers Haas back and when Haas turns back around..BICYCLE KICK ON HAAS! Blackman covers Haas...1..2....3! Blackman gets a victory over half of the Tag Champs! After the match though. Haas and Benjamin proceed to hit their Leapfrog onto the back move as well as the Code Red from the top rope that they do to take Blackman out as we go to commercial break!

    (Winner: Steve Blackman)(Charlie Haas Loses Overness)

    Overall Rating: 70%

    Crowd Reaction: 70%

    Match Quality: 71%

    Dames Stars: *3/4

    Your Olympic Champion will Win, It's True, It's True!

    Backstage Kurt Angle standing by with Funaki whom has obviously been re-hired for interviewing purposes.

    Funaki: This is...Funaki..Smackdown #1 Announca! Wit me is the WWE...Champion. Kurt Angel..

    Angle: Angle..Angle!! What are you some Jap who can't speak English? It doesn't matter. Your just getting in the Champ's way so move it!

    Angle sends Funaki packing verbally and begins to cut his promo on Edge for tonight!

    Angle: Tonight I have to defend this WWE Championship against Edge. Why I don't even know. He lost first at Summerslam! He wasn't even in the deciding fall of our match!! Why does he get the next shot at my Title Shane? At least your Dad knew how to treat a Champion..everybody is right your just some punk with a silver spoon in his mouth!

    Angle then walks off with a smirk on his face and the WWE Championship over his shoulder

    Overall Rating: 92%

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0 vs Brock Lesnar

    Non-Title Match

    Brock Lesnar is the first man out..see what happens when you lose a main event. You get demoted to coming out first to Matt Hardy :). Lesnar comes out to the ring and leaps up onto the apron. His pyro explodes and he steps into the ring. Then Matt Hardy's intro kicks in. The video comes in slowly until it hits 100% and then...OHHHH YEAAAA! Matt's video comes on with his Mattfact of the night being "Matt Hardy's IQ is 145, 100 better than Brock!" Matt Hardy Version 1.0 in this time is coming down to the ring with Jeff Hardy in tow. Both men making Mattitude symbols. Matt has the WWE American Championship around his waist as he gets to the ring he takes it off and hands it over to Jeff. Matt climbs into the ring and the match begins with Hardy taking surprising control of Brock early. Matt hits hard fists and knees to the gut. He whips Brock to the ropes but Brock reverses and sends Matt to the ropes and takes him over with a hard powerslam. Brock holds it for a cover..1...2...kickout! Brock picks Matt up and whips him to the ropes again but this time Matt does a running Basement Dropkick. Brock goes down holding his knee as Hardy works over the knee for several minutes before Brock finally begins to fight back after Brock powers out of an attempted piledriver by Matt. Brock then picks Matt up for a High Impact Lifting DDT AND SPIKES MATT ON HIS HEAD OH MY GOD!

    Matt goes limp in the ring. Brock picks Matt up and he's still very limp and lifts him up into an F5! Jeff Hardy reaches under the ring and pulls a 10 ft high ladder from under the ring. Jeff slides into the ring as Lesnar hits a HUGE F5 on his brother. Jeff then with the referee right next to Brock. Jeff uses the Ladder to clothesline BOTH the referee and Brock Lesnar down! Jeff then proceeds in a very sadistic and evil manner to drive the ladder over and over into Lesnar till he is almost motionless. Jeff then sets the ladder up in a corner of the ring and climbs to the top and stands on the top of it. SWANTON BOMB OFF THE TOP OF THE LADDER! We've seen this move alot tonight! The referee does see this and disqualifies Matt Hardy giving the victory to Brock. Jeff then helps Matt to his feet and helps him to the backstage area with the American Championship over Matt's shoulder. Matt holds up a Mattitude symbol as Jeff helps him to the back.

    (Winner by DQ: Brock Lesnar)

    Overall Rating: 81%

    Crowd Reaction: 82%

    Match Quality: 81%

    Dames Stars: ***

    Kurt Angle vs Edge

    WWE Championship, Main Event

    Edge comes out first from behind the curtain as the smoke comes pluming from the curtain area. The crowd explodes when Edge comes out and the crowd is heavily into him. They cheer him as loudly as we've heard anyone cheered tonight! Edge comes to the ring and slides under the bottom rope and slides himself into the middle of the ring. Edge takes off his leather coat and then "Medal" hits and the crowd explodes in a chorus of boo's and they begin to chant "YOU SUCK" In unison with his music. Kurt comes out from behind the curtain with the WWE Championship around his waist. He holds his arms up in the air as his pyro explodes by the set. Angle then comes to the ring and walks up the ring steps. Angle steps into the ring and does his twirl. About five minutes left on Smackdown's air time so this match is sure to be pretty quick unfortunately. It gives off the vibe that there's no chance that Edge will win the Title tonight :(

    Sorry all you Edge fans. Edge and Angle go at it quickly and strongly. Edge hits alot of high impact moves including his Spear which gets a long two count. Late in the match which is about six minutes later. Angle goes for the Angle Slam but Edge reverses out of it, landing behind Angle. Angle turns around..kick to the gut and EDGEOCUTION!!! The crowd pops huge as Edge covers Angle, hooking the leg..1...2...kickout by Angle!!! The crowd ooooh's big time. Edge can't believe it and Angle rolls out of the ring and waves his hands at Edge. He begins to walk up the aisleway and Edge slides out of the ring and chases after him! Edge clotheslines Angle from behind, knocking him down. Edge picks Angle up and brings him over to the set...We go off the air with the vision of Edge..VERTICAL SUPLEXING ANGLE THROUGH THE FUCKING SET AND THE CROWD GOING ABSOLUTELY BALLISTIC!

    (Time Limit Draw/Countout Decision)(Still WWE Champion: Kurt Angle)(WWE Championship Gains In Image)

    Overall Rating: 87%

    Crowd Reaction: 92%

    Match Quality: 77%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    Smackdown Rating: 78%

    TV Rating: 5.12

    Attendance: 6,542

    Ticket Sales: $261,680

  19. user posted image

    Monday Night RAW (Summerslam Aftermath)

    September 1, 2003

    We have a video clip of Summerslam's results last night with Corino, Dudley Boys, Christian, Shark Boy and Chris Jericho all winning. Their victories being shown to St. Anger by Metallica as we cut away from Jericho celebrating to the RAW Intro which shows all the usual suspects and then we cut to the RAW set with pyro exploding everywhere and then "King of My World" begins playing as we get right into it. As The Dames would say "Let's Do This!"

    Game Paused!

    Chris Jericho makes his way out onto the stage with the World Heavyweight Championship around his waist as he struts down to the ring and slaps some hands on the way down. The crowd eats Jericho up and he poses on the ring with the title around his waist. Jericho then steps into the ring and grabs a stick from a tech at ringside and begins to talk.

    Jericho: I Know your back there Trips. Come on Hunter, I've been hearing the talk all day. Your gonna come kick my ass..oooooh!

    Jericho makes his free hand's fingers wiggle and acts very scared but he's obviously mocking The Game

    Jericho: But your not going to because I Ended The Game last night at Summerslam when I Pinned you Hunter. To become the NEW and now Two Time World Heavyweight Champion. All you can do now Hunter is watch and realize that all you are..Is a HAS BEEEN!

    Jericho does his Has Beeen with his normal flair in his voice and then ITS ALL ABOUT THE GAME! Triple H's entrance by Motorhead hits as the lights go down and the strobes begin to go off but HHH comes charging out instead of his normal intro! He comes charging down to the ring and slides under the bottom rope! He's up for a fight tonight it looks like!! HHH begins fighting with Jericho as the lights come up. Punches back and forth and Jericho gains the advantage backing HHH into the ropes and whipping him to the other side. Jericho goes for a clothesline but HHH ducks it and hits his Running High Knee! HHH stalks Jericho and then..Kick to the gut and an impactful PEDIGREE To the mat! HHH Unstraps the World Heavyweight Title and raises it high over Jericho's body. HHH then spits on Jericho and drops his belt on him as we go back to J.R. and The King

    Overall Rating: 90%

    Steve Corino vs Ken Shamrock

    Shamrock comes out first to his own music. He and Goldberg don't seem to use the Evolution theme. Corino comes out after him with Stacy Keibler with him tonight. Stacy climbing into the ring and wiggling that ass gets probably the biggest pop of the night. Coring seems pretty beat up after last night and moves like it in the ring. Shamrock controlls the early going with some good solid technical wrestling but Corino fights back and eventully after hitting a HARD, Stiff Powerbomb on Shamrock. Then picks Shamrock back up and hits the Old School Expulsion and covers Shamrock..1...2.....3! Stacy gets into the ring after the match and celebrates with Corino before we go to commercial. Obviously Test is still too hurt to make an appearance tonight!

    (Winner: Steve Corino)

    Overall Rating: 65%

    Crowd Reaction: 74%

    Match Quality: 73%

    Dames Stars: **

    Black Gold is Dead

    We cut backstage to see Booker T with his ribs heavily taped after the beatdown he took last night. He looks to be heading for the stage until GOLDUST RUNS UP BEHIND BOOKER WITH A BASEBALL BAT AND CLUBS BOOKER IN THE RIBS!!!! Booker goes down in Agony as Goldust hits him twice more in the ribs and Booker is seen spitting up a bit of blood as we go to our next match! What a sleezy move by Goldust!

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Shark Boy vs John Cena

    (Hardcore Championship Match)

    Shark Boy and John Cena engage in a giant Hardcore Title Match which goes back and forth but eventully Sharky comes out on top with a Deep Sea Drop to Cena onto a cookie sheet for the 1...2...3! Sharky got a good victory and did good against an up and coming Cena!

    (Winner and Still Hardcore Champion: Shark Boy)

    Overall Rating: 74%

    Crowd Reaction: 76%

    Match Quality: 72%

    Dudley Boyz vs the Superhero Duo

    The Dudley Boyz are the first down to the ring to the boo's from the crowd and then once they are in the ring. Cyclone and Hurricane come out to the stage as Hurricane/Cyclone's entrance hits. They make their way down to the ring and once they are there the match begins. The match goes back and forth until the Superhero Duo went to finish the match with Cyclone trying to hit the Cyclone-Bomb on D-Von but it was blocked and instead he was lifted into a 3D by the Dudleyz. Then he was covered for the victory as Bubba knocked Hurricane off the ring apron as they picked up the victory over the Superhero Duo as we headed to commercial break.

    (Winners: The Dudley Boyz)

    Overall Rating: 76%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 71%

    Jericho Wants HHH

    Chris Jericho is backstage and is furious. He grabs the Coach's microphone and speaks towards the camera

    Jericho: YOU WANT YOUR SHOT HUNTER?! You come get it, tonight.

    You can hear the crowd erupt in the background and cheer insanely loud to hear of that match

    Jericho: Oh yes it'll be Chris Jericho vs Triple H for the World Heavyweight Title tonight. So come play your games Hunter. I'll be waiting for you!

    Overall Rating: 88%

    After this we go backstage elsewhere, where Christian spots Lethal whom is stretching as if he has a match coming up and Christian attacks him from behind and beats him down badly, mocking him..these two simply don't like each other! Christian walks off with a smirk

    Overall Rating: 77%

    Chris Jericho vs Triple H

    World Heavyweight Title Match

    Main Event

    HHH's "The Game" Hit and he did about half his entrance before Chris Jericho jumped him from behind and they began brawling back up the steel set. They made their way back to the RAW set. Jericho tried to slam HHH's head and body into the set but HHH reverses it plowing Jericho into it hard. HHH laughed and picked Jericho up and sets him up for a Pedigree but Jericho grabs HHH's legs and sets up for a Walls of Jericho but Jericho spins around so his back is facing towards the edge of the stage..SLINGSHOT FROM THE STAGE DOWN TO TABLES AND EQUIPMENT BELOW!!!! Jericho looks on from up above and shrugs..he turns around and LIONSAULT DOWN TO HHH BELOW AND BOTH MEN ARE DESTROYED AS RAW Goes off the air with Jericho and HHH in a mess of broken equipment and tables.

    (No Contest)

    Overall Rating: 90%

    Crowd Reaction: 95%

    Match Quality: 85%

    RAW Rating: 80%

  20. user posted image


    The voice that normally does the WWE intro videos is heard as we enter into a video with clips of all of the wrestlers that are supposed to be on the Summerslam PPV tonight. The music from Wrestlemania XIX is used as the backdrop for this intro video but the video is very different.

    Men that do not give up, Men with the hearts of Champions will fight tonight for the right to be called the best. They via for the cheers of the crowd. They will give their bodies, hearts and souls tonight. They will be the true boys of summer. As they do battle for the most valuable championships in the world. Tonight they will battle at Summerslamm.. (Music fades out as we fade off from the intro at the end of Summerslam being said)..

    The music went up and down through the about 75 second intro to Summerslam building to the ending which was terrific. Then we cut to the RAW/Smackdown intro like they did for Wrestlemania XIX except this one has just a different feel to it. Not as dramatic as Wrestlemania. We then come into view of the site of Summerslam..Ford Field which is packed to capacity with 56,000 people in attendance! The actual set for Summerslam is four Circular Screens that are set in a Diamond shape. There is no stage. It's a flat entrance with the Bloody Summerslam logo across the top of the massive setup. The rest of the set is Metal poles and beams holding up the set and trons!

    Pyro begins exploding all over in front of the set way up in the air. The crowd is going nuts as we are set to kick off Summerslam with Test vs Steve Corino!

    Test vs Steve Corino

    (High Incident Match)

    Test's entrance hits first and the trons play the video and it looks awesome as the music plays and Test struts out from behind the curtain and begins walking down the long aisleway for his High Incident Match with Corino! Test reaches under the ring and pulls out a Ladder from under the ring as well as a Stop Sign and slides both into the ring and then climbs into the ring himself. Then Corino's music hits and he comes stalking out onto the stage with his video playing on the Trons behind him. Corino gets to ringside and climbs into the ring and then "I'm Back!" hits and Eric Bischoff walks out from behind the curtain with a microphone in hand. He begins to talk as he makes his way down to ringside and eventully takes a seat with the ring announcer as he talks

    Bischoff: Tonight for your High Incident Match boys. I am the judge so I hope you intend to impress everyone here tonight because to win this match. You have to Impress ME!

    By now Bischoff was sitting down at ringside and the bell sounded for the match to begin which got the crowd to cheer loudly as Summerslam is underway! Test locks up with Corino and then throws him back to the mat. Test quickly goes to the well and picks up the Stop Sign and swings for Corino's head but Corino ducks it and goes for a dropkick nailing the stop sign into Test's head! Test falls out of the ring to the outside. Corino climbs out of the ring and grabs Test. He tries to whip him into the ringsteps but Test reverses sending Corino in hard. The steps dislodge and Test walks over and grabs the stairs, throwing them over the top rope once he has them and into the ring. Test then climbs back into the ring and waits as Corino climbs back into the ring. Test had put the steps in the middle of the ring as he grabs Corino. Test whips Corino to the ropes but Corino reverses that and Corino then hits a drop toe hold on Test onto the stairs! This is the first we hear from Bischoff tonight.

    Bischoff: Not bad but keep going Corino. You can do better than that to impress me!

    Corino hears this and grabs Test, picking him up and nails a BIG vertical suplex ONTO THE FOLDED UP LADDER! The crowd pops but Corino looks to Bischoff and Bischoff shakes his head no. Corino seems to get even more angry and picks a hurting Test back up and goes for his Old School Expulsion ONTO THE LADDER!!! But Test at the last moment fights out of it using his weight to land on his feet lifting Corino up (Taker-HHH Tombstone Reversal) and Test then uses a Huge Powerslam that looks like the end of his Pump Handle Slam that he normally does ONTO THE LADDER!! The crowd pops for this move too but Bischoff again says no to Test to his shagrin.

    Bischoff: Sorry Test but you've gotta produce more Offense before I am willing to give you a victory over Corino there. He's winning so far. Impress me!

    Test picks up the ladder and places it on the ringpost/turnbuckle so it's jutting out towards the middle of the ring. Test then picks up Corino and whips him RIGHT INTO THE LADDER HEAD and it completely knocks Corino down. Bischoff smiles and claps to Test as Test looks at Bischoff. Though Bischoff then points at Corino and motions Test to keep going. Test picks Corino up and goes for a Pump Handle Slam onto the Ladder but Corino slides out the back. Then hits a HARD neckbreaker on Test and gets up. He picks up the ladder and sets it up in the corner leaning against the turnbuckles. Corino then picks Test up and whips him to that corner. Test reverses at the last second sending Corino in hard face first! It makes an awesome sound and Test then..NAILS A HUGE BIG BOOT ON CORINO AS HE TURNS AROUND! Test then turns and looks at Bischoff.

    Bischoff smiles but shakes his head and Test begins to get frustrated. He picks Corino up and places him against the Ladder and goes for a splash into the corner but Corino avoids the contact. Corino then as Test staggers back out of the corner..Corino picks Test up into the Old School Expulsion but instead of slamming Test down..HE RUNS HIM INTO THE CORNER WITH THE LADDER AND THEN BOUNCING OFF THAT SLAMS HIM DOWN WITH IT ONTO THE STOP SIGN!!! The crowd pops huge for this and Bischoff claps loudly and talks over the mic.

    Bischoff: If you finish him properly Corino you get the win here cause that was pretty good!

    Corino puts the ladder down in front of the corner on the mat. Corino picks Test up and lifts him up into an Old School Expulsion and climbs backwards up to the second rope..OLD SCHOOL EXPULSION OFF THE SECOND ROPE ONTO THE LADDER! Corino is in pain from the move as well but Bischoff tells the ring announcer to ring the bell because Corino just won it! Corino is announced the winner as Test doesn't even make a motion after that huge move. Test is laid out as Corino was the better man tonight!

    (Winner by High Spot at 10:11: Steve Corino)(Steve Corino Gained Overness From This Match)

    Overall Rating: 66%

    Crowd Reaction: 65%

    Match Quality: 67%

    Booker T/Goldust vs The Dudley Boys

    (World Tag Team Championship, Table Match)

    The Dudleys Boys pyro begins exploding all over the set..it's larger than it normally is with firey pyro exploding near the trons and then they come walking out through the curtain. Both men are fired up but the crowd boos the hell out of them anyway. The Dudleys walk down to the ring. At ringside there are Tables leaning against the Barricades all the way around the ring. The winning team will be the one whom puts both opponents through a table! The Dudleys get into the ring and pose until Booker T's music hits. Booker and Goldy come walking out from behind the curtain as Booker's fire pyro begins going off. Both men pose as Booker does his normal ring intro and the pyro goes up when Booker cues it. The World Tag Team Titles around their waists as they get into the ring. Bubba and D-Von begin taking it to the champs immediately. The Dudleys pounce on Booker and Goldy with hard kicks and punches. Backing both men into the ropes and whipping them across the ring. Both men telegraph the back body drop.

    Booker nails a kick hard into Bubba's chops and Goldust does his drop and uppercut smack to D-Von. The Dudleys stagger to the ropes and come back by ducking attempted clotheslines by both Booker and Goldust. Then the Dudleys clothesline themselves and Black Gold out of the ring and to the outside where all of them sprawl around. Booker gets up as does Bubba. Bubba grabs one of the tables and swings it like a bat clubbing Booker down! D-Von and Goldust had gotten up at the same time. D-Von grabs Goldy and tries to drive his head into the ringpost but Goldust reverses sending D-Von's head into the post knocking him down. Goldust then runs at Bubba but Bubba whom had just knocked Booker down. Knocks Goldy down as well with the Table! Bubba then picks Booker up and Bubba Bombs him quickly on the outside of the ring..OW!

    D-Von in the meantime had staggered to his feet and setup a table on the outside of the ring. Bubba got ready in front of it as D-Von moved around it and got in front of Bubba as Goldust got to his feet and turned around at D-Von..3D THROUGH THE TABLE!!!! Goldust is eliminated from this match and doesn't move from where he's laying either. Booker is up by now and when Bubba gets up. Booker nails a HUGE Spinebuster on Bubba on the outside of the ring! D-Von then grabs Booker and slams his head down onto the ring steps and rolls him into the ring!

    D-Von then grabs a table and pushes it into the ring. Booker runs to the ropes as D-Von gets up with the Table in hands..DROPKICK TO THE TABLE SENDING D-VON BACK OUTSIDE THE RING! Goldust still hasn't moved from where he was 3D'd and Booker picks Bubba up whom was already almost up. He gets him in the aisleway...BOOKEND ON THE AISLEWAY WHICH HAS NO PADDING THERE!!! The crowd pops huge for this move. Booker gets back into the ring and sets up the table that was still in the ring in the middle of the ring. D-Von climbs back into the ring slowly and Booker kicks D-Von in the gut as he gets into the ring...SCISSORSKICK ON D-VON! Booker is controlling this match now! Booker puts D-Von onto the table laying down across it.

    Booker then climbs to the top rope and calls to the crowd...HOUSTON HANGOVER THROUGH D-VON THROUGH THE TABLE WHICH MAKES THE CROWD GO ABSOLUTELY BALLISTIC!!! It's down to Bubba and Booker. Booker takes a long time to get up. By the time Booker is stirring. Bubba had already gotten up and had enough time to setup a table on the outside and push two tables into the ring. Bubba then climbed into the ring with a Steel Chair and once Booker got up. Bubba threw the chair on the mat, kicked Booker in the gut as he turned around...DDT ONTO THE STEEL CHAIR BY BUBBA! Bubba then sets up a table near to the corner and puts Booker onto it and climbs to the top rope..HE DOES HIS SENTON SPLASH BUT AS USUAL IT NEVER WORKS AND BUBBA PUTS HIMSELF THROUGH THE TABLE!!! It obviously doesn't count since you can't eliminate yourself.

    Booker and Bubba take a long time to get up and Goldust is finally stirring outside the ring. D-Von is on the outside of the ring. The referees haven't tried removing either man yet since they're both hurting. So it's just Bubba/Booker and the ref in the ring. The two other guys outside the ring. D-Von slides back into the ring first which distracts the referee and he goes over to stop D-Von since D-Von and Goldust can't do an elimination. As this happened Booker nailed a Leg Lariat on Bubba putting him down. Before Booker could turn around..GOLDUST WAS PLAYING POSSUM! Goldust was in the ring behind the ref's back..CURTAIN CALL ON BOOKER WHAT IS THIS?!! Goldust then picked Bubba up and Bubba went to the top rope as Goldust handed Booker to Bubba. Goldust hurriedly setup the table and Goldust got out of the ring as D-Von dropped off the apron. The referee turned around to see Bubba absolutely DESTROYING BOOKER THROUGH THE TABLE WITH THE POWERBOMB!!! Bubba was pulled out of the ring by D-Von and the referee grabbed both World Tag Titles and handed it to them as the Dudley Boys were announced the winners. Goldust didn't waste any time after this. We don't even understand why he's doing this as he pulls Booker outside of the ring and puts his head against the ringpost. He then grabs the Chair from inside the ring..ONE MAN CONCHAIRTO ON BOOKER! Goldust is insensed as he grabs Booker's left leg and puts it on a step of the stairs. Then drives the chair repeatedly down into Booker's knee until finally the referees break it up!

    Goldust laughs sadistically, his facepaint peeling heavily by now after this matchup. By the Summerslam set the Dudley Boys pose with their newly won World Tag Team Titles!

    (Winners and NEW World Tag Team Champions at 15:43: The Dudley Boys)

    Overall Rating: 75%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 69%

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0 vs Sabu

    (WWE American Championship with the Stips Stated Before)

    Sabu comes out first to some Hardcore entrance theme. No words but Michael Cole and Paul Heyman at the Smackdown announce position put it over as Metallica writing a music for Sabu. Sabu comes down to the ring looking as intense as ever since it's his Contract on the line tonight. He becomes the property of Matt Hardy if he loses. Then once Sabu is in the ring waiting for Hardy to come out. Matt's entrance begins. It starts loading to 30 percent on the left screen. It moves down to the bottom tron with it moving up to 50 percent. Then to the right tron at 70 % and it finishes at the top with 100% and then it shows Matt's Entrance on all four screens as his music hits...OHHH YEAAAAA! Matt comes out holding his WWE American Championship high in the air with his hand that he's showing all his Mattitude sign with. His Mattfact of the night is that "Summerslam allowed Matt to prove he's the best Hardy in TLC II!"

    Matt gets to the ring and Brian Hebner calls for the match to start as the bell rings. Both men lock up. Matt had already given the Title to Hebner. Sabu backs Matt into a corner of the ring and then..Front dropkick into Matt's gut to start! Sabu begins taking it to Mattitude in the corner. Hard knifedge chops and fists to Matt's head. Sabu then pulls Matt out of the corner whipping him across the ring and Sabu runs in after him going for a running dropkick but Matt moves and Sabu does an odd straddle of the second turnbuckle and goes down in pain! Matt begins stomping on Sabu and putting the boots to him while he's down in pain. Matt picks Sabu up and locks in a standing arm wrench on Sabu. Then takes it over for another tork and followed through with a clothesline from Hardy. Hardy then begins working over Sabu's left arm with a couple legdrops onto it and then he places it on the bottom rope and does the sit-down crash on it a couple times. Then Hardy locks in an Arm grapevine and tries to make Sabu tap but Sabu gets to the ropes forcing a break.

    Hardy picks Sabu up and whips him to the ropes but telegraphs the back body drop. Sabu goes to kick him in the chest but Hardy instead tackles Sabu out of the ring faking him out! Hardy gets to his feet and picks Sabu up..HE GOES FOR A SIDE EFFECT ON THE OUTSIDE! Sabu elbows out of it and instead hits a facebuster onto the top of the barricade on Hardy! If only it was a pinfalls count anywhere match! Sabu picks Hardy up and whips him at the Steel stairs but Mattitude reverses it sending Sabu into them knocking them off the bottom section. Hardy rolls Sabu back into the ring and slides in himself and covers Sabu with his feet on the ropes..1..2...kickout by Sabu anyway! Hardy gets frustrated and yells at the referee to count faster. Hardy picks Sabu up and hits a HUGE Side Effect in the corner and then climbs to the top rope...the AHHHHHHHH! and Hardy comes off for his Mattitude Legdrop which catches nothing but canvas as Sabu moved out of the way. Sabu climbs to the top rope and waits for Hardy to get up..FLYING NECKBREAKER OFF THE TOP BY SABU!!! Sabu covers Matt..1....2....SHOULDER UP! The crowd pops huge as they thought Sabu might've taken it there! Sabu begins to call for the Arabian Facebuster as he picks Hardy up..TWIST OF FATE QUICKLY BY HARDY! Hardy hits it and goes limp near Sabu but not on him. Matt after about 10 seconds gets his arm over Sabu..1...2....KICKOUT. Sabu's shoulder pops up and the crowd cheers huge for Sabu. Sabu gets up at the same time as Matt Hardy. Hardy swings with a fist but Sabu ducks it and INSIDE OUT GERMAN SUPLEX by Sabu ends with Hardy landing on his face from the move!

    As this happens a shrouded man comes running through the crowd and climbs over the barricade..he tightrope..walks the barricade and leaps up onto the apron in one bound and PUSHES SABU OFF THE TOP ROPE TO THE OUTSIDE! The referee has to call for the DQ but that means Sabu wins and isn't an MF'er anymore! But no Title for him! Then the shrouded man climbs to the top rope..what the hell is he doing..SWANTON BOMB FROM THE TOP ROPE TO THE OUTSIDE LANDING ON SABU!!! It's Jeff Hardy! He removes the shroud as he holds his gut in pain from the move. The crowd is boo'ing huge as Jeff holds up a Mattitude sign and gets into the ring while Matt grabs Sabu and rolls him into the ring. Matt puts Sabu into the corner and gets down on all fours..Jeff is on the other side of the ring..Poetry In Motion! Matt picks Sabu up and whips him across the ring and they repeat with ANOTHER Poetry in Motion. Matt then hits a HUGE Twist of Fate and followed up by a Jeff Hardy Swanton Bomb which leaves Sabu completely motionless in the ring. He's been beaten unconcious by these two men! The Hardy Boys are back together under the banner of Mattitude! What does this mean for the rest of Smackdown!?

    (Winner by DQ at 17:21: Sabu)(Still Champion: Matt Hardy Version 1.0)(WWE American Title Gained in Image)

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Crowd Reaction: 87%

    Match Quality: 77%

    Christian vs Hurricane vs Cyclone

    (Triple Threat, WWE Intercontinental Championship Match)

    Hurricane's music hits as this match is announced as a Triple Threat Match for the Intercontinental Championship. Hurricane and Cyclone come out to a combination of their entrances. The Left tron and half of the Top and Bottom trons show Hurricane's Entrance on one big format and the other half of them show Cyclone's entrance! Both men get down to the ring awaiting the Champion, Christian! Both men play to the crowd and finally get to the ring. Then the hardcore tones of Christian's entrance plays and he comes out onto the stage with the WWE Intercontinental Championship over his shoulder and he holds it high in the air telling all the crowd he passes that it isn't going anywhere! Christian climbs into the ring and hands the Title over to Nick Patrick and the match begins with Hurricane and Cyclone immediately double teaming Christian! They both whip him to the ropes and hit a double clothesline on Christian. Followed up by them picking Christian up and hitting a big Double Suplex on him! Immediately after this Cyclone dropkicked Hurricane as both men got up. Cyclone then covers Christian quickly..1..2...kickout! Hurricane comes back over and does his Hurri-pose and then clocks Cyclone with some hard fists and backs him into the ropes. This sends Cyclone across the ring and Hurricane ducks his head down Hurri-graphing the move and Cyclone nails a swinging neckbreaker on Hurricane since his head was down! Cyclone covers Hurricane..1...2..breakup by Christian!

    Christian picks Cyclone up and whips him to the ropes. Cyclone ducks an attempted clothesline from Christian and tries one of his own as he comes back off the ropes. Unfortunately for Cyclone, Christian ducks this into his Reverse DDT slamming Cyclone's head to the mat. Christian then covers Cyclone..1....2...kickout! Hurricane goes over quickly and kicks Christian in the chest as he gets up. This staggers Christian back into the ropes and Hurricane clotheslines Christian to the outside of the ring!

    Hurricane picks Cyclone up and lifts him up, nailing a Vertical Suplex to the mat and floats over for the cover. 1...2..kickout! Hurricane picks Cyclone up and goes for the Eye of the Hurricane but Cyclone fights out of it and hits a big DDT on Hurricane. Cyclone then sees Christian trying to get back into the ring and dropkicks him off the apron. Cyclone then goes over and covers Hurricane hooking the leg..1...2..kickout by Hurricane! Cyclone goes for the Clone-Bomb (Tiger-Bomb) but Hurricane back body drops Cyclone out of it. Hurri Choke-Slam from Hurricane on Cyclone! Christian sneaks into the ring behind Hurricane while the referee is moving into position..LOW BLOW behind the referee's back! Christian then while the Hurricane is in pain nails the Unprettier and covers Hurricane hooking the leg..1..2....3! Christian retains! Christian demands his Championship and snatches it from the referee and rolls out of the ring. He holds it up in the air and celebrates up the aisleway while Cyclone and Hurricane are left in the ring wondering how it slipped away!

    (Winner and STILL WWE Intercontinental Champion at 11:51: Christian)

    Overall Rating: 82%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 86%

    Head Cheese vs Team Angle

    (WWE Tag Team Title, Cage Match)

    Snow and Blackman are the first ones out through the curtains as the trons all swirl with Al's entrance. Both men make their way down to the ring as the rules are announced that a win can be picked up by Pinfall, Submission or by both members of a team making it to the floor. Snow and Blackman make their way to the ring and climb through the Steel Cage door and into the ring. They loosen up as Team Angle's music hits which sounds eerily like Kurt Angle's Entrance..probably because it's the same music minus the pyro..oops. Anyhow Team Angle makes their way out from behind the curtain and both men have their Tag Titles strapped around their waists. They make their way down the aisle and into the ring once they'd taken their Titles off and handed them to the referee outside the ring. Haas got in and locked up with Snow immediately as Blackman began kicking Benjamin over and over in the stomach. Snow backs Haas into a corner and begins laying chops in hard. Then he turns Haas towards the cage and tries to slam Haas's head into the cage. Haas blocks it and instead nails a Russian Legsweep on Snow putting him to the mat and gets up and bridges over Snow for a pin..1..2...kickout! At the same time Benjamin has used a dropkick to back Blackman into the opposite ropes.

    Benjamin runs at Blackman but Blackman FLAPJACKS BENJAMIN INTO THE CAGE! The crowd pops huge for this big move but Haas comes over from behind Blackman and hits a BIG Release German Suplex on Blackman and covers him..1..2...kickout! Snow is up and as Haas gets to his feet and turns around..CAPTURE HEADBUTTS FROM SNOW! Snow does 10 until both he and Haas fall. Benjamin is up now and picks Blackman up and sits him onto the top rope facing the cage. Benjamin uses the cage to climb up onto the ropes and with Blackman's legs outside the ropes..Benjamin kicks Blackman and Blackman dangles back so he's hanging horizontal to the ring. LEGDROP FROM BENJAMIN IN THIS POSITION!!! It sends Blackman for a loop as it forces his legs to come out from being stuck. Benjamin then covers Blackman..1..2...Snow breaks up the pinfall! Snow then grabs Benjamin and drives his head into the cage. He then puts Benjamin through the second rope and top rope. He pulls back on Benjamin's head with Benjamin's upper body through the ropes. Benjamin yells in pain but not much the referee can do.

    Snow then runs to the opposite side of the ring and back at Benjamin and SQUASHES HIM UP AGAINST THE CAGE! Benjamin crumples as Haas sneaks up behind Snow and rolls him up..1..2...kickout! Haas and Snow get up at the same time but Haas ducks an attempted Snow Clothesline and then as Snow comes back around..EXPLODER SUPLEX BY HAAS! Haas then begins to climb the cage. Obviously tired with trying to get pinfalls in such a chaotic match. Haas makes it pretty far up. Blackman is wobbly but is the next man up and climbs in persuit of Haas. Blackman gets kicked several times by Haas but finally Blackman gets up to the top with Haas. Both men punch each other back and forth. Finally Haas slams Blackman's head down onto the cage three times and PUSHES HIM OFF BACK INTO THE RING!! BLACKMAN TAKES A SICK BUMP INTO THE RING AND HAAS CLIMBS OUT! Haas though is nailed by Snow who manages to dropkick Haas through the Steel Cage! Snow and Blackman are now against Benjamin but Blackman is out of the equation!

    Snow gets up and begins slugging it out with Benjamin. Benjamin manages to rake the eyes of Snow and goes for his superkick. Snow catches it and spins Shelton around but Shelton goes for a Dragon Whip but Snow ducks it and scoops Benjamin up into a SNOWPLOW! Snow then helps Blackman begin to climb one side of the cage to get him out of the action. He's obviously hurt. Blackman makes it over. Snow begins to climb as well but Benjamin manages tohold onto Snow's foot. Snow kicks him off and climbs up to the top of the Cage. Benjamin follows in persuit behind him. Benjamin and Snow both try to climb down the outside of the cage. They're climbing down the side with the announce tables, Haas gets underneath Benjamin so that he has balance as he fights with Snow. Both men repeatedly try to drive each other's head into the cage until finally Al wins and knocks Shelton off of Charlie's shoulders and DOWN THROUGH THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE OFF OF HAAS'S SHOULDERS!!! But the bell sounds and Team Angle is announced as the winners as both members of Team Angle hit the ground first! Charlie celebrates and then realizes that Shelton isn't moving and checks on him. Snow has finally gotten to the ground by now and grabs a ladder from under the ring. Haas turns in time to catch the ladder straight in the face. Snow then slams the ladder down on Haas and hits a Splash off the ring steps that were nearby down onto the Ladder! Snow then grimaces in pain but goes over and helps Blackman up and both men limp off..though they didn't win tonight. It looks like Team Angle is the team worse for the wear tonight!

    (Winners and STILL WWE Tag Team Champions at 19:30: Team Angle)

    Overall Rating: 74%

    Crowd Reaction: 71%

    Match Quality: 77%

    Randy Orton vs Shark Boy

    (Hardcore Championship Match)

    The Evolution theme hits and Randy Orton comes walking out through the curtains as his music plays loud. Orton struts his way down to the ring and begins pulling from under the apron. A couple trash cans from under the ring. They're filled with several brooms and a Kendo stick, Street signs of all varieties, A Steel Chair and a few Cookie Sheets. He also pulls a ladder from under the ring and slides into the ring with it. By now Shark Boy's music has hit and he comes walking down to the ring with the Hardcore Championship around his waist. He gets to the ring and walks on up the ring steps and LEAPS UP ONTO THE TOP TURNBUCKLE AND DROPKICKS THE LADDER THAT ORTON SETUP INTO ORTON!!! The bell sounds for the match to begin and what a way to start it! The crowd is totally into it as Sharky folds the ladder up properly and Sharky picks Orton up and goes for a hanging Neckbreaker onto Orton ONTO the Ladder and Nails it! Sharky goes for a quick cover off the bat..1....2..kickout by Orton! Sharky picks up Orton and throws him through the ropes to the outside of the ring. Sharky then grabs a Stop Sign that was crammed into the trash can out of it. He then climbs to the top rope and prepares to leap

    Shark Boy leaps off the top rope for a Stop Sign Shot to Orton but ORTON DROPKICKS THE STOP SIGN BACK INTO SHARK BOY'S FACE AS HE COMES DOWN HARD! Both men stay down as this kind of high impact match will do damage quickly. Orton gets over a few seconds later and covers..1....2....kickout! The crowd can't believe Sharky kicked out of taking that kind of landing. Orton slowly gets up and picks Sharky up and drags him up the aisle hitting a couple knees to his gut as they go. Orton near the stage setup and whips Shark Boy towards the metal pillars (Judgement Day like in Size) But Sharky reverses it and sends Orton into them and THEY DONT BUDGE! Orton just drops like a sack of potatoes, holding his back in pain. Sharky gets over and covers Orton..1...2....kickout by Orton! Sharky picks Orton up and drags him over to the RAW announce position and makes a motion like he's going to powerbomb Orton through the table! But no go as Orton HIGH BACK BODY DROPS SHARK BOY THROUGH THE RAW ANNOUNCE TABLE! Orton goes down holding his back in pain and doesn't make the cover immediately. After a few seconds though he realizes he's got a shot to win and covers Sharky..1....2.....kickout!!! Crowd thought it was over but it will continue!

    Orton picks Sharky up and walks him close to the setup and whips him with HEAVY Velocity and he goes THROUGH a couple of the metal poles before his momentum is too weak to break them. Sharky lays in pain as Orton picks up one of the metal poles knocked down and waits for Sharky to get up. Sharky gets to his feet just to be jabbed in the ribs with the metal pole, Then again. Orton goes to the well once too many times as Sharky dodges it and pulls the pole towards him. This sends Orton towards Sharky and right into a Standing Leg Lariat on the cement. Sharky then climbs up a couple of the poles till he's about 6 feet in the air. Then..MOONSAULT BY SHARKY BOY DOWN AT ORTON BUT ORTON MOVES OUT OF THE WAY!!!! The crowd pops huge and several "Holy Shit" chants begin as Shark Boy rolls around in pain. Orton stays down too. Eventully Orton gets up and picks Shark Boy up and walks him back to the ring. Orton then whips Shark Boy at the steel stairs but Sharky reverses it sending Orton hard into them! Sharky then goes inside the ring as Orton lays down in pain on the outside of the ring. Sharky empties out a trash can and does a LEAPFROG LEGDROP WITH THE TRASH CAN UNDERNEATH HIS LEGS ONTO ORTON!!!!! The crowd pops gigantic as Sharky just stays on top of Orton collapsed..1...2.....3!!! Shark Boy just stays collapsed on top of Orton as he's handed the Hardcore Championship. Sharky rolls away a bit and gets to his feet in pain. Shark Boy raises the Hardcore Championship up in the air as the crowd cheers loudly!

    (Winner and STILL Hardcore Champion at 21:26: Shark Boy)

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Crowd Reaction: 82%

    Match Quality: 72%

    Rey Mysterio vs Psicosis vs Ultimo Dragon

    (WWE Cruiserweight Championship, Triangle Match)

    Ultimo Dragon comes out with his fire pyro shooting up into the air and his music playing throughout the arena. Ultimo comes walking down to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. Ultimo stances in the ring waiting while Psicosis's entrance and music hit. He comes sauntering down to the ring. Psicosis comes walking up the aisleway after coming from behind the curtain. He slides into the ring and waits as WOOOP there goes Mysterio's entrance as he comes walking out from behind the curtain. No Catapault tonight kiddies. Mysterio comes out with the Cruiserweight Title strapped around his chest as he walks down to the ring. Mysterio jumps onto the apron and climbs into the ring. Mysterio then gets into the ring and both Ultimo and Mysterio dropkick Psicosis to start. Ultimo and Mysterio back Psicosis into the corner and hit dueling Leg Lariat's on Psicosis! Mysterio quickly covers Psicosis..1....2..Ultimo hits a front dropkick to the face of Mysterio! Ultimo picks Mysterio up and whips him to the ropes. Ultimo hits an Arm drag on Mysterio. Mysterio returns the favor as Ultimo gets up and runs at him. Mysterio then hits a Hurricarana on Ultimo and goes over for the cover..1...2..Psicosis stomps on him to break the count. Psicosis picks Mysterio up and hits a vertical suplex.

    Psicosis then picks Ultimo up and hits a High Angle Back Suplex! Psicosis then covers Ultimo..1...2...kickout! Psicosis picks Ultimo up and whips him to the ropes and tries for a Leg Lariat but Ultimo clings to the ropes and as Psicosis hits the mat. Ultimo hits an ASAI MOONSAULT OFF the ropes onto Psicosis..1..2...kickout! Ultimo picks Psicosis up and Mysterio helps Ultimo with a Double Suplex! Mysterio goes to the top rope as Ultimo puts Psicosis onto his shoulders but as Mysterio goes for a sit splash on Psicosis. Psicosis avoids it but getting Ultimo in a Victory Roll..1....2...the tights!..3.!!! Ultimo is eliminated! Psicosis gets up and immediately picks Mysterio up and goes for a Psycho Stunner but Mysterio pushes him off to the ropes and backs up a bit and hits a drop toe hold on Psicosis putting him into the ropes! Mysterio calls out "619" as he runs to the ropes and hits nothing as Psicosis ducked. Mysterio lands on the ring apron as Psicosis dropkicks him off the ring apron once he gets up! Psicosis climbs to the top rope to go for a Suicide Splash at Mysterio but Mysterio avoids the contact and Psicosis ends up smacking his chest and upper body off the barricade and falls to the outside! Mysterio gets onto the barricade and hits a Twisting Moonsault on Psicosis! The crowd is just eating this match up as Mysterio rolls Psicosis back into the ring and climbs to the top rope himself. Mysterio leaps off the top rope for a West Coast Pop from the top rope but Psicosis ducks under the attempt. Mysterio lands on his feet in time to turn into a PSYCHO STUNNER! Psicosis quickly gets over and makes the cover hooking the leg..1....2....kickout!!! by Mysterio! Psicosis looks to be in a state of shock of Mysterio kicking out of the Psycho Stunner.

    Psicosis picks Mysterio up and places him on the second rope with his head hanging out of the ring and taps his forehead. Psicosis runs to the ropes and goes for a "619" of his own but Mysterio leaps up and DROPKICKS PSICOSIS AS HE SWINGS THROUGH THE ROPES!!!! Mysterio slides out of the ring and rolls Psicosis into the ring and then LEAPFROG LEG DROP ON THE BACK OF THE HEAD OF PSICOSIS and rolls him over for the cover..1...2...3!!! Mysterio retains! He is handed his title by the referee and Mysterio holds it high in the air as the crowd cheers him as we head into a promo video for the RAW Main Event

    (Winner and STILL WWE Cruiserweight Champion at 20:11: Rey Mysterio)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 77%

    Match Quality: 91%

    Chris Jericho vs Triple H vs The Rock

    (World Heavyweight Championship, Triple Threat Match)

    (RAW Main Event)

    ITS TIME TO PLAY THE GAME!!!! and it repeats with the sadistic laughter in the background. The strobe lights begin flashing over and over with different colors as Triple H steps out from behind the curtain and stomps his way down to the ring as he normally does. He makes his way to ringside and slows up a bit once he gets there and climbs up onto the apron. Once he's there he does his giant water spit and climbs into the ring. Once he's there the hardcore beat of Saliva hits as "King of My World" begins to play for Chris Jericho! He strides out from behind the curtain and stands with his back to the ring posing for a moment. He then swivels around and plays to the crowd whom eat it up. He saunters to the ring and climbs onto an opposing side of the ring staring a hole through Triple H! Once Jericho poses on the ring apron for a moment. The Champion's music hits! Rock then comes sauntering out to the ring with the World Heavyweight Championship in hand as he struts to the ring. Rock then climbs the outside of the turnbuckles and raises his arm high with the Title in hand. Rock then climbs into the ring as does Jericho and the referee raises the Championship high in the air. Immediately as the bell sounds Rock and Jericho go to work on HHH. They begin punching him into a corner. Then they take turns one upping each other on chops with HHH as the victim of it!

    Rock whips HHH out of the corner to the opposite side of the ring and..kicks Jericho in the gut and DDT's him! Rock kicks up and runs across the ring to try and clothesline HHH in the corner but Triple H gets both feet up into Rocky's face! HHH picks Rock up and begins clubbing him with right hands over and over and whips him across the ring. He telegraphs the back body drop but before Rock can get back to him. Jericho hits a bulldog on HHH! Rock turns around to Jericho and begins nailing his punches on Jericho. Rock goes for the spit punch and Jericho ducks under it and nails the Breakdown on Rock! (Full Nelson Front Russian Legsweep) and Covers Rock..1..2....kickout! Jericho gets up and tries for a Lionsault on HHH but HHH gets his knees up to drive into Jericho's back! HHH then gets up and goes for a pedigree on Jericho near the ropes but Jericho BACK BODY DROPS HHH OVER THE TOP ROPE AND HHH TAKES IT FULL ON THE BACK! Rock is up by now as is Jericho. Jericho runs at Rock right into a BIG Samoan Drop! Rock hooks the leg on Jericho.1....2...kickout! Rock picks Jericho up and then lifts him up onto his shoulder..Running Powerslam by Rock! Jericho is covered again by Rock..1....2...shoulder up by Jericho! Rock picks Jericho up and hooks him in for a Big Rock Bottom!! Jericho elbows out of it and runs to the ropes..ROCKY SPINEBUSTER! Rock sets up with his back to the set for the People's Elbow! HHH is getting up on the outside and slides into the ring as Rock runs to one side. Rock then runs to the other side but instead of nailing the elbow he catches a Running High Knee from HHH in the face and a cover..1...2...Jericho breaks it up but Rock kicked out anyway!

    Jericho picks HHH up and hits a Snap Suplex on him and then climbs to the top rope waiting for HHH to get up. Rock gets up first though so Jericho goes for him with a Missle Dropkick that connects knocking him out of the ring! Jericho then turns into a kick to the gut from HHH...one arm, then the second..no Walls of Jericho instead! HHH is stuck in the middle of the ring as Jericho puts the knee into the back of HHH! Jericho releases it after a moment and runs to the ropes LIONSAULT ON HHH'S BACK!!! Jericho rolls HHH over quickly and covers him..1....2.....3!!! NEW CHAMPION! "King of My World" Hits as Earl Hebner grabs the World Heavyweight Championship and hands it to Jericho. Jericho looks to be ecstatic as he holds the title up with both arms and then clutches it to himself. He has won but he didn't beat Rock for the Title! Rock rolls back into the ring and looks to be in disbelief that he lost without being pinned. He picks HHH in anger as Jericho walks up the ramp..ROCK BOTTOM ON HHH! Rock then points at Jericho as he leaves yelling things that can't be determined. Jericho celebrates as he goes behind the curtain..we cut into our promo for the main Event tonight!

    (Winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion at 22:16: Chris Jericho)(World Heavyweight Championship Lost Image)

    Overall Rating: 75%

    Crowd Reaction: 76%

    Match Quality: 76%

    Brock Lesnar vs Edge vs Kurt Angle

    (WWE Championship, Triangle Match)

    (Smackdown Main Event)

    The lights go down as Brock Lesnar's entrance video and music hit. Lesnar comes stancing out from behind the curtain and then makes his way down to the ring. Lesnar leaps up onto the apron as his pyro explodes. Then he climbs into the ring and the next man out is Edge! The crowd simply erupts for Edge as he comes out from behind the curtain pumping the crowd up heavily! He gets the crowd into the match and him as he gets them cheering loud. He then saunters to the ring and sprints the last couple steps and slides under the bottom rope and into the ring. Edge then takes off his trenchcoat and leans into a corner as "Medal" hits and the biggest explosion of the night is heard as the crowd erupts in cheers/boos for Kurt Angle. Some people still love him even though he's a heel. He walks his way half way down the aisle with the WWE Championship around his waist. He holds his arms up into the air as his pyro begins exploding from the ground and the top of the set with sparks flying down. Angle then continues his walk to the ring and gets inside twirling around. Angle then comes face to face with Brock Lesnar. Angle hands the title to Brian Hebner and begins talking smack to Lesnar. The same as Lesnar is talking to him! Edge breaks this up by SPEARING BOTH MEN! Both Lesnar and Angle go down as Edge takes them both down with a spear.

    The crowd cheers loudly as Edge picks Angle up and whips him to the ropes but Angle ducks an attempted clothesline. Angle comes back off the ropes and Edge leapfrogs him but Angle catches him into a BIG SPINEBUSTER! Lesnar quickly attacks Angle with fists and forearms staggering him back into a corner of the ring once he was to his feet. Lesnar then begins throwing hard shoulders into Angle's midsection. Lesnar then whips Angle across the ring and tries to follow him in but is caught by Edge half way across the ring with a Half Nelson Facebuster he does. Angle climbs to the top rope as Edge seems to work with Angle for some reason by hitting a Vertical Suplex on Lesnar putting him about the middle of the ring for one of the most BEAUTIFUL MOONSAULTS seen. Edge pulls Angle off Lesnar immediately and goes for an Edgeocution but Kurt chain wrestles out of it into an attempted Angle Slam but Edge manages to reverse out of that into an Arm Drag! Edge waits for Angle to get up and is behind him..Edge-O-Matic into a cover!..1...2....kickout! We almost had a guarenteed new Champion! Edge waits for Angle to get up, stalking him but Lesnar is up behind him..HUGE GERMAN SUPLEX! Lesnar then picks Edge up and hits his Repeated Backbreakers and throws Edge down after the third one and covers him..1...2...kickout!

    Angle is up and behind Lesnar as Lesnar is trying to pick apart Edge. Angle sinches in the waistlock..GERMAN! Angle holds on and nails another one! Lesnar switches positions on Angle and gets behind him..GERMAN!! Lesnar holds on and hits a second big one! Angle swivels around behind Lesnar this time but Lesnar swivels out of that twisting so he's facing Angle but still in the waistlock..Angle just does what he can and hits an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex on Lesnar! Edge is up and waiting for Angle as this happens. Angle gets up..KICK TO THE FACE OF EDGE! No spear there. Angle then picks Edge up..ANGLE SLAM! Angle then covers Edge..1...2....3! Edge is eliminated and his Championship dreams dashed!

    Lesnar is up soon after the pinfall as is Angle. Lesnar ducks under an attempted Angle clothesline and hits a neckbreaker on Angle. Lesnar then picks Angle up and hits a spinning neckbreaker. Lesnar is trying to weaken Angle for the F5! Lesnar picks Angle up onto his shoulders now but Angle rolls off of Lesnar's back into a school Boy pin!..1...2..kickout! Angle then waits for Lesnar to get up..ANGLE SLAM ON HIM! Angle covers Lesnar hooking the leg..1...2....shoulder up! Lesnar got his shoulder up at the very last second. Angle can't believe it and picks Lesnar up. Lesnar manages a kick to Angle's gut and..HUGE F5!!! Lesnar stays down for a couple seconds and makes that face that he does when he thinks he has it won! Cover..1...2...KICKOUT OF THE F5! Only Angle has ever been able to do it! At Wrestlemania XIX and now at Summerslam! Lesnar is wondering what he has to do to beat Angle. Lesnar picks Angle up and Powerbombs him down to the middle of the ring. Lesnar then begins tapping his head to signal he has an idea and goes out to the apron and climbs to the top rope...no Brock we remember what happened last time you did this..don't do it! Lesnar does do it though.. He goes for his Incredible Shooting Star Press and does the Full and Proper Rotation this time but to No Avail as Angle moved out of the way!!! Lesnar takes the full bump on his stomach and Angle takes advantage of Brock's mistake. He picks Brock up and Nails a quick but impactful Angle Slam and covers him.1....2....3!!! Kurt Retains! Kurt Angle gets up and begins celebrating like he won the Super Bowl as Brian Hebner gets Kurt his belt. Kurt rolls out of the ring and saunters up the aisle celebrating and taunting the crowd that he's still the champ! Kurt stands high while Brock remains down in the ring as Summerslam goes off the air!!!

    (Winner and STILL WWE Champion at 31:41: Kurt Angle)

    Overall Rating: 82%

    Crowd Reaction: 84%

    Match Quality: 80%

    Summerslam Rating: 79%

    PPV Buy Rate: 1.28

    Attendance: 14,280

    PPV Revenue: $3,200,000

    Ticket Sales: $856,800

  21. user posted image

    WWE Smackdown

    August 28, 2003

    We tune into Smackdown this week with our normal intro and music and once we get to the Smackdown pyro going off. Michael Cole and Paul Heyman lead us into our first match of the night until that's interrupted by Head Cheese!

    Making a Statement!

    Al Snow and Steve Blackman make their way down to the ring. They roll into the ring and Al Snow grabs a microphone from ringside and begins talking, calling Team Angle Out!

    Snow: Alright Haas, Benjamin. Get your asses out here. We've waited long enough to beat the hell out of you both. We don't want to wait till Summerslam. Sunday we're going to take your Titles. Tonight we're going to take your asses!

    Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin come running out of the back with their WWE Tag Titles around their waists. They slide into the ring. The teams begin slugging it out in the ring. Shelton backs Blackman into the ropes as Haas backs Snow into the ropes. Team Angle whips Head Cheese across the ring. Shelton bends over for a back body drop. Telegraphing the move. Al Snow avoids a clothesline from Haas and hits a neckbreaker on Haas. While Blackman hits a huge kick to Shelton's chest. Shelton backs into the ropes and comes back at Blackman as Blackman hits a Bicycle kick on Shelton taking him out. Snow tries to lift Haas into a Snowplow but Haas squirms out of it and rolls out of the ring. Haas goes over and helps Shelton up and Team Angle backs down and as we go to commercial both teams are yelling at each other!

    (Steve Blackman Gained Overness)

    Overall Rating: 70%

    Brian Kendrick vs Psicosis

    Kendrick comes out to the ring first and after Kendrick gets into the ring. Psicosis's music and entrance hits. Psicosis comes down to the ring and immediately begins beating down on Kendrick. In this match Psicosis just overmatches Kendrick for much of the match. Kendrick hits his faceplant to knee and quickly goes for his Sliced Bread #2 but Psicosis throws him off of the hold and then nails a HUGE Psycho Stunner on Kendrick and covers him..1...2....3! Psicosis slides out of the ring and grabs a Steel Chair after the match and places it on his shoulder as he picks Kendrick up...PSYCHO STUNNER WITH THE STEEL CHAIR BY PSICOSIS! Psicosis trying to send a message to his opponents at Summerslam as he walks up the ramp and heads off with Kendrick's mouth busted open in the ring!

    (Winner: Psicosis)

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Crowd Reaction: 74%

    Match Quality: 86%

    Origins of Mattitude

    A Video promo plays..first in Purple letters on the Titantron and it says "The history of Mattitude will come Full Circle!" and then we fade to black...What the fuck was that

    Overall Rating: 64%

    Christopher Daniels vs Ultimo Dragon

    Christopher Daniels is out first and is seeming to be preaching some sort of religious crap. Pesky Religious Zealots. Daniels after preaching to a couple fans of the sins of their ways gets into the ring but before he can cut a promo. Ultimo Dragon's music and entrance play. Fire explodes from the set as Ultimo walks down to the ring. He gets into the ring and these two men put on a show in the ring. Daniels hits a Standing Leg Lariat to Ultimo to get a long two count. Daniels whipped Ultimo across the ring but Daniels holds on and whips Ultimo back into the corner he was whipping Ultimo from in the first place. Ultimo ends up sandwiching the referee in the corner very hard putting him out!

    Daniels catches a head scissors sending him over the top rope from Ultimo. Ultimo then hits an Asai Moonsault on Daniels outside the ring! Dragon rolls Daniels back in the ring and hits a tremendous Dragon Suplex on Daniels as the referee has recovered and counts..1..2....3! Ultimo gets the win heading into Summerslam in his big Title opportunity! After the match as Ultimo celebrates though. Daniels hits the "Angel's Wings" on Ultimo to lay him out and stomps him a few times before yelling at him that he has been smited this night! What the fuck is wrong with this guy!

    (Winner: Ultimo Dragon)

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Crowd Reaction: 74%

    Match Quality: 86%

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0 vs Rhyno

    (WWE American Championship)

    Rhyno comes out to the ring first pounding his chest as he walks down to the ring. As Rhyno gets to the ring and stalks around inside of it...OHHH YEAAA! and Matt Hardy's entrance video hits and the Matt-Fact for today is that "Matt Hardy always rubs the balls of his feet on a rug before his matches!" Matt comes down the stage holding the WWE American Championship high in the air with the hand that he's making the Mattitude sign with! Hardy gets into the ring and locks up immediately with Rhyno. Rhyno controls the early part of the match throwing Hardy around the ring like a ragdoll. A couple moments later Hardy avoids a clothesline and nails a Side Effect on Rhyno and hooks the leg..1..2...kickout!

    Hardy picks Rhyno up and goes for the Twist of Fate but is pushed off to the ropes and a quick..MINI GORE! Rhyno rolls over and covers Hardy..1...2...kickout by Hardy! Rhyno picks Hardy up and lifts him up into a huge Pumphandle Slam for a long two count! Rhyno picks Hardy up but Hardy hits a very sudden DDT putting Rhyno down. Hardy then climbs to the second rope and as he does. A man comes running through the crowd and it's Sabu! He leaps over the Barricade and climbs onto the apron and up the ropes..ARABIAN FACEBUSTER ON HARDY! The referee disqualifies Rhyno as Sabu picks Hardy up and whips him at Rhyno who GORES the hell out of him! But suddenly through the crowd again comes a masked man who is wearing all black except for a Mattitude shirt! He climbs to the top rope and hits a Front Dropkick on both Rhyno and Sabu!!! Scotty Riggs and Billy Kidman...Matt's other MF'ers come running down to the ring to help their leader as Sabu and Rhyno back off and up the ramp. The masked man leaves as the MF'ers arrive!

    (Winner by DQ and STILL WWE American Champion: Matt Hardy Version 1.0)

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Crowd Reaction: 82%

    Match Quality: 74%

    Getting the Upper Hand!

    Ultimo Dragon is backstage in the garage heading for his car apparently to leave for the evening. He gets to his rental car which is a Matrix and from behind Psicosis runs up and PUTS ULTIMO'S HEAD THROUGH THE DRIVER SIDE WINDOW! Ultimo slumps to the ground and Psicosis runs off..my god is Ultimo going to be okay for Sunday?

    Overall Rating: 73%

    Rey Mysterio vs Scotty Riggs

    Riggs comes down first to the ring with Matt Hardy's music playing throughout the arena. Riggs gets into the ring and stances waiting for Mysterio. Then Mysterio's music hits and he flies out of the stage with the Cruiserweight Title strapped over his shoulder! The fans are going nuts as Mysterio comes down to the ring. Mysterio gets into the ring and both men put on a show. Scotty hits a springboard headscissors on Mysterio and Mysterio a moment later in turn hits a Springboard arm drag on Riggs and then a dropkick to his back..."619!" Mysterio then waits and...WEST COAST POP! Mysterio hooks the legs..1..2....3! Mysterio then is handed his WWE Cruiserweight Championship and he stands on the turnbuckles raising it high in the air as the crowd cheers as we take a commercial break!

    (Winner: Rey Mysterio)(Rey Mysterio Gains Overness)

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 87%

    Nunzio vs Edge

    Nunzio comes out first without his F.B.I stablemates. Cole tells us that they've been barred from ringside because Shane McMahon doesn't want the F.B.I Making a bigger name for themselves on one of his superstars that are going to be in his Main Event. Then Edge comes down to the ring to a huge ovation from the crowd. The crowd explodes as Edge comes down to the ring playing to the crowd. Edge comes down to the ring and locks up with Nunzio once he's in the ring and the match has started. Nunzio works over Edge's right arm with different variations of stomps and moves to it. Nunzio tries to go for his Cross Armbreaker off the second rope but Edge manuevers it into his Half Nelson Faceplant! Edge covers Nunzio..1...2...kickout!

    Edge picks Nunzio up and goes for a vertical suplex but Nunzio rolls him into a small package instead!..1...2...kickout by Edge! Nunzio gets to his feet first and nails a Snap Suplex on Edge putting him down to the mat. Then Nunzio hits a legdrop to Edge's arm. Nunzio then goes for his Cross Armbreaker again but Edge turns it into a SPINNING EDGEOCUTION!! Edge then covers Nunzio and hooks the leg..1...2.....3! Edge slides out of the ring and grabs a Steel Chair from ringside. Edge then slides back into the ring with a sadistic look on his face. He places the chair down and picks Nunzio back up..EDGEOCUTION ONTO THE STEEL CHAIR ON NUNZIO! Edge looks crazed as we head to another commercial break!

    (Winner: Edge)

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 85%

    What is This?

    We cut to the backstage area where Kurt Angle with the WWE Championship around his waist is walking up the hallway. He then turns and pushes open..Brock's door to his locker room?! What the hell is this?!

    Overall Rating: 87%

    Eddie Guerrero vs Chris Benoit

    (Main Event)

    First man out is Eddie Guerrero to the Los Guerreros "We Lie, We Cheat, We Steal" theme and the crowd boo's Eddie mercilessly. Eddie saunters down to the ring and takes a little run to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope. Eddie taunts the crowd until Chris Benoit's entrance hits. Benoit comes out onto the stage to a huge pop from the crowd. Benoit makes his way up the ringsteps and stomps into the ring. He gets right in the face of Eddie Guerrero who spits in his eye as the bell sounds! Benoit goes apeshit and begins chopping and punching the hell out of Eddie. Eddie returns the favor on the chops and whips Benoit across the ring into the opposite corner hard. Benoit bounces off the corner and takes a back body drop from Guerrero. Eddie then helps Benoit to his feet, backing him into the ropes and whipping him across the ring. Guerrero then nails a powerslam on Benoit and holds the move for a pin.1...2..kickout easily be Benoit.

    Guerrero picks Benoit up and then hits a low dropkick to Benoit's knee! Eddie takes the next few moments throwing Benoit's knee around however he can to injure it. Then Eddie tries to setup for the Lasso from El Paso. Benoit though rolls through it into the Cripper Crossface!!! The crowd explodes for the reversal but Benoit can't sinch it in and Eddie gets to the ropes. Benoit is forced to break the hold and stands back up. Eddie nails a beautiful standing dropkick on Benoit as both men got up about the same time. Benoit a bit slower because of his knee. Guerrero then quickly steps through the ropes and then..LEAPFROG SENTON over the rope by Eddie! Eddie then picks Benoit up and hits a big Vertical Suplex, Eddie swivels his hips and nails a second one. Eddie swivels those hips again and goes for a third but Benoit gets out of it and just goes over Eddie's shoulder and lands behind him..GERMAN BY BENOIT! Benoit then holds onto it and hits a Second one! Benoit is obviously exhausted as he can't nail a third one but Eddie swings his elbow wildly and Benoit ducks it and reverses it into a Northern Lights Suplex with a pin by bridge!!!..1...2....Shoulder up by Eddie!

    Benoit makes a cut throat signal and goes to the top rope. He climbs to the top rope and Chavo Guerrero comes running down to the ring which distracts Benoit and the referee a moment. Chavo finally drops off the apron and Benoit after not looking back at Eddie goes for the Headbutt... Except Eddie had gotten to his feet and DROPKICK TO THE HEAD OF BENOIT! Benoit may be knocked out from that and Eddie covers Benoit quickly pulling the tights to hold the pin..1...2....3!! Eddie steals a victory thanks to Chavo! But it's not over because Chavo slides in the ring and picks Benoit up nailing a big Brainbuster on Benoit as Eddie climbs to the top rope..FROG SPLASH! Los Guerreros celebrate in the ring over the body of Benoit as Smackdown goes off the air. Michael Cole and Paul Heyman saying they'll see us Sunday!

    (Winner: Eddie Guerrero)(Eddie Guerrero Gains Overness From This Match)(Chris Benoit Loses Overness From This Match)

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Crowd Reaction: 71%

    Match Quality: 89%

    Smackdown Rating: 75%

    TV Rating: 4.81

    Attendance: 6,510

    Ticket Sales: $390,600

  22. user posted image

    Monday Night RAW

    August 25, 2003

    Clips of the last few weeks and situtations involving Test and Corino, Rock/Jericho/HHH, Christian/Hurricane/Cyclone, Dudleys and Black Gold all are shown and obviously we're streamlining the opening to head straight into a night that is leading into Summerslam! We cut through the RAW intro and music. Then pyro begins to go off on the stage as J.R. and The King welcome us to Monday Night RAW! We immediately cut into our opening Match!

    Difference Makers vs Doring/Fleisch

    This match is taking place due to issues between the four men stemming from last night's Heat where Regal and Doring faced off as well as Storm and Fleisch. Doring and Fleisch come down to the ring to Jody Fleisch's entrance. They get to the ring and Fleisch is set to start the match as Storm's music hits for the Difference Makers to come down to the ring. It's been weeks since we've seen Regal on RAW! Regal starts the match with Fleisch in the ring. Regal uses his unorthodox style to control Fleisch in the early going. Fleisch winds up making a hot tag to Doring late in the match. Doring takes down both Storm and Regal until finally Storm and Regal hit a double clothesline on Doring to put him down. While the referee is distracted at this point. Regal hits a low blow on Doring and then slipped on a Brass Knuckles and knocks Doring out! Regal slides them out of the ring and covers Doring when Storm dropkicks Fleisch and he falls out of the ring through the ropes. Regal hooks the leg as the ref counts Doring down..1...2....3! Fleisch comes back into the ring after the match though and hits one of the most impressive moves seen in a long time! Fleisch hits his Pheonix 720 DDT on BOTH MEN AT THE SAME TIME. The crowd is popping huge as we take a quick commercial break!

    (Winners: Difference Makers)

    Overall Rating: 74%

    Crowd Reaction: 68%

    Match Quality: 80%

    Yo yo, Feel me on Dis!

    Goldust is walking backstage with his World Tag Team Title around his waist. Heading for the stage since the Non Title Tag Match between Black Gold and The Dudley Boyz before their Summerslam Tables Match for the Titles. Well unfortunately for Goldust. He never makes it to that stage. John Cena with his chain from behind clocks Goldust in the back of the head! We haven't seen Cena on RAW yet! Cena hauls Goldust off and they fight through several halls until finally they smash through a door. Cena plowing Goldust into it. They enter into a small office and Cena hits the F U on Goldust THROUGH THE DESK IN THE OFFICE! Goldust is left laying after this as Cena walks off yelling "WORD LIFE THUGANOMICS 101 BITCH!

    (Goldust Gained Overness From This Segment)(John Cena Gained Overness From This Segment)

    Overall Rating: 81%

    Booker T vs The Dudley Boyz

    (Handicap Tag Match)

    Pyro begins shooting to the stage and exploding hard as Those Damn Dudleys come stalking out onto the stage. The crowd boo'ing them immensely. They come down to the ring and pull a Table out from under the ring and lean it on the outside of the ring post and they both slide into the ring. Booker T comes out next and there is no Goldust. Booker obviously didn't have time to know what happened to Goldust. So he seems confused as he comes to the ring. He climbs into the ring and the Dudleys begin beating down on Booker T quickly. Bubba starts the match with Booker in the ring. Bubba hits hard chops and smacks to Booker's chest and whips him across the ring. Bubba follows him in and Booker flips out of it and executes a sunset rollup on Bubba! 1...2...kickout!

    Bubba gets up and takes Booker down hard with a short clothesline. Bubba and D-Von dismantle Booker from here. It just seems like Booker got knocked off his game tonight and showed some heart when he kicked out of the Reverse 3D (Neckbreaker Move that Bubba and D-Von do) But finally fell victim to the Legit 3D in the middle of the ring and D-Von covered Booker..1...2....3!! It's not over though because Bubba pushes D-Von and yells at him to GET THE TABLES! D-Von quickly grabs another table from under the ring and slides it into the ring. Then he grabs the table leaning on the ring post and slides it into the ring. Both tables are setup in the ring as D-Von picks Booker all the way up. Booker had been getting to his feet.

    Booker begins to fight back against D-Von though. He goes for a Leg Lariat on D-Von and clocks Bubba instead as D-Von ducks. It knocks Bubba onto a table. D-Von then tries to throw Booker over the top rope but Booker reverses it and sends D-Von over the top rope. Booker then goes to the top rope and..no don't do it Book. He's gonna go for the Houston Hangover! At the very last instant D-Von gets a hand on Booker pushing him as Bubba moves out of the way of Booker's Houston Hangover. BOOKER GOES THROUGH BOTH TABLES IN THE RING!!! The crowd pops huge for this as we take another commercial break as D-Von gets back in the ring and helps Bubba up.

    (Winners: The Dudley Boyz)

    Overall Rating: 75%

    Crowd Reaction: 74%

    Match Quality: 76%

    Test/Allura vs Steve Corino/Stacy Keibler

    (Intergender Tag Team Match)

    Test comes out first with Allura walking with him. They both walk to the ring and then once there. Steve Corino's music hits and he comes out onto the stage with Stacy Keibler by his side. This is not a long match. Corino and Test matchup and brawl for a majority until Allura tags herself in and has to fight Stacy. Test ran across the ring and clocked Corino with a fist. While Corino tried to get in the ring and the referee tried to stop him...no..TESTDRIVE ON STACY FROM TEST! Stacy's body contorts in a sick manner and Allura covers her as Corino goes after Test..1...2....3! Allura and Test leave the ring. Test the hard way being clotheslined over the top rope by Corino. We cut from the ring to backstage after this.

    (Winners: Test/Allura)

    Overall Rating: 67%

    Crowd Reaction: 71%

    Match Quality: 59%

    One Down

    Backstage Hurricane is in his usual costume and looks to be heading to ringside until he rounds a corner and meets face to face with a Steel Chair via Christian! Christian then throws the chair down and hits his Reverse DDT onto the chair! Then Christian takes a second chair and hits a One Man Con-Chair-To! Hurricane goes limp from that shot and Christian takes off as Cyclone comes to find his partner downed and hurt!

    Overall Rating: 72%

    Now The Other!

    Christian whom had gotten out of sight when Cyclone came. He had gone into an office and opens the door coming back out with a glass water pitcher in hand..SHATTER ACROSS CYCLONE'S FACE! Christian has leveled both of his opponents for Sunday! Will they be 100% Christian laughs as he walks off with his Intercontinental Title around his waist!

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Final Vision

    It was about the end of the night after a couple other matches which didn't even deserve mention. "The Game" Hit and Triple H began making his way down to the ring. 6 Days out from his Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship. Then once Triple H gets to the ring, he grabs a microphone and begins to cut one of those patented twenty minute promos..

    Triple H: Just six days away Chris, Six Days Rock! Six days till the Greatest World Champion in history..will get his Title back. It was stolen from me by Rock. Jericho has tried to stick his nose into business that isn't his. Jericho you think you are worthy of even facing me..let alone for the World Title? Your mistaken. You may have beaten Rock and Austin in one night to win the Undisputed Championship but I won that Championship from you at Wrestlemania Seventeen! Easily. Then beat you at a Hell in a Cell that May at Judgement Day! You are nothing Jericho and...

    Jericho had enough and his pyro hit...and he came charging down to the ring. No words from him tonight, his fists would do the talking! He slid into the ring as HHH took off his shirt and both men began slugging it out in the ring. Triple H got the advantage and put Jericho against the ropes and went for a clothesline but Jericho ducked it. Jericho then took a high knee from HHH though. HHH then picked Jericho up and set him up for a Pedigree but Rock's music hit just as he got one arm and it distracted HHH enough for Jericho to back body drop HHH out of it! Rock came storming down to the ring and once he slid into the ring he began laying the smackdown on both HHH and Jericho. Jericho rolled out of the ring after several fists from The Rock and figured to let them do the damage to each other! Rock stanced for HHH to get up after a few knockdown punches and..ROCK NO!! HHH Elbows out of it and then kicks Rocky in the gut..KICK WHAM PEDIGREE!!! HHH Lays Rock out and then picks up the World Heavyweight Title and does his arms in the air pose with the Title in hand as RAW Goes off the air with Jericho watching on!

    Overall Rating: 90%

  23. Sunday Night Heat

    August 24, 2003

    The night kicks off with Orlando Jordan defeating Jimmy Yang by pinfall after an O-Bomb 54(47, 76)

    William Regal beats Doring with a Power of the Punch shot to the head and cover 62(64, 75)

    Scoot Andrews winds up getting an upset pinfall victory on Sean O'Haire after hitting the Forces of Nature! After the match in a fit of Rage. Sean O'Haire hits three straight Cruel Intentions on Scoot. 57(41, 87)

    John Cena defeats Goldust by having his feet on the ropes after rolling Goldust up. A cheap victory and John Cena goes back to the announce position after the match to continue his announcing duties. Now everyone realizes why Heat felt like it had a hip hop beat lately. 61(69, 66)

    Brian Kendrick ends up hitting his Sliced Bread #2 after a very good match and getting the pinfall on Kidman. After Kidman dominated most of the match. After the match Kidman hits his Kid Krusher on Kendrick to put him down after the match! 68(69, 83)

    Jody Fleisch puts on a great match and defeats Lance Storm with his Pheonix 720 DDT. Then after the match Storm gets to his feet during Fleisch's celebration and nails a beautiful superkick to the jaw of Jody! 69(71, 84)

    Scotty Riggs beats Paul London in a really competitive match using the MF'er Slam (Emerald Fusion) and pins London..1..2....3! Riggs hits it once more after the match on London and then heads to the back with the victory 67(69, 82)

    Test defeats Jay Lethal after Steve Corino came down to the ring with a lead pipe and instead of cracking Test in the back of the head. He accidentally clocked Lethal and Lethal walked right into a big boot from Test and got pinned..1..2....3! After the match Test left the ring and Corino got in to check on Lethal. Lethal gets to his feet with Corino's help, Lethal then grabs the pipe from Corino's head and CLOCKS CORINO WITH IT! Lethal obviously didn't take that shot from Corino or costing him the match very well! We end Heat with Test backing up the steel ramp while Lethal is looking down on a knocked out Steve Corino 73(81, 83)

    Heat Rating: 64%

    TV Rating: 1.27

    Attendance: 6,531

    Ticket Sales: $391,860

  24. user posted image

    WWE Smackdown

    August 21, 2003

    The Smackdown intro comes in with a flashback of what went down last week. Then we cut to the Smackdown video and music. Moving through it quickly and then pyro exploding on the stage. Michael Cole and Paul Heyman welcome us as we start up with a Giant opening Tag Team Match!

    Los Guerreros vs Rabid Rhyno

    Los Guerreros are back together and badder than ever as apparently Chavo has shown Eddie the way back to La Familia! The Guerreros make their way down to the ring. Los Guerreros slide under the bottom rope and into the ring as Rhyno's music hits and he comes walking out onto the stage. Rhyno pounds his chest as he walks down the ramp. Once Rhyno is standing at the end of the ramp. Chris Benoit's music hits and the crowd goes nuts as Benoit comes out onto the stage. He walks down to the ring and meets up with Rhyno. They then both proceed to get into the ring.

    Benoit starts the match against Chavo and dominates him. Benoit controls Chavo with hard suplexes and chops. Benoit tags in Rhyno and both men hit a double hip toss on Chavo to the mat. Rhyno loses control of Chavo after Chavo hits a huge powerslam on Rhyno after a reversal of an irish whip. Chavo tags Eddie in and Benoit gets into the ring. Eddie and Benoit exchange moves until suddenly as Eddie knocks Benoit down and turns around..GORE GORE GORE!! Rhyno gores the hell out of Eddie and covers him as Benoit knocks Chavo out of the ring..1...2...3!! Benoit and Rhyno celebrate in the ring as Eddie helps Chavo out of the ring.

    (Winners: Rabid Rhyno)

    Overall Rating: 81%

    Crowd Reaction: 72%

    Match Quality: 90%

    Shane O Mac makes it official!

    Shane McMahon is in his GM Office and Team Angle walks in and begins talking to him about the match he booked for them tonight. Both men have their Tag Team Titles around their waists.

    Haas: Shane. We asked if we could have the night off. A Handicap Match with Brock isn't fair to us!

    Shane: First off Charlie. We're not on a first name basis so don't act like it. Secondly. Your one half of the Tag Team Champs with Shelton here. You guys are the best Tag Team on Smackdown..Back it up tonight against Lesnar. I'm not changing my mind so get out of here

    Shane then shows Team Angle out...Shane is on crutches during the entire little promo. We go to commercial with Shane moving back to his desk to continue his work that he was doing before Team Angle interrupted him.

    Overall Rating: 87%

    Head Cheese vs F.B.I.

    This is a very quick match. Snow and Blackman come out onto the stage first and down to the ring. Right after them, Palumbo and Stamboli of the FBI come sauntering out onto the stage. This is a pure slugfest for a few minutes before Palumbo goes for his Jungle Kick on Blackman but Whacks Stamboli instead! Snow hits a Snowplow on Palumbo and then Snow hits a backbreaker and holds Stamboli there as Blackman comes off the top rope! Their tag team finisher "Off With The Head!" Snow then covers Stamboli hooking the leg..1..2...3!! Al Snow and Steve Blackman win convincingly as they head towards their Title Shot at Summerslam!

    (Winners: Head Cheese)

    Overall Rating: 74%

    Crowd Reaction: 65%

    Match Quality: 83%

    Psicosis vs Paul London

    London is already in the ring after we finish showing some clips of Psicosis's big victories lately. Psicosis's music hits and he comes down to the ring quickly. This is another quick squash match so to speak. It seems to be a theme of tonight as Psicosis controls London. London nearly hits the "London's Calling" on Psicosis but Psicosis avoids it. Psicosis then from here nails the Psycho Stunner and gets a three count! Psicosis leaves the ring after the match as we head to another commercial!

    (Winner: Psicosis)

    Overall Rating: 76%

    Crowd Reaction: 66%

    Match Quality: 87%

    Summerslam Main Event...CHANGED!

    YOU THINK YOU KNOW ME?! Edge's music hits as the crowd goes nuts for him. He pumps them up and plays to them as he comes down to the ring with a microphone in hand. Then he climbs up the ringsteps and steps into the ring. Edge then begins to address the crowd with a huge announcement which they didn't know was coming.

    Edge: I came out here tonight because I was rewarded. I was rewarded for what has happened over the last few weeks. I was granted a match at Summerslam. Not just any match but..Shane McMahon the GM of Smackdown has now made the Main Event into a Triangle Match for the WWE Championship! So now all you Edgeheads out there will get to see the Leader of the Edge Army as the New WWE Champion come 10 days from Now!

    We cut away to another quick commercial break with Edge playing to the crowd as this quick interview promo ends.

    Overall Rating: 76%

    Brian Kendrick vs Christopher Daniels

    Kendrick comes out to the ring first for this matchup against the new man on Smackdown. Christopher Daniels. Daniels music hits and he comes sauntering down to the ring and gets into the ring by sliding under the bottom rope. Daniels dominates most of the match on Kendrick. Hitting some innovative slams and backbreakers until late in the match out of nowhere Kendrick hit his faceplant to knee followed up by his Sliced Bread #2! and covers Daniels!..1....2...3!!! Kendrick pulls a huge upset and celebrates in the ring after the match. Daniels after he recovers though beats the hell out of Kendrick and finishes him off after whipping him into the Steel Ring Steps. He waits for him to get up with a Chair and CRACK! Daniels knocks Kendrick clean out and leaves ringside so the next match can begin.

    (Winner: Brian Kendrick)

    Overall Rating: 76%

    Crowd Reaction: 72%

    Match Quality: 81%

    Taz vs Sabu

    Sabu is out first to Matt Hardy's entrance music but gets no MattFacts since he's not Matt! Sabu once in the ring is waiting as Taz's WWE music begins playing with the buzzer going off. Pyro explodes on the stage and he comes walking out onto the stage. Tazz then walks to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope. Taz and Sabu engage in a very stiff matchup ECDubba Style! Sabu controls Taz early on with a few suplexes and hits a Full Nelson Slam on Taz for a long two count. Sabu hits a fallaway slam after this as well and gets another long two count. Taz finally manages to get to his feet with Sabu's help and blocks a fist. Taz takes control from here hitting a running knee lift on Sabu. Followed by a Running Northern Lights Bomb which makes the crowd pop huge and he covers Sabu..1...2...kickout! Taz picks Sabu up and locks in the Tazmission and falls to the mat rearing back with it. Until finally Sabu taps out to it. Taz leaves immediately afterwards!

    As Taz is leaving Matt Hardy comes running down to the ring! Matt slides under the bottom rope and has a steel chair in hand. He waits for Sabu to get up..CRACK! Matt throws the chair flat on the mat and picks Sabu up...TWIST OF FATE ONTO THE STEEL CHAIR! We go to break with the referee checking on Sabu who looks to be out of it!

    (Winner: Taz)

    Overall Rating: 74%

    Crowd Reaction: 71%

    Match Quality: 77%

    Angle vs Lesnar vs...Edge!

    That Vengence video with Kurt Angle talking about wrestling being his life comes on (Skip out the Surgery parts) As Kurt Angle does exercises in the ring. He passes by Brock Lesnar and also Edge now is added into the video promo. Kurt Angle then stands up and faces the other two men in the ring and tells them that this Championship Is his Life! and the video fades to black!

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Brock Lesnar vs Team Angle

    (Main Event, Handicap Tag Match)

    The lights go down as Brock's music hits first and he comes stancing out onto the stage. Brock stalks down to the ring as the crowd cheers him loudly. Then Brock leaps up onto the ring apron as his pyro explodes. Lesnar then steps into the ring and then "Medal" hits and Team Angle comes walking out onto the stage with the WWE Tag Team Titles around their waists. They come walking down to the ring seeming concerned about this match. Shelton and Charlie climb onto the apron and step into the ring. They hand their Titles over to the referee and Shelton starts the match with Brock.

    Brock dominates Shelton early on with power moves, His shoulder thrusts in the corner and the Triple Backbreaker. Shelton finally makes a tag to Charlie and much of the same occurs to him until Shelton hits a chop block to Brock's knee. Both men proceed to take turns working over Brock's left knee. Charlie then goes for the Haas of Pain and locks it in! Lesnar is screaming in pain and manages to force drag Charlie and Lesnar gets to the ropes! Lesnar ends up after Charlie picks him up and misses a superkick. Getting a hard spinebuster from Lesnar. Lesnar then quickly picks Haas up and F5's! him Shelton clotheslines Lesnar from behind before he can make a pin. As Shelton and Lesnar fight in the ring. Kurt Angle with the WWE Championship around his waist begins to make his way down to the ring!

    Shelton whips Lesnar to the ropes but Lesnar reverses it sending Shelton into them. Brock back body drops Shelton and then as Shelton gets back up and runs at Brock..that Spinning Spinebuster again! Then Lesnar covers Haas..1...2...KICKOUT! Haas kicked out after all that extra time he was given. Lesnar picks Haas up and up onto his shoulders and whips him around for another F5! but clips the referee with Haas's body! Angle seeing his opportunity runs the rest of the way to the ring. Taking the Title off and folding it up as he runs and slides under the bottom rope. Angle has the Title poised as Lesnar stands up and turns..CRACK right across the face with the WWE Championship! Angle then picks Lesnar up..ANGLE SLAM! Kurt then shakes Haas and pulls him towards Brock and then shakes the referee as Haas gets an arm over Lesnar..1...2......3! Haas and Benjamin get a big win over Lesnar! Angle gets back in the ring and begins to stomp Lesnar until Edge comes running out to the ring!! Edge slides under the bottom rope as both Haas and Benjamin get up and EDGE DELIVERS A DOUBLE SPEAR TO THEM! Angle sees this and swings with his Title at Edge's head as he gets up. Edge avoids it and..EDGEOCUTION BY EDGE ON ANGLE! Edge goes over to Lesnar checking on him and helps him to his feet...THEN AN EDGEOCUTION ON HIM TOO! Edge laughs and picks up the WWE Championship and we go off the air as he stares into the Title..we then fade to black!

    (Winners: Team Angle)

    Overall Rating: 77%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 75%

    Smackdown Rating: 75%

    TV Rating: 5.23

    Attendance: 6,518

    Ticket Sales: $391,080

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