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Posts posted by Kapalua2483

  1. user posted image

    Monday Night RAW

    December 8, 2003

    the usual Union Underground theme kicks up to start RAW as the video starts as well. Then once it concludes the cameras turn on in the arena and we watch the intro pyro for RAW explode and then we kick the night off with a wrestlin match. How appropriate..it is a wrestling show after all right?

    Mark Jindrak vs Batista

    This really turns out to be nothing more than a mauling. Jindrak is out to the ring first and he walks down the ramp to an ok ovation. Then once Jindrak is in the ring Batista's music hits and the crowd boo's him heavily as he walks down to the ring. Batista climbs inside and the bell sounds. From here on out it's almost all Batista. Batista dominates Jindrak from turnbuckle to turnbuckle with hard power moves. Several impact slams, a couple suplexes and just pounding. Batista looks like he's set to finish off Jindrak when Taz comes walking down to the ring. Batista throws Jindrak to the mat and yells at Taz from the ring, pointing his finger and yelling curses at him. From behind though as Taz gets to the ring and gets onto the apron. Nick Patrick has to try and get Taz off the ring apron. While this happens D'Lo Brown comes from the crowd and gets in the ring behind Batista. He spins him around and SKY HIGH! D'Lo rolls out of the ring and Jindrak gets over and gets an arm on Batista..1...2....3! Mark Jindrak just upset Batista due to D'Lo Brown and Taz! Batista won't like that at all

    (Winner: Mark Jindrak)

    Overall Rating: 70%

    Crowd Reaction: 68%

    Match Quality: 73%

    Dames Stars: *3/4

    Booker T vs Test

    Test comes down to the ring first to his music and entrance. The crowd embraces him as one of their own!..no I lied they boo the shit outta him. He climbs into the ring and waits for Booker T. Booker's music hits and he comes walking out onto the stage and does his whole entrance. Booker then climbs into the ring and as he does. Goldust comes running out from the back. Test begins the match with Booker in the ring but Goldust with that gold plated chair in hand slides into the ring and destroys the chair over Booker's head! The referee disqualifies Test immediately as Goldust throws the chair on the mat and picks Booker up. Goldust then manuevers Booker over the chair and..CURTAIN CALL ONTO THE CHAIR!!! Goldust then grabs the chair and begins driving it over and over into Booker's back, trying to weaken it perhaps for their I Quit Match at Armageddon. Test is laughing at the beating Booker is taking. Goldust was more serious than Test and just gives Test a shot to the head with the chair for good measure when Test wasn't expecting it. We go backstage just before we head to commercial break.

    (Winner by Disqualification: Booker T)

    Overall Rating: 68%

    Crowd Reaction: 69%

    Match Quality: 69%

    Dames Stars: *1/2

    Backstage D'Lo Brown is walking and sees Steve Corino in passing and talks to him in a brief conversation as they walk by each other.

    D'Lo: How ya doing Steve?

    Corino: eh doin' alright.

    ???: I'm great

    Suddenly coming around a corner that D'Lo was at..Tommy Dreamer just completely demolishes a Singapore cane over D'Lo's head when he wasn't expecting it. He knocked D'Lo Out!! Tommy Dreamer then ran off laughing like a lunatic as Corino checked on D'Lo!

    Overall Rating: 73%

    Bubba Ray Dudley vs Charlie Haas

    This is another match setting up Armageddon as the Dudleys pyro go off and their music plays. Bubba comes walking down to the ring with his World Tag Team Championship around his neck. J.R and The King inform us that The Partner for each team has been barred from ringside in this match. Bubba rolls into the ring and then "WGTT Entrance" hits and Charlie Haas debuts the new music for Team Angle. Charlie gets to the ring and both men put on a fairly good match. Bubba uses his brawling style to beat down on Haas, while when Haas has the advantage he uses his technical skill with suplexes and submission holds to wear Bubba down. Eventull late in the match Haas hits an overhead Belly to Belly and goes over, covering Bubba and getting his feet on the second rope in the cover..1....2.....3! Haas rolls out of the ring, leaving a frustrated Bubba in the ring as D-Von comes running down to the ring and chases Haas. Haas hightails it around the ring and up the steel ramp where Shelton Benjamin is waiting. The WWE Tag Team Champions celebrate, getting one up on the Dudleys yet again!

    (Winner: Charlie Haas)

    Overall Rating: 68%

    Crowd Reaction: 58%

    Match Quality: 79%

    Dames Stars: **1/4

    Kane vs Chris Nowitski

    WWE Hardcore Championship

    Nowitski is the first one out to the ring. He taunts the crowd as he walks to the ring and climbs inside. He gets on the microphone and states to the crowd that he will defeat Kane for the Title without succombing to the barbaric forms of brutality that most use to get ahead in this business. That's ok cause Kane has no problem with doing it and he comes down to the ring and basically destroys Nowitski. He finishes him off with a Chokeslam onto a Stop sign which finishes Nowitski off. Eddie Guerrero though comes running down to the ring and climbs to the top rope, behind Kane as Kane was covering Nowitski...1...2....3!! But just as Kane is trying to get up. Eddie Frog Splashes the back of Kane down onto Nowitski! Eddie then rolls out of the ring and steals the Hardcore Title!!! Eddie Leaves with it, leaving a very angry Kane stewing in the ring. So Kane gives Nowitski a TOMBSTONE onto the chair for good measure.

    (Winner and STILL WWE Hardcore Champion: Kane)(Hardcore Championship Gained Image From This Match)

    Overall Rating: 75%

    Crowd Reaction: 80%

    Match Quality: 66%

    Dames Stars: *1/2

    As we head to commercial break we see a video hyping up the Armageddon Title Match between Chris Jericho and John Cena. Highlighting their brewing feud over the last two to three months. The video has scenes of war and destruction and "The End" theme used for Armageddon playing, while in between the scenes of war you see video of the Cena/Jericho feud..very nice piece.

    Overall Rating: 87%

    Chris Jericho vs Ken Shamrock

    This was mostly to get Jericho on RAW other than the feud video. So first out comes Shamrock to the ring and then after that "King of My World" Hits and Chris Jericho does his normal ring entrance, climbing inside. Both men put on a very very good match. Best of the night by far. Jericho and Shamrock go back and forth exchanging suplexes, chops, slams and every other move. Until Jericho hits a powerbomb on Shamrock which is followed by a Lionsault suddenly!! Jericho then hooks the leg on Shamrock but looks around waiting for Cena to interfere..1....2...3! Jericho gets to his feet and seems relieved that Cena didn't stick his nose into the match tonight. Jericho leaves victorious as we head backstage

    (Winner: Chris Jericho)

    Overall Rating: 87%

    Crowd Reaction: 86%

    Match Quality: 88%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    Randy Orton is backstage preparing for what one would think is a match later. He turns around facing towards a Steel Garage door in the back, doing stretches. As he does this. The crowd pops huge as they see Stone Cold Steve Austin, sneak up behind Orton and wait for him to stop stretching and turn around. Orton gets this feeling that someone is behind him and turns slowly.

    Austin: WHAT!

    Then kick wham and Orton gets a Stunner on the concrete to lay him out!! Austin puts a couple more stomps into Orton before walking off.

    Overall Rating: 77%

    Shark Boy vs Christian

    WWE Intercontinental Championship

    Shark Boy is the first one out and the crowd explodes in cheers as they hadn't seen Sharky in several weeks. He comes down to the ring, looking as fresh as ever. Then Christian's music hits and he comes sauntering down the ramp with the Intercontinental Championship over his shoulder. He taunts Sharky from outside the ring and then turns around to the crowd and taunts them. Sharky takes things into his own hands by running to the ropes on the opposite side of the ring and palancha's to the outside, Nailing Christian in the back and back of the head! Sharky then gets to his feet and picks Christian up. Shark Boy tries to whip Christian into the steel ring steps but Christian reverses it sending Sharky in very hard to the steps. Christian regains his composure and rolls Sharky into the ring. Christian gets into the ring. Christian covers Sharky and gets his feet on the rope trying to steal the win early..1..2....the referee sees the feet on the ropes and kicks Christian's feet off. Which allows Sharky to roll Christian over and begin laying punches into his head. Sharky then gets up and shakes the cobwebs out. Christian gets to his feet and Sharky runs at him but CHRISTIAN BACK BODY DROPS HIM OVER THE TOP ROPE!!!! Sharky lands full out on his back, no landing on the feet crap in this diary. At this point Jay Lethal comes running out from the back. Lethal slides into the ring and runs at Christian but Christian just takes the momentum and throws Lethal over the top rope on the opposite side of the ring.

    Christian then climbs out of the ring on the side Sharky is at. Sharky fights back from Christian trying to roll him back in the ring. Sharky kicks Christian in the gut and sets him up for a vertical suplex that would land Christian on the ring apron on his back but before that can happen. Lethal had pulled a ladder out from under the ring on the side he was on. Lethal comes around the corner of the ring and destroys both men with a ladder shot! Nick Patrick throws the match out at this point and security comes rushing out to break the three men apart before more damage is done as we head to our final commercial of the night

    (Winner: No Decision via Interference)(Still WWE Intercontinental Champion: Christian)

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Crowd Reaction: 85%

    Match Quality: 80%

    Dames Stars: ***

    John Cena vs Steve Corino

    Main Event

    Steve Corino is out first to a lack-luster response. He doesn't seem too happy about it either. Once Corino is half way down to the ring. Cena comes out from the back with a lead pipe in hand. He runs up behind Corino and CRACK, knocks him silly with it. Cena then picks Corino up and drags him to the ring. He rolls him inside and covers him..1....2..Cena even gets his feet on the ropes!...3!!! Cena just like that has cheated his way to another victory. Cena goes up the ramp and picks up his World Heavyweight Championship he dropped on the way down to hit Corino. Corino is getting no acknowledgement whatsoever as the crowd boo's Cena and yells curses at him as he celebrates while RAW goes off the air!

    (Winner: John Cena)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 84%

    Match Quality: 85%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    RAW Rating: 76%

    TV Rating: 6.07

    Attendance: 6,501

    Ticket Sales: $260,040

  2. Sunday Night Heat

    December 7, 2003

    Dark Matches

    Ken Shamrock demolishes Adam Jacobs and wins via pinfall from a Belly to Belly Suplex. 68(69,84)***

    Cyclone defeats Chris Sabin via the Cyclone-Bomb but seems to look every which way the entire match..waiting to see if Mortis is going to attack but doesn't this time. 67(70,80)**1/2

    Chavo Guerrero beats Mark Jindrak with the Brainbuster and after the match Chavo seems upset that Jindrak gave him a hard time in the match so he delivers another Brainbuster to him. 64(69,75)**

    Nunzio defeats Frankie Kazarian with his Silician Crab, making Kazarian tap to it. 63(63,79)**1/4

    Heat Matches

    Randy Orton defeats Tommy Dreamer via a low blow and a RKO. Though throughout the match Orton was as well looking around in a paranoid fashion waiting to see if Austin would strike. He doesn't and Orton cheats his way to another victory. Dreamer doesn't seem happy about it at all. He seems very frustrated and..DREAMER DRIVER ON THE REFEREE!!! Oh man what's gotten into Tommy! 66(72,76)**1/4

    Jeff Hardy defeats Nova from a Twist of Fate, followed by a Swanton Bomb and a cover. After the match Hardy gets a chair and lays a big shot into Nova's chest while he lies on the mat. Then he lays it against the face and chest of Nova and..SWANTON BOMB ONTO THE CHAIR! Nova rolls around in pain while Jeff Hardy leaves the ring 59(62,70)*1/4

    Batista mauls Maven for most of this match and picks up the pinfall after a Sit-Out Powerbomb that destroys Maven 62(71,66)*1/4

    Psicosis in the best match of the night and overall a terrific match, manages to retain his Title over Spanky just barely by a sudden Psycho Stunner. Though after the match as Psicosis gloats over Spanky. Spanky delivers a kick to the head from the mat to Psicosis's head since Psicosis was leaning over him. Spanky then kicks up and runs towards Psicosis grabbing his face and runs into a corner and up the turnbuckles..Sliced Bread #2 Lays the Champion out as Heat goes off the air! 76(76,95)****

    Heat Rating: 66%

    TV Rating: 6.01

    Attendance: 6,509

    Ticket Sales: $260,360

  3. user posted image

    WWE Smackdown

    December 4, 2003

    The usual Smackdown video and music kick up and start. Then once it finishes up the Smackdown intro pyro goes off and Michael Cole along side Paul Heyman, welcome us to Smackdown! They then go on to preview the AJ Styles/Sean O'Haire Rematch as well as the Kurt Angle/Chris Benoit one time only #1 Contender match. Also previewed by the two men is the Matt Hardy Version 1.0 vs Edge WWE Championship match! Three huge matches tonight on Smackdown but we kick Smackdown off with a big match in itself!

    Rob Van Dam vs Rhyno

    Rhyno is the first man out as he pounds his chest as he walks down the aisle to the ring. Rhyno rolls into the ring and stands there waiting. Then the crowd gives a large pop though mainly boo'ing as Rob Van Dam's music hits and his pyro goes off. RVD comes out and walks down to the ring. RVD and Rhyno tear down the house to open up Smackdown with a really solid match. Both men hit their normal big moves but RVD winds up taking the victory when he hits a low blow while the referee is out of position. Followed by a viscious DDT and a Five Star Frog Splash for the victory! RVD bails after the victory. HHH must have loved that as he had the night off tonight. Shane's reasoning was he wanted to start tonight off with a real match!

    (Winner: Rob Van Dam)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 85%

    Match Quality: 82%

    Dames Stars: ***1/4

    Backstage we see Paul London come walking up to Matt Hardy and his Mattitude crew (Jeff Hardy, Scotty "Mr. MF'er Riggs, Billy Kidman and Shannon Moore though Moore hasn't been wrestling due to injury) Paul London begins talking to Hardy even though Hardy isn't paying him much attention.

    London: Matt. I came here tonight to ask you if I could join the faith that is Mattitude! I want to be an MF'er like all your faithful followers!

    Matt Hardy: You want to become a MF'er. hah. You don't have a tenth of what it takes kid. In fact boys. Show him what being an MF'er is!

    Hardy's Mattitude Stable proceeds to attack London and beat him down. Scotty doesn't seem as eager to beat on London as the rest and Matt turns to him.

    Matt: Something wrong Scotty? Do you not want to show London what it means to be a Mattitude Follower!

    Scotty: He just wanted to join Matt. We didn't need to beat him up!

    Matt wastes no time turning on Scotty and begins to beat him down with the help of Jeff Hardy, Shannon Moore and Billy Kidman! The four of them finish beating down Scotty and London and leave them laying backstage!

    Overall Rating: 76%

    Christopher Daniels vs Sabu

    This guys really put on a lack luster match and it wasn't very good at all. The crowd felt it and didn't like the match either. Fickle crowd. This was probably one of the worse showings from these two men in quite a while. The end does come when Daniels after about 5 minutes of uninspired wrestling. Hits the Last Rites and covers Sabu..1...2...3! Daniels picks up the victory but after the match Ultimo Dragon comes through the crowd as Daniels tries to leave. Daniels is walking up the aisle to the backstage area when Ultimo catches him and nails his Dragon's Blaze Finisher (Reverse Flying DDT) laying Daniels out in the aisle!

    (Winner: Christopher Daniels)

    Overall Rating: 68%

    Crowd Reaction: 69%

    Match Quality: 67%

    Dames Stars: *1/4

    Hurricane vs Billy Kidman

    Billy Kidman is the first out to at first it's Matt Hardy's computer loading entrance. Then it kicks into Kidman's DMX theme. Kidman comes to the ring and then once he's in the ring. Hurricane's music hits and he comes walking out from the back and does his superhero poses to the ring. Hurricane gets to the ring and hooks up with Kidman. Throughout the match Hurricane seems to be very tenative and paranoid that Mortis may come out at any point. This allows Kidman several times to take momentum back in his hands. Kidman went up for a Hurricarana but came out of it with an implant ddt on Hurricane!! That move was incredible! Kidman rolls Hurricane over..1...2....Hurricane gets a shoulder up barely. Kidman picks Hurricane up and goes for the Kid Krusher but Hurricane pushes Kidman off..Hurri-Chokeslam!! Hurricane goes down as well as Kidman. We then see the lights go down and the dark tones of Mortis's entrance hit as he walks out from the back and stalks to the ring. He then climbs up onto the apron. The referee admonishes him and Hurricane gets to his feet and takes a swing at Mortis. Hurricane misses and then Kidman gets him from behind with the Kid Krusher while he was distracted!! Kidman drags Hurricane over to the corner and flips him on his back..Shooting Star Press by Kidman!!! Kidman then hooks the leg on Hurricane..1...2.....3!!! Kidman gets a huge win over Hurricane! Mortis slides back into the ring after the match. Mortis picks Hurricane up and goes for the Flatliner but Hurricane pushes him off and kicks Mortis in the gut..Eye of the Hurricane! Hurricane yells down at Mortis after the match as he heads to the back angry.

    (Winner: Billy Kidman)(Billy Kidman Gains Overness From This Match)(Hurricane Loses Overness From This Match)

    Overall Rating: 77%

    Crowd Reaction: 70%

    Match Quality: 84%

    Dames Stars: ***

    As we go to commercial, a video highlighting the recent fighting between Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit is shown and then it previews the #1 Contenders Match later tonight!

    Overall Rating: 86%

    AJ Styles vs Sean O'Haire

    WWE American Championship

    AJ Styles comes down first as his music hits. He seems to seeth as he walks to the ring. Styles rolls into the ring and then Sean O'Haire's music hits and he comes walking out from the back with the WWE American Championship around his waist as he walks to the ring. O'Haire takes the belt off and these two men lock up. This match goes back and forth just like their matches from the two weeks before. Styles hits a nasty DDT on O'Haire for a long two count. O'Haire hits a huge powerslam on Styles for a long two count later and at the end of the match. Styles tries to go for a Styles Clash but O'Haire slips out and kicks up to his feet. Then in a sudden change of momentum. O'Haire lifts Styles onto his shoulders..Prophecy! O'Haire then covers Styles..1...2....3!! O'Haire retains his title in another great match from these two! Styles can't be happy about going down to O'Haire for the third straight week!

    (Winner and STILL WWE American Champion: Sean O'Haire)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 86%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    Another preview video plays as we head to another commercial after a long title match there. This match highlights the HUGE history between Matt Hardy Version 1.0 dating back to the Hardy Boyz/E & C matches and most recently earlier this year when they had a couple PPV's back to back facing off! These two men don't like each other and tonight Matt Hardy will try to take the WWE Championship from Edge!

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit

    #1 Contendership Match for Royal Rumble Title Match

    "Medal" Hits first and Kurt Angle saunters out from behind the curtain and walks to the ring. He stops halfway down and points to the sky as he looks up and his pyro goes off behind him. As the pyro finishes Chris Benoit comes running up from behind Kurt and clotheslines him from behind to the floor! Benoit begins putting the boots to Angle and brings him down to the ringside area. Benoit then whips Angle hard into the steel ring steps! Benoit then reaches under the ring and grabs a steel chair from beneath the ring. He then waits for Angle and SMACK! Cracks Angle over the head with the chair and then rolls a semi-concious Angle into the ring and drops the chair outside the ring. Angle is out of it as Benoit climbs to the top rope..Suicide Headbutt!! Benoit then picks Angle up and nails a BIG Angle Slam on Angle and then slides on the Crippler Crossface and Angle winds up tapping out after holding on for about 90 seconds but finally has to give in. Benoit leaves with the victory but not without heavy cheating and getting the cheap victory but now Benoit is guarenteed to be at Royal Rumble in the WWE Title Match!

    (Winner: Chris Benoit)(Kurt Angle Loses Overness Due to this Match)(Chris Benoit Gains overness due to this Match)

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Crowd Reaction: 67%

    Match Quality: 100%

    Dames Stars: ****1/4

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0 vs Edge

    WWE Championship

    Main Event

    The first man out for the main event is Matt Hardy as his computer loading entrance kicks up. Then OOOHHHH YEEEAAAAA! Matt's music then kicks in and Matt comes walking down to the ring. His MattFact tonight is that "Matt Hardy has never lost a WWE Championship match" Michael Cole reminds the fans that this is Matt Hardy's first ever Title Shot for the big belt. Matt gets to the ring and climbs inside. Then Edge's music hits and the crowd gets very loud as he comes running through the smoke in the entrance. The WWE Championship around his waist as he plays to the fans. Edge then comes down to the ring and slides under the bottom rope into the ring with his black leather trenchcoat on. Hardy doesn't let Edge get oriented as he immediately goes to work on Edge with stomps to the back as the bell sounds! Hardy works Edge over with stomps and then picks him up and begins to work him over with right hands. Hardy then grabs Edge and whips him to the ropes. Hardy ducks his head just a second too early and telegraphs the back body drop. Edge winds up nailing Hardy with a stiff kick to the chest. Followed up by a bone-shattering clothesline. Edge then as Hardy gets back up and runs at him. Edge hits his Half-Nelson faceplant on Hardy and makes a cover..1..2...kickout! Hardy gets to his feet as does Edge. Edge grabs Hardy and goes for an Edgeocution quickly but Hardy reverses out of it and instead they chain reversal into a Side Effect by Hardy on Edge! Hardy covers Edge quickly..1...2...kickout!

    Hardy seems to get a bit frustrated as he picks Edge up and whips him into a corner. He follows Edge in with a clothesline and then pulls him a couple steps out of the corner. Then lifts Edge into a vertical Suplex and nails it. Hardy covers Edge again, pulling the tights this time..1..2...kickout! Hardy gets to his feet and yells at Brian Hebner that it was a three count. Hardy then grabs Edge as he was to his feet and whips him into a corner again. Then goes into the corner and lifts Edge up onto the top turnbuckle, facing out towards the crowd. Hardy then climbs onto the bottom rope..SPLASH MOUNTAIN ON EDGE!!! The crowd is almost in a hush as they see Edge go down and Hardy rolls him over for a cover..1...2....shoulder up! Edge gets his shoulder up just before three. Narrowly avoiding losing his title to Hardy! Hardy calls for the Twist of Fate and waits for Edge to get to his feet..kick to the gut and as Matt pulls him into the front facelock for the Twist of Fate. Edge chain reverses out of the hold and pulls Hardy into AN EDGEOCUTION!!! Edge manages to barely get an arm over Hardy and Hebner counts..1...2....HARDY KICKS OUT!!! The crowd gasps as almost nobody kicks out of the Edgeocution! Edge gets up groggily and can't believe it either. Edge climbs to the top rope and stands poised in wait as Hardy gets to his feet very slowly. SPEAR FROM THE TOP ROPE BY EDGE!!! and Edge just stays on top of Hardy as Hebner counts the pin...1..2....3.!!! Edge retains but not after an extremely close call and tremendous match! Brian Hebner lays the WWE Championship on Edge. Edge clutches it and we leave Smackdown with the sight of both Hardy and Edge down in the ring after their war

    (Winner and STILL WWE Champion: Edge)(WWE Championship Gains In Image)

    Overall Rating: 88%

    Crowd Reaction: 87%

    Match Quality: 89%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    Smackdown Rating: 79%

    TV Rating: 4.75

    Attendance: 6,542

    Ticket Sales: $261,680

  4. user posted image

    Monday Night RAW

    December 1, 2003

    The RAW Intro kicks up as it normally does with Union Underground jamming the RAW Beat. Eventully it finishes up the new video. This one shows all the new RAW Acquisitions. Then the cameras turn on in the arena as the pyro begins exploding for the start of RAW. Then J.R and The King tell us something is going on backstage!

    Backstage we see Stone Cold coming into the arena and Evolution (Randy Orton, Ric Flair, Ken Shamrock and Batista) are waiting and ambush the Rattlesnake. They all stomp and batter the Rattler and finish him off by Batista throwing him into a Steel Garage door. Medics come and check on Austin as Evolution walks off laughing. What bastards!

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Sonny Siaki vs Steve Corino

    There just doesn't seem to be a reason for this match other than moving up the ranks of RAW. They have a very good opener with both men getting a couple near-falls. Corino nearly won with a Corino-Bomb. Siaki though when the referee isn't looking for a moment..LOW BLOW! This folds Corino over and Siaki takes advantage hitting a Siakopolis on Corino and covering him..1...2....3! Siaki gets a big victory over Corino. Siaki celebrates it too much as Corino rolled out of the ring and grabbed a Steel Chair. Then got back into the ring and as Siaki came off a turnbuckle..POP! The Steel Chair connects straight to Siaki's head, knocking him loopy. Corino throws the chair down as we head to our first commercial of the night!

    (Winner: Sonny Siaki)(Sonny Siaki Gained Overness From This Match)

    Overall Rating: 75%

    Crowd Reaction: 76%

    Match Quality: 76%

    Dames Stars: **1/4

    Los Guerreros vs The Brethren

    Los Guerreros come out first to Eddie's entrance. They play to the crowd and as usual the crowd doesn't treat them as complete heels. Some of them cheer. Damn marks must be in the crowd again tonight. The Brethren are out next and get a good ovation from the crowd. This match is very solid by both teams and the Guerreros make the Brethren look like gold the entire match. Los Guerreros get several near falls and The Brethren get a close fall too on a double team backbreaker. The end comes when Chavo misses a clothesline on Fury and takes out Charles Robinson! Eddie Guerrero shrugs and drops down from his corner and reaches under the ring for a chair. GOOZLE!? Kane slides out from under the ring, where Eddie was at and stands up holding onto the Goozle..CHOKESLAM ON THE OUTSIDE!!! What the hell is this!? Kane rolls into the ring behind Chavo. Chavo turns and Kane lifts Chavo onto his shoulder..TOMBSTONE BY KANE!!! Kane then leaves the ring and heads up the ramp as Mayhem and Fury get into the ring. Then they hit their Straight To Hell Spinebuster and Fury wakes the referee up while Mayhem covers Chavo, hooking the leg as Robinson counts the fall slowly...1....2.....3! The Brethren steal a victory and celebrate it in the ring a moment. Then leave before Los Guerreros realize what happened!

    (Winners: The Brethren)

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Crowd Reaction: 77%

    Match Quality: 93%

    Dames Stars: ****

    Christian is backstage with Jonathan Coachman holding the microphone for him as the IC Champ began speaking!

    Christian: You see tonight Lethal. Me and Goldust gotta face you and Booker in a Tag Match but in under three weeks. It's you and me one on one for this Title

    Christian taps the belt with his hand and continues to talk smack

    Christian: But I have been allowed by our Great General Manager, Eric Bischoff to choose the stipulation for our match. So I have decided our match will be a FIRST BLOOD Match! So Lethal you better be ready cause when me and My Peeps show up at Armageddon. Your Blood will flow and I will remain the WWE Intercontinental Champion!

    Christian then walks off blowing kisses to people that can't be seen as we head to commercial break.

    Overall Rating: 89%

    "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs Low Ki

    Low Ki's music hits first and he comes sauntering to the ring, he seems all business as he heads to the ring. Then THE GLASS SHATTERS! The crowd gives their biggest ovation of the night as Stone Cold comes walking out onto the stage and down to the ring. He walks around the ring and up the ring steps. Austin then does two corners of the ring. Low Ki gets in his way with a VERY STIFF Kick before Austin can go to the third turnbuckle. Austin can't even get his leather vest off as he gets clocked. It just stays on as Low Ki takes advantage of knocking Austin loopy. Low Ki continues to work Austin over with rest-holds and Hard stiff kicks for the next few minutes. Low Ki then hits a Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex on Austin and it looks like Low Ki might win!!! Low Ki picks Austin up and KICK WHAM STUNNER!!!! And Austin crawls onto Low Ki..1...2....3!!! Austin escapes with a Sudden Stunner and a victory! Austin rolls out of the ring and walks up the ramp, holding his middle fingers in the air but it's unusual for him to not celebrate in the ring. Behind Austin though. Orton comes from down below by the side of the ramp and climbs up onto the ramp, behind Austin. Austin turns around RIGHT INTO AN RKO ON THE STEEL RAMP!!! Randy Orton talks smack to Austin and has gotten the best of him twice tonight!! Maybe Orton is right about Austin being the past of wrestling!

    (Winner: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin)

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Crowd Reaction: 74%

    Match Quality: 82%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    We now see the "Slam Of the Week" presented by Lugz! It shows scenes from Last week when Team Angle put both Bubba and D-Von through Tables using the 3D! Both Dudleys were hurting too much to be here tonight after this beatdown and then we come back from commercial completely!

    Overall Rating: 72%

    D'Lo Brown vs Chris Nowitski

    This is an ok match for Nowitski's return to RAW. D'Lo and Nowitski go back and forth in this match but Nowitski gets all the near falls. D'Lo doesn't go for a pin in the early going. Later on in the match it looks like D'Lo is gaining momentum and Batista decides to come running down to the ring. He gets in and D'Lo sees him. D'Lo charges Batista but Batista ducks it and D'Lo comes back off the ropes and Batista catches him in a giant Powerslam. Nick Patrick immediately disqualifies Nowitski. Batista then picks D'Lo up and Sit-Out Powerbomb!!! D'Lo stays down after it as Batista celebrates his destruction of D'Lo!!!

    (Winner by Disqualification: D'Lo Brown)

    Overall Rating: 71%

    Crowd Reaction: 73%

    Match Quality: 69%

    Dames Stars: *1/2

    Christian/Goldust vs Jay Lethal/Booker T

    All four men have their normal entrances with the Faces coming out to the ring first and then Goldust walking down to the ring. Then the IC Champion comes out blowing kisses to his peeps. Christian and Goldust then get to the ring and Goldust seems like he's going to start it off with Jay Lethal! Lethal has control in the early going with several high flying manuevers. Including a Running Leg Lariat and a top rope Missle Dropkick. Goldust though takes control when he hits a low blow on Lethal when Patrick is trying to keep Christian out of the ring. Goldust then hits a big DDT on Lethal and tags out to Christian. Christian then begins to go to work on Lethal. Christian hits some hard punches and chops. Whips Lethal to the ropes and also hits a powerslam on him for a long two count. Christian then picks Lethal up and sinches in his Reverse DDT Hold..Into a Backbreaker!!! Christian covers Lethal..1..2...kickout! Christian begins to get frustrated and has a half tantrum. Then he tags out to Goldust who pulls Lethal back into their corner and hits an elbow drop to the back of Lethal's head and neck. Goldust and Christian continue to tag in and out and dominate Lethal until Christian is in the ring with Lethal and Lethal tries to fight back with a kick to Christian's gut. Christian catches it and then catches a foot to the temple as Lethal hits an Enziguri to Christian that dims his lights!!!

    Christian and Lethal both crawl to their corners and both make the hot tags to their partners. Booker comes into the ring on fire. He takes both Goldust and Christian down with clotheslines and Leg Lariats. Then Booker goes for a quick Book End on Goldust but Goldy elbows out of it. Staggering Booker away right into an Unprettier from Christian!!! Lethal then gives the Lethal Ride to Christian but then Goldust clotheslines Lethal over the top rope!! Then Goldust picks Booker up..CURTAIN CALL!!! Goldust then covers Booker..1....2.....3! Goldust and Christian get the victory and quickly leave the area before Lethal or Booker can recover and realize what happened! One leg up for those two men over Booker and Lethal as we head to our final commercial break!

    (Winners: Goldust and Christian)

    Overall Rating: 82%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 84%

    Dames Stars: ***1/4

    John Cena vs The Rock

    (Cage Match, Main Event)

    The Rock is out first as the Cage was lowered during the commercial break. Rock goes around the Cage and on the ropes. Then John Cena's Thuganomics 101 music hits and he comes sauntering out onto the stage with the World Heavyweight Championship in hand. No rapping tonight as we're short on time and Cena has no microphone. Cena gets into the ring and both men go to town on each other for the 10 minutes of this match. Rock nails all of his Trademarks. The Samoan Drop, Float Over DDT, Spinebuster and Overhead Belly to Belly throw. All garnering long two counts but nothing more. Cena uses his Ground Pound attack to work Rock over throughout the match and launches Rock into the cage several times. Halfway through the match Chris Jericho comes walking down to the ring and roams around the outside of the cage watching the match. Cena finally gets Rock in position for the F-U but Rock lands on his feet and kicks Cena in the gut as he turns..Big DDT! Rock then kicks up and kicks Cena's arm..one side and then the other..People's Elbow!!! Rock then gets to his feet and walks over to the cage Door as the referee opens it. Rock's head and shoulders are out of the cage when Chris Jericho comes running from behind. Out of Rock's line of sight and SMASHES THE CAGE DOOR INTO ROCK'S HEAD!!! Rock falls back into the ring, crumpled. The cage door shot nearly knocked him out. Cena gets to his feet and picks Rocky up..F-U!!! Cena then crawls over to the cage door and crawls out of it, falling to the mat on the outside. Jericho comes running by as Cena is announced the winner and hits a bulldog on Cena. Then Jericho climbs the barricade..LIONSAULT OFF THE BARRICADE TO THE MATTING ON CENA!!! Jericho then grabs the World Heavyweight Title from Nick Patrick on the outside and walks up the ramp. The last image we see before RAW goes off the air was Jericho holding the World Heavyweight Championship up in the air at the top of the stage with Rock and Cena staring him down.

    (Winner: John Cena)

    Overall Rating: 88%

    Crowd Reaction: 96%

    Match Quality: 71%

    Dames Stars: **1/4

    RAW Rating: 79%

    TV Rating: 6.01

    Attendance: 6,529

    Ticket Sales: $261,160

  5. Sunday Night Heat

    November 30, 2003

    Dark Matches

    Chris Sabin defeated Rico with a Future Shock after a short match. Nothing very good there though 68(68,69)*1/2

    Batista makes short work of Adam Jacobs in his first appearance at a WWE Event. Good match for him and he may get more chances to work it. Batista hits the Sit-Out Powerbomb for the victory though. 71(68,74)**

    Frankie Kazarian from OVW is also making his debut at a WWE Event and he gets a victory over Billy Kidman! Frankie hits Kidman with a Flux Capaciter to get the pinfall and the victory. 69(53,85)**3/4

    Chris Nowitski defeats Spike Dudley in the final dark match of the evening with a low blow and a school boy roll-up. Both men are returning from injuries and working their ring rust off at non-televised events. 74(68,80)**1/2

    Heat Matches

    Paul London manages to get the victory over Chuck Palumbo with a beautifully executed London's Calling for the pin. Solid Heat match but nothing exceptionally special. 71(72,71)*3/4

    Chavo Guerrero defeats the OVW first timer Insane Dragon with a shot from a chain when the referee was distracted. Followed by a pin with Chavo's feet on the ropes. But Insane Dragon impressed everyone with the match he put on with Chavo! 79(69,90)***1/2

    AJ Styles puts on a good match with Kid Kash but eventully finishes him off with a Styles Clash followed by a pin. After the match Styles nails a second Styles Clash to Kash. Styles is not happy about wrestling on Heat again this week 76(63,89)***1/4

    Low Ki beats Tommy Dreamer in the type of match we didn't expect. Low Ki kept it all ground based and eventully made Dreamer tap out to the Dragon Clutch. Low Ki wrestled an extremely smart match and comes out with a victory to end Heat with! 75(71,79)**1/2

    Heat Rating: 73%

    TV Rating: 6.10

    Attendance: 6,540

    Ticket Sales: $261,600

  6. user posted image

    WWE Smackdown

    November 27, 2003

    Smackdown's normal intro goes down and we see and hear the video/music that normally starts Smackdown off. Then we finish with the Smackdown set coming into camera and pyro going off. Then Michael Cole and Paul Heyman welcome us to Smackdown. From here we hear Matt Hardy's music kick up.

    Matt Hardy's entrance begins with the computer loading screen. Then it finishes and his music kicks up..OHHH YEAAAA! and his Version 1.0 music plays as he comes walking to the ring holding his hand high in the air in a Mattitude symbol. Matt's Mattfact of the night is "Matt Hardy has beaten Edge in Arm Wrestling every time they've matched up." This is obviously intended to be a goof way of saying he's better than Edge at something. Matt gets to the ring and gets on the microphone.

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0: I came out here tonight because I have a match with Cyclone but I decided something else. I Realized that Edge is the WWE Champion!

    The crowd cheers loudly at hearing the name of their WWE Champion!

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0: I Can beat Edge! I've done it before many times! So next week I say this. Matt Hardy..Version 1. Will step into this very ring. To wrestle and yes this is a challenge Edge. You. Next week for the WWE Championship. Matt Hardy Version 1 vs Edge! I can guarentee you that my Mattributes will be enough to conquer all the HedgeHeads!

    This is the point where Cyclone's music hits and their match is set to begin!

    Overall Rating: 86%

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0 vs Cyclone

    This match is really basic. Matt Hardy and Cyclone go back and forth with momentum but throughout the match Cyclone seems to be when he's in control. Looking about franticly. Trying to see where Mortis will come from. Tonight Mortis is not Cyclone's problem. He realizes this about the time Matt hits a Twist of Fate on him..1..2....3! After Matt gets the pinfall on Cyclone. He picks Cyclone up and hits another Twist of Fate and yells.."Next Week it's You Edge!!!! Matt then raises his arms into the air in the Mattitude sign as we head to commercial.

    (Winner: Matt Hardy Version 1.0)

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Crowd Reaction: 80%

    Match Quality: 74%

    Dames Stars: **1/4

    Lance Storm vs Rey Mysterio

    Lance Storm is the first out to his normal entrance music and his normal video. Why can't he be more charasmatic. We know he can be! Oh well. Then Rey Mysterio's music and video hits. Rey then catapaults through a section of the set and lands on his feet!!! Mysterio comes down to the ring and gets inside. Then Mysterio locks it up with Storm. Both men go back and forth the entire match until Storm catches Mysterio with a sudden superkick to the jaw. Storm then locks in his Canadian Mapleleaf (Single-Leg Boston Crab) and Mysterio after a minute in it, finally taps out and Storm gets a surprising victory over Mysterio with the submission! Lance Storm heads off leaving Mysterio in the ring but it's a huge victory for Storm!

    (Winner: Lance Storm)(Lance Storm Gains Overness From This Match)

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Crowd Reaction: 82%

    Match Quality: 89%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    Backstage we see Triple H come walking by the Smackdown interview area where Josh Matthews is and he walks back over and grabs the microphone. Triple H is going to cut something real quick!

    Triple H: Hey, Rhyno. Come on down tonight to the ring. I've got something for you. I want you to experience it first hand. I don't want to tell you about what is to come. Make sure you get that Man Beast Ass down to that ring. I'll finish my match quick so i'll be ready for you Rhyno!

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Triple H vs Johnny Stamboli

    This match is almost obviously a squash Match but the crowd isn't into it much cause they were really into the Storm/Mysterio match. Stamboli is down to the ring first. Then Triple H Comes walking down to the ring as his music and strobes hit. Triple H does his usual entrance and then beats the hell out of Stamboli. Triple H finishes the match with a Nasty Pedigree to Stamboli. Rhyno climbs through the crowd and over the barricade behind Triple H. Rhyno slides into the ring, behind Triple H as he gets the pin on Stamboli..1...2....3! Triple H gets up and begins taunting the towards the entryway. Trying to goad Rhyno out to the ring. Triple H then turns around..GORE GORE GORE!!! Rhyno Gores the hell out of Triple H and then leaves as soon as he'd come. The crowd is cheering Rhyno loudly after that!

    (Winner: Triple H)

    Overall Rating: 64%

    Crowd Reaction: 42%

    Match Quality: 86%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    Christopher Daniels vs Ultimo Dragon

    Ultimo comes out to the ring first and the crowd is cheering him loudly. Once Ultimo's pyro and music has finished. Christopher Daniels' music hits and Daniels comes walking out to the ring. He walks very slowly to the ring. Daniels very slowly walks up the ringsteps and takes off his preacher garb. Then steps into the ring..the bell sounds and Daniels immediately leaves the ring, puts his robe back on and backs up the aisle away from Daniels. Daniels accepts a countout to avoid getting into the ring with Ultimo! Is this a mind game or does Daniels fear Ultimo!! We ask this question as Ultimo yells at Daniels from the ring as the bell sounds and Ultimo is given the victory. The last scene we see before break is a smirk from Daniels.

    (Winner by Countout: Ultimo Dragon)

    Overall Rating: 89%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 99%

    Dames Stars: ****1/2

    Backstage Chris Benoit enters Kurt Angle's locker room and walks up to him. Apparently he wants to talk.

    Benoit: Hey Kurt.

    What do you want Benoit?

    Benoit: I wanted to say I was sorry for last week. Just caught up in the moment man. I just wanted to let you know i've got your back tonight is all.

    Benoit walks out and we finish this segment with a couple words from Angle quietly as Benoit had left

    Angle: We'll see about that at the end of the night Benoit.

    Overall Rating: 76%

    AJ Styles vs Sean O'Haire

    WWE American Championship, Hardcore Rules Bout

    O'Haire is out first with his music hitting. He comes walking down to the ring. O'Haire has his long trenchcoat on but doesn't get to take it off as AJ Styles comes running down the aisle with a kendo stick and cracks O'Haire over the back as the bell sounds for the match to begin. Styles takes advantage of O'Haire not expecting the early attack. Styles picks O'Haire up and whips him into the barricade that lines the aisleway. Styles then grabs a metal sign from the barricade and rears back for O'Haire's head as he gets up. O'Haire ducks the attempt and DDT'S STYLES ON THE OUTSIDE!!! O'Haire quickly covers Styles..1...2....kickout! O'Haire picks Styles up and drags him back towards the Smackdown Set. O'Haire hits several side knees to Styles' gut as they walk. O'Haire then whips Styles towards the Smackdown set but Styles reverses it and O'Haire slams into the set. Styles then as O'Haire staggers back towards him..Setup for the Styles Clash on the Cement!!! O'Haire reverses out of it by grabbing Styles's head with his legs and takes him over in a leg scissor! O'Haire then gets up quickly, waiting for Styles. O'Haire lifts Styles up onto his shoulders in a fireman's carry and Javelin's STYLES INTO THE SET AND STYLES GOES THROUGH THAT SECTION OF IT!!!! The crowd is cheering and chanting "Holy Shit, Holy Shit" O'Haire goes around and picks Styles up. He pulls Styles back out to in front of the Smackdown Set and..Prophecy on the Cement!!!! O'Haire then covers Styles..1...2....3!! O'Haire has captured the American Championship!!! O'Haire is handed the Title and he walks off celebrating with the crowd as we take our final commercial break!!!

    (Winner and NEW WWE American Championship: Sean O'Haire)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 86%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    Kurt Angle/Chris Benoit vs The Undertaker/Brock Lesnar and Edge

    Main Event, Handicap 3 on 2 Match

    All the men have their normal entrances and it's almost a repeat of last week's match. Except that this time Edge is involved but is in peril much of the match as Angle and Benoit work over his left knee and Ankle. Benoit having worked over his right shoulder. This match isn't anything more than last week's except late in this match Edge makes a hot tag to Taker. Taker beats down both Angle and Benoit but a moment later Edge makes a blind tag on Taker. Edge climbs into the ring as Taker takes a double flapjack. Lesnar gets into the ring and clotheslines Angle down. While Edge gets on Benoit and EDGEOCUTION on the #1 Contender!! Edge then covers Benoit who was the legal man.1....2....3! Edge gets the victory over Benoit and stands over him with his WWE Championship in hand, after being handed the belt of course. We leave Smackdown with Taker, Lesnar and Edge all in the ring standing over Angle and Benoit!

    (Winners: Edge, The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar)

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 79%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    Smackdown Rating: 78%

    TV Rating: 4.75

    Attendance: 6,525

    Ticket Sales: $261,000

  7. user posted image

    Monday Night RAW

    November 24, 2003

    We have the normal RAW intro done by Union Underground, all the normal wrestlers you'd see on it and then we cut to the RAW set where we don't start with pyro tonight. We start with something else entirely.

    THE GLASS SHATTERS! The crowd literally explodes to hear the Rattlesnake's Music and Austin comes walking out from behind the curtain and walks down to the ring with that Stone Cold purpose in his step. He does his Four Corners Salute and then grabs a microphone. This is the point where we hear from the Rattler who has been pretty quiet if not down right dead since he lost the World Heavyweight Championship to HHH Back in May at Judgement Day! Austin brings the mic to his mouth and begins to talk at this point.

    Austin: Ya know alot of people been wonderin..Ole Stone Cold. Why ya losin to Regal on Heat and What's happened to you Stone Cold. You used to be Great!

    Stone Cold walks around the ring while he talks on the microphone. The crowd chants What after every sentence is finished.

    Austin: I'll be honest with all you fans. I had lost my fire. I was happy with what I had accomplished. Then I realized sitting around one day that it sucks being on Heat. It sucks not being here every night entertaining and kicking some ass. So I am putting all the boys in the back on Notice and especially all the New Bucks thinking they can knock off Stone Cold. The Rattlesnake is BACK and he is gonna kick ass and drink beer until..

    "Evolution's Theme" hits and Randy Orton comes walking out onto the stage with a microphone in hand and walks to the ring slowly as he talks to Austin.

    Orton: Now Steve. You think that just because you come out here and talk all big and bad. That's going to change what you are?

    Orton walks down to the ring and climbs inside while he says the next few sentences.

    Steve. You went to Heat and lost your fire cause Triple H. The Best in the business still today. Kicked your ass in a Barbed Wire Match and sent you packing. You just didn't have the sense and unfortunately you did have the choice unlike Mick Foley! You should've retired Steve. Guys like me. Randy Orton are The Future of this business. Not a Washed up old has been like you!

    Orton is in the ring at this point and is almost face to face with Stone Cold Steve Austin. Austin now snaps back at Orton

    Overall Rating: 81%

    Austin: Now who wants to see me stomp a mudhole in this som bitch. Gimme a Hell Ya!

    The Crowd gives Austin a big "Hell Ya" so Austin shrugs and drops his microphone and begins slugging Orton with those huge right hands of his. Austin then backs Orton to the ropes and whips him across the ring. Then nails a huge Lou Thesz Press on Orton, slugging him in the face while he has him down. Austin then gets to his feet and waits on Orton..kick wham..no Stunner! Orton pushes Austin off and spins him around..RKO!!! Orton lays Austin out in the ring and Orton grabs a microphone from the ring as he leaves, taunting Austin.

    Orton: Too Slow Steve. You'll never be able to beat someone like me, being that slow. See ya later Steve!

    Orton waves from the top of the stage to Austin in the ring who was up to a seated position and seemed to have a rage in his eyes that hadn't been seen in a long time!

    Overall Rating: 77%

    Sonny Siaki vs ???

    WWE Hardcore Championship Match

    Sonny Siaki came down to the ring with the Hardcore Championship around his waist. He grabs a microphone from ringside and rolls into the ring. He then begins talking to the guys in the back.

    Siaki: Alright now I know nobody has answered this challenge yet and they don't want a piece of the Best thing to hit Wrestling since the Suplex but. Come on and let's see if we can get someone down here so I can retain my Title!

    Kane's Pyro goes off and Siaki can almost be seen shitting his pants. Remember Sid folks? It did really happen! Kane disects Siaki in every fashion in this Hardcore Match. Siaki barely gets any offense and when he does it's with some kind of Hardcore weapon! The end comes when Kane nails a Chokeslam on Siaki onto a Trash Can and Kane covers him.1...2....3! Kane wins the Hardcore Championship! Well damn Siaki didn't expect that did he! Kane holds the Title high up in the air in victory as RAW takes the first commercial break of the night

    (Winner and NEW WWE Hardcore Champion: Kane)(WWE Hardcore Championship Gains in Image)

    Overall Rating: 77%

    Crowd Reaction: 80%

    Match Quality: 73%

    Dames Stars: **

    Chavo Guerrero vs Mayhem

    This match was pretty basic from a Guerrero. Chavo and Mayhem went at it back and forth. Mayhem hit the brawling moves and power moves while Chavo went cheap and hit some beautiful variations of suplexes. The end of this match winds up coming when Chavo Guerrero hits his Brainbuster after a low blow on Mayhem. No Eddie Guerrero and no Fury in this match. One would wonder where they dissappeared to!

    (Winner: Chavo Guerrero)

    Overall Rating: 76%

    Crowd Reaction: 75%

    Match Quality: 78%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    Christian vs Booker T

    WWE Intercontinental Championship Match

    Booker T is out first to his normal entrance. The crowd gives him mad cheers as he walks down the ramp and rolls into the ring. Then Christian's music hits and the crowd boo's him heavily as he saunters down to the ring, blowing kisses to the crowd. Christian climbs up the ring steps and through the ropes to enter the ring. Christian hands his IC Title over to Nick Patrick and then begins clubbing Booker T early to gain the advantage. Christian whips Booker to the ropes and deals him a hard shoulder block. Christian then runs to the ropes and Booker stays down. Christian runs over and Booker gets to his feet and Leapfrogs Christian as he comes by but Christian stops right behind Booker..Reverse DDT and a beauty it is! Christian covers Booker..1..2...kickout! Christian picks Booker up and backs him into a corner. He begins to lay in chops to Booker's chest. Booker reverses it around and begins to lay him hard chops and smacks to Christian's chest. Booker then whips Christian to the opposite corner but Christian reverses it sending Booker in. He follows Booker in but Booker does his reversal into a sunset flip out of the corner..1...2..kickout by Christian!

    Booker gets up and waits for Christian. Then hits a super high Flapjack on Christian and then waits for him to get up. As Christian gets up Booker goes for a Running Leg Lariat but Christian ducks it and Booker clobbers Nick Patrick with the Leg Lariat! Christian then hits his Reverse DDT into backbreaker on Booker and he goes down as well. Then Goldust comes walking down to the ring with a gold Steel Chair. Goldust slides into the ring and waits for Booker to get up. He gets up about the same time as Christian. Goldust completely destroys the Chair against Booker's head. Goldust then rolls out of the ring and shakes Nick Patrick from outside the ring. Christian picks up the fallen Booker T and UNPRETTIER! Christian then rolls Booker T over and covers him, hooking the leg...1...2....3! Christian retains again and immediately after the fall is counted. Goldust gets back into the ring and begins to drive the Golden Steel Chair down over and over into Booker's Left knee. Then finally Goldust gives Booker a tremendous Chair shot to the head as Christian has left the ring happily with his IC Title!

    (Winner and STILL WWE Intercontinental Champion: Christian)

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Crowd Reaction: 82%

    Match Quality: 77%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    Goldust is still in the ring and slams the chair down once more on Booker's head knocking him completely silly now. Goldust then motions for a microphone and begins to talk in his Goldust Persona. (Minus the Stammering)

    Goldust: You see Booker. I'm proving right here why I left you for dead with the Dudleys Over a Month ago. You were the Weak link in our team. Not Me! You were always needing rescuing and help. I Always had to be there to save the day..yes I had to be. I've been proving week after week you lose. Last week you lost a World Heavyweight Championship Match to John Cena. Tonight losing to Christian. You lost at Survivor Series..When will you win Booker?! Never again while..Golllddddust is around

    Goldust does his little bite motion at the end and then turns slamming the microphone into Booker's head several more times before leaving the ring. Booker bleeding from his head in the ring as we go to commercial.

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Evolution (Batista/Orton) vs Taz/???

    The Evolution theme hits and Randy Orton comes walking out onto the stage in his usual entrance with Batista right behind him. They both make their way down the ramp and to the ring. Then Taz's "Thug Superstar" theme hits and he comes walking down to the ring with an Orange and Black towel over his head. Taz then folds his arms as he stands at ringside..HERE COMES THE REAL DEAL NOW! And then D'Lo Brown's music kicks up and the fans give D'Lo a hero's welcome for his return. Giving him perhaps the loudest pop of his career but it quiets down after that. Evolution seems to be disturbed that D'Lo has returned to help Taz! Taz and D'Lo get into the ring and Taz begins to go to war with Batista but quickly Batista begins to handle Taz. While D'Lo and Orton go toe to toe. Batista/Orton throughout the match cheat and pull cheap double team moves. Taz finally makes the hot tag out to D'Lo but gets poked in both eyes by Orton at one point. D'Lo spins around and goes for a Sky High on Batista but instead poor Charles Robinson takes the Sky High. Poor Little Napes. Anyway this is the point where...THE GLASS SHATTERS!!! Stone Cold comes running down to the ring and Orton drops off the ring apron to meet him as Austin comes running down the ramp. Austin ducks an attempted clothesline from Orton..KICK WHAM STUNNER! The crowd pops huge for the Stone Cold Stunner. Austin then flips Orton off multiple times as in the ring Taz Hits a Tazplex on Batista as D'Lo climbs to the top rope and D'Lo comes off with his Lo Down Frog Splash and hooks the leg on Batista..1...2...3! D'Lo and Taz celebrate their victory in the ring as we go to commercial break with Austin flipping Orton off!

    (Winners: Taz and D'Lo Brown)

    Overall Rating: 76%

    Crowd Reaction: 74%

    Match Quality: 78%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    The Dudley Boys music hits and pyro goes off. The crowd is boo'ing heavily but it's not Bubba and D-Von that come out! It's Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin. Charlie is wearing his Tag Team Title around his neck and Shelton is acting like a chicken with his head cut off to mock the World Tag Team Champions. Charlie and Shelton come walking down to the ring and pull two tables from under the ring and push them under the bottom rope. Then climb inside the ring and Charlie pushes Shelton and yells..Shelt-Von GET THE TABLES! Lame yes but enraging. Yes as well. The Dudleys come running down at this point as Haas and Benjamin quickly set both tables up. Bubba is the first man in and catches a Title shot to the forehead from Haas. D-Von slides into the ring and Shelton grabs him and whips him to the ropes. Shelton then lifts D-Von into a flapjack towards one of the tables they setup. Haas joins the move..3D THROUGH THE TABLE ON D-VON!!! Team Angle pulls the other table to the middle and waits for Bubba to get up. Bubba gets to his feet and staggers a moment. Then turns right into Shelton...3D THROUGH ANOTHER TABLE!!! The Dudleys have been laid out with their own finisher and own Tables! Team Angle is here on RAW to stay and just put a major hurting on the World Tag Team Champions!

    Overall Rating: 72%

    John Cena vs The Rock

    Main Event (Non-Title Match)

    Rock is the first out. He saunters down to the ring as his music hits. He does his usual entrance and then stands in the ring waiting as John Cena's Thuganomics 101 hits and Cena comes walking out onto the stage with the World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder and a microphone in his hand. He begins to cut a beat on Rock as he slowly walks to the ring.

    Cena: You see Rock you get a shot against the Champ tonight.

    Not for the Title but for respect biatch!

    To learn respect for John Cena. The #1 Man on RAW

    I am gonna beat that respect into you like some of those farm animals you like so much Hee HAW!

    Cena is in the ring by now and he is face to face with Rock as he continues his rap on Rock

    You like Monkeys and Bull Balls.

    You couldn't beat John Cena in four outta Seven falls!

    I am gonna make you squeal like Mick Foley

    Then make you my bitch. I'm a preacher, treat me like i'm Holy!

    Cena grabs his Crotch, gesturing towards the Rock and Rock has had enough and begins laying into the young champ with hard right hands as the bell sounds. This match is back and forth brawling. Rock hits his Overhead Belly to Belly throw and Cena hits several hard suplexes. Cena gets a couple long two counts on reversals into slams. Rock gets a close two count when he hits his float-over DDT. Late in the match though Cena goes for an F-U but Rock counters it into a DDT and kips up! Rock then jumps up slightly and stomps both feet to the mat, stalking Cena...Cena gets to his feet groggily and turns..ROCK BOTTOM! Rock then floats over into the cover hooking Cena's leg..1...2....3!! Rock beat the Champ! Does this mean Rock is now the #1 Contender!! Rock goes to a corner and celebrates while Cena recovers in the ring. Rock is celebrating a bit too much as Cena is able to recover and when Rock drops down from the second rope from the third corner he went to..F-U ON ROCKY! Cena is handed his World Heavyweight Championship and puts his boot on Rock's chest as he holds both of his arms up into the air as RAW goes off the air!

    (Winner: The Rock)

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Crowd Reaction: 91%

    Match Quality: 72%

    Dames Stars: **1/4

    RAW Rating: 78%

    TV Rating: 6.05

    Attendance: 6,523

    Ticket Sales: $260,920

  8. Sunday Night Heat

    November 23, 2003

    Dark Matches

    D'Lo Brown defeats Jody Fleisch with the Lo' Down Frog Splash in his return to House Shows for WWE after some time in OVW. His signing was kept quiet and the crowd reacted REALLY Well to D'Lo. 75(76,76)**1/4

    Billy Kidman defeats Nova in an ok Cruiser Match 71(63,79)**1/4

    Tommy Dreamer defeats William Regal via the Dreamer Driver but Regal gets a big pop for the Power of the Punch with Knucks to Dreamer's jaw after the match is over! 71(68,75)**

    Chris Sabin defeats Spanky through some illegal Tight holding but a good match nontheless. 72(64,80)**1/2

    Heat Matches

    Low Ki gets the victory over Fury when Chavo Guerrero and Eddie Guerrero come down to the ring with two hubcaps, one would reason to think from Eddie's Low Rider and hit a Con-Chair-To..maybe it should be a Con-Car-To but anyway to the head of Fury while Low Ki had the referee distracted. Los Guerreros then roll out of the ring to the far side of the ring as Low Ki leaps on Fury for the cover..1....2...3! Mayhem comes running out from the back wielding a chair and Los Guerreros as well as Low Ki scurry into the crowd as Mayhem checks on Fury! 73(72,74)**

    Hurricane gets the victory over AJ Styles. It seemed like AJ wasn't happy the entire match. Perhaps this is the punishment he's receiving for speaking out against Smackdown! Well serves you right you assclown! 89(78,100)****3/4 :huh: How did that Many Stars and Match Quality happen..Oh well Hurricane still wins but It was a Non-Title Match.

    Ken Shamrock defeats Maven in a back and forth match that sees Maven go down to the Belly to Belly. Nobody goes down to that..Maven your a wimp! 72(72,73)**

    Christopher Daniels defeats Sabu in a very solid Heat Main Event which sees Daniels hit the Last Rites on Sabu for a three count! 72(72,73)**

    Before Heat ends though the Tron is Black and suddenly in Red appears "I'm Back" across the screen..then STUNNER AFTER COUNTLESS STUNNER ON RANDOM PEOPLE! Then Austin's voice overheads throughout the arena "..and I'm fixin' to open up a whole new can of whoop ass on the WWE" The glass then shatters and more Stunners are shown. Heat ends with Large red Letters saying "Steve Austin Returns to RAW Tommorrow Night!!!!"

    Overall Rating: 88%

    Heat Rating: 77%

    TV Rating: 6.10

    Attendance: 6,514

    Ticket Sales: $260,560

  9. user posted image

    WWE Smackdown

    November 20, 2003

    Scenes are shown from Survivor Series in the Smackdown Perspective to open the show tonight. Showing Psicosis retaining his Cruiserweight Belt over Ultimo with the help of Christopher Daniels and the Handcuff Crucifixtion that followed. Then it showed Team Angle retaining the Tag Titles over O'Haire and Taker barely but then being Traded to RAW! It shows HHH possibly ending the career of HBK! We also see AJ Styles winning the WWE American Championship off of Sabu and finally we see the triumphant Edge overcoming all the odds to retain his WWE Championship! Then we cut to the Smackdown intro video and music. Then once it is finished the camera comes to stop on the Smackdown set as the intro pyro begins going off. Then we cut to Michael Cole and Paul Heyman giving us the previews of the matches tonight but before we can get very far. The first match begins.

    Psicosis vs ???

    WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match

    Psicosis is the first man out, he walks to the ring as his music plays. The Cruiserweight Title around his waist as he comes down to the ring. Psicosis rolls into the ring and he awaits the challenger for his title. STAND BACK THERE'S A CYCLONE COMING THROUGH! Then the entrance which is identical to Hurricane's except it's all White and Cyclone doing all the things in the video. Cyclone comes walking out from the back. The crowd cheers him loudly as he walks to the ring to challenge for the Cruiserweight Title on his first night on Smackdown! Cyclone gets into the ring and both men put on a very good Cruiserweight Match. Psicosis in the middle of the match goes for a Psycho Stunner but Cyclone pushed him off to the ropes and nails a huge Leg Lariat to Psicosis. Later on in the match it looks like Cyclone is gonna hit the Cyclone-Bomb (Tiger-Bomb) but the lights go down and another Mortis cryptic message comes onto the tron and as the lights are out but flashbulbs are going off. It can be seen in the ring that Mortis is attacking Cyclone..With the flashbulbs going off we can see Mortis hit what we think is a Flatliner. The lights come back up a moment later and Mortis is gone. Psicosis is up and Cyclone is on the mat laid out. Psicosis picks Cyclone up..PSYCHO STUNNER! Psicosis then covers Cyclone..1...2....3! Psicosis retains and then Mortis pops up from behind the ring, the announce table side. Mortis has a chair with him and begins to drill the chair into the ribs of Cyclone. Hurricane's music hits and he comes running down to the ring. Psicosis and Mortis bail out of the ring, leaving the Superhero Duo in the ring, Hurricane yelling at the evil-doer Mortis.

    (Winner and STILL WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Psicosis)

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Crowd Reaction: 75%

    Match Quality: 92%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    Kid Kash vs Lance Storm

    This is a pretty basic squash match for Storm. Kash bumped like mad and when Kash got offense so did Storm. Storm really works over Kid Kash's left leg beautifully and finally sinches in his finisher the "Straight Shooter" (Single Legged Boston Crab) and Kash taps out. After the match Kash is leaving but Storm grabs a Chair from ringside and runs up the aisle..CRACK! Storm knocks Kash out after the match, making an impact his first night on Smackdown!

    (Winner: Lance Storm)

    Overall Rating: 75%

    Crowd Reaction: 61%

    Match Quality: 90%

    Dames Stars: ***1/4

    ITS TIME TO PLAY THE GAME!!! The lights go down as the strobes hit and Triple H comes walking slowly to the ring in Jeans and a "I am the Game" Leather Jacket. HHH gets in the ring and begins one of his long monotone Promos!

    Triple H:I Got traded to Smackdown at Survivor Series and now i'm here. After destroying HBK For Smackdown and now I demand what is rightfully mine. Edge I know you have the night off but I want your ass tonight! For the Title! Your still in the back I've seen you!

    "Here Comes The $$$!!" Shane McMahon bounces out from behind the curtain with a microphone in hand and Shane has a puzzled look on his face. He addresses Smackdown's newest Acquisition.

    Shane: Hunter you mistake Smackdown for some two bit show like RAW. You actully have to earn your shots here. You haven't earned shbeep here yet. You took out Shawn Michaels because you were going to anyway. If you want to impress people here. Start by winning. Oh against him I'd say.

    As Shane was talking Rhyno made his way through the crowd and as Shane says that HHH turns around into..GORE GORE GORE!! Rhyno lays HHH out and tells him that he'll see him later on! No-Sell that Biatch! :shifty:

    Overall Rating: 76%

    Ultimo Dragon vs Jeff Hardy

    Jeff Hardy was out first to his more gothic gimmick underneath Mattitude. His music was a darker version of his old music. Then Ultimo came out and Ultimo disected Jeff Hardy in every way. This was almost a complete squash match but Jeff did fight back and nearly hit a Swanton Bomb but Ultimo moved. but CHRISTOPHER DANIELS!! Comes running down to the ring..He's supposed to be in Japan! Ultimo hit his DDT Finisher while Daniels was running down and didn't see him. Ultimo covered Jeff..1..2...CRACK with a chair! Daniels had a chair in hand and knocks Ultimo silly with it. Daniels pulls out those handcuffs and he gets a pretty solid reaction from the crowd as they've grown knowledgable of what is to come next. He slaps the cuffs on Ultimo to the ring ropes and smacks Ultimo over his prone head several more times and then gets on the stick. I love this part!

    Daniels: You see Ultimo I did compete in Japan last night. But I had to catch a flight back here. I could not stand to see your Ego continue to grow. Beating on Jeff Hardy who has problems of his own. He does not need you to add to them! So you pick on men who are not fully prepared. You attack when they are prone. Well I do the same Ultimo! For I am here to make sure the sinners of the WWE Do not get away with their crimes! And That's The Gospel, According To The Fallen Angel!

    Daniels then rears back with the chair and begins destroying Ultimo's Right knee with the chair over and over and finally cracks Ultimo over the head once with the chair and hits him in the prone chest with it. Daniels then drops the chair and puts his hands inside of his preacher robe and walks to the back..his work done.

    (Winner by Disqualification: Ultimo Dragon)

    Overall Rating: 70%

    Crowd Reaction: 68%

    Match Quality: 73%

    Dames Stars: *3/4

    Rob Van Dam vs Spanky

    Spanky comes out first and then RVD's music and pyro go off. He comes walking out to heavy boo's from the crowd. At least they watch RAW and know he's a baddy! He shows he's a bad guy throughout this match anyway. He taunts the crowd and Spanky throughout. Despite overmatching Spanky throughout. Spanky nearly hits his Sliced Bread #2 but instead of pushing off the top rope. RVD lifts him a bit and instead Spanky crotches the ring post!!!! Not the Turnbuckle but the top of the post!! Spanky falls off to the outside of the ring in pain. RVD then does an incredibly sick Five Star Frog Splash from the top rope to the outside of the ring!! RVD gets back in the ring and Spanky gets counted out as he can't get back inside by 10. RVD then goes and grabs a chair from ringside. Spanky gets to his feet and uses the ring to help him up. RVD is on the other side of the ring..COAST TO COAST VANTERMINATOR!! Spanky began to climb into the ring head first as RVD did this and RVD knocks Spanky out with the move!!! RVD taunts Spanky and the crowd as we head to commercial!

    (Winner: Rob Van Dam)

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 86%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    Triple H vs Rhyno

    It's Time to Play The Game! and the sinister laughter echoes through the arena as HHH comes out from behind the curtain and gets boo'ed heavily. He walks to the ring doing his normal entrance and water spit. Then once he's in the ring Rhyno's music hits and he comes out from behind the curtain beating his chest to cheers from the crowd. Rhyno gets into the ring and these two men go to war. It's a bit sloppy and mostly because of Triple H. Rhyno hits a pumphandle slam on HHH for a long two count. HHH hits his Facebuster and high knee to get a long two count on Rhyno. Rhyno goes for the Gore late in the match but HHH sidesteps it. Rhyno recovers enough to run to the ropes instead of into them. He comes back at Triple H who takes him over in a Main Event Spinebuster! (Yes I renamed it) Trips then waits for Rhyno to get up..kick wham..PEDIGREE! Triple H then covers Rhyno..1...2....3.! Triple H celebrates in the ring and then goes outside and gets his sledgehammer! He comes back in the ring and waits for Rhyno to get up. He goes to clock Rhyno but RHYNO GORES HIM INSTEAD!!! Rhyno gets the one up on Triple H in the end as we head backstage!!

    (Winner: Triple H)

    Overall Rating: 75%

    Crowd Reaction: 78%

    Match Quality: 70%

    Dames Stars: *3/4

    That damn Kurt Angle he's showing up late again tonight. Someone needs to talk to him about showing up late like this. Angle walks into the building and past Edge, in street clothes with his WWE Championship over his shoulder. Edge smiles that million dollar smile and says "Hello Kurt" This seems to Anger Kurt as Edge seems to be gloated almost about retaining at Survivor Series and Kurt storms off.

    Overall Rating: 94%

    AJ Styles vs Sean O'Haire

    O'Haire is first to the ring and the crowd gives him a pretty nice ovation for being back just a few weeks in action and on Smackdown. Then Styles music hits and he comes strutting out from the back with the WWE American Championship around his waist. He comes to the ring and Sean O'Haire proceeds to dominate the smaller Styles for much of the match with high impact power moves. Styles hits some high spots from the top rope. A Top rope hurricarana and a Top Rope Leg Lariat which was beautiful. O'Haire hits a Running Powerslam as well as a Reverse Vertical Suplex. O'Haire late in the match looks like he's going to win but while the referee isn't looking. Styles hits a low blow on O'Haire. Styles slides out of the ring and grabs his American Championship. Brian Hebner admonishes Styles but Styles seems to want to end this match his way and clocks O'Haire in the head with the Title. Hebner rings the bell and DQ's Styles. Styles laughs at O'Haire and flees the ring. When O'Haire gains his bearings he won't be happy!

    (Winner by Disqualification: Sean O'Haire)(STILL WWE American Champion: AJ Styles)(WWE American Championship Gained Image From This Match)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 86%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit vs Taker and Brock Lesnar

    Main Event

    Brock Lesnar's music hits first as the lights go down and Brock comes walking out from the back doing his entire entrance. He leaps up onto the ring apron and his pyro explodes. Lesnar steps into the ring and then Taker's "Red Devil" theme hits and he drives down to the ring on his Chopper. Taker takes a lap and gets into the ring, playing to the crowd. Then Benoit's music hits and his blue strobes go off as he comes out from the back and waits for his partner about halfway to ringside. Then "Medal" Hits and Kurt Angle comes walking out through the curtain and walking to the ring. This ends up being a fairly basic Tag Match. Nothing too much except Lesnar playing the face in peril and making a hot tag out to Taker but Benoit ends up chop blocking Taker as he was trying to Chokeslam Angle. Angle then picked Taker up and hit a huge Angle Slam on Taker! Then he sinched in the Ankle Lock. Lesnar tried to break it up but Benoit cut Lesnar off and took him down to the mat. Then he applied the Crossface. Both Taker and Lesnar tap out at about the same time and the match is given to Angle and Benoit. They celebrate in the ring but then Benoit turns with a sinister look on his face as Angle celebrates on an opposite second rope. Benoit then runs up behind Angle..2nd ROPE RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX!!!!! Angle is laid out in the ring and Benoit is looking around him at the carnage in the ring as Smackdown goes off the air!

    (Winners: Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit)

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 79%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    Smackdown Rating: 78%

    TV Rating: 5.17

    Attendance: 6,514

    Ticket Sales: $260,560

  10. user posted image

    Monday Night RAW

    November 17, 2003

    We see scenes from last night's incredible Survivor Series PPV. The Dudleys putting both Mayhem and Fury through Tables with 3D's to retain their Titles. Christian cheating his way over Jay Lethal for the IC Championship. Triple H nearly killing Shawn Michaels by throwing him off the War Games Cell and then pedigreeing him through the Smackdown announce table. Then we show scenes of War Games and the finish of John Cena destroying Chris Jericho with a Championship Caliber F-U to take the World Heavyweight Championship..the Cena Era begins on RAW..NOW!

    The RAW Intro kicks right in and we hear Union Underground take us to the live feed from The Pyramid in Memphis as pyro explodes all over the RAW set and we kick the show off HOT!

    A familiar voice is heard on the mic as "Thuganomics 101" hits and John Cena with the World Heavyweight Championship on his shoulder, comes walking out onto the stage and down to the ring, rapping about what he did last night.

    Cena: Yo yo yo cut my beat.

    Oh look out it's John Cena in the house.

    I'm gonna make you people hear me, I ain't gonna squeak like no mouse.

    Everyone said oh John you can't beat seven other men.

    I Said ya well screw you I can beat ten!

    They said oh John man you ain't thug enough to win War Games

    I Said you bet your ass Cena is the man and now IVE GOT THE FAME!

    I'm the Champ and I am the Man!

    I beat down Jericho so easy, It was easier then when i'm on the Can!

    At this point "King of My World" hits and Jericho comes walking out onto the stage. Jericho walks down to the ring but seems to be making a B line for the ring. Jericho climbs into the ring and Cena stands up straight with his chin up at Jericho. Cena adjusts the Title on his shoulder very obviously to taunt Jericho. Jericho grabs the microphone from Cena and begins to do his own talking.

    Jericho: Now look here Junior! You think just because you've been able to pin me that makes you the man? I've been beating snots like you for years before wrestling was ever even a twinkle in your eye. So if you think that your gonna stay the Champ. You got another thing coming. So spit out your little rap about that Assclown!

    Cena has this almost flabberghasted look at being called an Assclown and he's about to talk more smack but Jericho whom had been about five feet away. Suddenly leaps at Cena and nails Cena with a flying forearm to knock him down. Jericho then grabs the World Heavyweight Championship that Cena had over his shoulder and as Cena gets up..CRACK! Jericho blasts Cena across the head with the Title. Jericho then puts the Title on the chest of Cena and goes for a BIG LIONSAULT!!! Cena gets clocked with the Lionsault and rolls out of the ring. Cena crawls around ringside and eventully gets to his feet backing up the ramp as Jericho yells down at him, calling him back to the ring to finish it. Cena wants no part of Jericho right now, holding his ribs and he raises his arm with the World Title in hand to taunt Jericho as we go to commercial break!

    (Chris Jericho AND John Cena Gained Overness From This Segment..Yay)

    Overall Rating: 96%

    Randy Orton vs Shark Boy

    The first man out tonight is Shark Boy. He comes out to a very good reaction from a hot crowd tonight! They ate up the opening segment and now eat up Shark Boy's entrance. Sharky comes to the ring and then the "Evolution" Entrance hits and now we can see Evolution isn't dead because HHH is gone! Randy Orton comes strutting onto the stage. Orton comes down to the ring and seems to have some newfound confidence...he needed more? Flair comes down to the ring, following Orton and stays around as his manager. Orton climbs into the ring and this match ends up being close to a squash. Shark Boy's realm is still pretty much in Hardcore and Orton has advanced his technical skills it seems cause he looks pretty good in this match. Orton misses a spot and Sharky misses two at different points but the match overall is pretty decent. It ends when Flair gets on the apron going apeshit and Sharky knocks Flair off the apron. Shark Boy then turns around into a huge RKO and Orton covers Sharky..1....2....3! Orton has finally gotten over the hump with Shark Boy and beats him cleanly! Orton isn't finished after this match though. He's aiming to put Sharky out of commission as he brings a Steel Chair into the ring and slams it down over Shark Boy's head three times. Orton then picks Sharky up after putting the chair on the mat..RKO ONTO THE CHAIR! Randy Orton leaves Sharky laying unconcious in the ring as he and Flair head to the back! The Damage is done though!!

    (Winner: Randy Orton)(Randy Orton Gains Overness From This Match)

    Overall Rating: 76%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 65%

    Dames Stars: *1/4

    Christian vs Steve Corino

    WWE Intercontinental Title Match

    Steve Corino is the first man out and the crowd which has been hot all night so far. Is hot again and gives Corino a big ovation. Corino gets to the ring and stretches out a bit as Christian's music hits and he comes strutting out onto the stage, playing to the crowd as they boo the hell out of him. Christian has the Intercontinental Championship around his waist as he climbs up the ringsteps and into the ring. Christian climbs into the ring and the bell sounds as Christian hands the title over to Nick Patrick the referee. This match is probably of a better quality than any match at Survivor Series! Both men pull out all the stops and neither man misses a spot in the match. Corino actully looks really strong and like he may take the IC Title from Christian after he just won it! Corino hits a Corino Bomb (Falcon's Arrow) Late in the match for a very long two count. Some of the crowd thought Corino might win it with how long it took Christian to get his shoulder up. Christian hits his reverse DDT about a minute later when he reverses out of another attempted Corino Bomb. Christian gets a long two count and then Jay Lethal comes running down to the ring! Jay Lethal obviously doesn't care about a DQ cause he slides right into the ring and spins Christian around, Christian's back had been to the stage. Lethal then hits a huge Lethal Ride on Christian!! Jay Lethal leaves immediately after it but Christian will retain the Intercontinental Championship because of that! Corino's chance is lost and once Corino gains his bearings he probably won't be happy!!!

    (Winner by DQ and Still WWE Intercontinental Champion: Christian)

    Overall Rating: 86%

    Crowd Reaction: 80%

    Match Quality: 92%

    Dames Stars: ****

    We see Team Angle arriving backstage for their first ever night on RAW. They have their WWE Tag Team Championships over their shoulders as a voice is heard off camera..the words heard are.."Welcome to RAW!" Then suddenly Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley demolish Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin with chairs backstage. The Duds have their World Tag Titles around their waists. D-Von quickly sets up a Table backstage and Bubba picks up Charlie Haas. D-Von lifts Charlie up for the Standing Version of a 3D THROUGH THE TABLE TO THE CEMENT FLOOR! Team Angle is left demolished by the World Tag Team Champions!

    (Charlie Haas Lost Overness From This Segment)

    Overall Rating: 68%

    The Rock vs Batista

    Batista's return to RAW is not a pleasant one as he is paired to face an Angry Rock tonight and The Rock is definately pissed. Batista's music hits and he comes walking to the ring, like his normal intro. Then The Rock's music hits and Rocky comes stalking out from the back and seems to almost be snarling. Rocky doesn't pose or anything, he just climbs into the ring and begins beating down on Batista. At one point Batista begins to fight back and hits a hard spinning Spinebuster (Arn Anderson Style) for a long two count and goes for his Powerbomb but Rock winds up breaking out of it and landing on his feet. Rock then kicked Batista in the gut and Wham DDT! Rock covered him for a long two count. Late in the match Taz came running down to ringside..another new member of RAW and jumped onto the Apron when the referee had his back turned to Rock. He clipped Batista's neck on the top rope, staggering him back towards Rock..ROCK BOTTOM! Rock then hooks the leg on Batista..1..2....3! Taz slides into the ring and rolls Batista over and sinches in a Tazmission on Batista. Rock doesn't like people stealing his thunder. Taz should not have stolen Rocky's thunder! Rock stutter kicks Taz in the jaw and picks him up..ROCK BOTTOM! Rock then kicks Taz's arm and..People's Elbow! From one side to the other and down! Rock then storms off leaving Batista and Taz in the ring hurting as we head to commercial break!

    (Winner: The Rock)

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Crowd Reaction: 84%

    Match Quality: 84%

    Dames Stars: ***1/4

    Eddie Guerrero vs Jay Lethal

    #1 Contendership to the IC Title Match

    Eddie Guerrero comes out first to a hero's welcome even though he's a bad guy! Damn these fans! He comes down to the ring soaking it up and slides into the ring. Then the crowd explodes as Jay Lethal comes out onto the stage as his music hits. Lethal comes down to the ring and both these men tear off just an incredible match. Lethal nearly wins with a Tiger Suplex with a bridge that gets a long two count for Lethal. Eddie hits his Trifecta of Verticals for a long two count as well. Guerrero pulled out all the stops, hitting a springboard Dropkick off the top rope to Lethal later on for another long, long two count. Eddie Guerrero a moment later tries to kick Lethal in the gut but Lethal catches the foot and spins Eddie around, LETHAL RIDE! Lethal then covers Eddie...1...2....3! And that quickly Jay Lethal has become the #1 contender! Christian runs down to the ring after the match and hits an Unprettier on Lethal laying him out! Christian trying to get the upper hand anyway he can on Lethal since these two will now meet at Armageddon!!

    (Winner and #1 Contender to the IC Title: Jay Lethal)

    Overall Rating: 91%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 100%

    Dames Stars: ****3/4

    We go to a short commercial break after this match and then when we come back..HBK's music hits and the crowd goes ballistic!! Shawn isn't in the arena though. He's joining us via satelite from his home in San Antonio, Texas!

    HBK: Thanks for that guys. I appriciate it. Now everyone is saying in the back. My friends have called me and told me. HBK is dead. Only Mick Foley could've survived the beating that HBK took last night! Well HHH made the mistake of leaving me breathing. It's unfortunate that he fled like the coward he is to Smackdown. He probably requested the trade to Smackdown to escape the wrath of the Heartbreak Kid. I will be..

    I'm Back and I'm Better Than Ever! The music plays and Eric Bischoff's video kicks up. This cuts Shawn Michaels off and that is the end of that. Eric was never known for being Tactful. Eric is on the stage with a microphone and is set to announce a couple things.

    Bischoff: Sorry everyone. That goodbye speech ran about three minutes too long.

    Eric Bischoff looks up to the crowd with a sly smile and then back to his clipboard and begins reading and talking to the crowd.

    Bischoff: Now Armageddon is a short time away and it's the Third RAW Brand only PPV. There are several matches that I am making tonight for that event. Some of them you could already guess or have heard about.

    The Dudley Boys will be taking on Team Angle to Unify the make the New Undisputed Tag Team Champions!

    Christian will have to defend his Intercontinental Championship against Jay Lethal but Christian make pick a stipulation that he would like.

    In John Cena's first ever Pay Per View Title Defense. He must defend against the former Champion. Chris Jericho!

    Bischoff's music then kicks up again and he walks to the back grinning as the crowd boo's him off stage!

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Kane vs Test

    This match features two of the biggest men on RAW. There really isn't much of a reason for this match. More than likely it's because RVD was traded to Smackdown, leaving Kane out of someone to fight. So Test filled his spot. Kane does make short work of Test though. Late in the match Test hits a Big Boot to Kane but only gets a long two count. Test is in the face of Nick Patrick, yelling about how he had three. Then he turns around into Kane's hand. Kane had gotten up and now has Test by the throat..CHOKESLAM! Kane then covers Test..1...2.....3!! Kane gets a victory over Test and we head to our final commercial break of the night!

    (Winner: Kane)

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Crowd Reaction: 78%

    Match Quality: 88%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    Booker T vs John Cena

    World Heavyweight Championship Match

    Main Event

    Booker T's music hits first and he's the first man out. Booker comes down to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope, getting inside. Then "Thuganomics 101" hits and John Cena comes walking down to the ring. No Microphone this time, Just the World Title over his shoulder and a scowl on his face. Cena climbs into the ring and throws the belt at Booker which distracts him more than anything. Allowing Cena to gain the early advantage. Cena pounds Booker over and over with kicks to the gut and fists to the head. Cena also backs Booker into a corner of the ring and drives his shoulder into Booker's gut. Cena whips Booker across the ring and follows him in. Booker does his sunset flip out of the corner..1...2...kickout by Cena. Cena gets up first and demolishes Book with a clothesline. Cena then picks Booker up and tries to go for an F-U but Booker gets out of it and hits a hard Back Suplex to Cena. Booker gains momentum from here hitting a Hard Leg Lariat on Cena. Booker also followed that up by hitting a HARD Spinebuster to Cena and floating over for a cover..1...2...kickout! Cena pulls from his tights his chain and wraps it around his fist. Cena gets up and Booker goes for a Book End! The referee is out of position and doesn't see Cena WALAY Booker in the side of the head with the chain. Cena goes down as well, more so he can hide the chain again. Cena then gets up slowly, playing to the beating he's gotten so the referee suspects less. Cena then picks Booker up..F-U! Cena hooks the leg on Booker..1...2...3! John Cena retains with the method that got him to the top, Cheating! We leave RAW with John Cena celebrating his victory on the second rope, holding the Title up in the air!

    (Winner and STILL World Heavyweight Champion: John Cena)

    Overall Rating: 81%

    Crowd Reaction: 84%

    Match Quality: 76%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    RAW Rating: 80%

    TV Rating: 6.07

    Attendance: 6,520

    Ticket Sales: $260,800

  11. Chris Jericho/Jay Lethal/Steve Corino/???? vs The Rock/Kane/John Cena/Booker T

    World Heavyweight Championship War Games Match

    Lillian Garcia is in the ring now to explain the rules of this match, the same rules applying to the Smackdown War Games Match!

    Lillian Garcia: This match is scheduled till the Last Man is Eliminated!! Four Men will start in the Cell. Two in Ring one and Two in Ring two! Every 3 minutes another participant will make his way down to the ring. Pinfalls are only legal inside of the Rings. Around the ringside area or elsewhere is not legal. The only way to eliminate an opponent is by Pinfall or Being Knocked Out! The Match starts as two teams and once every man has entered the ring. The timer will start for a final time for five more minutes. When it expires, Team Rules are dissolved. Team Members cannot commit pinfalls on each other during the match until the Team Rules are dissolved! and then it's Every Man For Himself For the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!

    Now Lillian begins announcing the men to the ring as the first four men come out. We notice in each of the four corners of the War Games Cell are trash cans filled with weaponry. Obviously this match is No DQ! Steve Corino's music kicks up as it appears he will be one of the first four to the ring! Earl Hebner is in one of the rings and Nick Patrick in Ring Two to allow for maximum coverage for pinfalls. Corino enters through the Cell door which another referee is manning which makes for three referees at the ring. Then once Corino has been motioned down to the second ring with Nick Patrick in it. The Next participant's music hits which is..Pyro explodes at the set and Kane comes walking through the saloon doors and this obviously cannot mean good things for Steve Corino!! Kane walks down to the ring and climbs inside the first ring and walks over to the side where the rings are right next to each other and climbs over both sets of ropes as he is directed to the Second Ring as well!!! Corino and Kane start it off in Ring #2! As they stare each other down the third participant's music hits..and it is Jay Lethal's theme! He comes barging through the saloon doors obviously not happy with losing his Intercontinental Title tonight and looks very determined as he makes his way to the ring and climbs inside. He stands in wait in Ring #1 with Earl Hebner as well standing...waiting for Participant number four!

    John Cena's Music hits and he busts through the saloon doors, thugged out more than normal as he walks to the ring and takes his retro Denver Nuggets jersey off and gets inside the ring. The bell sounds and the crowd explodes as this War Games Match begins!

    Ring #1: Cena locks up with Lethal immediately and begins overpowering him with some hard clubbing shots to the back and sinches in a front facelock. He tries to work Lethal over with this move and Lethal has real trouble powering out of it. Cena then hits a hard vertical suplex on Lethal and throws him over the top rope. Cena plays to the crowd after throwing Lethal over the top but Lethal hung onto the top rope and landed on the ring apron. Cena sees this and runs at Lethal but Lethal hits a hard shoulder thrust into the gut of Cena and then hits a Sunset Flip over the top rope and onto Cena. Cena grabs the top rope and tries to sit down on Lethal's shoulders to get the pin that way since pinfalls count anywhere and it's no DQ. But Lethal manages to slide out of it and gets to his feet before Cena gets off his knees. So Lethal hits a front dropkick to the back of Cena's head and that knocks Cena to the outside!

    Ring #2: Kane locks up with Steve Corino at the same time as they lock up in Ring #1 but Kane begins basically mauling Corino in the early going. Kane slugged him in the head and hit his throat thrusts to the throat of Corino in one corner of the ring. Kane then whipped Corino across the ring and hit a running clothesline into the corner on Corino. Kane whipped Corino across the ring but this time Kane met Corino's boot as he ran in! Corino then ran up and bulldogged Kane to the mat and went for a cover..1...thrown off. Obviously it'll take alot to finish Kane off! Corino climbed out of the ring and began to take down one of the trash cans and set it in that corner of the Cell. He pulled a lead pipe from within the trash can and climbed back into the ring...

    Ring #1: Cena is pulled back into the ring by Lethal but as Cena gets to his feet on the apron he Stunners Lethal on the top rope by grabbing his head and pulling down. Cena then climbs back into the ring and begins to go to work on the ribs of Lethal again. About 30 seconds now until the next guy comes out. Basically it breaks down from there. So Cena tries to go for the F-U on Lethal but Lethal rakes Cena's eyes and falls to his feet behind Cena. Lethal in turn lifts Cena up into a Vertical Suplex and holds it for a Falcon's Arrow and covers Cena..1...2.kickout soon after 2..the 10 second count begins.

    Ring #2: Corino climbs back into the ring with the lead pipe and runs at Kane but Kane levels Corino with a big boot to the jaw. Kane picks Corino up and whips him to the ropes. He catches Corino with a Tilt a Whirl slam and covers Him.1...2..kickout! We're at about the 30 second mark and Kane sees the tron through the cell mesh and calls for the Chokeslam. Corino gets to his feet and Kane slaps the goozle on but Corino kicks Kane low and hits a DDT on him. Covering him..1..2...kickout! Corino takes a moment to recover from Kane's mauling as the clock counts down! 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1...

    A Buzzer sounds as it hits zero and "King Of My World" Hits! The crowd explodes as the World Heavyweight Champion steps through the saloon doors as the lights go down. Jericho does his standing pose and swivels around as the Cell door is opened for Jericho. Jericho walks to the ring and hands the belt off to the referee outside the War Games Cell. Jericho then steps inside and the cell door is closed and locked behind him. Jericho then takes his pick of Ring and decides to roll into Ring #1.

    Ring #1: Jericho immediately hits a flying forearm to Lethal's head, knocking him down. Jericho stomps several times on Cena to keep him down and then focuses back on Lethal hitting mammoth shots. Lethal and Cena were forced to fight for the first four minutes but now take advantage of the Team Rules. Cena gets up while Jericho is working Lethal in a corner with knifedge chops. Cena goes outside the ring and takes down another trash can and empties the contents neatly somewhat into that corner of the cell. Cena then climbs back into Ring #1 with the Trash can and SMASHES it over the back of the head of Jericho..from there it turns into double team warfare!

    Ring #2: Corino rolls out of the ring and grabs a steel chair from beneath the ring. He slides back into the ring and stands in wait for Kane. Once Kane is to his feet, Corino lets him have it with the chair to his head hard! Corino begins demolishing Kane's left knee with the chair over and over. Corino then sinches in a figure four leglock on Kane. The big man writhes in pain but of course you cannot submit in this match! Only be pinned! Kane's shoulders are down at one point so Patrick counts..1..2..Kane sits up and his eyes are ablaze as he grabs the throat of Corino! Corino lets go of the hold and stands up with Kane..CHOKESLAM STRAIGHT TO HELL! Kane goes down holding his knee in pain though so he cannot follow it up immediately with a cover. Kane crawls over slowly towards Corino

    Ring #1: Cena and Lethal begin working together as the rules state now on Jericho. They put the dented trash can in the middle of the ring and whip Jericho to the ropes..DOUBLE FLAPJACK ONTO THE TRASH CAN! Jericho rolls through though and smartly rolls under the bottom rope. He's in pain but also knows he can't be pinned outside the ring. Cena and Lethal both climb out of the ring and begin double whipping Jericho into the ring and Steel Mesh sadistically! The clock begins to count down at this point from 30 seconds and they roll Jericho back into the ring. Cena lifts Jericho onto his shoulders and Lethal grabs Jericho's neck and..DOUBLE TEAM! Cena just lets Jericho Drop while Lethal hits a diamond cut/Stunner variation on Jericho! Jericho rolls around in agony holding his mouth as the clock counts down from 10. Cena makes the cover on Jericho.1...2...SHOULDER UP! Jericho manages to kick out as the clock hits zero!

    Ring #2: Kane gets on top of Corino and Patrick counts.1...2...kickout! Corino had enough time to recover. Kane gets to his feet gingerly and climbs to the top rope! He's going for his Top Rope Clothesline! Corino though grabs that lead pipe that was lying around the ring. He did so in such a fashion that his body blocked Kane from seeing that he grabbed it. As Kane comes off the top rope, Corino just LAYS A HUGE PIPE SHOT into the left kneecap of Kane! Kane screams in agony as he rolls around the ring and this match is getting even more serious as Corino locks in another Figure Four leglock on Kane. Kane has trouble getting off the mat a couple times for long two counts. At the 10 second mark Corino lets go of it and covers Kane..1...2...shoulder up! At this point the clock hits zero and the next man out comes to the ring!

    "Yes Yes! No NO!" and Booker T's music is what is heard! Booker T pushes his way through the saloon doors and makes his way halfway to the ring and then kneels down and does his pyro signal! The pyro goes off in a huge explosion and then Booker finishes he strut to the ring and walks inside of the Cell as the door is held open for him. Booker then rolls into the first ring. Immediately Cena goes after Booker!

    Ring #1: Cena begins driving knees down on Booker before he can even get up. Cena works those knees to Booker's ribs but now Lethal turns on Cena by using the demolished Trash can as a weapon. Slamming it down over the back of Cena's head! Cena falls to the mat holding his head and Lethal covers him..1....2..kickout by Cena. Booker gets to his feet and kicks Lethal in the gut as he got to his feet. Booker then backs to the ropes so he's facing Lethal and hits a Leg Lariat to Lethal's jaw! Booker then covers Lethal..1..2...kickout! Booker picks Lethal up and whips him into one corner of the ring. Booker begins to hit his Combo chops. At the same time Jericho is now up and he picks Cena up and begins to hit some of the loudest knifedge chops on Cena that we've heard in a long time...

    Ring #2: Corino has spent the time that we saw Ring #1 fighting, demolishing Kane's vertical base even more. Corino allowed Kane to get to his feet right after the attempted pinfall and hit a nasty chop block to his left knee. Then began hitting knee drops into the back of Kane's left knee. Corino then climbed to the top rope and stood there perched waiting for Kane to get to his feet. Corino makes a mistake and doesn't seem to know what he wants to do as he comes off the top rope. Kane nails him with a big boot but his knee gives out on him immediately afterwards and he goes down as well. At about the mid point of the three minute mark. We take you back to Ring #1! :)

    Ring #1: Cena has been receiving hard chops from Jericho, The same as Booker has been dealing to Lethal. Jericho and Booker take Lethal and Cena and whip them at each other. Lethal takes advantage of the sitution and sinches in a swinging tornado DDT onto Cena but can't make the cover since he's on Cena's team! Jericho runs behind Lethal and hits a bulldog on him! The crowd erupts when he does this because we know what time it is next! Jericho goes for the Lionsault but Lethal gets his knees up into Jericho's gut! Booker T runs over and gets the cover on Jericho...1....2...Lethal breaks it up! Lethal isn't stupid! He knows that if Jericho is eliminated it'll be 4 on 3 until Team Rules expire! Even if it is Caged Chaos inside the ring! At this point we've been watching the clock and it's counting down from 10. All the men in ring #1 are moving around or getting to their feet as the clock expires!

    Ring #2: Corino now has gotten to his feet but Kane is fighting back, basically fighting on one leg. Hitting hard fists to the head of Corino and limps around after him. Kane whips Corino into one corner, Corino bounces off the turnbuckle back towards Kane. Kane lifts Corino onto his shoulder and motions for the Tombstone but Corino begins to lean all his weight back and Kane's knee gives out and he goes down with Corino on top of him.1...2..Kane's shoulder flashes up before three. Corino begins to get frustrated and he rolls out of the ring and..he pulls a Ladder out from under the ring. He pulls it out horizontally since it is the easiest way to pull it out. Corino then slides it into Ring #2 as the clock hits 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. The Buzzer hits again and..

    IF YA SMELLLAOW WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN! The Rock is the next competitor. Rock comes storming to the ring and right through the cell door. Rock runs around the ring and slides into Ring #2!

    Ring #1: Lethal picks Cena up as Rock comes by and doesn't enter Ring #1. Only the New Entrant into the match is left. Ooooh save him till last. Anyway Lethal hits a Beautiful Northern Lights suplex on Cena and bridges it..1...2..Booker Breaks it up with a SCISSOR KICK TO LETHAL'S STOMACH! Booker did a beautiful move and he covers Lethal on the follow up..1..2....kickout by Lethal! Booker Stands up and Jericho has made it to his feet. He spins Booker around and knees him in the gut. Then hooks his arms in a double Underhook and hits his Double Underhook Backbreaker! Jericho covers Booker right after that..1..2...Book gets his shoulder up!

    Ring #2: Rock slides into the ring as Corino is picking up the Ladder onto his shoulder and Rock avoids the contact as Corino tries to run with the ladder like a javelin to Rock's face! Rock drop toe holds Corino ONTO THE LADDER! Rock then stomps both feet to the mat and stands in wait for Corino. As Corino staggers to his feet and right into a Rock Bottom but Corino elbows his way out of the Rock Bottom! He knocks Rock right into a Kane CHOKESLAM! Corino goes to pick up the ladder but Kane smacks it down out of Corino's hands and backs Corino into the ropes. Kane grabs the ladder as fast as he can and puts it beside him, laying on the mat parallel to him. Kane then HITS A TILT A WHIRL SLAM ONTO THE LADDER! Corino screams in pain as that is hit. Rock comes over and covers Corino.1...2....shoulder up just barely!

    Ring #1: Cena is up by now and he's facing off with Jericho again. Cena hitting some hard shots to Jericho's head and then clotheslines him over the top rope to the outside right where the cell door is! Cena climbs out of the ring and whips Jericho at the ringsteps to his left but Jericho reverses it and Cena runs full out slamming his knees into the stairs and flipping over them. Inside the ring Booker is getting up at about the time Lethal is. Lethal kicks Booker in the gut and runs to the ropes, hitting a Spear on Booker. It doesn't do nearly as much Damage as Edge's spear though! Lethal covers Booker..1...2...kickout! Lethal goes up top and stands in wait for Booker but Jericho runs along the mat and leaps up onto the apron and PUSHES LETHAL OFF THE TOP ROPE AND HE FLIES BOUNCING OFF THE STEEL MESH TO THE MATTING ON THE OUTSIDE!!! The clock counts down from 10 as the crowd chants "Holy Shit, Holy Shit"

    Ring #2: Rock hits a couple Rocky stomps on Kane's left knee and runs to the ropes, chop blocking Kane's knee out. Rock then singes in his Sharpshooter on Kane. Kane screams in agony as Corino begins to stir but he's out of Rock's line of sight. Corino gets to his feet and slowly picks up the lead pipe that is somehow still in the ring. He PINGS IT off of the back of Rock's head. Corino did that as a fly by shot and he stays down. Rock is slumped on the mat and Kane is as well. As the final competitor comes out, the Buzzer sounding as we had counted down to zero.

    Christian's music hits and the NEW WWE Intercontinental Champion comes strutting through the Saloon doors with his IC Title around his waist. Christian laughs and comes to ringside. He makes the referee take his title off him and he steps into the ringside area. Now the referee closes the door for good except for eliminations. Jericho immediately before Christian can choose a ring to go to. Hits a springboard Cross body from the ropes back into Christian! Jericho rolls Christian into Ring #1!

    Ring #1: Jericho slides into the ring and grabs the flattened trash can, placing it on the mat and then hits a Russian Legsweep on Christian down onto the trash can! Christian holds his head in pain..THEN JERICHO HITS A LIONSAULT ON CHRISTIAN! But Christian is taking Hurricane's place on Jericho's team so he can't pin him..BUT BOOKER CAN! Booker is on the top rope at this point and he hits a Beautiful Houston Hangover on Christian and covers him..1...2....3!!! (Elimination #1: Christian)

    Ring #2: Corino is the first man to be able to stir and he crawls over to Rock and covers him..1...2...kickout! Kane is slowly getting to his feet and he picks up the ladder and sets it against the ringpost, jutting out into the ring. Corino slams forearms down on Kane's back though and then whips Kane towards the corner he just put the ladder into. Kane reverses it and sends Corino as hard as he can straight into the end of the ladder. It nails Corino right in the chest and Corino goes down in pain. Kane then stands poised as Corino groggily gets to his feet and turns around..Kane lifts him onto his shoulder..TOMBSTONE BY KANE! Kane then grabs both of Corino's arms and pins him funeral style like the Undertaker does from time to time..1..2....3! (Elimination #2: Steve Corino)

    Ring #1: John Cena is slowly getting to his feet and grabs...a steel chain with lock from the ground. It looks in an eerie fashion like the one Cena normally has but it fell out of the Trash can when it was dumped in that perticular corner, Odd. Cena slides into the ring with the chain wrapped around his fist. Cena stands in one corner with a cocked fist as Jay Lethal at this point is up and whips Booker T towards Cena. Booker reverses it at the last second and Cena winds up, knocking Lethal out completely cold with the power of that shot. Earl Hebner comes over and checks on Lethal. He's completely unconcious and he calls for the referee outside the ring as well as a couple others come running down to help him from the ring. At this point the Five Minute limit expires and Now it's Every Man For Himself! (Elimination #3: Jay Lethal)

    Ring #2: Now it's Rock and Kane in this ring. Rock is hitting his punches on Kane. Rocky goes for his spit punch but Kane blocks it and grabs Rock by the throat. Rock though kicks Kane in his left knee and then..ROCK BOTTOM! Rock then kicks Kane's arm and goes for the People's Elbow! Rock throws his elbow pad off and then does his hand motions. He runs to one side of the ring and runs to the other. At that time Kane rises to his feet in a sudden motion and Rock comes back at Kane and gets nailed with a Huge Big Boot instead of hitting the People's Elbow. Kane then picks Rock up and Military Presses him above his head and..OH MY GOD THROWS HIM OVER THE TOP ROPE INTO THE STEEL MESH AND ROCK DROPS TO THE GROUND OUTSIDE THE RING!!! Kane is sadistic! Kane climbs out of the ring and rolls Rock back in. Kane then climbs into the ring and makes a cut throat signal. Kane then picks Rock up and gets him into position..TOMBSTONE. Kane then covers Rocky just like he covered Corino!..1...2.....3! The Team Rules Time Limit Expires about 10 seconds after Kane eliminates The Rock and then there was four! (Elimination #4: The Rock)

    Ring #1: Booker after Cena eliminated Lethal. Picked Cena up and hits some hard fists and chops which shook loose the chain from Cena's fist. Booker whips Cena across the ring but Cena reverses sending Booker into the corner but Booker leapfrogs over Cena's head and hooks his legs around Cena into a pin.1...2...Kickout by Cena! Booker gets to his feet and stomps his feet to the mat, like Rock waiting for Cena to get to his feet. Kane though whom had climbed over the ropes of Ring #2 and climbed over the ropes into Ring #1 had spun him around and slapped the goozle on Booker! Booker low blows Kane with a kick to break free. Kane bends over in pain and Booker goes to the ropes..SCISSORS KICK ON KANE! Booker T does a spinarooni while Jericho gets into the ring and hits a Lionsault on Kane and covers him..1..2.....3! Booker doesn't seem pleased that Jericho stole his pin! (Elimination #5: Kane)

    Booker looks like he's about to do something but Cena spins him around..An F-U!!! Cena then avoids a Jericho clothesline and Jericho springboards off the ropes into a Moonsault..He tries to Lionsault into Cena but only Catches Booker T!!! Jericho shrugs a bit and covers Booker and Cena does nothing to stop it since it'll make it down to two!..1...2.....3!!! Quickly two men are eliminated and we are down to two! Chris Jericho gets to his feet and seeing he and John Cena are the only ones left. They begin to go to war now! (Elimination #6: Booker T)

    Jericho and Cena begin going to war with Jericho dealing brutal knifedge chops to Cena and Cena firing back with hard right hands to Jericho's head. Cena eventully takes control of Jericho and backs him against the ring ropes that are connecting to the second ring. Cena then clotheslines Jericho over the top rope and Jericho lands awkwardly between the two rings. He can't slip through but it doesn't look comfortable. Jericho rolls under the ropes into Ring #2 and Cena has to take his time climbing out of Ring #1 and he walks along the ring apron over to Ring #2's apron. Cena then climbs inside of Ring #2 and picks Jericho up. Jericho manages a small package as Cena tries to pull him up..1..2...Cena kicks out and Nick Patrick nearly counted Cena down! Jericho gets to his feet and tries for the Walls of Jericho on Cena! Cena uses leg strength to spin Jericho out of it. Cena gets to his feet and as Jericho gets up. Cena kicks Jericho in the gut and hits the Biggest F-U of his young career on Jericho!! Cena then covers Jericho, hooking the leg as Nick Patrick gets down and counts..1...2....SHOULDER UP! Jericho managed to kick out of the F-U and Cena has this look of shock on his face. He moves over and grabs Patrick by the shirt, yelling that he got three and Patrick begs to differ. So PATRICK GETS AN F-U!!!! That'll show him!

    Cena grabs Jericho and rolls him over into ring one and Cena does his best possible impression of a Lionsault once Cena is in the ring and Jericho is close to the middle of the ring. Jericho knowing his own finisher though gets his knees up and gets to his feet slowly as Cena holds his stomach in pain. Jericho then lifts Cena up onto his shoulders...JERICHO HITS AN F-U ON CENA! Jericho then covers Cena..1....2....Cena's Shoulder shoots up as Hebner's hand came down for three. Jericho decides to make this a bit more brutal and slides out of the ring and grabs a chair. He slides it back into the ring and puts it near the middle of the ring. He picks Cena up and HE HITS A BREAKDOWN ON CENA SMACKING HIS FACE DOWN OFF THE CHAIR! Both Jericho and Cena are down but Jericho takes just about five seconds and then uses what's left of his strength to throw an arm over Cena..1...2.....NO!!! Cena somehow by the graces of god on instinct alone threw his arm up and then it almost limply fell back down but he kicked out! Jericho seems insensed and gets up slowly in pain. This match has taken a ton out of both men! Jericho goes for a Lionsault on Cena but it's sloppy and he takes too long as Cena gets his knees up. Jericho flops around in pain for a moment and gets back to his feet as Cena does. Cena then kicks Jericho in the gut...F-U ONTO THE STEEL CHAIR!!! Cena slowly rolls into the cover and hooks the leg..1...2......3!!! NEW CHAMPION! Cena's Music hits as the bell sounds and the cell door is unlocked.

    The referee on the outside hands the World Heavyweight Championship to Earl Hebner and he places it on Cena and raises his limp arm. Cena may not even realize he's done it but he's become the World Champ for the first time in his young career! He's beaten the odds and seven other men to become the NEW World Heavyweight Champion!! After a moment the RAW Referees and the New World Heavyweight Champ, John Cena clear the ring. Cena walking triumphantly to the back but it's more of a stagger. Finally a defeated Chris Jericho gains his senses and staggers to the back, looking quite defeated as one would after such a hard fought battle. Then the Smackdown crew comes down to the ring and begins setting up the trash cans back to the way they were or pulling out a couple new ones for the ones demolished. They pull a couple tables out from under the ring and lean them on the War Games Cell as well!

    (Elimination #7: Chris Jericho)

    (Winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: John Cena)

    Overall Rating: 74%

    Crowd Reaction: 84%

    Match Quality: 82%

    Dames Stars: ***

    Edge/Undertaker/Brock Lesnar/Rey Mysterio/Rhyno vs AJ Styles/Eddie Guerrero (If Eddie wins the Title, He Remains on Smackdown), Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit and Matt Hardy Version 1.0

    WWE Championship War Games Match (5 on 5)

    This match proceeds as the last one did and is explained the same way. Then we have the first competitor announced and comes to the ring...LATINO HEAT!!! The Saloon doors are busted open as Eddie Guerrero's Low Rider comes rolling on through. The doors are nearly busted off their hinches as he comes riding down to the ring. Eddie then climbs out of his low rider and saunters inside of the ring. Brian Hebner is in Ring #1 and another Smackdown official is in Ring #2. Eddie Guerrero slides into Ring #1 and stands in wait for the next three competitors to come to the ring! Then once Eddie Guerrero is standing in wait. Chris Benoit's entrance hits as blue strobes begin flashing all over the arena and Benoit pushes the saloon doors open and walks down to the ring. Benoit saunters around to Ring #2 and climbs inside. Avoiding Eddie Guerrero for the time being. He leans against a corner as he waits for the next man to come out. The lights go down as Brock Lesnar's music hits and the crowd goes nuts. Lesnar pushes the saloon doors open and comes stalking down to the ring. He does his stance about half way down and then continues his ring entrance. Then he steps through the cell door and climbs into Ring #1! It'll be Brock Lesnar and Eddie Guerrero in Ring #1! Then we wait for the fourth competitor and suddenly someone is catapaulted over the saloon doors! It's Rey Mysterio. Rey Mysterio is the fourth man in this match. Mysterio comes walking to the ring, playing to the crowd all the way. The crowd is eating this up the entire time. Mysterio steps into the cell and walks over to Ring #2. Mysterio then leaps up onto the ring apron, then leaps onto the top rope and springboards into Ring #1..

    Ring #1: Brock Lesnar immediately spears Eddie back into one corner of the ring and begins plowing his shoulder hard into Guerrero's gut. Lesnar then drives his shoulder into Eddie four more times and then whips him to the opposite corner of the ring. Lesnar follows him in but Eddie avoids the contact and then school boys Lesnar and gets his feet on the ropes...1..2...kickout by Lesnar! Eddie tells the ref to count quicker by slapping his hands together. Eddie then picks Lesnar up and hits a Vertical Suplex on him and then swivels his hips holding on..

    Ring #2: Rey Mysterio comes off the top rope with a springboard leg lariat on Benoit! Mysterio gets to his feet and gets completely annihilated by a clothesline from Chris Benoit! Benoit begins from here working over Mysterio's left arm with hard stomps and armbar submissions for the next minute or so. Then we cut back to Ring #1.

    Ring #1: Eddie then hits his second vertical suplex and Eddie Swivels his hips again and hits the Trifecta of Verticals and covers Lesnar..1...2..kickout! Eddie picks Lesnar up and then goes for a German Suplex but Lesnar reverses it and BIG German on Eddie. Both men stay down a moment and as they both get to their feet the clock had counted down from ten to zero!

    Ring #2: Benoit tries to lock on a Crippler Crossface at this point but Mysterio rolls out of it and dropkicks Benoit in the back of the head! Mysterio runs to the ropes and then baseball slide dropkicks Benoit in the ribs! Mysterio then runs over and slides out of the ring as the clock on the tron hits 30 seconds. He pulls down a trash can and empties the other weapons into the corner of the cell there. He climbs a corner near Benoit quickly and as the clock expires to zero. Mysterio goes for a Giant Legdrop with the trash can underneath him but he hits nothing but mat, crushing the can!

    You Think you know me! Smoke begins to engulf the saloon doors and then the WWE Champion busts through the doors and pumps the crowd up as they explode in cheers! Edge comes down to the ring and takes his leather jacket off. He also unstraps the WWE Championship and hands it to the referee manning the cell door. Then Edge steps inside the War Games Cell and goes for Ring #2 immediately to help his buddy Rey Mysterio out!

    Ring #1: Lesnar is the first up and begins pounding it to Eddie Guerrero again. Lesnar then whips Eddie to the ropes and runs into him for his Spearing Spinebuster, he spins back towards the middle of the ring with it and drives Eddie down into the mat! Lesnar covers Eddie after that..1...2..kickout by Eddie! Lesnar goes outside the ring and brings a table back into Ring #1 as we cut to Ring #2!

    Ring #2: Edge slides into the ring as Chris Benoit gets up and Edge spears him back into one of the corner's of the ring near the first ring. Edge drives his shoulder into Benoit several times and begins laying in knifedge chops. This seems to insense Benoit and he flips it around and lays in huge Knifedge chops to the chest of Edge! Benoit then whips Edge across the ring as hard as he can. Benoit himself goes down to throw Edge harder to the corner. Edge hits the corner so hard, he goes down hard! Mysterio is stirring by now so Benoit turns to him laying in huge knifedge chops to him as well. Benoit then whips Mysterio to the ropes and grabs what's left of the trash can and puts it behind him. Benoit then BACK BODY DROPS MYSTERIO ONTO THE TRASH CAN!

    Ring #1: Lesnar begins setting the table up, leaning against a corner that connects to Ring #2. Eddie Guerrero is up by now and hits a Standing Leg Lariat on Lesnar as he turns around. Eddie then rolls over to ring #2 really quickly as Lesnar lies on the mat but is close to the side next to Ring #2. Then EDDIE GUERRERO DOES HIS FLYING SENTON OVER THE RING #2 and RING #1 Ropes! He nails Lesnar and then covers him as the clock begins counting down from ten. 1....2.....kickout by Lesnar! Eddie seems to begin to get frustrated and stomps on Lesnar several times as the clock expires.

    Ring #2: Benoit then quickly covers Mysterio after the back body drop and hooks the leg..1...2...Edge breaks it up with a kick to Benoit's head. Edge picks Benoit up and whips him to the ropes and hits a Flapjack to Benoit! Edge then backs up into a corner and tells Benoit to bring it on. Edge runs at Benoit when he gets up and turns around towards Edge. Benoit slaps on a Crippler Crossface onto Edge, avoiding the spear into his finisher!!! Mysterio though manages to get out of his stupor enough to go up top and LEGDROP BENOIT AND IT BREAKS THE CROSSFACE! All three men are down for the final ten seconds and the buzzer sounds again as the next competitor comes to the ring

    the tones of "Medal" start and a huge eruption occurs within the crowd. Just a giant reaction. Some boo's but some cheers too as Kurt Angle comes walking through the saloon doors and the buzz around the arena is huge as he walks down to the Cell and takes off his "Gold Medals" and hands them to the referee. Kurt then steps through the cell and climbs into Ring #1!

    Ring #1: Kurt Angle climbs into the ring and begins helping Eddie Guerrero stomp the hell out of Brock Lesnar! Eddie and Kurt pick Lesnar up and hit a double Suplex on him and Angle lets Eddie cover Brock..1...2...kickout! Kurt suddenly picks Eddie up and hits him with a Overhead Belly to Belly suplex! Kurt then picks Lesnar up and hits him with an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex as well! Kurt then gets up again and picks Eddie up and tries for a Angle Slam. Eddie lands behind Angle..GERMAN! Angle gets slammed to the mat with a German Suplex and then we go to Ring #2

    Ring #2: Edge gets to his feet slowly and picks Benoit up while holding his left arm. Edge puts Benoit on the second ring rope and then Mysterio comes off the ropes and.."619!" Mysterio then goes outside the ropes on the apron..WEST COAST POP ON BENOIT! But Mysterio doesn't hold it for a pin. Instead Mysterio picks Benoit up and Edge kicks Benoit in the gut..EDGEOCUTION! and Edge covers Benoit.1...2.....3!!! Benoit has been eliminated as we switch to Ring #1! (Elimination #1: Chris Benoit)

    Ring #1: Eddie gets to his feet at this point and is taunting Angle on the mat but then he turns into a burly bearhug from Brock Lesnar! Lesnar squeezes the life out of Eddie for about 30 seconds before he finally spins him around and drives him into the mat with a spinebuster and covers him.1...2....kickout! Brock Lesnar pops up and goes after Angle as the clock hits 30 seconds. Lesnar and Angle slug it out in the middle of the ring for about the entire 30 seconds.

    Ring #2: For just about the entire minute and a half left before the buzzer Edge and Mysterio recover since they're buddies and on the same team. Then we cut to the saloon doors. Benoit is making his way back up the aisle as the buzzer hits zero

    The saloon doors bust open and RHYNO RUNS OUT AND GORES THE HELL OUT OF BENOIT!!! This garners a huge reaction as Rhyno yells down at Benoit about getting what he had coming to him. Rhyno then walks to the ring and climbs inside of the War Games Cell! Rhyno climbs into Ring #1 and we will have this three minutes inside of just Ring #1 since there is no action in Ring #2 for this time

    Ring #1: Rhyno slides into the ring and immediately goes after Eddie Guerrero, tackling him into a corner and beginning to hit hard knifedge chops and fists to the head. He whips Eddie across the ring but Eddie leapfrogs out of the corner and avoids Rhyno. Eddie then hits a beautiful dropkick on Rhyno to stagger him back into the corner. Then Eddie Monkey flips Rhyno out of the corner. In another corner Brock Lesnar is pounding Kurt Angle over and over with hard right hands. Angle reverses it at this point and begins laying into Lesnar with those powerful rights of his. Angle then takes Lesnar out of the corner and hits a snap suplex on Lesnar! Eddie is trying to sinch in the Lasso From El Paso on Rhyno but Rhyno flips his legs out of it and then stands up in wait for Eddie. Rhyno goes for the Gore on Eddie as he gets up but Eddie sidesteps it and gives Rhyno a push into the corner and SMACK against the ringpost! Rhyno goes down holding his shoulder and Eddie goes down to a knee.

    Ring #1: Angle goes outside the ring and grabs a Steel Chair from underneath the ring. Angle climbs back in the ring and crushes it over Lesnar's skull as he was getting up! Angle then lays the chair on Lesnar and climbs to the nearest corner! Angle isn't gonna do this!! The crowd does a huge gasp/cheer as Angle leaps off the top rope for a beautiful Moonsault which catches nothing but CHAIR! Lesnar rolled out of the way but left the chair and Angle smacks his upper body off the chair! All four men are somewhat down as the the buzzer sounds and the next man is out!

    The Matt Hardy Version 1.0 loading video is seen and then Matt Hardy Version 1.0 comes walking through the saloon doors and his mattfact appears on the screen with him "Mattitude just like Survivor Series is a Winning Tradition!" The second Mattfact that pops up is that "Matt Hardy has never lost a "Cage" Match" We don't know if that's necessarily true but Matt Hardy Version 1.0 makes his way inside of the Cell anyway. He walks over to Ring #2 but Rey Mysterio does a suicidal move!

    Ring #1: Lesnar at this point crawls over and covers Angle with an arm..1...2...kickout by Angle! Eddie flapjacks Rhyno as he comes out of the corner. Eddie rolls out of the ring and grabs a stop sign from under the ring. Eddie then climbs back in the ring and slams the stop sign down on Rhyno's chest. He lays it on him and climbs outside to the ring apron..SENTON DOWN ON RHYNO TO THE STOP SIGN!

    Ring #2: Rey Mysterio goes over the top rope trying to do a sit down splash on Hardy but Hardy avoids the contact and Mysterio destroys himself on the outside! Matt Hardy climbs into the ring and goes to war with a rested Edge. Hardy and Edge exchange shots back and forth. Hardy finally wins the exchange and backs Edge into a corner and whips him across the ring. Hardy follows him in but Edge gets a boot up and spins Hardy around. He goes for an Edgeocution real quick but Hardy reverses it around into a kick to the gut with Hardy's back facing where Mysterio is. Mysterio is up by now and on the ring apron. He springboards off the top rope.

    Ring #1: Eddie moves the stop sign quickly and covers Rhyno..1...2..kickout! Lesnar picks up Angle at this point and sets him up for an F5!!! Angle ends up landing on his feet though and hits another huge Overhead Belly to Belly suplex on Lesnar to put him down. Eddie Guerrero picks up Rhyno and DDT's him back to the mat! Eddie then climbs up to the top rope and poses for the crowd as he beats his chest a couple times and yells out some spanish. the countdown clock is hitting ten as Eddie leaps off the top rope for a Frog Splash that catches nothing but mat!!! We hit zero as all four men are again hurting and on the mat

    Ring #2: Rey Mysterio springboards off going for Matt Hardy from behind but Hardy somehow ducks avoiding the contact and WEST COAST POP ON EDGE BY MYSTERIO!!! Mysterio holds his head looking at Edge, seeing what he's done but Matt Hardy takes advantage as he kicks Mysterio in the gut..TWIST OF FATE! Matt Hardy then quickly covers Rey Mysterio..1....2.....3! Matt Hardy has eliminated Rey Rey! Hardy then crawls over to Edge and covers him hooking the leg, trying to eliminate both men..1...2....SHOULDER UP! Edge manages to kick out as the clock is hitting ten and counting down. Hardy moves away and gets to his feet as the buzzer sounds (Elimination #2: Rey Mysterio)

    We wait for the next man out and it's AJ Styles!! The New WWE American Champion comes walking to the ring with the American Championship in hand. He walks down to the ring, taunting the crowd. The crowd has been eating up this entire match and a huge buzz about them throughout. AJ Styles then hands the belt off to the referee manning the door and he walks into the cell and climbs into Ring #2!!

    Ring #1: Angle is up first and he sets the table that had been leaned into the corner earlier and sets the table up on it's legs in the ring. Angle then turns around right into Lesnar!! Lesnar lifts Angle up into an F5..LESNAR F5'S ANGLE THROUGH THE TABLE!!! Lesnar then crawls over and covers Angle..1...2....3!! Brock Lesnar has eliminated Kurt Angle!!! Brock Lesnar taunts Angle but then suddenly as Lesnar turns around..GORE GORE FROM RHYNO!!! Rhyno rolls away and Eddie Guerrero comes off the top rope and hits his Frog Splash onto Brock Lesnar and hooks the leg!..1....2....3!!! Brock Lesnar has been caught sleeping and was eliminated as we shift to ring #2!!! (Elimination #3: Kurt Angle)(Elimination #4: Brock Lesnar)

    Ring #2: Matt Hardy is to his feet and he immediately attacks Styles as he's the fresh man and Hardy is all out for himself in this match! Hardy hits hard fists to Styles over and over but Styles fights back with smacks across Hardy's chest and right hands of his own. Hardy backs Styles to the ropes and whips him across the ring. Hardy telegraphs the back body drop just a second too early and Styles hits a Crucifix DDT to Hardy! Edge is up groggily in a corner and is waiting as Styles stands back up and turns RIGHT INTO A SPEAR!! All three men are down as we shift back over to Ring #1 for the last minute and a half before the last Entrant which is obviously The Dead Man.

    Ring #1: Rhyno is standing in wait for Eddie Guerrero as he gets to his feet. Rhyno hits a pumphandle slam on Eddie and covers him..1..2...kickout by Guerrero! Rhyno rolls out of the ring and grabs a Singapore Cane and grins sadistically. He rolls back into the ring but Eddie kips up and hits a HARD Leg Lariat to Rhyno taking him down as the clock is hitting 30 seconds to go. Eddie Guerrero then sinches in a Lasso From El Paso for the final 20 or so seconds until the buzzer hits!

    Ring #2: Styles is up first followed closely by Matt Hardy but instead of going after Edge. Styles goes right after Matt Hardy in a fury for him attacking him to start the match. Styles hits a low blow on Matt Hardy and lifts Hardy into a vertical suplex but sits Hardy on the top rope. Styles climbs to the top as well..TOP ROPE FRANKENSTEINER!!! Edge is up by now and he grabs Styles and whips him to the ropes and hits his running half nelson faceplant variation. Edge then locks in the Edgelock (Standing Figure-Four) for the last 30 seconds until the buzzer sounds.

    "Red Devil" Hits and the crowd explodes in cheer as Taker comes walking slowly through the saloon doors. Probably the most fatigued of all the men entering this match. Taker walks his way down to the cell and walks through the cell door. He then climbs into Ring #1 and begins to go to work.

    Ring #1: Taker climbs into the ring and SLUGS Eddie Guerrero right between the eyes. Taker begins putting a beating on Eddie Guerrero and whips the fatigued Eddie to the ropes and hits a hard big boot to the head of Guerrero. Taker makes a cut throat motion at Eddie Guerrero and grabs Eddie by the throat and looks like he's going to go for a Chokeslam! Eddie does his best cheat by just straight up kicking Taker between the legs. Taker lets out one of those loud yells of pain but stays standing. Eddie then DROPKICKS TAKER IN THE GROIN! Taker definately goes down from that. Rhyno leaves Ring #1 and segways great to Ring #2

    Ring #2: Styles is screaming in pain at this point but Matt Hardy breaks it up by grabbing Edge into a Huge PPV Size Side Effect! Hardy covers Edge trying to eliminate the champ..1..2....shoulder up by Edge! At this point Rhyno climbs into their ring and hits a big bulldog onto Matt Hardy taking him down. Rhyno then picks Matt Hardy up and throws him onto his shoulder. Then slams him to the mat extremely hard.

    At this point Eddie Guerrero climbs to the top rope in Ring #1 while Taker is down from a vertical suplex from Eddie..FROG SPLASH FROM RING #1 TO RING #2 DOWN ON MATT HARDY!!! Eddie then rolls through it and takes a Spear right after getting to his feet from Edge!

    Ring #2: AJ Styles picks Matt Hardy up as time expires for the Team Rules..STYLES CLASH!!! AJ Styles then covers Matt Hardy..1....2....3! AJ Styles eliminates Matt Hardy!! Edge at the same time is picking up Eddie Guerrero and EDGEOCUTION ON EDDIE! Edge then covers Eddie..1...2....3! (Elimination #5: Matt Hardy Version 1.0)(Elimination #6: Eddie Guerrero)

    Taker climbs into Ring #2 at this point and goes after Rhyno immediately while Styles couples off with Edge and begins beating on him in one corner of the ring. Taker pounds on Rhyno for about a minute until Rhyno reverses the position in the corner and begins hitting hard shoulder thrusts to the gut of Taker. Rhyno then backs up and GORES Taker in the corner. Rhyno then goes outside the ring and pulls a table from under the ring and gets into the ring with it. Rhyno then SLAMS the table into Taker and Rhyno goes across the ring to the opposite corner. Rhyno then runs full force at Taker and the Table in that corner. RHYNO COMPLETELY DESTROYS THROUGH THE TABLE!!! Unfortunately The Undertaker moved and Rhyno only hit table and turnbuckle. Rhyno staggers out of the corner right into a TOMBSTONE!!! The crowd explodes for the Tombstone and Taker covers Rhyno..1...2....3! (Elimination #7: Rhyno)

    While the Taker/Rhyno fighting was happening. Styles put Edge on the top rope and went for an unbelievable float over DDT off the top rope but Edge holds both of the ropes connecting to his corner and Styles falls to the mat below. Edge sees Taker getting up though and SPEAR FROM THE TOP ROPE TO TAKER!! Edge rolls away from him and stays down for a moment. Styles sees an opening though and while still hurting. He climbs to the top rope and hits a Giant 450 Splash on Taker and covers him..1....2....3!!! (Elimination #8: Undertaker)

    Edge gets to his feet slowly as AJ Styles does the same. Edge kicks Styles in the gut and goes for an Edgeocution right off the bat but Styles reverses it with a Northern Lights Suplex with a bridge..1....2.....SHOULDER UP! Edge manages to kickout. Styles slides out of the ring and grabs a Trash can from it's setup in a corner and carries the whole thing over and climbs up onto the apron. He drops it into the ring and then hits a big leapfrog clothesline to Edge! Styles is looking like a Champ in this! Styles picks Edge and looks to be going for a Styles Clash!! Edge uses his leg strength to knock Styles down to his back and uses this for a pinning predictiment..1...2...Styles rolls it back so that Edge is pinned..1...2...kickout by Edge. Styles grabs a 2x4 out of the trash can and swings for the fences at Edge. Edge ducks the attempt and hits a basement dropkick to the left knee of Styles. Edge winds up making it very un-dramatic as Edge grabs a steel chair out of the trash can very quickly. Edge then winds up and CRUSHES IT over the head of Styles. Then Edge shows a very nasty side that we haven't seen before as he smashes it up and down over Styles head four more times on the mat. Edge then throws the chair onto the mat and picks Styles's groggy, limp body up and EDGEOCUTION DOWN ONTO THE CHAIR! Edge makes the academic cover and hooks the leg on AJ Styles..1...2.....3! Edge manages to defeat nine other men to retain his WWE Championship! Edge rolls out of the ring and limps out of the Cell. He grabs his WWE Championship from the referee and lets him raise his arm. Then he straps it and puts it around his neck and begins ascending the cell. Edge then climbs to the top and walks to the middle of both cells and holds the WWE Championship high in the air as Survivor Series goes off the air!

    (Elimination #9: AJ Styles)(Winner and STILL WWE Champion: Edge)

    Overall Rating: 75%

    Crowd Reaction: 84%

    Match Quality: 85%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    Survivor Series Rating: 73%

    PPV Buy-Rate: 1.21

    Attendance: 14,149

    PPV Revenue: $3,025,000

    Ticket Sales: $848,940

  12. user posted image

    A promo video to start Survivor Series begins to play. Slow soft tones begin to play with the wrestlers that are competing tonight, you can hear all of their voices, one after another. Speaking about what Survivor Series means to them and the opportunity it will afford alot of them tonight. The music picks up through the video as it shows scenes of Past Survivor Series and then finally the video finishes with Kurt Angle's final words "Tonight we will do what has not been done before" and his voice fades out with a slight echo and we come to the WWE intro to Survivor Series which is saloon doors with 2003 above it. Then it leaves the video and comes into the arena where it's a Retro Survivor Series set as the entrance has two huge Saloon doors to come out through. The entire set has a old Leather feel to it and there are two huge trons. One on the left and one on the right in the shape of Saloon Doors! Then we come into Michael Cole and Paul Heyman for the Smackdown side giving us some hype and then we head to J.R. and The King. They bring us into the opening match for the night. This match being for the World Tag Team Titles!

    The Brethren vs The Dudley Boys

    World Tag Team Championship Match

    Kane's Chemical Brothers music hits and his pyro goes off and The Brethren, Mayhem and Fury come walking to the ring in a very subdued fashion. They both climb into the ring with their matching Black and Red tanktop outfits with their masks of the same color. They climb into the ring and then fireworks are set off towards the saloon doors and goes right over them. The Dudleys Pyro begins exploding and the crowd boos them heavily as they come walking through the saloon doors and a graphic beneath them on the tron and PPV TV shows "The Dudley Boys" and just above that "World Tag Team Champions" D-Von is wearing his World Tag Title Belt around his waist while Bubba always being the black sheep of the family is wearing it around his neck. The Dudleys get to the ring and climb inside in their own ways and stand on the second turnbuckle with their Titles being held high. The Dudleys come off the turnbuckles and Fury leaves the ring to his team's corner. D-Von does the same and Nick Patrick holds the World Tag Team Championships above his head, showing them to the crowd.

    Bubba moves in and locks up with Mayhem but powers him into a neutral corner and begins laying in those patented Bubba smacks to the chest which makes the crowd oooh's. Not a woo but oooh. Bubba does this three times and then pushes Mayhem over to the middle of the ropes and whips him to the other side of the ring and back body drops Mayhem to the mat hard. Bubba picks Mayhem up and backs into his corner with a headlock and D-Von tags in. D-Von begins with some hard fists to the head of Mayhem. Then he whips Mayhem to the ropes as Bubba leaves the ring to the outside of the apron. D-Von hits his flying back elbow on Mayhem. D-Von covers Mayhem for a long one count. If there is such a thing. D-Von picks Mayhem up and tries for a vertical suplex but Mayhem reverses it into a small package. ..1...2...kickout by D-Von! The Brethren nearly stole the World Tag Titles there! D-Von gets up faster than Mayhem and begins stomping the hell out of him. D-Von picks Mayhem up who ends up dropping D-Von with a sudden DDT which allows Mayhem to try and make his way to his team's corner. Mayhem manages to reach and make the tag to Fury as Bubba gets the tag in as well. Fury is a rage of fire for the first minute he's in the ring after the hot tag. Bubba finally regains some control after hitting a body slam on Fury and pointing to the sky. Mayhem tries to get involved but Nick Patrick stops him. The Dudleys take advantage of this and D-Von jumps off the top rope hitting the headbutt to Fury's groin.

    D-Von gets up and does his spin around and Bubba smacks him in the chest and yells at him.."D-VON!!!!" The crowd even though the Dudleys are supposedly bad guys. They cheer for this. "GET THE TABLES!" D-Von climbs out of the ring to get the tables but inside the ring Fury is able to sneak up on Bubba and hits a Jawbreaker on Bubba. D-Von is busy pulling the table from under the ring as Mayhem gets up with Fury. Bubba turns back around after staggering a moment and The Brethren hits their "Straight to Hell" Spinebuster and Mayhem makes a cover as D-Von gets back into the ring with the table..1..2....D-Von breaks it up otherwise we would've had new Tag Team Champions! D-Von gets in the ring and clotheslines the hell out of Mayhem sending him for a loop as Patrick again gets Fury out of the ring. Bubba in the meantime while he's recovering. Sets the Table up and he gets behind it while D-Von whips Mayhem to the ropes..no Mayhem holds onto the ropes and slides outside of the ring. The Dudleys were going to 3D Mayhem through the table! Instead the Dudleys grab Fury from ringside and throw him over the ropes and into the ring. Mayhem gets up onto the apron but Bubba hits a hard punch to his jaw knocking him down. Then as Fury gets up, D-Von whips him to the ropes..3D THROUGH THE TABLE!!! The referee calls for the bell, disqualifying the Dudleys but Bubba tells D-Von to get another table!

    D-Von goes outside the ring and grabs another table as Mayhem gets back into the ring. Bubba hits a Bubba Cutter on him as D-Von sets up the second table in a different spot. Then D-Von picks Mayhem up and whips him to the ropes and as he comes back at him. Lifts him up into the air and the 3D Through the table is hit again! The Dudley Boys music hits as they are handed their World Tag Team Titles. The Dudleys pose over the bodies of The Brethren and leave with their Titles in tact but this can't be over between these two teams!

    (Winners: The Brethren by Disqualification)(Still World Tag Team Champions: The Dudley Boys)

    Overall Rating: 68%

    Crowd Reaction: 74%

    Match Quality: 78%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    Psicosis vs Ultimo Dragon

    WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match

    Ultimo Dragon is the first man to come out after the video package highlighting the feud between these two men. Ultimo's pyro begins to go off as he comes through the Saloon doors. Ultimo comes walking down to the ring while his fire pyro goes off in the background. Ultimo gets into the ring and as usual he's all business as he waits for Psicosis to arrive. Psicosis's music hits and he comes walking through the saloon doors with his WWE Cruiserweight Title over his shoulder. He walks to the ring talking smack the entire time. Psicosis gets to ringside but winds up being taken down by a Palancha from Ultimo Dragon from inside the ring to the mat outside!

    Ultimo then picks Psicosis up and whips him into the steel steps hard. Ultimo riles the crowd up as he tells Psicosis that belt is coming with him. Ultimo walks over and snatches the belt up. In this time Psicosis grabs a weapon from under the ring. The weapon happens to be a fire extinguisher. Ultimo turns around to a PING and getting knocked silly by the Fire extinguisher. Psicosis then picks Ultimo up and rolls him into the ring and climbs into the ring himself without the fire extinguisher or Title. Then the bell sounds as the actual match begins and Psicosis covers Ultimo right off the bat..1..2....shoulder up by Ultimo! Psicosis seems to be frustrated he couldn't snatch away the win right there. Psicosis picks Ultimo up and whips him to the ropes. Psicosis goes for a hip toss but Ultimo blocks it and kicks Psicosis into the gut. Then puts his leg on the back of Psicosis's neck when he's bent over and Psicosis flips Ultimo over. Ultimo lands on his feet and hits a high angle back drop out of that flip on Psicosis. Ultimo then attempts an Asai Moonsault off the second rope inside the ring but Psicosis moves out of the way of the move.

    Psicosis picks Ultimo up and whips him to the ropes. He catches Ultimo off the ropes into a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker on Ultimo which gets the crowd going! Psicosis covers Ultimo after that move..1..2...kickout! Psicosis goes up top and waits for Ultimo to get up. Once Ultimo is up Psicosis goes for a Flying Leg Lariat off the top but instead is met with a dropkick to the jaw from Ultimo as Psicosis comes down! Both men are down for a good amount of time. Both men answer the referee's ten count at about 8. Psicosis tries to slug Ultimo with a right hand but Ultimo blocks and hits an enziguri to the back of Psicosis's head suddenly! The crowd cheers as they see Ultimo go up top. Psicosis is trying to get to his feet but as Ultimo comes off the top rope with a Missle dropkick. PSICOSIS PULLS THE REFEREE IN THE WAY!!! As soon as the referee goes down Christopher Daniels in his preacher costume comes running down to the ring with a steel chair! Daniels gets into the ring and destroys the chair over the head of Ultimo Dragon!!! Psicosis then follows this up with a Psycho Stunner onto the flat steel chair! Dragon is out cold as Daniels leaves the ring with the chair and Psicosis wakes the referee up. The crowd is boo'ing intensely as Psicosis covers Ultimo..1...2.....3! Christopher Daniels climbs into the ring and pulls from within his robe, two pairs of handcuffs! Psicosis assists Daniels in handcuffing Ultimo to the ropes and Daniels gets on the mic..I love this part.

    Daniels: Here before you is yet another man who sins with every breath he takes. His sin is Vanity! You ask why?! He hides his face because he feels nobody in this arena. All you people. You don't have the right to see his face. He feels he's better than all you. Therefore his sin is Vanity and the fitting punishment will now occur!

    From here Daniels picks up the Steel Chair and completely destroys the chair and mangles it over Ultimo's head four consecutive times. Ultimo slumps against the ropes and blood trickles down through an eyehole of Ultimo's mask. Psicosis and Daniels raise their arms up into the air over Ultimo Dragon's bloodied body as we preview our next match!

    (Winner and STILL WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Psicosis)

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Crowd Reaction: 77%

    Match Quality: 100%

    Dames Stars: ****1/2

    Jay Lethal vs Christian

    WWE Intercontinental Championship Match

    After the feud is highlighted we come back to watching the Survivor Series set and finally Christian's music hits and Christian pushes the saloon doors open and walks slowly to the ring. As Christian walks to the ring to the boos from the crowd. J.R gives us a tidbit of information that shows us that throughout Christian's feud with Jay Lethal. He has never beaten Jay Lethal at all. No submissions, no pinfalls. Not good for the challenger at all. Christian climbs into the ring as J.R. is talking. Then Jay Lethal's music hits and Lethal comes through the swinging Saloon doors as his music and video play. The WWE Intercontinental Title around Lethal's waist as he walks to the ring. Lethal gets into the ring and he hands the Title over to Nick Patrick. The bell sounds and both men lock up in the center of the ring. Lethal takes control early, sinching in a headlock on Christian. Christian pushes Lethal off to the ropes which Lethal bounces off of and delivers a hard shoulder block to Christian but the bigger Christian delivers a harder one! Christian then takes to the ropes and Lethal flips onto his stomach as Christian runs over him once. Lethal then gets to his feet and leapfrogs Christian the second time past. Christian comes past a third time and Lethal leaps for the leapfrog but Christian stops right behind him for a huge reverse DDT! Christian covers Lethal quickly..1...2...kickout! Christian picks Lethal up and whips him into a corner. Christian begins chopping and punching the life out of Lethal in that corner. As well as some nicely placed boots to the midsection. Christian then whips Lethal to the opposite corner and Christian poses for the crowd and then follows Lethal in. Shouldn't have posed Christian

    As Christian runs in at Lethal, Lethal took advantage of the quick moment of recooperation and dodges the incoming Christian. Christian hits the corner chest first and Lethal moves back into the corner and does an odd move to Christian. It's a Half spear but then Lethal drives up with it and turns it into a running spinebuster of sorts! Tremendous innovative Offense from Lethal! He covers Christian after the move..1...2...kickout! Lethal picks Christian up and whips him to the ropes. Lethal hits a Tilt-A Whirl REVERSE DDT! That's incredible by Lethal!! Lethal covers Christian again...1..2....kickout by Christian again! Lethal slows down the match a bit as he throws an armbar submission onto Christian's right arm. Lethal holds the submission for about two minutes of Christian's writhing in pain and trying to reverse the hold. Eventully Lethal lets go but holds onto the arm. Lethal begins hitting elbow drops and leg drops onto the arm, working it over. Then Lethal does an incredible move. He hangs Christian who is tired and in pain on the ropes on one side of the ring. He runs over to the other side and back at Christian. It seems as if Christian back body drops Lethal over the top rope but he didn't. Lethal did a palancha to the outside but as he's going over the top rope he grabs Christian's left arm..He may have broken Christian's arm with this move because in a very ugly fashion it snapped Christian's arm down over the top rope and then Christian bounced off the ropes and into the middle of the ring screaming.

    The referee makes an X to the back and medical personnel begin running out to the ring. They all begin to check on Christian. After about three minutes they manage to get Christian to his feet. Lethal seems distraught over hurting another wrestler. He's leaning on the ropes but Christian breaks free of the medical personnel and grabs Lethal..UNPRETTIER!!! Lethal is done as the referee gets down and tenatively counts..1..2...3! Christian gets up and raises his arms in the air gingerly favoring his left arm. It's hurt but maybe not as bad as Christian made it seem. Christian is given the WWE Intercontinental Championship and he raises it in the air and celebrates with it. Then leaves before Lethal recovers and realizes what just happened!

    (Winner and NEW WWE Intercontinental Champion: Christian)

    Overall Rating: 76%

    Crowd Reaction: 84%

    Match Quality: 86%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    Team Angle vs Undertaker/O'Haire

    WWE Tag Team Championship Match

    Sean O'Haire's music and entrance hits but it cuts immediately after about 10 seconds into Taker's "Red Devil" Music and entrance. Sean O'Haire comes walking through the saloon doors and steps to the side holding one side open as Taker comes flying through the opening on his bike. The crowd cheers very loud for Taker and O'Haire. O'Haire comes to the ring as Taker drives around the ring on his bike. O'Haire rolls under the bottom rope, into the ring as Taker finishes his lap and turns his bike off. Taker steps up onto the apron and gets into the ring. He poses for the crowd on each side of the ring. Then "Medal" hits and Team Angle pushes the saloon doors open and come out with their normal entrance but then their music cuts into the current (WGTT Music) and they debut their new music as they come down to the ring to the boos from the crowd. The WWE Tag Team Championships around their waists.

    Team Angle climbs into the ring and takes their straps off, handing them over to Brian Hebner the referee for this contest. Charlie Haas is set to start off with Sean O'Haire. The bell sounds and both men lock up in the center of the ring. Haas drops to his knees and hits a fireman's carry on O'Haire. Haas then locks on a reverse chinlock immediately onto O'Haire. Haas holds onto this hold for about a minute before O'Haire gets to his feet and hits several elbows to Haas's midsection. O'Haire runs to the ropes but Haas hits a running knee to O'Haire's gut and locks the chinlock back in. At this point Taker gets into the ring and kicks Haas in the back of the head to make him let the hold go. Taker leaves the ring but in the meantime. Shelton Benjamin gets into the ring and smacks his hands together very hard. The signal for a tag. Haas rolls out of the ring and the referee allows it. Benjamin begins working O'Haire over on the mat with stomps and knee drops into his ribs. Benjamin picks O'Haire up and whips him to his team's corner. Benjamin follows him in with a huge splash clothesline. Benjamin hits several very hard closed fist punches to O'Haire and then chokes him for a long four before the referee physically breaks it up. Brian Hebner admonishes Benjamin for choking him. In the meantime exactly what Hebner is admonishing. Is what Haas is doing to O'Haire with his tag rope. Choking the lights out on O'Haire.

    Haas lets go before the referee can see and Benjamin goes back to work on O'Haire whipping him to the ropes and goes for the back body drop but O'Haire with his last bit of strength manages to stop and hit a swinging neckbreaker putting Benjamin down! O'Haire and Benjamin both begin to crawl to their team's corner. O'Haire makes the hot tag to Taker as does Benjamin to Haas. Taker takes control from here nailing those soup bowls on both Benjamin and Haas several times. Taker then whips Benjamin to the ropes and hits a big boot. Taker then runs to the ropes as Haas gets up slowly and RUNNING DDT BY TAKER ON HAAS! Taker covers Haas as the crowd counts with Brian Hebner's count..1...2....NO!! The crowd aw's as Haas gets a shoulder up. Undertaker stands up and makes his cut throat signal and as he does it "Medal" Hits and Kurt Angle comes walking through the saloon doors. "A really cool visual watching that as well"

    Kurt Angle walks to the ring and the crowd is boo'ing and cheering at the same time. A real buzz in the air. In the meantime Team Angle is hitting a Code Angle on O'Haire behind Taker. Taker realizes this and turns around but then Kurt climbs up onto the apron. Taker seems to sense this somehow because he turns back around and levels Angle. Taker turns around into a double team Flapjack from Team Angle. From here Haas uses all his strength and screams to get Taker up onto his shoulders and Benjamin goes up top..CODE ANGLE ON UNDERTAKER! Haas then covers the Dead Man..1...2....3! Team Angle Retains! Kurt Angle from here gets into the ring and yells at Team Angle to get Taker up. He yells at Taker just before he beats him down.

    I'm gonna hurt you just like i'm gonna hurt you later Taker. You ain't winning my Championship tonight!!

    Angle then picks Taker up and hits a very emphatic Angle Slam on Taker. Then Angle pulls down the straps on his outfit (Which is a PPV Quality outfit) and locks on an Anklelock. Angle holds this for about two minutes. Team Angle holds O'Haire and forces him to watch until..."Here Comes The Money!!" Shane McMahon comes walking out with a contract through the saloon doors and has a microphone.

    (Winners and STILL WWE Tag Team Champions: Team Angle)

    Overall Rating: 75%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 85%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2


    Shane McMahon comes walking to the ring and climbs inside with Angle letting go of the Anklelock and Team Angle throwing O'Haire out of the ring. Shane O Mac begins to talk on the mic though.

    Kurt, Shelton, Charlie. Good to see you all. It's my unfortunate duty though to inform you as well as all of these fans tonight that..you three will not be together as "Team Angle" After tonight and no that's not the Huge Announcement we have tonight. So..Without further ado as much as I hate to introduce him. Eric Bischoff, come out here so we can get this Deal signed.

    "I'm Back" hits and Eric Bischoff walks through the saloon doors with a contract on a clipboard just like Shane's in hand and a Microphone as well. Eric walks to the ring and coming with him are we suppose his bodyguards tonight. The Superhero Duo of Cyclone and Hurricane. They make their way to the ring and the Superhero Duo stands behind Eric Bischoff to at least make a showing that they will defend their General Manager..how sweet. Eric now gets on the stick and begins to talk.

    Bischoff: It's Great to be here tonight and Shane. While I still do hate you..oh how is that leg of yours by the way? Tonight we will sign a historic deal that will shake WWE to it's foundation.

    Shane smiles taking the jab from Bischoff about breaking his leg for the moment. We know Shane would love to nail Bischoff but the deal isn't signed yet so he takes it as well as his turn on the stick.

    Shane: Tonight I am here to announce that the following members of Smackdown have been Traded to RAW. The Entire Active Tag Team Division of Smackdown has been Traded to RAW, Including the WWE Tag Team Champions with the Titles Team Angle! Also included in this trade are Batista and Taz for good measure.

    Bischoff takes his turn on the microphone announcing who is going to Smackdown from the RAW Side apparently.

    Bischoff: From the RAW Side I am here to announce that the following members of the best brand in Sports Entertainment are being traded to Smackdown. Hurricane, Cyclone. I regret to inform you that your stay on RAW is over.

    With this Team Angle knocks both Hurricane and Cyclone to the outside with dueling dropkicks. Apparently Team Angle is already trying to endear themselves to their new General Manager.

    Also Mortis, Lance Storm, Rob Van Dam and TRIPLE H Have all been traded to Smackdown as part of this deal. The Cruiserweight Division is now a sole propority of Smackdown while the Tag Team Titles will now be completely owned by RAW. There will not be another Tag Team Championship in WWE After Armageddon. As there will be a Unification match for the Tag Team Titles. The World Tag Team Champions at the time will face off against the WWE Tag Team Champions and the winners will be the Undisputed Tag Team Champions!

    Both Eric Bischoff and Shane McMahon sign the deal at the same time and on the outside Team Angle is still taking care of The Superhero Duo but inside the ring. Once both have signed the contracts. Shane McMahon very suddenly hits a Flying shot with the clipboard to the head of Eric Bischoff which makes the crowd go nuts!! Then Shane McMahon makes motions at the Undertaker and Taker puts his fist in the air as he picks Eric Bischoff up to his feet and sticks his head in position. LAST RIDE ON BISCHOFF, LAST RIDE ON BISCHOFF!!! Is the call we hear from Jim Ross at the RAW announce position. What a trade! We head to a long commercial break immediately after the last ride. Promoting the upcoming RAW brand house shows.

    Overall Rating: 93%

    AJ Styles vs Sabu

    WWE American Championship Match

    The crowd is still hot for the last segment so Styles doesn't get as big a reaction as others have gotten tonight from the crowd as his music hits and he comes through the saloon doors and out to the ring. Styles makes his way to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope. Then Sabu's music hits and the crowd cheers loudly for him though that cheer is probably the weakest of the night for any good guy. Sabu has the WWE American Championship over his shoulder as he walks to the ring. Sabu climbs into the ring and hands the Title belt over to Brian Hebner. Hebner holds the title high in the air as Styles attacks Sabu! Styles hits a hard flying forearm shiver on Sabu putting him to the ground. Styles immediately begins with hard stomps on Sabu and quickly goes high risk climbing to the top rope and tries for a top rope ddt on Sabu. Sabu now standing just THROWS STYLES DOWN IN A SPINEBUSTER! Sabu covers Styles..1..2..no! Styles almost lost on that high risk move there. Sabu picks Styles up and hits some hard forearms to the head of Sabu. Styles then whips Sabu to the ropes and hits a beautiful dropkick on him. Styles gets into a cover quickly from that..1..2...kickout!

    Styles picks Sabu up and hits a Jumping DDT on him and covers the champ again!...1...2.....shoulder up! Sabu barely gets out of the pin this time and Styles calls for the end that quickly and tries for the Styles Clash but Sabu grabs the ankles of Styles and rolls it through into a Boston Crab!!! Styles eventully after about 90 seconds in the hold, reaches the ropes and Brian Hebner forces a break of the hold. Sabu goes up top and looks poised to retain the title with the Arabian Facebuster but at the last moment Styles avoids the contact and gets to his feet! Styles picks Sabu up and STYLES CLASH!!! AJ Styles then covers Sabu...1...2....3! Styles wins the WWE American Championship! Styles is handed the title and he climbs to the second rope celebrating but then immediately leaves the ringside area. He realizes he's got another match tonight and has to rest up. Sabu is left in the ring frustrated and defeated...for tonight!

    (Winner and NEW WWE American Champion: AJ Styles)(WWE American Title Has Lost in Image)

    Overall Rating: 69%

    Crowd Reaction: 78%

    Match Quality: 78%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    Now there is an intermission break in which time the Rings are prepared and readied. The second ring had basically not been used tonight. Mostly because the wrestlers were told to stay out of them. The intermission break allows the War Games Cells to be lowered and put into place properly. All the ropes to be adjusted and made sure there won't be any problems. After fifteen minutes we return from intermission. In the time of this intermission the viewers at home are previewed of the final three matches by J.R and The King as well as shown videos of the three upcoming huge matches. Then once they finally finish it we stay with J.R and The King for the next Two War Games Matches!

    Shawn Michaels vs Triple H

    Interpromotional War Games Match, 1 on 1

    "It's Time to Play the Game!" is heard being said by Motorhead. Triple H makes his way through the saloon doors and stalks around the War Games cell. Barely any room between the Barricade and Cell but just enough to walk. Triple H finally from ringside grabs a Sledgehammer from behind the Smackdown announce position and there is a little rope attached to the bottom of it so he can climb with it. (Circa 2001 No Way Out with Mick Foley) Triple H then begins climbing the War Games Cell to the top! The crowd is cheering loudly and then explodes even louder as Shawn Michaels "Sexy Boy" Music hits and HBK comes sauntering through the Saloon doors and drops to his knees as the pyro goes off behind him at the set. HBK then stands up and motions to Triple H as if accepting the challenge and HBK begins ascending the Cell!!! HBK gets up to the top as Triple H does and both men move towards each other on top of the cell. The crowd is cheering insanely loud the entire time as Triple H tries for a sledgehammer shot to the head but HBK instead hits a Drop Toe Hold on HHH INTO The Cell! It wasn't meant for someone to be on top obviously because HHH's head bounces off the mesh of the cell. It's been rigged to be very hard and tight it seems. HBK picks up the sledgehammer that Hunter dropped and HBK makes motions like he's going to use it.

    HBK moves towards HHH making a crucifix sign with the sledge and then goes at Hunter to smash it down on him. Triple H was begging HBK the entire time not to do it but the begging falls on deaf ears. So Triple H instead kicks HBK in the crotch and HBK falls to his knees in pain. They're close to the Smackdown announce table side of the ring..you can casually see both the Spanish announce table and the Smackdown announce table removing their monitors from harm's way as well as getting up as Triple H grabs HBK and OH MY GOD HE THREW HIM OFF THE CELL JUST LIKE MICK FOLEY THROUGH THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE BELOW!!!! HBK is heard screaming in agony about his back. HBK had landed back first to the table and is writhing in pain. He's obviously not paralyzed but what damage did that do to HBK!! Medical personnel come running out to help HBK as Triple H climbs down to where he's at. Triple H being the sadistic man he is. Picks HBK up and drags him over to the Smackdown Announce table, ignoring the medical staff and pushing them away. He stands up with HBK on the table..no not that Hunter! PEDIGREE THROUGH THE SMACKDOWN ANNOUNCE TABLE!!! He's trying to end HBK's Career since tonight is his first night as a member of the Smackdown Roster!! HHH picks HBK up after a moment and drags him..basically pulling him along to where the Cell door is still open and he pushes HBK inside and into the ring. He then climbs into the ring and covers HBK. The referee which is Earl Hebner...reluctantly counts HBK down..1...2....3! "The Game" By Motorhead hits and Triple H raises his arms in triumph and climbs the turnbuckles. About 10 medical personnel in all get into the ring and tend to HBK. Eventully after Triple H is gone. They bring a stretcher out and put HBK onto it and wheel him up the aisle through the saloon doors. The last thing we see as the doors are swinging closed is HBK giving a thumbs up to the crowd which brings a huge eruption but how bad is HBK Hurt!?

    (Winner: Triple H)(Both Men Lost Overness due to a short feud as well as Triple H losing overness from a weak gimmick?)(Shawn Michaels did sustain an Injury in this match. Details tommorrow night on RAW!)

    Overall Rating: 72%

    Crowd Reaction: 89%

    Match Quality: 61%

    Dames Stars: *1/4

    War Games To Follow!

  13. user posted image

    WWE Smackdown

    November 13, 2003

    We get started early tonight as Rhyno's music hits right off the bat after the Smackdown intro video concludes.

    Rabid Rhyno vs Team Angle

    WWE Tag Team Championship

    Rhyno comes walking down to the ring, pounding his chest as he comes to the ring. Rhyno rolls into the ring as Chris Benoit's music hits and the blue strobe lights begin to flash as Benoit comes walking out from behind the curtain and walks down the aisle to the ring. Benoit then climbs up the ringsteps and climbs into the ring. Once Benoit is in the ring, "Medal" Hits and Team Angle comes walking out from behind the curtain. The WWE Tag Team Titles around their waists as they come to the ring. Haas and Benjamin make their way down the aisle and finally get into the ring and hand the belts over to the referee. Benjamin will start with Rhyno as they lock up in the middle of the ring. Rhyno throws Benjamin back to his team's corner. Rhyno then charges in at Benjamin but he hits a drop toe hold on Rhyno down into the turnbuckles! Benjamin tags Haas in and they begin to double team Rhyno. Benjamin holds Rhyno in the corner while Haas lays some shots into Rhyno. Haas then whips Rhyno to the ropes and bends over for a back body drop. Rhyno kicks Haas in the chest and tags Benoit in. Benoit gets into the ring and GRABS RHYNO AND SLAPS ON THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE WHAT THE HELL!?! Benoit is screaming the entire time he has it on Rhyno.."You won't get the chance to screw me Rhyno!" Apparently Benoit is a little paranoid about Sunday as he rears back and then finally after about 90 seconds he gets to his feet and picks Rhyno up. He hits a HUGE German Suplex on Rhyno and then Team Angle proceeds to his a Code Angle on Rhyno and Haas makes the cover..1...2...3! Team Angle Retains! Benoit grabs a microphone from ringside as Team Angle holds Rhyno for Benoit as he talks.

    Benoit: You see Rhyno, You were going to screw me Sunday. Try and take the WWE Title from me. It's rightfully mine. So With the help of Haas and Benjamin here. We're going to make sure you never get to War Games!

    Team Angle continues to beat on Rhyno while Benoit goes outside the ring and grabs a table from under the ring and slides it inside the ring. Benoit sets the table up as Team Angle sets Rhyno up for a Code Angle. Then Team Angle hits it STRAIGHT THROUGH THE TABLE!!! Rhyno is destroyed through the table and it's all because of Benoit turning on his partner!! What's gotten into him?

    (Winners and STILL WWE Tag Team Champions: Team Angle)(Chris Benoit's Turn is complete and he is Heel)(Chris Benoit gained overness from this turn)

    Overall Rating: 90%

    Crowd Reaction: 85%

    Match Quality: 95%

    Dames Stars: ****1/4

    Christopher Daniels vs Taz

    The lights go down as Taz's thug superstar music hits and he comes walking out from behind the curtain after his orange smoke has been pluming for a moment and his pyro goes off. He stalks down to the ring. Taz then climbs inside the ring as Christopher Daniels music hits and his video comes on as he comes walking out from behind the curtain. In his preacher outfit, walking down to the ring. Daniels then proceeds to teach Taz the finer points of technical wrestling. Daniels hammers Taz for most of the match with nasty cheap shots and superior Suplexes. Late in the match Taz begins a comeback and nails several big Tazplexes. Daniels avoids a clothesline from Taz and hits his Last Rites for the pin..1..2...3! Daniels after the pinfall gets up and celebrates in the ring while Taz recovers. Daniels gets the big victory and continues to climb the ladder on Smackdown!

    (Winner: Christopher Daniels)

    Overall Rating: 81%

    Crowd Reaction: 78%

    Match Quality: 85%

    Dames Stars: ***1/4

    A video plays highlighting all of the recent history between all 10 men involved in the War Games Match and scenes if cell matches and Cage matches and then finally some old WCW footage of several War Games matches and what to expect Sunday. The crowd responds pretty good to the footage as we head to commercial break!

    Overall Rating: 75%

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0 vs Edge

    This is another match which is hyping up the War Games Match in three days between the Reigning WWE Champion and Matt Hardy Version 1.0! Matt Hardy controls the early going of this match but in the end. Edge overcomes Matt Hardy and finishes him off with a Spear, followed up by an Edgeocution. Edge then hooks the leg on Hardy..1....2....3! Edge gets the big win after losing to Eddie Guerrero last week. Edge needed a victory before Survivor Series!

    (Winner: Edge)

    Overall Rating: 87%

    Crowd Reaction: 85%

    Match Quality: 89%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    Eddie Guerrero vs The Undertaker

    This match is unfortunately alot worse than it could've been. Taker decides to not sell at all and it's pretty damn obvious that he didn't want to put Eddie Guerrero over. Eddie Guerrero though does manage to pick up a huge victory over The Undertaker with a low blow when the referee isn't looking, followed up by a ddt and a Frog Splash followed by a pin. Eddie pulls Taker's tights as the referee counts a three count on Taker. After the match Eddie Guerrero celebrates and climbs to the second turnbuckle celebrating in one corner of the ring. Before he can get back down. Undertaker gets a bit of retribution with a huge Last Ride on Guerrero out of the corner! Taker spits on Guerrero after that and leaves the ring.

    (Winner: Eddie Guerrero)(Undertaker was sluggish and didn't sell at all)

    Overall Rating: 63%

    Crowd Reaction: 70%

    Match Quality: 50%

    Dames Stars: DUD

    Backstage our cameras are rolling when Kurt Angle is seen getting ready for his big match with Rey Mysterio tonight! Mark Lloyd heads up to the Olympic Hero and begins trying to interview him before his match tonight!

    Lloyd: Kurt, Kurt!

    Lloyd comes running up to Angle but Angle tells him to calm the hell down and to shut up.

    Angle: Shut the hell up Lloyd. Your talking to an Olympic Gold Medalist and I deserve some respect. That's not something i've been getting around here lately. Edge with his cheap victory at No Mercy. Took my Title. Now tonight I have to face Rey Mysterio, three days before my opportunity to win back my WWE Championship. So i'm not in the mood to answer your questions tonight Lloyd. I have to use one of my I's tonight and Sunday. The one i'll be using is Intensity!

    (Kurt Angle Gains Overness)

    Overall Rating: 100%

    Ultimo Dragon vs Nunzio

    This match was a truely exceptional Cruiserweight Match. Nunzio managed to control most of the match by keeping it a grounded match, using his technical skills to work over Ultimo's right arm until Ultimo gets some high impact offense including at the end of the match. Hitting his Swinging reverse DDT finisher on Nunzio but in the process kicked the referee in the face. Both men stay down a moment but then Psicosis comes running down to the ring with a chair and Ultimo covers Nunzio but no referee plus Psicosis driving the chair down across the back of Ultimo equals no pinfall. Psicosis then picks Ultimo up and hits a Psycho Stunner on him. He isn't finished either because then he sets the chair up in it's seated position. Psicosis then jumps over the chair hitting a Psycho Stunner on Ultimo ONTO The chair. Ultimo is completely laid out and Psicosis slides the chair out of the ring and leaves the ring himself. Nunzio covers Ultimo as the referee convienantly comes to and counts Ultimo down..1...2...3! Nunzio picks up a big win over Ultimo as Psicosis gets over on him too before their Cruiserweight Title match at Survivor Series!

    (Winner: Nunzio)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 89%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    AJ Styles vs Brock Lesnar

    This is not a long match at all. Very quick and to the point of promoting the War Games Match once again. Though it turns into something entirely different. Late in the match when Styles is losing to Lesnar. Styles ends up going outside and grabbing a chair. Then he proceeds to knock Lesnar out with the chair and then looks like he's going to do more damage but Sabu comes running down to the ring and knocks Styles down with a hard dropkick. Sabu then goes for the Arabian Facebuster but catches nothing but mat and manages to avoid it. Styles then kicks Sabu very low and hits the Styles Clash on him. Will Styles be able to Capture the American Championship AND the WWE Title on Sunday?! We'll see and everyone will have to tune in for that as we go to commercial!

    (Winner: Brock Lesnar by DQ)

    Overall Rating: 86%

    Crowd Reaction: 88%

    Match Quality: 84%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    Kurt Angle vs Rey Mysterio

    Main Event

    Rey Mysterio is first out as his music hits and he comes flying out of the stage/floor setup they have to the left of the set. Mysterio comes down to the ring with the crowd cheering loudly for him. Mysterio leaps up onto the ring apron and leaps over the top rope into the ring. Then "Medal" hits and Kurt Angle comes walking out from behind the curtain and half way down to the ring. Angle stops and points to the sky as his pyro goes off behind him in the background. Angle then comes the rest of the way to the ring and climbs inside. Angle then begins the match by taking complete control of Mysterio early. Angle hits hard vertical suplexes on Mysterio as well as a German Suplex and an Overhead belly to belly suplex thrown in. Mysterio turns the tide with an enziguri when Angle catches a kick from Mysterio. Mysterio hits then a series of high impact moves including a Tornado DDT and standing Hurricarana and covers Angle..1..2...kickout! Mysterio picks Angle up and runs to the ropes behind Angle and dropkicks Angle in the back, setting him up for the "619!" Mysterio goes for it but Angle manages to duck the 619 by getting his head out of the ropes and as Mysterio lands back on his feet. Angle grabs Mysterio and clips his neck on the top rope. Mysterio nearly falls off the ring apron but hangs onto the top rope with his left hand. So Angle grabs Mysterio, leaning over the top rope and ANGLE SLAMS Mysterio back into the ring! Angle pulls down the straps but instead of slapping on the Anklelock. Angle climbs to the top rope and goes for a HUGE Moonsault but Mysterio moves and rolls under the ropes and gets to his feet. Mysterio calls for the West Coast Pop and as Angle gets to his feet slowly..Mysterio leapfrogs off the top rope and NAILS IT!! He hooks Angle's legs..1..2....3!!! Mysterio pulls a giant upset on Kurt Angle and wins! Mysterio rolls out of the ring and celebrates..Could it be Rey Mysterio's night on Sunday to be the WWE Champion! Who knows but someone will come out of War Games a winner on Sunday and Smackdown ends with the vision of Rey Mysterio backing up the aisle towards the Smackdown Set with his arms in the air.

    (Winner: Rey Mysterio)(Rey Mysterio Gains Overness From This Match)(Kurt Angle Loses Overness From This Match)

    Overall Rating: 90%

    Crowd Reaction: 91%

    Match Quality: 89%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    Smackdown Rating: 82%

    TV Rating: 4.81

    Attendance: 6,510

    Ticket Sales: $260,400

  14. user posted image

    Monday Night RAW

    November 10, 2003

    Pyro begins exploding as we cut immediately to the ring tonight as we have a night of action and no time to waste. Immediately the Dudley Boys theme kicks in and their pyro begins going off on the stage. After the pyro finishes up the Dudleys come walking out onto the stage, pumped up but flipping the crowd off at the same time. The World Tag Team Titles in their possession.

    Bubba Ray Dudley vs Fury

    Once the Dudleys are to the ring. Kane's Chemical Brothers theme hits and after the pyro explodes. Fury comes stalking out from behind the curtain and onto the stage with Mayhem by his side. Obviously this will be a one on one match with support on the outside! Fury makes his way to the ring with Mayhem by his side. Fury rolls into the ring and the bell sounds. Bubba locks up with Fury and begins to smash down smacks across the chest and fists to the head. Bubba then whips Fury to the ropes. Bubba hits a big back body drop on Fury. Then continues going to town on him with a hard beating. Bubba whips Fury to the ropes again and telegraphs another back body drop and Fury stops short and drops Bubba with a huge ddt and covers him..1....2..kickout! Fury backs towards the ropes but D-Von grabs Fury's foot before he can run back at Bubba. Fury kicks D-Von off and runs at Bubba but by now Bubba has gotten up and hits a Desperation Bubba Cutter on Fury and both men stay down as Nick Patrick begins the 10 count..1....2.....3....4....5...Both men begin to stir at 5...6.....7....8....Fury is up at this point. On the outside of the ring Mayhem has gone over and began fighting with D-Von Dudley.

    Bubba is up and goes for his punches and then the Bionic Elbow but Fury blocks it and hits the Death Driver suddenly on Bubba and covers him..1...2.....3!! Fury gets a huge victory over Bubba Ray Dudley! D-Von throws Mayhem into the steel steps hard at the same time as the pinfall happens. D-Von slides into the ring and sends Fury for a loop from a huge clothesline. Bubba gets up slowly in the ring as D-Von goes to the outside and gets a table. D-Von brings the table into the ring and slides it under the bottom rope. D-Von sets the table up in the ring as Bubba begins pounding on Fury again. Bubba then whips Fury to the ropes and as he comes back towards Bubba. D-Von gets in the way as Bubba moves to the other side of the table...3D THROUGH THE TABLE! Mayhem rolls into the ring to help Fury but only receives a 3D from the Dudleys for his trouble. The Dudleys leave the ring and celebrate but will they be celebrating Sunday!

    (Winner: Fury)

    Overall Rating: 73%

    Crowd Reaction: 72%

    Match Quality: 75%

    Dames Stars: **

    Backstage Shawn Michaels is preparing to come out to the ring. HBK's music hits and Shawn walks up the stairs and out onto the ramp doing his normal intro. He drops to his knees and prays to the sky as his pyro goes off behind him. HBK gets to the ring and then as Shawn grabs a microphone the lights go down TIME TO PLAY THE GAME! and it's repeated as the strobes go off and Triple H stalks down to the ring. HHH climbs into the ring and immediately starts a fight with HBK

    HHH begins slugging it to HBK and whips him to a corner of the ring. HBK does his classic roll up the turnbuckle and then comes back down off it and staggers back towards Triple H. HHH goes for the Pedigree but Shawn back drops him to the mat and sets up for a Sweet Chin Music! HBK goes for the Sweet Chin Music out of the corner but HHH catches it and spins HBK around. PEDIGREE!!! Triple H then goes out of the ring and grabs a chair from ringside. HHH then rolls back into the ring with it and waits for HBK to get up..CRACK. Shawn's head makes a sickening thud against the chair. No protection on that shot. HHH then throws the chair down flat and picks Shawn up. HHH then sets him up..no not a Pedigree on the chair! But That's EXACTLY what HBK Gets. A NASTY PEDIGREE onto the steel chair which seems to make Shawn go limp. HHH laughs down on HBK and tells him that he'll see him Sunday. Shawn appears to be bleeding from his head and is just about unconcious as well. We go to commercial with medics coming out and helping HBK.

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Booker T vs Goldust

    Goldust's music hits and he comes out first and while he comes to the ring we see footage on TV..not in the arena but on TV of HBK being helped to the back and into the medical examination room in the back. Then we come back to the ring with Goldust in it and waiting as Booker T's music hits and Booker comes out onto the stage and walks down the ramp half way. Then does his pyro pose and the flames begin flying up into the air. Booker walks to the ring and up the ringsteps. He steps into the ring and this match is pretty much the solid match we've come to expect from both of these men. It's a short match though. Only about five minutes with Booker T picking up the victory with a Book End. Booker T walks back up the steel ramp before Goldust can get any retribution or try to hurt him. No War Games for Goldy! Sorry!

    (Winner: Booker T)

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Crowd Reaction: 82%

    Match Quality: 77%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    Sonny Siaki vs Shark Boy vs Jody Fleisch

    Hardcore Championship, Triple Threat Match

    Jody Fleisch's music hits and he struts to the ring, taunting the crowd as he walks to the ring. He begins to pull weapons from under the ring as Shark Boy's music hits and the crowd cheers loudly as the Sharkster (My new nickname for him) comes out onto the stage but before he can get too far. Sonny Siaki comes up from behind Sharky and clocks him with a Chair and the referee climbs out of the ring and heads up the ramp quickly. As does Fleisch with a Singapore Cane. Siaki covers Sharky and the ref slides into a count..1..2...crack! The Singapore cane comes down across Siaki's bare back...um ow. Fleisch then slams it down on Sharky's head and covers him..1..2...Siaki breaks this cover up and Fleisch gets to his feet and picks Siaki up. He begins beating Siaki towards one side of the stage, near the announce position. Siaki then whips Fleisch at the RAW set but Fleisch reverses it and Siaki's head and upper body fly hard into the RAW set. Siaki goes over and slams the chair he had down hard into Sharky several times before hitting a quick Siakopolis on Sharky and covering him on the stage..1...2....3! This match barely got started and Siaki manages to steal out of here with a victory and the Hardcore Championship in tact!

    (Winner and STILL Hardcore Champion: Sonny Siaki)

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Crowd Reaction: 80%

    Match Quality: 79%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    Backstage before we head to another commercial we see Shawn Michaels with a bandage over his head being stretchered out of the medical exam room and towards a waiting ambulance but the Stretcher doesn't reach that ambulance. Triple H and Evolution intercept and Triple H picks HBK up and begins beating the hell out of the battered man and finishes HBK off with a Pedigree ONTO THE STRETCHER!!! HBK just stays limp and HHH along with Evolution walk off laughing..HBK may not even make it to Survivor Series on Sunday!

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Kane vs Rob Van Dam

    Rob Van Dam's music hits first after the commercial break and he comes walking out after his pyro goes off. The crowd boos him unmercifully and he just ignores it and makes his way to the ring. He plays to the crowd like he always did but now his RVD chant seems more arrogant. Doesn't it always when someone goes from good guy to bad? Then Kane's music hits as his pyro goes off and he comes walking out onto the stage to a huge ovation. Kane walks down to the ring and climbs onto the apron and over the top rope. RVD wastes little time in attacking Kane with a variety of dropkicks and rolling kicks to try and take down the monster. Kane fights back though after RVD's Offense and begins his attack by whipping RVD to the ropes and catches him in a mammoth Powerslam. Kane then picks RVD up and whips him to the ropes again and catches him with a Tilt a Whirl slam and covers him.1...2...kickout! Kane picks RVD up and whips him into a corner and then runs in after him but RVD gets both feet up and then leaps onto the top rope and doesn't even wait for Kane to turn around. He leaps off the top rope with a jumpkick to the back of Kane's head and then gets to his feet and runs against the ropes..ROLLING THUNDER! and RVD Covers Kane and as he's covering Kane. RVD gets his feet on the second rope..1..2....3! RVD Steals a victory as Kane was trying to kick out but RVD had the leverage. RVD then goes outside the ring and grabs a Steel chair. RVD is going to try and come through on his promise to get into War Games! RVD then climbs to the top rope and goes for a five star frog splash as Kane's ankle but Kane pulls his foot out from the chair and RVD lands on the chair stomach first! Kane leaves the ring and walks to the back and then from the stage. Raises his arms up and then moves them down and his pyro goes off on the ringposts as we head to commercial!

    (Winner: Rob Van Dam)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 85%

    Match Quality: 82%

    Dames Stars: ***1/4

    Christian vs Jay Lethal vs The Rock

    Non-Title Match

    Jay Lethal the champion comes out first only cause it's a Triple Threat non Title match and Lethal is the newest of the three guys so he comes to the ring first. The crowd cheers him with one of the loudest ovations of the night. He gets into the ring and then The Rock's music hits and Rock comes walking out onto the stage and down to the ring. Rock does his complete normal entrance and the crowd as normal, eats it up. Then Christian's music hits and Christian comes strutting out onto the stage and plays to the crowd which boo him unmercifully. Christian comes to ringside and rolls into the ring where Rock and Lethal immediately pounce on Christian and whip him to the ropes as the bell sounds. Rock and Lethal hit a HUGE Samoan Drop/Neckbreaker combination that may have killed Christian but was simply divine! Rock doing the Samoan Drop part and Lethal hitting the neckbreaker part. Lethal gets up quicker than Rock and hits a beautiful dropkick on Rock to take him down. Lethal then pounces on Christian for the cover..1..2...Christian gets a shoulder up as he had a moment to rest. Lethal gets to his feet and turns around into an angry Rock. Rock begins hitting his flurry of punches on Lethal and then goes for his spit punch but Lethal ducks it and tries to kick Rock in the gut as he turns around. Rock catches the foot so Lethal hits an Enziguri to the back of Rock's head! Lethal gets up and gets caught from behind by Christian with a Reverse DDT! Christian then covers Lethal..1..2...kickout!

    Christian looks to be frustrated as he picks Lethal up and goes for the Unprettier but is pushed off to the ropes and Lethal goes down to the mat. The Rock is up by now and nails a HUGE spinebuster on Christian. Lethal rolls out of the way as Christian hits the mat. Otherwise Lethal would've been flattened by Christian. Rock does his elbow pad take off and throw and goes to one side of the ropes and then the other and hits a huge People's Elbow. Lethal then comes in and quickly throws Rock over the top rope and picks Christian up and hits a Lethal Ride on him and covers him..1..2....3! Jay Lethal wins the match but does this bode well for him on Sunday? Will two matches be too much for the Champ!?

    (Winner: Jay Lethal)

    Overall Rating: 86%

    Crowd Reaction: 87%

    Match Quality: 86%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    After the last match ended and everyone had gone to the back. John Cena's music hits and he comes walking out onto the stage with a microphone in hand and begins to rap while he walks to the ring. His beat keeps playing.

    Cena: Yo the time is almost here. Survivor Series is upon us.

    By the time Sunday is over..all those others chumps just gonna be dust!

    I got it covered at War Games, you lookin at the next Champ!

    After Survivor Series is over..I'm gonna have that belt Jericho and walk back up that ramp.

    Booker T, I'll show you how they dance in the streets, thuganomics style!

    Hurricane, Your days of flyin and savin the day are ova! You gonna fail!

    Kane..you all big and bad but Sunday i'm gonna chew you up and spit you back out. Light you on fire and then p*bleep* on you to put you out.

    Jay Lethal, the only thing that is Lethal about you is that smell on you like bad Kraut!

    Rock you got the people but I got Thuganomics, Word Life!

    Chris Jericho..After Sunday i'm gonna be King of the World whether by clean win or crooked knife.

    Survivor Series will begin the John Cena Era in this company!

    So come on out Jericho with all your Jericholics cause you'll need em to back you up cause you gonna get

    Cena takes the microphone away from his mouth as he says "Fucked Up" but the crowd finished it for him so it was all ok. Chris Jericho's "The King Of My World" Hits and our Main Event is on!

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Chris Jericho vs John Cena

    Non-Title Match

    Main Event

    Chris Jericho makes his way out onto the stage as the lights are down and his pyro goes off on the stage. The lights come back up with Jericho doing his pose on the stage with the World Heavyweight Championship around his waist. Jericho then makes his way down to the ring and does his normal entrance. Earl Hebner is the referee for this perticular match. Jericho gets into the ring and hands the belt to Hebner whom then tries to take it over to the ring announcer's side of the ring to be moved out of the ring but Cena grabs it and shines it up. Then he Tells Jericho this belt is coming home with this mack daddy on Sunday. Jericho then proceeds to show Cena with great exuberance that he does not feel the same way. He does this by hitting a flying forearm to the head of Cena. Jericho then picks Cena up and levels him back to the mat three times in a row with just massive knifedge chops. Jericho then whips Cena across the ring and goes for a bulldog off the ropes right off the bat but Cena ducks the attempt. Cena then winds up as Jericho hits the ropes on the other side and destroys Jericho with a huge clothesline. Cena works over Jericho's ribs as he pounds him over and over. Cena picks Jericho up and whips him to the corner and follows him in with a splash clothesline in the corner. Cena then lifts Jericho into a big vertical suplex and lets the blood rush to Jericho's head. Once Cena's held it for about 10 seconds he drops Jericho back down and covers him..1..2....kickout by Jericho!

    Cena picks Jericho up but Jericho breaks the hold that Cena had on his hair and hits a basement dropkick to the knee of Cena. Jericho then proceeds for the next near five minutes to work over Cena's knee with all the impact moves you've seen done to a knee, as well as a leg grapevine which Cena barely escapes by making it to the ropes. Cena limps to his feet only to have Jericho hit a couple chop blocks in a row to Cena's hurt knee. Jericho then pulls Cena to the middle of the ring and goes for the Walls of Jericho but Cena pulls Jericho down into a small package..1...2....kickout by Jericho! Jericho seems pissed off after this and goes after Cena's knee with a renewed passion for another couple minutes. Jericho then lifts a very staggered and limping Cena to his feet and goes for his bulldog again and nails it. Jericho then goes for his Lionsault and hits it beautifully except Cena got his knees up into Jericho's gut!!! Cena rolls around holding his right knee in pain while Jericho holds his ribs but Cena manages to get to his feet somehow. Jericho does as well and tries to clothesline Cena but Cena ducks it and waits for Jericho to turn around..F-U ON THE CHAMP! Cena crawls over and covers Jericho hooking the leg..1...2....3!!! John Cena just beat Chris Jericho again! That's twice in the last four weeks he's beat the Champ! John Cena gets to his feet barely and grabs the World Heavyweight Championship from Earl Hebner. He climbs up to the second rope and holds the Title high in the air as RAW goes off the air, yelling to the crowd. I'm Gonna Be The Champ!!!

    (Winner: John Cena)

    Overall Rating: 88%

    Crowd Reaction: 90%

    Match Quality: 84%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    RAW Rating: 81%

    TV Rating: 5.84

    Attendance: 6,523

    Ticket Sales: $260,920

  15. Sunday Night Heat

    November 9, 2003

    Shark Boy defeats Jody Fleisch in a spectacular match which definately needs to be duplicated at an event that will give them more time. After the match Fleisch gets some retribution by hitting his Pheonix 720 DDT on Shark Boy after the match! 85(82,89)***3/4

    Jeff Hardy defeats Kid Kash with a Swanton Bomb and follows it up after the match with a Swanton Bomb with a chair on Kash! The fans weren't nearly into this match as much as the last because of how good the previous match was. 53(40,67)3/4*

    Tommy Dreamer defeats Lance Storm with a Dreamer Driver after another really good match. RAW is really outdoing Smackdown tonight so far with two really good matches. Lance Storm knocks Dreamer out after the match with a beautiful Superkick! 78(73,83)***

    Nunzio defeats Paul London in a match that was just as good as the last match from RAW. At least Smackdown is making improvements here. London puts up a great fight but falls to the Sicilian Crab from Nunzio for the submission victory 82(78,86)***1/4

    Cyclone defeats William Regal with a CycloneBomb but after the match the lights go out and when they come up Mortis is standing behind Cyclone and Cyclone turns right into the Mortality! (Flatliner) and the lights go back out as Mortis stands over him and when the lights come back on. Cyclone is left down in the ring. He definately won't be happy tommorrow! How will the Superheros combat this Supervillain!! 78(75,81)**3/4

    Billy Kidman defeats Nova cheaply by hitting a slingshot into an exposed ring turnbuckle that had been exposed during the match. Kidman then rolled Nova up easily for the 1..2...3! 70(62,78)**1/4

    The Rock and Christian battled it out for 10 minutes before The Rock made Christian tap out to the Sharpshooter. It was a great match and perhaps a preview of War Games..alas only if Christian and his Peeps were involved in that match. But they're not so no reason to dwell. After the match though Christian takes a pot shot at Rock by hitting the Unprettier on Rock! 85(89,77)**3/4

    Sean O'Haire manages to beat Christopher Daniels in a match that was almost as good as the Rock vs Christian Match. O'Haire hits the Prophecy to gain the victory over Daniels. After the match though Daniels hits a Last Rites on O'Haire. What's with all the after match attacks on Heat! Sheesh save it for RAW guys. 84(83,86)***1/2

    Heat Rating: 71%

    TV Rating: 5.83

    Attendance: 6,004

    Ticket Sales: $240,160

  16. user posted image

    WWE Smackdown

    November 6, 2003

    Smackdown's music and video begin playing on the tron and on all your TV's. Then once the video finishes up. Huge pyro goes off on the Smackdown set and finishes with Undertaker's music kicking up and Sean O'Haire comes out from behind the curtain and then is followed by Taker walking out behind him. The crowd is going nuts for both men as the opening match begins!

    Undertaker/Sean O'Haire vs Team Angle

    WWE Tag Team Championship

    Taker and O'Haire make their way down to the ring as the crowd cheers them on. Once both men get to the ring "Medal" Hits and Team Angle comes walking out from behind the curtain with the WWE Tag Team Championships around their waists. They make their way down to the ring. Taker steps out of the ring into his team's corner. O'Haire will start the match in the ring with Haas. O'Haire and Haas lock up with O'Haire backing Haas into a neutral corner. O'Haire begins ramming side knee after side knee into the gut of Haas. O'Haire whips Haas across the ring and follows him in with a splash clothesline. O'Haire then picks Haas up into a body slam position, resting on his shoulder. O'Haire makes the tag out to Taker who comes in and they hit a Diamond Cutter Double Team Variation on Haas! What a great double Team move! Taker covers Haas as Benjamin gets in the ring..1...2...Benjamin breaks it up before three. Taker gets to his feet and goes after Benjamin before he can get out of the ring.

    This opening Title match breaks down from here as Taker begins beating on Benjamin while O'Haire gets into the ring and begins to beat down Haas. O'Haire winds up throwing Haas over the top rope. Taker and O'Haire from here begin a double team beatdown on Benjamin, until Haas slides back into the ring and clocks O'Haire and Taker with one of the Tag Team Championships in the head! Haas obviously didn't want this match to go long as the Champs looked to be in trouble. Haas and Benjamin quickly exit with their titles while in the ring. Taker makes threats to both of them! We cut backstage at this point

    (Winners by DQ: O'Haire and Undertaker)(Still WWE Tag Team Champions: Team Angle)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 88%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    Backstage we find Kurt Angle coming through the parking lot door. Coming into the arena. That damn Kurt Angle. If he wasn't so damn good we wouldn't let him be late like this but since he's so good. We'll let it slide..this time.

    (Kurt Angle Gained Overness From This Segment)

    Overall Rating: 99%

    Psicosis/Christopher Daniels vs Ultimo Dragon/Rey Mysterio

    Christopher Daniels comes out from behind the curtain as his music plays. He walks to the ring in his preacher garb. He walks up the ringsteps and derobes. He then climbs into the ring and awaits for his partner to come out which is..Psicosis! Psicosis comes walking to the ring after stepping through the curtain with the WWE Cruiserweight Championship around his waist. He stalks down to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope. Then Ultimo Dragon's fire begins to spew from the set. Ultimo stands just outside the ring and Mysterio's music hits and he catapaults out of the floor and lands on his feet perfectly. The crowd as always is very into Mysterio as he walks to the ring. Psicosis again taunts Mysterio and Ultimo with the Title in the ring. Daniels is standing beside him. Mysterio and Ultimo leap onto the ring apron and springboard into the ring from there. Ultimo doing a springboard cross body to Daniels. Mysterio a springboard dropkick to Psicosis. Both Daniels and Psicosis roll out of the ring. The bell sounds as Daniels rolls back into the ring and locks up with Mysterio to start the match. Psicosis starts off dominating Mysterio with some brawling moves. Daniels whips Mysterio to a neutral corner and tries to follow him in with a handspring elbow. Mysterio dropkicks Daniels in the back and then tags Ultimo in. Ultimo climbs into the ring and whips Daniels to a neutral corner. Ultimo comes in for a hard side elbow. Ultimo then whips Daniels across the ring and follows him in again but Daniels does a sit up onto the top rope. Ultimo runs straight into the corner hard and Daniels goes from a sitting position to standing in a quick movement. Then Daniels hits a big suicide corkscrew from the top rope into Ultimo.

    Daniels tags out to Psicosis and Ultimo tags out to Mysterio at the same time. Mysterio dropkicks Psicosis down. Both men get up and Psicosis dropkicks Mysterio down! Psicosis then backs Mysterio into the ropes and whips him across the ring. Psicosis hits a rolling kick on Mysterio and then Psicosis stands in wait and goes for a Psycho Stunner on Mysterio! Mysterio pushes Psicosis off, right into Ultimo's DDT Finisher!!! Mysterio quickly covers Psicosis while Ultimo takes Daniels back out so that Mysterio can get the cover..1...2....3! Ultimo Dragon did the damage and Mysterio gets the victory for his team!!! After the match though. Daniels hits a double low blow and hits the "Last Rites" on both men and then Psicosis takes his turn hitting Psycho Stunners on both men as well. So Psicosis and Daniels get the last laugh in this instance!

    (Winners: Ultimo Dragon and Rey Mysterio)

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Crowd Reaction: 80%

    Match Quality: 91%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    Spanky vs Chris Sabin

    We're introduced to Chris Sabin for the first time on Smackdown tonight. He dominates poor ole Spanky except for the end when Spanky hits a Cross body off the top rope and it looks like he may get a pin but Sabin rolls through it and then hooks the leg on Spanky and pulls the tights..1..2....3! Sabin steals the victory but after the match as Spanky gets up and complains to the referee. He gets nailed with a Future Shock from Sabin to punctuate his first win on Smackdown!

    (Winner: Chris Sabin)(Spanky Loses Overness)(Chris Sabin Gains Overness)

    Overall Rating: 70%

    Crowd Reaction: 60%

    Match Quality: 80%

    Dames Stars: **1/4

    I was going to have you all see a Brock Lesnar promo but it comes off so poorly that in the editing for the "Live" Smackdown. The Brock Lesnar promo doesn't make the cut but lemme make sure you all know that it's crap poor :grumble:

    (Brock Lesnar Loses Overness From This Segment)

    Overall Rating: 68%

    AJ Styles and Matt Hardy Version 1.0 vs Sabu and Rhyno

    I'm afraid in this match I won't give away much at all either because i'm saving all the good stuff for Survivor Series. This is your basic tag match with all four men hitting their signature moves and Hardy winding up hitting a Twist of Fate on Sabu and is able to pick up the victory. I hate to cut your matches short on Smackdown but War Games is going to have alot and I don't want to give you all matches much before the Big One. So Styles and Hardy win this match over Sabu and Rhyno. Hardy with the Twist of Fate. Does this hint at a Matt Hardy Version 1.0 WWE Championship win at War Games? Only time will tell about that!

    (Winners: AJ Styles and Matt Hardy Version 1.0)

    Overall Rating: 81%

    Crowd Reaction: 82%

    Match Quality: 81%

    Dames Stars: ***

    Edge vs Eddie Guerrero

    Non-Title Match

    Eddie Guerrero's music hits and he comes busting out down the aisle with a lime green low rider with hydrolics and all. He drives down to almost the ring and then gets out of the car. Eddie slides into the ring and waits for his opponent..the WWE Champion! Edge's music hits and smoke fills the entryway. Edge bursts through the smoke a second later with the WWE Championship around his waist. Edge pumps the crowd up and then walks down the aisle to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. Eddie wastes no time at all. He goes right to work on Edge with hard stomps to his ribs. Eddie then picks Edge up and whips him to the ropes. Edge unstraps the title as he runs and it falls to the mat. Eddie sidesteps an attempted spear by Edge and then hits a high angle back suplex on Edge in retaliation. Guerrero picks Edge up and whips him into a corner. Eddie then monkey flips Edge out of that corner and gets over for the cover..1...2..kickout. Guerrero picks Edge up and whips him to the ropes. Guerrero then brings Edge back down with a hard powerslam. Eddie covers Edge again..1...2..kickout by Edge! Guerrero picks Edge up and then hits a vertical suplex! Eddie then swivels his hips and hits a second one. Before Eddie can go for a third one though. Edge knees Guerrero in the gut and reverses the suplex attempt into a ddt! Edge gets to his feet and picks Guerrero up groggily

    Edge goes for his half nelson faceplant but Guerrero ducks it and sinches in a REVERSE SUPLEX INSTEAD! Eddie quickly gets into the cover on Edge..1...2...kickout! Eddie picks Edge up and hits a neckbreaker on Edge and covers him again for a long two count. Eddie backs up towards the ropes waiting for Edge to get up this time. When Edge finally stands up. Eddie runs at him but Edge ducks it and hits the Edge-O-Matic! and hooks a leg on Eddie..1...2..kickout! Edge picks Eddie up and goes for the Edgeocution but Eddie reverses out of it into a flapjack to the mat on Edge. As this happens Brock Lesnar's music hits and he comes walking out from behind the curtain. As this happens though Eddie ignores it and goes to the top rope..FROG SPLASH DOWN ON EDGE'S BACK! Eddie rolls Edge over and hooks the leg..1....2....3! Eddie Guerrero has pinned the Champion! Brock is to the ring by now and leaps up onto the apron and climbs into the ring. Spinning spinebuster is dealt to Eddie and then he picks him up and F5's him much to the delight of the crowd. Brock helps Edge up and..F5 to EDGE TOO! Brock Lesnar leaves the ring and grabs the WWE Championship and raises it in the air, while pounding his chest with his other hand. Making a motion like it's his belt!

    (Winner: Eddie Guerrero)

    Overall Rating: 82%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 83%

    Dames Stars: ***1/4

    Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit

    Main Event

    Chris Benoit's music hits first as blue strobes begin to go off. Benoit makes his way down the aisle and to the ring. Once he's in the ring and waiting. "Medal" hits and Kurt Angle comes sauntering out from behind the curtain and out towards the middle of the aisle. He points to the sky and his red, white and blue pyro goes off behind him. Angle gets into the ring after this and as we see our usual Exceptional Angle vs Benoit match. All the major suplexes and moves. Including a missed Suicide Headbutt from Benoit and a Missed Moonsault from Angle. The match ends when Benoit manages to reverse an Angle Slam into a Crippler Crossface and Angle can't find a way to reverse out of it and winds up tapping out. As Angle is tapping and in between the time the bell sounds and Benoit letting go. Which is about 15 seconds. AJ Styles with a chair runs down to the ring and waits for Benoit to turn around..CRACK Styles lays out Benoit and raises his arms over himself and Angle as if he took down both of them after a hard fought match or something! He picked on a prone Chris Benoit after he'd fought his heart out against Angle! We leave Smackdown with the vision of AJ Styles standing over both Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle...Will AJ Styles be the Next WWE Champion?!

    (Winner: Chris Benoit)(Kurt Angle Loses Overness From This Match)(Chris Benoit Gains Overness From This Match)

    Overall Rating: 92%

    Crowd Reaction: 85%

    Match Quality: 100%

    Dames Stars: ****3/4

    Smackdown Rating: 81%

    TV Rating: 4.81

    Attendance: 6,042

    Ticket Sales: $241,680

  17. user posted image

    Monday Night RAW

    November 3, 2003

    We see scenes of Last week's tremendous victory by Booker T to advance to War Games as well as HHH and Flair vs Jericho and Michaels. Then we flash to the RAW intro music and video. It finishes up and pyro begins to explode as it usually does at the stage. Once it's finished Christian's music hits and we have our opener for the night!

    Christian vs Cyclone

    Christian comes down to the ring as he usually saunters to the ring. The crowd is hating him as usual but he touches his fingers to his lips, blowing kisses to his peeps. Damn copycat I do that when I come to the ring! Christian climbs into the ring and then Cyclone's entrance and music hits..Stand Back there's a Cyclone coming Through! Cyclone pops out from behind the curtain and saunters down to the ring. Cyclone gets into the ring and a pretty solid match from both men ensue. Though at about the five minute mark when Cyclone is in control. On the Titan Tron the words "I'm Coming For You Cyclone" Are across the tron screen in black on a white screen. Christian takes advantage at this point and hits his reverse DDT and covers Cyclone for a close two count. Cyclone makes a come back though and hits the Cyclone-Slam (Superhero Chokeslam) After this the lights go out and the beginning chords of "Boiler" By Limp Bizkit begin to play for about 15 seconds and then end. The lights come back up and ITS MORTIS! He's behind Cyclone and the referee is on the mat unconcious! Mortis waits for Cyclone to turn around..THE SUPERVILLAIN SLAM! (Flatliner) Mortis then puts Christian on top of Cyclone and slides out of the ring and wakes the referee up..1...2....3 Mortis flees as Hurricane comes running down to ringside...RAW is becoming a sideshow act! Christian picks up the victory though while Hurricane checks on his sidekick

    (Winner: Christian)(Kanyon debuts his new Mortis Gimmick)

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 87%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    Backstage we see "Stone Cold" Steve Austin trying to get inside the building but the security at the backstage entrance are telling him that Bischoff has orders to keep him out of the building. Then Eric emerges from the door with the security keeping between the two of them.

    Bischoff: Steve. I need people that are going to bring me in the money and that isn't you anymore. I don't care if you went and had that stupid Jho surgery or not. I've seen you lately and you've not been able to do anything. Just like before you had the surgery or even when you were WWF Champion (Fine for saying WWF..Bad Mr Bischoff!) So get out of here or i'll make Security escort you out of here.

    Austin crashes through the security and begins beating the crap out of Bischoff and stomping him but then security drags him over to a police car and throw him in the backseat. Oops forgot the handcuffs. Oh well we ain't letting him outta there.

    Overall Rating: 87%

    Test vs Tommy Dreamer

    Back in the arena we find Test coming to the ring with the crowd boo'ing him somewhat. Not as heavily as some of the other baddies on RAW. Test climbs into the ring and then Tommy Dreamer's entrance hits and the crowd gives him one of the biggest pops of the night to this point. Tommy is always loved by the fans. Dreamer comes down to the ring and engages in a short but nice match with Test. Tommy controls the early going but Test takes control later with a pump handle slam. After that Test goes for a Big Boot but Dreamer ducks it and when Test turns around..big DDT from Dreamer! Dreamer gets a long two count from it. A moment later Dreamer goes for the Dreamer Driver but Test rakes the eyes and Dreamer drops from the Fireman's Carry position and Test nails a quick Test Drive! Test then covers Dreamer..1...2...3! Test gets on the second rope and celebrates as we go to commercial break!

    (Winner: Test)

    Overall Rating: 73%

    Crowd Reaction: 67%

    Match Quality: 79%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    William Regal vs Low Ki

    One would wonder what the booking team at RAW was thinking in booking this match. Maybe they just wanted to see Regal and Low Ki..Let's book them in a Match! AHHA! Genius! Anyway this match isn't much of one. Low Ki being much faster and technically sound as well winds up quickly defeating a ring rusted Regal. Low Ki after a few minutes makes Regal tap out to the Dragon Clutch but after the match Regal extends his hand to shake Low Ki's and instead a sucker punch from his other fist with the brass knucks. Don't trust Willie!

    (Winner: Low Ki)

    Overall Rating: 63%

    Crowd Reaction: 50%

    Match Quality: 77%

    Dames Stars: *3/4

    Shawn Michaels is backstage talking with a couple young guys..maybe they're students of his or OVW wrestlers. We don't have time to find out because from behind with a Sledgehammer to the back!!!!! Triple H takes Michaels completely out with that complete cheap shot! What's wrong with that man!

    Overall Rating: 77%

    Sonny Siaki vs Shark Boy

    Hardcore Championship

    First man out is Sonny Siaki because he's the newcomer to RAW I suppose or that he chose to come out first. He gets into the ring and stands in wait as Shark Boy's music hits and he comes walking down to the ring in his metallic silver mask. He climbs into the ring and both men stance in the ring as the bell sounds. They engage in about a five minute wrestling match before it breaks down into a Hardcore brawl. Siaki throws Shark Boy over the top rope towards the timekeeper area at about the five minute mark to start the brawling. Siaki slammed Sharky's head down onto the ringkeeper's table. Then he whipped Sharky at the exposed ringpost (non-Stairs corner) but Sharky reversed and sent Sonny in and he did the leap into the ringpost and sold it all beautifully. Sharky grabs the ring bell from the table and walks over to Siaki..Hey Siaki match isn't over yet but from how the bell shot that Sharky gives him. It sounded like it was. Sharky covers Siaki..1..2...shoulder up! Sharky can't believe it but goes under the ring and grabs a chair but Siaki manages to gain enough composure to hit a low blow on Sharky from behind..though Siaki is bleeding from the head. Siaki then rolls Sharky up in a School Boy and slides him up against the barricade so he can move..1...2...3! Siaki quickly staggers away as Sharky lies there in disbelief a moment. Siaki has stolen the match and retains his Title as we go to commercial!

    (Winner and STILL Hardcore Champion: Sonny Siaki)(Sonny Siaki Gained Overness From This Match)

    Overall Rating: 72%

    Crowd Reaction: 77%

    Match Quality: 63%

    Dames Stars: *

    Kane's Agony vs RVD, Ken Shamrock and Randy Orton

    This winds up being one big brawl. All the introductions go down and The Brethren wind up brawling with Shamrock and Orton all around the ringside area as Kane slides into the ring and RVD runs at him. Kane clotheslines RVD down and begins pummeling him in the ring. Kane whips RVD across the ring and follows him in for a clothesline in the corner but is met by two feet. RVD then jumps onto the second rope in a springboard kick to the jaw on Kane. RVD then goes up top..Split Legged Moonsault!...1..2....3! RVD Steals a quick victory on Kane's Agony before the Tag Match ever really got settled. RVD leaves ringside immediately. Leaving Orton and Shamrock, brawling on the outside with Fury and Mayhem. After the match though. Orton and Shamrock both get beaten and rolled into the ring. Kane in an angry mood now obviously. Chokeslams both men to hell. Kane then swings his head around looking at Rob Van Dam on the stage and RVD taunts him with his RVD pose and then we cut to our final commercial of the night!

    (Winners: Rob Van Dam, Ken Shamrock and Randy Orton)

    Overall Rating: 77%

    Crowd Reaction: 77%

    Match Quality: 78%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    Booker T, Chris Jericho, Hurricane and Jay Lethal vs John Cena, Steve Corino, Kane and The Rock

    Survivor Series Style Match

    Main Event

    Kane is already in the ring after the last match and then the introductions for his team begin. Steve Corino comes to the ring first with his normal intro. No Stacy Keibler tonight for this eight man match. Too many risks there. Then John Cena comes out to the ring but realizing he's like a duck out of water with so many goody goodies and being the only bad ass wannabe in the group. He sticks to himself and no rapping tonight. Then The Rock comes out to his music and does his usual pose on the ropes. Then the other team begins it's intros.

    Hurricane comes out first and poses on the stage a moment..UNTIL MORTIS RUNS UP BEHIND HIM AND CHUCKS HIM OFF THE STAGE! I Guess Hurricane won't be joining us for this match after all. Medical crew run out to attend to Hurricane immediately but hey we've got a main event to run. (Elimination #1: Hurricane)

    Jay Lethal is out next and has the WWE Intercontinental Championship around his waist as he walks to the ring and then waits outside of it as Booker T's music hits and he comes out onto the stage. He walks halfway down the ramp and then does his pyro pose. Then walks down and waits for their partner. "King of My World" By Saliva hits and Chris Jericho comes out onto the stage and begins his normal pose on the stage.

    Jericho, Lethal and Booker get up onto the apron and Booker climbs inside of the ring as the bell sounds. Cena gets into the ring as well and he locks up with Booker. Cena begins his pounding offense in a neutral corner on Booker. Slamming his shoulder over and over into Booker's gut. Cena then splash clotheslines Booker in the corner and tags Corino in. Corino runs at Booker and goes for a clothesline but Booker nails a hard Leg Lariat on Corino and then..BOOK END ON CORINO! Booker then covers Corino..1...2...3! Corino is eliminated! (Elimination #2: Steve Corino)

    Rock gets into the ring from here and nails Booker with a hard clothesline that sends Booker for a loop. Rock then picks Booker up and whips him into a neutral corner. Rock follows him in but Booker does his avoiding the contact into a sunset flip on Rock..1...2...kickout! Rock kicks out. Booker picks Rock up and begins hitting the fists and chops to Rock. Booker then hits a sudden flapjack on the Rock and then stands in wait. He waits for Rock and as Rock gets up and turns around..Book End!..NO! Rock Elbows out of it and sinches in his own Rock Bottom and Covers Booker..1....2....3! Rock Eliminates Booker in dramatic fashion! (Elimination #3: Booker T)

    Rock tags out to John Cena as Jay Lethal gets into the ring and runs at Cena. Cena hits a hard shoulder block to Lethal, knocking him down. Cena picks Lethal up and body slams him to the mat. Cena waits for Lethal to get up and Lethal turns back to Cena..BIG Spinning Spinebuster by Cena and rolls over into a pin..1..2...kickout! Cena gets up, seeming frustrated and stands in wait for Lethal. He lifts Lethal up into an F-U when he gets up but Lethal reverses out of it into a DDT on Cena! Lethal gets an arm on Cena..1....2....3! Lethal eliminated Cena in a sudden manner! (Elimination #4: John Cena)

    Lethal tags Jericho in and Rock comes into the ring. Jericho ducks a Rock clothesline and immediately goes for the Walls of Jericho but Rock uses his leg strength to throw Jericho off. Rock gets up as Jericho does. Jericho runs at Rock but Rock catches him into a big Samoan Drop and covers him..1..2...kickout by Jericho! Rock whips Jericho into a corner after both men get to their feet. Jericho goes in and Rock follows him in but Jericho jumps onto the second ropes and avoids the contact. Rock barrels into the ringpost and comes out of the corner and turns away from Jericho holding his shoulder..DIAMOND DUST BY JERICHO! That's not something we see all the time but it works as Jericho then hits the Lionsault and hooks the leg..1....2...3!!! (Elimination #5: The Rock)

    Chris Jericho at this point tags out to Jay Lethal who gets into the ring and ABSOLUTELY Gets mauled by an incoming Kane and it's mercifully finished when Kane chokeslams the hell out of Lethal and covers him...1....2.....3! (Elimination #6: Jay Lethal)

    Chris Jericho obviously tagged out to take a breather and get the advantage because he climbed to the top rope while Kane was pinning Lethal. Kane stands up to receive a Missle Dropkick from Jericho which puts Kane down on the mat and after Jericho hits the Lionsault on Kane and hooks the leg..1...2...3! Chris Jericho gets to his feet afterwards and is handed his World Heavyweight Championship as his music plays. He celebrates with the crowd but....Kane sits up behind Jericho. Jericho finally turns back around to play to another side of the crowd and Kane slaps the Goozle on him and..CHOKESLAM!!! That's not enough though as Kane picks Jericho up onto his shoulder...no don't do that..TOMBSTONE ONTO THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP! Kane seems to be snarling over the limp body of Jericho. Kane picks up the World Heavyweight Championship and holds it high in the air as RAW goes off the air (Elimination #7: Kane)

    (Winners: Chris Jericho, Booker T, Hurricane and Jay Lethal)

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Crowd Reaction: 91%

    Match Quality: 73%

    Dames Stars: **1/2

    RAW Rating: 77%

    TV Rating: 5.83

    Attendance: 6,023

    Ticket Sales: $240,920

  18. user posted image

    WWE Smackdown

    October 30, 2003

    scenes from the ending of last week's Smackdown flashes onto the screen with Shane McMahon announcing the big four matches for tonight. The internet viewers know that Kurt Angle will compete tonight against Brock but it's not been officially mentioned to the crowd yet. So there is a buzz in the arena about rumors circulating as the beginning video plays. Then we cut to the Smackdown set live for tonight and the pyro begins to go off. Then once it's finished we kick the night off with a bang as Rey Mysterio's music hits!

    Rey Mysterio vs Psicosis

    War Games Entry Match

    Mysterio comes out from behind the curtain to a huge explosion from the crowd. He comes down the aisle and plays to the crowd. Mysterio gets to the ring and climbs inside. Then Psicosis's music hits and the crowd on cue, boos very heavily as he saunters out from behind the curtain with the WWE Cruiserweight Championship in hand. He taunts Mysterio with it as he walks down the aisle to the ring. Telling Mysterio that it's his now and it never again will be Mysterio's. Mysterio doesn't wait for Psicosis to get into the ring though. Mysterio backs into the ropes opposite from Psicosis and runs at Psicosis. Mysterio then leaps up onto the top rope and hits a LEAPFROG CORKSCREW PALANCHA INTO PSICOSIS! Mysterio gets up first and rolls Psicosis into the ring. Mysterio then picks the Cruiserweight Title up and kisses it. Obviously Mysterio still loves his Cruiserweight Strap. Mysterio slides into the ring and the match begins with the sound of the bell. Mysterio immediately begins pounding down on Psicosis.

    Mysterio whips Psicosis to the ropes and hits a leg scissors on him to the mat. Mysterio is again the first up afterwards and Psicosis is up quickly after. Psicosis runs at Mysterio and gets caught in a tilt a whirl backbreaker which is beautiful! Mysterio covers Psicosis right after that..1...2..kickout by Psicosis. Mysterio continues to dominate Psicosis when he puts him on the top rope and hits a top rope superplex on Psicosis! Mysterio covers Psicosis again..1..2...barely a kickout this time. Mysterio then after this tries to embarrass Psicosis by going for a Psycho Stunner but Psicosis pushes Mysterio off into the ropes and backs up a bit and drop toe holds Mysterio onto the ring ropes! Psicosis calls out for the "619" to mock Mysterio and backs into the ropes and goes for it. Mysterio stands up out of the way and hits a front dropkick on Psicosis as he swings through the ropes! Psicosis goes hard to the outside and Mysterio is down on the inside for a moment. Mysterio climbs up to the top rope and waits for Psicosis..WEST COAST POP FROM THE TOP ROPE TO THE OUTSIDE ON PSICOSIS!!!! Mysterio groggily rolls back in the ring but Psicosis isn't able to answer the 10 count and Mysterio's arm is raised in victory. Mysterio is going to War Games!

    (Winner and Going to War Games: Rey Mysterio)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 80%

    Match Quality: 88%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    Here Ya Go Brock

    After the last match ended and both men had left. "Here Comes The Money" hits and Shane McMahon comes bouncing out from behind the curtain. He has a microphone in hand as he bounces around for a minute more before he comes to a stop and addresses the crowd for a short moment.

    Shane: I know everyone here tonight is wondering who I am going to have defeat Brock Lensar here tonight on Smackdown. Well tonight here on Smackdown I am going to have Brock Lesnar in a match of choice. He can choose to compete. If he does and Loses, He's Suspended indefinately! If he wins, he goes to War Games where i'm sure he won't win anyway. But tonight he must face and if he agrees. Beat Kurt Angle!

    Shane's music hits and he saunters around a little more before heading to the back as we head to commercial

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0 vs Jeff Hardy

    War Games Entry Match

    The typing and loading begins and then OOOHHH YEAAAA! Matt's music and video hit as he along with Jeff Hardy in a more sinister looking Mattitude outfit. They both make their way down to the ring as Matt. Matt's MattFact of the night pops up as they walk to the ring. Saying "Matt Hardy is undefeated against his brother Jeff and has always been the stronger and better of the two!" They both get to the ring and slide inside. The bell sounds and Matt points to the mat. Jeff flops immediately on the mat and Matt puts his boot on Jeff's chest as the referee seeming shocked..counts..1..2...3! The crowd boo's heavily at this and Matt gets up and gives his brother a hug and must be whispering something in his ear but we can't hear cause..well he's whispering. Then they both raise their hands into the Mattitude Symbol high in the air and leave the ring together..I suppose Matt Hardy advances to War Games!

    (Winner and Advancing to War Games: Matt Hardy Version 1.0)

    Overall Rating: 59%

    Crowd Reaction: 54%

    Match Quality: 65%

    Dames Stars: 3/4*

    Christopher Daniels vs Ultimo Dragon

    Ultimo comes out first with all his fire pyro. He walks out from behind the curtain and down to the ring to the cheers from the crowd. Then after him. Christopher Daniels music and video hits. He comes walking down to the ring from behind the curtain, just oozing charisma seemingly. He has his preacher garb on as usual and once he gets to the ring. They proceed to tear down the house. Ultimo starts off with taking control on a headlock which Daniels reverses into a hammerlock. Ultimo does a cool reversal where he flips out of it and Daniels into one. They exchange beautiful sequences of reversals back and forth. Many which are too numerous to count. The real offense begins with a beautiful Ultimo dropkick to the jaw on Daniels. From here Ultimo goes for his finisher fairly early in the match but Daniels ducks it and chop blocks Ultimo's right knee instead. The match carries on for several minutes with Daniels working over the right knee of Ultimo. The tide turns back in the favor of Ultimo when Daniels goes for the Last Rites and is back body dropped to the mat instead. Ultimo from here goes for a Leg Lariat on Daniels when he gets up but Daniels catches him and hits a Side Powerbomb! Daniels then covers Ultimo.1...2..kickout! Daniels from here hits the Last Rites after an extremely good match. Probably besides the Rabid Rhyno/Los Guerreros encounters. The best match on Smackdown this year! Daniels isn't done after the match though. Daniels pulls those damn handcuffs from his tights and begins attaching them to the ring ropes, crucifix style.

    Daniels then grabs a chair from ringside and slides back into the ring. Daniels does the cross motion with the chair and then WHAM WHAM WHAM Three nasty nasty chair shots to the front and side of Ultimo's head. Ultimo slumps against the ring ropes and Daniels raises his arms into the air and leaves the ring as the crowd boo's him out of the building.

    (Winner: Christopher Daniels)

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Crowd Reaction: 74%

    Match Quality: 96%

    Dames Stars: ****1/4

    Rhyno vs Chavo Guerrero

    Los Guerrero's theme hits and Chavo comes walking out from behind the curtain, playing to the crowd. Eddie Guerrero comes walking out behind him and to the ring with Chavo. They get there and then Rhyno's music hits and he comes out from behind the curtain beating his chest, walking down to the ring. Notable by his absence is Chris Benoit from his partner's corner. Rhyno slides into the ring and the bell sounds. It's another very technical and hotly contested match between these rivals. Several times in the match Eddie interferes and then claims he did nothing. Late in the match Chavo hits his Brainbuster and covers Rhyno..1...2...kickout! At this point Chris Benoit comes running down to the ring. Basically at the same time that Eddie gets onto the ring apron. Benoit slides into the ring and Hits a HUGE German Suplex on Chavo and then stands him up and slides back out of the ring. Benoit then runs around the ring and pulls Eddie off the ring apron, slamming his face onto the apron. Rhyno then gets up and GORES The hell out of Chavo and covers him..1..2...3! Rhyno is going to War Games! Outside the ring, Eddie has taken control of Benoit and throws him shoulder first into the ring steps. Eddie then grabs the ring bell and slides into the ring. He clocks Rhyno in the back of the head with it and stands over him for a moment. Then as Rhyno begins to stir and he sees Benoit getting into the ring. He tosses the ring bell to Benoit, whom catches it and goes after Eddie. Eddie flees the ring with Chavo but Rhyno sees the ring bell...

    (Winner and Advancing to War Games: Rhyno)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 88%

    Dames Stars: ***3/4

    Did you Just do That?

    Rhyno staggers to his feet and spins Benoit around angrily and yells at him. Claiming HE hit him with the ring bell. Benoit assures him that he didn't but if he gets in his face like that again. He will. Rhyno and Benoit almost look like they're going to begin fighting but referees and Smackdown officials come running down to the ring and seperates the two men from each other. Whew that was close to a meltdown as we go to commercial.

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Taz vs Chuck Palumbo

    Taz and Palumbo come down to the ring to their seperate entrances. Palumbo comes alone, he assured his boys that he could handle it. He couldn't though cause in the end of the match. Taz avoids a Street Kick from Palumbo and sinches in a Tazmission for the submission victory. After the match though Batista ran down to the ring and began slugging it out with Taz. Eventully kicking him low and hitting a huge Sit-Out Powerbomb, laying Taz completely out!

    Overall Rating: 71%

    Crowd Reaction: 70%

    Match Quality: 72%

    Dames Stars: *3/4

    Your Olympic Hero will be Victorious tonight. It's True, It's True

    Kurt Angle is backstage with the WWE Tag Team Champions. Team Angle and they're talking with Kurt, asking him how he plans on beating Brock Lesnar. We pick it up mid-conversation.

    Benjamin: Kurt man. He nearly killed you in May at Hell in a Cell. Tonight it's just one on one but he really likes to try and hurt you in the ring man.

    Kurt: Ah young Benjamin. Your forgetting one of the three I's. Intelligence. That's all I need to beat a big moron like Brock Lesnar. Undertaker cost me my match at Judgement Day. Tonight will certainly be a different story. I mean Brock might be an NCAA Champion. But he's no Olympic Gold Medalist.

    Haas: Even so Kurt. Shouldn't we come down tonight...ya know. To help with Vocal Support. :shifty:

    Kurt: Don't worry about it Charlie. I've got it under control. You've gotta get ready cause your match is next! Go get em guys and make sure we show em what Team Angle is all about!

    All three men put their hands on top of each other..TEAM ANGLE! and break. Once Team Angle heads out. Kurt's face goes from confident and smiling to seemingly somber. Perhaps he doesn't want to face Brock that much after all.

    Overall Rating: 94%

    Sean O'Haire vs Charlie Haas

    Sean O'Haire comes walking out to his very sinister sounding music but it's got more of a Rock sound to it and is a little more upbeat than it was before. O'Haire gets to the ring and then "Medal" hits as Charlie Haas accompanied by Shelton Benjamin comes out from behind the curtain. Both men have their WWE Tag Team Titles around their waists as they walk to the ring. Haas gets to the ring and winds up getting his ass kicked by O'Haire most of the match. Late in the match Shelton plainly interferes and just gets in the ring with both Tag Belts and clocks O'Haire with one of them! Then Team Angle proceeds to beat O'Haire down with their double team moves and are about to go for the Code Angle off the top but Taker comes running down to the ring. The crowd pops huge for this and Taker slides under the bottom rope and into the ring. He clears house with a few punches, throwing Haas and Benjamin out of the ring via over the top rope. Taker then checks on O'Haire. Seemingly these two are buddies now. Team Angle makes threats as they back up the aisle. We head to commercial with Taker standing in the ring celebrating with O'Haire.

    (Winner by DQ: Sean O'Haire)

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Crowd Reaction: 78%

    Match Quality: 88%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar

    War Games Entry Match, If Brock Loses he's Suspended Indefinately

    Main Event

    The lights go down as Brock's music hits and he comes out from behind the curtain and stances in front of the tron behind him. He comes walking down to the ring and leaps up onto the ring apron. Pyro exploding from the turnbuckles as he does. Lesnar climbs into the ring and waits as "Medal" hits and Kurt Angle comes out from behind the curtain and walks down the aisleway. He's half way to the ring as the crowd chants "You Suck" in tune with his music. Kurt raises his arms in the air and his pyro begins to explode from back by the set. Angle then continues to the ring and looks tenatively at Lesnar. Lesnar as intense as he's ever been in the ring. Lesnar stances in the ring waiting as Angle walks up the ring steps slowly. Lesnar makes a move at Angle and Angle jumps back down to the mat on the outside. Angle then makes a move like he's going to slide into the ring and doesn't. He laughs a bit trying to reassure himself and Lesnar in this time slides out of the ring behind Angle. Lesnar spins Angle around and begins punishing him around the outside of the ring.

    Lesnar whips Angle into the ring steps hard. Lesnar then picks Angle up, kicks him in the gut and hoists him up onto his shoulders. Lesnar walks over to the ring post and laughs sinisterly..F5 INTO THE RINGPOST..ANGLE'S LEFT KNEE CONNECTING!! Angle screams in pain and the match never even officially started. Medical staff run down to the ring as Shane McMahon comes out from behind the curtain with a Microphone.

    Shane: So you think by cowardly attacking your opponent Brock that you can try and win by forfeit? Well no I Call this match a No Contest since it never started! So next week Brock. You will face AJ Styles and Matt Hardy Version 1.0 In a Handicap Match against two men that definately don't want to see you in the War Games Match. Though I have no choice but to put you into the match now. Since you might've taken Kurt out...So let's get a preview of next week right now!

    Shane ushers Eddie Guerrero, Matt Hardy and AJ Styles whom run down to the ring and all begin attacking Brock Lesnar. The medical staff tending to Kurt as this happens. They roll him into the ring and all hit their finishers on him. First Matt's Twist of Fate. Then AJ Styles hitting his Styles Clash on Lesnar and then Guerrero whom is obviously feeling Froggy. Comes off the top with a Frog Splash down on the prone back of Lesnar. The three of them leave Lesnar lying in the ring and raise their arms up as Smackdown goes off the air.

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 82%

    Match Quality: 86%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    Smackdown Rating: 78%

    TV Rating: 4.75

    Attendance: 6,037

    Ticket Sales: $241,480

  19. user posted image

    Monday Night RAW

    October 27, 2003

    The usual Monday Night RAW intro kicks up with all the big RAW superstars being shown and then at the end of it. It says..and TONIGHT THE DEBUT OF LOW KI!!! Then we come to the RAW set where the pyro begins exploding. Once about 20 seconds of pyro finishes up. Tommy Dreamer's music hits and we start our first match of the night!

    Tommy Dreamer vs Sonny Siaki

    Hardcore Championship

    Dreamer's music plays as the crowd gives him a huge ovation. Tommy is always a favorite with the fans! Dreamer with his singapore cane comes out onto the stage and walks down to the ring. Dreamer climbs into the ring and then awaits his opponent tonight in this Hardcore Rules Match. The Champion, Sonny Siaki! Sonny's music and video hit and he comes strutting out onto the stage, looking like a young Rocky Miavia. Is he the second coming of The Rock? Sonny walks to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope. Immediately Dreamer begins stomping the hell out of Siaki. Before he can even get his bearings. Dreamer picks Siaki up and whips him to the ropes. SINGAPORE CANE SHOT TO THE STOMACH BY DREAMER! Dreamer then picks Siaki up and hits a Russian Legsweep with the Cane behind his neck! Dreamer floats over into the cover..1..2...kickout by Siaki!

    Dreamer picks Siaki up again and whips him into the corner of the ring closest to where the timekeeper is. Siaki reverses at the last second and sends Dreamer into the corner chest first! Siaki runs to the ropes that were close to that corner as Dreamer bounces off, Siaki clotheslines him hard to the mat in a combo move. Siaki then covers Dreamer..1...2...kickout by Dreamer! Siaki picks Dreamer up and throws him over the top rope to the outside. Siaki climbs outside the ring and grabs his Hardcore Championship from the timekeeper. Siaki sizes Dreamer up and cracks him across the skull with the title..1...2...kickout! Siaki can't win on the follow up cover. Siaki then goes over and grabs the ring bell and waits for Dreamer again. DING Siaki levels Dreamer with the ring bell and covers him..1..2....3! Dreamer is busted open and after the match is over. Siaki picks Dreamer up and hits the SIAKOPOLIS ON DREAMER! On the outside of the ring. Dreamer is on the outside laid out as Siaki walks to the back celebrating.

    (Winner and STILL Hardcore Champion: Sonny Siaki)(Hardcore Championship has Lost Image)

    Overall Rating: 61%

    Crowd Reaction: 69%

    Match Quality: 68%

    Dames Stars: *1/4

    Watch My Back

    Backstage Jericho is in a locker room and is stretching, preparing for his big tag match tonight against Orton and HHH. HBK comes into view and the crowd cheers as he begins talking to Jericho, after slapping him on the back gently.

    HBK: Ready for tonight Champ?

    Jericho picks up the World Heavyweight Championship with a grin, slapping it once and nods

    Jericho: Oh you know it. I always savor the chance to beat the hell out of HHH.

    HBK: Well man just make sure you've got my back. I'll make sure i've got yours covered and god will have both our backs covered!

    Jericho: You got it man. Maybe we can even finish off Triple H tonight!

    Jericho and HBK walk off as we head to commercial break!

    Overall Rating: 86%

    Maven vs Low Ki

    Maven's music hits first and he comes down to the ring as the crowd cheers. Maven then rolls into the ring and stances, waiting for his opponent tonight! Then the lights go down as dark green and black strobes begin to go off. The lights are on but very dim so the black strobes can be seen. Low Ki then comes walking out onto the stage and begins pissing off the crowd by taunting them. He saunters down to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope. Low Ki is not very merciful in this debut match as he picks Maven apart. Nearly crushing him with a Northern Lights Bomb for a long two count before finally locking in the Dragon Clutch for the submission win and Low Ki doesn't let go until about 90 seconds after Maven tapped out.

    (Winner: Low Ki)

    Overall Rating: 63%

    Crowd Reaction: 69%

    Match Quality: 72%

    Dames Stars: *3/4

    The Dudley Boys vs The Superhero Duo

    World Tag Team Championships

    Hurricane's music hits and both Hurricane and Cyclone come out onto the stage as their joint video plays. Hurricane and Cyclone come down to the ring, doing their posing and such. Then once they're both in the ring. Pyro flies down at the stage, The Dudley's pyro begins going off and the crowd gives them a big reaction. Big boo's and some cheers. They come out onto the stage. Bubba has his World Tag Title around his neck. D-Von the more traditional around the waist. They come down to the ring and slide under the bottom rope. Bubba and D-Von hand the tag titles to Nick Patrick, whom raises them high in the air. The Dudleys immediately attack the Superheros and the bell sounds to start the match. Bubba pairs off with Cyclone and D-Von with Hurricane. Bubba begins laying in hard chops and smacks to the chest of Cyclone. D-Von in the opposite corner is clubbing Hurricane with hard fists. D-Von whips Hurricane across the ring at Cyclone. Both Bubba and Cyclone move to avoid the contact as Hurricane comes flying into the corner. The referee finally gets things under control by getting D-Von and Cyclone out of the ring. The match starting with Bubba taking control of Hurricane.

    Bubba begins the usual arsenal of moves he'll use on opponents. After working Hurricane over in his team's corner for a moment. Bubba tags D-Von in. D-Von begins going to work on Hurricane but Hurricane fights back when D-Von telegraphs a back body drop. Hurricane hits a running, spinning neckbreaker that puts D-Von down! Hurricane makes the hot tag to Cyclone, as D-Von tags out to Bubba. Cyclone is on fire as he takes both Bubba and D-Von down first with clotheslines. Then with Rolling Heel Kicks. Cyclone then backs Bubba to the ropes and whips him across the ring. Cyclone then backs into the ropes on his side himself and hits a running clothesline on Bubba that sends him for a loop!! Those superpowers are paying off for Cyclone! He poses a moment for the crowd, which draws a pop. Only to be fizzled out when D-Von grabs Cyclone from behind and hits his Running Neckbreaker! Hurricane gets back in the ring and runs at D-Von but D-Von catches Hurricane in a flapjack ONTO THE TURNBUCKLES IN THE CORNER! Hurricane just stays down as the crowd yells out 3D in unison as Cyclone gets up and the Dudleys are there waiting! 3D!!!! The crowd boo's but cheers do. As all the really talented heels get. D-Von covers Cyclone..1...2...3! The Dudleys are handed their World Tag Titles as we head to commercial and celebrate retaining in the ring!

    (Winners and STILL World Tag Team Champions: The Dudley Boys)(World Tag Team Titles Have Gained In Image)

    Overall Rating: 72%

    Crowd Reaction: 78%

    Match Quality: 85%

    Dames Stars: ***1/4

    The Debut!

    Backstage we see Low Ki! Before we can begin to form thoughts on him. Triple H, Ric Flair and Randy Orton Flanked by Ken Shamrock. Come up to Low Ki and almost seem to surround him as Hunter begins to talk.

    Triple H: Hey Low Ki. Me and the boys just wanted to welcome you to RAW. We all were somewhat hoping you'd consider a proposition since you did well in your match tonight.

    Low Ki: Oh?

    Triple H: Ya since Goldberg got his dumb ass fired. We want a fifth member of Evolution and everyone seems to think you'd fit in perfectly.

    We'll see. I have an appearance to keep so i'll let you know later man. Thanks though.

    Low Ki heads off for the garage, leaving Evolution standing there, Orton seeming annoyed that he didn't accept the gracious offer right off the bat but Orton is young and doesn't understand these things all the time!

    Overall Rating: 72%

    John Cena vs Jay Lethal

    WWE Intercontinental Championship

    John Cena's music hits first and he comes out onto the stage in a Celtics old school jersey and with a microphone. He walks to the ring and gets inside while he raps and rhymes

    Yo cut my beat.

    Tonight I got a shot, my first real one.

    The IC Strap which is already won!

    I gonna kick the shiznit outta Jay Lethal tonight.

    He's gonna be beat so bad, it won't even be a fight

    He's got the Lethal Ride and Lethal Injection

    But I got the F-U and the Middle Finger!

    Cena flips off the cameraman as Jay Lethal's music hits and he comes out onto the stage to the cheers from the crowd. Lethal has the Intercontinental Title around his waist as he walks to the ring. He climbs inside and hands the belt over. It's raised high in the air and the bell sounds for the match to begin. Cena immediately locks up with Lethal and backs him into a corner. Where Cena begins to lay in chops and hard fists to the head of Lethal. Cena then whips Lethal out of the corner and follows him into the other corner with a splash clothesline. Cena then in almost a seemless motion, drops Lethal with a DDT off the clothesline! Cena then covers Lethal..1..2...kickout! Lethal seemed stunned by the burst of offense and nearly lost the match right there!

    Cena picks Lethal up and whips him to the ropes. Cena unfortunately telegraphs the back body drop and Lethal stops short and hits a legdrop on Cena's neck! Lethal then picks Cena up and lifts him into a vertical suplex..and down! Lethal backs against the ropes, waiting for Cena to get to his feet. Once he does Lethal nails a Hard spear into the gut of Cena! Lethal covers Cena..1..2..kickout! Lethal picks Cena up and puts him on his shoulder..Running Powerslam by Lethal! Lethal goes to the top rope from here and stands in wait for Cena. Lethal comes off the top with a flying clothesline when Cena is up but Cena charges Lethal and they both hit each other with clotheslines! Lethal's surely hurt Cena more but Lethal stays down for a moment as well regaining his bearings! Lethal then gets to his feet slowly and picks Cena up. Lethal goes for the Lethal Injection but Cena reverses out of it and lands on his feet. Cena then kicks Lethal in the gut..F-U!! NO! Lethal hooked Cena as he came down with it..Into an inverted Diamond Cutter on Cena! Cena goes down which allows Lethal to go to the top rope and nail a BIG Lethal Ride on Cena and covers him.1...2...3! Jay Lethal retains in a very good match! After the match as Lethal slaps hands with some fans at ringside. Cena slides out of the ring with his fist wrapped in chain..BAM lights out on Lethal! Cena pulls an out of it Lethal up the stage to the top. Cena then hoists Lethal onto his shoulders..F-U ONTO THE STEEL SET! Lethal just lays there spread eagled and seemingly unconcious as Cena looks down at him sadistically and then raises his arms into the air. In his Thuganomics Gang Sign!

    (Winner and STILL WWE Intercontinental Champion: Jay Lethal)(Intercontinental Championship Has Lost Image)

    Overall Rating: 72%

    Crowd Reaction: 80%

    Match Quality: 81%

    Dames Stars: ***

    Chris Jericho/HBK vs Triple H/Randy Orton w/Ric Flair

    Chris Jericho's "The King of My World" Hits and he comes sauntering out onto the stage as the lights go down. Jericho poses as his pyro goes off and the lights come back up. Jericho has the World Heavyweight Championship around his waist as he walks to the ring and then does the "Scott Hall" Point as the moans of HBK's music begin and the chorus singing begins. HBK comes out onto the stage and gets to the top of the ramp and goes about a step onto it and drops to his knees. Pointing to the sky as his pyro goes off behind him. HBK then makes his way to the ring. Both he and Jericho stand in wait as the "Evolution" Theme by Motorhead hits and Evolution minus Ken Shamrock saunters to the ring. HHH and Orton in wrestling attire. Flair in his usual street clothes. Who dresses in Armani suits as Street clothes though? Anyway Orton and HHH go to their corner and Orton stays in to start with Jericho.

    Jericho dominates the young Orton for a good five minutes of the match before he tags out to HBK. Usually you don't see a Heel hot tag and there's a reason why. When HHH finally gets the tag in after Orton hit a Desperation RKO on Michaels. The crowd boo's heavily as HHH gets into the ring. HHH though picks apart HBK and Jericho quickly with high knees and face busters for all. HHH then goes for the Pedigree on Jericho..SWEET CHIN MUSIC TO THE JAW OF HHH THOUGH! HBK then covers Triple H as the legal man..1..2...3! Shamrock comes running down from the back with a sledgehammer and Flair gets into the ring. Evolution as a whole takes control from here and begins beating down on The Champ and HBK. Jericho catching a sledgehammer shot from HHH, after Shamrock gave Hunter his Sledge. HHH has plans for HBK though as he motions for them and yells at them to drag his ass up to the stage. Evolution beats Shawn Michaels up the ramp to the stage. Then as they go to the edge, Orton and Shamrock hoist Michaels up into a Double Team Powerbomb and THROW SHAWN OFF THE EDGE OF THE STAGE DOWN THROUGH THE EQUIPMENT BELOW! HBK may have just had his back broken as we head to commercial, J.R is doing his apeshit routine.

    (Winners: Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels)

    Overall Rating: 69%

    Crowd Reaction: 80%

    Match Quality: 72%

    Dames Stars: **

    Booker T vs Shark Boy

    Elimination Match

    Main Event

    Main Events are supposed to be the best match on a card right? Sorry not this one. Sharky is out to the ring first to the cheers from the crowd and then the crowd cheers Booker as well. Face vs Face matches never turn out well and this one is no exception. Sharky controls the early going but late in the match Booker T hits a very quick Book End and then picks Sharky up..kick to the gut..SCISSORS KICK! Booker T then quickly grabs Sharky's legs and then flips over into a bridge pin.1....2.....3! Booker T has eliminated Shark Boy and advances to War Games! We leave RAW with the crowd cheering Booker and chanting Booker's name.

    (Winner: Booker T)(Eliminated: Shark Boy)

    Overall Rating: 64%

    Crowd Reaction: 75%

    Match Quality: 67%

    Dames Stars: *1/2

    RAW Rating: 68% (It was one of those Events)

    TV Rating: 5.83

    Attendance: 6,007

    Ticket Sales: $240,280

  20. Sunday Night Heat

    October 26, 2003

    Jody Fleisch defeats Mayhem by Snake-eyes'ing him onto the Top Turnbuckle when the metal buckle was exposed. This almost knocked Mayhem out which allowed Fleisch to hit the Pheonix 720 DDT. Fleisch then covers Mayhem..1..2...3! 81(74,88)***1/2

    Paul London gains the clean victory over Billy Kidman with the London's Calling and get the cover and celebrates his victory after the match. Very straight forward. 75(59,92)***1/2

    Sonny Siaki defends and successfully retains the Hardcore Championship against Mark Jindrak when he hits a Siakopolis onto a Stop Sign on Jindrak to get the pinfall. After the match he puts Jindrak through a Table with a Siakopolis! 66(65,68)*1/4

    Spanky defeats Shannon Moore with the Sliced Bread #2 and a cover. After the match though, the sore loser Shannon is. He hits a Twist of Fate on Spanky for good measure 80(72,89)***1/2

    Kanyon defeats Tommy Dreamer by use of the ropes in a pin cover. Cheap victory but a Victory none the less 73(72,75)**

    Batista defeats Rikishi via a giant Sit-Out Powerbomb which gets the crowd buzzing but the match itself was poor. Batista picks up the powerful win though 58(52,65)3/4*

    Test defeats Stone Cold when the referee gets taken out accidentally by Austin and Test lays Stone Cold out with a Big Boot to the face when Austin turns around. Test then wakes the referee and covers Austin..1..2...3! Austin has had no luck in his in-ring return recently 68(70,65)*

    Christopher Daniels defeats Taz via a Batista Sit-Out Powerbomb. After the match Batista hits his Sit-Out Powerbomb and a Daniels "Last Rites" and leaves Taz almost completely out in the middle of the ring! 77(72,82)**3/4

    Scotty "Mr MF'er" Riggs defeats Cyclone due to Matt Hardy Version 1.0's interference with a Twist of Fate. After the match the two members of Mattitude celebrate over the unconcious Cyclone as Heat goes off the air! 83(78,89)***3/4

    Heat Rating: 68%

    TV Rating: 5.86

  21. user posted image

    WWE Smackdown

    October 23, 2003

    Rey Mysterio vs Kid Kash

    Mysterio's entrance hits first and he comes out from behind the curtain to kick Smackdown off tonight. a Post No Mercy feel to the show. Still a buzz around the arena as Mysterio without the Cruiserweight Title now comes to the ring. Then Kid Kash's music hits and he comes sauntering to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. These men tear down the house with this match. Mysterio winds up hitting a "619" and West Coast Pop on Kash but before he can get the pin cover. Psicosis hits the ring with the Cruiserweight Championship in hand. Mysterio releases the cover before three and swings for Psicosis. Psicosis ducks it and clocks Mysterio with the Cruiserweight Title in the face! The referee disqualifies Kash as Psicosis picks Mysterio up..PSYCHO STUNNER! Psicosis leaves after this and Kash does as well. Kash isn't happy about losing and seems to yell a bit at Psicosis about it as this opening match ends. Paul Heyman and Michael Cole welcome us to Smackdown!

    (Winner by DQ: Rey Mysterio)

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Crowd Reaction: 84%

    Match Quality: 87%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    Get Out Here Boy!

    Taker's music hits and the crowd explodes as he saunters out from behind the curtain and walks down to the ring. He grabs a microphone once he climbs into the ring. Taker begins to talk smack about Team Angle

    Undertaker: Ya know I came back on Sunday because I wanted to be back in this ring and ruling my Yard once again. All I got was two upstarts who think they're all that. Because of the little Gold they wear around their waists. Yea they got the best of this old dog on Sunday but. Tonight I am gonna kick some ass. It'll start with either one of those punks that got after me on Sunday! So Haas, Benjamin. Either one of you. Step up to the plate.

    Surprisingly Haas with the Tag Title around his waist comes running out to the ring. There is no referee in the ring yet so Haas takes his title off as he's running to the ring. Taker begins mauling him when he slides into the ring though. Taker even clocks Haas with the Tag Title in the head before the referee shows up and calls for the bell for the match to begin!

    Charlie Haas vs Undertaker

    This match winds up being quick because Taker beat Haas up good before it. Taker goes for the Chokeslam and hits it. Then raises his fist high in the air after a couple minutes of wrestling. Taker is ready to finish Haas after that Chokeslam. Benjamin comes running to the ring as Taker lifts Haas high in the air for the Last Ride. Benjamin chop blocks Taker and the referee calls for the DQ. Team Angle begins to beat on Taker until...SEAN O'HAIRE COMES RUNNING DOWN TO THE RING! The crowd cheers..mostly because they hope he's coming to help Taker. He is because he takes down both Haas and Benjamin with the Prophecy and then checks on Taker seeing if he's ok. What's the relationship between Taker and O'Haire! What does this mean for Team Angle getting beat down like this?!(Sean O'Haire Gained Overness From his Face Turn and New Gimmick)

    Segment Rating: 73%

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 72%

    Dames Stars: **

    Taz/Sabu vs Batista/Christopher Daniels

    Batista's music hits first and he comes stancing out from behind the curtain and to the ring. Batista is in the ring as Christopher Daniels comes out from behind the curtain in his Preacher costume and walks down to the ring. He disrobes at ringside. Then Taz's entrance begins and his pyro goes off. Taz then walks out to the ring and waits outside as Sabu's music hits and he comes walking down to the ring. Sabu and Taz slide into the ring and clear Batista and Daniels out of the ring. Batista finally gets back into the ring and locks up with the American Champion, Sabu. Batista begins mauling Sabu for the early going. Batista and Daniels keep Sabu isolated for a few moments until Sabu hits an enziguri to the back of the head of Daniels and then makes the hot tag to Taz. The crowd explodes as Taz charges into the ring, knocking both Daniels and Batista down repeatedly. Taz hits a huge Overhead Belly to Belly to Batista and hits a Tazplex to Daniels whom is the legal man. Sabu then runs at Batista once he's up and clotheslines him over the top rope, going over with him. Taz in the ring sets up for the Tazmission and grabs Daniels but Daniels flails when he gets pulled into it and clocks the referee with a foot to the face! After a moment Daniels is tapping out. As this begins to happen.

    The Hardy Boyz come running to the ring. Matt Hardy with a chair in hand, Knocks Sabu out on the matting outside the ring. While inside the ring, Jeff Hardy slides into the ring and hits a front dropkick on Taz. Matt gets into the ring and picks Taz up..TWIST OF FATE! Followed by Jeff Hardy climbing to the top rope and SWANTON BOMB! Taz is surely finished after that. Matt Hardy then goes over and launches himself to the outside of the ring, taking out Batista and Sabu outside the ring. Then Jeff Palancha's himself over the top rope into everybody! In the ring Daniels hits the "Last Rites" on Taz and covers him as the referee finally stirs and makes the slow count..1...2....3! Daniels picks up a huge victory for his team and pins the reigning WWE American Champion. Even if with alot of help! We go to commercial after the victory pin cover.

    (Winners: Christopher Daniels and Batista)(Batista and Daniels Gain Overness From This Match)

    Overall Rating: 75%

    Crowd Reaction: 73%

    Match Quality: 77%

    Dames Stars: **1/4

    Victory is Spoiled

    We come back from commercial with Edge's music hitting and the crowd exploding as the smoke fills the entryway. Tony Chimel announces Edge to the ring.

    Chimel: And at this time we'd like to welcome to the ring..the NEW WWE Champion...EDGE!

    Edge then bursts through the smoke and he has the WWE Championship in hand. He plays to the crowd and then comes down to the ring. He slides under the bottom rope and holds the Championship high in the air. Then Edge throws it over his shoulder and begins to talk on the stick. He's so entertaining when he does this.

    Edge: First of all. I'd like to thank everyone in the Edge Army for believing in me for as long as it's taken for me to get to the top. I don't forget anyone who helped me get this far. If it wasn't for all you fans. I wouldn't be the NEW WWE Champion right here tonight. I won't let any of you down either. Whatever I have to do to keep this belt. I'm going to. It will be a long reign for the Edge Army...

    "Medal" Hits and the crowd begins chanting "You Suck" in rhythm with the music. Angle comes walking down to the ring and he doesn't look pleased. No pyro for this as he walks to the ring. He climbs into the ring and immediately attacks Edge! Angle and Edge begin slugging it out in the ring. Angle backs Edge into the ropes and whips the champion across the ring. Angle then knocks him down with a hard clothesline and then another one. Edge ducks a third one and goes to the ropes...SPEAR ON ANGLE! Edge then stomps on the mat and waits for Edge to get up..EDGEOCUTION BUT NO! Angle reverses out of it and pulls Edge into a BIG Angle Slam! Angle then picks up the WWE Champion and yells at Edge "Mine" Angle has a big bandage on his forehead from the brutal battle at No Mercy. Throughout the little brawl here. Both men seemed to be missing a step. Obviously both hurting after this past Sunday's Ladder Match. Angle has gotten the best of the new Champion tonight though!

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Chris Benoit vs Shelton Benjamin

    Benjamin comes out first to the WGTT Music. Even though they're still part of Team Angle. They need a new theme and this is it :). Benjamin comes to the ring with his WWE Tag Team Championship around his waist. He climbs onto the ring apron and into the ring. Then Chris Benoit's entrance and music hits and he comes walking down to the ring. Benoit rolls into the ring and both these men begin lighting it up with their Technical skills. Benoit and Benjamin exchange suplexes and reversals for most of the match. I hate to cut good solid matches short but the bread and butter of these matches are reserved mostly for PPV's. Benoit nails a big release German Suplex on Benjamin and then does the cut throat signal. Benoit then climbs to the top rope and hits his Suicide Headbutt from the top and covers Benjamin after a minute..1...2...3! Charlie Haas comes running down to the ring while Benoit is still dazed immediately after the match. Haas slides into the ring and knocks Benoit down and out with his Tag Title belt. Team Angle then hits both of their Double Team Moves. The Splash on the ropes and the Code Angle from the top rope! They leave one half of the #1 Contenders laying in the ring!

    (Winner: Chris Benoit)

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Crowd Reaction: 76%

    Match Quality: 81%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    AJ Styles vs Rhyno

    This match is much of the same as the last one. Styles comes out first and Rhyno follows soon after. Rhyno controls much of the match and hits a Powerbomb late in the match. Rhyno then calls for the Gore and he motions for Styles to get up. Styles at the last moment pulls the referee in the way and Rhyno gores the Ref into next week. At this time Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas come running back out and beat Rhyno down with the Tag Titles and then hit a Code Angle from the top rope. Styles shrugs and picks Rhyno up. Styles then hits a big Styles Clash on Rhyno and covers him..1...2...3! Styles picks up the victory in this one though. Benoit won against Benjamin. Rhyno on the other hand couldn't overcome the odds!

    (Winner: AJ Styles)

    Overall Rating: 81%

    Crowd Reaction: 82%

    Match Quality: 82%

    Dames Stars: ***

    Eddie Guerrero vs Brock Lesnar

    Eddie Guerrero's music and video hit first and he comes out from the side of the stage with a navy blue low rider with the hydrolics and everything. It's bouncing up and down as he comes riding to the ring. Tonight he's alone but Chavo usually rides with him. Eddie stops the Low Rider up the aisleway near the ring. He gets out and slides into the ring. Then the lights go down and Brock Lesnar comes stancing out from behind the curtain. He then comes stalking down to the ring as the crowd cheers him loudly. Lesnar leaps up onto the apron of the ring and his pyro explodes from the posts. Lesnar gets into the ring and the bell sounds.

    Eddie runs at Brock and locks up with him but Lesnar throws Eddie back out of the corner. Eddie charges back in and Lesnar levels him with a clothesline. Lesnar picks Eddie up and sinches in a headlock. Eddie pushes him out of it to the ropes. Lesnar comes back with a hard shoulder block, knocking Eddie down to the mat. Lesnar runs to the ropes and Eddie flips over onto his stomach. Eddie then gets up as Lesnar comes back at him and leapfrogs Lesnar. Eddie then hits a big Monkey Flip on Lesnar as he comes back the third time! Eddie gets to his feet and picks Lesnar up. He hits a High Angle Back Suplex on Lesnar quickly and covers him..1...2kickout just after 2. Not a close fall. Eddie picks Lesnar up and hits a Vertical Suplex, Eddie swivels his hips and hits a second Vertical on Lesnar. Eddie then goes for the Trifecta but Lesnar blocks it and reverses it into a spinebuster but Eddie holds onto the headlock and drives Lesnar's head into the mat, knocking the wind out of Eddie from the spinebuster and knocking Lesnar silly from the Tornado DDT basically. Eddie is first up and gets to his feet. Lesnar is up about the same time and Eddie whips him into one corner of the ring. Eddie runs in after him but catches a shoulder to the chops. Lesnar then explodes out of the corner for a clothesline. Eddie ducks it and hits a neckbreaker on Lesnar as he goes by. Eddie picks Lesnar up and hits another High Angle Back Suplex near the ropes and goes to the outside on the apron. Then hits his Over the top rope Senton onto Lesnar and covers him after getting back to him. 1...2....kickout!

    Eddie slams his fists on the mat and looks to the referee. Brian Hebner says 2 and makes a shoulder motion, saying that Lesnar got the shoulder up. Eddie picks Lesnar up and sits him on the top rope. Eddie goes to the top rope and makes a motion at Lesnar. Eddie then goes for a top rope Hurricarana but..LESNAR USES HIS STRENGTH AND HOLDS ONTO EDDIE..POWERBOMB FROM THE TOP ROPE!!!! Eddie is finished after that! Lesnar pops up and picks Eddie up..F5! Lesnar then covers Eddie..1...2....3! A Great match and Lesnar comes out the victor. After the match when Brock is celebrating. The Meathead he is, not realizing Eddie getting up behind him and a BIG low blow from Eddie to Brock. Brock was on the second rope when it happened and he fell back into the ring. Eddie then climbs to the top rope that allows him the best angle and..FROG SPLASH BY EDDIE! Eddie then rolls out of the ring and departs in his Low Rider as we head to commercial break with Lesnar down in the ring!

    (Winner: Brock Lesnar)

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 81%

    Dames Stars: ***

    The Two Announcements

    We come back from the final commercial break, fairly quickly and Lesnar is still in the ring as "Here Comes the Money" Hits and Shane McMahon comes out from behind the curtain doing his normal juke and jive. He has a microphone in hand and begins to talk, at first ignoring Lesnar

    Shane: Tonight i've come out to address the fact that RAW has been beating Smackdown lately in the ratings because of their little 4 on 4 War Games Match at Survivor Series. So I made a decision and tonight everyone will hear it. Smackdown at Survivor Series has Two Major Things going down. #1 is a 5 ON 5 WAR GAMES Match!

    The crowd explodes in cheers but Lesnar is leaning on the top rope in the ring, seeming to listen

    Shane: It occured to me that, RAW had a way of determining the participants. I will as well. I will name the first 6 Tonight and next week. The Eight guys I was considering but wasn't sure on. Will compete and the four winners will move on to Survivor Series for the War Games Match.

    Shane: Right now the teams stand as this. Undertaker/Edge and Chris Benoit vs AJ Styles/Eddie Guerrero and Kurt Angle

    The crowd boo's heavily hearing that Brock isn't even in the top six..he will have to fight his way in apparently!

    Shane: Now don't worry Brock. You'll have a chance to get into the War Games. You will be facing a Wrestler of My choosing next week for your spot.

    Rey Mysterio will take on Psicosis one on one. No Cruiserweight Title on the line.

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0 will face Jeff Hardy and

    Rhyno will take on Chavo Guerrero

    Shane grins to Brock, Brock is not pleased in the least it seems at what is going on. He's getting screwed!

    Shane: My other Big Announcement is that. At Survivor Series if negotiations continue to go well. Smackdown will be proud to announce a Monumental Deal between the RAW Brand and the Smackdown Brand. In the interests of both our brands. The Deal will consist of many guys on both sides. Details are sketchy right now but the framework is in place. I won't tell any of you pions what it is. You'll have to tune into Survivor Series to see. Though next week in that very ring. You'll be able to see Brock Lesnar's WWE Championship Hopes DIE!

    Shane's music hits as Smackdown's credits roll. Brock isn't happy about this. See everyone next week!

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Smackdown Rating: 77%

    TV Rating: 5.23

    Attendance: 6,003

    Ticket Sales: $240,120

  22. user posted image

    Monday Night RAW

    October 20, 2003

    We see the usual RAW intro video and music. No highlights of No Mercy since it was a Smackdown Brand only PPV. We come into RAW as usual and the pyro goes off. As soon as the pyro finishes. Goldberg's music hits and his pyro begins sparking on the entryway.

    Goldberg vs Steve Corino

    Elimination Match

    Goldberg comes down to the ring after going through his pyro. Goldberg walks to the ring and climbs inside. Then Corino's music hits and he walks out onto the stage to the cheers from the crowd. Ok let's put this in a way everyone understands. WORST MATCH EVER BOOKED BY ME! On paper it looks good but Goldberg put forth a very sluggish effort and no-sold everything. Corino ends up hitting the Old School Expulsion and covers Goldberg..1..2....3! Corino advances and Goldberg is eliminated!!! 3 Men left to be eliminated in the tourny!

    (Winner: Steve Corino)

    Overall Rating: 55%

    Crowd Reaction: 63%

    Match Quality: 37%

    Dames Stars: -* Yes that's right a Negative Star for this match.

    Low Ki is Coming!

    Video images play over the tron and the TV's at home. It shows the highlights of the career of Low Ki and then at the end is says "Coming to RAW Next Week!"

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Booker T vs Goldust

    Goldust's music hits and the arena fades to a dark gold as he comes sauntering out onto the stage with his costume and wig on. Goldy gets to the ring and takes everything off as his sparkle pyro goes off. Goldust stands in the ring waiting as Booker T's music hits and he comes out onto the stage, playing to the crowd. Booker stands about half way down the ramp and then he does his pyro which explodes on the stage. Booker comes to the ring and climbs up onto the ring apron. Goldy attacks Booker immediately and begins slugging fists to his head and smack chops to his chest. Goldust whips Booker to the ropes and goes for a Back body drop but gets kicked in the chest instead. They go at it for a good almost 10 minutes until late in the match. The referee takes a Leg Lariat accidentally from Booker. Goldy ducked and avoided the contact. Goldust hits a low blow at this point on Booker and sets him up in the corner...GOLDEN GLOBES! Booker in agony on the mat after falling off the second rope. Goldust picks him up and hits the Curtain Call on Booker and shakes the referee as he covers Booker. Hooking the leg..1..2...3! Goldust gets the win and rolls out of the ring after getting the pinfall. Goldust walks to the back laughing after his victory over Booker T. Booker won't be happy about this, but who is happy about losing?

    (Winner: Goldust)

    Overall Rating: 81%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 78%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    Rob Van Dam vs Fury

    RVD is perticularly brutal in this match on the rookie Fury. Fury gets some offense in but not much. He hits a DDT late in the match and picked up a win. After the match though RVD picks up a chair and is about to Vanterminate Fury when Mayhem and Kane come running to the ring and chase RVD off and tend to Fury in the ring!

    (Winner: Rob Van Dam)

    Backstage we see John Cena and he cuts a long battle rap about respecting Jay Lethal but tonight he has to go down. We don't hear the entire battle rap because my file corrupted and I ain't up to writing new battle raps.

    Overall Rating: 87%..That's right that segment I just wrote there got 87%. WWE writing does worse trying to get more!

    Hurricane vs Test

    Lethal Lottery Match

    Hurricane and Test went back and forth and Test had a majority of offense in the match but in the end Hurricane pulls out an eye of the Hurricane for the victory over Test!

    (Winner: Hurricane)

    Overall Rating: 72%

    Crowd Reaction: 68%

    Match Quality: 76%

    Kane vs Cyclone

    Lethal Lottery Match

    Kane and Cyclone go at it in a match where neither man has a loss in this tournament but that changes as Kane dominates this match with Cyclone and finishes him off with a giant chokeslam for the victory. Though after the match Rob Van Dam comes down to the ring while Kane is leaving and gives him a nasty chair shot to the back of the head to bust him wide open on the back of his head!

    (Winner: Kane)

    Overall Rating: 72%

    Crowd Reaction: 74%

    Match Quality: 70%

    The Rock vs Christian

    Lethal Lottery Match

    A Surprisingly good match between these two men. They went back and forth and Christian held his own against the People's Champ! Rock nailed his patented DDT for a two count and also hit his Samoan Drop but Christian got several long counts with his Reverse DDT and Reverse DDT into backbreakers. In the end though a Rock Bottom and People's Elbow later we have a winner and it is THE ROCK!

    (Winner: The Rock)

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Crowd Reaction: 87%

    Match Quality: 83%

    John Cena vs Jay Lethal

    Lethal Lottery Match

    John Cena and Jay Lethal go to war against each other back and forth until late in the match Lethal goes for the Lethal Ride and Cena dodges it and hits an F-U for the victory!

    (Winner: John Cena)

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Crowd Reaction: 75%

    Match Quality: 85%

    Backstage we see HHH getting ready to come out to the ring, but before he can make it from the backstage area to the stage we find HHH being beaten down by HBK. HHH then fights back against HBK. They go punch for punch till HHH staggers back just a step and HBK lays him out with Sweet Chin Music. He stands over him taunting him as we take our final commercial break.

    Overall Rating: 74%

    Chris Jericho vs Shark Boy

    Lethal Lottery Match

    This match is back and forth once they get in the ring and they have several near falls. Jericho hits his enziguri for a long two count and Sharky hits a Tornado DDT for a long two count as well. Jericho finally wins with a Lionsault to get the pinfall and the victory!

    (Winner: Chris Jericho)

    Overall Rating: 82%

    Crowd Reaction: 81%

    Match Quality: 83%

    RAW Rating: 76%

  23. user posted image

    Another Armageddon like video plays showing all the battles that are coming to a head at No Mercy. Matt Hardy and Sabu prepared to finish their battles for the American Championship...Rey Mysterio and Psicosis's war for the Cruiserweight Belt. More scenes of War with Los Guerreros and Rabid Rhyno and then the best part of the video with the section of Edge and Kurt Angle involving the Ladders. It is a tremendous Video and finishes up with flashes of all the major feuds coming to an end tonight. The video finishes and we come into the usual intro for a WWE Event. WWE Smackdown presents..NO MERCY!

    Huge amounts of dark red and orange pyro begins to go off at the set where there are two ramps to the ring. The set is one gigantic skull and the entryways being the two spinning eyes. The look is that they're spinning. The actual entryway isn't but behind them is. They look very demonic and fits the event very well. The pyro finishes and we cut to our first match of the evening!

    Batista vs Taz

    Batista's music hits first and he comes sauntering out through the left eye and walks down that side's ramp to the ring. The stage is like the RAW stage and two ramps down to the ring. One for the left eye and one for the right. Batista makes his way to the ring down the left ramp and to the ring. Batista climbs into the ring for his first PPV Match in quite a while. Then Taz's Thug Superstar music begins to play. His pyro goes off on the stage as the orange smoke seeps through the cracks of the Steel Stage. Tazz comes out the right eye and stands in the middle of the two ramps as his music plays. Doing his signature pose of his folded arms. Taz then walks to the ring down the right ramp and walks up the steps to the apron. Taz steps into the ring and takes off the towel on his head. Taz then throws the towel into Batista's face and tackles him into that corner of the ring. Taz begins driving shoulders into Batista's gut as the bell sounds. Taz whips Batista across the ring and he bounces off the corner and comes out with a huge clothesline sending Taz for a loop. Batista picks Taz up and begins working him with fists to the head. Batista hits a couple knees to Taz's gut and whips him to the ropes. Batista goes for a clothesline but misses it. Batista then ducks his head for a back body drop on Taz but too soon. Taz grabs Batista into a spinning neckbreaker to take control!

    Taz picks Batista up and hits a snap suplex on him. Then another. Taz then grabs him into a Capture Suplex and over he goes! Taz covers Batista..1...2..kickout! Taz picks up Batista and slaps on the Tazmission. Batista whips around and it winds up throwing Taz off and through the bottom and 2nd rope. Taz holds his head on the outside and Batista coughs a bit as he climbs out of the ring. Batista picks Taz up and whips him hard into the steel steps. Batista then picks Taz up and rolls him into the ring. Batista then whips Taz to the ropes after picking him up. SPINEBUSTER BY BATISTA! Batista then covers Taz..1...2....kickout! Batista calls for it and lifts Taz up for the Sit-Out Powerbomb but Taz ends up going over Batista's head, before he can drive Taz down. Taz lands behind Batista...TAZMISSION!!! Batista flails around but finally goes down and Taz wraps his legs around Batista and after a minute. Batista is gone and the referee raises his arm three times. Batista is out! Taz's music hits and Taz stands up and celebrates his big PPV victory over Batista! Taz rolls out of the ring and leaves with Batista down in the ring!

    (Winner at 10:09: Taz)

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Crowd Reaction: 72%

    Match Quality: 85%

    Dames Stars: ***

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0 vs Sabu

    WWE American Championship Match

    Sabu's music hits first and he comes walking out through the set and comes onto the stage play. Sabu walks to the ring, playing to the fans as he comes down the left ramp. Sabu takes a jog down the rest of the way to the ring. Sabu slides under the bottom rope and waits in the ring. Then Matt Hardy's entrance begins and then OHHH YEAAAA! Matt's music hits and his first MattFact pops up "Matt Hardy is the Best American Champion Ever" The second MattFact that pops up as Matt does his Mattitude Sign with the Title held high in the air. The second one is "Sabu smells like Rotten Eggs" Matt then gets to the ring and climbs up the ringsteps. Matt gets into the ring and hands the American Championship over to the referee. Matt then attacks Sabu, knocking him back into a corner of the ring. He begins laying in a chop or two. Hardy whips Sabu across the ring and follows him in with a clothesline. Hardy then backs Sabu to the ropes and out of the corner. Whips him across the ring and back body drops Sabu to the mat. Matt waits for Sabu to get up and goes for the Side Effect but Sabu elbows out of it and DDT's Hardy to the mat! Sabu then covers Matt..1..2...kickout! Sabu picks Matt up and hits a German Suplex on Matt and bridges it..1..2...kickout again! Sabu picks Matt up and hits a hanging Vertical Suplex.

    Sabu goes up top..ARABIAN FACEBUSTER THAT DOESN'T HIT! Matt gets up and takes advantage of Sabu's miss to hit a big Side Effect and covers Sabu..1..2....kickout! Sabu kicks out and Hardy is beginning to get frustrated. Hardy grabs Sabu and goes over to the corner. Splash Mountain by Hardy and he covers Sabu..1..2....kickout! Hardy is getting pissed off and goes for a Twist of Fate on Sabu but Sabu pushes Hardy off to the ropes. Hardy takes a high dropkick from Sabu as he comes back off the ropes. Sabu then hits a standing moonsault on Hardy and hooks the leg..1..2...kickout! Sabu picks Hardy up and hits an Emerald Fusion on Hardy to put him down!!! Sabu climbs to the top rope..ARABIAN FACEBUSTER!!! Sabu then crawls to Hardy and covers him hooking the leg..1...2...HARDY KICKS OUT! Sabu has a look of shock on his face. Sabu picks Hardy up and makes a motion for the Twist of Fate. Using Hardy's own finisher to nail him but Hardy reverses out of it and pulls Sabu into a TWIST OF FATE OF HIS OWN! Both men are down and after about 20 seconds Hardy gets his arm over Sabu..1...2....shoulder is up from Sabu!!!! Hardy gets up first and calls for it again and goes for another Twist of Fate but Sabu pushes him off again and kicks Hardy in the gut as he comes back at him. SABU PLANTS HARDY ON HIS HEAD WITH A TWIST OF FATE! Sabu covers Hardy..1...2....3! New American Champ! As this happens Jeff Hardy comes running down to the ring and does a Leapfrog Missle Dropkick to the back of Sabu! Jeff picks Sabu up and hits his Reverse Twist of Fate and then climbs to the top, hitting a Swanton Bomb to Sabu! Jeff helps Matt up and helps him to the back with both men holding up the Mattitude Symbol as they leave. But we have a New Champion!

    (Winner and NEW WWE American Champion at 12:47: Sabu)

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Crowd Reaction: 87%

    Match Quality: 77%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    Brock Lesnar vs AJ Styles

    AJ Styles's music hits and he comes out onto the stage slowly and taunts the crowd. This is his first WWE PPV! Styles walks down the right ramp and to the ring. He jumps onto the apron and saunters his way through the ropes and into the ring. He taunts a few fans while in the ring. Then the lights go down as Lesnar's music and entrance begins. He comes stancing out from the set and then onto the stage. Lesnar walks down to the ring, down the left ramp. Lesnar then leaps up onto the ring apron and the pyro goes off from the four turnbuckles. Lesnar then steps into the ring and Styles begins the match quickly by clotheslining Lesnar back to the outside! Styles then hits a cross body over the top rope to the outside on Brock to keep him down! Styles rolls back into the ring and goes for another cross body over the top on Lesnar but Lesnar catches Styles! Lesnar then runs Styles into the ring post once!...And Again! And a Third Time!! Then Lesnar drops down and hits two backbreakers on Styles and rolls him into the ring. Lesnar climbs onto the apron and into the ring and covers Styles..1..kickout. Styles won't go down easily though those smash moves to Styles' back won't be good for him. Lesnar picks Styles up and throws him into a corner of the ring. Lesnar begins driving his right shoulder hard over and over into Styles' gut.

    Lesnar whips Styles across the ring and follows him in but Styles goes up onto the top turnbuckle (HBK Style) and Lesnar winds up plowing into the corner and staggers away. Styles gets to his feet on the top rope and hits an Enziguri to the back of the head of Lesnar FROM THE TOP ROPE! Styles then gets the cover on Lesnar..1...2...kickout! Styles picks Lesnar up and goes for the Styles Clash but Lesnar uses his power to plant himself and instead of going up. He back body drops Styles over and down to the mat. Lesnar waits for Styles to get up and kicks him in the gut. Powerbomb by Lesnar! He holds on and Drives Styles down for a second one and holds it for a pin..1...2...shoulder up! Styles manages to barely get out of the pin. Lesnar picks him up and throws him onto his shoulders for an F5 but Styles goes over the back into a sunset flip..1..2...kickout by Lesnar! Styles gets up and gets flattened with a clothesline from Lesnar.

    Lesnar picks Styles up and whips him to the ropes, Styles comes off the ropes and ducks a clothesline. Then the next time he comes across and does a Tornado DDT to Lesnar!!! Styles manages to get an arm over Lesnar..1..2...shoulder up by Lesnar! Lesnar is still the first one up and Styles shortly after that. Styles runs at Lesnar and Lesnar just takes Styles around in a huge Spinning Spinebuster, driving Styles into the mat. Lesnar then points at Styles and does an uncharacteristic cut throat motion. Lesnar picks Styles up and F5! F5! Styles winds up landing on his feet and lifts Lesnar up for the Styles Clash! Styles Steps over..STYLES CLASH!!!! Lesnar has been nailed but Styles rolls off of where they landed and stays down. Lesnar and Styles are both down. After the refereee gets to a count of 6. Styles crawls over and rolls Lesnar over and puts an arm across for the cover..1...2....SHOULDER UP! Lesnar kicks out of the Styles Clash! Styles gets to his feet slowly and backs up into a corner waiting for Lesnar. Styles runs at Lesnar as fast as he can but as Lesnar gets up he just brings Styles up onto his shoulders...F5! F5! F5! Lesnar lays Styles out with it and covers him.1...2...3!!! Brock Lesnar gets a measure of revenge over Styles for the last few weeks! But is it really over between these two? Lesnar celebrates and then leaves the ring to the cheers of the fans.

    (Winner at 18:23: Brock Lesnar)

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 79%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    The Coming

    The arena calms a bit after the last match which was pretty good and then loud footsteps are heard over the speakers as well as Orange strobes going off..DEAD MAN WALKING!!! The Undertaker is back! Taker's theme kicks on and he comes onto the set with his motorcycle! Obviously the Dead Man Undertaker is gone!! Long Live the Bad Ass! Taker revs the bike and drives it down to the ring and rides it around the ringside area. The stairs had been moved while his music hit, so it wouldn't give away the surprise. Taker drives around the ring and stops back near the entryway. He then gets off the bike, after turning it off and climbs up onto the apron of the ring and inside. The crowd is still going nuts as Taker takes a microphone and begins to talk to the crowd.

    Taker: Sorry to be dissappointing anyone who thought they'd be seeing some new dog tonight. It's just this old one that is taking back his yard.

    The crowd explodes in cheers but then "Medal" Hits and Team Angle comes walking out from behind the set and onto the stage. They have the WWE Tag Team Titles around their waist as they walk down to the ring. Haas down the left ramp and Benjamin down the right. Both men get to the ring and roll inside, obviously thinking outnumbering Taker means he'll be afraid. Silly Team Angle. Haas grabs a microphone and begins to talk smack to Taker

    Haas: Why did you come back Taker? Nobody wants you here. We're the New Dogs in this Yard. There's nobody that wants you here anyway. We run this yard now.

    Taker: Is that so? Well...

    Taker let's his fists do the talking as he clocks Haas with a fist and does the same to Benjamin. Taker backs Haas into the ropes and whips him across the ring and BAM, Boot to the chest by Taker. Benjamin tries to fight off Taker. Benjamin hits forearm shots to the back of Taker but Taker begins annihilating Benjamin in the corner with hard shots to the body. Taker then hits a couple elbows before Haas takes off his Tag Title and clocks Taker in the back of the head with it! Haas then slides Taker onto his shoulders...no easy feat with the big man as Benjamin goes up top..CODE ANGLE! Benjamin drives Taker into the mat with the move and Team Angle kicks Taker a couple more times before their music hits and they celebrate, holding their Tag Titles high as they leave Taker down in the ring!

    Overall Rating: 82%

    Psicosis vs Rey Mysterio

    WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match

    Psicosis's music hits and his video plays as he comes walking out onto the stage and comes down to the ring taunting the fans. He goes down the left ramp and gets to the ring. He climbs inside and then Rey Mysterio's music hits and he POPS OUT FROM BETWEEN THE TWO RAMPS WITH HIS CATAPAULT! He hasn't been able to do something like that in a while! Mysterio with the Cruiserweight title strapped to his chest, walks to the ring and slaps the hands of the fans reaching out. Mysterio leaps up onto the ring apron and climbs into the ring. Psicosis gets in his face immediately and smacks him across the face. Mysterio unstraps the belt and tackles Psicosis to the mat. Mysterio picks Psicosis up and whips him across the ring. Mysterio goes for a front dropkick but Psicosis knocks his feet away and grabs Mysterio's legs. SLINGSHOT UP AND OVER THE TOP ROPE! Psicosis then climbs to the top rope and tightrope walks the ropes till he's in the middle of the ropes. Psicosis then does A SHOOTING STAR PRESS FROM THE MIDDLE OF THE ROPE TO MYSTERIO WHO WAS STANDING ON THE OUTSIDE!!! Both men are down for a moment, until finally Psicosis is up first and rolls Mysterio into the ring. Psicosis gets onto the apron and LEAPFROG LEGDROP ON MYSTERIO! Mysterio rolls out of the way and the ring as Psicosis lands on his rear hard. Mysterio gets back on the apron and grabs the top rope and dropkicks through the top and 2nd rope, nailing Psicosis in the back of the head!

    Mysterio covers Psicosis..1..2..kickout! Mysterio picks Psicosis up and whips him across the ring into the turnbuckles. Mysterio follows Psicosis in and tries for a hurricarana out of the corner but instead Psicosis holds onto Mysterio and RUNNING POWERBOMB BY PSICOSIS! Psicosis covers Mysterio by holding it and bridging the pin over..1...2....NO! Mysterio got a shoulder up just as the hand came down. Nearly three but not quite. Psicosis picks Mysterio up and places him on the second rope and taunts Mysterio calling for the "619" Psicosis backs into the ropes and runs towards where Mysterio is. Psicosis goes for the "619" but Mysterio gets to his feet and dropkicks Psicosis as he's outside the ring, going for the kick. Psicosis lands hard on the matting on the outside. Mysterio takes advantage by sliding out of the ring and picking Psicosis up. Mysterio then sends Psicosis hard into the Steel Steps. Mysterio then hits a sliding dropkick to the chest of Psicosis which makes the crowd gasp! Mysterio rolls into the ring and looks like he's set to do another move. Psicosis is sprawled out on his face outside the ring. MYSTERIO GOES FOR AND HITS A ROLLING LEGDROP TO THE OUTSIDE, USING THE TOP ROPE FOR THE LEVERAGE AND NAILS PSICOSIS!!!! The crowd is chanting "Holy Shit, Holy Shit" as Mysterio holds his leg in pain. Mysterio gets to his feet and rolls a limp Psicosis into the ring. Mysterio covers Psicosis hooking the leg...1..2....NO! Psicosis shot his arm up at the last second and stays alive in this match.

    Mysterio puts Psicosis on the second rope and calls to the crowd whom cheer loudly as he yells "619!" and hits it on Psicosis! Psicosis rolls back into the ring and Mysterio calls out for the West Coast Pop. Mysterio goes for it but WHAM GETS A SUPERKICK TO THE JAW INSTEAD! Psicosis then picks Mysterio up quickly and PSYCHO STUNNER! Psicosis covers Mysterio.1...2...3! New Cruiserweight Champion!!! Psicosis goes around the ring and celebrates with the Cruiserweight Title in hand. He's finally climbed the mountain but the crowd doesn't like it!

    (Winner and NEW WWE Cruiserweight Champion at 23:15: Psicosis)

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Crowd Reaction: 80%

    Match Quality: 88%

    Dames Stars: ***1/2

    Los Guerreros vs Rabid Rhyno

    Match 7 of 7 in the #1 Contendership Series, Cage Match

    LATINO HEAT! Los Guerreros theme hits as they come walking down to the ring. During the commercial break for Y2Stinger, The Cage was lowered around the ring and now rests around it. Eddie and Chavo taunt the crowd but half of them cheer for em. Damn it, dont they know that the Guerreros are the Heels!!! Los Guerreros climb into the ring, up the ring steps and through the Cage Door. The Ring Announcer states that victory can be attained by Pinfall, Submission or Both members of a Team hitting the floor. Eddie and Chavo get ready in the ring as Rhyno's music and video hits. The crowd explodes in cheers for Rhyno as he beats his chest, coming out onto the stage. He comes down the left ramp and slaps some hands to the crowd. He waits outside the ring and then Benoit's entrance hits and his music blares as Benoit comes walking out onto the stage. The crowd cheers loudly as Benoit walks down the right ramp and stands next to Rhyno. Then both men walk up the steps to the cage door and climb inside. The bell sounds as the Cage Door is locked with a chain. Obviously going out the door is out of the question! Benoit runs at Eddie and begins brawling with him. Rhyno does the same to Chavo. Rhyno begins beating and chopping Chavo in one corner. Benoit doing the same to Eddie in the other corner on that side of the ring. Eddie reverses it around and begins chopping Benoit. Rhyno in the meantime whips Chavo across the ring and Rhyno follows him in with an attempted Gore in the corner but Chavo sidesteps Rhyno into the second turnbuckle!

    Chavo then dropkicks Rhyno in the back and into the turnbuckle. Eddie in the meantime takes Benoit out of the corner and backs him into the ropes. Eddie whips Benoit across the ring and sidesteps Benoit. Eddie instead uses Benoit's momentum to DRIVE HIM INTO THE CAGE FACE FIRST! Benoit bounces off and falls to the mat. Chavo and Eddie then begin to work over Rhyno. They whip him to the ropes and Flapjack him into the SIDE OF THE CAGE! Eddie and Chavo wait for Benoit to get up, which isn't long and then hit a double dropkick to his jaw. Eddie and Chavo then both begin to climb quickly but Rhyno catches him and climbs to the top rope and grabs Chavo's legs. He makes Chavo climb back down and gets underneath Chavo...POWERBOMB FROM AT LEAST 10 FEET IN THE AIR ON CHAVO BY RHYNO!!!!! The crowd oooh's and gasps at this move and cheers insanely as Eddie sees Benoit still down. Benoit gets to his feet as Eddie is on the top of the cage. Eddie shrugs and CROSS BODY ON BENOIT FROM THE TOP OF THE CAGE! Benoit rolls through it barely and tries to hook the pin on Eddie..1..2...kickout by Eddie! Benoit holds his stomach in pain from catching that cross body though.

    Rhyno grabs Eddie and backs him into a corner, hitting some hard forearm shivers to Eddie. Rhyno whips Eddie across the ring but Eddie reverses it. Rhyno slams into the corner and then a back body drop to the mat. Eddie picks Rhyno up and DDT's him to the mat. Chavo groggily holds Rhyno down as Eddie climbs to the top of the cage again..don't do that Eddie..To the top of the cage and FROG SPLASH FROM THE TOP OF THE CAGE DOWN ONTO RHYNO!!! WHAT A MOVE!!! The crowd is going completely insane from Eddie hitting that move and just stays there..1....2....Benoit kicks Eddie in the head which breaks the cover. Chavo gets to his feet and picks Benoit up. Chavo goes for a Brainbuster but Benoit ends up landing behind Chavo..CRIPPLER CROSSFACE! There's no rope breaks in this! Chavo is screaming in pain. He tries to roll it into a pin but Benoit rolls right through and we end up where we started. Chris rearing back on it. Eddie gets to his feet holding his ribs but backs into the ropes and dropkicks Benoit in the mouth! That forces Benoit to release the hold. Eddie gets to his feet and sinches Benoit into a Lasso From El Paso! Benoit stays in it for a good two minutes before Eddie gets Frustrated and leaves him for dead. Eddie and Chavo begin climbing very slowly. Benoit manages to get up and climbs the same side but out of reach of either Guerrero. Benoit begins fighting with Chavo on the top of the cage. Don't do that Chavo! CHAVO SINCHES IN A RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP AND USES IT ON BENOIT FROM THE TOP OF THE CAGE DOWN TO THE MAT!!!!!!

    The crowd continues to chant "Holy Fuck" over and over. That move looked like it could've killed both men. Eddie isn't really sure what to do but GOES FOR ANOTHER FROG SPLASH ON BENOIT BUT HE MOVES AND EDDIE CATCHES ALL MAT..HE CRASHES AND BURNS! Rhyno manages to actully get an arm over Eddie as he flops around in pain..1...2....3!!! Rhyno gets the win for his team after Eddie went for it all, winding up Crashing and Burning! What a match! Rabid Rhyno will get the Title Shot at Survivor Series! Not one man in that ring will be able to enjoy this match though!

    (Winners and #1 Contenders to WWE Tag Team Titles at 25:54: Rabid Rhyno)

    Overall Rating: 90%

    Crowd Reaction: 83%

    Match Quality: 97%

    Dames Stars: ****1/2

    Edge vs Kurt Angle

    WWE Championship, Ladder Match

    Main Event

    Edge's music hits as the smoke fills the entryway and stage. Edge then bursts out of it and plays to the crowd heavily. Extremely pumped up for this Title shot. He saunters down to the ring and grabs one of the 10 ft ladders that is along the entryway and carries it to the ring with him. The Title is not yet hanging from the ring. Obviously it'll be attached and hung above the ring when Kurt gets there. Edge sets the 10 foot ladder into a corner of the ring and then stands in wait for Kurt to come out. "Medal" hits and Kurt Angle comes out onto the stage and taunts Edge from the set. He then jumps down between the ramps and holds his arms up. Pyro goes off right behind him as well as from both sides of the stage! Kurt Angle walks down to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. Angle hands the Title over to Brian Hebner. Hebner attaches the Title to the ring that it hangs from above the arena. It raises up high above the ring. About 15 feet in the air. Angle takes advantage of Edge looking up by slugging him in the mouth as the bell sounds. Angle whips Edge across the ring but Edge reverses it and sends Angle hard into a corner of the ring. Edge comes in and clotheslines Angle hard in the corner. Edge then kicks Angle in the gut as he brings him out of the corner. Edge then whips Angle at the corner with the ladder propped up in it. Angle reverses and sends Edge in HARD Onto the ladder. The crowd oooh's at the first ladder move of the evening. Angle then grabs Edge into a Overhead Belly to Belly

    Angle then points at the ladder and picks Edge up..OVERHEAD BELLY TO BELLY INTO THE LADDER HARD! Edge winds up landing on his neck a bit and holding his head in pain. Angle picks the ladder up out of the corner and sets it up mostly in the ring and a part of it hanging out of the ring. Angle then climbs to the top rope and waits for Edge to begin moving. Edge gets over to near the ladder and uses it to help himself up..ANGLE HITS A MOONSAULT TO THE END OF THE LADDER HANGING OUT OF THE RING AND IT SMASHES EDGE'S JAW IN!!!! Edge rolls around holding his jaw in pain. Angle on the outside holding his stomach in pain. Angle eventully gets back into the ring first and sets the ladder up to climb. Angle begins climbing but Edge grabs Angle off the ladder into a High Angle back suplex. Edge rolls out of the ring slowly and pulls a 10 foot ladder from under the ring and slides it into the ring. Angle dropkicks the end of the ladder into Edge, knocking him back down! Angle slowly gets over and begins climbing the ladder. Edge gets into the ring and picks the ladder up. He drives it three times into the ribs of Angle before he finally falls off the side of the ladder! Edge sets up the ladder next to the ring Angle setup. Edge begins to climb the ladder slowly but Angle does so on the other ladder, on the opposite side Edge was. Edge gets to the top first and reaches for the WWE Title. Edge gets a hand on it before Angle slugs him in the face and Edge loses his grip. Angle then slams Edge's head down onto the top of the ladder and then..sinches in a SUPERPLEX FROM THE TOP OF THE LADDERS!!!!

    Both men are down and in pain as one ladder had teetered over, while the other stays in place. Angle is first up but soon after is Edge. Angle winds up clotheslining Edge over the top rope but going over himself as well. Angle picks Edge up and slams his head down on the Smackdown Announce table. He pulls both monitors out of it and everything out of the way. Angle rolls Edge onto the table and gets up himself. Angle goes for the Angle Slam but Edge slips out of it and behind Angle..RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX THROUGH THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE!!! Apparently the Smackdown Announce Table is reinforced or something because it's still in position and not demolished! Edge is up first and slowly crawls to the ring. Angle is in pain and holds his back but crawls slowly to the ring as well. Edge takes the ladder that had fallen over which is parallel with the Smackdown Announce table. Edge goes around to the side of the ladder which was left standing. Edge begins climbing the side that puts his back to the set. Angle climbs into the ring and begins to climb the ladder parallel to the Smackdown Announce Table. Edge though..HE KICKS THE LADDER ANGLE IS CLIMBING ONCE ANGLE GOT TO THE TOP OF IT!!!! ANGLE'S LADDER FALLS OVER AND ANGLE MAKES IT LOOK GOOD BY JUMPING AND GOES STRAIGHT THROUGH THE SMACKDOWN ANNOUNCE TABLE TO HELL!!!!! Edge climbs the last step and grabs the WWE Championship and pulls the Title off the ring! Edge falls to the mat and holds onto the Title!! He's done it!!! Now we all realize that the barricade and Announce Tables were a little closer to the ring than normal tonight. That's the only reason Angle made it to the table and didn't kill himself on an edge of it. Edge stands very groggily and holds the WWE Championship high in the air as No Mercy's credits roll!

    (Winner and NEW WWE Champion at 32:11: Edge)(WWE Championship Gains In Image)

    Overall Rating: 86%

    Crowd Reaction: 90%

    Match Quality: 77%

    Dames Stars: **3/4

    No Mercy Rating: 84%

    PPV Buy-Rate: 1.26

    Attendance: 13,011

    PPV Revenue: $3,150,000

    Ticket Sales: $780,660

  24. user posted image

    WWE Smackdown

    October 16, 2003

    Scenes from the last few weeks begin to flash before your eyes on the screen, Chris Benoit, Rhyno, Eddie and Chavo Guerrero, Edge, Kurt Angle, AJ Styles, Brock Lesnar. It shows Ladders between Edge and Kurt Angle when their video spots come on and then we cut right into the Smackdown intro video. The video plays out and once it's done we cut to the Smackdown set and LATINO HEAT hits!

    Los Guerreros vs Rabid Rhyno

    Match 5 of Possible 7 in #1 Contendership Series

    LATINO HEAT! Eddie and Chavo Guerrero come sauntering out from behind the curtain. No Low-Rider tonight. They're all about business tonight! Los Guerreros get to the ring and then Rhyno's music hits and comes out beating his chest as he comes to the ring. He waits for Chris Benoit's music to hit and Benoit comes walking out as the crowd explodes. This is another tremendous matchup between these two teams. I'm saving alot of the actual fighting and match for the finale because it doesn't come here. Eddie when the referee is distracted hits a hard low blow on Benoit and then pulls a pair of Brass knucks from his tights and BAM! out go the lights for Benoit. Eddie climbs to the top rope and hits a huge Frog Splash on Benoit while Chavo takes care of Rhyno with a clothesline over the top rope before he could break it up. Eddie covers Benoit..1..2...3! Eddie then motions to Chavo to get two chairs from ringside. Chavo gets them and climbs back into the ring..It looks like they're gonna go for a Conchairto! Once Benoit is on his feet. Eddie goes high swinging for the side of Benoit's head. Chavo goes low and takes down a knee! Benoit yells in pain and Los Guerreros celebrate after about a 15 minute match to kick off Smackdown and they're still alive. We go to commercial from here

    (Winners: Los Guerreros)

    Overall Rating: 91%

    Crowd Reaction: 84%

    Match Quality: 99%

    Dames Stars: ****3/4

    He's Coming!

    Hardcore music from Disturbed plays as all kind of hardcore wrestling and brawling images come across the screen and the WWF Championship being held up as well..not the WWE but the WWF Championship. Who could it be that's coming!?

    Overall Rating: 82%

    Kid Kash vs Billy Kidman

    This match is more of a filler match but also to see who can move up the ranks within the Cruiserweight Division. Kid Kash controls most of the match and hits the "Cha Ching" on Kidman and covers him.1...2....3! After the match Kidman hits the Kid Krusher on Kash to finish Kash off and get revenge for the loss!

    (Winner: Kid Kash)(Crowd saw this match as a Let Down From the Last Match)

    Overall Rating: 62%

    Crowd Reaction: 40%

    Match Quality: 85%

    Dames Stars: **1/4

    Kurt Angle

    We come backstage to a scene that was pre-recorded earlier with Kurt Angle, discussing his Ladder Match with Edge. It's not one of those over the top interviews saying "I'm gonna kick your ass" It's one of the almost out of character ones. He's not asked questions other than his thoughts of Ladder Matches past and this Sunday.

    Angle: Ladder Matches are purely the most dangerous match in this business besides perhaps a Barbed Wire Match. Ladders are worse than the Steel Mesh of a Hell in a Cell or the give of a Table. I remember my Ladder Match with Chris Benoit. It was brutal. The Ladders have no give. Your sore for days after this. It's not going to be a walk in the park on Sunday with Edge. I'll be honest in the fact that it's his match. I've had limited experience with this match. Edge has been in like Six Ladder Matches. I do know that it's one of the most physically demanding Matches in this business and hopefully on Sunday. I can take Edge out without the Ladder at all. Those things are no fun at all when they get involved but if Edge goes to war with me with them. I'll have to as well. So it'll be hard on Sunday but the best man will win and that's Kurt Angle!

    Overall Rating: 91%


    Edge has the same sitdown type interview which was taped earlier in the day and this one is also very interesting as it's almost out of character.

    Edge: Man these matches cut time off your career. I've been in Six plus Ladder Matches. The Hardyz and Me and Christian when we innovated alot of stuff. The Triple Threat Ladder Match at Wrestlemania 2000. Three TLC's. One with Christian. All were wars. Ladders are such a dangerous weapon. To have to incapacitate your opponent to the point where they can't stop you from climbing the ladder. I've nailed some of the biggest spots in the history of Ladder Matches. When Jeff was sent careening to me with a Spear. I mean..it was a history making move because it's still one of the biggest spots ever but..It hurt like nothing ever as well. We were all so beat up after that match. This Ladder Match on Sunday with Kurt is going to be something that'll change both of our careers. For me it's like my first ever Main Event at a PPV. It's a time to step up my game and that means I might have to pull everything out of my bag. Pull out all the stops. I may get hurt, Kurt may get hurt but..I Guarentee I will come out of Sunday with the WWE Championship!

    We go to commercial from the end of the Edge interview segment

    Overall Rating: 77%

    Christopher Daniels defeated Rey Mysterio one on one in a fairly solid match!

    Overall Rating: 82%

    Crowd Reaction: 79%

    Match Quality: 85%

    AJ Styles defeats Taz with a nasty Styles Clash but after the match Brock Lesnar inside out clotheslines Styles and then hits an F5 on him! This sunday will be hell between these two!

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Crowd Reaction: 82%

    Match Quality: 76%

    Just a promo video..hyping the main event Ladder match between Kurt Angle and Edge at No Mercy!

    Overall Rating: 91%

    Benoit and Rhyno are informed backstage by Shane McMahon as well as the Guerreros that match #6 will take place right now..and to get ready for it as they are the Main Event..up next!

    Overall Rating: 84%

    Los Guerreros pull out a second victory of the night over a tired Rabid Rhyno..another epic between these two teams and Eddie gets the pinfall off a Frog Splash on a fallen Rhyno after Chavo had hit him with a Brainbuster. Nice lead into No Mercy and their Seventh and final match between these two teams which will happen there!

    Overall Rating: 91%

    Crowd Reaction: 82%

    Match Quality: 100%

    Smackdown Rating: 90%

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