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Hugar Twriker Eats Spam

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Everything posted by Hugar Twriker Eats Spam

  1. If it is only four pages why can't you post it in here.
  2. Alyson Hannigan... WHAT THE FUCK ARE PEOPLE THINKING?!?
  3. I think we should get a fourm for this...
  4. I like RPGS but my problem is that I am so used to FF that I can't get use to any of the others... I got football games(no not soccer). Basically it for genres I mean I have a few here there but not enough to consider it a genre.
  5. - Final Fantasy X(5) - James Bond: Goldeneye(3) - Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow(1) - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic(1)
  6. Two questions... How much is it? Does it have basically the same system requirments as sim III?
  7. Final Fantasy 2(Played it as a kid, old memories) Final Fantasy X Golden Eye NCAA Football 2004 Counterstrike(This might count as Half-life considering it is a mod?) Starcraft Starwars Knights of the Old Republic Super Smash Brothers Mario Kart Pokemon Red/Blue(I cont them as one game is that okay?)
  8. Well I am about to got out in like 30 minutes to get a game, any suggestions PLEASE... plus can someone tell me how is madden this year and how is blitz: the leauge?
  9. Well I problem I have is I really don't have someone to really do Co-op with since I am taking the year off of college and well during the day most of the time(since my job isn't open yet) I got no one to play video games with. So how is Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks without co-op?
  10. Hmm I am looking for a new one and well Dragon Quest isn't out for PS2 so that ain't new. How about I list some I heard about recently and are they any good? That Mortal Combat Game? Madden 2006 how is that? That Football(American) game with all the dark drug and betting shit? List some NEW ones...
  11. Well I like final fantasy gmaes but I am so use to their style it hard to get use to a new RPG stye. I like sports games a lot but I don't know, just make a list of all the good games out and maybe something about them like your opinion and I see if one jumps out.
  12. I haven't bought a game since NCAA 2006 and I am in a mood for a new one. Help me out.
  13. PS2 X-box(broken) Dreamcast(broken) SNES SNES NES Gamecube N64 Gamecube color and a computer...
  14. Eh, most people on here are caucasian, for some reason white guys generally don't dig black girls as much.
  15. So you could create a list better suited to your tastes. Anyone could do that.
  16. Is it me or does that church person looks like Ronald McDonald?
  17. A repeat number is that the first time that ever happen? 17 back to back.
  18. For a second I though Ellison was Britney Spears, I mean how disgusting can you get.
  19. MySpace is a facebook want to be...
  20. I am just wondering, is the game fun and would it be good for just one person playing it?
  21. Okay Warnings for all..... If only I had mod powers... But people please calm down and get back to the discussion of Saw 2. Like um, how are they going to have a big surprise at the end? We already know who the killer is unless they will get a new killer, but than it won't be the jigsaw killer...
  22. I missed most of the first episode as my family went out to eat at like the very begining and didn't get back till the very end. What happened exactly. I need details... Gosh I am so gay.
  23. In the movie she STUDIED the language. Maybe why she was having her reaction from the epilespy something in her brain clicked and she said them there words. Who knows. But all I know is until you prove that they exist you are a liar and I dont like people who lie.
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