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Hugar Twriker Eats Spam

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Everything posted by Hugar Twriker Eats Spam

  1. So I had three suitcases left.... 300, 400, and 500 and the banked offered me 600? What?
  2. You should be able to do odds in your head.
  3. KING KONG First of all this was an amazing movie but it had a few problems. First it started off extremly slow. Nothing exciting happen in the first 45 minutes and I was thinking about leaving and demanding my money back, and I got to see it for free, and only one thing kept me in my seat and that was because I knew what was coming. Kong was coming. I was pleasently surprised at the 45 minute mark because they made it to the island and the natives were fun to watch. Than, at the 1:15 mark the king arrived. Kong looked amazing and so does most of the other animals. In fact one of the high point in the movie is the animals interacting with eachother and the humans(Don't know how far I can go before someone calls spoiler so I won't mention what the interaction is but if you can't guess it than shame on you) The acting was pretty good all around. Jack Black did a great job in one of his more dramatic roles but it might be overlooked due people expecting comedy genius from him. The other actors did a good job but I don't care enough to note what they did good. The script, while a classic, did have a problem or two. First, I didn't understand why they entered the sailor-castaway storyline as it wasn't really needed. Also the actor going back to save them was kind of off character for him. I also got mad during the movie because of some of the stupid things people would do. I mean Adrian Broody leading Kong through half the city just to save some human life was fucking stupid because he probably killed more that way than if he and everyone else just ran away. Overall if you miss the first 45 minutes than the movie is probably a 9/10 but if you happen to watch it all than it is brought down to a measly 7/10. Now don't get me wrong, 7/10 is still a great movie, but it could of been so much more.
  4. I have a question, isn't asking about the PS3 release in a PS2 topic off topic? And isn't going off topic a warnable offense? I demand a warn of The Prototype for that and as a back-up issue him for being a retard. Also glad to hear it is working again. But it seems that you have been having bad luck with games lately. First Civ IV and than PS2 fuck up and I am sure others.
  5. I don't know, something about Beast I don't like. It just doesnt look right.
  6. Last Time I checked December 30th, 2005 wasn't the year 2006.
  7. Okay, I have a question, how the hell did LSU not get a fucking 2006 Bowl Game. How does Auburn, Alabama and Florida all get 2006 bowls but LSU doesn't? LSU beat all of them. LSU had a better record than all of them? What the Fuck?
  8. Well I dont feel like starting a new thread and well since the movie is coming out friday at 12:00:01 I guess it is time to start the talk of the movie. I also want to gloat because I get to see it tonight so HA.
  9. If you'd have said that a week ago I'd have cared. Right now I don't give two shits, I've taken it back and am enjoying a chocolate shake.
  11. horrible list. Golden Eye deserved to be higher.
  12. http://www.ncaa.org/champadmin/ia_football_past_champs.html You never outright won a national title either. Sorry. Try Again.
  13. I had a rule with my high school football team. The rule was a 60 point handicap for my school, so if they lost 59-0 we considered that a win, and even with the 60 point handicap we still lost over half of our games. Oh and I think our basketball team lost 72-2 one time so that score doesn't phase me much.
  14. Must kill Hugar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Actually I was worried about the Tide going into the LSU game, but after our defense started scoring this week I feel better.
  15. Number Five Number Four Number Three Number Two Number One
  16. I think it was the worst list yet. To many British Slags for my liking. Also don't we usually post our top 5 after this is over? New Topic or is this one fine?
  17. Luck or no luck there is no such thing as a bad win and a good loss. A win is a win so I mean your lucky your lucky, luck has a lot to do with the emotion of the game I mean that is how it goes. I mean if Notre Dame makes that FG and leads by six it is all different? If Jarrett doesn't catch that ball and go 64 yards to setup the finish then USC is looking with a loss. The fact is you can call it luck or you can call it miss tackling or the moment of the game.
  18. Is it going to show the frogy testicles?
  19. But he forgot about his football scholarship to oklahoma...
  20. Damn you mentioning Civ 4... I had no idea it was out or even in the making and now that I heard it is out I can't get it out of my mind. Of course I would have the money to get it if it wasn't for Katrina flooding my job. DAMN YOU KATRINA!
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