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Posts posted by wrestlingsuicide

  1. WCW HQ, Atlanta, Georgia

    March 18, 1999

    Inside a conference room, Eric Bischoff, several minor booking staff, Terry Bollea and Bill Goldberg are talking. The tension in the room is very high... and both wrestlers are just trying not to look at the other man. There have been 'negotiations' going on for the past hour or so... Eric Bischoff has been trying to broker an agreement.

    "Alright... we've decided not to suspend or fire anyone... BUT... I stress this... Terry, Bill... you'll have to find someway to co-exist with one another. If you can't do that, then I suggest you two just get the heck out of each other's face. We can't have WCW up in flames because the two of you don't like each other... are we in agreement?"

    Eventually both men agree not to cross each other's paths backstage... although one doesn't trust the other, they will have to work with this situation, lest Bischoff actually suspend or fire someone.

  2. Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead... lalala... here's a show for you. :thumbsup:

    user posted image


    March 15, 1999

    Tony Schiavone recaps the action-packed episode of Nitro last week. Randy Savage assaulting Hollywood Hogan, thus sparking a Savage-Hogan match at Uncensored. The Giant and Kevin Nash are going to fight Goldberg for the World Heavweight Title in a three-way match at the PPV. And the main event last week... Lex Luger has been confined in an undisclosed hospital following the severe beating that he received from The Giant and Raven... Luger apparently has three crushed ribs, a dislocated collarbone and a severe concussion. Schiavone says that Sting is out for revenge tonight, and that the man inside the ring right now had better run away fast before Sting gets him!


    Raven's inside the ring, sitting down on a corner, holding a microphone. Much like his previous promos during the past year, his face is a blank mask... emotionless. The fans immediately rain him with boos... not that he cares. Raven slowly raises the microphone to his mouth, savoring each jeer by these fans here in the arena tonight.

    "If you mindless sheep would shut up for a moment... you would be able to listen to what I have to say..."

    The fans boo even louder. A "We Want Sting" chant starts. Raven sneers, as he raises his voice to be heard.

    "You want Sting? You want Sting? In case you weren't able to watch Nitro last week... let me show you what your self-professed hero is capable of!"

    Raven points the mic at the two screens beside the Nitro Logo above the entranceway. Images from last week are shown, Sting handcuffed to the ropes, and the subsequent massacre of Lex Luger inside the ring, and of course, Raven using the sliced-throat gesture in front of Sting.

    "Stinger, I'm sorry about your friend there. I'm sure that he's somewhere recuperating... his screams of agony, filling the halls of whatever hospital he's sequestered in. How did it feel, Sting? How did it feel to be so helpless? How did it feel, not being able to help your friend... chokeslam after chokeslam... evenflow after evenflow..."

    Raven pauses. Then chuckles.

    "Don't worry, though... your time will come soon. I know deep down inside, you're seething... you're looking for an answer... why... why... why... don't worry, you will find answers soon enough. You will find answers in due time. In fact, your time... will come... at this month's Pay Per View... at Uncensored! Because Sting, at Uncensored... it's going to be you... and me... inside the ring... one on one..."

    Raven pulls himself up, and walks to the middle of the ring, his face now full of anger.

    "Don't bother checking if the match is real or not... believe me.. the match has already been made... signed, sealed and delivered courtesy of President Ric Flair. Remember Sting, you get the chance to avenge your fallen friend... you get the chance for vengeance! I get... the chance to prove myself... that I'm better than you... that I'm going to be a bigger star than you! These people chant your name... WHAT ABOUT ME!? WHAT ABOUT RAVEN!? these people revere you as a wrestling god... WHAT ABOUT ME!? WHAT ABOUT RAVEN!? these people simply can't get enough of you... WHAT ABOUT ME!? WHAT ABOUT RAVEN!?"

    Raven then lowers his head down... and starts breathing heavily.

    "At Uncensored... the Raven shall be heard... at Uncensored... the Raven shall be given his dues... at Uncensored... it will be ALL ABOUT RAVEN!!!"

    He tilts his head, so that his eyes stare menacingly into the cameras...letting a sly grin spread on his face.

    "Quote the Raven... never more..."

    Raven drops the microphone on the mat, and leaves the ring amidst boos from the entire crowd.


    [Chavo Guerrero vs. Psycosis]

    Amazing opener. You simply cannot go wrong with lucha matches... unless of course they're luchas who don't know how to lucha... Chavo wins this one with a cradle piledriver on Psycosis.

    Winner: Chavo Guerrero via Pinfall

    Match Rating: ****


    Cut backstage where Ric Flair's sitting inside the President's office. He's got The Giant and Arn Anderson with him inside.

    "Ladies and gentlemen... as a consequence of Randy Savage's vicious actions against Hollywood Hogan last week... I have hereby suspended him from appearing on Nitro tonight! But don't worry because next week on Nitro, six days before Uncensored... you will see Randy Savage in a match... a NON-title match against none other than the World Heavyweight Champion... Bill Goldberg! Whooo!"

    Flair smiles. The fans have a mixed reaction on the announcement.

    "Whooo! We've got a hot show tonight! Because tonight's main event... is going to be Kevin Nash versus The Giant for the number one contendership to the WCW Title! What, you people actually think that I would allow Nash a title shot at Uncensored? No, no, no... Tha Naitcha' Boy is a lot smarter than that! You see... Kevin Nash will have to go through the Giant... if he wants a shot at the belt... and let me tell all of you... The Giant is unstoppable! Whooo! Have a great evening everyone!"


    [saturn & Rick Steiner vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. & Billy Kidman]

    Saturn and Steiner continue the win streak by effectively getting rid of Mysterio & Kidman this week. Despite the high agility and speed of their opponents, Saturn and Steiner were able to put their size advantage into play and effectively grounded both men. Perhaps that's why it was an awkward match to watch... Rey and Billy not being able to whip out their usual spots. Rick Steiner hits a bulldog off the top rope on Billy Kidman to get the pinfall win.

    Winner: Saturn & Rick Steiner via Pinfall

    Match Rating: **3/4


    Chris Jericho's got new music... "Thunderstruck" by ACDC. He cockily walks down the aisle carrying his half of the tag team belts, and gets in the ring. He grabs a mircophone from the announcer.

    "Good evening ladies and gentlemen... boys and girls... and welcome to MONDAY NIGHT JERICHO!!! I know all you Jerichoholics are dying to know the result of my efforts to discard that pathetic excuse for a tag team partner, Booker T. Unfortunately... President Flair... the GRRRRREATEST WCW President EEEEEVER... told me that the only way I could get rid of Booker T is if we lose the Tag Team Titles... and THAT is NOT going to happen... not in a MILLIIIIION YEARS! And so... after an entire week of thinking it over... I have decided to welcome you back, Booker T. I have decided to put up with your lackluster in-ring ability... with your lack of charisma... with your terrbily overpowering body odor... and I have decided to take you back into TEAM JERICHO! So Booker T, come on down that aisle, step into this ring, and once again stand behind me as my trusty sidekick!"

    Booker T walks out to the tune of his old Harlem Heat music. He's got a mic himself, and the other half of the tag belts with him.

    "Jericho, you must be out of your mind, sucka. If you think that I'm going to step into that ring and be your chump... then you'd better think again. I ain't nobody's sidekick, and I don't play second fiddle to anyone... specially not you, BOY. What I suggest, sucka, is that you take this tag team... and shove it where the sun don't shine, because this team ain't never goin' back together again!"

    Jericho smiles.

    "Look Booker T... I don't think you get it. You see, President Flair has already booked a title defense at Uncensored... it's going to me... and you... against that bland, bland team of Rick Steiner and Saturn! And Ric Flair told me that if you DON'T defend these tag team titles with me... you're going to be suspended INDEFINITELY, and WITHOUT PAY! So why don't you go back to that cockroach infested hole you came from... think about it a while... and then come back to me next week with your answer... alright? Get it? Got it? Good! See ya!"

    Booker T looks like he's about to blow... but decides that it's not worth it and leaves... effectively leaving the impression that Chris Jericho just punked him out.


    [:WCW Television Title Match: Kanyon vs. Scott Steiner]

    This is Steiner's rematch, since he lost the title to Kanyon via interference from Bam Bam Bigelow. Steiner was stubborn about jobbing one more time to Kanyon. The finish, hence the ugly match. in this one was no different from their first encounter, Bigelow ran in when the ref wasn't looking and nailed Steiner with a vicious clothesline from behind. Kanyon went for the pin and got it. At the end of the match, Scott Steiner was obviously pissed, and hit a belly-to-belly on the referee. Ouch.

    Winner: Kanyon via Pinfall

    Match Rating: 1/2*


    [Raven vs. Norman Smiley]

    Raven makes short work of Smiley in this uneventful match. He hit a vicious Evenflow to seal the deal and grab the easy win. After the match, Raven was walking his way back... when out of nowhere, Sting jumps out of the crowd and starts assaulting Raven!!! The crowd explodes!

    Sting grabs Raven and drags him back to ringside... he then throws Raven into the steel barricade! Sting doesn't let up, and throws Raven now to the steel post! Ouch! Raven looks like he's hurt! Sting starts putting the boots on Raven! And this is the time that backstage security starts running out from behind the curtains and down the aisle. They contain Sting and escort him backstage, while Raven slowly gets up and collects himself.

    Backstage, we see Sting being escorted out of the building! Schiavone then informs us that Ric Flair has ordered the eviction of Sting from tonight after that unwarranted attack on Raven! Schiavone cries injustice, but is helpless to do anything nonetheless.

    Winner: Raven via Pinfall

    Match Rating: **


    Bret Hart's music starts playing, the fans get on their feet, and the Hitman starts walking down the aisle. He enters the ring, and immediately asks for a microphone.

    "Cut my music. Cut it."

    The music stops playing, and Bret starts talking.

    "I'm out here for one reason, and one reason alone... Diamond Dallas Page... get your butt in gear and walk out here, so you can listen to what I've got to say!"

    After a few moments of waiting... DDP shows up from behind the curtains with the US Title and a perplexed look on his face.

    "I'm going to give it to you, Page, you beat me fair and square in the middle of this ring at Superbrawl. I won't take that away from you... but the fact still remains... your win... it just might have been a fluke. Now... I've got a rematch clause in my contract... which says I can ask for a rematch within six months of losing any title. You know that I could use that rematch clause right now... or I could use it at the upcoming Pay Per View..."

    Page looks worried. He certainly didn't bank on having to fight Hart again... and not for the US Title.

    "But I'll tell you what... you step into this ring with me right here, right now...and I'll put that rematch clause for the US Title on the line. If you beat me... my rematch gets thrown out of the window, and I probably won't bother you again... BUT if I beat you... then you have to face me at Uncensored, and put the United States Title ON THE LINE. Whaddya say, Page?"

    Page starts walking down the aisle. He climbs into the ring, and grabs the microphone from Bret's hands. Page thinks for a while, tilting his head back...

    "Oh, it's on, monkey boy! And that match... starts right now!"

    And with that FISTS START TO FLY! Page and Hart immediately get into it even before a referee is able to scamper into the ring.


    [:If Bret wins, he gets a shot at the US Belt at Uncensored: Bret Hart vs. Diamond Dallas Page]

    This was a good match, and would you believe a few notches up from their performance at the PPV, this being on free TV and all!? Both men gave their usual stuff...but the drama was better, since Hart was actually looked like he wanted to win this one badly. When DDP almost found an opening to hit the Diamond Cutter... Hart immediately shoves Page into the turnbuckle, and rolls him up for the three count while holding on to the tights! Hart hightails it out of the ring, as Page gets up and starts complaining to the ref who won't hear any of it. Hart smiles at Page, and makes a 'title belt' sign around his waist. Page can't believe that Hart just outwitted him tonight... and that at Uncensored, Hart and Page will duel for the United States Championship!

    Winner: Bret Hart via Pinfall

    Match Rating: ****


    Hogan's backstage being interviewed by Mike Tenay. Tenay asks him if he has any words for Macho Man.

    "Tenay, I've got words for the Macho Man alright! Randy Savage, let me tell you something, brother, last week you might have gotten the best of me. You took me out with a cheap shot, and then you rammed that microphone into my skull, brother... again and again, until I was bleeding profusely! I had to get the help of medical personell backstage to patch me up and stop the bleeding. But at this month's Pay Per View, at Uncensored, Macho Man, I'm assuring you that it's going to be you who'll be bleeding! See... not only did I ask Ric Flair to give you what you wanted: a match with me at Uncensored... but I've also asked Ric Flair to add an additional stipulation... No... Holds... Barred!!!"

    Hogan savors the crowd reaction.

    "I'm going to make sure that when you step out of that ring, Mach... brother, you're going to the right thing and retire from this business alltogether. I'm going to beat you up so bad, dude... that you're going to wish that you had never come back into WCW again! Now, Macho Man, the question that I ask you... Whatcha Gunna Do, When Hollywood Hogan runs wild on you!?"


    [:#1 Contendership To The World Heavyweight Title: The Giant vs. Kevin Nash]

    Good match... surprisingly from both men. They were slow... but they complemented each other well. The battle was into full swing as Nash hits a big boot to send the Giant finally crashing down into the mat. Nash fails to take the initiative and pin his opponent, however, and decides to play to the fans. Nash pulls The Giant up and throws him to the ropes, his opponent reverses and they hit the referee!!! The Giant recovers, kicks Nash in the gut and hits a VICIOUS CHOKESLAM! Nash is out!

    Running down the aisle is Goldberg!!! The Giant doesn't see him... Goldberg slides into the ring, and stalks his prey like a lion... The Giant turns around... SPEAR!!! THAT BROUGHT THE BIG MAN DOWN!!! Kevin Nash is slowly coming to his senses... SPEAR BY GOLDBERG ON NASH!!! HE'S LAID OUT BOTH MEN! The referee finally comes to, and sees Goldberg standing in the ring amidst the two competitors. He asseses the situation immediately calls for the bell. This match has ended in a draw!!!

    Goldberg grabs a microphone from the announcer!

    He points at The Giant down on the mat...

    "YOU'RE NEXT!"

    Then he points at Kevin Nash...


    He cracks a wicked smile... something he hasn't done his entire stay in WCW...

    "Uncensored... three way dance... YOU'RE BOTH NEXT!"

    Schiavone goes nuts, pisses himself in joy and says that Goldberg wants a three-way at Uncensored! OH MY GOODNESS! Ric Flair must be doing backflips inside his office right now! He tells us that we're out of time and we get a final shot of Goldberg standing in the middle of the ring amidst the fallen Giant and Nash! He reminds us to tune in next week!

    Winner: Draw via DQ

    Match Rating: ***

    Nitro TV Rating: 4.51

    RAW TV Rating: 7.36

  3. WCW HQ, Atlanta, Georgia / Bill Goldberg's residence, Atlanta, Georgia

    March 9, 1999

    Goldberg is at home, serving his temporary suspension from WCW. He is on the phone with Eric Bischoff, they have been talking for thepast few minutes... mostly about the terms of his suspension... Goldberg blows hit top, however when he hears of Hogan's intervention during the subsequent investigation of the fight between him and Hogan.

    "This is bullshit, Eric... this is all bullshit. He's blowing smoke in front of everyone. That pompous bastard has the nuts to point the finger at me? I'm not stupid, Eric... I know what I've got on my plate. You know that I won't jeopardize what I'm being paid right now by kicking Bollea's ass! He started the damn fight, and he knows it!"

    "Listen Bill, we're going to clear everything up by next week. We can't afford to NOT have you appear on TV, so next week, you're going to put in an appearance. Right now, we're talking to several guys... all we're getting is multiple angles, Bill."

    "Talk to Rick... talk to Page... they know what was going on! That sonofabitch knows that I've got the goods and now he's looking to take me out of the running. You know, the phone has been ringing off the hook lately and McMahon's pretty interested in my goods. If you won't lift this suspension or do something about it soon, then I want out of this contract!"

    "Are you threatening me? Let me remind you, you DO NOT threaten me. I will take you to court before you violate that contract that you have right there. We're paying you a ton of money to do as we say...get it? Good. I'm going to get to the bottom of this by next week! Goodbye."

  4. Goldberg Conspicuously Missing From Nitro; Politics Involved?

    by Dynamite Syd, Wrestling Watch Website

    WCW Heavyweight Champion, Bill Goldberg was not present during the live broadcast of Nitro last night. WCW management has cracked down on outside leakage lately, and it is rumored that Goldberg had an altercation with Terry Bollea akaHollywood Hogan backstage during the March 1 episode of Nitro following their match. Our sources inform us that Goldberg has been put on temporary hiatus as the investigation by WCW on the alleged incident is ongoing. It is said that Goldberg will be present next week on Nitro, as WCW cannot afford to have their current champion out of TV... howver, our source informs us that his appearance will be brief, if only to confirm that he is still with the company. Additional sources have said that Bollea has been actively campaigning for the immediate termination of Bill Goldberg from the company. This is not the first time that Bollea has been reported to use his backstage pull to this effect. Is Golberg's future with WCW in peril? Only time will tell.

  5. user posted image


    March 8, 1999

    Anaheim, California


    The show begins with a pan shot of the entire arena... Schivaone gives us a summary of what happened last week, and how Randy Savage revealed himself to be the masked man who cost Hollywood Hogan the World Heavyweight Title at Superbrawl! The arena's PA system then blares out with the familiar voice of Savage.

    "OOOOOOOOOOOH YEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" And this sound clip is then followed by "Pomp and Circumstance". Immediately the fans get up on their feet. Schiavone notes that Savage is using his original song from the early 90's... and Randy Savage walks out of the curtains weaing a black outfit with the usual tassles and whatnot attached to it, and dons a black bandana on his head. Savage walks down the aisle while pointing at the fans and even slapping some hands along the way. Savage climbs into the ring, and is handed a microphone by the announcer. Savage spins around with his arms extended out as if to entice the fans to cheer, and they do. With his raspy, over-the-top voice, Mach starts speaking.

    "Yeeeahh.... the Macho Man is back... and I'm back for only one thiiiing... and that's you Hogan!"

    Cheers from the crowd.

    "I've done a lot of things in my life... I've done a lot of things in my career as a wrestler.... yeaaahhh... I've won titles... I've defeated every obstacle that's been put in my way... and I want to tell everybody, that I think my time's up... my time here inside the wrestling ring... is about to end... however, I'm not quite sure if it's time for me to lace my boots... and that's why I need a barometer... I need a barometer to determine if I certainly need to go..."

    A stunned silence by the crowd, followed by a lot of boos.

    "I want a match... a match to be a testament to what I've accomplished inside this ring, and I want my last match to be with the one man who's overshadowed me in my entire career... and that man... is you, Hogan!!!"

    The prospect of a match between Hogan and Savage gives the fans something to cheer about once again.

    "Hollywood Hogan's asking himself why the Macho Man would cost him the World Heavyweight Championship? It's only because of one thing... I'm going to prove to the entire world that I'm better than Hogan, that I've always been better than Hogan... the only way to get your attention, Hollywoooood.... is to get your mind off of the title... and on me! OOOH YEEEEEAH! So now... let's get down and dirty, Hogan... I want you to walk your ass down that aisle and step into this ring with the MACHO MAN.... and I want us to see each other... FACE... TO... FACE! YEEEAH!"

    Savage points the microphone at the curtains, and eggs Hogan to walk out. It's at this moment that the familiar guitar riffs from "Voodo Child" start playing. Hogan emerges from behind the curtains... and receives a ton of boos from this crowd. Hogan slowly walks down the aisle while Savage just waits inside the ring. Savage stares at Hogan all this time, meanwhile, Hogan has an uneasy look on his face. He slowly climbs into the ring... and inches closer to Savage until the two of them are practically face to face. Hogan is handed a microphone by one of the stage hands near the ring.

    "Have you got any idea what you did to me at Superbrawl!? Have you got any idea what that title meant to me? Brotha, if you're insecure about yourself... you don't have to go and ruin someone else's life... just because I was a bigger star than you'll ever be doesn't mean that you've got the right to rip me off of MY World Heavyweight Title. I know the game you're playing here, brotha', and I ain't going to play it with you. See... unlike you... I don't have any illusions... I know that I'm the best... that I'm the brightest... Hollywood Hogan never played second fiddle to anyone... and playing second fiddle... Mach... is what YOU have been doing your entire career, BROTHER! At first, I wanted to beat the living hell out of the man who robbed me of my title... but when I found out that it was you, Macho Man... brotha, I was terribly dissapointed. So, just stick this into your head, I won't give you the pleasure of having another match with me, not tonight, not ever brotha!"

    Savage stares a hole into Hogan... he certainly didn't appreciate that last remark. He slowly raises the microphone to speak, while Hogan smirks at him.

    "You know what? I could clock you in the jaw... right here... right now... yeeeah... but I won't. Because as much as it would make me... and everyone in this arena... feel good, I want you, Hollywood... in a legitimate match inside this very ring... yeeeah. The way I see it... Hollywood... is that you don't have the balls to step in the ring with the Macho Man, one last time!"

    "Oh, I've got the balls, brotha! But you see, I don't have any incentive to go up one on one against YOU, bro... because you'll never be better than me.... you'll never be bigger than me..."

    "Holywooooooood, then you leave me no choice... You want incentive? I'll give you incentive!"

    In a surprise move, Savage smashes the microphone into Hogan's face! Savage straddles Hogan and starts smashing him with the microphone! The Macho Man is simply on fire... he's bloodied Hogan! Hogan's bleeding from his forehead... and Savage bodyslams him... he climbs up to the top turnbuckle... and delivers a devastating elbow drop!!! He covers Hogan and the entire arena counts... one...two...three! Savage gets up, and takes the bloodstained microphone.

    "See... you gave me no other choice... Hollywooooood...yeeeeah... and so I'm giving you no other choice... because if you don't step into the ring with me.... I promise you, I'm going to make your life a living hell... OOOOH YEEEEAH!"

    The fans cheer as Savage leaves the ring and makes his way through the crowds. Bam Bam Bigelow and Kanyon run down the aisle and into the ring to help their fallen leader. Hogan slowly gets up with the help of the two, blood pouring down his forehead. Hogan's obviously pissed off, and about to explode. Bigelow and Kanyon help Hogan out of the ring, Hogan's muttering something about getting Savage for this.


    [:Non-Title Match: Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.]

    An excellent cruiserweight match, simply amazing. Mysterio had this one won, after he had Eddie Guerrero reeling from a series of lucha moves. Rey climbs up to the top rope and attempts to excecute a hurricanrana, Eddie, however, reverses this move and hits a devastating Powerbomb into the middle of the ring! Guerrero grabs a handful of tights to make sure, and he wins this via pinfall. Guerrero starts taunting the crowd, as he celebrates his win tonight.

    Winner: Eddie Guerrero via Pinfall

    Match Rating: ****1/4


    Backstage, cameras cut a scene in Ric Flair's office. Eric Bischoff is there, shouting at Flair, waving a piece of paper.

    "If you ever, and I mean EVER attempt to ban the nWo from any WCW Event again, remember that THIS exists!"

    Bischoff waves the piece of paper.

    "This is a signed document that gives us the right to be inside any arena holding a WCW Event! This piece of paper here has been in existence since the nWo was conceived... and damn it... this document, Ric Flair, CANNOT BE OVERTURNED! You attempt to ban the nWo again, and I'm going to make sure to SUE your ass!"

    Flair responds in kind.

    "You want the nWo to be in a WCW Event!? You got it... because tonight, for my main event... LEX LUGER and STING are going to tag-up against RAVEN... and THE GIANT! WHOO! Now get the hell out of my office before I slap you back to yesterday!"

    Schiavone likes the match, and so does the crowd, it seems. Lex Luger & Sting vs. The Giant & Raven, tonight!


    [booker T vs. Alex Wright]

    Alex Wright was just jobber material for Booker T. The german was unable to execute any form of offense against one half of the World Tag Team Champs. Booker T wins this one via pinfall after the Harlem Hangover.

    Winner: Booker T via Pinfall

    Match Rating: **1/4


    At this moment, Jericho decides to show up on the entrance ramp with a microphone. With a sarcastic voice, he starts talking to Booker while pacing the entranceway.

    "Good evening, everybody... and welcome to Monday Night Jericho!!!!! Yeah! Booker T! You successfully defeated Alex Wright, the MASTER of the German Suplex! You successfully repelled tyranny and oppression from the Krauts away from WCW! You should be proud of yourself, bro!"

    Jericho smiles, and looks directly at Booker T.

    "It seems to me that you never were a skilled Tag Team wrestler. That little tag team you had with your brother... the Harlem Dragqueens... or whatnot... that was a pathetic excuse fora tag team... and right now, you're a pathetic excuse for a tag team partner. So, I'm here to tell you that you can continue on pursuing your singles career... forget about being MY sidekick... just hand me back that other half of the tag belts that you've got right there, buddy... and I'm going to let you go on your merry little way."

    Booker T grabs a microphone and replies to Jericho.

    "Sucka, if you want this belt... why don't you walk down that ramp... climb this ring, and pry it from my dead body!"

    This riles up the crowd. Jericho looks like he's about to do it, but stops midway.

    "Okay, I'll think about it... no. Look here you milli vanilli reject... these belts are around my waist and yours because of ME! I'm the driving force behind this tag team and right now, I'm kicking you OUT of that team... if you don't want to give the belt back, fine... I'm going to have to get a signed order from MY MAIN MAN, President Flair, to strip you of that tag team title belt! So, BOOKA TEE... hold on to that for me... don't drool on it... or rub it across your filthy body when you go to bed... that's going back where it belongs... on someone else... someone OTHER than you!"

    Jericho then heads off backstage, leaving Booker T wondering what he's supposed to do to hang on to the belt.


    Cut again backstage, inside Flair's office. Flair is talking to The Giant, who seems quite apprehensive about facing Nash and Sting tonight... with Raven as a tag-partner.

    "You'd better make sure that you're going to turn this night into Lex Luger and Sting's worst nightmare! I want you to be the bad, bad man that you are... and beat the living hell out of those two! And yes... I know you will... I know you'll do your best tonight... because I've just given you a shot against Goldberg for the World Heavyweight Title... at this month's pay-per-view... UNCENSORED! WHOOOOO! So don't you disappoint me, because brother... you're going to be the crown jewel of MY WCW!"

    The Giant smiles and shakes Flair's hand... and then leaves. Before Flair gets to sit down again... Hollywood Hogan bursts into the room with Bigelow and Kanyon behind him. His forehead has been bandaged up, and the bleeding has stopped. Hogan's eyes are full of fury as he starts screaming at Flair.

    "I want Savage! Flair, you give me The Macho Man inside the ring! I'm going to give him what he wants... and I'm going to rip him apart with my bare hands, brotha'! YOU GIVE ME RANDY SAVAGE! Do it, Flair! Give him to me! After what he did tonight... he'll be lucky to make it out of the ring once I'm through with him! YOU GIVE HIM TO ME, FLAIR!"

    Flair places his hands on Hogan's shoulders... trying to calm him down.

    "Hold on... easy... calm down... whooo! Hogan... you want Randy Savage!? You GOT Savage! WHOOO! Hollywood Hogan... Randy Savage... one on one... AT UNCENSORED! WHOOO! Howdja like it!?"

    Hogan nods his head in agreement, his breathing slowing down for once.

    "Oh I like it... I like it a lot, BROTHA'!"

    Schiavone pisses his pants regarding the matches that Ric Flair made for Uncensored! The Giant vs. Goldberg for the World Heavyweight Title... and Hollywood Hogan vs. Randy Savage!!!


    [Rick Steiner & Saturn vs. The Windhams]

    Steiner and Saturn continue their win streak with a convincing victory over the Windhams tonight. Saturn seals the win by locking the Rings Of Saturn against Kendall Windham, giving them the submission win.

    Winner: Rick Steiner & Saturn via Submission

    Match Rating: *1/2


    Backstage, Mike Tenay catches up with Kevin Nash, who's loitering around the hallway. Tenay asks Nash about his thoughts regarding Goldberg vs. The Giant at Uncensored. Nash calmly responds.

    "What Ric Flair doesn't seem to realize, Tenay, is that I'm supposed be the one getting the World Title shot... not that big tub of lard. Big Sexy's been thrown out of the title hunt by all this hoopla with The Alliance and the nWo! We tried getting rid of the old man at Superbrawl, but hey... we got screwed over big time. Well, now that Big Sexy is BACK, and all the fuss about the WCW Presidency is over... I want MY title shot. I remember what you and your sidekick did to me two months ago... you screwed me out of MY title shot. What YOU don't understand, Flair... is that I've got a 'rematch' clause in my contract... which allows me to challenge for the World Title within six months of losing it! And I guess I'm going to have to use that clause... at this month's PAY PER VIEW! So, as Uncensored... it won't be Goldberg vs. The Giant for the World Heavyweight Title... it's going to be Goldberg... versus The Giant... versus BIG SEXY, in a triple threat match! And when I get my gold back... oh you know I will... when I get my gold back... I'm going to take you down Flair! Revenge is sweet, Flair...And revenge-nWo style, baby, is just too swwweeeeet!"


    [bret Hart vs. Bam Bam Bigelow]

    Good match, both of these two vets know how to play off each other well. Bigelow dominated the match, until Hart used his technical prowess to outwrestle the big man. With the sharpshooter locked onto Bigelow, Diamond Dallas Page starts running down the aisle. Hart sees Page, and lets go of the hold. Page jumps on the apron, and Hart walks over to exchange some trash talk... Bigelow creeps up from behind Hart and hits a schoolboy pin! Bigelow goes for the pin... one... two... three! Bigelow beats Hart! Hart sits up, and he's pissed!

    Page runs backstage... and Hart runs after him! The cameras follow them backstage into the parking lot, as DDP gets inside his car and speeds away from the arena. Hart immediately hijacks a vehicle and follows suit! Page and Hart have left the arena!

    Winner: Bam Bam Bigelow via Pinfall

    Match Rating: ***3/4


    "Enter Sandman" starts playing, the crowd goes wild, and Sting walks out from behind the curtains! Wearing a black trenchcoat over a black nWo shirt and blue jeans, he walks down the aisle. He's got a pretty laid back look on his face, his eyes covered by Rayban shades. This Sting is different, Schiavone would say, because this Sting has shed the facepaint and seems to absolutely know what he wants... and that's Ric Flair off of the WCW Presidency! Sting climbs into the ring, and is handed a microphone.

    "At Superbrawl... Raven thought it was a good idea to drive my head into the concrete floor with an Evenflow DDT. Last week, Raven thought it was a good idea to run his mouth about how he's going to turn me into his first sacrifice. Tonight, Raven will find out that it's NEVER a good idea to mess with the Stinger!"

    Big cheer from the fans.

    "Be careful what you ask for, because you're definitely going to get it. You wanted me, Raven? You've got me! I know, you know and everyone out here knows that I won't ever back down from a challenge! I'd suggest that you strap on your seatbelt, boy... because you're going to be in for a very bumpy ride...STINGER STYLE! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!"

    [Lex Luger & Sting vs. The Giant & Raven]

    Luger is introduced next... to mild reaction from the crowd. Sting and Luger meet in the middle of the ring, and wait for their opponents. The Giant then walks out to Flair's music... and he steps into the ring, unafraid of the two men in front of him. "Freak On A Leash" starts playing... and Raven, dressed in his tattered grunge outfit makes his way down the ring. He climbs the ring and stands in front of The Giant, his eyes never leaving Sting. Sting matches his intense glare.

    The Giant and Raven start the match. Not long after the bell rings, Arn Anderson is seen coming through the crowd behind the announcer's desk. He runs around the desk, and quickly grabs Sting's feet. Sting jumps down into the mat, and starts brawling with Arn. The ref sees this and immediately calls for the bell, awarding the match to Luger and Sting. Arn Anderson then produces a pair of handcuffs, and in the struggle with Sting, cuffs him to the ropes! The Giant, Raven and Arn Andersonthen start demolishing Lex Luger inside the ring! Sting strains to free himself from the cuffs, but fails to do so... he helplessly watches as The Giant chokeslams Lex Luger TEN CONSECUTIVE TIMES!

    Cameras look backstage, and see the nWo locker-room being barricaded by police officers. Nobody from the nWo is able to get out! Bischoff starts asking Flair what the hell this is all about... and Flair says that even though he has to let Bischoff and the nWo inside the arena, that doesn't mean he can't contain them... Flair then starts talking about one of Bischoff's guys having illegal contraband inside the locker room, and how he'll have to contain the nWo inside the room for the rest of the night. Bischoff, Nash and Steiner blow their tops off... not able to run into the ring.

    All this time, the three men inside the ring are having a field day with Luger, who is now practically as limp as a noodle after the consecutive Choke Slams buy the Giant! Fans start throwing garbage into the ring... Raven grabs Luger, puts him in a front face lock, points at Sting, smiles... and delivers a vicious EVENFLOW DDT!!! Raven isn't done yet! He picks Luger up again... Arn Anderson holds the unconscious Luger up for Raven... and Raven delivers ANOTHER EVENFLOW! Sting is frustrated with himself, not being able to help his friend. Anderson jumps out and grabs a steel chair! He slides it into the ring... Raven positions Luger above the chair... EVENFLOW DDT ONTO THE STEEL CHAIR!!! Luger is half-dead by now, presumes Tony Schiavione. Sting is now practically emotionally broken as he sees his friend lying facedown on the steel chair, bleeding, unconscious... Raven walks in front of Sting, and smiles... he simply runs his thumb across his throat... a symbol of death... and the show closes with that shot fading away.

    Winner: Lex Luger & Sting via DQ

    Match Rating: DUD

    Nitro TV Rating: 5.08

    RAW TV Rating: 7.35

  6. WCW Headquarters

    Atlanta, Georgia

    March 3, 1999

    Terry Bollea, Eric Bischoff and several minor WCW executives are talking inside a conference room. The heated discussion has been going on for about twenty minutes. Bollea's giving Bischoff a verbal lashing.

    "I'm telling you Eric, Goldberg is not good for the locker room. He's belligirent, unruly and he's a god-damned troublemaker! He started that fight, and he wanted to dupe me into doing what I didn't want to do! Check the ratings, Bischoff... the moment he wins the belt, Nitro goes down in the ratings AGAIN! He's not the future of this company, and you know it! I'm still your biggest draw, and someone like Goldberg can't replace me!"

    "Look... whatever beef you have with Goldberg, you're going to have to set aside. I've got people looking into that scuffle, and so far everyone's had a different story to tell... if Bill did actually start that fight, then we're going to have to re-evaluate things... but as of right now, I'm not going to do anything... you're going to have to stick with the program that we agreed on... you said that this was good for you..."

    "Damnit, Poffo's got to be insane if he thinks that he's got enough mileage to go with me inside the ring again! People have had enough of his character... and frankly, I just agreed to do this program because I want to show you that I'm still the biggest draw in this company, and that I can attract more fans than any Goldberg World Title program!"

    Bischoff can only back down on Bollea's demands...considering how he's got Ted Turner's ear, and that Turner called him up a few weeks ago regarding his future in the company.

  7. Oakland, California

    Immediately after Nitro March 1, 1999

    After the big segment where Savage reveals himself, all the wrestlers troop backstage. There is high tension in the air after what happened earlier in the day. Goldberg immediately gets into Bollea's face.

    "Next time you want a real fight, just call me... I'd be more than willing to kick your ass."

    Bollea doesn't back down.

    "Oh yeah, rookie? Why don't you just shove it!"

    And Bollea shoves Goldberg... Goldberg shoves him back... and it's BONZO-GONZO AGAIN! This time more wrestlers get involved... it's a blur as several guys get into the tussle, some of them aiding Hogan... some of them aiding Goldberg... most of them though try to end the fight and they hold both men back and away from each other. Bollea starts screaming at Goldberg.


    Terry Bollea had just threatened to execute a power play on his part. Soon, most of the wrestlers fell silent. There indeed was tension in the WCW Lockerroom... and everyone knew that in a week's time, heads are going to roll.

  8. user posted image


    March 1, 1999

    Oakland, California


    The show opens with Flair and The Alliance already in the middle of the ring, being rained by boos from the fans inside the arena. DDP, Kanyon, Eddie Guerrero and Chris Jericho are all sporting their titles... while Hollywood Hogan is standing in a corner behind everyone else, obviously thinking about what he's going to say tonight. Flair sports a big smile, as he is flanked by Arn Anderson to his right, and The Giant to his left. He whips out a microphone and starts talking.

    "Ladies and gentlemen... you are now looking at the PERMANENT WCW President! Whooo! You are now looking at THA MAN! You're loking at the man that BEAT the nWo last night! Sting!? Nash!? Steiner!? Luger!? ALL OF THEM, NOTHING compared to THA NATCHA' BOY!!! WHOOO!!! And you know what, just because I am in a celebratory mood... the nWo is BANNED from the building tonight! WHOOOO!"

    Big boos from the crowd.

    "You are all looking at Ric Flair... and the most illustrious collection of athletes in the world today! Whoooo! The Enforcer, Arn Anderson! Making his debut last night, the biggest force in the history of WCW, The Giant! Whooo! Cruiserweight Champ, Eddie Guerrero!!! Tag Champ, Chris Jericho!!! Television Champ, Kanyon!!! But most of all... I am proud to give you, the newly crowned United States Champion... Diamond Dallas Page! Whooo!"

    Page is handed the microphone.

    "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Last night, I fought a battle... I fought a war, damnit... and I BEAT THE LIVING CRAP outta that monkey-boy you all call the Hitman. He wasn't any challenge, boy... and Ric, no offense, but for my first title defense, you'd better give me someone who's betta' and badda' than Bret Hart....I AM the US champ again, and all you chumps had better realize, like Bret Hart realized last night... you can't stop the inevitable... you can't stop the Diamond Cutter... you CAN'T STOP THA BANG!!!"

    It's at this point that Hogan walks over to Page and grabs the microphone from his hands. He shoves Page aside, and starts talking with a frustrated voice.

    "ENOUGH ALREADY! While you're all celebrating, realize this... I lost the World Heavyweight Title last night! You all cost me the one title that meant something! I ask you guys for help, and all you brought me was incompetence! All you had to do was take care of Goldberg, and even you guys couldn't HANDLE THAT! Now, what I want to know, Flair... is the identity of the masked man that assaulted me last night! That man cost me the World Title... and I'll be damned, brotha, if I don't get my revenge. You're the president, Flair, you should know what the hell is going on! Brotha, you'd better provide some solution to this problem!"

    Flair tries to calm Hogan down, and replies.

    "Hold on, Hollywood... Hold on, calm down... I know you're angry... heck, I'm angry as well! I don't want someone like Goldberg holding on to the gold belt! There's a solution to this... and we're going to find out who's screwed you out of the belt... who's screwed US out of the belt! You've got to get your head together, brother, you're in a match tonight... Tonight... you're going to team up with DDP... Hollywood Hogan, and Diamond Dallas Page... whooo!!! To take on Goldberg and Bret Hart! Whooo! And I promise you... we'll have answers before the night is over!"


    [Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Super Calo]

    Your nice lucha opener that we have all grown accustomed to. Calo isn't as polished as Mysterio in the lucha ways, however. Rey wins this one with a combination Hurricanrana/Pinfall.

    Winner: Rey Mysterio Jr. via Pinfall

    Match Rating: **


    Outside, cameras catch Eric Bischoff with the nWo arguing with about two dozen security guards.

    "I'm sorry Mr. Bischoff, but Pres. Flair has banned the nWo from the building tonight..."

    "Banned!? Banned!? You can't ban us! My guys are going to get in there, one way or the other... so if you won't let us in, then I'm going to find a way!!! I'm taking down your badge number, because once this is all settled down... I assure you... you are going to be looking for a job selling fries for Wendys!!!"


    [Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Billy Kidman]

    A hard-fought cruiserweight match between two contrasting styles. Kidman sports a much more high-risk style, while Chavo is more of a technical wrestler. The match was just getting hot when Cruiserweight Champ Eddie Guerrero runs down the aisle... he rolls into the ring and hits both men with the Cruiserweight belt, causing the ref to throw the match out. Eddie then starts putting the boots on both men, not letting either one get up. Satisfied with the chaos he's done, he walks out brandishing the belt and big toothy smile amidst the boos from the crowd.

    Winner: No Contest due to Interference

    Match Rating: ***3/4


    A camera makes its way backstage, and it spies upon Ric Flair and Diamond Dallas Page talking to each other.

    "Look, I'm sure that whoever interfered in Hollywood's match last night is going to try and interfere in your match tonight... and that's why we need you out there in the ring with Hogan to go up against Goldberg and Bret ... to bait him out... and once he reveals himself, we'll set the boys on him like a pack of dogs!"

    "Hogan better thank his lucky stars that I'm willing to go through this crap for him after what he did earlier!"

    The Giant then sees the camera crew and immediately shoves the guy holding the camera out of the door entrance. He closes the door, leaving Schiavone to specualte as to what else they're discussing inside the room.


    [Rick Steiner & Saturn vs. Alex Wright & Hugh Morrus]

    The makeshift tag team of Steiner and Saturn continue their winning streak tonight, after a healthy demolishing of an arrogant combination of Alex Wright and Hugh Morrus. Towards the end of the match, Rick Steiner hit a massive tackle on Wright, while Saturn threw Hugh Morrus out of the ring. Rick Steiner then hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Wright to finish the match with a pinfall victory.

    Winner: Rick Steiner & Saturn via Pinfall

    Match Rating: *1/2


    Backstage, Mike Tenay is getting ready to interview Bret Hart.

    "Bret Hart, earlier tonight, Diamond Dallas Page made some very harsh comments regarding you... and the match you had with Page last night at Superbrawl... do you have anything to say?"

    "As much as I'd hate to admit it... yeah, Page beat me last night, fair and square in the middle of the ring. But that doesn't mean he's the better man... had he come out and asked to shake my hand... he'd be the better man... but Page is nothing more than a two-timing piece of scum... he reminds me of several people that I've had the displeasure of working with up north... he'll do anything to try and get ahead of the man in front of him. I have no respect for people like Diamond Dallas Page... I have no respect for Page..."

    "What about the tag-team match that you have tonight with Goldberg against Page and Hollwood Hogan?"

    "Goldberg's got Hogan to take care of... and I'm going to take care of Page...you can expect a battle tonight, Mike Tenay. He's got a very big bulls-eye behind his back, and the Hitman's going hunting... the Excellence of Execution is going to bring IT tonight, and I'm going to prove why I AM the best there is, the best there was and the best that there ever will be..."

    Hart leaves Mike Tenay standing there.

    "Well, ladies and gentlemen... you heard it from the Hitman himself... expect a battle tonight!"


    [The Giant vs. Lash Leroux]

    If you have to ask who won this match, I will have to ask you to donate $20.00 to the WrestlingSuicide Hotline. Giant via pinfall after a CHOKESLAM.

    Winner: The Giant via Pinfall

    Match Rating: *


    Korn's "Freak on a Leash" starts playing, and apparently it's Raven's new themesong as he walks out to the absolute loathe of the fans. Everyone starts booing as Raven slowly walks down the ramp and into the ring. Raven sits on a ring corner and whips out a microphone from underneath his clothes. He looks detached from this very moment, almost no emotion showing from his face.

    "You may ask... why Raven? Why did you do it? What did you stand to gain from doing such a thing? Why bother yourself with the tribulations of men whose causes you care not about? Why Raven? Why?"

    A short pause.

    "Why? Why? Why Not!? WHY NOT!? I've spent the past two months rotting in the underbelly of WCW... I've spent the past two months alone, far away from the limelight... far away from all you belligerent people! During those two months, all everyone could talk about was the Alliance... the New World Order... Ric Flair... Hollywood Hogan... Bret Hart... Diamond Dallas Page... Goldberg... Kevin Nash................. and Sting."

    The fans start cheering, hoping that Sting would show up and beat the living crap out of this guy.

    "Go ahead, cheer him at the very mention of his name... after all, that's what sheep do. That's all you people are... mindless sheep. Sting returns... and you all jump through a hoop! Sting intereferes in a match, and everyone pisses their pants... Sting, Sting, Sting, Sting, STING! All I hear is Sting's name being mentioned everywhere by everyone! You worship this man as if he were a God! You worship him as if he were A SAVIOR! WELL, WHAT ABOUT ME!? WHAT ABOUT RAVEN!? WHAT... ABOUT... RAVEN!?"

    Big boos from the crowd.

    "Last night, would have been Sting's night... last night would have been another moment of glory to add to his long list of accomplishments. Well, I won't have it... I won't have it that way! Last night, was MY night! Last night was RAVEN'S NIGHT! Last night was MY NIGHT TO SHINE! And shine I did... so now, with the opening of each mouth... my name is uttered... within every discussion... my very actions are whispered... Why, Raven? Why? Why? WHY!? Hahahahahahaha...."

    Raven pulls himself up from the corner, and walks to the middle of the ring. He just keeps his head down, staring at his feet.

    "Sting, last night was the beginning of your end. With your star falling, my star ascends... and when you're gone... when you've been driven out of the WCW, noone's going to remember your accolades... or your accomplishments... when you're gone, you're going to be remembered as the first in a long line of victims the time that Raven made his mark... greatness requires sacrifice... and I am more than willing to make you, Sting, the first sacrifice... Quote the Raven... Nevermore!"


    [Hollywood Hogan & Diamond Dallas Page vs. Goldberg & Bret Hart]

    Decent match... Bret and DDP were obviously carrying the load for the other two stars. Whenever Hogan and Goldberg were in the ring together, there seemed to be very legitimate heat between the two of them. At one point, Goldberg seemed to actually punch Hollywood in the chest, to which Hogan retaliated with a vicious SLAP to the face of Goldberg! DDP tags Hogan from behind... perhaps sensing that the real-life animosity between the two men was just too much to handle. Goldberg tags to Hart, who immediately goes after DDP. Hart never lets up and viciously tries to destroy Page... Hart shoves the ref in the process, and they get DQ'd. All four men are now inside the ring, and it's a BRAWL!

    From the crowd, out jumps the masked wrestler again!!! He runs over to ringside, and pulls Hogan out of the ring...he starts attacking Hogan! Hogan staggers back! age, meanwhile, is being double-teamed inside the ring!!! Hogan quickly runs away as the masked man doesn't pursue him. Hold on... the cavalry is here as The Giant, Arn Anderson, Kanyon, Bam Bam Bigelow, Chris Jericho and Eddie Guerrero run out...but wait... Sting, Scott Steiner and Kevin Nash have cut them off towards the end of the entrance ramp! they've jumped out from the crowd as well... and they are brandishing steel bats!!! The Alliance members hesitate to go in!!! DDP is being slaughtered by Bret and Goldberg!!! Hogan is safe with his stablemates... who can't rescue DDP!!! Hart and Goldberg finally throw out DDP... and they roll out of the ring to continue the beatdown!!!

    Winner: Hollywood Hogan & Diamond Dallas Page via DQ

    Match Rating: **


    Left alone inside the ring is the masked man, while Sting, Nash and Steiner hold the Alliance at bay! Hart, Goldberg and DDP are making their way through the crowds... as Hart and Goldberg continue the assault on Page.

    The masked man grabs a microphone... he points at Hogan...


    He rips off his mask... and it's RANDY SAVAGE!!! Schiavone is pissing his pants, Randy Savage has not been in WCW TV since an injury sidelined him late last year!!! Hogan's jaw drops... the fans explode into a huge cheer, while Randy Savage climbs on a turnbuckle and goads Hollywood to dare and get past the nWo barricade!!! The show fades out showing Hogan's surprised face with Schiavone's screams heard at the background.

    Nitro TV Rating: 4.39

    RAW TV Rating: 7.28

  9. 8. I Wonder If Heaven's Got A Ghetto (Are You Still Down, Track 10) <-- This is where 2Pac took the lyrics for Changes, this was an earlier song

    Actually, its not the lyrics, its the beat, and the sample. I forget the song the sample came from though, although I believe its also called 'Changes'. I Wonder If Heaven's Got a Ghetto is better then Changes too.

    Try Brenda's Got a Baby.

  10. Oakland, California

    3 hours before Nitro on March 1, 1999

    Terry Bollea a.k.a. Hollywood Hogan walks into the arena wearing his civilian clothes. He is greeted by most of the crew, although he just keeps on walking without acknowledging anyone. Before making it to the designated dressing rooms, he runs into Bill Goldberg in the corridor. Goldberg makes a flippant remark.

    "Heya Champ."

    This just sets Terry Bollea off. He starts shouting at Goldberg.

    "If you work hard enough, and stop asking for hand-me-downs, maybe you'd get lucky and get called that. Don't think for a second that that belt's staying with you, you're just filler, boy, and that's the way it's going to be."

    "What the fuck is YOUR problem!?"

    "My problem? My problem? YOU'RE my problem."

    "Well then, why don't you solve your problem right now..."

    Goldberg then just SLAPS Bollea in the face! Terry retaliates with his fists, and soon both men are down on the floor having a fist-fight. Securty guys and several wrestlers run in to seperate the two. Scott Steiner pulls Goldberg off Bollea, while Ed Leslie pulls Bollea away. The two are then sent to separate locker rooms to cool down.

  11. user posted image


    March 1, 1999

    The aftermath of Superbrawl will be immense, as the nWo have failed to wrest control of WCW from Ric Flair's hands. Instead, Flair's presidency is now permanent, as per the match stipulation. Will Raven have an explanation on Nitro, did he join the Alliance!? The Giant made his WCW return during that main event, and was in the midst of a brutal fight with Kevin Nash that led to both their DQ's. Diamond Dallas Page successfully defeated Bret Hart to win the US Title, will Bret want a rematch on Nitro!? Goldberg defeats Hollywood Hogan for the 2nd time, to win his 2nd World Heavyweight Title... who is the masked man that interfered in the match and cost Hogan his belt!? Stay tuned, only on WCW Monday Nitro!!!

  12. After looking at my 2Pac collection... Here are some good-beat songs much like Changes and Me Against The World:

    1. Heaven Ain't Hard To Find (All Eyez On Me, Disc 2, Track 11) <-- My favorite 2Pac song.

    2. All About You (2Pac's Greatest Hits, Disc 2, Track 11) <-- version where Snoop rapped instead of talked.

    3. Dear Mama (2Pac's Greatest Hits, Disc 2, Track 10) <-- Hook was used for 'Westside' by TQ.

    4. Can't C Me (All Eyez On Me, Disc 2, Track 1) <-- Hook here came from Snoop Dogg's "Snoop Dogg: What's My Name?" Song.

    5. Shorty Wanna Be A Thug (All Eyez On Me, Disc 2, Track 2)

    6. Rather Be Your Nigga (All Eyez On Me, Disc 2, Track 9)

    7. California Love Slow Mix (All Eyez On Me, Disc 1, Track 12)

    8. I Wonder If Heaven's Got A Ghetto (Are You Still Down, Track 10) <-- This is where 2Pac took the lyrics for Changes, this was an earlier song

    9. Letter 2 My Unborn Child (Until The End Of Time, Track 10) <-- Similar to Xhibit's The Foundation [another sleeper hit song from X's 1st album]

    10. Thugz Mansion (I just downloaded it off the net)

  13. (Hot off the presses! I give you, Superbrawl IX... extra effort went into the Hart/Page and Hogan/Goldberg match... ;) Hope you like it...)

    user posted image


    February 28, 1999

    Los Angeles, California

    Non-Televised Match

    Curt Hennig def. Saturn via Pinfall

    [::Cruiserweight Title Match:: Eddie Guerrero vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.]

    This was a good cruiserweight opener for the entire PPV Card. Eddie is the established heel in this one, although the crowd wasn't completely behind Chavo. The match itself was very excellent and showed how well these two men knew each other's styles. Good spots held by both mean, which also saw Eddie attempt a frog splash that Chavo countered with a big drop kick to the chest. Eddie wins this one via a timely low blow and a quick roll-up while holding on to the tights for the pinfall win. Eddie quickly runs out of the ring, while Chavo expresses his frustration by kicking the ring ropes.

    Winner: Eddie Guerrero via Pinfall

    Match Rating: ****3/4


    [::TV Title Match:: Kanyon vs. Konnan]

    Another decent match to follow the earlier spot fest. Konnan has enough skill to actually go toe-to-toe with the budding Kanyon. Kanyon is quicker, however, and apparently wiser than Konnan, as he uses a steel chair with the referee knocked out cold. Konnan gets cut in the forehead as a result of the hit, and is practically unconcious. Kanyon hits the Flatliner to win this one and the title retention.

    Winner: Kanyon via Pinfall

    Match Rating: ***1/4


    [::Tag Team Title Match:: Chris Jericho & Booker T vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. & Billy Kidman]

    Jericho and Booker, evident from last Nitro, are not on speaking terms. Kidman and Mysterio on the other hand were a very effective tag team. Rey and Kidman showed this effectiveness as they completely dominated the match against the feuding champions. Jericho, at one time, even threatened to leave the ring and head backstage. Jericho and Booker skin the cat on this one as Booker T manages to defeat Kidman with a side kick to the jaw that drops him out cold, and gets the three count before Mysterio could come in to break the pinfall. Booker T leaves with his half of the belts, while Jericho celebrates in the middle of the ring. It's obvious that these two will have a lot more to settle in the future.

    Winner: Chris Jericho & Booker T via Pinfall

    Match Rating: ***3/4


    [::United States Title Match:: Bret Hart vs. Diamond Dallas Page]

    Michael Buffer steps into the ring, getting ready for the next match.

    "Ladies and gentlemen... the next match is for the WCW United States Championship!!!"

    Buffer pauses to let the fans cheer.

    "Introducing first, the challenger..."

    A remixed version of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" starts playing. It's a meaner version of the old Self-High Five song. The fans start booing. DDP walks out of the curtains, with a methodic strut of arrogance.

    "...he is a former WCW United States Champion... he is currently a member of the Flair-Hogan Alliance... he refers to himself as the HARDEST WORKING MAN in Wrestling... he is the master of the Diamond Cutter... he is DIAMOND DALLAAAAAAAAS PAAAAAAAAGE!"

    DDP rolls into the ring raises his hands and brings them down, shouting a big "BANG!!!". He goes over to his corner and prepares for the arrival of his opponent.

    Bret's bastardized WCW music starts playing. The fans get on their feet and start cheering.

    "And now, introducting the Champion... he hails from Calgary, Alberta, Canada... he is one of the best technical wrestlers in the world today... he is the Exellence of Execution... the Best There Is, the Best There Was, and the Best There Ever Will Be... he IS the reigning WCW UNITED STATES CHAMPION... he is BRET HITMAAAAN HAAAAART!"

    Bret heads off into the ring, with the US belt wrapped around his waist. He enters the ring, and climbs the turnbuckle... raises his hands to the crowd. Bret hands the title off to the referee, Nick Patrick... but not before kissing it. Patrick raises the belt for everyone in the arena to see. He gives it to the announcer at ringside, and starts walking back. Before he even makes it back to the middle of the ring, Bret Hart immediately jumps DDP!!!

    Bret starts raining left hands into Page's skull. Nick Patrick asks for the bell to be rung to signify the beginning of the match. Hart lets go of Page, only to put in a couple of boots into DDP's ribcage. Hart pulls Page up, and throws him to the ropes... Bret lowers his head, and delivers a big back-body drop. Bret then goes back to pounding Page with lefts and rights. Hart seems to have had enough, and he stops, and pumps up the crowd, who cheers for him.

    Hart goes back to Page, who catches the champ off-guard with a punch to the gut. DDP then hits a gutwrench suplex on the doubled-over Hitman. He immediately goes for the pin, and gets a two count. Page pulls Bret up, and sends him to the ropes... clothesline from DDP! A couple of elbow drops from Page, and he pulls Hart back up again. Page throws Hart into a corner, and follows it up with another clothesline. DDP starts jawing with a couple of fans at ringside.

    Bret gets thrown to the ropes again, and Page tries another clothesline... but Bret ducks, bounces off the ropes, and hits a crucifix... for the two count. Bret waits until Page gets up, and hits him in the face with a right hand. Page staggers back. Hart kicks him in the gut, bending him over, and hits a snap vertical suplex. That knocks the wind out of Page, and Hart immediately goes for a headlock. Page slowly tries to get up, and attempts to throw Bret off into the ropes, but Hart latches on and drags Page back down into the mat. Page tries once again, and tries to throw Bret off... but again, Bret grabs tightly and drags Page down.

    Page gets up once again, and feigns an attempt to throw Bret off, but instead, he grabs Bret at the waist and hits a shoulder suplex! Page shakes the cobwebs off, and gets up first. He goes after Hart, and picks him up... bodyslam. DDP runs across the ropes, and hits a big running elbow. DDP gets up again, and delivers another elbow. He goes for the pin. Two count. Page picks the Hitman up, and hits him with a right hand... and another... and another... and Bret goes down. Page goes for the pin... another two count. DDP is slowly getting frustrated... he starts raking Bret's eyes with the sole of his boot.

    Page tries to pick Bret up again, but the Hitman now goes for his thigh with a stiff kick. Another kick... and another... and Page goes down! Hart immediately goes after DDP's left leg, lifting up up, and kicking the inner thigh... then executing a single leg lock. After a few minutes of this, Hart lets go, although he doesn't let up. He kicks DDP's leg again... and this time locks in a figure four, which nearly decimates DDP. Page doesn't submit... and Hart lets the hold go. Bret lifts Page, and delivers a backbreaker! Hart picks DDP up, and hits a side russian legsweep! Hart now signals to the crowd that he's going up to the 2nd rope... and he hits an elbow drop!!! Page is almost out cold... and Bret is slowly getting up. Everyone can feel that's it time for the Sharpshooter!!! Bret gets ready, he picks up both of Page's legs... and he cinches it in! Page is in complete agony! Hart is going for the kill and the win right here!

    After a few agonizing moments, however, Page is able to barely crawl his way out of the Sharpshooter by grabbing the bottom rope with his left hand. Nick Patrick is forced to have Bret let go of the hold. Bret lets go, and immediately goes back to work on Page. He bends over to grab Page... but Page reverses it into a small-package! One... two... and a kick-out by Bret!

    Hart gets up and kicks Page in the gut. He picks Page up, who's barely standing after the damage Hart caused by the Sharpshooter. Bret throws Page into the corner... and he charges in for a shoulder-tackle... but Page moves out of the way! Hart takes in the brunt of the turnbuckle... he staggers back.. and Page HITS THE DIAMOND CUTTER!!! Hart is down, Page is down as well! Nick Patrick starts counting both men out... one... two... three... four... five... six... seven... eight... and Page manages to drape a hand over Hart... ONE... TWO... THR-no! Hart kicks out with every last ounce of strength that he has!

    Page and Hart slowly, slowly get up... Page goes for another Diamond Cutter... but Hart shoves him into the ropes... Hart goes for a clothesline... which Page ducks... Hart turns around... DIAMOND CUTTER by Page!!! He goes for the cover... ONE... TWO... THREE!!! DDP wins the United States Championship!!! Both men are spent... and Page barely makes it to his feet to receive the belt. The fans start booing! Page rolls out of the ring and heads back.

    Hart finally comes to... and he sits in disbelief... the crowd gives him an ovation nonetheless... out of pure respect.

    Winner: Diamond Dallas Page via Pinfall

    Match Rating: ***3/4


    [::World Heavyweight Title Match:: Hollywood Hogan vs. Goldberg]

    Michael Buffer steps into the ring, signifying that the next match is about to begin.

    "Ladies and gentlemen, the next match is scheduled for one fall... and it is for the WCW Heavyweight Championship... Of The World!"

    The drums start playing, and the entire arena goes nuts. Chants of "Goldberg" could be heard all around the arena.

    "Introducing first... the challenger... he holds the record number of consecutive wins in WCW history... he is a former WCW United States Champion... a former WCW World Heavyweight Champion... he fears no man alive... he is unstoppable... he is GOOOOOOOLDBEEEERG!!!"

    Preceded by a long line of security men, Goldberg emerges from the curtains. He poses for the customary fireworks show, and makes his way down the ring. He goes through his usual routine, stretching, growling and snorting inside the ring.

    Jimmi Hendrix's Voodoo Child then fills the arena. Fans immediately start booing.

    "And now... introducing the Champion... he is one of the founding fathers of the nWo... he is currently a member of the Flair-Hogan Alliance... his name is well-known all over the world... he has starred in countless movies... he has held various World Titles in North America... he is the REIGNING WCW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD... HOLLYWOOOOD HULK HOOOOOOOGAN!"

    Hogan walks out with the WCW title, and starts playing it like a guitar to the music. If looks could kill, then Goldberg's firm stare into Hogan would definitely put the veteran more than six feet under. Hogan steps into the ring, he goes through is usual routine. The referee, Charles Robinson asks for the WCW belt from Hogan. He lifts the belt up high for everyone to see. Hogan and Goldberg goe face-to-face. The anticipation is unbelievable... as Schiavone put it... "This is a rematch to END all rematches!"

    Hogan begins with a SLAP TO THE FACE! Goldberg replies with a massive RIGHT HAND! Hogan staggers backwards from the blow. Goldberg grabs Hogan and throws him to the ropes... Hollywood bounces off the ropes and tries to take Goldberg down with a shoulder-block. Goldberg doesn't budge! Hogan tries once again, and again, Goldberg refuses to budge! Hogan goes at it for one more try, and Goldberg delivers a shoulder-block of his own to send Hollywood sprawling into the canvas. The fans explode at this show of power from Goldberg!

    Goldberg pulls Hogan up to his feet, picks him up and hits a bodyslam. Goldberg then bounces off the ropes and delivers an elbow drop into Hogan's sternum. Hogan doubles in pain. Goldberg stands up and pulls Hollywood up again. Hogan, though, gouges Goldberg's eyes this time. Goldberg backs off, as Hogan regains his composure. With a kick to the gut, Hogan seems to have penetraded Goldberg's defenses. Hogan then sends Goldberg into a corner via a forceful irish whip. Hogan tries to follow it up with a clothesline, but Goldberg comes back with one of his own! Hogan finds himself on his back, again!

    Goldberg recovers, and stomps on Hogan's chest with a left boot. After a couple more shots, Goldberg pulls Hogan back up, and throws him to the ropes... Hollywood bounces off the ropes... and Goldberg delivers a mean side-kick into Hogan's face! Big pop from the crowd!!! Goldberg puts himself into one corner, and it seems like he's going for the Spear!!! Hogan slowly gets up... Goldberg starts running... but Hogan sees him from the corner of his eye, and immediately rolls out of the ring! Goldberg slows down and follows Hollywood outside.

    With his back turned to Goldberg, Hogan doesn't see him come up from behind. Goldberg grabs Hogan by the back of the neck and throws him into one of the steel posts! The ref starts counting. Goldberg grabs Hogan and throws him towards the steel steps... Hogan reverses, and Goldberg hits the steps with force, knocking them out of place! Hogan takes advantage of this, and delivers a knee into Goldberg's midsection. Hogan then punches Goldberg in the face before rolling him back into the ring. Hogan also rolls back in, but exchanges some insults with a couple of fans at ringside before doing so.

    Hollywood has the advantage now, and he grabs Goldberg and hits a body slam, and delivers an elbow drop of his own. Hogan proceeds to choke Goldberg with two hands, shouting at 'Berg to quit. The referee immediately admonishes Hogan, who doesn't care, since if he loses via DQ, he retains the title. Hogan pulls Goldberg up, and hits another bodyslam. He goes for the cover, but only gets a two-count. Hogan goes for the cover again, but Goldberg kicks out this time before the 2nd count. Hogan goes back to choking Goldberg. He then moves from the choke into a headlock. Goldberg starts powering out of it... and shoves Hogan into the ropes... shoulder tackle! Hogan goes down! Goldberg goes after Hogan, who decides to roll out of the ring.

    Outside, Hogan and Goldberg start exchanging blows... with Goldberg gaining the advantage. Hogan counters this with another rake to Goldberg's eyes. He slams Goldberg's head into the steel corner of the ring, and rolls him back in. Hogan rolls into the ring, and starts to call for the Big Boot. He grabs Goldberg and throws him into the ropes... Hogan raises his leg to deliver the boot... but Goldberg ducks, Hogan hits the referee with the boot!!! Charles Robinson is out cold!!! He follows through and bounces off the ropes, SPEAR ON HOGAN! Hogan has been taken out!!! Goldberg goes wild, and so does this crowd!

    The fans start booing, however, when Eddie Guerrero, DDP and Kanyon start running down the aisle. Goldberg sees them from the corner of his eye. Hogan rolls out of the ring, to avoid Goldberg's wrath. Kanyon is in first... SPEAR BY GOLDBERG!!! Eddie Guerrero is in... SPEAR!!!! DPP goes in next... ANOTHER SPEAR!!! Goldberg starts cleaning house, and throws everyone outside. Bodies are everywhere!! Hogan grabs a steel chair... he waits for his opportunity, while Goldberg in indisposed. But someone from the crowd runs out... a masked wrestler!? A wrestler wearing a white shirt, and a pair of jeans with a black mask on his face is parting the crowd near ringside. He jumps over the barricade and grabs the chair from behind Hogan! Hollywood is surprised by the unknown assailant... CHAIR SHOT ON HOGAN! The masked wrestler rolls Hollywood back into the ring, drops the chair and heads back where he came from!

    Goldberg sees the barely conscious Hogan... Hogan slowly tries to stand... Goldberg's in the corner, waiting for the opening... Hogan slowly gets up, still dazed from the chair shot... and GOLDBERG HITS ANOTHER SPEAR!!! The crowd goes nuts!!! Goldberg raises his hands into the air!!! He pulls Hogan to his feet and locks him into position... JACKHAMMER!!! Charles Robinson finally wakes up in time to see the pinfall... ONE... TWO... THREE!!! GOLDBERG WINS THE WORLD TITLE!!!

    Goldberg wins the big one, and the crowd is celebrating with 'Berg. The Alliance recuperate and head backstage. Hogan is probably wondering who the masked wrestler was!

    Winner: Goldberg via Pinfall

    Match Rating: 3/4*


    Backstage, Hollywood Hogan is screaming his head off at Page, Kanyon and Guerrero! He demands to know who the masked wrestler was! He storms out of the room and heads to his limousine... seems like he's had enough for tonight!


    Michael Buffer announces that it is time for the MAIN EVENT! It is an EIGHT MAN, ELIMINATION TAG MATCH, with the winners deciding the fate of the Presidency of WCW!

    Eric Bischoff, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner and Lex Luger each get their own lengthy introdcutions from Michael Buffer, and their own pyro. The fans cheer for the threesome, as they made their way into the ring. "Enter Sandman" hits, and the entire arena errupts... Sting runs into the ring, and he fires up the crowd by climbing onto the turnbuckles. Nash, Luger and Steiner follow suit... and soon, they have this crowd into a frenzy.

    Buffer then begins to introduce their opponents... "And now... introduc-" At that point, Buffer's microphone goes out. Ric Flair's music starts playing, and everyone starts booing. Flair, Arn Anderson and Bigelow walk out. And Arn Anderson is wearing wrestling gear!? What!? they walks down the aisle and stop midway between the ring and the entrance curtains. Flair has a microphone in his hand. Bischoff grabs a working microphone, and starts talking.

    "What the hell is this, Flair!? You're sending in that dinosaur!? Are you kidding me!? My boys are going to destroy you!"

    "Whooo! You know what Bischoff, you're right! Arn Anderson is going to be making his in-ring return here TONIGHT on Superbrawl IX! WHOOO! But, but... that's not the only surprise... Bischoff... I told you I would be bringing in two mystery partners... one of them is the ENFORCER... and the other one... the other one... is the MEANEST... BADDEST... BIGGEST MAN IN THE HISTORY OF THIS COMPANY... THIS INDUSTRY... ALSO MAKING HIS RETURN TO THE WRESTLING RING... THE GIAAAAAAANT! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

    The lights go out... and a bad-ass rock theme starts playing. And The Giant walks out, and he looks fitter than ever! The crowd can't believe it... he's back! He's got a mean scowl on his face... and he seems to have taken the nWo by suprise!!! Bischoff's jaw drops at the appearance of The Giant! Schiavone informs us that Bischoff let the Giant go last year after a huge contract dispute! The four heels start walking down into the ring! This match is going to go underway!


    [::For the Ownership of WCW:: Sting, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner vs. Ric Flair, Bam Bam Bigelow, Arn Anderson, The Giant]

    The Giant is the first competitor for his team, and Lex Luger volunteers himself to go up against the big man. Luger immediately goes to the ropes, and goes for a clothesline, that hardly even puts a dent into the big Giant. The Giant grabs Luger and slaps a huge fist down into Luger's chest. luger collapses into the mat. LEGDROP from The Giant! Jesus, Luger seems to be out cold after that one. The Giant picks Luger up and delivers a massive POWERSLAM! The Giant isn't over... as he grabs Luger again and throws him to the ropes... and delivers a GIANT BOOT! Luger is out of it. The Giant picks Luger up, wraps his right hand around Lex's neck, and hit a big CHOKESLAM! And that's good enough for the three-count. Lex Luger has been eliminated.

    Out next is Scott Steiner, who manages to at least rattle The Giant with his massive forearms. The Giant staggers back into the ropes, when Bigelow slaps him in the back to make the tag. Bigelow and Steiner immediately go after each other... landing blow after blow, exchanging shots! They hardly take notice of the referee, admonishing them... soon the ref gets in the way of the vicious action... and is shoved into the floor. The ref asks for the bell to be rung... he's disqualified both men!!! Bigelow and Steiner are both gone!!! Scott Steiner has been eliminated. Bam Bam Bigelow has been elminated.

    The match is reset, and now it's Arn Anderson and Sting inside the ring. Anderson and Flair take control of the match, using well-timed tags to keep each other fresh. Sting is beaten down badly. Nash is trying to get into the ring, but the ref won't allow it until he sees a tag! Sting is exhausted after being beated by Flair and Anderson. Anderson picks Sting up, now, and seems ready to hit a massive Spinebuster... but Sting reverses... STINGER DEATH DROP!!! ONE...TWO... THREE!!! The Enforcer has been pinned! Arn Anderson has been eliminated.

    The Giant immediately steps into the ring, but Sting tags out to Kevin Nash! It's the two huge behemoths in the ring now, as Sting and Flair wait in the sidelines. Big devastating blows are exchanged by both big men. Soon the action spill outside, where they keep on exchanging blows! The referee has given them enough leeway and has started counting... one... two... three... Nash and The Giant seem to be oblivious to the count!... eight... nine... then!!! Both men have been counted out!!! Kevin Nash has been eliminated. The Giant has been eliminated.

    The match is reset. It's down to two men! Sting and Ric Flair, the crowd is on fire! Flair gives out a "WHOOOOOOOO!", while Sting replies with a louder "OOOOOOOOW!" The match went back and forth on this part... with Sting gaining the advanage only to lose the momentum to Flair's cheating. Flair soon manages to throw Sting out of the ring. Flair then distracts the referee... from the crowd... out jumps Raven!? With the referee's back turned... Raven nails Eric Bischoff with a steel chair!!! And he nails Sting with it as well!!! Raven rips off the protective matting on the floor...Raven then hits an EVENFLOW DDT into the concrete floor!!! Raven throws Sting back in... and Ric Flair takes advantage by cinching in the Figure Four! Sting is out cold, and the referee has no other decision but to call for the submission win! Flair has won the presidency! Bischoff is out cold... Sting is out cold... and Raven just stares at the fallen carcass of Sting! Ric Flair laughs out loud, while the crowd starts booing! Trash starts flying into the ring!

    Tony Schiavone is having his usual fit! This was a remarkable PPV! Raven has just cost the nWo the WCW Presidency, why!?!? Has he aligned himself with The Alliance!? TUNE IN TOMORROW NIGHT ON NITRO!

    Winner/Survivor: Ric Flair

    Match Rating: 3/4*

    Superbrawl IX PPV Buyrate: 1.23

    Superbrawl IX PPV Attendance: 14,507

    No Way Out PPV Buyrate: 1.98

    No Way Out PPV Attendance: 20,823

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