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Posts posted by wrestlingsuicide


    Atlanta, Georgia

    April 26, 1999

    A few hours before Nitro

    "You what!?!?"

    Terry Bollea's voice could be heard from across the hall. Eric Bischoff had just laid down one of the biggest decisions in his tenure in WCW.

    "You can pack your bags and head back to Florida. I warned you, Terry... one last outburst, and it would be over. That unnecessary stunt of yours last night was uncalled for. You can sit out on your contract if you want, but you won't be getting a single minute of TV Time anymore."

    Bollea's face was red with anger. Yet he showed restraint like that which he had not displayed for the past couple of months.

    "You want me out Eric? I'm out. And FUCK YOU."

    Bischoff stood there, flanked by security, ready for anything. Bischoff then retorts with an insult of his own.

    "No, Terry. FUCK YOU. I'm going to bury your reputation down the fucking drain. You hear me? When I'm through with your reputation, you won't even find a job working for 7-11."

    Bischoff turns to security.

    "Gentlemen, please make sure that Mr. Bollea leaves the premises immediately."

    Bischoff was shaking. He had done what nobody thought he was capable of doing. He was finally growing some balls. 'Watch out WCW', he thought, 'the real Eric Bischoff's finally arrived and he won't take shit from anyone.'

  2. WCW HQ

    Atlanta, Georgia

    April 26, 1999


    Eric Bischoff had a headache. The PPV Buyrate numbers had come in last night. Things didn't look good. Rick Suicide had convinced him not to put the title on anyone at the PPV... make the fans clamor for a champ. He wished he hadn't listened. WCW was now without a legitimate champ. Last night's PPV did alright, but Bischoff felt that they should've given the belt to someone. And if he followed Suicide's plans, WCW wouldn't have a champion until Slamboree.

    He sat in his desk, and took a sip of coffee. There were business decisions to be made, and a TV show to be run tonight.

    10:15 AM

    Scott Rechsteiner walks into the office. Bischoff welcomes him in.

    "Scotty, glad that you could come. Of course, I believe you know that your contract is about to go up at the end of the month."

    "Yeah. I was meaning to talk to you about that, Eric. I think that I've worked my ass off for the past couple of years, and I probably deserve some sort of raise. Maybe a 10, 15% increase?"

    "Erhm. About that. The company's been through a lot of changes recently... and right now, we can't even resign you to the amount of money that you're making right now. And after last night, I don't think we'll even give you an extension at the same amount. So... I... we... have decided to offer you an extension... although at a lower amount..."

    "You're kidding me, right, Eric? I hear you're paying some kook a hundred G's just to be here, and you're short-balling me?"

    "I'm sorry, Scott. Either you take the pay decrease, or we're going to have to let you go."

    "When do you need my decision?"

    "By the end of the week."

    "Do I work tonight?"

    "No, you don't have to. We can work around it. If you need the week off, take it. We'd love to keep you here Scott... but we're cutting down on costs..."

    "Well... thanks, Eric. I guess you'll have my decision by Friday..."

    Rechsteiner stands up, obviously disturbed and walks out. Bischoff's head started hurting again. Tonight was going to be a rough night... because he was about to do something that he thought he would never do.


    Kevin Nash eventually throws both Flair and Arn Anderson out of the ring. Nash grabs the groggy Hogan and tosses him out as well. Hogan lands on the floor awkwardly, and Flair sees it immediately. Nick Patrick sees it as well, and motions for some help backstage. A couple of security guys run out and escort Hogan back, carrying him on both arms. Flair and Arn Anderson stand outside, with Flair having a tantrum.

    Nick Patrick gets the belt from the ringside bellkeeper, and Nash swipes it from Nick Patrick's hands. He holds the belt, waiting for Bret to slowly get up. Bret stands, a bit frazzled from the sneak attack by Flair and Arn Anderson. Bret realizes that the match was over, and that he didn't win the title.

    Nash hands Bret the belt, and Bret raises it to the crowd. The fans start cheering, and the trash-throwing stops. Ric Flair is having a complete fit outside. Nash raises Bret's hand, and the fans give Hart a rousing applause.


    Backstage, Bollea seems to have recovered from the wicked chairshot by Nash. Flair and Arn arrive, and handshakes are exchanged everywhere for an otherwise good show. Nash and Bret are next, and they too are received well by most of the guys.

    Hogan immediately walks up to Nash.


    Nash is immediately surprised by Hogan's reaction. Bollea continues on.

    "That chairshot was so damn stiff you nearly took my goddamned head off! Who the fuck gave you the green light to give me that stiff shot, Kev!? Damnit! I'd expect this out Fleihr, but not from you!"

    "Hold on, they gave me the go. Suicide and Bischoff did. And I don't appreciate the fucking put-down. In case you didn't see, the crowd ate every moment of it!"

    "Goddamnit! What the fuck! I didn't give you no green light to smash me in the skull, and that's all that matters! You fucking idiot! Damnit!"

    Nash doesn't take this lightly, and is immediately restrained by Bret Hart and Arn Anderson from throwing a fist. Bolea explodes, and he starts trashing stuff around... cameras, lightpoles, tables. He then makes his way to the lockers, obviously completely pissed.


    "Good job."

    "I'd be surprised if Bollea ever manages to come back from this one. Nearly everyone's against him now."

    "If we play our cards right, he just might be gone by next month."

    "He's not going to risk losing the megabucks contract though."

    "It's alright. He's probably going to sit it out. But I wouldn't put it past him to get out of the contract and jump ship to McMahon-land."

    "You think we're doing the right thing?"

    "I know we are. WCW is better off with Bollea and his lackeys."

    "What about Nash? He's going to be the top dog once Bollea's out."

    "Nash'll learn his place soon enough."

    "Well, he isn't much of a locker-room favorite."

    "And that's going to help us keep him in line."

    "You never fail to amaze me."

    "Just do as I tell you, and sky's the limit, kid. In a few months, WCW'll be completely out of Bischoff's hands."

    "And into yours?"


  4. Thanks for waiting... and here it is, boys and girls... SPRING STAMPEDE!!!!!

    user posted image


    April 25, 1999

    Orlando, Florida

    ::Dark Match::

    Juventud Guerrera vs. Billy Kidman

    Good overall match, not really top-notch, but decent nonetheless. Juvy wins with a 450 splash off the top rope.

    Winner: Juventud Guerrera via Pinfall

    Match Rating: ***


    Tony Schiavone: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Orlando, Florida, home of the Orlando Magic... and the site of WCW's Spring Stampede '99!!! Good evening everybody, I am Tony Schiavone and as always, with me here in the announce-table is Bobby "The Brain" Heenan! Tonight is going to be one of the most memorable nights in Wrestling History as a new World Champion is going to be crowned tonight! Bret "The Hitman" Hart will face Hollywood Hogan in a match of EPIC proportions! The World Title hangs in the balance, as these two giants in this business go head to head!

    Bobby Heenan: You know Tony, as much as Bret Hart would like to believe he is the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be... the fact of the matter is, Hollywood Hogan IS THE living Icon in the entire wrestling world. Bret Hart can't hold a candle to Hogan, and that's why I've got the Hitman pegged to be brought down a notch by Hollywood tonight.

    Tony Schiavone: Brain, I think that the fans here in Orlando might disagree with you on that.

    Bobby Heenan: That's because the fans here in Orlando are too stupid to realize the fact that Hollywood is still THE MAN here in WCW. These ham-and-egger wouldn't know what a true superstar would look like even if it was a couple of feet away from their pimply noses.

    Tony Schiavone: Brain, you never cease to amaze me. Alright ladies and gents, our first match of the evening is for the Cruiserweight Title, Chavo Guerrero will defend the Cruiserweight Belt against Rey Mysterio and his uncle, and the Alliance's own Eddie Guerrero!

    Bobby Heenan: I can't wait to see Eddie run home with that belt. He's always been the better Guerrero and everyone knows it!

    Tony Schiavone: That match is about to go underway, so sit back, relax and enjoy the ride!


    ::Cruiserweight Title Match::

    Chavo Guerrero © Jr. vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero

    The rules are explained in detail before the match starts. The first man to get a pinfall or a submission wins, and the champion doesn't have to be pinned to lose the Cruiserweight Title. The ref asks for the bell to be rung. All three take their turns against each other to start the match. Rey Mysterio hits the first high-spot via a top-rope hilo to Eddie who was standing outside of the ring. Chavo then follows suit with a running plancha to Rey and Eddie outside. The fight goes back into the ring and we get more mat wrestling from Eddie and Chavo. Rey counters a pancake from Chavo with a spinning DDT. Eddie then catches Ray as the latter attempts a hurricanrana and hits a big powerbomb. That gets Eddie the two before Chavo stops the count. The match slows down conisderably as Eddie and Chavo fight each other. Good mat techniques lead to several near-falls for both men. Rey finally comes to and adds a little speed into the match. Eddie and Chavo are soon reeling from a flurry of moves from Rey. Rey gets thrown out of the ring by Chavo, however. Chavo slams Eddie down the mat, climbs the top rope... and hits a FROG SPLASH! Chavo covers... one, two... Rey breaks the count! Chavo tries to slam Rey down... but Rey counters and hits a hurricanrana that thows Chavo outside the ring! Rey stands up and signals for a hurricanrana against Eddie! Eddie groggily gets up... Rey executes the move, but Eddie counters it AGAIN with a powerbomb! Eddie quickly covers...one...two... he grabs on to the lower rope for leverage... three! We have a new Cruiserweight Champion! Eddie grabs the belt and starts heading back to the locker room. Chavo stands up, and sees Eddie leaving with the belt. Chavo is frustrated, and he kicks the steel steps as Eddie celebrates his win.

    Winner: Eddie Guerrero via Pinfall

    Match Rating: ****1/2


    ::Television Title Match::

    Curt Hennig © vs. Kanyon

    Schiavone explains that this match was a last-minute addition by WCW President Ric Flair. Kanyon will have another shot at Hennig and the TV Title, after being defeated by Hennig twice, he will be hard-pressed to try and win against Hennig tonight.

    The match opens with a test of strength between the two wrestlers. Kanyon immediately goes for the cheap shot, hitting Hennig in the gut with a kick. Hennig reels back. Kanyon opens up with a slew of offensive moves. He beats Hennig back into a corner, and then unloads with a series of chops, leaving red welts on Hennig's chest. Kanyon hits a snap suplex, and quickly covers. That only gets him a two. He picks Hennig up and gets a chain series of armbars and hammerlocks. Hennig mounts a comeback, hitting a succession of hits and slams. Kanyon goes back on the offensive, nailing a butterfly suplex, and getting a nearfall. A couple of moves later, Kanyon hits a vicious clothesline and gets one more nearfall. Kanyon signals for the Flatliner, and hoists Hennig on his shoulders. Hennig squirms his way out of the Flatliner, maintains the front face-lock and hits with the Hennig-Plex! Hennig holds on to Kanyon's leg for the cover, and gets the three count! Curt Hennig retains the TV Title! Kanyon is shaking off the cobwebs as Hennig celebrates to the delight of the fans. As Hennig leaves, Kanyon just realizes that he lost, and he starts freaking out at the referee. He grabs the ref by the collar and tosses him over the top rope in frustration.

    Winner: Curt Hennig via Pinfall

    Match Rating: **1/2


    ::Special Guest Referee: Arn Anderson

    Chris Jericho vs. Booker T

    Arn Anderson is introduced as the special guest referee for this match, and all three participants are introduced. Jericho and Arn Anderson are given huge boos by the crowd, while Booker T gets a good response from the Floridians in the arena tonight.

    Chris Jericho goes on the offensive the start the match, hitting a body slam and a vertical suplex. He throws Booker across the ropes and delivers a vicious elbow. Booker goes down, and Jericho covers for the two. Jericho kicks Booker a few times on the head. Jericho then runs across the ropes and hits a running elbow drop. He picks Booker up and throws him to the turnbuckle, then follows it up with a body splash that sends Booker sprawling down the mat. Jericho covers, but Booker kicks out at two. Jericho starts working on Booker's lower back, hitting a couple of sharp kicks. Jericho applies a knee to Booker's back, while pulling both his arms backwards. Arn Anderson asks Booker if he quits, and Booker says no. Booker slowly gets up, and he manages to turn himself around, realeasing the hold.

    Booker starts throwing lefts, and rights, sending Jericho reeling backwards. Jericho is then pushed into a turnbuckle where Booker continues to pummel him with his fists. Booker starts kicking Jericho, and the crowd gets into it. Booker mounts Jericho on the turnbuckle, and he starts throwing punches...one...two...three...four...five...six...seven...eight...nine...ten... Booker jumps off after Anderson kept on screaming at him to come down. Jericho crashes into the canvas. Booker covers Jericho, and Arn Anderson gives the slowest two count in the history of professional wrestling. Jericho kicks out, not surpisingly. Booker T gets into Arn Anderson's face, who tells him to stay away, or he'll disqualify Booker. Booker goes back on the assault against Jericho. he whips Chris to the ropes, and hits a spin-kick. Booker covers once again, this time Arn Anderson appears to have something in his eye. Booker T gets pissed and starts yelling at Double A.

    Jericho gets up, and tackles Booker's legs from behind. Booker falls backwards, clutching his thigh. Jericho starts stomping at the seemingly injured thigh of Booker T. Jericho grabs the leg and starts applying a grapevine on it. Booker T screams in pain, as Arn asks him if he quits. Booker refuses to give up, and Jericho just piles on the pressure. Jericho finally lets go of the hold after a couple of minutes and starts applying a knee-bar. The pain in Booker's face is evident, and Jericho senses blood, and he lets go of the knee-bar. Jericho grabs Booker's legs and starts turning him around, trying to apply the Lion-tamer! Booker T uses all his strength to twist the other way and use the momentum to toss Jericho through the ropes and outside the ring! Arn Anderson half-heartedly starts counting out Jericho.

    Jericho slowly gets up and rolls back into the ring. Booker T limps towards Jericho. Chris throws a right hand, blocked by Booker T! Booker T answers with a right of his own! Jericho tries once again, and is blocked again! Booker lets out a series of lefts and rights! Jericho is reeling! Booker throws Jericho to the ropes... attempted spinebuster... and it's reversed into a DDT by Chris Jericho! Jericho runs across the ring, onto the ropes... Lionsault! Jericho covers... onetwothr-kickout! That was one fast count by Double A! Jericho says it's over, he grabs Booker's legs... LIONTAMER! Arn is telling Booker to give up now! Booker won't quit! He slowly crawls towards the ropes.... he grabs the ropes! Arn Anderson hesitantly tells Jericho to let go... and starts counting...one....two...three....four.... fiiiiiive..... and Jericho lets go after the longest five count ever. Booker T is in pain.

    Jericho grabs Booker T, and Booker counters with a roll-up! Arn Anderson counts...one...two.......... and something appears to be in Anderson's eye! He stops counting and starts rubbing his left eye! Booker T can't believe it, and he stands up, Booker grabs Anderson by the collar. Anderson starts screaming... 'You hit me, and you're gone!' Jericho sneaks up from behind and hits a LOW BLOW! Jericho grabs Booker, and he nails a German Suplex! Jericho bridges for the cover. Anderson counts onetwothree! And the match is over! Jericho and Arn Anderson start putting the boots on Booker T! The Alliance has screwed with Booker T tonight, and Jericho is completely happy about it! Arn raises Jericho's arm while Booker T writhes in pain on the mat!

    Winner: Chris Jericho via Pinfall

    Match Rating: ****1/4


    ::Tag Team Title Match::

    Saturn & Rick Steiner © vs. The Giant & Bam Bam Bigelow

    The tag champs start the match by overpowering Bigelow and isolating him from his partner. They actually looked pretty good, until Bigelow managed to tag the Giant. The Giant decimated Saturn and Rick Steiner inside the ring. Completely. When it was all set and done, The Giant hit a massive double-chokeslam and pinned Saturn for the three-count and the tag-titles.

    Winner: The Giant & Bam Bam Bigelow via Pinfall

    Match Rating: **1/4


    ::Steel Cage Match::

    Sting vs. Raven

    The steel cage is assembled around the ring, the thick steel bars are painted black, and the crowd is restless in complete anticipation.

    Raven is introduced first, and he walks out to the chorus of boos from the crowd wearing his usual grunge attire. His hair is different though, neatly tied into a ponytail, his face in complete view. He looks like he's ready for a battle tonight, and many expect it to be one. Raven enters the cage, waiting for his opponent. 'Seek and Destroy' by Metallica starts playing, and the crowd goes wild. It seems that WCW has decided to go back to his old theme! Sting bursts out of the entranceway, clad in a pair of jeans and boots. His upper torso is exposed, and his hair is now just shoulder-length, he has no face-paint on, keeping true to the 'new Sting' that WCW's been trying to show.

    Sting dives into the cage through the door, and he immediately goes after Raven! The fans explode at this altercation. A "KICK HIS ASS" chant is heard all around the arena. Sting pushes Raven into the turnbuckle and starts throwing lefts and rights! Raven is completely caught unaware by this massive flurry. Sting throws Raven to the ropes, SIDEWALK SLAM! Hard on to the mat! Sting pulls Raven up, CLOTHESLINE! Sting runs across the ropes and delivers a hard elbow-drop! He stands up and shouts out loud.


    The fans respond with a feverish yell of their own. Sting just goes on the complete offensive again, decimating Raven, tearing him completely apart. Sting slows the match down a bit, opting to go for some hamemrlocks and armwrenches. After the restholds, Sting grabs Raven and hits a solid DDT on the mat. Sting starts climbing the cage, halfway up, Raven grabs Sting's legs and pulls him down. Sting punches Raven and pushes him aside, then starts to go up the cage again. Raven grabs Sting's legs one more time. This time connecting with a solid low blow. Sting goes down, and the crowd starts booing.

    Raven takes the advantage and Rolls with it. Nailing Sting with stiff punches, gouging his eyes and pulling his hair. Raven grabs Sting... BACKBREAKER! Sting is spralwed in the middle of the ring. Raven starts putting the boots on Sting, and then sees the cage door. Raven goes for the cage door... but Sting manages to grab onto Raven's legs. Raven starts kicking at Sting's head, and goes back on offense. Raven picks up Sting, he slams him down on the mat. Raven climbs the second turnbuckle, waiting for Sting to get up... AXEHANDLE! Sting goes down. Raven decides to go back to the door. He's halfway out... and Sting manages to grab on to Raven's tights!

    Sting drags Raven back into the ring... the two athletes start throwing lefts and rights at each other. Raven grabs Sting's head, and he throws Sting into the cage! Sting bounces off... and then he grabs Raven's head and slams it into the cage!!! Sting throws Raven into the ropes... Raven bounces back...Sting back-bodydrops Raven into the steel Cage! Raven looks like he's knocked out! Sting starts climbing slowly... Raven manages to follow him... and they both end up straddling the top of the cage... lefts... rights... and both men come crashing back down into the ring!!! The crowd is enjoying every moment of this match. A "STINGER!" chant starts...

    Someone starts running down the aisle... it's Lex Luger!!! Lex Luger is here, and he's wearing a USA Shirt, and a pair of jeans! He cheering Sting to get back up!!! Sting and Raven slowly get up... Raven grabs Sting... he grabs Sting... EVENFLOW... NO!!! Sting reverses!!! Sting throws Raven into the turnbuckles!!! Raven collides with the turnbuckle HARD!!! Sting runs at Raven... STINGER SPLASH!!! And Raven ducks!!!! Sting hits the turnbuckle head-first and goes down hard!!! Both men are down!!! Luger is screaming at Sting to get up and win this match!!! Raven took Luger out a couple of months ago, and it seems like Lex is here to support his friend!!! Raven gets up, so does Sting... both men are completely spent... Raven starts climbing the cage... Sting crawls towards the cage door. Luger opens the cage door for Sting... Raven climbs outside... Sting is nearly out... Raven just has to go over the cage... Sting's going to win it... AND LUGER SLAMS THE DOOR ON STING!!! Raven climbs out... Raven wins the match!!! The crowd starts booing!!! Sting is down and out inside the ring. Luger steps inside the ring... he grabs Sting.. and puts him on the Torture Rack! Sting is unconscious... and Luger is completely destroying him! Raven celebrates his victory by clutching his ribs while raising his other hand, slowly walking back up the ramp. The crowd is booing loudly, Luger has cost Sting the match!

    Winner: Raven via Cage Escape

    Match Rating: ***


    ::US Title Match::

    Diamond Dallas Page © vs. Scott Steiner

    This was a glorified f*ckfest. With the crowd completely disillusioned after the last match, Scott Steiner missing a couple of spots didn't help. The crowd started a "boring" chant, followed by a "We Want Bret" chant. Four minutes into the match, the ref called it home, with DDP grabbing the US Title and hitting Scott Steiner with it. The ref has no choice but to award Steiner the win, although DDP retains the US Title. Both men were booed out of the ring.

    Winner: Scott Steiner via DQ

    Match Rating: 1/4*


    The PPV is interrupted by Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan telling the viewers that Eric Bischoff is on the phone. Schiavone asks Bischoff what this is about, and Bischoff earnestly replies.

    "Well Tony Schiavone... I've been gone the past couple of weeks... because I've been in Atlanta, Georgia... talking to Turner Inc. representatives and giving them a lowdown of what's been going on in WCW the past couple of months. And tommorow night on Nitro, a select representative from Turner Inc. will have a statement that will shake the very foundation of WCW! Ric Flair's time is done, and tommorow night, everything will finally be set straight!"

    Schiavone only speculates as to what Bischoff is talking about, he tells us to tune in tommorow night on WCW Nitro on TNT!


    ::World Heavyweight Title Match::

    Hollywood Hogan vs. Bret Hart

    Michael Buffer stands in the ring, trying to appease the crowd. He is handed a microphone, and he starts talking.

    "Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the Main Event of the evening!"

    The crowd's demeanor instantly changes, everyone starts cheering.

    "This match is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the VACANT WCW Heavyweight Championship of the WOOORLD! Are you ready? Are you ready? Then to the thousands in attendance, and to the millions watching around the world... ladies and gentlemen... LEEEET'S GET READY TO RUMBLLLLLLLLLLLLE!"

    Buffer introduces the Hitman first. Bret Hart's theme starts playing, and the crowd explodes. Hart walks out, and he plays to the crowd at ringside. He gives out high-fives on his way down the aisle. He reaches ringside, and hands his pair of shades to a lucky kid. Bret climbs the steel steps, through the ropes and starts to work the crowd. Bret removes his leather jacket and pulls on his elbow-pads, getting ready for this match.

    Buffer then introduces Hollywood Hogan. "Voodoo Chyld" starts playing, and the mood instantly changes. Hollywood Hogan walks out, donning his black outfit. He taunts the crowd as he walks down the aisle. Bret and Hogan lock eyes, as Hogan steps into the ring. Hogan rips off his shirt, while keeping eye-contact with Bret.

    The crowd can smell the excitement and anticipation in the air. Nick Patrick is the referee, and he goes through the motions of discussing the rules with the participants. Hogan and Hart are locked in a staredown. The bell rings... and the Hitman throws the first salvo for the night! Hogan relatiates with a punch of his own! Both men are throwing haymakers at each other and neither one is backing down!

    Hart nails a solid right hand and Hogan reels! Hart runs at him, full-force and hits a clothesline that sends him and Hollywood over the top rope and into ringside. Nick Patrick starts counting out both men. Hart grabs Hogan and he throws him towards the steel barricade! Hogan hits it with a big crash! Hart continues the assault with a couple of punches, before rolling Hogan back in the ring. Bret climbs back into the ring, and climbs the second turnbuckle. he drops an axe-handle onto Hogan's back! Hart covers! And Hollywood kicks out at two. Hart pulls Hogan up, and Hogan hits a thumb into Bret's eyes!

    Hogan is on the offensive as he pushes Bret into a corner. CHOP! Bret reels at the sharp sting of Hogan's chop. A couple of chops later, Hogan drags Bret off and hits a hiptoss. Hogan goes for an elbow drop and connects. Hogan picks the Hitman up, and bodyslams him. He covers. Bret kicks out at two. Hogan grabs Bret and puts him into a bear-hug. Hart slowly fades away, and Nick Patrick is forced to check his condition... he checks once, and Bret's arm just dangles... he checks a second time, with the same results... he checks a third time... and Bret's hand stays in the air! the crowd starts heating up for Bret! Bret starts punching Hogan... and Hogan is forced to release the hold!

    Bret throws Hogan to the ropes, he runs across the other ropes... and both men collide with a double-clothesline! Both men are down! Nick Patrick starts counting! One...two...three....four....five....six... Hogan stands up! He sees Bret down... he sees this as his big opportunity... LEGDROP OF DOOM!!! AND BRET ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY!!! Bret grabs Hogan's legs... SHARPSHOOTER!!! Bret has Hogan in the middle of the ring with the Sharpshooter!!! Nick Patrick is checking to see if Hogan gives up!!!

    Ric Flair starts running down the aisle, he climbs onto the ring apron... and Nick Patrick goes over to admonish him! Arn Anderson runs in from the crowd... and he jumps into the ring! Bret sees him, however, and he immediately lets go of the Sharpshooter! Bret grabs Arn Anderson and throws him out of the ring! Hogan stands up... he sees Bret and goes for a big boot... Bret ducks, and Hogan connects with Nick Patrick just as Patrick was turning to see what was going on!!! Flair jumps into the ring, and he and Hogan start attacking Hart! Hold on... Kevin Nash is running down the aisle with a steel chair!!! Flair sees Nash, and he jumps out of the ring! Hogan turns his head, and is on the receiving end of a BRUTAL, BRUTAL CHAIR SHOT! Hogan's legs give out from under him and he goes down! Flair and Arn Anderson jump into the ring, and they swarm Nash! Nick Patrick finally comes to... and he turns his head to see the three men fighting it out inside the ring, and Bret and Hogan down and out! He motions for the bell to be rung! The match ends in a draw! The fans start booing, and soon enough trash is thrown into the ring.

    Tony Schiavone details the carnage inside the ring as Nash fights off Flair and Arn Anderson. He tells us that Hogan and Hart are down and out, and that the fans are about to tear the place apart! He signs off for the PPV, and tells us to tune in tommorow night on Nitro!

    Winner: Draw

    Match Rating: *3/4


    WCW Spring Stampede PPV Buyrate: 1.47

    WCW Spring Stampede Attendance: 16746

    WWF Backlash PPV Buyrate: 2.00

    WWF Backlash Attendance: 20905

    Fan-fucking tastic. The event goes on without a hitch until the fuck-fest that was DDP/Steiner. HEADS WILL ROLL. The fans are pretty pissed that we didn't give them a legit. finish for the World Title, though. Whether this will translate to a loss in viewership on Monday night, is yet to be seen.

  5. Orlando, Florida

    Sunday, April 25, 1999

    1 hour before Spring Stampede

    Phone Conversation

    "Is it set?"

    "Yeah, everything's been done. Just like you said."

    "Remember, no screw-ups. This goes down right, and we can kiss Bollea goodbye."

    "I hope you're right."

    "I am, kid. I always am."

  6. I've been so focused on my own diary since I came back to the board that I didn't notice this one. If there's anyone I know who loves the old school, it's you Tim. <_<:)

    I have a basic grasp of the basics of the diary, but I'm still getting started reading it. I do know that coming from you, it's going to be a good read (and a long read at that!) Heh.

    I'll tell you when I catch up to the entire thing. Til then, adios. Time for me to vanish! :shuriken:

  7. Orlando, Florida

    Sunday, April 25, 1999

    2 hours before Spring Stampede

    "Terry... Eric wants you in the meet room. We're finalizing the finish to your match."

    Rick Suicide yelled from across the hall. Bollea turned his head, he certainly didn't think that the runt would have the balls to do something like that. He was Hulk Hogan, the biggest star in wrestling, and here was this writer, this kid, screwing him over.

    Bollea didn't give Suicide the satisfaction of a reply. He walks to the meet room, located inside the arena.

    As he walks in, he sees Nick Patrick, Eric Bischoff, Arn Anderson, Rick Suicide, Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, Bret Hart and several other writers inside the room. Bischoff raises his head, and nods.

    "Alright everyone's here. Rick, take it away."

    Suicide discusses in detail how the finish will go. Everyone inside the room listens, and puts his own input. Suicide goes through it one more time.

    "Alright, when you get the call, Nick, you tell the guys to wrap it up. Terry, hit the legdrop, Bret, you roll out just in time and lock in the Sharpshooter. Ric, you run into the ring and distract Nick... Arn, you run in from the crowd, knock out Bret with a clothesline. Hit a spinebuster and drag Terry over for the pinfall. Nick turns around, and counts to two. Rick, you and Arn then take out the referee, triple team with Terry against Bret... Kevin, you run out for the save. Big schmozz and the referee wakes up, sees the carnage, rings for the bell. Match over. Bret and Kev, you clean the ring of the hells, and we go for a shot of Bret holding the World Title."

    Ric Flair speaks up, as soon as Suicide wraps it up.

    "I seriously think we need to put the title on someone tonight. It doesn't matter if we put it on Bret or Terry, but we can't end the Pay Per View without a champ."

    Terry adds his own thoughts.

    "Ric's right. We've been in this business too damn long... and we know what this finish is going to do for this company."

    Suicide eyes both Terry Bollea and Ric Flair.

    "We do this finish tonight. I've already told you of the plans for the next couple of weeks. We're going to follow through with those plans... that's something that doesn't seem to be the norm here in WCW."

    Bischoff steps in.

    "Alright, alright. Rick's the head writer. And like he said he already laid out the plans for the next couple of weeks. We stick by it this time."

    Flair and Bollea look a little pissed. Bret is indefferent to everything, while Nash just grins a bit. Nash decides to speak up.

    "Eric, you'd better pray that kid wonder here knows what he's doing."

    Suicide stares at Nash, who towers over the young 22 year old writer. He speaks back.

    "Kev, you bet your ass I know what I'm doing."

  8. Phone Conversation

    Somewhere Unknown

    Friday, April 23, 1999

    "How are things going along?"

    "Just fine. Bollea's been set in his place."

    "The company's lost a shitload of money for the past year. If this goes on, the entire thing's going to go belly-up by 2000. I need you to find a way to make him go away."

    "Go away?"

    "I want him off the payroll. WCW is paying far too much money for him...he's nothing more but a nostalgic piece of the past that can't even go anymore... WCW should not be paying that kind of money for antiques that can't go."

    "Maybe if I get him to take a pay-cut..."

    "Don't bullshit me. You know and I know that he won't ever take a pay-cut. he's too damn greedy. Push him to the edge.... make him quit."

    "People are going to talk, though. I might be jeopardizing my position in the company."

    "Do you think I'm going to allow anyone to remove you from your position?"

    "Yeah, yeah. I get your point."

    "When we get rid of Bollea, it's going to be easier to control the roster. He'll probably take his friends with him. Push other people's buttons. I want you to give the guy a horrible rap. Kill whatever's left of his locker-room reputation."

    "It's as good as done."

    "You'd better make sure. I've funneled enough cash into this damn company to have it all go down the crapper."

    "Yeah, yeah. Later."

    "I'll call you when I get to Miami. We need to meet up and get specific."

    "Alright. I'll see you then."

  9. (Thanks Umpire, I'll try my best to update regularly... no promises though. ;) )

    user posted image


    April 25, 1999

    Orlando, Florida

    ::Cruiserweight Title Match::

    Chavo Guerrero © Jr. vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero

    **Last minute addition by Pres. Ric Flair to Spring Stampeed!

    ::Television Title Match::

    Curt Hennig © vs. Kanyon

    ::Special Guest Referee: Arn Anderson

    Chris Jericho vs. Booker T

    **Last minute addition by Pres. Ric Flair to Spring Stampeed!

    ::Tag Team Title Match::

    Saturn & Rick Steiner © vs. The Giant & Bam Bam Bigelow

    ::US Title Match::

    Diamond Dallas Page © vs. Scott Steiner

    ::Steel Cage Match::

    Sting vs. Raven

    ::World Heavyweight Title Match::

    Hollywood Hogan vs. Bret Hart

    Pedictions? Violent Reactions? Comments? Oaths of eternal fealty, anyone? :) Kindly post feedback if you feel like it! Hehe.

  10. (The Nitro before Spring Stampeed. Enjoy.)

    user posted image


    April 19, 1999

    Austin, Texas


    Monday Nitro opens with Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan talking about Ric Flair's announcement last week. In lieu of the vacancy of the World Title, Bret Hart and Hollywood Hogan will be facing each other at Spring Stampede in a title match for the World Championship. Tony Schiavone informs us that we are all just waiting for Ric Flair, Bret Hart and Hollywood Hogan to come out here tonight, as he points towards the ring, which is covererd in a red carpet. There is a sleek desk inside the ring, accompanied by three chairs. Tony says that it's time and he stands up and walks itno the ring. He goes ahead an tells the crowd of what's about to happen.


    "Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado... I present to you the President of World Championship Wrestling, The Nature Boy, Ric Flair!"

    Flair's music plays, and the Texan crowd start booing. Ric walks out with a particular swagger, enough to drive the fans to hate him. He steps inside the ring, and quickly asks for the microphone from Tony Schiavone.

    "Schiavone, go back to your little announce booth, and let the NAITCH do this!"

    Schiavone has no other choice, and he steps out of the ring.

    "Ladies and gentlemen... tonight, on this table, I have a contract. And it is for a match this Sunday night at Spring Stampede... and that match will be for the vacant WCW World Heavyweight Title! The first competitor in that title match, none other than the Excellence... of Execution... Bret... Hitman... Hart! Come on down!"

    Bret's music starts playing, and he walks out. The fans cheer him on as he walks down the aisle. Bret steps into the ring, and gives Flair a very mistrusting glare.

    "And his opponent... there are few things constant in life... one is life itself... and the other, is this man right here... your NEXT World Heavyweight Champion, Hollywood Hogan!"

    Voodoo Chyld starts playing, and out walks Hogan with a cocky grin on his face, doing his air-guitar thing while the crowd shouts out a couple of expletives against him. Hogan walks down the aisle, jaws a bit with the fans and climbs into the ring. Ric Flair stands on one side of the table, while Bret and Hogan are precariously positioned next to each other on the other side. Flair whips out a pen.

    "Gentlemen... you know why you're here... it's time to put your John Hancock on that contract!"

    Flair hands the pen over to Hart, who snatches it from Flair's hand. He glares at Flair, then Hogan, and then signs the contract. Flair beams with a wide grin. Hart lays the pen down on the table, and faces Hogan. He mouths the words 'Now you sign it.', Hogan happily obliges. With the contract signed by both men, Flair takes it and holds it up for the crowd to see.

    "Ladies and gentlemen, signed and sealed... for the Vacant World Heavyweight Championship... Hollywood Hogan and Bret Hart in a historic one-on-one match! Thank you gentlemen... as a common courtesy, you can both have the night off!"

    Bret starts to leave the ring, eager to get away from Flair and Hogan, lest they try something. Flair sees Bret as he climbs down the stairs. Flair immediately speaks.

    "Whoa, whoa, whoa... easy there Hitman... I haven't finished my announcement! I was talking to Hollywood! Hollywood is taking the night off!"

    The crowd starts to boo as they get the wind of what Flair is saying. Hogan just grins at Bret.

    "See, Hitman, I can't have you head into Spring Stampede without a warm-up match! No, no, no... I won't allow you to head into Spring Stampede having ring rust... so tonight... you, Hitman are going to step into the ring in a one-on-one match against THE BEAST FROM THE EAST... BAM...BAM...BIGELOW! WHOOO!"

    Bret turns to Flair, a perplexed look on his face, which then turns into intensity. Bret just walks away while the crowd boos at Flair's announcement.


    [Rey Mysterio vs. Billy Kidman]

    Schiavone says that this match is for the number one contendership for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship. Chavo Guerrero guests as a special commentator for this match, and he watches as Rey and Kidman go at it. Both men seem to want it bad enough, and they try to put a good match, but there was something amiss in this one as Rey and Kidman missed two high-spots, gaffing both of them while doing cruiserweight moves. That probably brought down the overall level of the math, as they toned it down until the finish. Rey wins this one and the number one contendership to the Cruiserweight Title via a Hurricanrana on Kidman. After the match, Chavo walks into the ring, and offers a handshake to Rey, who accepts. Schiavone says that Chavo Guerrero is a champion's champion, and that the match between him and Rey at Spring Stampede is bound to be a classic.

    Winner: Rey Mysterio Jr. via Pinfall

    Match Rating: ***


    The cameras catch up with Eddie Guerrero talking to Ric Flair backstage.

    "Hey, Naitch, you've gotta give me another chance! I want to prove to everyone that I'm better than my nephew. I need this title shot, I need it bad. I mean, I'm part of The Alliance ain't I? And you're supposed to hold all the power in WCW, right? So, it wouldn't be a hard thing for you to give me the title shot against Chavo at Spring Stampede, right!?"

    Flair smiles.

    "You know, Eddie... you're right. I AM the WCW President... and I DO hold all the power in WCW. And yes, you are a member of The Alliance... so, here's what we're going to do... at Spring Stampede... it will be... Chavo Guerrero defending the Cruiserweight Title against Rey Mysterio.... and you, Eddie Guerrero in a THREE-WAY DANCE!"

    Eddie smiles back at Flair.

    "Oh... I like it... I like that a lot, Ric. Thanks a lot!"

    Eddie walks away and muses.

    "Eddie Guerrero... your next Cruiserweight Champion..."


    [::TV Title Match:: Curt Hennig vs. Psychosis]

    Psychosis wanted to fly, Hennig grounded him. Hennig went through Psychosis like a hot knife through butter. He executed a chained series of grapple holds that wouldn't even let his opponent put in any significant amount of offense. And the crowd loved every single minute of it. When Hennig hit the Hennig-Plex, the crowd was cheering the old timer. A three-count later, and Hennig retains the WCW TV Title.

    Winner: Curt Hennig via Pinfall

    Match Rating: **3/4


    Cut to Ric Flair's office. Standing on one side is Flair with Arn Anderson, on the other side are Booker T and Chris Jericho, who look eager to come into blows.

    "Do you know why I've called the two of you here tonight? It's because I have a brilliant idea... I've seen how the two of you absolutely hate each other's guts, and I think that it is going to make for a very good match at Spring Stampeed... so... I have booked you, Booker T against Chris Jericho in a one-on-one match... with a special guest referee..."

    Booker T quickly steps in and questions Flair.

    "Hold on... Chris Jericho's a part of YOUR Alliance, and I'm not getting screwed by YOU Flair... no way, sucka."

    Jericho quickly snaps back at Booker.

    "Don't call him a sucka, you sad excuse for an MC Hammer wanna' be. He's Ric Flair, he's the PRESSSSSSIDENT of WCW!"

    Flair responds.

    "Booker... unfortunately, YOU are not the WCW President... I am... and the special Guest referee for your match with Chris Jericho... is none other than the Enforcer, Double A, Arn Anderson! You'll take it, wether you like it or not... why? Because I'm the NAITCH, and what I say, goes! WHOOO!"

    Booker storms out of the office and Jericho, Flair and Anderson celebrate this little victory.


    [The Giant, Diamond Dallas Page & Kanyon vs. Saturn, Rick Steiner & Scott Steiner]

    Decen match, playing off DDP and Scott Steiner's apparent collision course this Spring Stampede for the Cruiserweight Title. Scott and DDP start the match and the crowd gets into it for the first few minutes. The Giant dominates the match however, as he utterly destroys both Steiners and Saturn. Kanyon screws it up for his team as he tags himself in and charages head-on against Scott Steiner, who retaliates with a vicious powerslam and grabs the quick three-count. Page and The Giant can't believe it, as Scott, Rick and Saturn get out of the ring. Scott smiles at DDP and motions for the US Title. Kanyon apologizes to DDP and The Giant for the loss, absolutely frustrated with himself.

    Winner: Scott Steiner, Rick Steiner & Saturn via Pinfall

    Match Rating: **1/2


    Bret Hart cuts a promo backstage before his match with Bam Bam Bigelow.

    "I've seen a lot of things in my life. I've been world champ, I've been to the very top of this business... and I've also been to the very low. I've seen power-hungry maniacal scumbags who screw people over after giving them a near life-time of loyal service. Yeah, I've seen power-hungry mad-men like you Ric Flair. You were once the symbol of everything that was right in WCW, you were the best thing in this company. Now, you're no different than every other guy who's held power here... you've turned into a corrupt man, Flair, you're just a shell of your former self."

    Hart pauses for effect.

    "I rightfully won the WarGames at the beginning of the month... I won that match fair and square... I poured my heart, body and soul into that match, and somehow you still manage to screw me over. You know, and I know that more than anyone else, I deserve to be the WCW World Champion. If you think that Hollywood Hogan is going to be able to stop me at Spring Stampeed... if you think that by putting me into a match six days away from what could be the biggest match in my life is going to derail me... if you think that you can screw the Hitman over, then you're dead-wrong. See... there's a saying... you might not always get what you want, but you always get what you deserve. Ric Flair, you WANT to screw me over... but this Sunday at Spring Stampeed, you and your Alliance are going to get what you deserve... a shot of me holding the World Title up in the air after I defeat Hollywood Hogan! This Sunday night, you're going to find out what the Excellence of Execution is all about... and I promise you, it won't be pretty."

    Hart walks off-camera, heading to the ring.


    [bret Hart vs. Bam Bam Bigelow]

    Slow match to start as Bigelow takes over early. hart mounts a comeback, hitting the right spots at the right moments. Bigelow went over well as a heel in this match, as Hart did a good job of selling moves. Hart hits the FIVE MOVES OF DOOM, and starts to signal for the Sharpshooter. Hollywood Hogan comes running down the aisle, with Schiavone screaming 'HE'S GOT THE NIGHT OFF!'. Hogan jumps Hart from the back as Hart cinches in the Sharpshooter and the referee has no choice but to disqualify Bigelow and award Hart the match. Hogan and Bigelow are quick to put the boots on the Hitman, who is outnumbered and outmatched. Hart tries to mount a comeback but fails... until Kevin Nash runs to his rescue. Nash clears the ring of the heels, and helps Bret up. Nash extends a hand to Hart, who shakes it. The fans cheer as Hogan and Bigelow retreat. Nash raises Hart's hand and the crowd eats up the moment.

    Winner: Bret Hart via DQ

    Match Rating: ***3/4


    After a commercial break, we return to find Raven standing in the middle of the ring. He's got a microphone in hand, and the crowd is already booing. Raven's face doesn't show any kind of feelings, although Schiavone supposes that Raven is scared shitless of Sting right now. Raven brings the microphone up to his mouth and starts talking.

    "You can all boo your hearts out for all I care."

    This just gives him a louder reaction.

    "This Sunday, at Spring Stampede... everything is going to come to an end. All the games... all these mind tricks... will come to one final resolution. A fifteen foot high steel cage... on one side, is a has-been... a former legend... a fallen hero... your beloved Sting. On the other side... a rising star... the one man destined to make history at Spring Stampede, and finally end what has been a sad and sorry career for Sting... ME. One ring, a steel cage, two men... and just about all the pain your feeble imagination could muster. Don't be fooled by the fact that your hero has been appearing on that big screen right there for thepast couple of weeks... he is nothing more but an illusion... he is a man afraid to come face to face with me... he is a man running scared. Stinger, I have to be honest... you certainly can put on a good show... but when it all comes down to it... it's all smoke and mirrors, old-timer... and this Sunday night, the smoke is going to clear, and all those mirrors broken... only reality will be left... and that reality will be me, my hands held up high in the air by the referee, and you, flat on your back inside the ring. I will see YOU at Spring Stampede!!!"


    The lights go out, and the fans start cheering. The video screen lights up again, and it's Sting, with his face-paint off, wearing his now-standard shades and goatee.

    "Raven... you've got six more days... six more days before you get the absolute carnage that you absolutely deserve... six more days before..."

    A Sting goes on, Raven quickly interjects, and it's pretty obvious that this video of Sting was a pre-recorded promo. Raven speaks.

    "This is the kind of cowardly act that I can expect from your hero? The famous Sting, whittled down to making video tapes of promors in sad attempts to try and psyche out his opponent. I'm through with your games Stinger! Whoever's in charge of the video feed... cut that damn recording off... I have no plans of listening to someone who fears stepping into the ring with me..."


    The video feed is cut off, and the entire arena is once again plunged into darkness. Raven starts screaming.

    "Put the lights back on...damnit..."

    The lights go up, and in the middle of the ring, right behind Raven... it's Sting!!! He's wearing a black trenchcoat, with the shades and the goatee... his hair is just about shoulder-length now, and he looks absolutely ready for Sunday. The fans explode into cheer when they see him. It literally tears the roof off the building. Raven turns around, and falls back in complete shock. Sting let's out a mighty roar.


    Raven jumps out of the ring and starts backtracking his way up the ramp and back to the locker-rooms. Sting climbs the turnbuckle and points at Raven, while the entire arena just cheers him on. Schiavone nearly pees his pants in the process as he plugs Spring Stampeed one last time and the show goes off the air with a final shot of Sting on the turnbuckles, just giving Raven a cold, hard stare.

    Nitro TV Rating: 6.01

    RAW TV Rating: 7.36

  11. Austin Texas

    Monday, April 19, 1999

    1 Hour Before Nitro

    Terry Bollea catches Bischoff right before Nitro.

    "Listen Eric, you've got to talk to this Suicide kid. This isn't good for business... and HE isn't good for business. We can't have that belt hang in limbo, I know it, you know it... heck, HE knows it, and he's still going to go through with it. Come on, Eric, are you losing FUCKING control of the damn company?"

    Eric finally snaps and just lets out a continuous tirade.

    "Is it just me or do I get the feeling that you're not too happy that the title's not going around your waist at Stampeed? Terry, WCW and Turner might be paying you the megabucks, but what you don't seem to get it that I run the show. I've taken a look at your contract, and you do have a say in the results of your matches, and you do have creative control over the direction of Hulk Hogan... however, it's also there that all final decisions go through the head-booker. Do you know who the head-booker is? Me. Frankly, I don't appreciate the way you've treated me the past couple of months. I don't like the way you talk to me, and I don't like the way you do business. If I could, I would just cut you off right now. yeah... you think McMahon's going to welcome you back with open arms? Dream on. WCW is your cash-cow, and you do what I say you do, when I tell you to do it. I've had it up to here with you, Terry. I AM a businessman, and seeing that you're still one of the hottest properties in the business, I'm going to keep you on the air. But another...ANOTHER selfish tirade from you, and you can bet your ass I'm sitting you down... you won't get a single minute of tv-time for the remainder of your contract! I don't care how many of your pals are going to quit... I've got nothing to lose anyway... the whole damn company is going down the crapper, and if it does go down, it goes down MY WAY, you hear me?"

    Bischoff walks away, fuming. Hogan doesn't know what to say... stunned that Eric would have the balls to say what he had just said.

  12. ;);)

    This diary kicks ass...was the Goldberg accident an EWR thing, or something you just threw in?

    I'm sad to hear about ol' Billy, but a great a character as he is, and as intimidating a persona as he is, I always thought of him as one-dimensional.

    Plus, I love how you're still actually capturing the WCW style, with the same people in the Main Event loop...a DDP push would be interesting!

    Keep it up, matey!

  13. "I'm sorry Mr. Goldberg, but your lower appendages have been crushed in the accident, and your lower spinal column has been damaged as well. We managed to save your legs from being amputated, but I don't think that you'll be able to walk again."

    It was like a bad dream. A bad dream that he didn't want to recognize as reality. Bill Goldberg, World Heavyweight Champion, Unmatched Physical Specimen, Wrestling Superstar, Cripple.

  14. (OMG! HE'S BACK! Ugh. I don't know how regularly I will update... work is a bitch. Maybe one every two days... maybe once every two weeks... maybe once every two months... it stinks, yes, I know.)

    user posted image


    April 12, 1999

    El Paso, Texas

    Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan open Nitro with a somber report on Bill Goldberg's accident last Monday Night. Schiavone informs the viewers that WCW ends its deepest regards to Goldberg, and hopefully, he'll be able to pull through all this. Heenan breaks character and basically expresses his support for the recovery of Goldberg. Schiavone then says that unfortunately, the show MUST and it WILL go on.


    Ric Flair's music hits, and he walks out. Stepping into the ring, he looks at the crowd with a blank expression on his face and asks for a microphone.

    "Last week, the World Champ was in a horrible, horrible accident. Something that I would not wish to happen to anyone... as much as I would like to see people get hurt... I would only like to see them get hurt... inside this ring."

    Flair walks around.

    "Bill Goldberg, you are one of the TOUGHEST men I have ever met... and if there's anyone who can pull out of this... it's you. I want you back on your feet, Bill... I want you... to one day... walk down that aisle again... step into this ring again... and compete with the very best... PLAY WITH THE BIG BOYS... once again!"

    The fans cheer a bit, at this small token of respect given by Flair.

    "Due to the unforseen circumstances... as WCW President... I am declaring the World Heavyweight Title... vacant!"

    Flair waits for the crowd to take in the information.

    "And no... I am not going to screw Bret Hart out of his title shot... as much as I would love to... I won't... in fact, the two men who are slated to compete for the number one contendership tonight... Bret Hart and Hollywood Hogan... their match... has been MOVED to SPRING STAMPEDE... and that match will BE for the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!"

    The fans boo... they expected a big match tonight.

    "But... but... I promised to give you people a money match tonight, I promised Goldberg vs. Raven... I promised Bret Hart vs. Hollywood Hogan...since Goldberg won't be here tonight, I have changed Raven's match... Raven, you will instead have to go into the ring in a HANDICAP MATCH against the World Tag Team Champions, Rick Steiner and Perry Saturn!!!"

    Cheers from the crowd. They really want to see the living hell beat out of Raven, who seems to have found himself on the wrong side of the faces and heels in WCW.

    "And since I have moved tonight's main event to Spring Stampede... I have decided to make tonight's main event... a SIX MAN TAG MATCH!!!! On one side... The Giant!!! The U.S. Champion, Diamond Dallas Page!!! and Hollywood Hogan!!! And their opponents... Kevin Nash!!! Scott Steiner!!! and Bret "The Hitman" Hart!!! WHOOOOOO!"


    Backstage, Mike Tenay is with the new WCW Television Champion Curt Hennig. Tenay asks about where Hennig was for the past couple of months, and his surprising return to Nitro last week. Hennig talks with a straight face.

    "You know what, Tenay? For the past couple of years, I've stuck with the nWo. You know the one thing that I figured out? I might have been part of a big group, but frankly, I didn't get anything out of being part the New World Order! And when I got handed my release papers from the nWo, I went on a tailspin... I couldn't get my life back on track. I started to sulk at home... I didn't have any direction... but then... I found myself a loophole. Ric Flair might have fired me, but he didn't count on me being able to talk to the majority stock-holder in WCW, Dr. Harvey Schiller... I got myself a brand new IRON CLAD contract, I came back here to WCW and I promptly WON the Television Title!"

    Hennig raises the title.

    "And I'm telling you right here, and right now, that I am going to defend the TV Title night in and night out, no matter WHO I step in the ring with. So... if you'll excuse me... I have a match coming up... and I have a title to defend!"

    [::TV Title Match:: Curt Hennig vs. Kanyon]

    Good match as Kanyon tries to pay back Hennig for beating him last week. Kanyon almost did it too, he had set up Hennig, and already called for the Flatliner, as he hoists Hennig up, Hennig manages to wiggle out of the hold and quickly roll him up for the schoolboy pin and the three-count. Kanyon is livid as Hennig walks away as STILL the TV Champ. Hennig starts arguing with the ref, who is put on the receiving end of a Flatliner!

    Winner: Curt Hennig via Pinfall

    Match Rating: **1/2


    Cut to backstage, where Booker T and Chris Jericho are caught by cameras brawling in the hallway. Jericho is being pummeled by Booker T, who seems intent on rearranging Jericho's face. Officials soon break it up.


    [Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Eddie Guerrero]

    Good set-up match from Rey and Eddie, but in true WCW fashion, this good match didn't serve much purpose. Eddie Guerrero wins via cheating after he pulled on Rey's tights in a roll-up sequence to grab the pinfall victory.

    Winner: Eddie Guerrero via Pinfall

    Match Rating: ****1/2


    After the commercial break, Raven's music starts playing and the fans immediately start booing. Raven walks out he ignores the mass chorus of boos around him and steps into the ring. He sits in a corner and takes out a microphone.

    "Go ahead, scream your lungs out... it doesn't matter to me. Everyone in WCW has turned their back on me... and it still doesn't matter. I've been beat up... I've got a concussion on my head... after that hell match you people call the 'Wargames'... it doesn't matter. Because I KNOW... and you people KNOW... and everyone in the back KNOWS... that it's MY TIME... it's RAVEN'S time to shine!!! So Ric, if you think that by putting me in a match against Steiner and Saturn is going to scare me... if you think that putting me inside a STEEL CAGE against Sting at Spring Stampede is going to make me quit... you're going to find out that you're dead wrong! It's RAVEN'S TIME... and it doesn't matter how many people I run through... or how many bodies are left in the wake of my path to greatness... RAVEN will reign supreme... and when that day comes... when I'm standing on top of the mountain... I'm going to show you people exactly how much you mean to me... NOTHING. Quote the Raven, nevermore!"

    With that, Raven tosses the microphone out of the ring, and the tag-champs' music starts playing.


    [Rick Steiner & Saturn vs. Raven]

    This was a BRUTAL, BRUTAL match as Raven was just utterly destroyed from beginning to end. With each powermove hit by Steiner and Saturn the fans cheered. Raven soon crawled out of the ring, and was counted out by the referee... he had had enough of a beatdown tonight.

    Winner: Rick Steiner & Saturn via Countout

    Match Rating: **3/4


    As Raven slowly makes his way back, the lights go out, and the Nitro-vision jumbo screen flickers. It's Sting, much like how he interrupted Raven's promo last week... he does so again. The fans start cheering and a "STING-ER" chant echoes around the arena.

    "Just a couple of weeks to go Raven... just a couple of weeks to go... before you endure the beating of a lifetime. You think that tonight was bad? Wait until you step inside the steel cage with the Stinger! The clock's ticking, Raven, and unfortunately for you... time is running out. OOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!"

    Raven high-tails it out of the ramp and back to the locker room... despite his facade of not caring a whiff, Raven looks like he's scared half to death of Sting.


    Backstage, Hollywood Hogan is standing with Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant. They're being interviewed by Mike Tenay. Tenay asks Hogan about the title match announced for Spring Stampede.

    "Tenay, if there's one thing that's certain in this world, is that Hollywood Hogan always gets what he wants. Simply put, at Spring Stampede, brotha, there's nothing that's going to be able to stop me from winning that World Heavyweight Title! Not as long as I have the Alliance behind my back, not as long as I have the US Champ Diamond Dallas Page... not as long as I have the biggest athlete in the world, The Giant... not as long as I have Ric Flair behind me all the way BROTHA. Bret "Hitman" Hart, you've got look into a mirror... do think you can take the walk of shame? Do you think you can go toe to toe with the 24-inch pythons brotha? Hollywood Hogan's going to run WILD all over you, Hitman, brotha, and there's no stopping me! Whatcha gunna do!? Whatcha gunna do, Hitman, when Spring Stampede comes and I run WILD ON YOU!?"


    Elsewhere backstage, the cameras follow Bret Hart as he walks out of his locker room ready to take on The Alliance. He is blocked by two figures, and as the camera pans around, and reveals the two figures as Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner. Nash starts talking.

    "Hitman... you know that we got your back tonight... in fact, we've got your back up to Spring Stampede. But WHEN you win the World Title... I WANT a title shot... because I know that you, of all people, know what it's like to get screwed by the boss!"

    Hart just looks at Nash.

    "Alright... you want it so bad? If I win the World Title... you get first shot."

    Steiner then interjects.

    "Now that that business is over, Big Poppa Pump thinks it's time for us to kick some Alliance ass!"


    [ The Giant, Diamond Dallas Page & Hollywood Hogan vs. Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner & Bret Hart]

    Big match, The Giant and Nash, Steiner and Page, Hogan and Hart all hit their usual spots. This was used to showcase all three match-ups, and it worked wonders and the crowd ate it all up. Big schmozz finish came when all six men were inside the ring and the ref losing control. He immediately asks for the bell to be rung. Hogan and company start retreating when they realize that the faces are too strong. The camera pans from Hogan to Hart as they are locked in a deadly stare. The show ends with Schiavone screaming how important this night is for WCW.

    Winner: No-Contest

    Match Rating: **1/2

    Nitro TV Rating: 6.84

    RAW TV Rating: 7.30

  15. WCW Headquarters

    Atlanta, Georgia

    April 6, 1999

    Eric Bischoff is inside his office with Head Writer/Booker Rick Suicide. Bischoff is on the phone with Goldberg's doctors.

    "I see... I see... thanks doc... please update us about any developments. Thanks."

    Bischoff puts the phone down. He takes a deep breath and then turns to Suicide.

    "Rick, we're going to have to patch things up. Bill's situation complicates a lot of things for us."

    "I understand sir. I've already got the guys working on damage control."

    "As for Goldberg... the doctors say he's finally in a stable condition, but the bones in both ofhis legs are crushed, he injured his spinal column and severed both his shoulderblades... it'll be a miracle if he ever walks again... it's time to cut off dead weight."

    "What? What do you mean, sir? You're letting him go? B-but... why?"

    "This is a business... remember that... and I am not about to pay a damn near cripple over three hundred grand a month! I'll take care of the hospital bills, and we'll give him a healthy separation fee... but I am not going to keep him on my payroll..."

    Suicide shut up, he knew that Bischoff was right, from a financial standpoint... the next couple of weeks would be very interesting indeed.

  16. It was less than two years ago when he broke into the business...

    After the most gigantic push given since Hulk Hogan was the main man in the WWF, he was on top of the entire wrestling world...

    Tonight, He had the night off, and he'd been out partying in different night clubs in Atlanta...

    He was already pondering about a backdoor offer made to him by Vince McMahon... WCW was sinking fast... real fast... and it was about time to jump ship... afterall, without him, where would WCW be?

    All this ran through his mind as he went 200 mph on his motorbike along the highway...

    ...he never saw the truck coming out of the exit that sideswiped him.


    AP - Former Atlanta Falcon and current WCW Wrestler Bill Goldberg is currently in critical condition after a high-speed collision with a delivery truck. The truck reportedly sideswiped Goldberg as he was about to make an exit through the highway. Goldberg suffered various injuries including two broken legs, a pierced lung and several severe concussions. Doctors are now monitoring Bill Goldberg's condition, and have stated that his chances of survival are about 50 percent. Goldberg joined the WCW wrestling organization in mid-1997 and is currently the reigning WCW World Champion.

  17. user posted image


    April 5, 1999

    San Antonio, Texas

    The show opens with Ric Flair and Hollywood Hogan are inside the ring with Arn Anderson. Tony Schiavone tells us that Goldberg and The Giant are not here due to injuries sustained during last week's match... with them showing snapshots of Goldberg spearing The Giant through the steel cage door.

    Hogan doesn't look too pleased about how last week's Nitro ended... his plans going haywire, with Bret Hart winning the number one contendership. Flair paces around the ring, collecting his thoughts. Hogan finally brings the microphone up to his mouth, and starts talking.

    "Last week was travesty! Last week was a sham! I was supposed to walk out of wargames last week, the number one contender to the World Title, but that sneaky rat, Bret Hart managed to cheat his way to win... he used a steel baseball bat and hammered me in my thigh! I could have had a torn quad, brotha, my entire career was endangered with that one single move, Hitman! You know that I was the true winner of WarGames, dude, and all these pathetic people know it too! That title shot is mine, brotha!"

    The fans boo. Hogan hands the microphone to Ric Flair.

    "What happened last week was the biggest scandal in the history of WCW... no, it was the biggest scandal in the history of wrestling! And as WCW President, I have come to a conclusion of how Bret Hart managed to cheat his way to the WCW Title! There's only one reason why the greatest wrestler in the world, Hollywood Hogan, didn't win Wargames... was it Diamond Dallas Page? No... The Giant? No... Double A, Arn Anderson? No... the one man responsible for Hollywood's loss at Wargames was the one man in our team who wasn't part of The Alliance! That's you, Raven!"

    Crowd doesn't know how to react.

    "All you had to do was look after my main man's back, but you screwed up! Last week, I gave you an incentive... this week, I'm taking away that incentive... because as of tonight, consider yourself the unluckiest man in WCW! NEXT WEEK, you are going to face... THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, BILL GOLDBERG... IN A NON-TITLE... NO-HOLDS BARRED MATCH!"

    Big pop from the crowd.

    "And that's not all... no no no, that's not all... AT SPRING STAMPEED... you, Raven are going to be stepping inside a FIFTEEN FOOT HIGH STEEL CAGE... against... STING!!!!!"

    Even bigger pop!

    "You just made yourself an enemy out of the Nature Boy, and Raven... you're not going to walk out of this month alive! WHOO!"


    Flair paces around... he looks at Hogan, and nods his head.

    "As for you... Bret Hitman Hart... you ain't out of the woods yet... because that title shot IS NOT YOURS! It's not yours, it's Hogan's! The WCW Championship committee made a terrible mistake by announcing that wargames match last week... and so, as WCW President, I am announcing that next week... you, Bret Hart are going to have to step into this ring, and put the number one contendership to the WCW Title ON THE LINE against none other than Hollywood Hogan!"

    The fans boo, obviously because Flair's abusing his power again.

    "And in tonight's main event... Hollywood Hogan and the United States Champion, Diamond Dallas Page, are going to team up to take on Bret The Hitman Hart, and Kevin Nash in a tag match! WHOOO!"

    The crowd pops at the announcement of the match. Flair then hands the microphone to Hogan.

    "Bret Hart, brother, spend all the time you have in the following week knowing that your number one contendership will only last until next Monday! See, Hollywood is going to stroll in next week, destroy you with the boot and the legdrop, and take what's rightfully mine... that title shot!"

    Boos from the crowd.

    "As for tonight, brother... me and Page are going to teach you and Nash a little lesson... you don't cross the boss... you don't cross Ric Flair, brother... and you don't cross the Alliance... you don't cross Hollywood! Because when you cross Hollywood... you'll have to go face to face with the twenty-four inch pythons, brother... you're going to have to receive a beating, Hollywood style! Whatcha' gonna do, Hitman!? When Hollywood Hogan RUNS WILD... ON YOU!!!!"

    Hogan flexes his muscles as the fans pour out their hatred for him.


    [Raven vs. Bobby Duncum Jr.]

    The first match for tonight is a heavily taped up Raven, fresh from the grueling War Games last week taking on striving jobber/lowercard Bobby Duncum Jr. This is basically a squash match for Raven who disposes of Duncum with a set of solid moves and the Evenflow DDT.

    Raven, enraged by the way Flair has put the blame on him earlier, asks for a microphone.

    "Listen up, all you sheep... I have something to say...."

    Winner: Raven via Pinfall

    Match Rating: **1/4


    Raven's mic is suddenly cut off. He looks around, trying to figure out who the hell cut the microphone feed. The answer would come soon, as the video screens beside the entranceway display Sting, inside a dark room with minimal lighting. One can barely make out the silhouette of Sting, who's standing, his head facing the floor.

    "Raven... I'm a man of a few words... so listen... listen ever so closely... at Spring Stampeed... the Stinger will have his revenge... and I guarantee you... YOU'RE A DEAD MAN."

    The video feed is cut off. Raven's non-chalant demeanor seems to have changed... his face suddenly turns to one of perplexed concern. Perhaps he had pushed the bill too far... he had pushed Sting over the proverbial edge... he now had to contend with a very intense, very concentrated Sting. Schiavone put it best when he says that "The Hunter just became the Hunted!"


    [::TV Title Match:: Kanyon vs. Curt Hennig]

    Kanyon finally defends the TV Title... and it's against Curt Hennig! Hennig has been off WCW TV for quite a while, being involved with the nWo-Alliance angle, it seems like his nWo contract means that he's not fired, although he certainly isn't wearing the nWo colours, nor did he come out to nWo music. He's wearing light blue tights, reminiscent of his Mr. Perfect days in the WWF.

    Hennig and Kanyon have a good, decent match. Kanyon showing why he IS the TV Champ, through a series of good moves. Hennig, however, teaches him a couple of old school moves. The match eventually turned into a slug-fest, with Hennig coming out on top after getting out of the Kanyon Cutter and nailing the Hennig-Plex. He covers and grabs the win, and the TV Title! Hennig walks out with the Title, all smiles. The fans aren't responding quite as expected, perhaps because they got used to the notion of Hennig being a heel...

    ...Kanyon, on the other hand, is in the ring, frustrated. He can't believe he lost the TV Title, and he's giving a litany of complaints to the referee, who doesn't care. Kanyon is near tears, watching Hennig leave with the TV Title.

    Winner: Curt Hennig via Pinfall

    Match Rating: **1/2


    [booker T vs. Bam Bam Bigelow]

    Booker and Bigelow are primarily brawlers... which gives this match a 'wham bam thank you ma'am' feel. Bigelow took over early, using high power moves to wear down Booker T. Booker gets his second wind however, and mounts a solid comeback. Booker T slams Bigelow to the mat, and starts calling for the Harlem Hangover! Booker starts climbing the ropes...

    Bigelow gets up, he grabs the referee, distracting him... and Chris Jericho runs out of the entranceway straight at Booker T and hits him with a lowblow from behind! Booker T staggers on top of the turnbuckle and Jericho gets off the apron and ducks so as not to be seen by the ref! Bigelow grabs Booker T, and executes a SUPERPLEX off the top rope!!! Bigelow climbs the turnbuckle and hits a FLYING HEADBUTT! Bigelow covers... one... two... three! Jericho has cost Booker T this match!

    Bigelow and Jericho now jump on Booker T and start breating him up! Booker T is helpless!

    Winner: Bam Bam Bigelow via Pinfall

    Match Rating: **3/4


    After the severe beatdown, Chris Jericho grabs the microphone from the announcer. He stands over Booker T, legs apart, and bends over to speak straight into Booker's face. Jericho grabs Booker's head, and starts talking.

    "What's the matter, Booger T? I thought you were going to 'BRING IT TO ME'!? For all your big words, you sorry sack of talentless sheep vomit, you certainly can't live up to them! You know what, you MC Hammer wanna-be, I'd suggest that you take your talentless self, and walk out of MONDAY NIGHT JERICHO! These people sure as hell aren't here to watch you go EBONIC-MANIA on them... they're all Jerichoholics, out here to watch CHRIS JERICHO!"

    The fans start booing. Jericho turns to the crowds.


    He goes back at Booker T and starts slapping him around.

    "Well, come on now... 'Bring It' to me!"

    Jericho smiles and stands, he looks down on Booker T and spits at him!

    "Yeah, just as I thought. You really wanna know why I left you at Uncensored? It's because you're nothing more than a parasite. I carried that damn tag team all the way to the tag team titles! I'm the man who brought us gold, and without me, you couldn't do jack! It's been the same way from the day you were born, Book! Sure, you were winning tag team titles back when you were with Stevie Ray... but after he left your sorry butt, you ended up as a pathetic singles wrestler, with no hope... UNTIL... CHRIS JERICHO ARRIVED! I gave you what you needed the most, Booker T, I gave you a good... no... A GREAT TAG TEAM PARTNER to tag with! Unfortunately, all you'll ever amount to... all you'll ever be, is a parasite. A no good, dirty, filthy parasite!"

    Jericho arrogantly poses with his foot firmly on top of Booker T's chest. The fans boo him off the ring.


    [WCW Cruiserweight Title Match: Chavo Guerrero vs. Eddie Guerrero]

    Great cruiserweight match that saw Chavo and Eddie put it all on display. They give this free-TV match as much effort as they gave their PPV one. They fight each other with a mixture of passion and pride, neither man backing down. As soon as the 19th minute of this 20-minute time-limited match hits, both guys are pulling out all stops. Eddie hits a rolling neckbreaker for a two count... Chavo then counters with a surprise schoolboy pin for another two... Eddie then goes for a DDT, which Chavo counters into a fisherman suplex, and gets only two... with 20 seconds to go, Chavo climbs up top... and hits the FROG SPLASH!!! Eddie is out! Chavo tries desperately to crawl over his uncle and cover... one... two... and the bell sounds! Time has expired! Eddie Guerrero has retained his title due to a time-limit draw!

    Both men are too exchausted to get up, as Chavo, on his back, is handed the Cruiserweight Title by the referee. Since he did not beat Eddie tonight to prove he was the best, a look of regret is written all over Chavo's face as the show goes to a commercial break.

    Winner: Time Limit Draw

    Match Rating: ****3/4


    Backstage, Diamond Dallas Page is with Mike Tenay. Tenay's asking DDP about what he thinks of the match he's going to have tonight, and how Hollywood reacted earlier. Page, with a smirk on his face, replies.

    "You know what, Tenay? We're going to wipe the floor with these chumps later tonight. The Hitman and Nash ain't going to know what hit 'em! As for Hollywood... Hollywood's going to be Hollywood. I understand that he's angry, but that's none of my fault... that loser, Raven, wasn't able to do what he was supposed to do. Me, I'm the US Champ, Tenay... I'm at the top of my game, DDP's BANGIN' in Dubya-See-Dubya! Nobody, nobody can stand up toe-to-toe against me inside the ring... in fact, I dare you, Tenay to find someone, ANYONE who can take me down! I'll even throw in the US Title in the mix!"

    Page chuckles a bit, but then notices a large looming figure behind him. He turns around and sees Scott Steiner! Steiner grabs the mic from Tenay's hands.

    "I think me and the freaks just heard a challenge. Well, Big Poppa Pump says... CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!"

    Page didn't expect this, and a look of worry is spread across his face. Steiner just stares DDP down, as Page backs off slowly. The fans cheer out loud, it seems that Page might have backed himself into a corner with that magnanamous offer!


    Cut to somewhere else backstage, Bret Hart's walking down the corridor, ready for the match... but Kevin Nash comes into view of the camera and is blocking Hart's way. The crowd senses the tension between Nash and Hart, Big Sexy obviously also wanting the title shot at Spring Stampede. Nash just stares at Bret, and the Hitman does the same. Kevin Nash finally breaks the silence.

    "You want to take these guys down? Let's do it."

    The fans explode. Nash and Hart are on their way out, the tag match is up next!!!


    [Hollywood Hogan & Diamond Dallas Page vs. Bret Hart & Kevin Nash]

    Michael Buffer says that it's time for the main event and asks us if we're REEEAAAAAAAAAAAAADY TO RUMBBBBBBBBBBLEEEE!!!!!

    The familiar tune of Hendrix's Voodoo Child starts playing. The fans immediately boo. Hollywood Hogan and Diamond Dallas Page walk out. Hogan exudes his arrogance They wait in the ring for their opponents.

    The nWo Wolfpack's music starts playing, the fans cheer, and out walks Kevin Nash... he's got that mean glare, and he's just staring at Hogan and Page. He waits a moment, and Bret's WCW music hits... sending the fans into a louder cheer. Bret walks out, no fear on his face... he and Nash run into the ring, and this match begins with all four men BRAWLING!!!

    Average match, as Hogan completely refused to sell any moves. Hart and Page tried their best to carry Hogan and Nash through this one, but they only were able to put out a decent match.

    The finish came as Hogan and Bret started exchanging fists, both men running across the ropes and both men hitting a clothesline on each other. Bret starts crawling towards Nash, Hogan starts crawling towards Page! Page gets tagged in!!! Nash is tagged!!! Page backs down as Nash starts pouring in punches. Page is clotheslined out of the ring by Nash, as the crowd goes wild! The ref admonishes Nash about throwing Page out... while Page grabs a steel chair from ringside... but Scott Steiner, who pops out from the crowd, grabs the chair and plants Page in the head with it!!! Page is down!!! Steiner throws Page in the ring, who then becomes the recipient of a JACKKNIFE POWERBOMB!!! Nash covers, ONE...TWO...THREE!!! Nash and Hart win it!!! Hogan high-tails it out of the ring, not looking back. Page follows suit, as Scott Steiner smirks at ringside. Nash helps Hart up, as the crowd applauds them. Schiavone reminds us that Bret vs. Hollywood is next week!!!

    Winner: Bret Hart & Kevin Nash via Pinfall

    Match Rating: **

    Nitro TV Rating: 6.90 (!!!!)

    RAW TV Rating: 7.29

  18. Hey guys.

    I would suppose that an explanation is in order. Well, life just took a drastic turn. I found myself a new job, I'm currently working as a VB.Net Programmer for a nice company. Work has been very hectic... and so has been life lately. I've never had the time to check the threads again, or update the diary.

    But not to worry. I WILL start updating again. This is not over, not by a longshot. I only have to get my notes back and reorganize everything regarding this diary.

    Expect the next show to be up in a week or so.


    - Wrestling Suicide / Meatloaf / Ed

  19. user posted image

    Nitro Preview

    Last Monday Nitro, Bret Hart emerged the better of eight men during the WarGames, and is now the Number One contender to the WCW World Heavyweight Championship being held by Goldberg! Will Ric Flair have something to say about Hart's win against Hollywood Hogan? Will Hollywood Hogan have something to say!? Tune in to Nitro to find out!

    Eddie and Chavo Guerrero will clash once again, this time it's for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship, on live TV! The animosity between uncle and nephew has certainly grown to a higher level... who will emerge victorious on Nitro... will Chavo retain the gold, or will Eddie win it back? Tune in to Nitro to find out!

    Booker T and Chris Jericho's bitter rivalry reared its ugly head at Uncensored, and last week on Nitro, Booker T had some harsh words for Jericho... will Jericho respond this week? Tune in to Nitro to find out!

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