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Posts posted by wrestlingsuicide

  1. I just want to say that after Slamboree, I will be putting this diary on hiatus once again. I feel that I need to recharge a bit, and rekindle my imagination and ideas for this Diary. I'm getting a bit tired with WCW 1999 and well, am beginning to show signs of indifference. It would be unfair to you guys to read some half-assed write-up (as evident by the lack of effort I put in the last Nitro).

    Again, I will be posting Slamboree '99 in a week or so, and then putting this diary on temporary hiatus. I'm not sure how long, probably a month or two... probably longer. I'll probably start a mini-diary of sorts, it really depends on what I feel like doing.

    Thanks to all you guys for reading and following the story thus far. You guys have no idea how fun it was for me to write an alternate version of 1999, and hopefully you had fun in sharing with me my alternate version of the past. When I am able to giv this diary the quality it deserves once again, I will go back to it. Until then, Slamboree '99 will be the last show to be posted.

    Cheers! :D

    :shuriken: WrestlingSuicide :shuriken:

  2. WCW Headquarters

    Atlanta, Georgia

    May 28, 1999

    Rick Suicide entered the room, sitting inside were Eric Bischoff and several guys from production. Bischoff had called an emergency meeting, and among the writers, only he was invited. Eric greets him with a handshake and a smile.

    "Rick, I suppose you already know Bob McAdoo and Nick Berry, head of production for TNT."

    Suicide vaguely remembered their names, although their faces looked familiar. He then realized that Eric had introduced them once during a party.

    "Yeah, of course, Eric." Suicide nodded to the two men. "Bob, Nick."

    Bischoff took his place at the head of the conference table. Seated were Rick Suicide, Bob, Nick, and three staff-members. Bischoff beamed with a smile.

    "Gentlemen. We have practically won."

    Suicide was confused. "Won what?"

    "The Monday Night Ratings war."

    Suicide nearly jumped.


    "I've just received news that USA is dropping Monday Night RAW."

    He couldn't believe what he was hearing. The USA Network was letting go of its flagship Monday Night Show.

    "Holy shit, Eric. That's... BIG. They've been kicking our asses ratings-wise and now their Network's dropping the show?"

    Bob McAdoo spoke. "Damn right it's big. We damn near forced the fuckers to drop the show. Big old Turner had a few tricks up his sleeve."

    Bischoff continued.

    "Apparently, the USA Network will be releasing a BRAND NEW remake of Walker: Texas Ranger, and Monday Nights just looked really good." Bischoff added with a wink.

    "Has anyone decided to pick up RAW?"

    Nick Berry talked "As of now... nobody. Mr. Turner's got a lot of clout... and well... he cares enough to try and put McMahon out of business... for good."

    Bischoff goes back to Rick Suicide.

    "Now, Rick, in the next couple of months we're going to look to BURY... and I mean BURY the WWF. We give them a reason NOT to return to watching WWF TV. We put on shows that will keep the viewers glued, specially with RAW about to be out of the way. When we're through, the WWF will be nothing more but an afterthought. What do you think?"

    Suicide blinked.

    "You're absolutely right."

  3. user posted imageuser posted image

    user posted image


    :WCW Cruiserweight Championship:

    -2 OUT OF 3 FALLS-

    Eddie Guerrero © vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.

    With Eddie Guerrero rarely defending the Cruiserweight Title, Chavo finally takes the initiative and manages to grab a title shot from Commissioner Mike Sanders. Sanders has made this match into a best 2 out of 3 falls, to finally decide which Guerrero is better.

    :WCW Television Championship:

    Curt Hennig © vs. Chris Jericho

    Chris Jericho came out on Nitro and challenged Curt Hennig for the TV Title, saying that he was sick and tired of watching Hennig defend the title against so-called weak opponents. Hennig accepted without hesistation, and these two will clash at Slamboree.

    :WCW United States Championship:

    Diamond Dallas Page © vs. Disco Inferno

    Diamond Dallas Page posted an open challenge to anyone in the WCW lockerroom to fight him for the US Title on Slamboree. Disco Inferno, at the indulgence of Commissioner Mike Sanders, accepted the challenge. Will Disco be able to upset DDP for the US Title?

    Sting, Kevin Nash & Konnan vs. Lex Luger, The Giant & Bam Bam Bigelow

    The war between the nWo and the Alliance is still on-going, and it is now in the form of the personal feud between former friends Sting and Lex Luger. After Luger's betrayal of Sting at Spring Stampede, he has since joined the Alliance and teamed up with the tag-team champions, the Giant and Bam Bam Bigelow. Sting, along with his nWo Wolfpack stablemates, Kevin Nash and Konnan will look to put a big dent on the Alliance in this 6-man tag-team match, along with revenge for what Luger did to Sting.

    :WCW World Heavyweight Championship:

    Bret Hart © vs. Raven vs. Kanyon

    Bret Hart defeated Raven, being the last two competitors of the Countdown Melee the previous week, on Nitro for the vacated WCW World Heavyweight Title. The very next week, Bret Hart successfully defends the title against the man who defeated him a week before Spring Stampede, Kanyon. After the match, Raven laid out both men and claimed the title for himself. Commissioner Mike Sanders has decided that the title will be up for grabs in a three-way match between Hart, Raven and Kanyon.

    Ric Flair vs. Chris Benoit

    In Januray, Ric Flair disbanded the Four Horsemen by taking out Dean Malenko and Chris Benoit in separate sneak attacks. After five months of absence, Chris Benoit revealed himself during the last Nitro as Ric Flair's mystery opponent on Slamboree... a match sanctioned by WCW Commissioner Michael Sanders! Chris Benoit, The Crippler, will be looking for venegeance against his former stable-mate, The Nature Boy. Will Ric Flair be able to walk away from this encounter... or will the Crippler leave him CRIPPLED in the ring!?

    Kudos to Kempay for the posters!!!

  4. Yes, Owen Hart. :) So I guess he won't die now, right? Hoohahahooie.

    Thanks for the words of encouragement GCCWolverine. Bah, this is a bit rushed, but what the heck, either that or never get it out. Here's Nitro, enjoy!

    user posted image


    May 24, 1999

    BI-LO Center

    Greenville, South Carolina

    The show opens with a recap of last week's World Championship match between Bret Hart and Kanyon, and the eventual interference of Raven. Schiavone also tackles the fact that there is a six-man tag-match at Slamboree involving the Wolfpack and The Alliance. And of course, that Ric Flair has a match at Slamboree. Schiavone then says that tonight, Lex Luger and The Giant will be tagging against Kevin Nash and Sting!


    Jinsei Shinzaki vs. Billy Kidman

    Shinzaki has his tag partner, Jun Akiyama with him. This was a great match that really highlighted Shinzaki's speed and agility. Kidman and Shinzaki's styles meshed real well together and they put on a great match for the crowd. Akiyama interfered when the ref's back was turned and hit an "Exploder" on Kidman, Shinzaki finished with the Shinzaki Bomb on Kidman to grab the win.

    Winner: Shinzaki via Pinfall

    Match Rating: ****

    Overall: 80

    Crowd: 61

    Workrate: 99


    The cameras cut to backstage, where the Commish, Mike Sanders, is speaking on someone over his celphone. Sander's face beams with a grin as the caller says something.

    "Good... good... excellent! Ric Flair will absolutely soil his pants. Yes. Good. Alright. I'll be seeing you soon."

    Sanders gets off the phone, and smiles. The crowd cheers in anticipation, but Sanders doesn't reveal who the mystery caller is.

    Crowd: 73


    :Television Title:

    Curt Hennig vs. Saturn

    Average match, not bad. Hennig continues his winning streak, defending the TV Title once again by defeating Saturn in a one-on-one match.

    Winner: Curt Hennig via Pinfall

    Match Rating: **1/4

    Overall: 73

    Crowd: 69

    Workrate: 78


    After Hennig's match, Chris Jericho walks out with a microphone.

    "Whoop-dee-freakin'-doo. Curt Hennig wins again. Curt Hennig defends the United States Title once more! Listen you two-bit hack, this is MONDAY NIGHT JERICHOOOOOO! There's no place for you, Curt, no place for you as the TV Champion here in WCW. Because a TV Champ is supposed to be someone who symbolizes what this show is about! And if you're going to get anyone from MONDAY NIGHT JERICHOOOOO!... it's got to be ME... Chris Jericho! If there's anyone who deserves to be TV Champ, it's ME! So... at Slamboree, I'm laying down a challenge! You, Curt Hennig, versus me, CHRIS JERICHOOOOOOOOOO... for the WCW TV Championship!!!"

    Hennig just looks at Jericho. He is handed a microphone by one of the stage hands.

    "You're on, boy. This Sunday, Slamboree... prepare to get schooled!"

    The fans cheer. Jericho grins, getting what he wanted out of Hennig, a title shot at the PPV this Sunday.

    Crowd: 82


    Chavo Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

    Another brilliant match given by Chavo and Rey. Lucha libre at its finest. This, unfortunately, will never make it to the main event in WCW, simply because of the fact that Cruiserweights simply do not sell PPVs. Chavo and Rey put up a good show, ending the match with a 'rana from Rey converted into a Powerbomb by Chavo to grab the pinfall victory.

    Winner: Chavo Guerrero via Pinfall

    Match: Rating: ****

    Overall: 85

    Crowd: 75

    Workrate: 95


    After the match is done, Chavo Guerrero asks for a microphone from one of the stage hands.

    "Tonight, I've proven once again that I am a true Guerrero! That I have the blood of the Guerrero family running through my veins! I defeated Rey Mysterio Jr. in one-on-one competition, and if that doesn't prove to my uncle, Eddie, that I deserve a shot at the Cruiserweight Title... I don't know what will."

    The fans cheer. Chavo's becoming a slight fan-favorite.

    "But you know what, Eddie? It doesn't matter what you think. Because earlier tonight, I walked into Commissioner Michael Sanders' office, and I told him that if he was serious about giving the people who work their asses off in WCW a shot... then he would give me a shot to regain the Cruiserweight Title from you, Eddie! Commish Sanders told me that it was going to be tough to determine which Guerrero was the better Guerrero. That's why, this Sunday, at Slamboree... in St. Louis, Missouri... you're going to have to defend the WCW Cruiserweight Title against me, Chavo Guerrero... in a BEST OF THREE FALLS match! It's been signed, sealed and delivered, straight to you, Uncle Eddie, from the Commissioner's office! I'll see you, and MY Cruiserweight Title as SLAMBOREE!!!"

    The fans like the idea of a gimmick match between Chavo and Eddie, and cheer it on.

    Crowd: 82


    After the commercial break, we cut to Mike Sanders standing in the ring, to minimal fan reaction.

    "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. As you know, last week... Bret Hart successfully defended the WCW World Heavyweight Championship against Kanyon. And after the match, Raven ran into the ring, leaving both the Hitman and Kanyon down and out. And so, tonight, I have decided that at Slamb-"

    Raven's music starts playing. Sanders stops, and looks at Raven, who's walking down the aisle with intent. The fans give a mixture of boos and cheers, Raven's slowly gaining a following in WCW. As he steps into the ring, he locks eyes with the Commish. Raven walks over and grabs the microphone.

    "You know, I know, everyone knows that I deserve a rematch for the title. You all saw it last week. I laid out BOTH Kanyon ad Bret Hart in the middle of the ring! What about me, huh? What about ME!? What about RAVEN!? I DESERVE A REMATCH. I DEMAND A REMATCH!"

    Sanders wrests the mircophone from Raven's hand, and starts talking again.

    "You want a rematch, Raven? You've got a rematch! Because at Slamboree... the WCW World Heavyweight Championship is going to be decided in a match between..."

    'K-K-K-K-K-Kaaaaanyoooon!' Kanyon's music plays and he walks out to the jeers and boos of the crowd. Kanyon makes his way into the ring, and then goes nose-to-nose with Raven. Kanyon swipes the mic from Sanders.

    "Hold on commish. This runt here's got to answer to me. See, I don't appreciate what you did to me last week... hitting me with one of your Eveflow DDTs. I don't like it one bit. And I figure, that it's about time I clocked you in the jaw, right here, right now... whaddya' say?"

    Sanders steps in between Kanyon and Raven, a bit frustrated. He snaps the mic from Kanyon.

    "No...no..no... No fighting between you two tonight, damnit! I run this circus, and I say when you fight! And that's going to be a Slamboree! Because at Slamboree... Bret Hart will defend the WCW World Heavyweight Championship... against RAVEN!!!! and KANYON!!!! In a THREE-WAY match!!!"

    Raven and Kanyon immediately don't like the idea of having to go against two opponents in one match, and start complaining. The NitroVision flickers on, and Bret Hart is backstage, holding the WCW Title over his shoulder. Raven and Kanyon look at the screen.

    "It won't matter who I'm going up against at Slamboree. As I said last week... I'm a fighting champion. I've beaten you, two weeks ago, Raven. And I beat you last week Kanyon. You can both try again this Sunday, but I can guarantee you, that the results will be the same. Raven... Kanyon... you want this title so bad? You want to be the top dog? Then you'll need to pry it from my dead body. Because that's what it's going to take to beat me, to beat the best there is... the best there was... and the best that there ever will be!"

    Raven's face turns into a mask of hatred, while Kanyon starts jawing. Sanders smiles as he walks away, down to the ramp and heads backstage.

    Crowd: 68


    Disco Inferno vs. Juventud Guerrera

    Disco Inferno puts up a good showing against Juventud. Not really anything spectacular though, as Disco wraps things up against the Cruiserweight via a Last Dance to win the match.

    Winner: Disco Inferno via Pinfall

    Match Rating: **

    Overall: 74

    Crowd: 75

    Workrate: 73


    After the match, Disco is handed a microphone.

    "I've been thinking about what Commish Sanders told me. If I want something, I'd better reach out and grab it. That's why I'm grabbing that opportunity right now. Diamond Dallas Page... I ACCEPT your open challenge! I want to fight you for the United States Title, at Slamboree, this Sunday!"

    Just then, DDP's music starts playing and Page walks out, laughing.

    "Hold on... hold on... you? You? Ha ha ha ha ha. Alright, monkeyboy... you want a shot? You... ha ha ha... got it!"

    Disco is obviously pissed off that Page isn't taking him seriously.

    "Let's who'll be laughing when I take that US Title from you this Sunday, and SHOVE IT DOWN YOUR THROAT!"

    Page stops laughing, and just stares at Inferno, who stares right back.

    Color: 80


    Kevin Nash & Sting vs. Lex Luger & The Giant

    Nash and Sting have Konnan with them, while Luger and The Giant have Bigelow. Ric Flair is with Arn Anderson, and they just watch at ringside.

    You know where this is headed. Nash and Sting start off hot, isolating Luger, with the fans going wild each time Sting would hit Luger with a move. A cheap-shot later, and The Giant would soon be pounding on Sting, nearly breaking him a few times. Sting gets the hot tag to Nash, who starts cleaning house. The Giant and Nash are soon face-to-face and exchanging blows. Bigelow decides to jump in and join the action, and Konnan does as well! Soon, all six men start walloping each other, the ref loses control and calls for the Double DQ. Flair and Anderson do nothing, as the six men tussle in the ring.

    Winner: Double DQ

    Match Rating: ***

    O: 83

    C: 87

    M: 75


    With their backs turned to the entranceway as they watch the brawl in the ring, Flair and Anderson do not notice the guy in a hooded grey sweatshirt running at them with full force. The guy smashes into Flair and Anderson! Flair is knocked down! The guy grabs Arn Anderson and throws him into the steel steps! That knocks Anderson out!

    Schiavone is wondering who the hell this guy is! Flair slowly tries to crawl... and soon starts backpedalling on his back. He raises his hands to say 'No More!' Flair doesn't seem to know who his hooded assailant is, either. The guy walks slowly, stalking Flair. He walks up towards Flair, and then throws his hood back to reveal himself!

    Schiavone starts screaming hysterically. "IT'S CHRIS BENOIT! IT'S CHRIS BENOIT! THE CRIPPLER IS BACK! OH MY GOD! CHRIS BENOIT! CHRIS BENOIT IS RIC FLAIR'S OPPONENT AT SLAMBOREE!!! HE'S BACK! THE CRIPPLER IS BACK!!! AFTER FIVE MONTHS, THE CRIPPLER RETURNS, AND HE'S GOING TO FACE THE MAN WHO TOOK HIM OUT!!! FLAIR!!! BENOIT!!! SLAMBOREE!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!!!" Benoit's face is full of rage, emotion, anger... he places his left thumb on his right shoulder and proceeds to run it across his throat, his trademark gesture. Flair's eyes are wide as saucers as the realization sets in. Benoit is going to CRIPPLE Flair at Slamboree! The final shot of the evening is of Benoit just looking at Flair with all the pent up emotion inside him.

    Crowd: 81

    Overall Show Rating: 78

    Nitro TV Rating: 6.82

    RAW TV Rating: 7.29

  5. May 19, 1999

    Phone Conversation

    "Hello, Eric? Bret here."

    "Bret, good to hear from you. Good job last Monday Night. If we keep this up, we're going to drive McMahon down the ground again!"

    "Thanks, I'm calling about your offer."

    "That was about three months ago... any word?"

    "I've been bugging him for the last couple of weeks."


    "He's on. He's already quit, and the no-compete clause runs out in June."

    "That's great to hear! It's a damn shame, McMahon was burying him in that damn Blue Blazer gimmick. I'm telling you right now, Owen's got a PLACE in WCW."

    "That's what I wanted to hear from you. He'll be calling you later today, when his flight arrives from Stamford."

    "Thanks, Bret. And tell the wife that I said hi!"

    "No problem."


  6. Two weeks away from Slamboree... elt's make this interesting by putting up a better Nitro than last week, ok? How about a Nitro with a Match of the Year candidate? You like? Good. :)

    user posted image


    May 17, 1999

    Stegeman Colisseum

    Athens, Georgia

    Nitro opens with a recap of last week's Championship Match between Raven and Bret Hart. Tony Schiavone gives us a rundown of tonight's line-up. Rey and Chavo will be taking on Jericho and Eddie in tag action. Mikey Whipwreck gets a shot at he TV Title against the champ Curt Hennig. Sting returns tonight, and will be on the mic! And Bret Hart will be out here to celebrate his title win last week! It's going to be a very interesting Nitro indeed!

    Jun Akiyama vs. Saturn

    Opening match. Akiyama came out with his tag partner, Jinsei Shinzaki. Good wrestling match between these two, Saturn playing well off of Akiyama. It seems that they complement each other well. Saturn was on a roll, giving Akiyama a hard time, until Shinzaki decided to step into the picture. He hit Saturn with a swift blow to the kidneys while the ref wasn't looking, allowing Akiyama to deliver the "Exploder" on Saturn. Akiyama remains undefeated tonight with the pinfall win.

    Winner: Jun Akiyama via Pinfall

    Match Rating: ***

    Crowd: 66

    Workrate: 86

    Overall: 76


    Coming off the break, Bret Hart's music starts playing. The fans erupt into cheer, and out walks the Hitman with the WCW Title on his shoulder! Bret's got his trademark black jacket and his pink shades on, as he heads down the aisle. He shakes hands with several fans before climbing up the steel steps and stepping into the ring. Bret then climbs all four turnbuckles in succession, raising the World Title for everyone to see. As soon as the crowd's cheering dies down, Bret is handed a microphone by a stagehand at ringside.

    "You know what? It feels damn good to be YOUR WCW World Heavyweight Champion!"

    This sends the crowd into a frenzy again! Bret smiles as he soaks it all in.

    "It feels damn good to be vindicated after months of being screwed around by Ric Flair and his Alliance. I won't lie, last week was a battle... it was a complete fight to the death... and Raven was no pushover. I went into that Championship Match wih my heart set on winning, I went in there with all the marbles, and I came out on top. I proved once again why I am called the Excellence of Execution, why I am the BEST there is, the BEST there was, and the BEST there ever will be! After the smoke cleared and everything was set and done, I stood there, the CHAMP!"

    The crowd cheers once again.

    "I'm going to say this right here, right now... I am a fighting champion, and I WILL defend this title night in and night out if required. I will show any and all challengers what the Pink and Black Attack is all about. I will show them what the Excellence of Execution is all about, I'm going to show them why I AM the World Heavyw-"

    At that moment, someone else's music cuts off the Hitman. "K-K-K-K-KAAAANYOOON!", Kanyon walks out and is immediately booed by the fans! Bret puts his gameface on as Kanyon walks down the aisle. Kanyon's face is balled up into a mean scowl as he produces a microphone from underneath his jacket.

    "Well, well, well, champ. Seems like you've done yourself good. You beat Raven, so what? Anyone can beat Raven! The fact of the matter is, I beat YOU Hitman. I beat YOU in the middle of THAT ring, ONE, TWO, THREE! You say you're a fighting champion? Well then, why don't you prove it. I am challenging you here TONIGHT, one on one.... for the World Heavyweight Title!"

    Bret is quick to reply.

    "Kanyon, yeah, you beat me... you pinned my shoulders on the mat for the three.There's no denying that fact. And you know what? I've been itching to get even. You want a title shot tonight? You just got it!"

    Kanyon smiles.

    "You can kiss that title goodbye, Bret! I'll be seeing you later, Hitman!"

    Kanyon drops the mic onto the ramp and backpedals his way back. He remains in eye-contact with Bret, a small staredown before Kanyon completely leaves the entranceway.

    The fans cheer at the fact that they're getting a championship match tonight! Schiavone says that Kanyon has nothing to lose and everything to gain tonight! It might not have been wise for the Hitman to accept a challenge one week removed from winning the World Title!

    Crowd: 87


    :TV Title Match:

    Curt Hennig vs. Mikey Whipwreck

    Whipwreck gets a shot at the TV Title tonight, and it looked like a solid match on paper. reality, however, is completely different. Hennig and Whipwreck were mediocre inside the ring, and the crowd was just not into this one. Hennig retains the TV Title via a Hennigplex and pinfall.

    Winner: Curt Hennig via Pinfall

    Rating: *1/2

    Crowd: 65

    Workrate: 71

    Overall: 68


    Chris Jericho is backstage with Mike Tenay. Tenay asks Jericho about tonight's tag match, if he thinks that he and Eddie will be able to beat Rey and Chavo in their tag match. Jericho goes off, irritated by Mike Tenay's question.

    "What kind of question is that? Pshhh. Mike Tenay, you are without a doubt the biggest clown I have ever met. Of course me and Eddie are going to win tonight! Tonight you're going to see what TAG TEAM wrestling is all about!"

    Tenay then mentions that his former partner, Booker T knew all about tag team wrestling, being a tag champ multiple times in the course of his career. This pisses Jericho off COMPLETELY!

    "OH... MY... GOD. Mike Tenay, I apologize. you are NOT the biggest clown I have ever met. You are the biggest ASSCLOWN i have ever met!!! You have the audacity to mention Booker T's name in the same sentence with mine! Booker T is nothing, he's a nobody, he's no champ, he's no wrestler, he's NOTHING. I don't know why I'm even wasting my time giving you interviews when you can't even ask the right questions! I won't waste my spit in this stupid conversation... just wacth me and Eddie beat the living googamooga out of Mysterio and Chavo tonight!"

    Jericho storms off the set.

    Crowd: 90


    Rey Mysterio & Chavo Guerrero vs. Chris Jericho & Eddie Guerrero

    Great match, highlighted by the fast pace and excellent psychology of all four wrestlers involved. Jericho and Eddie were on top for the better part of the match, giving Rey and Chavo the beating of their lives. Jericho soon gets cocky and overconfident, toying with Rey Mysterio for a while. Rey and Chavo rally, and they rally hard. Rey hits a couple of 'ranas while Chavo nails his uncle with a solid dropkick to the face. Jericho finds himself on the receiving end of a 'rana and a frog splash, that eventually leads to them losing the match. Rey and Chavo celebrate while Jericho and Eddie leave the ring, dejected and frustrated.

    Winners: Rey Mysterio & Chavo Guerrero via Pinfall

    Rating: ****3/4

    Crowd: 85

    Workrate: 100

    Overall: 92


    Back from the commercial break... "Wolfpack is back, causing mass destruction..." the nWo Wolfpack theme starts playing, and out walks Kevin Nash and Konnan. The fans cheer as the two nWo stars make their way down the aisle. Konnan whips out a microphone and starts talking.

    "ORA LE! Wolfpack IN DA HOUSE! The K-O-double-N-A-N is speaking right here, so y'all betta' listen up! My main man, Big Sexy's got something to say, so y'all betta' listen!"

    He hands the mic over to Kevin Nash.

    "Thanks K-Dogg. Now... I guess you all know why we're here, and I guess you all know who I'm about to introduce. So I won't delay it much longer... you wanted him back? Here he is... STIIIINGGGGG!!!"

    "Enter Sandman" starts playing, the lights dim and the fans go insane. Sting steps out into the entranceway. He's wearing his hair into a ponytail, it's a bit longer now. He's got a pair of shades on, a black trenchcoat, a black shirt, a pair of jeans and black wrestling boots. Sting climbs into the ring and shakes hands with Nash and Konnan. Nash hands him the microphone. The crowd continues to cheer Sting, who has been gone since his Cage match with Raven at Spring Stampede.

    "It's funny how your true enemies reveal themselves to you at the most inopportune moments. I should've known that Lex Luger would turn his back on the nWo, that Lex Luger would turn his back on WCW, and more importantly, that Lex Luger would turn his back on me. He goes ahead and decides to join the one faction that put him in the hospital in the first place."

    Sting removes his shades.

    "You want to make an enemy out of me, Lex? Go ahead. You and Flair can run around WCW like you own the place. The Alliance's time is running out. After robbing me of my victory against Raven at Spring Stampede, you had me beaten up two weeks ago, Lex. You had your goons in The Alliance take me out while I wasn't looking. Well, now my eyes are wide open and I'm ready for anything that you want to throw at me. You may think you know me, Lex, but I assure you... you don't know STING. You don't know what I can do, Lex, you don't know just how DANGEROUS it is to PISS ME OFF! You aren't ready for me, Lex, you're aren't ready for a FATAL ENCOUNTER WITH THE STINGER! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWW!"

    The fans cheer.

    Crowd: 89


    The Alliance's music starts playing. Out walks Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, The Giant and Bam Bam Bigelow. Sting just stares a hole into Flair and Luger. Nash and Konnan stand side-by-side with Sting, ready for a fight. Flair produces a microphone from underneath his suit.

    "Stinger! Stinger! You have the nerve to say that The Alliance... MY Alliance's time will be up!? I'll tell you what... you, Nash and Konnan don't have what it takes to take us DOWN! I singlehandedly destroyed... DESTROYED... the nWo! It was me, THE NAITCHA BOY! I took care of Savage! I took care of Hogan! And sooner or later, I will take care of YOU. I will take care of YOU Konnan! I will take care of YOU Nash! I will take care of YOU Stinger! The Alliance is HERE TO STAY! It is here to STAY! WHOOOOO!"

    The fans boo.

    "But for now... for now, I'm going to hand you on a silver platter to THIS MAN, right here... THE MAN OF THE HOUR! He is POWER AND GRACE personified! LEX LUGER!"

    Flair hands the microphone over to Lex.

    "Stinger! You say that I don't know you? Who spent time with you, up and down the road? Who was there day in and day out when we were just starting out in this business? You're wrong Sting... I know you... I know you better than you know yourself! If there's one man in WCW who can get into your head, it's me. If there's one man in WCW who can bring you down, Stinger, it's me, and with the Alliance behind me all the way, we're burying you, and the Wolfpack six-feet under!!!"

    Crowd: 86


    The NitroVision screen lights up, it's Commissioner Michael Sanders sitting behind his desk! Sanders quickly speaks.

    "Well then Lex, why don't we put that in writing? Because at Slamboree, it's going to be The Alliance, represented by you, The Giant and Bam Bam Bigelow... against The nWo Wolfpack... Sting, Kevin Nash and Konnan... in a SIX-MAN tag-team match!"

    Luger's face goes from cocky to worried. Ric Flair goes off.

    "Damnit! Damnit! Sanders! You can't do that! I call the shots! I call the shots around here! You can't do that!"

    Sanders smiles.

    "I can, Ric. And I will. In fact, you shouldn't worry about your boys having a match on Slamboree... because TONIGHT, The Giant and Bam Bam Bigelow will have to defend the Tag Team titles against Kevin Nash and Konnan!!!"

    The fans cheer. Flair goes ballistic even more. Nash and Konnan smile as they look on at their opponents. Sting just keeps on staring down Luger. Sanders continues.

    "Oh, and Ric, I'd suggest that you get in shape... because at Slamboree YOU are going to be in a match... a one-on-one match, with an opponent of MY choosing. Have a great night!"

    Flair's eyes widen, and he starts jumping around, crazy-like.


    Sanders just lets out a smile. And the NitroVision flickers off.

    Crowd: 68


    :Tag Team Title Match:

    Kevin Nash & Konnan vs. The Giant & Bam Bam Bigelow

    Coming back from the break, the match is already underway. Konnan and Bigelow are inside the ring, slugging it out. Luger and Sting are on opposite sides at ringside, supporting their own stablemates. Decent match overall, Nash and Konnan had a couple of winning opportunities, but The Giant and Bigelow were able to rally and take control. After spending several minutes being attacked by both The Giant and Bigelow, Konnan tags in Nash and he cleans house. Nash clears the ring of The Giant and hits a JackKnife on Bigelow! Luger is quick to react however, and immediately jumps in, attacking Nash! The ref has the bell rung, and Sting jumps in on the fray as well! Nash and Konnan win via DQ, but they don't win the Tag Titles, all six men are brawling! The faces soon clear the heels out, Luger and his teammates soon slowly hightail it backstage. Sting wants Luger so bad, and he starts pointing at his opponent down the ramp! The fans cheer as Nash, Sting and Konnan stand in the ring.

    Winner: Kevin Nash & Konnan via DQ

    Rating: **1/4

    Crowd: 82

    Workrate: 73

    Overall: 79


    Coming back from the break, Diamond Dallas Page is in the middle of the ring. He's got the US title wrapped around his waist. the fans are booing him as he raises the microphone in his hand to speak.

    "I've got a problem. See, I've been the U.S. Champion for a long time now. And so far, noone's been up to the challenge of taking this U.S. Title away from my waist. NOBODY, nobody has the guts to step into this ring with me, D-D-P! Come on? ANYONE? Anyone backstage!? Anyone at all!? Noone? Jeez. Yoe're all monkey-boys! Hogan? Savage? Pshhh. This show's run by The Alliance... this show's run by Flair... this show's run by ME, Diamond Dallas Page! I'm laying down an open challenge to ANYONE, ANYONE who thinks they've got what it takes to win the U.S. Championship from me, show up at Slamboree, and bring what you've got to the table! I'll make sure you feel THA' BANG!!!"

    DDP drops the mic and leaves, with the crowd booing him out of the ring.

    Crowd: 88


    :World Title Match:

    Bret Hart vs. Kanyon

    Kanyon is introduced first, he receives the boos from the crowd. Bret comes out next, to a very big ovation. The Hitman parades the turnbuckles before relinquishing the title to the referee.

    Staredown to start the match. Kanyon slaps Bret, HARD! Bret quickly goes for a takedown after that, and they toss and tumble. Kanyon quickly goes to the ropes, which forces Bret to let go.

    Collar and elbow tie-up, and Kanyon grabs Bret's head, putting him into a side-headlock. Bret tries to fight out, but Kanyon holds on. Bret goes over to the ropes, and tries to bounce Kanyon off, but is unable to shake him away. Kanyon locks in tighter, bringing Bret to a knee. Kanyon applies more pressure. Bret digs deep and hits a backdrop suplex!

    Bret slowly gets up as Kanyon regains his wits. Kanyon charges into the Hitman, and Bret counters with an armdrag! They both get up, Kanyon runs again, and the Hitman hits another armdrag! This time Bret holds on, into a modified armbar. Kanyon winces in pain. Bret moves from this into a hammerlock, and then goes into a side-headlock of his own. This time it's Bret's turn to put in the pressure. Kanyon gets up slowly, to a knee, and then pushes bret into a corner. Kanyon tries to throw the Hitman off, but Hart just holds on and drags him back down into the mat. Bret winds up more. Kanyon gets up again, this time taking a page out of Bret's book and hits a backdrop suplex of his own! That releases the hold!

    Both men get up. Kanyon goes for a punch, but Bret ducks! Bret then unleashes the HARDEST gut punch in the history of WCW! Kanyon doubles over in pain! Bret goes for a DDT and connects! Bret covers and gets a two. He drags Kanyon up and shoves him into a corner. Bret prepares to throw him across the ring into the opposing turnbuckle, but Kanyon reverses and sends Bret crashing CHEST FIRST into the original turnbuckle! Bret collapses into the mat in pain!

    Kanyon is quick to grab the Hitman and cover, that only gets a two. Kanyon covers again, two count again. Kanyon tries for a third time, trying to exhaust Bret, and Bret kicks out once more. Kanyon gets up and drags the Hitman up. He wraps his arms around Bret's waist... BELLY-TO-BELLY! He hits it! Cover by Kanyon, two count again! Kanyon brushes his hair up as he stands, frustrated. Kanyon bends over to pick the Hitman up, but the Hitman rolls into a small package!!! one..two..thr-no! Kick-out by Kanyon! Kanyon is taken by surprise, but he quick to get up and is on the Hitman again with another headlock! This goes on until the ref is forced to check on Bret's condition. He raises Bret's arm once, and it falls limp... another time... and it falls limp again... the crowd is now cheering for Bret to get up... the ref tries one last time, and the arm stays in the air!

    Bret pushes Kanyon into the ropes, and this time he manages to bounce him off! Kanyon runs across the ropes, and goes for a clothesline... Bret ducks! Kanyon bounces back... and Bret catches him with a Powerslam! That took out Kanyon and exhausted Bret! Both men are extremely slow to get up.

    Bret manages to get up first. He quickly goes after Kanyon's right leg, nailing it with stomps, and then locking it into a leg grapevine. Kanyon grimaces in pain. Bret lets go, but is quick to go for a figure four! Kanyon looks like he's about to give up! But no... he manages to grab on to the ropes!!! Bret releases the hold, and bends over to pick Kanyon up... Kanyon hits with a thumb to the eye!

    Kanyon throws a right hand, which Bret blocks... and converts into a crucifix pinfall attempt! One...two... kickout! Bret seems to have found his second wind! Bret goes after Kanyon with a fury. Backbody-drop! Bret picks Kanyon up... runs across the ropes... bulldog! Bre grabs Kanyon again, and hits a side-russian legsweep. He climbs to the 2nd rope, and goes for an elbow drop... Kanyon rolls out, Bret hits the mat!!!

    Kanyon stalks Bret as he stands... he goes for the Flatliner! NO! Bret reverses into an attempted T-Bone! But Kanyon reverses that, and goes behind the Hitman, GERMAN SUPLEX! The same move he used to beat Bret the last time around! He bridges for the cover... one...two... thre- BRET KICKS OUT! Kanyon can't believe it! He goes after the Hitman... and Bret grabs Kanyon's legs from underneath him!!!

    BRET LOCKS THE SHARPSHOOTER!!! Kanyon is in AGONY! He desperately tries to grab for the ropes... he is a mere inches away... BUT BRET DRAGS HIM BACK INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE RING!!! Kanyon has no choice!!! Kanyon nods his head to the ref... HE QUITS!!! KANYON SUBMITS TO THE PAIN OF THE SHARPSHOOTER! BRET DEFENDS THE TITLE!!!

    As soon as the bell rings, someone from under the mat rolls out! IT'S RAVEN! Before Bret could even let go of the Sharpshooter, Raven jumps in and hits an EVENFLOW DDT ON THE HITMAN!!! The crowd starts booing!!! Raven then picks up the nearly-unconscious Kanyon, and hits an EVENFLOW DDT!!! Bret and Kanyon are down and out!!! The crowd has a mixed reaction... seeing Raven deal with a face and a heel. Raven grabs the WCW Title and looks at it... he then throws it at the Hitman's unconscious body. Raven walks off the ring without a word, and with an intense look on his face!!! Schiavone is having another one of his orgasms, and says that he'll see us next week!!!

    Winner: Bret Hart via Submission

    Rating: *****

    Crowd: 90

    Workrate: 100

    Overall: 95

    Overall Show Rating: 84

    Nitro TV Rating: 6.89

    RAW TV Rating: 7.30

  7. kempay: Everyone loves Raven now, don't they? :P

    VA Finest: That's one of the hardest feuds I've booked because I do not write Booker T very well, expect me to try my best and put some life into it in the next shows.

    Renegade: Sanders is having a hard transition since he was thrust into the spotlight too early, expect to see him get more comfortable in his role, though. And I might do the drop-down box thing... but isn't everyone doing that already? :)

    the wall breaker: thanks! :) Much appreciated dude!

    the machine: ha. thanks! push raven? push raven? hmmm... i don't know what you're talking about. ;)

  8. Here's Nitro... added the ratings etc. etc., just checking out if you guys want it with or without them. :)

    user posted image


    May 10, 1999

    St. Louis, Missouri

    The show begins with a shot of the WCW World Heavyweight Title belt on the center of the screen. It is on top of new WCW Commissioner Michael Sanders' desk. Tony Schiavone is on the mic and goes into detail about the Countdown Melee that happened last week. That match was won by Raven and Bret Hart after DDP was eliminated by both men. Tony then says that the Commisioner has something to say regarding the Countdown Melee.


    Sanders looks straight into the camera, and has a serious face.

    "Ladies and gentlemen, tonight... we are going to crown a brand new WCW World Heavyweight Champion. It will be between two men, who proved themselves by being the last two men inside the ring after the Countdown Melee ended. Those two men are Raven... (the crowd boos)... and Bret "The Hitman" Hart... (the crowd cheers). I wish both of luck to both men tonight."

    Sanders pauses before continuing.

    "What I would like to talk about tonight, however, is the apparent no-show of Sting last week at the Countdown Melee. Eric Bischoff had chosen Sting as a representative of the nWo... and apparently someone had orchestrated an attack on Sting to prevent him from making it to the Countdown Melee. Security Cameras backstage were able to capture footage of the assailants as they assaulted Sting last week."

    The black-and-white security camera footage is then shown. Sting is getting ready for the match backstage, he walks off-camera and then we hear a door bursting open, voices shouting, and the sounds of a beating. Sting is then throw into the wall right into the view of the camera, he is down and pretty much out, although conscious. His assailants never come into the view of the camera. The footage ends. Mike Sanders returns into view, and he speaks.

    "As a result of that brutal attack, Sting will not be here tonight. He WILL return next week, and he WILL find and face the men responsible for that heinous attack! (crowd cheers) And so, ladies and gentlemen, we have a championship match tonight... enjoy your evening."

    Crowd: 79


    Kamikaze vs. Mikey Whipwreck & Psycosis

    Rematch from last week. Whipwreck and Psycosis are looking for some payback after losing to the new guys. They gave the same effort as last week's match, just a bit toned down. Whipwreck and Psycosis took control for most of the match, leading the crowd into what could be a big face win. Akiyama ends this, however, as he hits Exploders on Whipwreck and Psycosis from out of nowhere. Shinzaki nails a senton-bomb on Psycosis to grab the pinfall victory for the Japanese tag team.

    Winners: Kamikaze via Pinfall

    Match Rating: ***1/4

    Crowd: 53

    Workrate: 91

    Overall: 72


    Mike Tenay is backstage with Chris Jericho. Tenay asks Chris about Booker T quitting a couple of weeks ago, and how he felt about that, seeing as they were former tag champs, and were involved in a big feud as of late. Jericho seems to be a bit irritated at the mention of Booker's name, and replies.

    "I thought this interview was going to be about ME. Chris Jericho? You don't drag me out into this cheap interview set, on my own show... MONDAY NIGHT... JERICHOOOO... and ask me questions about somebody else... someone who is clearly inferior to me!"

    Tenay apologizes, but Jericho cuts him off.

    "But since you brought up the topic, what Booker T did only confirms what I thought of him all along. Booker T can't hold a candle to Chris Jericho! He ain't nothing compared to me! He's a quitter, he's a sham, he's a pathetic excuse for a wrestler! I carried his sorry butt to the tag team titles! I think he should just go around, be a bouncer for some seedy nightclub... or go handle security for Wal-Mart or something... because quite frankly, he isn't cut out to be a wrestler! He isn't cut out to be LIKE JERICHO! And if you've got nothing better to ask me, Tenay, then this interview is over!"

    Jericho storms off, ending this segment.

    Crowd: 86


    Chavo Guerrero vs. Juventud Guerrera

    Chavo and Juvy have a great lucha match, Chavo played a great face, while Juvi the hated heel, and they clicked instantly. Great match psychology and a solid combination of moves lent a lot to giving the crowd a fun match. Juvy cheats his way to win via a low blow that the ref doesn't see. He quickly rolls up Chavo and grabs the pinfall.

    Winner: Juventud Guerrera via Pinfall

    Match Rating: ***3/4

    Crowd: 79

    Workrate: 90

    Overall: 84


    Ric Flair's music starts playing, the crowd starts booing. Flair walks out with The Alliance behind him. Everyone's there, Bigelow, Giant, Kanyon, Guerrero, Jericho, Page and Arn Anderson. They all enter the ring, and Flair produces a microphone from underneath his coat jacket.

    "You people should ask yourself... why... why in God's green earth is The Alliance in the ring tonight? Why oh why is this fine stable of incomparable wrestlers here? You've got the Tag Champs, the biggest man in this business today... The Giant, and the beast from the east, Bam Bam Bigelow! You've got the Cruiserweight Champ, the greatest luchadore in WCW... no... in the WORLD, Eddie Guerrero! You've got one of the fastest rising stars in WCW today, Chris Jericho! You've got the man who just recently... BEAT Bret Hart in the middle of the ring, 1-2-3... Kanyon! The US Champion, the man who sould be fighting for the World Title Tonight... Diamond Dallas Page! The Enforcer, Arn Anderson! And WHOOO! THA' MAN! THA' NAITCHA' BOY! WHOOO! This IS the BEST that the wrestling WORLD has to offer! WHOOO! And tonight... TONIGHT... we add ONE MORE to our ranks!!! The man responsible for the downfall of STING... the man responsible for last week's ingenious BEATDOWN of the STINGER..."

    Flair waves his hand towards the entranceway.

    "... I give you the newest member of the Alliance... LEX LUGER!"

    Luger's music starts playing. And out walks Lex, wearing a white shirt and jeans walks towards the ring. The Alliance members all clap their hands at their new stable-mate. The crowd starts booing. Luger steps into the ring and shakes Flair's hand. Flair hands the mic over to Luger.

    "Thanks Ric. I am PROUD to be a member of The Alliance."

    The fans keep on booing. Luger goes on.

    "Yeah, I admit it. I orchestrated that assault on Sting last week. That was me. That was me... and Bam Bam... and The Giant... and Kanyon... and Guerrero... and Jericho... and Page... and Double A... and Ric Flair! We beat Sting to within an inch of his life last week! I've got nothing to hide, and I certainly ain't afraid of the Stinger! I've got The Alliance to back me up, I've got the NATURE BOY by my side, and frankly... Stinger, if you want me... why don't you COME AND GET ME!? Now, I think it's about time my opponent came out, right now... so I can get this beat-down over with!"

    Luger throws the mic away, and flexes to the disdain of the crowd. The Alliance clears the ring, and they all wait at ringside for Luger's opponent tonight.

    Crowd: 78


    Lex Luger vs. Billy Kidman

    Billy Kidman walks out, ready for this challenge tonight. Unfortunately, Luger made a complete example of Kidman, hitting him with an arsenal of power moves before finishing him off with a running forearm and the Torture Rack to grab the win. Luger spits at the fallen Kidman for good measure, as he continues t taunt this crowd. Flair and The Alliance clap their hands at ringside, as Luger continues to flex just to piss the crowd off.

    Winner: Lex Luger via Pinfall

    Match Rating: **

    Crowd: 76

    Workrate: 73

    Overall: 75


    Mike Sanders is backstage, and he catches the revelation of Flair and Luger from a small monitor. His face is one of concern, he's probably thinking of a way to derail Flair's big plans for WCW. He is interrupted however, by the arrival of Disco Inferno. Inferno quickly talks to him.

    "Heya Commish. I just want to say, thanks for the opportunity you gave me last week. I certainly appreciate it. I haven't gotten much of a chance to perform ever since Ric Flair took over, and last week was definitely a breath of fresh air."

    "Don't worry, Disco. I think you've got the potential to be one of the greats. But you've got to learn to harness that potential. The entire disco routine is getting tired... and maybe you could do well with a change. Tell you what, come up with something that could light your career on fire, and I'll give you the spotlight to showcase your talents."

    "Wow. Really? Thanks Commish! I'll think about it!"

    "No problem. No problem at all."

    Crowd: 77


    Konnan vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

    Konnan is out first, followed by Bigelow, who is accompanied by his tag-partner and co-champ, The Giant. Decent enough match that had Konnan and Bigelow work their asses off to provide a good brawl for the fans. The ref lost control, however when Konnan was about to defeat Bigelow with the Tequila Sunrise, and the Giant just burst into the ring and started decimating Konnan. The two heels had their way with Konnan until Kevin Nash came out from backstage and joined in on the fight! Nash and Konnan soon have the Tag Champs reeling! The fans go wild as Nash and Konnan stand in the middle of the ring goading their opponents on!

    Winner: Konnan via DQ

    Match Rating: **3/4

    Crowd: 78

    Workrate: 80

    Overall: 79


    Mike Tenay is backstage with Raven, who seems to be ready for the championship match tonight. Tenay asks Raven if he has any reservations about stepping into the ring with Bret Hart. Raven answers in his usual non-chalant mocking way.

    "I told you from the beginning. I told all you people from day one... this is Raven's time. It's MY time... my time to shine... my time to rise to the top of WCW. When I said that I would take out Sting... nobody... NOBODY... took me seriously. When I said I would be able to beat Sting inside a STEEL CAGE... nobody... NOBODY... believed. I took out Sting, I beat him inside a steel cage, I brought your hero down, and used him as a stepping stone into greater things."

    Raven pauses, and the crowd boos.

    "As I have done with Sting, so shall I do with Bret Hart. The Hitman. Adored by millions. Undoubtedly one of the biggest stars in the entire wrestling world. And tonight, it is befitting that the Hitman falls to Raven, that the Hitman falls to ME. I am a few moments away from the top of the mountain... I'm only a few moments away from reaching the pinnacle... the highest peak of WCW... the World Heavyweight Championship. I ask you people once again, WHAT ABOUT ME? WHAT ABOUT RAVEN!? After the night is over... it is going to be... ALL... ABOUT... RAVEN! Quote the Raven, NEVERMORE!"

    Raven storms out and ends the interview.

    Crowd: 83


    In another set backstage, Mean Gene Okerlund is with Bret "The Hitman" Hart. Okerlunds asks Bret about his thoughts regarding Raven tonight, and if he feels that Raven is going to be a tough opponent. Bret thinks for a moment, before answering.

    "Without a shadow of a doubt, Raven is probably one of the hottest superstars in the WCW today. He beat Sting in a bloody war that culminated in a Steel Cage match that Raven survived. There's no doubt that Raven's probably the most saddistic individual in the WCW. And I know that Raven's coming out there, and that he won't be holding anything back against The Hitman tonight!"

    Bret shifts into a second gear, talking faster and louder.

    "But if you think that I'm going to just roll over and die, then you've got another thing coming, Raven. You might've been in a war with Sting, but I've been in wars before... and I've survived each and every single time. The biggest question that you're going to have to ask yourself, Raven, isn't "What about you"... no, no, no... the biggest question you're going to have to ask yourself... is "Can you take on the Excellence of Execution!?". For the past couple of months, I've worked my butt off to get to where I'm at right now. I'm going walk into that ring, and BEAT you Raven. And after the smoke is all clear, I will show you why they call me THE BEST THERE IS, THE BEST THERE WAS, and the BEST THERE EVER WILL BE. I'm walking out of St. Louis... WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!"

    The crowd cheers as Bret walks out and heads to the ring.

    Crowd: 93


    ::World Heavyweight Championship Match::

    Bret Hart vs. Raven

    This match is scheduled for one fall, no time limit, and is for the VACANT WCW World Heavyweight Title! Raven and the Hitman each get their introductions, and get a great reaction from the crowd. As the two competitors stand in the middle of the ring, referee Charles Robinson raises the World Title up in the air for the entire crowd to see. The fans just cheer out loud as Bret and Raven get into a big staredown as the match starts.

    Out of nowhere, Raven throws a right hand! But it's blocked by Bret! Bret throws a right hand of his own, and THAT knocks Raven down, HARD! Raven is quick to get up, and Bret knocks him down again! Raven gets up once more, and Bret hits ANOTHER punch! Raven stays down this time, holding his jaw. Bret quickly goes on the attack, pulling Raven up by the hair and throwing him towards the ropes. Clothesline from the Hitman! Bret quickly goes after Raven and applies an overhead hammerlock. After a few moments, Bret allows Raven to stand, and then switches from the hammerlock into a standing wristlock. Bret hammers down on Raven's arm with a couple of solid fists. Raven winces in pain. Bret switches from the wristlock into a regular hammerlock.

    After several moments, Raven reverses the move into a hammerlock of his own! He gives Bret no time to recover, however, and he starts pounding forearms into the Hitman's lower back! Raven grabs Bret from behind... and hits a GERMAN SUPLEX! Raven is quick to cover! One...two... and Bret kicks out. Raven gets up and starts raining down elbow drops, about five straight. Raven grabs the Hitman and throws him into a turnbuckle... Bret hits it full-force, chest-first!!! Bret doubles over in pain as Raven lets out a saddistic smile. Raven starts kicking Bret on the mat, stomping at his chest. Raven grabs Bret, Pulls him up, and hits a BELLY-TO-BELLY! That just might end it, The Hitman's chest really cant take this much punishment. Raven covers... One... two... and Bret Kicks out again! Raven can't believe it, and he covers one more time. He gets another two count, as Bret digs deep inside to kick out of that pinning predicament! Raven thinks for a while... and he decides to climb up the ropes! Raven is at the top, while Bret is on his knees... Raven dives, attempting a flying sledgehammer... but Bret counters with a swift punch to Raven's gut! Raven hits the mat in pain, but still on his feet! Bret runs at him with a clothesline, and they both topple over the ropes and spill out into ringside!

    Both men start exchanging punches at ringside. Bret finally gains the advantage, and he throws Raven into the steel steps! Raven goes down HARD! Bret grabs Raven and rolls him back into the ring. He goes into the ring as well, and starts working on Raven's legs. He grabs one of Raven's legs and starts kicking the hamstring! Bret is calculating and methodical as he continues to attack Raven's leg. Bret applies a standing leg-lock, and lets it sit there for a few moments, having Raven wince in pain. Bret grabs Raven, and throws him to the ropes, Raven reverses ever so painfully, and Bret bounces off the ropes, but counters into a crucifix! Raven is down! One...two... no! Raven kicks out! Bret throws Raven into the ropes, and hits Raven with a fist to the gut. The Hitman follows up by running across the ropes and hitting a BULLDOG! Bret goes after Raven... he sets him up, and hits a side-russian legsweep! Bret picks him up, and hits a backbreaker! Bret climbs up the 2nd turnbuckle, and lets fly with an ELBOW DROP! Bret's singnalling for it! He goes on to grab Raven's legs... but Raven kicks his way out, knocking the Hitman back!

    Raven stands up and quickly goes on the offensive! He lets loose with hard forearms and fists, driving Bret into a corner! Raven unleashes several hard rights and lefts before grabbing Bret by the hair and tossing him from the corner into the mat! The ref admonishes Ravem but he smells blood! Raven grabs Bret, and gets ready to deliver the EVENFLOW! He runs his thumbs across his throat to signal things as being over! Raven goes for it, but is suddenly on his back!

    Bret's grabbed Raven's legs from under him! Bret locks in the Sharpshooter! Raven is in PAIN! SEVERE PAIN! Raven tries crawling out to grab the ropes, but he's too far! Bret applies more pressure! And Raven is nearly in tears! Raven finally nods his head to the referee! Charles Robinson has the bell rung! The crowd explodes! BRET WINS! BRET WINS! The Hitman wins! NEW CHAMP! Bret Hart won the TITLE! Bret lets go of the devastating hold, and slowly gets up! Raven grimaces in pain as he rolls out of the ring. Bret is handed the World Title by Charles Robinson! Bret Hart has won the World Title! He raises his hands and the World Title, and the crowd gives him a standing ovation! Robinson attaches the belt around Bret's waist, and the Hitman climbs all four turnbuckles in celebration! Confetti starts raining down from the rafters, as new champ has been crowned tonight!

    Winner: Bret Hart via Submission

    Match Rating: ****

    Crowd: 89

    Workrate: 92

    Overall: 90

    Overall Show Rating: 82

    Nitro TV Rating: 6.88

    RAW TV Rating: 7.36

  9. Steve Corino: Thanks! I will do my best to keep giving you guys good storylines. :) And let's not forget about the power struggle that's drawing near! ;)

    Luca Blight: I had debated wether to do Thunder or Saturday Night, but in the end I decided not to, since I wanted to devote time for the main show. :) Thanks!

    Renegade: Roger that! I'll keep on using my old font then! Thanks for reading! Hope to hear from you more!

  10. Augh. Work is getting in the way again. I am half-way through Nitro, although the Championship match is yet to be written. :( That and it's nearing Holy Week, which means we have to go visit my relatives in the province. I'll be out from Thursday to Sunday, so I won't be able to post Nitro. I will have it up sometime next week.

    As a sidenote, I'd like some feedback regarding the diary. General appearance, the way storylines are shown, the presentation. I'd definitely want to hear what's on my readers' minds. Do you guys think that the show format is alright? Do you think I should change the way I write my interviews/matches? I'm basically concerned about the readability of my diary.

    I was thinking about putting in the show and segment ratings along with the shows, so you guys have a general idea of what they are like.

    Thanks for reading, guys. :thumbsup:

  11. Oooo, Bret and Raven, that should be good. Could we see the ultimate upset, and get RAVEN with the WCW World title?! I kinda doubt it after all the build that Hart had running up to this point, but only you know for sure.

    I'm not really sold much on Sanders as the Commissioner. I mean, I love Mike Sanders's work and that's especially on the mic, but in 1999 he wasn't even out of the Power Plant yet I don't believe. If he was, he was jobbing on Saturday Night. No one would have ANY clue as to who that is and WHY he's getting such a high role in the company. Personally, I would have expected someone like Steamboat coming in to be the new boss.

    But again, it's your universe and not the known universe, I'm just here to enjoy it. And aside from that little thing, I am still enjoying this as much as I did when I started reading it.

  12. user posted image


    May 3, 1999

    Atlanta, Georgia

    Nitro opens with fireworks and all that jazz, as Tony Schiavone informs us that tonight, the newly appointed Commissioner of World Championship Wrestling is going to make his debut! Schiavone says that Ric Flair's tyranical reign over WCW is over, and that better things are coming in the future of the company. Bobby Heenan says that Ric Flair was sideswiped by this decision and that Schiavone is complete moron. Brilliant.


    Tony Schiavone is inside the ring.

    "Ladies and gentlemen, I know you've waited the entire week to find out who the new Commissioner of World Championship Wrestling is going to be. Without further ado, please welcome, the new WCW Commissioner..."

    Schiavone reads off a card.

    "...Mr. Michael Sanders!"

    The Monday Nitro theme starts playing, and out walks a clean-cut white guy, average build, dirty blond hair, small beard. He's wearing a black tee and a pair of black pants. The crowd doesn't know what to make of this guy, this is the first time they've ever seen him, and they certainly don't know who the hell Michael Sanders is.

    user posted image

    The New Commish

    Sanders walks down the aisle, and up the steps into the ring. He walks on over to Schiavone, who hands him the microphone.

    "Thank you Tony. Good evening everyone, and welcome to WCW Monday Nitro. Right now, you're asking yourselves, who in the world is Michael Sanders? And I'm going to tell you exacty I am. I, am the man who is going to take WCW straight to the top. I'm going to be the man who gives anyone, and I mean ANYONE who works his butt off and does what he does best night in and night out, a chance to become a star. The time when a handful of people were actually in contention for the top titles in WCW is OVER. There will no longer be any Hogans... no more monopolization... because to me, EVERYONE backstage, ANYONE who's put his heart into this business... who's put their bodies on the line to please you, the fans... they're ALL superstars. I am the man who's going to make things happen for the hard-working guys backstage. You prove yourself to me, you prove yourself to WCW, and most importantly, you prove yourself to the fans... I guarantee you, you're going to have a shot at greatness."

    At this point, Flair's music starts playing. The fans start booing. Ric Flair walks out with Arn Anderson, he's got a microphone, and he starts talking as he walks towards the ring.

    "What... do you know... about greatness? What... do you know... about being... THA' MAN!? I don't know who the hell you are, but I beg to differ... you... are not... THA' MAN! Why do I know it? Because there can only be one MAN!"

    Flair steps into the ring. He walks over to Sanders and goes face to face with him.

    "There is only one MAN in Dubya...See...Dubya... and that's ME! THA' NAITCHA' BOY! WHOOOO!"

    The fans boo. Flair continues.

    "I've been in this business longer than you've live on God's green earth! Boy, you are nothing compared to THA' NAITHCA' BOY! If you think that you can come out here, and step into my shoes... then you're sadly, sadly mistaken. Because my shoes are the biggest ones to fill in this business! And frankly, I don't think that you have big enough FEET to fill those shoes! I have had MORE World Championships, than you've had women! WHOOO! So you'd better realize that YOU... are not in charge... RIC FLAIR... THE ALLIANCE... is in charge!"

    Sanders smiles a bit.

    "So this is the illustrious and legendary Ric Flair. I'm a bit disappointed... I expected you to be a bit taller."

    Some oohs and aahs from the crowd as they sense that this new guy has the balls to go toe-to-toe with Flair. Flair slowly fumes inside as Sanders continues to talk.

    "Let me get this straight. You're the guy who's been running WCW the past couple of months, eh?"

    "You're damned right I am an-"

    "No wonder WCW is in the crapper."

    Flair gives Sanders an 'oh you didn't just say that' look. Sanders returns the stare. Arn Anderson just stands behind Flair, ready for anything. Sanders raises the microphone to his mouth and talks in a low, deep voice.

    "I suggest that you and grandfather time over there get out of this ring, this instant. Otherwise, I will personally have you and your so-called Alliance escorted out of the building. Flair, let's get one thing straight. You ain't THA' MAN anymore. I am. And my name is Michael Sanders. MISTER Michael Sanders to you. Now get the hell off this ring."

    Flair stares Sanders down before backing off and heading back. Sanders goes back to talking to the fans.

    "As I was saying... tonight is going to be a big night. The 10-man battle royal will push through, and next week... we are going to crown a NEW WCW World Heavyweight Champion!"

    The fans cheer.

    "Thank you for your time, ladies and gentlemen. Enjoy the show."


    Kamikaze vs. Mikey Whipwreck and Psychosis

    Whipwreck and Psychosis are already waiting for their opponents when we come back from the commercial break. This is the debut of a team called Kamikaze. Schiavone informs us that they are Shinzaki and Akiyama, two big japanese stars who have signed with WCW over the weekend. Apparently, Commissioner Sanders brought them into WCW, to improve relations with the Japanese wrestling community. Shinzaki and Akiyama walk out carrying a big-ass Japanese flag, which basically draws the ire of everyone in the arena. Shinzaki is wearing white wrestling pants similar to his 'Hakushi' days. Akiyama wears his good old all-blue motiff tights, kneepads and boots. When they hit the ring, Akiyama is handed a microphone and goes into a tirade in Japanese. The fans start booing, and this only pushes Akiyama to go into another indecipherable Japanese tirade.

    Whipwreck and Psychosis were good opponents for Kamikaze's first match. They were all on high gear for the entire match, hitting several good spots that had the crowd amazed. Shinzaki hit a tightwire moonsault on Whipwreck, and that wowed the crowd. Akiyama finished things off with his patented "Exploder", an over-head release T-Bone suplex, deftly executed on Psychosis. He covers for the three count. Kamikaze wins their debut match, with crowd already establishing them as heels.

    Winner: Kamikaze via Pinfall

    Match Rating: ***3/4


    Eddie Guerrero is backstage, and he is being interviewed by Mike Tenay. Tenay asks if Guerrero is at all worried about keeping the Cruiserweight Title around his waist, now that Ric Flair is no longer in charge of WCW.

    "What you can't see, by not looking past my being a member of the Alliance, is that I'm a talented wrestler, Mike Tenay. Orale. I work my butt off inside that ring, and the fact of the matter is, I deserve to be the Cruiserweight Champion! At Spring Stampede, I not only defeated my nephew, Chavito... I also beat Rey Mysterio! I beat two men in one night, vato!"

    "That's true, Eddie... but tonight, you're going to have to defend the title against a very game former champion, Billy Kidman. Do you think you're going to be able to walk out of Nitro as the Cruiserweight Champ?"

    Eddie gives Tenay a look of disbelief.

    "Are you kidding me, esse? I'm Eddie Guerrero! I wasn't hand-picked by Ric Flair, The Nature Boy, for nothing! I'm going to defend this Cruiserweight Title against anyone, anywhere at any time, vato! If Kidman think's he's got the bambolias to take my title tonight, then let him bring it on! Orale!"


    :Cruiserweight Title Match:

    Eddie Guerrero vs. Billy Kidman

    Good match, both men showed why there were competing for the Cruiserweight Title. Eddie hit a couple of nice spots, including a top rope plancha to ringside. This went back-and forth. Kidman hit several good spots and was on a roll when Eddie lept out of the ring. Kidman chased him and the fight poured into the crowd. They managed to make it back into the ring before the ref could count them out. Kidman hit a powerbomb and went for the Shooting Star Press, Guerrero rolls out of the way, and grabs the stunned Kidman's tights while holding the ropes to grab the pinfall win. The fans boo Guerrero, who walks back with a big grin on his face.

    Winner: Eddie Guerrero via Pinfall

    Match Rating: ***3/4


    Coming back from the break, Eric Bischoff walks into the Commissioner's office, Michael Sanders is sitting down. He looks up, acknowledges Bischoff's presence, and allows Eric to speak.

    "So, you're the wonderkid that the board sent to 'make things right'. Do you have any idea what you're doing? Do you realize that you are filling HUMUNGOUS shoes! You're filling not only Ric Flair's shoes... you're filling MY SHOES! WCW isn't a playground for untested rookies... it needs mettled leadership! Someone with MY talents! Som-"

    "I'm going to have to cut you off right there, Eric. I know why you're here. And yes, Kevin Nash is indeed in the Battle Royale tonight. In fact, you can also name one more wrestler to be a participant in tonight's main event. Same goes for Flair. He only sends two superstars who will be entered into the Battle Royale. The other six will be hand-picked, by me of course."

    Bischoff pauses. And then smiles.

    "I like the way you do business, Sand... Mr. Sanders. In fact, you can put it in there... alongside with Kevin Nash representing the nWo, STING is going to be in the Battle Royale!"

    The fans erupt into cheers. The show goes into another commercial break.


    Television Title Match: Curt Hennig vs. Rick Steiner

    Curt Hennig successfully defends the Television Title and wins over Rick Steiner in a short match. Hennig dodged a shoulder-tackle from Steiner and hit a Hennig-plex to grab the pinfall.

    Winner: Curt Hennig via Pinfall

    Match Rating: *1/2


    The Wolfpack's music starts playing and Konnan walks out. The fans cheer slightly, they hadn't seen Konnan in well over a month now. K-Dogg looks the same, still wearing his baggy pants, his red and black nWo tank-top. Also still wearing the bandana. He heads into the ring and quickly grabs the microphone.

    "Orale! K-O--double-N-A-N in da..."

    He raises the mic to the crowd who entuhsiastically responds. "HOOOUSE!"

    "I ain't gonna' lie to you people. It's been a tough couple of months for me. I've been in and out of Nitro, no thanks to FORMER WCW President Ric Flair. The nWo is just a shell of its former self... heck, I can barely name a handful of people who have remained loyal to the nWo! The fact of the matter is, that I'm rowdy rowdy tonight, and someone is in the fixin' for an ass-whoopin! Not only do I get to compete in a match tonight, but thanks to Eric Bischoff, I have a shot at vying for the WCW World Heavyweight Title in tonight's BATTLE ROYALE! Arriba la rassa!"

    Someone cuts Konnan off, however, and out walks Juventud Guerrera. Last week, he interrupted Nash, this week he interrupts Konnan.

    "Ooooh. The K-O-double-N-A-N! You run your mouth like you own the place. You want an ass-whoopin' tonight? I, Juventud Guerrera, am ready, willing and able to lay some down for you!"

    Guerrera starts walking down the aisle. Konnan smirks.

    "After Big Sexy made you his personal crash-test dummy last week, I would think that you've got to have some brain cells left in that stubborn noggin of yours, esse. But if you want to fight a man's a fight... we can do it, right here, and right now! ORALE!"


    Konnan vs. Juventud Guerrera

    Decent match. Konnan seems to have lost a step or two, maybe it's the ring rust. We'll never know. Juventud did a great job of making up for it, though, hitting a guillotine legdrop off the top rope, and hitting a corkscrew dive to the outside. Konnan took over towards the end, hitting his pattented sitting dropkick, rolling clothesline and then locking in the Tequila Sunrise to grab the win.

    Winner: Konnan via Submission

    Match Rating: **1/2


    Ric Flair barges into Mike Sander's office, his face flushed red. He starts waving his hands and screams at Sanders.

    "Sanders, what the hell is this!? I had every single member of The Alliance put in that Battle Royale tonight! And now, everyone's telling me that you're only going to put in two!? This is a joke! A sham! This is a slap to MY face! You realize that you are dealing with THA' NAITCHA' BOY!?"

    Sanders just smirks.

    "Well, Naitcha' Boy. It's true. you're only sending two guys in that Battle Royale. In fact, I've already hand-picked your two guys."

    "WHAT!? WHAT!? YOU CAN'T DO THIS! I'm Ric Flair! What the hell is this!?"

    Sanders says in a calm manner, perhaps just to piss off Flair.

    "Listen, Ric... you WERE the WCW President. You blew that. Now, I'm in charge. I call the shots. I make the matches. I do everything. I am the end all and be all of WCW. I know you think I won't do a good job, but I'm telling you this, right here... right now... I know what I'm doing. Tonight, the two members of the Alliance to be entered into the Battle Royale are... Diamond Dallas Page... and Kanyon!"

    Ric Flair decides it would be useless to go into another tirade. Flair and Sanders then exchange mean glares, as the show goes into commercial break.


    Chris Jericho vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.

    Great match. Jericho played the heel perfectly, as Chavo went as the gutsy underdog. After wowing the crowd with a series of high-flying moves, Jericho goes for the finish and makes Chavo submit to the Lion-Tamer.

    Winner: Chris Jericho via submission

    Match Rating: ****3/4


    10-Man Battle Royal: "COUNTDOWN MELEE"

    Michaels Sanders walks out again, to announce the rules of tonight's Battle Royale.

    "Ladies and gentlemen... tonight's match will be no ordinary Battle Royale. This is a WCW Countdown Melee! Two competitors will start it off in the middle of the ring, with a competitor entering the ring at one minute intervals. A competitor is elminated when he is thrown off the top rop and BOTH FEET touch the floor. I have presonally selected all of the men who are involved in the Countdown Melee...the order of entrance has been determined randomly. The last two men remaining inside the ring after all ten competitors have entered will be in a match for the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE next week RIGHT HERE ON NITRO! And so... without further ADO... LET THE MELEE BEGIN!!!"

    The crowd cheers and Sanders walks out of view. A voiceover booms from the PA System.

    "K-K-K-K-K-KAAAAAANYOOOOOOOOON!!!!" And then a heavy grunge/rock music starts playing with a steady beat. And out walks Chris Kanyon, who last week defeated Bret Hart in singles competition. The fans immediately boo. Kanyon steps through the ropes, and taunts the crowd with a cocky, confident look.

    Curt Hennig's music starts playing, and that wipes the smirk off of Kanyon's face. The fans start cheering, as Hennig walks out with the WCW Television Title Belt wrapped around his waist. Hennig has that cocky little smile of his own. He hands the belt to the referee outside and steps into the ring.

    The two wrestlers face off. The bell rings, and we are on our way! Kanyon and Hennig fight to a complete stalemate for the first minute, exchanging blows, counters and moves... noone able to take advantage.


    "SELF HIGH-FIIIIVE!" the intro riffs to Smells Like Teen Spirit starts playing and the crowd boos. The only two members of the alliance involved in the Melee are now in the ring! bad luck on the draw, probably. Hennig is now double-teamed. DDP and Kanyon hit a double clothesline and they flapjack Hennig. They position Hennig on the ropes, but Curt refuses to go over and hangs on for dear life.


    "Wolfpack is back causing mass destruction..." Konnan runs out, and the crowd pops! He jumps into the ring and starts throwing lefts and rights at Page and Kanyon! Hennig rests a bit as Konnan explodes, ending his run with a big 'ORALE' to the crowd! Page is the first one to recover from Konnan's attack, and soon Kanyon is up as well. Both men now turn their sights on Konnan. K-Dogg soon falls to the double-team of Page and Kanyon. Hennig slowly recovers.


    Mexican music starts playing, and out runs Juventud Guerrera! Big boos from the crowdHe's all psyched up! He's ready for this, his BIG CHANCE! Guerrera dives in through the ropes and runs full speed against Hennig, who uses the latter's momentum to toss him out over the top rope! Juventud Guerrera has been eliminated! Juventud goes ballistic as the refs make him head back to the locker room. The crowd cheers, only for a moment as Kanyon leaves Konnan with Page and attacks Hennig from behind! They soon work into the corners... Page and Kanyon toss their opponents into each other, but they reverse... Page and Kanyon smash into each other! Hennig goes after Page.


    Lex Luger walks out to no music, he's wearing a pair of jeans and a really cocky look on his face. He walks down the aisle and is greeted by boos from the crowd. Luger steps into the ring and is greeted by Konnan's fists. Kanyon rests in a corner, while Hennig and Page try to toss each other over the top rope. Konnan obviously has no love for Luger, specially after Luger attacked Sting last week. Konnan throws Luger into the ropes, and Luger comes back with a running forearm that nearly takes off Konnan's head! Hennig has DDP cornered, and starts hammering in punches! Luger grabs Konnan and puts him on the Torture Rack! Konnan starts screaming in pain, and ends up flat on his back as Luger tosses him over the top rope! Konnan has been eliminated! Hennig is concentrating on Page in a corner and he doesn't see Kanyon sneak up from behind him and grab his legs! Kanyon tosses Hennig over the top rope! Curt Hennig has been eliminated! The three men left inside the ring, Page, Luger and Kanyon seem to have agreed to a stand-off! They wait until the clock counts down.


    BRET HART'S MUSIC STARTS PLAYING! Kanyon, Page and Luger are all confused! Schiavone says that Commish Sanders has given Hart the green light to participate in tonight's match! OH MY! Kanyon starts screaming 'NO! NO! I BEAT HIM! I BEAT HIM!'. All three men wait for Bret to arrive, but he doesn't show up! The all stare at the entranceway, Bret's not there... but wait! Someone's jumped the barrier from the audience! It's Bret! Hart dives into the ring and starts attacking all three men from behind! Bret starts unleashing fists! Luger, Page and Kanyon are all reeling! The crowd cheers for the Hitman as he takes his opponents to school! Hart finally decides to go after one man, the man who beat him last week, Kanyon! Bret grabs Kanyon and throws him across the ropes... and hits a clothesline! Bret starts stomping on Kanyon, and doesn't see Page who hammers him with a fist from behind! Hart is soon swarmed by the three men. He receives blows from all three. Hart collapses on the mat after a strong fist from Page! Kanyon grabs Hart and hits the FLATLINER! Hart is down and out! Page proceeds to go through the motions of tossing Bret out...


    It takes a while before the enxt entrant walks out. "Disco Fever, Disco Fever, Disco Fever, Yeah Yeah Yeah!" The crowd is surprised, and so are the men inside the ring. Disco Inferno!? Tony Schiavone then says that Sting was nowhere to be found, and that Disco Inferno was the immediate substitute fielded in by the Commish! He walks out, does a little dance and shimmy, and then runs into the ring! Inferno goes after all three men as well! The crowd seems to like it, and he soon draws the attention of the heels inside the ring. Hart crawls into a corner, completely drained, while Page, Kanyon and Luger take turns on Inferno! Inferno is outnumbered and outclassed as he reels back from this triple assault. Inferno won't last long from this attack. They take turns on Inferno... and Page hits a DIAMOND CUTTER! Luger then hits Inferno with a RUNNING FOREARM!


    "Wolfpack is back causing mass destruction..." Kevin Nash walks out! And the crowd goes WILD! He heads for the ring... and starts belting everyone with huge fists! Luger falls! Kanyon falls! Page falls! Nash is cleaning house! Nash goes after Disco Inferno! Nash grabs Inferno, and throws him over the top rope! Disco Inferno has been eliminated! Nash sets his sights on Luger! Nash throws Luger across the ropes, BIG BOOT! Luger topples over the top rope! Lex Luger has been eliminated! Nash sees Kanyon and Page in a corner! Kanyon is in front of Page and now he's begging for mercy from Nash... jeez. Page starts waving at the entranceway! Kanyon is still pleading, and Nash slowly walks towards them with a smile on his face. Page shoves Kanyon into Nash! Nash grabs Kanyon... he sets him up for a JACKKNIFE! BOOM! Nash hits it! He grabs Kanyon and tosses him over the top rope! Kanyon has been eliminated! Hart is still a bit woozy in a corner and is slowly getting up. Nash goes after Page... but wait a minute... The Giant and Bam Bam Bigelow have entered the ring! They assault Nash! The Giant and Bigelow proceed to haul Nash over the top rope! Kevin Nash has been eliminated! Nash is battling with The Giant and Bigelow outside, and they fight all the way backstage! It's Page and Hitman left in the ring with one more entrant to go! Page starts going after the woozy Hitman.


    "WHAT ABOUT... RAVEN!?" Freak On A Leash starts playing... and Raven runs out! Page and Hart exchange punches. Raven jumps in and starts attacking both Page and Hart! Raven and Page then decide to isolate the Hitman! Raven grabs Bret and hits a body slam. Page follows it up with an elbow drop! The crowd boos. Bret is brought to his knees by Page... and Bret hits a punch! Raven goes in with a punch of his own... and Bret blocks it! He punches Raven! Hart unleashes fists against Raven and Page! Hart runs across the ropes, CLOTHESLINE ON PAGE! Raven then drops Hart with a clothesline! Page gets up and he signals to Raven... they're going to toss the Hitman... Raven nods and agrees... they grab Bret and try to hoist him on the ropes. Bret proves to be a hard man to eliminate. Page back off a bit, letting Raven do the work... and Page gets a wierd grin on his face. Page grabs Raven from behind and attempts to toss him over! Raven goes over the ropes, but lands on the apron.... Page runs at Raven, but it tripped by Bret Hart! Raven pulls down on the top rope... and Page spills outside!!! Diamond Dallas Page has been eliminated! DDP can't believe it! He's completely in shock! The refs and several stagehands lead him backstage so as to avoid any conflicts.

    Bret and Raven are the last two men! Bret slowly gets up inside the ring, while Raven jumps off the apron and stands at ringside. The fans are cheering! Bret and Raven engage in a staredown, Bret inside the ring, Raven outside! Schiavone informs us that these two men will face each other for the World Title next week, here on NITRO!!! The show closes with a shot of an exhausted Hitman raising his hands to the crowd while keeping constant eye-contact with Raven, who's just staring him down!!!

    Winners: Bret Hart & Raven

    WCW Nitro TV Rating: 6.85

    WWF Monday Night RAW TV Rating: 7.35

  13. "How much longer?"

    "A couple of months, maybe three."

    "That long?"

    "The paperwork's already being done. There's a lot of red tape to get through."

    "You do know that if this doesn't push through, Bischoff will get all the credit... and he'll be in complete charge of WCW for a long time."

    "Yes. I am completely aware of that. That's why I've convinced all my partners to get this done as soon as possible."

    "It's funny though. How could you even pull this off?"

    "I've got a lot of interested financial backers. Most of them would choose to remain anonymous."

    "But this is still one ambitious plan."

    "You do your job right, and you'll be the top man when the deal falls through."

    "I'd never expect Turner to be able to stomach something like this."

    "He knows the company's a drain on cash-flow. Bischoff's trying to negate all that money pouring out. He won't be able to save it in time."

    "Two to three months?"

    "Yes. I expect the sale to be signed sealed and delivered. In a couple of months, you're going to be the head booker."

    "That's definitely something to look forward to."

    "Play you cards right on this one."

    "I will."

  14. Thanks for the replies and words of encouragement guys. It means a lot.

    "Eric, the staff and I have finished most of the rough drafts for the storylines for the next couple of months. We need your approval?"

    Rick Suicide said has he popped his head from behind Bischoff's door. Bischoff nods and waves him off.

    "I'll check on it tommorow. I've got other things to attend to."

    It had been a very hectic week for him. Scott Steiner had just been given his release from WCW. Borden, Rick Rechsteiner and Luger all gave him a piece of their mind. Bischoff didn't mind them, they were, afterall, HIS employees.

    Bill Goldberg was also given his walking papers. Bed-ridden for the past couple of weeks Goldberg soon-after announced his retirement from wrestling. He said something about probably running a wrestling company in the future. Bischoff had laughed. Hard.

    Later in the week, Fleihr walked into his office, and told him in simple terms that he didn't want to work a rough schedule... and that despite what they've talked about him going back into the ring for extended periods of time, he certainly didn't want to perform at that level again. Bischoff had no other choice. He hated Fleihr, but undeniably, he was a locker-room leader and great with the fans. He gave Fleihr an additional clause in his contract, just to shut him up. Fleihr would only be wrestling in Big Events, and no longer on TV.

    And of course, there was Bollea. After the incident in Atlanta, Bischoff and Bollea hadn't talked. Sure, they had their sercretaries exchange messages, but no, they have not talked with each other... nor do they care to do so. Bollea was talking about a lawsuit, Bischoff laughed it off and made a lawsuit threat as well. So far noone's done anything drastic, although Bischoff feels Bollea will probably be asking for a buyout soon. Bischoff certainly wasn't going to allow that to happen.

    Eric Bischoff was a powerful man... but even the most powerful men feel drained once in a while.

    "When all this is over, I'm going to take a loooong vacation." Bischoff whispered to himself. He then presses the comlink to his secretary.

    "Sophie, could you please ask Rick Suicide to come back? I'd like to see the writing team's proposals. Thanks."

  15. Man, I've been reading this all night..

    Around at least, 2 hours or so.. I'm very impressed with what you're doing, and I can't wait to read more of your diary..

    Best WCW Diary that I ever saw, and I keep playing it out in my head, with every matches, storylines, the backstage drama..

    Man, GREAT JOB! Can't wait for the next installation!

  16. Nitro, fresh and hot just off the oven!

    user posted image


    April 26, 1999

    Atlanta, Georgia

    Tony Schiavone gives us the details of last night's main event, and of a rumor that Hollywood Hogan has gone AWOL from WCW.


    Ric Flair's music starts playing, and out walks the Nature Boy along with the Alliance, out with him are Eddie Guerrero, Chris Jericho, The Giant, Bam Bam Bigelow, Kanyon, Diamond Dallas Page and Arn Anderson. Conspicuously absent is Hollywood Hogan. Ric Flair produces a microphone from underneath his jacket.

    "Last night, The Alliance was on a roll. Diamond Dallas Page retained the United States Championship... Chris Jericho defeated Booker T... Eddie Guerrero won the Cruiserweight Title... The Giant and Bam Bam Bigelow won the Tag Team Titles! And with the exception of Kanyon's loss...I'm telling you, the Alliance was on a complete ROLL!"

    Kanyon suddenly grabs the microphone from Ric Flair.

    "Ric, Ric... hear me out... you've got to give me another shot. I want to prove it to you guys that I'm a winner... I want you to give me one last shot!"

    Ric smiles.

    "You want it? You got it! You have yourself a match tonight, Kanyon!"

    Kanyon grins with appreciation, and everyone else pats him on the back. Flair goes back on the mic.

    "Last night, everything was going great... and it was time to cap the night off with the big kahoona! The big cheese! The WCW World Heavyweight Title! But the one man who was supposed to win the title, didn't win it. Not only that, but after he realized that he didn't win the title... he flat out quit WCW. Hollywood Hogan... for the past couple of months, I've called you the greatest wrestler to have ever stepped into a ring... last night, you proved me wrong! Hogan, you are nothing more than a liar... you are a cheap, yellow coward! You're not even fit to shine my shoes."

    Flair lets out some steam, some anger. The crowd senses that this might be a shoot interview.

    "Hogan, you're nothing more but a fraud! You're no legend! The only legend in this ring is the one standing here... the only legend in this ring is ME! MANY TIMES THE HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD! You say that you made this industry? I live it! I eat, breath, sleep, this business! I am the NAITCHA' BOY RIC FLAIR! WHOOO! And Hogan, you're just like all these fans... you're ungrateful... you're yellow... you're fake... you're aboslutely PATHETIC!"

    Just when you thought Flair had endeared himself back to the fans, he comes up with a smart-ass remark to keep him a heel.

    "Enough about that quitter... I'm here to talk about the Heavyweight... Championship... Of The World!"

    As if on cue, Bret Hart's music starts playing. The crowd erupts into cheer and out walks Hart from behind the curtains. He takes a look at everyone in the ring and decides it would be a better thing to stay on the top of the ramp. Bret has a microphone.

    "Yes, Ric... why don't we talk about the still VACANT World Heavyweight Title. Last night, I clearly had the match won. I had Hogan locked in the sharpshooter in the middle of the ring, he had only two ways out... either give up, or lose consciousness... either way, I would have won the match and I would be standing here in front of you right now, the World Heavyweight Champion!"

    The fans cheer. Flair responds.

    "Well, well, well... if it isn't the Hitman Bret Hart. What's the matter Bret? Too bitter to realize that you didn't have what it took to be World Champ? What I see before me, is a man consumed by pride... a man consumed by the fact that he could not get the job done! Bret, as I've always said that to be the man, you've got to beat the man. And frankly, you, Hitman, have never beaten the man. Do you want to know what I'm going to do with the World Title? Next week... there will be a 10-man over-the-top battle royal... with the last two men inside the ring facing each other the following night on Nitro! And THAT match will be for the World... Heavyweight... Title!"

    "Flair, you can bet that I'm going to wi-"

    "Hold on! Hold on, Hitman! See... for you to even MAKE IT into that Battle Royal... you're going to have to step in the ring tonight against one of the most dangerous men in this business today! You're going to have to EARN THAT SPOT, Hitman. WHOO!"

    Flair turns to Kanyon.

    "I told you that you're going to get a match tonight, Kanyon... and you've got it! Because tonight, Hitman, you're going to have to step in the ring with KANYON! And if you want a shot at joining that battle royal and winning the gold, you're going to have to BEAT Kanyon... in the ring... tonght!"

    Hart raises his mic.

    "You want me to beat him? Watch me."

    Bret drops the microphone, turns around and leaves. Flair smiles.

    "It's going to be a great night... I can just feel it... WHOOO!"


    Rey Mysterio vs. Mikey Whipwreck

    Little used Mikey Whipwreck puts on a good showing tonight against Mysterio. Whipwreck took advantage early in the match with some innovative cruiserweight moves, but Mysterio rallied back via his own set of moves to gain the win via a Flying Hurricanrana off the top rope.

    Winner: Rey Mysterio via Pinfall

    Match Rating: ***1/2


    Curt Hennig vs. Alex Wright

    Alex Wright did his heel thing, taunting the crowd, dancing a little bit to insult the majority at hand tonight in Atlanta. Hennig went to work, and you could see that trouble was on its way. Wright was sloppy throughout the match, botching several spots before the ref decided to call this one home. The TV Champ wins this non-title match via the Hennig-plex and the three count.

    Winner: Curt Hennig via Pinfall

    Match Rating: *


    Mike Tenay is backstage with Lex Luger. Luger has apparently trimmed his hair down a bit. He's wearing a white shirt and a pair of dirty jeans while he's being interviewed by Tenay. Tenay asks him about last night, that after Sting had fought in Luger's behalf, how could he turn his back on Sting like that. Luger smirks, and answers.

    "Sting and me, we've been up and down this road a long, long time. When I got destroyed in the ring, when I got demolished inside the ring by Raven and The Giant, where was Sting then? Where was Sting when I was being chokeslammed... when I was being hit with Evenflow after Evenflow. I tried to save Sting that night, and I paid the mighty price. Do you know that I could've thrown away my career just because I proved what a true friend I was?"

    Tenay quickly retorts.

    "But Lex, Sting was handcuffed to the ropes! He couldn't have possibly done anything to save you!"

    Luger answers back.

    "That's just an excuse. And that's all Sting's about. He's all about excuses. Where was Sting when I was in the hospital, doing rehab? Did I ever... did I ever get a visit from my so-called friend? Sure, while he's out here, playing to the crowd... showing what kind of a hero he is... I was in the hospital, in pain... day after day. But Sting, he never showed up. Sting... last night, you got what you deserved. I came out back then to help you... and it nearly cost me my career. This time, you're going to find out how YOUR career is going to end. And it's going to be oh so sweet when I finish you off, once and for all."

    Luger leaves, obviously blinded by his anger and frustration.


    The Giant & Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Psycosis & La Parka

    Psycosis and La Parka get decent enough crowd reaction. No, really, they did. La Parka went in with the chair, did his little dance with the chair, and then Bigelow and The Giant proceeded to open a large can of the proverbial whoop-ass on the luchas. Giant and Bigelow win the non-title match, easily.

    Winner: The Giant & Bam Bam Bigelow via Pinfall

    Match Rating: **


    Ric Flair is sitting in his office, talking to Arn Anderson, when Booker T bursts in. Flair stands up.

    "What the hell are you doing?"

    Booker T then throws down a piece of paper on Flair's desk. He then stares Flair in the eye.

    "With you in charge, I ain't ever going to get a fair shake. I'm through, sucka. I quit."

    Booker T turns around and leaves. Flair is enraged. He starts shouting at Booker.

    "You can't quit! You can't quit! You're fired!"

    Flair re-composes himself, and he turns to Double A.

    "Do you believe that? He quit!"


    Returning from commercial break, Kevin Nash is inside the ring, ready for his match tonight. He then asks for a microphone from a stagehand. Nash paces around the ring and then starts talking.

    "Last night I was under the very big impression that if Bret Hart won the World Title, I would get first dibs at it. As it turns out, you people got screwed out of your hard earned money. Bret Hart got screwed out of the World Title. And I got screwed out of a title shot. And I for one, am completely PISSED OFF!"

    The fans cheer.

    "Sure, it felt sooo good to plant Hogan with that chairshot. WHAM! Right on that bald noggin'. But it doesn't make up for that sinking feeling I have in my gut, knowing that I got sidetracked by Ric Flair and his boys. Big Sexy doesn't like that at all. What I do like, is the fact that good old Eric Bischoff has managed to pull out a magic trick from his little nWo hat, and I am now a participant in next week's Battle Royal! In fact I thi-"

    The fans start cheering when Nash mentions the battle royal. Someone suddenly cuts Nash off. Juventud Guerrera walks out with a microphone.

    "I think you should SHUT UP! I'm sick and tired of hearing all your whining about World Title this... World Title that.... have you any idea what it's like to fight in a non-televised match... on PAY PER VIEW!? Have you? So just shut up!"

    "Well, well, well... little midget come to play? You want me to shut up? Why don' t you get in the ring, and make me."


    Kevin Nash vs. Juventud Guerrera

    Guerrera tried hard. Really. Nash completely annihilated him inside the ring to the delight of the crowd. Two JackKnife Powerbombs later, and we have a winner.

    Winner: Kevin Nash via Pinfall

    Match Rating: **


    Back from commercial break. Korn's Freak On A Leash starts playing. Raven walks out, a smug expression on his face. The fans start booing. He makes his way into the ring. He whips out a microphone and this time stands in the middle of the ring.

    "I told you people. I told you. I told each and every single one of you pathetic clowns that it was now MY time to shine. It's Raven's time! I beat Sting last night inside the STEEL CAGE! I beat him!"

    The crowd starts booing.

    "You know what? You can all boo if you want... you can all throw trash inside the ring... because after it is all set and done... one thing remains unchanged... I beat Sting inside a Steel Cage, and I have the battle-scars to prove it! Nothing, nothing will take away the fact that I defeated YOUR hero... that I humiliated YOUR hero... that I DESTROYED Sting!"

    More boos.

    "It is just the first step in my ascention... because the next step will be next week. By hook, or by crook, I will be part of that ten-man battle royal. I will finish as one of the top two superstars in the middle of the ring. I will WIN the World Title the following week on Nitro! Because it's MY TIME! It's RAVEN'S TIME TO SHINE! Nobody... Noone... NOTHING can stop me. I am RAVEN, and I AM your NEXT World Heavyweight Champion!!! Quote the Raven... NEVER MORE!"

    Raven throws the mic down, and he raises his arms high while staring into the heavens. The crowd just goes off and completely jeers him off the ring.


    Bret Hart vs. Kanyon

    Kanyon is introduced first, he walks out to The Alliance's music, accompanied by nobody. The crowd gives him his typical heel heat. Apparently, he's got something to prove tonight. He waits for his opponent in the ring.

    Bret Hart is out next and is received well by the crowd at hand. A big pop at the beggining of his entrance theme, and a continuous cheer as he makes his way down the aisle. Bret hands the shades off to a kid at ringside and steps into the ring.

    The referee, Charles Robinson, goes through the basics, and we are off to start this match.

    Collar and elbow tie-up ends up in a draw as both men release and staredown. Another collar and elbow tie-up also ends in a draw. Hart goes for a third attempt, but Kanyon quickly knees him in the gut. Kanyon spins Bret around and wraps his arms around the Hitman's arm. Bret counters with a hammerlock, but Kanyon reverses. Bret reverses into a wristlock, then Kanyon reverses it into a wristlock of his own! Kanyon hits an arm-drag! He stands up and waits for Bret to get up. Bret is stunned a bit, as Kanyon taunts him by wiping off sweat at the Hitman. The Hitman grins a bit, as if to say 'Oh, you want it that way huh?'

    Both men stand up again. Bret goes for another collar and elbow, and gets it this time. He quickly goes into a side headlock. Kanyon tries to find a way out. He manages to shove Bret into the ropes. Bret bounces off the ropes and hits Kanyon with a shoulder, Kanyon goes down! Bret does the same taunt to Kanyon! The crowd cheers!

    They measure each other up, another collar-and-elbow sees Kanyon go into a side-headlock of his own. He rolls over and turns it into a hammerlock. Bret reverses into another hammerlock. Kanyon finds a way out by pulling Bret's leg from under him, Bret goes down. Bret then kicks Kanyon off. Kanyon seems a bit agitated, but he remains composed and backs off. Bret slowly gets up.

    Another collar and elbow sees Kanyon push Bret into a corner. He hits him with several punches, while the ref tried to break it up. Kanyon whips Bret into the opposite corner, Bret reverses, Kanyon reverses, and Bret smashes into the turnbuckle chest-first! What an impact! Kanyon used all that built-up momentum to drive Bret into the turnbuckle! Kanyon pulls the groggy Hitman up, and he hits a vertical suplex. He covers. And that's a two-count.

    Kanyon grabs the Hitman, pulls him up, and then puts him into a side-headlock. He delivers a bulldog! Kanyon covers and gets a two. He covers again, again a two. And he covers one more time... and Hart still kicks out at two. Kanyon stands up, a bit frustrated and kicks Bret in the chest. He puts a couple more boots before he decides to go up the turnbuckle. He goes into the 2nd turnbuckle, waits for the Hitman to get up and launches a double-axehandle!

    Bret avoids it, and hits a punch to Kanyon's gut! Kanyon doubles over! Bret hits a DDT! Bret covers, and he gets a two-count for his troubles. Bret grabs Kanyon's left leg, and he starts kicking the hamstring region. Kanyon writhes in pain as the Hitman continues the assault on his leg. Bret manages to put it into a grapevine, forcing Kanyon to crawl painfully to the other side of the ring and grab the ropes.

    The Hitman lets go, and he picks Kanyon up. He does a double-leg takedown, but Kanyon is smart enough to realize that it's going to lead into a sharpshooter! Kanyon counters as he knees Bret in the face! Kanyon has Bret doubled over, and he places him between his legs! Kanyon puts Bret's arms into doulbe underhooks... and he hits a Butterfly Powerbomb! Kanyon covers, but the Hitman kicks out at two! Kanyon gingerly gets up, favoring his left leg. He pulls Bret up, but Bret counters with a kick to Kanyon's leg!

    Kanyon reels back. Bret smells blood and he goes in for the kill! The fans start cheering as Bret grabs Kanyon and hits a side-russian legsweep! He pulls Kanyon up... throws him to the ropes and hits a backbreaker! Bret continues as he sets Kanyon up and nails a bulldog! Kanyon is down! Bret climbs the 2nd rope... he launches an elbow and connects! He covers... and only gets two! Bret signals for the Sharpshooter! He grabs Kanyon's legs... and sinks the move in! Kanyon is in PAIN! The ref quickly asks Kanyon if he gives up! Kanyon refuses! He slowly drags himself into the ropes... inch by inch... after what seemed like an eternity, Kanyon manages to grab on to the ropes! The ref tells Bret to let go... Bret lets go and thinks he's won the match! He raises his hands, but the ref pulls them back down and says 'no!' Bret, realizing that he hadn't won, goes back on Kanyon, sprawled on the floor. Bret bends over to pull him up, but Kanyon reverses into a small-package!

    One...two...thre- NO! Bret kicks out! Kanyon and Bret get up, Bret unloads a fist... and Kanyon unloads a fist! Another exchange! Bret goes for another punch, but Kanyon ducks! He sets Bret up... it's the FLATLINER (Death Valley Driver)!!! Kanyon tries to hit the move, but Bret manages to wiggle out! Kanyon goes for a punch, Bret blocks it! Bret goes for a punch of his own, and Kanyon ducks! He spins Bret around, wraps his arms around the Hitman's waist and hits a GERMAN SUPLEX! Kanyon bridges for the pin... one...two...THREE!!! Kanyon pulls off a major upset! Bret kicks out too late, and he relaizes he has lost! The crowd starts booing. Kanyon has upset the Hitman in a great match! Kanyon can't believe it, he's exhausted, and he raises his hands while relishing this moment. Bret sits on the mat, realizing that he lost his shot at winning the World Title! The crowd completely boo Kanyon for winning, but they certainly enjoyed this one hell of a match!

    The show goes into commercial break.

    Winner: Kanyon via Pinfall

    Match Rating: ****3/4


    Coming back from commercial break, we have Eric Bischoff inside the middle of the ring. He's got a microphone.

    "Last night, I told Tony Schiavone that something big was going to go down tonight. Last night I told everyone who watched Spring Stampede that Ric Flair's days are numbered as the President of WCW! Hang on to your hats, because tonight..."

    He is cut off though, as Ric Flair shows up with a microphone of his own, and he starts talking while walking down the ramp.

    "Hold on there Bischoff! Who the hell do you think you are? I'm the President of WCW, Bischoff! You're no longer in charge! I don't have to answer to you... nor do I have to answer to anybody!"

    "Oh, Ric, I do believe you're going to have to answer to these people."

    The NitroVision monitor then shows several men in suits sitting behind a large oak desk. The all-business looking man in the middle speaks. Bischoff smirks while Flair stands there with his mouth open.

    "Good evening gentlemen. As you may know, I am Dr. Harvey Schiller. And I am the head of the board of trustees that runs most of Turner Enterprises for Mr. Turner... to elaborate specifically, as it concerns you, WE run World Championship Wrestling. I, myself, am an avid viewer of our flagship Monday Nitro program... and although I have seen terrific TV product from you, Mr. Flair, I can't help but feel that you are a bit prejudiced with regards to your actions as of late. It has created a hostile and unsafe working environment for your employees. Therefore, it has been the decision of the board, and specifically myself... that you are hereby relieved from your duties as WCW President."

    Flair explodes.


    Bischoff grins, and then starts talking.

    "Dr. Schiller, thank you... I will gladly resume my dut-"

    He is cut off by Schiller.

    "Oh, I am truly sorry Mr. Bischoff... but you have not been reinstated as WCW President. We remember the entire nWo fiasco that held WCW hostage for the past two years. That position has been filled by someone not involved in the in-ring product itself. We have, however, appointed a Commissioner to oversee all other aspects of WCW that the WCW President will not be handling."

    Bischoff is puzzled.

    "A Commissioner? But, who?"

    "His tenure starts effective Monday next week. I'm sure you will all have enough time to get acquainted with him when he arrives. Have a good evening gentlemen."

    The NitroVision turns off. Bischoff and Flair are left in the ring with incredulous faces. Schiavone says that this was a HUGE announcement and that Nitro next week will be BIG! The show fades with Bischoff and Flair perplexed and frustrated in the middle of the ring.

    Nitro TV Rating: 6.85

    RAW TV Rating: 7.29

  17. *start sarcasm*

    Where's the love for Arquette? :)

    I for one am sick of watching wrestlers in wrestling. It's about time that we brought in the actors!

    Push him to the MOON!

    *end sarcasm*

    I think you could do a better job of formatting your shows. Really. It's a bit cluttery indeed. Overall, you've had a decent start. Just keep the ball rolling.

  18. Pillman was a member of the Horsemen during this time, if I recall correctly. After Sullivan interfered in a Benoit match, Pillman took exception to this and he went through a feud with Sullivan during this time.

  19. All I know is, Paul Pierce is NOT a leader. Paul Pierce is the one man I know who suffers from Pippen-itis... he pouts and sulks when the game is on the line.

    I'm not particularly impressed with Al Jefferson. If he's really as good as people expect him to be, he wouldn't have to fight for minutes. I've got him pegged to be the next Bryant Reeves.

  20. Walker's back in the Beantown Green. And rightfully so. If there was one man who really wanted to be a Celtic until the day he retired, it's Walker. Paul Pierce might be a skilled player, but he's no leader. Walker, on the other hand is a bonafied fire-starter. Sure, he might throw up a shitload of shot attempts, but if it means that he'll be able to light a fire under Piece and Davis, heck, it's ALLL GOOD.

    Walker's like a prodigal son. He and Ainge certainly have had a bitter history, with Ainge criticizing Walker's abilities in the court before trading him. Walker was pissed at Ainge because he really loved the city of Boston, and wanted to spend the rest of his career in Beantown. I think Ainge is right to bite the bullet and take Walker back, if only for one season. (Antoine's contract ends this year). And I think Walker's matured as a player and as a person... he rode the pine in Dallas and was on the worst team in the worst possible city in Atlanta. Now he's in a team with a legitimate shot at the playoffs. Hoorah.

    3-0 winning streak for Boston since Walker came back! Whoohoo!

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