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Everything posted by KeepinThatFunkAliveV4

  1. Well it's not the same one as on EWB3 but its called plot-o-matic and it's not as good, it sucks.
  2. Oh..well I feel stupid. Ok..not really, but do you know where it is..cuz now I feel like doing it lmao. ← It would be a hell of a lot of work but we can do it and I'm sure at least a couple other people on here would contribute and or help administrate the site. Since it was quite a while ago the last time I saw it, it could be gone now.
  3. ^ I know what you're talking about but that's not it..You actually either write the screenplay or a good summary. Thanks so far though guys, this is one of the things that pisses me off most, when I can't find something.
  4. I visited this site a few times on my old computer and I bookmarked but forgot about it when I got my new one. It wasn't actual software, it was a site. You would just write an online screenplay and it would compete for votes and such each weekend. There were also two different parts of it I believe, a graphic maker side and a movie maker side. If anybody knows the name and or URL of the site and or any other sites like it could you please tell me?
  5. Saw this today, I think it was good for what it was, a good twist, just not the twist I wanted, I suppose. Thoughts about the movie?
  6. A-YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH! Sorry, I missed this post the other day. >.>
  7. Anybody know any good places to find PSP brushes? Whenever I search all I seem to get are lame butterflies and shit.
  8. I think the loss yesterday was bitter sweet for us, bitter that we got bitchslapped by Italy of all teams, but I think it will be good for a wake up call for these guys, especially since we have a ton of young guys, an average age of under 24. I just tuned into the USA/Germany scrimmage, did anyone see that dunk facial by Tim Duncan just a little bit ago? That was wicked!
  9. http://www.photobucket.com is a decent free image host that allows hot linking
  10. Yeah, playing the stupid role saying everything that everybody said into the mic. "And you're full of shit."
  11. LOL, did you see the preview for next week? "Bryce, did you kill the fucking bird?" Bryce: "uhh.."
  12. Wow. What a bust. All those records he broke at Texas...all those picks the Saints gave up for him. Wow, just wow.
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