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Gongsun Zan

The Donators
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Status Updates posted by Gongsun Zan

  1. that awkward moment when you realize one of your friends supports Rick Santorum

    1. TEOL


      ... like, as a joke, right? As a funny joke?

    2. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      That's odd. All my friends and I share the same views on everything. <_<

  2. I'm reviving the RP Diary in the Cube! Late signups are still accepted, so get to it, bitches!

  3. Unfortunately my design file for Inquisition is on a hard drive on the other side of the globe. I'll see what I can about fixing the spoiler tags though.

  4. wants his Chikarasaurus Rex. GODDAMN POST MOVE FASTER


  6. It *is* a penguin suicide bomber.

  7. I've got more posts and profile views than you, la la la de da

  8. Real men do not have their sisters fight their battles, craven!

  9. I disrespect you and your foolish showing of preference for inferior fantasy series, good sir.

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