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Posts posted by Lint

  1. the latest in the RIAA's insanity...

    RIAA Sues Family Without A Computer

    By Newsferatu, Writer

    Sunday, April 23, 2006 @ 8:38 PM

    No Internet Service, Either

    - advertisement -

    From the Rockmart Journal:

    A Rockmart, GA family is being sued for illegal music file sharing, despite the fact that they don’t even own a computer.

    A federal lawsuit filed this week in Rome by the Recording Industry Association of America alleges that Carma Walls, of 117 Morgan St., Rockmart, has infringed on copyrights for recorded music by sharing files over the Internet. The lawsuit seeks an injunction and requests unspecified monetary damages.

    The lawsuit states, “Plaintiffs are informed and believe that Defendant, without the permission or consent of Plaintiffs, has used, and continues to use, an online media distribution system to download the copyrighted recordings, to distribute the copyrighted recordings to the public, and/or to make the copyrighted recordings available for distribution to others.”

    This came as shocking news to the Walls family, who were notified of the lawsuit Friday afternoon by a newspaper reporter. James Walls, speaking on behalf of his wife and family, said they have not been served with legal papers and were unaware of the lawsuit.

    After being shown a copy of the court filing, Walls said he found the whole thing bewildering.

    “I don’t understand this,” Walls said. “How can they sue us when we don’t even have a computer?”

    Walls also noted that his family has only resided at their current address “for less than a year.” He wondered if a prior tenant of the home had Internet access, then moved, leaving his family to be targeted instead.

    However, the RIAA’s lawsuit maintains that Carma Walls, through the use of a file-sharing program, has infringed on the copyrights for the following songs: “Who Will Save Your Soul,” Jewel; “Far Behind,” Candlebox; “Still the Same,” Bob Seger; “I Won’t Forget You,” Poison; “Open Arms,” Journey; “Unpretty,” TLC; No Scrubs,” TLC; and “Saving All My Love for You,” Whitney Houston.

    The lawsuit follows similar wording as in some 3,500 other lawsuits filed by the RIAA in the United States since June 2003.

    Typically, the lawsuits have targeted users of Kazaa, Grokster and other peer-to-peer Internet services – most of which have since been shut down by RIAA lawsuits. With these services, users typically have an open folder on the computer that allows other users of the service access to any songs that have been saved in a digital format, such as MP3 files.

    The RIAA lawsuits have come under fire, with critics calling the effort a “scare tactic” meant to intimidate the public from file sharing activities.

    However, in a public statement defending the litigation, the RIAA says its efforts have been effective in dissuading illegal activity.

    “The industry’s anti-piracy efforts have deterred a sizeable number of would-be illegal downloaders,” the RIAA statement reads. “Although a significant online problem undoubtedly persists, particularly with hard-core, frequent peer-to-peer users, absent action by the industry, the illegal down-loading world would be exponentially worse.”

    Not much more to say about that

  2. http://www.metalsludge.tv/home/index.php?o...=1263&Itemid=42

    Basically, CBS Radio is ditching David Lee Roths morning show and replacing him with Opie and Anthony. All I gotta say is thank god for that. Roth sucked as a morning show host. Seem like O&A will be keeping their XM show as well, recording three hours for XM and CBS Radios new spin off, Free FM, and then 2 hours exclusively for their XM show. The article says there was no word on when the new show would debut, but as of today their show was on 94WYSP in Philly, which is part of the Free FM concept. Great to have them back

  3. So, I've recently started watching Arena Football, following the more or less hometown team of the Philadelphia Soul. This year, my home area, the Lehigh Valley, got an indoor football team, the Lehigh Valley Outlawz, part of the Great Lakes Indoor Football League (http://www.glifl.com/). The rules are a bit different then Arena Football, but overall its still an exciting game. Their first home game, they filled Stabler Arena, which holds about 5000 people, with over 4000 people. I watched their game on TV and decided I'm gonna try to go to a few games..tickets are 8 and 15 bucks, so its not like I'd be o ut much money if the team sucks. But at 2-0 so far, their good (Y)

    The home area has been hurtin for a successful sports team of some sort. We've had a minor league baseball team that, in their 7 years of existance, lost over 7 million dollars and folded last year. The restaruant I worked at sponsored them, we got comped tickets to give to customers, and no one wanted them. Then there was aanother attempt at a minor league baseball team that never materialized.

    So any other people into some less then mainstream indoor football or other sports? My interest is caught, with this Great Lakes league and the Arena Football league helping me discovier ut a bit more

  4. there used to be some site that had a calculator. You entered the number of MP3's you had, and it would say what your fine would be by the RIAA. I owed something like 35.4 million dollars. Of course, that factors in songs I've legally ripped to my computer, which technically since their on my PC for my personal use, not on a P2P network being shared, I am allowed to do. Also, have a few songs by local bands that wouldn't be covered by RIAA suits, and my friends band whom I have permission to share on P2P networks to get out word about their group.

    The RIAA is getting out of hand. The US Government should step in and investigate the RIAA for their handling of the situation. Of course, since the RIAA doesn't have any with the words "Osama", "terrorist", "Iraq", "Iran" or "nuclear" in their title, the government couldn't give a rats ass about it

  5. 'South Park' Bites The Hand That Feeds It

    The CBS News blog Public Eye, which previously criticized all the major news outlets, including CBS, for refusing to show the Danish cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad that recently touched off a wave of violent protests, has praised Comedy Central's South Park for taking up the issue. In a commentary posted on Thursday, Vaughn Ververs, who runs the blog, praised the recently Peabody-awarded show for a two-part series for speaking "truth to the irrational and irresponsible reaction to this cartoon controversy in the U.S. in general and among the media in particular." However, the Associated Press reported late Thursday that Comedy Central itself refused to allow the Muhammad cartoons from being shown in the South Park episode and that creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker retaliated by showing an image of Christ defecating on President Bush and the American flag. In a statement, Comedy Central said, "In light of recent world events, we feel we made the right decision." The Washington Post observed today (Friday) that comedy central had previously aired an episode of South Park that depicted Muhammad -- without incident. Although the A.P. (and other news outlets) maintains that "Muslims consider any physical representation of their prophet to be blasphemous," several writers have pointed out that nowhere in the Koran is there any mention of the matter.

    I love that...show an image of Muhammad? No. Show a cartoon of Jesus taking a crap on the flag and the president? Sure! No problem!

  6. RIAA Rep Encourages Downloader To Drop Out Of College To Settle Suit

    04.11.2006 3:31 PM EDT

    Alleged illegal downloader trying to raise money to pay $3,750 settlement instead.

    The Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    Photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images

    Like many of the thousands of other people who've been sued by the Recording Industry Association of America for allegedly downloading music illegally, 20-year-old Cassi Hunt is in no position to pay off thousands of dollars in fines.

    But the

    advice a RIAA representative gave the sophomore physics major at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology didn't really sound reasonable: Drop out and get a job or switch to a cheaper community college.

    Hunt said she first learned she was being sued around Christmas ("that was a great time"), but her school graciously stalled on giving her the notice until January.

    "But you can't delay the inevitable," said Hunt, who would not comment on whether or not she had illegally downloaded the copywritten material the RIAA is claiming. "I got a letter from a law firm in Colorado saying I was going to be named in a lawsuit and offering me an opportunity to settle." After calling the RIAA hotline and the settlement hotline and getting recorded messages for both, Hunt waited for someone to call her back.

    When someone did call Hunt back a short time later, she told Hunt she was accused of stealing 272 songs but that she could settle the case for $3,750. Surely if she's going to such a high-end university, she had the money to pay off that much, right?

    "Oh, God, no," she laughed. "I make maybe $5,000 a year, which puts me $4,000 in debt."

    Hunt said in addition to taking out huge loans to cover her $42,000 in annual college costs, she works three jobs as an alumni-fundraising booster, grading papers and doing research assistance.

    "I talked to [the RIAA rep] and said, 'Let's negotiate this amount,' and she said it was not negotiable," Hunt said. "So we got on the topic of what happens if people have unusual circumstances, like medical conditions, do they make allowances for that? Or for students who have major expenses? She said, 'No, the RIAA doesn't care about that, it doesn't matter.' When I asked her what I should do, she said that in the past the RIAA has encouraged students to either drop out of college or attend community college so they can get a job and pay off their debt. I was flabbergasted. I started laughing at her and said, 'You cannot be serious!' " Turns out she was.

    The RIAA has filed lawsuits against more than 18,000 individuals since September 2003, with more than 4,300 settlements to date, according to a spokesperson, who would not comment on Hunt's claims.

    Instead the RIAA spokesperson referred to a previously issued statement reading: "Our goal with all these anti-piracy efforts is to protect the ability of the music industry to invest in new bands and give legal online services a chance to flourish. As part of achieving that goal, we bring lawsuits against individuals who violate the law and steal from record companies, musicians, songwriters and everyone else involved in making music. It is not our position to tell individuals how to pay for the settlements that may follow. It is our role to enforce our rights under U.S. copyright law."

    At this point Hunt said she cannot afford to go to court — where, if she loses, she will have to pay the RIAA's legal bills as well — and is trying to figure out how to raise the money to pay the fine. She said her parents are in no position to help out, so one way she's trying is by begging for it on her new Web site, ScrewPirates.com, where she is chronicling her battle with the RIAA. "I'll try several things at school to raise money," she said. "A Texas Hold 'Em tournament, bake sales, raffles."

    If you're not in the neighborhood, Hunt suggests checking out the ScrewPirates official store, where she's selling mugs, teddy bears, boxer shorts, thongs, hoodies and baseball shirts.

    Seriously..isn't this like illegal or something? Isn't using scare tactics to get money from people extortion?

  7. Yeah, the albums aren't going to sound exactly the same, but to me it was always the same basic idea.

    If he really was selling out, he'd have gone through his metalcore stage by now :shifty:

    I'm sorry but he see's that Staind has become a big band with they're ballad like songs and suddenly he comes out with that Rearranged song. Yeah he doesn't change his sound. :shifty:

    One song?

    And arguably, that was the best song on that album.

    I personally thought No Sex was the best song on Significant Other..though Rearranged was a good song too

  8. Chefs dialog is all done by a soundboard...noticable cuts when he talks and shit..its so strange but funny as hell..he keeps saying overtly sexual things to the kids...like he wanted Kenny to pound his rectum

  9. There are going to be a ton of FA's and not a lot of money to go around. Redskins are being forced to cut a lot of players I read in the newspaper this morning. Does anyone know which teams have the most spending money? Browns I'm assuming... but who else?

    This is from ESPN

    Under the salary cap

    Team Cap status (under)

    Minnesota Vikings $26.5 million

    Arizona Cardinals $24.3 million

    Cleveland Browns $24 million

    Green Bay Packers $23.5 million

    San Francisco 49ers $19.9 million

    San Diego Chargers $19.6 million

    Jacksonville Jaguars $16.7 million

    Philadelphia Eagles $16.7 million

    Baltimore Ravens $14.4 million

    Detroit Lions $13.1 million

    St. Louis Rams $13.1 million

    Seattle Seahawks $12 million

    Cincinnati Bengals $11.5 million

    Buffalo Bills $11.05 million

    New Orleans Saints $10.7 million

    Chicago Bears $10.3 million

    Houston Texans $8.3 million

    New York Giants $5.8 million

    New England Patriots $4 million

    Dallas Cowboys $1.3 million

    Denver Broncos $1 million

    Over the salary cap

    Team Cap status (over)

    Oakland Raiders $23.5 million

    Kansas City Chiefs $18.2 million

    Tennessee Titans $11.6 million

    Washington Redskins $14.5 million

    Atlanta Falcons $9.2 million

    New York Jets $8.6 million

    Indianapolis Colts $6.9 million

    Tampa Bay Buccaneers $6.2 million

    Miami Dolphins $5.7 million

    Carolina Panthers $5.6 million

    Pittsburgh Steelers $4.5 million


  10. You don't need Horn anyways, he is old. You got Stallworth, he is the man!

    True..but I'm using Mike McMahon as my starting QB..he wound up doing really good..but I wanted a vet. wideout to use to build McMahon up a bit. I got Horn to agree to a 3 year deal..if he don't retire I just won't resign him. But, since the new rosters have TO as a free agent, I signed TO then traded him for Anquan Boldin..so with Boldin and Stallworth, I have two great, young wideouts to develop.

    The new rosters have SO many people on the IR list..I signed Trung Candidate to replace theinjured Duece McAllister..after the seaon I traded McAllister away, Candidate did that good

    Say, I didn't know they made a 260 version. >_>

    I don't see how that version would be much better than the regular version, though. I've heard loads of shit from the regular console games are done away with in this version.

    True..alot was taken/left out..challenges for christ sake aren't in it. I didn't buy it new..my friend had it and, when I found out how basic it was I decided that...its more of a glorified demo that you pay 60 bucks for..

  11. So I'm playing the 360 version of Madden 06. I'mplaying as the Saints, going 9-3 and goin to the playoffs. So I go through and Joe Horn, Lavar Arrington (who I traded for) and a few other plays have zero morale. I can't understand. Horn is goin to the pro bowl, he's leading the league in yardage and everthing..yet he's pissed and wont' resign. Anyone know whats goin on?

  12. Nine fans of AMERICAN IDOL star CLAY AIKEN are considering launching a class action lawsuit against the singer and his record company bosses following US tabloid allegations he's gay.

    The unnamed fans were shocked by recent unconfirmed claims from a retired soldier that he enjoyed a gay romp with the singer in a hotel room.

    In the absence of a firm denial from Aiken, the upset devotees are deliberating filing a class-action lawsuit and a possible Fair Trade Commission complaint against the recording and promotional entities behind Aiken - after finding a lawyer who will take their case.

    The fans are taking great care to protect their identities because they're already received serious threats from other Aiken fans.

    One of the distressed fans, who is leading the class action charge, says, "Because of the threats that have risen out of this, we are being very careful with what information we reveal, as we settle everything and first make arrangements for the safety of ourselves and our families."

    She adds, "The individuals behind the lawsuit are nine former fans. We are all different ages and backgrounds."

    "We are accusing (record labels) RCA and Sony BMG of having a vested interest in the marketing and promotion of Clay Aiken as a virginal, asexual character.

    "The recent media about Clay has shown this to, apparently, be a lie, and that image (was) only designed to enrich the record company at the expense of consumers. We think that is false advertising.

    "So, through our complaints, we would hope to force the record companies to admit their culpability in this manner and give refunds to anyone who bought into the Clay Aiken myth... As former fans, we just feel ripped off and hurt.

    "We believe that this was absolutely fraudulent and that we may have actionable recourse against the record company."

    Isn't this just a tad bit rediculous?

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