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Everything posted by Mofoticon

  1. Christ, maybe the Falcons are just a bad team. They lose to the Lions, and then the Browns!? In consecutive weeks no less!?!?!?! By the way, fuck the Lions. I fucking hate them. Not really, but they fucking drive me nuts with their "Well we'll beat a good team (at the time anyway), tease the fans, maybe make them think we've turned the corner, and then drop a winnable game. Let's also let Frank Gore rush for a franchise record in yards in the first half". Seriously, I really don't know why I bother. I'm just raising my blood pressure every week that I watch this fucking athletic tripe. The Lions piss me off to no end, but I love them anyway. I'm sick of the whole concept of "maybe we can settle for 7-9 and gain momentum". How many fucking years are they going to suck? When is this fucking franchise just going to wake up and turn out a pissed off team that murders their opponents and laughs about it?
  2. Browns upset the Falcons 17-13!
  3. Florida State is pure garbage this year and will lose by at least 21 to Florida, rivalry or not.
  4. It won't matter when OSU beats Michigan by 21 and Florida wins out.
  5. Texas, Auburn, and Cal all lose...and Florida almost does...damn what a day today.
  6. Both OSU and Michigan take care of business, and now Michigan week has begun! God I can't wait for this game, this week is going to go so slow.
  7. Rutgers will take down Louisville, but Rutgers will lose to WVU, no undefeated Big east teams this year.
  8. y2j isn't around anymore, way to have an outdated name

  9. Non BCS conference teams need to be in the top 12 via a new rule this year and they are guaranteed an at large spot...independent teams only need to be in the top 8.
  10. I'll take Brady everytime over Manning, who has never, in College or the NFL, been able to win a big game, and probably never will.
  11. Well damn, OSU looked horrible after the 1st half, because they packed it in and didnt even try to score....they played tresselball and held on to the win...I hope it doesnt cost Smith the heisman.
  12. No NFL team would ever lose to a college team, EVER...to say a team would is absolutely offbase.
  13. God i hope Boise doesn't get in a BCS game, they would get destroyed by a better team.
  14. And the Knicks lose to Atlanta, considered to be the worst team in the East this year...:lmao: Also, HUGE road win for the Cavs, winning at SA for the first time since 1988.
  15. I'm not in favor of a playoff, it would take away from regular season games immensely.
  16. 2004, OU/USC/Auburn Undefeated - others 1 loss, .1 lead.... OSU/UM as of right now have a .2 lead on everyone. That is a HUGE BCS lead at this point in time. So as long as that game is 14 and under, and UL is knocked off, it should be OSU/UM II, barring any catastrophic dropoff. Heck last year USC/UT didn't have a tenth lead over PSU.
  17. OSU/UM wont play again unless all SEC teams have 2 losses.
  18. WVU and Louisville have two of the worst defenses I've seen all year, and would NOT be able to hold either OSU or Michigan under 35....Both teams are also one dimensional on offense, and would be stopped easily by a good defense like OSU or Michigan.
  19. Notre Dame sucks...if they didn't play teams like Army, Navy, Air Force, UNC, etc they would lose many more games...they will get blitzed in a BCS game again this year. Edit-Meanwhile, Lousville and WVU are showing that both teams suck and arent legit top 5 teams...OSU would beat both by 20+
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