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Posts posted by jonnycomelately

  1. Wow Seattle sucks. That is two meltdowns this season against the Rams and now the Cowboys. This defense should be ashamed of themselves and on the onside kick Holy Shit! one Seahawk player even made an attempt at the ball and Jason Witten picked it out of the air cleanly. This team stinks and so does the NFC West. Whoever wins that division is gonna get obliterated in the first round.

  2. I think that's a trade that does nothing for the Lakers. A second round pick next year and in 2008 for a really good shooter and a solid backup two-guard. Outside of Nick Van Exel in 1993, the Lakers have never had anybody from the second round make a contribution to the team. I think they should have at least gotten an actual player for Rush. But hey I don't like the Lakers so no skin off my back. I just think they could have done better.

    In other news...Vin Baker is still on the Knicks.






    Who else thinks Cal got jobbed in this whole shindig? I thought the Pac-10 and Big-10 traditionally played in this game, oh wait nevermind, the BCS rules all and screwed it up...again. And hey, The Holiday Bowl. Cal's only loss this season was to USC by 6 and they get rewarded with the fucking Holiday Bowl? It's garbage and that's that, I have nothing else to say about this clusterfuck known as the BCS. Everyone who runs this idiotic system needs to take a good look in the mirror and think about a playoff system...seriously.

  4. That fight was very good, I saw the replay of it with the Jermain Taylor/William Joppy fight (which was a joke I might add). Too bad Barrera is on his way out or I'd call for a fourth. They were that good. As for HBO's next PPV offering, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Danny Williams will be asbolutely obliterated by Vitali Klitschko. This fight is not even fair.

  5. Peyton Manning only threw three touchdowns...I'm shutting down, the apocalypse is near!!! I knew the Titans were gonna be a breeze but 51-24 was a pretty filthy ass whoopin'. Billy Volek just got beat up all day, except for when he was throwing touchdowns to Drew Bennett. I have to hand it to him, 3 catches, 3 TD's. Too bad he was the only person who sniffed the endzone all day for Tennessee. And Atlanta, they played like shit. Vick is the most hit-or-miss player in the league, he's either gonna light you up, or make the game much easier for you.

  6. What's all the jibba jabba about Mr. T? Seriously, does anybody else remember the TV Funhouse bits from SNL a little while back.

    "I'm back and I need work. Drink your school. Stay in drugs. Don't do milk."

    His appearance in Not Another Teen Movie was retarded. And the plane joke, classic, every time I see that show on he always rips off that line. The A-Team was such a dumb show but it was and is still fun to watch. They set the standard for gunfights that would last 15 minutes cuz nobody could hit anything. They'd be aiming and keep hitting trees off in the distance. Comic GOLD.

  7. How could the Knicks do this to me? Losing to the Bobcats while Jamal Crawford drops 41. I know he missed his last five shots which really sucked but it was like the rest of the team didn't show up. If Tim Thomas got traded for say...Dan Dickau, I wouldn't care. He is so awful and it's even more painful when you are actually watching the shots this guy takes instead of hearing it over the radio. Marbury continues to pass the ball well but got shown up as a PG by Brevin Knight. Brevin Knight? This guy was as good as done in this league but he's put up two of the best assist games in the NBA this year. I should have seen this coming. At least they didn't lose to the Hawks. That would have made for a whole lot of shit getting trashed and smashed. OK...I feel better now.

  8. HAHAHAHAHAHA, that is a perfect idea for the show. Only to keep the MTV tradition, they could have people from the Real World and Road Rules compete against illegal immigrants in a series of pointless challenges with the loser having to leave the country. GO MEXICANS!!

  9. Two words about a Dane Cook show "the pickles...." He's done it on every Comedy Central thing I've seen and my body saw him in Connecticut once and he did that bit. It's about people that talk either too loud or too soft into the speaker in fast food drive-thrus and is a funny bit but Bob Saget was just at my school doing a show and people said he killed.

  10. Dickau was drafted by Sacramento and traded to Atlanta for a future first rounder...but seriously since the start of training camp, Dickau has been with four different organizations: Portland, Golden State, Dallas, and now New Orleans. He keeps getting put in trades but he never plays, it just seems like a big practical joke that NBA front office people keep pulling on this guy.

  11. The Yankees are trying so hard to get focus off the whole Giambi fiasco, they made two trades in one day. Kenny Lofton to Philly for Felix Rodriguez and Felix Heredia to the Mets for Mike Stanton. Too bad that they didn't pick up the big name that would make a lot of New Yorkers stop calling into WFAN about roids, Randy Johnson. Oh wait, that would take a miracle with what Arizona wants.

    And whats up with the Tigers all of a sudden, opening up those wallets. They've already made an offer to Carl Pavano for 4yr 40mill. They are also said to be pursuing heavily Derek Lowe, Jeff Kent, and Odalis Perez.

  12. Yeah, seriously I hate Bonds anyways so this just adds fuel to my fire but in the original whole BALCO schpiel, Marvin Benard was named as one of the people in the investigation. For those who don't know who Marvin Benard is, with good reason, he was a fourth outfielder for the Giants as well as a couple of other teams up until two years ago I believe. He didn't do jack squat as a player so nobody cared. Giambi and Sheffield take twice as much as heat because they're on the Yankees and Bonds takes even more because he's a pompous assfuck. For a so-called health food nut, how do you not inquire/and/or/know what your trainer is giving you, even if it is a fucking cream? "Hmmm... I can lift 65 more lbs. in two days out of nowhere, man that cucumber salad with a protein shake really helped." C'Mon Barry you aren't fooling anybody. Just nut up and say that you cheated. Anybody that says that this is worse than Pete Rose though is going a little too far. Both are equally bad in my book, but Pete gets the nod as the worse infraction because he bet on his own team, and through large amounts of evidence, he bet on them to lose and that is basically throwing a game. He was getting paid two-fold (The Reds and his bookie) to lose. That's so much worse than juicing up to WIN! It's still cheating but it was in an attempt to put butts in the seats and win. All people involved in this, from baseball all the way to track and field, are all scumbags and what Giambi did was a stand-up thing even though he just shit away his career. Hope you can sell that 2000 AL MVP trophy on eBay buddy.

  13. Dan Dickau got traded again, this time with a second round pick for Darrell Armstrong. Not that anybody truly cared about Dan Dickau after he left Gonzaga but this guy is turning into another Chucky Brown. Every time his team is gonna make a trade he's gonna be in it. And why the hell does Dallas need Darrell Armstrong, they're already loaded at the PG position.

  14. Yeah, Butch is gonna sit it out at least a year easily. Urban Meyer just left Notre Dame with their pants down though. They thought they had their hand-picked successor and he just plain said more or less "You guys stink, I can do better elsewhere." Good for Meyer, real bad for ND. They won't be able to get a decent coach for the amount they offer. And does anybody know if there are any other jobs springing up that Ty Willingham could possibly get? They should have at least let him finish the season ala Florida and Zook. And speaking of Ron Zook, he couldn't have turned too many people off because he is now getting offered the job at Illinois. Have fun in the Insight Bowl Fightin' Irish, you're gonna get smoked.

  15. Urban Meyer made Notre Dame feel like a bunch of morons. He is now accepting the job at Florida. That's hilarious, hey Irish try to find somebody now when your first and what seemed like only choice turned you down for Florida. Granted, Florida is the better job at this point in time by leaps and bounds but you guys thought you had him no questions asked. You were sadly mistaken. Have fun in your search, your program will stink for years.

  16. Man I thought ND would at least give Ty Willingham to the end of the season to lick his wounds. I heard on the radio on the way home that Urban Meyer was in South Bend today interviewing as Willinham's possible replacement. I know he didn't have a good season at all but that's a lack of respect in my book.

  17. I just watched this guy and he makes me lose it every time...Bill Burr aka the White Guy from Chappelle's Show. He was the last guy on the Racial Draft panel. His Comedy Central special is funny, but my buddy sent me this one audio clip from a show of his that he went to and it was fucking hilarious. Too bad my computer stinks or I'd make an attempt to post it so everyone could hear it.

  18. AUBURN HILLS, Mich. -- Two men were banned from events at The Palace for what the Detroit Pistons say is their involvement in last month's NBA brawl.

    John Green and Charlie Haddad were sent letters informing them of the ban, which also includes events at DTE Energy Music Theatre in Clarkston, Pistons spokesman Matt Dobek said Wednesday. The Clarkston site is another holding of the Palace Sports and Entertainment organization.

    Apart from Pistons games, the Palace hosts figure skating competitions and concerts. The DTE Energy Music Theatre holds concerts.

    Green, of Oakland County's West Bloomfield Township, is accused of lobbing a cup at Indiana Pacers forward Ron Artest on Nov. 19, sparking the brawl. Haddad, of Burt, ran onto the court that night, Dobek said.

    The brawl spilled into the stands and led to three Indiana players being suspended for 25 or more games, including a season-long ban for Artest.

    "That's ridiculous. Are they going to ban Artest and the other Pacers who ran into the stands and beat up on our fans and the people that live in this community," Shawn Smith, Green's attorney, said Wednesday. "They're completely picking on the little guy. ... It's not fair."

    Ron Baker, an attorney representing Haddad, said: "Charlie would like to stress ... he's an avid and loyal Pistons fan. He was injured in that brawl between the Pacers and the fans. He'll have more to say in the future about it.

    "He just wants to have his normal life back."

    Although not mentioned as part of the ban, the man whom police say threw a chair during the melee has been convicted of assault before, The Detroit News is reporting. According to court documents, Bryant Jackson was a co-defendant in an attempted murder case that was later dropped and also was convicted of assaulting the mother of his child, the newspaper reported.

    A message left with Green's attorney Wednesday was not immediately returned. There is no telephone listing for Haddad.

    No criminal charges have been filed in the brawl. Oakland County prosecutor David Gorcyca said Tuesday that police must finish their investigation first.

    "It is obvious from the multitude of videotapes that numerous Pacer players and fans are implicated in criminal wrongdoing," Gorcyca said in a statement. "To issue charges in haste and before a thorough investigation is completed would be irresponsible and a dereliction of our duties."

    Gorcyca had told The Detroit News that Pacers players will be charged but declined to specify the players or charges.

  19. I've seen and heard that if Nen comes back at all, he is re-signed to being a set-up guy just like Tom Gordon in New York, going from being a closer you're whole career to being a set-up guy. That's if he comes back though which I don't see as likely.

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