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Posts posted by DoubleX

  1. To be more specific, on the PC if you hit R, it will move to 3rd person. If you're in 3rd person and hit R, it'll go back to first person. You can also use the scroll wheel on your mouse if you have one to move in or out of 1st person.

    Not sure what button it is on the X-Box/whatever.

  2. The Waterfront house is 1000 gold IIRC, and you go into one of the places in the Market Sector to buy it. I can't remember the name of the place, but it's something to do with Commerce. It's a shithole from what I've heard, though. There's a house in Anvil for 5000 gold (with a quest attached), which to get you have to speak to a guy named Velwyn Benirus in the Count's Arms in Anvil. The Anvil house is well worth it imo.

    What race do you guys like playing as the most? I've played as a Breton, a Wood-elf, an Argonian, and have an Orc character that isn't far in the game. The Argonian's Water Breathing is very useful, and the Breton is awesome when it comes to magic. My Wood-elf was the marksman, though. I loved getting the 6x damage bonus message when I sniped some random from across the room/cave/etc.

  3. Here's what I do for borders:

    1) Select the background layer

    2) Ctrl+A

    3) New layer

    4) Select -> Modify -> Border...; set it at 1 pixel

    5) Set colour to black, Edit -> Fill... (foreground colour)

    Voila. Black 1 pixel border.

    You can skip the first step, I just do it out of habit and I'm not sure why.

  4. That looks to me more like the graphic you'd see behind the wrestlers when a match is being hyped, like right before you're going to see the match on PPV.

    I'm not sure if that quite made sense, but oh well, hopefully you get what I mean.

    It's too small for a poster, and too big for a banner, though, imo.

  5. United Abominations is quite the awesome album, and I have a few specific favourites (A Tout Le Monde, Washington Is Next and Sleepwalker are my top three), but I don't like Amerikhastan or United Abominations (the track). They're too political for my tastes, and are so blatantly political I can't sit through the first thirty seconds of either.

    I haven't had a particularly indepth listen to Burnt Ice, You're Dead or Blessed Are The Dead, but the rest of it (barring the aforementioned political songs) is great imo.

  6. The Raw logo looks poorly cut since it has remnants of a white background there. I'm also not a fan of the motion blur on the Vengeance text, or the logo for that matter.

    Having said that, I like the blur in the background of the two Cena cuts, and it serves to highlight the central Cena cut quite well.

    Good job. (Y)

  7. The best thing about MDK was the Earthworm Jim falling cow power-up. That was inspired.

    I don't remember that one. I do remember, however, there were some particularly random sound effects when you killed things. Also that part of the first(?) level where you take control of that bomber was quite fun as well.

    Man, Specter Challenger and Specter VR were the fucking bomb. The highlight of an entire year was finding out how to teleport between levels using those crazy spinner shots on portals. I also played something called Alien Arcade heaps, from memory

    Good to know I got the name right having not played the game in over a decade. It was like Pong, only more awesome.

  8. For more recent nostalgia, anyone else play that game MDK? I really wish I had it back because it was so incredibly awesome, it had little nuclear bombs and you were a super-powered janitor and it was cool

    Oh and I will nevah foget OREGON TRAIL~! on the Apple IIe.


    Both of those games were awesomeness. I remember a demo of Oregon Trail came with our Amazon Trail CD, and my brother and I loved both games (my brother even started playing Amazon Trail again recently >_>). MDK I got when I got my iMac (one of the early Bondi Blue ones), and I never managed to finish the game. A year or two ago, though, I went looking for it on the internet and found it at Underdogs, and I went through a short phase of playing that again. Such an awesome game.

    Our first computer was an old Mac LC575, and the very first game I remember playing was something called Specter Challenger or something, where you play as a wireframe tank that shoots other tanks, and you had to kill every other tank in each level to continue. That was the shit.

  9. Also "I Died For You".

    I hate you, I was going to suggest that.

    Also for ballads, there's more from Metallica in The Unforgiven and Nothing Else Matters. In My Darkest Hour by Megadeth is also kinda ballad-y, but not so much as Metallica's stuff.

  10. When it comes to genetics, I know at least with hair that the darker tone is dominant, so that may be true with skin as well. I know this is how it works with hair (using a Punnett Square):

    b = blonde

    B = black

    The first person's parents both had blonde hair, thus they are bb

    The second person's parents both had black hair, thus they are BB

    '''''''| B | B |


    b | bB | bB |


    b | bB | bB |

    Thus the child of these two people would have black hair, with a blonde recessive gene present. Now have this person have children with a person whose parents both had blonde hair:

    ''''''''| b | B |


    b | bb | bB |


    b | bb | bB |

    Thus there is a 50/50 chance of a blonde child or a black-haired child.

    This is simplified to the max, since it's almost impossible to have a person with only black or only blonde hair genes. But that's how it works. I don't know if it's the same with skin colour, but if it is, then there's your answer.

    EDIT: Stupid formatting. You get what I mean.

    FURTHER EDIT: I realise the genetics lesson may have hijacked the topic a bit, so I'll move back on topic.

    I find all my houses are a similar floorplan, and they're also symmetrical most of the time. Looking at that house linked to, though, I would have quite a hard time making that. Jesus, I wonder how much that costs in-game...

  11. Yeah. So. I bought Leaf Green the other day, and I'm building my team. I'm in Mt. Moon. I've been training a Mankey, which I've never really used on a team prior to this, but I'm liking it. However, I just caught a Geodude and now I can't decide. Should I keep training Mankey, or replace him with Geodude? My team isn't big enough for both, and I'm not sure which I'd prefer. =\

    That depends largely on the rest of your team. Mankey (eventually Primeape) is very useful when you're facing Giovanni later on, but Geodude lols hard at Lt. Surge, so it may be preferable to hang on to both.

    I only used Full Restore after battles, but did use Revive's.

    I actually got owned by Gary's Exeggutor, it knocked everyone but Gyarados out, and thankfully I'd taught Gyarados Fire Blast so he could survive.

    lol Fire Blast Gyarados, and lol getting pwned by Exeggutor. How did Charizard and Articuno get beaten, and why didn't you have any Revives and/or Full Restores/Hyper Potions?

  12. For Jouzy, my personal favourite Megadeth tracks are:


    Symphony of Destruction

    Peace Sells

    A Tout Le Monde

    Angry Again

    Holy Wars

    In My Darkest Hour

    Kill The King


    Skin O' My Teeth

    and Sweating Bullets

    Most of which "we" will be playing whenever you get down here for band practice.

    Sweating Bullets is absolutely ace.

    One of the few songs where Mustaine's vocals are just perfect. He half-gurgles the lyrics out at some points, and it just works for that particular song. Tornado of Souls, though, is an example of a song where Mustaine's vocals are off. The song itself is awesome, but the vocals are very collar-tug-worthy. In My Darkest Hour also has one of my favourite solos. God that's amazing.

    Metallica has done some awesome stuff too. Master of Puppets is probably the quintessential thrash metal song, S&M was absolutely mind-blowing, and I absolutely love the trio of ballads they did (Fade to Black, The Unforgiven and Nothing Else Matters), although it seems I'm kinda in the minority there.

    I'm a big fan of both bands, and it's really hard for me to pick a favourite, but if I absolutely had to, then Metallica edges ahead just barely.

  13. First person to do Hanger 18 on expert gets 15 cookies.

    I agree, although if Into The Lungs Of Hell was in this game, it'd give Hangar 18 a run for its money, if only for the first part of the speed guitar. When first hearing the song, that bit hits so hard it's like getting smacked in the face with a fridge.

  14. Jesus. I guess I'm the only one who plays through as lightside.

    "No. Quicker, easier. More seductive."

    Nope. The majority of my playthroughs have been Lightside. I prefer the Light path to the Dark one, personally. Maybe I'm just not cruel enough.

    sissys :thumbsdown:

    common guys, just do it, give in, it willl feel good.... goooooooood



  15. - Bippa's ability, Natural, has been elaborated on. If the opponent raises their Attack, Defense, Special Attack or Special Defense then Bippa's stat gets raised by the same level

    If it has decent stats, take that Curselax, CMcune, DDmence and DDtar.

  16. It's up for listening at Evanescence's site. Has anyone else heard this yet?

    I was a bit surprised at the beginning, doesn't sound like anything Evanescence have done yet, especially the way Amy was using her voice, but this sounds pretty awesome IMO. Can't wait for The Open Door.

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