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Posts posted by Iain76er

  1. 48 Cat Power

    36 Mike Patton

    34 Lupe Fiasco

    26 Keith Richards, The Rolling Stones

    25 Jay-Z

    18 Carl Barat, Dirty Pretty Things

    12 Liam Gallagher, Oasis

    11 Paul Simonon, 'The Good, The Bad & The Queen'

    They're the guys I'd consider to be cool on that list.

    Thom Yorke!? Really? He'll never ever be cool. Ever.

  2. Thorpe was keen to look ahead at a packed Sydney news conference

    Five-time Olympic champion Ian Thorpe has stunned the world of swimming by retiring at the age of 24.

    The Australian won three gold medals at the 2000 Games in Sydney and added two titles in Athens four years later.

    But he has barely competed since then because of injury and fatigue, and told a news conference in Sydney he had been weighing up his future for some time.

    "I've had a great career. It isn't the best time to be walking away from the sport but it's my time," he said.

    "I don't think I should be retiring, I think I'm far too young to retire, but it's a thing that we should be celebrating. I've had a great career.

    "It's a decision that has been difficult. I realise that there's things in my life that are more important for me.

    "I've reached all the dizzying heights of this sport. I've had a tremendous amount of success and I've also had setbacks.

    "None of my goals included breaking any more world records. I knew how to do it, but it wasn't as inspiring as it should have been."

    Born in Sydney, Thorpe first swam for his country at the age of 14 and set the first of his 13 world records a year later.

    In addition to his Olympic success, he went on to claim 11 world titles and 10 Commonwealth Games gold medals, six of which he gained in Manchester in 2002.

    But he missed the 2005 World Championships after deciding to take a year off and pulled out of the Commonwealth Games this year because of glandular fever.

    The Australian sporting icon moved to Los Angeles this year and rumours were rife that he was losing motivation.

    He was expected to announce his withdrawal from next month's national trials, ruling him out of next year's World Championships in Melbourne.

    However, speculation that he was thinking of going much further than that was confirmed to a packed news conference.

    There are suggestions that he might now look into a career in television or film.

    "Swimming has been a security blanket but I haven't balanced out my life. I realised I had to prioritise other things and let swimming take a backseat," Thorpe added.

    "I'm looking at the next phase and that means I'm realigning what the most important thing is for me to do.

    "Swimming is not at the top of the list, which has not happened before."

  3. Here

    Reasonably pricey.

    Uh, what? I can understand mindless bashing of video consoles is standard fanboi behaviour, but you've slagged the Wii in favor of the PS3 and are saying its components are REASONABLY PRICEY? They're basically free comapred to PS3 stuff.

    Sorry what!?

    To start with I am not a Sony fanboy, having never technically owned as Sony console and I am going to buy a Wii when it comes out here in Britain. I choose gameplay over graphics.

    Secondly the wikipedia page has changed and at the time it was linked to it, it stated the controllers cost about £30. Maybe I've become a massive cheapskate recently, but £30 for a controller is pricey. That's £90 for me to be able to play with 3 friends. I'll use this link to illustrate £30. I don't know how much PS3 suff costs, but it ain't coming out for 4 months minimum over here, so I ain't going to check.

  4. Here

    Reasonably pricey.

    Uh, what? I can understand mindless bashing of video consoles is standard fanboi behaviour, but you've slagged the Wii in favor of the PS3 and are saying its components are REASONABLY PRICEY? They're basically free comapred to PS3 stuff.

  5. Micro Transactions. No, I'm not going to pay £2 for my horse to have extra armour. No I'm not going to buy a racing game with 2 tracks and 2 cars for me to buy them all individually. Put these in the game to start with or make them free.

    Excessive Advertising. I buy one of your games EA that somehow you haven't managed to fuck up, but I don't want you to advertise the rest of your shitty catalogue during the game.


    Fanboys. Especially Sony ones.

    Overpriced Consoles & Games. I ain't paying that price for a PS3, even if it does become the best console ever. I will be happy playing my Dreamcast where I can get two games for a fiver down Game Station.

    Game. The fuck is going on with them? The two Game shops here in Plymouth are shit. No Gamecube section, no retro section. I haven't bought anything from them for ages though. Gamestation is on the rubbish side as well here. I get all my games when I go back home, where Games Station is cheap and godly for retro and Chips, which is just an awesome shop.

  6. I saw an advert on Channel 4 for the Wii on TV the other night, waiting for the Motley Crue concert to be on air. It was shit. Dunno if its the one on IGN I can't be assed to look. It's good to know that Ninty still can't fucking advertise properly.

  7. Second part was much better. I can't wait until next week, the season finale. Which will most likely have something to do with Darth Chef.

    Think so? That would be fun, but I think they'll keep Chef buried unless they get to work with Isaac Hayes again.

    I say the finale could be a third part to this Cartman To The Future thing. There was a door opened at the end of the show when Cartman received a call from himself from the future that said "I know what you're thinking...Don't do it!". It can't be the call that we know Cartman gave to himself because it doesn't fit the time frame.

    I'm thinking Cartman goes back to the future in whatever way and tries to take the Wii back with him so that he won't have to wait 2 months to get one.

  8. That pisses me off a little, as Ed is one of the only comedies that they show at that time that I really like, but it is on some days, off others, and doesn't seem to have a set time slot, so I always tend to miss it.

    To be fair, they got their act together with Ed - the last two runs they did of it were both month-long and one-episode-per-day, so you got the entire season without interuptions. I agree that it was a nightmare the first time around though, they seemed to pop it into the schedule at random :ohwell: Brilliant show though :)

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