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Posts posted by Iain76er

  1. Honestly the dual screen attracts me more to the DS, than the ability to play music or watch movies to the PSP on a games console. I already have a MP3 player, and I think the idea of going out and watching a movie is stupid. Watch a DVD at home or go to the cinema.

    Additionally graphics don't interest me that much as I'd prefer innovative, fun games to highly graphical games played the same way as other consoles do.

    However you should buy the console with the games on it that you want to play, so with the fact that the PSP is going to attract the big name games to it, I'd probably pick one up in the future, when it's come down in price.

  2. UEFA increase 'homegrown' requirements

    UEFA have announced that clubs in the Champions League and UEFA Cup will have to include up to eight 'homegrown' players in their 25-man squads.

    European football's ruling body will also press ahead with plans for the measure to be adopted in domestic competitions - although that has yet to be agreed by the national associations.

    The new rule for European competitions will be introduced from the 2006-07 season with clubs needing to include a minimum of four homegrown players in a squad. That number will be increased to six the following season and eight in 2008-09.

    Of the eight, four will have had to be trained by the club's own academy and a further four trained within the same national association.

    UEFA define a club-trained player as one who has been registered for a minimum of three seasons with the club between the age of 15 and 21.

    Of the 32 sides in last season's Champions League, five clubs would have not had enough homegrown players: Arsenal, Chelsea, Celtic, Rangers and Ajax.

    The next step will see UEFA's 52 member associations vote at the Congress in Tallinn, Estonia in April whether the same rule should apply to domestic competitions.

    There has already been strong opposition voiced by the Premier League and the Italian federation.

    Personally, I think the new rule is stupid especially given the fact that out of last year's 32, only 5 would have failed to have met it. Still, as time goes by this may affect a lot more clubs.

  3. And the fact the battery life is so shit you won't be able to watch a movie in one go, be able to listen to only a few songs and have to keep saving your games to stop the battery going flat on you halfway through a level.

    DS is where it's at, with it's better games and better battery life. I have a DVD player and CD player anyway, and I'll choose game quality over graphics anyfday.

  4. English people have no patience. I really enjoy the sport, have done for a long time. Been to see two American Bowls, and I follow the British Senior League, thouhg my beloved Birmingham Bulls have fallen on hard times. I'm trying out for my uni team soon too. It's aweosme, I love the contact and strategy involved.

    I never realized you guys even had organized American Football on your side of the pond! While i'm not a football (meaning American football) fan myself, i'm very curious to know more about organized AF in the United Kingdom.

  5. looks good, I like the NBA all-star weekend stuff. So far it looks like they only did little things to improve the game outside of Freestyle Air.

    The other thing I noticed about the cover is that they are now using the same background for every cover. The tile looking thing, I don't know if they did that last year with the games though.

    Also Tony Parker will be on the French Cover and Pau Gasol will be on the Spain cover.  Carmelo will only be on the North American ones.

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