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Posts posted by DoubleJ13

  1. - Change J-Sin's name to J-Sinn, Set him to a Middleweight, Set his finisher to Double Arm DDT (pinfall). Set his birth month to May. Change his style to Brawler or Regular Wrestler.

    - Change Lance Lude's birth month to February the year to 1983.

    - Raise J-Sinn's popularity to 3% in all of the US, except to 10% in the Tri State.

    - Raise Lance Lude's popularity to 3% in all of the US, except to 10% in the Tri State.

    - Raise The Set's tag team experience to Medium.

    - Add Sabu to DGUSA as an Upper Midcard Face.

    - Add J-Sinn to CZW as a Lower Midcard Heel.

    - Add Lance Lude to CZW as a Lower Midcard Heel.

    - Add 'The Set' with J-Sinn & Lance Lude as a tag team to CZW. Set their experience to Medium.

    - Change Bobby Cruise, Gary Juster, Paul Turner, & Todd Sinclair's ROH contracts to Written.

    - Change Kevin Kelly's ROH contract to PPA. Add another contract for Kevin Kelly to LLUSA.

    - Remove Lalo Gonzalez & Nigel Sherrod from LLUSA.

    - Set Kevin Kelly & Stevie Richards as the announcers for LLUSA.

  2. The Young Bucks & TJ Perkins are working the next set of TV tapings, so they may end up on the site after that. Cabana has been in Japan, but rumored to be going to WWE for a good while. Hero is in the process of signing with WWE.

    - Set the ROH show on Internet TV to air Thursdays time doesn't matter. They are showing the episodes on their website Thursdays unless you become a ringside member, then it airs on Mondays.

  3. - Lower Batista's body health to 75% he just recently had back surgery.

    - Set Alexa Thatcher to a Non-Wrestler who never wrestles. Change her desired role to Manager usually.

    - Add 'The Latin Liberators' with Super Nova & Rocky Romero as a tag team to LLUSA. Set their experience to Low.

    - Raise The Puerto Rican Powers experience to Good.

    - Add Kip James to LLUSA as an Upper Midcard Heel with Racist as his gimmick. Set his name to Kip Gunn.

    - Add Kip Gunn to the stable The Right in LLUSA.

    - Remove Brittney Savage's LLUSA contract.

    - Remove Aaron Aguilera's LLUSA contract.

    - Remove Gregory Helms' LLUSA contract.

    - Remove Mentallo's LLUSA contract.

    - Remove Mistieriocito's LLUSA contract.

  4. - Jay Briscoe needs Europe checked as an active area.

    - Mark Briscoe needs Europe checked as an active area.

    - Sid Vicious needs Europe checked as an active area.

    - Rhino needs Europe checked as an active area.

    - Kid Kash needs Europe checked as an active area.

    - Set Greg Iron's finishers to Code Blue (pinfall) & Flatliner (pinfall) on his profile & all contracts.

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