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Posts posted by DoubleJ13

  1. Just an update on next months data Smash will still be there since they're running shows next month from what I gather. Most of what I've done this month is stat work, so if there is anyone you want looked at let me know & I'll look into it. I'm thinking about putting Brodus Clay in FCW since they have supposedly scrapped plans for him for the time being. Also thinking about closing out Pro Wrestling Respect since they have not run a show since February of last year.

  2. Based of of the new NWA Hollywood roster page Andrew Hellman, Atsushi Sawada, Babi Slymm, Blue Demon, Jr., Brian Cage, Buggy, Candice LeRae, Disco Machine, El Hijo de L.A. Park, Excalibur, Oliver John, Phoenix Star, Rachel Summerlyn, Shawn Spears, Tab Jackson, TJ Perkins, & Zokre can all be removed. Lucky O'Shea & Johnny Goodtime aren't on the page but are still with them. Lucky O'Shea is Mikey O'Shea's manager & Goodtime returned as a heel.

    - Add Joey Ryan to NWA HD as an Upper Midcard Heel.

    - Add Terex to NWA HD as a Lower Midcard Face.

    - Set the RockNES Monsters tag team to inactive in NWA HD.

    Along with the Urban Wrestling Federation, I would like to see Resistance Pro Wrestling added as well. I can get all the info for it if you want it.

  3. - Change Jon Moxley's birth info to December 1985

    - Change Eddie Edwards's birth info to March 1984

    - Change Kyle O'Reilly's birth info to March 1987

    - Change Mike Bennett's birth info to May 1985

    - Change Cary Silkin's birth info to November 1957

    - Add 'The Chickbusters' with Miss April & Celeste Bonin as a tag team to WWE. Set their experience to Low.

  4. - Add Veda Scott to ROH as an Announcer, she is their new backstage announcer.

    - Add Maria Kanellis to ROH as a Heel Manager. Put her ROH contract name to Maria.

    - Add Chris Hero to ROH as an Upper Midcard Face.

    - Remove Dave Prazak, Homicide, & Rhino from ROH.

    - Set the tag team Awesome Truth to inactive in WWE.

    - Set the tag team Epico and Huncio to inactive in WWE.

    - Add 'Huncio and Camacho' with Incognito & Tevita Fifita as a tag team in WWE. Set their experience to None.

    - Add 'Epico and Primo' with Eddie Colón & Orlando Colón as a tag team in WWE. Set their experience to Medium.

    - Add 'The House of Truth II' with Roderick Strong & Michael Elgin as a tag team in ROH. Set their experience to Low.

  5. PWG Fear spoilers

    - Super Dragon & Kevin Steen are the new PWG tag team champs.

    - Add 'Team Sleazy' as a stable in PWG. Members are Joey Ryan, Scorpio Sky, Peter Avalon, & Ray Rosas.

    - Add B-Boy to PWG as a Upper Midcard Face.

    - Raise the Fightin' Taylor Boys I tag team experience to Low.

    - Raise the Fightin' Taylor Boys II tag team experience to Low.

    - Raise the Fightin' Taylor Boys III tag team experience to Low.

  6. - Add Taishi Takizawa to FCW as a Lower Midcard Babyface with Foreign Star as his gimmick. Set his FCW contract name to Jiro. Set his finishers to Moonsault (pinfall) & Tiger Driver (pinfall) on his profile & all contracts.

    - Add KAZMA to FCW as a Lower Midcard Babyface with Foreign Star as his gimmick. Set his FCW contract name to Sakamoto.

    - Add 'Jiro and Sakamoto' with Taishi Takizawa & KAZMA as a tag team in FCW. Set their experience to None.

    - Remove Jack Korpela from WWE.

    - Lower Ryan Reeve's leg condition to 75% he has had multiple ankle surgeries recently.

    - Add 'Team Richards' as a stable in ROH. Members are Davey Richards, Tony Kozina, & Kyle O' Reilly.

    - Remove Bobby Dempsey from ROH.

    - Raise Cedric Alexander's popularity to 10% in all of the US, except 15% in the Great Lakes & Tri State.

    - Raise Caprice Coleman's popularity to 10% in all of the US, except 15% in the Great Lakes, South East, & Tri State.

    - Tick Very Religious for Caprice Coleman.

    - Set Terex's finisher to 400-lb. Standing Moonsault (pinfall) on his profile & all contracts.

    - Shaun Rickers' finisher is named Evil After Dark (pinfall).

    - Eric Watts' finisher is named Murder Bomb (pinfall).

  7. - Raise AR Fox's popularity to 15% in all the US, except 25% in the Tri State.

    - Raise Brodie Lee's popularity to 15% in all the US, except 25% in the Tri State.

    - Raise Caleb Konley's popularity to 10% in all the US, except 20% in the South East & Tri State.

    - Raise Chuck Taylor's popularity to 20% in all the US, leave the Mid West, South West, & Tri State where they are now.

    - Raise Frightmare's popularity to 15% in all the US, except 20% in the Great Lakes & Mid West, & 25% in the Tri State.

    - Raise Johnny Gargano's popularity to 20% in all the US, except 25% in the Great Lakes, Mid West, & Tri State.

    - Raise Jon Davis' popularity to 15% in all the US, leave the South East & Tri State where they are now.

    - Raise Rich Swann's popularity to 15% in all the US, leave the Tri State where it is now.

    - Raise Ricochet's popularity to 15% in all the US, except 25% in the Great Lakes, leave the Tri State where it is now. Raise his popularity to 15% in all of Japan.

    - Raise Sami Callihan's popularity to 15% in all the US, leave the Tri State where it is now.

    - Raise Scott Reed's popularity to 10% in all the US, except 20% in New England, South East, & Tri State.

    - Change Johnny Gargano to a Main Eventer on his DGUSA/EVOLVE contract.

    - Add Stalker Ichikawa to DGUSA/EVOLVE as a Opener Face. Set him to the DGUSA brand.

    - Tick Mexico as an active area for Elijah Burke.

    - Robert Evans is from Canada, his birth month should be October 1983, & change his style to Entertainer.

  8. - Set Lance Bravado's ROH contract name to Lancelot Bravado.

    - Add Michael Elgin to AAW as a Midcard Heel.

    - Raise Azrieal and Bandido Jr's tag team experience in CZW to Medium.

    - Raise Philly's Most Wanted's tag team experience in CZW to Good.

    - Raise The Runaways' tag team experience in CZW to Good.

    - Set the Hyde and Excellent tag team in CZW to inactive.

    - Set the Irish Driveby tag team in CZW to inactive.

    - Add 'BLKOUT IV' with Ruckus & Alex Colon as a tag team in CZW. Set their experience to Low.

    - Add 'BLKOUT V' with Ruckus & Rich Swann as a tag team in CZW. Set their experience to Low.

    - Add 'BLKOUT VI' with Alex Colon & Rich Swann as a tag team in CZW. Set their experience to Low.

    - Add 'Gulak Campaign' with Drew Gulak & Nui Tofiga as a tag team in CZW. Set their experience to None.



    Also edited Resistance Pro into the game and Raven (Who is used as a Road Agent irl) gets put straight into an active wrestling role? Anything that can be done for that?

    Does he wrestle on the cards? Do you have his ResPro contract set to inactive wrestler? I have him set to inactive & it still says his push is a main eventer, but if he isn't booked on the card it doesn't really matter I guess.

    Just a heads up. I edited this data to include the DGUSA EVOLVE merge and immediately they sack numerous workers (mostly EVOLVE ones) and drop the brands. Anything that can be done to prevent this?

    I doubt the firings can be stopped but that is more a game thing than anything else since in TEW2005 you can't set a preferred roster number. The brand thing may be because they aren't a certin size company. I'd raise them to Cult (they should be lower end cult anyway IMO) & see if that helps.

  9. - Add 'Remember December' as a Medium 2 hour event for NWA HD. Held on Sunday 1st week of December.

    - Add 'Shocktober' as a Medium 2 hour event for NWA HD. Held on Sunday 1st week of October.

    - Add 'A Hero's Salute' as a Medium 2 hour event for NWA HD. Held on Sunday 1st week of September.

    - Set the tag team Natural Selection to Inactive in NWA HD.

    - Raise The Tribe's tag team experience to Medium.

    - Raise The RockNES Monsters' tag team experience to Maximum in both NWA HD & PWG.

    - Raise Los Luchas' tag team experience to Maximum in both NWA HD & PWG.

    - Set James Morgan to an Active Wrestler on his profile. Set his style to Technician. Change his gimmick's to Old School Face & Old School Heel. Set his roles to wrestler usually & color commentary to sometimes. Under performance set heel to good, cocky to good, weasel to good, & brute to medium. Set his popularity to 3% in all of the US except 15% in the South West. Set his finishers to Crossface Chickenwing (submission) & Flying Armbar (submission) on his profile & all contracts.



    Strong Style-15


    MMA Style-0

    Mat Work-55

    Chain Wrestling-50








    Superstar Quality-50














    Business Skill-0

    Booking Skill-0


    - Change his NWA HD contract to an active wrestler, Midcard Heel with Old School Heel as his gimmick.


    Could add Urban Wrestling Federation & Resistance Pro Wrestling in place of the ones getting removed. Urban Wrestling Federation has been around for around a year now & have run 3 or 4 PPVs. Resistance Pro just started up recently & their owned by Billy Corgan.

  10. - Remove Chris Dickinson from Evolve. Set him to Inactive or On Hiatus on his profile.

    - Set Corvis Fear to Inactive or On Hiatus on his profile.

    - Remove Drake Younger from WSU.

    - Remove Colin Olsen, Jimmy Olsen, Jonathan Gresham, Pinkie Sanchez, Player Uno, Player Dos, Sinn Bohdi, STIGMA, & Vin Gerard from Chikara. Ares & Tursas are missing from the roster page, & should probably be removed since the BDK is a question mark right now.

    - Remove the BDK stable.

    - Rename Dragon Gate USA to Dragon Gate USA/EVOLVE. Set their Initials to DGUSA/EVOLVE. Set brand 1 to DGUSA & brand 2 to EVOLVE. Set them to a regular schedule company.

    - Set Gabe Sapolsky & Sal Hamaoui as the Road Agents.

    - Set Akira Tozawa, BxB Hulk, CIMA, Dragon Kid, Gamma, Genki Horiguchi, Masaaki Mochizuki, Masato Yoshino, Naruki Doi, Ryo Saito, Shingo Takagi, Susumu Yokosuka, & YAMATO to DGUSA as their brand on their DGUSA/EVOLVE contract. Everyone else can be left alone on their brand.

    - Set all the current DGUSA events to brand 1 events. Copy all the current Evolve events over to the DGUSA/EVOLVE company, leave them as no brand events & shorten them to 2 hours to match the DGUSA events. You should have six DGUSA events & 6 Evolve (month) events. They should alternate between Evolve event/DGUSA event/Evolve event/DGUSA event.

    - Change BJ Whitmer, Bobby Fish, Cheech, Cloudy, Drake Younger, Flip Kendrick, Frightmare, Hallowicked, Jason Gory, Jon Davis, Louis Lyndon, Michael Facade, & Tony Nese's Evolve contract to a DGUSA/EVOLVE contract. I doubt all these guys stick around but they still haven't posted anything about the roster of evolve on their site yet.

    - EVOLVE Owner can be removed from the game.

    - Delete EVOLVE from the promotions list.

    - Change Gabe Sapolsky & Sal Hamaoui's DGUSA/EVOLVE contracts to Written.

    - Remove Leonard F. Chikarason from DGUSA/EVOLVE.

    - Set Lenny Leonard & Phil Coven as the announcers for DGUSA/EVOLVE.

    - Remove all of DGUSA/EVOLVE's PPV agreements except for WWN Live. Set it to an exclusive agreement.

  11. - Add Lord of War as an alter ego for MVP

    - Add Dios Dorado as an alter ego for Amazing Red

    - Add Chase Walker as an alter ego for Joey Ryan

    - Add B.B.C. as an alter ego for Timothy Thatcher

    Those are their Wrestling Retribution Project names.


    Also have these names from a report but their not confirmed yet

    Kevin Matthews - Bobby Hollywood

    Chris Hero - Chris Hyde

    Chris Masters - Concrete

    Dr. Luther - Dante the Demonic Priest (listed as Father Dante on the site)

    Shawn Davari - Ferris Gotch

    Shaun Ricker - John Ricker

    Luke Gallows - Johnny 99

    Karl Anderson - Killshot

    Eric Sitoci - Klaus

    Mike Rollins - Master Murder

    Colt Cabana - Punchline

    Kenny Omega - Scott "Cornerstone" Carpenter

    Ken Doane - Stan Shooter

    Pat Buck - The Liberal Redneck

    Adam Pearce - Tommy Ridgeway

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