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Posts posted by kaya

  1. WCW vs nWo Revenge and World Tour were hugely popular, Revenge was still up until NM was released, Revenge is my second fav. N64 wrestling game because i enjoy, like you said, playing with the different roster. NM and Revenge ARE different though, NM is graphically far superior and the original engine was very well tweaked, playing faster (not too fast), but still maintaining the quality elements of the WCW series.

  2. I only play No Mercy, not out of some sick obsession, but because i sold all my other N64 games, and my HCTP disc died within a month, i only wish they had the Creat a Belt they had in WM2000, in No Mercy, that was awesome fun. My favourite part of NM is the submission system, working body-parts, my CAW finishes with a MMA-style pick up and slam into a Cross-Armbreaker, and it looks really sweet. For some reason in the SD series they just cant seem to animate submissions very well, they all much deadlier in NM, and esp. when you actually get the submission, the submitter sinches the hold even harder and they tap, and the replay of it all after! sweet.

  3. Of course you'll buy it doc, you're a loyal WWE fan :P

    Everyone will buy it, that's precisely the problem! And that is why until a a game like Pro Wrestling X is made, Yukes can sit on their fucking hands and magically figure out how to make the gfx better than the previous year, and then make "new" features like the PPV mode (...) and yet again fail to have a complete or even updated roster (that IMO is unexcusable, i mean for fucks sake!). There's no competition for them (atm), so ironically, they'll continue to make games on cruise control, without much care to improving their product, why? Because they have a monopoly of the US wrestling game market, does this sound familar at all? :P

  4. 1.) The commentary is just as BAD as it has always been, constantly cutting between soundfiles with no logic at all

    2.) The Cell bumps are just as UNREALISTIC as they've always been.

    3.) The chairs look to have the same damage as they've always had.

    4.) The general play of the game looks exactly the same, yes theyve thrown in stare-offs etc. But the actual strike and moves are animated and structured in the same way as before, so it plays the same.

    5.) The crowd chants, as Matz said, sound nothing like their TV counterparts, the benoit one for example, is way too fast.

    6.) The strike and many of the move sound fx are horrible, the human body doesnt crunch or thud loudly when it's struck.

    7.) Not in these videos, but the speed of light climbing of the cell and ladders is still in, Ugh.

    8.) The Raw vs SD ani that occurs during the finisher is annoying, and might be a bit too long for more rapid finishers (maybe)

    Good things

    1.) The new bulldog animation is good

    2.) Kane's entrance, not a fan of Takers at all.

    3.) Kane in general, is well animated

    4.) Crowd chanting the 123

    5.) Takers tombstone being animated with the Taker pin as well (cant remember if they had this in HCTP)

    6.) Benoit and Orton look good

  5. Like i said on MSN, some of the roster is unrealistic for a Texas based diary, that aside, the only particpant i dont like in the tournament is Sandman. IMO he doesnt fit in at all, and lets the whole tourny down, id be happy to watch every match but his, and he most definately does not deserve to make it past the first round, he's absolutely worthless in the ring. Id love to see Funk win, though that's probably not going to happen, same with Ron, i love the guy, dont think he'll win though, my pick is Williams or Windham, please not Sandman.

    Also, i know you're not building the fed on work-rate, but why icarus and seth shai? esp. shai, you always use that guy :P Sub someone in that match and id be that card, great name for the fed though (Y) oh and DCW > 2XW, i cant imagine a texas fed with such a modern name, like 2XW, it sounds like a hardcore fed, DCW sounds much more traditional, texan ;) TCW anyone?

  6. Yeah because we all know System Of A Down is a greater band than the likes of Queen, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, The Doors, Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, Hendrix and the Rolling Stones.

    As far as the the over-representation of british indy bands, i wont bother, but Slipknot? FRANZ FUCKIN FERDINAND? have long have they been around? and they're better than bands that have been on top for decades? some of the greatest singers, bands and song-writers ever? Pioneers in the arts? I know this list was done by voting, but this thing has less credibility than the PWI 500.

  7. Ortons face is meh

    THQ has incorporated an all-new baseball slide maneuver this year that allows you to attack ringside opponents from inside the ring. There have been similar moves to this before, of course, but this particular one has never been used before.

    The submission system will utilize two meters this year. The first is the same tug-of-war submission from last year (that works on the same button-tapping mechanic), while the second will appear for reversible submissions.

    ---- They finally caught up with NWO Revenge! They have a baseball slide attack!

    ----The submissions system sucked MAJORLY in HCTP, despite wearing my opponent down into the deepest red, and bashing the buttons like a fucking maniac i scored maybe one or two submissions, total. It was TOO hard, only with a turbo button ting, did i have any hope :/

  8. I have to agree, Create a PPV IS pointless, but as long as titles are defendable outside of season mode, i'll be happy. The roster looks like absolute shit atm, really-shit, they dont even have the current SD tag champs :/ Btw, that Hitler CAW looks horrible, there was a better one made for HCTP.

  9. hehe, im glad to see you're back with what will hopefully be another awesome comedy diary. What about giving C-heat, um... a latino-heat gimmick? but with... it being... Caucasian-Heat? You know? You could play it so he is from the Caucaus in central asia, or just be the super sexy white guy that he is, you feelin' me?

    Bukharin was an anarchist btw >_>

  10. Oh, bugger off you silly twit. Don't drag me into this :P

    Thought id just return the favour, since you seem to enjoy lacing your posts with 'commie' ribs from time-to-time, the childish games we play.

    Because teens are impressionable? I guess that makes the Hitler youth okay then, influencing impressionable teens through cultural fads

    Captain hyberbole to the rescue again! yeah, since the effects of SOAD or dare i mention RATM, are so much like that of the hitler youth, 'okay then', id hardly consider neo-nazism a 'cultural fad', it's a conscious political/social movement, one that does affect some impressionable teenagers, but equating the negative influence of nazism on teenagers to a perceived 'negative' influence of 'left-wing' music is moronic. i dont think teenagers are going to go out and start shooting cappies after listening to SOAD, they might dye their hair or where a political t-shirt, theyre not going to start harrasing people who they deem 'racially inferior', or commit, assault, arson, robbery, or murder, oh wait, COMMIES ARE FASCIST NAZIS LOL! SIEG HEIL! LOL! <_<

    Oh wait, does that only apply to your own political ideals?

    Seeing as none of the artists mentioned or in mainstream distribution reflect my political 'ideals', no, it doesnt. Again squancho, never make assumptions about my political beliefs, since you have no idea what they are, and funnily enough they're not as 2D as you like to think.

    PS: Do you have try and turn any vaguely political topic into an anti capitalist/racist/homophobical/politically incorrect tirade?

    Im sorry Squauncho, next time i want discuss my opinions on politics in music or political music in any thread entitled, "Replying to Social/Political Commentary in Music" :mellow:

    oh and "tirade", give the hyperbole a rest, everything i do is a 'tirade', a 'rant', 'self-righteous', 'egotistical', hope it makes you feel better or something. :thumbs-up:

  11. No. They're transplanting their views onto impressionable teens. Young people these days (outside of America at least) are inundated left wing politically influenced artists/celebrities. I'm not a Conservative by any means, but that's lopsided and unfair. I got to where I was politically by listening to what both sides have to say and making my mind up. These kids are being asked to choose between fashionable musicians and old politicians; who do you think they're going to side with. So yeah, artists should keep their big mouths shut, and if they want to enlighten people then give people the unbiased facts and let them make their minds up. People aren't too dumb to do that.

    Seriously, 'impressionable teens' and 'young people these days' are NOT 'inundated' with 'left wing politically influenced artists/celebrities', that's a joke. There are hardly any actually political bands in the mainstream of the music industry, and the ones that are rarely make specific, coherent or cogent arguments about current issues/events or people.

    for the most part it's just general angst crap, ocassionally you might get a issue-specific song, that recent SOAD song comes to mind, but most is so generic it's hardly influential in any meaningful way, 'fuck the system' etc. is about as rebellous as good charlotte or sum41 head-banging/dressing like punks and throwing up the horns.

    you act as if music is dominated by artists with cogent, so-called 'left-wing' political arguments and statements, when in reality the majority is just packaged 'non-conformism', one of capitalisms most effective cultural products. I would argue that 'young people these days' are more influenced by the fake 'rebels' of the sony or universal music variety than anything of meaningful political strength.

    So yeah, artists should keep their big mouths shut, and if they want to enlighten people then give people the unbiased facts and let them make their minds up. People aren't too dumb to do that

    im suprised squancho hasnt pulled out a nazi-reference yet, artists should be allowed to express their opinions in their art, that's raison d'etre of art! EXPRESSION, saying they shouldnt be able to do it because it 'influences' teenagers to be 'left-wing' (what's wrong with that btw?) is akin to claiming that marilyn manson drives people to mass murder, it's just music, main-stream artists ARE NOT driving any 'teenagers' to anything meaningfully rebellous or 'left-wing', saying 'FUCK BUSH', 'FUCK THE SYSTEM', is great, but the same teenagers are still going home to sit down, take off their nikes, get changed into their comfortable *insert trendy clothing brand here* clothes, take off their nikes, eat their mcdonalds and watch big brother, just because they think george bush II is an 'idiot', doesnt mean we should start restricting or censoring artists that conservatives label 'too radical' or 'rebellous', this isnt a theocracy/stalinist/authoritarian/fascist state, it's democracy remember?

    hehe, Zearle, this guy has some decent anti-capitalist hip-hop if not at times abit 'fuck the system', he rhymed proletariat though, so respect :P

  12. Vida's an average looking Latina woman with massive implants and a nice ass. A nice ass isn't enough to get you into the otp 100 looking women on the planet. In some pics Vida looks a bit shemale-ish in the face, your sig being one of them :P

    Eva Mendez or Shakira totally shame her.

    IMO, Shakira has more of a 'she-maleish' face than Vida.

    and where is everyone getting these vida pics from dammit!

  13. 8. Paris Hilton

    Fuckin Ugh. Paris Hilton is a fucking broomstick with lipstick, UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGHHHHHHHHHHHH. There's hardly a woman after her that doesnt deserve to be ahead of that braindead coke-head.

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