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Posts posted by Malenko

  1. If your at the very bottom Hornchurch are the team to be as at the timne of programming they hadn't gone bust and released all there players.  I'd aim for Conference national this year definately then next year you shouldn't be too far short of the play-offs with good investment in players.

    Just about to post that as well. Hornchurch were the "Chelsea of the Conference", and had poached a lot of the best Conference players, including a lot from Dagenham And Redbridge (both of the teams are local to me, so I noticed it a lot).

    In the game, they also get regular cash injections. I have a game going with them, and I won my division the first year, and had just started my first year in the conference.

  2. 7/20?! Man, I'm sure Shaq don't even care anymore.Surely, with all the free throws he's taken over the years he should be getting better purely because of the repetitiveness of going to the line?Atleast, that's how I got better, seeing as I used to be terrible from the line, and never practised it.

    Fuckin' Shaq...I swear the Heat are gonna be cost the title because he misses his free throws.

  3. I was going to start a Gravesend & Northfleet game as i did in CM4 until i realized there's yet another division below in FM. I choose Hornchurch from the conference South. I should be a Premier League title contender in my sixth season...

    ...or maybe not :shifty:

    EDIT: Great start with a win away 4-3 at Weymouth (i have no idea what kind of team i've beaten but i was losing 2-0 at half time so i'm happy)

    3 substitutions right on the half time, taking off 3 players who were just awful in the match.

    In the end i had 26 shots against their 16... i've only played FM for a couple weeks when i first got the game and now restarted it so don't really remember. Is it usual to have this amount of shots? or was this just a coincidence?

  4. Brian Lara and Another World?! Ooooooh you little legend!

    NBA Live 96 was good, and that's a Brit encouraging you to get it!

    Ren And Stimpy is perhaps the funniest and weirdest Mega Drive game.

    Pete Sampras tennis is lush too. Especially if you enter "Zeppelin" (I think that's how you spell it) as a code. You get a full tennis tour with rankings and everything and you choose which tournaments you enter and you win prize money etc...Very cutting edge for the time!!!

  5. Who really cares? Sorry but whatever you guys think Chelsea will not be the best team in the world anytime soon. They can go pay out 200million if they really want on some players, they still wont become the best in the world. They're good no doubt, just I'm afraid they are barely the best team in England that'll own the world. If they're so good then they'll easily win the CL this season, something that I'm gurantee they wont do. If they do somehow get past Barca then I really hope they draw Milan or us for that matter, let's see how good they realy are against a world class defence, well world class team actually. I love how everyone says Madrid are shit nowadays too. I gurantee that if they went back to there best everyone would be creaming over them again. However much you like it, whether they are not as good as they once was, they're still one of the best teams around. I'm still saying Chelsea wont even win the premiership but no one seems to agree here so lets not even go into that. We'll see when the seasons over though.

    I see the goals on the news when I just woke up now. Duff's was the luckiest goal I've seen in ages. United need a new keeper whatever the United fans say. Schmichael(sp?) would never have let that go in. He'd have been diving out his goal like a nutcase. How United went from having one of the best keepers ever to have two average keepers I'll never know.

  6. Pfff. You think that's bad? Over here, there's been an investigation on corruption for almost a year now. Several men have been arrested and/or indicted, many of them high authorities in clubs or in the league itself. Just today, about 20 referees have been arrested and are being heard in court right now. (That's what I read, anyway). Corruption in football is everywhere, and nobody does anything about it. Sure, some are caught, but most of them are just let loose. Makes me sick.

  7. Just brought in Di Canio for his final year or two that he's got left. Only cost me like 500,000k which works fine for me. Fan's arent too happy as they think he's way too old but then again they thought I'd be a shit manager when I was signed at the start and yet I've got Liverpool into the Knockout stages of the CL and got them into third place in the Prem.

  8. Honestly, I didn't think I'd come to this realisation, but it's true.

    Kobe Bryant wants to prove to the world, he is a top tier player.And if meaning he must get rid of Shaq, so be it.

    I dunno why I started thinking about this, probably because of all the heat Kobe's been catchin' about how the teams playing better without him, but what do you expect?The kid has played his whole career to date with the Most Dominant Player of this era, but having the Lakers to himself just seems like a huge challenge, to a player who's really running out of them at the moment.I mean, what better way to prove how good you are, by taking a side where it's best current big man is Chris Mihm, (eh, Odom's been so-so to me, even though I loved the Heat last year) to the playoffs (which the Lakers will, they'll slide in I'm guessing 7th).Seriously, how can you deny how good he is, if he takes that side to the Playoffs, maybe that was the plan, so it didn't look like he got help from Malone?Although I thought it would have been better for him to stick with Shaq, maybe that is in the bigger picture for Kobe?Because lets face it, when Shaq retires, and if he retired in a Laker uniform, nothing will be mentioned about Kobe, it'll be all about how Shaq made Kobe and carreid the side to the dynasty...

    ehh, rant over.I still have no idea where that comes from.I blame the lack of sleep I've had in the past 72 hours (eg: none).

    And Jackson to Phoenix is much better for Jimmy and the Suns, especially who have an actual player who could fit into a 6th man role.Plus, he's already played for Miami before, so he wouldn't be able to get to his 13th team.

  9. yeah. I imagined you would.

    I've seen the goal.. i considered it the best goal of 2004 as i said in the greatest goal thread. :)

    He also is quite fast and agile, for a man his size. You probably remember his goal VS Italy in the euro2004 even if you wouldn't want to :P

    He makes incredible stuff looks simple.. I'm a fan myself.

  10. I dont rate him that good, he didnt exactly shine at Chelsea and under Ranieri he was given a good chance along with Crespo and none of them shined, there not as good as first anticipated IMO

    That obviously proves it was just Chelsea.

    Crespo is fucking awesome at Milan, whereas he was shit at Chelsea. Mutu had some great games at Chelsea but like said he wasn't anything special there.

    Mark my words, Mutu will be better than everyone expects him to be.

  11. I've really disliked Edu's attitude over this whole thing, and stood firmly behind Wengers 'sign or you cant play' idea, I'd of liked him to stay originally but as things had progressed I've thought we should let him go and find a replacement.

    Im starting to feel the same way at the moment, at first I wanted him to sign and I still do to an extent, but he seems to be getting Arsy about the whole contract deal, maybe he's not getting a fair shout but he should be a bit more greatful that he was able to play with Arsenal. I honestly can't see him getting regular first team football at Barcelona or Real Madrid, chances are he will be getting the same amount of football that he already gets.

  12. New bug here.

    I'm Turkey and Man Utd manager in my fifth season. I get a message in my news saying that Turkey have hired Cristoph Daum as their new manager. I check and i'm still manager (I can access the squad and stuff) yet its his name on the staff screen. So I sack him (For some reason I had the "remove from national job" bit available. But they re-hire him. So I try to resign myself and it doesn't work.

    Any ideas?

  13. Those things happen everywhere, not only in Germany. Some are caught, some aren't. Some are fined, some aren't. Some are banned, some aren't.

    I hadn't heard that news until i read this, but even if it's true you make it sound like Germany doesn't deserve to host the cup or something like that, just because of it (maybe you didn't mean it, it was just my idea looking at the topic. If not sorry about that). Anyway, even if it meant german referees were all like that, which is a dumb stereotype anyway, the world cup will have referees from a lot of countries (i don't know the exact number) which have been selected by FIFA for, arguably, being imparcial in previous football events.

    btw, it's not that hard to understand what Matzat writes. :P  Don't exaggerate it.

    Didn't mean that all German refs were like this. I just find it somewhat unfortunate that this is in the nation hosting the Cup. I'm well aware that Cup refs are from all over, too.

    It's just that US officials have to undergo EXTENSIVE background checks to get hired in the US. If you're caught doing anything funny with your finances -- even just misfiling stuff on your tax account -- you're thrown out of the league. So it strikes me as odd that a referee (1) could have thought he'd get away this, and (2) is only being prosecuted four months later.

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