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Posts posted by Malenko

  1. Nadaaaaaaaaaaaaal!! Muchos love for Rafael :D.

    We all know its going to be Roger Federer, watch his strokes, watch his feet, watch his expressions, and done think Suzuki was that close on him, Federer saves his best tennis until last and he will most likely be playing Roddick, who seems to have been quiet this year.

    Shame to see Moya is out, I'm quite big on Spaniards and Argies because I'm a big clay court fan and I'm hoping my Guille can beat JC Ferrero today.

    Oh and Henman won't win it, 100% completely and utterly sure. He's passed it now, he's missed his chances and he, like Greg will go out without a Grand Slam to their name. Boy, British tennis really does suck.

  2. If utah are really going to waive campbell, then the jazz don't really care about the current season so far. Arroyo still was productive in that jazz team and getting nothing of it seems awkward. A first round pick may be of use, but sending a guy who can definitely help the team in some minutes, get them boards, and defense, 4/5 plays, it's strange, they don't have many usefull big guys on the bench. i really think he could help them.

    IMO what the jazz needed and still need is a defensive guy in the perimeter (hell.. a good defensive inside guy wouldn't hurt them either).

    I understand why they did trade Arroyo, he sure is no john stockton :P. i think he's talented but be honest, between him and mcleod the difference isn't much this season. Mcleod is more allround while not being as good on the offense (i've heard a commentator say the exact opposite thing once, but this is how i see it). Arroyo last season gave some ideas of what he would be able to reach, and IMO he was actually trying to play more for the team than last season, but things weren't working so well.

    That team had a shitload of point guards and i expected one of them to leave.. maybe those issues with sloan helped making the decision of which one should leave.

    Hope arroyo calms down and improves to the level he's able to reach. I haven't any doubts he can do much better.

    EDIT: Maybe they don't need another center, but they need a good one.. have you seen how most of that bench is playing?

  3. Yeh, true.

    However, Rooney, makes me think being in 2nd. Yes, he had about 3 or 4 good games at Euro 2004, apart from that, what did he do?

    He pretty much single handedly carried England to the Quarters in Euro 2004, and announced himself onto the World stage. Been as this is only a poll for how well they played for England, I think he did more than enough to get that many votes, if not more.

  4. Beckham has been terrible for the last 5 years . He has no pace , variable crossing ability , variable corner & free kick ability and he plays where ? on the Damn Wing ! .

    I'd debate the 5 years thing. I'd say the last year or so he's not been his best.

    I still rate Beckham, but it is time to give SWP a chance.

    And Lampard is one of the best midfielders in the prem, and has been playing at a high level of quality for the best part of two years. You can't expect him to play astonishingly well every game, ever occured to you that the Tottenham game was the one game in ten that Lampard doesn't play well in - and he still scored twice. Lampard is consistently one of the Prem's best midfield players. And lets not forget his recent goal scoring record for England.

    I Agree with this, Dutch game: SWP-----Lampard-----Gerrard-----Downing (maybe Downing, but I cant think of anyone else, so yeah, him)

  5. most teams usally do that old times revivalism kit when they're on their 100 anniversary. I don't know if it's usual in England though. How old is Arsenal? eg Barcelona did it, FC Porto did it, Benfica is doing it this season, etc..

  6. w00t the mavericks are down at half by 8 and scored just as many points has they had score in the first period of the last match :huh:

    Michael Finley is dominating the game with his astonishing point from the free-throw line and his absolute kick ass performance of 0/10 from the field.

    The strange thing is the clippers aren't even playing that well (well.. besides brand), the mavericks are just missing from everywhere (except howard), either the clippers play a hard defence or not.

    EDIT: went to check finley's stats on nba.com, and realized besides his lack of scoring, he has 1 rebound, 0 assists, 0 blocks and 0 steals while being the second most used on the mavericks team (only nowitzky played longer). Well.. at least he hasn't any fouls or turnovers either :shifty:

  7. If anyone has the chance of watching the game or a re-run of the Gaudio (ARG) - Hrbaty (SVK) game, make sure you watch it. i have to go to bed now cause i have an exam tomorow :( and won't get to watch it till the end. :angry: but it's quite great so far.

    I don't know if the players meen anything to you but so far there's 1-1 in sets with both being decided on the tiebreak.

    I watched that nadal game johnny perfect mentioned and it was good too.

    But so far this one is the best of the tournament IMO. it even beats the czechs game of the second round.

  8. Im glad of the outcome so far... most of the results i wanted to see, happened so far.

    I'm a little bit disappointed with the quality of the matches though, but it's a fact i haven't seen many, and the best is yet to come.

    Sharapova got her place in the third round. (Answering rawiswar)

  9. just replying to the topic.. you allready won anything :P

    As you can see there are those of you who want beckham playing and those of you who don't, so as you can see sven's opinions aren't that awful. A few of you agree with them. You can't please Greeks and Trojans (i have no idea if this saying is a worldwide saying but i translated it anyway :P).

    IMO lampard totally deserves a place in the squad. Having gerrard and beckham as centre midfielders is much worse than lampard and gerrard. Afterall, as someone said, beckham's most remarkable quality (besides free kicks) is his ability to cross from behind. He would be quite wasted in the midfield, as he is in Real Madrid. If it weren't for the merchandise factor he wouldn't even play there.

    I think i agree with the monkey molester's opinion in the selection of the squad, though i must admit i'm not a fan of downing, but you all seem to like it so... enjoy.

    P.S. just a question... who takes free kicks in the english team?

  10. Half Time in the wizards - mavericks game.

    73-40 to the mavericks. Dallas allready have 3 players on double figures, plus two other players one point short...

    Everyone from Dallas who's been on the field has scored.

    What's the record of points for the season?

    EDIT: 5 players, but loads of turnovers in the 3rd, 101 - 78...

    EDIT 2: 137 - 120 in the end. Very nice game.. If only Dallas hadn't missed those 6 shots in a row halfway through the 4th period...

    4 players with 25+ points in the same team, percentages of 58 for 2, 65 for 3 and 88 on FT's. Another great offensive performance from the mavericks.

  11. Muzzy Izzet. Played a vital role and turned into a star at Leicester. I will always remember his last contribution to the club when he scored the equalizer against Leeds with a twenty yard wonder shot...pity we still lost but I will always be glad that I was there for his last game.

    Very biased seeing as I am a Leicester fan though...

  12. all time: diego armando maradona.. he was my favourite player when i first started watching football, when he retired (well... actually a couple years before it), my preferences turned to romania's Hagi, Denmark's Michael Laudrup, and bulgaria's Stoichkov. Then, ortega from argentina, djalminha from brazil.

    The truth is none of these lasted longer in my preferences. I guess i was allways looking for a substitute for maradona and never found one.

    Nowadays it's probably either aimar or van der vaart, but i'm still looking for a player i can TRULY call my favourite.

    Most of the people who post in the football threads are british so i'll leave here my favourite players in the Premiership since 88 - G. Zola, and Bergkamp.

  13. my favourite goal ever was maradona's goal against england in the 86 WC.

    A lot of my favourite goals have been from him... A few in Boca Juniors, a couple when still playing for argentinos juniors, and a few when he was playing for Napoli. Plus two more goals he scored for Argentina, one vs Belgium and the other vs Korea.

    A lot of the ones you mentioned were great to. That goal vs Argentina in the 98 WC was great but i liked better one he scored with Arsenal in which he receives the ball with his back on the defender, gives a small touch on the ball while rotating past him and finishes with class (as in a huge amount of his goals).

    that goal from zola in a corner vs norwich was also great, cause it was a lot harder to do than regular heel kicks.

    Zlatan's goal when still playing from Ajax, i believe it was in the beggining of 2004 was my favourite in 2004. The one he dribbles past 6 players (i mean dribbles, not runs). He was also 2 more goals i enjoyed. the one in the euro 2004 vs italy and one still with ajax. Something like a backwards bycicle kick. Brilliant.

    I remember loving a goal by le tissier back in 1994, but i don't have it on tape, so i don't remember it very well now. It was a great individual play, it's all i can tell.

    Despite not being a huge fan of that kind of goals i have to mention the Roberto Carlos free kick against France. A lot of free kicks are scored but not many are like that one. There's another goal from him i found great, the one he strikes the ball from near the corner flag, the ball drives with great pace and only turns when reaching the goal.

    One from Vieri for Atletico Madrid. He has the ball over the finish line, halfway between the corner flag and the goal post. He scores from there with a shot full of effect.

    I just read Evert Post so i can say that's the Bergkamp goal i meant before, I also know what Cruijff Goal is that one and it's absolutely great. The Van Basten goal Vs Russia is also one of my favourites.

    There are a lot of great goals.. these were the fast that came to mind. A lot of brazilian goals would be here to. It's easier to see a great goal in brazil than an easy one. They would probably miss it if it was easy. :P

  14. The drug stuff is pathetic. He took drugs, who gives two fucks? I like football for what happens on the pitch, I couldn't care what people do away from it. If they do there job on that pitch then I'm happy. They can go take any drugs, beat people up and do what the heck they want off the pitch.

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