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Everything posted by edvis500

  1. Straight Edge Society Spoiler
  2. I think you could use this image Jess:
  3. http://wwestalker.i-roc.biz/wwestalker/?p=9869
  4. I think you should add hate or just dislike between Matt Hardy and Drew McIntyre Matt Hardy:
  5. Sorry, I... Ahhh... I don't get what you mean... Do you want me to make it so the the actual title is the background? Like this : OR If not then I have no idea what you meant Eddie was apparently doing one... He had them on his host but that failed... He might have them elsewhere. I only have Women MMA fighters http://s770.photobuc...yFellerEWR/MMA/ Sorry, bad english, what I wanted to say is you could make wrestlers+titles pics on three bg like I made once here: http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18541&view=findpost&p=2017985
  6. Awww Shucks I am lazy.... for the title pics I do it quick and easy... Just get a pic of someone with the required title in a similar pose as the pic you want and erase, erase, erase, move, adjust, erase etc etc and VIOLA!!! It's just a suggestion but you could make title pictures on there backgrounds, because sometimes people need wrestlers with same bg, but on other bg
  7. I had a crack at it... best of my ability... Then you release that pack maybe you can make those champions pics, but without title bars?
  8. I wanted to ask if there is any game where all wrestlers, staff and etc are CAW's if there is maybe someone could upload it?
  9. Yes i'm looking for Colt Cabana
  10. Does anybody have pictures of current WWE wrestlers that in the past was bald?
  11. I do. Thanks man, I want him to join SES
  12. Maybe someone have bald Joey Matthews (Mercury) photo or it on kyky?
  13. Can i ask why Lance Storm isn't in the game?
  14. Can i ask why are you doing pics what has been made recently?
  15. Hey Rocky when you make Eddie request you can post that images here?
  16. DOWNLOAD: http://www.filefront...TNA-on-RKY.rar/ Or find it in my sig... Thanks Rocky, you are AWESOME!
  17. Biggest credit in the world goes to.... TheWho!!!
  18. Here is two backgrounds for upcoming brand split for my promotion:
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