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  1. I was wondering if anybody could give me a link to a September 2008 data? Much appreciated.
  2. T.y

    Heavy Rain

    Regarding Nathaniel.
  3. Sorry, i probably worded it a bit wrong. Obviously iDOM is realistic for wrestling, but what I meant was it's not the same obviously that doesn't speak for all of it, but for the large part the wrestlers have different gimmick, names and placing in the card. It would seem a bit weird to make the world be the same when the wrestling is different, although it would be a different approach.
  4. Okay, why? Well surely the whole point of iDOM, is it's not realistic. If we want realism we wouldn't be playing iDOM, we'd be playing our modern day WWE games, why add one random bit of realism in an alternative reality?
  5. I think it'd be slightly umm dumb to add the real life economy situation in places like Detroit and Nevada, seems a bit too far. But, Jericho as champion would be totally awesome.
  6. Is that an attempt to completely ruin Motor City?
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