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  1. I'm sick of #NotYourShield. How dare these women and minorites tell me that they don't hate women and minorities. Internalized misogynist uncle toms the lot of them. At this rate there will be a Bayonetta 3!

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    2. Skummy


      I've said it countless times before, but it's funny how "GamerGate" is a proud unified movement until they're called out on their shit and then it's "we don't speak for everybody".

      There is no such thing as "anti-GamerGate" as a movement in the same sense of GamerGate, because there isn't the sense of choice. People who associate with "GamerGate" have made a choice to do so. People who they harass, threaten and otherwise targe...

    3. ndqw


      Then who posts on GamerGhazi? Ghosts?

      Who used the StopGamerGate2014 before GamerGate co-opted it?

    4. Sousa


      Holy fucking shit we have a guy here who uses the phrase "Based Mom" oh my god EWB I thought you were cool.

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