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Posts posted by SquareRootOfSi

  1. Anyone else have an issue with Supercard where it pops up saying 'server busy' and closes out of your current match? Three times now in the last hour i've gone about 7-0 in rumble matches only for the match to crash out. Is it a problem with this mode or just a random (repeated) incident.

  2. Of all the things going on in the US at the minute this has to be one of the least important and insignificant of the lot. yet Hollywood will cry HORROR that it happened. Turn that sh*t down and get on with it. Its a mistake, it happens. Its no different than a joke bombing or an actor missing their cue.

    Its not a tragedy that it happened, the world wont end. We can look fondly back at that time with Warren beatty got handed the wrong microphone and laugh...oh how we will laugh. I really don't understand what the big deal is, just make sure it doesn't happen again.

  3. 'White Butterfly' - INME. Still one of my favourite albums and one of the few I can remember the lyrics to most if not all the songs. Also one of the best gigs i'd ever been to, i think it was my first year of university and it was just awesome. I still own the 'white butterfly' tie that I bought that night. I think I had just started to really define myself with my musical taste (which admittedly has changed a little over the years). I also went through a little emo phase where I related almost every track to a real life situation. I still maintain my 18-21 would make for a hell of a teen film..

  4. On 15/02/2017 at 20:40, Benji said:


    Hah, joke is on you game. My squad is made up of UK folks and a bunch of internationals from scrub nations who come bottom of their continental FA's World Cup qualifying groups.

    Thats the hard brexit right? if i recall from the Dev speak there are three possible transfer rules that could come into play?

  5. Picked this up about 4 days ago. I just can't find the motivation to get into a game atm. I used to play FM religiously but now I just can't find that spark, that certain little something a lub has to make you go 'Yes! we can do this! We will succeed!'

    So, opening up the floor. Suggestions for a first game? Do I start my usual Conference North or South game with 'random mid table team' and see how quickly I can go up the leagues. Perhaps a sunday league unemployed game and see where life takes me?

    What have you guys been doing to 'get your mojo back' when playing FM?

  6. 10 hours ago, GoGo Yubari said:

    Doesn't look like I have a shot at anything but dudes, so RD is going to be a lot of training cards and whatnot for me, probably. Fingers crossed that when my current KOTR ends I get either a LG women's card or an Epic Nikki or Naomi, or that in three days the Fusion Chamber gives me a good Legendary.

    does the fusion chamber ever change? I can currently only get common cards from it?

  7. 1 hour ago, ChrisO said:

    You have to meet it within the number of boxes that show up on the screen requiring higher leveled cards as you go along

    does that mean i have to use all the boxes though? For example a Rare Paige got me a common Goldust. Which tells me it doesn't matter how many cards I really use.

  8. Can anyone explain the fusion thing to me please? It states I need a points total in cards to do the fusion...does it matter how many cards I use to get those points? Testing a theory now, and I've stuck a Rare Paige I had into it and she met the point requirement on her own and it let me do the fusion. Will this make a difference? Does having more points than the fusion mean that I have a better chance of getting a better card or is it literally just meet the point total each time and get a random card?

  9. Woo, got my Epic Orton for the daily login. Finally took my deck to UR and pulled a UR Seth (i know, not that exciting) but i can now start sacrificing some of my R's to level up properly. I think my deck has only got like 30 cards in it atm....

  10. Can anyone suggest how to come about getting my deck better? Currently all SR Cards and SR++ in exhibition. I've got a Flair, Austin, Miz and Seth all lvl 15 and a Natalya Pro (3/20) and SR Emma (8/15). Am I likely to pull any UR cards from my exhibition games? I tried going for the UR Golddust last week but got stomped even in the 1pt matches and at the minute I just cant seem to see how I can improve the deck when i'm only getting Rare cards and the Occasional SR card from exhibition games. KOTR still only gives me Rare cards :( (i've got 1 Rare Diva and 1 Rare superstar in the KOTR deck....the rest are SR)

  11. 24 minutes ago, Bad News RW said:

    Best way is to do everything really - gives you more chances to get better cards to improve your deck. Of course the login bonuses will help you immensely too. Check what level your deck is in RTG, because it will be different to your Exhibition level as you're involving more cards

    yeah i noticed that after i posted. RTG deck is SR+ I can only assume i'm behind as I've only been playing for the last like 5 days or So. And considering the cards I can get for login bonuses...I'm probably a bit behind most people.

  12. 29 minutes ago, Bad News RW said:

    It's a levelling system - if you have a SR level deck, you won't get past the SR card in RTG without just playing +1 all the time and hoping for the best. 

    I see, my Exhibition deck is SR++ so would you recommend then that the best option to to do exhibition matches and KOTR? Give up on RTG? maybe grind some +1 matches?

  13. Man, fuk this RTG. I'm on like 50 towards Emma and i feel like i'm getting nothing but people with Epic, and the occasionally legendary cards..compared to my only SR deck...

    I mean it literally just matched me against someone with a Survivor Finn...1 (that I saw Rare Diva) and the rest Ultra Rare cards...I have no UR cards how is that a fair matchup...

  14. Watched the film last night and its one of my favourite arcs in the comics. 100% Team Cap and always have been. Though I will say that I feel the whole concept was done better in the comics (obviously to separate mediums) and I feel like some of the characterisation and feeling was lost in the film adaptation.

  15. I'#m free to join a team if you need a new body. Currently hjust running SR cards but you know..every little helps.. :)

    Also, what do you guys do about training cards? do you just pick a handful to make your deck that burn your other cards into them? Currently just finished a SR Natalya Pro which felt nice, and a couple others are close. For example, do you keep ANY common or uncommon cards when you pull em?

  16. Gotta say, kinda happy. Won my first KOTR tournament at the first try woo! Got a SR Austin and SR Xavier Woods...:ph34r:.

    However i gotta say..having a SR Natalya at this low level all but guarantees Diva victories. I've not come across any diva matches n SR++ that have anything better than a Rare..mostly Greens

  17. See, i've not played a lot of games but is it just me or is it really hard to value cards in this? For example I had a Rare Rollins lose to a Rare Jimmy Uso...what makes Jimmy Uso as a Rare better than Seth Rollins? Or are the cards not standardised by the person they represent? Could I for example get a Rare Bo Dallas whose better than...a Rare Lesnar?

  18. SO, I literally just downloaded this, and I kinda get that its top trumps. (basically..) I got a Rare Roman Reigns, Uncommon Lesnar and Eva Marie...how does that rate in the general sense of cards? I assume as people mention previously in the thread there are Event Character cards that are better..right?

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