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Posts posted by JairusCain

  1. Credit WWE.com

    Hate Triangle

    September 29, 2006

    As last week’s edition of Smackdown came to a close, we found out that General Manager Teddy Long had signed a Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship to take place during this week’s main event. Can the champion hold on to his title with the likes of JBL and Batista in the match?

    Mr. Kennedy and Booker T may have severely injured Big Show last week. We know for sure both of them will be present this week, but the question is; will Big Show be present? If so, will he be able to compete? Burchill can only hope that Big Show will be healthy, because if he isn’t Burchill will be forced to take on Kennedy and Booker T by himself, in a Handicap Match!

    Last week, Lashley demobilized William Regal with a Powerslam on the floor. Both men will be in action this week, but against who? Also, Samoa Joe continued to cost Finlay his matches last week, allowing Gunner Scott to pick up a big win. Can Finlay get the win this week when he takes on Matt Hardy?

    Don’t miss all of this and much more this week on Friday Night Smackdown at 8/7 CT on UPN.

  2. rawbanner4.png

    Monday September 25, 2006

    Live! From Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

    World Wrestling Entertainment Presents: RAW on USA

    The show opens up with the usual RAW opening video, which is then followed by a video package featuring the highlights from Unforgiven. The video comes to a close on a shot of Chris Jericho clutching the WWE Championship at the top of the stage. The video fades out and the cameras cut to the arena. Immediately after, Edge’s music comes over the speakers to thunderous booing from the crowd. Edge emerges from the back looking furious and heads directly to the ring without even acknowledging the fans. Once in the ring, Edge is handed a microphone and his music fades out.

    Edge: Not only…

    The crowd suddenly erupts into a loud “JER-I-CHO!” chant.

    Edge:… Not only was what happened last night a travesty, but it was one of the biggest screw jobs I’ve ever seen! What’s the matter Chris? Are you upset that The Corporation’s got a bigger star than you now? Are you jealous that I had something you wanted?

    A “YOU SUCK” chant breaks out in the crowd.

    Edge: Chris, I’ve talked to Mister McMahon today… and he’s not exactly happy with you, right now! He’s FURIOUS, Chris! I… I AM FURIOUS! YOU STOLE MY TITLE! And I want an explanation, Chris! I want an explanation, and I want it right… NOW!

    Overall Rating: 81%

    Instead of Chris Jericho’s music hitting the speakers, that of Vince McMahon echoes through the arena. Vince emerges from the back with a rather uneasy look on his face. Vince makes his way to the ring, where he too is handed a microphone.

    Vince: Edge, befo…

    Edge: What the hell happened, Vince?! You said everything was taken care of! You said Jericho was only in that match to help me! Now, correct me if I’m wrong, Vince, but taking my title isn’t exactly helping me, is it?!

    Vince: Well, no. But…

    Edge: But nothing! Chris Jericho is traitor! Chris Jericho turned his back on The Corporation! Vince… Chris Jericho turned his back on YOU! And I want him TERMINATED right now! RIGHT NOW! And I want my title put back on MY shoulder! Around MY WAIST!

    Vince: Calm down, Edge.

    Edge: CALM DOWN!?

    Vince: Yes, calm down.

    Edge: SCREW YOU VIN…


    Edge’s jaw drops. He stands perfectly still and doesn’t say another word.

    Vince: Now, I told you everything was taken care of… because it was. Chris Jericho went against my orders. I don’t know what Chris was thinking last night. In fact, I wouldn’t mind an explanation myself. So Chris… how about coming out here and giving us an explanation?

    Overall Rating: 89%

    Chris Jericho’s music comes over the building’s PA system to a huge pop from the crowd and soon after, Jericho emerges from behind the curtain with the WWE Championship proudly draped over his shoulder. He arrogantly makes his way down to the ring, pretending to polish the belt using his hand. Jericho climbs into the ring and takes the microphone out of Edge’s hand, which triggers Edge to start complaining to Vince like a child. Vince eventually demands that someone at ringside give Edge a new microphone. Jericho’s music fades out.

    Jericho: So, let me get this straight. Edge, you want an explanation?

    Edge: You’re damn right I do!

    Jericho: And Vicne… you want an explanation?

    Vince: I’d like to know what the hell you think you’re doing, yes.

    Jericho: Okay. And you fans, I take it you want an explanation too?

    The crowd cheers.

    Jericho: Hmm. Well, it looks like I have some explaining to do. Well, Vince… you see. You put me in that match to make sure Edge didn’t lose the title. It didn’t work did it?

    Edge starts to throw another fit in the ring.

    Jericho: Calm down, killer. Vince. Edge. Jerichoholics, The reason I did what I did… is because…

    ”ONE OF A KIND!!!”

    Overall Rating: 92%

    The crowd pops as Rob Van Dam makes his way out to the stage. He points to the ring and says a few words and then makes his way down the ramp. Once in the ring, he is handed a microphone and his music fades out.

    RVD: Sorry to interrupt you guys, but I’ve got a few things to say. Vince, to put it simply, your plan may have worked… but it may have backfired too. Vince, you kept me from winning the WWE title, but now… Now Vince, your precious Corporation is falling apart!

    Edge: Why the hell are you even out here?!

    RVD: Bottom line is this: even though you’re guaranteed a rematch, Edge… I wasn’t pinned last night, so I’m still the number one contender for that WWE title! I want to know what you plan to do about that, Vince!

    Overall Rating: 87%

    Vince ponders scenarios in the ring for a few moments before speaking again.

    Vince: Well, to tell you the truth, I’m not quite sure what to do. But, something has to be done. So right here tonight. Rob Van Dam! Edge! You’re going to go one-on-one right here in this ring to declare the undisputed number one contender for the WWE Championship!

    Vince’s music hits the speakers and he heads out of the ring. Rob Van Dam and Edge look at each other, and then at Chris Jericho. They both begin to gesture that the WWE title is going to be theirs. The show fades to commercials.

    Overall Rating: 83%


    Six-Man Tag Team Match

    Charlie Haas, Chavo Guerrero, and Carlito vs. Rob Conway©, Shelton Benjamin, and Chris Masters

    As the show returns from the commercial break, Rob Conway’s music plays as he makes his way down to the ring, where his teammate and opponents already wait. Once he gets to the ring, Benjamin and Guerrero are the two selected to start the match and the bell rings.

    The match, for the most part, goes back and forth, but allows Conway to demonstrate why he won the Intercontinental Championship, putting a beating down on Chavo Guerrero during the course of the match. Late in the match, all six men end up in the ring at once. Carlito hits the Backcracker on Benjamin, leading to Shelton rolling to the outside, just as Conway hits the Ego Trip on Chavo Guerrero. At about the same time, Haas nails Masters with his Exploder Suplex. Carlito and Haas go after Conway, but Conway ends up tossing Carlito out of the ring. But, when Conway spins around, he walks right into an Exploder Suplex from Haas! Haas goes for the pin, but Masters begins to get back to his feet. 1... 2... Masters says screw it and rolls out of the ring. 3! Haas picks up the win over the Intercontinental Champion!

    Winners: Charlie Haas, Chavo Guerrero, and Carlito

    Overall Rating: 76%

    The cameras cut to the back with a shot of a sign reading “JOHN CENA”. The camera zooms out to reveal Shane McMahon standing outside of Cena’s locker room. As he enters, the camera follows him in. Cena hurries to his feet and looks Shane in the eye.

    Cena: What do you want, Shane?

    Shane: Well, John. It seems that uh, you losing last night to Triple H, kind of pissed my father off.

    Cena: No, you think?

    Shane: Don’t be a smartass, John.

    Cena: Look, Shane. Why are you here?

    Shane: Well, my dad is too busy to worry about your punishment tonight, John. So that’s on my hands. And, seeing as how you just got an attitude with me, I think a fitting punishment would be… John Cena… versus……… Kane!

    Cena stares blankly at Shane, not sure how to respond.

    Shane: Oh and by the way, John. That match is next.

    Shane grins before turning and leaving the room. Cena stares at the now closed door in disbelief. The show fades to commercials.

    Overall Rating: 88%


    Singles Match

    John Cena vs. Kane

    Kane’s pyro explodes from the stage just as the show returns from commercials. Kane makes his way to the ring with a maniacal look upon his face. Once he’s in the ring, Cena’s music hits. Cena emerges from the back, looking scared, and slowly makes his way to the ring. Cena hesitantly climbs into the ring and immediately charges at Kane, trying to get an early advantage. Kane quickly turns things around and sends Cena into the ropes. As Cena comes off the ropes, Kane catches him with a goozle. CHOKESLAM! 1... 2... 3! IT’S OVER ALREADY! Kane’s music hits the speakers and he climbs out of the ring.

    Wait a minute, what’s he doing? Kane pulls the top half of the ring steps up and tosses them into the ring. The music stops. What is he doing?! Kane climbs back into the ring and then adjusts the ring steps, placing them in the center of the ring. He pulls Cena back to his feet and then hoists him onto his shoulder. Oh, no. Kane steps up onto the ring steps and lowers Cena for… OH MY GOD! TOMBSTONE ON THE RING STEPS! Cena is OUT! Kane does his pyro from the ring posts as his music hits the speakers once again. Kane climbs out of the ring as Cena lies unconscious in the ring.

    Winner: Kane

    Overall Rating: 86%

    The cameras cut to the back to show Triple H and Shawn Michaels sitting on a big leather couch, eating pizza, and watching RAW on a television set. They are laughing as they heckle John Cena. Shawn Michaels says that he not only got beat last night, but now Kane just killed him. Triple H comes in with a sarcastic “that’s just tragic.” Michaels then asks if Cena is going to be okay in time for their tag team match next week. Triple h then asks who Cena’s partner is going to be. He’s pissed off The Corporation… and no one else likes him. So, who the hell would want to be his tag team partner?

    Overall Rating: 88%

    The camera then cuts to a corridor as Jonathan Coachman walks while talking on his cell phone. The he is talking to someone about a new tag team, saying they will be debuting soon, only referring to the team as “MVP”. Coachman hangs up the phone as he approaches an open door. We can see that the door has a sign that reads “JONATHAN COACHMAN”. As he steps into the doorway, the door slams shut, smacking him right in the face! With Coachman unconscious on the floor, the door opens and out walk… The Highlanders. They look at Coachman and laugh as they turn and head down the corridor.


    Singles Match

    Val Venis vs. Nigel McGuinness w/ Dean Ayass

    As the show returns from commercials, Val Venis, who is already in the ring, is announced, followed by Nigel McGuinness’ music hitting the speakers. McGuinness makes his way out onto the stage with Dean Ayass to a round of boos from the crowd. Once McGuinness climbs into the ring, the referee calls for the bell and the match begins.

    Val gets in a decent amount of offense at the beginning, but Nigel quickly turns things in his favor. McGuinness maintains control for a couple of minutes, but then misses a missile drop kick, allowing Venis to capitalize. Val gets in a handful of moves and ends up having Nigel down in the middle of the ring. Venis climbs to the top rope. Just as he does, Ayass slides a steel chair into the ring. The referee sees him and goes after the chair to toss it out. With the referee’s back turned, Dean pulls the cricket bat out from under the ring, hops up on the apron, and cracks Venis in the back with it! Venis falls to the mat and Nigel crawls over to make the cover. 1... 2... 3!

    Winner: Nigel McGuinness

    Overall Rating: 60%

    As Nigel and Dean celebrate, the cameras cut over to Lawler and Styles. Styles informs the viewing audience that they have an update on Mick Foley’s condition. Foley has suffered second degree burns on his back and on his arms, and is currently being held in a Burn Victims Unit in a hospital in his hometown of Long Island, New York. Styles goes on to say that once he is released from the hospital, he will be staying at his home, recuperating. Whether or not Foley will make a return to the ring is unknown at this time, but Foley has asked Styles to pass a message along. Styles says that Foley will, in due time, return to RAW to address the fans. Styles and Lawler wish Foley a get well soon as the cameras cut to the back.

    Jonathan Coachman is in Vince McMahon’s office, irate about what happened earlier tonight with The Highlanders. Vince McMahon is paying absolutely no attention to Coachman, however, as he is overwhelmed with issues concerning Edge and Chris Jericho, as well as D-Generation X. Coachman asks Vince if he can book The Highlanders to take on MVP next week in their debut match. Vince simply says “Yeah, sure whatever. Get out of my office.” Coachman smiles and heads out of the room.

    The camera then cuts again to show Rob Van Dam and Edge on a split screen. They are both walking down corridors, heading for the entrance area. Their match is next.


    WWE Championship Number One Contender Match

    Rob Van Dam vs. Edge w/ Lita

    The show returns from the break as Edge’s music hits the speakers. He emerges from the back with Lita to a loud round of boos. Once he is in the ring, his music fades out. After a few moments, RVD’s music hits and the crowd goes nuts. Van Dam steps out onto the stage and plays to the crowd before heading to the ring. Once in the ring, the referee calls for the bell and the match is underway.

    The two go back and forth for the opening minutes of the match, neither man able to gain a clear advantage. Edge sends Van Dam into the corner, but RVD leaps up, trying to catapult over Edge, but Edge doesn’t fall for it. As RVD drops back to the back, Edge catches him with a kick to the crotch, and then a reverse face buster. With RVD down in the corner, Edge backs into the opposite corner and measures him up for the Spear. RVD gets to his feet and Edge lunges at him. NO! RVD moves and Edge collides with the ring post! Edge stumbles back and RVD quickly hops to the top rope and leaps off with a diving kick to the face! RVD goes for the cover! 1... 2... NO! Edge kicks out!

    RVD runs to the ropes, but Lita trips him up. RVD turns and yells a few words at Lita. Due to the distraction, Edge manages to sneak up with a roll up! 1... 2... RVD KICKS OUT!


    As the show returns from the break, Edge gets in a few punches on RVD. Edge goes for a whip, but RVD reverses! Edge comes off the ropes. OH! Spinning Heel Kick from RVD! Edge is down! RVD comes off the ropes! Rolling Thunder! Van Dam pulls Edge to his feet and sends him into the corner. MONKEY FLIP FROM RVD! Van Dam gets to his feet and looks behind him, making sure Edge is still down. He is. RVD leaps to the top rope and SOARS off with the Five Star Frog Splash! NO!!! EDGE MOVES!!!

    While RVD flops around in pain, Lita slides a steel chair into the ring and then hops up onto the apron, distracting the referee! Both men get to their and Edge picks up the chair. He takes a few steps toward RVD and begins to raise the chair for the chair shot. OH! RVD CATCHES HIM WITH THE VAN DAMINATOR! Both men are down as Lita hops down off the apron, disappointed that the distraction backfired. The referee starts the ten count, and at the count of six, Van Dam is to his feet. A second later, Edge is back up, but both men are still woozy. Van Dam turns around and OH! JERICHO IS IN THE RING! He lunges at RVD to hit him with the WWE title, but NO! RVD ducks and Jericho levels Edge by mistake! Jericho spins around and RVD goes for the Van Daminator with the belt, but no, Jericho ducks! Van Dam spins around and gets slammed in the face with the belt! The referee calls for the bell!

    Lillian Garcia approaches the referee for the ruling.

    Lillian: Ladies and gentlemen, due to the interference of Chris Jericho, the referee has ruled this match a Double Disqualification!

    Jericho looks at his belt, and realizes that there is now NO number one contender to his championship. He smiles as his music hits the speakers. Jericho climbs out of the ring and begins to head up the ramp as Edge and RVD come to. They both look up the ramp angrily at Jericho as the show goes off the air.

    Winner: Double Disqualification

    Overall Rating: 91%

    Overall Show Rating: 84%

    Television Rating: 6.37

    Attendance: 10,014

    Quick Results:

    - Charlie Haas, Chavo Guerrero, Carlito def. Rob Conway, Shelton Benjamin, Chris Masters via Pinfall

    - Kane def. John Cena via Pinfall

    - Nigel McGuinness def. Val Venis via Pinfall

    - Rob Van Dam vs. Edge ended in a Double Disqualification

  3. Credit WWE.com

    Corporate Corruption

    September 25, 2006

    Coming off the heels of the shocking Unforgiven, one question is on everyone’s mind, has Chris Jericho turned his back on Vince McMahon and his Corporation? Surely, Edge will have a few choice words for his supposed comrade.

    Kane has finally snapped, setting Mick Foley ablaze in the Burned Alive match. Kane will be present this week, but in what capacity? Also, D-Generation X finally got one up on The Corporation at Unforgiven. How will Vince McMahon react this week on RAW, when he’s already got the issues with Chris Jericho and Edge to deal with?

    The new Intercontinental Champion, Rob Conway will be in action this week, as he teams with the man he took his title from, Chris Masters, as well as Shelton Benjamin to take on Carlito, Chavo Guerrero, and Charlie Haas.

    All this and much more on Monday Night RAW (9/8 CT; USA Network).

  4. AUGUST 2006


    • Rob Conway starts to pick up a few random wins, making his way to contention for the Intercontinental Championship

    • The Rock and John Cena sign a contract for a match at Summerslam

    • Rob Van Dam begins to make television time for himself, interrupting the Rock/Cena contract signing and swearing on live television, pushing the buttons of upper management

    • Whether or not Edge will join The Corporation continues to be teased

    • Summerslam for the RAW Superstars

    * Charlie Haas returned to RAW, costing Shelton Benjamin his match against Chavo Guerrero

    * The Corporation (Jericho/Masters) pick up a win over D-Generation X

    * Kane defeats Mick Foley by forfeit when the referee throws in the towel for Foley after Kane sets him on fire

    * John Cena picks up a big win over The Rock after putting ether on his wrist bands and locking on the STFU. The ether caused The Rock to quickly lose consciousness

    * Rob Van Dam defeated Edge to become the WWE Champion, only for Vince McMahon to come out and reverse the decision, due to RVD using a steel chair to get the win (hitting a Van Daminator using the chair that Edge brought into the ring to hit Van Dam)

    • Nigel McGuinness and his manager Dean Ayass debut on RAW with a win over Eugene

    • Mystery surrounds what kind of stipulation Foley/Kane II at Unforgiven will have, as both men threaten to burn one another

    • To bring a close to the month, Edge finally gave McMahon an answer and joined The Corporation by screwing Rob Van Dam in a match against Chris Jericho


    • Gunner Scott returns from injury to pick up a win over Hardcore Holly

    • The feud between Lashley and JBL rages on, leading to a match at Summerslam

    • Christopher Daniels proves to be a fighting champion, defending the Cruiserweight Championship on a weekly basis

    • The Second City Saints take part in a 4-way elimination WWE Tag Team Titles match, the last team to be eliminated will face the winning team at Summerslam - Second City Saints are the last team eliminated and will face MNM at the pay-per-view

    • Batista earns a title shot against Chris Benoit at Summerslam by winning a tag team match, pinning the champion

    • The team of Jamie Noble and Kid Kash officially get renamed to Southern Comfort

    • Summerslam for the Smackdown Superstars

    * MNM get a cheap win over the Second City Saints to retain the WWE Tag Team titles

    * Lashley defeated JBL in a Steel Cage Match to become the United States Champion

    * Chris Benoit retained the World Heavyweight Championship by using the belt as a weapon

    • Big Show debuts on Smackdown, destroying Mr. Kennedy

    SEPTEMBER 2006


    • September started off with Rob Van Dam already on the bad side of Vince McMahon as he continued on his mission to capture the WWE Championship

    • Promotion for Kane/Foley II advertise that someone will be “burned alive” but it has been confirmed that it will not be an Inferno Match

    • John Cena becomes an unofficial member of The Corporation, as Vince McMahon’s hired gun to take out D-Generation X

    • A savage tag team known as the Highlanders debuts on RAW, not caring whether they win or lose, only caring if they hurt their opponents

    • Rob Van Dam gets the pinfall in a tag team match that - due to the stipulations laid out by Vince McMahon - earns him a title shot at Unforgiven

    • Vince McMahon announces that the title match at Unforgiven will be a “Triple Threat” match with Rob Van Dam facing off against Corporation members, Chris Jericho and the WWE Champion Edge… why not just call it a Handicap Match?

    • RAW is Unforgiven

    * Rob Conway defeated Carlito and Chris Masters to become the Intercontinental Champion

    * Charlie Haas picked up a win over Shelton Benjamin

    * Triple H defeated John Cena after Shawn Michaels used Cena’s ether to neutralize Vince McMahon at ringside

    * Kane took out Mick Foley in a “Burned Alive” match which resulted in Kane Chokeslamming Foley off the stage through a burning platform, setting Foley on fire

    * Chris Jericho capitalized on a Five Star Frog Splash from RVD to Edge, tossing RVD out of the ring and pinning Edge to win the WWE Championship. Has Jericho turned on The Corporation?


    • Gunner Scott’s upward climb on Smackdown continues

    • Petey Williams makes an appearance on Smackdown, challenging Christopher Daniels for the Cruiserweight Championship. The match was merely a try-out for Petey, who had been released from TNA in the previous weeks

    • Samoa Joe vs. Finlay at No Mercy is made official

    • The Chris Benoit/Batista feud continues, with JBL enlisted to help Benoit

    • Brian Kendrick is put on the shelf for eight months to a year with a broken neck, sustained in a tag team match against the Mexicools

    • Test debuts on Smackdown with Stacy Keibler, decimating Matt Hardy in a match

    • Mexicools vs. Southern Comfort vs. Second City Saints vs. MNM for the WWE Tag Team titles was confirmed for No Mercy

    • William Regal earns a United States title shot against Lashley at No Mercy

    • Mr. Kennedy and Booker T team up to take out the Big Show, possibly breaking his legs with steel chairs

  5. Seeing as how I neglected to update this diary for six month, and am now planning to revive it, I feel the need to remind old readers, and fill in the new readers, as to what all has gone down between May 2006 and September 2006, which is where we are at now. I’m going to go month-by-month, and point out the highlights of each month for each brand. This means debuts, turns, title changes, etc.. Let’s get started shall we?

    MAY 2006


    • Edge became the two time WWE Champion as April drew to a close

    • Triple H turned baby face by way of delivering a Pedigree to Lita on an episode of RAW

    • Chris Jericho returned to RAW, aligning with Vince McMahon

    • John Cena turned heel by way of delivering an FU to Triple H after four weeks of hesitation to do so

    • Kane and Big Show also had a war throughout the month of May, busting one another open on several occasions


    • The King of the Ring tournament returned; The Undertaker and Mr. Kennedy had a hellacious feud

    • Chris Benoit turned heel by way of attacking Rey Mysterio; Rey was special referee in the King of the Ring finals, awarding the win to Lashley instead of Benoit

    • The Undertaker continued to get into the head of Mr. Kennedy throughout the month, building up to a match at Judgment Day

    • Judgment Day brought a close to the month of May for Smackdown

    * Chris Benoit defeated Rey Mysterio for the World Heavyweight Championship in a match made following his brutal attack on Mysterio only three days prior

    * The Undertaker defeated Mr. Kennedy by disqualification when Kennedy blasted him in the face with a shovel

    * Lashley defeated Kurt Angle in an amazing match to become the 2006 King of the Ring

    * London and Kendrick defeated MNM to become the WWE Tag Team Champions

    * Batista’s return is announced to happen at the Great American Bash against William Regal

    JUNE 2006


    • The blood-feud between Kane and the Big Show continued

    • The Intercontinental Championship became the main focus of Carlito, Shelton Benjamin, Chris Masters, and Chavo Guerrero

    • Vengeance opened the flood gates for RAW

    * Chris Masters won a four-way match to become the new Intercontinental Champion

    * Kane nearly killed Big Show in a First Blood Match

    * Rob Van Dam began his climb to the top by defeating John Cena

    * Chris Masters aided Chris Jericho in defeating Shawn Michaels

    * Vince McMahon announced the return of The Corporation - consisting of himself, Shane McMahon, Chris Jericho, and Chris Masters

    • The Spirit Squad were enlisted into The Corporation, becoming The Interns

    • Rob Van Dam cashed in his Money In The Bank, challenging Edge to a match at Summerslam

    • Mick Foley returned to RAW, challenging Kane to a match at Summerslam

    • As Shawn Michaels was set to take on The Interns in a Handicap Match, the crowd was surprised by the unannounced reunion of D-Generation X, as HBK and HHH took on The Interns instead

    • The Rock made a surprise return to RAW, getting into a verbal altercation with John Cena, which then led to a brawl

    • Vince McMahon begins to befriend WWE Champion Edge in an effort to recruit him into The Corporation

    • 3 Minute Warning make a return to RAW with Palmer Cannon as their manager


    • Gunner Scott began to make a name for himself on Smackdown

    • The tag team division started to heat up once London and Kendrick won the titles

    • The New Blood debuted in WWE - consisting of Christopher Daniels, Samoa Joe, CM Punk, and Colt Cabana - claiming to be on a mission to bring professional wrestling back to WWE

    • Mike Mizanin had his first match on Smackdown, defeating Cruiserweight Champion Gregory Helms in a non-title match

    • Christopher Daniels defeated Randy Orton in under ten seconds in Orton’s last match in WWE

    • The Second City Saints adopt a 3D as their finisher, which they debuted on Orton, calling it the RKO

    • Gunner Scott received a broken arm at the hands of Hardcore Holly and Booker T, putting him out of action for two months

    • Mr. Kennedy challenged The Undertaker to a Buried Alive match at the Great American Bash

  6. Credit WWE.com

    RAW Superstar Released

    September 25, 2006

    World Wrestling Entertainment has come to terms on the release of RAW Superstar and former Tough Enough contestant Ryan Reeves. WWE wishes him all the best in his future endeavors.

  7. unforgivenbanner.png

    Sunday September 24, 2006

    Live! From Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    World Wrestling Entertainment Presents: RAW’s Unforgiven on PPV

    NOTE: I apologize for the immense wait in between posts. I recently started work again, working four to five days a week, as well as running an actual wrestling show every Tuesday night in Barberton, Ohio - which takes up Monday night as well to set everything up. So, I have very little time for things like that now. Therefore, to make things a little easier on myself, but still allow all of you to read this, I will attempt a less detailed writing style, focusing only on important highlights. I hope you are all still able to enjoy this.

  8. I probably shouldn't do this, because I'll probably get in trouble... but, I want to thank all of you for your predictions... keep them coming...

    but what this post is really for, is to apologize for the length of time since I've updated this. Between starting a new job, and getting involved a real promotion that is going to start running weekly shows here soon, I've been swamped. This diary is far from dead, however. I will get Unforgiven up sometime hopefully this week.

    But, like I said... please... PLEASE keep the predictions coming, they are NEEDED for this show...

  9. Credit WWE.com

    And Their Sins Shall Be Unforgiven

    September 24, 2006

    WWE Championship

    What was originally scheduled to be a one-on-one rematch between Rob Van Dam and Edge, Vince McMahon pulled the carpet from under RVD by announcing that he would be taking on both Chris Jericho AND Edge, in what he called a “triple threat” match. With the odds obviously stacked against Rob Van Dam, will be finally be able to pull off the big win?

    Stepping Into The Unknown

    When these two met at SummerSlam, the referee felt that it was in the best interest of Mick Foley to make him forfeit due to being set on fire. In the weeks that followed, Foley would go on to say that he did not forfeit, and that Kane was going to burn in hell. The stipulations of this match have remained a mystery. However, one thing is known, someone will be burned. The question is… who?

    The Corporation‘s Hired Gun

    In the on-going feud between the Corporation and D-Generation X, Vince McMahon has hired himself a hit man to official put an end to DX. Following a Pedigree on Vince in a match between DX and the McMahons weeks ago on RAW, John Cena would deliver the FU to Triple H. After a brutal beat down by Cena, Vince would proceed to announce that Triple H and John Cena would face off this Sunday at Unforgiven! With Shawn Michaels in Triple H’s corner, and Vince McMahon in Cena’s corner, who will come out on top in this war?

    The Best of Friends, The Worst of Enemies

    Charlie Haas made his return to the WWE at SummerSlam, costing Shelton Benjamin his match against Chavo Guerrero. Now, at Unforgiven, these two former multi-time tag team champions will finally square off against one another. Who will prove to be the better man?

    Intercontinental Championship

    Carlito and Rob Conway have been feuding for some time now, both with the ultimate goal of earning a shot at Chris Master’s Intercontinental Championship. A number one contender match would take place on RAW the night after SummerSlam, with Carlito pulling off the win. However, it would be Conway costing Carlito the title match the next week. Not only did Conway take Carlito out with a steel chair, but he also nailed the Intercontinental Champion, Chris Masters with it as well. Carlito has the momentum heading into Unforgiven, having pinned the champion six days ago on RAW as well as taking Conway down with the Backcracker. But, can Carlito pull off the win again this Sunday?

    The Welcoming Committee

    The young Nigel McGuinness has made quite the impact on RAW since debuting five weeks ago. He has picked up wins over Eugene in singles action, as well as Charlie Haas in tag team action. However, can the new-comer pull off the win on the much bigger scale, on pay-per-view? We’ll find out.

    Don’t miss all of this on Sunday night, September 24, LIVE on Pay-Per-View as WWE’s RAW Presents Unforgiven at 8/7 CT.

  10. IPB Image

    Friday September 22, 2006

    Live! From Montreal, Quebec, Canada

    World Wrestling Entertainment Presents: Smackdown on UPN

    The show opens with the usual Smackdown video package. Following the video package is the opening pyro. Seconds after the pyro, the music of the Second City Saints hits the speakers. They make their way to the ring to a nice pop, and are then followed by Southern Comfort, who are now accompanied by Nidia.

    Tag Team Match

    Second City Saints vs. Southern Comfort w/ Nidia

    The match begins and for the first minute or so, the Second City Saints control the match, keeping Southern Comfort at bay. However, a reversed Powerbomb enables Kid Kash to start putting a beating on Cabana. Southern Comfort proceed to dominate the match for a few minutes, with Punk getting in a few hope spots, but never getting any further. About five minutes into the match, Punk and Cabana start to make a come back. The crowd gets behind them as they take it to Kash and Noble. Eventually, with Kash and Cabana as the legal men, a four-way brawl breaks out. Cabana ends up hitting the Colt 45 on Noble, but before he can capitalize, Kash tosses him out of the ring! Punk goes after Kash, OH! Welcome to Chicago! Punk spins around… OH!!! A groggy Noble hits him with a Tiger Bomb! Cabana slides back into the ring. Noble spins around! CABANA TAKES HIS HEAD OFF WITH A LARIAT!

    Cabana plays to the crowd a little bit and then turns around… to see Nidia on the apron, yelling at him. Cabana approaches Nidia, saying a few words in return to her. WHAO! Kash comes back out of nowhere with a roll-up! 1... 2... 3! Kash quickly rolls out of the ring, and then proceeds to drag Noble out as well. Nidia and Kash hold Noble to his feet as they make their way up the ramp. Cabana can’t believe what just happened.

    Winners: Southern Comfort

    Overall Rating: 90%

    The cameras cut to the back to show Batista arriving at the building earlier today.

    Overall Rating: 81%


    Singles Match

    Finlay vs. Gunner Scott

    The show returns from the break as Finlay’s music hits the speakers. Once he is in the ring, Gunner Scott makes his entrance. Things start off right from the beginning with Finlay beating down on the rookie. Finlay continues to dominate for another two minute or so. Finlay takes Scott down with a backbreaker. As Finlay goes to pull Scott to his feet, Gunner gets him with a roll up! 1... 2... NO! Finlay kicks out! But, Gunner stays on him, hitting a scoop slam! Finlay hurries to his feet, but walks right into an arm drag! Finlay gets back up… hip toss! Gunner is building up some momentum! Finlay is back up! Gunner swings! NO! Finlay ducks the clothesline! Gunner spins around! OH! Finlay takes him down with a stiff lariat! All of that momentum just got squashed!

    Finlay stays on Gunner for a few moments until… uh oh. Samoa Joe emerges from the back and walks out onto the stage. Finlay notices him, and takes a few steps toward the ropes facing the stage, yelling at Joe. While Finlay yells at Joe, Gunner is able to regain some composure. He soon sneaks up behind Finlay… SCHOOL BOY! 1... 2... 3! GUNNER GETS THE WIN! Gunner quickly climbs out of the ring while Finlay remains in the ring fuming. Joe, on the stage still, laughs.

    Winner: Gunner Scott

    Overall Rating: 63%

    The cameras cut to the back on a close up of a door, baring a sign that says “CHRIS BENOIT”. The camera zooms out to show JBL standing outside the room. He opens the door and walks in before the cameras cut away.

    Overall Rating: 79%

    The cameras cut away to show MNM in front of the Smackdown interview set. Melina goes on a rant about how they are going to retain their championships by defeating all of the other teams at No Mercy. Soon after, The Mexicools walk into view. The Mexicools begin yelling at them in Spanish, as MNM stands by looking confused. A few moments pass before The Mexicools walk off screen. Mercury and Nitro look at one another, perplexed.

    Mercury: Uh… What in the hell did they just say?

    Nitro shrugs. The show fades to commercials.

    Overall Rating: 68%


    Non-Title Match

    William Regal vs. Christopher Daniels©

    As the show returns from the break, William Regal’s music hits the speakers. Regal makes his way to the ring to a round of boos. The boos quickly turn to cheers as the Cruiserweight Champion, Christopher Daniels makes his entrance. Once both men are in the ring, the referee calls for the bell. For the first couple of minutes, Christopher Daniels and Regal go back and forth, with neither man being able to get a clear cut advantage. Throughout the back and forth contest, Daniels and Regal both demonstrate some fantastic mat skills. Regal sends Daniels into the ropes. As Daniels comes off, he tries to counter into an STO, but Regal has him well scouted, and turns the STO into a scrap buster! Regal goes for the cover! 1... 2... NO! Daniels kicks out!

    Regal takes advantage of the shift in momentum, and continues to beat down on Daniels. After a few moments, Regal goes for the Regal Cutter! No! Daniels spins out and steps toward Regal! STO! HE NAILED IT THIS TIME! Daniels goes for the cover! 1... 2... REGAL KICKS OUT! No way! What the hell?! The lights just went out! What the hell is this? A power outage? Suddenly, the familiar heart beat from the video two weeks ago begins to play. On the big screen, a black and white image of the warrior’s eyes flash on the screen four times, going along with the heart beat. After the four times, the image of the warrior’s eyes, turns into an image of the word “soon”, which also flashes four times. Suddenly, the beat stops, and the arena returns to darkness. The lights slowly fade on, with the referee and Christopher Daniels staring toward the entrance way.

    Daniels turns around and WHAM! LEFT HAND COVERED IN BRASS KNUCKLES! THE REFEREE DIDN’T SEE IT! Regal returns the knuckles to his tights just as the referee turns around. Regal goes for the cover! 1... 2... 3! Boo! That’s bullshit! Regal quickly heads out of the ring and makes his way up the ramp. The cameras show Regal in a shot from directly in front of him. Uh OH! Someone is behind him! Regal continues to back up, pointing and laughing at Daniels when… Uh, oh… Regal’s eyes widen and his mouth hangs open as he slowly turns around. WHAM! Regal hits the floor! IT’S LASHLEY! LASHLEY JUST LEVELED HIM WITH A RIGHT HAND! Regal hurries to his feet and they brawl down the ramp. They get to the floor at ringside and Lashley takes control! OH! MY! GOD! RUNNING POWERSLAM ON THE FLOOR! REGAL IS MOTIONLESS! Lashley’s music hits the speakers as he towers over the number one contender to the United States Championship! The show fades to commercials.

    Winner: William Regal

    Overall Rating: 82%


    The show returns from the break just as Matt Hardy’s music hits the speakers. Hardy emerges from the back to a rather large pop. He makes his way to the ring, where he is handed a microphone. His music fades out.

    Hardy: Test! Get your ass out here, right now! I want one more match with you’re sorry ass! Two weeks ago, you knew I was gonna beat you! So you used Stacy to distract me! Last week! You knew I was gonna beat you! So you used a damn chair to get yourself disqualified! Come on, Test! You and me, right now, NO DQ!

    Test’s music hits the speakers and he walks out onto the stage, alone. The crowd boos him rather loudly before he heads down to the ring. He climbs into the ring and gets in Hardy’s face. Test is handed a microphone, and then begins to speak.

    Test: Matt, I could take you out… any time… any place… in any type of match.


    Test: As much as I would love to kick your ass again, right here tonight… I’ve got plans with Stacy, so I’m gonna have to pass. Maybe you should’ve just taken the offer to main event Velocity again, because that's where you belong.

    Test smirks and drops his microphone. He turns to walk away. OH! CHEAP SHOT! TEST WHIPS AROUND AND LEVELS HARDY WITH A STIFF CLOTHESLINE! Hardy slowly staggers to his feet… TEST hoists him up! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER ON HARDY! What a despicable human being, is Test! Test smiles as his music hits the speakers. He leaves the ring and heads to the back, leaving Hardy motionless in the ring.

    Overall Rating: 70%

    The cameras cut to Teddy Long’s office. A few seconds after, JBL barges into the room, demanding to talk to Long. Teddy tells him to calm down, and that they will talk. They begin to discuss something as the cameras fade out. What the hell were they talking about?

    Overall Rating: 86%

    Singles Match

    Mr. Kennedy vs. Burchill

    The cameras return to the ring as Burchill’s music hits the speakers. He makes his way to the ring and is then followed by Mr. Kennedy. Once they are both in the ring, the referee calls for the match to begin. They lock up, and from there, Burchill takes control! Burchill nails a handful of moves on Kennedy before the show fades to its final commercial break.


    When the show returns from the break, Burchill is still in control. However, that quickly turns around and Kennedy takes control after reversing a side walk slam into a Russian leg sweep. A few moments after Kennedy takes control, Booker T emerges from the back and proceeds to make his way to ringside, where he walks around for a couple of minutes. Kennedy continues to beat down on Burchill inside the ring. On the outside, Booker, being cocky, turns his back to the ring as Kennedy prepares to send Burchill into the ropes! Oh! Burchill reverses, sending Kennedy into the ropes! Booker, not looking, trips Kennedy! He thinks he tripped Burchill, but once he turns around and see Kennedy lying there, he realizes what he did! Kennedy slowly gets to his feet and begins to yell at Booker T! Booker T throws a fit and yells back, saying he thought it was Burchill.

    As they argue, Burchill comes up behind Kennedy with a roll up! 1... 2... Booker quickly slides into the ring and dives at them to break up the count - 3! - but he’s too late! So, instead, Booker quickly jumps on Burchill, beating him down. Kennedy soon joins in and a double team ensues.


    Show hurries to the ring! Booker gets to his feet and goes after him, only to get leveled by a huge clothesline! Kennedy gets to his feet and goes after him, but gets goozled! Kennedy is in trouble! OH! BOOKER NAILS SHOW IN THE BACK WITH A STEEL CHAIR! Kennedy quickly rolls out of the ring! Show turns his attention to Booker, who blasts him in the head with the chair! Show stumbles back into the ropes, but doesn’t fall. Instead, he bounces off the ropes, and walks right into another chair shot! Show falls to one knee as Kennedy slides back into the ring, now with a steel chair of his own! Booker remains on one side of Show while Kennedy stands on the other side. They both pull back their chairs… OH! CON-CHAIR-TO ON THE BIG SHOW! SHOW IS DOWN!

    Winner: Burchill

    Overall Rating: 76%

    They both get in a few more shots on Show with the chairs, just for good measure, before Booker places the chair around Show’s leg! Are you kidding me?! Kennedy places his chair around his OTHER leg! Booker and Kennedy both climb to the second rope in separate corners, and dive off! STOMPING down on the chairs! SHOW’S LEGS MAY BE BROKEN! Big Show rolls around, grasping each leg, riving in pain! Booker T’s music hits the speakers as the two celebrate in the ring as if they’ve won a championship.

    Overall Rating: 82%

    The cameras cut backstage to show a close up shot inside Chris Benoit’s locker room. It is obvious from the positioning of the camera, that the cameraman is peeking inside his room via the door being slightly open. Inside, Chris Benoit and Ric Flair are arguing with JBL.

    Flair: Dammit, John! We had an agreement! I trusted you! You were supposed to beat Batista! You were supposed to lay down for Benoit when you got your title shot! You screwed us, John!

    JBL: It’s not my fault that Chris here is a frickin’ moron, and clobbered ME in the face with the title belt instead of Dave!

    Benoit: It’s not MY fault you couldn’t hold Batista back! It’s your own damn fault that he moved and YOU got hit!

    JBL: Well you know what, Chris?! Whether it was my fault… or YOUR fault… we BOTH have to deal with Teddy Long’s decision!

    Flair: And what decision is that?!

    JBL: Benoit, you’re stuck! You’re stuck defending that World Heavyweight title next week… on Smackdown!

    Benoit and Flair: WHAT?!

    Flair: There’s no way in Hell Chris is defending this title next week!

    JBL: Well that’s too bad… because Teddy Long already signed it. A Triple Threat ma…

    Benoit: TRIPLE THREAT?!

    They continue to argue, JBL reveals that it will be Benoit defending the title against JBL and Batista. As they argue, the camera zooms out, revealing that Batista is standing outside the door, listening in on the argument. Batista wears an ear to ear smile, hearing that he gets to kick both of their asses next week for the title. Batista continues to smile and nod his head in agreement as the show fades out.

    Overall Rating: 87%

    Overall Show Rating: 77%

    Television Rating: 5.73

    Attendance: 10,028

    Quick Results:

    - Southern Comfort def. Second City Saints via Pinfall

    - Gunner Scott def. Finlay via Pinfall

    - William Regal def. Christopher Daniels via Pinfall

    - Burchill def. Mr. Kennedy via Pinfall

  11. Credit WWE.com

    Who Is The Number One Contender?

    September 22, 2006

    Things have been hectic in the Smackdown offices since last week’s controversial end to the number one contender match. Who is the number one contender to Chris Benoit’s World Heavyweight Championship? No one knows. One thing is known, though. Smackdown General Manager Teddy Long will be making an announcement this week regarding that title situation!

    Two weeks ago, Test made his return to WWE by defeating Matt Hardy. Last week, he decimated Hardy again, but was disqualified when he used a steel chair. Matt Hardy is expected to be in the building this week, but will he have something to say to Test? Also, Burchill is scheduled to take on Mr. Kennedy in one-on-one action in Smackdown’s main event this week.

    William Regal earned himself a United States Title shot at No Mercy by defeating Gunner Scott last week. This week, however, he is set to take on the Cruiserweight Champion in a non title match. Can Regal keep up with the Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels?

    Don’t miss all of this and much more this week on Friday Night Smackdown at 8/7 CT on UPN.

  12. IPB Image

    Monday September 18, 2006

    Live! From Montreal, Quebec, Canada

    World Wrestling Entertainment Presents: RAW on USA

    The show comes onto the air with a shot of the parking lot as a long, black stretch limo pulls up. The driver gets out and opens the back door, and out steps Vince McMahon. As soon as the driver closes the door, Todd Grisham is right there next to Vince with a microphone.

    Grisham: Mr. McMahon! Mr. McMahon! I understand that you have a huge announcement tonight? Everyone wants to know, what is it?

    Vince pauses and looks at Todd, as if he’s about to fire him. But, he then smiles.

    Vince: Todd, I do indeed have… a very, very special announcement to make, right here, tonight on RAW. But… I’m not going to make it right now.

    Vince smiles again and walks off screen as Todd watches on.

    Overall Rating: 83%

    The usual RAW opening video package plays through, followed by the opening pyro. A few moments after the pyro, the music of the Highlanders comes over the speakers. They emerge from the back to nearly no reaction, but a few cheers here and there. As they make their way to the ring, the cameras show that Johnny Swinger and another new-comer by the name of Ryan Reeves are already in the ring. Reeves is probably just an OVW worker brought up to job. Perhaps not though. Who knows? Anyway, the Highlanders climb into the ring and the match begins.

    Tag Team Match

    Ryan Reeves and Johnny Swinger vs. The Highlanders

    The match lasts probably less than two minutes. Rory and Robbie team up on Reeves and deliver the Scot Drop from the pinfall. Following the decision, they toss Reeves to the outside. Robbie goes to the outside, where he gets a table, and slides it into the ring. Swinger quickly tries to run away, but they catch him. Rory holds him down while Robbie sets up the table. Soon enough, they deliver the Scot Drop to Swinger through the table! These Highlanders are nothing more than violent savages!

    Winners: The Highlanders

    Overall Rating: 62%


    As the show returns from the break, a video is shown, recapping the recent feud between Carlito, Rob Conway, and Chris Masters. The video highlights Chris Masters’ strength, the fact that Carlito is a former Intercontinental Champion, and Rob Conway emphasizing that he’s never held the title, and it is his turn.

    Overall Rating: 72%

    Non-Title Match

    Carlito vs. Chris Masters©

    When the video comes to an end, Carlito’s music hits and he emerges from the back. Once he is in the ring, the Intercontinental Champion makes his entrance to a round of boos. The referee calls for the bell. The match starts out going back and forth a bit. However, Masters quickly turns things around with his strength advantage. Masters continues to dominate for a couple of minutes. Eventually, Masters makes a rookie mistake, and Carlito takes advantage of it, being the more experienced of the two. Carlito keeps control for a few moments, but then Masters’ strength comes back into play. Masters heads to the corner, where he proceeds to begin untying the turnbuckle pad. The referee sees him, and heads over to stop him. With the referee distracted, retying the pad, Conway slides into the ring. He lunges at Carlito with the Intercontinental title belt! Carlito ducks, and Conway nails Masters just as he turns around to go after Carlito! OH! BACKCRACKER ON CONWAY! Conway rolls out of the ring in pain as Carlito goes for the pin on Masters! The referee hurries over for the count! 1... 2... 3!

    Winner: Carlito

    Overall Rating: 76%

    The cameras are directed to Joey Styles and Jerry Lawler at ringside. They discuss the match coming up on Sunday between Mick Foley and Kane, and how everyone is still clueless as to what kind of match they will be having. All anyone knows is that it will somehow involve fire, and that it will not be an Inferno match. As they talk, Lance Cade’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring. Styles informs us that Kane will be in action next as the show fades to commercials.


    Singles Match

    Lance Cade vs. Kane

    The show returns from the break just as Kane’s pyro explodes from the stage. The Big Red Machine makes his way to the ring, still with the towel on his head, thinking his “scars” are still there, as they have been for the past month or so. Kane enters the ring and Cade tries to get in a few shots. Kane doesn’t fight back. Instead, Cade’s shots do not even phase the monster as he stands back and takes it. After a few moments, however, he violently goozles Cade! OH! Chokeslam! Kane goes for the cover! 1... 2... 3! It’s over folks. OH! WHAT THE HELL?! FOLEY JUST BLASTED KANE IN THE BACK WITH A STEEL CHAIR! Kane stumbles forward, but then turns around. OH! Foley blasts him in the face with the chair! Kane falls to one knee. ANOTHER SHOT TO THE HEAD! Kane is down! Foley quickly rolls out of the ring and reaches under it. Oh, no. Foley pulls out a… BARBED WIRE WRAPPED 2x4?! What the hell is he doing now? Foley pulls out a… A LIGHTER! NO! HE LIGHTS THE 2x4 ON FIRE! OH, MY GOD! Foley rolls into the ring with the 2x4 as Kane slowly gets to his feet! NO! NO! NO! FOLEY NAILS KANE IN THE FACE WITH IT! KANE FALLS TO THE MAT! The cameras cut in closer to Kane to show that he is busted open! Foley stands in the center of the ring and raises the 2x4 into the air as the crowd cheers.

    Winner: Kane

    Overall Rating: 70%

    The cameras cut to the back as Triple H makes his way down a hallway with a bottle of water. He takes a drink. And, just as he does so, he is attacked from behind by John Cena! Cena delivers a few hard right hands, and then slams Triple H’s head down on a catering table! Triple H stumbles and then falls to the floor, where Cena proceeds to stomp on him a few times while he’s down. With Triple H down and out on the floor, Cena hunches down and looks at him. Being ever the cliché using jackass that Cena is, he moves his hand back and forth in front of his face.

    Cena: You didn’t see me! Haha. Bitch.

    Cena smirks and walks off screen as the camera show Triple H doubling over on the floor.

    Overall Rating: 100%

    The cameras fade and transition into a video package, highlighting the feud between Triple H and John Cena. The clips go all the way back to before WrestleMania, showing the changes in the feud and the turns of both Triple H and John Cena. The video comes to a close after showing Triple H Pedigree Cena, as well as Cena delivering the FU to Triple H. The video ends with a sort of split screen video of the two. One side with Triple H doing the DX crotch chop in slow motion, and the other side with Cena doing his salute in slow motion. This match on Sunday should be brutal!

    Overall Rating: 100%


    Tag Team Match

    Shelton Benjamin and Nigel McGuinness w/ Dean Ayass vs. Charlie Haas and Eugene

    The show returns from the break as Shelton Benjamin’s music hits the speakers. He makes his way out from the back, alongside Nigel McGuinness and Dean Ayass. Once they are in the ring, Charlie Haas’ music hits, and out come Haas and Eugene. The referee starts the match, with Charlie Haas and Nigel leading things off. Haas eventually gets the tag to Eugene, who then goes on to play the baby face in peril for the remainder of the match. With Dean on the outside providing distractions, Eugene never manages to make another tag to Charlie. Instead, Nigel and Shelton beat the ever-loving shit out of him for a good five minutes or so. Throughout the whole thing, though, Eugene tries to fight back, but with no luck. Eventually, Eugene starts to “‘Tard Up” as Jerry Lawler calls it now, in the corner as the illegal man, Nigel, beats his head on the top turnbuckle, looking as though he’s about to get some momentum, but Shelton comes up from behind, drop kicking him back into the corner. Shelton quickly rolls Eugene up, while Nigel knocks Haas off the apron. The referee drops down for the count, not seeing that Shelton has his feet on the second rope! 1... 2... 3! Shelton and Nigel quickly flee the ring with Dean and make their way up the ramp, leaving Haas and Eugene looking on from the ring in shock.

    Winner: Shelton Benjamin and Nigel McGuinness

    Overall Rating: 77%

    The cameras cut to the back to show Vince McMahon making his way down a hallway in the back. Joey Styles chimes in to let everyone know that his big announcement… is next!

    Overall Rating: 95%


    The show returns from the break just as Vince’s music echoes through the arena. The Chairman of World Wrestling Entertainment emerges from the back to thunderous boos and makes his way to the ring. Once in the ring, he is handed a microphone as his music fades out.

    Vince: Five months ago… at WrestleMania, we had this little thing I like to call the Money In The Bank Ladder match. Last year, my good friend, Edge won that match, earning him a title shot. A title shot, that he cashed in at New Year’s Revolution! Granted, he lost the belt back to John Cena a few weeks later, but, by Backlash, the title was back around Edge’s waist. Now, five months later, John Cena and Edge are on the same page… and we have a new Money In The Bank winner. Rob Van Dam. RVD, or, as he likes to call himself, Mister Monday Night, cashed in his title shot at SummerSlam last month. Everyone thought that Rob would win. Hell, even he thought he would win. Van Dam went as far as to actually think that he HAD won last month, after illegally using a steel chair to obtain his victory!

    But you see, I had it in mind all along to give Rob Van Dam one more shot at that title… because of the way that match had to end. However, the next night on RAW, Van Dam took it upon himself… to attack ME! He attacked the CHAIRMAN OF THE WWE! That’s not the smartest… professional… decision to make, RVD. But for some reason, these people still wanted to see Rob Van Dam in the main events. So, I decided… let’s give Mister Monday Night one more chance to earn a title shot. So last week, I placed him in a tag team match, with the stipulation, that if he, Rob Van Dam, got the pinfall or the submission, he would get a rematch this Sunday at Unforgiven. Low and behold, Van Dam gets the pinfall, and is granted a rematch.

    Rob Van Dam, what you failed to realize is this: I never said what the stipulations of that rematch would be. In fact, I…

    ”ONE OF A KIND!”

    Rob Van Dam’s music echoes throughout the arena as the crowd rises to their feet and explodes into cheers. RVD emerges from the back with a microphone and makes his way to the ring, looking as if he’s on a mission to kill Vince McMahon. Van Dam climbs into the ring and his music fades out.

    Vince: How DARE you interrupt m…

    RVD: So what is it, Vince? Huh? How exactly, do you plan on stacking the odds against me? You seem to do it to everyone else you have a problem with, Vince. Just look at Shawn Michaels and Triple H. So how are you going to do it Vince? Are you going to institute some old school WCW rules, where if I use the top rope, I get disqualified? Oh, how about this, Vince. This one is right up your alley. If you’re name isn’t Edge, you’re disqualified! How about that one, Vince? Is that what you’ve got in mind? How are you gonna screw me this time?!

    Vince: Well, Rob… Actually… what I was going to say, before you so rudely interrupted me, was that I… You know what, Rob? Instead of telling you, how about I just show you?

    Suddenly, Edge and Chris Jericho slide into the ring behind RVD, and attack him! They put a beating on RVD as Vince stands by and watches, laughing his ass off.

    Overall Rating: 86%

    Edge and Jericho continue to beat down on RVD. When they are finally done, they lift RVD up so that he can look Vince in the eye. By now, RVD has a bloody nose and a busted lip. I guess someone kicked a little too hard… or perhaps they just forgot that it’s fake. Who knows. Anyway, with RVD being held up by Edge and Jericho, Vince gets in his face.

    Vince: Rob Van Dam… you earned yourself a title shot at Unforgiven, and you will get that title shot. But see, the match isn’t going to be Rob Van Dam versus Edge. Oh, no! No, no, no, Rob. It’s going to be Rob Van Dam versus Edge… versus CHRIS JERICHO! IN A TRIPLE THREAT MATCH! HAHAHA!

    Why not just call it a damn Handicap Match?! This is bullshit! Edge and Chris Jericho laugh as they throw Rob Van Dam back to the floor, where they continue to beat down on him. After a few moments, with RVD lying motionless in the middle of the ring, Vince, Edge, and Jericho stand in the center of the ring, all raising each others’ arms in victory. The camera shows the three Corporation members standing tall in the ring together as the show goes off the air.

    Overall Rating: 95%

    Overall Show Rating: 84%

    Television Rating: 6.51

    Attendance: 10,041

    Quick Results:

    - The Highlanders def. Ryan Reeves and Johnny Swinger via Pinfall

    - Carlito def. Chris Masters via Pinfall

    - Kane def. Lance Cade via Pinfall

    - Shelton Benjamin and Nigel McGuinness def. Charlie Haas and Eugene via Pinfall

    NOTE: Please hold off on your predictions until after Smackdown and the Unforgiven Preview are posted. It will make it much easier for me, as there will not be any posts in between the predictions, and Unforgiven itself. Thanks.

  13. Credit WWE.com

    A Huge Announcement

    September 18, 2006

    As we head into the final RAW before Unforgiven, Vince McMahon has promised a huge announcement regarding this Sunday’s WWE Championship match! What could Vince have up his sleeve?

    As announced last week, Shelton Benjamin and new-comer Nigel McGuinness will once again be teaming up this week to take on the team of Charlie Haas and Eugene. Who will pick up momentum heading into their matches at Unforgiven? Also, Kane will be in action this week again Lance Cade. Will Mick Foley be in the building this Monday?

    Two of the three men in this Sunday’s Intercontinental Championship match will step into the ring this week. Carlito will be taking on Chris Masters in a non-title contest. Can Carlito pick up a big win heading into Unforgiven?

    All this and much more on Monday Night RAW (9/8 CT; USA Network).

  14. IPB Image

    Friday September 15, 2006

    Live! From Cameron, North Carolina

    World Wrestling Entertainment Presents: Smackdown on UPN

    The show comes onto the air with a video package highlighting the recent events between Batista, JBL, and Chris Benoit. The video does a good job of hyping the number one contender match later tonight. The video fades out with the traditional shot of the two opponents standing face to face. Once the video fades out, the usual Smackdown opening video plays, followed by the opening pyro. A few moments after the pyro, General Manager Teddy Long’s music hits the speakers. He emerges from the back to a decent little pop. He has a microphone in hand.

    Long: Holla, holla, holla, holla! What’s up playas? I’ve got something important to announce tonight, so I am gonna do it right now. See, last week, New Blood’s Second City Saints were declared the number one contenders for MNM’s WWE Tag Team Championships! However, Super Crazy’s win last week, has also earned the Mexicools a shot at the titles. So, I’ve decided that at No Mercy, we’re going have a three team elimination match. But then I had another idea. Why not open up the opportunity for one more team? That’s right playas! Tonight, I’m giving Southern Comfort the chance to step up and challenge for the titles! But… in order to get their shot, they have to defeat MNM right here tonight… in a non-title match! And playas… that match… is next!

    Teddy Long’s music hits again as he heads backstage. The on-screen graphic hyping Southern Comfort versus MNM shows on the screen. Tazz and Michael Cole put over the fact that if Southern Comfort win, they will be added to the mix at No Mercy. The show then fades to commercials.

    Overall Rating: 73%


    Non-Title Tag Team Match

    Southern Comfort vs. MNM© w/ Melina

    The show returns from the break as Southern Comfort’s music hits the speakers. They make their way to the ring and are then proceeded by MNM. Once both teams are in the ring, the match begins. Southern Comfort, while still playing heels, get the baby face reactions in this match, as well as Kid Kash playing the face in peril. As the match progresses, Kash gets the tag to Noble and Southern Comfort begin to gain momentum. Kash, the illegal man, nails the Dead Level on Johnny Nitro while at the same time, Noble sets Mercury up for the Tiger Bomb. Mercury counters out, back dropping Noble, who in the process connects with the referee. With the referee down, Kash and Noble begin to double team Mercury. However, Melina soon comes into the ring, attacking Noble. This enables Mercury to get to his feet, tossing Kash to the outside. Wait… who’s that? OH! Low blow to Mercury! Some girl is in the ring and just gave a low blow to Mercury! The girl then pulls Melina off of Noble! OH! DDT! The cameras zoom in on the girl! IT’S NIDIA! JAMIE NOBLE’S OLD MANAGER, NIDIA IS BACK! Noble gets to his feet, pulling up the weakened Joey Mercury! Tiger Bomb! Nidia slides out of the ring, after nudging the referee. Noble goes for the cover! 1... 2... 3! Following the match, Nidia celebrates in the ring with Jamie Noble and Kid Kash!

    Winners: Southern Comfort

    Overall Rating: 90%

    The cameras quickly cut to the back as CM Punk and Colt Cabana stand in a hallway.

    Punk: Southern Comfort… Mexijokes… The Second City Saints don’t give a damn how many teams get thrown into the mix! Plain and simple, MNM… the Second City Saints are bringing the titles to the New Blood at No Mercy! End of story!

    CM Punk walks away, while Cabana stays behind, in front of the camera. Cabana poses in front of the camera and makes some funny faces.

    Cabana: Look mom, I’m on TV!

    Punk: (Off-screen, from down the hall) COLT! COME ON!

    Cabana smiles and then hurries off screen.

    Overall Rating: 71%


    Non-Title Match

    Finlay vs. Christopher Daniels© w/ Samoa Joe

    The show returns from the break as Finlay’s music begins to play. Finlay makes his way to the ring, followed by Daniels and Joe. The match goes back and forth, very competitive. Both men show off some amazing technical skills. However, every time Finlay notices Joe on the outside, he misses a step. The repeated distractions eventually allow Daniels to hit the Angel’s Wings! He goes for the cover! 1... 2... 3!

    Winner: Christopher Daniels

    Overall Rating: 78%

    The cameras cut to the back as Ric Flair stands with Chris Benoit. Flair informs Benoit that he had a long talk with JBL and that everything is taken care of. Chris Benoit questions what he’s talking about, but Flair assures him everything will be fine. Flair then heads out of the room, leaving Chris Benoit utterly confused.

    Overall Rating: 62%

    Tag Team Match

    Big Show and Burchill vs. Mr. Kennedy and Booker T w/ Sharmell

    The cameras cut back to the ring as Mr. Kennedy’s music hits. Kennedy makes his way to the ring, and is then joined by his partner, Booker T, and Sharmell. Once Kennedy and Booker are both in the ring, the show fades to commercials.


    Kennedy starts the match with Burchill. Kennedy and Booker make some frequent tags, until Burchill eventually gets a desperate tag to big show, at which point Kennedy quickly tags out again. Big Show proceeds to completely destroy Booker T. Show gives Booker ample opportunities to tag Kennedy, but Kennedy repeatedly refuses to make the tag. Eventually, while Kennedy is yelling at the crowd, Booker T manages to make a tag to him, much to Kennedy’s dismay. Kennedy quickly tags Booker back, and then climbs out of the ring, heading toward the back. Booker is in disbelief. With Booker distracted, yelling at Kennedy, Big Show spins him around, and hits him with the Cobra Clutch Backbreaker, and then goes for the cover! 1... 2... 3!

    Winners: Big Show and Burchill

    Overall Rating: 74%

    The cameras show backstage as Gunner Scott makes his way down a hallway. He turns a corner and comes face to face with Chris Benoit. The two stare each other down for a few moments before heading their separate ways. The crowd lets out a faint pop, perhaps wanting to see the two go at it?

    Overall Rating: 72%

    Singles Match

    Gunner Scott vs. William Regal

    The camera returns to the arena as William Regal’s music hits. He emerges from the back and makes his way to the ring. Soon after, Gunner Scott’s music hits. He steps out from behind the curtain and makes his way to the ring as well. Once he climbs into the ring, the referee calls for the bell. The two go back and forth for a few moments before Gunner starts to get the upper hand. Within a couple of minutes, Gunner manages to roll Regal up with a small package! However, whilst in the pin, Regal pulls out a pair of brass knuckles and cracks Gunner in the head with them without the referee seeing, causing Gunner to release the pin at a two count, and fall back to the mat. Regal, acting like he has no idea what just happened, rolls over and covers Gunner! 1... 2... 3! What a cheap win! Regal quickly rolls out of the ring, tucking the brass knuckles back into his tights, still pretending that he doesn’t know what happened. The show fades to commercials.

    Winner: William Regal

    Overall Rating: 77%


    As the show returns from the break, a “During The Break” clip is shown. It starts out as Regal comes through the curtain to the back, after winning his match. He is greeted by none other than the United States Champion, Lashley. Lashley gets in his face as Regal somewhat cowers.

    Lashley: Regal… you’re going to need a lot more than brass knuckles at No Mercy! I told you last week… and I will tell you again. I am going to rip you apart!

    Regal looks on, worried, as Lashley heads off screen. The camera then returns to the arena as Matt Hardy’s music hits the speakers. He emerges from the back to a huge pop from his hometown crowd.

    Overall Rating: 71%

    Singles Match

    Matt Hardy vs. Test w/ Stacy Keibler

    Hardy makes his way to the ring, and after a few moments, his music is cut off by that of Test. Test and Stacy Keibler emerge from the back and head to the ring. Once both are in the ring, the referee calls for the bell. The crowd quickly gets on the case of Test as he destroys Matt Hardy. After a few minutes, much like last week, Hardy begins to make a come back and the crowd gets behind him. Matt Hardy hits quite a few strong moves on Test and then plays to the crowd. While Hardy is playing to the crowd, Test quickly heads to the outside to regain his bearings. Test slides back into the ring and gets in a few shots, but is then quickly shot back down by Hardy. After a few moments, Test motions to Stacy and says something. Seconds later, Stacy slides a steel chair into the ring, which Test proceeds to blast Matt Hardy with! The referee immediately calls for the bell, disqualifying Test. With Hardy down, Test pulls him to his feet and hits him with the Test Drive just to add insult to injury. Test and Stacy then head to the back, Test with a smirk on his face.

    Winner: By Disqualification, Matt Hardy

    Overall Rating: 78%


    Singles Match

    Batista vs. JBL w/ Jillian

    The show returns from the break just as JBL’s music hits. JBL and Jillian emerge from the back and head to the ring. Once in the ring, their music fades out. After a few moments, Batista’s music echoes throughout the arena as the crowd erupts into cheers. Once Batista is in the ring, the referee calls for the bell, and Batista is immediately struck from behind by JBL! JBL gets in a handful of shots before Batista fights his way to his feet. However, JBL continues to dominate, sending Batista into the ropes and nailing him with a big boot! JBL continues to decimate Batista for the next few minutes, eventually hitting a huge Superplex as the show fades to the final commercial break!


    As the show returns from the break, Batista is now in control. A replay shows that Jillian hopped onto the apron to distract Batista. JBL lunged at Batista, but Batista moved, causing JBL to collide with Jillian! With JBL distracted, Batista went for a roll up, but JBL kicked out. Batista then went on to continue his offense. Back to live action, Batista continues to take it to JBL, gaining more and more momentum as the match progresses. After a few minutes, the World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Benoit emerges from the back and slowly makes his way to ringside, while JBL and Batista continue to battle it out in the ring. Benoit paces around the ring for a few minutes as the match continues. Finally, inside the ring, Batista sends JBL into the ropes… HUGE Spinebuster! Batista plays to the crowd a little bit before JBL begins to get back to his feet.

    Suddenly, Benoit slides into the ring and charges at Batista with the title belt! NO! Batista moves! Benoit smashes JBL in the face with the belt! Shocked, Benoit slowly turns around and walks right into a BATISTA BOMB! OH! The referee calls for the bell, ruling the match a No Contest! The cameras show JBL lying on the mat, rolling around in pain as blood begins to trickle down his forehead. The cameras then show Benoit, unconscious on the mat. Lastly, the cameras show Batista, standing over them both in the middle of the ring. He poses for the fans as the show goes off the air. But who in the hell is the number one contender?

    Winner: No Contest

    Overall Rating: 81%

    Overall Show Rating: 74%

    Television Rating: 6.04

    Attendance: 10,029

    Quick Results:

    - Southern Comfort def. MNM via Pinfall

    - Christopher Daniels def. Finlay via Pinfall

    - Big Show and Burchill def. Mr. Kennedy and Booker T via Pinfall

    - William Regal def. Gunner Scott via Pinfall

    - Matt Hardy def. Test via Disqualification

    - Batista and JBL fought to a No Contest

  15. Credit WWE.com


    September 15, 2006

    WWE has come to an agreement on the release of the following Developmental Talents:

    Mikal Adryan, Mike Hettinga (Mike Knox), Michael Altieri (Mikey Batts), Ray Gordy, Shad Gaspard, and Drew Hankinson (Deacon Deville).

    All aforementioned talents have been released as of today, September 15, 2006. WWE wishes them the best in all future endeavors.

  16. Credit WWE.com

    Number One Contender

    September 15, 2006

    Two weeks ago, Batista was given another chance to recapture the World Heavyweight Championship. That chance was shot down when JBL interjected himself into the match, assisting Chris Benoit in the win. Last week, Batista demanded a rematch, but JBL demanded he be given a shot, saying it’s his turn to be back on top. Teddy Long decided to book a number one contender match to take place this week on Smackdown. Who will emerge with a shot at the championship?

    Test made a shocking return to the WWE last week, defeating Matt Hardy. However, he didn’t do it alone, as he had a little help from Stacy Keibler. This week, the two are set for a rematch. Can Matt Hardy get his revenge? Also, another number one contender match will take place this week when William Regal and Gunner Scott come face to face to determine who will get a shot at Lashley’s United States Championship.

    Big Show will once again be in in-ring action this week. But who will he be facing? What’s in store for Mr. Kennedy as well? Will their paths cross once again?

    Don’t miss all of this and much more this week on Friday Night Smackdown at 8/7 CT on UPN.

  17. IPB Image

    Monday September 11, 2006

    Live! From New York, New York

    World Wrestling Entertainment Presents: RAW on USA

    As the show comes onto the air, a video package is shown. The video revolves around 9/11. It shows many clips from the day of the events, as well as videos of the aftermath. Throughout the video are audio clips from the attack. As the video comes to a close, a clip is shown of a small neighborhood with a voice over saying “Before 9/11, We Were A Nation.” The clip then transitions to that same neighborhood, now with every single house baring an American Flag near the front of the house. The voice over now says “After, We Were A United Nation. Tonight, Is Dedicated To All Of Those Who Gave Their Lives, To Keep This United Nation Free. Tonight, Is A Night Of Celebration.” The video fades to black on an image of a waving American Flag.

    Overall Rating: 99%

    ”ONE OF A KIND!” Rob Van Dam’s music hits the speakers and the crowd erupts into cheers. RVD emerges onto the stage with a microphone in hand.

    RVD: Five years ago, people tried to take away everything we had. Five years ago, hundreds of people lost their lives because of that. On that day, many of those who lost their lives, we brave men and women, who risked everything, to save whoever they could. That selflessness… that courage… is what this country was founded on! That bravery is what this country is all about! Tonight, every single one of us in that locker, dedicate this show to every single person who lost their lives on nine-eleven! But tonight… Tonight is not about mourning. Like that video said, tonight is a night of celebration! Tonight is a night of honor! Tonight, we celebrate everything this country has achieved! Tonight, is about FREEDOM! TONIGHT! IS ABOUT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

    The crowd erupts into a thunderous ovation. Van Dam salutes the crowd and then heads to the back as a monstrously loud “U! S! A!” chant breaks out throughout the arena. The camera fades to black.

    Overall Rating: 93%

    The RAW opening video begins to play. As the video comes to a close, the opening pyro, specially colored red, white, and blue tonight, go off. The Madison Square Garden crowd is white hot tonight, having not had a WWE show in quite some time. And hell, with an opening like that, how can they not be hot? After Joey Styles and Jerry Lawler welcome the viewing audience, The Corporation’s music hits the speakers and the World Tag Team Champions, The Interns make their way out to the ring. Once they are in the ring, a new song reminiscent of Roddy Piper’s hits the speakers. A new tag team, dressed in kilts, both with huge bushy beards, emerge from behind the curtain. They make their way to the ring, one of them bald and the other with long red hair. Once in the ring, the bald one is handed a microphone.

    Unknown Wrestler: Hello. My name, is Rory McAllister. And this here, is my cousin Robbie!

    Other Wrestler: I’m Robbie!

    Rory: I know. And we’ve come all the way from Scotland to the WWE! An…

    Rory is suddenly attacked from behind by Kenneth, while Robbie is attacked by John. The referee calls for the bell.

    Non-Title Tag Team Match

    Highlanders vs. The Interns©

    The four brawl around inside the ring for a few moments, before The Highlanders manage to toss The Interns out of the ring. They follow them out, where Rory and Robbie team up to whip John hard into the steel ring steps. With John down, Rory hammers away on Kenneth while Robbie pulls a table out from under the ring. Robbie slides the table into the ring and climbs in to set it up near the center. Rory tolls Kenneth into the ring and delivers a few more shots as Kenneth tries to get to his feet. John soon comes back into the ring for the save, but is quickly thrown right back outside. A few moments later, Robbie and Rory stand on opposite sides of the table with their backs turned to one another, with Kenneth up on their shoulders a la a Death Valley Driver. Rory and Robbie both drop simultaneously, crashing Kenneth through the table! The referee calls for the bell, disqualifying the Highlanders. They both get to their feet laughing as their music hits the speakers. They head to the back, leaving the World Tag Team Champions lying in and out of the ring.

    Winners: By Disqualification, The Interns

    Overall Rating: 61%


    The commercial break comes to an end just as Chris Masters’ music hits the speakers. Masters emerges from the back, proudly wearing his Intercontinental Championship. Once in the ring, he is handed a microphone.

    Masters: So it looks like tonight I’ve got to face Rob Conway in a non-title match. I offered to put this title on the line, but Mr. McMahon just wouldn’t allow it. So instead, I’m going to give each and every one of you a preview of what to expect at Unforgiven!

    Masters hands the microphone to a crew members at ringside and then takes off the title belt as Rob Conway’s music hits the speakers.

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Non-Title Match

    Rob Conway vs. Chris Masters©

    Once Conway makes it to the ring, the referee calls for the bell. Masters starts off controlling the match, and maintains that upper hand for the first couple of minutes. Soon, however, Conway begins to get in some offense and the match begins to go back and forth. After a couple of minutes, Conway begins to take the upper hand. Just as his momentum is heating up, Carlito emerges from the back and makes his way down to ringside. Not noticing, Conway continues his offense on Masters, planting him with a vicious DDT. Conway goes for the pin and Carlito hops up onto the apron. Seeing him, Conway breaks the pin and gets to his feet. He heads toward the apron, exchanging a few words with Carlito. With Conway distracted, Masters crawls over and rolls Conway up! Masters gets a hand full of tights as the referee makes his count! 1... 2... 3! Masters quickly rolls out of the ring and grabs his title belt, and then directs his attention to Carlito, who is making his way back up the ramp, yelling at Rob Conway with a smirk.

    Winner: Chris Masters

    Overall Rating: 60%

    As Chris Masters begins to head toward the back, the house lights go off and a dark, gritty video begins to play on the big screen. The video shows very, very vague shots of some type of platform, lit ablaze. Burning words begin to flash on the screen.

    “Two men will risk their lives…

    To end each others’…

    One Man…

    Will be…


    Overall Rating: 79%

    The video fades out and transitions into a shot of Mick Foley sitting in front of a black backdrop. Foley stares intently into the camera.

    Foley: Two men… will risk their lives… to end each others? Burned Alive? This match is going to be brutal, we all know that. Dare I even say deadly. But I’m not stranger to fire, Kane. I’ve been set on fire, and I’ve been blown up. This match at Unforgiven… will be no different! Thirteen days, Kane. I’ll see you… in thirteen days.

    Overall Rating: 94%

    As Foley’s thoughts come to a close, the video now transitions to Kane, sitting in a dark room with a dim, red light glowing.

    Kane: In thirteen days, Foley and I are going to walk through the pits of Hell. Foley, this match was your idea. You fail to realize, Foley, that fire is not something I am afraid of. Foley, I’ve been burned before…… Just look at my face, Foley.

    Kane sits forward, allowing more of the light to show on his face.

    Kane: DO YOU SEE THESE SCARS, FOLEY? DO YOU! I see them every time I look into the mirror! These scars, are a constant reminder of the hell I’ve been through! These scars, are a constant reminder… Foley… of what I’m going to do you!

    Kane begins to laugh maniacally as the video fades out.

    Overall Rating: 72%


    Singles Match

    Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels

    The show returns from the break just as Chris Jericho’s music hits the speakers. Jericho emerges from the back to a huge round of boos. He makes his way to the ring before his music fades out. The boos quickly turn into cheers, however, as HBK’s music echoes throughout the arena. Shawn Michaels walks out onto the stage and the New York crowd explodes. He makes his way to the ring and soon after, the match begins. Right from the beginning, the two go back and forth. Both men are busting their asses, but neither of them are quite able to get the upper hand. As they battle back and forth, HBK’s influence on Jericho’s style really shines through as they both go for very similar moves, and tend to know what the other is going to do before he does it. About five minutes into the match, HBK goes for a whip into the corner, but Jericho reverses it. Michaels collides with the corner rather hard, flipping up over top and landing on his feet on the apron. Jericho sees an opportunity. He springs off the middle rope and leaps over, drop kicking Michaels, sending him to the floor! Jericho arrogantly plays to the crowd from inside the ring as the show fades to commercials.


    The show comes back from the break, with Chris Jericho now in control. A replay shows that during the break, Jericho sent HBK into the ring steps on the outside before tossing him back into the ring. Michaels tries hard to fight back for the next few minutes, but Jericho’s youth and speed play to his advantage. Jericho continues to work over Michaels back, preparing him for the dreaded Walls of Jericho. Jericho stays on the upper hand for a few minutes, with Michaels getting in a few hope spots in between, but with no luck. Finally, Jericho pulls Michaels’ legs out from under him, attempting to lock on the Walls, but Michaels fights it for dear life. He reaches up and manages to roll Jericho up! 1... 2... JERICHO KICKS OUT! Jericho quickly gets to his feet, as does Michaels. Michaels catches him with an Atomic Drop! Jericho stumbles around and then walks right into a scoop slam! Jericho is in trouble! Michaels heads to the top rope and soars off with a Diving Elbow! HE NAILS IT! Michaels is on fire now! He heads to the corner and starts to tune up the band! Jericho staggers to his feet. Michaels takes those few steps out and throws the leg up! NO! Jericho grabs his legs, maneuvers himself behind Michaels… SCHOOL BOY! JERICHO HAS HIS FEET ON THE SECOND ROPE! The referee doesn’t see it! 1... 2... 3! Jericho quickly climbs out of the ring and makes his way up the ramp, pointing and taunting Michaels as he looks on in disbelief.

    Winner: Chris Jericho

    Overall Rating: 87%

    The screen transitions to a match-up screen, revealing that Shelton Benjamin and Nigel McGuinness will team up once again next week to take on Charlie Haas and Eugene. The video then transitions to a match-up screen with the Unforgiven logo. It shows that Nigel McGuinness will be facing Eugene at the pay-per-view. The screen then changes to show that Charlie Haas will be taking on Shelton Benjamin!

    Overall Rating: 83%


    Tag Team Match

    Edge and John Cena w/ Lita vs. Rob Van Dam and Triple H

    The show returns from the break as John Cena’s music hits the speakers. Cena steps out onto the stage to huge boos and then makes his way to the ring. Once he is in the ring, Edge’s music hits the speakers. Edge and Lita emerge from the back, once again to incredibly loud boos. Edge smirks and the two head for the ring. Edge’s music fades out, and Triple H’s soon comes over the speakers. He steps out onto the stage to a nice ovation and makes his way to the ring. His music soon fades out and after a few seconds, RVD’s music echoes throughout the arena. He steps out onto the stage, carrying with him an American Flag. He makes his way to the ring, placing the flag in the corner on the ring post. With all four men in the ring, the referee calls for the bell. Triple H and Edge start the match.

    Edge gets in the first bit of offense, only serving to fuel Triple H a little bit more. After a couple of minutes, Triple H unleashes some moves on Edge, scaring him off. Edge dives to the corner and tags Cena. Cena freaks out, not wanting to get into the ring with Triple H. However, he reluctantly does so. He takes a few steps toward Triple H. Triple H lunges at him for a lock up, and Cena drops to the mat, backing into the corner and tagging Edge back in. Edge, pissed off, comes back into the ring and ties up with Triple H. Edge begins to gain some momentum and then sends Triple H into the corner. Edge charges at him, only to get a boot to the face. Triple H hurries to the corner, tagging in Rob Van Dam. RVD charges at Edge, but Edge quickly heads to the corner, where he tags in Cena. Cena gets in a few shots, and then Edge joins in. Hunter comes back into the ring to come to RVD’s rescue, but Edge catches him and tosses him to the outside. The double team continues for a few moments before the referee forces Edge to the apron.


    When the show returns, Van Dam is on the receiving end of a beating due to excessive cheating and frequent tags on the parts of Edge and Cena. Edge and Cena manage to continue to beating for the next few minutes, getting Van Dam dangerously close to exhaustion. Finally, Edge ends up back in the ring with Van Dam. He continues to beat down on RVD, getting him down near the corner. Edge heads to the opposite corner and measures him up for the Spear. RVD gets to his feet and turns around. Right before Edge connects with the Spear, RVD leap frogs him, causing him to collide head first with the ring post! RVD takes advantage of the opportunity and hoists Edge up onto the top rope, catching him with a huge Frankensteiner! Both men are down and the referee begins the ten count. Triple H and Cena are begging for tags. Both men slowly begin to crawl toward their corners.

    Then, just as the referee counts the eight, both men make the tag! Cena and Triple H storm into the ring, and Triple H takes him down with a stiff clothesline! Edge gets to his feet and lunges at Triple H, only to take a back body drop! Cena is back up! He charges at Triple H, who side steps him! OH! RVD catches him with a huge spinning heel kick! Edge is back up! He runs at Triple H! OH! Triple H tosses him over the top rope to the outside! Triple H spins around and Cena is right there! SPINEBUSTER! Triple H hurries over to the corner where he tags RVD back in. RVD immediately climbs to the top rope! At that exact moment, Edge climbs back into the ring. Triple H catches him with a kick to the midsection. RVD soars off the top with the Five Star Frog Splash! OH! He connects JUST AS Triple H nails the Pedigree on Edge! RVD goes for the cover on Cena! 1... 2... 3! RVD’S DONE IT! HE GETS HIS TITLE SHOT AT UNFORGIVEN! RVD’s music hits the speakers as he and Triple H celebrate in the middle of the ring. RVD poses on the ropes, doing the thumb taunt as the crowd chants along. RVD poses on all four corners and then stands in the center of the ring. He once again does the thumb taunt as the show goes off the air.

    Winners: Rob Van Dam

    Overall Rating: 89%

    Overall Show Rating: 82%

    Television Rating: 6.51

    Attendance: 10,001

    Quick Results:

    - The Interns def. The Highlanders via Disqualification

    - Chris Masters def. Rob Conway via Pinfall

    - Chris Jericho def. Shawn Michaels via Pinfall

    - Rob Van Dam and Triple H def. Edge and John Cena via Pinfall

  18. Credit WWE.com

    A Night of Celebration

    September 11, 2006

    On September 11, 2001, America’s very foundation was attacked. However, in an attempt to weaken the American population, they failed, and did just the opposite. They made America stronger. This week on RAW, we celebrate freedom. We celebrate the United States of America!

    And, to go along with such a big night, Mr. McMahon has announced just as big of a match. Rob Van Dam will team up with Triple H to take on Edge and John Cena in tag team action. But that’s not it. If Rob Van Dam manages to score the pinfall or submission in this match, he will be granted his WWE Championship rematch at Unforgiven!

    Also scheduled to take place, is Shawn Michaels going one-on-one with Chris Jericho!

    All this and much more on Monday Night RAW (9/8 CT; USA Network).

  19. IPB Image

    Friday September 8, 2006

    Live! From Anderson, South Carolina

    World Wrestling Entertainment Presents: Smackdown on UPN

    The broadcast comes onto the air with a video package focusing on the tag team match last week between London and Kendrick and the Mexicools. The match shows some highlights from the match, and then shows Kendrick go up to the top rope. The video slows down and takes a darker tone as Kendrick leaps off the top rope with a 450. A zoomed in clip of his head jarring back upon the impact with Super Crazy repeats a few times, followed by footage of the medics tending to him. The video ends with a close up shot of Paul London looking on, worried.

    Overall Rating: 63%

    The usual Smackdown opening video package plays, followed by the opening pyro. Michael Cole and Tazz go on to comment on Brian Kendrick’s broken neck, stating that his return timeline is looking to be anywhere between eight months to a year. A moment later, Paul London’s music hits the speakers. He runs out from the back and makes his way to the ring. Once he is in the ring, The Mexicools music hits and Super Crazy comes out, alone. Next out is Jamie Noble, who is also alone. Last, Joey Mercury comes out with his paparazzi, but Nitro and Melina are absent. Once all four men are in the ring, the referee calls for the bell.

    Four-Way Elimination Match

    Paul London vs. Super Crazy vs. Jamie Noble vs. Joey Mercury

    The match starts by bringing out some old rivalries. Super Crazy and Jamie Noble brawl while London and Mercury square off. The next few minutes turn into Crazy and London teaming up against Noble and Mercury. All four men display some excellent wrestling, as well as some fantastic high flying. A few minutes into the match, Super Crazy slams Noble down near the corner. Paul London climbs to the top rope… 450! 1... 2... 3!

    Jamie Noble Has Been Eliminated

    Noble, frustrated, rolls out of the ring and begins to head for the back as the show fades to commercials.


    When the show returns, the remaining three are still going at it, with London and Crazy still teaming up on Mercury. Within a couple of minutes, the teaming up comes to a halt when Crazy tosses Mercury to the outside. He then slams London down and climbs to the top. Moonsault! 1... 2... 3!

    Paul London Has Been Eliminated

    Super Crazy plays to the fans inside the ring while Joey Mercury tries to get back to his feet on the outside. Super Crazy climbs back to the top. OH! MOONSAULT OFF THE TOP ROPE TO THE OUTSIDE! OH MY GOD! Both men are down for a few moments, resulting in the referee starting the ten count. Both men make it to their feet and back into the ring around the six count. Once both men have regained their bearings, they begin to go back and forth. Super Crazy tries to out-wrestle Mercury, but Mercury manages to keep up with him, and even end up one step ahead of him a couple of times. Mercury gains some momentum and gets Super Crazy in the corner. He lifts him up to the top rope, and begins to set him up for the one-man Snapshot. No! Crazy manages to hang on, and pull Mercury back into the corner. Crazy hooks Mercury and lifts him up for a front suplex! Mercury flops around, and ends up lining himself up perfectly. Crazy stands on the top rope, jumps up and spins around, springing off the ropes with a Moonsault! 1... 2... 3!

    Winner: Super Crazy

    Overall Rating: 72%

    The cameras cut to the back where we see the Second City Saints standing next to a monitor, having just watched the match. They were scouting some of the tag team wrestlers here on Smackdown.


    The show returns from the break just as Batista’s music hits the speakers. Batista emerges from the back to a huge ovation and then makes his way to the ring, where he is handed a microphone.

    Batista: I’m out here for one reason, and one reason only! Last Friday, I was screwed! I had that match won! I was moments away from becoming the two-time World Heavyweight Champion! I had that match WON until that son of a bitch JBL decided to get involved! Teddy Long, I know you’re back there. And, I know you can hear me! Teddy Long, I demand a rematch!

    Overall Rating: 90%

    Before Batista can say another word, JBL’s music hits the speakers. He emerges from the back, wearing his suit and makes his way to the ring. He too is handed a microphone. He makes it a point to stand as far away from Batista as possible inside the ring.

    JBL: Batista, Batista, Batista. You’re demanding a title shot? What makes you think you deserve a title shot, Dave? Listen up, boy. You’ve had your chance… TWICE. You’ve dropped the ball… TWICE! Batista, you are looking at the man who was the longest reigning WWE Champion in a decade. You are looking… at a wrestling… God. Batista, if anyone deserves a title shot, it’s ME! It’s time for John Bradshaw Layfield to reclaim his place at the top!

    Overall Rating: 82%

    Batista is about to say something when Teddy Long’s music comes over the speakers. The Smackdown General Manager steps out onto the stage with a microphone.

    Long: Batista. JBL. I am the General Manager of Smackdown. Therefore, playas, I decide who gets titles shot, and who doesn’t. JBL, what you did last week was uncalled for. Batista, there’s no way of knowing for sure if you had that match won. So, to make things fair, I am ordering a match next week. A number one contender match, for the World Heavyweight Championship! It’s going to be Batista, going one-on-one, with JBL! The winner, will face Chris Benoit for the World Heavyweight title!

    Overall Rating: 74%

    ”WOOOOOOOOOOO!” is heard throughout the arena, but Flair’s music never comes on. Instead, everyone turns their attention to the big screen, as Ric Flair and Chris Benoit appear.

    Flair: Bradshaw! Dave! It doesn’t matter who wins next week! Chris Benoit is the best this business has to offer, WOO! The fact of the matter is, he doesn’t care who he faces, because dammit, he is the World Heavyweight Champion! WOO! He will win no matter WHAT! No matter WHO! And No… matter… HOW! WOO!

    Chris Benoit’s music hits the speakers as JBL and Batista are left standing in the ring, staring at the big screen, wanting even more to get a shot at Benoit.

    Overall Rating: 97%


    Tag Team Match

    Finlay and Daivari vs. Christopher Daniels and Samoa Joe

    The commercial breaks and the show comes back onto the air as Daivari’s music hits the speakers. He makes his way to the ring and is then proceeded by Finlay. Once Finlay is in the ring, the New Blood’s music hits. Christopher Daniels and Samoa Joe emerge from the back. Once they are in the ring, the match begins. Finlay and Daniels start the match. They go back and forth, of course displaying some great mat skills, as that’s the whole point of the New Blood being in the ring. Daniels and Joe make a few tags, as do Finlay and Daivari. Eventually, Daniels ends up being the baby face in peril while Daivari and Finlay… but mostly Finlay, take it to him. Finally, after damn near being beaten to death, Daniels makes the tag to Joe. Joe storms the ring and levels Finlay. Daivari hops into the ring and gets a vicious Powerslam! Daivari rolls out of the ring as Finlay gets back to his feet. Joe sends Finlay to the corner. He sets him up for the Muscle Buster, but before he can step out, Daivari is back in the ring and attacks him from behind!

    Daivari’s distraction buys Finlay enough time to get himself steady, and the two begin to double team Joe. Daniels, seeing them cheating, tries to make it back into the ring, but the referee stops him. With the referee distracted, Daivari slides to the outside and pulls the shillelagh out from under the ring, sliding it in to Finlay. Daivari comes back into the ring to get Joe’s attention. Daivari then flees right back out of the ring. Joe spins around and gets HAMMERED with the shillelagh! Finlay tosses it out of the ring as the referee turns around. Finlay goes for the cover! Daivari storms across the ring, tackling Christopher Daniels! 1... 2... 3!

    Winners: Finlay and Daivari

    Overall Rating: 69%

    As Finlay and Daivari celebrate, the screen goes black. A heart beat can be heard. Around the third beat, quick video clips begin to flash on the screen. Each one of the warrior delivering kicks. The heart beat slowly begins to speed up. The clips flash faster, matching the heart beats. Suddenly, the heart beat stops, as do the clips. The screen slowly fades from black, to reveal the warrior’s eyes. The heart beats two more times, as the screen flashes a Japanese symbol that is somewhat translucent over the warrior’s face with each beat. After the beats, the screen fades to black.

    The cameras then cut to the Smackdown interview set, where William Regal stands by himself.

    Regal: Gunner Scott! Next week, I am finally going to teach you the lesson of respect! I am finally going to teach you precisely why you don’t step on the toes of the veterans of this bloody business! And to make things interesting, since Lashley is dead set on defending his United States Championship. I went to General Manager Teddy Long and convinced him to make our match… a number one contenders match!

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Regal’s attention turns to his left. The camera zooms out to reveal Lashley standing next to him, with the United States Championship around his waist.

    Lashley: Regal… all I’ve got to say… is you better pray to God that Gunner Scott beats you next week. Because if not, I’m going to rip you apart!

    Lashley turns and walks off screen, leaving Regal looking as if he’s about to piss his pants.

    Overall Rating: 77%


    Singles Match

    Matt Hardy vs. Unnamed Opponent

    The show returns from the break just as Matt Hardy’s music hits the speakers. Hardy makes his way down to the ring, where his music fades out. After a few moments, the music of his opponent hits the speakers… for the first time in over a year!

    ”Test. Test. This is a test!”

    Test emerges from the back (in his leather pants, not trunks), and at his side, is none other than Stacy Keibler (in her old Miss Hancock outfit). There are a few cheers in the crowd, but as Test and Keibler taunt the crowd on their way to the ring, the cheers turn to boos. Test climbs into the ring and the referee calls for the bell. Hardy tries to get in a few shots, but is quickly shut down by Test, who is looking fitter than ever. Test proceeds to completely manhandle Hardy for a good two or three minutes. However, Hardy begins to come back, getting shots in here and there, and slowly gaining some momentum. He gets Test down near the corner and climbs to the second rope. He leaps off with his leg drop! Hardy gets to his feet and directs his attention to the ring apron, where Stacy Keibler has located herself. She begins to do a little dance, and slowly hike up her skirt. Realizing he has a match to focus on, Hardy turns around, only to walk right into a big boot! Hardy slowly gets to his feet and Test hooks him… TEST DRIVE! 1... 2... 3! Test gets to his feet and Stacy joins him in the ring. What a come back! Test holds Stacy and gives her a kiss before they head to the back.

    Winner: Test

    Overall Rating: 66%

    The cameras cut to the back as Big Show makes his way down a hallway. Michael Cole and Tazz let the viewing audience know that the main event is up next!


    Singles Match

    Booker T w/ Sharmell vs. Big Show

    The show comes back onto the air as Booker T’s music hits the speakers. Booker and Sharmell emerge from the back and make their way to the ring. Soon after, Big Show’s music cuts his off, and the giant makes his way out onto the stage to a decent reception from the crowd. He makes his way to the ring and the match begins. Right from the start, Big Show completely destroys Booker T. And what I say destroy, I mean it’s like a squash match, but longer. Meaning, Big Show is getting ALL of the offense, and Booker T is the equivalent of a crash test dummy for him. After a few minutes, Big Show locks on the Cobra Clutch, and then hits the Cobra Clutch Backbreaker! He jerks Booker around and then tosses him across the ring, which in turn causes him to crash into the referee, knocking him out. Big Show stares across the ring at the downed Booker T and referee, not sure what to do now.

    Mr. Kennedy suddenly slides into the ring behind Show, and blasts him in the back with a steel chair! But wait, Big Show isn’t phased! He slowly turns around, and Kennedy looks absolutely shocked. But, not missing a beat, Kennedy proceeds to nail in the head with the chair! Big Show falls to one knee. Kennedy blasts him again with the chair. He stays on one knee. Booker T slowly gets back to his feet. Kennedy nails him one more time with the chair, but still doesn’t take him down. He tosses the chair onto the mat as Booker T comes off the ropes. SCISSORS KICK onto the steel chair! Kennedy grabs the chair and hurries out of the ring as the referee begins to come to. Booker T goes for the cover! 1.….. 2.….. 3!

    Booker gets to his feet to celebrate, but is soon knocked back to the mat as Burchill nails him from behind! Booker hurries to his feet and begins to exchange punches with Burchill! After a few consecutive shots, Booker hooks Burchill for the Book End! Wait! No! Burchill counters out! He hooks Booker for the Book End! NO! Not the Book End! HE HIT’S THE SEA-4! Booker is out cold! Kennedy stays on the outside, not wanting to get involved. The cameras focus on Burchill staring down at Booker T as the show goes off the air.

    Winner: Booker T

    Overall Rating: 63%

    Overall Show Rating: 73%

    Television Rating: 5.79

    Attendance: 10,036

    Quick Results:

    - Super Crazy def. Jamie Noble, Paul London, and Joey Mercury in a Four-Way Elimination Match

    - Finlay and Daivari def. Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels via Pinfall

    - Test def. Matt Hardy via Pinfall

    - Booker T def. Big Show via Pinfall

  20. Credit WWE.com

    A Big Return

    September 8, 2006

    Two weeks ago, the Big Show made a shocking return to Smackdown when he attacked Mr. Kennedy, saving Rey Mysterio from a vicious beating. Big Show once again showed up last week, leaving Kennedy laid out in the ring yet again. This week, General Manager Teddy Long has officially signed Big Show for his first in ring competition since returning to Smackdown! Big Show will go one-on-one with Booker T in this week’s main event!

    Batista had a chance to regain the World Heavyweight Championship last week in a No Disqualification match against Chris Benoit. However, JBL interjected himself into the match, delivering a sickening Powerbomb through the announce table to the Animal. Neither of these three men are scheduled for competition this week on Smackdown, but all three are expected to be present. What is in store for them this week?

    Last Friday, Lashley laid out the open challenge to anyone willing to fight for his United States Championship. Will anyone answer the challenge? Also, Matt Hardy will make his return to Smackdown after being absent for nearly a month. However, Matt Hardy, nor anyone else, knows who his opponent will be. Who will challenge Matt Hardy?

    Don’t miss all of this and much more this week on Friday Night Smackdown at 8/7 CT on UPN.

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