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Posts posted by JairusCain

  1. just got back from seeing it... i will say that it was a fantastic movie... i loved it. the only thing that bothered me was the camera work... not because i didnt like the concept, but because it made me sick lol. i love that it was from the point of view of those involved and not shot like an actual movie..but dammit. blair witch made me sick and so did this. haha.

  2. Does anyone know the (in story) address of the Myers house in the Halloween films?

    I've searched and searched and the only things I can find are the addresses of the real house. (Yes, addresses, it's been moved.)

    Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  3. that song isn't even on the paramour sessions. it's on getting away with murder... and it was on the radio A LOT when it came out... so you probably know it from that.

    they have a live version on the paramour sessions cd and also a spanish version... was it in any movies or tv shows people can think of?

    sorry to be a pain

  4. My only real downside is the fact that the WWE title is the Spinner Title and it hasn't been the Undisputed for quite some time now. That and I'd have prefered a solid border around it instead of the white space so it could take up the entire space. Still a solid graphic though.
  5. I think "inspire" is the wrong word here. Same fonts, same colouring on the logo, blending of the wrestler, splattering of blood (in AD's case it was white). Considering its the Great American Bash, it fails because it needs to be colourful, full of red, white and blue to celebrate ol' Indy Day. Any other event you may get away with it, but not this one. The background does work for what you're going for though.
  6. Hey guys. Here is a poster I've designed for my diary for Great American Bash 2007. Usually, I wouldn't use posters, and would instead use this:


    But, after seeing AD's poster for Hogan/Sting at TNA Bound For Glory, I felt inspired to try to create a poster for my PPV, which I haven't done in a couple of years. This is what I came up with:


    Rate it, hate it, critique it, criticize it. Do what you must, I just want to know what everyone thinks.

  7. Credit WWE.com

    Friday The 13th

    October 13, 2006

    Smackdown General Manager Teddy Long thought he had a great idea last week when he teamed up Kane and Chris Benoit to take on JBL and Batista - No Mercy opponents teaming up to take on one another. However, things backfired when Chris Benoit inadvertently struck Kane. From that point on, Kane demolished the World Heavyweight Champion, while JBL laid out his own tag team partner and No Mercy adversary, Batista.

    This week, Teddy Long has come up with a remedy. In the Smackdown main event, the team of Kane, Batista, and Big Show will take on the World Heavyweight Champion Chris Benoit, JBL, and Mr. Kennedy in six-man tag team action!

    All four teams involved in Tag Team Turmoil this Sunday will be in action this week. Which teams will be heading into No Mercy with the most momentum? Also, two weeks ago, Matt Hardy demanded a match at No Mercy against Test. Will Teddy Long finally have an answer for Hardy?

    With only two days remaining until No Mercy, are William Regal and the United States Champion Lashley going to be able to keep their hands off one another? And, Cruiserweight Champion Christopher Daniels is still without a match for Sunday. Will that change, or what’s in store for Daniels this Sunday at No Mercy?

    Don’t miss all of this and much more this week on Friday Night Smackdown at 8/7 CT on UPN.

  8. rawbanner4.png

    Monday October 9, 2006

    Live! From Columbia, South Carolina

    World Wrestling Entertainment Presents: RAW on USA

    RAW comes onto the air with a video package. The video highlights events from Edge winning the WWE Championship, to Rob Van Dam challenging for it and constantly getting screwed out of winning it, to Edge joining The Corporation, Chris Jericho turning on Edge at Unforgiven, and then the past couple of weeks of controversial finishes between Edge and Rob Van Dam. The video culminates with a clip from last week, which shows Vince McMahon reverse the decision of RVD winning, and announcing the steel cage match this week. The video fades out on a shot of RVD and Edge going nose to nose.

    Once the video fades out, the usual RAW opening video plays through, which is then followed up by a pyro display. The pyro is immediately proceeded by the cameras cutting to the back to show Shane and Vince McMahon, talking inside Vince’s office. Vince is still stressed out about the whole Chris Jericho and Edge situation, so he is ranting nonstop about Chris Jericho.

    Shane: Dad. Dad. Dad? … DAD! SHUT UP!

    Vince stops ranting.

    Vince: Don’t you speak to your father that way!

    Shane: Well quit whining about Chris Jericho and listen to me.


    Shane: I’ve been thinking. DX seems to have gotten off pretty easily for what they did to you at Unforgiven.

    Vince: That is true.

    Shane: That needs to change, tonight.

    Vince: I like where this is going. Continue.

    Shane: I also think that John Cena deserves one more chance to redeem himself. So tonight, I propose a six-man tag team match. DX and Chris Jericho, versus your Interns… and John Cena.

    Vince: I hate John Cena…

    Shane: Yeah, dad. I know he lost his match at Unforgiven, but think about it. This is a chance for us to take out DX and Chris Jericho at the same time.

    Vince sits there, pondering it for a few moments. He then develops an evil grin on his face.

    Vince: I like it, son. I like it.

    Overall Rating: 83%

    Tag Team Match

    Lance Cade and Val Venis vs. The Highlanders

    The cameras cut to the arena as The Highlanders’ music hits the speakers. They make their way to the ring, where Lance Cade and Val Venis are both already waiting. The Highlanders assault their opponents as soon as they get into the ring. Within a matter of seconds, Lance Cade is tossed to the outside. Rory follows him out and the referee calls for the bell, making Robbie and Venis the legal men. Robbie beats on Val for a few seconds, before he is joined once again by Rory. They hoist Val up… SCOTDROP! 1... 2... 3! That was quick!

    Winners: The Highlanders

    Overall Rating: 70%

    Suddenly, The Highlanders are attacked from behind by Montavious and Perez! Victoria is once again at ringside. Where the hell did the trio come from? Perez nails Rory with a Flatliner! Rory rolls to the outside as Montavious hoists Robbie up onto his back for a Gory Bomb. Oh man, Perez hooks Robbie for the Flatliner too… OH! There’s that sick looking double team maneuver again. What the hell do they call that? MVP’s music hits the speakers as Montavious and Perez stand over Robbie. Victoria then joins them in the ring and celebrates with them as the show fades to commercials.

    Overall Rating: 61%


    The show returns from the break with an on-screen graphic. It promotes that next week, we will see the in-ring debut of MVP as they take on The Highlanders!

    Overall Rating: 59%

    Singles Match

    Eugene vs. Nigel McGuinness w/ Dean Ayass

    The cameras cut to the ring as Eugene’s music hits the speakers. He makes his way out from the back to a decent pop from the crowd. Once in the ring, his music is cut off by that of Nigel McGuinness. McGuinness emerges from the back with Dean Ayass at his side. They make their way to the ring and the match is ready to get underway.

    Last time these two met in the ring, at Unforgiven, Eugene picked up the win. He may very well do the same thing here tonight, as he starts the match off on the offensive. Eugene takes it to Nigel for a couple of minutes, before going for an Irish Whip. However, McGuinness reverses the whip and sends Eugene into the ropes, where Ayass trips him up, causing Eugene to bite the mat! Nigel smiles and walks over to Eugene, putting down a few boots before pulls him up to his feet. McGuinness blasts Eugene with a couple of European uppercuts, and then sends him into the ropes. OH! HUGE Polish Hammer. Or, in this case, would it be an English Hammer? Anyway, McGuinness goes for the cover, but Eugene kicks out at one.

    McGuinness pulls Eugene to his feet, hitting two more European uppercuts. He goes to send Eugene into the ropes again, but Eugene reverses. OH! Back Body Drop on McGuinness! Nigel hurries to his feet! Arm Drag! Nigel, to his feet again, Japanese Arm Drag! When the hell did Eugene expand his arsenal? McGuinness is to his feet again… Scoop Slam! He’s up again… Atomic Drop… Nigel stumbles back, Eugene does the whole hands-to-the-ears na-na-na-boo-boo thing and then delivers a Stunner! 1... 2... Nigel kicks out! Eugene can’t believe it! He gets to his feet and pulls McGuinness up. He hooks him for a Rock Bottom… Wait, no. Nigel fights out. He hooks Eugene for the Rock Bottom instead! Oh! STO! Nigel locks on a Modified Anaconda Vice! … EUGENE TAPS! McGuinness breaks the hold and gets to his feet as Dean Ayass makes his way into the ring. The duo celebrates what - if I remember correctly - is Nigel’s first clean win here in WWE.

    Winner: Nigel McGuinness

    Overall Rating: 72%

    The cameras cut to the back where we see Ashley Massaro tending to Val Venis. She is consoling him following his lose to The Highlanders earlier in the evening. Suddenly, Johnny Swinger walks into view, staring at Ashley with a grin on his face. Swinger proceeds to say a few words to Ashley, blatantly hitting on her, and putting Venis down, calling him a washed up has-been. Ashley grins a bit, seemingly flattered and interested in what Swinger is saying. Venis’ attention is on Swinger, however, as he tells him to get lost. Val turns back to Ashley, who quickly takes her eyes off of Swinger and reverts her attention back to Val.

    Six-Man Tag Team Match

    D-Generation X and Chris Jericho vs. John Cena and The Interns

    The cameras cut back to the arena as The Corporation’s music hits the speakers. The Interns, Ken Doane and John Jeter, emerge from the back with the World Tag Team Championships to a round of boos. They make their way to the ring and their music fades out. A few moments later, John Cena’s music hits. The crowd explodes with booing as the former WWE Champion makes his way to the ring. Cena paces around the ring while his music continues to play. The show fades to commercials.


    The show returns from the break just as D-Generation X’s music hits the speakers. Triple H and Shawn Michaels emerge from the back to a big ovation and head to the ring. Their music fades out. A faint “JER-I-CHO!” chant breaks out during a few moments of silence. Finally, Jericho’s music hits and the crowd erupts into cheers. Jericho makes his way out onto the stage and then down to the ring. The match is ready to begin. Shawn Michaels and Ken Doane start things out.

    Michaels, being the veteran, is able to get control early on. The young Ken Doane tries his hardest to gain some momentum, but Michaels is able to cut him off at every turn. Michaels tags in Triple H, who continues the trend. Hunter takes it to Ken for a minute or so, and then tags in the WWE Champion, Chris Jericho. Jericho takes it to Doane for a few moments. Jericho gets a little cocky and drags Doane to his own corner, where Jericho talks a little trash to Cena. Shortly thereafter, Jericho turns his back to Cena, taking Ken back toward the middle of the ring. A fuming John Cena hops into the ring and attacks the Champion from behind! The referee quickly makes his get back out of the ring, but the distraction is enough to allow Doane time to get to the corner and tag in John. However, at the same time, Jericho tags in Michaels. Michaels gets John in a waist lock. John Cena and Ken try to come into the ring, getting the referee’s attention, which allows Jeter to nail Michaels with a low blow!

    Jeter then runs over and clobbers Triple H and Chris Jericho, knocking them off the apron. Once they get back to their feet, they try to get in the ring, which once again distracts the referee. This time, it enables Cena and Ken to get into the ring and beat the hell out of Shawn Michaels. Finally, order is restored, and Jeter begins to beat down on the weakened Shawn Michaels by himself. From this point on, Jeter, Doane, and Cena begin to make frequent tags, keeping Michaels as far away from his corner as possible.

    Eventually, it ends up being Cena in the ring with Michaels, completely destroying him. It looks as though Cena really is redeeming himself tonight. In the midst of beating down on Michaels, Cena does a crotch chop in the direction of Triple H, and then proceeds to spit at him. This brings Triple H into the ring. Cena swings at him, but Triple H ducks! Cena spins around! Spinebuster! Ken and John jump in the ring! Triple H levels Ken with a right hand! Knee smash for John! OH! Triple H hooks him for the Pedigree! NO! Cena is back up and attacks Triple H from behind! … Uh, oh. FU TO TRIPLE H! Wait a minute! Michaels used that distraction to crawl to the corner! He’s going for the tag to Jericho! He’s almost there! Ken dives at him to stop him… NO! MICHAELS MAKES THE TAG! Jericho comes into the ring! Clothesline for Ken! Clothesline for John! Back Body Drop for Ken! Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker on John! Cena lunges at Jericho! Jericho ducks! Cena spins around and gets a right hand from Jericho! Cena spins around… OH! SWEET CHIN MUSIC ON CENA! Jericho runs for the ropes! LIONSAULT! 1... 2... 3!

    Winners: D-Generation X and Chris Jericho

    Overall Rating: 83%

    The cameras cut to the back to show Rob Van Dam in his locker room. He is stretching and shadow boxing, preparing for his match later tonight.

    The cameras then cut to Edge’s locker room, where he sits with Lita. Edge is a little tense about tonight’s main event. Lita says she knows how to calm him down. She proceeds to straddle him and begin to kiss him. The cameraman slowly backs out of the room. The show fades to commercials.


    Non-Title Match

    Chavo Guerrero vs. Rob Conway©

    The show returns from the break as Chavo Guerrero’s music hits the speakers. Chavo makes his way to the ring to a nice pop from the crowd. Once he’s in the ring, Rob Conway’s music hits. Conway makes his way out from the back to nearly no reaction. The small reaction that he does get, is boos. Is it because he’s a good heel or just because the fans hate him? Who knows. Once they are in the ring, the match begins.

    Chavo gets the upper hand early on. Guerrero continues to dominate the match for about four or five minutes. Chavo sends Conway into the ropes. Oh! Nice drop kick! Chavo plays to the crowd a little bit. As Conway gets back to his feet Chavo delivers a kick to the midsection. Oh, here it goes! Three Amigos! One! Two! A third one! Chavo points to the Heavens, saluting Eddie and also pointing out that he’s going to the top. He climbs to the top rope and SOARS off with the Frog Splash! NO! Conway gets his knees up! He goes for a quick roll up on the stunned Chavo! 1... 2... NO! Chavo kicks out! Conway can’t believe it! He starts to argue with the referee! OH! Chavo rolls Conway up! Chavo has his feet on the ropes! 1... 2... Conway kicks out! Chavo pulls Conway to his feet, but Conway fights back and hooks Chavo for a suplex. He hoists him up, and then drops his legs across the top rope… Oh, no! EGO TRIP! He goes for the cover! 1... 2... 3! Conway quickly rolls out of the ring and grabs his title belt. He celebrates on the outside as he makes his way up the ramp.

    Winner: Rob Conway

    Overall Rating: 73%

    The cameras switch to a wide-angle shot of the arena as an on-screen graphic appears. It shows that next week, Rob Conway will be defending his Intercontinental Championship against the number one contender, Charlie Haas! Speaking of Charlie Haas, his music hits the speakers and the cameras quickly cut back to the stage area as he emerges from the back. He gets a rather nice reception from the crowd as he makes his way to the ring.

    Overall Rating: 66%

    Triple Threat Match

    Charlie Haas vs. Carlito vs. Shelton Benjamin

    Once Haas is in the ring, his music fades out and the music of Shelton Benjamin hits. Benjamin makes his way to the ring to a nice round of boos. Once in the ring, he begins to exchange some unkind words with his former tag team partner until Carlito’s music hits. Carlito emerges from the back to the smallest reaction out of the three. He makes his way to the ring and the match begins.

    Following the opening bell, there is a three way stare down. It lasts for a few moments, but then Carlito and Haas attack Benjamin at the same time. They team up on Shelton for close to three minutes. Eventually, Benjamin is able to roll out of the ring to save himself. As soon as he does so, Carlito quickly turns and blasts Haas in the face. Those two go back and forth for a minute or two, before Benjamin comes back into the ring. He goes for a kick on Carlito, but Carlito catches his leg. OH! Dragon Whip from Shelton! Carlito rolls out of the ring. Shelton is quick to jump to attacking Haas. They go back and forth for a bit, but then Shelton begins to gain some momentum. He hooks Haas for his Exploder Powerslam! No! Haas fights out! He hooks Shelton for his Vertical Exploder Suplex! HE NAILS IT! 1... 2... NO! Carlito is there to break up the pin.


    The show returns from the break as Carlito and Shelton are going at it. A replay shows that during the break, Carlito hit the Lung Blower on Charlie Haas, and the momentum sent Haas stumbling right into Shelton’s Exploder Powerslam! However, Haas was able to roll out of the ring due to Carlito attacking Shelton. Back to the current action, Carlito and Shelton go back and forth for a couple more minutes, eventually leading to Carlito gaining some momentum. Carlito goes for a whip into the corner, but Shelton reverses! Shelton runs across the ring, going for a Stinger Splash. OH! Carlito moves! Shelton stumbles back… LUNG BLOWER! OH! Haas quickly returns to the ring and tosses Carlito to the outside! He goes for the cover on Benjamin! 1... 2... 3! Haas gets to his feet and celebrates. Carlito looks into the ring from the floor, furious. He quickly slides back into the ring and gets in Haas’ face. They exchange a few words but then Haas turns to walk away. Carlito grabs his arm and spins him back around. He stares him right in the eye, still fuming, but then turns and walks away. Haas is left standing in the ring, alone. He raises his arms in celebration once more before heading for the back.

    Winner: Charlie Haas

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Once again, the wide-angle shot of the arena comes up as another on-screen graphic appears. This one advertises that next week, Chris Jericho will be defending the WWE Championship. But will it be against Rob Van Dam… or Edge?

    The on-screen graphic disappears and the screen fades to black. The highlight video that opened the show tonight, plays once more before the show fades to commercials. The Steel Cage Match is NEXT!

    Overall Rating: 90%


    WWE Championship Number One Contender Steel Cage Match

    Rob Van Dam vs. Edge

    REFEREE: Chris Masters

    The show returns from the break as the steel cage lowers from the ceiling. Once it is in place, Chris Masters’ music hits the speakers. Masters emerges from the back to a round of boos. He is wearing a referee shirt. He climbs into the ring and his music fades. Edge’s music hits the speakers. He emerges from the back to a huge round of boos, and without Lita. He makes his way to the ring and his music fades out. After a few moments, and an “RVD” chant, Rob Van Dam’s music hits. Mr. Monday Night steps out onto the stage to a huge pop. He makes his way to the ring, examining the steel cage. He steps into the ring and the outside referee closes the door. Chris Masters calls for the bell and match is under way.

    Edge gets in a small bit of offense at the very beginning. It only lasts about a minute, if that, before Van Dam begins to take over. Once RVD starts to pick up some momentum, Edge fails to ever recover. Edge gets in a few shots here and there, but nothing close to enough to capitalize. About six minutes into the match, Edge ducks one of RVD’s kicks, and manages to hit RVD with a DDT! Edge goes for the cover! 1.. 2.. RVD kicks out! That was a relatively quick count… Edge pulls RVD to his feet, but RVD counters with an inside package! 1.….. 2.….. Edge kicks out. RVD gets to one knee and yells at Masters for the slow count. Masters yells back, saying he is the referee, and that the count was the same speed as it was for Edge. Bullshit.

    RVD pulls Edge to his feet and continues to beat down on him. With Edge down in the center of the ring, RVD comes off the ropes. Cartwheel. Standing Moonsault! NO! Edge gets his knees up! RVD is reeling! Edge quickly gets to his feet, behind RVD… OH! Reverse Facebuster! 1.. 2.. RVD kicks out again! Edge can’t believe it. Wait, what’s this! The Interns are at ringside! They have a steel chair! Ken throws the chair up and over the top of the cage! It bounces and nearly hits Edge in the face, but he manages to move out of the way. Edge gets to his feet and picks the chair up, measuring up RVD for a chair shot. RVD gets to his feet, stumbling around a bit. He turns around and Edge raises the chair for the chairsh… VAN DAMINATOR! Edge is down! Rob Van Dam, knowing that Masters isn’t going to count for him, begins to climb the cage.

    Once RVD reaches the top of the cage, he notices that The Interns are on the floor waiting for him. He has no where to go. Van Dam looks behind him, back into the ring, and then at the floor. He slowly turns around to face back toward the ring. The crowd explodes in cheers as they know what’s coming… FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH FROM THE TOP OF THE CAGE! HOLY SHIT! Wait a minute! Vince McMahon is hurrying down the ramp! RVD, once again knowing that Masters will never make the count, crawls toward the door. The outside referee opens the door for Van Dam. OH! Vince shoves the referee out of the way just as RVD reaches the door! NO!!! VINCE SLAMS THE DOOR SHUT ON RVD’S HEAD! RVD IS DOWN! Vince quickly latches the door shut, and with the help of The Interns, wraps a chain around it, locking it shut. Edge slowly begins to get back to his feet and stumbles back into the corner. He measures RVD up for it… Van Dam gets to his feet and stumbles around. He turns around… SPEAR! Vince yells at Edge to make the cover! He does! Masters drops to make the count! 1! 2! 3! FAST COUNT! BUT EDGE WINS! Edge stumbles to get to his feet in celebration as Vince and The Interns rejoice on the outside while Edge‘s music hits the speakers. After a few moments of celebration, RVD starts to get back to his feet. Edge grabs the steel chair and tosses it down in the center of the ring. He grabs RVD and drags him toward it. Edge’s music stops. OH! EDGECUTION ON THE STEEL CHAIR!

    Wait, he’s not done. Edge yells at The Interns to get him another chair. John grabs one and tosses it up over the cage. Edge catches it and sets it down. He proceeds to lay RVD face down on the other chair. Edge grabs the new one again, and stands over RVD. He hoists the chair high into the air… AND SLAMS IT DOWN ON RVD, SANDWICHING HIS HEAD BETWEEN THE TWO CHAIRS! CONCHAIRTO! RVD isn’t moving! Edge’s music hits the speakers once again as he stands over the unconscious Rob Van Dam. The show goes off the air.

    Winner: And Number One Contender for the WWE Championship, Edge

    Overall Rating: 89%

    Overall Show Rating: 76%

    Television Rating: 6.37

    Attendance: 10,044

    Quick Results:

    - The Highlanders def. Lance Cade and Val Venis via Pinfall

    - Nigel McGuinness def. Eugene via Pinfall

    - D-Generation X and Chris Jericho def. John Cena and The Interns via Pinfall

    - Rob Conway def. Chavo Guerrero via Pinfall

    - Charlie Haas def. Shelton Benjamin and Carlito via Pinfall

    - Edge def. Rob Van Dam via Pinfall with help from The Corporation

  9. Credit WWE.com

    Steel Cage Showdown

    October 9, 2006

    Last week, following a controversial ending to the Rob Van Dam versus Edge match to declare a number one contender, WWE Chairman Vince McMahon signed the main event for this week. The Whole Dam Show, Rob Van Dam will take on the Rated R Superstar one more time. This time however, it will take place inside a Steel Cage. Also, because of Mr. McMahon being fed up with his referees, he had made Corporation member Chris Masters the referee for this match. Can Rob Van Dam become the number one contender even though the odds are blatantly stacked against him?

    Also signed for this week, Rob Conway will be defending his Intercontinental Championship. However, he will not be defending it against the man who many think should get a shot, Charlie Haas. Instead, Conway will be defending his title against Chavo Guerrero. What does this leave for Charlie Haas? Well, he will once again have to prove he is worthy of a shot at the Intercontinental Championship, as will two other men in a Triple Threat Match! Charlie Haas will face off against two former Intercontinental Champions in Shelton Benjamin and Carlito!

    D-Generation X made easy work of John Cena and Snitsky last week. What is in store for them this week? And, MVP made their debut last week, attacking The Highlanders. The Highlanders are scheduled to be in action this week; will MVP be present again?

    All this and much more on Monday Night RAW (9/8 CT; USA Network).

  10. smackdownbanner3.png

    Friday October 6, 2006

    Live! From Wichita, Kansas

    World Wrestling Entertainment Presents: Smackdown on UPN

    The show comes onto the air with a close up shot of the sign on Teddy Long’s door which bares his name. The camera slowly zooms out to reveal Kane standing outside the door with a maniacal grin on his face. He opens the door and steps in as the screen fades to black.

    Overall Rating: 74%

    The usual Smackdown opening video plays and is then followed by the opening pyro. The Smackdown theme song soon fades out, allowing that music of Gunner Scott to come over the speakers. Once he is in the ring, Booker T makes his entrance, accompanied by his wife Sharmell.

    Singles Match

    Gunner Scott vs. Booker T w/ Sharmell

    The referee calls for the bell and the match gets underway. Booker is the first to get in any offense. Gunner has a lot to gain here. If you recall, it was Booker T and Hardcore Holly that put Gunner out of action for two months back in June. Upon Gunner’s return her defeated Hardcore Holly, who if memory serves me correctly, hasn’t been seen since. However, Gunner has yet to get the win over this man, Booker T.

    Booker stays on the offense for a good three or four minutes. Gunner gets in a few hope spots, but Sharmell serves her purpose at ringside, distracting Gunner every time he picks up any momentum. Booker sends Scott into the ropes, hitting him with a nice leg lariat. Booker goes for the cover, but Scott kicks out just before two. Booker pulls Scott back to his feet. Oh, a knee to the midsection. Booker comes off the ropes! He goes for the Scissor Kick! No! Gunner moves out of the way! Booker spins around… SCOTT TAKES HIM DOWN FOR THE CROWBAR! Booker is going to tap! No! Booker gets a foot on the rope! Scott breaks the hold.

    Gunner gets to his feet and pulls Booker T to his. He nails Booker with a few chops, but then Booker starts to fight back. OH! Booker hooks Gunner for the Book End! No! Gunner fights out with some elbows to the face! Booker stumbles back, OH! Dropkick from Gunner! Booker T collides with the referee as he stumbles into the corner! Booker stumbles out of the corner and Gunner hooks him for the Book End! Gunner is trying to use Booker’s own move against him! No! Booker fights back! BOOK END ON GUNNER SCOTT! There’s no referee to make the cover! Booker gets to his feet… wait! BURCHILL IS IN THE RING! Booker spins around! OH! SEA-4! BOOKER IS DOWN! Burchill nudges the referee as Gunner Scott crawls over to make the cover! 1.….. 2.….. 3!

    Gunner Scott gets to his feet, celebrating. He’s finally gotten revenge on both men who put him out of action three months ago! Gunner continues to celebrate as the show fades to commercials.

    Winners: Gunner Scott

    Overall Rating: 73%


    The commercial break comes to an end as we see Booker T and Sharmell standing backstage with Josh Matthews. Booker T is absolutely livid.

    Booker: BURCHILL! Who the hell do you think you are, interfering in my match? Who the HELL do you think you are, boy? Ya know what, man? Ya know what? It’s okay. You see, I talked to Teddy Long earlier tonight. Yeah, I talked to General Manager Teddy Long… Burchill… I’ll see your punk ass… at No Mercy!

    Booker T, in his furious state of mind, walks off screen without even saying his catch phrase.

    Overall Rating: 90%

    The cameras then cut to Teddy Long’s office. We see a close up shot of a terrified Teddy Long’s face. The camera zooms out to reveal that Kane has the General Manager by the collar. Kane gets right in Teddy Long’s face, screaming at him. The Big Red Monster demands a World Heavyweight Championship shot at No Mercy. Without hesitation, the horrified Teddy Long says “okay” and the match is confirmed. But, where does this leave JBL and Batista?

    Overall Rating: 78%

    Lethal Lottery Fatal Four-Way

    Super Crazy vs. Colt Cabana vs. Jamie Noble w/ Nidia vs. Johnny Nitro w/ Melina

    The camera cuts back to the arena as Tony Chimel informs the crowd that the following match is a Lethal Lottery Fatal Four-Way Contest. He goes on to explain that one member from each of the teams competing for the WWE Tag Team Championships at No Mercy, was selected at random to compete in the following match. The New Blood’s music hits the speakers first, and out comes Colt Cabana. He makes his way to the ring and his music fades out. Next, The Mexicools’ music hits. Out comes Super Crazy, who heads to the ring. Next up, Southern Comfort’s music comes over the sound system. It’s Jamie Noble who has been selected, and he is accompanied to the ring by Nidia. Last but not least, MNM’s music hits. Johnny Nitro is the member who has been drawn, and he is lead to the ring by Melina.

    Jamie Noble and Super Crazy start the match, with Johnny Nitro and Colt Cabana on the apron, waiting to be tagged in. Noble and Crazy start the match off with some fantastic chain wrestling, going back and forth. A couple of minutes go past before Super Crazy feels the need to tag out, bringing Cabana into the match. Cabana and Noble go at it for a few moments, with Cabana getting the upper hand, being the fresher of the two men. Before too long, Noble tags in Nitro. Cabana and Nitro go back and forth for a couple of minutes, with Cabana managing to hold the upper hand. Cabana eventually nails Nitro with a stiff forearm, sending Nitro flying back into the corner, where Super Crazy makes a blind tag.

    Nitro isn’t all too pleased with being tagged out, and attacks Crazy from behind. A three-way brawl ensues between Crazy, Nitro, and Cabana, which eventually brings Noble back into the ring to get involved. Cabana and Noble start to go at it, leading to the two brawling through the ropes and to the outside. Nitro takes Crazy down with an Enziguri, and then heads to the top rope. OH! Nitro with a corkscrew dive to the outside, taking down both Cabana and Noble! While those three get to their feet, so does Super Crazy, who climbs through the ropes to the apron. He looks behind him, making sure all three men are up… OH! ASAI MOONSAULT! ALL FOUR MEN ARE DOWN! The referee starts a ten count as the show fades to commercials.


    The show returns from the break as Super Crazy and Cabana are having at it inside the ring. A replay shows that during the commercial break, Nitro and Noble began to brawl on the outside, taking the fight into the crowd. They eventually made it back to ringside, but Nitro slammed Noble’s head into the ring steps. The fight continued for a few moments, until Noble found an opening to hit Nitro with a Tiger Bomb on the floor! Both men were down following that, which then brings us to what is currently going on inside the ring.

    Super Crazy gets Cabana up, and then proceeds to slam him down HARD before attempting to head to the top rope. Crazy gets to the top and goes for a huge Moonsault, but Cabana moves! Both men quickly get to their feet, and Cabana is quick to hook Crazy for the Colt 45! No! Crazy fights out of it and heads to the ropes! OH! CABANA NEARLY TAKES HIS HEAD OFF WITH A LARIAT! 1... 2... NO! Crazy kicks out! Noble is starting to get to his feet on the outside. Cabana gets to his feet and pulls Crazy up. Whoa! WAIT! SUPER CRAZY WITH AN INSIDE CRADLE! 1... Noble is up! 2... Noble slides into the ring and dives at Crazy! 3! HE DOESN’T MAKE IT! SUPER CRAZY WINS WITH AN INSIDE CRADLE! Crazy gets no time to celebrate, however, as Jamie Noble immediately attacks him! TIGER BOMB ON CRAZY! Cabana is to his feet! OH! TIGER BOMB TO CABANA TOO! Noble is the only man left standing!

    Winner: Super Crazy

    Overall Rating: 81%

    The cameras cut to the back as JBL is inside Teddy Long’s office. JBL is going on a rant about Teddy Long making the title match at No Mercy Chris Benoit defending against Kane. Teddy Long tries to calm him down, but nothing is working. Finally, Long has an idea. General Manager Teddy Long informs JBL that at No Mercy, it will be JBL… versus Batista… for the Number One Contendership!

    Overall Rating: 77%

    Teddy Long’s news isn’t good enough according to JBL. Getting irritated with JBL, Teddy Long comes up with another idea.

    Teddy: You know what, playa? If this is how you’re goin’ to act, I’ve got something for you… right here tonight. That’s right, Bradshaw. Tonight, it’s goin’ to be JBL and Batista… versus Chris Benoit and… The Big Red Monster… KANE!

    JBL’s jaw drops in disbelief. The camera zooms in on a stupefied JBL as the show fades to commercials.

    Overall Rating: 80%


    Tag Team Match

    Matt Hardy and Samoa Joe vs. Finlay and Test w/ Stacy Keibler

    The show returns from the break as Test’s music hits the speakers. Test emerges from the back with Stacy Keibler to a large round of boos. Once they are in the ring, Test’s music fades out and Finlay’s comes on. Finlay heads for the ring and joins his tag team partner. Next, Samoa Joe’s music hits. Joe emerges from the back to a decent pop from the crowd. He climbs right into the ring, showing no fear as Finlay and Test quickly hop out of the ring, wanting nothing to do with Joe. Joe’s music fades out, and Matt Hardy makes his entrance to a rather large ovation from the Smackdown crowd. Once all four men are there, it is decided that Finlay and Hardy will start and the match commences.

    Hardy gets in the first few shots, getting the best of Finlay, humiliating the veteran. Things quickly change however, when Finlay starts to lay in some really stiff forearms to the face and back. At this point, Finlay begins to keep Hardy at bay, laying into him with more stiff shots, and using his ring knowledge to outsmart Hardy at every turn. Once he’s had his fill of fun, Finlay tags in Test. Test comes into the ring and continues to lay the beating on Hardy, completely dominating the poor guy. Test nails Hardy with a Full Nelson Slam and goes for the cover! 1... 2... HARDY KICKS OUT! Unbelievable. That shows heart!

    Test pulls Hardy back to his feet and sends him into the ropes! Test goes for the Big Boot… NO! HARDY DUCKS AND COMES OFF THE ROPES AGAIN! He hooks Test… SIDE EFFECT! Both men are down. Hardy struggles to his hands and feet and begins to crawl to the corner. Wait! There’s Finlay. Finlay drags Hardy back to the opposite corner and then climbs back out to the apron. Test gets to his feet and stumbles over to the corner. He pulls Hardy to his feet and then holds him while making the tag to Finlay. Finlay with a shot to the ribs. Finlay drags Hardy to the center of the ring. Wait! Hardy is fighting back! He hooks Finlay for the Side Effect! TEST IS IN THE RING! He charges at Hardy! Hardy dives for the Side Effect, and at the same time, catches Test with a Clothesline! Finlay and Test are down! Hardy hurries to his feet, diving across the ring, making the tag to Joe!

    Joe storms into the ring as Test gets back to his feet! OH! Joe levels Test with a Clothesline! Finlay is back up! A stiff forearm shot levels Finlay! Test is back up! OH! A Front Drop Kick from Joe sends Test out of the ring! Finlay is back up again! Joe sends him into the ropes… OH! He elevates him high up with a Flapjack! OH!!! HARDY IS THERE TO CATCH HIM WITH A MODIFIED VERSION OF THE TWIST OF FATE! Joe goes for the cover! 1... 2... NO! TEST IS THERE JUST IN TIME TO BREAK IT UP! Test pulls Joe up and hoists him onto his shoulders! Is he going for the TKO! No! Hardy is there with a Chop Block to Test! Hardy hooks Test for the Twist of Fate. Wait a second! Stacy Keibler has the referee distracted! OH! FINLAY CLOCKS HARDY WITH THE SHILLELAGH!

    Test regains his composure as Joe gets to his feet. Joe lunges at Test but Test ducks and comes off the ropes! Joe spins around! WHAM! BIG BOOT! Keibler hops off the apron! 1... 2... NO! JOE KICKS OUT! Wait… Finlay is back with the shillelagh again! He attacks Joe with the shillelagh! NO! The referee calls for the bell! Finlay continues to beat on Joe with the shillelagh as Hardy finally gets back to his feet. Hardy tries to come to Joe’s aid, but Test cuts him off and gets him up… TKO! Finlay’s music hits the speakers as he and Test celebrate. Joe and Hardy are left lying in heaps on the mat as the two head for the back with Stacy Keibler.

    Winner: By Disqualification, Matt Hardy and Samoa Joe

    Overall Rating: 77%

    The cameras cut to the back to show William Regal and Mr. Kennedy hanging out in the locker room. Regal is bragging to Kennedy out laying Lashley out with the brass knuckles last week. In the midst of Regal’s bragging, Kennedy looks up at something off screen. Regal stops talking and slowly turns around. Regal’s face turns to fear as he sees who is standing before him. The camera pans around to reveal the United States Champion, Lashley, staring a hole through William Regal. Kennedy slowly gets to his feet and starts to side step toward the door. He mentions that his match is next, and then quickly heads for the door, leaving Regal all alone with Lashley. Lashley takes a few steps toward Regal, getting right in his face. Lashley doesn’t say a single word, but simply stares into the eyes of Regal. Regal slowly backs away, taking steps toward the door. Lashley follows him with his eyes, still starting a hole directly through him, with a very focused look upon his face. Regal puts one leg out the door, looks back and Lashley, and then quickly steps out of the room and proceeds to run down the hall. The camera pans back over to Lashley and zooms in on his angry face.

    Non-Title Match

    Mr. Kennedy vs. Christopher Daniels©

    The cameras cut back to the arena as Mr. Kennedy’s music hits the speakers. Kennedy makes his way out from the back, glancing over his shoulder, looking for Lashley. He quickly makes his way to the ring where he does his own introduction. Following his introduction, Kennedy’s music begins to play over the speakers again as the show fades to commercials.


    The commercial break comes to an end as Kennedy’s music fades out. After a brief silence, Christopher Daniels’ music hits the speakers and he makes his way out from the back to a decent pop. Once in the ring, Daniels hands his Cruiserweight Championship to the referee, who then hands it to the time keeper. The referee then calls for the bell to begin the match.

    Daniels gets in the first bit of offense, using his speed to his advantage. Daniels manages to maintain control for about the first two minutes of the match, before Kennedy begins to gain some momentum, using his size and strength to overcome the Cruiserweight Champion! Kennedy goes on to control the match for a matter of minutes, weakening the torso area of Christopher Daniels. About four minutes into the match, Kennedy lifts Daniels up onto his shoulders, seemingly preparing to go for the Green Bay Plunge. Instead, Kennedy hits Daniels with a steam roller near the corner, laying him out. Kennedy heads up to the top rope, it looks like he is going for the Kenton Bomb tonight instead of the Green Bay Plunge!

    Wait a minute! Is that…? That’s The Big Show! Big Show emerges from the back, walking out onto the stage. Kennedy notices him out of the corner of his eye, and begins to yell a few words at him. Big Show’s distraction proves useful, as Daniels gets to his feet and takes advantage of the opportunity! Daniels runs up the ropes, hooks Kennedy and catches him with somewhat of a top rope hip toss! Kennedy lands perfectly in position. Daniels hops onto the second rope, and then the top! BEST MOONSAULT EVER! 1... 2... 3! DANIELS PICKS UP THE WIN OVER MR. KENNEDY! Daniels hurries out of the ring, where he is handed his championship belt. Kennedy rolls over onto his side, casting a furious glare in the direction of the Big Show! Their match at No Mercy is going to be an all-out WAR!

    Winner: Christopher Daniels

    Overall Rating: 81%

    Before Daniels reaches the top of the ramp, his music suddenly cuts and all of the lights in the arena go out. The video for “the warrior” that aired two weeks ago begins to play again. This time however, as the video comes to a close, quickly snapping in to a view of “the warrior’s” eyes, there is a faint Greek symbol for “omega” circling “the warrior’s” face. The video fades out and the lights return to normal. Daniels’ music fades back on. Confused, Daniels simply shakes his head and makes his way to the back.

    Overall Rating: 58%

    The cameras then cut to a corridor backstage, as Kane is making his way toward the stage area. Kane has a menacing smile on his face. The view switches then to another corridor. This one is occupied by Ric Flair and the World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Benoit. Flair is repeatedly telling Benoit not to worry about Kane tonight, because they are on the same team. Benoit doesn’t care. As far as he is concerned, he is on his own tonight. The main event is NEXT!!!


    Tag Team Match

    Kane and Chris Benoit w/ Ric Flair vs. Batista and JBL w/ Jillian

    The show returns from the break as JBL’s music hits the speakers. JBL and Jillian make their way out from the back and head to the ring. Next out is Batista, who gets a nice loud pop from the crowd. Once he is in the ring, Chris Benoit’s music hits. Benoit and Flair emerge from the back and make their way to the ring. Benoit’s music fades out. After a few moments of silence, Kane’s pyro explodes from the stage and his music hits the speakers to a huge ovation from the crowd. The Big Red Monster makes his way to the ring. Kane and JBL start the match.

    Kane starts the match off, taking it to JBL with ease. About two minutes into the beating, JBL cowers to the corner and tags in Batista, who is hesitant to get into the ring with Kane. With Batista and Kane circling the ring, Kane steps near his corner, and Benoit makes a blind tag. Kane shoots an evil glare at Benoit, but then climbs out to the apron. Benoit and Batista circle the ring and then lock up, which leads to Batista throwing Benoit across the ring. Benoit grows frustrated, and tries again, but the end result is the same. From this point, Batista begins to beat the living hell out of the World Heavyweight Champion. After about three minutes of a beating, Batista signals for the Batista Bomb! He hoists Benoit up, but showing their team work, Kane is there with a chop block, saving Benoit! However, as Benoit tumbles down, his flailing arm collides with the referee’s face, knocking out the referee!

    Benoit quickly rolls out of the ring and disappears from the view of the cameras. Kane pulls Batista to his feet and the two begin to brawl. After a few shots, Kane goozles Batista, preparing for a Chokeslam! Oh, wait! Batista goozles Kane! Oh, no! The two try to overpower one another as Benoit climbs back into the ring with the World Heavyweight Championship belt! Benoit lunges at Batista with the belt! NO! BATISTA gets loose from Kane and moves, causing Benoit to collide with his tag team partner, Kane! Kane merely stumbles backward. Upon realizing that his partner just hit him with the belt, Kane snaps. He goozles Benoit… CHOKESLAM TO BENOIT! Batista lunges at Kane! CHOKESLAM TO BATISTA! JBL hurries into the ring and comes off the ropes, going for the Clothesline From Hell… but Kane catches him with a goozle! CHOKESLAM! Kane has lost his mind!

    Kane pulls Benoit to his feet and tosses him to the outside! The Big Red Monster then heads to the outside, where Ric Flair tries to jump him. Instead, Kane delivers a nasty throat thrust to Flair, sending him flying backward and over the barricade! Kane heads toward the ring steps, tearing them apart. Kane takes the bottom half of the ring steps and tosses them into the entrance aisle. Kane pulls Benoit to his feet and then hoists him up onto his shoulder. Kane steps up onto the ring steps. TOMBSTONE TO BENOIT ON THE RINGSTEPS! Inside the ring, both Batista and JBL have gotten back to their feet and have made their way to the outside. They both circle around the ring on opposite sides of Kane. Both men lunge at Kane, but Kane moves, causing the two partner to collide with one another. This leads to them brawling around also. The referee finally starts to get back to his feet.

    Back on the outside, JBL makes some room and lunges at Batista… CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL ON THE OUTSIDE! Benoit and Batista - the two legal men - are both lying motionless on the outside. The referee begins the ten count.


    Kane and JBL begin to brawl, taking both men back into the ring.

    2... 3... 4...

    JBL comes off the ropes and goes for the Clothesline From Hell, but Kane ducks!

    5... 6...

    JBL comes back off the ropes and falls victim to a Big Boot from Kane!

    7... 8...

    JBL fights back to his feet and Kane hoists him up onto his shoulder.

    9... 10! The referee calls for the bell! Chris Benoit and Batista have been counted out!

    OH! TOMBSTONE TO JBL! Kane gets back to his feet and raises his arms into the air. The camera quickly shows Benoit and Batista laid out on the outside before Kane thrusts down, sending explosions shooting out of all four ring posts as his music hits the speakers. The house lights turn to red as Kane stands over JBL with an evil smile on his face. The camera zooms in on Kane as the show fades out.

    Winner: Double Countout

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Overall Show Rating: 75%

    Television Rating: 6.04

    Attendance: 10,039

    Quick Results:

    - Gunner Scott def. Booker T via Pinfall following interference from Burchill

    - Super Crazy def. Colt Cabana, Jamie Noble, and Johnny Nitro via Pinfall

    - Matt Hardy and Samoa Joe def. Finlay and Test via Disqualification

    - Christopher Daniels def. Mr. Kennedy via Pinfall following a distraction from Big Show

    - Kane and Chris Benoit vs. Batista and JBL ended in a Double Countout

  11. Credit WWE.com

    A Burning Desire

    October 6, 2006

    Last Friday, Kane shocked the world when he showed up on Smackdown, destroying all three competitors in the World Heavyweight Championship match. The Monster even went as far as to Tombstone the World Heavyweight Champion! Why has Kane come to Smackdown? And what will Teddy Long do about the World Heavyweight Championship situation heading into No Mercy in only nine days?

    Big Show laid out a challenge last week for Mr. Kennedy at No Mercy. Kennedy accepted. Will Big Show be present this week? Also, Booker T has expressed his anger to Teddy Long regarding Burchill. Long supposedly has an announcement for the two of them. What could it be?

    Last week, Matt Hardy picked up a win over Finlay thanks to interference from Samoa Joe. This week, Teddy Long has announced Matt Hardy and Samoa Joe versus Finlay and Test. And, with the tag team turmoil match coming up at No Mercy, Teddy Long has signed a Lethal Lottery Fatal Four-Way this week. That means that one member from each tag team involved, will be drawn at random to take part in this action-packed Fatal Four-Way!

    Don’t miss all of this and much more this week on Friday Night Smackdown at 8/7 CT on UPN.

  12. rawbanner4.png

    Monday October 2, 2006

    Live! From Topeka, Kansas

    World Wrestling Entertainment Presents: RAW on USA

    The first thing viewers see as the show comes onto the air, is Vince McMahon, sitting at his desk in his office.

    Vince: Last week, I had everything under control. I had Rob Van Dam taking on Edge to determine the number one contender for the WWE Championship! But then, that bastard Chris Jericho decided to ruin everything! So tonight, that match is going to happen again! Rob Van Dam… versus Edge! Chris Jericho! Listen to me you son of a bitch! If you mess up my show again this week… not only will I immediately strip of you that WWE title… but Chris Jericho… if you interfere again… YOU’RE FIRED!

    The screen fades out as the usual RAW opening video plays. Once the video is over, the cameras transition to the arena as the opening pyro goes off and the RAW theme song continues to play. The music then fades out and the house lights turn green as the D-Generation X music hits the speakers. Triple H and Shawn Michaels make their way out from the back to a huge ovation. They enter the ring and Triple H is given a microphone.

    Triple H: Are you ready? I said, are… you… READY?! Then, for the thousands in attendance and the millions watching at home… and for John Cena who is only a matter of minutes away from getting squashed two weeks in a row. Lllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeetttttttttttttttttttt’s get ready to SUUCCK IIIIIIIT!!!

    HBK takes the microphone.

    HBK: That’s right boys and girls! Tonight, we’ve got a match against John Cena and - if he can find one - a partner! And that match ladies and gentlemen… is right now!

    John Cena’s music hits the speakers and he emerges from the back to quite a few loud boos. He makes his way down to ringside, where he stops, and his music fades out. Cena turns his attention to the stage as he awaits the arrival of his partner…


    Snitsky? Are you serious?

    Overall Rating: 97%

    Tag Team Match

    D-Generation X vs. John Cena and Snitsky

    Triple H and Snitsky start the match. Hunter completely dominates Snitsky for about two minutes, simply toying with him. Triple H goes for a cover on Snitsky, which brings Cena into the ring to break it up. HHH quickly gets to his feet and ducks a right hand from Cena. Cena spins around. SPINEBUSTER ON CENA! Triple H walks over and tags in Shawn Michaels. Triple H pulls Cena back to his feet and sets him up for the Pedigree. Snitsky starts to get to his feet! OH! PEDIGREE ON CENA AND SWEET CHIN MUSIC TO SNITSKY AT THE SAME TIME! Michaels goes for the cover on Snitsky. 1... 2... 3!

    Winners: D-Generation X

    Overall Rating: 86%

    The cameras cut backstage, where Chris Jericho is on his cell phone with someone. Jericho is talking about how Vince McMahon is still irate about him defeating Edge at Unforgiven, proving that Vince should’ve just gave Jericho the ball to run with instead of trying to recruit someone new into The Corporation. Jericho changes his tone, saying screw The Corporation, and screw Vince McMahon. Jericho says he is going to get his things together and then he’s leaving for the night. Chris Jericho walks off screen and Carlito walks into view. He looks in Jericho‘s direction and smiles.

    Carlito: Chris Jericho. Turning on Vince McMahon. Screw The Corporation. Now that… that’s cool.

    Carlito takes a bite of his apple as the show fades to commercials.

    Overall Rating: 98%


    Singles Match

    Shelton Benjamin vs. Chavo Guerrero

    The show returns from the break as Shelton Benjamin’s music hits the speakers. He makes his way to the ring to a moderate heel reaction. He is soon followed out by Chavo Guerrero. The match begins. The two go back and forth quite a bit, but Shelton manages to get the upper hand after a couple of minutes. Late in the match, Shelton hooks Chavo for the Exploder, but Chavo counters out and hits the Three Amigos! Chavo has the crowd behind him as he climbs to the top rope. A brief “EDDIE!” chant breaks out as Chavo soars off the top rope with the Frog Splash! NO! Shelton gets his knees up! Shelton gets to his feet, as does Chavo. Chavo stumbles toward Shelton! EXPLODER! 1... 2... 3!

    Winner: Shelton Benjamin

    Overall Rating: 90%

    The cameras cut backstage to show Jonathan Coachman on his cell phone. He is telling whoever is on the other end that they are up next so they need to get ready. The cameras cut back to the ring as The Highlanders’ music hits the speakers. Robbie and Rory make their way to the ring before their music fades out. Coach’s music hits. He makes his way out onto the stage with a microphone.

    Coach: Highlanders… Tonight, MVP are going to dismantle you two lowlifes for what you did to me last week! So let’s just get this underway right… now!

    MVP’s music (the same song MVP uses on Smackdown in real life) hits the speakers. Coachman introduces the team as “Montavious, Victoria, and Perez!” No one comes out. Suddenly, The Highlanders are attacked from behind by two men in pinstripe dress slacks and black wife beaters. The cameras show outside the ring, where Victoria (the same Victoria we’re all used to) cheers on this new team. She is wearing a pinstripe top and skirt, as well as a fedora hat. She looks like a slutty mobster, basically. Back inside the ring, Montavious and Perez toss Robbie to the outside, where Victoria begins to stomp on him with her stiletto heels. Montavious then gets Rory up for a Gory Bomb while Perez hooks him for a Flatliner. They both drop at the same time, hitting a very nice looking double team move, leaving Rory out cold. The cameras cut back up to the stage, where Coachman stands with a smile on his face.

    Coach: You know what, Highlanders. There will be no match tonight! MVP just got the job done without needing a match!

    MVP’s music hits the speakers again and the trio make their way up the ramp and head backstage with Coach.

    Overall Rating: 71%

    The cameras cut to the back as Charlie Haas stands in front of the interview set. Haas says that he pinned Rob Conway last week, and is going to get his Intercontinental Title shot right here tonight. However, Nigel McGuinness and Dean Ayass step into view. Ayass tells Haas that he hates to spoil the moment, but there will be no title match tonight. In fact, Haas’ match is next… and it’s against Nigel McGuinness!

    Overall Rating: 58%


    Singles Match

    Charlie Haas vs. Nigel McGuinness w/ Dean Ayass

    The break ends as Nigel McGuinness’ music comes over the sound system. He makes his way out from the back with Dean Ayass at his side. The two get next to no reaction. Once they are in the ring, Charlie Haas makes his entrance to a decent pop from the crowd. The match begins and the two go back and forth. A couple of minutes into the match, Rob Conway makes his way to ringside with the Intercontinental Championship around his waist. Conway watches from ringside, cheering on McGuinness.

    Haas manages to control the match for a minute or two more, before finally hooking a half-unconscious Nigel for his Exploder Suplex. As soon as he does so, Conway jumps up onto the apron. Haas tosses Nigel aside and approaches Conway. They exchange a few words before the referee comes over to try and get Conway down. With the referee’s back turned, Ayass tosses the cricket bat into the ring for Nigel. Nigel picks it up as Haas turns around. McGuinness swings but Haas ducks, and then continues toward the other side of the ring, where he delivers a baseball slide to Dean Ayass! Haas hurries to his feet as Nigel lunges at him again! No! Haas hooks him for the Exploder again! HE NAILS IT and the bat goes flying! The referee quickly turns around as Haas goes for the cover! 1... 2... 3!

    Winner: Charlie Haas

    Overall Rating: 65%

    The cameras cut backstage to show Chris Jericho, carrying his bag with him, walks out the door, leaving the arena.

    Overall Rating: 92%


    WWE Championship Number One Contender Match

    Rob Van Dam vs. Edge w/ Lita

    “You think you know me…”

    Edge’s music hits the speakers as he and Lita make their way out onto the stage to thunderous boos. Once they are in the ring, the music of Rob Van Dam hits. RVD emerges from the back to a loud ovation and then makes his way to the ring. The match begins. Van Dam starts the match off hot with some incredible offense on Edge, keeping the former Champion at bay. RVD gets Edge down in the middle of the ring and leaps to the top rope. Edge gets back up and RVD catches him with a huge diving kick to the face! Edge rolls to the outside! RVD poses in the middle of the ring and then comes off the ropes, runs all the way across the ring, and then leaps over the top rope to the outside, catching Edge with a beautiful hilo! Both men are down!


    The show returns from the break to show that Edge is now in control of the match. A replay shows that during the break, RVD hung Edge over the barricade and went for a spinning leg drop off of the apron. However, Edge moved out of the way, causing Van Dam to collide with the barricade. From there, Edge was able to send RVD into the ring steps and take over the match.

    Back to the current action. Edge continues to dominate the match for a couple more minutes eventually hitting RVD with the Edgecution! However, instead of going for a pin, he backs into the opposite corner, measuring RVD up for the Spear! RVD gets to his feet… EDGE NAILS IT! 1... 2... NO! RVD GETS HIS FOOT ON THE ROPE! Edge is furious! Edge gets to his feet and slides out of the ring, grabbing a steel chair. Edge comes back into the ring just as RVD gets to his feet. RVD goes for the Van Daminator but Edge ducks! Edge spins around to hit RVD with the chair, but RVD ducks down and sweeps Edge’s legs from under him! The chair flies out of the ring. RVD comes off the ropes… Rolling Thunder! 1... 2... Edge kicks out!

    RVD pulls Edge to his feet and fights him back into the corner. RVD delivers a nasty kick to the face, and then follows up with a Monkey Flip! RVD drags Edge toward another corner, setting him up! SPLIT LEGGED MOONSAULT! 1... 2... NO! EDGE KICKS OUT AGAIN! RVD can’t believe it. Van Dam slides out of the ring and grabs the steel chair again. He comes back into the ring and the referee quickly stops him and fights him for the chair. Edge gets to his feet and starts to walk toward the referee. Just then, RVD lets go of the chair, allowing the referee to take it. The referee’s momentum carries the chair backward, over the referee’s shoulder, blasting Edge in the face! The referee doesn’t even notice as he climbs out of the ring to get rid of the chair. Van Dam notices that Edge is down and out from the chair shot and hops to the top rope. FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH! The referee quickly slides back into the ring to make the count! 1... 2... 3!


    Vince McMahon emerges from the back to a huge round of boos. He has a microphone with him.

    Vince: I was watching this match on a monitor in the back. I’ve got to tell you all, apparently my referees still have no learned how to do their damn jobs! Show the footage!

    The cameras cut to a shot of the big screen, where the final moments of the match replay. It shows the referee yank the chair from RVD, inadvertently blasting Edge in the face, which enabled Van Dam to hit the frog splash. The cameras then cut back to Vince on the stage.

    Vince: Mike Chioda! You purposely hit Edge in the face with the steel chair! So, I’m afraid I’m going to have to reverse your decision, Mike. So ladies and gentlemen… your winner… EDGE!

    Winner: By Reversed Decision, Edge

    Overall Rating: 91%

    Vince: But wait. Wait, wait, wait. Edge, I’m sorry, but you’re not the number one contender. In the interest of fairness, this match is going to have to take place… one more time. Next week… Inside of a STEEL CAGE!

    The crowd erupts into cheers.

    Vince: And because of the fact that my referees can’t seem to do their job correctly, this steel cage match, is going to have a special guest referee! That referee… Rob Van Dam… Edge… is going to be…The Corporation’s very own… CHRIS MASTERS!

    The cheering quickly turns to boos, as the crowd realizes that Vince McMahon is setting RVD up for a loss.

    Overall Rating: 85%

    Immediately following the announcement, Chris Masters and The Interns storm the ring, attacking Rob Van Dam. They beat him down for a bit, and then lift him up, allowing Edge to nail him with the Spear! By this time, Vince McMahon has made his way to the ring. With RVD laid out on the mat, Vince holds up the hand of Edge in Victory. The Corporation’s music hits the speakers as the group celebrates in the ring, standing over Rob Van Dam. The show goes off the air.

    Overall Rating: 72%

    Overall Show Rating: 81%

    Television Rating: 6.78

    Attendance: 10,045

    Quick Results:

    - D-Generation X def. John Cena and Snitsky via Pinfall

    - Shelton Benjamin def. Chavo Guerrero via Pinfall

    - Charlie Haas def. Nigel McGuinness via Pinfall

    - Edge def. Rob Van Dam via Reversed Decision

  13. Credit WWE.com

    There Must Be One

    October 2, 2006

    Last week, Vince McMahon made the main event of Rob Van Dam facing Edge to declare the number one contender for Chris Jericho’s WWE Championship. However, due to Jericho interfering in that match, no contender was named. It has been confirmed that Mr. McMahon will open this week’s show with an announcement regarding the WWE Championship situation. What will his announcement be?

    D-Generation X mentioned last week that they were scheduled for a tag team match on this edition of Monday Night RAW. They also mentioned that John Cena needed to find a tag team partner. Has he found one? Also, Charlie Haas pinned Rob Conway last week, which would traditionally earn him a shot at the Intercontinental Championship. Will he get his shot this week?

    Seven days ago, The Highlanders slammed a door in Jonathan Coachman’s face. Coachman then requested that the new tag team he is debuting, get a match this week against The Highlanders. Who is this new tag team, and do they know what Jonathan Coachman has gotten them into?

    All this and much more on Monday Night RAW (9/8 CT; USA Network).

  14. smackdownbanner3.png

    Friday September 29, 2006

    Live! From Tulsa, Oklahoma

    World Wrestling Entertainment Presents: Smackdown on UPN

    The show comes onto the air with a video package highlight the events that have built up to tonight’s Triple Threat match for the World Heavyweight Championship. After the video fades out, the usual Smackdown opening plays, followed by the pyro going off to officially open the show. After the pyro, the music of Smackdown’s Number One Announcer (when was the last time he even did any form of announcing?) hits the speakers. Funaki makes his way to the ring, and then his music is cut off by that of The New Blood. Christopher Daniels emerges from the back alongside Samoa Joe. Daniels makes his way down to the ring, and the match gets underway.

    Cruiserweight Championship

    Funaki vs. Christopher Daniels© w/ Samoa Joe

    As soon as the bell rings, Funaki goes on the attack, knowing he’s got a good opportunity. Unfortunately for Funaki, Daniels is able to turn things in his favor rather quickly, starting things off with a stiff Enziguri. Daniels goes for a pin, but Funaki kicks out before the referee even reaches two. From there, Daniels continues the offense, hitting the Last Rites near the corner, followed by the Best Moonsault Ever. 1... 2... 3! Daniels makes easy work of the challenger.

    Winners: And STILL Cruiserweight Champion, Christopher Daniels

    Overall Rating: 70%

    Before Daniels and Joe can celebrate, Finlay slides into the ring and blasts Daniels in the face with the Shillelagh! Joe charges at Finlay, but Finlay gets him in the gut with the weapon, and then in the back of the head! Finlay yells a few things at Joe regarding their match at No Mercy before laying into him with punches to the back of the head.

    Overall Rating: 76%

    Matt Hardy comes running down the ramp, followed closely by a referee. Hardy slides into the ring and goes after Finlay. Joe manages to roll out of the ring, lying on the floor, almost motionless. The referee calls for the bell to start the match.

    Overall Rating: 66%

    Singles Match

    Matt Hardy vs. Finlay

    Hardy continues to brawl around with Finlay as the show fades to a commercial break.


    When the show returns from the break, Hardy is in the midst of trying to fight back as Finlay controls the match. Finlay gets Hardy up for the Celtic Cross, but Hardy fights his way out of it, sliding down and landing on his feet. Hardy spins himself around, now having Finlay for a Back Suplex. He hits it and goes for the cover! 1... 2... Finlay kicks out. Hardy pulls Finlay to his feet and gives him a boot to the midsection. Reverse DDT. Hardy climbs to the top rope. OH! Big Leg Drop from Hardy! He goes for another cover! 1... 2... No! Finlay kicks out again! Hardy’s had it. He signals for the Twist of Fate. Finlay gets to his feet and Hardy goes for the kick to the midsection, but Finlay blocks it and gets Hardy up for the Celtic Cross again!

    Wait, Joe is back up, and on the apron! Finlay sees him and drops Hardy to the mat. Finlay approaches Joe and the two exchange some unkind words. Joe tells Finlay to turn around. He does. OH! TWIST OF FATE! Hardy goes for the cover! 1... 2... 3! Joe laughs as he hops down off the apron and heads to the back.

    Winner: Matt Hardy

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Finlay rolls out of the ring and slowly heads toward the back, chasing after Samoa Joe. Hardy celebrates in the ring. He turns around and WHAM! BIG BOOT FROM TEST! WHERE THE HELL DID TEST COME FROM?! Test quickly pulls Hardy back up to his feet and hoists him up onto his shoulders. What’s he going for? OH! A TKO FROM TEST! Has he changed his move from the Test Drive to the TKO? Hardy is motionless as Test’s music hits the speakers.

    Overall Rating: 77%

    The cameras cut to the back as William Regal sits by himself in his locker room. He is on the phone with someone, no idea who. He is simply going on a nervous rant, complaining about not knowing who his opponent is going to be tonight.


    As the show returns from the break, we see Burchill sitting backstage in his locker room. There is a really, really old fashioned type of phone sitting on the coffee table in front of him. He dials a number and then holds the speaker up to his ear. He mutters for Big Show to answer his phone, but apparently no one picks up, as he hangs up the phone and has a look of frustration on his face.

    Tag Team Match

    The Mexicools vs. Second City Saints

    The Second City Saints make their entrance first, followed by The Mexicools. Super Crazy and CM Punk start the match. They go back and forth for a short while, making a few tags here and there, but ending back up with Punk and Crazy. A minute or two into the match, Punk begins to play the baby face in peril. Super Crazy and Psicosis begin to make frequent tags, keeping Punk away from Cabana at all costs. A couple of minutes later, Psicosis is making an attempt to drag Punk to the corner in a side headlock to tag in Crazy. However, Punk begins to fight back.

    Punk manages to get in a few hard elbow shots, breaking free, and sends Psicosis into the ropes. OH! Punk with a leg lariat! Both men are down! Punk is crawling for the corner, but so is Psicosis. They both make the tag! Cabana comes in and takes Crazy down with a clothesline! Psicosis is back up… reverse atomic drop… Cabana off the ropes, huge lariat! Psicosis rolls out of the ring as Crazy gets back to his feet. Crazy walks right into a Back Body Drop from Cabana! Cabana is on fire! Crazy is back up. Cabana sends him into the ropes. CM Punk is up! OH! RKO! Cabana goes for the cover! 1... 2... NO! PSICOSIS IS THERE TO BREAK IT UP! Punk goes after Psicosis, Urinage! Punk locks on the Anaconda Vice, but neither him nor Psicosis are the legal men!

    Cabana and Crazy begin to brawl inside the ring. Oh! Colt gets him up for the Colt 45... WHOA! NO! Crazy slides down, hooks his legs under Cabana’s arms and flips him back for a snap sunset Powerbomb! 1... Punk breaks the hold on Psicosis… 2... Punk dives to break it up… 3! He doesn’t make it! The Mexicools win!

    Winner: The Mexicools

    Overall Rating: 85%

    The cameras cut to the back, inside Teddy Long’s office. Matt Hardy barges in, demanding a match against Test at No Mercy. Long, trying to calm Matt Hardy down, tells him he will see what he can do, but he can’t make any promises. Hardy, being logical, knows to take what he can get, so he calms down and demands that Teddy damn sure see what he can do. Hardy storms out of the room.

    The cameras then cut to a corridor in the back as MNM are all having their make up done by the make up artists. All three of them begin to complain about the horrible job being done. As they are complaining, Southern Comfort approach them.

    Kash: Nitro… Mercury… don’t you guys think you should be a little more worried about losing those tag team titles at No Mercy, instead of whether your make up looks… pretty… or not?

    Nitro: How about you just mind your damn business?

    Melina: They don’t need to worry about losing their tag team titles, because there is no team in WWE that can even compare to MNM!

    Jamie Noble glances at the tag team champions, and then begins to speak.

    Noble: Ya know boys, where we come from… guys who wear make up… well, they play for the wrong team.

    Nitro and Mercury have to think about it for a second before catching on to what he means, but when they do, they lunge in their direction, ready to fight. Melina holds them back. Southern Comfort begin to laugh as they walk away.

    Singles Match

    William Regal vs. ???

    The cameras cut back to the ring as William Regal’s music hits the speakers. He makes his way to the ring and then paces around, still not knowing who he will be facing tonight. The show fades to commercials.


    The show returns from the break as Regal’s music finally fades out. There is a few moments of anticipation before… LASHLEY’s music hits the speakers. Tony Chimel announces that the following contest is for the United States Championship!

    United States Championship

    William Regal vs. Lashley©

    As soon as Lashley gets into the ring, Regal jumps him, not even giving him time to take his title belt off. Regal gives him quite a few stiff shots, and then sends him into the ropes. Back Body Drop! Lashley hurries to his feet and walks right into a European Uppercut! And another! And another! Lashley hunches over and Regal gives him a few knees to the face before leveling him with a stiff right hand! Regal goes for the cover, but gets only a one count.

    Regal pulls Lashley back up to his feet, and stays on the offense, seemingly on a mission to dethrone the United States Champion. After a minute or two, Regal goes for a left hand, but Lashley ducks! Regal spins around and Lashley hoists him up for a Gorilla Press! Lashley drops him down on his shoulder… POWERSLAM! 1... 2... NO! Regal kicks out! Lashley gets to his feet and backs into the corner, measuring Regal up for the Spear. Regal gets to his feet and spins around. Lashley lunges at him… OH! REGAL MOVES AND LASHLEY COLLIDES WITH THE RING POST! Regal, rather blatantly, reaches into his trunks and pulls out a pair of brass knuckles, putting them on his left hand. The referee tries to stop him but Regal shoves him away. Lashley turns around… WHAM! He gets leveled with the brass knuckles! Lashley is out cold! The referee calls for the bell.

    Regal then bends over and gets in Lashley’s face. He tells him that he didn’t want the title tonight, but he wanted to send Lashley a message. And he did just that. At No Mercy, he WILL take the United States Championship, end of story. Regal’s music hits the speakers and he makes his way to the back as the show fades to commercials.

    Winner: By Disqualification, And STILL United States Champion, Lashley

    Overall Rating: 79%


    The show returns from the break as Booker T’s music hits the speakers. He makes his way out from the back with Mr. Kennedy at his side. The duo make their way to the ring as Booker’s music fades out. Burchill’s music then comes over the speakers. Burchill makes his entrance and then stops at the edge of the ramp. His music fades out and Burchill looks toward the entrance, waiting for Big Show’s music. It never hits. It looks like Burchill will be taking part in a handicap match tonight.

    Handicap Tag Match

    Burchill vs. Mr. Kennedy and Booker T w/ Sharmell

    Kennedy and Booker control the match from the get-go. It’s tag style, but they still manage to maintain control for a matter of minutes. Kennedy is eventually tagged in, and is going to town on Burchill. However, Burchill slowly begins to fight back and get in some decent offense. Burchill manages to hit Kennedy with a vicious t-bone suplex. Kennedy rolls to the apron as Booker hops back into the ring and charges at Burchill. Burchill catches him with a few punches, leveling him each time. He is eventually able to hook Booker for the Sea-4, and hits it!

    Booker rolls to the outside as Kennedy gets back to his feet. Kennedy sees an opening and attacks the momentarily distracted Burchill. Kennedy ends up getting Burchill down in the corner. Kennedy climbs to the top for the Kenton Bomb.


    Big Show’s music hits the speakers, distracting Kennedy. Burchill sees this, and quickly runs up the ropes, hooks Kennedy, and nails a Sea-4 off the top rope! Big Show’s music stops as Burchill goes for the cover! 1... 2... 3!

    Winner: Burchill

    Overall Rating: 74%

    Burchill celebrates for a few seconds and then heads to the back. His music fades out as Booker climbs back into the ring to help Kennedy up and find out what happened. As Kennedy gets to his feet, BIG SHOW appears on the big screen.

    Show: Ken Kennedy. Sorry I couldn’t be there tonight to help Burchill beat your ass, but apparently, he didn’t need my help. Truth is, Ken, I couldn’t be there because of what you cowards did to me last week. Hell, the doctors are telling me I shouldn’t get back in the ring for at least a month with the condition my legs are in. You know what I think? Screw what the doctors say! Ken, at No Mercy, I’m going to destroy you! Yeah that’s right, that’s a challenge! You and me, one on one, sixteen days on pay-per-view! I’ll see you soon!

    The video stops and the cameras go back to Kennedy and Booker in the ring. Kennedy yells that he’ll gladly accept the challenge, motioning that Big Show’s legs are injured. He yells that he’s going to chop the giant down!

    Overall Rating: 83%

    The cameras cut to the back as Chris Benoit and Ric Flair are walking down a hall way, heading for the entrance area. They turn a corner and bump into Gunner Scott. Scott gives Benoit a disgusted look and shakes his head in disapproval. Benoit and Flair glance at him for a second, and then walk away, ignoring him completely. The World Heavyweight Championship will be defend… next!


    World Heavyweight Championship

    JBL w/ Jillian vs. Batista vs. Chris Benoit© w/ Ric Flair

    The show returns from the break as JBL’s music hits the speakers. The former WWE and United States Champion makes his way to the ring. Once he’s in the ring, his music fades out and that of Batista hits. Batista makes his way out to a loud pop from the crowd. Last but not least, the World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Benoit’s music hits and he makes his way out from the back with Ric Flair at his side. The two make their way to the ring and match begins.

    The first five minutes of the match are made up of Benoit and JBL teaming up on Batista to weaken the Animal. They may have had their differences in recent weeks, but they understand that they need to team up to take down Batista. At about the six minute mark, Chris Benoit whips Batista into the ropes. JBL hit’s the opposite ropes and damn near takes Batista’s head off with the Clothesline From Hell! As JBL yells a few select words at Batista, Benoit comes up from behind and nails a series of German Suplexes on him! JBL is down! Batista slowly begins to get to his feet. He lunges at Benoit for a clothesline, but Benoit ducks! A series of German Suplexes for Batista as well! Benoit signals for the end and climbs to the top. OH! DIVING HEADBUTT ON JBL! Benoit walks over to Batista and begins to set him up for the Sharpshooter.

    What the hell? The lights just went out. What the hell is going on?

    The house lights slowly begin to fade on with a red tint. Wait a minute. Is that…? KANE IS IN THE RING BEHIND BENOIT! Benoit turns around! OH! KANE GOOZLES HIM! CHOKESLAM! CHOKESLAM TO THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! Batista gets to his feet. CHOKESLAM! JBL finally gets to his feet as well. AND A CHOKESLAM FOR JBL! The referee calls for the bell. The match has been thrown out! What the hell is Kane doing here on Smackdown?!

    Winner: No Contest

    Overall Rating: 77%

    JBL and Batista roll out of the ring and head for the back, both looking back at the ring as Kane stands over Benoit, stalking him. Benoit slowly gets to his feet. He looks up the ramp, seeing JBL and Batista standing there, looking back at him, terrified. Benoit gets a frightened look on his face and slowly turns around. KANE HOISTS HIM UP ON HIS SHOULDER! TOMBSTONE TO CHRIS BENOIT! Kane stands over the unconscious World Heavyweight Champion. He raises his arms in the air, and then thrusts down as the ring posts explode with flames. Kane’s music hits the speakers. Kane continues to stand over the fallen champion with a menacing smile on his face as the show goes off the air.

    Overall Rating: 77%

    Overall Show Rating: 75%

    Television Rating: 5.66

    Attendance: 10,030

    Quick Results:

    - Christopher Daniels def. Funaki via Pinfall

    - Matt Hardy def. Finlay via Pinfall following interference from Samoa Joe

    - The Mexicools def. Second City Saints via Pinfall

    - Lashley def. William Regal via Disqualification

    - Burchill def. Mr. Kennedy and Booker T via Pinfall

    - Chris Benoit vs. JBL vs. Batista was ruled a No Contest following interference from Kane

  15. I've skimmed through this so far. I must say, I like the format. It's simple and to the point. I haven't read much into in the terms of results and such, but I will get around to that eventually. I think the only thing this diary could use, is either overall ratings on segments and matches, and maybe a different font style so its easy to tell which is a segment and which is a match.

    Other than that, it looks like you've got it pretty well handled. Keep it up.

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